'Accutane Changed My Son Forever': Poorly Recognized Side Effects Triggers an Absolute Catastrophe

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Dr. Josef

Dr. Josef

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@drunkensquirrel7545 2 ай бұрын
I had a friend back in high school - in the 80s - who took Accutane. Within a year he was in a psych hospital. The poor guy's never been the same since he took that "medicine." 😢
@taperclinic 2 ай бұрын
Wow, sorry to hear this.
@edie4321 2 ай бұрын
They tried to give my daughters that drug in a mental hospital.
@christinemclatchie 2 ай бұрын
@@edie4321 🤦‍♀️ oh dear me!!
@Soknik01 2 ай бұрын
I'm sorry to hear about your friend, sincerely. It's important to keep in mind that correlation does not imply causation. Just because he took Accutane doesn't mean that it was responsible for whatever negative outcomes he may have experienced following his treatment. Psychiatric problems most often become apparent during adolescence which is also the point in someone's life at which they are most likely to find themselves seeking treatment for serious acne issues. I am one of the more than 13,000,000 individuals that have taken Accutane and I can not stress enough just how life changing the drug was for me. I was constantly covered in cysts from my chest to my head. Being a teenager at the time it made me the target of constant mistreatment at the hands of my classmates. During summer vacation I began a course of Accutane treatment and by the time school started a few months later I had absolutely flawless skin, which I continue to have 30 years after my treatment. Just because it helped me doesn't mean that everyone else will have enjoyed the same outcome but the overwhelming majority of people experience dramatic and lasting improvement in the condition of their skin. Of the 13 million people who have taken the drug something like 88 have died as a direct result. To put it another way 0.00067% of those who take the drug will have a reaction which results in the loss of their life. That's a 1 in 150,000 chance of dying as a result of the drug. Compare that to the 1 in 93 chance that you'll die in an auto accident during your lifetime.
@jmh814 2 ай бұрын
In the late 90's my stepson came to visit, and the minute i saw him i knew something was wrong. His affect was very odd. Found out he was on Accutane. Oh hell no!! I called his mom and filled her in on all the side effects. She agreed to let him stop taking it. We went to the beach and his skin was peeling off his feet causing great pain. He never went back on it. He is now a handsome healthy well adjusted married man with a beautiful wife and children!! We need to show love and acceptance to those with acne. ❤
@christinemclatchie 2 ай бұрын
@mortenskov1802 2 ай бұрын
The sad thing is that this happens all the time. People’s lives are destroyed by these drugs. Same goes with SSRIs and Propecia.
@N-xi2zh 2 ай бұрын
Dutasteride, most psyche drugs, minus stims.
@TomArto-rg3cr 2 ай бұрын
my life has been devastated by the SSRI escitalopram (lexapro). I'm a young man in my twenties who has lost so much.
@sunla 2 ай бұрын
SSRIs have a purpose, they just need to be prescribed sparingly and patients monitored, dosage adjusted properly, etcetera. I wouldn't rope everything into this, we shouldn't be throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
@christinemclatchie 2 ай бұрын
@@sunla I would…. After all the testimonies I’ve seen and heard, there is no way I would advise anyone to take an antidepressant, Benzo’s or any other psych drug… For many the withdrawals become too much after a few years, and they’re gone.. I’m in the process of change right now, and already I know I’m not me anymore, and the Akathesia and other symptoms of withdrawal can drive a person insane…
@aquamaree7022 2 ай бұрын
My son was contemplating taking accutane and now there is no way he will risk it. Thank you, Robert, for sharing your son's story, I can't imagine the heartbreak and devastation, but please know Luke's death isn't in vain, in fact, he will save lives. RIP young man.
@robSaRe 2 ай бұрын
That means so much, thank you ☺️
@Igorooooleynikov 2 ай бұрын
Sometimes it is only option... I don't care about looks and stuff, for men it isn't as important, I believe, but you can't wear white clothes, it is constant pain, skin is peeling off. Side effects are horrible though. I hope for your son it is temporary and can be fixed with diet and lifestyle changes.
@Cheeky-FE-Kerry 2 ай бұрын
Horrific story. So sorry for the loss of your beautiful son. These pharma murderers will pay for their crimes.
@tabathaterry2998 2 ай бұрын
No they won't pay not even close the politicians are in their pockets
@trueblue450 2 ай бұрын
No they won’t.
@christinemclatchie 2 ай бұрын
@@trueblue450 If they don’t in this life, then they certainly will in the next
@MarkTraynor-mw6om 2 ай бұрын
No, unfortunately they won't.
@Jivansings 2 ай бұрын
My little brother Daniel died from an Overdose at 23 yrs old. This happens in 2001, and at the time I remember thinking about Acutane - he was a completely different person after Acutane. I just knew it was the reason, but even today no one has even considered it. The Midwest is conservative and slow to question - and when drugs are involved it’s all about shame and guilt and moral weakness - a provincial self satisfied world of utter ignorance - but I know it was Acutane.
@taperclinic 2 ай бұрын
I'm so sorry for your loss. Trust your gut, these drugs are often involved in such tragic events that seem out of character.
@N-xi2zh 2 ай бұрын
post accutane syndrome for sure. i took tane, effexor xr, and pfs. and was better than ever after curing pSSD in early 20s and pfs 30 but better at 31. i will get rich and water fast, diet and exercise more and more. AND take androgens... HCG and test and dht cream or similar. I am sure anxiety was caused by accutane and the like. AND i fixed that and loose skin and major weight loss and discipline. Half my family are surgeons, docs, lawyers etc. I was gonna go to Law school after recovering from PFS. BUT I got into crypto trading and the stupid lockdown. and yeah the trauma i have had in life, I've been down since, though I did much better. Yeah, relating to others is hard. Severe ADHD and autism. BUT I couldn't ask for help.
@lucygoose6237 2 ай бұрын
Some of us conservatives in the midwest DO question pharmaceuticals, aka pharmakeia....and are looked down upon by liberals and fellow conservatives alike. Such are the wages of questioning the medical industrial complex.
@joshuaolander201 2 ай бұрын
100% believe your story Accutane ruined in my life
@bernicegoldham1509 2 ай бұрын
Lived in/traveled throughout the midwest all of my life - my prescribing dermatologist was the first to inform me of accutanes risks, decades ago. She's the main reason (tho more than one MD warn me of the psychological effects as well) why I never took it. Among the more *conservative Christians yeah there can be a lot of shame, guilt, and implied moral weakness particularly around the use of street drugs (tho in my experience that shame etc is a feature of conservative Christianity, for many it's just a feature of addiction, not geography specifically).... But in my area, and there's many comparable places, there's a rather open and frankly shameless drug and art scene that continues far out into the sticks. There's still plenty of diversity of thought, lifestyle and experience throughout the Midwest's rural/urban/suburban areas. Conservative and slow to question is apt for some areas, certainly not for the whole. Not coming at you - you're def describing real places, just putting some nuance out there for those who need to hear it. Be safe everybody. 🖖 * Interestingly, some of the freest thinkers I've ever met have come from this category... dyed in the wool conservative Christian midwesterners. Anyhoo. Thx for reading. 💚
@shanineedwards6894 2 ай бұрын
Please make an episode on hormonal birth control and depression and s*icide. As someone that has been severely depressed for years on end now after taking birth control I think more awareness needs to be brought to the side effects, particularly the psychiatric/neurological ones. I had never been cautioned or anything about the potential of these meds to cause depression etc (even now doctors deny that it was the cause of my depression) and I think a lot of people aren’t. Please make a video on it. I think it could help a lot of women who are currently going through what I am, help those with known risk factors to make a more informed decision for themselves and help prevent a lot of harm. Thank you
@tmtb80 2 ай бұрын
Birth control always made me crazy. I know ladies who would go on the pill when they got a new boyfriend....then get crazy emotional, reactive, depressed, etc. Lose said boyfriend and go off the pill and be fine....rinse and repeat. Took other ladies pointing out the pattern to them.
