The AMX-30 ACRA Is Pure Pain

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It seems like Gaijin is always giving France the short end of the stick, and the AMX-30 ACRA is a perfect example. Despite being similar but outright worse when compared to the M60A2 Starship, the ACRA has the same battle rating. It is definitely not to worst tank in War Thunder, but it certainly isn't very good.
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@mathieu722 Жыл бұрын
“Why did France make this” It was made in the late 60s and was the most advanced ATGM system in the world at the time. SACLOS ATGMs we’re just starting to come out, and the ACRA had massive advantages compared to contemporary missiles. Not only did the laser beam riding make it so there were no fiber optics/wires to tangle up on something, and it was unjammable. That and it was the fastest ATGM in the world at the time, meant to be used at very long distance against columns of advancing Soviet tanks over 2km away, which had little chance of engaging back, as this was before the time of fcs and LRF. It’s not the ACRAs fault it is facing 80s/90s+ tanks that it would’ve never encountered irl. And yes it did have the ability to fire on the move using the stabilized optics, which are not modeled in the game.
@theidioticgentleman4646 Жыл бұрын
Stabilised optics, not gun
@mr.treefrog5789 Жыл бұрын
@@theidioticgentleman4646 The optics control the laser beam... y'know the thing guiding the missile
@metacube9913 Жыл бұрын
@@theidioticgentleman4646 yeah so ?
@UAGhostrider Жыл бұрын
@@metacube9913 i think he ment that accuracy isn't important because you can gide the missile
@bravomike4734 Жыл бұрын
@@metacube9913 think of it this way, the ATGM gets fired when the gun is bouncing 5 degrees up than where the enemy is, the missile after coming out auto corrects to where the enemy is because the optics are still on target. In War Selection, your gun sight is the end of your barrel, not your real optics. That's in simulator battles.
@vodkanizer6866 Жыл бұрын
Fun fact , the ATGM on the acra cost more than 2 M22 locust
@loganwalker8537 Жыл бұрын
fun fact, the IT-1s ATGM cost more than the IFV's it was designed or mostly used on in real life
@Joe-wd4zk Жыл бұрын
@@loganwalker8537 what about the infantry inside?
@loganwalker8537 Жыл бұрын
@@Joe-wd4zk dont know how high you value human life
@onlyrushb6428 Жыл бұрын
M22 best MBT
@arya31ful Жыл бұрын
How to use an IT-1 : 1. Unloads all missile from tank 2. Points tank at enemy 3. Full Speed Ahead! 3. Jumps out at last second. Congrats! You just saved the Motherland a lot of cash by using the more expendable tank as missile rather than the missile itself.
@bontempsthomas Жыл бұрын
5:37 : So the 2AV gets armor it never had. Meanwhile, Gaijin gave the Leclerc upper front plate the same armor as the AMX-30 because they wouldn't "guestimate" it and preferred using the greek trials documentation that stated it to be "at least as good as the AMX-30's UFP", (because GIAT didn't communicate the thickness of the UFP in time) ... Gaijin truly hates France lmao.
@filmandfirearms Жыл бұрын
It's not that they hate France, they're just lazy when it comes to vehicles from non major nations because that's not where the money is
@fastgoodkiwi9570 Жыл бұрын
remember the whole thread explaining and PROVING how nonsensical the leclerc's UFP was just for gaijin to go "nope you don't have documents"
@nicolaspeigne1429 Жыл бұрын
Amx 40 doesn't get composite armor because it didn't have it. The Leopard 2AV gets armor because Germany suffers
@TheOreoOverlord Жыл бұрын
@@nicolaspeigne1429 fr. gaijin truly hates france for no damned reason
@thebirbestbirb Жыл бұрын
Gaijin hates anything that isn't Russia or Germany, America is still playing vs itself with at least 6 braindead A-10 players per match
@MJRSoap Жыл бұрын
Alright, Histroy time for Spook (and everyone else I guess since no one will look into it.). The AMX-30 ACRA never entered service, the turret was never even completed. A planned modification to mount a Gun Launcher, the ACRA weapon system, to an AMX-30 hull necessitated a redesign of the turret to mount the launcher breach and allow the projectiles to be properly loaded. The closest they got to a complete turret was a breach and barrel mounted in a wooden mock up turret to ensure it could be operated before the project was cancelled. The ACRA project as a whole was cancelled due to the insanely high cost of the MP ACRA rocket despite it's good performance (IRL). The Rocket is supersonic with a reach of up to 4km in favorable conditions and is laser guided. The MUC rocket