Should Boxing Stop In EverQuest?

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Ion Blaze

Ion Blaze

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@IonBlaze1 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you to the commenters from the forums: Graytis, Mattling, HoodenShuklak, Pikallo, Coltongrundy, Verbatim, Draconum, Burdi, Tweakfour17, oldkracow, Haldi, Joules_Bianchi, Umul, Seraphix, Protagonist
@VRIceblast 2 жыл бұрын
I played EQ for around 4 years, and I boxed 3 accounts, but I used 3 computers, and 3 keyboards and mice. So I was literally controlling all 3 characters manually. I had a lot of people that wanted to play with me. Because I was the Tank Shadowknight, Crowd Control Enchanter, and Healer Cleric. I had a long list of friends that would queue up to get into my group. They loved my group, because we rarely died, so there was always good experience and loot. I mainly started to box to have Enchanter buffs for free, and always available. Also, Rez my characters, and cleric buffs. It was hard sometimes finding people to buff you, and you usually had to donate for it, and I never had a ton of money. I went from 2 boxing to 3 boxing. So many people told me I was better at playing a enchanter and cleric than people who only played 1 character at a time, and I was the tank. What I love about EQ is the whole pulling system. That there were classes that were really good at going out, and pulling only 1 mob back to the camp, and as a Shadowknight, I was very good at pulling. So many people can't play SK's probably. They just don't know how to play the class to be a good puller. Many players looked down on SK's, but to me, SK's were the best, though Warriors were the only true tanks for raids, SK's could tank most other bosses. Keep in mind, I was paying $15 a month for each account. So $45 a month. Boxing armies I think I saw 1 in all my time playing, and it was only for a moment. I met one other person that was boxing 6 characters, but none of these players cause me a bit of trouble. With EQ, there were camps. You go into a zone, and you call out for what camps are being used, and people will shout out where they were. So, even if you were boxing 6 characters, you still had to follow the rules of proper behavior in EQ. So boxing really wasn't a problem. When the population went down, and people quit playing, and years later return to the game with gear that was 5 years out of date. That was fine, but you could be without armor, and just a sword, and still be able to fight in a group, as long as you had a good tank, and you always fought from behind the mob. You rarely even got hit, if you fought properly. As long as the Tank hold aggro properly, then it didn't matter. You wouldn't believe how many people didn't know that about the game. There must have been a ton of crap groups, getting wiped all the time for fighting all wrong. EQ is still the best MMORPG. It has the best play mechanics out there. If they updated the graphics, it would be the game to play. The learning curve for EQ is huge though. It's very hard to get into a game, that's as big as EQ is now. WoW ruined MMO's. They made everything way to easy, you barely have to work to get most things. In EQ, you would be lucky to find 2 people wearing the exact same gear. You could be truly unique. There is just so much gear in EQ, and most of it you have to work for, you have to earn it. I played New World, and people were complaining about how hard it was, that it was taking too long to get to lvl cap. It took a year to hit lvl cap in EQ, and people were complaining that they weren't at lvl cap after a week in New World..... SMH Your suppose to live in MMO's, you aren't suppose to race to the lvl cap, that game shouldn't start at lvl cap, it should start at lvl 1, and that's how EQ is. At lvl 1, the game will kill you. It made you pay attention, and forced you to get better playing your character. It forced you to find comrades to group with. Forced you to fight back to back with your friends to survive. Forced you to work together to overcome the mobs. Games just don't do that anymore. Most games now, you can play solo, you don't even need a group. In EQ, that was almost impossible, and if you could do it, it took way more time, while a group could kill much faster, so you would get exp faster, as well as loot. I wish I was still playing EQ, but I just can't afford it. If I still had my skills, I would put out some real how to play videos. Because I've never seen a good EQ video made. Never seen the real combat mechanics of fighting in a group, and pulling to a group. You never see how it's done. EQ was the best, because the combat was addicting. It looks slow as hell from the outside, but inside, you feel like you're going like a bat out of hell. It's a crime, that EQ doesn't get the respect it deserves today, and that there aren't more games like it.
@IonBlaze1 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing all that VRIceblast. I liked your opinions on EQ relative to other games.
@DrewLonmyPillow 2 жыл бұрын
1:50 the hate transfer of summoned pets as part of MotM/MotOW was also implemented to counter the boxed mage armies. Totally screwed over people actually playing mages with no offset.
