Star Fox Zero is not a bad all.

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@TheLonelyGoomba 8 жыл бұрын
I was thinking the same thing, I wanted to make this exact video. I guess it is a victim of the review climate. Aka, rush through it, play bare minimal, get score. Theres a ton of let's plays and people online who go into the game wanting to hate it...and they do. "oh this controls slightly different! 2/10". The controls are fine. The bigger problem is the weird camera on some bosses. But it's a minor problem. And most SF fans seem to love the game from who I have spoken too.
@cookiestar456 8 жыл бұрын
@florsch6781 8 жыл бұрын
+TheLonelyGoomba I agree, it's not the controls, it's the "perspective". I just can't get used to switching between screen and gamepad, especially in boss fights and/or during cutscenes while the action is still running.
@HyperLeon53 8 жыл бұрын
like the guy on polygon who didn't even finish the game and raged quit? lol
@thatisfalco4986 8 жыл бұрын
+Florsch you can just click the minus button during those segments to switch to the gamepad screen in the tv
@albertthepeacock8020 8 жыл бұрын
+TheLonelyGoomba How can you type with no hands? 0.0
@587DeathKing 8 жыл бұрын
It's funny how people will clamor to "git gud" but once they are told to "git gud" suddenly it's the games fault.
@GILLZONE47 8 жыл бұрын
What does "git gud" mean?
@GILLZONE47 8 жыл бұрын
Wait, never mind. You're saying "get good".
@StarlightTrail3 6 жыл бұрын
This comment is underrated.
@SIMIFU 8 жыл бұрын
Star fox zero is like trying to ride a bike for the first time, but once you learn how to ride said becomes a fantastic experience!
@marcosdheleno 8 жыл бұрын
+SIMIFU well, it becomes a fantastic experience... to some, but there are still people who played, understood the controls, can make them work as intended, and still didnt liked it. one example of this is comparing CoD with BF. some cod players cant play bf because the diference in gameplay, makes it not as enjoyable to them. the same happens to some bf players who can play cod extremely well, but dont enjoy its mechanics, expecially when compared to a bf game. its this thing called taste, you may enjoy halo, but it doesnt mean you will enjoy killzone. so you can play starfox zero, but it doesnt mean you will like it, for one reason or another.
@zjd434 8 жыл бұрын
+Marcos Danilo We get it, you value opinions.
@ValorDucky 8 жыл бұрын
This is another Kid Icarus Uprising and Wonderful 101. Both criminally underrated games because most gamers are too arrogant to master the controls. Learning curves be damned!
@sneed3840 8 жыл бұрын
I'm with you on zero and uprising but wonderful 101 was a mess
@hitorijuunin 8 жыл бұрын
+Sgtduckerz Still any game must be learned and enjoy that learn when playing, the true progress comes into mastering the controls, (ask any monster hunter fan about it). If we dont have new ways to control every now and then we will end up with the same FPS every year or the same soccer game every year just with new colors ( CoD and PES)
@Verdant86 8 жыл бұрын
+Sgtduckerz are you crazy man? wonderful 101 is a national treasure.
@MrSkate3flip 8 жыл бұрын
+Travey Duck no forget the learning curve human beings this unadaptive should have died off a long time ago
@lavacubes 8 жыл бұрын
kid Icuras didn't even have that bad controls. took me 4 minutes to get used to them. it'll probably take me like 20 ti get used to these. no big woop.
@WhiteWingedNightmare 8 жыл бұрын
Holy shit, I feel the exact same way. I love Starfox Zero. It's quite nice to not have to feel like only my brother and I enjoyed the game.
@TheAnimationAnalyst 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you. Fucking thank you. I'm so sick and tired of people brushing this game off as a piece of shit without even playing it, or from only playing it for about an hour or so, not even bothering to give these "different", but not bad, controls a chance. I have no problem with people not liking the game; what I do have a problem with though is people not even giving a new game a chance before calling it bad.
@EclipseHedgehog 8 жыл бұрын
i find it ironic that a game series that tells you to never give up, people just give up. When i played 64 back in 98 i got so frustrated but you know what i did? i practiced until i got good and today my highest score is in the 2000's. this will be NO different.
@xzgears929 8 жыл бұрын
SF64 isn't difficult. Plus there was no crazy mandatory gimmick motion controls to play.
@VGF80 8 жыл бұрын
Remember the saying "Never give up, trust you instincts"
@MegaKrage 7 жыл бұрын
the motion controls arn't crazy and 90% of the time not needed. its really only needed for certain boss battles. its very easy to use.
@johnmanreal9786 8 жыл бұрын
This is basically all the reviews I've seen "It's not as good as 64 so it isn't good."
@Pianoscore-v3l 8 жыл бұрын
"No one played Star Fox for the graphics." The original star fox came out in 1993 for the snes, and was unique for being one of the only games with the FX chip which could render 3D graphics. It looks awful today obviously, but back then it was mind blowing; the game is fun and was unique back then, but a big selling point was the revolutionary graphics. Sorry about this, I respect your opinion that Star Fox Zero is a fun game, but I felt your statement on the graphics of the original games was under researched.
@gillythekid 8 жыл бұрын
+Hamish Brown it wasn't under researched. in fact, it wasn't researched at all...because it didn't need to be...because i was alive for it. the concept was revolutionary for a home console, sure, but arcade cabinets were way ahead of this.. the selling point was the 3 dimensional nature of the game and smoothness of the gameplay, because it was previously not available on console... not the graphics themselves.
@Pianoscore-v3l 8 жыл бұрын
+gillythekid fair enough, I didn't think of it like that.
@SeekerLancer 8 жыл бұрын
+gillythekid Arcade games and PC's were way ahead of home consoles in terms of polygon graphics but I think it's a bit dishonest to say the original Star Fox wasn't a draw because of its graphics. It's literally the only reason the game was made, to impress home console owners with 3D graphics. 64 was meant to be a graphical showpiece in its time as well. That said I don't disagree with you that people don't want to play Zero for its graphics. I'm not sure why that's even an issue either. Star Fox has a certain style and this game is obviously meant to have a retro throwback look to it. I think it's pretty attractive. The controls still kill this game for me and it's annoying that it's just Star Fox 64... again... but to each his own.
