Teachers, when did karma finally hit the horrible student?

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@JaelinBezel 6 ай бұрын
On the plagiarism story: I wrote a report about Portugal in middle school. I wrote it by finding a webpage about Portugal and typing into the document what i read in it, practically one-to-one. It never occurred to me that this might be considered plagiarism because I was typing it in myself, not copy-pasting it, so I was very confused why I got in trouble for it. They always tell you it has to be in your own words but did not explain what that meant. As a kid, I thought “in your own words” just meant typing it yourself instead of copy-pasting.
@Albme94 6 ай бұрын
pretty valid logic tho
@booksrbesthtw 6 ай бұрын
I am bilingual. So when I wrote papers in college, I researched in English and then translated and summed up in my other language. That way it really was my own work.
@randomstuff14688 6 ай бұрын
I got in trouble at uni because I had an assignment to write a character limited abstract with summary bullet points at the end (also extremely character limited). Several people got in trouble as shocker: there are only so many words one can come with about the same topic! Worst thing too is they forgot to tell me they dropped the plagiarism case so I was nervous af for months
@amazaf 6 ай бұрын
@@booksrbesthtw that’s actually pretty smart 😅
@Spencer-wc6ew 6 ай бұрын
For how much schools punish plagiarism, they sure do a bad job of explaining how to _not_ plagurize.
@theotherther1 2 ай бұрын
I was in a high school math class with several of the worst bullies I’ve ever met. The next semester two of the mean girls were in an English class with me. I’m an excellent writer, so I aced the class, while making the girls’ lives a living hell-mocking them to their faces, throwing bugs I found dying in the halls at them, screaming nonsensically when the teacher asked us to LARP literary characters, and putting my Invader Zim fanart on the class bulletin board (with the teacher’s’ agreement). The girls were genuinely terrified of me by the end. When I joked about them, the teachers and students would laugh and join in.
@GogiRegion 4 ай бұрын
Man, that “smartest kid” story reminds me of someone at my school. They were smart, and so they were in the advanced class like I was. They bragged one day about being the smartest kid at the class. Come the end of the year, and they are the only one in the advanced class to fail the exam to take the advanced class the next year…
@SuprMiraculousTangledPastaPony 3 ай бұрын
My mom told me a story of when she was in school (I think elementary). There was a boy in her class that sat behind her, and kept touching her hair, even after she told him *many* times to stop. One day, he touched her hair, and she told him, You better stop it or you'll be sorry." After school that day, she got a sewing needle, and brought it with her to school. The boy didn't listen to her warning, and touched her hair. She poked him in the leg with the sewing needle, and he yelled for the entire class to hear, "Ow!" He never touched her hair after that, and the teacher didn't do anything about it, so my mom didn't get in trouble. My mom thinks the teacher must've known about the hair problem, so she just pretended nothing happened when my mom poked the boy with the sewing needle.
@Wolffox4495 5 ай бұрын
A small karmic justice moment I had in highschool. The school's main group varsity choir had a song that needed a soprano soloist during one part. The caddiest of the caddy girls would frequently bully/degrade me for messing up the same part of the song more than once (quietly enough to be to her small clique but loud enough for everyone else to still hear). She thought she was the most talented singer to exist. She WAS good, but not nearly as good as she thought... Both of us were among the few who were interested in the solo part. The same day of the auditions, one of the tenor guys was goofing off after the class and started to sing the soprano solo part PERFECTLY. The teacher rushed out of her office and quickly asked which of the several girls that were still in the room as well was just singing. We all acknowledged Tenor Guy was the one singing and he proceeded to do it perfectly again while she watched. That Caddy girl's face was priceless when the teacher offered him the solo on the spot. He absolutely NAILED it in the show and all the other girls auditioning congratulated him on how well he did.
@kimhohlmayer7018 5 ай бұрын
UnderSparked, you are so kind and handle even the toughest story with a gentle hand. That said, I love kids and taught but found I had no gift for full classrooms so moved to a different form of teaching with small groups. But during my time teaching a full classroom I can assure you that even saints get those moments when seeing the children who constantly misbehave get their Karma and we teachers want to cheer. I do understand that so much goes into a child’s attitude and behavior so I am extremely compassionate. But nobody’s patience is eternal. Teaching taught me many things including how to curse in private whirl being bright and upbeat in class.
@HappilyHomicidalHooligan 2 ай бұрын
In 3rd grade, I was the victim of a Serial Biter...he bit me in front of everyone so I bit back...and unfortunately for him, I've always had VERY strong jaw muscles so he left a minor mark and I left a MASSIVE bruise (I didn't break his skin, I held my bite back slightly)... His Parents came in and raised Unholy HELL about their Prefect Angel getting bitten, and the Principal showed them the MASSIVE file detailing ALL the kids he's bitten, punched and otherwise Bullied and told them that they have a choice, they can either accept the 2 week Suspension for biting me or this file will be given to CPS and they can explain themselves to CPS...they took the Suspension...
@xOrionNebula2708 4 күн бұрын
what was there reaction
@HappilyHomicidalHooligan 4 күн бұрын
@@xOrionNebula2708 Lots of screaming, threats of Lawsuits and cursing but they knew if CPS got involved, they were absolutely FUCKED! so they accepted the Suspension...When he came back 2 weeks later, their kid was still a bully and a brat, but at least he stopped biting people (as far as I know anyway)...I know MY life was a lot calmer since he left me alone after that...he did NOT want me to be forced to bite him again...😄😁😆😅😂🤣 He disappeared again 3 months later for another week and according to rumour he got suspended again for hitting another kid but I don't know if that was true or not...he might have been on Vacation or recovering from an illness, I don't know since we were not friends and I didn't talk to him unless I absolutely had to for a school assignment...
@blackhagalaz 6 ай бұрын
The one Story about plagiarism reminded me of something happening at my work. I worked as a secretary in an institute for medical history and ethics. One of my job was to collect the papers for the semester from medical students and give them to the tutors/professors. In my country it is mandatory for students to take that class and write a half-a** paper about an ethical topic. For reference they where provided with literature for their work and it was not mandatory for them to do their own research. I have written more elaborate and complex papers in my archeology studies back in the day in every single semester. So really all these students had to do was to hand in a paper that showed they had at least read the literature. Still there where those who where cheating. There was this girl who got 0 points by the professor because she plagiarized. She still had the guts to go to said professor and complain. Turns out the professor only knew about the plagiarism because the original paper that was ripped of was HERS! This student was dumb enough to plagiarize one of the people who would grade her paper, and then whine about it when she was caught. I am not sure what happened after that but I know she got chewed out for good.
@lomax343 4 ай бұрын
15:50 Yes, friendships between boys can start in strange ways. There were two boys at my school that seemingly hated each other. One day, they started a fight. It hadn't gone beyond the pushing stage when a teacher appeared. We froze. "Wait there," he said, and walked off. Then he came back with a chair, sat down and said, "OK, let's see what you've got." I should probably explain that this was a LONG time ago. Nowadays he'd get fired for encouraging boys o fight. Anyway, the fight was on, and we watched the free show. It lasted about a minute before the teacher called a halt. He grabbed each boy buy the collar and said, "I hereby declare that a draw. Now have you both got it out of your systems?" "Yes sir," both boys said. The boys were best friends after that.
@WanderingSage113 3 ай бұрын
Technically it is all karma. The original idea of karma wasn't that you do good things and good things happen to you. Karma is action. Whatever set of traits you had at birth, the beliefs you've picked up in life, the actions you take, the setting of your birth, the people you're related to, the trauma they passed onto you, the country you live in, etc etc. It's all karma. The result of all these things is also karma. That includes your current day perceptions, beliefs, biases, actions, traumas, bad behaviors taught growing up, and even emotional tendencies.The consequences of those people's actions was indeed, karma.
