AIKIDO - The way that doesn't work! - The Series

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@OmniphonProductions 5 жыл бұрын
Hey, brother! Long time! Sorry I've been absent. LIFE has been doin' what it does, and time just got away from me. Anyway, I'm less than four minutes in, and I already LOVE this video. Your point about "unqualified" opinion is SPOT-ON! Today more than ever, people who don't know shit about shit seem to have STRONG opinions about everything, AND after insulating themselves in a social media bubble comprised ONLY of people whose (equally uninformed) opinions match their own, they spout their ignorance...often very rudely...from the safety of their living rooms, and demand that their opinions be respected, merely because they exist. As Darwin said, "Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge." Scientists call it the Dunning-Kruger Effect, the all-too-common phenomenon by which the LESS somebody knows about any given subject, the MORE confident they are about their thoughts on it. The fact that you, after sixteen years of dedicated Aikido study, were willing to change your approach is evidence that (having learned more than most people ever will) you realized that traditional Aikido (and Aidido as a whole) is, by absolutely no means, the "end all, be all" one and only WAY of combative science. Only when you've learned much do you realize how much more you have to learn. I also loved that you said, "It hasn't evolved since the day he died." My first field of martial study was American Kenpo. On one hand, it' CAN BE a very effective system. On the other hand, the International Kenpo Karate Association became a shrine to Ed Parker's memory, refusing to change or add anything, so what he left behind is all there is or ever will be of the IKKA. Thankfully several of his first generation students have kept the ART (rather than the system) alive through growth, experimentation, and innovation. Many of them are...frankly...crap, but some are VERY effective and absolutely in line with Parker's intended legacy of constant and perpetual improvement...of the individual AND of Kenpo as a whole. Of course, as mentioned above, the only way to tell the quality from the crap is to actually study its REAL WORLD effectiveness...and understand (right out of the gate) that no single system is perfect. I'll try to keep my long-winded nature under control on the other videos, but I suspect I'll be giving the thumbs up to all of them. My only criticism of this one is that, in practice, the Japanese character "Tsu" is generally pronounced as though the "u" weren't there. Thus, "Tsuka" sounds more like, "Ska," (like the music), and "Tsuki" (a thrusting sword or hand) sounds more like, "Ski," (like the sports equipment). Of course, this fine details is largely trivial in this context because how you SAY it has no bearing on how you DO it. As for Yokomenuchi Shihonage, who the hell actually attacks the HEAD with a CHOPPING hand?!?!?! OF COURSE, the Shihonage is bullshit because the Yokomenuchi attack itself is bullshit...big and telegraphed OR tight and's a stupid way to open a fight. A GOOD Yokomenuchi to the clavicle MAYBE, but the head?!?!?! No way...and even the clavicle shot is HIGHLY unlikely to be an opening attack; it will come only after an opening is perceived or intentionally created during the fray. Finally, I absolutely LOVE that you point out all the other techniques to which your Shihonage counter-attack attack applies. Martial Arts are...first and foremost...PRINICIPLES of movement, and just a a lever can be used in a number of situations, so can just about every EFFECTIVE martial principle. I've basically been off You Tube for the last year or so, and THIS is the first subscription video I opened. Hell of a good, "Welcome Back!"
@paladanfourstars6892 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this valuable information
@stevehoag232 6 жыл бұрын
@roguewarriors #roguewarriors Sensei Sly, you nailed it with this video. I've been teaching Aikido for several years and have seen first time students instinctively twist out of Shihonage with experienced partners. You gotta lock up that arm and close the gap quickly (dropping the hips also helps). Love your approach and videos, keep up the great work - it's about time someone spoke up for those of us in the Aikido world that see the disconnect between what is typically taught and reality! Right on brother.
@stevehoag232 6 жыл бұрын
I've also taken Budoshin Jujitsu, and their shihonage is deadly and inescapable because the arm is locked up early and thrown sideways - if uke tries to resist a committed throw, he will probably suffer dislocation or a break. You would like it. Only downside is it can be damaging in the long run to uke to practice repeatedly.
@RandAlthor939 6 жыл бұрын
Love the way you keep it real. I have trained aikido for 30 years tomiki for 30 yoshinkan for 8 . We also practice boxing and jujitsu in my school . Aikido works and I love the fact . You don't listen to the bullshit. I have worked as a prison officer for 10 years .used my aikido every single week . It works. Keep it real Mr sly.
@stevestanley5183 Жыл бұрын
that's it i'm coming to Chicago. Get ready Lenny. When i get there hopefuly you have time for a cup of coffee:) Thanks, for sharing.
@ictpilot 6 жыл бұрын
Very articulate on your explanations​ about Aikido. I think most people don't understand when they see a technic demonstrated and criticize it, it's just done that way to an extent to show the technic. It's different at full speed and for real. I've said it before, that I wish you could get on Joe Rogan's show and talk about Aikido and your practice of it. I think it would educate more people that Aikido can be used for self defense. While MMA style and Brazilian Ju-Jitsu is good, it's the latest popular Martial arts. Keep up the good work, I hope I can come to Il. And do some training with you.
@tts626 6 жыл бұрын
Great stuff. I don't do Aikido anymore, but I really appreciate what you're doing. If I had somebody like you as a teacher, I'd probably still be doing it. Thank you!
@mindprep7956 Жыл бұрын
Love the video and you prove the point well. I hope I can fine the rest of the series.
@spiraldoyle6925 Жыл бұрын
Damn that dude needs to get laid.
@spiraldoyle6925 Жыл бұрын
Relax bro.
