I replaced Social Media with Micro-Journalling for 1 Year

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@DarthShadie 2 жыл бұрын
"...going on an app where people are making each other guilty and angry and jealous all the time..." OMG That is so accurate.
@svftystrange Жыл бұрын
@barborajuhasova4728 Жыл бұрын
go there just sometimes and train yourself to not feel that way...despite that stuff you visited feels provocating (challenging)
@jeremygwoods Жыл бұрын
Here's how to fix all three of those: How to stop feeling guilty on social media: "Don't look for others' approval. Look for your worth in God." How to stop feeling angry on social media: "Remember that social media has algorithms, and what you feel is likely not true." How to stop feeling jealous on social media: "Turn your jealousy into motivation." These three will help to stop those three emotions on social media.
@apostolicashley7444 Жыл бұрын
Ah yes, while we all watch KZbin.
@monstricide Жыл бұрын
it's literally so pathetic
@eadhab 2 жыл бұрын
I deleted social medias at the start of the academic year because I wanted to focus more on my studies. I replaced it with reading instead of journalling, and here's what changed for me: - I tried to go back to Instagram, deleted it again after a week. It had become boring - before, I didn't have any social skill. Also, I felt like people were draining my energy and I avoided people as much as I could. Now I have healthier friendships, and I feel more comfortable around people - I love reading, but I used to read one book/month and it wasn't enough. Now I'm reading up to 7 books/month - I became better at organizing too: I just have a to-do list for the week and I'm able to balance a part time job, a double bachelor, time with friends and time for me. - I became less hard on people and on me, less reactionary. I thought social medias were providing me with plenty of points of view but actually they amplify the "more angry" points of view so detaching from that helped me understand what was actually happening and form a better opinion on it I highly suggest to give yourself a term for your social media pause, even just for the weekend. Social medias are time and energy consuming, more than you think
@wanderlustaesthete4117 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this 👏🏽 I need to do the same!
@ashleybursch2804 2 жыл бұрын
so insightful! thanks a bunch for this
@emilywilson696 2 жыл бұрын
After a while you realize that social media is entirely repetitive as well, mostly on insta and tiktok. ( yes I know the ALGORITHM) But it’s all the same thing. Really attractive people that make you feel bad about how you look. Flexing “ successful “ 20 yr olds who post luxury cars and items; that as well makes you feel bad. Ads/sponsorships just more ads that never stop.
@emirbasha1410 2 жыл бұрын
7 books a month!! I think you're scanning and not reading?
@jennhall522 2 жыл бұрын
@@emirbasha1410 I think you have never sat down and consumed an entire novel in one day. Some people are extremely fast readers. I can do that easily, as can 2 friends of mine. She likely read and understood every word.
@quintonfrankfurt 2 жыл бұрын
A great technique I found helps with social media addiction is to do the following- 1. Turn on screen recorder 2. Go and browse all your normal socials, for as long as you like forgetting your recording 3. Go and watch it back It really hits home when you observe yourself and your interactions with social media.
@apollofateh324 2 жыл бұрын
That's a great idea! :0
@teaorevic8556 2 жыл бұрын
oh that sounds crazy scaryy in a very good way tho
@josephaemma3852 2 жыл бұрын
I definitely will try this, thank you!
@davecullins1606 2 жыл бұрын
@@josephaemma3852 How was it?
@the4thbass765 2 жыл бұрын
I just think that although this might be a good idea, I'd be wasting double my time though!
@sarah345 2 жыл бұрын
For me, the question “will this matter in 2 weeks” has always been the easiest way to put stress in perspective. For most stuff the answer is no but, if you realize it will matter in 2 weeks, you can ask: “will this matter next year” and that covers almost everything else 😆
@The_Nickers 2 жыл бұрын
Totally. Brené Brown has something like this (mentions it in 'Men, Women, and Worthiness', which blew my mind). Something like: Ask yourself, will this matter in 5 minutes, then will this matter in 5 days, weeks, years. Same thing more or less. For nearly everything in life, if you extend the timeline far enough, nothing is worth stressing about THAT much. It's actually a good tool to bring us back to the present and focus when we fvck up, and are stressing our arses off.
@amungreiss537 2 жыл бұрын
But how do u answer that I mean is something like moving to a different place something that matters next year? E. G.
@sarah345 2 жыл бұрын
@@amungreiss537 well it’s true that some things will have far reaching effects on your life and should be thought through. But at the end of the day, in 100 years, no one will be around to judge you for moving to a different place. When I moved to France for a year when I was 23, some people thought it was irresponsible and could interrupt my career. But I really thought it was something that was worth doing, and it seemed unlikely that it would have anything but a positive effect on my life in 5 years. And I was right, 4 years later it has no concrete effect on my daily life and is nothing but a fond memory. But I had a job lined up when I moved there, and I brought my boyfriend with me and we’re married now. So the question “will this matter in 5 years” was not the only thing I considered, but it did help me feel less stressed about the decision when I had already made it and was waiting for my flight.
@amungreiss537 2 жыл бұрын
@@sarah345 ah Okay I see put into perspective it isn't that important. I mean what I take from that comment is like you are you no matter what you do I don't know that's how interpret it. I mean I have the thing that I going to move to a different place for an acting school and currently wondering if that has a big effect you know :)
@alexlorenz7 2 жыл бұрын
I'm about a month into an attempt to drastically reduce my phone screen time (used to be upwards of 7 hours, mostly on social media, now down to 2 - 3 hours, no social media). biggest take away for me is that my mood has improved drastically, I feel physically better (realized scrolling was giving me literal migraines), and I have a lot more time for other things in life (painting, other creative outlets, reading, talking with people I love). I think this is a forever thing. Great video!
@tee1209 2 жыл бұрын
happy for you!
@jirihozpodebrad23 2 жыл бұрын
Well done! How did you cut down, what was your strategy?
@alexlorenz7 2 жыл бұрын
@@jirihozpodebrad23 I deleted Instagram off my phone and set the timer for KZbin to 0 minutes in my digital wellbeing app so I can't watch anything on my phone. I had some good habits already in place that have helped me stick to it, namely a mindfulness practice so I'm pretty good at being aware of when I am craving scrolling and then choosing to do something else. Things I've replaced it with -- creative outlets like painting and photography, journaling, walks, cooking more, having more conversations with my partner, working on starting my own business. Also just being more okay with being bored. Social media for me was a way to try to avoid boredom I think, but being bored isn't inherently bad and can create space for creativity.
@jirihozpodebrad23 2 жыл бұрын
@@alexlorenz7 sounds great! And very reflected. Thank you so much for the input and for sharing your journey! Hope I'll find a strategy as well :-) Cheers!