shell has a greater range but is ballistic with no guidance and a pure HE warhead for indirect fire. The turret would have utilized the same FCS as the production AMX-30's including the stabilized gunner sight (but not a stabilized breach). This stabilization also applied to the guidance system for the MP ACRA rocket, the big box on the front of the turret. Effectively providing the ACRA system with fire on the move capability for the MP ACRA rocket, but not the MUC rocket. The lack of the 20mm CNF2 autocannon is due to the fact the project started before the 1972 refit of the AMX-30, were the project to continue it likely would have been added to the turret in place of the coaxial 50 cal. Neither the laser guidance, nor the stabilization are present in game. The actual fire rate of the rockets is up to debate but it's doubtful it would be lowered when tanks like the ARL-44 ACL1 have a longer reload than a T-34-85 DT-5 (2 man turret vs 3 man with enough room to stand). In game the missile can be defeated by IRCM, which should NOT be possible due to the laser guidance system, which is beam-riding. The lack of fire on the move capability also makes the already jittery missile nigh unusable as a slight bump in the terrain can cause the missile to lawn dart or fly over the target. There are people that unironically want the AMX-10 ACRA, a case mate version, added to the game, this was actually produced as far as I'm aware as a single prototype to test the ACRA system on an actual vehicle.
@wacawkrol1824 Жыл бұрын
Thank you
@canuckcars Жыл бұрын
@@DecidedlyNinja the first.
@wacawkrol1824 Жыл бұрын
Now i'm mad at gaijin for the sight
@MJRSoap Жыл бұрын
@@DecidedlyNinja It offered limited fire on the move capability, more akin to a short stop stabilizer, on smooth terrain or low speeds the gun, would remain accurate and only fire when in line with the sight. While not as accurate as a stationary shot it was still an improvement over not having a stabilizer at all.
@LeGrandSarrazin Жыл бұрын
Coming directly from AMX-30 tankers, no it was not able to fire on the move whatsoever. The FCS only worked sitting still. And that was only from B2. AMX-30B didn’t even have that. The confusion on this subject is delineation between COTAC and COSTAC. The first French AFV to receive FCS was the AMX-10RC, which received COTAC. We can be reasonably assured that 10RC has no stabilization, sights or otherwise, correct? On the other hand, there is COSTAC, which is in fact the stabilized version of the FCS. This can be found in AMX-32/40, for example, which uses an externally roof mounted stabilized commander sight with an internal gyro sensor, which is used for referencing bearings that the gun would then follow. The gun in this case is actually still unstabilized, technically, but it functions the same. What causes a great deal of confusion is that there was actually an AMX-30 that was fitted with the M453 commander sight and a 120mm gun, known as AMX-30 Revalorisé. This version was fully stab’d. Unfortunately, in the meantime a bunch of info has gotten mixed up between these different versions, and there’s this odd belief that the optics on AMX-30 are stab’d. This ofc has been debunked by several actual AMX-30 tankers themselves as just being a myth that won’t die. The standard AMX-30B had neither a stab’d sight, nor a FCS to take advantage of said sight. I wish it were true, but wishing it did doesn’t make it so. Lastly, there is also no system that fires the gun when the barrel lines up with the aim point while moving. That is also part of the same myth. Hopefully this will inform those that want to cling onto this myth, but I’m sure I will have to bring it up again, as I have been doing for years to try and squash it. It’s a persistant one though, as so many people want it to be true so badly. Hope that helps clear things up. Cheers!
@StupidStuart1 Жыл бұрын
Vehicle suggestion: Maybe play the British Striker ATGM carrier, always found it to be quite good in specific scenarios.
@Pribumi1 Жыл бұрын
Might as well bring in Swingfire ATGM Carrier, it also very usefull in a very specific screnarios.
@StupidStuart1 Жыл бұрын
@@Pribumi1Yes it can be.
@teun911 Жыл бұрын
@@Pribumi1 90% suffer, 10% "This is alright" :(
@knightsolaire6342 Жыл бұрын
as a French main, 'pure pain' is my entire existence. Still waiting for the French navy by the way Gaijin....
@TheOreoOverlord Жыл бұрын
as another french main i 100% agree. also why tf is the dart for the AMX-32/40 a tier 4 mod like the ammount of suffering you have to endure with HEATFS is insane. waiting on the french navy too smh.
