Taking Too Seriously: Has Analysis Damaged The Fandom?

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FOB Equestria

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@Tillyard86 9 жыл бұрын
"There are too many people that don't know how to critique properly, you know who you are" They're clearly also people with low self-esteem in that case.
@Septic-Hearts 8 жыл бұрын
I totally agree that analysis has changed the fandom, in good ways and bad. I like to think of analyzers like doctors, dissecting the episodes or whatever is being analyzed to point out how to fix or improve the problems they show. Or provide new perspectives on them. And many people need to see the flaws in these episodes/fan works/ whatever else, because I can assure you that not every single one is completely flawless and perfect. That's just basic facts.
@LegendaryShokyo 9 жыл бұрын
The two reviewers that really caused this debate to even happen were Digi and Tommy, yes they've stopped reviewing MLP but still, guys like Antony, Silver Quill, KP, and Firebrand are far better reviewers that I watch regularly because instead of being completely straight faced with their criticism, they are very entertaining with it, making their reviews entertaining is their priority and they succeed.
@StopChangingMyNameYoutube1 9 жыл бұрын
The only analysts I really don't watch much are Digibro and Oliver cause...well they are just downers most of the time. Antony C for example has some stellar reviews and he has had more than his share of negative opinions on certain episodes, but the difference is *_He was funny and had a good time with it_* Hell even the Anti Brony known as Drowning in Horseshoes _(yes he is, don't even try to say he's not)_ infuses his reviews with some amazing comedy and entertainment value, even if its fueled by alcohol and the mind of a suicidal maniac trapped in a reviewers body. For someone who so openly despises fandom he knows the show better than almost every other reviewer I can think of. ILoveKimPossibleALot doesn't make very long or in depth videos like some of the others, but they are fun and I go back to them regularly because of her sense of humor. And that's really the thing that separates the good from the bad; Humor. If you are taking this show about magical equines and sucking all the fun out of it with every syllable you utter then its going to turn people off. The show itself pokes fun at itself for its quirks and its musical numbers, its not meant to be critiqued by people who wouldn't know funny if it smacked them in the face. The "Analysis community" is not the figurehead of the fandom, they are entertainers. Their objective is to be entertaining while getting their ideas across. So my question is not *_Has the analysis community damaged the fandom_* Its *_Are the analysts enjoying what they are doing anymore?_* Most of them are, and they put out fun content to show for it. For those who are getting more critical and angry all the time without seeing any of the positives, maybe taking a step back would be a good call.
@pippo17173 9 жыл бұрын
Well I see that tommy is now overhated at this point as he is trying while digi just keeps going down even when he makes something he loves and it wasn't that funny ether. Drowning in horse show I think is anti brony against the fandom since I can agree with him that the fandom have some really stupid people that hurts to see. Also I agree that if analyzers keep saying that the show is shit in the same point like about 26 times! then I say just leave if the show really is terrible to you as making the same point over and over will get boring and will get the fans to back lash to you when you don't make any valid or thoughtful points.
@aguy17 9 жыл бұрын
KZbin, All I want to do is watch a video, stop making me update. It doesn't matter how good a time AntonyC has with his videos if he makes me feel like the enemy every time. Digi never does that.
@StopChangingMyNameYoutube1 9 жыл бұрын
Cobalt Fossil Not really sure what you mean by that. The enemy?
@pippo17173 9 жыл бұрын
KZbin, All I want to do is watch a video, stop making me update. I believe he is saying how Antony C has a bit of a persona going on with how he uses comedy to bring people down. I have no idea if this is true or not but there are times I question it and the one that made me feel that way was his EG review about deus ex machina which honeslty I have no idea what is doing in that.
@StopChangingMyNameYoutube1 9 жыл бұрын
When has he used his comedy to bring people down? I've seen pretty much the entirety of his content and I have not seen an instance of this. In the Eqg semi-review (he only saw the last 15ish minutes give or take) he basically points out that trying to sell a moral with a deux ex machina cheapens the message. He isn't putting anyone down, he is calling the show out for a lack luster and formulaic ending that could of been better. The writers seemed to agree since Eqg2 was vastly superior to the first, one of the reasons being that they had a more satisfactory ending based on the tangible effect that friendship had on the outcome of the final fight (the very thing that Antony C pointed out was missing). The "magical mcguffin" was not enough to win the day, it took someone they had shown kindness and forgiveness for to step up to the plate and help them overcome the problem. That's the way I see it anyway.
@Th30neiromancer 9 жыл бұрын
I appreciate that of all videos on this topic this one sounded the most well rounded in it's approach from memory.
@MysticMindAnalysis 9 жыл бұрын
I think I might do a video on this subject myself, as doing analysis videos has given me an entirely new appriciation for the show. But I think they key thing is that we must always be fair. Not everything has to be perfect, but imperfections shouldn't ruin a good thing. I find Daring Don't, Filli Vanilli and Pinkie Apple Pie to be flawed episodes, but that doesn't mean they can't still be enjoyable or appriciated for their positive merits as much as their negative ones :).
@monkeykingw 7 жыл бұрын
Huh, weird to see someone reference Mr Enter I know he did Pony reviews at the start, but still. Huh.
@tiffanyb94 9 жыл бұрын
Great video and you make some good points. I feel like analysts have been good for the fandom, but the analyst community isn't without its flaws. I do like watching you, KP, and Mr. Enter because you give out good critiques while being entertaining, which I enjoy :)
@dejaypage1575 9 жыл бұрын
Nice vid, Josh. And I'm with you there. I've always like critiquing things as I know nothing is perfect. BUT being pessimistic is never ALWAYS a good thing. There are times when it can work, but too much negativity is a bad thing. If I can steal something from Avatar: The Last Airbender, we need to keep the balance.
@HeartSongPony 9 жыл бұрын
*applause* Well said, good sir!
@BrokenHeart-bz9og 9 жыл бұрын
Awesome HeartSong! I didn't even know about this video yet.