@jaimetan 2 жыл бұрын
There’s one thing I learned from a recent silent meditation retreat that I’m still using and find really helpful: instead of journaling pages and pages, write a haiku/ short poem about it. Just one word or a phrase that sums up the experience. It doesn’t have to rhyme or follow any kind of cadence rules (like a traditional haiku/ poem), but any word/ phrase that sums up the emotion/ experience. And that’s been really helpful as a journaling practice after meditating. Micro-journaling rocks!
@AdrianDanielGuard 2 жыл бұрын
Can you give an example of a situation and a haiku?
@jaimetan 2 жыл бұрын
@@AdrianDanielGuard they're all written after each meditation session, and they just capture the essence of the moment. I'm no poet, and it doesn't follow any poetry/ haiku rules, but here are a couple of examples: Stillness in the room Swirling in my mind Then a fleeting moment of Being. _ and another example after a full moon meditation: Moon shines bright legs asleep Mind drifts Heart full of gratitude _ Hope this helps! There's no need to censor yourself - just write whatever feels right. Flipping back through the pages now, I remember the flavour of each meditation session just from distilling it down to its essence. :)
@homchenkoVal 2 жыл бұрын
Love it!
@isabellopez9075 2 жыл бұрын
I love that!
@nick9 2 жыл бұрын
love writing haikus! the 575 structure helps me practice expressing in a more succinct manner, without feeling pressure to flesh out every detail. i'll have to try breaking traditional form some time, cheers to micro journaling!
@andythebourne 2 жыл бұрын
I switched to a 20 year old Nokia after my smartphone died almost a year ago, so no Instagram and no Facebook scrolling for me. It was a really good decision! Now I can start my day better and I am not constantly anxious because I can't reach the shiny things that I see on social media. I also do this kind of micro-journalling for about half a year now and I realized that I am a lot more organized, accomplish more and stress quite less about my tasks. So I recommend this for everyone, you don't even have to be so radical, but reducing social media and micro-journalling is definitely worth a try!
@jirihozpodebrad23 2 жыл бұрын
I envy you! I had the opposite thing happening to me - had to give up my gorgeous 20 year old Nokia for a smartphone because 2G isn't supported anymore and I wouldn't have enough reception :-( Now I find myself glued to the feckin' phone much more than I need to and it's definitely not healthy :-( I bet this all seems like a big plan by those big companies... :-(
@comfycozytoo 2 жыл бұрын
I tried to do this but needed Gps that worked!
@ad1r137 2 жыл бұрын
been doing this for 4 - 5 years now. can confirm the benefits keep growing.
@commentingisawasteoftime7195 2 жыл бұрын
What social media has turned into has made quitting it easier. It doesn't connect me with people anymore. It only serves to alienate and extract. I'm nuking my social media profiles this summer and never looking back.
@anarup916 2 жыл бұрын
Can you explain what exactly you do?
@hinatashoyo7985 2 жыл бұрын
what app did you use ?
@rachelhmeltzer 2 жыл бұрын
It's so nice to hear this from someone else with an addictive personality. So many of the "I quit social media" videos just feel unrelatable to me. Seriously appreciate you sharing this! So glad I found your video.
@simplyfrancois Жыл бұрын
7:24 the clichéd stuff all happened 8:02 got real good at organising and using 5 to-do lists 9:30 negative: social media growth slowed 10:15 a record of everything I've done and better memory of f it 10:45 consumed better content e.g audible 11:04 benefits of experiment were short lived; after stopping, (bad) habits came back
@devon7826 2 жыл бұрын
When I quit social media in 2015 my life actually fell into place. I had enough time too look at my life and ask myself if what I had going on was where I really wanted to be I said no. So the planing started and then the action. The first thing that happened is I landed a higher paying job. I got a mentor and healed from almost all my childhood traumas. I rented a 3 bedroom house on my own. I met my now husband. I got married. Moved to a new state. And because God is good to me I am now semi- retired in my early thirties
@leanaaymorejacob1211 2 жыл бұрын
Yay! 👏👏👏😊
@Gru-jd2cp Жыл бұрын
Tell something about how you spend your day
@devon7826 Жыл бұрын
I work out, cook, clean, and spend time praying for and encouraging others, as well as developing meaningful friendships with women, I read books, and love my husband.
@WarfareJournal Жыл бұрын
I'd like to hear your story, especially God's hand in it.
@mar_7055 Жыл бұрын
This may sound irrelevant but I was just reading your comment and I'm wondering How can I find a mentor in my life????
@ricand5498 2 жыл бұрын
This is actually a genius idea. I’m especially fascinated by the fact that you remember so many of your days. I’ve often contemplated the fact that so many days are filled with little wins and losses and just important moments that make up life and the fact that most normal days are forgotten feels like a major loss of resolution in our memories. This idea sort of fixes that w little snapshots of a thought or feeling. Will definitely try this out!
@artofjordanbray Жыл бұрын
100% 10/10 would recommend. I made a thick custom journal for this exact reason. Had to fill that anxious minute. Entries are dated and started wherever the last one left off. The writing is small and messy. Some days its a blurb. Some days im a basketcase and its a few pages.... Lookslike an artifact the autorities find when they search the home of a serial killer but with less actual phycho sh-t. Perfect place to slow my thoughts down and think about them.
@Beaut_Beau 2 жыл бұрын
I think your youtube growth reflects that there are a LOT of people out there, like myself, who don't use / don't want to be used by facebook/twitter/instagram/tikok/etc. I love what you do on youtube, i have genuinely watched every single video you have posted on here, from start to finish. If you post something on your "socials" i will never see it!
@jesvictor3788 2 жыл бұрын
I was literally just thinking about doing this myself, love journalling, love writing, hate scrolling the gram... and then I come across this gem of a video. Day 1 of 365 activated! Thanks homie
@blakebroggi-edhouse842 2 жыл бұрын
hows it going so far?
@mariaivyjimenez9099 2 жыл бұрын
@landonsugar2531 2 жыл бұрын
I really enjoy journaling with a pen on a physical notebook. I found I'm a lot more raw with my thoughts. When i buy a journal, I'm more likely to fill it up because if I dont, i'd be wasting money. It's also really satisfying to have a library of journals. I love picking up one of my old journals and flipping to a random day to read my thoughts from the past. Really cool way to see how much progress I've made over the last months/years. My thoughts are "Currently, I'm not where I want to be, but I'm not where I used to be". And that's a great feeling.