@anteg9084 2 ай бұрын
Hormonal birth control can also trigger the onset or permanent worsening of PMDD (PreMenstrual Dysphoric Disorder), which is the next hell on earth after post SSRI syndrome and akathisia. We lose people to PMDD as well. And no doctor tells people they may develop a severe chronic illness that may cause them to lose their job, their friends and even their life. And they hand them like candy. And it's supposed to 'regulate' hormonal problems when it actually shuts hormones down - it may be the desirable effect for some cases, but not for everything. And gynaecologists don't even know the difference between a progestin and progesterone. (I learnt about it from a naturopath with a background in biology called Lara Briden, I love her blog and books).
@shanineedwards6894 2 ай бұрын
@@anteg9084unfortunately I got a diagnosis of PMDD as well after coming off of birth control where I definitely did not have PMDD before. You are sooo right. There’s so much women need to know about the risks of these medications….. so many discussions we should to be having that just aren’t happening 😞😞😞 it breaks my heart…. Hormonal birth control literally ruins lives.
@TheUnfluencer 2 ай бұрын
Yes! I am now infertile after taking 2 doses of the depo shot birth control!
@jasminebarratt1809 2 ай бұрын
Yes I think that's a good idea.
@mothergoose3766 2 ай бұрын
I was prescribed Accutane by my family doctor when I was 22...I took it for months, without any follow up or monitoring, until a visit to a university clinic when I was warned by the shock and horror of the docs there to stop. I had the worst 18 months of my life following that, and spent months in a psychiatric in hospital program for depression and anxiety following an attempt at taking my life. I had no idea the struggle I was having dealing with my life could be related to taking months of Accutane. I am now in my early 50s. I survived but really struggled for years. I was not warned or side effects, nor did I sign any waiver. My ill informed family doc just wrote me a repeating prescription at my request to deal with persistent acne and sent me on my way.
@chrhadden 2 ай бұрын
yeah lots of liars in here.
@davidblake8612 2 ай бұрын
@@chrhadden What?
@christinemclatchie 2 ай бұрын
@@chrhadden You must believe in unicorns
@chrhadden 2 ай бұрын
@@christinemclatchie why would you say such a weird thing. are we going back to 3rd grade poopy pants? the medicine got rid of my acme nothing else worked. if it did anything else to me im not sure but i do have an unusually bad temper and sometimes anxiety. i didnt know the acutane caused that
@chrhadden 2 ай бұрын
@@davidblake8612 for you to get a refill you have to do the blood work. they wont give it to you if you dont. thats why i know your lying
@Greg-fk4pi 2 ай бұрын
We spend years and years talking about these drugs, but no politician steps up, nothing changes, and the carnage continues.
@Acetyl53 2 ай бұрын
It's been decades.
@Greg-fk4pi 2 ай бұрын
@@Acetyl53 I'm well aware. I took this drug in the 1980s when I was 13. It was hell for about 2 years.
@christinemclatchie 2 ай бұрын
@@Greg-fk4pi That’s just not right!
@ajax700 2 ай бұрын
Bart Stupak congressman son unalived while taking accutane. He gave a speech in congress to ban these. Nothing happened as half congress is shareholder of pharma and the other half accepted lobby money. Best wishes.
@ajax700 2 ай бұрын
Bart Stupak congressman son unalived while taking accutane. He gave a speech in congress to ban these.
@TheMelissaWasHere 2 ай бұрын
So sorry about the loss of this young man's life. This man is correct, once you're harmed by medication there is nowhere to turn. This goes way beyond "side effects". Fun fact: If you go in to be waxed, you have to disclose if you're on Accutane because it causes thin skin and your skin can be ripped right off from the wax.
@ministryofpeacekmk 2 ай бұрын
@visionvixxen 2 ай бұрын
Scary I don’t even know anymore. I mean I had problems from the time I was young probably because I was on the spectrum and I didn’t know it, but I’ve been an SSRI Wellbutrin Topamax, the Mitchell and ADD meds and I’m saying they’ve really helped me live my life, but I’ve had so many ups and downs and never achieve my potential. I think I achieved more before the medication but I had a lot of issues because of my being on the spectrum. It’s just if I was recognized on the spectrum and guided to better life and choices for myself I would’ve been. I would’ve had the life that was going somewhere and now, you know I’m OK but I just know medicate and there’s no time to pay attention to people and society and this is because us are only paid to give drugs and there’s no communication between your therapist and these doctors none
@drunkensquirrel7545 2 ай бұрын
Oh, heck naw...for a wax??? D@mn! 😳 Seriously, you're right. I wish I'd never touched psych meds now, especially the benzos. I lost my precious & productive young years. I'm tapering now, yet I feel stuck because I just don't yet know how badly damaged I am. I probably won't really know until I'm too old to be taken seriously in the job market. Like way too many others, I face the real possibility of being a homeless elderly woman. All this because I sought help during a life crisis and was given very bad advice & even worse medicine. It scares me half to death nearly every day.
@JakeHambyZ80 2 ай бұрын
@@visionvixxen I'm taking both Wellbutrin and Ritalin for ADHD and they both work very well for my ability to focus, but I still have ADHD. It's a life-long struggle and the meds can only do so much. I think learning about and practicing effective coping strategies and learning to accept our brain differences and not hate ourselves for them are the keys.
@christinemclatchie 2 ай бұрын
Oh my!!
@UniqueYoutubeHandle13 2 ай бұрын
I took Accutane for about 4 months in 2014 in the first year at university. I think that this drug made my academic and social experience MUCH worse. I was barely showing up for classes and barely passed most of them and was significantly depressed. The year after was much better but never back to baseline and 2 years later everything got way worse. Severe depression, extremely aggressive hair loss, worsening sexual function, social anxiety, and suboptimal hormone profiles. All of this progressively got worse and has left me considering hormone replacement therapy before the age of 30. I don’t know if these things were caused by the drug but I’ve felt like I’m living life on a different, and more difficult, plane than everyone else ever since. I assume PFS and PSSD are talked about more often because they are prescribed at a higher rate but I really wish post Accutane effects were discussed more. Thank you Robert and Dr. Josef
@gggariepy 2 ай бұрын
I just want to say thank you for generously sharing your story. I'm also so deeply sorry for this immense loss
@CoppersmithOD 2 ай бұрын
Accutane gave me depression and Crohn’s disease. Doctors are monsters.
@APPB738 2 ай бұрын
How much calprotectin?