@SynderPheonix 9 жыл бұрын
I like what you said about things needing to be challenged. It made me feel better as one who is not used to harsh criticism and is starting to get it in my works. This has helped me :)
@magnusprime962 9 жыл бұрын
Well put. That contrast was why I started watching analysis videos in the first place, because I like to have my perspective challenged and try to see new ways of viewing things. While most of the time my opinions don't really change all that much, sometimes it brings up stuff I've never considered before that actually enhances my enjoyment of an episode, a good example being your very own 'Taking Chrysalis' Invasion Too Seriously' video. It's okay to admit when a show you like isn't perfect, no show is. You just have to decide for yourself if those flaws break it for you, or if you can accept them and move on.
@ShaDHP23 9 жыл бұрын
Is it odd that to this day, I spend weeks at a time on a singles chapter of fan fiction, painstakingly trying to get personalities right and plot points to align properly, and get barely any feedback, while scores of unimaginative shippers, crappypasta and (forgive me for sounding full of myself) hack writers get undeserving attention?
@HeartSongPony 9 жыл бұрын
Sister, I feel your pain. I think part of the problem with the Brony Writing Community is just the huuuuuge age range in fans. There are a lot of really young, really immature writers trying to put stuff out there, but they just pile up and water down the ratio of good content out there. Everyone has to start somewhere, but with so many stories being posted at the same time it is difficult for good writers to get there stories seen. If I may ask, where is your story at?
@TheIndigoEclipse 9 жыл бұрын
Welcome to my world. I have to make it a point to prod the readers to tell me their thoughts.
@MuffinHunterX 9 жыл бұрын
Know that feel. I write mostly for my own pleasure and rarely post stuff but I try to keep everyone as in-character as possible as well as avoiding fandom meta and then end up seeing fanfic that's totally OoC and references that make no sense in-verse and it just makes my skin crawl.
@BNuts 9 жыл бұрын
There're a lot of pieces of writing out there, so of course the quality varies as much as the genres do. Things probably would not be as interesting otherwise. People read the stuff that interests them, that is always true. So if they see something in the description they don't think they'l like, I'm sure they skip it, even if it turns out to be really good. There are some really interesting story concepts out there, yet to get to them you have to sift through everything else, which may not be so good. Still I doubt you, HeartSong, or I are the only ones striving for a larger audience for our works, not to mention getting feedback to improve as we go. I started publishing 'First Gear' on Fimfiction late in December, and I quickly came to realize that I'm pretty lucky if I get 20 reads per chapter. Now I've got 122 reads for just five chapters, and tomorrow I'll be releasing the sixth. That's not what bugs me. What DOES bug me is, as you've indicated, the sheer lack of feedback, realizing that 8 thumbs-up is a small portion of the reads I have so far. I looked at other stories' stats, and this seems to be normal: a small portion of readers deign to thumb-up or thumb-down stories. As for comments, does 'awesome story, can't wait for more!' count? I've seen people comment on other stories. Should I choose to believe they're merely choosing to stay silent, rather than believing what I've given them so far is 'good enough?' And when is 'good enough' really ever good enough? I would really appreciate any feedback anyone might have for me, because in my opinion 'perfection' as a state for any piece of work does not exist: there is always room for improvement, and communities can help to do that.
@ShaDHP23 9 жыл бұрын
HeartSongPony I'm on FiMfiction. My name is ShaD-23. Look me up if you're interested.
@Zodia195 9 жыл бұрын
Josh, you're AWESOME!!! This is why I love watching your channels!! You are so smart and I agree with pretty much everything you say!
@comeonandslamandwelcometot2418 9 жыл бұрын
2:28 Have you been on 4chan EVER? As someone who goes there often, it is in fact the OPPOSITE of a chamber of approval! We all hate each other there.
@Guciom 9 жыл бұрын
4:00 The difference is that games have tons of different genres, sub genres and is overall a much more complex subject. Bronies analyze ONE show.
@theonegoldengryphon 8 жыл бұрын
2:10 Your father is Igneel? .... JOSH DRAGNEEL IS GETTING FIRED UP!!!
@7Seraphem7 9 жыл бұрын
THANK YOU! Yeah, this was a pretty awesome response and, agree with damn near all of it. For the most part. Yes, it is important to have people who are willing to look at flaws in things, willing to point out mistakes and what not. But at the same time, to often people doing this simply do not know how to do it well. They come off as bitching or whining more then anything. Even if that's not what they meant to come off as, how they do it simply isn't right. Or they nitpick some tiny little detail and blow it out of proportion, or what they are saying is wrong is something that can be easily explained, but hey come of as simply wanting to be negative. Or worse, you have people that can't understand the difference between "this is not what I wanted to see" and "This is bad." Or go out of their way to find flaws, even if they have to create whole headcanons that have no basis in fact. -chough-Chatoyanace-cough- and then bitch about the show not adhering to them. But yes, on the whole, the analysis community does do more good then anything, and it is important to look critically at things and be willing to see the flaws. but at the same time, people need to learn how to do it right. And also, when they are being TO critical. Like with ACW, a lot of the major 'this sucks" points, or criticisms, are things.. that could have a legit explanation, but it comes off as people just preferring to complain, rather then try to see how they might work out.
@paigethenerd1705 8 жыл бұрын
you know, your definitely right, you NEED criticism to mature, like I've been bullied since pre-school, and that has helped me mature and to see that this world isn't OZ and that the reality is, life ain't fair and your just gonna have to deal with it.
@MrNuserame 9 жыл бұрын
Heh, I vaguely remember making a similar comment on Tommy's video. Which naturally got lost in the torrent of shite so uh, thanks for saying this where people hear it!
@daelen.cclark 2 жыл бұрын
This is important to any fandom.