Who are you telling to relax
@puppetmaster413 6 жыл бұрын
Lenny I would love to see you on rogan so you can prove that you are putting aikido back on the map and showing all these bullshito artists up, keep up the great work looking forward to the next one
@timeglas 6 жыл бұрын
Aikido is not the only martial art style that dont have a real perspective of practical technices. I practices karate - AND LOTS of karate technices are bullshit as well.. so i focus on the technices that do :-) Like You! I really apriciate your message - keeping it real :-) I dont think that you should use your energy on all the internet trolls .. just do your stuff and let the trolls be trolls ;-) ... by the way.. I practiced Aikido on and off for about 19 years - and always had this little voice back in my head that told me that it didn't work.. AND so what? I liked it anyway and had lots of fun with the style :-) But as i got older i wanted my technices to be practical - so i had a lots of fun with aikido, and my karate.. but i use what i can get to work and leave the rest ..i just started at Arnis.. and its beautifull.. and again some technices dosn't work at all ;-) ...hahaha... i think its the beast in martial arts ;-) We just have to let it loose and have fun :-) So have fun and take care man :-) .. and thank you of your videoes :-)
@rdgnr8 6 жыл бұрын
i agree to you brother
@rasehum7802 4 жыл бұрын
This is awesome and i love your videos! Been inspired with your videos
@mvseven9438 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks as usual Lenny! Much appreciated.
@zdfcz 5 жыл бұрын
well, you just can't do it. it does not mean that it is impossible. The problem of moving under hand exists, but it is a problem of controlling the hand. Do not let go of the hand behind the head during the turn.
Ok whatever you say dude
@magnuman008 6 жыл бұрын
Great commentary Lenny!
@pm2050 6 жыл бұрын
Aikido is meant to be felt, not seen! I was suspect of Aikido when I saw it. Then understood when I practiced it! In all aspects! Daito Ryu, I consider it small circle Aikido. Thank you for showing the foundations of Aikido! Sokaku Takeda would be proud. Why is Aikido going forward in reverse??
@edi9892 6 жыл бұрын
Could you please make a video on which techniques actually were meant against armed attackers?
@jaypeesee3333 Жыл бұрын
Hi...2022!!!..wazz up Master Sensei?
@eskridofan 6 жыл бұрын
Keep it Real Sly Sensei 🙏
@acquiesce100 6 жыл бұрын
Hi Lenny..... I know the first couple of mins was a dig at me because you referenced what i said about Seagal never taking a dan test like he put you through in all his life. Any chance i can give you a call?
+acquiesce100 Actually it wasn't a direct dig at you, honestly. I really didn't have an issue with the comments that you made. What you said in regards to my statement towards it is you're probably right. Sorry if I came across that way. There were countless comments on that video by people that really have no god damn clue. That is one of the main reasons why I'm set out now to tear apart traditional aikido techniques one by one. So all those idiots out there see that their own shit is now being exposed.
@acquiesce100 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks, Lenny, I appreciate that. I'm only interested in the facts. And the facts are, Seagal never had a real fight in all his time in Japan. FACT!!!!!!! and he never went through a hard dan test like he put you throughh in all his life because he married the daughter of a 5th dan sensei who owned the Tenshin dojo. FACT!!!!!!! He said he was in Japan for 15 years?? That does not add up because it was in fact 8 years, according to Fujitani and Nakamichi sensei (after my stay in Japan) . He choreographed the Tenshin style by playing with Matsuoka and rehearsing it on the mat. His main influence was Hiroshi Isoyama Shihan 8th dan. Now, according to Isoyama in an article published in Aikido Journal he said that what Osensei taught him did not work when he was sent to teach the air self defence team. You can see the article for yourself. Osensei was incredibly overrated in my opinion. If Osensei was as good as he was why did he teach such unpractical rubbish???? Aikido is just a mess nowadays. The one thing I got though from this video and I saw it in your eyes was how much you idolise Seagal. I get it. We were all taken back by him in his films. I was but as I got older I realized the reality is very different though. You are probably wondering what my point is? This all stemmed from the randori video and how much of a bully I thought Reynosa seemed after what he made you go through. I'd like to see him go up against three above average fighters who have no affiliation with him, Aikido, Seagal and couldn't care less about getting a grade in Aikido to do this randori against them and survive it. It is completely clear what happens in this randori situation. 99.9% of the time it ends in disaster for nage where he gets owned or taken to the floor. I can hear Reynosa screaming agt the student turn over, get on your knees and lift yourself up. That is the most idiotic thing I have heard... He is basically saying expose your back... Lovely... I'll just put the rear naked choke on you or the clock choke, or elbow you in the back , brerak your spine and paralyse you. In Gracie Jiu Jitsu, You NEVER, EVER, EVER give the opponent your back. You probably know this though. I don't need to tell you that. I think you were amazing in your test, Lenny, you put up with a lot of BS in that test and you went through it. You went through a harder test than Seagal or Reynosa, in my opinion. Well done, Sensei Lenny. I have a lot of respect for you.
@michaelcarvalho4834 6 жыл бұрын
Dude, I think that your work to problematize the techniques is definitely necessary. I don't understand why people think about martial arts as a "immutable, closed and locked box of techniques". It's like "oh, it's writen in the sacred stone that this is the TRADISSSHHIIONALL way of doing this technique, so, this is the supreme ultimate final form to do and it can't ever be changed. It will never change, even if 1000 years have passed. No one is able to discover a way to neutralize this technique". Everything change with time. All the stuff that old masters created was probably made to work at the context of their times. If they realized that something would have to change, why did they not changed that? Does it have to be an ended book, with no more addictions needed?
@bouamahichem6267 6 жыл бұрын
Hello Teacher
+bouama hichem What's up
@stagnes1970 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you Sensei's refreshing to see a dynamic, no bullshit aikido Is Tenshin Aikido and Daito Ryu Aikijitsu similar or somewhat the same ? Can you elaborate. And can a 65 year old with no major physical injuries practice Tenshin.... As one gets older can the body sustain the breakfalls and roll outs. Just wondering ? Thank you for your time and what you provide in aikido...dynamic, no bullshit, I'm going to hurt you style of Aikido Kudos !!! LOVE IT KUDOS TO YOU AND ROGUE WARRIORS Live strong Live with passion Ralph
@emenem6131 6 жыл бұрын
stand-up guy....the truth will set you free!
