The Aftermath of the "Female Adeptus Custodes Drama" - How the Community Really Reacted

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Cory Collects

Cory Collects

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@deadknight1402 5 ай бұрын
I made a long-ass comment about my thoughts on it, as well as the thing about it having been described as a "Brotherhood", and then I was hit with a power outage. Fuck me. Now, even if you don't think that any of the first 10,000 were female (the specific wording of them having been the "sons" of the warlords of Terra can always be written off as an in-universe historical error), it's definitely a fact that Custodians can, and have died. The most severe Custodian losses I can find would be the War in the Webway (the event where the Emperor got onto the Vengeful Spirit towards the end of the Siege of Terra via the damaged Webway gate in his palace, creating a deluge of Daemons arriving on Terra which the Talons of the Emperor had to defend against, which killed a whopping *9,000* Custodians). Not to mention that Custodians who slow with age--even by a fraction of a nanosecond--retire into information gatherers, leaving the ranks of the Imperial Palace open for new Custodians to be made to upkeep the defenses of the Palace. There's never been anything stating that whatever process is used to make Custodians couldn't be done successfully with female subjects (hell, if anybody tries telling you that they know how Custodians are made, they're lying through their teeth because nobody knows how they're made outside of the Custodians and the Emperor himself), and we don't know how exactly they select new subjects for their conversion process, so they could have very well chosen female subjects as recruits without a second thought. Considering how rarely we ever see a Custodian without their armour or helmet, they could very well be in any of the models or artwork, retroactively or otherwise. I'm approaching it this way because I'm seriously tired of Cawl; I hate him, and wish he was never made (and I'm speaking as someone who loves the Mechanicum), which is why I refuse to acknowledge any such explanations involving him in any way, shape, or form. (I still consider the Primaris stuff (and yes, more specifically, Belisarius Cawl) to legitimately be worse than female custodes could ever hope to be) As for them being referred to as a "Brotherhood", which these people seem to think is a slam-dunk... It isn't. Not even close to one. Yes, it can be used as a masculine-specific word, and there's a female equivalent in the form of Sisterhood. However, English isn't a fictional setting filled with conscious decisions at every turn. It's a naturalistic language that evolved on its own over centuries, and thus, is incredibly messy and complicated, and history plays a substantial role in its modern features. To this day, "Brotherhood" can be used to refer to any association of people dedicated to a particular purpose or idea. While yes, this can be applied to all-male groups, it can, and has been, applied to groups of any gender composition, except for all-female. This is partly because we tend to default to masculine terminology when referring to groups of mixed-gender or indeterminate gender. Hell, even when referring to people whom we know as female, we can often end up using masculine terms casually like "Dude", "Man" (ex. C'mon, man.), "Guys", or "Bro". Even in modern nerddom this has been the case. Tell me honestly, how many of us here have ever gotten worked up while playing Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim because we joined the Dark _Brotherhood,_ and found that it has some sisters as well? This pedantry, like with the use of singular They/Them, is something that has seldom bothered anyone up until now, but only becomes an issue once you start shining a spotlight on it, usually for rhetorical effect. And if you're this angry over it with English, then I shudder to think of how you'll react to other languages. (¿No hablas Español? ¿Chicos y chicas?) The best opposition I've seen to the introduction of female Custodes is that it could steal desperately needed attention from the ever-attention-starved Sisters of Silence. I'm not saying this because of the "all-male, all-female" symmetry angle (to be honest, I'm not aware of any reason for the Sisters of Silence to be all-female to begin with, and relabeling them as the _Order_ of Silence could be of help to them in this regard should we continue with the Adeptus Custodes as a mixed-gender faction, thus restoring that o so precious symmetry (give me my Twinks of Silence, James Workshop!)), but rather because the Sisters of Silence really need to be further expanded upon instead of introducing female Custodians. I feel very similarly about the Astartes vs Sororitas situation; sure, you _could_ make female space marines, but I would much prefer they just expand on the sisters of battle some more because they desperately need some attending to. Add in more Sororitas Orders Militant with their own themes and aesthetics that aren't literally just Order of Our Martyred Lady but Red Armour, or OoOML but Silver Armour, or OoOML but Black Robes instead of red, and so on, you get my point. I'd much rather see an expansion of what we already have, because homebrew can only take us so far.
@CoryCollects 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for this lengthy and wonderful comment! I really appreciate it and enjoyed reading it. I perfectly agree with all your takes. The only thing I would like to delve into a little more is the Astartes vs. Sororitas argument. In my opinion, the main reason for introducing women into the Space Marines, aside from the fact that humanity in 40k is ruled by what is essentially a fascist ideology (and let's face it, no one in 40k is a good guy), is primarily because the Space Marines are the "poster boys" of not only Warhammer 40k but of the entire tabletop wargaming hobby. Having them be the most diverse faction in terms of culture, gender, and sex would be the best way to communicate to everyone that Warhammer is truly a hobby for everyone, as long as you're not being maliciously hateful by discriminating against others based on those terms. That being said, I also apply the same reasoning to the Sisters, thinking that the addition of men in the Sororitas would be perfectly fine and, to me, a welcome change. What I would also really love to see is the SoS and especially the SoB expanded upon more, giving them the Space Marines treatment by, for example, creating sub-codexes for every order. However, I don't think this will happen anytime soon due to the "induced demand" mechanic for the Astartes, unfortunately. Anyway, I'm rambling too much, and at this point, I'm not sure if I made my point clear. But I'm going to pin your comment on top because I really enjoyed it.
@aenfeain 5 ай бұрын
IMO retcon is not a problem at all. allowing woke agenda to come into WH will become a problem. those ppl don't care about quality/fans/customers/fun. their previous actions proves it everywher they came. movies, computer games, etc... now it is time for WH.
@nine1690 4 ай бұрын
8E Codex, page 14: “It is known that all Custodians begin their lives as the infant sons of the noble houses of Terra.” Sure, maybe the process could be done on women, but that doesn’t make the previous lore blatantly saying there are no females any less relevant when they tell us “there have always been femstodes”. There is no room for femstodes anyway when the Sisters of Silence exist and are infinitely more interesting than “Custodes for dommy mommy fetishists”.
@epiccthulu 4 ай бұрын
@@nine1690 Yes. That was entirely retconned when the codex that came after said “only Custodians know the recruitment and creation process.”
@epiccthulu 4 ай бұрын
@@nine1690 Their first codex said that it is known that they are recruited from sons. The Second codex said that ONLY the custodians know their recruitment process. That retconned the first codex. The people who don’t like the change for that reason had no understanding of the custodian lore to begin with
@LegoM12 5 ай бұрын
I think it’s weird addressing this point from a miniature painting pov, this is only an important argument on the lore side of the community. To start saying that it doesn’t matter because we keep on painting is like a movie actor saying “it doesn’t matter what the writers write because we keep on acting”. The idea that 40k is just miniature painting in 2024 is crazy to me.
@TrexGrimStud 5 ай бұрын
Exactly with the amount of books they put out and other games . GW isn't just a miniature company . Also if they really wanted female custodes nothing is stoping them from doing head swaps .
@pabloalonsolasagabaster658 5 ай бұрын
I believe that people who defend this change is ¨playing dumb¨ saying it is a simple naive retcon. We haven´t been living under a rock since 2015. We´ve all seen Ghostbusters 2016, rings of power, doctor who.... etc We all know where this is going. That doesn´t mean they don´t have the right to like the change, I respect their opinion. I am personally going back to 5th edition, you guys have fun with whatever Warhammer is going to become, I truly mean it, not everything has to fit my personal taste
@TheDannMannn 5 ай бұрын
My main issue with it is that everyone misrepresented those who did not like the change as sexist, when in reality everyone who was angry was mad about HOW they were introduced and how the GW social media account handled it
@Runefather 5 ай бұрын
I don't really care all that much how they were introduced. A part of why I like Marines and Custodes is that they are (were) a brotherhood, an all-male power fantasy.
@scannerbarkly 5 ай бұрын
Kinda funny that you claim people were unfairly representing people they disagreed while you use the word EVERYONE. lol
@katamariroller2837 5 ай бұрын
>in reality everyone who was angry was mad about HOW they were introduced and how the GW social media account handled it Nah. It was manchildren and grifters feeding into each other.
@amituna7903 5 ай бұрын
Except thats just not true. Lots of people pretended they were mad about HOW it was introduced, when in reality there have been far bigger lore altering retcons (which directly affect the larger universe as a whole) that the same kind of people didn't make a peep about. Suddenly you get one female custodes with a tiny little short story (which really only slightly contradicts previous lore) and people lose their minds. Throwing a baby fit and using the excuse of it was 'how' they introduced them is such a weak defence. 40k lore is contradictory and inconsistent at the best of times and most of the time people look past it.