@lmaChroma 6 ай бұрын
You have a fantastic background voice, a nice even tone without being robot or monotone
@chrysfds09 4 ай бұрын
last one was just so wholesome for the teacher and the kids to feel what school could be like with no lazy kids (Edit) story timee! so this story is around school just like the same story but from the horrible students view, lets begin i was around 4-6 when this happened and LOVED being at home, I did not like school AT ALL. so i was just starting school but i loved it for the first 1-2 weeks because there was no homework but then it felt like a truck hit me when i discovered homework. Next year, same thing but harder homework and harder work, kinda shouted and cried about it sometimes and throw chairs, karma still haven't show up for some reason. Next year, I HATED IT, probably my least fav year in primary school out of the 7 there, this time i had to get taken out of school, been slapped by my mum, or had to talk to the principal.(i was antisocail and i still am) next year, my teacher was GREAT, I was much calmer and loved school I was one of the smartest there (and in last year) and it was great, i had an assistant to help me but she left in the first few weeks of the new school year because she had a baby (i also had her last year) next year, she did come back but my teacher left for the same reason and we got a teacher that says gen-z slang like slay and others (the Vice principal also said slay lol) and thats it whole. no karma hit me at all, over all 5 years of school aint so bad (i forgot 6th and 7th ) probs this story 7.5/10
@GODISGOODBRO 21 күн бұрын
That nun who bit the child reminds me of a story about my mom. When my mom and her brother (who's younger than her) were really small, my uncle had a habit of biting my mom. My mom complained to my grandma, who got fed up with it. So she layed my uncle down, pulled up his shirt, bit him hard on his stomach and told him not to do it again. He definitely stopped after that lol
@Lindwyrm6429 2 ай бұрын
17:17 when I had my own fetal pig dissection in my human anatomy and physiology class, I had to share this story with the teacher and she was of course disgusted by it lol
@izzyfox7575 2 ай бұрын
I enjoy your content. Very refreshing. Love seeing self growth. My gf is diagnosed with BPD. I care about her a lot and she is very caring towards me, but I worry about how she refuses the diagnosis and refuses to go to therapy. I don't want to break up with her, but I am unsure how to communicate to her the importance of healing in order to be able to love in a healthy way.
@LouiseCarter-pb9dq 4 ай бұрын
story 15 was that the bite of 87
@OsirisTheRaptor Ай бұрын
Bites as ironic as it is. Can be VERY different from each other. So they could have compared both sets of teeth and they would have found out the kid was lying. That's just my personal opinion. I have a very janky mouth so if I did that to someone, it would have been recognised immediately 😂
@peacefulgrotesque1510 6 ай бұрын
Story 3: Yikes, both for the kids' home life AND for OP's attitude toward them. It's really troubling when educators write off students as "lazy". "Lazy" students are usually dealing with something either mental or environmental that makes school much more difficult than it needs to be, or a lower priority due to other needs not being met. If their parents aren't even getting them to school, the kids are probably being neglected in other ways at home. Story 17: just because the mother threw him under the bus doesn't nean she wasn't complicit in his behavior. I could definitely see my pathologically narcissistic mother doing the same-- making home life hell, then pretending she had no idea what's keeping me from achieving in school.
@Byvenic 6 ай бұрын
Yeah, I was thinking about narcissistic and abusive families as well. Also could have an undiagnosed mental condition.
@kadeng6528 6 ай бұрын
I work at a daycare and this literally happened today we have a little girl 2 who struggles with nice hands. she had just shoved someone and they got hurt while telling her that that isn't nice and we have to have nice hands a one year old chucks a wooden block at her forehead point blank. She was screaming. The other teacher and I were struggling to not laugh. The one year old is close to two so she got put in time out and I told the originally girl "that hurt didn't it see it's not fun when someone hurts us that's why it's important to have nice hands" she hasn't pushed or hit the rest of the day.
@Floppah8 3 ай бұрын
18:33 he said it was the end but still their was more stories? 😮😂😂
@battlemageazulio1019 Ай бұрын
About Story 3... Yeah, they're too lazy to get off their butts and get their kids to school, but apparently not too lazy to hire a lawyer! Sheesh...
@dylanstonemusic1614 11 күн бұрын
13:03 I'm not 100% sure how juliard works, but the music school i auditioned for also required letters of recommendation from music teachers, so how did he get in without one? On the other hand, it would be so much more satisfying if he needed a letter of recommendation from a music teacher and you "recommended" him
@MaxwellCatAlphonk 6 ай бұрын
2/1 minute ago uploaded
@thedarkness9829 Ай бұрын
8:22 even the kindergarten kids knows he’s an asshole 😭💀
@bubzilla6137 4 ай бұрын
18:34 That's all folks, followed by 9½ more minutes of stories. Haha! 😂🤣 (Not hating, just found it funny is all. 🙂)
@wetwareerror9511 5 ай бұрын
What is the background please, looks fun
@Gman-t9e 3 ай бұрын
Your girl voice was pretty good, it's definitely better than I can. Also squid juice smells rancid and awful
@GreengamerGMD 6 ай бұрын
I started dying when that kindergartener said “you look like a baby”💀💀💀💀💀
@dylanisntvibing796 5 ай бұрын
Based kindergartner
@geomarvel7660 5 ай бұрын
Friendly fire
@Arcticafoxis 5 ай бұрын
I was about to comment this
@HazeAnimations 5 ай бұрын
@spamtonspamtonspamton 5 ай бұрын
⁠@@HazeAnimationsthat thing is still learning basic human interaction, be softer on that little piece of sh*t!😊😊😊😊 💀💀💀💀😭😭😭😭😭 god help me
@aeden6331 6 ай бұрын
Not a teacher but student. My class in middle school was filled with the popular mean rowdy kids, we had a substitute for a month I couldn't focus it was a literal jungle, and had multiple panic attacks. One day it was our unit exam and I sat next to one of the main mean rowdy girls, I knew she liked to cheat on tests so I let her cheat off me, she gave half the class those answers that I gave her, once everyone turned their test in, I switched my answers. Half the class got zeros because of me. She never bullied me or cheated off me again, the other kids got really mad at her for giving them wrong answers too. Best day of my middle school years
@Emmejemma 6 ай бұрын
your a genius now if anyone want to copy off me I should do that
@xOrionNebula2708 6 ай бұрын
i have a story its not anywhere near as good as the one this person posted but i think its funny anyway" this didint happen in school but online. I was playing a game with a group of friends and this girl was also playing with them (she knew them all) and this was my first time playing with her everything seemed fine untill well she kept trying to control everyone and boss everyone around to do all the puzzles in the escape game the exact way she wanted eventually she took an important item needed to help us escape and refused to use it or let US use it and at that point we all had enough and everyone was thinking about leaving then i remembered i could create a private game queue for friends so i suggest that they went and joined me and friended me so they could and that we would leave the controlling girl behind the girl immedieatly realized what was going on and she said she would set the item down so we could pick it up and use it and at this point everyone was already leaving and i said "Nah sorry we asked you to stop for over an hour and you did not so your gonna have to play with someone else unfortunately" sure enough we had a lot of fun and finished the game anyway after that i got word from my friends that she never tried to do that again after what happened
@BiggieL123 5 ай бұрын
@noname-ji1db 5 ай бұрын
​@@xOrionNebula2708Please, seperate your story into SENTENCES. I can barely read it.
@xOrionNebula2708 5 ай бұрын
@@noname-ji1db thats a problem on your end
@MrBizteck 6 ай бұрын
Story 15 .... meh when my Daughter was 4 she was a biting MENANCE. No matter what we did she wouldnt stop it was almost daily and the pre school told us if it didnt stop she would be removed from the building. In desperation my wife BIT her. Hard ! I never forget the look of shock on her face. She cried my wife left the room ..cried it was a mess. But my daughter NEVER bit anybody ever again !