@Tyler_Kent 2 ай бұрын
Same. Took it 2x (15 and 17) even tho the doc said only one course would ever be required. My mom actually switched my dermatologist bc a young doc was prescribing accutane to most everyone. A classmate of mine, whose dad was a dermatologist, said "my dad says he hopes it works out for you. He says it's extremely dangerous stuff." Of course, being a kid, I thought "if it was dangerous, it wouldn't have been approved for use." It didn't work out for me. I went on to have major crohns, gall bladder removal, depression - all in my 20s. 25yrs later and I'm still constantly battling gut issues and emotional health probs. But hey! At least those zits got wiped out.
@APPB738 2 ай бұрын
​@@Tyler_Kent How much calprotectin?
@Tyler_Kent 2 ай бұрын
@@APPB738 it was 37yrs ago so needless to say, I have no idea.
@James-yu8nv 2 ай бұрын
@reidawg72 Same, as a cheerful 16yr old I laughed when the doctor told me about the permanent depression, 42 now and I've used SSRI's since my 20's. My mental health has been awful since Accutane.
@minepolz320 2 ай бұрын
I got total anhedonia and emotional blunting lost all my hobby thanks SSRI's this we calling treating depression instead we giving you permanent PSSD and lobotomy also making depression much worse
@jimmonade 2 ай бұрын
What SSRIs did you take? 😔
@minepolz320 2 ай бұрын
@@jimmonade Lexapro 4 years ago
@TheDavveponken 2 ай бұрын
I would love to go back to just "having depression" (i.e. a healthy negative reaction to toxic relationships and parents). I was given ritalin and I have the same thing. Lobotomized and for all intents and purposes sterilized. I'm impotent in all aspects of my life now. I never wanted to die, but I think about it everyday now.
@minepolz320 2 ай бұрын
@@TheDavveponken ironic because i still have my depression because it's endogenous but now it much worse due pssd
@christinemclatchie 2 ай бұрын
minepolz320 I’m the same. I had many hobbies including photography and art of all sorts. Now I’m just existing. Every time I’m invited out, I get so anxious that I can’t leave my unit. I’ve lost count of the people I have let down, and I feel so bad for being like this. But no matter how hard I try, I cannot face these things.
@andywilson5677 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing Luke's story Robert. I'm so sorry this happened to him and your family. Accutane is poison, there are other youtube channels with interviews of people who took the drug who still have many symptoms years later. I think a lot of the harms of drugs are underreported and understudied. Who knows how many lives have been destroyed.
@christinemclatchie 2 ай бұрын
I’d hate to think about that! When 99% of westerners have some pretty heavy duty drugs in their homes? So many on psych meds, and shouldn’t be…
@MaikenJakobsen-b8e 2 ай бұрын
I can't describe how angry and sad I am to hear this, and how much I feel for you and your family. I have no words 😢!. I have had multiple talks with my son not to take any medicine for his acne, which has got better itself with time. I have SO much anger against the healthcare system, which also has harmed me for years with medicine that has put me to life threatening situations over and over again. They kill people and young people are the worst! I am SO SO sorry for your loss. I feel so much for you.
@MyChilepepper 2 ай бұрын
My nephew had really bad acne problems, so bad they were full of pus like boils, told him to quit sugar, grains, oil and carbohydrates. Make sure he had a good diet of fatty red meat for hormones to thrive. Red meat has the richest pantothenic acid. His acne went away within ONE month. The doctor refused to prescribe him acutane instead gave him B complex.
@christinemclatchie 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing that! I’ll pass it on to everyone I know ❤
@cathysapanski6276 2 ай бұрын
Iam so sorry for the loss of your son. Thank you for sharing this I had no idea that this medication could do this. This should be taken off the market.
@alnicospeaker 2 ай бұрын
I had a classmate that had bad acne and was prescribed some retinol-like compound, I remember how happy he was when the prescription was finally approved. 4 or 5 years later he killed himself - I'm only now making that connection.
@christinemclatchie 2 ай бұрын
Oh my gosh!! This is more common than we thought!
@Soknik01 2 ай бұрын
What connection? Correlation is not evidence of causation. Statistically speaking, based upon studies not conducted by the manufacturer of the drug, instances of suicidality are lower among Accutane users than they are in the general population. The fact of the matter is that Accutane is usually prescribed for people during adolescence which is also the period in life during which people are most likely to attempt suicide. Suicide rated among Accutane users are NOT higher than the rate seen in non users. It's also been shown that instances of psychiatric disorders are not higher in users of Accutane. Once again we see a situation where psychiatric disorders tend to become evident during adolescence which happens to be when someone is most likely to take Accutane. Don't let yourself draw conclusions based upon something as feeble as "this happened then that happened so that must be a result of this". Most severe heat strokes happen during hot weather such as that which is common in the summer months. People eat much more ice cream during hot weather such as that which is common during summer months. By your logic that would mean that ice cream is causing heat stroke! You see what I mean?
@Soknik01 2 ай бұрын
Retinol is nothing like Accutane. They work in very different ways on different parts of the body. While both have helped millions of acne sufferers the mechanism through which they achieve their goal is completely different.
@alnicospeaker 19 күн бұрын
@@Soknik01 Accutane is Isotretinoin, a retinoid. Their mechanism of action is of course similar to the mother compound retinol, only stronger.
@Soknik01 19 күн бұрын
@@alnicospeaker while Accutane does offer every benefit that one would get from retinol it's primary mechanism is entirely different. There's a reason that Accutane causes permanent changes in the skin while Retinol only helps with continued use. Accutane actually shrinks the sebaceous glands which are at the heart of most cases of severe acne. Retinol can help clean out clogged sebaceous glands but it has zero impact on the rate at which the glands continue to produce sebum. It's Accutanes ability to target and eliminate the root cause of acne that sets it apart from products like Retinol.
@lauraforberg3377 2 ай бұрын
Worst medicine ever. My son took Accutane at age 14 and it completely closed his growth plates so he stopped growing at 14.
@taperclinic 2 ай бұрын
Wow, thank you for sharing that experience!
@catcat9582 Ай бұрын
I'm so sorry. This is terrorism
@ingridlockey6379 2 ай бұрын
I’ve just finished the video. Thank you for telling your family’s story Robert, my heart breaks for you. Speaking out about Luke’s passing will help other people to avoid this drug, I know it. ❤
@robSaRe 2 ай бұрын
Thank you, that means a lot 😊
@pallexa 2 ай бұрын
Wow this is just heartbreaking and scary. So sorry for your loss.
@jimmonade 2 ай бұрын
This is very interesting as I took Accutane as a teenager and it helped tremendously with severe acne. However, I’ve suffered from anxiety and depression all my adult life and I take antidepressants as they do help me. I don’t know if it was because of the accutane or it’s just how I am. I never knew these adverse reactions were even a possibility. I don’t remember the doctor ever telling me or my parents about the risks. I found out about the risks long after I was done with the medication.
@Nina_Olivia 2 ай бұрын
Yes, your story is similar to mine. The Accutane completely cleared my severe cystic acne (I was on it for 6 months). Then the following year saw the onset of depression and an eating disorder. I’ve continued to suffer mental health problems throughout adulthood. However, there’s no way of knowing whether or not this descent into poor mental health was caused by the drug - or whether it would’ve occurred regardless.
@jimmonade 2 ай бұрын
@@Nina_Olivia wow. I’ve dealt with eating disorders as well. Really makes you think.
@James-yu8nv 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, while using accutane I developed an anxiety disorder and later depression.