@jcosta.16 5 ай бұрын
People are acting like there is nothing in the Codex, only the social media post. I think lore changes can happen inside the codex. What they want? A full novel with a female character as 1st introduction to the subject? 😂
@DustyLamp 5 ай бұрын
Hard disagree on the lore being secondary to the game. You can feel however you want about female space marines, but the lore behind the models is the reason 40k and AoS endures. The game itself is nothing to write home about, and the models are nice but overpriced and are quickly losing ground to 3rd parties. The library of lore is the only thing setting it apart from the competition.
@amituna7903 5 ай бұрын
I get your point but the lore IS secondary for the game. Model sales inform lore, very rarely the other way around. There wouldn't be as much space marine books if Space Marine models didn't sell the most. The Old World was a beloved piece of lore but sales for that game were so bad they had to destroy the game for several years.
@brandonlyon730 5 ай бұрын
They literally killed off all of Warhammer fantasy originally just because the miniature sales weren’t selling well at all. Some 40k armies were selling more then all of Fantasy combined before the end times.
@kataro89 5 ай бұрын
So a decade or so back i personally would not have given much concern for this change. But with the last few years of seeing other fandoms drop in quality in story and treatment of their core fandom, i and many other fans are more concern with this being the first few steps into a ideology that is divisive. That being identity politics being first and for most instead of good story and game play. I dont want modern real world politics in my game or story. I was drawn into 40k for the grim dark future for stories of humanity fighting off aliens and literal demons in a endless war. whether those stories be about super human soldiers or just regular men and women of the guard ( and sister hood ). i could care less what race, sex or who their sexually attracted to, i want a stories about heroics, last stands and grimdark galaxy where there is no "good" or "bad', just beings trying to survive a blink galaxy. So its not just some "far right" fake fans that are not happy about this, I and many other fans are not happy be cause this could be a bad sign of things to come. I came into this hobby to escape the real world for just a few moments out of a crazy life and many others feel the same.
@manda60 5 ай бұрын
For someone who doesn't care "what race, sex, or who their (sic) sexually attracted to" you sure did complain a lot.
@kataro89 5 ай бұрын
@@manda60 So you I'm guessing you didn't understand or care to understand what I was saying. And yes I will "complain" as you say "a lot"… because I want to be sure my argument is understood. And not "uh your wrong, they ruin the game". How about you provide a counter to my argument or not?
@NeoHellPoet 5 ай бұрын
My dude this is exclusively coming from the anti Female Custodes side. Custodes is one of the few armies that has actual battleline units that are female and always has. The change came in as a one page story in a rule book with no novel and no model to accompany it. It was fluff for the subsection of the playerbase that plays that specific army and nobody should even know or care exept suddenly the twitter and TikTok people came in drowes. Custodes players bought out the new Battlebox and the old combat patrol almost instantly. They cared insofar that they didn't get a new model with the new lore. They were pissed that they only got 4 detachments in their Codex, they bitched about the Index detachment getting nerfed, but they were perfectly happy with the lore, and then thousands of tourists who don't know an upgrade sprew from a pair of clippers came in and said GW ruined "their game" The player base is and was pissed at the same things as always, this nonsense however, was of zero concern to anyone actually in the hobby
@kataro89 5 ай бұрын
@@NeoHellPoet Yea but I am not part of that crowd or as thier being called tourists. But that is not my argument. I would rather see fans complain about the state of the game then this, lord knows the game needs lots of work still. Again my point is that it this could be of signs of more unnecessary lore changes for ideology and virtue signaling then actually for the lore and game. And in the recent years lots of fandoms have gone down in quality because they put a political ideological message in more high regard then the story and game.
@NG-gy6iv 3 ай бұрын
And what about women who want to do the same? Try putting yourself in someone else's shoes
@FelixTheory 5 ай бұрын
Those not matter how many or where you come from, it’s the best arguments that count. Retcon are either improvement or bad writing. As you mentioned, Necrons are a great example on how to improve a setting with a new lore and faction. This change is bad, it contradicts well established lore, had no explanation to the changes and simply reply of them always being there is a poor accuse. Pretty good reason to complain.
@NeoHellPoet 5 ай бұрын
The well established lore is two paragraphs in the 8th edition codex. The first called them the brotherhood of Demigods so it went from being half wrong to being wrong on both counts. The second was the one that said they were the sons of Terran nobility. That paragraph started with the phrase "it is known" as the source of the information and then went into detail about how nobody really knows how they're made, how they work or what their deal is. GW is also the company that retconed the timeline of a book series between two books by a century with zero explanation and retconed the Codex Leagues of Votan into the League's of Votan art book between pre release and the books shipping out and the outrage that the $40 book suddenly didn't have valid rules before anyone got to play with it was less than it is here. Why?
@nine1690 4 ай бұрын
@@NeoHellPoet It was also reiterated in the 9E codex, and every mention the Big E has of them (ya know, the guy creating them) has been male or neutral in nature. So it’s hardly some unreliable lore piece, especially when writers have been on record saying GW doesn’t want female Custodes.
@NG-gy6iv 3 ай бұрын
It is an improve,ent though. Women are finally allowed ti be transhuman badasses
@greydeathangel 5 ай бұрын
I honestly don't care about the lore change, but I do think GW could've handled the criticism a little better. They didn't do such a solid way of creating the lore for the Primaris marines before, and some of the other issues, and so the Custodes retcon did feel quite as lazy as the Primaris addition, For me the headcannon I go with for the Primaris being introduced is that Cawl found a uncorrupted copy of the Raptors template (the thing that BigE gave the Ravenguard in order to rebuild, but the Alpha Legion messed up for him), and for the Custodes I believe they still are able to make more. Since they needed to recoup their losses in the Horus Heresy, war of the Beast, so on they had to break with tradition and recruit more than male only custodians. My biggest beef with this is what about the Sisters of Silence? They are the second half of the Talons of the Emperor and all they got is ONE kit that isn't FW resin, and your stuck only building the plastic options Flamer, Bolter, and greatsword....they could've given us more plastic sisters of silence in this new edition as well.
@NeoHellPoet 5 ай бұрын
Primaris was widely considered a clusterfuck. They always did "it was always like this" retcons before and since. Primaris was really the one time they made a change with lore that explains it and decided to never do it again
@GoobertownHobbies 5 ай бұрын
She looks great! I agree with your takes on this, and I'm hoping that we get to see some official models someday :-)
@CoryCollects 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for your comment, Brent!
@gamehead6347 5 ай бұрын
I was beyond elated when every channel I was already watching came out with basically the same take. I'm so glad I can continue ethically consuming every miniature channel I already was. Really all this drama did was put a spotlight on how wonderful everyone in the hobby is.
@channelsofash 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for the positive video about the topic. I tend towards the positive side of the hobby and tend to ignore angry just for the sake of angry videos. It's fine to find flaws like some people being disappointed there wasn't more build up to the lore change but for me 40K isn't ruined forever if someone gets more creative options for their figures or an author has another option for their novel.
@CoryCollects 5 ай бұрын
I completely understand you my friend. While I generally prefer to avoid drama, I found it necessary to share my thoughts on this particular issue. Sometimes it's important to inject a bit of positivity into the conversation.
@darkblade5432 5 ай бұрын
Best video on the topic so far. Love this. Subbed
@Madj3llyfish 5 ай бұрын
When my friend texted me and said "there are now female custodes. What do you think?" I answered "Well, the process to make a custodes is not as specific as that of the Space Marines so I don't see why, from a practical point of view, they couldn't make it happen with women". I expected Belisarius Cawl to have something to do with it. I expected the lore to change forward. Instead what we got was "There have always been there" and that's what started making me raise an eyebrow. I can't stand retcons but I'm willing to be won over if there is a very good reason for it. I prefer the lore to change forwards. And when the community manager started banning people that made me angry. That's what matters, how you treat your community. If you are going to do something that you know is going to make some people upset you better have a plan... any plan. Doesn't seem that GW cared to have one.
@NeoHellPoet 5 ай бұрын
GW does not do changes that aren't retcons. Primaris was the exception, Primaris was a also a clusterfuck and got retconed itself when oh look, the thing that was supposed to solve all the issues the chapters had, actually didn't solve any of them, they're just bigger now. GW literally retconed the timeline of the Plague Wars between book 2 and 3 and not by a little and with zero effort to explain why or how. There are 5 male Sisters of Battle characters, one is a Xenos Epic hero of the Sisters of Battle. You can't tell me anyone actually cares they did it this way when they did way, waaay worse every single fiscal quarter since their inception and nobody made a fuss until now
@corvus_armatura7595 5 ай бұрын
​@@NeoHellPoet It's still impossible to make a tournament legal army of them though. At that point you're only looking at a halfway point of incursion and a strikeforce if you're somewhat lucky enough to find the models. At that point, I'd argue Rhino drivers on space marine vehicles are female space marines considering that you don't even need power armor or geneseed to drive them. I've also already looked at the models and NONE of them have power armor so they're not sisters.