@FizzieWebb 6 ай бұрын
Sometimes you really do have to show them what it feels like to be on the receiving end.
@MartinBarker 6 ай бұрын
@@FizzieWebb It's entirely how empathy is developed knowing what they cause make them not want to inflict that on others. OP, if this had no worked good chance you had a psychopath on your hands
@blender4464 6 ай бұрын
Sometimes you gotta do what works. This seems to be a surprisingly common one. When i was a kid i would squeeze my sister's hand so she would cry. My dad did it right back to me and i never did it again.
@Raven62 6 ай бұрын
Did the same thing to my nephew. My cousin did everything to get her to stop the biting habit. He would bit adults and his twin brother the most. Biting is like a family thing my cousin did the same thing when she was young. I was babysitting him and his brother. He bit his brother and tried to bite my mom who was reprimanding him. I impulsively took his arm and bit him. He cried. But he never did it again!
@krisCrashTV 6 ай бұрын
Some people hit their kids for control, some bite back because it's what animals do and their kids are being animals. My friend had observed how their cats treated kittens who were bitey and she gave it a shot annnd it worked.
@johnp.2267 6 ай бұрын
I was in the worst class possible and was horribly bullied in school. I mean physical and emotional torture (still have the scars from both). At one point, there was an event that took place in the school pool. The P.E. teacher had to dive in and pull me out, and give me CPR. This girl in my 5th grade class walked up to me and said, "Well, I hope you're happy! Because of you, the teacher's brand new watch was ruined!" I rounded on her and yelled, "You're sick in the head! You're going to be nothing when you grow up! Four kids, four hundred pounds, and living on welfare!" My words were apparently a prophetic curse: before she was 28, she had four kids, weighed over 400 pounds, and her only income was from state assistance.
@Edafe-p9i 5 ай бұрын
@JohnWayneGuan 5 ай бұрын
Dat some curse alright
@Spacegaming259 4 ай бұрын
my man that some premonition shit right there
@BeefNachosTasteGreat 4 ай бұрын
ain't no way blud predicted that 😨
@joge2 4 ай бұрын
Aint no way bro predicted that wtf (no seriusly im confused what)
@BellaB411 6 ай бұрын
I used to bite as a small child so I’m told. My mom finally bit me back and I apparently never did it again. I don’t remember any of this but I honestly feel my mom was justified and I needed to understand that my actions were causing pain. This was way back in the 70’s so you could get away with it. I honestly don’t blame her at all.
@ryanclemons1 6 ай бұрын
Don't bite the hand that feeds you.
@souldancersbyjennifer 6 ай бұрын
Sometimes that's exactly what a kid needs to understand the consequences of his actions. I'm not sure why it can't be applied today. I mean a typical mother would not want to harm her children, but to teach him. To not teach him is harming him.
@texasranger7687 5 ай бұрын
Did the same, was bitten back once by my oncle, stopped bitting. It was in the end of 90s. Kids have empathy only if they experienced it. You do not know how sharp the pain of bitting is until you get bitten.
@giovana4121 5 ай бұрын
Lmao I used to kick people as a little kid untill I met "Auntie". She kicked me back, I loved her and never kicked anyone again. Teaching kids consequences works.
@ResidentMilf 5 ай бұрын
One would hope that CPS can tell the difference between teaching a child that what they're doing hurts other people and abuse.
@Magpie-j2b 6 ай бұрын
I’m not a teacher, but I was the kid everyone bullied in elementary. The main bully is still obsessed with me as an adult and I suspect she is a covert narcissist, as she is always trying to show off to me and intimidate me. I read that narcs don’t forget the ones who wounded their pride, and back then, I told her she didn’t have friends because those people were just stuck with her; kids from her neighborhood who always ended up in the same classes/extra curricular as her, and were afraid of being bullied by her. Once junior high started and they all went to different schools, she would see that they no longer wanted her around. I was right. She ended up friendless and my theory about her so called friends was proven correct when one of them approached me in high school to confirm it. She is now a sad adult who peaked in elementary, desperate to appear better than everyone else but failed to gain all the things she envies in others. Honestly Meg, if you ever see this, know that I do not fear you or care. My husband and I laugh at your pick me dance. I am very flattered I live rent free in your head.
@xOrionNebula2708 3 ай бұрын
lol yea true narcisists dont forget the people who are have wounded or degrated there image
@xOrionNebula2708 3 ай бұрын
i didn't particularly do that to a narcisists but i was highly valueable to them because of special gift i have so when i did not go back to them they were furious and fast forward a year or 2 later they are still obessessed with me
@Olimar92 6 ай бұрын
Story 1: Ray has not learned the most important rule about lying, Tell everyone the same story.
@electric26 5 ай бұрын
Ray has not learned the most important rule about lying: don't
@Olimar92 5 ай бұрын
@@electric26 No that's the first rule of telling the truth: Don't Lie. If you're going to Lie you need it to be consistent.
@electric26 5 ай бұрын
@@Olimar92 you're right, although that wasn't the point of my comment
@ResidentMilf 5 ай бұрын
​@@electric26Lying is bad most of the time, but there are situations where lying is not only acceptable, but preferred. When telling the truth will get an innocent person killed, for example. In situations where lying is necessary and/or kinder than telling the truth, it's important that you tell everyone the same lie so you don't get caught.
@electric26 5 ай бұрын
@@ResidentMilf lying is never kind; that's evil. I would only do that if I hated that person. Even though I agree with what you said in the case of an innocent person dying, etc., generally speaking it is definitely wrong.
@joelproko 5 ай бұрын
Imagine the emotional damage from a random kindergartener seeing your tantrum and saying you look like a baby. After already being upset enough to throw said tantrum in the first place. 😅😂
@fyrecatz 6 ай бұрын
Note: Karmic justice is absolutely reaping what you sow. It's when the energy you put out into the world comes back to you
@xOrionNebula2708 6 ай бұрын
yea and honestly i have seen it happen so many times and in some cases extreme a girl i used to know she was a master manipulating narcisist and she abused many many people including me for her own selfish needs anyway sure enough i got word that she got doxxed
@justsomeaeroacefurry3479 4 ай бұрын
@xOrionNebula2708 3 ай бұрын
@@justsomeaeroacefurry3479 yea and i have seen this happen more then a few times
@xOrionNebula2708 Ай бұрын
a kid who liked to harrass people online he went for one final person and that was me i reported him and he got banned
@Brady-kl5oo 6 ай бұрын
Story 7 "You look like a baby" That kid was a savage
@smallrolly 4 ай бұрын
@theffects9545 18 күн бұрын
Kindergartener saying that? You really f*cked up.
@lejardine 6 ай бұрын
A few years ago I taught at a Japanese language school (eikawa). One class I had was five boys. Four of the boys were pretty serious about learning and did the work and participated. One kid was an annoying little shit. He'd come in late, and when I say late i mean 30-50 minutes late to a 1 hour long class. He would come in, cause a commotion, and instead of joining in the class he'd pull out some Magic like trading cards. One day I had enough. I kicked him out of the room and grabbed his belongings and put them on the table outside my classroom. Kid who was half my size in height and weight tried to fight me to get back in. Manager saw everything. After that day I never saw the kid for another 2 months. One day I see him with his mother. I say "long time no see". The mom who speaks english is highly confused and asks me what i mean. I mention he hasnt come in for the last 2 months. The manager backed me up on that. I then continue on to my class. I dont know what mom did but the next week the kid comes to class on time and participates and behaves in class for the rest of the time i taught that class.