@Nina_Olivia 2 ай бұрын
@@jimmonade It does make you think. It really does!
@sarasee08 2 ай бұрын
I have to say that you could not have been legally prescribed Accutane (isotretinoin) in the US without signing a form acknowledging that you and / or a parent or guardian if you are under age 18, have read the information regarding potential risks/side effects. I absolutely believe there should be more patient education. In the US, female patients are required to answer questions each month regarding pregnancy prevention online before a prescription may be filled. This is visible to the prescribing office and the pharmacy. If this is not completed, the pharmacy is unable to fill a prescription if written. Perhaps there should be an online quiz for both male and female patients regarding possible side effects before this medication is prescribed or filled at a pharmacy.
@ketherwhale6126 2 ай бұрын
I’m glad you posted this. Because my daughter almost took this to clear up her face. I too suffered from horrific acne from the start at age 12 to 64. Yes. I still break out quite regularly. It’s much milder ( thank God) now. Thanks for sharing. Truly valuable. 😢sorry for your loss. Very very shocking.
@blackflyingfox3365 2 ай бұрын
This was a popular drug back when I was 18. I'm glad everyone told me do not take Accutane. It causes severe depression.
@chrhadden 2 ай бұрын
nobody ever did that . thats all made up. first of all you couldnt just get it you had to go through all kinds of tests. second its ridiculously expensive. i can tell your lying by just those two things
@blackflyingfox3365 2 ай бұрын
@@chrhadden I had acne as a teenager and a doctor examined me and said it was cystic acne. A doctor wanted to put me on Accutane and my parents refused to let me take it because of the side effects like depression. My brother also had cystic acne and he also said Accutane sounded like a bad idea. So I am not lying.
@TheDavveponken 2 ай бұрын
@@chrhadden I had acne as a teen. I was given creams, they didn't work. Quickly I was put on accutane (so was my friend). I experienced dry skin and some symptoms of "depression". It wasn't a pleasant experience, but I only took it for that one six week course. Looking back it's not impossible it impacted me long after in my life, but I don't know. This was 2006/2007 I think.
@bernicegoldham1509 2 ай бұрын
​@@chrhaddencan tell you're delusional by your one comment from the first crazily presumptive sentence to the last. Just shaat up, pookie.
@christinemclatchie 2 ай бұрын
@@chrhadden So was Dr Josef’s video a lie as well? No such thing as poor kids taking their lives over this medication? Or do you just like being a troll?
@mozbun22 2 ай бұрын
I took it in the early 90’s and had no idea it could cause cancer. It worked, however, fast forward to 2018 and I’m diagnosed with leukemia. That’s a whole story in itself…I developed “white coat” syndrome and refused the chemotherapy they pushed on me. They kept telling me I’d be dead in 2 weeks, then would in the next breath, make another appointment a month out! So I did my homework and am treating it naturally and am doing well.
@MorgueVOID 2 ай бұрын
God bless you. I think I'd turn it down as well. Chemo sounds scarier than the disease itself.
@derekpmoore 2 ай бұрын
Yikes! Good luck!
@christinemclatchie 2 ай бұрын
That’s so good to hear that you’re treating it yourself! But the whole story is shocking, and I’m so sorry you’ve had to deal with this. You take good care of yourself, and I pray that you have a full recovery from this 🙏
@pjjmsn 2 ай бұрын
So sorry for your loss!!! It makes me wonder how many other supposedly safe medications are out there that are deadly but are such that it is not easy to connect the dots directly to them. I bet many.
@wednesdayschild3627 2 ай бұрын
Don't get mad at me. I took it twice. It didn't do anything long term. In fact, my big beef was that the acne returned. Some people have very severe acne. It is unbelievable bad acne. It isn't just little pimples. These are cysts. This severe disfigured acne can really damage self esteem. I only have a few scars, some people get horrendous scars. The acne itself is depressing and errode coping. My condolences to this father.
@bzz_bee 2 ай бұрын
Yeah I tried it and it made my back acne dissappear, but not my face acne, so my dermatologist wanted me to take a break from it and then restart. Well, I didn't feel like restarting it because my skin was so dry even with lotions and moisturizers. A couple months later, my bacne returned, as if I never took Accutane. Maybe a higher dose would have cured my acne, but not at the cost of my skin health.
@lilrodz 2 ай бұрын
They offered it to me as a teenager and the warning labels scared me enough to not even think of it. I would get my cystic acne injected at the derma regularly.
@yayinternets 2 ай бұрын
I had severe cystic acne on my back, shoulders, and chest starting in 4th grade. Tried for years to get rid of it working with a dermatologist the whole time. Accutane was an absolute last resort for me, but basically 99% cured me for life. I’m in my mid 40s now and have no regrets despite the bad side effects. I think I would have self-deleted without it. It was incredibly painful, gross, and embarrassing.
@robSaRe 2 ай бұрын
Not mad at you, glad it helped you without side effects 😊 It’s just so many do seem to have side effects the risks seem too high
@Igorooooleynikov 2 ай бұрын
I'm currently on accutane, third month. How long have you took it? I was told by the doctor it needs around 2 years to work. I don't have severe acne but having like wounds and constantly inflamed skin is annoying. So far it didn't get rid of all acne but my skin doesn't feel like I am a ghoul from the fallout anymore. Like skin structure actually changed. Before if I get sweaty in gym and don't immediately shower my skin would turn all red and inflamed. I hope effect stays.
@sonjastyblo8149 2 ай бұрын
kudos to this articulate man for his advocacy, condolences. Important big picture discussion.
@haPPySundAy970 2 ай бұрын
My son refused to take his medicine. Glory to God🙏♥️
@Acetyl53 2 ай бұрын
Some have probably been reincarnated enough times that they retain some awareness that they're being poisoned. That's why they give so many injections to newborns and all throughout early development, clamp off the umbilical cord early, circumcise, etc.
@chrhadden 2 ай бұрын
chris hadde no he didnt
@Dabne5587 2 ай бұрын
God? 😂
@stormchaser419 2 ай бұрын
Glory to God for what???? Apparently this sick God you believe in didn't help the suicide victim. You believers are really something.
@Dabne5587 2 ай бұрын
@RichardPajooh-yb6ki this drug cause a lot of permanent damages
@conorlohman4648 2 ай бұрын
I was devastated by this drug during the height of puberty. I experienced many lonely years of anguish and despair over my perceived inadequacies as a human being afterwards, before I even realized that the 10 month round of accutane that was given to me at the age of 14 was extremely damaging to my developing mind and body. It has been hard but also very therapeutic to realize and come to terms with this fact.
@afol4016 2 ай бұрын
@Tubinado 2 ай бұрын
Wow, I was seriously thinking of taking that decades ago . Thank God I didn’t. And thank you for sharing your story. If more people did more people could be saved. I’m so sorry for your loss.
@jarettmeyer4929 2 ай бұрын
Huh I didn’t realize this was possible. I took accutane at 15 for 7months then again at 22 for 9 months and thank god didn’t have a single side effect.
@taperclinic 2 ай бұрын
It's rare so very happy to hear you were not affected!
@ES-fc9cy 2 ай бұрын
@@taperclinicI have also taken it twice and have suffered from severe depression. That being said, there is no way to tell if Accutane caused or even contributed to it. It is also the ONLY thing that worked for me. There may be more options now with light therapy, etc.
