You look so healthy. I'm off vit d3 and k2 and staying to feel the effects positively. Good luck with your health journey.
@TaylorAnnHealth6 жыл бұрын
Thanks, good luck to you also!
@realalt86397 жыл бұрын
You may wish to increase your Vitamin K2 by eating the cheeses Gouda and Brie. Keep up the Vitamin D recovery videos , I’m 11 months into recovery and the brain fog finally lifted last month. Still having some bone and muscle pains but some specific muscles which were in agony in my arms are now better :) Your vids keep me optimistic during the difficult days but I’m having more good days than ever before!
@Hellocali16 жыл бұрын
Eat Natto everyday. It was difficult to eat at first but now I love it and I actually crave it.
@cachet.uncannypannace53606 жыл бұрын
Your so pretty!
@Aesthetic_leen2 жыл бұрын
Hi ..... I was having chest pains and nerve pain since 2 months.... Went to a ton of doctors but they said I was fine and my heart was fine and diagnosed me with whatever mental disorders they knew like anxiety, depression, psychosomatic disorder, fibromyalgia PTSD and what not ..... Finally I did my research and found out about people who had the same symptoms as mine... And they had vit d deficiency... So I got my levels checked ... And the are horrible low at 12.... So I went to the Dr and she prescribed a multi vitamin (to be taken once daily) and a d3 tab (to be taken one a week) , my chest pain and tingling sensations have almost vanished , I mean they ate still there but reduced significantly.... But I'm having lump in the throat sensation since a week without a break and sometimes I have breathing issues... Can this lump in my throat sensation be caused by d3 deficiency!? I'm literally loosing hope everyday.. please reply
@mathildaflower23884 жыл бұрын
Hiii if I take cod liver oil should I also take k2?
@alwaysbored4117 жыл бұрын
I don’t know what it is about mk7, but it seems like when people have a reaction to k2, it’s the mk7 version. I reacted immediately and thought it might have been due to soy, but when I checked out several forums, it seems that many people have reacted to small doses of mk7, but not large doses of mk4. Some people shy away from mk4, because they have heard it is synthetic, but mk4 is the version of k2 that our bodies naturally produce in the gut from k1 and based on the forums I’ve been on fewer people have problems on mk4 and there is plenty of research that backs up the effectiveness of mk4. Maybe you eat enough greens and don’t need as much k2, but I have personally had good luck with mk4. I use the thorne version which is pricey, but it lasts a while based on the dosage.
@medialistener6 жыл бұрын
You are so right. Many people don't know about MK4 vs MK7
@hayabusa38107 жыл бұрын
Damm you fine Taylor
@thaddiusglunt24246 жыл бұрын
There are certain vitamins like A, D, and K2 that get synthesized in the body from antioxdants/hormones/other vitamins found in food and sunlight IF it needs it. And if your body doesnt need it, it wont synthesize them anymore. But If you supplement on those long enuf, you're taking in the active form of the vitamin and odds are you will have too much of it before long. Overdosing on A or D is pretty serious. I'm not sure about K2 because there's not enough research on supplementing it yet, but I would imagine that if you're getting light headed or headaches, you're taking too much. Point is, it's better to get everything from food/sunlight.
@TaylorAnnHealth6 жыл бұрын
Good points, thank you
@rickdeckard10755 жыл бұрын
Only synthesized if your gut bacteria do so, and the amt produced even ideally is not enough to compensate for our calcium intake or produce the therapeutic effects of existing joint and arterial calcium removal