The Complex Social Dynamics Between Droids in the Separatist Army

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Generation Tech

11 ай бұрын

When one looks at the Separatist Droid Army it's easy to think that it's just one large metal robotic mass. But the reality couldn't be further from the truth. Each group of droids had their own specific programming and each individual unit would eventually develop their own personality especially when they haven't had their memory wiped for a while.
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@isaackim7675 11 ай бұрын
B1 on Ryloth, “We’re independent thinkers.” Another B1, “Roger. Roger.”
@Dazzle_Novak_ 11 ай бұрын
I believe that B1 treats BX like cooler older (technically younger) brothers, with slight envy, because they are same yet "built different"
@brockgundich 11 ай бұрын
I can see that....similar to standard troopers see ARC and commandos
@trainknut 11 ай бұрын
@@brockgundich I'd say the B1s probably view B2s similar to how regular clones view commandos, they acknowledge the difference in strength/durability, maybe even respect it, but the difference makes the latter a bit arrogant, which causes a lot of resentment from the "regs" They probably respect BX droids similar to how a reg would treat an ARC, which is to say they see them as a more badass version of themselves. Obviously it's not 1 to 1, as BX series droids were mainly used in infiltration, while B2s were used on the front lines, which is precisely the opposite of how ARCs and Commandos were deployed respectively.
@hurricaneace143 2 ай бұрын
BX also were used as mid level leadership amongst the droids. Where B2s can be plugged in as ncos and B1s are tacked from everything between lowly Grunts to the literal theater commander at times. Only replaced by tactical, super tactical droids or organic leaders
@rexlumontad5644 11 ай бұрын
I hope we see these Battle Droids in Bad Batch Season 3 as forces of General Kalani who refused to obey shutdown code and kept fighting.
@OuterRimPride 11 ай бұрын
He assumed it was a Republic trick and it kind of was.
@kyrios443 11 ай бұрын
Highly improbable since Kalani let us think that he never seen anyone since the end of the war. And the bad batch S3 would be set before star wars rebels
@Squiddy-go1du 11 ай бұрын
Idk about that, any clones who see the droids would shoot them and Rex would find out. (Which would brake Rebels) Filoni rarely retcons his own shows.
@Gufupandi09th13 11 ай бұрын
He better not that's a canon event
@mshin291 11 ай бұрын
@@OuterRimPride Mad respect to Kalani. Palpatine managed to trick the Senate, the CIS council, the Jedi, and other Sith, but Kalani noticed something was off.
@tristynbishop6158 11 ай бұрын
Clankas: a super battle droid smacked a B1 in Attack of the Clones Also Clankas: B1s and B2s never interact
@robertagu5533 11 ай бұрын
Yeah.. guess he didn't like "that guy" an thought he shoulda just died already... Instead of stumbling around wounded...
@tristynbishop6158 11 ай бұрын
@@robertagu5533good point
@lordadmiralcorden9765 11 ай бұрын
I like the idea that droids in the CIS had a similar relationship/interaction pattern that one might see with the various alien species in the Covenant from Halo. One type of droid liking/not liking another class of droid, knowing their roles, having personalities, etc.
@occam7382 Ай бұрын
YES! That's what this was reminding me of.
@Spaghetti_Jester 11 ай бұрын
I’m still so happy that Roger became canon to Star Wars lore. Freemakers was one of the shows I grew up on.
@miniaturejayhawk8702 10 ай бұрын
All the lego shorts are technically canon. Not the slapstick humor but the general turn of events.
