The Cost of Unnecessary Birth Interventions with Dr. Stuart Fischbein

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The Ellen Fisher Podcast

The Ellen Fisher Podcast

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@nataliam5 10 ай бұрын
My sister had a breech twin delivery at a small hospital and the OB pushed hard for C section, my sister absolutely refused it. They OB panicked and said, “I’ve never done a breech twin delivery!” Sister screamed well figure it out or get someone in here who does. So another OB came in and twins were eventually delivered safely! Don’t know if they other OB had any experience or was just there for support, but they got it done! 😅
@nicoletterusso5751 Ай бұрын
I wish I had the strength and bravery of your sister! Amazing advocating for herself and her babies . God bless her !
@ArielcHarrison 2 ай бұрын
I had a breach home birth as a first time mom. Our midwives were trained by Breach Without Boarders and my husband and I had a consult with Breach Without Boarders and decided to go forward with our home birth. I had a 10 our labor and he was out with 3-4 pushes.
@teenaskinner43 6 ай бұрын
I had a breach birth at home. The lady that delivered it only delivered a few baby's at that time. Everything was fine. I've had 4 kids at home 1 in the hospital. Went in to the hospital to be with my niece and they were very into telling people they were the only people that knew anything. Well people have life experience that is better than book experience sometimes
@oceana3070 Жыл бұрын
Looking forward to listening to this one! I had a beautiful and undisturbed, unmedicated, natural, water birth with a midwife in a birthing suite, 2 months ago. It was amazing welcoming our first baby. I credit him (the midwife), my husband, and my amazing GP (who was a formed nurse and big advocate of women centric maternity care) with empowering me to have the birth I not only wanted, but that my body was fully capable of and made for. It is such a huge task to rewire our minds to know that we can do labour without hypermedicalisation, but there are teams out there that will support us. I am my own case in point here - I laboured actively for only 2 hours, and pushed for under 15 minutes.
@chelseachristenn Жыл бұрын
Wow what a beautiful labor process. Praying my labor is short & I don’t push more than 20mins ❤ congrats on your new bundle of joy
@oceana3070 Жыл бұрын
@@chelseachristenn Thank you! Sending you well wishes from Australia 🌊😘 You can do it! If it helps, it helped me greatly during labour to make a conscious effort to do things that made me happy - looking at nature, having a tasty snack, looking at photos, massage from husband - whatever resonates for you. That and breathing in deeply at the peak of a contraction/wave helped a lot, as did water therapy, of course. 😇
@mikaeladonegan2430 6 ай бұрын
A CNM delivered my baby in hospital and it was overall a positive birth experience. This issue was being induced because of Gestational Diabetes and I wish I had pushed back. My baby was not too big. My sugars weren't that bad. It really wasn't needed looking back.
@kensidickerson4188 Жыл бұрын
So informative! Thank you for getting this information out. I have three little ones, all hospital births. I never had any detailed info on home births. If I had listened to this years ago, things may have been quite different. I always felt rushed through OB appointments, and rarely felt informed (even during my third pregnancy). My second was induced (per the doctors suggestion). I nearly had to have a c-section. It was very much like what you described - they broke my water and baby was in distress, they had to put an oxygen mask on me and flip me to the side. Scariest moment of my life because they didn’t even tell me what was happening. Thankfully we all made it through, but this definitely makes me so incredibly sad hearing your beautiful symphony analogy and the fact that he wasn’t getting the hormones that he needed to cope on his end. I was never informed of this and never fully understood the risks.
@taylormakenziereed8115 Жыл бұрын
I got induced at 39 weeks because I had 2 high blood pressure readings during my 3rd trimester. However, I monitored it at home and it was always perfect! I wish I would have advocated for myself and fought for the natural birth I had planned initially. I ended up getting an epidural and while my baby and I were both healthy, I now have a longing to experience the birth I planned for.
@breatheretreats_au 11 күн бұрын
That’s was an incredible interview and discussion. Wow! Thank you
@Gabilynndances 9 ай бұрын
My home water birth was my peak life experience. I largely attribute that and my natural hospital birth where I defiantly protested against the system to listening religiously to Dr Stu’s podcast. He and Blyss are changing lives for mothers and babies!
@dani-q7640 6 күн бұрын
No chord clamping until the placenta has been in a bowl for an hour or two ?😧 thank you for this information!
@leahhodge Жыл бұрын
This podcast episode is so invaluable. I am so thankful for this conversation. EXACTLY what he shared about induction and further interventions which led to an emergency cesarean happened to me in December 2021! I desperately want a VBAC for my next birth.
@lucianas4919 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for covering this topic Ellen! Your episodes child birth/ home births are truly amazing!
@samanthab5006 Жыл бұрын
I'm 32 weeks pregnant and planning to deliver at an independent local hospital instead of the two 5 minutes closer that are part of huge healthcare networks. They seem to be up to date with many of the things I've looked into (option of upright pushing positions, fluids by mouth, hour skin to skin, intermittent monitoring (if you sign waiver), encouragement of moving around during labor, open glottis pushing etc). They also have active efforts with updates on progress for things like reducing c section. Despite this my biggest anxiety is losing control when I go to the hospital and not trusting that something is actually needed vs just policy in place to make money. I don't want to offend my doctor or the nurses but at the same time I really want to tell them that I'm more afraid of them/hospital than labor itself.
@JiHa-l8c Ай бұрын
Did your delivery go well? Or did you regret it from the independent hospital?
@samanthab5006 Ай бұрын
I went into labor at 38+1 which was progressing rapidly. At the hospital they did a check and my son was footling breech (despite being head down at my appointment the day prior). I was rushed back for an emergency c section as my contractions were already about a minute apart. The spinal didn't take and I was put under general anesthesia as there was no time to try again. My son was born via c section just under 4 hours from my first contraction. I had an utterly boring normal pregnancy up to that point. My favorite ob was on call when I went into labor and held my hands through what felt like constant contractions and the need to poo while getting prepped for the c section. The nursing staff was excellent and the rooms were much nicer which was nice as I had to stay a few days longer due to the c section.