@markmail6179 5 жыл бұрын
Why don't you just take on a bjj expert, and pressure test your skill that way, just get it over with , you know A Little Less conversation and a little more action proof's in the pudding thank you
@timevans4976 6 жыл бұрын
Omg I’m so going to be the black sheep when I walk out of shionage on the yudanshas this week. I’ll never get 3rd kyu luv it keep doing what your doing Lenny
+Tim Evans Wait till you see the next installment of AIKIDO the way that doesn't work.
@adamcorcoran7338 2 жыл бұрын
Many of these MMA meat heads have no clue what REAL Aikido is. They watch a couple of KZbin videos showing weak passive demonstrations of Aikido. There is a very hard combative side of Aikido that is devastating. Make all the jokes you want about Sensei Seagal. But his Aikido is extremely effective and brutal. And thank you Lenny. You are 100% correct.
Thank you for your post I really appreciate it.
@aikidoaaron 6 жыл бұрын
At about 7 min I had to stop. You’re right , but you’re wrong. Having practiced Aikido since 1971 in Seattle. I got to know a lot of teachers from Tohei sensei , Shioda sensei , (yes I have belts ) and many others through the ranks. One thing most of the good ones privately said was , “ we do Aikdo for moving meditation “. Or as I say to my Hapkido teacher friend from Korea , “ Aikido is like Zumba. Do it for health aspects. No one with an ounce of common sense would actually do Aikido in a real fight. No way ! They are real techniques , but shall we say “applied differently “ in real altercations . Not to be too critical of Aikido but as Bruce Lee said “ 90% of martial arts instructors are bull shit. Of the remaining 10% , half don’t know what they are doing. Most Aikdo teachers I know try to make it into something it is not. Nor was ever intended to be. For example. A real Yokomenuchi has a sword or a baseball bat behind it. Let’s be real. You think O-Sensei wouldn’t strike with fist or foot if he had too ? Have had this conversation recently with Maruyama sensei. A real Aikidoka practices Aikido for health. And quite frankly more interesting than jumping jacks. Lol. In a real fight , all options are on the table ;)
@tinoh543 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for teach free with big heart teacher!!!
@369.0 2 жыл бұрын
ignore the negative comments...Follow your heart and do what you believe you are to do... practically all you hear in martial arts is rivalry ["my style is better than your style"'s been going on since martial arts began]...Ignore it! don't waist your time with it and don't let it stress you out... You're doing a good job! I honor you!
@pandabearlp 6 жыл бұрын
I cannot wait for the series. Hopefully, it will expose the truth and Aikido can evolve the way it was meant to. Steven Segal Sensei needs to pass the torch and allow you to film ''Above the law 2''. Above the law is what brought Aikido to mainstream America. People loved the rawness of it and it's still my favorite Segal movie. There are a couple other close favorites. Out for Justice for one, but once he started learning and using TaiChi...his career fell off. I still don't think anyone knows why Richie did Bobby Lupo...hahahaha.
@azgardian32odinson 4 жыл бұрын
All styles can work if you train in fight like scenarios.. it depends on how you train them
@bobbillings1958 4 жыл бұрын
@azgardian32odinson 4 жыл бұрын
@@bobbillings1958 yep
@bobbillings1958 4 жыл бұрын
@@azgardian32odinson I guess if you train in aikido using boxing techniques it will work-but why not just ditch the aikido and study boxing?
@azgardian32odinson 4 жыл бұрын
@@bobbillings1958 because a boxer cannot deal with people who grab him.. they're conditioned to re set when grabbed bro.. yeah I think to get the best of aikido it has to be partnered up with something else.. and I suppose you could get alot of techniques off with enough practice if you emulate real scenarios.. maybe when someone has already grabbed you etc
@bobbillings1958 4 жыл бұрын
@@azgardian32odinson well I actually saw a boxer deal with someone who grabbed him. He busted his nose.
@prpltchk 6 жыл бұрын
Amazing. I've remembered one of the aikikai documentary with Christian Tissier. He said a few words on his teacher Yamaguchi Sensei, that there were things he didn't want to do. That he would never have shown haihanmi katatedori maybe only for nikyo ura but for him it wasn't a real grab. He would never have showed shomenuchi iriminage because for him it had no meaning. He might have asked for it during examinations but as an 8th Dan holder he didn't want to do it himself. Same goes for all aikikai knife techniques according to him. What I'm trying to say here is that high ranked aikikai-guys have no illusions but it's a lot easier to sell a so-called practice full of love, peace, harmony and no injuries for some kind of fitness, than an a real practice full of blood, sweat and probably injuries for having some real survival opportunities. Once again thank you for starting this, i do hope to see more from you.
+Петр Чупров Keep watching the channel there's more coming.
@jimmyalderson1639 6 жыл бұрын
The thing i don't like about most aikido (obviously there are exceptions like your style and i've seen another practitioner who sees your way also) is that they call they shout in the streets that they're a martial art, then someone says 'but you're techniques don't work' and they say 'oh yeah because we're not about fighting, it's about spirituality' and they say 'that's fine but a martial art is a fighting style' and they go 'good point, i suppose we're different'. The guy agrees and leavss. Then the aikido man goes back to shouting 'i'm a martial art' again
@matkasim 3 жыл бұрын
Please write a book on how Aikido should be taught. valuable . your point on sooka is spot on
Thank you
@jeremysy5467 2 жыл бұрын
Aikido grappling and locks technique is useful, but not all of them applies in the street fights. As you have said, it does not stop us to learn other martial arts. Kickboxing or MMA is nearesr to street fighting. Combine Aikido and kickboxing, a perfect combination. Good video. Bro.. :)
@BloodofPatriots 6 жыл бұрын
Now try it against a boxer, a Muay Thai fighter, and a wrestler. I've put my Judo up against all three and learned a lot, mostly to keep my hands up and grab strikers as quickly as possible. The wrestler was the biggest pain the ass. Trying to hold the little fucker down long enough to apply a finishing technique was tough, but with enough cross-practice it became routine. The upside was my Judo got better against other Judokas.