@raouldegrunt2685 2 жыл бұрын
I wholeheartedly agree with the statement "there is no MMORPG experience like EQ1 lvl 1-65 grouping with other people". It is exciting, terrifying, and relaxing at the same time. I attribute that mostly to camping, not having to endlessly run around to where NPC's tell you to go. Dungeon crawling is an enjoyable middle ground. Somewhere deep I would want to actively play in-era EQ again, but other ambitions, family, work just won't allow it. So for relaxation, I casually play on live .. and yes, I do box there ;)
@IonBlaze1 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for coming Raoul. Yup EQ does dungeons pretty well. Doesn't punish you for making your own adventure off the main Questline.
@dustins2811 2 жыл бұрын
As a longtime TLP player (every one since Fippy) I'll never touch another with Mischief loot rules. Completely destroyed the experience for me, and I've never quit a TLP that quickly. If Darkpaw considers it a success and wants to do it again, I hope they do only half. I could live with trading no-drop OR random loot, but having multiple characters BiS with very little effort was super boring.
@kevincaron1790 2 жыл бұрын
Sometimes just starting naked with nothing and work your way through is so much fun and it's even better when everyone else is on the same page even if there's a lot of nerds that know this game inside out
@IonBlaze1 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah it feels more accomplishing when you earn that gear instead of it being handed to you.
@Apple-ln8pi 2 жыл бұрын
Ive played eq off and so since 99. Been boxing for over half that time. 6 box atl tab in up to date content. Really wanted to box on mischief but only 1 computer. Quit eq when i watched others boxxing on mischief and i couldnt. Would come back and try eq again if boxxing was aloud from day 1 on progession server. P.s. your videos are feeding my eq need btw
@IonBlaze1 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the compliment Apple. Fingers crossed for no truebox
@HippyCheez11 2 жыл бұрын
2boxing no more than that . I have met & grouped a lot of good people two boxing . Really helps grouping . Mage box army’s can go F off… boxes help with raids filling in spots (plane of sky) . Can box a cleric to only Rez Death touch tanks . Which allows non box cleric actually heal. But I would love a true no box server experience as well!
@casrogue 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed more than 2 or 3 and 3 is pushing it (3 mages anyone?) .. I have seen 6 boxers just take over camps, griding loot from a whole area to make plat disregarding players camping or killing on a group. At this point, people argue that EQ will be lost of 6 boxers will disappear I say that's not true. I have seen many tell me that they cant 2 box anymore. They cite economics or just plain difficult with no cheating macros lol or they get bored playing alone. Anyway good video. I bet only farmers and krono sellers will be affected the most. In other words, players need to find more players basically lol.
@charlesmartel3995 2 жыл бұрын
If you want to be consistent about that "old school feel" then you should be completely against pay to win mechanics like Krono and the Daybreak Cash Shop.
@IonBlaze1 2 жыл бұрын
At least there's P99 for that old school experience.
@shueylaville510 2 жыл бұрын
And we could box back in the day so everyone should be for boxing as well.
@wintermute1 2 жыл бұрын
@@shueylaville510 Way back in the early days I had an acquaintance who ran a 6 box setup with 6 computers KMV boxes on his university T2 line. He sold a ton of stuff on Ebay, sold plat to Yantis, had a powerleveling service for a while. What shut him down was that he failed to report his earnings to the IRS so he ended up selling the car he bought and his entire box setup to pay the taxes and penalties. That was not an uncommon thing at all. Boxing has always been here and I refuse to play without the option to have a box or two along if I feel the need.
@positivelygaming4275 2 жыл бұрын
@@wintermute1 I was never that big into boxing to make extra income from it, but EQ has always been the perfect game for boxing one or two accounts to improve your experience. I would box a necro in the group with my cleric and had a blast doing it until I quit in 2004. No idea why it is frowned upon these days.
@IWantToKnow2 2 жыл бұрын
speaking for myself... I always check for those LFG and will drop a box to group a real person at any time.
@Truecaveman1999 2 жыл бұрын
I like the idea of limiting boxing in the first couple expansions for sure. Keeps that old school feel more at least. I get using it as a catch up mechanic or a way to do content when the population starts to drop, but personally I’ve never boxed, being pretty casual. I definitely see why people would do it later in the game though and I don’t think it’s a good idea to ban it outright. There’s definitely ways to do it right like instancing zones etc.