@jenniferzamora314 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this! So excited to listen 🫶🏽
@timbrelgeter6174 12 күн бұрын
I had freebirth after 3 c sections. Boycott the medical system ladies.
@JenniferRowse 10 күн бұрын
YAY!!! I'm so glad to hear this. Attempting a vba2c! The hospital does not support my wishes.
@jeantaglia6588 Жыл бұрын
So good! Saving this information for later.
@kirstenperry Жыл бұрын
Two of my faves!
@ReneeMu 4 ай бұрын
Wish I had been under a midwife, I didn't get anything near what I wanted and you feel stuck doing what they say because how are you to know if you'll be safe and so you trust the Dr out of fear
@allyperry1825 9 ай бұрын
Has anyone here had a natural birth after Leep procedure for precancerous cells? Curious if it is advised or possible?
@pklovesyou 4 ай бұрын
What happens if you don’t dilate?
@MichaelaHutchison Жыл бұрын
Sorry I'm only 9 minutes in and yes that's true. Maybe not for ALL American hospitals but with my first baby as soon as I felt the urge to push they called the doctor in, laid me down, and did an episiotomy on me. Literally she came in to do that with all her tools ready and everything. This was clearly standard procedure. I asked what they were doing and they said they were cutting me and I said why and their response was "you'll probably tear anyway". I told them no and she said "we're already doing it." In 1 or 2 pushes they cut me wide enough they were able to just take her head and pull her out and then they took her away so they can stitch me back up. I really wanted a home birth for both my babies but boyfriend is strongly against it and there was nothing I could say or do to convince him otherwise and always resulted in an argument. But I will tell anyone from personal experience, a hospital is the LAST place you want to give birth at, for so many reasons not just this one!
@letsstartahomestead 6 ай бұрын
I’m pregnant with my 3rd my first 2 were traumatizing labors and deliveries praying I get to have a home birth this time but I’m also concerned because I have fibromyalgia the labor obviously intensifies the pain so idk what to do the pain is worse than pitocin which I know cause I was on pitocin for 36 hours with my first labor 🫠
@LivingUnconventionally Жыл бұрын
I wish I heard this before I birthed my kids… pressured c section for my second
@maliaburk Жыл бұрын
EVERY woman needs to take the time to listen to this important conversation!
@kajalspandey Жыл бұрын
I had a homebirth in water this past December and it was the best experience, I was in total control of my body and in tune with everything happening. I had a 12 hour labor and pushed for 35 minutes as a FTM. There is no other way I would birth - women's bodies are made to do this. I kept reminding myself, since my body can grow my baby it can also birth my baby.
@bheyhey 9 ай бұрын
That’s fantastic. I didn’t birth at home but I struggled with breastfeeding in the beginning. I took your same approach and kept repeating to myself, if my body can grow my baby, it can and will feed my baby. My milk picked up drastically after I changed my mindset.
@SharleneBejan 9 ай бұрын
Beautiful to read ❤
@InaStanley83 7 ай бұрын
So, so happy for you!
@Ana_Cecilia615 6 ай бұрын
I did the same thing except at the midwives birth center. Next time, I will stay home. I don't want to get in the car 😂
@ltmltm4945 5 ай бұрын
Love that last phrase. Ill be jotting it down
@roux2689 Жыл бұрын
He delivered my two children. He is THE best💜
@TheFabFarmer 6 ай бұрын
You birthed your children…he was just there to catch. Pizzas are delivered.
@koy3y3y_ 5 ай бұрын
​@@TheFabFarmer😂😂😂😂😂😂why was this analogy so funny! But its true, we deliver our babies ourselves (unless it's through cesarean) doctors and midwife only assists in the process but they aren't needed if theres no complications, our bodies does it itself !!
@corablah9809 Жыл бұрын
This man influenced my twin homebirth!❤️
@lucianas4919 Жыл бұрын
That’s amazing
@tiffanysavage4236 11 ай бұрын
I am planning a twin home birth this month. I would love to hear your positive experience!
@Gabilynndances 9 ай бұрын
I’d love to hear your twin home birth experience
@terrafinlay701 8 ай бұрын
👀 same here.
@cecyglr 7 ай бұрын
Can you tell us how it went?
@sublimesamoyed 11 ай бұрын
I’m an RN, not on OB or labor, but I can personally attest to how many things are done in the hospital just per protocol, even if the protocol is asinine. Deeply saddening. My husband and I are hoping to start trying to conceive this spring ‘24, and I have always felt naturally drawn to home birth, long before I even became an RN, but this podcast is just what I needed to trust that it’s the right choice for me should my pregnancy be fairly routine. There is a sacred wisdom that God has given all of us and the medical model and “science” is trying to erode. I refuse to consent to it.
@TheAlexSerpe 5 ай бұрын
You have no idea how rare you are, never let the medical system change you. And you CAN do it! Hooray for home birth and personal choices being respected!
@sublimesamoyed 5 ай бұрын
@@TheAlexSerpethank you so much! I love being a nurse and the impact I can make for good when so much of the medical system is trying to usher people down a path for which they have such little personal control. Thankfully I am pregnant now and I have found a fantastic homebirth nurse midwife to support me!
@princessgemz271 10 ай бұрын
My first birth was bad. I was a week late and the doctor induced me at the first sign of labor. He had put me on a diet because baby was looking big and I’d have to have a C-section if she got any bigger. I really wanted a more natural birth but I wasn’t informed. I wasn’t allowed to walk around to manage pain either. Had me lying down on my back until I couldn’t handle contractions. Nurses laughed and wondered when I’d get the epidural. I ended up getting the epidural. Once baby was crowning he just looked over at the nurse, they nodded at each other and he gave me an episiotomy. I ended up needing a blood transfusion and was in so much pain afterwards. Nurse also tugged at the stitches because she was just doing her rounds and decided to clean the area without knowledge of my large episiotomy. It hurt so much and she just brushed it off. The stitches were so painful I could barely hold my baby sitting up. After that I had so many issues with that area healing that doctor said that I should just have a C-section next time I have a baby. It was the worst birth experience. Fast forward to my next birth, it was in another state with another hospital. I requested a midwife and it was such a positive experience. No talk of baby being too big or needing C-sections. And this baby was bigger than my first! I felt so relieved that I could finally have a good birth experience.