+BloodofPatriots Good for you man.
@jasonbauer1198 6 жыл бұрын
Hey Lenny Sensei, what you do.....I dig it! Makes a whole lot of sense. Coming from a combat veteran, and former traditional aikidoka, way more practical. People bitching about slapping the mat and all that, why the fuck would you do that on the street? I believe it’s supposed to be you throwing your attacker, not your attacker throwing you? Or am I wrong? Lol for the size 10 “keyboard commandos”, ( I love that) I am a size 5 gi. At 40. Know why? Because I can push the Doritos away. Sly Sensei is brilliant, evolving to fit aikido to the modern world. As we know every one is an mma fighter, right? So listen to the man. “Everyone you meet knows something that you don’t......learn from them”
@danielsherrer5102 6 жыл бұрын
It kind of sounds like you're saying the same thing Musashi said: "Do not collect weapons or practice with weapons beyond what is useful."
@zhouyu6557 6 жыл бұрын
Daniel Sherrer. Dokkodo...the way of walking alone :)
@2gunzup07 6 жыл бұрын
This man is the best thing that ever happen to aikido. He's turning a outdated MA into something that works
@Defender78 2 жыл бұрын
So why do so many Aikido trainers (Lynn Fabia, Corky Quackenbush etc) continue to perpetuate the soft-attack methods and not amp it up to modern standards?
@2gunzup07 2 жыл бұрын
@@Defender78 stuck on stupid. And close mindedness
@ebakindeji5941 Жыл бұрын
@Defender78 Because unlike lenny sly, those idiots that you mentioned are not teaching people self defense, they're just taking people's money and helping them to get themselves killed.
@puertorico2224 6 жыл бұрын
They will never find the light at the end of the tunnel because of pride. They do not want to be humble and admit that the ways that they are being trained is not practical in the real world. Your method is perfect. You are showing the mistake of the ignorant ones. Awesome work brother.
@RandAlthor939 6 жыл бұрын
Lenny sly has a great take on real aikido. Also if you like real aikido check out . Bruno orozco and gendai aikido.
@2gunzup07 2 жыл бұрын
I don't care for traditional martial arts much but you sir is doing a great thing for aikido. Getting rid of the bs. Keep spreading your modern stance on aikido. Alot of styles need this approach
Thank you!!
@marioacostadossantos5919 4 жыл бұрын
Hey im 5th kyu from aikikai and my sensei teached us all to generate unbalancing and elbow pressure since you're deflecting the attack. Se do that thing slowly like thw traditional way, but while classes are passing, we re taking the techniques closer, faster and more powerfull (by the traditional aikikai way). I think that se need some tradition to assimilate the idea of aiki, but the evolution its imminent. Adapt or die, this is the spirit of the 21th century. But not forgetting the roots is part of the budo
@banki1474 4 жыл бұрын
i practice muay thai myself but its not a contest what sport or martial art is better they all require discipline and alot of hard work and give you an advantage in a random attack
@kickboxing_mma2415 5 жыл бұрын
There is one way to do shiho nage effective. Do NOT bring his arm up you need to bring your head down and twist hips... thats it he cant push you or anything... i hope this helped someone. Sorry about bad english ;)
@haffoc 6 жыл бұрын
Lenny, I am glad to see you stressing realistic attacks. Unreal attacks are one of the major problems with both aikido and karate. This is especially true in knife and other weapons defenses. Just a suggestion, on a minor point. At about 11.20, you say that that overhead knifehand strike to the head is meant to simulate a sword cut, and you go on to show how an actual sword cut is performed. You're right about how the actual sword cut is performed. (I have 17 years experience in historical fencing and the way you show it actually done is how we do it, not a big wide movement but direct and abbreviated.) I have always seen that knife hand attack as simulating a knife blow from above. Just a thought.
@nirbeno661 6 жыл бұрын
Dear Lenny, I`m pleased to watch your videos. I think you're doing great. really !!! I`ve been training Aikido for 23 years by now, and lately doubts came into my mind regarding the effectiveness of aikido in real life or Vs. other methods. I`m so happy that I found your channel as I can really comprehend how aikido can be the most deadliest and effective martial art, with the right attitude. I really gained back my confidence in this art and reaffirmed the path I`ve chosen in life. To my opinion (mine and only mine) traditional aikido is an essential perfection path to Tenshin-Aikido. Personally I think that only now I can comprehend and understand the true essence of your teaching. I encourage you to go on with your way . You are doing a real contribution to aikido around the world, And I`m sure it will cause many student to go on with Aikido. As you might know, there is a cosmic law that whenever a good thing , or something with great value to mankind , or something that encompass great energy in it is about to manifest itself, there will be difficulties, there will objections, there will be criticism - this how it works. This is a key factor to measure your success. I`m very sorry to see that people`s comments or criticism makes you that angry. Do not waist your energy on it - just acknowledge it and keep using it further evolve and go on with your amazing project. And from my stand point of view, even Ten-Shin- Aikido includes the principle of love peace and harmony, As your colleague from AIKIDO-FLOW said: aikido always gave him the choice to be in control and to finish a fight without real injury or hurting other people. Same is with Ten-Shin aikido, if you lock someone`s arm you can always give him the choice to finish nicely before utilizing the full power of Ten-Shin aikido. I wish I`ll have the time & money to come over for some classes at your place, or maybe we should think of establishing a branch here in Israel. Wish you the best. With all my heart
@rockmcdwayne1710 4 жыл бұрын
I would like to see how you deal with realistic strikes/punches from ''not so trained'' individual. Everybody always use these big telegraphed strikes for demonstrations. Simple one/two punch is quite common on the street or in a bar fight. Times have changed and you would be surprised how many people actually have basic understanding of boxing. Ive gotten clocked few times and all of em have been completely unpredictable (for me atleast) straight to your nose and another straight follow up. Unless you have like spiderman reflexes then good luck deflecting them. Best thing to do is try to cover up and absorb most of the damage by blocking. What ever the case, you get hit anyway. Also kicking is pretty damn dangerous and you should really watch out for it. Stomping on a knee for instance. Or if you happen to go down.....heel stomping someone on the ground! what makes this extremely painful is when you happen to have boots on. Like round here during colder seasons people have pretty heavy duty boots. This fact alone is a gamechanger for anyone that knows anything about kicking.