@Madj3llyfish 5 ай бұрын
@@NeoHellPoet I can tell you I care. The fact that they did it before doesn't make it right any of the other times either. But that's not what tipped me over the edge. It was the treatment of the community right after. Those are customers and GW seems to forget. I ended up quitting GW mostly because of what they did to Warcry warbands and Stormcast Eternals but this added to it.
@jaymaxwell8645 5 ай бұрын
First video of yours I've seen. I appreciate your POV and think I'll stick around :).
@PallyChan 5 ай бұрын
The thing that I found crazy about this whole controversy was the SHEER MULTITUDE of people who don't play Warhammer commenting on the lore change...
@trel 5 ай бұрын
Exactly. A bunch of culture warriors piled in once they saw a new opportunity to make clickbait videos. The number of takes out there that kept mixing up Custodes and Astartes made it very plain that they weren’t 40k players. They just wanted people to get mad.
@camilguzman6488 5 ай бұрын
I don't play the game, I only buy the audiobooks, I still consume Warhammer content, because I don't play then I have no right to opinion?
@justinschwieger71 5 ай бұрын
The amount of grifter youtuber thumbnails with gold SPACE MARINE women I've seen pop up these last few weeks is hilarious.
@PallyChan 5 ай бұрын
@@camilguzman6488 If you're opinion is in a tiny minority don't expect to be catered to by a huge corporation. Nobody cried woke when Necrons just became Tomb Kings in space, even though a lot of people didn't like the change. This has happened before and it will happen again, and believe it or not there is nothing wrong with making an international hobby enjoyed by people from every country inclusive of diverse peoples. Nothing political is going on, and you are happy to stop supporting GW for making changes you disagree with. But they will remain a megacorp for decades to come because 99% of the fanbase doesn't care and will continue to spend, not to mention the NEW customers who may be attracted because they see a diverse cast of characters.
@camilguzman6488 5 ай бұрын
@@PallyChan why are you assuming I will stop supporting GW or that I am against the female custode addition? I simply said I don't play the game yet I still consume, so only people who play the game can give opinions? my stance is neutral I simply jumped at the point of non players having a saying because "oh so I don't play the game yet consume from black library yet my opinion doesn't matter". Way to put me in one side of the discussion without me even wording anything positive or negative about it.
@maxfernando1504 Ай бұрын
My issue is that this was solely for Amazon for their new show because they wanted female space marines but compromised with female custodes because they thought the backlash wouldn't be as bad and then tried to gaslight all the fans by saying yeah there has always been female custodes and just changed every wiki and post ever made about them to fit this new "lore" it wasn't a decision made for lore or story reasons it was because a massive corporation told them to so they did then disrespected the fan base by trying to gaslight us then call us misogynists to try and defend themselves, if they would have made a book introducing them like cawl was working with their geneseed or whatever and made new female custodes that would have been fine with me and most of the backlash wouldn't have happened, but it's just the complete disrespect that makes me so mad and made me stop buying warhammer and cancel my whplus subscription, I can't in good faith continue to support a company that views me as a moron and a number on a sheet of paper, ive spent literally almost 10k dollars on various warhammer minis books subscriptions etc and now im stopping because of this blatant disrespect
@br7693t Ай бұрын
Except none of that is true lol
@maxfernando1504 Ай бұрын
@@br7693t it is what are you talking about?
@tektof5649 5 ай бұрын
There are female exclusive armies and that's ok. There are male exclusive armies and that's somehow less ok? Why aren't those same people stomping around for men joining the SoB or SoS? Also what worries me is that every time an IP started to cater to the crowd that is all for diversity and representation, the quality of writing produced has significantly declined. Witcher on netflix, Ghostbusters, Star Trek, Rings of Power...etc.
@NG-gy6iv 3 ай бұрын
Because the guy armies get to be transhuman badasses andthe girl uarmies are stuck as useless normal humans
@jheu781 5 ай бұрын
I'm just waiting for people to dump their Custode bikes on ebay so I can loot them for my Ork army. Orks on flight bikes would look sweet in my army.
@Jsilveira309 5 ай бұрын
You got the eyes of a death skull!
@CoryCollects 5 ай бұрын
That would look amazing, to be honest!
@gregorycafiero9688 5 ай бұрын
Unfortunately the lack of people offloading armies in regards to this change shows exactly who was complaining about it.
@NeoHellPoet 5 ай бұрын
The Custodes Battle Box and the old combat patrol were gone before I opened the pre order page. So a few hours tops. I think it's pretty safe to say nobody picks Custodes because they want an army with no women given that it's one of the few that have actual female models who aren't just named characters.
@Michael-hr4tl 5 ай бұрын
An interesting take with some great points. I however do believe this was influenced entirely by outside factors, most likely Amazon. Simply because there is no model. Since models take a year or more to go from design to mold and then production this feels like a throw away piece that was inserted to give them some play in with Amazon. And the Social media team's handling has been disappointing to say the least. It also pains me because I want the Custodian army to be fleshed out with more then just golden boys in power armor. While I do want the resin models to come out in plastic I need the sister to have more purpose, more models and more rules to have them work in synergy. Allow me to take mixed teams where the Custodian can make Invulnerable saves showing they are protecting the sister. Give me infiltrator sisters with camo cloaks to scout as part of their extraction team. Give me bikes and vehicles and other cool things so they don't feel like a tacked on part of the army. I don't want female Custodians because it will reduce an already limited range of options for the sister to fill in the army. If they really wanted this they should have built like you suggested. The necrons built from the mindless robots by saying those that awoke first were damaged. It just didn't have to be a fight with the community but something that grew out of the current lore.
@anna-flora999 5 ай бұрын
The only influence Amazon might have had was to get GW corporate leadership to FINALLY allow the writers to do what they wanted for years
@Michael-hr4tl 5 ай бұрын
@@anna-flora999 Given who is in charge of Amazon studios and how much money they can throw around compared to GW, they can tell GW exactly what to do if GW wants to expand into wider media. As for the writers, please don't take this the wrong way, but the writers should never be allowed to do what they want. They are writing within a ecosystem, an ethos and atmosphere. It is a universe that is greater then them and they should write accordingly, not just injecting current politics into the narrative because it makes them feel better.
@anna-flora999 5 ай бұрын
@@Michael-hr4tl that may be the case. But unless they can time travel, they didn't introduce the idea
@Michael-hr4tl 5 ай бұрын
​@@anna-flora999 Which view and who? If you are talking about Amazon then yes, it is likely they introduced the idea as a compromise to get a strong female character into the production that isn't a commissar, Sister of Battle or Inquisitor as all of them have serious baggage with the names and attitudes. As for the writer wanting to introduce modern ideas of tolerance and understanding and compassion, why? What does it say about the universe? The Imperium is full of intolerant and ignorant people by design. It is humanity at its worst and yet still doing its best to stave off armageddon. This is a fantastic setting to the game. That is ultimately a war game, where armies clash on a tabletop between friends with their plastic armies that they built and painted.
@tempestvenator9809 4 ай бұрын
@@anna-flora999 Yeah, that's the thing. These grifters usually ignore the fact that ever since the Custodes were retconned into being a playable army that BL writers wanted to make femstodes characters, but GW said no because all the models were male. I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out Henry was pro-femstodes all along. It seems like for the GW writers, femstodes are far more acceptable than femstartes, since GW writers double if not triple down on Astartes having no women.
@drewross3221 5 ай бұрын
I just wish GW attempted reaching out to women by actually building on the sisters. We could really use some SoS models REALLY fucking bad. It would’ve been a stellar move that would’ve appealed to any reasonable person. The whole thing would’ve been very cool if they had done that. It’s rough for sisters fans out there right now imo, they could use some love.
@Azrael56 5 ай бұрын
Does woman only want to play woman? (it's a little bit sexist from GW to think like that) If player need to plays only what is like them, nobody plays Space Marines^^ Bellisarus Cawl could say that he build Custodes with woman but it was harder than for men Custodes so it's only the strongest woman and just few of them could be made: we get woman "Space Marine" but not for all Space Marine so people may be less mad. What is cool with SoS is you juste have to buy 3 mini to get all the range^^ I'm not a Custodes player, I collect Dark Angels so in the end that change don't affect me directly and I think want made people mad is that is an other retcon/gaslight by GW (Curse City doesn't exist, Squat are finaly not all dead^^).