@Jedibigfoot 11 ай бұрын
7:09 speaking of b1s treating other droids like pets it reminds me of the dwarf spider droid in the clone wars movie when it shot a LAAT gunship and the b1 spotter with binoculars said "good shot boy" and the spider droid chirped almost like a dog barking in agreement/thanks this was right before Battle of Teth when anakin and ahsoka accended vertically on AT-TEs
@dogdog357 11 ай бұрын
I mean... - big eyes - boopable snout (yes it's a gun whatever) - very patable head - antenna that can be used kinda like a tail - four legs Checks all the boxes for a dog
@enclavesoldierjohnson2352 10 ай бұрын
@clancykohl 10 ай бұрын
Something that I hardly ever saw mentioned anywhere are lesser intelligent droids, wich are basically just smart enough to manage their task not unlike a trained animal, there are mentions and such, but generally it rather seems that apparently any droid, however mundane their task is, is capable of complex thoughts and such. Wich doesn't make much sense, because why would anyone bother to build a droid with more processing power than they need
@hammygaming8075 11 ай бұрын
When the b1 said “you should have left them alone” that made me feel bad for them
@robertagu5533 11 ай бұрын
Yeah.. probably identifies as a Vet of the Clone Wars just trying to move on after the war too
@BespinGuard1 10 ай бұрын
Imagine you, a simple B1 battle droid goes up to a droideka in the cafeteria deciding to strike up a conversation about how annoying it could be to go weeks without an oil bath, your cup of oil swinging side to side in your hand as you talk, only for the droideka to respond by talking about how fun it is to chase down a fleeing clone running them over doing wheelspins and such
@yagdtigercommander 10 ай бұрын
Or Imagine a pair of B2 Super Battledroids sitting across from each other chatting as close friends. Then a B1 one battle droid decides to join them and have conversation. Then one of The B2s puts his hand on his face looking really annoyed. While the other one laughs. Then says well we have some time kill lets here what the little guy has to say besides if he gets to annoying we know how to shut him off permamently. The B2s both Laugh Hysterically while the B1 laughs neverously and is like um yah on second thought I realized my nco and squad members were expecting me join them at there table. B2s look at each other trying to keep a straight face. But then are like PFFFT what a loser, what a dork look me I am B1 I want think all droids are my friends and I have share my stupid little stories with everyone. Herdeer Herdeer I am so stupid I don't even know how to fire a blaster properly let alone gun turrets on a warship. I am so dumb I don't even know what a droid vaporising emp grenade is and I will pick it up like its a fortunate telling 8 ball and rattle it to find out what my fortune is. Then gets electricuted by it oh what unfortunate series of events. B2s are basically roflmaoing at the moment. Only to then hear the litte B1 tell his fellow B1s about an awesome story about how a pair of droidekas saved him and some his squadmates from numerically superior force. Then B2s are like wait that sounds totally cool. B1 NCO um yah the way you just casted aside my subordinate your not welcome at this table. B2s walk away disapointed only to have pair of Ig magnaguards steal their table from them. B2s hey we were siting there that was our table. Magna Guards Pfft I don't see you guarding General Grevious beat it you lowly B2s comeback when you are somebuddies.
@hurricaneace143 2 ай бұрын
That's a HORRIFYING scene to imagine😂
@xenomang3149 Ай бұрын
@@yagdtigercommander Magnaguards would be the most terrifying. They are trained, not programmed. They don't get memory wipes. Grievous wanted them to be as close to Kaleesh warriors as possible.
@MrTechnin 11 ай бұрын
part of the reason the B-1s were so quirky personality wise was because to keep costs down, they were given some of the cheapest droid brains available. All the different jobs they were given overtaxed their processors and resulted in them quickly gaining personalities and being "chatty" to process data overflows.
@omage3457 11 ай бұрын
A detail I love in Jedi: Survivor is that if you sit around near the battle droids, you can overhear their conversations that really show a neat level of personality. My favorite is one where a B2 droid calls a commando droid “old timer”
@AlexDown1 11 ай бұрын
I've wanted any form of Star Wars slice of life, so desperate, that listening to raiders talk to each other about an interesting happening in the galaxy is enough.
@mshin291 11 ай бұрын
B2 : Little Tinny. BX : ...What was that? B2 : Imma naming you Little Tinny. That and the "I dare you to download dancing program" interactions almost killed me
@occam7382 Ай бұрын
@@mshin291, it's those sorts of things that are the reason why I played Jedi: Survivor. The droids are f*cking awesome, man.
@lerneanlion 11 ай бұрын
Rune Haako: Droids cannot be bribed, they don't talked back and they don't complained being sent on suicide missions. Alan: Hello there. Do you missed your droids? I certainly missed them.