@IonBlaze1 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah that middle ground stance was something I never heard. It's a good idea.
@Treklosopher 2 жыл бұрын
Nope. Bots need to be banned. It ruins the experience for everyone else.
@joemomma7887 2 жыл бұрын
@@Treklosopher no it doesn't majority of boxers don't box the extreme 60 toons. Most box 2 to 3 people which has little to no impact on single instance users. I've been boxing tank and chanter since 2000. Because most of the time when getting a group with on or the other I would be missing a CC toon or a tank. Back in the day groups would disband shortly after a tank or Cc left the group.
@WesleyWyndam-Pryce 2 жыл бұрын
Absolutely. Limited boxing Classic-PoP era and then drop it. Later content is not only made with boxing in mind but population drops massively after PoP era in TLPs.
@ArclyteTE 2 жыл бұрын
Speaking as someone who wants truebox: IMO the health & longevity of the game suffers whenever a normal player runs into some guy & his box army. I'm not saying everyone that boxes is some antisocial kronofarmer (you know if you are or not, so don't take offense), but the idea that people can pay subs for a bunch of MMO accounts to gain power over normal players is really offputting. There is an ugly side effect of powergaming and greed, and I think it's best to guard against it instead of opening the flood gates and ignoring it.
@IonBlaze1 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your thoughts Arclyte. Yeah I get you on how a bunch of subs/boxes can give you more power than a single person. Seen people really abuse that.
@varietyvoid 2 жыл бұрын
I will say, as someone who uses boxing for activities that require 6 people to active, i.e. raids and instances, that boxing can be a major positive and also a major negative. I think the idea of TLP's that limit boxing until later expansions is a great idea... By the time you're into GoD and OoW expansions, you've already lost the casual player base and you're back to the hardcore base that boxes anyways. Cool video!
@IonBlaze1 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the compliment Varietyvoid. Do you really need 6 chars for current content or do mercs get by?
@varietyvoid 2 жыл бұрын
@@IonBlaze1 for raid instances or group instanced content yep, it requires 6 players sadly. A limit I wish they would get rid of.
@MrThree15 2 жыл бұрын
Love your videos and bringing updates to our most loved game
@mjs28s 2 жыл бұрын
Boxing - yes. Some of people are more introverted and don't want to be grouped with real people. Others, like me, play of an on and am AFK as while I playing I might be at the computer for 10 minutes, get up for 5 to 10 minutes and do part of some chore, come back, play for 15 minutes, step away for 5 to 10 more, etc. Not everyone can just plop down for a couple hours straight. I remember the days that I could and when you are in a group with even 6 people (not large raid stuff obviously) seems like someone always had to piss, get a snack, phone rang, someone at the door, etc. Love the game but just not possible to sit in the basement and drink mountain dew while hooked up with a cath so I don't have to move.
@IonBlaze1 2 жыл бұрын
Never thought about it from that angle. Yeah it's more convenient to go at your pace.
@justinsellers9402 2 жыл бұрын
When a cleric can't get a group in Unrest, there's a problem.
@jordonalexson5954 2 жыл бұрын
I am thinking about a 2nd laptop to start 2 boxing! Awesome Video!
@IonBlaze1 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the compliment Jordon. You may not need a 2nd laptop if the server doesn't have truebox.
@lennym1273 2 жыл бұрын
Ever Quest rules are you can play two (2) toons at a time (you can box 2 toons only) You can not use 3rd party software, you can not AFK kill, get caught doing any of this and you Will be suspended do it again and you WILL be banned for life, and yes they are out there heavily enforcing these rules, and I agree they should because if you 2 box with mercs you have 4 toons and that should be enough and have room for 2 real players...