@KnightKiller1000 9 жыл бұрын
As long as critics don't take things too seriously on "Out of character" episodes like Filly Vanilli and Somepony to Watch Over me then we're good. When that type of episode hits on air we should watch it first, then piece the puzzle together on why they're acting that way. The first one was with Twilight on Lesson Zero when she was panicking of how late she'll need to deliver her letter to Celestia on time. But no one jumped on that train cuz we KNEW of what was happening, but when it was Pinkie Or AJ everyone had a shitstorm.
@windwaker407 9 жыл бұрын
I think "Out of character" complaints are totally valid. I agree that many critics do take some things way too seriously, and blow small problems out of proportion, when it comes to characters being Ooc, I think they have a point. Characters have to remain consistent for the most part. This is the best way I can think to put it "Wow, I love how even though Pinkie can be eccentric and even oblivious at times, she still cares about making her friends happy. Despite her seemingly random, crazy nature, she truly puts her all into trying to make people happ... oh, you're going to make her completely insensitive to her friends feelings?... alright then..." You see what I mean? When you specifically enjoy characters for certain traits they have, only for said traits to essentially be erased for no reason, it's going to bother you. Sure, there were plenty of people only whining because she made 'poor, wittle, innocent, babbu Fluttershy' cry, but there were others who were sincerely bothered by this sudden character shift. Even I thought it was really odd when I first watched the episode, and I rarely over analyze things. seeing as I prefer to just enjoy the episode. Making characters consistent is a must in writing. If you have a character who is known to act one way, sudden change with little to no explanation or reason is going to be noticed.
@Rallinale 9 жыл бұрын
windwaker407 To be fair, there have been examples where Pinkie behaves the way she did in Filli Vanilli, such as Luna Eclipsed, The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000, and A Friend in Deed. Her obliviousness is a trait that has been established pretty early in the series, though some can argue that Filli Vanilli took that trait and accentuate it too much.
@KnightKiller1000 9 жыл бұрын
Rallinale But Pinkie wasn't "Out of Character" in the early seasons like Luna Eclipse since she was in her costume and playing as a part of a scared tricker treater. But in the Super Cider episode it kinda was, but she wasn't forcing no-one like she did to Fluttershy that way. She still had a motive that cover-up her obliviousness that she wasn't taken out of her context. What she did was not of what we know of Pinkie in that episode with Fluttershy's singing.
@jacanery 9 жыл бұрын
Using 4chan has example had me laughing so much once again great video josh!
@animegx45 9 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad that I'm picky with what analysts I listen to. I'm also glad we have people like you taking the show too seriously. And holy crap! I didn't know Deathwing was your father.
@pippo17173 9 жыл бұрын
A resaid of what I said before, if there is one thing I hate about the audience for these type of videos is refusing to accept any negative opinion. I understand if its against one that made no sense or wasn't even well spoke or have no idea on what its talking about and trust me I have seen way too many of that on how they treated this show as some sorta of adult show that needs to be dark and more edgy as well as having so much high standards to the point that it doesn't seems to be matching to shows qaulity, but it seems that honest and well thought out feedback seems to get shun. People its ok to have a negitive opinion because at the end of the day, we all care for the show at least 80% of us do. The writers still and will always care and they want the honest feed back if they ever want to improve. Just make sure that the feedback you offer will benfit in making repairs for what lack and could help tweak it
@7Seraphem7 9 жыл бұрын
The issue is that very few of the 'analysts' know how to give negative feedback/opinions right. For most it doesn't come off as them pointing out faults and looking at what could be better. At being critical, but still caring. Far to many times any negative points come out as just plain bitching or whining. Or simple nitpicking tiny things and blowing them out of proportion just for the sake of being negative. And since so few know how to do it right, it also leads to people just dismissing nearly all negative criticism as that since that's what most of it come off as. Even when they do make valid points, how it's said or put together can make people pissed more for how it came off, rather then what the point was. Or just the whole thing is to all around negative. That's really the sweet spot to hit, being able to be critical, without coming off as overly negative. Silver Quill is amazing at this, it's why I love his videos so much.
@pippo17173 9 жыл бұрын
7Seraphem7 Yes that is true. Its all base on how you present it. Its why I believe Digi failed so hard because I really feel that he never proof reads his points and double check to make sure if its alright and that goes to many of the new people coming in as well. I know there is one new duo of analyst who I won't say but trust me when I say this, they failed every point because they tried way to hard to be funny which comes off as being douch bags to the audiences who watch their hour long bitch fest of a video.
@7Seraphem7 9 жыл бұрын
AnimeWolfgamer Yes, it's the difference between just essentially repeating "this is crap, this is crap, this is crap." Over and over. Which will make someone who actually liked it defensive or pissed when you don't give any good reason for it, or just are outright calling it crap. (Or a least seem to be) And "This is flawed, and has these problems." And explain what you found wrong and why those things are flaws. Without coming off as insulting the work or people who did like it as a whole. Actually, that really is the line and the big challenge. What most of those who don't do negative criticism well seem to miss. More so then being able to be critical without being overly negative. Being critical, without being insulting. And yes on the viewer end, people do need to also be able to tell the difference between insults, and simple negative feedback to a times. This as an issue on both fronts.
@pippo17173 9 жыл бұрын
7Seraphem7 ya. Some people that are new don't want to believe there shows have flaws but then other sides they try to make it as this is the Apocalypse when really its ether their own opinions but not well presented or they just think the show is not good anymore so they should just leave if they can't bring themselves to watch it. Unless if its doing something bad differently in every episode, then I don't see any point in making a video explaining the same point.
@Benicthehedgehog 9 жыл бұрын
I will be honest, I enjoy games and videos that either something people do like or something that they hate. I only watch reviewers, gamers, or critics mainly for entertainment cause I try my best to try to not take them too seriously and just try to enjoy it. the only time I ever be serious is if it is on something that is more part of my childhood or it being something I love. so now a days I try to be more flexible to just trying to not take things seriously unless it is. also, this is a really good video josh and you bring up good points.