@xOrionNebula2708 6 ай бұрын
oh dang
@MusicLoverGurl 6 ай бұрын
When I was in fourth grade, I was in band, and there was this one girl who bullied me, kept making fun of me. I can't even remember what she said or did, but what I DO remember is getting fed up and throwing a hardbound literature book in her face and giving her a bloody nose. The teacher took her to the nurse's office, and I sat there, terrified that I would get in trouble. The teacher comes back, class moves on, I NEVER saw any consequences and I don't remember that girl for the rest of my time at that school. With the power of hindsight, I realize that girl must have been harassing the SHIT out of me, because the teacher obviously decided I was justified in throwing that book at her face.
@muffinmuffin8946 6 ай бұрын
Story 15: I, a woman, back in middle school, once chased a boy around the school because I thought he had stolen my brother's backpack, I was EXTREMELY protective of my beother because he was the last thing I got to keep of everything that was taken from me, so I was out to tear that poor boy apart, when I caught up, since he was lithe but small and I was big and powerful, I saw my brother with his backpack and calmed down, apologizing red in the face to this poor sweet boy, he thought I was fucking terrifying because again, I was TWICE his size, and he became one of my best friends, I dont see him now, we barely talk, its heartaching
@xOrionNebula2708 6 ай бұрын
awww im sorry
@TheShire26 6 ай бұрын
The two guys beating the living shit out of each other and then becoming best friends who keep each other out of trouble is so funny.
@CamGoldberg3796 Ай бұрын
Yeah i mean sometimes your biggest enemy can become your friend. You should check out 21 jump street, it has a story like this
@tanushvaid7234 4 күн бұрын
Happened to me , we beat the shit out of each other,,,,, but we became friends and went on a trip!!
@Totallyn0tme734 5 ай бұрын
Most of the stories had the moral “fuck around and find out”
@Creative_YT 6 ай бұрын
“That’s all the time for stories we have today” **proceeds to do another 10 minutes of stories**
@MaxwellCatAlphonk 6 ай бұрын
I also noticed _that_
@paulpincemin5700 6 ай бұрын
I wonder if that's an editing mistake? I'm guessing he had an "Outro" sound file that snuck in there
@ricksaburai 6 ай бұрын
@@paulpincemin5700second video is kinda short so he probably just merged them into this one
@CrochetIsLife54 4 ай бұрын
So I didn’t imagine that…? 😂
@TexBirdie 6 ай бұрын
Our nuns took no shit lol
@AlmeneBeranger 6 ай бұрын
My dad stopped my sister from biting the same way.
@blender4464 6 ай бұрын
​@@AlmeneBerangerthat's what I did too lol
@helookalikaman79 6 ай бұрын
Surprised we all do not hear any of the students ever come back to give the nuns karma...
@abbynormal4740 5 ай бұрын
Not sure if this is Karmic justice or not, but it's one of my favorite "Mom" stories: Mom taught high school English for over 25 years. She also had dealt with debilitating and extremely painful severe rheumatoid arthritis for over 30 years. One day a male student with delusions of tough guy bad-assery thought it would be a cool idea to confront Mom at her desk and threaten her with a pocket knife. 🙄 Mom glanced at the pathetic little blade, said, "Well, I've been threatened by the best," pausing briefly as the student puffed up with pride before finishing, "And YOU'RE. NOT. IT! Compared to the constant severe pain I deal with, that puny knife would be just a little prick. Speaking of little pricks, you're going to the principal's office NOW!" The would-be thug's whole demeanor deflated and 2 of the football players escorted him to the office as the class applauded. Nobody messed with Mom after that.😂
@LowQualityShitposts Ай бұрын
true badassery
@luciamorenovelo8345 5 ай бұрын
When I was a kid in the 70s, we had a neighbor about my age who would bite her own hand to get her mom to do what she wanted. Once she stayed over because her parents had to go out of town. She wanted something from my mom (I don't remember what) and didn't get it so she started to bite her hand. My mom looked at her dead serious and said "Oh, you can do better than that. Bite harder on your hand, try to get some blood out." and then she left. I remember looking at the girl's hand. It had a huge bite mark, red and swollen. However, she never tried that trick with my mom again and was a pretty nice girl after that.
@IamDootsdoot 6 ай бұрын
Advice on voicing younger feminine characters, you want to be speaking in your head more, not necessarily your nose, and don't drop your voice as you end a sentence, keep it all the way through. While little boys are higher pitch, they speak mostly in their chest. This is learned mostly early on. do your best to change where your voice resonates, from in your head to your chest to your belly. Another is to pull your tongue down your throat, to cut off the bass in your voice, keeping you from resonating too much in your chest and neck, difficult if you're not used to it, but a useful tool in upgrading your range.
@drawesomejulia 6 ай бұрын
I once bit my sister as a toddler, and she immediately bit me back. Never bit anyone again lol
@invalidStranger 6 ай бұрын
On the biting story: probs to the nun. I also bit back my (then) 3 year old cousin who had a habit of biting people. Since she was the youngest and born very late, our families tolerated that devil. Of course, the pain hurted alot but her tendency to just bite everyone without consequences infuriated me. So, when we were playing, she bit me hard. I bit her back. She cried out loud but our families didn't hold me accountable and scolded her since i hardly let out my anger on people. We both had bruises. Safe to say till today she stop biting people
@DudududaFlare 5 ай бұрын
You literally “nipped it in the bud.”
@atathesteelcrownedqueen8070 6 ай бұрын
Story 15… Sometimes the only way to make somebody stop doing something is to do it back to them; or to hurt them worse in someway. In this case, it was a small child, I’m used to having to do this with animals. And if you’re wondering if I have bit a dog, the answer is yes. Same goes for kicking the horses that have kicked me or tried to kick me. (don’t do this, unless it’s your field; I’m a horse podiatrist, and it was my dog. he had a tendency to get carried away When we were roughhousing. if you want an example, he slammed his open mouth against my face and broke my nose on his canine.) I miss him, he’s been gone nearly 7 years now.
@winters0lider976 6 ай бұрын
I'm sorry for your loss. But my dad does this when the cats bite him too hard, obviously he doesn't bite hard but he does nip their ear so they stop for the day at least
@Laundrey1 6 ай бұрын
Story 19 sounds like a classic unmedicated ADHD student.
@peacefulgrotesque1510 6 ай бұрын
fr. I seriously doubt he was "too cool to work on assignments during class", but rather just *couldn't* get his mind to focus in that environment. It's not something that someone with ADHD can just override with willpower.
@Laundrey1 6 ай бұрын
@@peacefulgrotesque1510 exactly! I never did my worksheets in lab class because I couldn't concentrate. I was just copying information without processing. I found it much more beneficial to do it at home alone in the quiet. I bet his getting up in the middle of class and leaving was another part of it. I was asked if I do that during my diagnosis process for ADHD. I don't get up and leave much but I sure want to. Yesterday, for example, I was taking a practice test for the boards and I wanted to bolt during the last portion of it so bad. I had to wiggle in my chair to keep from getting up. It was awful. With the kid being polite, I'm sure he had issues that he didn't know how to handle. It's awful that the known and proven to work first line of treatment for this is so controversial and so difficult to get.
@Laundrey1 5 ай бұрын
@Memyself19432 yep 100%
@Laundrey1 5 ай бұрын
@Memyself19432 I've heard autism and ADHD have some similar presentations
@TenderREZ 4 ай бұрын
As someone with ADHD, medications are legitimate hell. It makes you not socialize as much and makes you go insane at many moments.
@racoonwhocannotbekilled9999 6 ай бұрын
My blood couldn't help but boil when I heard Story 11. Despite these other stories having justice, the fact that that jerk got away with it AND those students fell for the jerk's bluffs and hated OP in that story is just... ugh. I just hate it when someone who doesn't deserve punishment is punished. OP got a bad reputation for something they didn't even do.
