Social Justice, Critical Theory, and Christianity: Are They Compatible? | Neil Shenvi | CFC

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Southeastern Seminary

Southeastern Seminary

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@jocl 3 жыл бұрын
Need to pass the word out to the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and the Gospel Coalition!
@SM-hy5of 3 жыл бұрын
This is the best one so far he is explaining the dangers and recognizes that racism exist but that the solution is Jesus not CRT great job. I’m black and realize that this is very dangerous a cult or religion in it self it’s not helping groups it’s an ideology
@eugenekim4648 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this! As someone who opposes CT but can be sympathetic to it I think you've done a wonderful job of talking about it fairly with empathy. I'd love to see the church stand against both CT and racism and not feel it has to choose sides.
@leonardu6094 4 жыл бұрын
what makes you think the church isn't already against racism?
@Charles.Wright 3 жыл бұрын
@@leonardu6094 - also, is racism even in the top 20 issues in most local churches?? I've been in an around the leadership at my congregation since we started meeting 5 years ago, and have NEVER heard an insult or anything along racial lines
@thetroof5525 3 жыл бұрын
CRT and racism are synonyms.
@eugenekim4648 3 жыл бұрын
@@thetroof5525 so the KKK are critical race theorists?
@thetroof5525 3 жыл бұрын
@@eugenekim4648 Probably. I wouldn't have a clue about the KKK other than they were founded by and served as the paramilitary arm of the Democratic party. So, marxism certainly could have been a part of that.
@glacierwookie 4 жыл бұрын
Found this because Todd Friel (Wretched) used some clips from this the other day. Fantastic talk by Neil Shenvi. Well thought out, and perfectly presented. I will share this with anyone who cares to be enlightened about the truth about Critical Theory/Social Justice.
@cordsman 2 жыл бұрын
Love Friel and wretched. Great ministry.
@dontrushtohate 4 жыл бұрын
The thing I find discouraging about this video is that it only has under 4k views.
@SEBTS 4 жыл бұрын
Well thank you for being one more that gets us to 4k views! We hope you'll subscribe so that we can continue to give you more great content like this! Thanks for watching!
@amberslahlize7961 4 жыл бұрын
I'm sharing the video. I don't have a big following, but will do what I can.
@elizabetamedvedeva 4 жыл бұрын
Now 22K views and counting.
@section508smefeedback6 4 жыл бұрын
Then spread the word. And... sometimes Truth does get suppressed by those who are Woke.
@markdemell3717 4 жыл бұрын
This Boob represents big corporations that are poisoning our planet!
@johnlavender242 4 жыл бұрын
Preach the Gospel. Truth will expose the error.
@section508smefeedback6 4 жыл бұрын
Here is some truth to expose this evil of CRT: Modern ideas of 'intersectionality,' 'critical theory' clash with Bible (as a false gospel) by John Stonestreet BreakPoint | May 9, 2020 If you haven't heard the terms "intersectionality" and "critical theory," your children likely have, at least if they are in college or even high school. What began as an academic theory decades ago is now a dominant way of seeing human relationships, at least for many: There are the oppressed, and there are the oppressors. Critical theory reduces human beings to categories according to race, gender, sexual preference and orientation, income, and on and on. Because some groups of people are more privileged than others, identifying one's group ultimately determines one's moral authority. Intersectionality, as Joseph explains, is an attempt to solve the problem of belonging to more than one group by measuring out the level of oppression a person experiences due to their various identities. Ultimately, critical theory seeks to address these perceived privileges and imbalances of power and oppression, and it has become a dominant theory in higher education and in other arenas of culture. So how should a Christian look at the critical theory and intersectionality? Are these concepts compatible with Christianity? Critical theory and intersectionality are not consistent with Christianity, and here are three reasons why. First, critical theory offers a different view of humanity than Christianity. Critical theory claims that our identity as human beings is rooted in things like race and gender, features that differ from person to person. But the Bible grounds our identity as human beings, and the value every human has, in the fact that we are created in God's own image. This is something every human being shares. ...Critical theory pits some groups of people against other groups based on their status as oppressors or oppressed, the ...Bible says we are all equal before God: created equal, equally valuable, equally guilty of sin, equally deserving of punishment and equally able to find grace and mercy in Jesus 2. Critical theory offers a different view of sin than Christianity (another gospel) The Bible identifies sin as anything that violates God's design for people, including unjust oppression of other people, but critical theory identifies sin only as oppression. As a result, advocates of critical theory would see biblical practices such as discipleship, correction, leadership, and reproof as sinful assertions of power, if the speaker is among the oppressors, and would excuse sins such as anger, jealousy, hatred, bitterness, unforgiving, or envy among the oppressed. The Bible says that we are all guilty before God, regardless of social status, race, or economic situation. The Bible condemns oppression as one of but certainly not the only way in which humans rebel against God. Because critical theory gets the problem wrong, it also gets the solution wrong. 3. ...Critical theory offers a different view of salvation than Christianity. (another gospel) According to the Bible, because we are all equally guilty of sin, salvation can only be found in Jesus through repentance. Our hope is found in being forgiven of sin. (and not repenting of accused white privilege [perceived or not) Because critical theory teaches that oppressors are guilty and the oppressed are not, salvation for the oppressed is found, not through repentance, but in social liberation here and now. Their hope is only through activism. In other words, critical theory has a completely different understanding of who we are, what the problem is, and how to fix it, than Christianity. Therefore, there is overwhelming evidence Race Theory or Race teaching has no right to be included in any doctrinal statement or taught at any church.
@christophersnedeker2065 3 жыл бұрын
@anglicanaesthetics 3 жыл бұрын
Wow. This is incredibly balanced. Really glad Shenvi affirmed the legitimate grievances while disavowing Critical Theory. This is great
@einarabelc5 2 жыл бұрын
Only the cuddled American mind cares about balance.
@dagwould 4 жыл бұрын
His piece on 'world views' at 21:00 misses some important points. CT has a creation theory: it is evolutionary naturalism. From this, it is impossible for it to coherently develop a metaethical theory that doesn't get axed by Hume's Guillotine. It is stymied at every turn and paradoxically ends up as seeking hegemonic power over those with whom it disagrees. Hoist on its own petard. From this, it does develop an ethical view. Its theoretical corner is relativism (the priority of 'lived experience' over a rationally examinable shared world) and from there everything us up for grabs. The functional ethic of CT is power by the imposition of the powerful. This is the Trotsky-Lenin-Stalin approach to gaining and maintaining power. The materialistic creation means that person-ness is an emergent property of matter; but we know that reality is not like that; nor do we so experience it. We know that God's person is prior to created reality and interpenetrates, circumscribes and denominates it. Matter results from God's word (his eternal wisdom: Pv 3:19-20); to say that 'word' emenates from matter is to worship the creature in lieu of the creator.
@manthanoepignosis1560 4 жыл бұрын
I study the Bible, I study science, but you just helped me bridge some gaps in my understanding of the philosophical side of things. I don't even think I understand half of what you said and that's my fault. I need to begin a much deeper study of this. Can you recommend any resources(books, websites, videos) that would help me make more sense of these seemingly complex topics? Many would just dismiss as word salad, obfuscation, sophistry, etc., but I know better. Words are very powerful. Ideas, carefully constructed, can be extremely potent especially when built with clever rhetoric. It sounds like you have a good handle on sifting through it all and breaking it down to expose bad ideology and the lack of cogency. Thank you.