@deca0 Жыл бұрын
Gaijin has like 5 French destroyers modeled and nothing else we aren’t getting French navy in 3 years
@Mikko_Yuu174 Жыл бұрын
Same I actually had a good time in this thing
@sirswede366 Жыл бұрын
Also waiting for Leclerc prototypes, wheeled tanks, IFVs, etc.
@cameronporter5137 Жыл бұрын
@@deca0 Just wait until they add the Chinese, Swedish or Israeli navies before the French
@unskilledpath0479 Жыл бұрын
His "agonizing" gameplay is literally just me every match
@LongTimeAgoNL Жыл бұрын
Small tip: Gaijin is unable to fix the "Enemy engine makes no noise" bug. Their game engine is currently limited to a limited number of sound streams. Teammate engines, your engine, machine guns, main cannons, all have their own stream. If the amount of streams is full it just mutes the other streams. I also suspect there is a 'purge' bug in which sound streams that do not exist anymore should be purged, but arent or not good enough.
@sanadedixeptar5214 Жыл бұрын
Wait im not a coder but thats sounds ridicilously dumb . Shouldnt all sound files be at the same or have more possible sound streams and not limited ?
@thegrubhubguy638 Жыл бұрын
i dont know anything about coding but how does someone make a game engine to run a multiplayer game with possible 10s of thousands of people playing at once but cant make it so sounds (which for a game like wt are extremely important) can be played
@arczer2519 Жыл бұрын
@@thegrubhubguy638 "server not responding" ))) still what game plays is all on client as it's more like games such as Battlefield where you have fully standalone client that just synchronizes some elements with the client, compared to other MMO games where "client" is just projection of what happening on "server" and doesn't work standalone
@nesyboi9421 Жыл бұрын
Then why did this not used to happen? Why would they make more sounds when they know this limitation?
@LongTimeAgoNL Жыл бұрын
@@nesyboi9421 multiple sound streams create things like doppler effect, distance shots and other effects. So they might have reached the limit on what the server can handle.
@a.b.3455 Жыл бұрын
"Despite being the same BR it's much worse in comparison" that's something you can say about a lot of french tanks at that BR.
@haruspice9921 Жыл бұрын
Commander sight is actually quite useful on ACRA since you can just aim at the sky and guide the missile with CS , therefore have some kind of pseudo top-attack missile , work really well behind an hill.
@fastestfail2645 Жыл бұрын
Nothing like a m3 Stuart tanking an atgm.
@kryperdev Жыл бұрын
France doctrine during cold war was long range engagements like 2km range. This is why they said "Meh f stabilizers" and why AMX-30s dont have them while also they sport APFSDS rounds that can pen T-72A from 2km. Why they have thermals and why their optics in SIM are better then any other nation at this BR range. This is also why ACRA was considered. It fitted doctine of long range combat so they went with it. After cold war France shifted more towards fast light and easy to deploy forces. This is why France have f load of IFVs/modern tank destroyers and not so many acutal tanks.
@joaquincimas1707 Жыл бұрын
I think AMX 30 (1972) or AMX 30 Brenus next for France. I think they are one (if not the best mbt's in their BR bracket) But needs total control and map situation to be destroy the enemy team. For me (and im not a War Thunder Pro by any means) are tanks that can eaither end in 0/1 kills and death or make 7/8 kills every 4/5 battles. Very good tanks but made for a very specific playstyle.
@mickael_guitara Жыл бұрын
Agreed, it's a true support tank like most +6.0 french tanks. If your team is good enough to have a frontline you can do very well by flanking and sniping then relocating ; if not you're an easy kill
@ommsterlitz1805 Жыл бұрын
Gaijin always add the worst prototypes in the French tech tree and nerf every vehicles that they have data on but refuse to implement them and make there own, then add produced and used tanks in Premium then again add good prototypes and iconic massively produced tanks in events.
@hermespsychopompos4615 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, fast play. You either get lucky with your team's support and you reck or you get reckt fast.
@K.Marx48 Жыл бұрын
If you need to be a pro to make a tank work that means the tank suck, I have it and it sucks balls, manly because of the heat shell imo. I just got it because I think it looks good.
@Alpha1598753 Жыл бұрын
Well there is much worser than this : there is a casemate version of the acra on a AMX-10 chassis
@deca0 Жыл бұрын
I’m glad everyone else agrees France needs a buff
@Grossaaa Жыл бұрын
French tanks had a stabilized sight. When the gunner hit the fire button, the FCS basically fired the gun when the point of aim and the gun were aligned. I meant that you saved some money while achieving similar moving accuracy whewn compared to stabilizers of the time.