@leon4000 8 жыл бұрын
+Christopher Blair For now....
@trixterplays975 8 жыл бұрын
+gillythekid I for one can safely say that I may have enjoyed 64 as a kid, but looking back on it, I don't like it as much, in fact, I feel embarrassed to even look at it now. In short, the game doesn't really age that well, mind you, it's not because of how it looks. For 1997, it looked okay. Today, it doesn't look that good, but that's not my point. I really just think that flying in an Arwing so much, occasionally a Landmaster or Blue Marine, just gets lazy after a while. Maybe I was spoiled by Smash Bros, since I played that first, and Fox was a playable character that wasn't in his trademark arwing, but that doesn't mean keeping Fox locked up in his Arwing isn't lazy.
@YourBrotherWombat 8 жыл бұрын
You'd think that after Splatoon, people would be fine with motion control aiming. Im really glad to see people sticking up for this game
@UltimaKeyMaster 8 жыл бұрын
+YourBrotherWombat Fucking *exactly* with the motion controls. When I hear it's just a gyroscope, I think "Zelda worked fine for first-person aiming and Splatoon was fucking amazing with it, what's the problem?"
@thecrow1901 8 жыл бұрын
+YourBrotherWombat me too
@MegaKrage 7 жыл бұрын
to be fair you can turn that off in splatoon. i had it off cause i hated it
@VivioSaf 7 жыл бұрын
/\ To be ever more fair. No motion is fine in Splatoon for the "Spray and Pray" style. But you have to admit that the precision is way better when you learn to work with the motion.
@OniLink147 8 жыл бұрын
I adore this game.
@TehJellyLord 8 жыл бұрын
I enjoy the hell about the game! It's StarFox in just about it's truest form. It did take me a while to learn the controls, but I didn't let it stop me from enjoying the game!
@JoBure10 8 жыл бұрын
I was so against when it was revealed up into its release. I had no interest in it whatsoever, then saw the completionists review and thought I'd give it a chance, I did think he was over praising it though. sure enough he couldn't have been more right. I love zero. it's probably my favourite wii u game in the past year. love the controls, replay ability, presentation and story. it's pure starfox and I wish people would give it more of a chance. hopefully with this video and the completionists more people like me can give the game a chance and be wowed by it
@MegaKrage 7 жыл бұрын
why did you have no interest? what made you think "oh a starfox game like the 64, nah"
@TotallyHypnoSquid 8 жыл бұрын
Dude thank you so much for making this. I've been having so much fun with this game and can't for the hell of me understand why people bash it so much.
@teenkitsune 8 жыл бұрын
Now unlike you I actually really enjoy motion controls, I don't expect it all the time, but when I'm presented with it, be it 'forced" or optional, I give them a chance; and I do love this game, the "forced" motion controls give a similar challenge to that which real life fighter pilots deal with, and in the best way possible in my opinion.
@marcosdheleno 8 жыл бұрын
+Teenkitsune "give a similar challenge to that which real life fighter pilots deal with, and in the best way possible in my opinion." oh boy thats so wrong in so many levels... hey man, if thats how you feel, good for you, but thats extremely far from the truth. expecially when you understand that many jets are actually piloted by two people.
@teenkitsune 8 жыл бұрын
Marcos Danilo Many jets are piloted by single pilots to.
@itsyoast 8 жыл бұрын
Having multiple family members who have flown jets in the military at one point in their lives, I can confirm that most military fighter jets are flown with two people and not one. However I won't deny that there is a minority that have jets flown by single pilots, but most of the minority is taken up by pilots who are more entertainment based than battle based imo.
@teenkitsune 8 жыл бұрын
Toast All I'm saying is that your attempt at proving the controls are bad is failing, so far all you're doing is defending your personal preference and making it out to be wrong that other people think differently.
@itsyoast 8 жыл бұрын
+Teenkitsune I haven't played the game and I never once said the controls were bad. I was merely confirming the jet pilot part.
@Sblezo 8 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I don't get it either. My country's webzine reviews for this game all say the same thing: the controls are tricky to master, but immensely satisfying when you get used to it; then proceed to rate it from 7.5 to 8.5 out of 10, which is fair to me. I wholeheartedly agree, and I'm in love with this game!
@movingtonewchannel.8360 8 жыл бұрын
Dude, you took the words right out of my mouth here. I mean, does no one, NO ONE, remember Kid Icarus: Uprising? How many people complained (and still complain) about the controls? Honestly, if the controls weren't based around the motion of the Gamepad, there wouldn't be ANY (or at least, as much) issues regarding the game. Unless, y'know, people were being nitpicky. Granted, everyone is entitled to an opinion. I always stand by that. But, sometimes, those opinions go too far into trying to prove points into where people want to make those opinions as facts. When they really are not. I really liked this game; it grew on me the more I played. Hell, I binged on the game the whole weekend! I really think it's fun! Yeah, it has problems. It isn't perfect. But, it isn't a bad game. Not at all. I just wish people gave games a real chance these days.
@ksldfhjlkdsj 5 жыл бұрын
I don't hate that they did the motion controls, I actually think it's pretty fun, but I do fucking HATE that they didn't include the option to turn them off and play with conventional controls. I'm not a game developer but I feel like this would have been a simple thing to do. And even if it took some serious work to fit that in, that one inclusion could have really saved this game from tanking like it did. People initially cringed about the motion steering in Mario Kart for the Wii but they gave you the option of just using a thumbstick the end of the day everyone was happy and it ended up being a best selling game. Real bogus move to have that correct answer right in front but still insist on forcing one or the other down player's throats.