@Hannah-qg3fp 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly for anyone considering anything simmilar i HIGHLY recommend... lately ive been struggling with letting myself feel things and actually think bc we are so bombarded with content from everywhere. Leaving my phone in the bathroom during the day and grabbing it when i needed to actually use it was of so much help! I felt better in a couple days. I started actually doing things again, all my hobbies were suddenly my main entertainment and i could finally feel and think bc i wasnt influenced by whaterever ideas would otherwise have a chokehold on me thru my phone... i started jurnaling as an extension of being aware again.
@ohnotagain851 2 жыл бұрын
I got the 'your head is a houseboat' book! I am almost done with it and it's amazing. It's really practical. I recommend it to anyone who wants to better themselves or get to know themselves better. I solved some problems before I even finished it and the resistance towards my creative work decreased greatly. I'm doing so much better after I had a small breakdown...but the journaling thing works, when overwhelmed I meditate and some sockpuppets are strangling the bosses sometimes but yeah, amazing! I never believe it when people say things like these in comments but it does work. Practically. It got me results in a matter of days. Also, I journal by recording because I'm writing a book so if I write more than what I'm already writing, I'll lose my mind. But yeah, if you're the creator, thank you! If you're not, then Buy it! Zero regrets for me.
@madwilliamflint 2 жыл бұрын
Heh. I got to "write everything" a month and a half ago, started writing a few pages a day and...am still kinda scratching the surface. I'm beginning to wonder if there's enough ink.
@ohnotagain851 2 жыл бұрын
@@madwilliamflint I found that talking helps me vent and after about an hour of complaining, making connections to childhood traumas and stuff, my mind comes to solutions to current or old problems. It's like talking to a friend that knows everything but buried stuff suddenly pops up when you don't expect them. And I want to be a publicized writer. But talking just gets my emotions out which I do through writing too but when you talk you can shout and stuff...try it. Like I do it until I literally feel lighter. And like I can go do stuff after. Like I'm ready for it. And a bit tired haha.
@marmcm7868 2 жыл бұрын
@danthehobbyist Hey, I would say that it is. In the beginning, I thought it was a lot of pages and was then surprised how fast I read it, because on some pages, there's just a couple sentences in big font and illustrations for example. It is written and illustrated in exactly the same humorous way as his videos, I enjoyed it very much! Highly recommend! I once gave a book to a friend who didn't read and always read a chapter to them when we were in the car together, so maybe that's an idea as well for a bonding experience.
@ohnotagain851 2 жыл бұрын
@danthehobbyist Yeah. I would've finished it in one day if someone didn't come and interrupt my rant. There is writing but not enough to ever get you bored. It's compact information that you understand the first time you read it. And the illustrations are real cool. The worst thing that can happen is they give it a go a bit later after staring at the illustrations and only open it when they're having a hard time. From all the self books and I got a lot...this one is practical and light in reading. Because it's mostly practical. Explaining stuff and showing you stuff that explains it further and sets the mood.
@marmcm7868 2 жыл бұрын
@danthehobbyist That's very true, I'll make sure to leave a review for the book
@thechancellor- 2 жыл бұрын
To the *incredible person* that's seeing this, I wish you all the best in life❤ don't over blame yourself, accept things and go forward. Don't let others define what “success” is for you. Get up, learn the skills needed and get after it, all the keys to a happy life is in your hands. Keep pushing.
@Lil-lt8np 2 жыл бұрын
You don't even know how much I needed to hear this
@jowlorenz9555 2 жыл бұрын
It helps to vent that foul smelling methane gas a bit at a time - BEFORE it turns into deadly explosive diareah ! Let's conscientiously use our earnest outrage to 'Burn' them narcissistic deceptacon hex-nut motherfrackers outta thee equation for good . 👌☝The best way to gaslight the entire world is to mass-broadcast very scary and confusing information over large media platforms and then give no one the ability to question you, so the masses are left to squabble over it amongst themselves." This technique is called Divide and Conquer in (illegal-alien overlord) New World Order through sponsoring the chaos in the first place. Too bad People perish for lack of knowledge --- as well as 'knowing' so much that ain't so . Hopefully there is still a way to sort this terrible shit out BEFORE it's too late... Tyrannts drunk on power (due to 'exclusive' access to so-called 'superior' artificial intelligent technology) --- think they can 'play' God and shmuck the whole world into going to war against everything pure and natural and good --- but they definitely got another thing coming ... Billy the PRICK is trying to hijack humanity and turn honest to goodness indigenous earthings into patented humanoid 2.0 hybrids (he would own) through forced diabolically retarded genetic-molesting toxic cocktails --- for Christsakes ! Time to cut the crap. (Anyone pretending to save humanity by wiping 2/3rds of it out is definitely the antichrist --- research EUGENICS) Billionaire's lives matter A billion times more Than all the lives of every color combined --- acording to the celebutard cheater-class insider 'experts' and 'kiss-asses' trying desperately to sell the rest of humanity out in their insatiable hellbent to become godlike billionaires themselves. Time to cut the crap . No fn doubt the establishment is a con's-piracy --- you can't blame anyone for speculating what is really going on when the 'knowledge that is power' is systematically and vigilantly reguarded as 'top secret' . Time to hold them unmentionable self-chosen supremacist secret cults with diplomatic immunity accountable --- Before they 'manage' to make the rest of us various types of relatively poor Indigenous folks do each other in for nothing . . . Just be aware We all gotta realize how left and right (good actors and pure evil) always manage to work together 'nicely' when it comes time to give themselves big bonuses and $ell the rest of the population out . usa is getting played by both sides playing good cop bad cop --- when they are ALL diabolically retarded lucifarian flunky deceptacon hex-nut motherschmuckers in on the proverbial poi-zionist masonic power pyramid scheme HELLBENT for TOTAL WORLD DOMINATION together . Their O.T. - O.G. is one and the same as the narcissistic devil he is supposedly against. Playing both sides for schmucks is just how the deceptacon hex-nut pedophile preistclass kingpimps roll ... Spreading the other cheek further for them to rape everything more easily sure as heck aint helping anyone but the big glory hog glory hole himself . (kzbin.info/www/bejne/mIuXf4eaiLBol8U This 6hr lucifarian whistleblower vid was about how almost all celebutards flash illumi-naughty gang signs) Of coarse if any 'professionals' come clean with the dirty details of their 'trade$' --- we should have mercy on them --- but until then --- they deserve every bit of righteous outrage that's coming their way ... But --- we heavenly endowed earthly beloved are fixing to excorcise all those who are violating our CERTAIN UN-ALIENABLE rights . Remember the golden rule --- 'do unto others as you would like others do for you' --- (or else!) Don't try to complain about your UN-ALIENABLE RIGHTS --- if you like to think that the 'lesser' critters are here just for food, making a killing from $$$, and to do diabolically retarded experiments on . The alien 'big brothers' were fairly upfront about this sacred agreement to not eat our brethren critters when they warned us through the bible and other channeled messages. of coarse all abrahamic religions --- are basically just sick meat-cults . their illegal alien overlord that goes by many names --- only eats the finest kosher-cannibal meat products he can find . the true benevolent divine intelligent designer may even have mercy on the poor schmucks that got indoctrinated into meat-cults at an early age --- but only if they can understand how sick it is to use other sentient beings as snacks --- just to snare them into becoming devil-food mind-controlled slaves themselves . gotta love watching meat-heads dig themselves their very own barbeque pit ... Or not . Don't try to say no one attempted to give yawl the 'heads-up'. Don't eat yer heart out ! Goddesspeed yawl ! Stick that in yer algorithm and smoke it ...