@sandybotkincpaesq.6410 Жыл бұрын
We have to understand why most people box. EQ is a solo unfriendly game. Thus, many of the servers have higher level players that leave the new players and lower players in the dust having to fend for themselves in solo unfriendly environment. Thus, improving the ability to solo is a big deal that would eliminate the need for most boxing. So, how do we make EQ more solo friendly enough to eliminate the need for boxing?. There are many approaches to making the game more solo friendly that could be tried such as giving powerful buff bots in POK and/or significantly reducing the aggro radius and social friendliness of mobs etc. Another approach, which is the one I like the most, is that they should allow up to two or three mercs,which would eliminate the need to box ( which is a problem) and eliminate the need for bots. These additions would make the game a LOT more solo friendly. I would also absolutely use the fast travel system found in EQ2 where you can click on a link in the map and go to that zone. I should note that instead of the crappy extra perks that they are providing for an extra monthly fee, they could provide those things, and also multiple mercs, as an added paid perk that could result in more revenue to Daybreak Games. Thus, we have a win-win situation.. Adopting all or at least some of these changes into the game mechanics would explode the number of new players in my opinion. Now, I do get that some of the older veterans may not like these ideas. However, I would be willing to bet that implementing any or all of these suggestions would work wonders. Simply doing more of the same by opening up new TLP servers with the same rules isn't going to attract many newer players.
@Random49558 2 жыл бұрын
You always put a lot of thought and smart commentary into your videos. Good job man.
@IonBlaze1 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the compliment Random
@william421 2 жыл бұрын
if the arguement for boxing is "They're gonna do it anyways" then they just need to ban them harder. You can't really count pops as a reason either, because if everyone is boxing, then yeah, there are more characters. but there are half as many people.
@IonBlaze1 2 жыл бұрын
That's a good point about the population on boxing servers. Yeah I just wish they actually enforced the rules they have or drop them.
@allisonparker2405 2 жыл бұрын
Yes to stopping boxing. Every problem boxers claim theyre trying to overcome is caused by boxing in the first place.
@Treklosopher 2 жыл бұрын
Unquestionably bots need to be 100% banned. The people that try to use them beyond any ban need to be themselves banned with extreme prejudice.
@IonBlaze1 2 жыл бұрын
Oh yeah definitely. Automated characters are BS.
@GO-tq6hs 2 жыл бұрын
Any server that tolerates boxing instantly keeps me away from it. I have too many experiences of running around new TLP servers with full boxed groups running around my entire leveling time sub level 30. These people completely ignore other players, don't communicate, take up camps and genuinely make the game feel like a husk of what it used to be. I mainly play on p99 now, imo if you are only playing up to velious or even PoP the world is small enough that you don't need always high pop to enjoy the game. Haven't played on Live / TLP since Mangler, and honestly I don't have any desire to revisit until p99 completely dies or something.
@IonBlaze1 2 жыл бұрын
Totally get you there. Some of the krono farming crews & boxers are absolute jerks. Had to fight them a few times
@GO-tq6hs 2 жыл бұрын
@@IonBlaze1 Maybe I was just unlucky and I was used to playing on p99 (started right around blue launch, left for a while and came back for green), but when I played on Mangler it felt like every "group" I ran into was just boxers. A couple would actually group with me in the high 20s but it felt really obvious when only one person in the group would chat regularly and everyone stayed silent. Idk I think people go back to Everquest for different reasons, for me I want to relive that experience from launch to around Luclin when I played the most, and so far p99 is the only experience that has come close to replicating that despite the whole game being completely wiki'd out.
@Elderos5 2 жыл бұрын
I think it would be interesting to see a new server open that prohibits the trading of kronos. I feel this may discourage the box armies. Just a thought.
@shivur5073 2 жыл бұрын
True box to a max of 2 is where I'd draw the limit. I duo box myself even on TLPs and i still would rather be Ina group than solo but also allows me to play for a little bit and still progress without inconviencing other plays by joining a group for 10 minutes then dipping out
@Darbobski 2 жыл бұрын
I enjoy true boxing because it forces me to commit to a toon. I put more time on one character when I true box and, as a consequence, become more comfortable with that character and how to play it well. That said, I've got nothing against people who would rather not true box. Play the way you want to play.
@jeffsilas5973 2 жыл бұрын
For me. Boxers hurt the game tremendously. It made it even more difficult to get grouped. So to balance this out Mercs were added etc. It just really made the game sour always LFG and seeing groups of 4 or 5 killing with 1 guy using MQ2 behind the wheel.
