2 Years of Project 1999 EverQuest
World of Warcraft's Biggest Hater?
Are MMORPGS Bad For You?
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Why Nostalgia Falls Short...
I Didn't Like EverQuest 2 Until...
6 Ways to FIX EverQuest
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RANT: EverQuest's WORST Problem!
My 615 EverQuest Videos are a Mistake
What You Need To Know | EverQuest
@xkollx 5 сағат бұрын
Vanilla eq2 a 5/10 do what? Lol
@TheWickerShireProject 17 сағат бұрын
We play for free on "Shards of Dalaya" Small server and everything is custom and rewritten.
@UnsungHeroXx 20 сағат бұрын
This is awesome and super helpful! Any chance one is in the works for Velious? I still struggle to fully understand the competing factions, ring quests, invasions, etc. and how to balance everything for the most access
@Al-ny8dr Күн бұрын
Everquest deserves a lot of respect. However, the current owners of the I.P. do not. MMOs all have the same problem, and this is the monetization. They then start the argument whether it is pay to win. Pay to win is irrelevant. You may say, "Well it's just cosmetic". Even that is pay to win. Why? It's still a reward you need to pay for. Whether the stuff is for convenience, quality of life, cosmetic, or to skip or hurry content, it doesn't matter. It's still paid for. People shouldn't be casually OK with cosmetics. It's still pay to win something to look cool. Some people consider that a win. When I buy a game, I will only buy it if I have access to all it's content. That's currently why I only play Indie games, and similar stuff made by better companies. I'm not paying for, and not playing games, that gate content. I have been a much happier gamer ever since I made that decision. The people that run things like project 99 and such deserve the only respect left for this genre. It's hard to believe, but the travesty we call gaming was ruined originally by horse armor.
@user-or7hb9ys7r Күн бұрын
If you sallowed huh
@zakisslackin995 Күн бұрын
EQ will always have a special place in my heart. Never played it, but I got really into Final Fantasy XI Online when it first dropped. From what I've heard it was Sakaguchi's main motive for making FFXI was his experiences with Everquest. After watching countless videos on it really makes me appreciate how impactful it has been to the MMO scene.
@Fububoo Күн бұрын
For people watching in 2024 I have to tell you there’s two kinds of F2P. Returning to my 20 year old account, the restrictions on several things a brand new account has, I don’t have. For one is the broker. I can buy and sell what I want without tokens. I don’t get add pop ups nearly as much as my free accounts. I’m 3boxing and the other two accounts constantly get pop ups.
@SvenS2 2 күн бұрын
You should really try out Turtle WoW. It's a private server and it's basically Vanilla + It's AMAZING! Instead going the route of future expansions where everything is faster, it instead retains classic wow's feel while adding new zones, dungeons, a new profession that allows you to farm, make torches etc... The community is very tight and there's no annoying gatekeeping. Just talking about it makes me wanna jump in again!
@TimHettinger 2 күн бұрын
train to zone
@jgillette98 2 күн бұрын
Nooooooo, a fellow Druid as ruined our name!
@astockalypse7500 2 күн бұрын
Awesome video! That was quite a ride. I can tell you put a lot of work into that. You make the best Everquest videos!
@aylictal 3 күн бұрын
Don't let anyone tell this guy about the enchanter class if he wants to feel truly wanted and needed for every group there is, lol.
@djbvck 3 күн бұрын
i gotta get on this one day. most of my classic wow characters have been named after everquest npc's
@hiroshima19 3 күн бұрын
Sainy's Claw... "Thank you Yahweh, for selling it" lmfao
@Choklar_ 3 күн бұрын
Why do rogues have a low group desirability? I'm always super happy to have a rogue in the group because they do so much dmg.
@CantuLG 4 күн бұрын
I had 75 bard on ffxi I got it to 75 in like a month every party with me was over powered lol
@CantuLG 4 күн бұрын
Ffxi did this very well when it came out
@PrideNverDie 4 күн бұрын
Wow wasnt alway like how it is now. Over the years players have min maxed the fun out of the game. Vanilla world of warcraft required you to group up alot more. There were many quests and attunements that required you to all the way across the world. Many of those could only be done in a group. Wow was so immersive and i dont think they're will be anything ever like it again.
@randomposterguy7097 4 күн бұрын
time to grow up and join <PL>... I CHALLENGE YOU TO HARD MODE END GAME
@Malvinthus 4 күн бұрын
I guess back then trading was kind of like trading in RuneScape back in 2007 😂 Everyone interacting with eachother and trading amongst eachother
@datscreaminonion 4 күн бұрын
The unfortunate stripping of all in-game mechanics that force socialization is probably directly related to the younger generation who have been conditioned to accept an instant gratification reward system. WoW started out highly social and slowly morphed into the complete trash it is today. Said trash is just the standard all other MMO's have come to know and develop for. It's really sad that kids these days will never experience a "golden age" of gaming. Kids will also play roblox for hours but take one look at EQ's graphics and disregard it based purely on that. I just stumbled across your channel and I want to say thanks/f-you for tugging hard AF at the nostalgia strings. Sub earned.