@Notyoirname 2 ай бұрын
@SirberusKhaos 6 ай бұрын
either condone hitting back or actually protec students... "we can't step in they need o learn to deal with it between themselves..." to quote an episode of criminal minds: There is a student out there now handling it himself with an assault rifle, and it is Your fault!"
@titaniumvulpes 6 ай бұрын
21:23 Easy answer, the _mom_ was on board but nobody mentioned the dad. Parents are probably divorced. Either dad lets the kid do whatever he wants and mom's fed up, or dad was super hardass and now that dad's gone the kid's acting up. See that kinda thing all the time.
@RedK5 6 ай бұрын
But sometimes it’s no one’s fault. Kids can sometimes be like that on their own
@pennyforyourthots 6 ай бұрын
Alternatively, mom and/or dad are hard asses, and the behavior is an act of rebellion from an overly strict environment. Often, I find that bad behavior in children is about equally the result of negligent parenting AND authoritarian parenting. Neglected kids seek attention because they're being neglected obviously, but rebellious kids are often overly monitored and/or punished to the point that the only way they can express the natural boundary pushing of a child is through more extreme actions. Extreme authoritarianism begets extreme rebellion, and cracking down on that rebellious nature only serves to make it worse. Of course, it's often difficult to tell the difference between these two at a glance. Often kids who need a break are punished more harshly, and kids who need a bit of punishment are given a break.
@NemisCassander 5 ай бұрын
@@pennyforyourthots I'd say another possibility is that the mom did want something better for her child, but wasn't willing to DO anything about it herself. So she offers moral support to the teachers, but doesn't require anything of the child, and that is sometimes worse than when the parents actively side with the child, as the child might incorrectly learn that they can manipulate any adult just because they think they can manipulate their parents.
@a.w.1499 6 ай бұрын
The dissection story reminds me of when my teacher accidentally ordered piglet brains still in the skull instead of just the brains because she wanted us to dissect the brains. I was the only one to get the brain out intact. :) You got a better chance with the seams in the skull and going in carefully with a pocket screwdriver to use as a chisel and rolled up paperback copy of whatever book we were reading at the time in English Lit as a makeshift hammer. I bought my own copy from home because I liked to highlight and make notes. I think it was either To Kill a Mockingbird or Fahrenheit 451. Oh and the ligaments, you had to be careful with those and go under the skull pieces with the scalpel more along the bone than the flesh. It was a very awkward angle.
@mal2ksc 3 ай бұрын
I remember somewhere around fourth grade where we had do dissect a cow eye. There were four students to a group, each one with its own eye to dissect. Reasonable, that's about the most you can fit around one desk, and this is up close work. Anyhow, there was one girl that normally sat in the back not talking to anyone... but the trays with the cow eyes started to be distributed and she practically jumped up and ran over to join in, roughly as fast as many others tried to run away. Nobody forgot she was there after that.
@cecilewac5778 6 ай бұрын
reaping what you sow is the definition of karmic justice man, I don't understand your confusion sometimes XD
@DubYuhGChoppa 6 ай бұрын
Wait why did the video have a fake ending lmao
@cupidshuffles8498 6 ай бұрын
I thought I was tripping
@DubYuhGChoppa 6 ай бұрын
@@cupidshuffles8498 I'm taking a walk and I put this on thinking "30 minutes will almost get me home" so when that happened I thought I entered a time-warp lmao
@mrorcadood 6 ай бұрын
He extended the average video length recently, so I’m guessing this was a shorter backlog episode that he extended and forgot to cut out the old outro
@aeg_125 6 ай бұрын
My husband and I brought karma to a whole classroom of lying little fifth grade twerps. They gave me a ton of crap the day I subbed for this class. They even lied to the principal and accused me falsely of cussing at them. A few months later, my husband happens to get a sub assignment for the exact same class. The class was eerily quiet for a moment after he wrote his name on the board. Then a student asked if he knew “Mrs. Ourlastname.” He said, yes, that’s my wife. He was a very experienced sub and takes absolutely no crap from anyone. A quiet “oh $@&!” came over the class. They didn’t mess with him one bit all day.
@strongman5243 3 ай бұрын
Karma literally means consequences of your actions
@BrandonByers7 6 ай бұрын
18:33 What's with the fake ending?
@herisuryadi6885 6 ай бұрын
Might be editing mistake
@Xurnalea 5 ай бұрын
yeah my parents bit us back when we were little too. it was never hard enough to actually hurt, but understanding that biting someone hurts AND illicits a feeling of shock/fear was an important early lesson
@hypetrain56 Ай бұрын
@Xurnalea Ай бұрын
@@hypetrain56 yeaaaah, that's my retroactive response to most of my childhood memories too
@WriterGirl90 6 ай бұрын
On the plagiarism story: A lass in my GCSE history class did this with her final essay, she found a blog post online about someone’s visit to the Roman fort we were writing on and copied and pasted all of it. She got caught because there was a line in the essay saying ‘When we visited the site in 1985…’ Unfortunately for her, the oldest people in our year at school were born in 1990 😂 It didn’t even get run through Turnitin because it was so obvious! She admitted it and was told she could try again and to not plagiarise anything else this time. The lesson there is don’t plagiarise and if you do, admit it when you’re caught.
@TheTwin12321 6 ай бұрын
I was off this day, but we had a student who was very disruptive when not skipping class. She was also suspected of attempting to set fire to the school but we couldn't proof it was her. Someone had tried to set fire to one of the (newly renovated) toilets a few times, but since these are the toilets next to the main entrance of the school and it was always only discovered after hours, we couldn't proof who did it. There were just too many students in and out of these toilets and we didn't know when it happened throughout the day. That was until one day she succeeded. Through all of her experimenting, she had found that the bowl was not the place to start a fire (that were her first few attempts). Instead she now tried the toilet paper. This worked. Then the fire spreaded to the wall with the toilet paper holder. On the other side of the wall a girl was on the toilet and an other girl was also using the toilet at that time. Those girls ran out and raised the alarms. This caused the guilty girl to also leave the toilets. Since there were cameras pointed at the door to the toilets, the school could see who was in there at the time of the fire and found out who did this. This girl was inmediately expelled. Next thing we hear is that her parents have to bring her in to school for a meeting with her, her parents, the girl who was in the stall next to her and her parents, the schoolboard and the police. The school was going to sue for damages and for attempted murder, since the stall next to her was occupied. This girl was 15 by the way.
@TheTwin12321 6 ай бұрын
Oh, the music story reminds me of an other one. The girl in this story tried to keep this quite, but my sister still found out through mutual friends. I play in an orchestra, and this one woman thinks she is the best the world has to offer. This has led to her bullying others in the past. She also believes she doesn't have to listen to others and that she is always right. One of the things you are not supposed to do in an orchestra is talk back to the conductor. If this woman was told she made a mistake , her answer was always yes, but ... And then the excuses would flow, explaining why it was not her fault she made a mistake. The moment she opened her mouth, you could hear a collective sigh from the orchestra. Even now, our camera crew is so fed up with her, that they make sure she is on camera as little as possible. Anyway, when she finished high school, she graduated with honours. She got in a honours program in a university the year after highschool. This was something she never let enyone forget. She would just brag and brag about it, especially to my sister who sadly played the same instrument as her, in the same orchestra at this time. She also was going through some training, to get promoted to manager at her supermarket job. Over time we noticed that she kept on talking about everything that went wrong with her training to become a manager. Her training was still going on, over a year later, this was weird to us. We also learned that she had to be moved to different locations, according to her, because of mistakes others made. We found out that a year after that, the training to become a manager had stopped. She apparently was not a good fit for a manager. Multiple locations tried to have her as manager, and no lacation wanted her. She was back to the register. Her honours program was going even worse for her. The fact that she believes she doesn't have to listen to others, meant that she didn't listen to her professors. She studied medicin, and it involved labs. During these labs, the class would get some very clear instruction on what to do and how to do it. She would not listen, then do her own thing, and fail the lab since her work did not meet the requirements. The event that made them kick her out, was when they had to grow cells. This is (aparently) expensive, so the university wanted the students to make a few (like 10 or so) good cells, but in a as small batch as possible. They knew just growing 10 would not work, but make 10 good ones and as little as possible extra. She was (of course) not listening to the instruction and decided that to make 10 good ones, the easiest way was to grow 1000s of cells. After doing this she bragged about this to everyone she saw, including the professors. This was what kicked her out in the end. Now she has no education and works the register at the supermarket. Good luck with your honours!