@TemporalTwins 9 жыл бұрын
"Insulating yourself from criticism..." Why does thin privilege come to mind...
@TheHeartlessAlchemist 9 жыл бұрын
I actualy agree more with you than I do with Tommy. I think any fandom needs analisys to grow and mature. In fact you have always pointed out the flaws of the show ever since your first videos. And it was those same videos that got me interested in MLP in the first place.
@isaacbaird6493 9 жыл бұрын
I agree, but I had no idea about the over saturation of analysts. Not to sound like a snob or a self centered jerk but I WAS thinking about being an analyst so I could get noticed, buuuuut with the over saturation of analysts, I would prefer to talk to myself while I watch the episodes. I would not make a good analyst anyway. I'm also terrible with technology. I say once again, I am NOT trying to sound self centered and if I am, well sorry.
@Cailan_Mors 4 жыл бұрын
My experience with 4chan is less of an echo-chamber, and more everyone insulting each other
@sadlobster1 9 жыл бұрын
On the matter of necessary criticism. I agree; it should be given, in healthy doses and I happily enjoy viewing the many reviewers out there. (Hoping Mr.Enter returns to us, soon) What's important is that you express your opinions civilly, respectfully and with an open mind. Which is why analyst like you, Mr.Enter, ILoveKimPossibleAlot, Dr.Wolf and others exist
@dejaypage1575 9 жыл бұрын
Daily motion, my friend
@sadlobster1 9 жыл бұрын
Dejay Page He still posts reviews there? That's great
@dejaypage1575 9 жыл бұрын
sadlobster1 Eyep :D He's not giving up any time soon.
@sadlobster1 9 жыл бұрын
I just hope he comes back to KZbin soon
@borzavrl 9 жыл бұрын
"What's important is that you express your opinions civilly, respectfully and with an open mind" "Which is why analyst like...Mr.Enter...exist" kek
@ThePastAnalysis 9 жыл бұрын
Interesting video FireBrand. I agree with everything you said except the point about there being too many people who think having a negative opinion or being cynical is the same as being intelligent. Are there people who have that take in the analysis community? Definitely, but I think there's a much larger pressing issue at hand. That problem being that the analysis community audience is full of people who more or less demand some positive opinion be expressed and "balance out" the negative. In my opinion this force is terrible, because it leads to two things. First, it motivates people to stretch the truth of their opinions merely to get approval from the crowd. Second, it causes people to feel like saying very measily things. For instance, let's say that you think an episode was really bad and you have tons of new points as to why it's bad. However, you happen to like the song, but there's really not much to the point other than "it sounds nice." Putting those opinions in waters down the more interesting new points being given. While this second problem is far less of a problem as the first, it's still a problem. Please tell me what you think of this FireBrand.
@Thomasmemoryscentral 9 жыл бұрын
While you're one of those bronies that doesn't post a lot Past, you offer content worth watching especially with being one of the few Earth Pony Analysts besides Antony, Voice and Brawny Buck. Yes, lots of negativity can often turn off lots of people but faking happiness for something you hate for good smiles could be just as bad. You raise a good point here and I hope perhaps that can be something in future pony videos to be brought up by you. Good luck with Firebrand responding with you because from scrolling through comments in some of the other videos, Josh doesn't have time to do a lot of replies to people.
@ThePastAnalysis 9 жыл бұрын
***** Thank you for the praise man. I've considered bringing this point up in a video in the past. It's just needed a lot of fleshing out up until this point. Still, the idea of this being turned into a video hasn't really been on the table recently. So, thank you as well for bringing it back up as a potential video topic. :D
@Thomasmemoryscentral 9 жыл бұрын
Past Analysis You're welcome and you don't have to make a whole video about this subject if the task proves to be too hard. Maybe a mentioning of it in a future pony video would be good enough.
@ThePastAnalysis 9 жыл бұрын
***** Absolutely :D
@thevideo-beast122 9 жыл бұрын
Hey Josh', can you pass this warning to the other members of the Analysis Community: Don't Be So Smug! I notice that some members seem to act like they have self entitlement and are on some sort of moral high ground. I know they aren't and the are not trying to be, but when I see reviews from Mr Enter, Voice of Reason and your guest collab partner in Feeling Pinkie Keen (I think his name was Zane) that act like their ideas are better then the show writers and you sounded in this video like being a reviewer is the most important job in the fandom,
@thevideo-beast122 9 жыл бұрын
***** I'm sorry if you think my comment is wrong
@thevideo-beast122 9 жыл бұрын
***** Oh, ok. just remember that there're not bad people
@TheIndigoEclipse 9 жыл бұрын
... I sat down and wrote out a well thought-out paragraph about this when you originally posted this video last night, and now it's gone... What the heck? Anaylsis doesn't hurt the fandom, wasting my time does.
@tsubomikido8960 9 жыл бұрын
It's not like he removed the video just to "waste your time", there were a multitude of commentators complaining about an image of a person inserted by the editor that Josh was unaware of. He simply had the editor replace the image, and repost it. What did you expect him to do? Leave the video up and have more and more people making accusations towards him based on an image shown for a very short time of someone whom he wasn't even aware of?
@JesusFreakUS 9 жыл бұрын
Have you ever made a video on how to be a good reviewer? Or do you have any tips that might help me, as I am considering joining the review community?