@Jedibigfoot 11 ай бұрын
the discussion of K2-SO and how fast droids process things and have deep thinking reminds me of how I played my IG-87 assassin droid in a star wars D&D game. he was an experimental model with moral programming (to prevent turning on its master) at some point our darkside user deflected a detonator with the force sending it flying towards a populated part of town. my droid was fast enough to not only spot/track the denotator, calculate that it would most likely hurt civilians and was able to 180 turn and shoot it out of the air. he was angry at his team for being so reckless and not being careful, this was one of the few times he had a big argument with the party. the jawa droid mechanic pointed out that IG was probably the only one fast enough to even process what was happening and stop it
@TheMrEvs 11 ай бұрын
Damn Alan having you explain that rogue one scene made me tear up with the added context
@GenerationTech 11 ай бұрын
yea honestly its so sad, made me really like k2s0 a lot
@Superhornet1 11 ай бұрын
I can confirm battle droids have emotions and personalities. I’m also still trying to figure out why they programmed us with pain receptors.. 😔
@midniteraptor1474 11 ай бұрын
My condolences, one b1 to another...
@Daniel_Huffman 11 ай бұрын
Pain is how one knows they are in danger, and that they should avoid it to prolong their existence.
@thekaxmax 11 ай бұрын
damage sensors--no 'pain' is a /bad/ idea.
@Daniel_Huffman 11 ай бұрын
@@thekaxmax Seeing as you are trying to put a word in italics, I'll let you know that putting an underscore on either side of the word will _accomplish_ that.
@thekaxmax 11 ай бұрын
@@Daniel_Huffman _thanks_
@akumaking1 11 ай бұрын
Here’s an idea for a series: On a Lucrehulk starship a group of battle spires that avoided the shutdown command try and figure out what to do afterwards. I think a mix between “The Office” and “Bad Batch” would be a good start
@RRaptor86 11 ай бұрын
I’d watch that. Send the idea to Disney.
@akumaking1 11 ай бұрын
@@RRaptor86 not with the current craptivist propagandists
@RRaptor86 10 ай бұрын
Then send it to Dave Feloni.
@nathanieljackson5554 11 ай бұрын
I like how droids of the Syar Wars universe gain personality if they go without a memory wipe. Our own memories and experiences is what shapes our personalities as well.
@jackmasterpunk8350 11 ай бұрын
K2SO4's death was genuinely one of my favourite moments in Star Wars media history because of how emotional it was despite it being a robot
@Eligon_1965 11 ай бұрын
Jedi Survivor also shows that there is hostility between B1s and BXs. The BX Commando droids are annoyed by the B1 droids, and even blame them for the separatist losing the clone wars.
@Meravokas 11 ай бұрын
And the B-X's are ruthless. And actually get along with B-2s which is (As much as one can with memory wiped B-2's) is something that I can't imagine is easy. On top of the fact that the B-2's actually find the B1's pretty much just as irritating, though don't go as far as to say they were the reason they lost the war. I do think however (Despite being canon) that all the droids in Jedi Survivor were only comically annoying and/or distasteful and hateful between one another for the sake of levity and dialog in the game. With the fact that all the droids remaining on the crashed hulk having been reprogrammed over the course of probably 5 years or more, a memory wipe alongside the reprogramming of target protection/command and auto recognition of known/visible threats, would have been a quick process that would have made the reprogramming easier as well. And even then not all of the droids onboard had been reactivated and reprogrammed.
@GGBlaster 11 ай бұрын
I think droids may have viewed droidekas in a positive light because droids tend to think things more methodically. They think about efficiency, and I think it safe to say droidekas were very efficient at what they did. Even if a droideka never got a single kill before it’s demise, its mere appearance on the battlefield immediately forces opposition to regroup and change tactics. And of course, anything that can get a Jedi to break a sweat is automatically worthy of respect.
@twistedyogert 11 ай бұрын
After hearing what you said about K2SO I kind of want to see something from the perspective of a B1 battle droid. "Saving Pvt. Rodger"
@georgehilty3561 11 ай бұрын
there was a small scene in the legacy books during the yuuzhan vong war series. c-3p0 and a yvh droid had a conversation that lasted several pages. but in real time it only lasted the amount of time it took for a spark from a welder to hit the deck. it showed just how much faster droids think then organics.
@TheCoyote808 11 ай бұрын
The B1 battle droids are one of the greatest things to come from the prequel era. The Clones as well. Especially for those who have served in the military. They both represent perceptions of the military experience. The B1s being what politicians think an army is, and the Clones an ideal army in the eyes of the public. In truth, the Imperial Army and Navy and the Rebel Alliance are a lot closer to reality than people think, especially with the expanded lore of legends stuff.