@section508smefeedback6 4 жыл бұрын
It's cornerstone of deception is : There is no absolute truth. What foolishness. Modern ideas of 'intersectionality,' 'critical theory' clash with Bible (as a false gospel) by John Stonestreet BreakPoint | May 9, 2020 If you haven't heard the terms "intersectionality" and "critical theory," your children likely have, at least if they are in college or even high school. What began as an academic theory decades ago is now a dominant way of seeing human relationships, at least for many: There are the oppressed, and there are the oppressors. Critical theory reduces human beings to categories according to race, gender, sexual preference and orientation, income, and on and on. Because some groups of people are more privileged than others, identifying one's group ultimately determines one's moral authority. Intersectionality, as Joseph explains, is an attempt to solve the problem of belonging to more than one group by measuring out the level of oppression a person experiences due to their various identities. Ultimately, critical theory seeks to address these perceived privileges and imbalances of power and oppression, and it has become a dominant theory in higher education and in other arenas of culture. So how should a Christian look at the critical theory and intersectionality? Are these concepts compatible with Christianity? Critical theory and intersectionality are not consistent with Christianity, and here are three reasons why. First, critical theory offers a different view of humanity than Christianity. Critical theory claims that our identity as human beings is rooted in things like race and gender, features that differ from person to person. But the Bible grounds our identity as human beings, and the value every human has, in the fact that we are created in God's own image. This is something every human being shares. ...Critical theory pits some groups of people against other groups based on their status as oppressors or oppressed, the ...Bible says we are all equal before God: created equal, equally valuable, equally guilty of sin, equally deserving of punishment and equally able to find grace and mercy in Jesus 2. Critical theory offers a different view of sin than Christianity (another gospel) The Bible identifies sin as anything that violates God's design for people, including unjust oppression of other people, but critical theory identifies sin only as oppression. As a result, advocates of critical theory would see biblical practices such as discipleship, correction, leadership, and reproof as sinful assertions of power, if the speaker is among the oppressors, and would excuse sins such as anger, jealousy, hatred, bitterness, unforgiving, or envy among the oppressed. The Bible says that we are all guilty before God, regardless of social status, race, or economic situation. The Bible condemns oppression as one of but certainly not the only way in which humans rebel against God. Because critical theory gets the problem wrong, it also gets the solution wrong. 3. ...Critical theory offers a different view of salvation than Christianity. (another gospel) According to the Bible, because we are all equally guilty of sin, salvation can only be found in Jesus through repentance. Our hope is found in being forgiven of sin. (and not repenting of accused white privilege [perceived or not) Because critical theory teaches that oppressors are guilty and the oppressed are not, salvation for the oppressed is found, not through repentance, but in social liberation here and now. Their hope is only through activism. In other words, critical theory has a completely different understanding of who we are, what the problem is, and how to fix it, than Christianity. Therefore, there is overwhelming evidence Race Theory or Race teaching has no right to be included in any doctrinal statement or taught at any church.
@TheMoravians 4 жыл бұрын
Wow! I just posted the same thing before seeing your comment here. So glad to not be the only one who saw and knew what belongs in that empty box on that slide! You're comment is much more eloquent and learned than mine, but i think the meaning is very much the same. Evolutionary naturalism (Darwinism) is the creation theory of CT and Marxism, too. Objective truth and universal morality cannot be supported by a naturalist philosophy. You say it so much better than I! Cheers mate!
@TMcConnaughhay 3 жыл бұрын
in English please??
@steveareeno65 3 жыл бұрын
@@TMcConnaughhay in other words-if I understand him correctly-as evolutionary naturalists, CRT can only be based on the notion of survival of the fittest. It is in search of a utopian ideal. As always, it will end in oppression of the “weak”, regardless of who they are. This has been proved time and time and time again throughout history, from just about every race and ethnic group on the planet. And every time, people delude themselves that “this time it will be different”. No, it won’t. Jeremiah 17:9, the human heart is desperately wicked, who can understand it?
@brettschlee7090 4 жыл бұрын
"Social Justice, Critical Theory, and Christianity: Are They Compatible?" No.
@Yeetus223 4 жыл бұрын
Its like asking is brushing your teeth and playing Russian roulette a good mourning routine?
@Magnulus76 4 жыл бұрын
@RED PILL PORTAL Do you have any clue what a genetic fallacy is?
@connytidwell8652 4 жыл бұрын
Critical Theory is fighting Christianity - head-on. It's condemning Christianity.
@butterexpressgaming9114 4 жыл бұрын
@@Magnulus76 they are not compatible
@ctclardy 3 жыл бұрын
I noticed that the important question, "why are these ideas and beliefs so popular in today's society?" is not asked or addressed. Folks, it is our education system (K-PhD) that has indoctrinated our youth for decades that has laid the groundwork for the acceptance of all these false teachings. Until this reality is addressed, we will sit back and watch social justice, cultural Marxism, postmodernism, critical theory, and all the other humanistic narratives and heresies dominate and capture our culture and society completely.
@garyjaensch7143 3 жыл бұрын
Thankyou to all who contributed to this video, it has truly complimented the message John MacArthur gives in his videos on Romans.
@DimitriPappas 4 жыл бұрын
Brilliantly articulated. Vital gem of information to help make sense of these dark times. Thanks!
@SEBTS 4 жыл бұрын
We're glad you found this beneficial Dimitri! Thanks for watching and make sure to subscribe!
@section508smefeedback6 4 жыл бұрын
The Southern Baptists are taking over many churches with Social Justice Preachers.
@section508smefeedback6 4 жыл бұрын
Here is the sense of it: Everything he said is Marxist lies. Here is proof: Modern ideas of 'intersectionality,' 'critical theory' clash with Bible (as a false gospel) by John Stonestreet BreakPoint | May 9, 2020 If you haven't heard the terms "intersectionality" and "critical theory," your children likely have, at least if they are in college or even high school. What began as an academic theory decades ago is now a dominant way of seeing human relationships, at least for many: There are the oppressed, and there are the oppressors. Critical theory reduces human beings to categories according to race, gender, sexual preference and orientation, income, and on and on. Because some groups of people are more privileged than others, identifying one's group ultimately determines one's moral authority. Intersectionality, as Joseph explains, is an attempt to solve the problem of belonging to more than one group by measuring out the level of oppression a person experiences due to their various identities. Ultimately, critical theory seeks to address these perceived privileges and imbalances of power and oppression, and it has become a dominant theory in higher education and in other arenas of culture. So how should a Christian look at the critical theory and intersectionality? Are these concepts compatible with Christianity? Critical theory and intersectionality are not consistent with Christianity, and here are three reasons why. First, critical theory offers a different view of humanity than Christianity. Critical theory claims that our identity as human beings is rooted in things like race and gender, features that differ from person to person. But the Bible grounds our identity as human beings, and the value every human has, in the fact that we are created in God's own image. This is something every human being shares. ...Critical theory pits some groups of people against other groups based on their status as oppressors or oppressed, the ...Bible says we are all equal before God: created equal, equally valuable, equally guilty of sin, equally deserving of punishment and equally able to find grace and mercy in Jesus 2. Critical theory offers a different view of sin than Christianity (another gospel) The Bible identifies sin as anything that violates God's design for people, including unjust oppression of other people, but critical theory identifies sin only as oppression. As a result, advocates of critical theory would see biblical practices such as discipleship, correction, leadership, and reproof as sinful assertions of power, if the speaker is among the oppressors, and would excuse sins such as anger, jealousy, hatred, bitterness, unforgiving, or envy among the oppressed. The Bible says that we are all guilty before God, regardless of social status, race, or economic situation. The Bible condemns oppression as one of but certainly not the only way in which humans rebel against God. Because critical theory gets the problem wrong, it also gets the solution wrong. 3. ...Critical theory offers a different view of salvation than Christianity. (another gospel) According to the Bible, because we are all equally guilty of sin, salvation can only be found in Jesus through repentance. Our hope is found in being forgiven of sin. (and not repenting of accused white privilege [perceived or not) Because critical theory teaches that oppressors are guilty and the oppressed are not, salvation for the oppressed is found, not through repentance, but in social liberation here and now. Their hope is only through activism. In other words, critical theory has a completely different understanding of who we are, what the problem is, and how to fix it, than Christianity. Therefore, there is overwhelming evidence Race Theory or Race teaching has no right to be included in any doctrinal statement or taught at any church.
@markroeda3661 3 жыл бұрын
@@section508smefeedback6 This critique is garbage. To believe that we are all created in God's image does not require us to ignore other components of our identity and the role they play in shaping our self-understanding not to mention our experience. After all, we are not required to believe that Jesus was either divine or human. On the contrary, we insist that Jesus must be understood as both! One wonders whether the insistence on pitting intersectionality against the imago dei is because the author of the piece is likely a white heterosexual male. He doesn't want to examine the role that has played in shaping his experience or his understanding of the experience of others because that would require recognizing his own privilege.
@section508smefeedback6 3 жыл бұрын
@@markroeda3661 Your argument is based on Humanism and not scripture. According to scripture, experience only means something to those who are enemies of the truth. How so? Because experience is not based on absolute truths and you simply promote that any experience of one's own perceptions is to be weighted the same as scripture. That is an empty argument with zero credibility. And anyone seeking the truth will know the difference between your promotion of Victimhood oppressor groups versus being accountable for one's actions. What you fail to realize is: Its not about equity- because life is never fair and in God's eyes everyone oppresses each other with the same guilt before God. What changes this cycle of destruction? Surely not reversing roles of oppressed & oppressor as you propose with CRT. It can not be done. Its an ideology based on total lies and void of any scriptural truth. Those who are born from above, by the Spirit, have a newness of life (a new identity in Christ) not an identity of a perceived oppressed group. Our only hope is to become born again and become a child of God not a child of CRT. CRT only begets more oppression, and more hate. Read scripture and it will lead you and all those seeking truth to a changed life & a true newness of life versus endless fighting about ideologies , identities, perceptions, etc.
@gerjerry99 4 жыл бұрын
Managed to hear about Neil through Allie Stuckey's podcast!