@Annalisesc 5 ай бұрын
I'm so sorry about your first birth experience, that sounds horrible, I can't believe those people. Well done on your second! God bless you
@monicataylor7414 21 күн бұрын
Because I’m over 35 with my second, they’re calling me “high risk” and saying I have to visit a doctor at least twice but can still have a midwife for an uncomplicated delivery. The midwife had no comments about my baby’s size but the doctor looked at the exact scan and started going on about how big it was and how I’m at risk for diabetes (even though my blood sugar is still great). And the baby isn’t even THAT big just long legs according to the tech who measured it. Has me worrying if I were to deliver with the doc would they start unnecessary interventions.
@drakeandweezyfbaby 13 күн бұрын
You poor thing. How big was your baby after all that?
@edenwidener Жыл бұрын
Need more episodes like this! This is a conversation I struggle to find people having. Would love an episode on vaccines as well
@Not_a_witch 4 ай бұрын
Not gonna happen on KZbin
@GaynorFamilyHomestead Ай бұрын
Here’s a fun fact from an ex-anesthesia provider… Every pregnant mom is treated like they have a full stomach… (or at least they should be). So regardless of their actual stomach contents, they are at higher risk of aspiration in an emergency anesthesia/operation situation. Should be a true RSI no matter what. So the forced starving of laboring moms is absolutely POINTLESS and dangerous and only fuels the cascade of intervention monster. 4 times, no epidurals, last one at home. I’ve done hundreds if not thousands of epidurals and would NEVER elect for one. Talk about lack of informed consent. Phew. So thankful to be out of this field. And so thankful for people who break the mold like this brave man!
@stephaniejensen3500 10 ай бұрын
As a Professional Doula & Mama of 6, I LOVE this episode and all the oh-so-important information that it’s sharing!! Will definitely share with all my clients & all the expectant Mamas I know!! 🙏💖 Also, PLEASE keep doing what you’re doing, Dr. Stu!! We need you & the work you’re doing with breech birth!! 💗
@celestialmorpho Жыл бұрын
00:00 - 2:42 Intro 3:50 Start. His history. Indoctrination. 8:25 Episiotomies on every women for no reason. 9:26 Gave women shots to dry up milk to give formula 10:14 What changed him. Midwives. 12:10 After 10 years he started collaborative practice. 13:19 Other people uncomfortable and removing medical privileges 14:50 Pediatrician story 16:45 First home birth 17:42 California law breech/twin birth and other dumb rules for control. 19:26 Devils Advocate: “safety”. Whose decision what safety is 24:23 Laws. When did they stop teaching breech? 25:40 Science is corrupted 26:45 Pregnancy is a disease. Medicine is a fear based world. 27:59 There is no true informed consent. 28:58 Inducing all women at 39 weeks 29:47 Medical model. They never ask about wanting more children. 31:15 Fear of doctor and society on mom 32:00 How mammals give birth. Nature is a symphony. 34:18 When a baby is born… 35:50 everything done to you is antithetical to nature’s design. Algorithm and money. 39:15 Taking away food and water from a mammal. Not normal. 39:54 Devils advocate. At what cost. The model is routine and rotations. 41:24 Are they doing it differently? progress? 5-30% cesarean rate risen without benefit 43:08 Other countries 43:40 “Birth is an illness” 45:40 “pregnancy is a normal function of the body” 48:09 Obstetricians are unique yet obsolete 50:40 Story 52:00 Ellen’s story 53:54 Provider vs Practitioner 55:31 Most residents still have never seen a normal birth 57:18 They never see the woman again unlike midwives. catch watch for signs of things 59:19 You only hear about the planes that crash 1:00:34 The model. no nicu. the model isn’t mammalian. 1:02:25 touch regulates 4 things. and cutting the cord. 1:04:09 pros and cons to hospital things
@aprilmendoza4638 10 ай бұрын
Mom of 8 here and a bonus mom to 1 but I have basically been through all of these scenarios. My first child I was induced and it was intervention after intervention. Then I had twins via c-section even though I wanted to deliver naturally. But I was 5cm and my son was head down but his sisters leg was near his head to where they felt her toes when checking me. I went in for a NST and ended up in labor and delivery for a c-section. Next I had a VBAC but I was on max pitocin and it was agonizing. I was going to cave and get the epidural but they checked me and baby was right there. I was so relieved and had her out in a few pushes. Since then I have had 3 other natural VBACS. No meds. A little pitocin for one toward the end but it was a very small amount. They always try to get that pitocin in you. I will be having another VBAC this will be my 5th one baby is due Dec 15 2023. With one of my births I went in 24hrs after my water broke and you would have thought I commited a crime when I told them. If you are educated on the birth process and know what you want its easy to advocate for yourself. This is a great interview. Literally I had to learn through each birth process and do lots of research but what they are saying is 100% true. When I go in to give birth naturally in the hospital I get looked at like im crazy sometimes for the decisions I make but I know my body and I trust my body and unless its a TRUE emergency I will stick firm in what I want out of my birth. Its my and my baby's life experience, its just another day for them (usually) Don't be afraid to speak up. They are there to guide and recommend but it doesn’t mean its the final say. You are the final say. Good luck to all the mamas out there 💓
@Ashleyohmy11 Жыл бұрын
It was two hours long but I could have listened for so much longer! Please have him on again for the debate!
@neemaestherlinkitonga-muli1954 4 ай бұрын
@terrafinlay701 8 ай бұрын
After 10 years of infertility there was no way I was going to have my baby in the hospital. My husband and I had a beautiful home birth with zero complications with the assistance of two birth assistants. Looking back I do know I took risks because I didn't get prenatal care towards the end of my pregnancy. My birth assistants were not midwives but they were what I needed at the time. Ladies please do your due diligence to have a midwife present and have some cash to pay out of pocket because the medical system won't allow you to birth the way you want and insurance won't cover it either.