@cinnamonjava9115 6 жыл бұрын
Keep this series going. To move aikido foreword we’ve got to challenge the “traditional” methods of training.
@canadianhotbod1 6 жыл бұрын
WOW, I really loved your video, it's so informative. I've only been in Aikido for 1 year, but recently had to take time off due to a nerve problem in my leg. I've been in love will Aikido for approx 20 years before I could join a school .I'm always looking to improve my self and my fighting style (what ever style that may be) Tae Kwon Do, Boxing, Kickboxing, Judo, Aikido. I would definitely love to see more of these videos. I am going to share this video with my Aikido sensei. Hopefully he don't hate me for it.....LOL. If I every get the opportunity to train with you, I will. How do I find your school? Where are you located at?
@mark-be3si 6 жыл бұрын
canadianhotbod1 morning
+canadianhotbod1 Thank you for your comment. I will be uploading the next installment of this series later tonight. My dojo is located in Illinois. You can find the address on out website at
@basevegeta9424 6 жыл бұрын
Aikido teaches you how to use there body. A lot of so called moves may go down different in reality & that's because those moves exist to teach the form. Those teaching moves must be broken down into individual movements all of which can be used independently to put your enemy into a vulnerable position. It's not the moves it's the small, sudden movements & redirections you learn to master through them that should be applied in combat on a case by case basis... That is how martial arts should be used & that's coming from a stoner so you queens need to up your games!!!
@JackieWCox 6 жыл бұрын
Hey bro the nay Sayers are dumbass's. I really like your videos and think you always do a great job instructing.
@thelionofthewest9168 6 жыл бұрын
Akido at first included strikes but like Judo filtered them out
@takuforts3492 6 жыл бұрын
I practice Aiki-jutsu and we conform to this ideal of practicality, i wish we had more a Tenshin Aikido in England. Keep up the good work. Adapt and overcome!
@mikelearned1628 3 жыл бұрын
Well, I'm over three years late to the party. Great video. My shit didn't work against a female yudansha, (and others),out of Montana at a summer camp I attended many summers ago. Yes she was a higher black belt than me; but, she plowed right through me like I was a wisp of smoke to be blown away by she, a tornado. No teaching of meaningful atemi from my teachers. The only times I have really seen anything that would pass for Yokemen or Shomen strikes was when an attacker was armed with a bottle or hammer or something similar. Wish I had trained with you or someone teaching what you are teaching back when I was doing Aikido. I was watching a video of Icy Mike in which he was interviewing, "The Wolfman", and the Wolfman referenced you and that your stuff was good. Saw you years ago but was out of Aikido mostly from injuries but also because I was tired of practicing stuff that I questioned the effectiveness of. Great information. Thank you.
Thank you for commenting I appreciate it mike.
@MarcoGenicolo 6 жыл бұрын
Nice. True information. Everyone who seriously try to improve your own Aikido should pay attention. Thanks
@danielccatalano3059 6 жыл бұрын
Lenny your the man 😀👍i dont have much experience in any martial arts but i think its so aweaome that you are trying to help people ...the world is a dangerous place now..and i think its so awesome of you to show people how to deal with certain situations...i love your videos ...thank you sir for what you do..we need more people like you in this world that actually give a rule...thank you 😀👍
@heavenandearthmartialartis9424 3 жыл бұрын
Great explanation 👌 Sensei ! I'm in Chi Town on the northside, if you have a dojo here somewhere, please advise me asap! I'm open for new and real defensive training,, even so I do like the traditional style also for practice, but in a real combat, your style is very effective 👌 👍
Contact me on Facebook messenger
@IrvinLep 6 жыл бұрын
Yes, because people in the streets or in a fight are coming at you in a straight line, karate chopping from over their hands. I want to see you defend a double leg takedown or a boxing combination using aikido, whichever style you prefer. #bullshido
@ianpulham3624 5 жыл бұрын
This attack is more like a drunk with a broken bottle. So overconfident, lots of energy and a bit clumsy is not entirely unrealistic.
@christopherreynolds5255 6 жыл бұрын
Hey, man ! Keep posting those videos ! As an Aikido student who couldn’t continue due to financial reasons and other life situations, this is more help and education than I would’ve had paying for a class. Not knocking what I did in the beginning, but the information you provide allows my training to continue. Thanks !
@kiwibob72 6 жыл бұрын
Lenni, I like the points you made on Shionage, I found them really interesting and thought provoking. On a side note, and I'm serious in asking this, if your sound in your belief that only 150 out of 10,000 'traditional' Aikido techniques really work, why not take what you know works from Aikido, and combine it with what you have cross trained with to make something new? You clearly have to opportunity via KZbin to formulate and teach something that is truly your own completely outside Aikido. Shit, if nothing else, you'll not have to spend so much time explaining traditional vs practical Aikido. Up front admission on my part, while I train in a 'traditional' Aikido dojo, as it has a culture in it that suits "ME", I still appreciate other views on how and why things work. Lucky for myself and those at our club (by the sounds of it), cross training arts and going to other dojo's (Aikido or otherwise) is not something that is frowned upon, yet is something that is looked at as a learning experience as it should be! Hell, I've seen specific little things within technique be changed within our dojo to newer approaches that the Shihan who owns our club (before anyone asks, I know the difference between a Shihan and a Sensai) now view's as better than past ways things were taught in the years that I've been a part of the club. Now, I've been in a seminar with a visiting Japanese 70' something year old 7th Dan who does the whole "grab my wrist and you'll fall over" thing, where I grabbed his wrist, and didn't feel any real need fall over (I didn't) - but then I am 6' and 300+lb and pretty well centered with it. The ensuing feed back of "you are velly stwong" should have told me that not falling over was perhaps the wrong option. I ended up on the receiving end of a bunch of Shionage off him later on that day, and all that came to mind as I was being repetitively thrown on my ass like a bloody a rag doll by this (comparatively) little 70+ year old Japanese man who made every throw feel like nothing was happening on his part (such smooth yet powerful technique to receive), was a past comment made to me by a 20+ year experience 4th dan from our club about how in all his years, that he'd never felt like he'd EVER had our Shihan in a hold/technique where he'd felt our Shihan couldn't have gotten out of it 'in about a second'! All I can say from that, is that there are people who can do good even great traditional technique, then there are people like that visiting 7th dan.
