This may be the most gorgeous no-information video I've ever seen, and I've watched a hundred walking-and-driving-in-Japan vids. WHO piled up all that stonework? How long has this village (I'm assuming it was a village) been abandoned? It certainly seems large enough to have left a record. Interesting to see trash and abandoned vehicles so far back in to the woods - looks like, just like the USA, that Japan has hillbillies, too. C'mon, VS, have mercy on your non-Japanese speaking fans, and please give us a few clues -prefecture, nearest towns, any little thing. A caption translation would be excellent - perhaps you know a student who would like to practice his or her skills? Please keep up the excellent work, thank you, Dan I wrote the above when I was only halfway through the video - now that I've finished, I wonder; weren't you curious to know what was in the van parked under the canopy? This was my first viewing of your work, and I hope I'll see many more. Dan