@maggietinsley2516 3 жыл бұрын
This is an excellent break down of CRT and how it conflicts with the gospel.
@mw7882 2 жыл бұрын
Yes it conflicts with morality but the disparity is rooted in the misuse of religion to economically dominate one group or class while empowering the other group.
@victoriajohnson3034 3 жыл бұрын
Love the last 25 minutes! Love all races equally thru gods eyes. And open your mind to others experiences and different journeys. Ignoring history is counter productive.
@nathanketsdever3150 2 жыл бұрын
The speaking begins at 20:10. There is actually an intro, which explains Shenvi's background a little before that.
@larryinews1 4 жыл бұрын
I think it's critical that we know the people, the names of the leaders that he is quoting.
@ronlanter6906 3 жыл бұрын
It is, but it's more critical you do that research yourself as I have. It forced me to really look at many pastors and it led me to this video because I heard that Neil was a CRT guy, which after listening to him here, I don't believe he is.
@elliotpolanco159 3 жыл бұрын
Extremely Balanced, Exactly what we need now.
@firsttpt 4 жыл бұрын
I'd like to see the discussion expanded on dealing with people who are, to put it bluntly, "damaged goods" 45:46. "[...] my father's experiences impacted my perceptions about race" is a statement that is only slightly removed from believing, and perhaps even "justifying" that belief, that ALL (insert perceived oppressors here) are bad because someone somewhere at some time had a bad experience with one member of whatever group. A better understanding of that part of human nature would help explain a lot.
@jayakare 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for clearly laying down the idea and basic workings of critical theory. It has opened my eys so i can address some of my own internal debates. God bless you!!
@SEBTS 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching and we're glad it was beneficial for you! Make sure to subscribe for more great content like this!
@section508smefeedback6 4 жыл бұрын
The Southern Baptists are taking over many churches with Social Justice Preachers. Neil defends Critical Race Theory in part which opposes and contradicts the Bible 100% by accusing all whites as being racist. That is bogus. Nothing this guy presents is credible. His conclusion is: There are systems of racism, but CRT is not the answer. Yet, he does not clearly come out and fully denounce it or clarify: There are 2 types of Social Justice, 1. A totally man-centered Social Justice by Critical Race Theory by Cultural Marxism ideology; versus 2. A totally God-centered Social Justice by the Gospel; He never reveals that the Hegemonic Social Justice class warfare is a false gospel; Again, he actually believes some of the baseless accusations of systemic racism; He used one survey of white and black job applicants and concluded on the disparity alone that it proved systemic racism. It demonstrates Neil just wasted an hour for everyone by showing his compromising of the truth and by accepting the legitimacy of class warfare. He is even more dangerous than BLM movement because he argues to make compromises. Amazingly, he never clearly comes out and calls CRT Marxism for what it is: A deceptive false gospel.
@plusafdotcom959 4 жыл бұрын
Be kind to us and leave the slides' images on the full screen long enough for an average reader to get through more than 1/3 of the text... Please!
@TheMistysFavs 4 жыл бұрын
+ plusaf dotcom --ALL you need to do is PAUSE it! (if you really want to hear unbiblical trash.....) I'll read my Bible, thank you.
@TMcConnaughhay 3 жыл бұрын
Pause works for me.
@Charles.Wright 3 жыл бұрын
@@TheMistysFavs - the unbiblical trash of C(R)T is polluting our culture and churches. This video is helpful to know what we're up against, so our biblical rebuttal hits home.
@ronlanter6906 3 жыл бұрын
I paused the video so I could read the slides but I agree with you.
@dianemacdougall319 4 жыл бұрын
Brilliant and thorough explanation. These are such important ideas and important warnings !!!
@chestersweeney2454 4 жыл бұрын
But when Paul perceived that the one part were Sadducees, and the other Pharisees, he cried out in the council, Men and brethren, I am a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee: of the hope and resurrection of the dead I am called in question. Some times your goal is not just to win the debate...
@stevelangstroth5833 3 жыл бұрын
What a balanced discussion! Next up: 'Nazis vs Jews -- Who's right? Who's wrong? Can we find a balance?' /sarc Critical Race Theory is......racism. That's it. There's no need for a 'balanced' discussion.
@BoneistJ 4 жыл бұрын
It's almost like the Church should reject modernity. Christ is the eternal message, He does not need to be updated to 'keep up with the times'. This is just another thing trying to corrupt the Church and it's message.
@mtns4me117 4 жыл бұрын
For anyone that wants access to the text of this video with the slides this is it. : Start with this page and follow through all the parts.
@elizabethwmclean8145 4 жыл бұрын
First of all, I am glad to have seen this video. It helped to clarify some of the insanity we’ve seen over the past several months. But I think that debating on the basis of the enemy’s definitions of the argument is a losing proposition to begin with. (The enemy is not those on the other side; it is the father of lies. Even his definition of the argument is a lie.) Marx’s division of the world into workers and owners failed with the rise of the middle class. So, then the followers of Marx had to come up with other divisions to focus upon in order to prevent the total collapse of their illogical and failed narrative. So now they have focused on race to divide us. It is true they did create the concept of race but their narrative depends on perpetuating the lie. I keep seeing references to White Christians and Black Christians, as though those actually exist. I have traveled around the world, spoken in churches from DRC to Romania to India, the UK and even a handful in the US. In all that time I have never seen a black person, a white person, a yellow person, nor a red person. I must emphatically state that I am not a muzungu (the Swahili word for a white man). I know the color white. I have eyes and I am not that color. I am a kind of orangey, pink color that I do not have a word to describe but I am neither without color nor white. In other words I am a person of color. I have never seen a black. I have traveled all over sun-Saharan Africa and have never seen anyone who was not some shade of brown. Race is nothing but an artificial, unscientific concept that does not reflect reality and as long as we argue on the basis of race being a thing, we lose. I know what I have written here is conclusory and not an argument in itself, that must come in another forum. It is too big a subject to deal with now, but there is more to come.
@karenp8851 4 жыл бұрын
Is there any way to get a transcript of this as it's very enlightening and succinct as opposed to many books and articles?
@rudyferrell 3 жыл бұрын
Oh my God, I'm a white man who's married to a woman and we both love Jesus. I was born in North Carolina, so I'm southern also. These people hate everything about me
@christophersnedeker2065 3 жыл бұрын
What makes you think that?
@SJQuirke 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for putting this out there - And for the notes on your website
@section508smefeedback6 4 жыл бұрын
Thank a hater? Don't enable his hate: Modern ideas of 'intersectionality,' 'critical theory' clash with Bible (as a false gospel) by John Stonestreet BreakPoint | May 9, 2020 If you haven't heard the terms "intersectionality" and "critical theory," your children likely have, at least if they are in college or even high school. What began as an academic theory decades ago is now a dominant way of seeing human relationships, at least for many: There are the oppressed, and there are the oppressors. Critical theory reduces human beings to categories according to race, gender, sexual preference and orientation, income, and on and on. Because some groups of people are more privileged than others, identifying one's group ultimately determines one's moral authority. Intersectionality, as Joseph explains, is an attempt to solve the problem of belonging to more than one group by measuring out the level of oppression a person experiences due to their various identities. Ultimately, critical theory seeks to address these perceived privileges and imbalances of power and oppression, and it has become a dominant theory in higher education and in other arenas of culture. So how should a Christian look at the critical theory and intersectionality? Are these concepts compatible with Christianity? Critical theory and intersectionality are not consistent with Christianity, and here are three reasons why. First, critical theory offers a different view of humanity than Christianity. Critical theory claims that our identity as human beings is rooted in things like race and gender, features that differ from person to person. But the Bible grounds our identity as human beings, and the value every human has, in the fact that we are created in God's own image. This is something every human being shares. ...Critical theory pits some groups of people against other groups based on their status as oppressors or oppressed, the ...Bible says we are all equal before God: created equal, equally valuable, equally guilty of sin, equally deserving of punishment and equally able to find grace and mercy in Jesus 2. Critical theory offers a different view of sin than Christianity (another gospel) The Bible identifies sin as anything that violates God's design for people, including unjust oppression of other people, but critical theory identifies sin only as oppression. As a result, advocates of critical theory would see biblical practices such as discipleship, correction, leadership, and reproof as sinful assertions of power, if the speaker is among the oppressors, and would excuse sins such as anger, jealousy, hatred, bitterness, unforgiving, or envy among the oppressed. The Bible says that we are all guilty before God, regardless of social status, race, or economic situation. The Bible condemns oppression as one of but certainly not the only way in which humans rebel against God. Because critical theory gets the problem wrong, it also gets the solution wrong. 3. ...Critical theory offers a different view of salvation than Christianity. (another gospel) According to the Bible, because we are all equally guilty of sin, salvation can only be found in Jesus through repentance. Our hope is found in being forgiven of sin. (and not repenting of accused white privilege [perceived or not) Because critical theory teaches that oppressors are guilty and the oppressed are not, salvation for the oppressed is found, not through repentance, but in social liberation here and now. Their hope is only through activism. In other words, critical theory has a completely different understanding of who we are, what the problem is, and how to fix it, than Christianity. Therefore, there is overwhelming evidence Race Theory or Race teaching has no right to be included in any doctrinal statement or taught at any church.