@thespudlord686 4 ай бұрын
I have my own story, Obligatory *Not a Teacher* As a high school senior there was this freshman that always thought he could mess with me, and he thought it was funny cause I have autism One day, I had enough and he started beating me for my response, He broke THREE FINGERS pounding me in the head trying to kill me, of course I got suspended for striking first, but he never messed with me again
@TheStartrek99 5 ай бұрын
The disection story is kinda funny for me because my high-school biology class ended up divided into three groups for all the disections. Somehow, the teacher managed to perfectly divide the class into the squeamish kids, the kids who didn't particularly enjoy but didn't have a problem with cutting animals open, and the kids who were curious and excited. As you can imagine, the first group took the most time and the last group took the least time. I was in the last group. We finished the fetal pig with half the class time left over. The brain was not on the worksheet, but we were curious. Unlike the kid in the story however, we carefully opened up the skull while keeping the brain in tack. Brains are weirdly jellowey.
@mal2ksc 3 ай бұрын
In a similar division my teacher miscalculated and assumed the quiet girl that never talked would be one of the squeamish ones. She turned out to be _very_ curious and excited, and it was the "quiet kids" that got done first, pretty much due to her alone.
@alexandraluster284 4 ай бұрын
The nun story was actually how I stopped biting people when I was in daycare. My mom just flat out bit me back, and I stopped.
@longest_comment_... 4 ай бұрын
My history teacher is a really sweet gay mexican man, but two of the kids in my class liked to see him cry, once while my teacher was teaching his class a group of children made a racist comment about him "can you give us the coc@in- you have up your a$$ Mr. Gutiérrez?" my teacher began screaming at them and bawling his eyes out, the kids laughed like maniacs, then the teacher grounded them without recess, they got pissed. They stabbed the poor man with Scissors on the arm, (mind you i was in 3rd grade at the time, the kid was about 8 or 9) he screamed and cried, needless to say the police were called and we didnt see the boys for the rest of the school year. Mr Gutiérrez didn’t press charges, he was addmitted to the hospital for 2 days and i and some other children visited him, to this day he still teaches us history
@randycarter2001 6 ай бұрын
It's not just music where being a jerk is detrimental. Even A list actors will start to lose out when their reputation is that they're jerks and hard to work with. Nobody wants to hire a pain in the butt employee
@mal2ksc 3 ай бұрын
Also let's face it: most gigs (musical or acting) do not require the absolute top talent, and there's a reasonable pool of second-tier talent, so you can only get away with being a jerk if you're on that top tier -- and you'd better hope you stay there if you do that.
@RedX101 6 ай бұрын
Can we have a double standards video? Or even CPS workers story’s?
@BassGal92 6 ай бұрын
There's already a double standards video.
@Boing-th4xu 6 ай бұрын
You also spelled stories wrong
@slimeybob5294 6 ай бұрын
They definitely have these, probably even reuploads of these.
@reddyjj4629 6 ай бұрын
We need a double standards part 2
@blitzn00dle50 6 ай бұрын
a double standards video where they omit gendered double standards because that usually makes the comment section an mgclown cesspit of feigned outrage
@wildfyah 5 ай бұрын
If that mother with the failing kid who was on board anything like mine, she either intentionally ignored me at home and expected me to just do the work without any help or she'd lose her shit on me because i had a hard time understanding her style vs the teacher's style. i got tired of her outbursts so I literally just stopped doing anything. she sided with the teachers saying they're free to give me corporal punishment for not turning in work. Eventually i just did the homework at school and learned to teach myself stuff. It wasn't stellar but enough to do what i had to do.
@chebryan 6 ай бұрын
12:19 Ok, it’s one thing to be narcissistic, but to think you are equivalent to a god among men is just absurd. That kid told a girl to end herself *over a musical instrument.* I don’t know how those people make it very far without that behavior corrected. But, I’m glad he got the justice he deserved. On another note, great video!
@xOrionNebula2708 6 ай бұрын
for me people who tell other people to kill themselves other then to try and say it to the person who often says that to other people to possibly make them realize "yea i really didint like that" and possibly realize as well is "oh i have been saying this to other people" other then that reason they will for ever be ALIEN to me
@xOrionNebula2708 6 ай бұрын
i dont like arguing and i dont like bullying either the only time i will argue or throw insults is to try and knock some sense into some person who has no idea that there actions really can harm others or that being disrespectful is not okay
@Sparkymcgee365 5 ай бұрын
I was always bullied for being the shortest kid in class. Like, easily 6 inches to a foot shorter than people a year younger than me. Then, at age 14, i hit my growth spurt. I grew over six inches in 9 months. Im now 16, and one of the tallest kids in my grade. And you better believe ive given everyone who was taller than me hell.
@xOrionNebula2708 Ай бұрын
@ariannarenee389 6 ай бұрын
So, this is fresh on my mind because ironically, I ran into this guy at my work yesterday... but growing up starting from Pre-K, I knew of this guy, we'll call him Mark. He was a pretty geeky kid in elementary school, but he was always kind. We only ever shared a couple of classes in elementary school, and then I rarely talked to him. In middle school, I had stopped hearing about him until I became friends with this guy in 8th grade. We'll call him Kyle. Kyle was on the football team with Mark, and complained to me about how Mark would get on the nerves of the whole team with some of the things he'd say. I don't think Kyle ever elaborated, but suddenly Kyle was gone for a week. When he came back he told me he got suspended for punching Mark in the face after something he had said. A few things I'd like to clarify; Kyle was not a violent person, and was actually a very calm and kind person. He told me Mark had said something so bad he refused to repeat it, and I believe him. Especially since I learned the entire rest of the football team was on Kyle's side. Not in a bullying kind of way, they were all fairly tame. They were just genuinely tired of Marks bs. Then came highschool where I finally learned what kind of person Mark had become as at the age of 16, it had become common knowledge what his extreme political views were (I mean, harmfully extreme). He would regularly make disgusting, misogynistic comments to girls he shared classes with. To the point one girl threw something at him with no consequence as the teacher was a woman who was also tired of hearing what Mark had to say. And by our senior year, he was so hated, a couple of guys jokingly decided to vote him into homecoming court. Now, I'd like to say that these guys had no idea their little joke would turn into something huge as it snowballed into a majority of people voting for Mark out of frustration. Mark was at the point of begging people not to vote for him as he knew what it meant, and didn't want the notoriety. I think it was finally setting in how his actions made him so hated. I didn't want to vote for someone I didn't like, so I didn't participate, but he did end up becoming the homecoming king. Mark was quiet after that. The message that he wasn't liked was sent out very peacefully (my school had a zero tolerance on bullying, yet they excused his actions as not wanting to get involved with politics). I'm not sure he fully changed as before we graduated him and his girlfriend followed my socials, and they were both still very politically active (causing me to block them as I didn't want to see that). A few years later running into him, I have no idea what he's like now. He was kind like he was when we were kids, and I know he at least grew enough to not be so outwardly hateful. I have no idea if he still believes anything extremely harmful, but I hope he doesn't. For him, and everyone around him
@FullmetalAngyl 6 ай бұрын
I keep hearing "Was this really karmic justice or just consequences of their actions?" I don't get it, how is suffering the consequences of your actions not a form of karmic justice?