@paulisconi2264 2 жыл бұрын
I think 2-boxing should def be allowed since it is sometimes used as an alt to having a merc and makes it easier to start new characters, especially group dependent classes like Rogues. I think EQ should let people box on the same account for a small fee or something. I think boxing beyond 2 though is anti-social and will crowd zones and servers.
@IonBlaze1 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing that Paulisconi. Rogues alone have a hard time getting groups but a rogue & Healer combo, much easier.
@hamiltonstamper7927 2 жыл бұрын
Aradune is allowed 1 true box, Rizlona is unlimited boxes on 1 machine.
@IonBlaze1 2 жыл бұрын
Oh my mistake, thank your for clarifying.
@Greldek 2 жыл бұрын
I think a hard limit of 3 boxing and remove truebox. 3 allows people to set up a strong enough group to allow class diversity instead of everyone running the same 4 or 5 super powerful duo classes, but also limits mage and necro armies. perma camping everything with 6 bots.
@itzatravesty263 2 жыл бұрын
Did you join FV recently and the Knights of Infinity? May have a doppelganger 😅
@brianhunley5302 2 жыл бұрын
Are you still on thornblade? Haven't played since 2004 probably. Want to play again
@IonBlaze1 2 жыл бұрын
I'm not playing there. But there's new servers next month. Good chance to try out a fresh start
@wade6523 2 жыл бұрын
Yes it should but it should have a limit. 6 max for sure maybe less. 2 at least. That way if you cannot find help. PS. I was 1-2 War on Lockjaw/Ragefire for years. I 6 box but not on raids. Max 2 toons on raids. Never used tools only really good Macros with 3 bad ass PC screens.
@IonBlaze1 2 жыл бұрын
Man that takes some skills to do 6. 2 characters are hard enough.
@Joshthegamer8600 2 жыл бұрын
One very common misconception about people who multi-box is that they don't group with people and play anti socially. A lot of us like to group and do it often but its great to have the option to farm with your boxes sometimes and to fill spots in groups with boxes when there is a gap you cant fill. There have also been several situations when a real player wants to join a raid in planes of power but they are not flagged and would not be able to join if I didnt have flagged boxes to add and open a new piggy spot. I also like the true box rule. For most people it adds an upper limit to how big your box crew can be and I actually enjoy the added challenge of playing 4 accounts on 4 separate computers with no additional software to help me. P.S. I love your videos
@IonBlaze1 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing that Josh. I like your view. It's less tiring to have a real person play over playing a box.
@PerryLovewhistle 2 жыл бұрын
It needs to be community chosen. P99 is an anti multibox community. People do get away with it, but it's their dirty secret. But it only works because we have a high enough population. Tkap is a boxing encouraged server, which allows for more available content with much less coordination.
@IonBlaze1 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for coming by Perry. That's a good perspective on it. What if the rules were community chosen?
@PerryLovewhistle 2 жыл бұрын
@Ion Blaze The problem with live servers is longevity. They start a new tlp every year, and most of the population that plays tlps rotate with the new servers. I think they are paying attention to what the community wants, so in a sense it is community chosen, it's just that live servers have more freedom to change with new server announcements.
@bernatzmark 2 жыл бұрын
IB, you know me.... I ran up to 6 on Mangler. That started because I was trying to catch up to current content, then continued because it meant I could fill any slot that wasn't taken by a real player. Boxing is fun and challenging.... But NO WHERE NEAR AS ENJOYABLE AS GROUPING WITH FRIENDS. Cheers! Felixx
@IonBlaze1 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for coming by Felixx. Real people are definitely more fun unless they're noobs haha. Real bad when you play boxes better than them.
@bengaming3649 2 жыл бұрын
I absolutely wish they could figure out how to enforce only one active character per player. The whole game is built around grouping and social interaction, instead we get a bunch of solo players who don't want anything to do with another actual player. It totally ruins the entire game.
@Bryan-od7nv 2 жыл бұрын
I just started playing again after a 6 year break. I would probably leave again if they banned boxing especially on a server with a low population. I agree it should be banned on a heavy population server.