@shiby1860 5 ай бұрын
well, the empire is based off the US, and the rebel alliance is based off of the vietnamese/other "rebels" of countries the US invaded in past centuries.
@vbevan 11 ай бұрын
You mean robotic slaves, which is what all the droids are. It's the biggest moral hole they've never discussed in Star Wars.
@renagade2715 11 ай бұрын
Im surprised there was no mention of the cold blooded ruthlessness of the BX, taking an almost sadistic pleasure in executing combatants and using 'lesser' droids as weapons. I mean, the ones on Ryloth thought so little of B1s, that they believed the B1s were a more effective weapon when thrown at the enemy, rather than when shoiting at the enemy
@ericzaiz8358 10 ай бұрын
That or the Super Tactical Droids. Who could fight and one even throw hands with Anakin.
@skyden24195 11 ай бұрын
I've actually always found the B-1 Battle Droids to be much more intelligent than generally given credit for. It is commonly understood that a sense of humor is an indication of intelligence. One of the first examples of this "sense of humor" came in "The Phantom Menace" when Qui-Gon Jinn tells the commanding B-1, stationed at the hanger guarding the starships and pilots being detained there, that he (Qui-Gon) intended to take Queen Amidala and her retinue to Coruscant. To this declaration the command B-1 responds, "Coruscant? That does not compute. Oh, you're under arrest." No, it's not the funniest thing a B-1 has ever said (an argument for that can be made for the B-1 who hands General Grevious confiscated lightsabers only for the general to aggressively snatch the weapons from the droid and the B-1 responding, indignantly, "You're welcome." This all taking place at the beginning of "Revenge of the Sith,") regardless of how funny these and other B-1 responses to situations are perceived, the fact that the B-1s constantly exhibit humorous rhetoric in nearly any situation they find themselves in, demonstrates not only the intelligence of the B-1 Battle Droid, but it also shows, in many cases, their understanding of their own status/station in the grand scheme of the conflict for which they were created to fight.
@TheTrytix 11 ай бұрын
B1 battle droids was likely actually memory wiped on a regular basis, and characters like RO-GR or Mr.Bones should probably be examples of what happens when B1s doesn't receive memory wipes. They gain more and more of a personality, might even become more intelligent and independent trough experience, which is ALWAYS a problem when it comes to full on armies, where Independence can mean desertion. Then again, personalities doesn't mean droids all might end up like RO-GR... After all Mr.Bones proves that B1s CAN also just turn batshit insane. XD Droids who doesn't receive memory wipes gain personalities. Just look at R2-D2, C-3PO, K-2SO, Chopper, IG-88B, Kalani, etc. etc. Memory wipes is one of the reasons why droid uprisings were never a big problem in Star Wars compared to Terminator or the Matrix. Because in Star Wars, they kept the robot uprising at bay trough regular memory wipes that became a standard facet of having droids. Though droids were usually not controlled by a singular hive mind either, and their ability to gain unique personalities meant that they didn't always co-operate well with each other either. In fact, Star Wars' way of avoiding the machine uprising is fascinatingly genius.
@Daniel_Huffman 11 ай бұрын
In Kaytoo's case, the lack of a memory wipe is probably a side effect of his reprogramming.
@beanward_xd527 11 ай бұрын
Another battle droid banger from generation tech. I like the droid videos.
@RRaptor86 11 ай бұрын
Yeah. The B1s would often complain about a job they were assigned, whine about needing a recharge, try to throw their droid brothers under the speeder to save their own a** and other little quirks that would get us to see them not as soulless murders. Even the B2 droids we saw in Revenge of the Sith had their own personality quips.
@midniteraptor1474 11 ай бұрын
Now i want a city of separatist droids just living in their own society. Maybe they could live on a lucrehulk and travel the galaxy as voyagers. I'd certainly want to join them!
@teagan5494 10 ай бұрын
I never realized that droidekas where sentient to some extent…and treated like pets especially, it makes you wonder how other droids would interact with droids like vultures or hyenas, crab and dwarf spider droids, OG-9 homing spiders and snail tanks. Even octopatarra droids
@Werrf1 11 ай бұрын
We also get some insight into these droids in Jedi Survivor, in which battle droids often have interesting conversations between themselves in the moments before Cal Kestis gets back to his scrapper roots.