@hephesto555666 5 ай бұрын
@@Azrael56 Not sure there is a typical, woman player or hobbyist out there. Though there at least seems to be a trend of there being more women interested in the creative rather than the competitive side of the hobby. Though I suspect there are a lot more men on that side than we generally see, with tournaments etc. drawing a lot of the attention with bigger brand within the hobby.
@CoryCollects 5 ай бұрын
I completely agree! While I'm excited about the inclusion of women as Custodes, I can't help but feel disappointed by the lack of effort in the lore change. It's a missed opportunity not to have created a compelling lore event to contextualize this update and give some love to the Sisters of Silence as well.
@oreolaw9911 5 ай бұрын
​@@hephesto555666 so I happened to be a woman who enjoys 40K and I definitely focus on the creative side of the hobby but that's mainly because I have had too many bad experiences with the competitive and even casual gaming side and a good amount of those bad experiences came from men who didn't like the fact that I a girl was playing 40K. and from what I have seen , other women in the hobby have also had similar experiences as me , it's probably one of the big reasons we spend more time in the creative side of the hobby and not the game side of the hobby . it's not fun dealing with sexist people especially people who use space marines and Custodes or even just the lore in general as a excuse to be sexist.
@channelsofash 5 ай бұрын
The problem with Sisters of Battle for me is they are bit all or nothing. If you get a giggle out of nuns with guns then it can be your thing, but if if the concept doesn't work for you they don't have other flavors to fall back on. If Ultramarines don't do it for you there are so many other Space Marine colors and flavors to chose from. I think I'd like the faction a lot better if it didn't feel like a Sister of Battle from one region of human space is exactly like a Sister of Battle from the other side of human space.
@fleetwheelmac6978 5 ай бұрын
I have no strong emotions about the change, aside from one thing - I hate it when they talk about females of a faction in-lore but never provide models to depict them. That was the situation we long had with Imperial Guard before recent releases of "...and women of the Imperial Guard". With Space Marines, I could agree with an argument that the fluff of some factions benefits from gender exclusivity (Marines and Sisters, being religious monastic organisations) and it could be argued that Custodes belong to that category as well, but I know people have been kitbashing female Custodes for years, so I just hope they finally get official GW bits to play with. At the end of the day, I see our personal head canons as more important than the official company lore.l - the latter is just a set of guidelines anyway
@fatrhino 5 ай бұрын
As a painter and collector but not a gamer I find I don’t really care.I just want cool models to put on my shelf.Don’t get me wrong I enjoy the lore and the books but not enough to get all worked up over it.Especially about an army whose paint scheme I find so very vid though.
@IamAlpharius30k 5 ай бұрын
im sorry this is sounding like a bad take
@IamAlpharius30k 5 ай бұрын
the "grifters" are keeping the fires of gatekeeping lit, many are tired of their stories hobbies and media being destroyed by extremists. the "lore update" is yet another slap in the face of the people who built this community the hobby doesn't need more people and it doesn't need to appeal to everyone its a niche hobby once that is gone the hobby dies unsubscribing
@RobJT 5 ай бұрын
Dude, that is the attitude that will kill the hobby. “It doesn’t need more people”… stop making a hobby your personality, it’s ok for other people to like the same thing, even if it’s girls that you’re scared of 😂
@piscinaiv7937 5 ай бұрын
@@RobJTMaybe we are sick of every property turning into poorly written and preachy Mary Sue Girl Power and/or Gay Fan Fiction? Star Wars, Star Trek, Marvel/DC, Dr. Who. MTG/D&D - how are all of these IPs doing right now? Look at the ratings, what is selling, and what is getting outright shelved indefinitely. "Scared of girls" if that's who is destroying everything then sure thing whatever, little missy.
@battlemarloes9 5 ай бұрын
GW is a publicly traded company. There is only so much they can increase prices before current people start leaving. They need to appeal to a wider audience to increase shareholder value.
@IamAlpharius30k 5 ай бұрын
@@RobJT why does the hobby need more people? and if people are truly interested in the hobby then shouldn't need to change the lore to feel like they enjoy it and if they feel like they do then we dont want them so fuck off with your tired justifications
@IamAlpharius30k 5 ай бұрын
@@RobJT there are are plenty of women in the hobby its not my fault you cant find one maybe you should take a shower and get rid of the blow up doll move out of your moms basement she says its time🤣🤣
@GrimmaStadguard Ай бұрын
To be honest, female custodes are like Rogal Dorn tank...basically acting like it's been here the whole time, we just somehow never saw it. Doesnt really break anything nor is a bad thing...just evolves the lore which is a necessity to keep the genre alive in a long term. The biggest mistake was WG posting it on twitter.
@taupathfinder657 5 ай бұрын
i think the only thing that someone can say is bad about it is how they reacted to it they could have done way better than "it has always been this way" like just imagin -you get your story of your custodes girl trying to nuke the emperor during the blood games -people ask hey why is there a woman in the custodes i thought they where all men -so they instead of saying "always has been" they go and post like a little story like idk let me brainstorm something decent Ultrarus Maximus stands at a golden gate, it is the same gate he has guarded ever since he returned to terra so longe ago when the fires of war finally seased over the skys of terra none has ever pased it in his presence without the right or reason to do so. It was late in the evening but the sun still stud ontop the horizon when he saw the figure aproching the gate, he was ready for the worst he always was and will always be. "MY LORD" the figure screamed. He could hear the mans voice and he could guess his age in the tone. "MY LORD" the voice screamed again this time a bit softer "My Lord...", the figure had reached him. The old man bend down on the railing of the stair that lead to the gate, his gate, he could hear the old mans heavy breath, even though he was still around 20 meters away. "my lord" the old man dragd himself upwards, there where only a vew steps left a vew from more than thousand he knew those stairs well. "STATE YOUR BUISSNES!!!" Maximus statet calmly. "my lord" "my lord" "I am Vilaron" "I come from the halls of the Administratum complex D16Z5" "And I have a question none of my supiriors could answere". "So" Maximus wondered "Since when does the Adeptus Custodes hold information of use for the Administratum?, Our duty is to guard the emperor". "Yes-Yes" Vilaron answered "but it is a question about on of your Custodes". "So" Maximus wondered again, his nullmaiden companion stepped closer, she had ceapt her distance to not disturbe the old man to much. "Ask your question Vilaron" Maximus sayd calmly "but be warned not everything can be recordet in the halls of the administratum". "of corse My Lord of corse" Vilaron answered quickly, "It is about the recent Bloodgames, we recived an order that every Teleportation divice in a certain range of the palace needs to be more strictly guardet and those on pasing vessels have to be turned off" Vilaron stated, "It is singed by the Captain General of the Custodian Guard". "And?" Maximus asked. "Well simple it states that the Custodian Calladayce Taurovalia Kesh has found a weaknes in the palace that could pose a risk to the safety and wellbeing of the emperor" Vilaron explained "So?" Maximus asked again. "Well I will be direct we expect that we might have, a terrible acsident of corse recived a wrong name as our information clearly states the canidated for the Custodes to be men might I therefore ask if I could recive the correct name for our Custodes in question?". Maximus tiltet his head back by a few degres and smiled "HiHi HaHa" a quiet gigel quell trough the Vox of his helmet "Do not worry friend there is no mistake". Vilaron looked suprised "Pardon My Lord". "I Sayed there is no mistake" Maximus repeatet calmly "There are women under the Custodes" Maximus stated from here one you could go with an there have always been women or if you would want it a bit more implemented-> "There are women under the Custodes!!! Since when!!! We have to correct the records!!!" Vilaron screamed out in disbelive. "Calm yourselve friend" Maximus spoke as he tried to calm Vilaron "There have been Women with us since the end of the Great Tradgedy, The Rebellion of our Lords Sons" "We simply where to few, many where slain so we eased the criterias, just a bit so if a woman can cheap up she will be accsepted" Maximus explained. "I understand my Lord" "Thank you for your time" Vilaron sayd as he startet to turn around to make his leave down the stairweel "There is much work to be done" he mumbled. and in case you would want to go further and listen to some fanfiction territory stuff to-> "WAIT" Maximus waved at Vilaron "Let me tell you a Small Story". "I'm sorry but I don't think I have time for that My Lord" Vilaron told Maximus "There is much to be correctet". "I understand your haste Vilaron" Maximus explaned "But I mearly want to save you from acending those stairs again". Vilaron turned "So What is it then?" he asked. "You know I was there at The Burning of Prosperos" Maximus stated "When the Elite Terminators of the Scarab Cult desperatly clashed into our lines and brought death on a scale previusly unknown to the Custodes ". "Yes a tragedy even the Captain General was woundet I heard" Vilaron loudly remembered "But I already know the reason you don't need to bother yourself with singing about Sagas long gone". "There where more than just the Custodes that Blead and Died that day" Maximus recaled "Yes many Brave Men and Women died those Days" Though I haven't seen the Nummbers I must say" Vilaron answered. "A Crucial amount of the Silent Sisterhood layed dead, Entire Shieldhosts where eradicated and many lives where lost becaus of it" Maximus told. Vilaron glanced past the Custodian onto the golden clad maiden a few meters behind them, she gently signaled to Maximus using a form of quick Handsigns, Maximus answered with a simple "of corse" before turning back to Vilaron "His name is Valen" "the Sisterhood found him like many others with there black ships but cheapt him and a handfull others as potential recruits, but why he was one of the few to be chosen instead of being send of to be agent of the imperium I can't tell". "Well as long as our dutys ar done" Vilaron sayed calmly as he once again Stumbled down the stairs checking his notes on the way down. -the information used in the last paragraph can be found as an audiobook on youtube called "The Burning of Prosperos" -pls execuse my bad grama and writhing im not nativ english -if you like it feel free to take it as your personal lore snipit wile ignoring the actual implementation of "always has been"
@freddymcshreddy6586 5 ай бұрын
Like I get why some people don’t like it and they have a right to. But death threats? Seriously?!? I’m not even a religious person and I think those people need to find Jesus.