@ZeoLightning 8 жыл бұрын
the controls arent forced per say because the game is DESIGNED around it, as in, there is no other way to play the game with out it. you may think thats forced but thats because of miyamoto's mindset going into making this game. he stated before he skipped Wii completely for starfox ALL because he wanted to find a new way to innovate the game play. In a sense he's stifled by his own creative nature but if we dont have games like these, where we push the boundaries of how to play games, gaming WILL grow stagnant. this is partly why nintendo's whole initiative has been to stay innovative. to keep the gaming culture moving forward. but people are too annoyed of change and want to stay as simple as possible. but that kind of mind set is bad
@teenkitsune 8 жыл бұрын
+ZeoLightning That I can agree with, it's why I embraced motion controls on the Wii and enjoyed them more than most people. I could care less about improving graphics, if gameplay is what moves forward then I am happy, and I most certainly am happy!
@RedwindAndBeyond 8 жыл бұрын
Since I never played a Star Fox game, because I never had a N64 at the time. This is the best opportunity for me to give this series a try, because according to Jirard the game has a bit of a learning curve so it won't be an issue to take your time and master the controls so that way it will be fun as you progress through the game. Why are others complain about the game that they wanted for so long just for them to bash it? Don't they understand that this is a Star fox game to come out in such a long time! When did this gaming generation become such whiny spoiled impatient brats, but that's just my opinion.
@DubiousDoom 8 жыл бұрын
Interesting that you would distinguish between Star Fox Zero's motion controls and the likes of Mario Kart Wii and Skyward Sword. I had no problem with the controls in those games, and actually ended up enjoying the controls, which leads me to believe that Zero's control scheme can actually be a lot of fun. Good video, by the way.
@gillythekid 8 жыл бұрын
+DubiousDoom you can play with them, sure. but for example, mario kart 8's controls are inherently less precise by nature for a racing game. you can still be comfortable using them. and thanks!
@ashtonbrown1393 8 жыл бұрын
+gillythekid yeah i know i will to a review of every star fox game from 64 to zero
@OpXarxa 8 жыл бұрын
+gillythekid motion controls in mariokart are not as good as normal controls, but fun to dick around with. Skyward sword though, i know a lot of people claim they don't work, but i never had the leastest problem with them...
@ashtonbrown1393 8 жыл бұрын
Zaruian same he man
@DarkraySA 8 жыл бұрын
Wow, the comparisons between Star Fox and Star Wars have been becoming more apparent. When the fans of each franchise wanted the next installment to be closer to the original installment, they complain when they get their wish. Hence the criticism the Force Awakens recieved, and now with Star Fox Zero.
@UltimaKeyMaster 8 жыл бұрын
+Darkrayquaza47 I'd say The Force Awakens could be a little more justifiably criticized that way. It's very definitely a sequel to the original trilogy, but it's almost exactly A New Hope's basic plot structure. Star Fox Zero, on the other hand, people literally wanted a game *exactly* like 64 and complain they got that.
@hylianfelldragon1308 8 жыл бұрын
Talk about it. I always felt that Star Fox was somewhat a parody of Star Wars.
@RosySquiggle 8 жыл бұрын
I can see why people get so irritated with the game since of the control scheme making the game somewhat inaccessible at first. I made damn sure to not listen to other sites and such. Plenty of action games I've played like Zero, Wonderful 101, or Kid Icarus having weird control schemes are fantastic but just take time getting used to.
@MaxOfFewTrades 8 жыл бұрын
Only problem with the game is that its just a 64 remake. If the game continued the story that left off from Assault then it would be a prefect 5/5.
@teenkitsune 8 жыл бұрын
+MaxOfFewTrades Command already did that, plus that and Assault were hated to death, the only time people have been happy with Star Fox were on the SNES, Star Fox 64 (which is just a Star Fox SNES remake as well), and Star Fox 64 3D, if I was working there that's the impression I'd get.
@PlayPodOG 7 жыл бұрын
64 was just a remake of the original star fox.
@deadshotruby6667 6 жыл бұрын
Star Fox Zero is a remake of a remake. If you wanna count Star Fox 3D, then it's a remake of a remake of a remake. I think the reason they did this was to just restart the story entirely. Zero had a bit more story to it than 64, and since Adventures and Assault were hated pretty badly, it's possible that they just wanted a whole new, canon, story line. I think it was even said that if they make another game, they wanna add Krystal, which is interesting.
@franciscoperalta5779 6 жыл бұрын
And now Zero is the lowest point in the series. According to ratings and sales atleast.
@TruExtentChannel 8 жыл бұрын
One thing I wonder when people talk crap on the controls: Did anyone even notice the button on the pause screen that reduces motion controls? That was one of the first things I looked for and bam! My aim wasn't flying everywhere! I found reduced motion controls to be perfect for playing alone, while in co-op full motion controls were perfect. Also, I need to finish it... I'm near the end, but ye ol' Backlog distracted me.
@wariolandgoldpiramid 8 жыл бұрын
People don't explore menus anymore. They just press "Play" without ever checking the options.
@TruExtentChannel 8 жыл бұрын
Then I must be the weird one. Doesn't matter if I'm playing on PC or console, old or new; I look for the settings the first chance I get. In fact I started Hotel Dusk on my 3DS the other day. When I got to the settings page (after some gameplay to get through) it mentioned use of the Rumble Pak. Needless to say, I took that game out almost right away and stuck it into my DS lite to use the feature. (Cool game so far BTW.)
@wariolandgoldpiramid 8 жыл бұрын
TruExtent yeah, I explore menus too. But I've seen a lot of Let's Plays where people just jump straight into the game. And then end up complaining about something that's there in the controls or pause menu or something. Here's an example. Harry Potter 1 for PC. I've seen a let's player complain about the broom controls in the Flying segments, because they were regular controls instead of inverted controls. But there's an option to switch between them on the menu, which they didn't know.
@Bladeslingersgamepreserve 8 жыл бұрын
I agree mostly but my issues with the controls actually aren't with the motion controls but actually with how they are layed out on the control. I have played Star Fox 64 so much that I had some muscle memory issues. For example, the fire button is where I'm accustomed to the barrel roll being. I did adjust but it's still something that bothers me, especially since this game is trying to be so close to Star Fox 64.