@pennyforyourthots 6 ай бұрын
I think the idea of karmic justice, and the colloquial understanding anyway, is about people facing ironic Justice from a source unrelated to their actions. Like, the basketball kid is probably probably one of the better examples in the video. They got hurt in the exact same way they were hurting others, but it wasn't because one of their victims got revenge, but rather because of an unrelated game that just so happened to be occurring at the same time. I think most people online basically use karma as a synonym for "poetic Justice" or "poetic irony". It's not just about someone facing the consequences of their actions, but getting consequences in a manner that is ironic.
@FullmetalAngyl 6 ай бұрын
@@pennyforyourthots That makes sense.
@RiccardoBernardi-h7v 3 ай бұрын
1:01 the fact that he told 4 different versions of the story should already be a red flag 💀
@jordanhunter3375 6 ай бұрын
#18: Would be super karmic if it was Brandon who sent the prank bomb call and got himself caught
@Antifearn 5 ай бұрын
The story of the flutist reminds me of this girl who was in my middle school orchestra class. Her name was Adriana, she was the first chair violist, and she was an absolute bitch. She was really good at her instrument, but she always berated me and the other members of the orchestra, even in front of our strict teacher. She always got to play at fancy public events, churches, and music groups for gifted kids, had multiple violas for every sort of event, always bragged about the fancy rosin and instrument cases and even an electric viola her mother bought her, all with an attitude my whole class hated and our teacher was disappointed in. In 8th grade, Adriana got a terrible concussion from a softball game that hindered her viola-playing abilities and we all watched as she moved further down the chairs in the section up to the second to last chair. None of us had any empathy for her. Adriana quit playing the viola in the middle of her freshman year of high school and actually got expelled in our sophomore year for attacking a student in another class with a pair of scissors. I don’t know where she is or if she’s still even around today.
@A13XLaircey 6 ай бұрын
18:33 Huh? I was just about to start scrolling; that don't come til the end!
@MarioToyCompany 4 ай бұрын
There was a kid in my 6 grade spainsh class that tried to be class clown, but his friends were the only ones laughing. The teacher was always annoyed by him but one time he went too far. He came late for the 14th time, and the teacher got mad. His allibi was that he was jumped and got his back stolen and sent to the special area. The teacher didn't let him go get, so the kid made his friend get his bag. IT'S WAS THE WRONG BACK THO. The teacher checked the bag to see if its his and then said after checking the folder "oh this is differently not yours it has passing grades!" The whole class laughed and started roasting him with the teacher we basically got a free period.
@mal2ksc 3 ай бұрын
But did you roast him for an hour _in Spanish?_ Because if you did... why would the teacher want to interrupt a great lesson?
@MarioToyCompany 3 ай бұрын
@mal2ksc some did, and some didn't my friend group laughed at him cause the spainish teacher had finally had enough of his BS
@siqxyre8473 5 ай бұрын
Story 17 looks like Depression I went through my school years exactly like that. It was depression
@danielhughes441 Ай бұрын
Regarding the second story, I need to address this term “lazy”: most people who are deemed lazy are actually either neurodivergent to a degree, suffer from some kind of PTSD, or both. A better word to describe these parents would be ‘disinterested;” or “entitled;” or “uncaring.”
@moonlightnightwing 4 ай бұрын
Okay, I gotta weigh in on story 15. I was a biter as a kid. I surprisingly never bit a stranger or classmates but family (little brother, cousins) fair game in my young child mind- this was about 16 or so years ago. One time I was playing with my mom and bit her... hard. So she bit me back, just as hard as I bit her. I haven't bitten anyone since. Now before anyone cries, "abuse!" or something stupid like that - no. My mom isn't abusive, she was smart knowing that if I bit her then it was only a matter of time before some other kid bit me back. She just did it first and it hurt and taught me that, it DID hurt.
@app1es 6 ай бұрын
I have a story, I had a terrible classmate but they never gotten real karma. I’ll call them Charlotte. Autistic but had rotten behaviour and attitude, and because they were a special needs kid they got out of *everything* they did, going as far as shoving another classmate (left the school but I was friends with them) down the stairs, and just getting a small slap on the wrist not to do it again. The kid Charlotte shoved ended up in the hospital from a broken nose and wrist. Everything they did to other classmates (insulting, harassing, humiliating, kicking, punching, throwing things, list goes on), they faced barely any consequences. I was Charlotte’s *best* friend for 2 years, ever since I went to the school. Didn’t realise how terrible they were. Everyone hated them, so when they saw I friended them, the classmates ignored me a lot. Little me didn’t know why. 2 years of being friends (even as friends they kick me, insults me, talks down at me, touches my stuff without consent, punches me and actually threw a table at me because I was winning in a quiz), one of the classmates in our class came up to me and asked if I want to be their friend and be in the friend group. Since I never really had any other friends other than Charlotte, I accepted. The moment Charlotte realised, they rained hell over the friend group. More insults, more threats, more shaming. And the teachers did nothing, because “they are a special needs kid” “they’re autistic, don’t be so harsh”. In the two years I was actual friends with Charlotte I’ve went to their house a couple times. Their brothers were way better than them. Their mother and father were better than them. I don’t know how they got such rotten to the core attitude, and guess what? They disrespect their family as well. At that point, being around 14-17 years old, I decided to end the friendship. Didn’t realise no matter how much I tell them verbally. Ended up having to tell them through a chat. Next day of school, they threw a tantrum. A horrible fit. Threw things at me, threatened me, and wailing loudly throughout classes. Ended up suspended for a week but again faced little to no consequences. This wasn’t real karma since her other actions are forgotten, but the classmates (and most of our grade) felt extremely satisfied.
@aricthomas8349 5 ай бұрын
This one isn't as much "perfect justice being served", but it still feels like justice. My mom said that when she was in kindergarten, she was standing in line to do some sort of activity (don't remember what), and at some point the line somehow got a little mixed up (no fault of any of the kids), and my mom ends up in front of someone else who was previously in front of my mom. For some reason, this other kid decided that the mix-up was my mom's fault, so she decided to start pinching my mom. My mom asked her to stop, then told her, then yelled and screamed at her to stop, but she wouldn't (part of me is surprised that no teachers heard the commotion and put a stop to it, but part of me thinks that maybe they did, and they didn't care. That actually wouldn't surprise me, given their attitude later on). Eventually my mom had had it, and she bit the other kids' arm. They were both rushed to the principals office, and the principal wouldn't let my mom tell her side of the story. The principal just had my mom look at the other kids' arm, and my moms' first thought was "I have perfect teeth!". And so to this day, my mom has no remorse.
@halotalim 6 ай бұрын
Not kids, but adults in trade school. My younger brother went to trade school to be a welder. There were these 2 loud mouth, obnoxious guys in his class who bragged about "how much experience" they already had and how "this class is justa formality." One played the same 5 songs on a Bluetooth speaker at all times and the other was just a comdemsemding no it all. My brother found out they had make a bet against him completing the course. One bet he would be gone by Chrostmas and the other said he would be gone by Thanksgiving. They even put hundreds of dollars against him. Come the last class. One of the two had dropped out because of too many absences and the other dropped out because he couldn't keep up with the work. Out of a class of 35, only 6 graduated. One was my bro who outlasted them both and now works at the largest vehucle breaking system air tank producer in the world and has been for over a year and a half.
@hope1447 6 ай бұрын
Your brother should've taken the bet money from them before they left
@blitzn00dle50 6 ай бұрын
unsure how people make it to higher education like that and don't get their shit rocked
@AishathFauzaaIbrahim 6 ай бұрын
Your brother sounds cool, congrats!