@robSaRe 2 ай бұрын
Glad you were ok 👍
@kathya1956 Ай бұрын
@@taperclinicit’s rare not to have severe depression?
@have_faith_ 2 ай бұрын
My heart is breaking for this man and his family 💔 and all of those affected 💔
@colinchappell4973 2 ай бұрын
Robert Thank you for sharing your most distressing story. The similarities are many. I'm sincerely sorry for your loss and all the caused suffering.
@Saxe25 2 ай бұрын
I took accutane for my acne as a teenager and I think a big problem is the dose they give it in as well. They wanted me to take 80mg a day which is way too high, so luckily I did not listen and only took 20mg. It cured my acne and I have never had any side effects other than extremely dry skin when I was taking it. This drug should really be taken seriously before deciding to take it and only as a last restort, when all other avenues have been explored. So sorry to hear of your loss and I hope you and your family manages to get on with some manner of life.
@MonSamDan 2 ай бұрын
Absolutely tragic. Thank you both for sharing this story.
@smania7575 2 ай бұрын
I can't imagine what this father has gone through. I'm so glad he's speaking out. I know it's not the same, but both my husband and I have had long term issues from Zoloft. It made us different people. It took my husband over 2 years to be more himself. It took me a good six months (I weaned slower, so that may be the key). But, I still have odd withdrawal like feelings now and then. I get lightheaded and have even blacked out. I've had imaging and tests done, and I'm fine, but I'm not really. I've read some blog posts on people having withdrawal like symptoms for up to 10 years after getting off Zoloft. It's been 3 years for me, so we'll see how long this lasts.
@DT-et8vk 2 ай бұрын
I’m so very sorry for your loss. I too lost my son to suicide due to the side effects of Finasteride, a drug for hair loss. I empathize holy and can relate to a lot of what you have shared. My heart aches for your family.
@user-wj5co6xb4x 2 ай бұрын
Im so sorry for your loss - thank you for your courage (yellow card scheme) i got my very functional friend to report a physical reaction to a completely different drug ( pointed out it wouldn't be just her) she said it took her hours to do - from the sounds of it - even if you decide to start trying to report side effects - youd maybe give up ...........
@dfgewrzdf 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing Robert. I'm sorry for your loss and I can see talking about Luke was difficult. And thank you Dr Josef for giving a platform to those who've suffered from accutane. Right after graduating university and as covid was easing up, I made a massive effort to try improve my health by going to the gym, fixing my diet, and finally dealing with something that bothered for me for years - acne. I started accutane and to say it quickly ruined my life is putting it lightly. My health only gets worse as time goes on, no matter what I try helps and I think I've accepted that my life will be immensely difficult but unsure how I'll deal with it. People think I'm just lazy, maybe it's because I can't adequately describe or convey it to someone who hasn't suffered from it like me. Regular people have a hard time thinking a mere acne drug can do all of this to someone but if the world becomes a bit more aware due to videos like this, it makes living a bit easier for me.
@jasminebarratt1809 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing your story. I'm so sorry for your loss. Sharing the story does help people, so thank you.
@eatnplaytoday 2 ай бұрын
I had really bad acne back then and accutane was an option but I didn’t take it. The side effects seems too extreme to me. I found out later natural remedies… basically my acne was caused by milk and eating excess sugar. I cut those out and my acne disappeared in like 2 months 🤷‍♀️
@tak4043 2 ай бұрын
Yea, milk is bad for infections. Learned it from some animal hospital TV series, human doctors didn't have a clue back then. I took 'accutane' and got rid of my acne very fast and permanently.
@christinemclatchie 2 ай бұрын
Good stuff!! 😊
@SugaryPhoenixxx 2 ай бұрын
My mom had horrible cystic acne well into her 30's. She ended up taking accutane. She did not have any psychiatric symptoms from it, but it did permanently deplete the moisture levels in her face, especially her lips. Her lips are always dry. Overall she said it was worth taking the accutane because it fixed her affliction that she has lived with for 20 years. I inherited her genes when it comes to acne. Mine was not quite as cystic as her, but it was extremely aggressive & persistent acne that started when I was just 10 years old & I had it never endingly until I was 20. I tried all kinds of treatments from OTC, special order "proactive", topical & prescription treatments from the doctor, & nothing worked. When I was 20 & my acne was seeming like it was going to go on forever like my mother I decided I was going to try accutane in order to avoid any more acne scars on my face. Then one night almost magically my acne desisted. Its like one night my hormones finally leveled out & the acne started going away. At that point I was not angry about a pimple here or there when I was used to being a pizza face my whole life since age 10. I am forever grateful that I never took the accutane. I retain my natural face oils which will help me keep a youthful appearance into old age. No negative or life threatening side effects. So sad to hear about what happened to this young man. I appreciate Robert sharing his story if it will help anyone else avoid this from happening.
@christiedames4833 2 ай бұрын
a friend took this as a teen. she has a severely autistic son and her daughter recently had cancer.
@Schnee-tr1jg 2 ай бұрын
You're not implying that it caused both of her children to have some type of illness do you? Because that's ludicrous. Isotretinoin is a serious medication but it's not agent orange.
@user-si4sw6lq4g 2 ай бұрын
Accutane took the ability to experience joy and pleasure from me. It's been 18 years . . . Natural living and a healthy lifestyle has helped me recover. I'd encourage people that are experiencing this to try to self heal with nutrition. Understand it takes time, and it's better not to take the risk with Accutane. However; don't give up as recovering is possible it just takes time.
@aleksandrazimpel8097 2 ай бұрын
Another “safe and effective” … how brainwashing approach Thank you Robert for sharing your tragedy. I’m so sorry for your loss
@carrienakashima3034 2 ай бұрын
This leaves me speechless… so incredibly sorry for your loss. ❤
@Noemi-u2m 2 ай бұрын
Sending you so much love ❤
@leenyfreestone9847 2 ай бұрын
My husband took this drug when he was a teenager and has told me that it made him depressed and paranoid, i.e. he was irrationally convinced that he had contracted HIV. I had bad acne when I was a teenager but "thankfully" already had significant issues with my mental health so i made the decision not to take Accutane. Thank god!!!
@ingridlockey6379 2 ай бұрын
My husband started Accutane at 16, soon after he started losing his hair. By 19 he was almost completely bald. My sons have acne and we have rejected suggestions by dermatologists that they take it. Depression, suicidality, impotence etc
@mardiedodds7562 2 ай бұрын
Dr wanted me to take it when it first came on the market. My dad wouldn’t let me thank heavens!
@nbrown5907 2 ай бұрын
OMG an acne treatment? I thought we would be looking at a psychiatric or benzidine type medicine. Nothing is safe anymore. It really sucks that I have to do a deep dive on everything my doctor tells me now.
@DannyD-lr5yg 2 ай бұрын
I mean, Accutane has always been known to be a pretty hefty med. You have to acknowledge some pretty big risks before taking it, such as possible reproductive issues/infertility. Just clarifying that not all acne meds are like this - Accutane is in a class of its own.
@Acetyl53 2 ай бұрын
You should, but ultimately you don't have to look into anything. You simply never interact with the medical system, ever, period. It's that simple. You think you're going to be smart, that you'll have them play it your way, you'll be informed and use them. No, you won't. The system has been seeing people, including your particular psych profile, for decades on decades. Screwing you over is baked in. Just don't get involved with them.