@juliov.5812 8 жыл бұрын
personally, I think the best game is star fox assault, although zero is the second best.
@daniel_organero_perez5330 8 жыл бұрын
Yeah assult and zero is amazing games.
@juliov.5812 8 жыл бұрын
SuperMario145 hooray for unpopular opinions!
@starwarstrainer9887 8 жыл бұрын
I love this game. Admittedly after reviews I was hesitant. I actually waited a while. Then it went on sale for like 35 bucks and I've been waiting to play it and didn't want to pass up something I've been waiting for since Fox 64. I can see why Nintendo had the motion controls in there. And I do always have to re-center, which is easy to do. But it works. I don't look at the pad too much. But it is handy when coasting through and taking out a lot of ships that you'd normally pass by and can't see on the TV. Going back through the earlier levels that I got through without really having the controls down at first, was so fun. And I felt like it was second nature to use the control scheme. A great star fox game and true to the franchise. Corneria, Andross, and even the robots and carrier from Coneria (the first boss of the SNES game) is in there. It's a nostalgia trip upgraded. I do with the music from the first level of the SNES game was in there. That would have made it even Better.
@gillythekid 8 жыл бұрын
+Star Wars Trainer the music from the first level of the Snes game IS in it haha
@MoonSpiritChannel 8 жыл бұрын
I too was skeptical about the game when reviews came, then Twitter overflowed with most positivity than what critics gave. I tried it, and it was initially rough and bad, but over time, I started to get used to the controls, and I love it! It's kind of like riding a bike for the first time: you won't enjoy it at first, but once you get used to it, you'll enjoy that new bike.
@Nintendrew 8 жыл бұрын
EXCELLENT video! I also wanted to make a very similar response haha. Zero is definitely the best Star Fox game since 64. An incredible addition with great character.
@mylifeingaming 8 жыл бұрын
[Coury] We both enjoyed the game quite a bit and can't wait to play through it again and again. There are times when i fought with the controls but it didn't drive me to the brink of madness. If i had to nitpick, I'd say that I wish there were more straight up on rails parts instead of all range mode constantly popping up. But that's just because on rail shooters are probably my favorite genre of game. Good video.
@karasu56789 8 жыл бұрын
I just really wish this game had a demo I could play. If Nintendo offered a free demo then people who are skeptical of motion controls could play it, get used to it, sit back and say "That wasn't bad at all" or " I'm glad I didn't spend $60 on that"
@albertthepeacock8020 8 жыл бұрын
Star Fox Zero is an amazing game for veterans and newcomers. Yes the controls are weird but they can take time getting used to. I recommend this game to everyone.
@thetimmon 8 жыл бұрын
I will never understand why people actually think graphics mean anything. I'd rather take a game that functions over one that has good graphics, but that's just me. (also, i haven't even played star fox zero, it's not my cup of tea.)
@MVboy39 8 жыл бұрын
The problem with motion controls is that they had a horrible first impression, with the Wii forcing them to navigate the home menu and Wii Sports being a flicking simulator. I feel like if people were to forget about the early days of motion controls, this game wouldn't be half as hated as it is.
@proton7631 8 жыл бұрын
+Matthew Vitelli (MatthewMJV) It wasn't that bad, you had to either be to close or too far from the T.V. and Wii Sports wasn't that bad of a game.
@leon4000 6 жыл бұрын
The point Matt's trying to make is that people don't look forward to motion controls when some of the games that emphasized motion controls wasn't used well and it ended up becoming an experience that they'd rather keep to buttons to press on the controller. Sure motion controls seemed like a fun thing on the Wii, but most people fell out of interest. That's partly the reason why any game with motion controls is approached with question.
@KalleMichael 8 жыл бұрын
I bought this got this game the day it came out. Hell I even pre ordered it just to get a star fox patch and honestly I couldn't agree more. I love it and I learned the controls in like 3 or 4 levels.It's my second favorite star fox game behind star fox 64.
@EX-MartialEmpress9 3 жыл бұрын
Star Fox Zero is going to become the Super Mario Sunshine or Batman: Arkham Origins of Star Fox. What I mean by that is that everyone hated it at first, and then 10 years later everyone loves it. I guarantee this is going to happen to Star Fox Zero! Although then again, never played Star Fox Zero, or any Star Fox game for that matter so what do I know.
@kurokamina8429 5 ай бұрын
That's already happening with Star Fox Assaults.
@SinShady. 8 жыл бұрын
I agree with most of the points you made. But Skyward Sword didn't have that bad of a control setup, I fucking hated it, but it was far from busted.
@TaskMaster5 8 жыл бұрын
I heard so much about how 'bad' this game was during its initial showings at conventions and the like. But like you, when it comes to video games, I don't take the word of others over my own personal experiences. I bought Zero right out of the gate. I played through Corneria twice. Twice. I had the controls down THEN. Sure, there were a few times my brain fought me, but that's normal when you're learning a new control scheme. And as you said...the controls are NOT bad. It's not like they don't WORK. The problem is, it's the PLAYERS who are bad. They suck and they get mad when they aren't doing well. Rather than 'git gud' at something, it's far more simple to blow up at the game and write it off as the games fault. Then comes the hyperbole about how terrible the game is to further try to validate their own shittiness at the game. This is a game that will get written off as shit but I have no doubt will, years from now once this whole thing blows over, will be lauded as one of the best SF games. Because it's simply 'the cool thing to do' to hate on motion controls and join in on the hate train than have a differing opinion than the masses. I don't give a shit. This game is fun. I'm not at all upset I bought it. And like 64, I'll be playing this one years down the line.
@OpXarxa 8 жыл бұрын
I loved the game. The controls, once you get them down, are the second coming of christ, and the graphics look fine. The true problem that gave me a bitter aftertaste, though? THERE'S SO LITTLE CONTENT GOING THROUGH SEVERAL ROUTES IN ARCADE MODE IS SO BORING CAUSE THEY'RE ALL ALMOST THE SAME seriously, this game just needed more levels and a better arcade mode.