@kinsgaming8197 3 күн бұрын
i honestly dont think forced socialization is a "good" thing for example i used to play wow back in the day but on a server that wasnt super popular AND most players were already geared in tier 1/2 UBRS needed like 15 people or w/e or you just got crushed and most groups were absolute dog ass so you could play all day and couldnt progress at all being able to solo stuff isnt a bad thing and being forced to be in a group isnt a good thing if a MMO is effectively single player thats not great either theres a fine line and everquest seems like it crossed it a little too far which is why its not as popular
@DaveVoyles 4 күн бұрын
This is the best stuff to fall asleep to
@kirthooper4625 5 күн бұрын
Ya p99 is great. 60s on green and blue. Probably will come back again at some point. Greatest mmo of all time
@highdesertbiker 5 күн бұрын
this game looks terrible
@Wade-1 6 күн бұрын
You are correct man. The whole point of a MMO is the community and people playing together. Every class able to solo and queuing up for dungeons destroyed MMO's
@foulbred 6 күн бұрын
One of my favorite mmorpgs. Up there with SWG, before SOE ruined it.
@TheOldOak-2023ad 6 күн бұрын
Eq spoiled me when it came to online MMO computer games. I played it for over 20 years. In my mind, other MMOs are child's play and easy compared to EQ. Easy is boring and doesn't interest me for long. I zipped through other MMOs I played quest lines like a breeze and end game and boss mobs without much effort which made them boring compared to EQ.
@TheOldOak-2023ad 6 күн бұрын
If you played AD&D with your friends in the 80s like I did, and you had a DM that played by the rules and didn't give away everything, with rich story telling and a bit of mystery with secrets kept until discovered and kept well then you'll like EQ! In the original eq had a sense of mystery to it. Before the nerf and level limits you could get powerful weapons and items at lower levs that were very rare in game because they were kept secret or on the hush hush. You could gather bits and pieces of info on how to obtain these items through conversations you over hear or have with others. Players were good at keeping secrets and so was EQ. Eq did not tolerate cheating and 1 person playing more than one account at a time back in those days was considered cheating. Expensive way to cheat at that. EQ did not tolerate that crap and neither did most the players!
@Yevda1 6 күн бұрын
Do this for all expansions please!
@MatthewCenance 6 күн бұрын
You need to make that intro part where you talk about what made EverQuest successful and a great game into a separate video!
@Lethalmax 6 күн бұрын
I just realized I am 42 minutes into this video and am completely invested. I really want to try this game out. I used to play WoW (which has gone to the toilet) and now I play runescape for the past 5 years, Everquest looks like a lot of fun to try out.,
@Spartacus547 7 күн бұрын
It's pretty easy to manage a player base of a total of 5,000😂
@internetgas2020 7 күн бұрын
Man, you guys are nuts with that zerg strat, did the Gnome actually survive that fight ? You need to get your MT behind the dragon before the gnome gets there, and soon as the dragon goes active U need to turn it so it's not facing the gnome. If the Gnome dies, you can't hail him for the flag
@jeremiahcomer 7 күн бұрын
You could have used invisibility vs animals when sitting near the Druid rings! 😂
@Guyonthecouch420 7 күн бұрын
I have played since I was a kid. For some reason these class videos always make me happy. EQ is great. There is always a class or two that just call my name
@adcaptandumvulgus4252 7 күн бұрын
The same reason someone redid Star wars galaxies good game stick around for a reason.
@ichrismoku 7 күн бұрын
"How you play really matters to other people, REAL people" oh BRO. Playing an Enchanter all the way to 60 and on some raids? I felt that. Yeah there are some meddling assholes who give you a hard time (i only played an ENC that 1 time through to 60, it was a real learning curve - i DID suck early on but i got really good in the end) but boy, there were some groups I got in where we MELTED mobs for 8 hours straight. Where if I, the Enchanter, made a mistake? Yeah the whole group was done. Are Encs a bit OP? Probably. But the feeling of being a really *competent* Enchanter in a group of people that value your presence is just gold. No other game does it right.
@nonexclusive6667 8 күн бұрын
One of the oldest mmos Golden boy of mmos 😊
@nonexclusive6667 8 күн бұрын
Totally agree best game evar played since i was 11 off / on since 1999 😊
@sabra401 8 күн бұрын
Yeah, he's not there anymore
@mephistm5357 8 күн бұрын
Helm was the piece I use the most until GoD. Eye of zomm is VERY useful. lull pull scout etc
@white3265 8 күн бұрын
How's Green server lower ranks now? I wouldn't mind making a come back to EQ.
@MitchellWinning 8 күн бұрын
I liked the penis joke about 2 hours in 😂
@jayr7613 8 күн бұрын
at those low levels, the exp loss is next to negligible. You get that exp back in like 5 to 10 mobs in a group. Also charmed pets can't take aggro if a player is within melee proximity of the mob. It always focuses on the player.
@rickyozenbaugh640 9 күн бұрын
god this looks so bad lol funny people still play this crap. I never played it when it released and i can tell why even back then probably seen this and was like nope.
@nonexclusive6667 8 күн бұрын
Go play your wow free 6669 items per kill, kill 90 mobs in 1 hit take the easy road:)p this is a true game
@thegr8Brando 9 күн бұрын
If your idea of classic is p99.. You def dont remember dial up lying ass mf
@EQOAnostalgia 9 күн бұрын
The one thing i dislike with EQ2 as opposed to EQOA and EQ1 is the insane amount of spells on your hotbar. I find it needlessly complex and turns the game into a cooldown sim. Less is best with abilities/spells imo.
@dugiker 9 күн бұрын
I just now learned about your videos. I haven't played this game since it came out but I watched your entire vid. You have fantastic pacing, entertainment, knowledge, details and you know how to build anticipation. Thanks for taking me back to the good ol' days man.
@Unlychosis 9 күн бұрын
Traveler's backpacks is out for 1.21. I added it manually for a backpack mod. Not sure if ATM will or not.
@Ryachart 9 күн бұрын
Praise Innoruuk