@daveward8026 6 жыл бұрын
Your videos and your Aikido are awesome! The hell with the keyboard commandos. Keep it up!
@ryanwestler3244 6 жыл бұрын
What I don't understand is why there is such a narrow-mindedness regarding the martial arts. I blame many factors, including the emergence of Ultimate Fighting and similar "no holds barred" approach to competition. Martial arts has had to evolve over time to survive, but the basic principles remain the same: being honest with yourself and honest with those around you. Martial arts for everyone will mean something a little different. Dojos/dojangs and the like with codify a certain priority of what matters, but martial arts will always be larger than this. Aikido, for example. It has a lot of layers to it-you learn the mechanics of how the whole body flows and moves and relationship to other bodies. There's a meditative quality to it. THere's also a practical aspect to it (learning how to fall, roll with attacks). There are even some practical techniques for controlling the opponent, but again, the bigger picture is much bigger than "What would I do if I was cornered on the street surrounded by thugs" or "could I defend myself against a trained fighter in the ring?". If you're really that concerned, you should probably go after the more practical approaches to self-defense (including the use of weapons) or join a gym where they specifically train to fight in the ring. We need to get out of the habit of thinking that the value of a martial art is how honestly and easily you can bring down an oponent. Each great martial artist brings something to the game. Bruce Lee was all about simplicity in movement and honest expression. His personal journey was to become the strongest/fastest and most vocal martial artist he could be. He shed lots of tradition in light of the mission he had: to teach martial arts to all people regardless of race or background. There's merit in that. The Gracie family brought to the public scene (in a big way) Brazilian Jui-jitsu, which turned the ultimate fighting scene on its head and made everyone learn "the ground game". My only complaint is when public faces either lie about their own practice or what their practice would do for others who train with them. Does Aikido need to change? Maybe. Depends on when/where it is practiced. Most likely, whoever complains of this just needs to continue their own journey and keep learning from others. Adapt as necessary. Cheers.
@ronniechong314 3 жыл бұрын
I couldn't agree more aikido needs to seriously upgrade to a combat aikido version that works in real life situation like jujitsu if it wanted to continue down in history, if you can do that pls. Do so & yes even the masters in japan Don't really care, its like a cult there. The traditional way just doesn't work. Iam entitled to opinion on this bec. I have trained before.
I agree brotha.
@unbroken1570 3 жыл бұрын
I can't believe I am seeing this just now: after so much training! Thank you for your work and kindness to share it, I will try to improve my aikido using this.
@nicholaspeters6943 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you Lenny for you time and for sharing your knowledge about Aikido techniques.
@tellitlikeitis5045 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much for the incredible demonstration sensei. Sensei please don’t pay attention to all the haters. They are nothing more than keyboard warriors. I agree with everything that you said regarding aikido. You are very honest and tell it like it is. Keep posting.
@timsmith3377 6 жыл бұрын
Hey Lenny, I have an idea for you. I believe the largest Aikido organization in the U. S. is the United States Aikido Federation headed currently by Yamada. How about looking at their test techniques and doing a series of their (inept) version of the various attacks/defenses on the test, and then demonstrate your more practical version of that same attack/defense. I understand you wouldn't be able to do every technique on the list, but maybe you could pick one technique from each Kyu/Dan level. Here is the list for the USAF if you decide to do it:
+Tim Smith Hey Tim Hmmmm that's an idea, I'll take a look into that.n Lenny~
@MartinShihan 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you Lenny for making Aikido practical, effective and showing how to improve the weak points. Martin Acton from Northern Ireland. You are doing a great job Lenny.
+Martin Acton Thank you Martin!!!
@MartialArtsJourney 6 жыл бұрын
Awesome video Lenny! Good luck with the series
@sebastianzanini699 6 жыл бұрын
Great sensei !! I am aikikai practitioner and I love your videos. I think the same as you. After seven years of Aikido practice, I continue to review the techniques very little and discover Uke's excessive collaboration. It seems that in practice the only one who knows aikido is the Nage ... uke is a poor guy who from the first contact resigns himself to be defeated and projected. He does not offer any resistance and seems to have no intention of fighting for his life but only waiting for him to finish executing his technique. As a long-term practitioner of Tae Kwon do and Wing Chun in addition to aikido, I put in constant contrast the aikido techniques with the ideas of other disciplines. Because the reality is that it is not art that fights but the person with the totality of incorporated knowledge. A big hug and I congratulate you for your videos and your Aikido !!!
@LoverAToZ 6 жыл бұрын
With Respect You Are A Great Martial Artist. Great Video.