@TimeRazor 8 жыл бұрын
I love this game, people are just to butt-hurt and not wanting to learn or fight against the controls like my stubborn childhood friend.
@cantthinkofbettername5065 8 жыл бұрын
I just want to point out this game's metacritic average is 69 while Paper Mario: Sticker Star has a metacritic average of 75.
@alexluvzfire3567 8 жыл бұрын
it does take a while to get used to the crontols. I felt like super dumb trying to fly and aim, like my brain couldn't process the multi tasking. but it's actually fun after you adjust to the learning curve. now the controls make sense.
@russianbot2179 8 жыл бұрын
Skyward Sword motion controls worked just fine. If it was not working, then that means you set up your motion sensor wrong. The Legend of Groose, Skyward Hair is the best Groose Game since the N64.
@KamenTyler 8 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad that someone on KZbin made a video about this because this is exactly how I feel about everything that has been going on about Star Fox Zero.
@SpaceKingScot 8 жыл бұрын
I went into the game optimistic. But all my friends had already disregarded it's existence. Seeing as I'm going for the complete wiiu library I picked it up and gave it a shot. I played around in training mode to start off because I knew about the controls. They came natural to me. And I went on to love the hell out of the game. In fact I'd rate it using my top 10 wiiu games. Nowhere near the top with bayonetta etta 2 or xenoblade X mind you, but still in the top ten. I loved the absolute hell out of it and it's a damn shame no one seems to feel that way.
@chroniclelight 8 жыл бұрын
last time I checked Lylatwars (i.e. star fox 64) was a huge improvement in graphics to the snes game.
@gillythekid 8 жыл бұрын
last time i checked, it wasn't. it was an improvement in terms of being able to BE 3d...not actual graphical fidelity.
@AzureXEyes64 6 жыл бұрын
I absolutely loved the game, I said just about everything you've said except the "giving the game to a random child" part which was a fantastic point. Also what is that outro music
@ViktarTheBarbarian 8 жыл бұрын
This is the starfox game everybody has wanted since 1998. More levels, more vehicles, tons of different routes. It's amazing.
@MidnaTwiliProfile 8 жыл бұрын
I got the game without hearing anything bad about it and I think its fine. I just played the game and enjoyed it. People need to stop taking Nintendo's hard work to please us as fans for granted. We wanted a classic-style Star Fox, and that is what we got.
@bochi5544 8 жыл бұрын
Skyward Sword didn't have broken motion controls at all. I feel like it's just like you said with Star Fox 0, gamers (usually the older ones around 30 or so) are too stubborn to adapt, Skyward Sword had some of the best motion controls I've played with, I had no problem what so ever. Remember when gamers just enjoyed the games? Good times.
@Astaticembrace 8 жыл бұрын
+Flarecrow The thing is, it's not common knowledge that things like sunlight peeking in through your window can fuck with the Wiimote's many people literally do have legitimate issues with the controls and they just assume the controls are broken, and to be fair I would too if I didn't know better beforehand. On the topic of opinions, I hate that game to bits. So fucking boring and so damn guided... Nintendo thought their demographic was 8-year-olds apparently. And the sword-fighting, while smooth, is as simple as swinging once in an OBVIOUSLY TELEGRAPHED direction...
@bochi5544 8 жыл бұрын
Buttered Funnybiscuit Yes recent Zelda titles has been really guided (TP took 2 hours+ just to get to the first temple), I for one thing the Story always has been great, and Skyward Sword had not only one of the best stories, but also the best incarnation of Zelda herself.
@ThatsPety 8 жыл бұрын
I like how you agreed with his main point, but pointed out a small thing that he was definitely wrong about, and respectfully. I completely agree
@TheGoldenBolt 8 жыл бұрын
WiiMotionPlus doesn't need the receiver, though. If SS were a regular Wii game, sure, but you can play it without the receiver plugged in. That can't exactly be used as an argument here unless sunlight somehow messes with the MotionPlus gyroscope.
@JamesBeatsGames 8 жыл бұрын
I resent that statement! I'm 32 and love, Love, LOVED Star Fox Zero!
@pauljankootje3943 8 жыл бұрын
I also like the game, I first disliked it, fighting against the controls, but after my first playthrough I kept enjoying it more and more, there are things that still bother me, like the great fox escort missions, but I do enjoy Star fox: Zero for what it is.
@Michirin9801 8 жыл бұрын
I think this game would have controlled better if it used the Wiimote and Nunchuck rather than the Wii U gamepad... Just make it play like Sin & Punishment Star Successor...
@TheXanondorf 7 жыл бұрын
I will say that this feels like the first true 2-person star fox experience. I wish nintendo let you play through the game that way standard, as opposed to having to unlock 2-player by completing stages. This game is truly best experienced with a co-pilot.
@KadeKalka 8 жыл бұрын
I was assuming the controls would work, I just haven't gotten he game since I don't have the money..
@theshadowdirector 8 жыл бұрын
THANK YOUI predict this to be one of those titles that history will be kinder to in the years to come.Another thing people never mention, PRESS MINUS, you can bring the gamepads view to the TV!
@nathanmoore8594 8 жыл бұрын
I can't tell you how long I've been looking for someone aside from Jirard who likes this game. I also felt like no one was really giving this game a chance. Yes it's tough to get a hang of the game, but Dark Souls is really hard but people love that game. I know I stand alone in saying this, but I prefer the motion controls to the N64 control scheme. It feels so awesome when you've learned how to dodge incoming fire to the left, and at the same time, shoot down a few ships flying by you on your right. You've never been able to do anything like that in the N64 game.
@thelegendarytoast7860 7 жыл бұрын
The forced gyro control killed it for me. I still respect your opinion though.
