Starting My Moonflower seeds on 3 - 26 transplanting on 5 - 22 - 2016

  Рет қаралды 28,882



8 жыл бұрын

Hi Friends! ... It's that time of the year again! Time to start growing my Moonflowers! ... I started this video on March 26, 2016. This video ends today May 22 , 2016.
....With that long of a time span from start to finish, it seems to imply that this is a good video. LOL! z.zz.z Ha! Ha!
I just wanted to show my friends what I have been doing, and how things are getting green here now..
.... It is amazing how fast the forest gets green once the weather warms up. When I started this video it was cold as you can see from the snow still on the ground. Then today, 2 months later it is a warm 88 degrees F this afternoon.
.... Seeing as it is going to take 2 hours to upload this video. Think Bear an I will go outside in the shade, and take a nap. Hope the ants don't bite us when we lay on the grass. Ha! Ha!
..... Thank you for watching my videos! I hope everyone has a fun summer!

Пікірлер: 61
@Heirphoria13 3 жыл бұрын
You are like talking to a favorite neighbor. 😊
@RoseGrace100 5 жыл бұрын
Watched this video last year and started moonflowers from seed. They were beautiful. Love the video! I’m going to start them again! Thanks so much!
@susiesprolifichoopla 8 жыл бұрын
looking good dad. it sure is a good day to get those moon flowers planted. if you have extras, you know I will gladly take a couple. they sure are a pretty plant when they are in bloom. Thomas, Tyler and I got our pond set up, and planted some flowers in the deck planters. I think it feels like a nap time. It's been a long weekend, but did feel good to get some outside chores done. Talk to you later. love Susie, Eric and the Kids, and Bella, Sheeba, Daisy and Half Face, haha. :)
@ilikoldies 8 жыл бұрын
+susiesprolifichoopla .. Hi Susie and the whole gang! .. Ha! Ha! That is funny! Taking a nap is just what Bear an I did. I got so tired watching my video I couldn't stay awake. LOL! My videos are better then a sleeping pill. Ha! Ha! .... I agree it was a stressful weekend for sure. I am glad the funeral went good yesterday. Danny sure knew a lot of people. I agree it has been a stressful past few weeks, and was a stressful weekend. That is why I was keeping myself busy to get my mind off of things. Even Bear was keeping busy digging his hole. He buries his tire and then digs it back up again. LOL! ...Ring! ring! Hang on the phone is ringing.... Hello...Oh! ... it's you on the phone. Ha! Ha! ... I will check your new video out later. Hope the guys are having fun fishing, an you all have a good evening. Catch you later, Love Dad.
@Bree0074 7 жыл бұрын
ilikoldies I loved this video and I want to say THANK u !! I hope Mine comes out as grand as yours .... thanks again. The pack said soak over nite; do u suggest it ? I am Stating mine indoors and outside at the end of April
@tinalouiseking 6 жыл бұрын
Your voice is so soothing thank you so much for the tour of your garden ... loved the little dog!
@venniey 8 жыл бұрын
I wonder why I don't get noticed of your videos? I missed your last two. Now I'll catch up. Gosh, feeling down must be going around. Anxiety is not a pleasant feeling, nor depression. Good thing you have Bear to keep you on track. You have such a lovely place. It's always so enjoyable to listen to your voice.
