His "new technological affordances" (10:25) - "connecting, observing, spying, correlating, data mining" certainly extend the typical kinds of experiments in psychology that have, in great detail, thus far documented the reality of affordances as a basis for experiencing (and explaining) perception. Affordances about affordances, or "METAFFORDANCES" - the one-step removed interfaces with reality, deserve greater study, for their impact "for better or worse" (Gibson, 1979) will only increase.
@WishachieverZ11 жыл бұрын
As individuals will soon be unable to comprehend this mind game because of the complexity that it will soon become. And hope that this created systems won't be to unpredictable to control.
@souravsrivastava84474 жыл бұрын
Why this video has so much comments and views ? This is gold by standards.
@vjeraturk3 жыл бұрын
"It's time to reset. But we'll have to be resetting for the rest of entirety "