@christinaorso2640 Жыл бұрын
I had my daughter at a birthing center and the midwives were my best friends in those few days. They had me on a ball, walking around the room and even offered the birthing tub (I didn’t take a bath, sadly, I was so exhausted after days of no sleep) and the doctor came in two minutes before my daughter was born and left extremely quiickly after. The midwives were absolutely so caring and empathetic and resisted offering interventions and I will never forget them. I love them to this day.
@danielabosque7680 Жыл бұрын
I would DIE to see the debate of Dr Stuart vs the other people
@ShaniSunshine Жыл бұрын
thank you so much for finding guests on this podcast that expose people to different perspectives. no one would ever expect a doctor to be so open about their knowledge. thank you to you both for sharing this wealth of information!
@MorganPrinsloo Жыл бұрын
Ellen, do you have anything on vaccines given to babies? I would love to know his opinions on those.
@theveganyogi_ Жыл бұрын
I live in Germany and listening to how American Hospitals "treat" pregnancy is just scary to me... Germany is not perfect in any way but at least here you can go into a so called "birthing home" where doctors are available if anything goes wrong but there you have midwives who look after you while your walk around, sit, lay down and you can even get into a tub if you want. This conversation was really eye opening to me, thank you for that!
@corablah9809 Жыл бұрын
We do have birthing centers here, but many don't take insurance and are out of pocket. I've heard pretty terrible things about socialized births, giving birth with random families next to you, big labor rooms with 5+ women, unable to be calm and move as they need to to cope with labor pain. There needs to be common ground and not treating us like cattle.
@edithtierce8209 10 ай бұрын
@@corablah9809They mostly also don’t allow women over 30 or women who have had a doctor document ANYTHING “out of the ordinary” during their pregnancy….. Including nonsense like supposed gestational diabetes early in pregnancy after skewed results on a single blood test. Regardless of no actual complications during pregnancy. It’s all effes up in the US…
@jakelonge326 10 ай бұрын
He's very fascinated by "nature's design". Nature cannot design anything. Nature is the design and God is the designer. He designed birth that's why it is so natural and beautiful.
@brianaott 8 ай бұрын
I was thinking the same thing. In order to have a design, there must be a designer, who is God.
@honeyb6304 4 ай бұрын
@LittleMissInsantiy 10 ай бұрын
I was seeing a resident for my prenatals, not an actual OB. I was trying to figure out who in the heck would be delivering my baby when the times comes and he immediately jumped to "well if your delivery if scheduled......" and brain immediately said NOPE!!! So now I have a midwife & a doula and we are planning a home birth. I'm SO excited.
@ethxo6734 11 ай бұрын
I was terrified of having a c section and was very proactive before even getting pregnant. I hired a doula, found a hospital with a birthing center and went to an OB that had midwives. I was reading literature, following exercise plans specifically to prepare my body for birth, eating healthy. I thought I did everything right but once I got to the hospital and they told me I no longer qualified for the birthing center I felt like that was where everything went downhill. Everything on my birth plan was turned upside down. After 3 days of labor and 4.5hrs of pushing I ended up needing a c section. My baby was stuck. I’m 5 months post partum and still grieve not being able to have a natural birth. I’ve asked myself what I could have done different but alas, there’s no changing the past. In my case I had the knowledge, did the work but still fell victim to the medical industrial complex.
@InaStanley83 7 ай бұрын
I'm so sorry this happened to you. 😞 What was their reason for saying that you no longer qualified for the birthing center? I saw that you said your baby was stuck. Was your baby breech? And did they explain this to you before just taking that option away?
@ethxo6734 7 ай бұрын
@@InaStanley83 They said my amniotic fluid was low and my baby’s heart rate seemed to increase with contractions so they needed to monitor. In the birthing center section they don’t have any of the monitoring devices so that’s why I was forced to go into labor and delivery. But I do think them telling me that mentally sent me spiraling downwards because I didn’t want that and worked so hard to prevent it.
@ethxo6734 7 ай бұрын
@@InaStanley83 No he wasn’t breeched he just came down at a weird angle. When I was pushing I could see his hair , he was crowing for a good hour but I couldn’t get him to come out. When he did come out the top of his head was so severely conned and red from all the pressure. My doula did tell me that it was good that the doctors called it when they did because if they would have let me continue then he would have gone into distress and then it would have been an emergency c section and I would have been knocked out.
@missclover7781 7 ай бұрын
I feel you. I had a simular experience. I'm about a year post partum and it still grieves me. Sometimes it's just out of our control... I look forward to having a second chance.
@rachellebrooke4614 6 ай бұрын
I’m very sorry to hear this! What you went through is very hard
@julialinares6 Жыл бұрын
WOMEN! We are sooooo powerful in so many ways, we have been told otherwise in EVERY field. Labour is just another one of them. And it’s time for this to CHANGE. WE HAVE THE POWER!
@hannahgilbreth6492 Жыл бұрын
Im due with my second baby in june. I had a c-section with my first 2 years ago, and the part in the middle of the interview where he describes how having an epidural then causes heart rate to go down, and then an "emergency" c-section has to happen, is literally my story to a T. A story that brings me to tears every time i think about it, absolutely to most traumatic moment of my life. I just a few days ago scheduled a c-section for my second to avoid the possibility of another emergency, but I really really dont want it... im rethinking everything here now, and i have so little time to decide.
@jahsoka8307 Жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry that happened to you. When I was pregnant with my first baby, events happened (loss of insurance, State laws against midwives) that caused us to have to search for either a midwife or have a hospital birth. Third trimester came and I had no clue where the birth would even be. It can be scary when there's little time left and there seems to be very few options. We found (by a miracle!) a midwife near us and had a home birth. I know a mom who in her late 30s or early 40s had a natural VBAC. Whatever you choose to do, let it be the option that you feel the safest with, whether that's a scheduled c-section or VBAC. I hope this helps, and congratulations on your second baby! I hope you find the right birth option.