@ilikoldies 7 жыл бұрын
Hi Vennie! Thank you for your very nice thoughts and comments. That is very kind of you. .. I have the same problem also. Most of the time I don't get notified when people up load videos. So I don't know about new videos when my friends upload them unless I happen to visit them. .. I hope the weather has been good by you. We have been having a lot of rain, and warm weather here. Today it is 85 degrees, so that isn't as uncomfortable as 95 degrees. When it is to hot I melt like a snow man. Ha! Ha! It seems like about the time I get use to hot weather it gets cold again. It is hard to believe that we will probably have a killing frost in 6 or 7 weeks. We had a bad storm a few weeks ago. It blew some large trees over in the forest. One tree landed on my garage, and put holes in the roof. I uploaded a video of the tree that fell on my garage a few weeks ago. It took a while to clean up the big mess. I still have to repair the holes in teh roof. It is good the tree didn't fall on my little garden. It just missed my plants. The Moonflower and tomato plants are growing really big now. They have lots of big tomatoes and flowers. I made a video of them last night. Maybe I will up load it soon. ..... Sorry I didn't answer your note sooner. I have been taking it easy, and feeling kind of quiet. Then it is hard for me to think of things to say. ..I better get to talking, and start typing fast, because I have a lot of notes to catch up on! Thank's again! I hope you have a wonderful week! Your friends, Mike, Bear, an my family!
@Art-qy6gd 5 жыл бұрын
Good job sir. Your property is beautiful!
@chrismoonflower3623 5 жыл бұрын
Very informative! Thanks. In Michigan, mine came back up this year. Cut them back in the spring. Want to send some seeds to my sister in San Antonio, TX!
@ladonnabrownclark3455 6 жыл бұрын
I have ordered seeds from 2 different places, to the tune of $20+ one was about 8 seeds but they were like peas, I followed directions by soaking them overnight and I still have nothing. The other was like yours, I got 10 seeds and I am going to follow your directions. I enjoyed your video and Bear. I live in Northern Calif. so don't worry about freeze. I will start them inside. Thanks for posting!
@pattydillard9108 5 жыл бұрын
Nice video. Thanks
@tinalouiseking 6 жыл бұрын
You sound like Brooks from Shawshank Redemption!🤗
@RememberingElvisPresley 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you Mike for your update on your moonflowers, my plants are still doing fine and will be interesting to see what happens when winter arrives next month, wonder if they will peep through again next summer like they did this year! : ) Your garden looks lovely and green! Hoping your son Bill is okay and wonder when he will have the operation. Pray all will go really well for him. Give Bear a big hug from me and one for Kitty too! Wishing you and family a wonderful Friday and weekend, God Bless, Hugs Angeline
@ilikoldies 8 жыл бұрын
Hi Angeline! .. Thank you for your nice comments! I hope you are doing good, and having good weather. The weather here is finally staying warm. This weekend it will be in the 90's degrees F. I think Bear an I will melt. LOL! It is cool your Moonflowers grew so goo! My Moonflowers are growing good, and getting big in the cups now. I planted three in the garden this morning. I still have about 18 Moonflower plants to do something with. Think I started to many again. LOL! I will give the extra plants away. Susie said she would take a few. ... Bill had his operations a week ago today. The Doctors went in from the front of his neck. They screwed the broken vertebrate back together, and fused two other vertebrates in his neck. The Doctor said everything went very good. He was released from the hospital last weekend, and is home now healing up. Bill is in less pain now, so the operation helped with the pain, by removing the pressure on the nerves. Bill is walking, and can move his arms, hands, an fingers. Still has pain, some numbness, and can't turn his head much. He has to start doing exercise now. Bill is a strong young man, and determined not to let this keep him down. I think he has to wear the body brace for three or four months. Hopefully he well be able to get back to light duty, doing his work again after that. Because he really liked his work. Time will tell how it will be. I have been spending time with him, an helping him with what I can. His wife Danielle is a Sweetheart, and is doing a great job of taking care of him. Also his son Billy is done with school now, so Billy will be a lot of help to. ....Then now I can take a little break. LOL! .... Sorry it took me so long to answer this note. I've been tired, and kind of stressed. My mind has been thinking about a lot of different things, and I haven't been feeling strong, or happy, or up to doing much u tube stuff. Sometimes it can be difficult for me to feel like writing notes. Hopefully I will get back to my happy smiley self again. Ha! Ha! .... Actually I guess I haven't been doing to much of anything lately. LOL! ... But I do make sure I walk Bear, and I keep trying to work my projects when I can. Oh! and I am good at taking naps. ... Think I have to wake Mr Silly up again. Ha! Ha! ..... It is 82 degrees F this afternoon, and very humid. So Bear an I are melting hot. Ha! Ha! ... I know, that is probably cool compared to your weather in summer. LOL! About the time my body can adjust to the heat it will be getting snowy cold again. ..... Woof woof meeow meeow! Bear an Kitty say thanks for the hugs! Bear an I took a nice walk in the forest this morning. We seen a large deer. I think the deer is getting use to us because it just stood there and watched us. Then it walked slowly away. .... I hope you are having a good week and al is well with your family! Hugs, God Bless. Your friends, Mike, Bear Kitty, an teh whole gang!