@IonBlaze1 2 жыл бұрын
We're getting a compromise on the new TLPs. You'll be able to box on 1 pc around OOW/PoRo
@Bryan-od7nv 2 жыл бұрын
@@IonBlaze1 I’m on the Povar server which isn’t over populated. I started out on the Rodcet Nife server in late 1999 and had a chance to progress through the game with one of the characters I still use. For those that missed early days I get why they want to do the time progression. My issue is I missed the last 6 expansions and have a lot of work to do at the end game. Disappointed to see my necro 2.0/5 was nerfed while I was on vacation. I always liked the graphics so “An Epic Request” quest was one of the first things I did when I returned. I like the looks of my chanters epic as well and should of probably done his at the same time.
@SomeCanine Жыл бұрын
Boxing defeats the purpose of playing an MMO, but you get why people do it. There's no other people to play with at low levels. It's why subsequent MMOs developed so much solo content. IMO they should have tradeable content for low level characters that scales with your character, kinda like they already do with the recommended level stuff. At the same time, they should keep the box limits in place. If you can't level a character by yourself with overpowered equipment, this probably isn't the game for you. Most people play a solo class first to build up some wealth and then branch out to more desired ones when they are established.
@brunlin6629 2 жыл бұрын
People get Truebox and no box confused. Developers did create truebox to limit 6 box armies but it was never intended to be a no box. Its just away to limit people who do not cheat, but not be a preventive of boxing entirely. The devs thought this would limit people to two and 3 machines for boxing.
@AndyM_323YYY 2 жыл бұрын
You need GMs. And if you cannot pay for GMs you need to develop relationships with the player base and identify enough trusted accounts to have eyes everywhere that can identify and ban antisocial players.
@beauthestdane 2 жыл бұрын
There is a population cap? Seriously, absolutely have never once run into that.
@IonBlaze1 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah I think it's 2000. Usually happens the first week of a server
@beauthestdane 2 жыл бұрын
@@IonBlaze1 I have been playing EQ since 2000, and not one single time have I run into cap issues. This includes trying out new servers, although I never play on them for long.
@shueylaville510 2 жыл бұрын
Personally I don’t understand why DBG is so against playing the way we did at launch. Within the first month of launch I realized I wanted to level multiple characters so I bought a 2nd account. Now 23 years later I have to buy a 2nd computer to play similarly to how I used to play. Also, I don’t see why anyone should be shown favoritism for logon queues by saying real players should take priority over multiboxed accounts. My account costs the same amount of money as anyone else and is controlled by a real person just like everyone else’s.
@FloatingParadice 2 жыл бұрын
My old guild on the Rathe, the leader boxed 6. Two of the officers were married in real life and boxes 8 toons between them. Several others boxed, with myself seemingly being the only one playing one character during raids. I was impressed with how well it worked and their computer hardware to do that in 2004
@IonBlaze1 2 жыл бұрын
Wow that's a lot of characters. Wonder how that went on raids
@lewiswalker2766 2 жыл бұрын
I don't care about boxing either way. I play true box myself because I love to solo and see the world, but it's terrible when I'm trying to do quests and multi-boxers ruin it until they move on.
@TheMuschen 2 жыл бұрын
I dont really have an opinion about boxing, but can you really compare population on a boxing server to a non boxing server? Isnt Medium on Aradune actually more real people than High on Rizlona?
@IonBlaze1 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah not sure but that's a good point you bring up Munschen
@jpangel7656 2 жыл бұрын
just have been suspended for boxing on FV server for 7 ays... wonder why cause 90% of player boxing on fv and most of it with MQ, was just chill in open zone killing crap to get crap exp alone and pff suspended
@GES1985 2 жыл бұрын
I trueboxed 3 paid (gold) accounts. Main: bard, was on my PC, and my alts: mage and necro, were on laptops I had. I liked chasing clickies and illusions and think items for my 3 full accounts of Alts, lol. I had my own agenda and it wasn't to grind levels with everyone else, so instead of failing at soloing difficult content with a bard, I boxed. And when mercs came out, it let me breath a little, lol, but I would always drop mercs *and* boxes for other players, and use box on the side to help. I always gave out extra lore items to guildies or to randoms. I think as with everything in life: responsible use/ and don't mess it up for everyone, why not.