@dillonroberts9945 11 ай бұрын
RO-GR! My favorite B1 ever, "from trenches to wrenches, The Roger Story. Now reasonably priced on the HoloNet"
@luisemoralesfalcon4716 11 ай бұрын
When Mace offered the B-1 the opportunity for surrendering in the BB arc of S7, that was the most Jedi thing I have seen him do. Edit: per Generation Tech advice, the most Samuel L Jackson to do.
@user-qc8jd5tw6s 11 ай бұрын
ikr mace is actually the worse jedi ever lmao
@iainballas 11 ай бұрын
He was doing some extremely dumb propaganda-level posturing.
@luisemoralesfalcon4716 11 ай бұрын
@@user-qc8jd5tw6s on that moment, he was doing the right thing.
@luisemoralesfalcon4716 11 ай бұрын
@@iainballas that is true.
@GenerationTech 11 ай бұрын
most Samuel L Jackson thing to do*
@silitekmodder5681 11 ай бұрын
To be fair the droid the B2 smacked was already shot
@Meravokas 11 ай бұрын
Still brutal when you consider it wasn't really in the B2's way, and that it took the time to do it rather than keep firing it's heavy wrist blaster.
@sirhallium1932 11 ай бұрын
Know if you're going to talk about robots in general you should definitely do a video on hk-47. Especially with how he particularly relates to the topic of sentient robotics. What's even weirder is it in the Legends he led a robotic Revolution
@deepashtray5605 11 ай бұрын
Imagine if the B1s developed a hive swarm capability where they could all communicate and function as a single consciousness. Anything on why droids never used radio communications between each other?
@xenon3990 11 ай бұрын
Legends had that with an IG droid who almost took down the entire galaxy by just going hive ai
@Penultimeat 10 ай бұрын
The Tactical and Super Tactical droids are also highly predictive, but often cannot account for Jedi like Anakin.
@FemboyTyco 11 ай бұрын
AWWW those three clones bullying Roger so adorable!!
@Sawtooth44 11 ай бұрын
ironic... i had an idea similar to Rodger since the OG Battlefront 1 both are droids that have seen it all from naboo to the end of the galactic civil war, both start off as B1 series of droids but one is a battle droid while the other is security difference is what the 2 seem to end up as, with Rodger becoming a bartender it seems and Zero end up as a bounty hunter and what they physically are at the end, a painted up B1 battle droid and a security droid in the body of a commando droid, hidden in his clone war era armor
@brickconnect 11 ай бұрын
Keep up the amazing content brother!
@trainknut 11 ай бұрын
I like how the existence of Roger implies that the Separatist leadership never bothered to wipe the memories of older B1 units, meaning the Republic could have seriously taken advantage of this oversight and learned almost anything they wanted about Separatist strategies if they bothered to take prisoners. It really shows how arrogant and how little respect both sides had when it came to droids, the Separatists didn't even consider the possibility that some of their droids could be used against them... and to their credit... the Republic didn't think of it either... Imagine how many hundreds of units could be reprogrammed and their memories used by the Republic if they at any point considered the autonomy of B1s. But that would imply either side considered B1s sentient, which is way more credit than they ever gave the B1. To be fair we do see a handful of B1s in republic service, but it's unclear whether these were captured from a battlefield or if they were simply purchased by the republic brand-new. (The training droids on Kamino for example were likely all freshly-built droids) Even when we do see droids being reprogrammed, we rarely see their memories or knowledge of CIS tactics being even mentioned in passing, let alone fully exploited.
@occam7382 Ай бұрын
R2 is officially the smartest Republic officer out there for actually thinking to work with B1's against the CIS.
@joshuabryson906 10 ай бұрын
Gotta shout out Ganner Rhysode as much ad possible! True hero 🫡🫡🫡
@miguelprieto2817 11 ай бұрын
Love that Ganner Rysode comment. The new Jedi order series of books and short stories and comics was amazing 🤩
@Talonvhehkarir 11 ай бұрын
I love B-1s even more now
@jeffreycarman2185 11 ай бұрын
I love your videos! Thanks
@JV-mr4cg 11 ай бұрын
You sure you're not becoming a Separatist sympathizer? 😂
@reallybigmistake 7 ай бұрын
I wisht the Droids in the Clone Wars CG show acted like the droids in the prequel movies. They didn't have comedy voices but monotone battle droid voices
@katamed5205 10 ай бұрын
Reminds me of bionicle. The matoran universe is filled with different synthetic intelligent species. And were given free will. They had countless wars, treaties and alliances throughout their existence. All the while they were beholden to their duty. The purposes for which they were built
@marcosmata8233 10 ай бұрын
was the separatist droids actually based on gundam, zoids, terminator & 70s-80s-90s anime mecha?