@CoryCollects 5 ай бұрын
They need to find Jesus, but more importantly, they really need to get outside and touch some grass once in a while.
@fumarc4501 5 ай бұрын
A very nice video. Thank you for sharing. I also like the Gold with purple.
@CoryCollects 5 ай бұрын
Thank you my friend, I'm glad you liked it!
@fumarc4501 5 ай бұрын
@@CoryCollects I recently primed some Custodian Wardens using silver. Just for the memes, and because I’ve always liked seeing Custode armor in other colors from Gold.
@CoryCollects 5 ай бұрын
@@fumarc4501 I was considering doing the same or coming up with my own color scheme, but the more I looked at the Aquila Shields color scheme, the more I felt the need to try it out. However, completely silver Custodes do look really cool!
@Draconis1 5 ай бұрын
So far, I have only seen discussions of this topic from content creators that base their discussion upon a single unofficial source leak from GW other than the updated codex. But hey, this is really causing a stir and publicity for the upcoming show and click bait for content creators. The only fact I see is that WG changed the lore that goes back around 10K years in the timeline. I would assume that with all the genetic changes the custodes had done to them, the female would still look like a buffed male or an androgynous custodes. I am going to continue to enjoy this hobby and wait for official word from GW, Amazon, and Henry Cavill himself on what is going on. I like what you have stated Cory.
@CoryCollects 5 ай бұрын
Yeah, I've seen a lot of people claiming that Amazon is forcing GW to alter the lore by adding a woman to the Custodes for more representation in the TV series. At the moment, I consider this more of a conspiracy theory than anything else. It's not that I think it's impossible, but until we have a more reliable source than an anonymous 4chan post, I'm going to be skeptical. Personally, I think the simple reason they've done it is because GW wanted to increase its market share. Simple as that. Thanks for the comment by the way!
@entspannter 4 ай бұрын
But what´s the point of making custodes " female" if they don t look/behave like them? It´s kinda abominable if you think about it, since the males only get boosted significantly while the women would need a complete biological restructureation because....reasons?
@voidwraithprime8521 5 ай бұрын
This. Well done.
@scannerbarkly 5 ай бұрын
I was overwhelmed by all the culture war channels who were posting about this dumb shit also posting about the recent price hikes, AoS changes, etc. lol
@thomassavage-hx6ux 5 ай бұрын
I personally don't mind the change but i will say a few of your arguments are flawed. The argument that this change is similar to the Primaris and the addition of a tank is not exactly accurate. In a universe supposedly utilitarian and pragmatic on a scale as to ask all within it to forego personal freedom to maintain their species existence. Within that framework the use of something that at its extreme is inherently not the same as the other at its extreme makes no sense. Those are examples of additions and improvements. Humans are equal because we exist at the average. our buildings and jobs and laws are built with the average in mind. This is why we don't build 7 foot doors usually, even though 7 foot tall people exist. This is why within the average span woman can be physically stronger than men. However this does not exist at the actual extremes. I would not consider professional athletes or even soldiers to be similar to a custodes but they are our best parallel. an example of this is Serena Williams, she herself said she was not nearly as fast or strong as he male counterparts. this does not make her not above average however. The Custodes are the extremes of specific attributes men excel at. they are those extremes brought to the absolute limit even greater than space marines. those extremes are medically different to the extremes of woman brought to their absolute limit. The choice to choose limitation for a soldier at that level biologically would be both anti utilitarian and anti pragmatic. unless the process of creating the Custodes is not based on humans at all and is simply aesthetically humanoid, in that case the gender expression of the soldier would be irreverent and not representative.
@entspannter 4 ай бұрын
Great, so custodes have to become inhuman abominations for this to work?
@thomassavage-hx6ux 4 ай бұрын
@entspannter No, they don't have to become monsters for this to work because they are already monsters, and that is part of my point. They are monsters built to protect a monster from monsters. The emperor built actual angels to fight demons. But angels and demons are the same thing. Living functionaries of a greater will. Same here. custodes are not human the same as we are. What besides that potential, now unbound, is left of the human base genetics when the process is done? This is exponentially more true for the hand crafted custodes. The answer, even though i dont like it, is only acstetics. So if female custodes exist, they only look female. The emperor is too pragmatic and utilitarian to dull a weapon to be inclusive. The risk is too high.
@cynthiamiller586 5 ай бұрын
Perfect video on the subject. I agree 100%.
@nathanhersil2371 5 ай бұрын
Do a Brother of Silence next.
@CoryCollects 5 ай бұрын
Sure, why not!
@Kraytdragn 5 ай бұрын
Great take on this topic. Subscribed.
@ProxyHammer1 5 ай бұрын
I feel exactly the same way about it down to the letter. Lazy and disappointing writing... and no new models?? A shame, but hopefully they get more female bits in the future with some books/lore to tie it in!
@CoryCollects 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for the comment, Proxy! I really hope for it, especially regarding bits and new model releases, since not everyone has a 3D printer or the disposable income to buy Sisters of Battle or female Stormcast just for bits!
@ProxyHammer1 5 ай бұрын
@@CoryCollects seriously! They are still boring to me but adds a bit of needed flavor!
@platysplatys3967 5 ай бұрын
Changing lore for real world ideology is sad. Simple as.
@drigoleus1055 5 ай бұрын
Dude, it's a girl Having girls is political? And it's WARhammer, there's quite alot of politics already y'know
@aurinkovuohi3828 5 ай бұрын
Everything is political for the woke type, that's why they force their identity politics everywhere and on anything that they touch.
@CoryCollects 5 ай бұрын
I'm pretty sure that a bunch of alleged grown-ups getting angry at a female plastic toy soldier is way sadder, my friend.
@piscinaiv7937 5 ай бұрын
@@drigoleus1055 if it's not political why were they ham fisted in like this?
@TrexGrimStud 5 ай бұрын
@@CoryCollects why ?if you what to willfully ignorant on the topic cool .but most know this is what happens to IP's that go woke . and GW has been woke for a while . inclusion and representation of who ? the women who what to be in the 40k will come on there own or are here already . this will not increase profit or widen the player base .day one many people canceled their subscriptions to warhammer plus with screen shots .this isnt just men its also women that are boycotting GW i am also .I will not give gw any of money anymore .ill still play from 9th down and will be getting a 3D printer . people like yourself think its not a big deal or that is has anything to do with political ideoloies .doctor who ,stars wars ,star trek,rings of power ,halo ,marvel comics and more .come on now how many times or examples you need to actually see whats going on . will gw go completely broke ? maybe will they lost money and customers ?yes there is no way possible to replace the customers that are leaving .
