Steve Gregg Addresses the Alistair Begg Transgender Marriage Question

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@SteveGreggVideos 7 ай бұрын
What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality?
@LeighPscheidt 7 ай бұрын
God is never glorified by having something he considers an abomination celebrated!
@emielvanderwel5200 7 ай бұрын
It’s not hard or difficult, it was simply bad counsel
@maskofsorrow 7 ай бұрын
However, i would never go to one of these weddings no matter who it was. It is not about hating people, it is about honoring the Law of God. The question needs to be asked, would Alistair Begg go to it? If not why would we encourage someone else to go. There are plenty of heterosexuals in wrong marriages too unfortunately and i know of instances where i wouldn't attend if i were invited.
@LeighPscheidt 7 ай бұрын
It is not a wedding. Doesn’t meet the definition.
@LifeandLifeMoreAbundantly 7 ай бұрын
It’s a mockery of a wedding; in a compromised church? A transgender bride.. a man wearing a wedding gown? It’s such an affront; what God has joined together, let no man put asunder. There’s your scripture Steve.
@johnlennox-pe2nq 2 күн бұрын
Exactly - lets not give it that ! status
@lmorter7867 7 ай бұрын
I'm a bit disappointed by your response to this situation. You sound wishy washy. That surprises me. The sanctity of marriage is clearly defined in Scripture. Gods order is not debatable. Marriage is between one man and one woman. Marriage is a binding covenant regardless of what belief system a couple holds to. They are making a covenant to remain united together until death. Anything outside of Gods holy matrimony is an unholy matrimony. I honestly don't see any wiggle room in Gods perfect order. I don't see how someone can disapprove of an unholy union and partake in it's ceremony and celebration at the same time. That is a total contradiction.
@dblev2019 7 ай бұрын
I felt his view may have been more firm than yours as he stressed the importance of marriage being between two believers. Steve was merely expressing the sentiment that we can disagree but this isn’t an issue to divide over.
@lmorter7867 7 ай бұрын
​​@@dblev2019 Sorry, I'm confused. Are you saying that marriage doesn't apply to two unbelievers but only to believers? That going to any wedding that isn't between a man and woman that are not believers isn't really a wedding?
@mikelyons2831 7 ай бұрын
SG, said he would never attend a homosexual wedding
@dblev2019 7 ай бұрын
@@lmorter7867 Your inferring things I did not say. I did not object to your position on marriage. I’m just saying Steve’s position wasn’t wishy washy. He was definitive as to his position on marriage and his recommendation regarding the attendance of a unbiblical marriage. He’s merely cautioning against dividing over an issue which the Bible doesn’t specifically address.
@lmorter7867 7 ай бұрын
​​@@dblev2019I'm not meaning to sound argumentative. You said he said a wedding is between two believers. What about unbelievers? Bible seems clear to me that marriage is for a man and a woman regardless of their worldview. Also, I agree that we shouldn't divide over minor things but we should be united on the important things like discerning right from wrong. We are instructed to test ever spirit and to use scripture as our plum line when it comes to measuring whether something is true or not. It's very important that we judge moral issues so that we don't become deceived. There is definitely a false teaching and gospel infiltrating the church today. It is the Progressive movement. It teaches a different Jesus and a different gospel. It's spreading like a bad rash these days. AB is actually sending a mixed message in hi s advice. He is skating on the rim of this false gospel.
@Spurgeon_General 7 ай бұрын
I’m honestly more surprised by how wishy washy the response has been from some evangelicals. What Begg said was outrageously abominable counsel, and most are responding to it my saying “I wouldn’t ’personally’ give the same counsel. As though Begg said buy a Prius, and I’d ‘personally’ say Toyotas are better.
@mikemanning6383 7 ай бұрын
One of the few fair treatments of the issue that I've heard or read. To describe Begg as a woke compromiser, as many have done, is grossly inacurate and slanderous. The principles behind his thinking (which he has stated clearly) are biblically solid. I, for one, can disagree with his application of these principles without condemning and dismissing him altogether. Thanks for your balanced treatment of the subject.
@johnlennox-pe2nq 2 күн бұрын
put weak Christians above the unsaved, who still belong to satan & world system - that is a permeating theme Paul held up; new/weak Christians are looking to us all the time, What the unsaved think of us (Christians) is secondary - leave them to God (1Cor 51-12); Affirming sexual sin to a weak Christian could shipwreck his / her faith , ie be a stumbling block, espec. if they have just left those v same sexual or sensuous sins ....