@wanderlustaesthete4117 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you 💜
@marishalo2092 2 жыл бұрын
@DarkMuj 2 жыл бұрын
Hell yeah bro
@sarahborders2348 Жыл бұрын
This reminds me of when I went to rehab back in 2006 and got clean and sober. There weren't iPhones nor common social media back then (at least not like today where everything is accessible on a mobile device). My phone was taken away while in treatment so I wouldn't have had it anyway. But I did have a journal, and filled up pages and pages during that 30 days and for about 6 months when I came home and started attending 12-step meetings. Those journal writings are crazy to read now. I remember that it felt so good doing it back then. It helped me get out my thoughts, my doubts, my fears, my dreams and express my faith. I've stayed sober since then, but haven't journaled much since 2006. I've committed to staying off FB and IG for the month of January because it makes me feel inadequate. I think I'll try journaling again like I did back then for at least 30 months as a replacement. Thanks for the idea and sharing your experience!
@ambershear Жыл бұрын
Such an unassuming channel with the most uplifting content- and in a practical manner. Love the creativity. Always find myself better off after one of these videos.
@loquatlaila9543 2 жыл бұрын
I've always been a list maker "Edit youtube video", "paint cat", "grocery shop" ect. But it's always been hard to know if the little daily tasks are actually making an impact in my life and my goals (or am I just unconsciously living the day-to-day on auto pilot). I think having a 5 list process is a great method. Really appreciate you sharing it!
@dalton-at-work 2 жыл бұрын
"paint cat..." lol
@loquatlaila9543 2 жыл бұрын
@@dalton-at-work important thing to add to the list 😌😉
@ValerieWoodMusic 2 жыл бұрын
how did painting the cat turn out?
@tjwilliamson8637 2 жыл бұрын
I really appreciate you man. I'm studying to be a concept artist/illustrator, and your videos have really helped me as a creative and just in general. All of your journaling tips are super nice, and I love how down to Earth and real your videos are. Just keep on being awesome I guess!
@gabriellelizette 2 жыл бұрын
Very very cool. The two points that surprised me the most were probably that you became more organized and that your memory improved. That’s huge. Those two things alone make me want to try this. Time to go check out the notes app. Also very very much interested in a future more detailed video about your new organization system. What works for your brain generally has a high probability for working for my brain as well.
@sherrimartel1984 2 жыл бұрын
I got the book a couple weeks ago and read it all in a day. I actually plan to go back through it again, slowly, and use it to guide myself into journaling. Thanks for all you do!
@katbloo3333 2 жыл бұрын
I can't express how much I love your content. I have started implementing your concepts (where relevant) and some of your ideas follow me around and it's like having a "Cam Coach". Thank you so very much.
@faithmellenthin5903 2 жыл бұрын
I watched your entire 'Life + Stories + Advice' playlist in one week while working on establishing the direction of my new art career; A career I tried to start a year ago that instantly veered in 3 different directions. So I have been sitting here for months trying to choose which path to take and then, classically, anxiously, taking none of these paths. I also bought myself this journal with cats on it 2 years ago and have not used it cause I couldn't figure out "the one hyper-specific topic to fill this book with." But now it is simply going to become where I journal, not a place where every single page has to matter. All your videos and stories really helped beyond anything else I had been taught before, and I can't thank you enough for your voice.
@janathecookie 2 жыл бұрын
I love this! I used to journal a lot in my teenage years but haven't been doing it very much in the last decade because when I think of journaling I think of those MANY page long entries from back then and who's got time for that! So microjournaling just in your phone's notes sounds like a brilliant idea to me. Replacing social media with it - even better. Although I have to say my own instagram addiction is a bit of a two-sided thing since I am both actively trying to gain a following for my art there and have recently becoma part of a lovely, supportive community of like-minded people on there that I do not have in real life. So I really don't want to cut out instagram entirely. Still, kinda wanting to try this and see if it's possible to replace just the mindless consumption while keeping up the positive bits... thanks for the idea! :)
@JustOneAnna Жыл бұрын
I did this experiment - started on March 1, 2022 and committed for a month. I learned a couple of things from it. Before I go into that, I'm not a content creator, and I have VERY highly curated social media. If it's nasty, negative, or awful, I tend to mute/block/unfollow/etc pretty fast, and I avoid comments as a rule. So my social media feeds weren't full of wangrods, I just had an unhealthy doomscrolling habit. I have Bipolar I, a massive raging anxiety disorder, and some other stuff going on, and social media was making it worse. So March 1 - two rules: 1) you can only be on social media for 15 minutes at a time, and only if you're posting; and 2) to "earn" access to social media you have to open EverNote and write a journal entry. I also turned off ALL notifications from social media on my phone - eliminating the "phone goes ding, I MUST CHECK IT IMMEDIATELY" temptation. That was it, for me. About three weeks in I'd learned two huge things that have stuck with me ever since. I have a couple of reasons I use social media (for me the big ones are Twitter, IG, and Facebook). One is that I'm legitimately bored. Waiting for something. Noodling about. When I used social media then, it was entertaining to neutral. Not something I had any trouble putting down at 15 minutes. The other reason is that I'm in a negative/upsetting/challenging mind space, and I'm seeing solace, escape, validation, or other human stuff and turning to social media for that. When I used social media then, it made the challenging mind space worse. Every time. I ended up ending the experiment on March 31, though I've returned to it for a week or two at a time periodically since then. I left notifications entirely turned off, and now when I pick up my phone, I usually ask - why am I here? And if I'm bored, sure, let's pop open Instagram and look at cool costuming and watercolor artists and people doing fun stuff with fountain pens. I still keep a ridiculously curated feed on every platform. But if I'm looking for a human connection or trying to soothe a negative mindset, I microjournal or I go to my friends instead, whether via text, phone call, Discord, or whatever other method. It's deepened my friendships, solidified how important those connections are in my life, and made me into a better friend. So thanks for this video, and the experiment. I've passed on this video countless times when someone mentions that social media is making their life worse. And more importantly, it's made my life better and increased my mindfulness of how I am as a human and what I need in any given moment.