@hephesto555666 5 ай бұрын
Kind of typical right. The people screaming about drama, claiming the big, bad company is trying to shove their agenda down our throats are all drama channels with most often a rightwing-leaning vibe and audience. It's almost like they themselves have something to sell and are pandering to their audience's perceived values, adding some extra padding to the echo chamber. GW isn't pandering anything, they are a publicly traded company that is doing everything possible to make their IP as multi-platform and mainstream as possible. All in order to make as much cash as possible for their actual customers - the shareholders (which include the leadership). We aren't the customers, we are the resource being mined. Most extreme case would be that someone higher up at GW finally gave into the writers who have been asking for years to do something with female Custodes. Something that wouldn't mess too much with the lore and could potentially make a somewhat lower barrier of entry-army more attractive to a broader audience. It literally isn't a problem for the lore, though it certainly could have been written a bit more interestingly. Not that that matters for the outrage crowd. Should have seen them going insane over the Fallout tv series, another IP that unsurprisingly got outrage coverage from many of the same channels. Folks lost their minds over a female protagonist, a black character and the Brotherhood of Steel not being exclusively male. Something that was the case since its very inception as described in the original videogame, there have been female scribes and paladins since the very beginning. Heck Fallout was always progressive - first same-sex marriage between player character and an NPC - Fallout II. But no, it's all new and intentionally designed to destroy their world......... And where are these people when publicly traded GW engages in anti-consumer practices and intentionally hurts their games and the broader hobby - not a peep then. They can ignore everything from broken rules to large segments of the catalogue being pretty much perpetually out of stuck. Meaning that when something cool and new gets released you HAVE to faux pre-order it the second it goes up, generally in some stupid bundle box, in order to even have a chance of getting it. And even then you're rolling the dice. And to top it all of GW is doing everything in their power to force people to buy directly from them, to the point of throttling stock to stores.So you can't buy the stuff you want when you want to, you have to build up a pile of shame if you actually want to add something new to the collection as it may not be available anymore in 3-4 months, prices go up essentially 2x a year and you're not even 'allowed' to support my local stores while buying massively overpriced kits. But no, a single mention of a female Custodes, that's what mobilized these 'fans...............really doubt the majority of them have bought, painted or played a GW games in years to decades. P.s. - love the Custodes, great colour scheme. Shows how easy it is to convert a female Custodes, the armour would be pretty much the same anyway. Find a cool headswap and get to paint. Speaking of, where's the head from?
@CoryCollects 5 ай бұрын
Hey my friend, thanks for the comment! Sorry for the late response, but I’ve never had to manage so many comments in such a short period of time. I completely agree with you about all the real issues you've mentioned. The fact that these "fans" completely ignore the real problems of this hobby and instead focus on the expansion of women’s representation as the "real threat" makes me believe they are more casual fans of Warhammer and hyper fans of hating women, in my opinion. It's curious how almost none of them have ever been seen playing, building, or painting their models. Anyway, the head bits I used were 3D printed. You can find the sculptor on the "My Mini Factory" website, and it's called "Minigames Miniatures." The file's name is "Space Nuns Punk Anime Heads." Great comment, by the way-I really enjoyed reading it!
@dandaman9496 5 ай бұрын
low tier ragebait content. Ok here is the engagement comment you wanted. Every point you made about lore changes you contradicted yourself. Every lore change came with new models. This one didn’t. This one was made for modern day political reasons. Not an explainable in universe reason. Fans of Warhammer don’t like the change because it was made for people who aren’t fans of Warhammer.
@Dementia55372 5 ай бұрын
Imagine trying to point out "contradictions" and posting one of the most textbook logical fallacies of all time.
@dandaman9496 5 ай бұрын
@@Dementia55372 Why, has it got something to do with Scotland?
@Krachbumm-Ente 5 ай бұрын
@@Dementia55372 What do you mean?
@CoryCollects 5 ай бұрын
Just like many other updates, changes, and new character additions in 40k without any models to support them. In the video, I mentioned that GW will change the lore to accommodate new models AND to maintain the game's appeal. Is it really so hard for you to understand a low tier rage bait content?
@MightyGachiman 5 ай бұрын
The rogue trader argument is silly
@fleetwheelmac6978 5 ай бұрын
Rogue Trader was the best iteration of W40k lore wise. Because of how shamelessly crazy it was and how much freedom it allowed for player creativity. So yeah, but no.
@gilde915 5 ай бұрын
Female custodes upset me...this lore change was lazy....Custodes and the Sisiters of Silence are pretty plain...GW could have introduced a third type of "custodes"...designated female units set between the full custodes and the SoS...household themed power armor but faster and lil bit weaker then the Custodes and thougher then the SoS. The Imperial Household is huge there is enough room to expand the faction
@The_Captain40k 5 ай бұрын
To those people saying they didn't like how GW introduced the change... this is generally how GW have always introduced lore changes - as if they have always been a thing. Warhammer is at its core a setting, it's only recently it has become more of a narrative. The introduction of the Primaris and the return of Guilliman etc is an exception not the status quo. See the Votann, Tau, change to Necron lore, or the introduction of any new unit into any Codex.
@nielsjensen4185 5 ай бұрын
The 7th Edition Space Marine codex had several new units the Space Marines have always had. The reaction is fucking stupid.
@The_Captain40k 5 ай бұрын
@@nielsjensen4185 It just suggests it's a cover for prejudice. I can understand some of the arguments. Like we have female only factions so why can't we have male only. That's an understandable argument. But the rest is, as you say, fucking stupid.
@nielsjensen4185 5 ай бұрын
@@The_Captain40k The way you express yourself implies that you believe prejudices can only be held consciously.¨ This is factually incorrect to the point of being comedic as studies have shown that ALL prejudices are biases that people are unaware they have. It's no cover, it's just a justification that people tell themselves to avoid being the 'villain' of their personal narrative. I fully believe that people honestly believe when they say, "I'm not a *bigot* BUT..." just as much as I know that whatever comes after the "but" will be something bigoted. You do know that the reason there are only females in Adeptus Sororitas comes down incredible malicious compliance? Rhetorical question since the way you express yourself implies that you have no idea. The Adeptus Sororitas exists because the Ecclesiarchy after the whole Age of Apostasy was forbidden to have an army of MEN, so, by the letter of the law it went, "It says nothing about WOMEN at arms though." As a result, the Daughters of the Emperor cult was reformed into the Adeptus Sororitas and by law they're all women. Adeptus Astartes and Custodes are CREATED by TECHNOLOGICAL means. Nothing much has been known about the technological process that creates Custodes since it makes the process that creates Astartes look like factory manufacturing in comparison. With the invention of Primaris and the Primaris technology, GW can at any point say that Cawl has R&D the technology to a point where women can also be Adeptus Astartes. That's the difference. Allowing men into the Adeptus Sororitas would be a cultural shift that would cancel several thousand years of legal precedence. While it can be done it would have widespread ramifications for the culture of the IoM in the lore. The existence of female Adeptus Astartes would just require further development on the technology and it would have no impact on the culture of the IoM. Only the usual anti-woke crowd would piss and moan for click-baiting purposes because many of them are desperate to have similar levels of cultural relevance as they had during GamerGate.
@The_Captain40k 5 ай бұрын
@@nielsjensen4185 OK mate, no need to be rude, especially when I'm agreeing with you. I'm fully aware of the meaning of prejudice, and I'm also fully aware of the lore behind sisters and marines. I don't need a lecture.
@nielsjensen4185 5 ай бұрын
@@The_Captain40k You behaved like you did when phrasing your argument like you did. Since you already know I can only assume that your argument was the usual dishonesty of the "I'm not a *bigot* BUT..." because they have nothing if they use a truthful one. So yeah, you just unmasked yourself due to arrogance. I'm impressed, it's been a good while since I've seen that. Usually, people just say something that's incongruent with their original statement. Like, the guy who argued for using nuclear power as a stopgap measure while we developed green energy went full mask off when my argument was about the waste created by the process that there was no solution to and then he responded that eventually nuclear reactors would become so small that there would hardly be any waste, which was no response to the danger that the waste is and it implied that the technology should be further developed on which went against the whole "stopgap measure" thing
@drigoleus1055 5 ай бұрын
Nice content bro Your take and painting skills are amazing Im really happy that the more "creppy" side of the community is getting pointed out more often, by this i mean the type of people that would hate you by just playing Tau You have gotten my subscription so many thanks
@CoryCollects 5 ай бұрын
Thank you, my friend! Comments like yours are one of the reasons I really enjoy making KZbin content. I'm glad you liked it, and I really appreciate your support!
@drigoleus1055 5 ай бұрын
@@CoryCollects the thanks belong to you It's really lovely seeing other people talk about stuff like this
@Spacefrisian 5 ай бұрын
I laugh everytime someone yells female spacemarines arent possible, cause its in the lore that making female spacemarines is extremely difficult but not impossible and not worth it for the Imperium.
@NeoHellPoet 5 ай бұрын
My boy Fabious Bile is going to do it just to spite the Imperium and I can't wait
@nine1690 4 ай бұрын
So, you just said that female marines are impossible to have in lore because they don’t make them?
@chiffonshrimp94 5 ай бұрын
For me I don’t mind, the issue is that these type of changes don’t really add anything. What I mean when I say that is that, when this happens the character is written as ‘she’s better than any man that has been in the position for years. Her only flaw is that she’s struggles at being perfect’ then they make all the men walking indent idiots to make me look better. That’s what I have issues with these type of changes. Like why couldn’t they just, you know have a custodians pick up a girl from the high noble since we’re losing so bad and can’t afford to just not take anyone they can grab. That way you could have female custodians and the eventual female space marine that could survive the surgery could be rare and special.