@anisa8835 4 ай бұрын
On the last story it’s not weird at all for the teacher to be happy they were upset. I teach 1-5 grade music and the tears usually only occur when they are at least somewhat remorseful or at the very minimum realize what they did wrong at this age. Often kids like this never get a single consequence or they’ll be good for one day and then they’re allowed to go on whatever field trip or do whatever fun thing. The fact that this principal actually stayed back with them shows great administration in the teachers, you can’t say what you want to get to misbehave so the fact that they actually have a consequence that’s some thing that truly makes teachers smile.
@jneumy566 3 ай бұрын
The first one's such a juicy example of an entitled kid lying himself to death, telling so many stories just to make the teacher look bad that as soon as more than one witness to his stories is brought in, it all falls apart. Hopefully the parent learned not to think her kid so innocent and untouchably righteous
@JDubs1464 6 ай бұрын
"Is this karmic justice or is this just consequences?" ...That's what karmic justice is. When you do something bad, something bad will happen to you, and vise versa. Disobeying teacher? Bad action. Piglet brain in your mouth? Bad result
@Deleted_Animator 3 ай бұрын
I had this one kid that thought he was the smartest in the class. This was the class where 8/20 of them were in GT (me included) and he didnt get it. He also failed the CBE test (credit by exam, lets you skip a grade in a subject). One day, this little guy decided to start taunting me and calling me dumb, stupid, or other things. Eventually, after a few days, I snapped and started flinging questions at him. I loved watching him struggle to desperately get them correct and fail.
@mr_milquetoast2221 3 ай бұрын
that last story reminds me of a time in 3rd or 4th grade (think 9 y/o) when my class and the class next to ours were combined for a disciplinary lecture. Except for myself and around 10 other kids. We got to have lovely, unsupervised fun (i drew on the whiteboards, some kids drew or read, etc) while everyone else got reprimanded next door. When the classes were separated again, you could tell some kids had been crying. I never learned what they were told, I was just glad I wasn't there lol.
@kieronparr3403 6 ай бұрын
Parents blaming everyone but their little darlings was standard when my mum taught. Every single week she'd reprimand someone, their parents came in swinging. Only time their lazy arses got off the couch
@LucreciaCrescentIsBestGirl 5 ай бұрын
Not sure if this fits here, but I have a story to tell involving my experience with a bully and zero tolerance. My memory is a bit fuzzy, but I remember the important parts. This happened when I was in seventh or eighth grade, so I was thirteen or fourteen. I was, and still am, somewhat of a quiet student who likes to sit alone. I don’t mind talking to other people, but it’s not my favorite thing to do. I was in the same grade as this girl, Samantha. One day, Samantha came up to me with this overly-sweet attitude all “hi best friend,” and acted all buddy-buddy with me. We were acquaintances, because we were in some of the same classes when we were little, but not friends. I didn’t like the way she did this (I’m on the spectrum, and for some reason, her behavior just rubbed me the wrong way), so I told her to stop. She did not. Day after day, she continued to try and butter me up for seemingly no reason. I got so tired of it, that I eventually snapped one day. That fateful day, I was outside the cafeteria when she swaggers up to me with her “hi best friend” schtick. I went up to her and promptly punched her in the mouth. I then turned around and continued down into the cafeteria. I actually ended up scraping one of my fingers on her teeth, but I didn’t care. I was eating my lunch when a bunch of teachers came up to me and told me to go to the office. I did so, and they brought me to and asked me what happened. I tell them. They say that Samantha told me that I had just hit her for no reason. I would have been screwed, and I was afraid of what would happen. I was prone to outbursts at the time, so I would occasionally be brought to the office for suspensions. This time, however, I had an advantage that I didn’t even realize. You see, in my town, there was only one school district, which was run by the same people. One of these higher-ups was a woman named Terri. She was a principal for my first few years in the district, so she basically saw me grow up. She was really nice, and she knew what kind of person I am. So when she got told that I had punched a student, she knew there was more. Terri and the others checked the security cameras, and saw that my story checked out. I probably would have gotten kicked out if it weren’t for her. I still ended up with a few days of suspension, if I recall, but I don’t mind now. And Samantha never bothered me again until we graduated. Bonus story: Terri had helped me out a few years previously. The principal’s office could oversee the field and playground where recess was held for the 4-6 graders. My friends and I had a sort of role playing game that we would play during recess. One day, we were playing a fight and acting out an intimidation scene with one of the sometimes-friends. One of the higher-ups saw us and were afraid that we were bullying the kid. But Terri could see that we were playing and helped clear things up. She later brought us in and explained what had happened, and we told her about our game, and she seemed to find it interesting. I guess the moral of the story is that it helps to have people who know you. Also, to Ethan, Carter, Karsen, Vivian, Elliott and Will, I hope you’re all happy and doing well.
@Thecoolmeister2005 6 ай бұрын
Damn the kindergartener in story 7 was more mature than the older kid
@karaoconnoraliasraidra 4 ай бұрын
Speaking of plagiarism, I have a great story from my aunt, who is a retired teacher. See, my aunt and her sister/my mother both taught Language Arts (English class which also taught spelling, reading comprehension, and writing skills in addition to grammar) to seventh- and eighth-graders (usually ages 12-14). While my Mom got married and had children, my aunt didn’t do either. One time, my aunt assigned her students to write a simple children’s book. Most of them did the assignment successfully, but she read one student’s book and told her, “You didn’t write this.” The girl insisted that no, she really did write it, so my aunt told her, “I know you didn’t write this because I’ve read this story to my niece I don’t know how many times.” Yep, this student happened to plagiarize a book that my aunt had repeatedly read to me. She thought that my aunt didn’t read children’s books because she didn’t have children, but she was wrong. Also, the salutatorian at my nephew’s high school graduation plagiarized parts of her graduation speech (and did it badly). The rumor was she had only gotten the position because her parents had some kind of influence at the school. I wonder what happened to her in college because I can’t see someone like that doing well with Mommy and Daddy not there to help her.
@beeallen2743 6 ай бұрын
As the horrible student, Karma hit me everyday before I even made it to school. Acting out because of abuse gang lol
@xOrionNebula2708 6 ай бұрын
that was me accept i didint act out twoards other kids really in the school
@xOrionNebula2708 6 ай бұрын
i just didint listen to the teacher and other stuff
@christinesinclair6938 6 ай бұрын
I teach college online. I have caught a bunch of students plagirizing from the SAME source. Let's just say, a dictionary would be better. Anyway, there was a student who was not good. The writing looked like it was run through google translate a BUNCH. That sort of garbled. I was pretty sure this student was cheating all semester. Lo and behold, they turned in their last assignment and suddenly there was a span of 3-5 coherent sentences that I recognized from another commonly used cheat source for that particular assignment. I also caught the little sh!t using that other common source too btw. Student ended up threatening me with harm AND mouthing off in written form. Needless to say, this student screwed themselves BIG TIME.
@DarkKnightofIT 6 ай бұрын
18:30 seems like you mixed up where the outro was supposed to be?
@raphaeld4313 6 ай бұрын
On story 18 I was half expecting to hear Brandon turning out to be the kid who called the bomb threat 😅
@greathoonta3461 6 ай бұрын
“But I also wouldn’t plagiarize” Meanwhile he has taken hundreds of comment answers to question as well as r/askreddit post questions without crediting any of the commenters or the people who made the post and placed them into videos he definitely intends to be monetized.
@georgegatehouse88 5 ай бұрын
well your not wrong, nor right, just depends on your point of view tbh.
@greathoonta3461 5 ай бұрын
@@georgegatehouse88 it’s not about point of view. Plagiarism is not properly sourcing and crediting your resources
@Kimmy.is.here. 6 ай бұрын
My brother will get a plush basketball we have in our house, and then yell "BUCKETS!" and throw it at my head.
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