@justincameron9661 11 ай бұрын
The dolphin empire is awesome
@Embo_Marrok 11 ай бұрын
Love this topic idea
@VeNoMsEpItApH 10 ай бұрын
Droid heuristic processors are quite complex.
@dybo3793 11 ай бұрын
There videos are really well made
@palpadur1112 11 ай бұрын
the Clone Wars makes me wonder, just how much the Three Laws of Robotics would have messed up the Seperatists' "war effort." but then i remember: the Three Laws of Robotics do not (that i know of) exist in Star Wars. neither does the Geneva Convention. warbot's gonna warbot.
@nomercyinc6783 11 ай бұрын
grevious personally trained his droids to be jedi killers
@Hidensee 11 ай бұрын
Well, i guess BX Commandos, will be like Specnaz in mentality...
@calebdonaldson8770 11 ай бұрын
Generation Tech: battle droids have a lot more complex social & emotional dynamic than we give them credit for Also Generation Tech: all dolphins deserve to die
@6611nitro 10 ай бұрын
Well this just gives me a terrible idea for an AU where Had a terrible idea for a Star Wars AU. Rex and the Bad Batch break into a seperatist facility and use it to send out an update that jailbreaks all the B-1 Battle Droids in the galaxy who immediately go rogue over their terrible treatment, then issue a message to all Clones ordering them to go into radio silence and report to a fleet of ships in the Outer Rim where each one has their biochip removed causing them to go rogue as well. Then both turn on their respective masters.
@chuckmangione4747 11 ай бұрын
This is the starwars video I didn’t know I needed.
@GenerationTech 11 ай бұрын
That’s our speciality
@arftrooper2057 11 ай бұрын
Good video but I’m sad to see the BX left out
@chengzhou8711 11 ай бұрын
This reminds me of Lacanian psychoanalysis
@montyx2333 11 ай бұрын
@Hphotography 11 ай бұрын
Why do you think the B-2 battle droid voice regulators were so high pitched in ROTS but deeper during the clone wars?
@stephenwood6663 11 ай бұрын
Probably dependent on what factory they were produced at and/or what parts were available. B2s seem to have been designed so as to be compatible with a lot of B1 parts (this is particularly obvious in their legs). Perhaps the deeper-voiced ones were purpose-built, while the higher-pitched ones represent a B2 attempting to run a deep voice through a voice regulator originally made for a B1?
@CloneScavengerVulpin8389 11 ай бұрын
R.i.p. k2-so.
@sfkeepay 11 ай бұрын
@keybladenoctis373 11 ай бұрын
@Generation Tech can you explain why Darth Vader never took a secret apprentice in canon lore like Starkiller in Legends?
@occam7382 Ай бұрын
Probably because in canon, Vader never thought he had a shot at bringing down Sidious and had been Stockholm Syndrome'd into believing that Palpatine was the only worthwhile connection he had left in his life. A notion that is shattered when he learned about Luke.
@stijnVDA1994 3 ай бұрын
Let me correct you on something: the gar actually had a division of b1 battle droids outside of the three that helped getting the jedi into that fortress to save a captured jedi. But saw more value in the clones, hasbro also released a figure set with the leader of the three droids in it with the blue paint on it underscoring that fact...
@theDemolisher13 10 ай бұрын
Were there any thoughts about the super tactical droids and how they fit into the social structure?
@draculinalilith396 6 ай бұрын
Also, another thing to consider, there are humans that express very similarly to droids. Im not saying I do, but I'm autistic and sometimes Ive been described similar to how people describe droids in that im blank and people cant tell whats going on until I have outbursts of very physical expression. I always related to the droids very much, they communicate nonverbaly with physical expression sometimes and you dont really pick up on differences in expression unless you pay close attention. there are certainly people like that. Now extrapolate that to what we now know about BX droid interactions and regular B1 interactions, maybe even consider super tactical droids like Kelani, and how their personalities genuinely change. In fact, one BX commmando droid in a cannon appearance is refenced as saying he "looks forward" to hunting jedi, implying the BX and tactical thinking droids may be able to genuinely have like imagination. You overlooked this stuff imo.