@gmanon1181 3 жыл бұрын
The mission of us as church is not to fight the world's ways, but to offer the better path. The naked and simple Gospel of Jesus is that path. Even Marx was inspired by Jesus when he first started to pay attention to the poor. However, he was turned down. Jesus is there to attract, not to push. His teaching at the very core gets people to fall in love. It also brings opposition from those unwilling to accept the necessary radical changes that implies to believe. Critical thinking is a resume of many who cried and instead of getting any ears, they were turned down.
@geenal360 4 жыл бұрын
In other words you can't win. Anything Good is Evil.
@Rhuanjl 4 жыл бұрын
In critical theory you can't win. BUT thankfully we (as christians) can "win" - we're trusting in Christ, our home is heaven, we will be with Christ for all eternity - we do the best we can to be a light and do good whilst we're here but ultimately we trust God for the victory - in and of ourselves we're powerless and useless.
@billsimms2511 3 жыл бұрын
Lol yeah that’s what I gather from these conversations. Even Neils own advice is not going to work to combat CRT. CRT should have been shut down before it arrived in our elementary schools and churches
@jeromecullen120 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you , Neil, that was great!!..
@jascam1 2 жыл бұрын
Those who are of the privileged class (whites) in America will fight tooth and nails against narratives such as CRT; which would bring to light the institutionalized/systemic racial inequities on which America was founded and continue to prosper.
@gregb6469 4 жыл бұрын
I'm leary of anything coming out of SEBTS these days; it has become a den of Woke Arminians.
@matthewjennings7645 3 жыл бұрын
In weighing which Seminary I wish to attend, I worried that the "missions school" might focus on liberal aid more than the great commission and the gospel of Jesus. Very glad for this video dismissing my fears.
@jocl 3 жыл бұрын
You might want to think that again, check this:
@LovelovelyJesus 2 жыл бұрын
Everyone needs to read the entire Bible word for word. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly is on full display in the Bible and nothing is white washed. We learned about all the sins and mistakes of our Heroes of the Faith but we still esteem them and know their mistakes was for our learning. These preachers outraged over CRT are usually the same people that for years have never called what the KKK did to black churches as the evil it was, like bombing that black church in Alabama where five girls in a Bible school were killed. These Anti CRT advocates racism and Klan atrocities never happened? God gave us two commandment: To love God with all our strength and to love others. That pretty much sums it up. Jesus Help US ALL!
@karricompton 4 жыл бұрын
To answer the question, no, they are not compatible. Jesus’ gospel and the social gospel are not the same thing.
@tinawhite2014 4 жыл бұрын
This was awesome.. thank you.. Was that job interview study done with just white interviewers? I'd be very curious to see the same two people going on these interviews with black interviewers and compare the results. .
@paullaso3645 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this - helpful!
@SEBTS 4 жыл бұрын
Glad it was helpful!
@section508smefeedback6 4 жыл бұрын
This should help keep you from being deceived. Modern ideas of 'intersectionality,' 'critical theory' clash with Bible (as a false gospel) by John Stonestreet BreakPoint | May 9, 2020 If you haven't heard the terms "intersectionality" and "critical theory," your children likely have, at least if they are in college or even high school. What began as an academic theory decades ago is now a dominant way of seeing human relationships, at least for many: There are the oppressed, and there are the oppressors. Critical theory reduces human beings to categories according to race, gender, sexual preference and orientation, income, and on and on. Because some groups of people are more privileged than others, identifying one's group ultimately determines one's moral authority. Intersectionality, as Joseph explains, is an attempt to solve the problem of belonging to more than one group by measuring out the level of oppression a person experiences due to their various identities. Ultimately, critical theory seeks to address these perceived privileges and imbalances of power and oppression, and it has become a dominant theory in higher education and in other arenas of culture. So how should a Christian look at the critical theory and intersectionality? Are these concepts compatible with Christianity? Critical theory and intersectionality are not consistent with Christianity, and here are three reasons why. First, critical theory offers a different view of humanity than Christianity. Critical theory claims that our identity as human beings is rooted in things like race and gender, features that differ from person to person. But the Bible grounds our identity as human beings, and the value every human has, in the fact that we are created in God's own image. This is something every human being shares. ...Critical theory pits some groups of people against other groups based on their status as oppressors or oppressed, the ...Bible says we are all equal before God: created equal, equally valuable, equally guilty of sin, equally deserving of punishment and equally able to find grace and mercy in Jesus 2. Critical theory offers a different view of sin than Christianity (another gospel) The Bible identifies sin as anything that violates God's design for people, including unjust oppression of other people, but critical theory identifies sin only as oppression. As a result, advocates of critical theory would see biblical practices such as discipleship, correction, leadership, and reproof as sinful assertions of power, if the speaker is among the oppressors, and would excuse sins such as anger, jealousy, hatred, bitterness, unforgiving, or envy among the oppressed. The Bible says that we are all guilty before God, regardless of social status, race, or economic situation. The Bible condemns oppression as one of but certainly not the only way in which humans rebel against God. Because critical theory gets the problem wrong, it also gets the solution wrong. 3. ...Critical theory offers a different view of salvation than Christianity. (another gospel) According to the Bible, because we are all equally guilty of sin, salvation can only be found in Jesus through repentance. Our hope is found in being forgiven of sin. (and not repenting of accused white privilege [perceived or not) Because critical theory teaches that oppressors are guilty and the oppressed are not, salvation for the oppressed is found, not through repentance, but in social liberation here and now. Their hope is only through activism. In other words, critical theory has a completely different understanding of who we are, what the problem is, and how to fix it, than Christianity. Therefore, there is overwhelming evidence Race Theory or Race teaching has no right to be included in any doctrinal statement or taught at any church.
@tinahochstetler2189 4 жыл бұрын
Girlie glaciers? Better human-ice interactions. When are people going to figure out that those people have a screw loose?
@section508smefeedback6 4 жыл бұрын
Fact is: Those with faith know the deception and lies. Its all those who hold up Humanism who are being deceived and who work to deceive.
@amandabula8732 4 жыл бұрын
Yes Tina Hochstetler you make me laugh. Because at the beginning of the talk the speaker since to be out there. However he is smart, I just hope that he put in practice his Christianity before all of the theoretical theology he has learned in his books studies!
@varrantgreen4259 3 жыл бұрын
I went and read the paper. It litterally says that there's just not enough reserch on how much glaciers effect the planet. And the only thing about women in the whole article is that they propose that maybe women think a bit different and can entertain differnt insights that may be overlooked by your typical attatude that men prefer. At most the framework is claiming that sexism reduces the valuing of contrabutions women make. And that reduced value tends to slow down understanding the system more accurately. The phrases you picked out was just them being a tad bit silly- and jargony for no real reason. Which almost every scientific paper dose. If you read the whole paper they don't put any weight in those phrases. So what screws do they have loose if all they are saying is that women can work along side men and trying to ignore them just reduces the potential genius and skills aviable and proven by purely on their merit? Refusing a merit baised system because sexism is more important is a huge problem and only causes us to waste time and geniousness and capability.
@khalidmijhad5747 4 жыл бұрын
Heard the first 45 seconds and already liked this talk. 👍
@tourmaline7385 4 жыл бұрын
Do they think people won’t notice that white people are the authors of this literature? I’m a Christian and I hold two sociology degrees. By the grace of God, I never drank this Koolaid.
@room2growrose623 4 жыл бұрын
Incredibly ironic isn’t it? Though there are many black voices ( I’m black) in academia who are advancing this clap trap, the majority of the authors seem to be self-hating white intellectuals?! I think they believe that somehow by advancing the arguments on the side of CRT they will be forgiven their “whiteness”, but we already see that their young are coming to eat them!! Which is exactly what happened in communist Russia, and China...the intellectuals were at the forefront and eventually they ended up in the concentration camps.
@tourmaline7385 4 жыл бұрын
@Room2grow rose I totally agree with you. How can they not see what is happening? Haven’t they read history, autobiographies, even dystopian literature for heaven’s sake? There will definitely be infighting. It’s about power and control after all.