@bigmac-ln8sm 2 ай бұрын
Acctunae SSRI finasteride the holy Trinity of modern iatrogenic evil
@laura-loves-god 2 ай бұрын
My heart breaks for this poor father. The pharmaceutical companies are primarily culpable and the doctors prescribing this medication are also grossly remiss for not researching it thoroughly before letting their patients take it. No acne medication is worth taking if it causes permanent damage. GPs are woefully ignorant on the major part that diet plays in this wretched condition.
@kellymichelley 2 ай бұрын
Doctors prescribe dozens - if not hundreds (I really don't know) - of drugs. Should they be expected to research every one of them? It's so easy to throw around the word "research", but where exactly are they supposed to find this info to research? Who are they supposed to believe?
@kellymichelley 2 ай бұрын
How much unpaid time should doctors be expected to spend on research outside of their job?
@nwicconsultants6640 2 ай бұрын
@@kellymichelley When taking the oath to "do no harm"....pretty sure the fine print doesn't stipulate "unless you are not fully compensated". Answer: They are held to a higher standard (life and death) and you are concerned about unpaid time?
@christinemclatchie 2 ай бұрын
@@kellymichelley They usually aren’t even told about the risks involved with so many drugs, especially the psych meds.
@kellymichelley 2 ай бұрын
​@@nwicconsultants6640 There isn't even enough time in the day to research every medication a doctor prescribes. Besides, most of the research out there is funded by pharmaceutical companies and therefore can't be trusted.
@yayinternets 2 ай бұрын
I definitely encountered some negative effects from this medication when I started taking it in the early 90s. There was an evening where I had very strong self-deletion ideation to where I had to talk myself out of it. I was also not in the best situation at home so it wasn’t a cut and dry case of it being just the medication. Especially since I was as a teenager. However, it was an absolute last resort for me to take it and was my only option. I started getting cystic acne when I was in 4th grade and went to a dermatologist regularly. I had it all over my back, shoulders, and chest. It was absolutely painful and embarrassing. In sports I always had to wear an extra t-shirt to hide it and have a sacrificial layer for the puss, blood, etc. Having all of these cysts all over my back and shoulders was absolutely terrible. Basically it's like having all of this fluid under your skin and usually don't push though and develop a head to release. I would use sewing pin needles to poke through and squeeze them out to get relief. Finally, during my Freshman year of High School after trying other methods for 4-5 years, my Dermatologist prescribed me accutane. It absolutely sucked to take and the side effects were terrible, but it cleared up my acne in 6 months. I would occasionally get new cysts in my 20s but it was nothing compared to where I was previously. Honestly it was probably life saving medicine for me. I was absolutely miserable for years with cystic acne and it was 100% worth it, even with the side effects. I’m not here to dismiss this story, this medication has A LOT of downsides. But for me it was my absolute last option for relief. I’m in my 40s now and still have tons of scars from it; I have always worn shirts and so forth even at the pool to hide them. I haven’t really ran into anyone else during my life who had it as bad as I did, so I think it’s possible I was a very uncommon case.
@davidblake8612 2 ай бұрын
This is the sort of case it probably should be prescribed for. I had reasonably bad facial acne - and I was prescribed it. In hindsight it's made my life very very difficult. And I've nearly committed suicide quite a few times. It shouldn't have been prescribed for me. Luckily I've found a mood stabilising drug that helps me a lot.
@levans3447 2 ай бұрын
My teen daughter has eczema ( part of her autoimmune issues , I believe , triggered by childhood vaccines)... Anyway I brought her to a dermatologist due to a severe eczema outbreak. While there, the dermatologist told my daughter she could also prescribe accutane for " her acne". I immediately said NO ! She does not have acne ! She had literally vafew pimples that had popped up because she was in her cycle at the current time but it was NOTHING near to acne ! A few pimples does not warrant a dx of acne ! What the crap ! I was so mad at that Dr. First of all she told a self conscious teenager that she has acne ... A lie! I had to defend my decision to my teen daughter who thought I was "so mean" for not letting her "acne" be treated . I had to pull up images of people who REALLY were suffering with acne to convince her. Anyway , her cycle ended and so did the pimples of course . Teens get pimples ! ... My trust in the medical field is zilch. Just throw these kids on all sorts of meds. I regret not being more informed about vaccines too. I could have saved her a lot of problems.
@christinemclatchie 2 ай бұрын
I’m the same as you… zero trust and much suspicion on everything they do. I cannot believe what you had to experience with your daughter!! That’s insane!!
@kathleenpimentel9218 2 ай бұрын
@Eclipsed.00 2 ай бұрын
I took two rounds of Accutane two decades ago. I was well informed and monitored during my treatment. It was the only thing that worked for me and it was amazing. Everyone's experience is different.
@taperclinic 2 ай бұрын
Exactly! Glad it worked for you without bad side effects.
@robSaRe 2 ай бұрын
Glad it worked for you and you are ok 😊
@TasFirinErkegi 2 ай бұрын
there is no point in being monitored. Once it goes wrong they cant do anything to heal you.
@afol4016 2 ай бұрын
@roisinmc7442 2 ай бұрын
Can also cause severe irreversible dry eye syndrome. Kills the oil producing glands in the eye (meibomian glands).
@N-xi2zh 2 ай бұрын
RIP. He sounds like an awesome kid, I am happy his father is speaking about this. I hope people just use fasting and mineral balancing more and other things to treat acne. And forget about hair loss and antiandrogens and the like.
@Q1776Q 2 ай бұрын
Thank you doctor for making these videos!
@Beepinsqueekin 2 ай бұрын
My son was on accutane for years for severe cystic acne in the early 2000s. It effectively cured him.
@robSaRe 2 ай бұрын
I and glad it worked for him, it does for others too, it’s just the risks seem so much higher than the medical profession seem to recognise
@blazingstar9638 2 ай бұрын
I had no idea about this 😢 I’m so sorry for your son Luke ❤ You may have just saved lives now that I know this. I have even considered it myself
@davidblake8612 2 ай бұрын
I don't know why this came up in my timeline, but I'm glad I did. I took Roaccutane in the second year of university, I was 20. And I lost all drive, all the courses seemed boring. I distinctly remember saying to my friend "I don't feel anything. I don't feel happy, I don't feel sad, I feel GREY". And that was the start of what I have always though was depression. That didn't respond to treatment. I'm in my 50s now and I take a mood stabiliser to cope. Luckily it works very well.
@asmuslim23 2 ай бұрын
Isotretinoin has caused serious damage to more than enough people but the fact that SOME people love the medication because it worked for them makes SO MANY MORE PEOPLE BLINDLY GOING INTO IT. If suicide or depression is on a label it shouldn’t be subscribed because it’s true, ACNE IS NOT LIFE THREATENING”. :( I feel for those suffering with this drug. And I hope you take care of yourself.
@tmtb80 2 ай бұрын
If it was causing heart attacks it would be pulled!
@TheDavveponken 2 ай бұрын
@@tmtb80 adhd meds is still not pulled and it does...
@TheDavveponken 2 ай бұрын
@@robertgreen9245 bs argument. Totally irrelevant. "First do no harm." The benefit should be weighed against the potential harm.
