@Coz Fi 其实我不是怕导线有问题,而是怕示波器有相位差(即:即便进入1、2号端口的信号无相位差,显示出来还是有相位差)。因为示波器如果要保证内部电路不会造成相位差,则必须对每个端口采取完全一模一样的电路设计,甚至连处理器都必须有4套,而不是一个处理器先画端口1然后再画端口2,因为等处理器处理完端口1的数据后已经发生了延迟,端口2的数据已经是后一个时间点的数据了。但是我们并不清楚示波器的内部构造,所以无法做这个假设,必须测量验证一下
@@wingsangcheung38 , Phase and diff(phase) can be simply corresponding to factor(T), where T is the time cycle. Allen Wang is correct. The subtle part of the classical electromagnetism story is just that, in some cases, diff(phase) = delay(group). To totally understand the whole story, we should use QED, instead of the classical electromagnetism, though classically-designed experiments can show some results from QED.
@wingsangcheung382 жыл бұрын
@@ch0849 Using Quantum Electrodynamics QED to describe transmission line characteristics is unnecessary. Classical physics is good and accurate enough.