@jesuschristbiblebiblestudy 7 ай бұрын
"But if you are always biting and devouring one another, watch out! Beware of destroying one another." Galatians 5 :15. Amen
@LifeandLifeMoreAbundantly 7 ай бұрын
That doesn’t apply to this debate.
@oliverronquillo8158 7 ай бұрын
The irony is that according to Calvinism, Begg's counsel was destined before the foundation of the world for God's glory. "But who are you, O man, to answer back to God? Will what is molded say to its molder, “Why have you made me counsel like this?”
@mikelyons2831 7 ай бұрын
What strikes me is how many are up in arms over AB's homosexual wedding advice & not his theology over the decades. Affirming John Calvin's "Some are doomed from the womb"??
@richardright752 7 ай бұрын
The greater issue is why people defer the responsibility of decision making to someone else surely? 😎
@jeffmartin9463 7 ай бұрын
Steve, I think the verse you are looking for is 1 Corinthians 5:11. If we are not even to eat with a homosexual who professes to be a Christian, then much less attend the ceremony and celebration banquet. Unfortunately Christians and churches often do not have the strength to obey this verse in a loving manner. Tough love is needed when a brother or sister in the Lord leaves the narrow path. Of course that still leaves the question about attending a non-Christian homosexual ceremony. What is marriage outside of Christ? Marriage belongs to God and his definition. And so attending a non-Christian homosexual union ceremony seems equally no go.
@masonbooth2363 7 ай бұрын
Finally, the voice of reason in a John MacArthur crazy world…thank u Steve!!
@charliemaplesjr9091 7 ай бұрын
Great response with good wisdom.
@gwashington65 7 ай бұрын
I'm disappointed by your soft response. If i invited you to my event which was to sacrifice my child to Satan, would you still think it's kinda okay to go? As you said, have conviction when refusing to take part in a sinful event.
@solideomusical 7 ай бұрын
Or a 'coming out' party?
@bigdogboos1 6 ай бұрын
or an abortion watch party puuuuuke.
@HM-vj5ll 7 ай бұрын
@212days 7 ай бұрын
I have a much loved nephew who is gay. So I have pondered this topic a lot. EVERYTHING that you said in this video is just how I had already thought about it. "Don't go to a wedding that you don't approve of" OR take the Gracious approach and show Love. I might be inclined to choose the last option even though I agree with the first option. "Love God with all your heart and soul and mind and strength." "Love your neighbor as your self." "Love your enemies and do good to them." --Words of Jesus. It's almost like if anyone was to really do that who has time for anything but Love? Going to a gay wedding of your much loved relative could be thought of as kind of a form of "doing good to your enemies." You are keeping peace in the family "Blessed are the Peace makers" and you are not driving a wedge between yourself and your much loved relative by refusing to go. It's a tough call! In my case for years I used to take my nephew on beach runs with me when he was a small child (using a special big wheeled stroller designed for running.)
@leeannott498 7 ай бұрын
Never put words in Alistair’s mouth. Why do you have to keep talking about it? It’s not a wedding if between the same sex. God doesn’t see it as a wedding.
@Savetheworldfirebidennow 7 ай бұрын
Sodom and Gomorrah was already EXPLAINED TO US !!
@noelinuae7554 7 ай бұрын
I think Mr Steve is also not clear that that kind of event is not a wedding at all according to God's word.
@SteveGreggVideos 7 ай бұрын
Steve has addressed this many, many times. He is clearly "gay marriage" or "trans marriage" and the like are not marriage at all in God's eyes, only in the world's eyes.
@AllentheBeloved 7 ай бұрын
What do you think goes on at gay weddings? there is going to be a ton of gay people there boozing it up and getting wild, why would you want to be a part of that? and the ceremony? love is love?
@SteveGreggVideos 7 ай бұрын
That's just plain nasty! I'd never attend a gay wedding, but never considered the reception. Pure disgusting! People booze it up at most straight weddings as well, unless it is organized by strong committed Christians. People probably boozed it up at the wedding Jesus attended. ~ Jason
@Djjr137 7 ай бұрын
What does. Jason mean?
@Djjr137 7 ай бұрын
Jesus first miracle was at a wedding.
@Djjr137 7 ай бұрын
Wasn’t it?