@gutsmasterson2488 9 жыл бұрын
Firey Joker! You rocked and burned with this video! But why was there a blooper at the end
@LittleShoesLin 9 жыл бұрын
Fantastic video! I love your optimism. And I agree. We NEED different opinions and to be challenge. Just...great video, man. :)
@BNuts 9 жыл бұрын
There's a huge difference between critiquing, analyzing, evaluating, and straight-out being a dick. Critiques are largely seen to be negative because 'critical' is right there in the word. When someone says they'll offer you criticism, most people will wince reflexively, because of that exact connotation. This means that most critics are expected to come down hard on their subjects. As a result, the subject automatically goes on the defensive. But critical reviews do not have to be critical. It's just a word. Analysis addresses an issue or subject within a work, so the focus here would be a concept and not an episode review. Some examples would be 'how magic works.' Analyses are most often based in canon material, and they can go quickly into headcanon territory. Evaluation could also just be called reviewing. This is where the reviewer tries to be as objective as possible in an analysis of 'what worked' and 'what didn't' within a given episode. The reviewer could also offer suggestions for improvement. To evaluate is to 'give value to' something, so it is largely positive, although one also tries to avoid whitewashing. It is of equal value for an artist to find a concrete and actionable way to improve the next work. And if you set out to be a dick, well, then you're harsh on everything, aren't you?
@Dethneko 9 жыл бұрын
In my observation there's no such thing as positive criticism. Whenever I see someone say they'll offer some criticism, it's always to point out something they didn't like. If they're pointing out something they did like, then they call it a compliment. Hell, according to thesaurus.com "criticism" is listed as an antonym for "compliment." Maybe there was a point in history where criticism was a catch all for pointing out both the positive and the negative, but the working definition in today's world is criticism is negative.
@BNuts 9 жыл бұрын
So evaluate/review instead. Both terms drop the negative conotation.
@ThePastAnalysis 9 жыл бұрын
A reviewer may try to be as objective as possible, but it can't really be done. No standards are more "objective" than another.
@BNuts 9 жыл бұрын
Past Analysis I know it's impossible to be completely objective. As has been said, if you hear 'criticism' you brace for impact, right? If you hear 'evaluation' or 'review,' you may still brace, but you won't automatically be on the defensive and less willing to listen. Usually that's the case, anyway.
@ThePastAnalysis 9 жыл бұрын
Ben N Ahh, well I agree with that. Still, I think it's unwise to not brace for impact for 'reviews' or 'evaluation.' One still has pretty high chances of being disappointed.
@SaintGat99 9 жыл бұрын
I think the reason I find analyzing a show like this foolish is because it's just My Little Pony. I like the show, but it isn't some sort of deep psychological study on culture or something; it's just a show meant for little girls. It's a GOOD show for little girls, but still a show for little girls. It isn't aiming for something deep; not now anyway, who knows what the future could hold. Hopefully, season 5 will make this comment redundant. I see less "analyzing" and more "cherry-picking so my favorite ship looks good and my least favorite ship looks bad".
@Tillyard86 9 жыл бұрын
Yeah I can relate to the pain of people using other people's video as weapons to win arguments. What's really funny is when they say something like "you want to know what I think? watch this video..." but that's not what you think at all, that's just what the person that made that video thinks. BTW someone told me in the comments for that video, that a lot of bronies think the show is "deep and complex" (whatever that means), I don't know where they are getting that from.
@xxKuroKajixx 9 жыл бұрын
I actually feel as if season five has been the best so far. I've liked every episode so far, even the CMC one. And I usually -hate- the CMC episodes for some reason...
@BIGLOGMASTER-cp1kb 9 жыл бұрын
"The emperor has no clothes" Isnt't that a reference?
@aswertyuiol 9 жыл бұрын
I really needed to hear this. I take criticism horribly and get incredibly aggressive about it, but now I think I'm going to try and change.
@GradualGhost 9 жыл бұрын
Let me quote my LPO from my Navy days, "A bitchin' sailor is a happy sailor." At the time I never knew what he meant by that but it runs in parallel with your ideas in this video. We need something to complain about and we need conflict in our lives. It is a simple fact of life that there will be disagreements from a fandom as large as ours (Fluttershy is best pony!) but we have to take it upon ourselves to take them as seriously as necessary. In short, thanks for saying what needed to be said.
@thunderflare59 9 жыл бұрын
Not bad, Josh. I felt the same about Tommy's video.
@ryanbarham8464 9 жыл бұрын
1:42 Honeymoon? You don't think you're going a bit fast there, Josh?
@Summertail 8 жыл бұрын
Okay hold it! Jerry put his own picture in there meaning, he agrees with Josh?!
@HTFFanOfFlaky 8 жыл бұрын
I tend to go for optimism for the show, though I'm not an analyst. I might become an analyst some day, but I'd like to improve a bit first. I get a bit *too* optimistic. I think about the show for the same reason I do voice acting as a hobby, even if I'll never get anywhere with it. They're the closest things I have to an interest, and definitely the closest I've ever been to feeling something. I really need to feel good about it. Or really feel anything about anything, and I can't shake the feeling MLP might be my only chance. It's the only thing I've ever come close to having an opinion about.
@bearvanhelsing6035 9 жыл бұрын
I love watching people analyze the show! I'm not even a brony I'm just curious about the show, and even though I have watched more reviews than I have episodes, I still have a ton of respect for the show.
@Carameja 8 жыл бұрын
I am so glad the brony analysis, I find it interesting to see all the analysis and opinions and then see where I stand, even tho I dont make video's about it ^^;
@randybrunet6510 9 жыл бұрын
I've always seen Digibrony and Tommy Oliver as pretty funny. While I don't watch them in particular anymore, they actually made me enjoy the show more when I got more into the fandom during the wait for season 3. I mostly stopped watching Digibrony's videos when both his OC design and his videos became notably darker to me, and when he began branching into other topics, which certainly isn't a bad thing, I simply am not personally interested in those topics. While I see a lot of people now see them as rather pessimistic and negative, and even I have moved on to reviewers who throw in a bit more comedy in their videos, I still continue to see them in a positive light. :3
@napsylev6922 9 жыл бұрын
randy brunet Congratulations! Your not a petulant child! I need to see more comments like yours for my own sanity, thanks for being alive man. I often find myself surrounding myself with criticism and becoming more and more annoyed with the people like Jerry Peet. I wish more people like you existed.
@thatdudeinthehoodie 9 жыл бұрын
What happened to the original video? I saw this early last night and now I see it again in my feed.