@scottrose5012 4 жыл бұрын
I have really enjoyed your Aikido videos, I really like the way you promote the true Budo (war art) aspect of Aikido. I've practiced in many dogo's the past 45 years and had the honor of meeting and training with several of O'Sensei's students while they were still living. How you are progressing in Aikido reminds me so much of how Gozo Sensei and Nisho Sensei taught their versions of the art after training many years with the founder. O'Sensei spoke in an ancient form of Japanese which many of his students didn't understand so just by watching and being thrown by O'Sensei is how they learned. All these great men had one thing in common that I see in your art and that is Aikido is teaching a martial strategy that teaches one how to survive a situation an enemy is attempting to do major bodily injury to you or a loved one. Atemi is 80% of Aikido, if you watch pre-war movies of the founder you can see clearly that O'Sensei used atemi before progressing into a technique. This movement today with Yokomenuchi Shihonage is wonderful and years ago I accidentally did this technique of reversing the four corner throw. Nisho sensei once told me that in a real situation you most likely will not even do any technique that you practiced in the dogo, you will do what ever comes spontaneously through you, you will just react without thinking, you will do what has become second nature to your particular body style. So, thank you so much for sharing your progressive version of Aikido and keeping it real.
@hkdtodd3936 6 жыл бұрын
Great video! I'm a traditional hapkido guy from the Choi Young Sul side of hapkido and much of what you are showing looks very similar to The hapkido of Choi Yong Sul. I also agree that both hapkido and aikido need to get rid of the stuff that just does not work period.
@eskridofan 6 жыл бұрын
Sensei.... can you show some techniques from someone throwing Jabs jab cross hook punch that type of scenario please
@AstrotominChina 6 жыл бұрын
I am reposting this thought to support innovation in Aikido...I was saying.. . innovation can bring something positive... look at the founder himself.. he was an innovator.. he took Daito Ryu Ju-jutsu and created Aikido...
@AstrotominChina 6 жыл бұрын
I don't know...Aikido is the way of any variation...I don't see that being a big problem...
+Ignite Your Dream No we do not call that Slykido. Don't start with that.
@fabricio4794 2 жыл бұрын
Man,maybe you are the Last Realistic Aikido Teacher(almost crossing Daito Ryu border),because you improved that techniques for real situations....
@jerelmercurio4754 5 жыл бұрын
I'm 40yrs old from Detroit. When It comes to teaching hand to hand combat, Ive only ever seen two men. Bruce Lee and Lenny Sly. What makes them the best, is taking from all techniques, reducing them to whats pertinent, relevant, practical, quickest and most efficient. " I wouldn't presume to have ideas on fires over a fireman but hes the guy to check with and run the ideas by" My dad took me with him to the doJo when I was out of diapers. First thing we always sat to meditate. No explaination. No sense. Was b.s. to me. So a strong fk the bullshit attitude, this works and this is why yours doesnt, has made sly my one stop shop on western technique. I've been in several street fighting situations. whats realistic and feisable out does what b.s. a keyboard warrior may dream up any day. Aside from fighting techniques, Ive utalized psychological methods to keep the enemy off balance. Have been and Currently studying Chi flow and sonics. Keep up the great work Sly
@antalantal2366 6 жыл бұрын
Dear Lenny, What do you think about the current criticism against aikido? I do not think that aikido is the best self-defense system of the world. That said, don't you think that people tend to forget that the net result of our martial skills also depends on who we are (i.e. do we have talent for it? Do we have a fighting attitude regardless of our specific martial art training?) and the way we train (e.g. do we spar? is our training pressure-tested?) I would appreciate reading your thoughts about it.
@ChuckerThe1 6 жыл бұрын
i get what your saying....but it comes down to several things in my humble opinion... 1. With all martial arts, it is the artist's knowledge and skill that win the day, not the art itself. 2. With Aikido and probably all other fighting/defense styles it is a matter of Principles, not techniques. 3. The Principles are what make a defense or attack successful. The techniques are merely avenues to apply the principle. 4. Yes Traditional AIKIDO (the way of Aiki) is a "Do" so by definition it is more of a meditation in motion...verses the more combative " tsu" 5. Echoing #3...its the Principles!! thats why we have many techniques for many situations.. forcing yourself into 1 technique for 1 attack is just dumb-
@ChuckerThe1 6 жыл бұрын
* Plus not taking Uke's balance from the jump makes any technique virtually impossible to do.. which not for nothing is kinda the frigg'n hallmark of any Aikido style.. So yeah Aikido doesn't work if you dont take Uke's balance...thats why we blend and not block!
@justinquaid2610 6 жыл бұрын
I had problems doing shionage because my left arm could not raise that high because of my disability, so Sensei Wood taught me to use the short form of shionage just like you were showing, but the rest of the class had to do traditional shionage. I was always envious that I couldn't do shionage like everyone else, but I'm realizing what you are saying that the traditional shionage is bull shit anyway. Maybe my curse is my gift :-)
@KrzysztofOzog 6 жыл бұрын
Sensei! I admire your work and don't agree with some of your applications in this or other videos. However, it is not important at all. What really counts is that thanks to your videos people think about their training, their aikido and their Do. Domo Arigato Sensei from Poland! BTW, I am 3 rd Kyu in Aikido Kobayashi Ryu.
@statewideambulette8578 6 жыл бұрын
I appreciate what you're doing sir. Bruce Lee said the same thing, some martial arts move look good, but in real life, it doesn't work!!
@glennridgewell546 6 жыл бұрын
Hi Sensei I'm an orange belt in British ki aikido KOICHI TOHEI yes aikido works but as you have pointed out the art does need updating as some of the moves are outdated the core concept has merit but in practicality as you have shown do not work that is why I switched to wado ryu karate and found that also pressure of oncoming punches changes the mindset I was thinking one punch and my aikido wasn't working as the punches was fast and multiple strikes so I want to thank you for doing the videos and sharing the real truth sensei...for me I am looking for real martial arts I have had to rethink what is it I want and now I am looking at jujitsu I had to stop wado ryu as the instructor moved to far away big thank you keep up the videos there great ..what is your thoughts on the move heaven and earth.. there right hand on your left wrist grab hip turn irimi 1 heaven and earth compression... I am a SIA DOOR SUPERVISOR (a bouncer) I look at all martial arts as one system each has it's part to play ie chin na .. kyusho .. dim mak.. sumo..jujitsu.. my thinking is that the samurai and fighting art was devided from the whole as in karate hard style shotokan for direct power striking wado ryu karate with its elements of circular motion and jujitsu aikijutisu kyusho pressure manipulation sumo judo etc that's just the Japanese arts we should look at all the arts and see the similarities to find the one true unnamed art of the human dynamics within martial combat as in the philosophy of jeet kune do ... like silat..seihk ghost stepping to stay out of range .. savate ..chain punching from wing chun to trapping to aikido elements of each martial art and reconstruct the REAL martial art of which has been diluted through time region tradition style creation what are your thoughts sensei.. also do you have free fights non rehearsed where the PERSON does not know what attack is coming and just responds also someone multi striking to put the other under stress..Glenn in UK
@danielramone4205 6 жыл бұрын
Who is Ron Dorry? He keeps mentioning hin.