@IAMGRIM 2 жыл бұрын
i recently cut out social media in december and replaced it with audiobooks which has worked really well for me! microjournaling seems right up my alley, definitely want to give this a try. i don’t plan on getting back on social media any time soon (or ever really) but i do think about the impact it has on me in social situations. our culture has become really focused on it that when you meet people they’ll likely ask for your instagram handle, etc. how isolating will that be/will it isolate me at all? makes me think. still doesn’t make me feel want to redownload them. i find even taking pictures on my phone has become more meaningful since i’m not worried about posting them. awesome experiment and super impressive you stuck with it for a whole year! great video :)
@rosef.3741 2 жыл бұрын
i have been really been feeling like taking a break from social media lately so this video is so timely. i am always scared because i live in a country on the other side of the world from home so social media is the only contact with ppl back home and my native language especially these days where i am struggling mental health wise due to stress from school and stuff. so i can't quit but i think cutting back to smaller amount of time a day is a really good idea. i did buy a kindle recently though because i love reading and want to read more and journal more. this was such a good video. also congrats on the baby news!
@DeadRedLady 2 жыл бұрын
About a month ago you talked about your 2 to-do lists and I gotta thank you so much for that! For about 3 years I've felt overwhelmed all the time by everything I wanted to / had to do due to my depression and anxiety but since trying your method it's just been so much easier. I got more done in this past month than I have in the past 2 years! I've tried weekly to-do lists and scheduling evrything but it always just made me see a huge mountain of things to do that I didn't know how to climb but just having this minimal list for the day finally made me feel like this is doable and most of my days I get stuff from the optimal list done as well. This has truly changed my life and I can't tell you how grateful I am for this simple, yet so effective way of planning my days! Thank you so much!
@salvadorslim3234 2 жыл бұрын
Congratulations on the baby !👶🏽 Your videos have helped alot
@feroxfreak209 2 жыл бұрын
Youre videos... they are as promising as all the clickbait videos but somehow they manage to really live up to the expectations. Thank you so much for the good contant and keep up that good work!
@PamelaCarey 2 жыл бұрын
So pumped to do this! It solves many problems in solution. Been looking for a replacement for social, wanting to journal more, get more in touch with emotions and values, and reduce the mindless kind of screen time. Thank you for the video and your content. Will report back in a year :)
@thaliafp666 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this video, I really needed this right now. Scrolling too much in den evening, missing sleep, can't stop. I deleted them all and will get back to my love of journaling. All the best for you!
@jayperz 2 жыл бұрын
Dood I love your content! As someone who also recently turned 30 and is struggling to start a career/pursue my passion, your videos are so encouraging and uplifting to me. I took a year long social media break from 2020 into 2021 and came back as I started freelancing again. After that year i realized that I had literally zero desire to use social media again (insta for me/I don’t consider KZbin sm personally). I was happier when I wasn’t on it because I wasn’t seeing everyones fake life that they put on display and comparing it to my shitty circumstances. Now I just post and leave and only keep the app on my ipad not my phone. Social media addiction ended and I’m happier for it. Thanks for you all your content! Keep up the good work!
@ellisha89809 2 жыл бұрын
Loved this video! I've been journaling like crazy since February this year (that was when I moved from Australia to Europe with my partner and our two dogs, to live as digital nomads). It started out as the deep meaningful stuff - trying to work through my emotions from the past two years in Melbourne lockdowns, failed careers, family drama etc. But it has recently evolved into what I would now call micro-journaling. It's interesting how writing a sentence or two about how I am feeling has (for the most part) fulfilled that desire for connection that fueled my social media addiction. I definitely slip up every now and then, but interestingly those slip ups now manifest as youtube binges where I can very easily get bored and move on, or watch more "worthwhile" content. Also LOVE the idea of asking yourself "will this matter in 10 days". Great tip for gaining perspective!
@lamaghanayim9152 2 жыл бұрын
Each year I delete my social media platforms for about two months (one at the beginning of the year and another about its ending). It does really make me feel better and be more self-aware. I usually delete them because the news and terrible things happening around exhaust me. I do tend to misuse my time though by watching Netflix. However I've recently replaced it with watching useful stuff such as your videos, and learning more about my culture. I do hope to reach a place where I'm minimizing my screen time anyhow.
@elainewalsh9075 Жыл бұрын
I really appreciate the advice on your book about journaling. I recently discovered that journaling on my computer works better than writing by hand because I’m a faster typist. The journaling has led to much better sleep.
@sinachom2421 2 жыл бұрын
Am I the only one who would actually love a frog hat party? 🐸
@struthless 2 жыл бұрын
@redbirddeerjazz 2 жыл бұрын
same. Also a same height party. We could combine the two and make it a same height frog hat party
@grkoloratur 2 жыл бұрын
Will there be more than 17 people coming?
@mazzysmainframe Жыл бұрын
@@grkoloratur Yeah, it's gonna be an 18+ party.
@jadeburchett1999 Жыл бұрын
I love that you acknowledge the answers we all expect and then go beyond them to offer us insights we wouldn’t expect. Love your content and how accessible everything you make feels!
@brenda0006 2 жыл бұрын
The only thing I worry about in doing this is “losing touch”, I really enjoy knowing what’s going on in the world and I feel like traditional news outlets are so bias and kinda tainted, where as TikTok at least I get a sense of learning.. but I know I forget most of the stuff as soon as I scroll on, so I think I want to try this and do it the way you did for a week and then see how I go with limiting the amount of time rather than not going on at all.
@SchwarzRund 2 жыл бұрын
I feel that. for me it works like that: if i find something intersting i search directly for thewir other projects, podcast, patreon etc. most times that is allready more calming and i really remember what i am learning in those formats. When f.e. in a podcast guests are making intersting points i do not get on their insta but their website or podcast directly, or buy their books. sounds small, but i use social media lessand less to find intersting new ideas and infos ,as my long format consumption covers it pretty well :)
@haitiangirl94 2 жыл бұрын
I totally understand what you mean, but a someone who is completely off ig/twitter/TikTok, the people in your lives fill you in and you get to have a more wholesome convo about things bc you didn’t read what a thousand other people thought about it first.
@YeshuaKingMessiah 2 жыл бұрын
Ain’t missing nuttin on MSM OR SM And ppl will tell u everything, most assuredly N u can say Oh yeah? And move on with ur life, unaffected. Cus #reallife
@SebastianRodriguez-zd9vf Жыл бұрын
I'm literally addicted to your channel (in a healthy way). Thanks for having the strength to expose yourself and giving hope to a lot of people with different problems. I'm starting this experiment today.