@RLYoshi 9 жыл бұрын
The original video had some edits in it that Josh was not aware of, as one of his editors edited it rather than him. These particular edits caused an argument because apparently they took jabs at someone. Josh took the video down and got it re-edited.
@thatdudeinthehoodie 9 жыл бұрын
@Emerald-DragonFlame 9 жыл бұрын
... pb...b? thats mildly hilarious
@lostonessoul8435 6 жыл бұрын
My view on fandom's is like this: each fandom is a sort of weapon. FmA brotherhood in my eyes is a military saber: old and rarely used yet it contains a lot of history, fallout (and fallout Equestria) is a shotgun: very diverse and covers a lot of ground in a wide radius, but then we come to MLP......honestly I believe that it's a sword and shield: meant to protect others as well as the wielder. Because that's what bronies (and Pegasisters) are we protect each other along with ourselves sure we're not all the same sword and shield but it doesn't matter because we help one another when in need.
@shinigamiPeter 9 жыл бұрын
'There are too many analysts that are doing this just to get horse-famous', with Jerry's OC. Some self-reflection there, Jerry?
@LilianOrchard 9 жыл бұрын
You ever wonder why I started doing the Glass of Water series? It was because my rent and power bills went up.
@daejynn7298 9 жыл бұрын
Personally, I just watch the analysis community because I like seeing other people's opinions. I can nod my head in agreement or have an argument in my head while they ramble on and I forget to pause. The thing is though, for every analyst I watch, I can do both. I watch Mysterious Mr. Enter because we both make our opinions on an episode based on what slips through our filters and yet his least favorite episode is one of my favorite episodes. I also watch Jerry Peet, who's funny and shamelessly gives his opinion on any matter he wants, but he also tears fan works limb from limb while I acknowledge their flaws and enjoy them for their charm and heart anyway. There are exceptions of course, *cough**cough*Rarity's New Patterns*cough**cough* but I'm genuinely impressed by some of the music, animations, and freaking video games in the works, like the oh-so-hyped Legends of Equestria. Everyone has a different opinion, and sometimes it just feels fun to argue. Either way, I'll respect your opinion.
@80MWH 9 жыл бұрын
4:39 - This is something I also wonder about in regards to all the Brony conventions that have sprung up. I don't know if the fandom seriously has the kind of lasting fervor to have the equivalent of 2-3 lower-level cons per month. I feel that eventually, the show will reach a saturation point, and we'll soon find these conventions dipping down to about 3-5, with EVFNW and BronyCon being the Comic-Con and NYCC of the bunch, where the 'IN' people will be.
@sadlobster1 9 жыл бұрын
About Lauren leaving, does she still check back on the show sometimes and what was her opinion on Alicorn Twilight and Equestria Girls. Also, love the cute little reference to you and Ink Rose's relationship with the "honeymoon period" term
@booleanbrony5696 9 жыл бұрын
their are occasional screenshots and such of her answering questions via her deviantart acout, I think she is fire-flye or something like that on dA
@noob_jr_2sjrkc 9 жыл бұрын
I don't like equating analysis to "criticism" like Tommy seems to imply in his video, because it promotes a mindset which is part of the problem. Analysis is not just criticism, nor just a review, it can be a lot more than that. Treating it like an evaluation is limiting, and the only reason "analysis" is the word people use is because Digi got popular making videos called "analysis". I'd be all for renaming this the Review Community, but sadly that's not gonna happen. You said the show needed some kind of negative feedback so the fandom wouldn't be just a circlejerk, but doesn't the "analysis" community also need some form of criticism? Sure, a lot of people don't know how to respond when they disagree with a video, but if you have a large enough audience there will surely be people who can give constructive feedback. But I so rarely ever see someone change their opinion or expectations, that I wonder if other people's opinions matter at all. I know I usually take at least a week to have a well formed opinion on a new episode, after reading what many people have to say, thinking about why they feel that way and incorporating a few things. By racing to get your video out as soon as possible after the episode airs, the only viewpoint you have is your own, and your audience can very easily be alienated because you didn't acknowledge anything that they got from the episode. If you then pass judgement upon the episode, the alienated viewers will call bullshit. I'd say the "analysis community" and the general fandom have fallen into a negative cycle. Some people do bad "analysis", sometimes even good "analysts", which make people bitter about "analysis" who eventually get oversensitive about negativity and will call out anything negative, even if it's well presented. "Analysts" in turn grow bitter about their viewers and maybe the show itself, and get afraid of posting a negative opinion or don't want to like the show anymore.
@PaleoSteno 9 жыл бұрын
@Thomasmemoryscentral 9 жыл бұрын
You're speechless Paleo?
@shadowmetroid18 9 жыл бұрын
Here's what I think: I think it's a testament to the quality of the show, how many people do analyze it, even if some are better at it than others. It shows that we have expectations, and that the show has an unusually high standard of quality to merit the criticism it gets. If the show hadn't progressed from g3, none of us would be here, let alone analyzing these episodes with the same passion as a classic piece of literature.
@CurtyTails 9 жыл бұрын
Damnit Josh you are amazing in your analysis again! I couldn't agree more, as was once taught in the powerpuff girls episode see me feel me gnomey, yin and yang is the master plan, the world prolongs, revolves, and dissolves completely around the opposite, we need opposite opinions to keep things moving and sometimes keep things interesting and fun, example, there will be people who love that episode of powerpuff girls like me and those who hate it, with every Christian like you and me, there will always be atheists. You always get my brain moving josh, and can I say your better than the person you set to be like. I enjoy you more than nostalgic critic, when I think of a critic, you come to mind first, josh, don't stop being you and showing your opinions, :)
@Dark_Tale_2077 9 жыл бұрын
Huh, didn't I watch this last night? Oh well, anyways, change is hard but it can be a good thing. I am always looking forward to seeing this fandom comes up with. And sure, there is some drama as well but lets face it, drama is part of life.