@section508smefeedback6 4 жыл бұрын
That makes 2 of us. This guy is one sick deceived white guy. He simply wants to oppress every white, but I hope most people don't buy his lies. Modern ideas of 'intersectionality,' 'critical theory' clash with Bible (as a false gospel) by John Stonestreet BreakPoint | May 9, 2020 If you haven't heard the terms "intersectionality" and "critical theory," your children likely have, at least if they are in college or even high school. What began as an academic theory decades ago is now a dominant way of seeing human relationships, at least for many: There are the oppressed, and there are the oppressors. Critical theory reduces human beings to categories according to race, gender, sexual preference and orientation, income, and on and on. Because some groups of people are more privileged than others, identifying one's group ultimately determines one's moral authority. Intersectionality, as Joseph explains, is an attempt to solve the problem of belonging to more than one group by measuring out the level of oppression a person experiences due to their various identities. Ultimately, critical theory seeks to address these perceived privileges and imbalances of power and oppression, and it has become a dominant theory in higher education and in other arenas of culture. So how should a Christian look at the critical theory and intersectionality? Are these concepts compatible with Christianity? Critical theory and intersectionality are not consistent with Christianity, and here are three reasons why. First, critical theory offers a different view of humanity than Christianity. Critical theory claims that our identity as human beings is rooted in things like race and gender, features that differ from person to person. But the Bible grounds our identity as human beings, and the value every human has, in the fact that we are created in God's own image. This is something every human being shares. ...Critical theory pits some groups of people against other groups based on their status as oppressors or oppressed, the ...Bible says we are all equal before God: created equal, equally valuable, equally guilty of sin, equally deserving of punishment and equally able to find grace and mercy in Jesus 2. Critical theory offers a different view of sin than Christianity (another gospel) The Bible identifies sin as anything that violates God's design for people, including unjust oppression of other people, but critical theory identifies sin only as oppression. As a result, advocates of critical theory would see biblical practices such as discipleship, correction, leadership, and reproof as sinful assertions of power, if the speaker is among the oppressors, and would excuse sins such as anger, jealousy, hatred, bitterness, unforgiving, or envy among the oppressed. The Bible says that we are all guilty before God, regardless of social status, race, or economic situation. The Bible condemns oppression as one of but certainly not the only way in which humans rebel against God. Because critical theory gets the problem wrong, it also gets the solution wrong. 3. ...Critical theory offers a different view of salvation than Christianity. (another gospel) According to the Bible, because we are all equally guilty of sin, salvation can only be found in Jesus through repentance. Our hope is found in being forgiven of sin. (and not repenting of accused white privilege [perceived or not) Because critical theory teaches that oppressors are guilty and the oppressed are not, salvation for the oppressed is found, not through repentance, but in social liberation here and now. Their hope is only through activism. In other words, critical theory has a completely different understanding of who we are, what the problem is, and how to fix it, than Christianity. Therefore, there is overwhelming evidence Race Theory or Race teaching has no right to be included in any doctrinal statement or taught at any church.
@tourmaline7385 4 жыл бұрын
@Section 508 SME feedback it’s definitely incompatible with the Bible. It’s one of the reasons it makes my skin crawl. I’m doing my best to inoculate my son against this twisted ideology which helps no one.
@section508smefeedback6 4 жыл бұрын
@@room2growrose623 I love the way you summarized it as: "seem to be self-hating white intellectuals?" who promote this Marxism. They are not bright enough to see the ideology has poisoned their feeble minds. Shows me their PHD's are not worth the paper they are written on.
@hadtrt3456 4 жыл бұрын
The presentation is good and exposes Critical Theory. Also, I have not seen a convincing presentation that Critical Theory and Marxism are the same, although I hear many Christian theologians and scholars make that affirmative claim.
@anthonydefr 4 жыл бұрын
Premise 4 sounds like Russia in 1918 when they would kill off different groups of people based on similar differences.
@micahlantz905 3 жыл бұрын
Grievance Studies! I like that! I think that's exactly right!
@i82phoneu 4 жыл бұрын
Really nice and balanced view on a muddled subject . However, at the end of the day Jeremiah 17: 9 sums it all. I am speaking as a Nigerian and I have seen evils to this day described in his talk about lynching. Here's a spanner l will throw in his talk which supports Jeremiah 17:9 At the end of the day, this a very complicated issue that has been hijacked by some very slick, intelligent, but malevolent characters to essentially breathe life into Gramsci's views on cultural hegemony as to initial failures of economic Marxism.
@ronlanter6906 3 жыл бұрын
Mao murdered millions in the 1967 Chinese Cultural revolution. Idi Amin murdered millions of Ugandans. Stalin murdered millions of Russians. Man is evil, man is sinful. Man needs Jesus Christ for salvation and the Holy Spirit for regeneration.
@kylendmiller 4 жыл бұрын
Wow... This is incredible. Good job sir.
@AaronThinks 7 ай бұрын
Yes the bike lock story was an extreme example. Kind of like how the crusades are an extreme example of how someone might use Christianity as a springboard for violence.
@kaizze8777 4 жыл бұрын
so..... the oppressed are supposed to oppress the supposed oppressor? I brain feels oppressed by thinking about it lol
@racheljessie5536 3 жыл бұрын
Right. White folks should be apologetic because few black folks say that they are oppressed... Thing is... Most black folks, that I know anyway.. don't even believe that crap. I've seen the official crt documents. It calls for them to attack white folks. But includes that they do not deserve an explanation. Leave them confused... They even state in their explanation of crt that sometimes they don't even makes sense to themselves, but when that happens that just keep talking, keep the focus on them until someone listens!
@kristydelapena7149 3 жыл бұрын
I just want you to know that I am so thankful for you
@MrCaribKaraoke 3 жыл бұрын
21:26 and the next few minutes are key for understanding the worldview
@danaidahosa5918 4 жыл бұрын
This is hard to digest!!! But super important!!!!!!! Thank you ❤️
@hortondlfn1994 4 жыл бұрын
Where is his website? He said the whole talk is there, but I do not see his website listed, only a Twitter account (and I don't have a Twitter account).
@curtiscurrent5922 4 жыл бұрын
@hortondlfn1994 4 жыл бұрын
@@curtiscurrent5922 Thank you!
@pierreferguson5257 4 жыл бұрын
Matthew 5:23 "Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother [Romans 8:14-17; Galatians 4:6-7] has something against you [Ezekiel 18:18], 24 leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift. 25 Agree with your adversary quickly, while you are on the way with him, lest your adversary deliver you to the judge [Ecclesiastes 5:8; Isaiah 55:8-9], the judge hand you over to the officer, and you be thrown into prison. 26 Assuredly, I say to you, you will by no means get out of there till you have paid the last penny [Luke 6:46-49; 1 John 2:3-5; Galatians 6:2; Hebrews 7:12]." #Reparations
@AlAmbrose 2 жыл бұрын
Great Video!! Thank you!
@amandabula8732 4 жыл бұрын
I am glad I continue to listen to the end since he make his point which is true their is a variety of racism, good and evil with in every culture weather black, white, hispanic or any other race regardless of gender!
@SuperKillerdog 3 жыл бұрын
Black and Hispanics cannot be racist! Tell me one thing black people have done as a group that has had a negative lasting impact on any group, I'll wait. I was on the fence of CRT, I did not even care much for it but what this guys are doing is actually helping spread the message of CRT, which to any rational thinking person make a lot of sense.
@elizabetamedvedeva 4 жыл бұрын
The Frankfurt School, Foucault and Derrida are principally responsible for illiberal critical theory and cultural Marxism. Here is something less known about Foucault: he applied his concepts of episteme and power as a social construct, to sexual matters: he argued that the setting of the age of consent at 16 (15 in France his homeland) was artificial, a consequence of wrongly applied social power, and therefore children were capable of giving consent; he was one of the core signatories to a petition in the early 1970's to the French Parliament to permit sexual relations with children. The signatories to the petition include philosophers Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beavoir, Louis Althusser and more ...Fortunately the petition was unsuccessful. He died of AIDS aged 58. By their fruits you shall know them.
@johnbrown4568 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you, You are quite well read...alas, too few of our fellow Americans engage in the requisite intellectual investigations required to both accurately uncover the origins of 'Cultural Marxism' and plainly describe the 'Societal Thanatos' intrinsic to this worldview.
@beaulin5628 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this information. I knew the people you mention were depraved, I just didn't know how disgustingly so. Jean-Paul Sarte was a conceited, egotistical creep in my opinion. I read his books in the 1950's and they are a long trip to nowhere. He had nothing reasonable or helpful to say about anything. His books are a great big, wordy, wandering, "nothingness". I have often wondered if Simone de Beavior regretted wasting her life on him. The smudgy, over-rated "genius" just used her and left her with nothing in the end. I guess she deserved it.
@elizabetamedvedeva 4 жыл бұрын
@borrowed tomb Wow. I didn't know that. Thank you for mentioning. His actions speak louder than his ideas.
@elizabetamedvedeva 4 жыл бұрын
@@beaulin5628 Very well said, thank you.