@LivingUnconventionally Жыл бұрын
My first labor was tramautic. After 4 hours of pushing and 24 hours of labor, induced on my due date for convenience, he was born with forceps breaking his arm. Doc convinced me to have a planned c section with my second to avoid the same problem… looking back I feel like I was deceived and misguided
@hannahgilbreth6492 Жыл бұрын
​@jahsoka8307 thank you, i decided to speak with my dr. and try to be more assertive on what im wanting. Im unfortunately not in the best way financially, we have enough to get by, but not alot extra so its unfortunately a huge factor for us.
@hannahgilbreth6492 Жыл бұрын
​@@LivingUnconventionallywow, im so sorry to hear that, that sounds so awful. And thats exactly how it feels, being guided in a way not actually beneficial to you or your baby, but more convenient for them.
@LivingUnconventionally Жыл бұрын
@@hannahgilbreth6492 I think docs care a lot about their numbers / success rate
@veronicagurrola5877 11 ай бұрын
I'm so happy this doctor is really speaking truth about the medical industry and how horrible it is.😢 it's all about business. That's right they see us as numbers not human beings.
@thecraftynaturalmama9736 4 ай бұрын
The only man I'd trust to be at my births besides my husband. I've watched so many of his videos and he's got all my trust. I'm birthing my 5th at home in the summer. My 2nd home birth!
@InaStanley83 7 ай бұрын
As I'm listening to this, I'm thinking about the NICU nurse in the UK who was a serial killer and purposely harming newborns. I feel like the way Western medicine handles birthing made it easy for someone like her to do the things she did while flying under the radar. When you have a model that almost immediately removes baby from mother and has multiple medical professionals intervening in a birth and the aftercare, it can be too easy for either *wrong,* *completely unnecessary,* or even *purposely harmful* interventions to be forced on both mother and baby. I was already contemplating birthing either at a birthing center or at home (with both a doula and a midwife), but learning about that case and then listening to podcasts like this helped to solidify that decision. For anyone not familiar with the case, her name is Lucy Letby. The case is very recent, I think she was just sentenced in August of 2023. She murdered 7 newborns, but harmed many more (if I remember correctly there were as many as 9 or 10 other babies that were fortunately transferred out to different facilities and able to receive corrective care for the harm she did to them).
@racheln4309 10 ай бұрын
The theory at 1:08:40 just kills me!! The poor baby! I’ve thought this for a while. No one ever thinks about what the baby is physically feeling during birth.
@sagarue Ай бұрын
I just started crying it's heart breaking
@beccalindgren3902 Жыл бұрын
I could listen to this guy on repeat talk about the hormones lol. His voice is soothing and he is obviously very knowledgable. That knowledge will help me have peace during my birth.
@Marie-jz2pj 10 ай бұрын
This was such a blessing to listen to! My first was a HB ended in C-section because he wasn’t in a good position. My second came 20 months later and was a VBAC. My third came 19 months after that and I had her at home unassisted by accident- no tearing and it was the shortest easiest labor I’ve had so far. My babies weighed 10lbs 14oz, 10lbs 6oz, and 10lbs 7oz. I’m Im currently pregnant with baby #4 and he will be 19 months apart from my last. I’m currently seeing midwives at a hospital this time due to not having the funds to have a home birth. On my first visit I was told that they “wouldn’t let me be able to VBAC due to the length of time since my last birth. It’s their policy since they go by ACOG guidelines. I’ll have to switch to an OB by 32 weeks and do counseling for a VBAC. I’m high risk because I’m over 35 and I was recommended to start taking baby aspirin every day to keep my blood pressure down even though my BP is always low or normal. She also told me she wants to make sure baby’s weight stays down so I don’t deliver a big baby”🙄🙄🙄 I told my husband that as long as everything looks good towards the end of this pregnancy that I’m just going to have this baby at home unassisted again if I have to. To say I was disappointed in the hospital midwifery would be an understatement.
@beckyphipps9206 10 ай бұрын
God bless you & I hope all goes well ❤
@Marie-jz2pj 10 ай бұрын
@@beckyphipps9206 thank you so much💗
@Growbacktoyourroots9 7 ай бұрын
I’ve been so fed up with all this BS that I am 100% having baby by myself, unassisted.
@lcmrtnz0165 2 ай бұрын
How did it go? You are amazing! 🎉 Hope all is well
@bettyglick2679 Жыл бұрын
“The medical model thinks that pregnancy is an illness, therefore they want to control everything…. They don’t care that it causes chaos”. This ideology has caused me deep rooted trauma..
@stephanicrandall7797 10 ай бұрын
I'm sorry to hear that. I also have trauma from the medical model.