@TheBlackSerpentBeta 9 жыл бұрын
Hah, you called 4chan an echochamber of approval... Hah, you couldn't be more wrong if the said the ocean was the sky (Unless we were talking about Xenoblade, of course~)
@LWolf12 9 жыл бұрын
I believe he may be referring to most people on 4chan only liking season 1, and maybe season 2 and believe everything past that is terrible because Faust left. Then again I don't go to 4chan so I really have no idea.
@LWolf12 9 жыл бұрын
TheBlackSerpentBeta Hmm very true.
@forcedcomedy6271 7 жыл бұрын
Friendship is Witchcraft was hilarious
@Kraigon42 9 жыл бұрын
I'm glad you bring up the point of seeking out challenges to your own opinion, because I've taken that mindset to heart over the last few years. Personally, I can't agree with your choices of examples (mostly Jim Sterling and Bob Chipman because I tent do agree with their pieces 95% of the time), but your context I can agree with completely. Do I agree with Feminist Frequency and Anita Sarkeesian (I hope I spelled that right)? For the most part no, but watching her videos challenges my perspectives, and thus I'm better off for watching them. I have also slowly watched an online friend become more unbearable as he surrounds himself with like-minded people and just leave when he's argued against, so I understand where you're coming from.
@ricardofr200 9 жыл бұрын
Wow! I don't even know what to comment... you said everything!
@TigerW0lf 9 жыл бұрын
im with you all the way commander firebrand. there is a saying that really fits this situation. "Iron Sharpens Iron" those who want to know what it means just google it but its kinda obvious
@aguy17 9 жыл бұрын
I have no problem with differing opinions. It's when people like AntonyC or Plinkett act like theirs is objective fact that I get frustrated.
@GreycatRademenes 9 жыл бұрын
I fully agree, the fandom is differentthan it was, because it's different than it was. Time is changing and so are we and the analysts community isn't to blame for this phenomena. Not to mention if you don't like it, don't watch it. As for over saturation, I have to agree there. It takes a lot to make a video that is both insightful and entertaining. To back it up, look at my 2 favorite online Critics - Linkara and Erod, the Blockbuster Buster. They not only give good insight on the material they're making, but also they make it a spectacle and they are able to insert their own stories into their reviews. On the other hand I find myself watching a lot less of Nostalgia Critic, not because he "HAS CHANGED" and the whole tgwtg "schism" going on, but because I just found myself enjoying him a bit less. I actually enjoy his vlogs and editorials a lot more than what he recently put out. After working with Dr Wolf, a lot of people asked me about my own stuff, and I decided to go for it. Not to become "Horse famous" but to make something interesting and hone my skills.
@Ahturos 9 жыл бұрын
That´s right. If you love a show you should be able to tell when it is doing something bad. Or feel free to speak your opinions about it. Sometimes there can be jerks who hates something and it won´t change. Example some Mane Six haters. And some will be overprotective of the mane six. That means the show dose´t please everybody and NO show can do that. It will end up lossing everyone if it does. It´s a hard balance of being pleased with what you got but still wish for better.
@Baoudor 9 жыл бұрын
I like to think that the larger fanbase, analysis community and everything else has only helped the community become bigger and better. I love this show and it's fandom. I really hope the ride doesn't end anytime soon.
@foxyanimated4903 9 жыл бұрын
You just earned yourself a subscriber. Once I log out of my sisters account.
@AnvilPro100 9 жыл бұрын
This just reminds me Mr. Enter got taken down, and now I'm sad
@danpizza8014 9 жыл бұрын
But he is back now
@Jammerstelthzoe 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you for giving this mr firebrand for I am getting into the analysis community and from what I see that people need a sandwich effect when it comes to critiquing anything from bronys to assassins creed. All need balance
@1world1heartjake 9 жыл бұрын
Gotta love that subtlety huh....
@zanzaklaus2496 9 жыл бұрын
That sting to Jerry, man. If you made an insult to anyone else, they'd get pissed, but he's your friend and all, and doesn't really take everything seriously, so I guess you'll live.
@XIIIHearts 9 жыл бұрын
Jerry is the one who edited the video
@zanzaklaus2496 9 жыл бұрын
XIII Hearts Then that joke is genius.
@XIIIHearts 9 жыл бұрын
Bill Cipher Indeed.
@ArachCobra 9 жыл бұрын
Well said. What you brought up about facing criticism and differing opinions is of course also something that apllies to life outside the brony community.
@yasterday5377 7 жыл бұрын
The next fandom freak-out(maybe) is going to be next Friday. Why? The My Little Pony Movie.
@AtomicPuffin 9 жыл бұрын
haha after reading some of the other comments I take back what I said about Jerry as it was clearly an intentional joke so nevermind n I'm going to sing the dodo song 'dodododo' lol so great video!
@MuffinHunterX 9 жыл бұрын
I take most analysis with a grain of salt anyway. A lot of the time it just comes down to differing opinions. Generally if I have a problem with an episode/comic, in part or full I'll say what that was and state how I think it could have been fixed. While I don't always succeed I also try to keep my tone to one of "in my opinion" and not, "this is fact, deal with it" which I see a lot of critics start to do. It's far easier to debate points with someone who hasn't taken a hardline stance from the get-go.
@elithesia781 9 жыл бұрын
You're so damn right, it's not even funny. That's one reason i might not post any videos about MLP for a while. Because I'm afraid my analysis won't be professional and not something to be believed.
@avragetrinidadian3787 9 жыл бұрын
1:07 Lol
@80MWH 9 жыл бұрын
I also get tired of the 'anger-posers' out there. I searched for some videos, and you can tell there's no sincerity or 'truth' behind some people's yelling of 'that's stupid, it's stupid, you're stupid.' It's like all the posers I saw trying to be the next 'Angry Video Game Nerd' or 'The Nostalgia Critic.' I thought of throwing my hat into the ring regarding some analysis (Sunset Shimmer as a character fascinates me with what hasn't been thought of or said about her), but have left most of that to show up on my blog. I write sometimes about MLP:FiM, but I keep it as one cog in my entertainment complex of blogging (though 85% of all my musings are largely Disney/Pixar).