@albinoalpaca1059 Жыл бұрын
@theliteralworst9416 Жыл бұрын
@@albinoalpaca1059 french fcs only let gunners fire when the barrel alligns with the target
@deca0 Жыл бұрын
What the fuck really? This needs to be added
@jakovnikolic4502 Жыл бұрын
thought it was already determined months ago that this was never in any technical documents and simply doesn’t exist shooting on the move isnt a part of french doctrine. if it was they would’ve simply added full gun stabilizers
@LeGrandSarrazin Жыл бұрын
That is a myth, nothing more, nothing less. No AMX-30s, except for AMX-30 Revalorisé had stab’d optics. The other stab’d AMX-30 was AMX-30 SAMM, but that was gyro stab’d, not optically stab’d.
@ShadowsOfTheSky Жыл бұрын
I’d recommend showing off the SK60 with its Rb05 missiles, basically Nords at 7.3, it’s straight busted. Paired with the 7.0 IKV 91, quite mobile and has a laser rangefinder with solid HEAT rounds, it’s a pretty devastating combo. IMO, the IKV 91 is the best light tank anywhere near its BR, only the Obj 906 comes close and that’s a full .7 higher BR.
@casematecardinal Жыл бұрын
Let me fix this for you "sweeden is straight busted"
@exercitus8535 Жыл бұрын
Agree on ikv, kinda disagree on sk. Yes, it got 2 AGMs, but those are more powerful and way slower than nords. When you have some speed, after shooting it, you can't see the missile for a good second at all. Also these are all it got, nothing else. After that you are useless and can't really fly back because of slow speed. Alternatively you can use 56D rockets. They are really precise once you get used to it and you get 12 of them. I once made 6 kills with them in one go
@agentredacted9835 Жыл бұрын
I still believe the Ikv 91 is absolutely stupid that it can literally meet Tiger 2s and should be moved up in BR, but the SK60 on the other hand is alright where it is imo. Unlike a G.91 with Nords you don't have 4 of them, and you also don't have an MG that you could use for shooting down other planes, nor do you have the acceleration to run away from some props. But on the other hand I'd love if Spookston showed these vehicles off.
@jPlanerv2 Жыл бұрын
IKV 91 > Leo 1 fight me
@exercitus8535 Жыл бұрын
@@agentredacted9835 I think ikv is okay where it is right now. At most it can be 7.3. It has laser rf and heatfs, but heatfs has poor damage and slow speed. Also armor doesn't protect you even from .50s. In 7.3 you have leopard 1 which has better armor, apds that is fast (so you don't need a rangefinder that much) and overall it's better sniper than ikv and also much better close range tank
@YuudachiFanBoy Жыл бұрын
me relentlessly grinding for the event ship so that i can trade the coupon for yuudachi, then hearing spookston getting it from a scam crate hurts on a different degree bro...💀
@TomTheCheckers Жыл бұрын
I like your decal, thanks!
@achillea3186 Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for making a vid on this! The ACRA is one of my favourites, for some reason I haven't found it to be too bad.
@Zombine45 Жыл бұрын
One thing that i think both this and the starship have going for it is that they both have fairly tall commanders cupola's that are the tallest parts of the vehicles. So in theory you could use it to effectively shoot over cover.
@MadKlauss Жыл бұрын
France only built one of these. The project was cancelled because of the very high cost of the missiles.
@filli2429 Жыл бұрын
try out gal batash its not as bad as the amx but still pure suffering
@chemicalconfusion6164 Жыл бұрын
Always gotta appreciate that ODST music
@matthieuzglurg6015 Жыл бұрын
the ACRA reaally a meh tank, but at least it get a BR of 8.0 instead of 8.3. Cause it used to be 8.3, and at that BR the already lackluster AMX-30B2 is just way better. The 30B2 has a thermal sight, laser rangefinder aand a pretty OP APFSDS round for 8.3, so despite it not having a staabilizer, at the very least you're able to be very competitive at range. If you get a CQC map you're basicaally screwed though. The ACRA is the same thing, but remove the 20mm, the laser range finder the thermal sight and replace the very potent AP round by an ATGM that penetrates more but makes you much more exposed until the round get to the target. Only thing where I found the ACRA to be a pretty good addition in the 8.0/8.3 lineup is that it can defend itseflf pretty well against helicopters launching ATGMs from across the map, where the 20mm on teh B2 does not have the range, and the AP round is inconsistent
@BewilderedBearMiniatures Жыл бұрын
That looked so painful, I wouldn’t have had the patience to play that
@TheArklyte Жыл бұрын
Why was it created? For the same reason Starship and WZ-122(did you notice that its ATGMs share the caliber with its main gun thus likely being testbed for barrel launched ATGM) with weird ATGMs were. At the time it was all the rage to develop barrle launched ATGMs to extend the maximum range of tanks. Soviets were largely the first and only ones, who achieved success in that(largely because they were the first to adopt larger calibers as they had trouble with developing better ammo). Because as it turned out, it's expensive, never used and adds complexity. That's why Israel also developed them, but never supplied or used them in MBT units.
