Wow--I wish you were blogging as well in English. Your explanations are more clear (and even more fun!) than mine! Thank you for this wonderful video, which clearly catches some of the most important ideas of learning! Your fan, Barbara Oakley
@superycinema6 жыл бұрын
Barbara Oakley OMG! Is this comment a kind of believe-or-not mode which breaks down focus/diffuse mode binary? 😂 Anyway. You made my day ! Thanks for your appreciation xD
@BarbaraOakley6 жыл бұрын
Super Y超級歪 Actually, you made my day with this great video! (You can tell I’m a little jet lagged, since you a KZbinr rather than a blogger) I’m so impressed at the depth of your research in finding great video and imagery that takes everyone even deeper (in a very fun way) than I could do. I think you need to look into becoming a movie director.
@nggor91206 жыл бұрын
😱😱😱 Barbara Oakley!!! You’re amazing! I’ve had your courses on Coursera, they are awesome!!! Thank you for helping us!!😘
@BarbaraOakley6 жыл бұрын
It's my pleasure, Angi--happy learning!
@angiechen64526 жыл бұрын
Agree with your comments! Super Y is good at explaining it hehe!
我也剛好在coursera 上面上過她的這堂課,然後又突然看到這本書的結束,很驚喜! 她在Coursera上教的這堂課非常的有趣,他和另一位男教授一起教,她常常會用很多有趣的方式來設計題目來問學生,好讓我們這些收看的學生不會覺得無聊,我之前有時也會問她一些問題! 我在coursera and edx 和其他的 MOOC 都上過不少課,但是有些真的很枯燥乏味,但是她的課程真的會讓人覺得想再看一次! 我覺得學習這種事情是,當你覺得你有需要,然後你又願意去用各種管道去尋找能夠幫助你自己,能夠學習的方式,就無關乎這個課程是否符合台灣學生的要求了! 畢竟大部分MOOC上面的課程都是以世界級的標準和方式來教學的!所以我不想去談論台灣的學生腦袋有多麼僵化和毫無創造和思考能力...... 現在有些MOOC開始收費了,但是我的看法是認為不是每個收費的課程都非常的好,好比UC Irvine,他們現在推出了很多收費的課程,特別是推出很多英語學習的課程,誰會去上這種課,自然可想而知了(一定是那些超愛補習又有病的亞洲人!)但是首頁包裝的非常吸引你去選修那門課,在我看來這種行為不就是學殿嗎? 他們這種方式已經把大名鼎鼎的UC Irvine搞的跟文化大學一樣了!! 真是太另人傷心! 而且,別忘了,MOOC的本意不就是提供一個平台,給那些受時間,空間,限制的,比如在世界上某個角落,無法去這些世界知名大學求學,但卻想學習的非常貧窮的某些國家/某些學生而產生的嗎!?Come on!!! Its MOOC!!! It's Massive Open Online Course!!! It supposed to be FREE!!! 但是就是會有像是Irvine 這種已經把自己的reputation 都搞模糊了的學校居然在這種平台上面收費!! 但其實我也不應該意外,因為 哈哈 這所學校會有那麼多台灣人愛去唸,應該也是有原因的吧! 或許某種程度上,符合亞洲人的「補習」的慾望吧!? 還有,這個世界上不是只有「台灣標準」這一種標準!! 這個世界上至少有數十種和台灣人的思考模式和文化不同的地方! 如果各位上網的目的是學習,是打開你的眼界,那........「學習並且了解 世界上各式各樣的標準 和 不同的思考模式和想法」,會讓大家有更寬廣的視野! Open your mind!!! Open your eye to learn from this world!! Than you will have a whole new world!!!
Good for this - I am naturally applying these skills ..... I am suffering demonic depression with brain injuries to feel lost of some earthly abilities....but my spirit is active n able do travel freely in my imagination world ...
@EWTO236 жыл бұрын
side note---my learning method: memory palace+visualization+repetition, extremely powerful & pretty effortless in execution once you get use to it ^^^