@The.Foolosopher 2 жыл бұрын
I started doing this a few years ago. Any time I felt like posting a thought, I posted it into my notes app instead. I started feeling a lot better and I didn't have the stress of wondering if anyone liked them.
@TheMarmadukian Жыл бұрын
This is what I want to gain out of this. I have so many, random, unimportant thoughts that I want to get out of my system or share somewhere. But there's only so many reddit posts or blog articles you can write until you just want to get a one-liner or small paragraph out without needing any acknowledgement.
@lackylucky25 2 жыл бұрын
You are so freaking sympathetic!!! In this video you seem so happy with yourself which is really great to see. It made me happy to see you happy.
@morganbluestar 2 жыл бұрын
I did an experiment like this (sort of) for two weeks where I just switched my screen time with reading and in all honesty, my energy improved and time slowed down and my stress went down which sucked because I love the memes on TikTok
@joymurray5557 5 ай бұрын
I replaced Instagram with Google docs. Now I can micro journal, or I can do a long journal entry and then move it to my blog and edit it. It's really helped me to do all that it has done for you, and it's made me write better blog entries that, while still being very inconsistent, are easier to manage. I also use the microphone instead of my thumbs or fingers to make entries. It's a lot easier on my hands, something that many of us who are older are concerned with because of arthritis or other conditions that make it hard to do a lot of phone typing. Thanks for this great video on how to make our social media serve us rather than enslave us.
@AnkiLeipzig 2 жыл бұрын
What works for me to spend less time on Instagram is an app that restricts insta usage. I set my daily limit to 30min and I also activated the 20 second delay. So whenever I open Instagram there'll be a 20 second delay to it, with a nice picture and a countdown and then I can click on a breathing exercise..or sth else or just watch the countdown go down and pause. For me, the delay helps me realise, that I opended it AGAIN! It's really good to check in with yourself and be like "do I really have to check it?" - nope :D
@marienoellewurm Жыл бұрын
Woah what’s the app you use for the delay thing? Sounds super cool.
@BrucePanagopoulos 2 жыл бұрын
Hey Struthless, thank you for starting this channel. I discovered you channel a while's back and ever since then, your entries have really changed a lot of the way I should look at myself and my life. I started journaling on Jan 25, 2022 and have been writing entries ever since then (35 Days going strong). I also picked up the book "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron and both you and this book have really set me on a new, constructive course. I am finally beginning to think straight, be more expressive, being present, and be more allowing of myself and my creativity. I apologize for the long comment, but I just thought that you should know about the impact your videos have. You speak out of experience and you're as real as you tell it. Thanks man
@xebla256 2 жыл бұрын
Just written my first mirco-journalling post, so I'm excited to see where it would take me! Thank you for showing us your methods!
@silverish9081 2 жыл бұрын
Had a similar experience with journaling every day. Been doing it for two years now and I have noticed how in the beginning it was hard to properly express what I was feeling, but with time I relaxed and opened up more. The whole 'in touch with my feelings' thing. Also big agree with the most worries and problems not mattering after a surprisingly short time, but keeping track of what went on allows you to see who was there to support you. In fact, I was feeling lonely for almost the whole year because I've been repeatedly failing in meeting new people and making new connections, but looking back I was able to see how many times the people I already know have cared about me. So yeah, recommend this thing a lot. Didn't do it to replace social media (although I've controlled my use of it for a finite stretch of time when I really had to dedicate myself to important work). Kind of want to get back to that mindset as I didn't really gain much when I returned to my old social media consumption habits.
@m.malina6797 2 жыл бұрын
Loving "Your Head is a Houseboat" - between the honest and straightforward writing style and the fantastic illustrations its checking off a ton of boxes for me in ways other books haven't. Oh and buy the book - the Kindle version isn't the same experience.
@hiiimaaaa 2 жыл бұрын
I have tried this in the past. Deleted social media completely. Here are my findings - I went straight back to the old habit as well once my experiment ended. - I replaced it with short stories on everyday fiction or spending time on forums. - I realized how bad my habit of unlocking my phone is. I do it every minute and don't even realize it because of social media apps - My knowledge of world affairs drastically reduced as I didn't read any news and social media was my only source. - A lot of my friends kept asking me to come back because 'they couldn't send me memes'. - I didn't miss it at all while I was away from it but didn't see a difference in my life either. I thought I'd save time but I also realized that I open social media when I have nothing else to do and not while I have got work. - Definitely felt a little at peace. Ignorance is bliss Maybe micro Journaling can bring out the changes I seeked. I didn't know of the concept earlier. So let the experiment begin once more!
@maxclark9361 2 жыл бұрын
Love your videos man, from someone who struggles with mental health a lot, watching your videos always supplies a mix of entertainment and optimism that is really refreshing❤️
@shankar_vshankar Жыл бұрын
1) Love the b-roll :D 2) Love your work in general 3) my old todo lists are just ammo dumps of things I've misprioritised and are now on fire
@colbysbees 2 жыл бұрын
I couldn't agree more with making lists. I LOVE LISTS! I have a giant Excel document that has all my to-do's, weekly tasks, short medium and long term life goals, all the things I want to do in life. I'm trying to be a 2D animator. And ya the more I consciously think about the things I want to get done, the more I feel I HAVE to get started so I can do all those amazing things. And it helps me connect all the dots of tasks I need to complete and cleanup my blender of chummed thoughts. Kenneth Atchity would say this is the creative persons path to bridge the islands of creativity (I seriously recommend his book A Writer's Time). In fact I finally dusted off an old story I stopped writing years ago and started working on it again! And similarly I recently exited from a bunch of group chats I was in, and, the weight of that was incredible, I didn't realize how much idle unconscious thought my mind wasted sitting in on an open group chat thinking about what people are saying and what you should contribute. It literally feels like I moved to a new city because nobody can interrupt me, I am an island. I never realized how toxic it was. I only have a finite amount of mana creativity reserves and the more isolated I make myself, the more desperate I get to expunge it into something else like my animation, illustration or writing.
@unproductiveworkshop 2 жыл бұрын
Hey Struthless! I love your approach to micro-journalling in this video. I've taken on a similar approach through journalling by voice recordings like your book introduced me! Already it's made me more aware than I've ever been.
@Nashmum 2 жыл бұрын
I stopped facebook scrolling about a month ago for the same reason - being drained. Since then I've read five books (which is incredibel because I haven't been able to concentrate on a novel in about two years). I've also stated writing again, which is something else I thought I'd never do. My head feels clearer. I no longer see stuff every morning that makes me sad (like lost or dead cats or some one complaining about rubbish!). Struthless, your vids are fab. keep up the great work!