@SteveGreggVideos 7 ай бұрын
@@Djjr137 Jason means healer; the Lord is salvation
@mountainmover777 6 ай бұрын
The bible doesn't speak anywhere about not attending a marriage ceremony because it's a ceremony between the man and woman getting married and God, regardless of their sinful inclinations. Societies have followed this natural law regardless of it's spiritual inclinations since time began. Not until now has same sex marriage ever been given any real credibility.. Not even the Romans were so sinfully bold. The issue here isn't who's getting married, but the perversion of the ceremony of marriage itself and what it represents under God. Steve is extremely wrong at the end of this interview, in saying that there is no precedent in the bible for condemning anyone attending this ceremonial perversion of what marriage is. There most certainly is, and I know Steve Gregg has spoken of it at other times. Maybe he simply failed to convey what he truly meant, but I'm very surprised to hear him say these things..
@illusionary5951 7 ай бұрын
The teaching is incorrect. Why am I going to go to a man any man asked them what I should do in my life. This is a personal walk one is to rely on Scripture & the Great Counsellor thats what He is there for. We are not Judea we do not have a counsel of 24 we are not under the law. When I get to Heaven and give an account for my life none of you ppl will be there to hold my hand !
@illusionary5951 7 ай бұрын
That is so so true. My Dad was an Evangelist in a time where personal responsibility for ones walk was preached & understood. If at any time I called him with any issue I would present the issue he then would say lets stop talking & get to praying. I learned to take things to The Lord & as I grew it was he that would call me & tell me what was going on in my life so he could agree with me in prayer concerning whatever issues I was facing. In todays world it is all centered on man what he thinks what he has to say & not God......But there are some of us still around that know the difference & speak the Truth. Thank You for the response. Take Care & Be Well@@the11thhour77
@solideomusical 7 ай бұрын
Just becoming familiar with Mr. Gregg's teaching but this is a big red flag. Notice that Gregg suspects that Begg was seeking to refute the christian stereotype. There is just one problem: the stereotype is false!
@SteveGreggVideos 7 ай бұрын
Steve clearly disagrees with Mr. Begg on what a Christian should do on this situation. He's basically saying don't attack Begg over this. ~ Jason
@solideomusical 7 ай бұрын
@@SteveGreggVideos If 'attack' means 'criticize' then his advice is not biblical.
@SteveGreggVideos 7 ай бұрын
@@solideomusical No, I don't mean that.
@LifeandLifeMoreAbundantly 7 ай бұрын
Not surprised you don’t have biblical convictions on this.
@maskofsorrow 7 ай бұрын
Steve just keeps bringing us the Biblical truth. Great teacher.
@CORAM-DE0 7 ай бұрын
Jey brother Steve.. i have learned so much from your ministry and Alister Begg... I was so sad when I heard pastor Begg giving a wicked councel to a believer that wants to seek a godly counseling from a man who's being in ministry and should know better. The saddest thing is that pastor Begg sees nothing wrong about that cauncel and therefore he'll not repent for it. I according to the simplicity of the gospel, biblical reasoning biblical logic can't agree or defend his pride and sinful attitude. Instead of coming in repentance and glorified God in light of the scriptures to come forth as Peter did when he came back in repentance after denying Christ 3 times and even after that, Paul had to stand to his face and confront his error of hypocrisy... According to Begg's unbiblical way of reasoning john the Baptist lost his head for being harsh and judmental.. therefore don't follow biblical truth because it may cost you your life. Dear brother please stand with the truth even if it costs your life in this world but retain your soul. I pray that you'll call sin sin and not compromise or give in into this wicked spirit that's flowing around with a banner called tolerance Love. Arise men of God!!!and don't bow the knee to baal
@bobsbunker3090 7 ай бұрын
That's the problem, Alistair Begg thinks he knows better than God, he has made the serious error of "thinking" his wisdom supersedes the word of God. Rom 1:24-32, 2nd Cor 6:17, Luke 12: 51-53, John 15:18-19. What is happening at this so called marriage is the public proclamation (an unholy covenant) and celebration of an abomination in the eyes of God. It is a mockery of God, His natural law and of the marriage covenant between a man and a woman ordained from the beginning. To disapprove in private and then to approve publicly by willfully attending this mockery is to put yourself in great danger, Gal 6:7. We are to judge what is wicked and what is righteous and pure, if you lack this fundamental discernment pray for the wisdom and knowledge of God, John 7: 24, 2nd Tim 3:16. As far as understanding where Alistair's heart is (and for that matter all our hearts) Jeremiah tells us, Jere 17:9-10. The Bible does not say only born again Christians can get married, it says one man and one woman Gen 2:24, Matt 19:4-6, it is a command for all mankind, Jew and Gentile, the distinction is that this is not that, instead it is a twisted slap in the face of God and of His natural order, it is a mockery of God.