@sonicmeerkat 8 жыл бұрын
*people stop grasping on the lip syncing point, i'm saying it's a major critism, NOT that it's a bad homage* *I can't be fucked to reply anymore, just watch **Haedox**​ 's review of star fox zero to get what I mean* The main criticism is the lacking amount of content, the recycling of corneria from 64, twice. And the lack of any lip syncing. The stuff about the controls and graphics are subjective so I don't really give a shit what people think about them.
@gillythekid 8 жыл бұрын
+sonic meerkat the game has the amount of content that a traditional star fox game SHOULD really...and not lip syncing was entirely a stylistic choice
@sonicmeerkat 8 жыл бұрын
i guess so, i'm just mainly saying how stupid the graphical and control complaints are in comparison to other issues.
@srsbizman6649 8 жыл бұрын
>Recycling of Corneria twice I don't mind this at all, the fact that you go back to a harder Corneria near the end of the game shows a sense of progression of how far you've come as a player >lack of any lip syncing I play StarFox for flying a fucking Arwing, not watching a cinematic where I watch Fox talk for an hour. Irrelevant and nickpicky complaint >Lack of content Ok I'll give you that one, there's not too much with the game aside from getting all the medals, going through every alternate route, and playing arcade mode. However it does come with Star Fox Guard, a game that arguably has more content and just as much replayability as Zero.
@Voidwave72 8 жыл бұрын
+sonic meerkat "Recycling" is something I find weird when people hate. I don't hear people hating the Z targeting in 3D Zelda games cause they literally copied it from OoT. I don't hear people complaining about how Ghoma is in almost every Zelda game (I have Zelda on my mind cause I just finished TP for the 3rd time :P sorry). Things that are good are brought back because they're good. I feel like Corneria shouldn't be much different. It's things like these that make me not trust critics that much. Though as a side note, I've never played Star Fox 64 and I'm still in the proccess of saving up for Zero. Though, should I buy SF64 or not? I feel like Zero is a better game. Answer me with your nostalgia goggles off please.
@sonicmeerkat 8 жыл бұрын
well it depends on what's recycled, if mechanics are recycled it keeps the gameplay familiar and easy to master. but if level design or scenery is recycled it'll become mundane/similar through out. though if you want to buy star fox go zero, it's a remastered 64, so improved graphics, better sound and more improved controls (in terms of what you can do with them anyway).
@z0e898 8 жыл бұрын
I've played starfox 64 for the first time in 2009 and I had so much fun I didn't even see the graphics!
@Nighthawk6827 8 жыл бұрын
It took me a few minutes to get used to the controls and the motion control is just for the targeting reticle. I love this game and it's the best star fox game since 64. Why won't those naysayers that hate the game get with the freaking program?!
@kyoku1982 8 жыл бұрын
I found Skyward Sword's motion controls pretty dam easy to use. Your coordination is whats broken. Though I do agree with the rest of the video.
@nandeska12 8 жыл бұрын
I got this game day one and when I was starting up the game I was honestly concerned over the controls because everyone was saying how bad they were, I finally played the game and was immediately in shock as to how NOT bad the controls are, maybe I'm just old but I always try to learn how to play a fun game I literally got the hang of the controls in the first level, that's what shocked me the game is so good and fun I don't know what everyone's problem is, again maybe I'm just old.
@Yuuretsu 8 жыл бұрын
I bought the game wanting to be positive about it. And after buying the game without watching any preview footage I have to say that it's a great game. The blocky enemy designs serve as a great nod to Star Fox and Star Fox 64 whilst also serving the purpose of keeping the framerate high. I love the landmaster in this game and the walker didn't bother me. Not a fan of the sluggish Gyrowing though. My biggest pet peeve however, is the fact that the motion controls are not optional and they're also barely customizeable even though the button layout could be changed on the snes and n64.
@SwaggerLikeUz 5 жыл бұрын
Cool to hear that retro "Journey to Silius" Nes theme in the background. Love Star Fox :)
@generalgrievous67 8 жыл бұрын
Star Fox 64 also had unintuitive controls that took time to get adujsted to. I had to play for at least 10-15 hours before I was able to even stand a chance in beating the game. And now people complain that it takes a couple stages to get the controls down. It's almost like seeing the same game in two different time periods
@ethanc.1443 8 жыл бұрын
Chris Stuckmann also gave this game a chance. He gave it a 75% rating but he still took time to learn the controls.
@TangibleTravis 8 жыл бұрын
I completely agree! I have a lot of fun playing this game. And I actually like the controls - all of them. Speaking of the length of the game - are people trying to earn the most in each level? Where's the enjoyment in playing through each level once, finishing it, and calling it a day? You're piloting a jet in space. Try to get better, and earn the rewards. You might even find yourself appreciating the controls more.
@cj694x2 8 жыл бұрын
This is why I feel Nintendo is being so secretive about the NX. I have a strong feeling it will be something very different than what we are used to. It may be good, it may be bad... but I do know that if it really is something new, then it will be blasted by everyone before it even comes out.
@farhaanraja7994 7 жыл бұрын
Did i get a gold medal on Macbeth in Star Fox 64 first try? Hell no, but i kept replaying it, found different ways to reach it, managed to hit all the switches, and only last week managed to get gold... How many reviewers got a gold medal on every mission in star fox 64...
@carlosvp2737 8 жыл бұрын
It's sad how much people are bashing this game, this is the best game since 64, it is everything a star fox game should be if you ask me.
@AzumangaFan13 8 жыл бұрын
I'm with you dude, I'm extremely loving this game.
@Pleaseunderstand 8 жыл бұрын
I played through the game and absolutely loved it, controls included. I wasn't a huge fan of Star Fox 64, mainly due to the all-range mode sections which I found incredibly dull (do circles on the minimap until you run into an enemy, rinse and repeat), and Star Fox Zero improved and perfected everything from Star Fox 64. The new controls feel incredibly liberating. Being able to target an enemy offscreen with the gamepad was a breath of fresh air. All range mode was _just_ as exciting as the on rails mode in Zero, and, unlike 64, doesn't have an overreliance on a minimap. Dogfighting Star Wolf and his allies in Zero was an absolute thrill. Star Wolf's teams AI was on point. Zero's difficulty was also just right, in my opinion.