@NeoHellPoet 5 ай бұрын
How on Earth did you get any of this from less than a full page of text? This is fan fiction, you understand that right? There's one short story about a pretty run of the mill Custodes woman that's by all accounts as run of the mill as genetically engineered perfection can get.
@chiffonshrimp94 5 ай бұрын
@@NeoHellPoet I was talking about the overall thing. Where they prop up a character by making everyone around them incompetent. You can see those examples in video games and movies (mainly marvel and dc).
@gideon_drexlar 5 ай бұрын
My issue with it is that it was little more than lip-service for an Amazon check. That's why it was so quickly and lazily added to codex, its also why you had no model teases and likely aren't getting a female custodes model range from GW at all.
@CoryCollects 5 ай бұрын
I'm not entirely sure about that, my friend. Not saying that it's impossible, but the only claim I found regarding Amazon having a part in this is a rumor posted on 4chan by an anonymous account. Can you point me to any reliable sources that confirm it? I would love to learn more about it.
@henrikwannheden7114 5 ай бұрын
Excellent! Important topic, and very important to take a stance against (frankly) idiots.
@CoryCollects 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for the support, my friend! I really appreciate it!
@DeLLaTheNewGuy 5 ай бұрын
Quando Cory spacca l'internet!!!!🤣
@CoryCollects 5 ай бұрын
Io volevo solo pubblicare il mio piccolo video in pace, lo giuro! 🤣
@josejuangomez83 5 ай бұрын
10/10 video. We need more people like you in this hobby, and definitely less of those incel toxic troublemakers
@nine1690 4 ай бұрын
>defining a male’s worth by having sex with women, as if they’re just trophies to be had. How sexist of you.
@sorcererscircle535 5 ай бұрын
using there were female space marines in rogue trader so there have always been female marines is not really a good argument to justify them now as all of the lore from that period onwards and we are talking decades has stated they are only men. Tbh instead of adding them in as custodians they should have done something even better-which is make sisters of silence better on their own and expanding the range. sisters of silence are an amazing faction that has been used as cannon fodder and it's a damn shame
@CoryCollects 5 ай бұрын
Honestly, I'd be disappointed if GW introduced female Space Marines the same way they introduced female Custodes, by simply saying they always existed. I'd much prefer a lore event explaining their emergence. I used the example of Rogue Trader's female marines to illustrate how the lore supplements the tabletop wargame, primarily to sell models. That being said, I agree on Sisters of Silence. They definitely need more attention both in terms of lore and models.
@TrexGrimStud 5 ай бұрын
@@CoryCollects those were proto sister of battle . they were not marines or space marines . if anything call them adventures or female warriors .
@kingkongdong7042 5 ай бұрын
What a legendary table. Where do you get those?
@CoryCollects 5 ай бұрын
The table is from Ikea, and the little drawer and paint racks are from Hobby Zone!
@MW-ye5qp 5 ай бұрын
It's so interesting to me how 40k community reacts to things like that compared to aos community, and how grifters pick those dramas up Like, i've only seen people praise GW for finally releasing female fyreslayer models last year (which were 'retconned' in a few years prior with a battletome btw). And when it's not full on models but some lore snippets, like with custodes and that 'noble sons' line people love to bring up, folks either don't care (as in it rarely comes up in conversations in general) or support it. Like how Sons of Behemat have female gargants in their ranks or how there's at least one intersex Daughters of Khaine leader Yet with custodes my local store i used to buy stuff from decided to post some 'warhammer gone woke?? what do you think about this sjw agenda???' bs post that had a lot of people argue under it. Switched to a different store after that There also was that Old World novel that had a female knight in it earlier this year, which made some old world folks angry from what i've seen, yet i don't think it was ever picked up by anyone outside that community and died off very quickly
@hephesto555666 5 ай бұрын
It's all a matter of degrees right. I can get how some folks have gotten more than a little annoyed about lore and rules changes. Remember my old Necrons essentially getting gutted, the entire lore around the C'tan changing and Pariahs not even being a thing anymore. When lore changes suddenly take away half your army, literally impacting the value and your ability to play the game, I can understand a strong reaction. We spend ages and a fair bit of coin on these armies, seeing half if it reduced to unplayable is bound to upset people. A faceless suit of armour, be it power or a knight, now containing a woman rather than a man though is another level of dumb. Zero impact on the actual model, lore and gaming experience. Doubt a lot of the people going nuts over this are actually in the hobby or even contribute to it outside the outrage bubble. Amusingly enough a lot of the channels denouncing the female Custodes also went insane over the Fallout tv series. A female protagonist, a black character, a non-binary actor and the Brotherhood of Steel not being exclusively male, the outrage. Naturally completely ignoring that this has been the case since the original videogame, with there being female scribes and paladins since the very beginning. So even when the lore and etymology say something different it doesn't matter to them. It was fun pointing out to them though that Fallout was always progressive - first same-sex marriage between a player character and an NPC - Fallout II. ;-) It's not about lore or even changes to it, it's about how they think it will make them feel. I order to keep that lack of self reflection up and going it 'has to be' intentionally designed to destroy their world after all. Which must be a rather sad, cold place. Sounds like a space that could be a tiny bit brighter with a female Custodes in it.
@CoryCollects 5 ай бұрын
In my opinion, the reason is that the Warhammer 40K community is larger than the AoS and Old World ones, making it a more "convenient" and reliable source for clout-chasing through the creation of fake drama.
@martinjrgensen8234 5 ай бұрын
The only people who freaked out, where the ones who hate women, or who have an unnatural relationship with lore
@CoryCollects 5 ай бұрын
I totally agree with you, my friend!
@konkeyming1624 5 ай бұрын
I'm currently working on my female custodes that I had been planning for months now but I really hate how they have done the introduction. I'm not a fan of ''It's always been this way'' changes. I would have prefered progressing lore by them having Cawl experimenting with the custodes creation process making it possible for women to become Custodes and maybe release one or two character models alongside it. This just feels lazy.
@NeoHellPoet 5 ай бұрын
Besides Primaris when have they ever done anything differently. The damn Rogal Dorn tank always existed ffs, if "it's always existed" is an actual issues you absolutely picked the wrong hobby because that's pretty much how everything gets introduced
@MonsterPainter 5 ай бұрын
What a great video.Totally enjoyed.
@CoryCollects 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for the comment, my friend! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
@sotpseamus 5 ай бұрын
Sadly, this really isn't the fault of the grifters. There has always been an underbelly of people in 40k who don't understand the dark humor that lies at its core. That's why someone showed up to a tournament dressed for 1940's Germany. I'm in a Facebook group where people unironically share a meme that says, "The reward of tolerance is treachery and betrayal." There are sick people out there who are attracted to a world governed by a theofascist dictator, and the small number of grifters use them to amplify their ugly message.
@CoryCollects 5 ай бұрын
I'm not solely blaming the grifters for this, although I believe they bear some responsibility since drama-fueling tends to generate clicks online. Despite this, I try to remain positive. In my personal experience, I've only encountered these deranged far-right morons online, never at the game stores or events my friends and I frequent. I'm confident that they represent an extremely vocal and whining minority.
@sotpseamus 5 ай бұрын
@@CoryCollects I totally get that. I guess my point is that they'd have nothing to grift on if the ugliness wasn't already there. I have seen this behavior, but generally they get pushed out pretty quickly.
@CesarIsaacPerez 5 ай бұрын
I don't care about the retcon. Doesn't bother me at all. Warhammer is built on layer upon layer of retcons.
@mysteidolon8850 5 ай бұрын
This is false. There are lore specialist at Games Workshop for the writing of the novels. Why do you think GW pay people to respect the lore? Because it's the base of the hobby.
@CesarIsaacPerez 5 ай бұрын
@@mysteidolon8850 Dude, just 3 years ago GW rereleased Dark Imperium and Plague War to retcon in The Indomitus Crusades because they moved the timeline back 100 years for Godblight the 3rd book in the trilogy. Go back to Rogue trader and 50% of it has been retconed.
@CoryCollects 5 ай бұрын
@@mysteidolon8850 Can I suggest you watch the video one more time, my friend? If you start from minute 5:58 to minute 7:38, you'll find a small selection of Warhammer 40k lore retcons throughout the entire history of the setting.
@Jsilveira309 5 ай бұрын
​@@mysteidolon8850the lore you think is so precious is it in itself a retcon. Custodies are no longer 300 dudes in leather pants. They were retconned to have gold armor, Jet cycles, and hover tanks. When you have a problem with tits getting added to that list you just look like a weirdo
@tehdipstick 5 ай бұрын
I remember back when Horus wielded the Talons of Horus as a pair, rather than the single Talon and power maul he has in the Horus Heresy lore now. And on the Fantasy side of things we had the Storm of Chaos, a huge narrative campaign event and update to the contemporary lore at the time, which was completely retconned only a decade or so later with the End Times.