@IonBlaze1 2 жыл бұрын
That's considerate of you. I've been looking into isboxer & I was surprised when I saw one of your comments :)
@runepetersen5698 2 жыл бұрын
Personally, i think using an IP lock - Like P99 does - To limit one IP to lets say, 3 EQ instances,, would be good - Can accommodate a husband/wife and one more account or someone who just enjoys running 3 toons. You could then run all 3 on one machine if you wanted, cutting down on energy used instead of having to run 3 machines. As we've seen before, the Truebox system is inherently flawed, because the people who wants to run 12+ accounts, are going to regardless of that. They have already invested lots of money, in the software specifically designed to circumvent the Truebox code. They make a living krono farming and will do and pay whatever, to keep doing that. Cheaters will cheat, nothing is changing that. The problem is that Truebox really only hurts casual players, who maybe dont have a large amount of hours to play - Sitting LFG for half the time you have to play sucks and if you could more easily box, you could at least do something other than sitting on your ass LFG for an hour. Boxing is absolutely essential when we get further down the line due to attrition - I recently started playing on live again and 95% of everyone i met and interacted with, all ran 6 toons. When you lack people to do content with, around your own level, this is how it has to end. And this happens already from the first expansion - People already maxed out their toons before it drops, so anyone wanting to start something new or someone joining the server late, are pressed to get regular groups. Naturally this problem becomes more and more evident as the expansions come out. TL:DR: Boxing has its merits, if kept within reason. No one needs to 6 box or more, but most people can benefit from 2-3 boxing. Good video mate
@IonBlaze1 2 жыл бұрын
That you for that perspective Rune. IP Lock would probably do better than the broken truebox code. Could actually keep the krono farming armies at bay.
@karlharvey601 2 жыл бұрын
Can't get a group going because of boxers.
@ocasioangel 2 жыл бұрын
I think EQ needs a random loot, everything tradeable, boxing allowed PvP anarchy server with no GM support.
@justindale1200 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with some of your content but when you said that lvls 1-65 are peoples favorite I almost threw up in my mouth. I have played EQ on and off for years and years. I was in a high end raiding guild and raided 5 nights a week, I have played on truebox servers.. I can honestly say I absolutely hate Classic-pop I also hate boring expansions like LDoN, DoN, PoR. the raiding in these era's are lacking. the game really ramps up in TSS and beyond.
@mustangjones67 2 жыл бұрын
@hom-sha-bom 2 жыл бұрын
I just think Truebox is stupid. Every server should either be boxing allowed or no boxing allowed. Making the amount of computer hardware you own determine whether or not you are allowed to box is absurd nonsense.
@IonBlaze1 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah the truebox rules are arbitrary at this point.
@michaelj2267 2 жыл бұрын
You can't compare Rizlona's population # at face value given a very small handful of people can and routinely do account for hundreds of those logged in toons.
@IonBlaze1 2 жыл бұрын
That's a good point Michael. Didn't think of that. Boxed chars add more population.
@GES1985 2 жыл бұрын
Daybreak should make a server for each expansion, and let people progress one direction through and start over once the latest expansion is finished (if they want) or stop at whatever expansion they want. Bring the p99 crowd back to an official server, and all the folks running emus just to do exactly that.
@JonathanVachon777 2 жыл бұрын
I would not play the game without boxing. There is nothing i hate more than being lfg for hours
@nickcarnegie2725 2 жыл бұрын
But doesn’t boxing exacerbate this exact issue you say you hate? It removes people from the grouping pool
@demris15 2 жыл бұрын
For me, it always comes down to the role playing experience. That’s why I love EQ and I’m interested in another TLP. I only want to play Classic-Kunark… maybe Velious. I only play for the group content, I only raid because I have to. Once I hit 60 on 1 or 2 toons I’m done
@johnfoster9995 2 жыл бұрын
Ban everyone who boxes and you better get ready to find a new game to play.
@IonBlaze1 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah it earns Daybreak money
@sgc316 2 жыл бұрын
Boxing ruins the multi-player aspect of EQ but hey they make money selling Kronos and multiple subs so they (Darkpaw) don't give a damn
@jaywilliams995 2 жыл бұрын
it should have never started, and after 20 years its not going to stop....people use proxy servers + showEQ, so they arent limited by any type of server regulation
@undignified2843 2 жыл бұрын
Great video. Also, agree: ion blaze sucks!!!! XD
@IonBlaze1 2 жыл бұрын
Haha thank you undignified
@sgc316 2 жыл бұрын
This is why they ignore camps and let the boxers run wild. Money. They don't give a shit about the 50 year old guy just wanting to play the game again. It's all about the micro transactions... sell that Kronos baby yeah
@mattduc6142 2 жыл бұрын
If u kill boxing u would have to have a sever merger
@ztjaenisch 2 жыл бұрын
I boxed on dial-up.