@abigailloar956 10 ай бұрын
Me too, I'm scared to have my next
@Lovefamilyabundance 9 ай бұрын
I'm so happy I saw this podcast for the first time last week. Because after what I went through last night I have a lot to say in regards to this video and I love this content. Our medical system is flawed. So I am 35 weeks pregnant and my husband is from Venezuela where the medical system is so different. I am from Chicago. Yesterday I had a check up where I saw on the ultrasound that my baby was head up. And I am a first time mom who has a miscarriage right before this pregnancy. All of my tests have always been normal and I have had the most beautiful pregnancy. But my blood pressure was high yesterday. I was rushing in traffic to get this appointment on two buses and immediately they took my blood pressure. And my blood pressure is never high. The doctor came in after my vitals were taken by the nurse and took an ultrasound where I saw the baby head up. She immediately proceeded to tell me I would need a c section and did not even show me the baby on the screen I had to ask. And because my blood pressure was high I was sent to the ER to labor and delivery thinking something was wrong with my baby. This is the problem I was no informed so I was freaking out and I had a miscarriage right before this baby and as a new mom you don't know everything. So they instill fear in you. When I arrived at the ER where I am supposed to deliver my baby I was sent up to labor and delivery. They checked me in and gave me a wristband. I thought I would only be there for a few minutes. But they strapped me in with something to monitor the baby, took my blood, Made me change, and told me I might need at IV. So imagine I'm trying to get my blood pressure down I have no idea what is going on with my baby and all these things are being done. Anyways I was there for three hours maybe more. And the reason I left early was because I can advocate for myself especially when pissed. At this point I knew everything was ok with the baby because I had a direct answer. So I knew I was being held there for no reason. My blood pressure did go down. I did not have preeclampsia and they diagnosed me as having geriatric hypertension. Even though my blood pressure is never high. And I was cold the whole time and had no food. It was horrible process. Luckily at the end a midwife that I saw months prior when I miscarried saw me. I was so happy to see her. And she told me after I explained to her the process I quote "we should have done better, I'm sorry". Now at the beginning I mentioned my husband is from Venezuela and he does not speak English. So imagine him there and I can't tell him anything. He is thinking something is wrong. And he was pissed I mean pissed after he found out everything was fine. I arrived at the clinic at 630 pm walked over the other (1 block away) after only being seen for like ten min at 655. And then was in the ER until 10.10 pm. I mean it's horrible and my husband said this is all for money, in my country you don't go to the hospital unless something is wrong. I loved this podcast and I agree our medical system is flawed. I apologize for typos I am writing this on the bus on the way to work.
@kensidickerson4188 Жыл бұрын
That last part “it’s not for everybody”, made me think of my most recent OB appointment. I was there for a checkup and had some irregularities in my cycle so she was attempting to talk me into birth control. I don’t care for birth control because of the side effects I’ve experienced in the past. I explained that and she said, “I always say there’s a pill for everybody.” 😬 It was said in jest, but it made me cringe, knowing that birth control has such terrible side effects and that no natural solutions are ever offered or discussed.
@edithtierce8209 10 ай бұрын
I had basically the same experience as you. I went in for irregularities because I would just start my period at random IN SCHOOL without warning and whatever clothes I was wearing would be ruined. In high school I could not feasibly 1. Have extra clothes on hand daily in my tiny locker or 2. Leave class whenever at will… I went to hopefully get some sort of real advice… What they told me was go on the pill because I needed it for when I inevitably tried to just have unprotected sex anyway… Whole thing was bizarre and gross. When I denied birth control if that was my only option, them being unwilling (aka unable) to give me any actual advice it was acted like I would inevitably be a teen mom and back in there. Excuse me? Flash forward to 34 and I have never been on the pill, IUD or anything like that. My cycle has calmed down obviously at this age and I can also tell from paying attention over the years… How my cycle is going throughout the month. I can even tell when I ovulate by considering how I feel daily. I went in to check my fertility because I am 34… I told them I can FEEL that I ovulate every month so I think I am very fertile still since that is what research states. If you can actually feel ovulation pains you are still very fertile… I was told I imagined these feelings, wishful thinking, don’t get your hopes up you’re 34… Well imagine that! I am totally fine and can easily have a baby… Yet here I am at 34, only using natural birth control, married and with my partner for 7 years. No pregnancies… Because of this doctors seriously terrify me. I plan if I get pregnant to do it at home. Everything else just seems horrifying and risky.
@JazzlineV 11 ай бұрын
Some of what he mentioned reminds me of Candance owens birth story. This was good information.
@dallas41891 Жыл бұрын
Ellen, I hope you do an episode on vaccinations for children someday.
@GraceHiniker 17 күн бұрын
8:00 The fact that episiotomies were standard is crazyyyyy, just the assumption that a woman is going to tear is ridiculous. I'm not tiny but I am a smaller person (5'6", 125lbs prepregnancy) and a week ago I pushed out a 9lb 3oz baby with only a minor inside tear only needing 2 stitches that will dissolve on their own. An epesiotomy would've been more damaging than what I ended up with
@Doxymeister 6 ай бұрын
He's right about not teaching breach delivery. Forty five years ago, when pregnant with my first son, my OB told me they didn't do breach deliveries anymore, they "always" did C-sections. When my second son was breach at term, I never gave a second thought to it, I assumed they would delivery him C-section. I'm amazed that anyone still teaches it, now I think it's a skill that they cannot allow to die out.
@Jadeyyeew Жыл бұрын
INCREDIBLE! I am 35 weeks along with my first and planning a beautiful, calm , natural water birth. Thanks to you Ellen for inspiring me to move beyond generational limiting believes and traumas associated with birth by learning, becoming more informed and mentally, emotionally and physically preparing asa much as I can so that I can birth my baby with ease, naturally and exactly how nature intended.
@SK-ut6tw Жыл бұрын
Yeah.... They induced me and only allowed me to labor for 10 hours. I got to a 7 and they called it failure to progress and did the section. Ruined my chance of having a large family.
@law9169 Жыл бұрын
Horrible being labelled 'failure' maybe labour halts because we don't feel safe & supported
@SK-ut6tw Жыл бұрын
@@law9169 I was young and didn't know better. I was scared.
@law9169 Жыл бұрын
​@@SK-ut6tw oh I can relate, I was too ❤
@corablah9809 Жыл бұрын
I think it's important for people to stop not including us young mom in the topic of informative choice and being educated in pregnancy and birth. I am the only young mom, the ONLY. ONE. I know of, that had an unmedicated birth, the only one that breastfed(with my twins I had to pump, I stopped at 10 months). I'm thankful I had the drive, and focus(not working, having a supportive husband, but zero family help, but I think that gave me an opportunity to think and learn, it wouldn't have been the same if I was working through pregnancy). I ended up having a birthing center singleton birth(19) and a twin homebirth(22), I am now 23. We are done, the chance of having spontaneous fraternal twins again is too risky to my long term health, my hormones and body are so damaged. I have borderline arthritis because of the severe spinal compression from carrying twins full term, I have chronic pain and inflammation issues, blood sugar issues, that's something people don't tell you either. I didn't know about postpartum bleeding and recovery until I was 6 months pregnant with my first. It's all secretive and hush hush, especially around us.