@caketality 5 ай бұрын
For transparency, I am not a woman. I can’t speak to how much more or less this makes women feel inclined to pick up Warhammer, especially with 0 models to build of female Custodes. The reality is that with the size of the Imperium, strong women would exist. Even the Space Marines, a canonically men-only group, only lack women because of choice and not because they’re objectively incompatible. Since the Custodes aren’t being arbitrarily limited, and statistically there would be women viable to serve as Custodes… this isn’t even a retcon, it’s just a logical outcome. I think Space Marines remaining a force of men is just fine, we have an army of women to mirror them! For the rest of the Imperium it’s just an objective upgrade to let people have more choices for their leaders and units.
@CoryCollects 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I completely agree with your perspective. As for the idea of having female space marines, I see it as a means to make the hobby more inclusive and accessible to newcomers. Space Marines represent a cornerstone of Warhammer 40k and tabletop wargaming as a whole, so introducing diversity within this faction sends a clear message that this hobby is open to everyone. But this is just my personal take, driven by a desire to enhance the creative aspects of the hobby with as many possibilities as possible
@caketality 4 ай бұрын
@@CoryCollects oh don’t get me wrong, I would adore female space marines! Clearly with Primaris they’re not scared to shift the lore when they want to, it could work. :)
@RobJT 5 ай бұрын
It’s hard to believe anyone would care about something like this at all. Just shows how poor a lot of people’s mindset is.
@RundOnline 5 ай бұрын
Clearly you're a "tourist" and so can't have a opinion on the matter... /s
@FascinateFelix 5 ай бұрын
It's just the always angry incels crying on the internet blowing things out of proportion. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@MightyGachiman 5 ай бұрын
Smoothbrain take to think that women are the problem. It's the way they went about it.
@voicesoffcamera1022 5 ай бұрын
Great video, loved it! 🙌
@blackguardunlimeted 5 ай бұрын
keep it up !
@CoryCollects 5 ай бұрын
Thank you my friend!
@jonbauml225 5 ай бұрын
You're a nice guy
@CoryCollects 5 ай бұрын
And I appreciate your nice comment!
@cirno9349 5 ай бұрын
Female space marines exists and along a whole spectrum of sexes and non sexes. The prince or pleasure does it for fun and what ever else she feels. Noise marines are real and great no matter how hard gw tries to hide this.
@joahnaut 5 ай бұрын
Shit take.
@aurinkovuohi3828 5 ай бұрын
The problem is that outside forces (amazon and wokeism) is forcing to add more females to the game, even tho imperium, Tau, Aeldars, Drukhari and many more already do have women in their armies. There are even sos, and sororitas, which are fully female forces, but that aint enough for these wokies, coz nothing is. Instead of creating interesting lore why there are now females in custodes, they retconned it worst way possible, by gaslighting us saying "there has always been female custodes" even tho there havent. Wokism kills everything it touches, it can't create itz own, it has to leech on other franchises.
@chriswalls6275 5 ай бұрын
Get a job.
@brandie3344 5 ай бұрын
You’re the reason your local gaming store has a personal hygiene rule
@CoryCollects 5 ай бұрын
Hey, let's take a step back here. Getting angry over a minor lore update like female Custodes is disproportionate. Compared to other retcons in 40k, this is a nothing burger. Sure, their introduction might have been lazy writing, but it doesn't invalidate the Horus Heresy or modern 40k. We already know there are women in other factions, so why not have more choices? As for the Amazon influence, I'm skeptical. I'd need a more reliable source than an anonymous internet rumor.
@aurinkovuohi3828 5 ай бұрын
Humans do have lots of females, in fact we do have sisters of silence, and sororitas, why aint that enough? Sos are in fact deep part of the lore, and making custodes female seems to invalidate them. Now the question becomes are just male spaces okay? I think they are not only okay, but necessary and GW seemed to understand that. Males and females do have differences and we should embrace em, itz beautiful to see sos and adepta sororitas pull their weight and be part of this and having their own thing. DEI muds the lines and tries to force everyone to the same mold and that aint good.
@aurinkovuohi3828 5 ай бұрын
As GW is a toy company, why there was no minis released with this retcon? For many of us, it seems that it was forced by outside force, as it had so bad writing, no minis attached to this change and all of that. In a better world we would have got something like admech to the astramilitarum, techmarines to space marines, or any female with a reason to be there, like with sisters of silence. Forcing females in, with no particular reason doesn't cut it.
@causticenforcer8792 5 ай бұрын
Thank you a bunch of these grifters had never made a single 40k video until this drama, it’s annoying when they call others tourist when they quite literally are the tourists
@nine1690 4 ай бұрын
I just find this idea that THEY are the grifters and HE is perfectly fine funny when I only found this channel because of the drama lmao
@LincolnTank-StillOnTheSprue 5 ай бұрын
Begun, the gender wars have
@drigoleus1055 5 ай бұрын
By having girls on custodes? Really?
@LincolnTank-StillOnTheSprue 5 ай бұрын
@@drigoleus1055 Come on mate, gender IS a battlefield across society at the minute. or hadn't you noticed?
@drigoleus1055 5 ай бұрын
@@LincolnTank-StillOnTheSprue no, are you like fighting any girl you come across or something?
@LincolnTank-StillOnTheSprue 5 ай бұрын
@@drigoleus1055 Whatever mate
@drigoleus1055 5 ай бұрын
@@LincolnTank-StillOnTheSprue what? Can you explain this gender war to me?
@cynicaltigeruk4546 5 ай бұрын
The lore change is lazy writing. My only concern is will this lazy writing flow into black library books? I like to ecsape real life by getting into the books, i don't want the immersion into the 40k world ruined by lazy writing/real world politics.
@NeoHellPoet 5 ай бұрын
Have you read a single book? Since when does GW do anything but lazy writing and real world politics? Did you miss how they brought Gaz back? The Plague Wars? Abadons big brain, 10,000 year plan being solvable by just flying a fortress into Cadia (when he used to have 2 but gave one away)?
@cynicaltigeruk4546 5 ай бұрын
@@NeoHellPoet My main focus of books has mainly been HH books. Other then the Iron warrior, Night lords and Wordbearer omnibus, i haven't read much of the others in the 40k books. I agree the main 40k story lore is crap.
@Wingsoficarus9868 5 ай бұрын
@@cynicaltigeruk4546the short story she was in was really good
@Julian_The_Apostate 5 ай бұрын
From talking to a good number of people in real life about it, most people don't really care. They think it was unnecessary and badly handled, but don't give much of a shit about the end result. The real thing is, they had ways of "spotlighting women" or whatever they say they were trying to do, without retcons. However, at the end of the day, new Sisters or Sororitas lore doesn't light the internet on fire. I don't think they care much about people's opinions, they just wanted to get people talking. Essentially, if you made a video about this topic, either positive or negative, you got got.
@TrexGrimStud 5 ай бұрын
YEP they got us but they got us to go .some people dont care great . many do care and they had been the victims of woke nonsense getting into many things they care about and enjoy . i will not buys comics even if some are good i will not watch or buy things from ips like doctor who ,star trek ,star wars ,halo ,rings of power ect ect even if they are good which they haven't been . i just done and so are many others . GW already told us a long time ago"you wont be miss".and now we are choosing to listen and leave .
@battlemarloes9 5 ай бұрын
Before this ever happened I modeled female space marines into my custom chapter. Figured they are all genetically modified so male or female will fit into the same power armor. My lore was my chapter was reinforced initially by the Primaris and their world and system was destroyed and stripped from hive fleet Leviathan. During evacuation my chapter was almost decimated in holding the line. Now with a small population that has escaped they take the most worthy males and females to try and bolster their ranks. I have two daughters and wanted to name chapter characters after them. So them creating female Custodies is like meh to me because I play how I want with my little plastic soldiers in the fictional grimdark universe. 😂
@nine1690 4 ай бұрын
You’re a lot more wholesome than most people who want femarines and femstodes, who might as well be Slaaneshi cultists.
@manda60 5 ай бұрын
"Girls are icky!" -Neckbeards the world over, 2024
@scottn7cy 5 ай бұрын
Namecalling is a sign of poor character.
@manda60 5 ай бұрын
@@scottn7cy If you throw a rock into a pig pen, whichever one squeals is the one that got hit.
@piscinaiv7937 5 ай бұрын
Deviants that want to diddle kids are icky. -Neckbeards the world over, 2024 Look up the Minor Attracted Persons paint scheme marine GW PUBLISHED if you think this is hyperbole.
@scottn7cy 5 ай бұрын
@@manda60 That's a very clear argument explaining your position. Well done.
@manda60 5 ай бұрын
@@scottn7cy You're squealing, aren't you?
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