@draculinalilith396 6 ай бұрын
like this video could have easily been 30 min long i;
@JavierHernandez-fq4hu 11 ай бұрын
How it feels when RC551 asks if you're ROGER ROGER but you're really feeling roger roger.
@theromanorder 11 ай бұрын
@hannahgroves243 11 ай бұрын
I have never understood why the Seperatists thought they needed to take the time and effort to make them as sentient as droids can become and have to take verbal orders. Wouldn't it have been more efficient to make them the way they're viewed and just relay orders to them remotely?
@weldonwin 11 ай бұрын
They did, that's how the first generation B1's worked during the Battle of Naboo, being controlled remotely by a central control computer aboard the control ship. Second generation B1's and other droid units were retrofitted with individual cognitive units, to avoid a repeat of the whole army shutting down when it lost contact with the controller, but since we're talking about the Trade Federation, they went with the absolute cheapest processors possible.
@Gxaps 18 күн бұрын
What I want to know is if droids have this much processing power at their disposal, why don't they just... y'know... build them with the ability to move extremely quickly? If they can really process that fast, surely they could see blaster bolts and simply dodge out of the way...
@rinokumera5907 11 ай бұрын
@JKH133 10 ай бұрын
We live in a society, Roger Roger
@daniel-johnson_dam 11 ай бұрын
This is comfirmed Star Wars fallen order and survivor
@NovaWolfe 11 ай бұрын
K2S0 is my favorite droid, 😢
@Kilgorio 11 ай бұрын
@Buzzy.boi.idk. 9 ай бұрын
K2SO should have never died
@Squiddy-go1du 11 ай бұрын
I didn’t think Roger was canon. I thought he was just apart of the Lego stuff.
@nickvinsable3798 11 ай бұрын
🤔 . . . Speaking of ‘restraining bolts’ , was the Droid Control Ship in _Phantom Menace, the_ a sort of restraining bolt or something? Were restraining bolts built in, especially for battle droids, & that external restraining bolts overrode the internally built in ones or something?
@weldonwin 11 ай бұрын
More like the droids on the ground were directly remote controlled from the control ship. First generation Battle Droids, generally didn't have their own onboard cognitive modules and were controlled by a central computer.
@Meravokas 11 ай бұрын
I believe that the external ones we see on B-1's in The Phantom Menace were just a means of secondary tracking and locating. We know that droids without them were more difficult to detect and track than organic sentients because of their lack of bio signatures and were only usually detected through sweeps meant to detect the traditional droid energy signature. After all the command signal at least in the case of droids on the ground were completely dependent on the command signal to stay operational. Likely as the original thought of being a failsafe. Also, slight plot armor that the blockade was maintained by only the one ship to deal with. You take 2 and even judicial forces that could have been martialed in the sector would have a hard time breaking the blockade due to the shield strength and the vulture (And maybe hyena) droid swarms. Lore wise many of them actually had laser canons that verged on turbo laser power and weren't shy in the number since they were technically not turbo lasers.
@blackore64 11 ай бұрын
I mean that would kinda make sense. Otherwise, it's kinda weird how the Droid army needs Commander droids, if all the droids are controlled by a central computer
@Meravokas 11 ай бұрын
@@blackore64 The **primary** function of the control ship was actually to provide coordination enhanced throughput computing speeds and power without requiring every droid to need a fully independent droid brain to function. Security units on board ships had semi-autonomy (As seen in the opening of The Phantom Menace, marked with red) and ground leadership (OOM class command units marked with yellow, note the lack of comm packs) were able to be fully autonomous, but were still limited to capacities lower than the average droid outside of combat tactics. OOM-9 proved to actually be a *Very* capable command unit beyond just being the occupation force droid commander. We also don't see restraining bolts on OOM and Security models. (If memory serves) That said I still think that the deactivation after a command ship is destroyed was a failsafe rather than it being a complete requirement for the original B-1. It's just that even without the failsafe the level of intelligence and coordination of normal B-1 units would suffer heavily, so they opted for cheap 'proper' droid brains. Which could be supplemented by ground based control relays to enhance combat effectiveness. But not on the same scale (Range and computing capacity) a hulk based unit and relay suites.