@JennysCountryChannel 8 жыл бұрын
Great to see you plant those Moonflowers, Bear :-) You have much room in your garden to grow things :-) We grow tomatoes, basil and Jalapenos in pots. Wishing you, Bear and your family a great Thursday :-) In Germany it´s a holiday day today. Best wishes....Jenny ♫
@ilikoldies 8 жыл бұрын
Hi Jenny! Thank you for your nice comments! .. Ha! Ha! That is funny. Bear has been digging his hole to plant the Moonflowers in, but he dug the hole to deep. Ha! Ha! .. The soil here is very sandy, and there are no rocks. So it don't take Bear very long to dig a deep hole. LOL! .. It is going to be 90 degrees F here this weekend so Bear will lay in his big hole and keep cool. .... It is great you grow your plants in pots. That is fun! I grow plants on pot's sometimes to. Because then I can keep the plants up on the porch, close to the house so the deer, and rabbits don't eat my plants. This morning I planted more of my plants in the garden. I have some tomatoes, peppers, and I planted some of the Moonflower plants. The Moonflowers are a really cool looking flower. The plants get very large, and the flower opens up when it gets dark outside. The flower is huge, and a bright white in color. So they look like they glow in the moon light. ..... Sorry I haven't answer your notes sooner. .. I haven't been feeling the best, and I have been worried, and busy spending time with my son. Because my son Bill had a bad motorcycle accident about 5 weeks ago. A big truck turned right in front of him causing a bad crash. My son broke his spine in several places. He had an operation last week. The Doctors put in screws, and fused two vertebrates together. Bill is back home now, and walking, and doing better. His wife is a sweetheart, and is taking good care of him. His son little Billy is a good helper to. Bill is a strong young man, with a positive attitude to get back to doing his work again. It will take a while to heal. Also Danny, one of my son's good friends died in another motorcycle crash two weeks ago. A car pulled out in front of Danny. That was very sad because Danny was a nice guy, and he left behind his wife and two teenage daughters. So the last month, and a half have been rough. Wow! I see this note is getting long. I don't mean to bother you with our problems. I just wanted to let you know that I wasn't ignoring your note's. Woof woof! Bear just seen a deer out the back door window. The deer is standing down at the bottom of the hill just looking at Bear. Bear watches for the deer and woof's to them. Like they want to be friends. Pretty cool! I hope you are having a wonderful week, and have a fun weekend! Your friends, Mike, Bear, and my family.
@shortiebop01 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video. I have been thinking about growing some moonflowers too.
@MariOliveros 8 жыл бұрын
Nice to keep busy with things you enjoy doing. I love your plants hope they grow nice and that you can also plant some tomatoes. Bear cute as always waiting to play with you. Have a beautiful evening.
@ilikoldies 7 жыл бұрын
Hi Mari! .. Thank you for your nice comments! ... My plants have been growing very good this summer. We have been having a lot of warm weather, and rain, so the forest is very green also. Some of the large tomatoes are getting ripe now, and are very good for making tomato on toast sandwiches. The Moonflower plants have gotten large, and getting a lot of flowers now. I made a video last night of the Moonflowers open. Maybe I will upload the video soon. Bear is doing good, and is always by my side. Bear takes me for walks. Even if I don't want to go outside for a walk. Ha! Ha! I hope you are doing good, and have a great week! Your friends,. Mike Bear, an my family.