@Secritek Жыл бұрын
But the ACRA missile is super fast, i liked playing it as a sniper ^_^
@dumpsterfire42 Жыл бұрын
Love your content :)
@user-sg2el6ey2k 10 ай бұрын
When I saw this video, I liked AMX-30 ACRA so much that I grinded France to reach it. That's right, I grinded the entire french tree up to 8.3. just to have this. You may proceed to tell me what crazy, perverted bastard I am.
@fridaycaliforniaa236 24 күн бұрын
ACRA : « Anti-Char Rapide Autopropulsé ». So basically « fast self-propelled, anti-tank [missile] ». When it was designed, it was the most advanced system in the World. But our govt gave up on it because it was really expensive, and all EU was switching to the HOT missile. Also, the HOT missile could be used from helicopters, while the ACRA couldn't. Sorry if my English sucks. I did my best ^^
@Zorro9129 Жыл бұрын
Who would think a tank with a gun bigger than the Jagdtiger's would be bad?
@snackytem277 Жыл бұрын
2.3 and 2.0 Italian SPG's/TD's next maybe?
@lightspeedvictory Жыл бұрын
The design theory behind the AMX-30 was because the French believed that it would require too much armor to protect against the latest ATGM’s, which would’ve sacrificed mobility. They thought that protection would come from speed and compact size, hence the shitty armor. It’s why the Saudis put up such a stink when Saddam invaded Kuwait in 1990, as their tank force was primarily made up of AMX-30’s and knew they’d get ripped to shreds. It’s also why French and Saudi armored units were held in reserve for Operation Desert Storm, as they wouldn’t be able to survive the projected intense combat as well as their American and British counterparts. Also why the French increased protection on the Leclerc
@vizender Жыл бұрын
But during operation desert storm, French troops did actually fight in the first days, north west, because they had the fastest attack groups, and they shredded through Iraqi troops in a few days covering more distance than the main forces on the other fronts. Granted there were not as many Iraqi troops, but still. Not a single French vehicle were destroyed during this operation while they did destroyed quite a few enemy tanks, and the only French victims were during the capture of fortified positions by the French infantry. It’s called the operation Daguet if you want to look for it.
@lightspeedvictory Жыл бұрын
@@vizender just stating what I knew and the fears of high command at the time. Didn’t know about that, thx
@vizender Жыл бұрын
@@lightspeedvictory yeah I know. I think what you made a reference too is about the French troops that were planned to help taking Koweït city. For many political reasons, France wanted to liberate its embassy in the country, so they had some of their troops behind the main forces south east. However, as you said, they were mainly reserve for most of the fighting and only started operating in the city to go to the embassy. I do not know however if they add any significant forces of tanks or heavy equipment in general, and if they actually fought, as most of the Iraqi soldiers had escape when Americans, British and the others entered the city.
@blobfishislove9451 Жыл бұрын
It has at least one thing for it which is very fast missiles compared to other 8.0 stuff. But yeah as a lot of french stuff it’s just overtiered.
@captainfactoid3867 Жыл бұрын
You’re just flat out wrong this video. Good vehicles do not get 2.4 KDs yet that is what I have in it. It is a vehicle with fantastic missiles. The speed of the missiles is great, and yet players who do not know how to play missiles vehicles well rarely comment on the speed of the missiles unless they are slow
@mathieu722 Жыл бұрын
Something like 500m/s, probably one of the speedest atgm at this BR afaik.
@honkhonk8009 Жыл бұрын
Are they better or worse than the shillelaghs. Cus the Shillelaghs are fucking dogshit honestly. Are they comparable?
@magnus7857 Жыл бұрын
The only real advantage is the speed of that ATGM. It's the fastest one in the entire game, I think, which makes it a little harder to aim, but almost impossible to dodge.