@elizabetamedvedeva 4 жыл бұрын
@@johnbrown4568 Thank you. The French post-modern deconstructionist philosophers like Foucault, Derrida and Althusser have much to answer for. Derrida's writings are largely incoherent - a fact pointed out by peer philosophers in 1992 when Cambridge University proposed to bestow an honorary doctorate upon Derrida; they said Derrida's work did not meet internationally accepted standards or clarity and rigour. Cambridge gave it to him anyway; and now its humanities departments are infected with Derrida's and Foucault's nihilistic, illiberal anti-democratic ideas.
@teslavoltagames3208 4 жыл бұрын
I would say Hegel really was the birth of critical theory has he taught about how history is just made up of the differing power struggles between differing groups which Marx took to its next logical conclusion.
@emilywatt5126 3 жыл бұрын
Yes there is a clear path Hagel - Marx - CT. Since Marxism failed tremendously everywhere CT should be also eliminated
@christophersnedeker2065 3 жыл бұрын
17:17 citation for this incident? Did he say that's why he it?
@go2therock 4 жыл бұрын
Scripture calls us to unity, for all of us to love others as ourselves, to consider others as better even, to not give in to partiality to either rich or poor, to be no respecter of of persons - even Jesus didn't consider equality with God something to be grasped, and He is our example. I do not get how Christians can fall headlong into this.
@omarnoble4788 3 жыл бұрын
The issues I have with the lecture: 1) The suggestion that CRT is meant to shut down discussion in favor of only minority voices. Yea it may come across that way to you or be used deliberately in that manner by those in Twitter rants, but the goal is to promote objective thinking and further discussion by nature. The problem is that CRT has become a muddled term with either side picking and choosing what sounds palatable or will drum up their base. Imo the more central idea that race (or other backgrounds) influence ideas, policy, etc is probably where we should leave it. Taking a statement or policy at face value is just naive and does a disservice to those that have to live with the consequences. 2) The idea that we take we actually take the entirety of the Bible as the absolute word of God. This is basically an outright lie. You can try and justify this by saying we are inherently sinners (thereby absolving perpetrators and those mislead), but that doesn't change the fact that the church likes to pick and choose what is important and what isn't. The variations of the Bible alone are proof of that. 3) The idea that trust in scripture is the primary solution. It seems weird to point out that Christians have been involved in all these past atrocities having been taught the same gospels, then suggest that it is the primary solution. Why should we believe that the interpretation of those in the past that allowed them to attend a lynching following service is so divorced from the idea that in the modern day we would attend service then vote against social justice? The idea seems to prey upon the belief in the modern day that we are inherently better than those that came before us despite spending a significant portion of time saying the opposite because we are just imperfect humans made by God (and when you were born does not change that). Education on the subject through reputable sources should have been the only suggestion imo. The truth is that the idealized version of Christianity you suggest just doesn't exist. There are motives behind every decision guided by background and that is the exact reason all these theories exist in the first place, to analyze those lenses.
@davidbrock4104 2 жыл бұрын
Very disappointed that names were not named regarding quotes taken from the Christian community. Otherwise, very informative.
@DepDawg Жыл бұрын
I went to his website and while reading his review of Tisby’s Color or Compromise, he posts the actual quotes and authors.
@varrantgreen4259 3 жыл бұрын
Often times the internalized opression arguments are just "my way is right and you should be scared of the crazy people who disagree with you" without any real claim being made.
@robertwhite970 4 жыл бұрын
As opposed to reading black authors, many of whom black people do not read, making black friends works better.
@fuzfire 4 жыл бұрын
Here is the answer to CRT and Intersectionality... Galatians 3:28, KJV: "There is neither Jew nor Greek (Race), there is neither bond nor free (Social Status), there is neither male nor female (Gender): for ye are all one in Christ Jesus (Spiritual Equality)." The key is "in Christ". Nothing but God’s Word, His Holy Spirit or the Words of Jesus/Yeshua, Scripture, can determine Truth.......Nothing else will work. All man can do is either believe it, or try to replace it, and that's been tried way too many times, and yet God’s Word is still standing the test of everything that comes against the knowledge of Christ. If one believes it he is blessed. If one tries some other way, he or she will be broken and come to nothing against the Perfect Word of God!
@lesa9930 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you.
@simonbrace9654 4 жыл бұрын
Someone needs to invite Ratio Christi to the SBC!!! Dr. Shenvi works with Ratio Christ and Ratio Christi has to deal with Critical Theory at the Universities on a daily basis both in the US and overseas.
@_stickmin 3 жыл бұрын
Do you recommend Fault Lines by Voddie Baucham?
@qbek_san 3 жыл бұрын
"People view Critical Theory as some marxist, irrational BS", then proceeds to show it as marxist, irrational BS. He literally gave Marx credit for being a first critical theorist, then said rationality is masculine opressive thinking we should discard, rofl.
@brianmunoz1718 4 жыл бұрын
Not a bad exposition on the topic. However, I think it's dangerous to recommend books for follow up study on the issue of racism, which you established as it truly is - a sin problem, without imploring students to seek out illumination of the Word of God on this same topic. If sin is a problem, the answer is in The Bible - not in deep study of individual, anecdotal and largely statiscally unsupported claims of "systemic" racism within several of society's key institutions, particularly Law Enforcement. A Believer's moral reference for ALL of earthly living and conduct is The Bible. It is In errant, sufficient, and authoritative for gaining the type of wisdom God will smile upon. Thus, it is prudent to study THAT book exegetically before any others written by the corruptible hands of human flesh. Wouldn't you think? I think it's reckless for you to say that evangelising the gospel is indicative and not an imperative. Matthew 28:19 quite explicitly commands us to "go forth and make disciples of all the nations" and we know that "no one is righteous of his own accord, not one" (Romans 3:10) Biblically speaking, "Justice" is reserved by God for His believers, His chosen people, those who abide in Him and do not trust in their own understanding or seek their own self righteous forms of vengeance. "Social Justice" as defined by culture today is NOT the kind of justice God is at all concerned with. For " what good is it for a person to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul? (Mark 8:36)
@TheMistysFavs 4 жыл бұрын
+ Brian Muñoz --Thank you! NONE of this trash is Biblical, and no we do not need to read any more about it, you are SO right! People are not even reading their Bibles, but wasting time on what is not even Biblical. it makes NO sense. If one is a Christian, we read and study the Bible. Let the world have their "Social justice", we DON'T need it, it is not Biblical.. Thank you, thank you brother for an excellent comment. if people would read their Bibles instead of read and listen about this trash, we just might not have so much Bible illiteracy in these last days! Amen!
@leadinged 4 жыл бұрын
Ok don't tell Christians who to vote for BUT maybe tell people who to not vote for. Church leaders need to come clean on their theology and who they are voting for and why. Example: Do not vote for party that has abortion in their platform.
@gregb6469 4 жыл бұрын
It would be a sin to vote for the pro-pervert, pro-death party.
@leadinged 4 жыл бұрын
@@gregb6469 yes I agree but many who attend Southeastern might have a different view. The words 'cognitive dissonance' comes to mind. I find it shameful that professors, pastors and any bible teacher hides behind the "separation of church and state" excuse. They don't have to name the party but as you say - don't vote for the party of death.
@aliciaoconnell49 3 жыл бұрын
The "recommendations" for white people in the slide Whiteness 101 literally had me laughing out loud. "allow them to yell, wail and even cuss at you".. That's hilarious. What clown sits through a study like that?
@mikewilliams6025 4 жыл бұрын
The study he quotes at 47:00 is 17 years old and only takes into account 350 attempts (total) for job applications in Milwaukee. Milwaukee has been consistently voted one of the more racist cities in the US. While such a study is academically rigorous. Dr. Pager's conclusion in 2003 isn't: "race continues to play a dominant role in shaping employment opportunities," she concluded from her yet to be peer-reviewed, very narrow, limited-in-scope study. This now dated study is even less conclusive today. While the findings are certainly shocking, they speak only to the state of Milwaukee's employment trends in for unskilled, entry-level jobs in 2003 _IF_ such findings could have been consistently recreated. The trouble with CRT is this single study is considered academically rigorous enough to become lore. Dr. Shenvi has taken the bait here by allowing such unacademic conclusions to be reiterated these nearly two decades later.
@billsimms2511 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much for pointing this out. I was a bit uneasy when he used this study as a way to show that white racism is still standing strong in America
@amberslahlize7961 4 жыл бұрын
I'm not afraid of being called homophobic or racist...if those things are sins to them, I am happy to oppose them.
@amberslahlize7961 4 жыл бұрын
@Patrick Kazan Well, that depends how you define racism, and how I define racism. Seems there is nothing I can do *not* be be it. I'm a racist. Sue me.
@amberslahlize7961 4 жыл бұрын
@Patrick Kazan Cool story bro.