@teenkitsune 8 жыл бұрын
If you remember, they forced face buttons on the right and the d-pad on the left on consumers when all they wanted was a tiny box with a giant control stick, this is nothing new.
@riahlexington 6 жыл бұрын
3:25 yesss so true when I was 12 or 13 I played a lot of crappy flash Mario games before I had my Wii and I didn’t realize how crappy they are.
@TheDevTeam_ 8 жыл бұрын
Honestly, this video makes a valid point. Star Fox Zero is definitely a good game. Is it a remake rehash of 64, yes in some ways. However, the story doesn't truly follow the same way as 64 did, it did try to sell itself by hitting the nostalgia (which sometimes is not a good thing), but it isn't a bad game. Yes, the motion controls are unwanted as well as the two screen look, but once you sit down and learn how to use them to your advantage, it's fun. I actually did co-op with this game, and it's so much fun and slightly frustrating telling your friend to fly a certain way so you can shoot an enemy or even vice versa. And as it was said, eventually, you don't even have to look at the Gamepad once you learn how to use the motion to your advantage. Take a second or two, and don't shoot this game down, give it some time like you would at your own favorite franchise. I mean come on, Final Fantasy changes their gameplay up in some way almost every game.
@subzero66634 4 жыл бұрын
I am a Fan of Platinum Games and Star fox, but I dont buy the game to release because all the Bad Reviews. I bought it 10 month later, new for 10 Euro. And today IT IS my favorit Star fox Game and one of the three best Wii U Games for me!
@Ageleszly 3 жыл бұрын
This proves that game journalists can't be trusted.
@subzero66634 3 жыл бұрын
@@Ageleszly I think that is Not the Point. Journalists can See it differenty and thats ok. I think we should see, that there are many Games, who are Not perfect, but fine for me. Star fox Zero isnt a Bad Games, but i think it has problems, but they are ok for me.
@Ageleszly 3 жыл бұрын
@@subzero66634 Yeah but at least it shows you that a score alone has no value and that perception can be easily altered by just framing what doesn't work in a game or worse simply lie about facts because of incompetence or rudeness. Sry but all of my favourite games in the last decade had mixed reviews from gaming journalists, be it Star Fox Zero, Wonderful 101, Kid Icarus Uprising, Rainworld or the new Ghosts'n'Goblins to me it's clear that my preferences and the mainstream appeal are ages ago, something new and innovative rarely gets rewarded, instead it's just the same old formula and cinesastic presentation that gets praised to no end and this harms the overall variety of the video game industry
@johnnobon 8 жыл бұрын
This is a good game. It tried something different and even though it didn't get everything perfectly, it proved to be an interesting experience. I hope the stigma doesn't cause Nintendo to regress to doing the same thing over and over. If it does in ten years when everyone just wants a game like StarFox Zero again, we'll know exactly whose fault it is that it won't happen. It's like Super Mario Sunshine all over again.
@bellotriggerfish 8 жыл бұрын
+Gillythekid GameXplain also was mostly positive about the game. And they also said that the control scheme is not that bad.
@JacktheLightningRipper 8 жыл бұрын
I was hyped for this game ever since its first reveal and the reason I haven't played it yet is because I wanted to get it as either a graduation present or a birthday present.
@soraudagawa3022 8 жыл бұрын
It's funny, because two days ago I started Starfox for the SNES to get into the franchise, and I needed at least half an hour to get used to the controls. Eventually I get used to them, finished the game and loved it, and i'm sure it would be the same with Zero. So at the end I cannot realise how is it possible to dislike Zero because of the controls or the graphics. I would love to play the game, that from what I've seen, seems to be excellent.
@miguelb5661 8 жыл бұрын
i found it easier to just hit the - button when i need precise aiming. it takes just about the same half second to look down. learn to do that people and u will have a blast playing it. i also happened to like the gyro copter and the chicken wing. its a nice change of pace cause honestly after playing sf 64 a few months ago, the simple gameplay got old after a few minutes.
@josephcross8464 8 жыл бұрын
The game got panned bascally because it's a Wii U game. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that forced motion controls and the game being a complete re-imagining of the original Star Fox have got nothing to do with it; all I am saying is that Nintendo's relationship with its fans is probably never been worse, and things like the recent Zelda delay are surely not helping at all. I believe people would be more forgiving if they would've been happier with some of Nintendo's recent decisions; I mean look at Sony with the latest Ratchet and Clank game, the game's basically a complete remaster of the original game that started the franchise, but fans are willing to overlook that fact mostly because, for the most part, they are happy with the direction Sony's taken the PS4. It goes without saying Nintendo's been having it rough for a while and it might take em' a while to get things straight if they ever manage to recover at all. As for me, as long as they keep giving me more of the franchises I like like Zelda, Xenoblade, Metroid, Smash, Yoshi, Pikmin, Fire Emblem, Star Fox, Pokémon, etc. I will stick with them through thick and thin.
@thejordanet6220 8 жыл бұрын
I freakin' loved this game. Easily my favourite in the series. The motion controls aren't all that bad (would've preferred the original controls, but they're not anywhere near broken), the artstyle is great, the music is FANTASTIC, and the gameplay is some of, if not, the best gameplay in the series. Easily a GOTY contender.
@Cyberthewolf 8 жыл бұрын
I agree with you Gillly. After 4 hours I've reached a zen like state where I can shoot everything in a sphere like motion.
@FlameLFH 8 жыл бұрын
I agree. For example I used to hate the living shit out of Splatoon's motion controls, but grew very comfortable with them by just playing a bunch of matches. Now I think traditional stick aiming is almost worse.
@TMSonic1228 8 жыл бұрын
THANK YOU. This game is so much fun, but because the controls are unique and not easy to adapt to doesn't make it a bad game.