@AikiraBeats Жыл бұрын
I’ve started journaling more along with Meditation and my head has been clearer more often. I find myself using my phone less and less throughout each day. From 8-9 hrs, to 6-7 hrs I find that as a huge result .
@RazzoAratey 2 жыл бұрын
Use The !Browser version! of these social apps, it helps so much the simple fact I have to click 3 times instead of 1 and they design the browsers experience to be rough in HOPes of motivating u to get the app. But it just ensures I Get updated with my ppl and then dip. not endless scrolling
@NextSummon 2 жыл бұрын
I'll definitely give that a try. Thanks for sharing!
@LizNix01 2 жыл бұрын
Side note: delicious fonts. I love the ligatures.
@Kyrie. 2 жыл бұрын
i've been wanting to journal for a very long time. but everytime i start journaling, i somehow find myself not wanting to do it anymore within the first few days. maybe i'll start with this instead! thank you for uploading this :)
@mizbossladiexx 2 жыл бұрын
I absolutely love Your Head is a Houseboat. Thank you for sharing your experiences, words cannot express how much your insight has been helping me stay more focused and consistent. When I first got my book my 8 yr old took it thinking it was hers lol. She asked me why did it have so many fun pictures and words I was a grown-up. I couldn't do anything but laugh and say grown-ups like funny pictures in books too, then O had her read the chapter titles to me. She loves the grumpy sock puppets. Your gift is the current household topic. Keep up with what you are doing and congrats again on your new family addition.
@RealJamieBarclay 2 жыл бұрын
Just like cigarette's used to be common place and eventually became something heavily discouraged once the real dangerous of them were understood, I believe something similar will happen with social media. It's literally an addiction that slowly ruins your life.
@nicolarai1038 2 жыл бұрын
I just came off a 5 hr binge on socials, after a week of being off it. Really needed this right now, thanks. 🙏
@Ellary_Rosewood 2 жыл бұрын
Welp, I just deleted all of my social media apps, except KZbin, since this is the one I'd like to focus my growth on. Thank you for this! I already feel a sort of weight lifted off of me. Gonna go take a long walk and get some fresh air now. 😀❤️
@Ellary_Rosewood 2 жыл бұрын
@@merrillgeorge1838 Honestly, I really only use KZbin if I'm at my desktop, so I hardly use the app anyway. It's a good thing! ☺️
@YeshuaKingMessiah 2 жыл бұрын
I was only ever on FB and deleted it last Oct Still spend too much time on my phn. YT is my SM now lol I even use Pages quite a bit I’ll try adding the mental check in instead of losing my time in my phn/escaping
@betty22691 Жыл бұрын
I've been doing this for a little under 2 years now. My memory improved. I also started journaling, reading more books and articles. I realized I was much more in tune with my emotions and the world around me. I do use youtube and reddit but it's usually to read articles or find videos regarding news or music.
@shontar9074 2 жыл бұрын
I love this!! A way I found to micro-journal and pay more attention to how I'm feeling is this app called 'Finch'. You look after a penguin by journalling and doing breathing exercises etc. Has really helped me along side watching videos like this!! Thanks Struthless
@datmangotho9618 2 жыл бұрын
Ooh I wanna check that out, thank you!!
@hifriend_09 3 ай бұрын
Hi there I did this the beginning of 2023 and...I had a very similar experience where I felt better and become more productive. I was already journaling so using the notes app felt easy to do and it turns out I had a lot to say. In the beginning, it made me aware of the physical habit of using social media was. I did have a feeling of not knowing what to do since that physical habit where I would pull out my phone and scroll to my app but then It was not there anymore. Good thing for this guide since I would remind myself okay lets reflect/check in with myself and update my to do list. I achieved a lot of what I wanted to do and ended up discovering a new passion for photography leading me to this year where I am now starting my concert photography journey! Thank you and I grateful for helping me out!
@dylankeppler3542 2 жыл бұрын
I do this too! I relate so much about the "glorious orange note app", I love it! Literally crying from laughter as I relate so hard. Thanks for your videos man, it's been a hard few weeks but you make me laugh and feel a little better every time I see you. Have a good one mate
@debmilligan2055 2 жыл бұрын
A cross between journaling and lists! The best! Love your work, it’s always inspiring.
@niyazkhaybullin4618 2 жыл бұрын
This zero doritos and one dorito thing is so true! One time I did similar challenge and didn't use social medias in a two weeks and it was quite easy! But then I had to use it to communicate with my gamedev team and it kinda broke the whole thing. Then I tried to decrease usage of social medias instead of fully avoiding it by using them only after dinner, but it was complete disaster and totally didn't work out. Another thing is I don't really have that much offline communication since I work from home so fully giving up on social medias kinda would fuck up my socialization even worse. I'm not really sure what to do about that, but yeah, I can do this challenge at least from time to time to improve my productivity.
@zoraj759 2 жыл бұрын
What you could do is set an app timer so that you can be aware of how much time you spend on social media
7 ай бұрын
This is so true. I used to journal in my childhood and teenage years, and I went back to it al quit social media. It has been one of the best decisions of my life!!!
@tessabcd7472 2 жыл бұрын
What a great idea! Every time you hit us with some new helpful insight! You started your challenge on my bday! Which was the same day i watched your sobriety video, and also the last day ive touched the devil's lettuce. Thank you for everything and good luck with the new human ❤
@ryanbrownx1 2 жыл бұрын
Bruh! This is awesome. You are awesome. Going to through my phone and deleting all doom-scrolling apps.
@synchronicity458 Жыл бұрын
I’m getting rid of my smartphone entirely. I’m tired of pretending like it does something positive for me. It doesn’t. It’s entirely designed around an outrage and victimhood economy in order to consistently divert my attention to an ad campaign. Even the apps themselves in addition to being full of advertising, are actually clever advertising campaigns in and of themselves. I can’t tell you the last time I used an app on my phone that was truly needed.
@azlizzie Жыл бұрын
I've only been doing this for a week and I am already so in love with journaling. It's like therapy but free. And then when I do decide to pay for therapy I can focus on the things that keep coming up in my journaling. Deep thanks for this video. It has transformed me.
@umbrella5227 2 жыл бұрын
This video is much more helpful than dozens of others I've seen before! Thank you! BTW such a nice vibe from you, man, you made my day today! double thank you! :^D
@allcalmsoothing9443 2 жыл бұрын
Just saw the title and new it was gonna be a great video, like the rest. Thank you so much.
@PlumHorizon 2 жыл бұрын
Definitely interested in a video explaining your to-do list system in notes !
