Lost me at this: “Those who have an interest in religious faith whethor it’s the Christian Faith **or any other of one of the worlds great religions**, the college gives an opportunity to think about the connection between their faith, the culture in which we live and the academic subject that they are reading...it opens up the boundaries between faith and the world around us. So there is this opportunity to develop a Christian mind about the world and about intellectual thinking and a religious mind for those who come from other sorts of traditions. This isn’t required of course in college , it’s there as a kind of optional extra for people to take hold of if they want to...” Why not just be solid and choose to equip CHRISTIANS to be in ministry? I feel like this shouldn’t be a school where you can audit Christianity 🤔 but for those who are serious about being equipped? No opening boundaries...the gate is narrow. And then to allow women to be ministers? That is not Biblical. Crazy works we live in where even our Christian schools are seeker friendly.