@jamesstodola3582 6 жыл бұрын
Randori Randori is a term used in Japanese martial arts to describe free‑style practice.
@Carloslopez-tp6zy 5 жыл бұрын
Ron dori is multiple attack or more than 2
@asperger-autism-vlog 6 жыл бұрын
Yuh guys too wicked!!! MADNESS!! I can not get enough!!
@andrewrodriguez7310 5 жыл бұрын
Lenny, first of all, thank you very much for all that you share. You are so technically savvy and it is such a blessing. Which is why I'm sincerely confused why you are not making sure to bring your uke's elbow in past your shoulder, where he then could not escape Shihonage. Could you please explain why this seemingly crucial point is being overlooked or what I may be missing to fully understand?
@Alecsweet3057 3 жыл бұрын
Need more of these videos, alot more. "HOW IT DOESN'T WORK".
@TGBFROAT 6 жыл бұрын
Who’s Ron Dorey?
It's Ran dori which means multiple attackers.
@williamw1332 6 жыл бұрын
Totally agree. 👍 Keep up the great videos, keep exploring new methods of waza, and ignore the critics. Let them be humble when the shit hits the fan...and see where that gets them.
@ciarand007 5 жыл бұрын
Great video. Tradional aikidoka are officially the biggest group keyboard warriors. Love your shit
@fredkettenis2940 6 жыл бұрын
No matter what, you are a great Sensei, respect!
@slowcountryboy476 6 жыл бұрын
We do the same techniques in Kung Fu. We step to interrupt the opponent's pattern quickly and implement the techniques you show. The art's founders got the techniques from Aikido and made them flow like water into another art's technique or just end with the Aikido technique because the opponent's shit is broke, end of fight. When you reach under the tricep to leverage the forearm and drop the opponent, I call that Snaking because we take from the animal styles. One of the animals is the Snake. I understand that the traditional arts including Kung Fu must evolve to meet the challenges of modern times, for example defense against long and short firearms, long and short edged weapons, sticks, flexible weapons, and so on. Not to downplay traditional arts, but there is a lot of pageantry, showmanship, ritual, and hard work that makes up the beauty of the art; however, beauty might not suffice in a street fight. I love your work...
@dolape7002 2 жыл бұрын
Hello, I´ve been practicing Aikido for a year. I´m 49. I really love this art! Watching your videos, I´ve got to agree with you, Some technics dont work. I believe is part of the long process of learning this complex martial art. Thanks for share your knowledge with us. Best wishes, Dante (sorry for my English, I´m form argentina)
@pbziegler Жыл бұрын
I trained in aikido for 15 years and it always seemed to me that my techniques worked great with experienced training partners but with people who didn't know how to move and fall it wasn't a great martial art if I expected to use the techniques as practiced in the dojo. I did learn a lot that I might use on the streets but not much from the formal techniques. This was great to see
@artt3165 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your honesty, Lenny. *EVERY* "traditional" martial art system out there has a good degree of bull*ht technique which, although great for training, has no practical real world application. I'm an idiot magnet. For some reason every idiot in the bar thinks he should stop by and "kick my ass." Over the years I've had any number of "great" black belts play this game and get their ass handed to them by a good old fashioned street fighter. What works to score points in tournaments simply doesn't work in a real street fight *PERIOD* Anyway.... that's my two cents. Enjoy seeing Aikido applied to more realistic attacks!
@winfredgamble2631 5 жыл бұрын
I love your real practical teaching. This can help to save someone life. I appreciate your teaching.
@dejohnnelacy254 4 жыл бұрын
You'll lose YOUR life tryna use Akido in a street fight. Go with Judo instead
@TheUnkBoogie 6 жыл бұрын
Great video, I look forward to more of this. I did 4 years Aikikai and left my dojo because I knew a lot of what we were taught was very ineffective in real life situations as I have more street fight experience than time in traditional martial arts.. This is a breath of fresh air. Why is this still taught? Was shihonage ineffective when created as well or its trained poorly over the years (got watered down)?
@yuriysemenikhin302 5 жыл бұрын
All jokes put aside, you should look into the original Daito Riu Aiki-JiuJitsu techniques, the things you do are virtually identical ;-)
I’ve matched a handful of videos on that, apparently I need to watch more.
@yuriysemenikhin302 5 жыл бұрын
​@@SLYSCOMBATIVECONCEPTS13 My first instructor, when I lived in Ukraine kept on breaking my balls on the subject for using the same throws. I'm also trying to arrange to make a vid about Aikido, but I'll only do it if I can persuade from guys a local MMA/BJJ club to take part as someone who's gonna quiz me :-) By the way, if we talk about videos to watch, a cool set of videos I think every Aikidoka MUST watch, that would be videos by Marvin Cook on movement, the guy is amazing.
@rogerfaulkner9726 5 жыл бұрын
Your shihonage is incorrect..
@michaelsanchez3761 6 жыл бұрын
I love your videos LENNY SLY!!! You speak a lot of truth that's why I subscribed to you keep it up LENNY GOOD SHIT TELL THE TRUTH
@franklintalosig5642 3 ай бұрын
Shihonage or any other techniques will not be effective when you know the defender's intentions. But when there is atemi (eye gogging) the techniques will definitely be effective
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