@InvaderMatt51394 9 жыл бұрын
This video has a greater weight to it since Tommy left the fandom a few days ago.
@totallycarbon2106 9 жыл бұрын
I never really got into the analysis community, I just watch the odd review or discussion video from time to time. (like this one) Mainly because, no offence, the analysis community just annoys me a lot of the time :P For me this fandom has always been about the art and music communities.
just so everyone knows It's All Fanfic to Me - Caramel's Light was done by P1K here's the video kzbin.info/www/bejne/bJnJaJ9qfJWAjZo It's All Fanfic to Me is one song and Caramel's Light is another based on a Fanfic by Squeak Anon by the same name
@duke86fan 9 жыл бұрын
a major issue i have is that no one really will tell analysts when they are doing wrong, we need people proving that the emperor is wearing clothes and they are just overgeneralizing. but when you do that you just end up getting overflowed with fanboys (mr enter), or they just ignore you exist since they have so much acclaim (jerry peet). i do honestly feel you have a good point, but an issue is that no one is showing that analysts can be wrong unless it is truely horrible.
@Servellion 9 жыл бұрын
Josh's dad is Deathwing? Fieryjoker explained!
@manamaster6 9 жыл бұрын
Even though I like to watch critiques, analysis because I like to know how other people think, I agree at some degree with Tommy Oliver, there are some people who do a critical job and then there are some others that just like to throw shit at something.
@tm_ness 9 жыл бұрын
Like Tommy.
@buferoto6912 9 жыл бұрын
There are many ways To describe your work, but the only one I can give, is a subscribe
@uselesslyRoxy 9 жыл бұрын
I Suddenly have the warm fuzzes.
@akizadragonbane493 9 жыл бұрын
@FrostiKing 9 жыл бұрын
Eh, when I saw Tommy's video I thought it was just him resigning in all honesty, not that that is a good thing, but, some people throw in the towel. Personally, I watch an episode first, then I form my own opinion... then I look at what everyone else thinks. I think in new ways, pick up things I didn't notice before, form new or better opinions. I am not seeking validation when I watch a critique or analysis, I am looking for other opinions. I want to know what others thought, try to find new faults or something I overlooked while observing. So, to me, I enjoy listening to more sides of the same argument, you get a more complete picture and sharpen your own views for next time. As for the fandom.... yeah its bloated, for better and for worse. I have observed many fandoms, various anime fandoms, pokemon, digimon, furrys, you could probably even toss religion in there too. The magical thing about fandoms, is, fandoms by nature, need growth, they need fans to self sustain. Humans by design seek out like minded others, people who think like they do, enjoy things they do. Once a fandom reaches a certain popularity, it triggers what I like to call 'The Acceptance Stage', where the fans will accept anyone into the fold, for better or worse, they are like minded and these poor people are ostracized, and need a place to fit in. Fandoms are wonderful for that, but, once you hit this Acceptance Stage, two things happen, almost simultaneously. The fandoms begin accepting, well, bad people, assholes, trolls, people who just have... issues and can't properly manage them, and these people cause strife and conflict and general problems, and stir the drama pot. The other thing that happens at the Acceptance Stage, is Fandoms begin to fracture, and form niche's, You got those who analyze and critique, people who gravitate to porn, those who create music, art, games, you got those who appreciate it, and the list goes on and the niche's fill. Once Fandoms get big enough to be noticed, as with most things, the bad elements, weather intentional or not, want to be noticed, they love the limelight, they want to be loud and proud of their fandom, and put our absolute worst foot forward, not representing the fandoms best interest as a whole but their own, or their niche's own. So the outsider associates said fandom with said bad element. So the MLP fandom has bloated and is to big for its own good, and is putting a bad foot forward publicly. Is this a bad thing... not really, due to the nature of MLP and early backlash most Brony's have thick skin and stopped caring about social taboos/standards awhile back. All fandoms go through this metamorphosis, oddly enough I find MLP doing it with more grace than I have seen in other fandoms, so, nah, Analysis isn't hurting the fandom.
@FrostiKing 8 жыл бұрын
Skylynxify Reborn Yeah in all honesty if I had a better connection I too would like to share my opinions, branch out, I have ideas on how to go about it and do the editing, but I got nothing, and my upload speed is abysmal, my internet is flakey and I would need decent editing equipment, so, yeah, probably not going to happen for me.
@MetaRunnerXLR 9 жыл бұрын
@starvoltnexus3139 8 жыл бұрын
Why was Jerry used as an example when you talked about people only wanting to get Horse Famous
@TheTwilitHero 9 жыл бұрын
The only thing I can't stand is how some have taken to tearing apart the analysts. Just ignore them if you feel they're shit at what they do. Let the better analysts put their opinions out there and shut it!
@Skillfulist1 9 жыл бұрын
Kinda shocked the SpoonyOne wasn't in that collection of gamers.
@starvoltnexus3139 9 жыл бұрын
Nothing is perfect as long as you do your best itll work out
@deviantartdaylover1313 9 жыл бұрын
yes and we still bee fans no matter what :-9 sometimes you sude ask yourself if you have your own look on the mlp serious.... and just try to relax and see it like a child.... we are so spoiled with anime and internet :-) and yes i need it but i have my own look on it.....
@ivyinkwell1754 6 жыл бұрын
I just wanted to say this, so I'm going to. I wanted to be a part of the fandom, but I cant, for multiple reasons. One being I don't have the equipment nessecary, second that I am too young and third being (spoiler alert) the show is ending roughly before i leave my early teenage years (and I am trying not to be a stereotypical early teenage girl) and my family won't let me purchase electronics until I'm 16/18
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