@breenuttee 2 жыл бұрын
I love, LOVE that you made a video about swapping Social media with microjournaling. I've personally turned off all social media notifications since February and i have soooo much more free time! Certainly made personal growth a daily priority myself as well! Being on social media possibly doesnt seem like an issue until you start showing/feeling negative physical effects and we don't know what could be the cause! Love your creative mind, illustrations, video topics and how you lay out your list. Easy to understand! Many thanks and positive self-growth wishes!! 💛✨️🌞
@FreddotheWheelchairGuy 2 жыл бұрын
Woah, this vid was the best you've put out in a while, I had my criticisms before but this was baby bears porridge 👌 I can resonate with it so much, I recently deleted Instagram and felt loads better for it. Love the micro journaling idea. Chur Cam ! ✌
@thenerrdpit7441 2 жыл бұрын
the only online "experiment" i've seen that i will try. i love social media (i mostly follow animal sanctuaries and it makes me very happy to look at those posts) but i hate that i spend so much time on it. thank you so much for this video!
@rebellemichele 2 жыл бұрын
i love it! this gives me the real motivation to finally leave some social media platforms and gain my energy back! thank u so much for this advice ! please keep going ❤️
@chainofthorns 2 жыл бұрын
I accidentally started doing this. Life hit pretty hard and I felt bad about constantly venting to my support system so I’d vent to my notes and would only vent the cliff notes to them. And then I started organizing the notes, which turned into daily journaling and I’m going on 1.5 months now. I’m feeling so much better about life in general and making progress in areas I thought I’d never make progress in
@mardelizrivera4636 Жыл бұрын
“The stress was real, but probably unnecessary” is the story of my life 😭
@SarraCannon 2 жыл бұрын
This is so aligned with exactly what I'm thinking about and going through right now. Thank you.
@rawkrXbabee 2 жыл бұрын
if I could find a man like struthless I would love him forever, I stan a guy who's all about self improvement p.s. you're gonna be such an amazing dad!
@milogallagher-zk3ul 2 жыл бұрын
i’ve been thinking about splitting my daily to do list into basically “if i’m killing it” and “bare minimum” but having some weird shame around it. thx for the encouragement to just go for what works for my brain
@ImprovementGang 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting to see this be done. I have deleted Tik Tok, Instagram, and Facebook this year. I still have KZbin, but it is what it is. I think I might try this experiment. I like to pray and type, so I think I might just change that about it. Can't wait to see my cliche results haha
@gracelly23 Жыл бұрын
That first question about asking yourself what drains you of your energy is really powerful, that really hit me and I am gonna ask myself that and see what comes up!! I tried what I call a social media detox back in 2017 but only for FB and I did it for 3 months and I saw a lot of improvement, I still have my account and I still open the app and browse a while, but I no longer was addicted to the app - ie. posting and getting likes. There are some days where I go without even opening up the app, the only downside was that I get delayed updates on the latest news or what’s happening around the world. Haha Anyway, I’m good with FB but I am still addicted to Instagram - but again, I keep the audience really small and close there so I tend to post more about personal stuff rather than about flexing things I own/have. Great video and thanks for sharing, best of luck on your second journey abstaining from social media!
@n7shepart461 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve just come across your channel. My therapist said do journalling and I’ve always tried and failed because I was doing it wrong. I have bipolar too and I have thought about this social media thing, I basically use Facebook as a micro journal and that’s what I miss when I quit it for 30 days here and there. Also I do the 30 days to break the addiction to it, and then I go back and it gets worse. I just bought your book I’m looking forward to reading it and journalling myself. Just wanted to thank you for your way of communicating MH issues. I really resonate with it, so much more than the clinical way of therapy, whilst I’m still going to go to therapy it’s nice to hear it in such a more friendly way. Thank you!
@anne-marie2159 2 жыл бұрын
Hi! First! Love your content and book. Thanks for all you do!
@anne-marie2159 2 жыл бұрын
I'm definitely going to try this way of micro-journaling to develop a better relationship with social media ❤️
@MsRockstar013 2 жыл бұрын
Wow! I just found your channel yesterday but I've been practicing this for 4 years! I have since gotten back on some social media platforms but microjournaling in my notes app has been one of the most fulfilling things I've ever done. Then, if I need to take a long social media break, it's not as difficult or devastating. I highly recommend!!!
@TT-fn1xb 2 жыл бұрын
Out of curiosity, is KZbin considered social media? It's been easy for me to come off FB and Insta but I find myself watching YT more than I'd like. Sometimes an hour or 2 a day and I'd definitely like to reduce it. Curious to know whether Struth also cut out YT even though he kept posting on it. Thank you for another great video. That's me done with YT for today. 😉
@karine568 2 жыл бұрын
It's kind of a social media, but here you can improve yourself more than you could do in instagram, for example. it also depends of the content you watch here, are you watching dumb videos for 2h or watching a documentary, a class of something interesting, something that will change you in a positive way? you can think about it, are you trying to replace the social media addiction with YT addiction? do you know the patterns you have that makes you want to scroll the app for hours? do you know how are you feeling in those moments?
@YeshuaKingMessiah 2 жыл бұрын
If u interact with commenters alot, it’s SM If u just watch educational things, it’s learning time
@tdematos Жыл бұрын
Loving all of the content of this channel! Everything from the thumbnails to video flow is spot on! Tips are also 🔥🔥🔥. The tip for taking social media apps off of your phone makes a huge different.
@MeggynQa88 2 жыл бұрын
My problem is that when I do "micro journaling" I stop the normal journaling I do because I feel like I'm repeating myself. Any advice/recommendation on that?
@alysaporter170 2 жыл бұрын
I feel this way too. But maybe we could ask ourselves why repeating is a problem? I don't think it has to be. If it comes out during many journal sessions I am more likely to address whatever it is. I hope this is helpful.
@toshikadwivedi7850 2 жыл бұрын
@Kiwi_Urmínová In micro Journaling, you're writing down your 'immediate' thoughts and feelings. But when you sit down to actually journal, you get to process and analyze those feelings and thoughts better. So maybe you could just use both for your advantage?
@alexandrarix3573 2 жыл бұрын
For years I only knew of you from ig and when I did find you on KZbin I was like, wow, this is so much better. And now everytime I see a video I learn something so important. So keep the KZbin growth up!
@nickagrinzone 2 жыл бұрын
Your point on healthy content consumption is so underrated, which is unbelievable because in my opinion it makes the most impact on your mind. I've been slowly unsubscribing and distancing myself from negative minded content and transitioning myself into content that will benefit me long-term. It's easy to get lost into the world of scrolling aimlessly and overtime the messages behind said content will ingrain its way into your subconscious. Also, I'd highly recommend staying completely offline until the afternoon. Even though I'm typing this at 9:30 am... Still have ways to go
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