@akid1263 Жыл бұрын
nah the khrizantema is the fastest atgm
@geoffrey6554 Жыл бұрын
That's the kind of vehicle I keep for sim battles. They are absolutely not optimized for random battles. With sim you get some larger map (though you'll still end up in arcade-sized maps half of the time) and fixed teams that allow tanks to face the enemy they were supposed to face.
@lordcutlerbeckett4379 Жыл бұрын
I guess it comes down to play style bc I really enjoyed the ACRA. I usually play as a sniper and sit in odd spots. I like it over other atgms of the br bc it’s fast. If you don’t like playing it like a sniper I also find cqc to be a viable way of playing it. Feels like I’m running around with a trench gun.
@generaldunc6460 Жыл бұрын
I main France in both ground and air forces, and I have to say, this thing broke me. I never even spaded it because it takes 10 matches for 1 mod. I eventually replaced it with the 40t, which I already had spaded for a long time, and had a much more enjoyable time. It is decent as a AAA vehicle though lol; shot down a couple f-84's.
@dancing_odie Жыл бұрын
It was cute when the heli snuggled with you
@Dovahkiin520 Жыл бұрын
The commander sight is your best friend, you can sit behind cover fully concealed launching missiles.
@josephstalin8684 Жыл бұрын
I would love to see you take out the SU-100P
@lonnystriker5039 Жыл бұрын
I would LOVE to see you play the M18. It is one of my personal favorites and, while it's got a great gun, it suffers from constant uptiers. Plus, it's an open top, so 90% of shots will kill you.
@SamEichers Жыл бұрын
I actually love this thing.
@kozaamovies1779 Жыл бұрын
Lol, I had a lot of fun with ACRA (I played exclusively on AB) and I really don't know why would want a rangefinder or stabiliser on that thing since you can just correct the flight path or the ATGM. Also it was very effective at taking out choppers since the ATGMs is very fast. BUT I need to mention that I actually played vehicles with no armor on AB all the time so I didn't used it as MBT but as a scout.
@Darktotaled Жыл бұрын
this is a 3 months old video that talks about the engine problem supposedly fixed 4 months ago and this is still happening today
@stijnVDA1994 Жыл бұрын
The chieftain: oh bugger the tank is on fire
@Chilionloppu Жыл бұрын
142mm gun without HEAT seems like a brainfart from designers since missiles are just so much more expensive.
@MadKlauss Жыл бұрын
That's the reason why only one was built and cancelled because of the very high missile costs.
@ravenouself4181 Жыл бұрын
It was meant to shoot at enemies from 2-4 km away
@Thefluxtion Жыл бұрын
Called it bs that they fixed the rendering issue and sound issue. Now I'm banned on the forum. Dont ever say to trashjin employees they are lying to cover up their incompetence. Even though we all know they are
@ninerfanAZ Жыл бұрын
Mr. Spookston, may I request a review of the T114? Definitely curious on your opinion of it
@XxPolpotQc Жыл бұрын
I really love this thing, best way to use it is to sit behind a ridge where only your commander sight sticks out and lob your missiles over said ridge down on enemies!
@_Rooi Жыл бұрын
The Rooikat 105 recently got a buff, DM33. Would be cool to see how many kills you could get in it
@albinoalpaca1059 Жыл бұрын
I'm surprised you don't have that ItO yet. It works wonders bro
@deca0 Жыл бұрын
Doesn’t it have like a 14 km missile and ircm?
@ThrownScarf Жыл бұрын
the acra used to be a "stabilized" french tank back when the missiles tracked the mouse curser rather than the gunner sight reticle
@friendly_neighbourhood_f16 Жыл бұрын
Hey Spookston, I was wondering if you could make a video on the Type 60 sprg(c). It's like a wiesel but at 6.3 and with 2 recoilless rifles that can go through 433mm of armour. I really enjoy it, and I sure feel like it's an underrated vehicle.
@seabastianrivera1816 Жыл бұрын
War, war never changes
@Kminek246 Жыл бұрын
Next time you can you can try the worse IFV in the game which i think is the Italian VCC-80/30
@wifi_soldier5076 Жыл бұрын
It's only bad because Gaijin gives its 60mm dart worse post pen damage than a 35mm shell. (For some unknown reason)
@Kminek246 Жыл бұрын
@@wifi_soldier5076 no, what I'm talking about is a technically a Dardo but insted of 25mm you have a useless 30mm with APFSDS belt that does almost no damage. Even missiles aren't great. All you have ar Tow-2A. I think what you think about is the VCC-80/60 with the 60mm gun
@thebirbestbirb Жыл бұрын
@@Kminek246 dude play the HSTV-L if u think spalling is an issue
@wifi_soldier5076 Жыл бұрын
@@Kminek246 yes your right my bad.