@mohamedelhajsalem6379 Жыл бұрын
You are the best all of them they are not talk about the date planting
@elle.byy.d 6 жыл бұрын
I love you you seem like the sweetest man and your yard is gorgeous
Well done!!! Happy gardening!!! Best wishes. NPO
@ilikoldies 8 жыл бұрын
Hi! .. Thank you for your nice comment! .. Sorry it has taken me so long to answer your note. There have been some stressful things happening, and I haven't been feeling the best. So I haven't been on U Tube very much the past few weeks. Hopefully things are getting better now. ... The plants are all doing very good now. I planted more in my garden today. I planted some tomatoes, and peppers and Moonflowers. My garden is small, but it is still fun to grow some plants. This weekend the weather is going to be hot. The weather people said it will be 90 degrees F. this weekend. It is hard to believe it is June already. Summer is going fast. I hope your week is going good, and you have a fun weekend! Your friends, Mike, Bear, an my family.
Don't worry my friend, I hope you are fine. All the best. NPO
@bilparanormalinvestigator5696 6 жыл бұрын
Good video, thanks for the content
@Lodud2 8 жыл бұрын
Well done; congrats!; Thumb up !! Greetings !!
@ilikoldies 8 жыл бұрын
Hi! Canal!...... Thank you for for watching my video, and thank your nice greetings and comments! I hope your week is going good, and you have a fun weekend. Your friends, Mike, Bear, an my family.
@mariangelespk 6 жыл бұрын
These seem to be Datura seeds - very similar to moon flowers but not the same....
@ZoiPana 8 жыл бұрын
Very nice video! ♥
@ilikoldies 8 жыл бұрын
Hi Danai! .... Thank you for for watching my video, and thank your nice comment! I hope you have a fun summer. Your friends, Mike, Bear, an my family.
@ZoiPana 8 жыл бұрын
***** ♥
@meep2576 5 жыл бұрын
I'm in zone 9 and put some moon flowers in for the first time las spring. I really loved them and hoping the will survive this winter I had big green catapillers that ate them at the end of the season, I don't like to kill anything so I let them eat. Can I dry the seeds in the pods all winter or should I put them in a container like yours ? Im hoping they will also reseed themselves as I have left some pods on the plants. Enjoyed your video thanks
@OregonBill 8 жыл бұрын
Hi Mike, Bear & all. Would you mind coming out to Oregon and show me how to plant these flowers. While your here maybe you can show me the proper way to pull a weed. I am a slow learner but not to worry ....I have plenty so you wont run out of them showing me the proper technique. Have a great new week my friend. Your friend.....Bill
@ilikoldies 8 жыл бұрын
Hi Bill! .. Thank you for your nice comments! .. Bear an I would be happy to come and visit, and garden with you. But I have to warn you, Bear likes to dig huge holes when he pulls weeds. Ha! Ha! .. I know that you know how to garden, because you have a very nice garden. ... . Somehow I get the feeling that you want me to stop by, and show you my technique for pull weeds. So you don't have to weed your garden. Ha! Ha! It has gotten warm and humid here now. It is amazing how fast the weather can change. Yesterday it was 90 degrees. It takes me a while to get use to the hot weather. I might just have to stick my head in the freezer. LOL! ..... When I come over I will work cheap. Just give me a few shots of your private stock and I will work all day. Ha! Ha! I hope you are all having a great day! Your friends, Mike, Bear, Kitty, an my family!
@OregonBill 8 жыл бұрын
Ha ha Mike. You got me pegged. It will be interesting to see who digs a deeper hole...Nyla or Bear. Have a beautiful day my friend.
@Art-qy6gd 6 жыл бұрын
Good job sir! You need bee hives and chicken coop. Like all the wild nature. I liked and subscribed.
@sergeymagel8715 8 жыл бұрын
*Good Work, Mike. Pleasant Evening.*
@ilikoldies 8 жыл бұрын
Hi Sergery! ... Thank you for for watching my video, and thank your nice comments! I hope you are having a great week! Your friends, Mike, Bear, an my family.