@jackmeoff9261 2 жыл бұрын
Back when I first started playing Everquest there was something in the code that prevented boxing by using up so much of your system's resources that you couldn't run a second client. Back then there was a healers mafia where healers would demand loot items and if you refused you couldn't get a group with a healer. People got pissed off over this and the program eqplaynice was created to allow people to run two clients on one PC. Sony chose not to enforce the obvious rules violation and caved to the all mighty dollar, it would have been really simple to enforce the rule because both clients would have the exact same IP address where two PCs on the same network would have IP addresses that differed by a single number. Sony chose to allow it and even went so far as to remove the lines of code that made it impossible to box without running third party software, then they introduced mercenaries because with all the legal boxing now single account players couldn't get groups at all or they couldn't keep up with the friends they made and ended up having to start over looking for groups. My biggest argument against boxing is that it ruins the social atmosphere of an online MULTIPLAYER game, my biggest argument for boxing is that if Sony had properly enforced the third party software rules Everquest would have died out years ago.
@ellohimeadam3852 2 жыл бұрын
The argument FOR boxing i think you missed is the economic impact it has. You take away boxing and theres a chance EQ may not be able to make their server payments.
@IonBlaze1 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for adding that. That's a real good point
@starfieldbhm 2 жыл бұрын
So... Boxing later in the game is good because less people and you need specific rolls filled to do things... buttttttt mercs ruin the game?
@richardkalbfeld 2 жыл бұрын
I 3 box with 1 computer
@IonBlaze1 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah I've been trying it out on FV. Not as tiring as using 2 computers.
@the_flushjackson 2 жыл бұрын
Truebox has to be the absolute dumbest thing they’ve come up with. An army of cheap laptops is cool, just not one box running multiple clients. 😂 Just make it a no box or two box, anything other than “Dipshit Box”. TLP is boring as hell, I already did all that content as nauseum. I’d rather have them get creative with catch-up and grouping mechanics on Live. Go take a page out FFXIV and all the ways you can consume lower level / older content.
@JamesJones-hp2fw 2 жыл бұрын
Boxing ruined .. EQ .. as well as mercs an defiant gear ... !!!! And Im. 20 year player who is tired of fighting boxers for places to level and or names that they permently camp
@HazenDemietrie603 2 жыл бұрын
stop using all 3rd party programs if you want boxing to stop that includes gettin rid of Gina... I you can box and play 2 chars without using a another program there shouldnt be a issue . Get rid if 3rd party programs i have no issue . i box 1 account alt tab using no 3rd programs
@michaelhannah825 2 жыл бұрын
i feel people that box whole groups/Raids are just anti-social and greedy. EQ was best in the beginning went people actually had to talk to one another. I get boxing helps fill needed group members that are hard to get, Aka Tank , Enc , and healer but EVERY tlp server ive played on people say you dont need Blah blah to have a group, and most TLP thats true! Once i got my Bst to 25-30 ish I was tanking and healing the tank (pet) (beastlords = OP ) On the other hand i say people being able to box 1 or 2 max extra accounts to help in play but whole groups and just greedy and antisocial!!
@johne1986 2 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't take what you read on the forums as truth. It's 99% trolls. You were getting a lot of stuff so wrong that I started just skipping through it. One of parts I landed on you said Aradune was no boxing and rizlona was 2 boxing. Aradune was a 2 box server and Rizlona was unlimited box. Aradune was probably eq's most popular TLP ever and Rizlona was a very low pop server in terms of actual players. While at this current moment, Rizlona still has no where near the population of Aradune, it's likely you will see a lot of people from aradune transfer to rizlona soon im sure. People prefer limited boxing in the earliest eras, but prefer boxing in the later eras.
@foxplayz3117 2 жыл бұрын
Should boxing be allowed- No absolutely not. Breaks immersion and the whole point of role playing. You are not a Hive-mind being. Flat out boxing is pay2win
@sdko479 2 жыл бұрын
TLP’s are a massive joke the server might as well play the game for you and start you with BiS gear right off the bat
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