@TheDavveponken 2 ай бұрын
@@robertgreen9245 is sudden death included? Ps. Why the need to defend meds for any and every purpose/ailment? In most cases they should be avoided (and yes, even paracetamol) as they are unnecessary and at best mask over what you really need, such as rest. And do you actively seek out bee stings?
@tmtb80 2 ай бұрын
@@TheDavveponken sad. I was remembering Vioxx. But, it was only pulled after all the lawsuits and damage it had done.
@pinnitt 2 ай бұрын
I’m so sorry that this happened. I took Accutane and didn’t notice any side effects, but of course, many people will have success and then go tell others “it’s fine, it’s safe!!” We see the warnings and assume it won’t be us…
@whomeverwherever 2 ай бұрын
Very sad. And yeah, that age group is difficult as it stands with the changing hormones and ridiculous amounts of stress. I was suicidal without being on anything in my teens. What snapped me out of it was my mom being ANGRY with me after I tried to OD. She called me selfish, and that’s the last thing I considered myself to be. Everything I did was to please and not disappoint others, which is what made the depression build up. I watched my classmates being reckless and I could not relate to being ok with that. I hated and still hate having any regrets, didn’t want anyone having “stories” to tell about me and my poor decisions, so I walked a very squeaky clean life as a teen, all alone. Was so much pressure and it overtook me. But yeah, when I was not met with anything but anger and words stating how selfish that was of me, I never tried it again. Teen years are so hard. So many changes. So many different people around you trying to influence you. Trying to find friends you relate to. Trying to retain the mundane info being taught every day. Nowadays, I can’t imagine how hard it is with all of the “agendas” and narratives being pushed on top of everything. Just awful. My heart goes out to this father.
@Soloist1983 2 ай бұрын
Wow, that was terrifying, read about it, creates intracranial hypertension, man that's a wild card right there, no psychological symptom is really off the table when you throw that in the mix, but blindness, death, permanent psychological disability/illness, these side-effects are horrifying.
@middleagebrotips3454 2 ай бұрын
I heard about accutane when I was younger and I knew there's no way I would take it. I also knew someone who took it and he had a lot of stomach problems and his mental state was terrible
@dextermorgan1 2 ай бұрын
I took Accutane. It changed my life for the better. Not everyone has a horror story, but I get it. If I knew then, what I know now, I'd have never taken it.
@robSaRe 2 ай бұрын
So glad it worked for you and you are ok 😊
@chrisjudge-wm9hs 2 ай бұрын
The true tragedy is that defending your kids leads to jail and ostracization. Doctors prescribe before asking questions. Lazy doctors fell into the I am the science trap.
@TheDavveponken 2 ай бұрын
so true. I feel completely defenseless after having been harmed by ritalin. Listening to people like Russel Barkley the mentality becomes very clear: they don't want to listen to people's experiences, they want to quantify people and categorize them in order to be able to refer back to a "vast body of science" to support any of their claims. Psychiatry is a pseudoscience that vehemently points fingers at social sciences for questioning them. And psychologists want just as much as psychiatrists to be a part of the "real medical science" where this mentality is rife.
@ABB56. 2 ай бұрын
Omg I had noo idea accutane caused this kind of side effects?! Wow. I’m glad I watched this.
@user-qb8qm4mp5n 2 ай бұрын
They don't care drugs are destroying people's lives.
@edie4321 2 ай бұрын
When my children were being diagnosed bipolar, ODD, Add, etc. in the late nineties early 2000's. They were putting my daughters on these horrific meds, that caused acne and weight gain. Thank God, when the doctor came to me telling me my overweight daughter was diabetic, because she was fat, and wanting to prescribe more medicine. I said hell no. She's "fat" because of your medicines, so solve that. I said the same, very fortunately, when they wanted to treat my other daughters drug caused acne. My daughter wanted to take it being a teen, but lucky for her, it just immediately burned her skin. We are now finding out that they are on the spectrum. I wonder all what else they still suffer from, was caused by all those nasty medicines. Protect your children from this medical industrial complex, at all costs.
@OneLove101. 2 ай бұрын
This is such a tragic story. All 3 of my boys took this drug. Two had to repeat the dose and ended up with liver damage. It is a very serious medication 😧 We were warned to keep a close eye on their mood. My heart goes out to this family ❤
@thirstonhowellthebird 2 ай бұрын
Wow, I am so sorry for your loss. I was given Accutane years and years ago and I remember them telling me that if I were to get pregnant, it would be a mandatory abortion. They said that the medication would destroy a fetus and that the minute I told Anyone that I was taking it, they would force an abortion because the child would be deformed. I really never understood the gravity of that statement. I didn’t have any other side effects but I think it made some of my hair fall out. Wow and you know that was decades ago so they probably have changed the ingredients since then and of course, as with all big Pharma medication, I’m assuming they want everything to be as toxic as possible. Just so sad.
@marymacdonald2379 2 ай бұрын
If Roche changed the formula for Accutane since I took it 40 years ago, they should change it back! I had no mental effects from taking it.
@dont_harsh_my_mellow 2 ай бұрын
Here in the states, they do say there’s a very rare risk of depression on accutane. I wanted to take it anyway since I thought it was just a rare risk. Thank goodness it was not so easy to get my hands on it. But that “very rare” risk isn’t so rare it seems. Wow.
@ToreMix7400 2 ай бұрын
vitamin-A acids, have been known to be risky for almost 50 years.
@Craigbianchim 2 ай бұрын
When I took the first dose of my months long prescription I had the most adverse reaction ever. First started with a head change and a burning sensation over my whole body, then an intense headache and sromach pains that left me curled up in a ball asking for an ambulance. Never took any again even tho I had been prescibled 6 months of treatment. Maybe saved my life as I was really messed up at that time....
@MEWOVER9000 2 ай бұрын
I refused accutane as a teen and young adult because I thought the cancer risks were absurd for a drug that treats PIMPLES. But I will say, I think there needs to be criminal charges for whoever sold the kid the chemical cocktail.
@dondgc2298 2 ай бұрын
It was for the treatment of cystic acne- not “pimples”. Cystic acne is a disfiguring disease.
@James-yu8nv 2 ай бұрын
This drug should be banned globally.
@peteross2008 2 ай бұрын
Yep. OCD exacerbation.
@jasminebarratt1809 2 ай бұрын
Yes this doesn't surprise me, anything that's toxic is going to have knock on effects. It seems some people are ok but it is risky. There are herbal antibiotics that can work that can be helpful for antibiotic resistant acne causing bacteria.
@vincenzegreisingel2429 2 ай бұрын
Feel desperately for the father. My son was put on escitalopram. He had been persuaded to take a drag on a roll up in the park by someone he didn’t know. There was peer pressure. We think it was spice. That idiot time when the uk allowed legal highs. After this he followed a downward trajectory of terror. We managed over 8 months to pull him out of his vertical nosedive. The escitalopram we believe exacerbated to problem. We pulled him off it and were told off by the CAMHS people. Love care 24/7 support eventually brought him to an even keel Note he never smoked before or after the incident. He doesn’t drink. He’s one of those gentle creatures. I do not know anything about accutane. In our modern hyper competitive often pointless and horrendously judgmental world we need to rethink our purpose. How many youngsters are suffering from anxiety. I am no soft touch. And probably one of those pull your socks up types. But I’ve learnt a lot about myself from my experience.