@mariankushigbor9605 4 жыл бұрын
@Patrick Kazan I don't think she's being racist.
@mariankushigbor9605 4 жыл бұрын
@Patrick Kazan I agree racism isn't cool. But having a different opinion isn't racist , it actually what makes us human
@section508smefeedback6 4 жыл бұрын
No need to believe their sick lies... Modern ideas of 'intersectionality,' 'critical theory' clash with Bible (as a false gospel) by John Stonestreet BreakPoint | May 9, 2020 If you haven't heard the terms "intersectionality" and "critical theory," your children likely have, at least if they are in college or even high school. What began as an academic theory decades ago is now a dominant way of seeing human relationships, at least for many: There are the oppressed, and there are the oppressors. Critical theory reduces human beings to categories according to race, gender, sexual preference and orientation, income, and on and on. Because some groups of people are more privileged than others, identifying one's group ultimately determines one's moral authority. Intersectionality, as Joseph explains, is an attempt to solve the problem of belonging to more than one group by measuring out the level of oppression a person experiences due to their various identities. Ultimately, critical theory seeks to address these perceived privileges and imbalances of power and oppression, and it has become a dominant theory in higher education and in other arenas of culture. So how should a Christian look at the critical theory and intersectionality? Are these concepts compatible with Christianity? Critical theory and intersectionality are not consistent with Christianity, and here are three reasons why. First, critical theory offers a different view of humanity than Christianity. Critical theory claims that our identity as human beings is rooted in things like race and gender, features that differ from person to person. But the Bible grounds our identity as human beings, and the value every human has, in the fact that we are created in God's own image. This is something every human being shares. ...Critical theory pits some groups of people against other groups based on their status as oppressors or oppressed, the ...Bible says we are all equal before God: created equal, equally valuable, equally guilty of sin, equally deserving of punishment and equally able to find grace and mercy in Jesus 2. Critical theory offers a different view of sin than Christianity (another gospel) The Bible identifies sin as anything that violates God's design for people, including unjust oppression of other people, but critical theory identifies sin only as oppression. As a result, advocates of critical theory would see biblical practices such as discipleship, correction, leadership, and reproof as sinful assertions of power, if the speaker is among the oppressors, and would excuse sins such as anger, jealousy, hatred, bitterness, unforgiving, or envy among the oppressed. The Bible says that we are all guilty before God, regardless of social status, race, or economic situation. The Bible condemns oppression as one of but certainly not the only way in which humans rebel against God. Because critical theory gets the problem wrong, it also gets the solution wrong. 3. ...Critical theory offers a different view of salvation than Christianity. (another gospel) According to the Bible, because we are all equally guilty of sin, salvation can only be found in Jesus through repentance. Our hope is found in being forgiven of sin. (and not repenting of accused white privilege [perceived or not) Because critical theory teaches that oppressors are guilty and the oppressed are not, salvation for the oppressed is found, not through repentance, but in social liberation here and now. Their hope is only through activism. In other words, critical theory has a completely different understanding of who we are, what the problem is, and how to fix it, than Christianity. Therefore, there is overwhelming evidence Race Theory or Race teaching has no right to be included in any doctrinal statement or taught at any church.
@varrantgreen4259 3 жыл бұрын
I don't see how christianity is incompatable with crt. Crt dosent give an origin naritive. And you could be doing both that he described. Going around and dealing with the sin of mankind and still go "hey oppression is bad too" The solutions don't conflict. You go to God and god leads you to to social justice actions. How are those incompatable? You fight for the right things god wants for this world. And did he not empower us to make the world in his image?
@christophersnedeker2065 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah. I believe Christianity and I also think many of the claims of critical theory are true or at least reasonably possible.
@michaeltharpedu 3 жыл бұрын
This is the biggest threat and enemy! Thank you!! 🔥❤️
@glennpatterson7998 3 жыл бұрын
This exact reason the push of racism at that college is why my son will not be attending there. Theology is about Christ and Christ alone not a current trending issue that is a false narrative. Sad to see this happen at a once great seminary.
@fvang4751 3 жыл бұрын
Christ first...always
@TheMoravians 4 жыл бұрын
21:05 In the chart of competing worldviews, he left blank the "critical theory" alternative to Creation. Everyone knows what that is, it's evolution, and yes, it is a necessary foundation for critical theory, marxism, post-modernism, moral relativism, etc. It's the only one left blank. Why? It's as much a foundation to their worldview as Creation should be to ours. If we are just animals fighting for survival then "truth" is just a tool for the dominant group of beings to hold power and oppress other groups. There is no objective, universal truth, only subjective or "lived" experience in any worldview that considers Darwinism to be a biological fact. That's precisely how they talk and why they think that way. Even cold, pre-meditated murder in the street is justified if it's an activist member of the "privileged oppressor class" that is killed. Even in the historical taxonomy diagram at 5:25, Charles Darwin was charted as an influence on Karl Marx's ideas.
@lesliemukwedeya1295 4 жыл бұрын
PS. Faith without works is dead. First comes the salvation of which none of us can claim any credit, then comes the good works for which He has prepared for those who believe.
@TheOtherCaleb 4 жыл бұрын
If you walk in the spirit
@section508smefeedback6 4 жыл бұрын
CRT is evil. The Southern Baptists are taking over many churches with Social Justice Preachers.
@TheMistysFavs 4 жыл бұрын
+Leslie Mukwedeya --PS --Faith without works ISN'T dead, you're taking James out of context. Read ALL of the page, and then study and get the correct interpretation. I DON'T get it that SO few can correctly interpret James' words there. You read where he says, 'Faith without works is dead" and fail to read the rest of it, then fail to study the chapter and see what he is talking about and it is NOT salvation. Read one verse and BAM that is automatically right.. NOT how Scripture works. JUST reading the rest of the chapter you can see what he is talking about. I cannot believe Christians cannot interpret Scripture.. With the Holy Ghost, one has NO problem.. Peter is clear that no prophecy of Scripture is open to one's own interpretation.
@rublar75 4 жыл бұрын
Good job! This helps a lot.
@section508smefeedback6 4 жыл бұрын
But, Neil still is still being deceptive... by defending Critical Race Theory in part which opposes and contradicts the Bible 100% by accusing all whites as being racist. That is bogus. Nothing this guy presents is credible. His conclusion is: There are systems of racism, but CRT is not the answer. Yet, he does not clearly come out and fully denounce it or clarify: There are 2 types of Social Justice, 1. A totally man-centered Social Justice by Critical Race Theory by Cultural Marxism ideology; versus 2. A totally God-centered Social Justice by the Gospel; He never reveals that the Hegemonic Social Justice class warfare is a false gospel; Again, he actually believes some of the baseless accusations of systemic racism; He used one survey of white and black job applicants and concluded on the disparity alone that it proved systemic racism. It demonstrates Neil just wasted an hour for everyone by showing his compromising of the truth and by accepting the legitimacy of class warfare. He is even more dangerous than BLM movement because he argues to make compromises. Amazingly, he never clearly comes out and calls CRT Marxism for what it is: A deceptive false gospel.
@jezreel916 4 жыл бұрын
@pk4a 3 жыл бұрын
Some of thrse models only apply to the USA. They are not universal. For example it cannot explain the persecution of Christians in majority Islamic nations like Sudan or Pakistan. In the latter the Christians are the minority victims and do not fall into the category the "oppressors. " Nor can it explain the slaughter of white Armenians by a non-white Ottoman Empire. Again by using the American model it will fail to explain the slavery of Greeks and Serbians by the Ottomans. They were literally h sold as slaves. Critical theory needs further refinement if it is to be a universal explicatory construction. It appears to be Anerico-centric presently.
@JTStonne 3 жыл бұрын
You had me until you said you'd believe potential biased data over personal experiences.
@LovelovelyJesus 3 жыл бұрын
Isaiah 1:17 Learn to do good; Seek justice, Rebuke the oppressor; Defend the fatherless, Plead for the widow. 1 John 4:20 20 If a man say, I love God, and hates others, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother ( like our Blacks some of whom are Christians) whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Colossians 3:11 a renewal in which there is no distinction between Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave and freeman, but Christ is all, and in all. James 2:9 But if you show partiality, you are committing sin... 1 John 2:11 But the one who hates his brother is in the darkness and walks in the darkness, and does not know where he is going because the darkness has blinded his eyes.
@christophersnedeker2065 3 жыл бұрын
15:04 it's not just that but the marginalized also see the oppression affect their own lives. The "oppressors" are not just willfully ignorant but genuinely ignorant.