@einar8019 Жыл бұрын
@@Kminek246 if you think that is bad go play the strf9040c, its the highest br ifv at 10.0, it has no atgms so cant deal with mbts frontaly except shooting barrel or breech both of which are unreliable af, its slow as hell, the 40mm darts make like no spalling and you only have 24 rounds to fire then you have to reload for 1 minute+
@DonHaka Жыл бұрын
Omg the generals soundtrack! based.
@chish7690 Жыл бұрын
It's not exactly an audio bug right now. The problem is players being unrendered in weird places, whether that be when partially peeking through or around objects or on the other side of an obstruction. I've had people within 50ft of me but they have no engine noise since they aren't rendered in.
@Akono_Harper Жыл бұрын
IKV 91 my favorite light so far
@t10god Жыл бұрын
The ATGM not killing an M5 stuart is really pinnacle "what"
@Michael_OBrian Жыл бұрын
Any chance of a video on the pros and cons of the CV90 family?
@BRUH-ft1qb Жыл бұрын
If all amx 30s tech tree had a stabilizer. Spading it wouldn't had cost my keyboard XD
@philipgregory8813 Жыл бұрын
I think that thing is famous for the ACRA ATGM costing 1 million francs a shot or something which was like half a million usd or so when the thing was developed
@vonwulfie Жыл бұрын
Quite the opposite... one of the best ATGM vehicles in the game. Has one of the fastest missiles in the game. The missiles have a large hitbox resulting in easier sniping of helicopters and even jets alongside its high speed, however the hitbox hits trees often and causes a deforestation effect (which you can use to your advantage to clear a large area of trees with only 1 missile). The missile damage is okay-ish and with careful placement you can consistently oneshot anything without ERA/NERA, you can also bring as many as you can carry. Through enabling of "camera from gunner" your POV switches to the device mounted above the barrel, raising the barrel via sight controls raises the device which consequently raises your POV, allowing you to see above terrain without exposing your turret or commander cupola (on maps that allow it) and aim at ridiculous depressions/slopes. Lets also not forget that you can use your commanders sight to aim as well with the option enabled, the camera is somewhat stable allowing you to aim whilst moving if using commander view. In short, you can fire above obstacles/terrain without exposing ANYTHING whilst also being able to bring a ridiculous amount of missiles. The reload rate is also okay given that you expert the crew and the AMX-30 transmission/engine gets you to most places faster than most other mediums. The turret itself can be really tricky to get oneshot through as the breach area tends to soak up shells so its viable to use in a hulldown position at range. Yes, the lack of the complementary french 20mm is a shame and if it had that it would of been even better. I personally had very low expectations of this vehicle when I first got it but it really grew on me while spading it and it is currently one of my favorites. It does not perform as well in urban combat naturally but on open ranged maps it really just dominates with its optics and missile speed as well as the capability of shooting whilst completely invulnerable to being shot by the person you're shooting at. (unless they somehow lob over a low velocity high-caliber HE/HESH shell on your roof lol)
@watvat8 Жыл бұрын
@ABluesBrother Жыл бұрын
it would be nice to see the italian C13 for once
@PilotTed Жыл бұрын
The other day I was playing the Marder 1A3 and an IS 6 snook up on me making no noise, seriously the audio is so bugged.
@Eeezy3972 Жыл бұрын
I do quite good in the type 60 ATM, i think it's pretty nice
@dani98vc Жыл бұрын
The misil its so fast 500m/s. In my perspective its not so bad, but i dont have the tank. So until I try it, I won't know for sure if I like it or not. but looking at his stat table, it doesn't seem bad.
@bluebasejdog7587 Жыл бұрын
Younger not the only one man many more have been this stage
@TheArbiter1721 Жыл бұрын
“It doesn’t get a stabilizer” the game: gun stabilizer two-plane
@TheArbiter1721 Жыл бұрын
It looks like the game says it has a stabilizer but it must be a cruddy one
@02suraditpengsaeng41 Жыл бұрын
Here my infamous quote " If you can play France, you basically can play any content in the game. "
@plimbo. Жыл бұрын
Ive got the buccenier from the boxes, from 7 or 8 mil SL
@jussi8111 Жыл бұрын
wonder if they aever will "fix" heat so it dosent blow when it touches everything
@shakenbakejake25 Жыл бұрын
But you have to mention the rocket propelled HE round! It isn't much but when it hits right, it's amazing.