@leeannott498 7 ай бұрын
Be careful what you say because Pastor Alistair Begg never condons same sex marriage. You would never hear him say that. That means what you say against him is false witness. Begg has been sowing and reaping Seeds of faith for decades worldwide. Be careful. You both stand before God and Jesus is your judge.
@martidiamond7109 6 ай бұрын
3:46: Alistair did ask if the grandchild knew and understood the grandma's faith and stance before he suggested she attend. So, I agree with Steve - Christian conscience...🙏🙏
@johnlennox-pe2nq 2 күн бұрын
God has given us sound reasoning. Paul said to put Christians above the unsaved; if you go on holiday with a couple who fornicate / commit adultery, then u partake in those sins; a little spreading leaven ruins the whole batch.... it does not end there; the consceince grows harder
@johnlennox-pe2nq 3 күн бұрын
you put weak Christians above the unsaved; new Christians are looking to us all the time, What the unsaved think of us (Christians) is secondary - leave them to God; Affirming sexual sin to a weak Christian could shipwreck his / her faith , ie be a stumbling block, espec. if they have just left those v same sexual or sensuous sins; We are role models to weaker / newer believers and Paul taught they (their walk & consciences) come first, not the pagans
@ranbran2948 7 ай бұрын
If you’re a Christian, then attending a wedding must mean something to you. And what it means to you, would not allow you to attend. If you’re not a Christian, a wedding can still mean something to you, but you may not have a standard for weddings in general, and therefore you might not have a problem attending a wedding as the one in question.
@LifeandLifeMoreAbundantly 7 ай бұрын
What matters is what it means to God.
@mountainmover777 7 ай бұрын
I can't imagine any other response to this anything other than Paul's in 1 Corinthians 5:11. Yes it terrible that family lines might be torn over such an issue, but I can't imagine anything righteous in trying to see a way to mend it in or smooth it out... God is pretty clear on the matter. It's not the churches objective to shun the sinful who are repentant and struggling, but it is the choice of the sinful to remain so that they are placing themselves in a position to be shunned by the church. The sinful need to understand this. It is not love that seeks to acquiesce. Speaking in opposition to the nature of the sin and then accepting the outcome as though the opinion doesn't matter is not different that saying God's opinion doesn't matter to you. Why should your witness for God be effective if you don't share his opinion to it's full effect? This issue is one that is going to affect children for ages to come until it is brought low and stuffed back under the vile rock it crawled out from. We have no business as Christians forcing the sinful to live their lives as we see fit, unless it involves making righteous judgments towards protecting the body of Christ. This is why we have laws and forces to enforce them. Murder, rape, and theft are the main issues that all societies have had laws against. More often that not, all three go hand in hand. The sin in slavery is the unjust theft of a human. Murder and rape have gone hand in hand with the sin of stealing people for as long as it has been accepted. I don't see the current plight of children today, or to come in the future, as any different than that of the slave trade before the civil war. My country can make me hop on one foot and pay double taxes if they require it, of course I won't like it, but God commands me to lump it. However, I draw the line at the mishandling of children. That is exactly how I see this. There is no other valid stance I can see myself or any other disciple of Jesus Christ taking up. Any "adults" advocating for the rights of sexual deviants to be normalized as through they have never been normalized before in the entire history of the world, need to be chased back into the proverbial hills!
@geraldpolmateer3255 7 ай бұрын
The issue being discussed reminds me of the time before and after the wall fell in Europe. Before the wall fell the Christians identified what was important. A few years after the wall fell the Christians started fighting. We have a huge spiritual battle that is sidelined and few are addressing. It is at an epidemic level. How many pastors and churches are discipling people as Jesus did. Jesus gave the command in Matthew 28:19, 20 and Paul told Timothy what he did in 2 Timothy 2:2. Jesus taught his disciples by instruction and demonstration. How many church leaders are teaching them to obey all Jesus commanded by instruction and demonstration?
@ruthmmob1069 7 ай бұрын
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