@KirstenH-ce4ye Жыл бұрын
I really appreciated this discussion. As someone who has had three hospital births, I feel I’ve been so fortunate. I just had my third without an epidural and I can really tell the difference in my birth experience. My baby was born quickly and at 36 weeks (I went into spontaneous labor). Despite being early, he is the most alert newborn I’ve had and can’t help but wonder if the no epidural helped. I’d also love to hear more about vaccines and the vitamin k, hep b and eye ointment that is put on newborns in the hospital setting.
@gabihuggins5042 Жыл бұрын
Candace Owens has some great videos about Vit K and vaccines
@bridgetr5537 Жыл бұрын
Love this conversation! The birth of my first daughter felt so traumatic in the hospital because of all the interventions that were pushed on me including pitocin. I wanted no interventions at all. FYI, having pitocin when you're already actually in labor (because I was coerced into it) makes the baby come out almost immediately. I didn't have an epidural because again, I wanted an all natural birth with no interventions, and the pitocin made my contractions go from just slightly painful to a very strong in the course of just a couple of minutes, which was really stressful on my body and I'm sure it was stressful for my baby too. I hate how people think all these things are just normal so thank you for hoping to spread the word. Unfortunately, my second pregnancy really was high risk because I had placenta previa so I did have to have a c-section. Because of this, even if you're going for a home birth, I would always recommend getting at least one ultrasound after 20 weeks to make sure placenta previa is not an issue. I also had really bad hyperemesis gravidarum. Lol it was rough!
@MichaelaHutchison Жыл бұрын
Pitocin was pushed on me too. AS SOON as I got to the hospital they tried giving it to me and I said no. They tried again 10 minutes later and I said no I am having a natural labor and will let my body progress how it needs to. She walked out and 2 minutes later she came in with 2 other nurses and she said we're giving you pitocin whether you like it or not and 2 nurses held me down while the other one injected me with pitocin.
@bridgetr5537 Жыл бұрын
@@MichaelaHutchison Oh my gosh!!! That's horrible!
@evaj558 Жыл бұрын
​@@MichaelaHutchisonthat is assault. Plain and simple
@kristenherr9389 10 ай бұрын
That doesn’t sound believable, and if it is, I’m assuming you’ve won a lawsuit.
@Growbacktoyourroots9 7 ай бұрын
@@MichaelaHutchisonyou sued and won, right?
@Rebecca.Daydream Жыл бұрын
Need a *Short* of the clip around 2:02 where he says “breech birth [or home birth] may not be for everybody, but informed consent is for everybody” It would make a great clip to share with people who aren’t already in on midwifery, natural labor, etc to try and spread awareness beyond the circle that already knows this stuff
@kylideinarovich3937 Жыл бұрын
Labor and Delivery Tech here! Planning to have a homebirth starting this Friday! So excited for this episode. You two were integral parts in my preparation for my homebirth!
@bettyglick2679 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Ellen!!! You are the best at bringing light to such important topics 🙏🏻
@maloriebaker7715 Жыл бұрын
The affects that this video had on me and my Spirit today, is beyond words. But it's too good not to share, so here goes my story. As a Mom who has experienced a waterbirth & 3 hospital births, NOTHING can compare the two. They are night and day at best! I am currently pregnant with baby #5, and naturally go against the grain of the typical route when pregnant. I'm 20wks give or take (based off my intuition and understanding), because I avoid going into clinics til I'm thru all the morning sickness, or in my case, sick all dang day. I finally broke down yesterday & scheduled my 1st obgyn appointment, and was excited to atleast find out how far along we are, as well as find out gender (I only do 1 ultrasound to discover gender). Props your able to embrace the surprise of it all!! Then I click on this video today, because I follow your channels, and giiiirlfriend. Mid way thru the video it hits my Spirit incredibly hard, and Intuition told me to call around and look for waterbirth centers that accept our insurance (which is rare to find). The first place I called was a go, and I am on cloud 9 to say the least. So incredibly grateful for you, this interview, and always listening to the voice within me that knows best 💕💕💕💕 Sending so much Love & Light your way!
@hannahlevy6074 2 ай бұрын
1:39:00 I believed that the midwife would cost more because I had insurance to cover the OB and hospital. NO! My first birth was completely natural, vaginal, baby born 2 hours after I arrived at the hospital, but they required me to stay in hospital for 2.5 days (because it was the weekend!), and with insurance I paid about $8,000 out of pocket. Next two births were at home with a midwife, all expenses in, $3-5,000 each. Insurance is a load of garbage.
@alexirossi Жыл бұрын
The conversation about money at the end is so tone deaf. Over 60% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. Yeah for some people keeping food on the table is a bigger priority than a midwife. Loved this episode until that point.
@abigailloar956 10 ай бұрын
Same, if I blew my savings on this I would have nothing left for my family or the actual life of the baby after. It just is what it is for some of us. He's a doctor in CA though so 🤷‍♀️
@Mackieleeee.1 4 ай бұрын
You don’t really think someone couldn’t save 5k just asking
@Truth2Eyes 3 ай бұрын
Then why only comment about 1 negative instead of also saying all the topics you enjoyed. Hospitals are a business is a fact you cant ignore.
@DynAmisch69 Ай бұрын
Why are you complaining about being poor? If it’s so important for you to afford a midwife then make it possible! Work a third job for a year or whatever. Become creative and stop playing the victim. By the way if you’re this financially troubled then it isn’t fair to your potential children to bring them into this mess anyways.
@alexirossi Ай бұрын
@@DynAmisch69 I, personally, am not. I think about others beyond myself.