@sergeymagel8715 8 жыл бұрын
***** Very Mutually, Mike. Regards You.
@LolaK 8 жыл бұрын
excellent wideo I am greeting
@ilikoldies 8 жыл бұрын
Hi! Lola! .. Thank you for your nice comment! .. Sorry it has taken me so long to answer your note. ... The plants are growing very good now. I planted some tomatoes, and peppers and Moonflowers in my garden. My garden is small, but it is still fun to grow some plants. This weekend the weather is going to be hot. The weather people said it will be 90 degrees F. this weekend. I will have to make sure my plants have a lot of water. I hope your week is going good, and you have a wonderful weekend! Your friends, Mike, Bear, an my family.
@lizziedalaicallie8576 5 жыл бұрын
How often do you water the sprouting seeds? Did you put tray under light, after planting seeds? Do you ever lift off the plastic dome? How long does it usually take for them to germinate?
@Art-qy6gd 5 жыл бұрын
Hi Doggy
@ogadlogadl490 5 жыл бұрын
What zone are you in? I’ve been trying to grow Moonflowers for 2 years now with no luck. ☹️
@garyjohn316 5 жыл бұрын
Do you have to open up those round spikey pods to get the seeds out?
@misskim2058 5 жыл бұрын
@HaiderKarar168 7 жыл бұрын
Moon flower growing season when start in pakistan
@reekashade 8 жыл бұрын
Good job,can't wait to see the result...good luck!
@ilikoldies 8 жыл бұрын
..Hi! Thank you for your nice comments! .. The plants have almost doubled in there size the last two days since I planted them in the cups. They should grow fast when I set them outside now that it is warm and sunny here. I will probably make another video when I plant them in the ground. I hope you are having a great week! Your friends, Mike, Bear, an my family.
@missyrnmissyrn7479 7 жыл бұрын
Do these come back every year on their own?
@ilikoldies 7 жыл бұрын
Hi! Melissa! .. Thank you for your nice comment! ... The Moonflower plants only grow in the summer here. Because the winter freezes them and they die, and don't come back. I have been told that in warmer areas, like Texas the Moonflowers will grow for years, and grow wild on there own. They like warm sunny days. The seeds will sprout in the ground here, but our summers are so short. I usually start the seeds in planters in my workshop. Then they can get a good head start, and make flowers sooner. I just started some about a week ago. I will probably make a video of them when I transplant them. I have been growing them for lots of years. I think it is cool how they open to the moon light. I hope you are having a fun weekend! Your friends, Mike, Bear, Kitty, and my family!
@phoenixkay7191 6 жыл бұрын
If you still have seeds leftover, put them on ebay to sell.
@Hammerzippy 6 жыл бұрын
This is a nice video, I am germinating Moon flowers right now. That’s how I came across this. I rarely comment. But please tell me you don’t keep that sweet dog tied up all day and night. Nothing is worse for a dog, they love to live, run, play, sniff, BE FREE. So please let us know that this dog is RARELY on that tie. If that’s not the case, please let him off. Give him away if you can’t provide a place for him to be free. Seriously, think about it, put yourself in his mind for just a moment. FYI that is why he is digging holes. He is going crazy. They try and entertain themselves how ever they can. let the dog run free PLeASE #petaimaybecallingyou
@misskim2058 5 жыл бұрын
Good grief! Talk about jumping to conclusions! FYI dogs dig holes for other reasons than they are “going crazy”. He already mentioned play time. Deaf much? And if he doesn’t have full fencing, which he clearly doesn’t, then it’s leash time when outdoors. Observational skills a bit rusty? Dogs run free? #leash law #tryitsometime #noteveryonelovesyourdoglikeyoudosousealeashandfenceyouryardorgotoadogparknotjustanyparktheworldthanksyoufornotfoistingyourdogonthem
@misskim2058 5 жыл бұрын
Glad he didn’t dignify your nonsense freakfest assumptions with a response. He’s too nice for that.
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