@SneezingPanda01 Ай бұрын
Sorry for your loss. Disappointing that our government is held hostage by pharmaceutical companies and aren't doing more to warn the public of issues with SSRI'S, Accutane and Finasteride
@lasurfette7830 2 ай бұрын
I remember being on Accutane in my early 20's and noticing that even though my skin looked great I was really unhappy. Luckily, I realized it didn't make sense and called my doctor. Dangerous stuff!
@josepud9380 2 ай бұрын
I believe him.
@ElizabethFinch-o7s 2 ай бұрын
The term captured, regarding regulatory agencies, needs to change. That term "captured" carries a subtle tone that expresses a degree of victimhood. The "administrators" of western culture use these words that, on the surface seem trivial but words like these influence our subconscious minds far more than most of us realize and these words are everywhere in media, in medicine and certainly in politics.
@Smashingblouse 2 ай бұрын
My ex took Roaccutane as a teen and stopped it about a year before we got together. He said that it made him feel depressed but thought it could be teenage hormones as well. He said it changed him but didn’t go into massive details. He would flip out over the smallest of things and break furniture etc. He was paranoid and aggressive toward me and had very dry hands from washing them randomly ALOT. He would have nightmares and sleepwalk so much it was like watching someone on film pretending to sleep walk it was so severe. I had to break up because something bad would have inevitably happened. I spoke to his mum, a nurse, and she blamed the accutane for his behaviour but it was too extreme for me.
@robSaRe 2 ай бұрын
Sounds like roaccurtane, it’s fits with other people’s stories
@MrsMills-jt1ry 2 ай бұрын
When I was around 14 or 15 my dermatologist suggested accutane. He told me that it was guaranteed to clear me up and my acne wouldn't return. He also told me that it could kill me. It wasn't because of psychological damage but something that the drug could do as a possible side effect if I developed a severe headache. As soon as he said that it could kill me I was terrified to take it. So I never did. When I got older I still had adult acne. I was either in my late 20s or early 30s. I had taken paxil and xanax for many years and actually thought about taking accutane again. I was desperate to finally get rid of my acne. Pharmacist assured me that it wasn't as terrible as described. He had taken it. So I was interested. My sister's son took it and it helped him. So I almost considered taking it. I'm so grateful that I didn't. Acne is terrible to deal with. Insecure and self conscious. Needless to say I'm sure anyone would choose acne over dying. I'm so sorry for this father and his family. Such a tragedy.
@juliehorsley48 11 сағат бұрын
I have witnessed the changes firsthand (two separate times when Accutane was taken) and how the symptoms get worse over years. It is tragic and heartbreaking. The UK agency he refers to is largely (and it is in the public domain) funded by pharma. It's unlikely to report the truth. These voices need to be heard.
@sarahnicole181 2 ай бұрын
Please do one on tetracyclines and psychosis.
@samward8154 2 ай бұрын
Robert, thank you for sharing your incredibly sad story. Your absolutely right, this drug induces a certain type of depression that maybe doesn't even have a name yet. Some explain it and feeling absolutely nothing, feeling empty and a shift in brain thought processes. Irrational thinking and feeling dead. Loss of libido isn't just related to sex, it's related to zest for life and excitement etc The loss of a sex life or indeed not being able to have a healthy sex life is incredibly shameful and traumatic and I very much suspect that your son would have been dealing with these side effects and yet not shared with you nor reported. Like you I believe that not only does isotretinoin induce spontaneous suicides, sometimes without any premonitory warning signs, but also post treatment suicide, many of which go unreported, in fact I can 100% state that even suicides go unreported. Just to clarify, there is no regulated signed consent in the UK. It's possible that your hospital trust implement this off their own back but it's not common practice. Also the sexual side effects were not added to the insert until 2017 despite the MHRA knowing at that time there was an estimated 20,000 cases across Europe, so your son was not informed therefore there was no informed consent. You state 1 death a year in the UK when in fact 9 deaths got reported in 2019. 12 in 2020, 9 in 2021. You mentioned the MHRA review which commenced in 2019 and lasted 4 years - incredibly 35 deaths got reported in this time so when you ask how many deaths will it take, how many lives are irrelevant, the answer is, we are nowhere close! More than 1,500 deaths have been reported to the FDA a massive 61 in 2021 alone so the FDA don't care about prescribed drugs killing kids either, just collateral damage to them. RIP Luke😢
@gracep2910 2 ай бұрын
i took it 4 years ago and i’m fine
@Jon.E.A 2 ай бұрын
Hellish compound.. It fucked me up for life. Took it for over 6 months waay back in '98. I have never been the same after. Doses were even largrer back then. Still have dry eyes, dry joints, depression, brainfog, needs TRT because my own production shut down. Stay the f**k away! PLEASE! ❤ ..Its not worth it!
@AyyRalphy 13 күн бұрын
I took this mess in 2016 the first release of ‘absorica’ brand with the fatty substance inside for optimal absorption. Finished on Mothers Day and let me tell you it’s been rough since then. Can no longer sweat at all! My entire body refuses to sweat and immediately get so sick in hot weather. Doctors keep refusing to admit it was the accutane. My joints were achy and lost about 40% of my libido as well. Testosterone levels plummeted to an 80 year old man being so young. Be careful. This medication is actually chemotherapy and no one will tell you
@nbrown5907 2 ай бұрын
If you are suicidal because of acne you have a much bigger problem than acne and most definitely should not take that risk!
@robSaRe 2 ай бұрын
Just to be clear about Luke, he was not even close to be suicidal about acne. He was out having a great time. Better to say, he was fed up about it and wanted to look better for the girls probably
@louisegardenia7674 2 ай бұрын
I took it for a month or so in 2004 but stopped as my lips were constantly bleeding.
@gracep2910 2 ай бұрын
have you heard of vaseline? Aquaphor?
@laurynrose1111 2 ай бұрын
Omg my gf gave birth to a severely impaired baby
@HollieTash 2 ай бұрын
I mean they clearly warn about that in all the labels, and pregnancy tests are generally required to avoid this situation, and 2 forms of birth control. There's a reason they don't mess around with it.
@melodyblackhall6702 2 ай бұрын
My BFF was on this as a teenager and she was required to go on BC and pregnancy tests. They literally have images of the birth defects possible on the back of the package.
@gdaymates431 2 ай бұрын
Liar. Stop it.
@itsanormalife Ай бұрын
I wanted to share my experience as an Accutane survivor. This drug can truly cause significant brain imbalances. Some people may not acknowledge their side effects, but it's a powerful medication. I was on Accutane for six months, and during that time, I unknowingly fell into a deep depression. My behavior changed drastically; I became more careless and selfish, and I felt ugly as the medication initially worsened my acne before it started to improve. My resentment grew, and I blamed my recent separation from my partner of nine years for my feelings. However, I had never experienced such profound hopelessness before. I found myself crying in the shower, wishing to die. Although I never attempted self-harm, the mere thought of wanting to leave this beautiful earth was alarming. Eventually, I stopped taking Accutane and began antidepressants. Thankfully, I'm fine now and working on weaning off the antidepressants. My younger brother also experienced depressive side effects while on Accutane. When I shared my experience with my parents, they immediately had him stop taking the medication. I'm deeply sorry for your loss, dear sir. Thank you for sharing your story to raise awareness and help others.
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