@patrickcurry3924 4 жыл бұрын
Well done. CRT is a “different gospel” that St. Paul warns against in Galatians. My fellow Christians, do not be “bewitched” by CRT, Social Justice and Post-Modernism; but rather “Stand firm in your freedoms and do not be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” As we proclaim the gospel, we also must live it. We must fight injustice and repent of prejudice and discrimination, and “bear one another's burdens and thereby fulfill the law of Christ.” Do not be afraid; and never tire of doing good; for greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world. Peace
@toddmnelson 4 жыл бұрын
Ironically, might not Jesus be the most “oppressed” person in and by this world? Paradoxically, might not Jesus be the only One able to reveal the Truth and uniquely reconcile the (both/and) seeming contradictions? 🙏🏻✝️
@michaelb3522 4 жыл бұрын
27:30 hegemonic discourse
@toddcote4904 4 жыл бұрын
This was a very interesting lecture. However about minute 54 he asked the question is the gospel indicative or an imperative. He says it is an indicative. However this is incorrect it is in fact an imperative. To repent and believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ is an imperative. It is the command of God.
@steveareeno65 3 жыл бұрын
I think his point is that god alone initiated it, not man, and that there is nothing man can do but receive it.
@davekenny6644 4 жыл бұрын
I have a place at Southern for Jan 21 ...hearing this makes me think its not worth going there...God is absent
@Sandi216 4 жыл бұрын
Dave: Have you thought about Master's?
@Rhuanjl 4 жыл бұрын
What makes you say God is absent here?
@varrantgreen4259 3 жыл бұрын
Being God's children should undermine racism. But why would it undermine crt? If people rejects gods love and become racist. Isn't that what crt from a christian point of view wants to talk about? Why people are rejecting gods love and valuing racism more than god? Crt can be used by christians to look at why some people throw god away for what society has told them about raceism.
@resonanceliteracy 3 жыл бұрын
I want to begin by thanking my sponsors . . . LOL. Enough said.
@americandirt7834 3 жыл бұрын
What are you getting at, Avi? Are we going to pretend that because these lectures have "sponsors" they're already compromised? Sure, I guess so, if capitalism is the enemy. But why then are the Marxist principles that underlie CRT so dependent on funding streams? Why does the "avowed Marxist" BLM leader Patrice Khan-Cullors own four homes? She's a Marxist in theory but a capitalist in practice; and still wants to impose Marxism on the rest of us, while she gets a commission for her "good deeds". Basically Stalin or Castro or Pol Pot or Kim Jong Un or fill-in-the-blank.
@billsimms2511 3 жыл бұрын
@@americandirt7834 I’ve already learned it’s completely pointless to try and have a rational discussion with people with that ideology
@americandirt7834 3 жыл бұрын
@@billsimms2511 You're right. It's a cult. But fortunately, like most cults, they implode as they begin eating their own through the purity spiral. Because once they've eliminated the "fringe" they can't rest easy...they just find a new fringe. Cue the circular firing squad
@kamstabler7750 3 жыл бұрын
You do realize that his sponsors were made up and intended to be sarcastic, right? Padimir Vlutin? The Knights Templar? The Koch Brothers? It was all said in jest.
@varrantgreen4259 3 жыл бұрын
So how dose one person's lived expeiance conflict with others? Say one black person expeiance a ton of racism. And another didn't. So why would bringing up the other person's expeiance matter, unless they are the same person with the same experiance? I don't see why there is any contention to that statment
@JohnSmith-rv6nf 3 жыл бұрын
Is “white identity” biblical?
@christophersnedeker2065 3 жыл бұрын
Such concepts didn't come into existence until well after the bible was written.
@cameliomack9932 4 жыл бұрын
Read "White As Sin" on Amazon by a white Seminar Professor for the basis for the Social Gospel. It is not a political book.
@gen2917 4 жыл бұрын
Excellent work!!!!
@Savolitutu 4 жыл бұрын
I’m humored by the continued breakdown of people into all these specialized groups in order to build the case for “social justice”. The Lotus Sutra can explain what most people can’t figure out on their own. Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism which expounds the mystic law of cause and effect through the chant of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo really is the only way for people to bring forth the wisdom that justice is always occurring! Man has tried for centuries to exact “justice” but ends up creating a future response not necessarily wanted! I’m just disappointed that our cultural department of the SGI has failed to slow the poisonous message of “social justice” with the many professionals running that department. Why is it so hard to understand that “as you sow, so shall you reap “?!?
@section508smefeedback6 4 жыл бұрын
The only truth of your Lotus Sutra is: nothing man-centered will achieve anything of value. Modern ideas of 'intersectionality,' 'critical theory' clash with Bible (as a false gospel) by John Stonestreet BreakPoint | May 9, 2020 If you haven't heard the terms "intersectionality" and "critical theory," your children likely have, at least if they are in college or even high school. What began as an academic theory decades ago is now a dominant way of seeing human relationships, at least for many: There are the oppressed, and there are the oppressors. Critical theory reduces human beings to categories according to race, gender, sexual preference and orientation, income, and on and on. Because some groups of people are more privileged than others, identifying one's group ultimately determines one's moral authority. Intersectionality, as Joseph explains, is an attempt to solve the problem of belonging to more than one group by measuring out the level of oppression a person experiences due to their various identities. Ultimately, critical theory seeks to address these perceived privileges and imbalances of power and oppression, and it has become a dominant theory in higher education and in other arenas of culture. So how should a Christian look at the critical theory and intersectionality? Are these concepts compatible with Christianity? Critical theory and intersectionality are not consistent with Christianity, and here are three reasons why. First, critical theory offers a different view of humanity than Christianity. Critical theory claims that our identity as human beings is rooted in things like race and gender, features that differ from person to person. But the Bible grounds our identity as human beings, and the value every human has, in the fact that we are created in God's own image. This is something every human being shares. ...Critical theory pits some groups of people against other groups based on their status as oppressors or oppressed, the ...Bible says we are all equal before God: created equal, equally valuable, equally guilty of sin, equally deserving of punishment and equally able to find grace and mercy in Jesus 2. Critical theory offers a different view of sin than Christianity (another gospel) The Bible identifies sin as anything that violates God's design for people, including unjust oppression of other people, but critical theory identifies sin only as oppression. As a result, advocates of critical theory would see biblical practices such as discipleship, correction, leadership, and reproof as sinful assertions of power, if the speaker is among the oppressors, and would excuse sins such as anger, jealousy, hatred, bitterness, unforgiving, or envy among the oppressed. The Bible says that we are all guilty before God, regardless of social status, race, or economic situation. The Bible condemns oppression as one of but certainly not the only way in which humans rebel against God. Because critical theory gets the problem wrong, it also gets the solution wrong. 3. ...Critical theory offers a different view of salvation than Christianity. (another gospel) According to the Bible, because we are all equally guilty of sin, salvation can only be found in Jesus through repentance. Our hope is found in being forgiven of sin. (and not repenting of accused white privilege [perceived or not) Because critical theory teaches that oppressors are guilty and the oppressed are not, salvation for the oppressed is found, not through repentance, but in social liberation here and now. Their hope is only through activism. In other words, critical theory has a completely different understanding of who we are, what the problem is, and how to fix it, than Christianity. Therefore, there is overwhelming evidence Race Theory or Race teaching has no right to be included in any doctrinal statement or taught at any church.
@gregb6469 4 жыл бұрын
Buddhism is as much a dead-end road as secularism. Nirvana is just another name for Hell.
@Savolitutu 4 жыл бұрын
Greg B ...offering a well thought-out opinion on a subject you know nothing about!
@gregb6469 4 жыл бұрын
@@Savolitutu -- I know that Buddhism is a false religion.
@markdemell3717 4 жыл бұрын
Brought to you by the people that are destroying humankind! The big corps!
@elsiescott1911 4 жыл бұрын
No they are not compatible
@section508smefeedback6 4 жыл бұрын
But Neil almost never wanted to make that clear. Amazingly, very deceptive. Neil defends Critical Race Theory in part which opposes and contradicts the Bible 100% by accusing all whites as being racist. That is bogus. Nothing this guy presents is credible. His conclusion is: There are systems of racism, but CRT is not the answer. Yet, he does not clearly come out and fully denounce it or clarify: There are 2 types of Social Justice, 1. A totally man-centered Social Justice by Critical Race Theory by Cultural Marxism ideology; versus 2. A totally God-centered Social Justice by the Gospel; He never reveals that the Hegemonic Social Justice class warfare is a false gospel; Again, he actually believes some of the baseless accusations of systemic racism; He used one survey of white and black job applicants and concluded on the disparity alone that it proved systemic racism. It demonstrates Neil just wasted an hour for everyone by showing his compromising of the truth and by accepting the legitimacy of class warfare. He is even more dangerous than BLM movement because he argues to make compromises. Amazingly, he never clearly comes out and calls CRT Marxism for what it is: A deceptive false gospel.
@donaldlaird7924 3 жыл бұрын
Well I lost all faith I'm out
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