@purplenurp5590 Жыл бұрын
You should do the Vt-1 as its hella good now
@SuperCookieGaming_ Жыл бұрын
yuudachi is a very good sl grinder
@crono2366 6 ай бұрын
Bit of an old video now, but I'm coming back to it to say I've played the ACRA extensively over the past few months and I...kind of love it now? It certainly has its issues, especially since the ATGM nerf, but there's something about it that means I can't stay mad at it. It's just such a goofy vehicle, and the missile is surprisingly good at one-shotting, overpressuring, or at least fucking up any vehicle at that BR range that isn't a Russian heavy. Also it may just be me, but it feels unusually good at surviving more than it should and getting lucky. I'd honestly recommend playing it, just play cautiously and aim center mass
@jaanikaapa6925 Жыл бұрын
Hind-A, lovely
@i_amsleep8505 Жыл бұрын
Where I was looking forward to using it =[
@lilcoolcat Жыл бұрын
3:08 yea no I have had that problem every day I’ve played since they “fixed” the audio bug
@mickeymoistner2860 Жыл бұрын
Just a heads up, you can shoot through those barricades in the middle east map with any of the coax machine guns. Even 7.62s go destroy them.
@Nero_Karel Жыл бұрын
Kinda jealous about the Yuudachi pull tbh cuz when I have to play naval Japan is actually fun at that BR, but I won't fall for those scammy SL cases again and try
@randomguyblank1616 Жыл бұрын
0:45 Oh man Yuudachi, remember to retrofit her to UR rarity, she's a great alternative to Shimakaze if you missed the event. Oh wait this isn't a game from a dev that treats its players well and has decent rates on its gambling mechanics.
@teoefthimiou7016 Жыл бұрын
How about playing a rank III and below vehicle of your choice ? That's my range of vehicles by now(after a hole year of playing casually as a f2p player). I don't really see you play a lot of low ranked vehicles. I would love to see it !
@commandervocal3848 Жыл бұрын
I’d say you can try the R3 (single recoil less rifled version)
@YukitoOnline Жыл бұрын
Spook sacrificing himself for us, in order for us not to suffer the same fate of playing the AMX-30
@zeldov5735 Жыл бұрын
"X vehicle is pure pain" Proceeds to do better than me in most matches with good tanks.
@danielsandberg9365 Жыл бұрын
Warrior ifv would be interesting
@jasoncrawford4929 Жыл бұрын
at 1:10 you can actually break all those concrete pieces with your MG, it doesn't have to be a 50 (even though that's what the ACRA has) Edit: you're correct about the ACRA not doing much damage, its one of the smaller ATGMs being a 142mm I think but it still does way too little and rarely overpressures anything
@engine4403 Жыл бұрын
I will use this early-ish arrival to a spookston vid to seek for help what was the thing with digging a hole into the ground with 2 exits facing the same direction so a tank can pop out and back in without risking getting hit?
@wildfire4887 Жыл бұрын
so the A.C.R.A. or the Anti Char Rapide Autopropulsé is a french prototype with 142mm supersonic missiles, on the other hand the M.U.C. non guided rocket flies out the tube at 1'980 km/h amd get boosted with a small rocket booster up to 2'520 km/h. The MUC rocket had a theoritical 8 kilometer range but the cannon's elevation made it impossible. ↑ an expenation on that thing you played
this things turret is chonky af
@krakixel Жыл бұрын
"There's an event so everyone is tryharding..." Ever since the battlepass was first introduced everyone started tryharding.
@henke7864 Жыл бұрын
I also got the IJN Yuudachi. But at least i got it as a coupon. Out of 400? boxes that's the only good i got. Got a lot of boosters.
@holydemonlordoftwats315 Жыл бұрын
Try the AMX-10, I enjoy playing it but I hardly see it being used at all. I don't understand, it's a pretty fun vehicle imo.
@PoliviosSavva Жыл бұрын
Pretty much a watered down rooikat but at the same BR
@magnum6763 Жыл бұрын
play the vickers mk.1, fully stabilized 105MM gun with L28A1 and BESH at 7.7
@armadillo3454 Жыл бұрын
the only semi-redeeming feature to the ACRA is the missile
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