@IvaldoBloodbrothersb 8 жыл бұрын
Those who played splatoon knew the game would be awesome. THE BEST CONTROLS EVER MADE
@Djinnie0o0 8 жыл бұрын
+Ivaldo I really don't get it why everybody claiming splatoon needs to be played with motion. I play normally and am always at the top list players
@IvaldoBloodbrothersb 8 жыл бұрын
kumikochan It's a new experience. You move your armas as you would move your weapon. The stick may be your legs, but your arms are your arms. Nothing wrong with the old ways, but the new is a nice new experience.
@Djinnie0o0 8 жыл бұрын
Ivaldo Yeah i understand that but everybody always claiming splatoon needs to be played with motion to be good is a load of bull. Like i said i'm always at the top list and i don't use motion. I get that people like to play that way but claiming like most people do that motion is the way to play it is just a load of ****
@alexsmetana5641 8 жыл бұрын
It's kinda funny... After Starfox 64 people complained that there was to much change and for Nintendo to play it safe. They finally played it safe for Starfox Zero and rebooted it. Now everyone seemed to flip out about it. I feel like the only reason people are making such a big deal about this is because it's Starfox, everyone's nostalgic game from there childhood that they hadn't touched in 15 years. If it was any lesser known game it would've been not a big deal at all. Ironic isn't it...
@Motoskichimo1974 8 жыл бұрын
I was smiling almost the whole way through. It was a bit disorienting a few times but overall I loved the game. I hope more people give it a shot.
@qwargly 8 жыл бұрын
Story of my life ..... ( even the part about your friend who loved the game )
@GoodGuyPlayer2 3 ай бұрын
THANK YOU I loved this game, its just a misunderstood gem. Yeah, I hate the controls with a passion, sometimes bordering on unplayable, but the level design/music/aesthetic/story/etc are simply on point, a true hidden joy if you're willing to put up with the steep STEEEEEP learning curve.
@JABRIEL251 7 жыл бұрын
I'd have to disagree honestly. I couldn't stand this game. To be fair, Star Fox wasn't a game I was pining for so I wasn't disappointed, but it wasn't a fun experience.
@vulpes6144 8 жыл бұрын
I don`t enjoy motion controls but I had a great time with Skyward Sword. Not because of the controls, it was decent to catch up but nothing special/ I liked for the rest. I want to give this game a try for sure, I absolutely love the Star Fox series. And I do agree how gamers nowadays can be quite spoiled, like prizing graphics above all and not actually giving a try, just how video game used to be? Patience to get better on it.
@GreenShell212 8 жыл бұрын
Truth! Starfox zero is a great game that keeps climbing up my estimations the more I play it. the first time I switched it on, one question sprang to mind: "what is everyone's deal?" seriously, Arwing controls were spot on and at first I never used the gamepad. Now, due to playing it more and more, I can play the game seamlessly between the two screens. The walker took a lot of getting used to, but it's generally fine now, and almost every other aspect of the game is well put together. My main issues are the tacked on nature of the branching paths, lack of true reward for 100% the game, the fact that it cut and pastes scenes and dialogue from Starfox 64, and lack of a multiplayer mode (though that last one is kind of understandable). The controls aren't the problem, seriously they're not. The sooner people realise this the better.
@micahfisher6125 8 жыл бұрын
The only reason I'm skeptical about this game is the fact that I hate motion controls. When I play Splatoon, I turn them off. There's also the fact that I've never played a Star Fox game before, and I don't know if I'd like it.
@nik12100 8 жыл бұрын
My opinion: if you play the game and love the controls, that great! If you play the game and don't like the controls, that's completely fine, some people just don't work well with them. I'm not gonna be one of those "git gud" people. If you played the game and u hate it, I have nothing against you, but if you hate it without even trying it yourself and just listen to the internet, THOSE are the people that actually upset me.
@gameboi360 8 жыл бұрын
Gamers place Star Fox on such a high pedestal since 64 that even they don't know what they want anymore. Zero still has the classic witty dialogue and frantic, exciting dog fights. It took me literally 5 minutes of playing the game to get used to the motion controls and the beginning tutorial should be enough for anyone with average hand-eye co-ordination to get straight into the main game. I appreciate your review man, good job!
@thelivingdrawing2262 5 жыл бұрын
Skyword Sword's motion controls were broken? I'm playing it right now and aside from the pointer controls going off center (which can be fixed with the push of a button) the motion controls are flawless. Was your Wii Remote or Wii Motion Plus broken? I am genuinly curious.
@blazingsonic 8 жыл бұрын
THANK YOU GILLY!!!! You did what Proto Mario, Rich of Review Tech and Mundane Matt didn't do, *You used your own mind.* You didn't piggy back on the groupthink bandwagon, You used real world logic. THANK YOU!!
@AxeManAnthony 8 жыл бұрын
+blazingsonic I actively avoided the reviews expecting to full well enjoy this game. Suffice to say, that didn't happen... You're point is invalid.
@blazingsonic 8 жыл бұрын
You guys feeling good there? Ya'll feel nice and big? You want me to go and kill myself? Shall I go buy and a gun and eat a bullet? Is that what you want? Hmm? Shall I destroy my Wii U and kill myself for buying it? Is that what you want? Wanna jerk off to my suicide note written to Miyamoto? Is that what you want? Does this post make you happy? Do you feel empowered by this? Is it doing it for ya? You feel all nice and good about yourself now? Hmm? Feel good? Feel big now?
@blazingsonic 8 жыл бұрын
Wow you really want to keep this up? Man you must feel real big right now, But I'm ending this here, You don't know me and I don't know you and I'm moving on from this I don't need to correct or put down people to get a rise out of my life and feel good about myself so I'm just going to ignore you from here out.
@mistergremm735 7 жыл бұрын
blazingsonic You're only here, to here stuff you LIKE to hear Admit it buddy
@StarlightTrail3 6 жыл бұрын
blazingsonic isn't wrong. People just blame on literally anything that has a learning curve rather than learn to adapt to them.
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