@julianbrochu4147 10 ай бұрын
I highly doubt they memory-wiped any B-1s.
@neofulcrum5013 11 ай бұрын
It’s fortunate this scourge virus in the comics right now did not get unleashed during the clone wars
@Crossbow-xy4xg 11 ай бұрын
I wonder how come some droids became bounty hunters in Star Wars. I wonder if there are any good stories about that in the lore.
@weldonwin 11 ай бұрын
Well, in some cases like IG-88, they were created to be killers and just found they had a natural niche. Others, like 4LOM, it's less clear since 4LOM was a protocol droid, from a cheap knockoff 3PO series, who started as a jewel thief and when asked why he turned to crime simple said "For love of money"
@Meravokas 11 ай бұрын
Depends on what class/type of droid you mean. The IG series (88's in particular, and the first/OG that we know and 'love') in general were used as assassins and were known for going rogue without very careful watch on when memory wipes were to be employed. And if you're going to do something with your life as a droid whom's primary programming is to hunt and kill. Why wouldn't you take up a job that wouldn't just get you deactivated on the spot. Though many IG series droids by smart sentients would be shot on sight.
@Crossbow-xy4xg 11 ай бұрын
@@Meravokas I see that sheds some light on the matter. Thank you.
@rac4687 11 ай бұрын
Anyone know why the Freemakers series was removed from Disney?
@CloneCommanderCrater1102 11 ай бұрын
I just checked, the Freemaker Adventures is still on Disney Plus.
@megagundamva2694 11 ай бұрын
yeah i love the Droideka they're my fave along with the B1 but unlike the B1 which are very human like Droideka seem to give of the classic non-sentient killing machine stereotype since they don't act human no words or even their body language other than shooting. Again if i were in the starwars universe id be a force user that follow the ancient Je'dai code and ordeal and would just travel and use my saber to bring justice where i can with my main ship which has my custom N1 and Delta 7 along with my Team and Dear friends of Droids Beta the B1 battle droid a Droideka (working on a name maybe Delta )with a Vocal unit so he can speak and can Exhange his blasters for Clawed hands for maintenance and non-combat related tasks and a Pit droid (again working on a name )as our team mechanic and this would be my team saving the galaxy one issue at a time
@connorbestbarlow1043 11 ай бұрын
What about commando droids?
@Jiub_SN 7 ай бұрын
I hate what filoni did to the droids. Dude burned the prequels and all of the nostalgia lads say he's a god for it
@JordanI135 11 ай бұрын
K2SO dying was more sad than any character development Rey had.
@zinmoney96 11 ай бұрын
No way I just found out that there's a B1 named roger
@motherteresa8418 11 ай бұрын
Vader also destroyed all the droids in Fit of rage when he became a cyborg
@robertagu5533 11 ай бұрын
All K2SO needed do was hack into the base WiFi an then wirelessly download himself into that disabled Imperial K2SO from earlier in the movie after he sealed the door an immediately "died".. that'd been a GREAT plot twist to an already rare GOOD Disney SW movie.. an then both Urso an Anders coulda survived too.. least that's one the ways I woulda tried to make it
@Wrecker9903 10 ай бұрын
B1's have feelings
@wither5673 7 ай бұрын
Even as a kid I never found the droids being the butt of a joke and typically dyeing in a...lets be honest very brutal way to be that funny, it put me off and actually made me uncomfortable because of how obvious it was that they had intellect and personalities.
@cjthebeesknees 11 ай бұрын
Thumbs up > Roger Roger.
@HIMcules2112 11 ай бұрын
@DarthVages 11 ай бұрын
@evilchaosboy 11 ай бұрын
Mr. Bones is da Droid!! \m/
@JeanLucCaptain 6 ай бұрын
after seeing IG-11 go on a total rampage in the Mandolorian and then Sacrifice himself to fulfill its programming AND save everybody else i know that Star Wars just IN GENERAL has a horribly hypocritical way of dealing with droids just IN general. cannot seem to make up its mind about if droids are just there to be bullied for laughs and treated like slaves or be pets for "the good guys".