@livingin1984 Жыл бұрын
Holy cow! This video has helped calm some nerves. I was in the care of midwives at a birthing center. But after 2 appointments with a "high" bottom number on my blood pressure reading, they had to risk me out claiming its technically considered gestational hypertension. Pretty sure the reads were a form of self fulfilling prophecy. I dont care for the midwife i saw those 2 appointments (the 3 midwives retate). Naturally, that could cause a higher reading. Then between the midwife and nurse they took my bp 4 times that visit and started talking about if it doesnt come down i may need to be risked out and see a doctor for an induction. My next appointment was with the same midwife and the nurse only took my bp once so they said 'yep, its gestational hypertension.' The bottom number was right at the high mark🙄. Found a midwife at a hospital, she looked over my records, called me, and was like because you have hypertension we need to induce you. I pretty much hung up on her. Talked to a doula, she helped calm me down. Told me to get a hold of a different midwife at the same hospital. Had an appointment with her today. She recommended an induction but made it clear its my choice (not the impression i got from the midwife i spoke with on the phone, even though i know its my choice). Then went to labor and delivery for an nst. Every thing is fine. No symptoms like a headache, vision issues, swelling, signs of kidney issues or failure, none of that. During the nst they checked my bp. Guess what that bottom number (which was already down from "high") came down even more. i think that was feeling more comfortable that i wasnt going to have to rage at these people that i dont want to be induced. They were listening to me and i was feeling less stress... who know that would be reason for bp or come down🤦‍♀️ (heres looking at you midwife i dont like). This conversation had helped reinforce that my instincts about what is right for baby and i are correct. Im the one who gets to determine the risk of possibly getting preeclampsia (its honestly not very likely) or the risks involved with induction (which is much more likely). When you are a person who goes against the grain, even knowing with certainty youre correct, some times you start to feel a little crazy because every one else is telling you, youre wrong. Good to know im not crazy.
@celestialmorpho Жыл бұрын
00:00 - 2:42 Intro 3:50 Start. His history. Indoctrination. 8:25 Episiotomies on every women for no reason. 9:26 Gave women shots to dry up milk to give formula 10:14 What changed him. Midwives. 12:10 After 10 years he started collaborative practice. 13:19 Other people uncomfortable and removing medical privileges 14:50 Pediatrician story 16:45 First home birth 17:42 California law breech/twin birth and other dumb rules for control. 19:26 Devils Advocate: “safety”. Whose decision what safety is 24:23 Laws. When did they stop teaching breech? 25:40 Science is corrupted 26:45 Pregnancy is a disease. Medicine is a fear based world. 27:59 There is no true informed consent. 28:58 Inducing all women at 39 weeks 29:47 Medical model. They never ask about wanting more children. 31:15 Fear of doctor and society on mom 32:00 How mammals give birth. Nature is a symphony. 34:18 When a baby is born… 35:50 everything done to you is antithetical to nature’s design. Algorithm and money. 39:15 Taking away food and water from a mammal. Not normal. 39:54 Devils advocate. At what cost. The model is routine and rotations. 41:24 Are they doing it differently? progress? 5-30% cesarean rate risen without benefit 43:08 Other countries 43:40 “Birth is an illness” 45:40 “pregnancy is a normal function of the body” 48:09 Obstetricians are unique yet obsolete 50:40 Story 52:00 Ellen’s story 53:54 Provider vs Practitioner 55:31 Most residents still have never seen a normal birth 57:18 They never see the woman again unlike midwives. catch watch for signs of things 59:19 You only hear about the planes that crash 1:00:34 The model. no nicu. the model isn’t mammalian. 1:02:25 touch regulates 4 things. and cutting the cord. 1:04:09 pros and cons to hospital things 1:06:00 downsides to induction 1:08:08 neurotransmitters. adrenaline cortisol oxytocin endorphins gone 1:08:50 you also help the baby. epidural cuts mom and baby off raises heart rate 1:10:42 meddle with birth meet with technology 1:11:48 Pitocin is not oxytocin. Does not cause let down. 1:15:10 coercion in doctors offices 1:17:05 Continuous fetal monitoring 1:19:17 Called an emergency c-section but it always takes 40 mins to an hour 1:20:29 VBAC 8-10 mins to get baby out. Hospitals can’t do it. 1:21:25 Banning vbac is unethical. What’s best for the patient is determined by the patient 1:23:15 risks of cesarean no microbiome and epigenetics 1:24:43 Cesarean for certain times of the day. 1:26:25 What to do when delivering at hospital. What to ask when water breaks and more exposure to bacteria after water breaks in a hospital is reason to stay home. 1:29:23 bathing baby in anxiety hormones 1:31:40 they demonize things they don’t know how to do 1:32:35 “expert” that can’t service a good percentage of patients is not an expert 1:33:07 high risk vs low risk 1:35:40 the power of the mind 1:36:44 what are the doing right in obstetrics 1:38:55 “can’t afford it” why insurance companies should be covering it 1:41:01 Ellen’s opinion 1:43:06 make more midwives 1:45:00 most precious day and it’s a priority 1:46:15 final words of encouragement vbac. not the same as… 1:47:42 banning vbac but 99% safe. amniocentesis is more risky than vbac. 1:50:20 breech and twins and percentage should be 90% lower. Twin “experts” unethical 1:53:05 1:53:22 Breech tells you they’re okay. Cesarean breech dangerous to breech incompetent doctors 1:55:20 avoid cesareans if you want many children 1:55:51 Sponge to wipe on baby. first gut colonization sets you up for life. 1:58:22 Pushing for 2 hr myth. Another algorithm 1:59:29 Informed consent decided by a bunch of other things 2:01:30 cognitive dissonance 2:03:40 how birth affects
@mongoosecandice7402 Жыл бұрын
I have many UK friends (and Kiwi friends) too, and when I heard them say "she fell pregnant" to describe a woman becoming pregnant, I laughed until I realized that's actually how they say it. It's the same way everyone says "she fell ill". It's even more implicit in non-American English, wild.
@omarianno Жыл бұрын
It would be so interesting to know, how breach birth is actually taught in hospitals!
@nzalah1 Жыл бұрын
Default to c-section, they stopped teaching how to deliver these babies vaginally several years ago. But midwives can still delivery breach babies - Dr Stu just participated in a conference last weekend on these various breach methods
@kristenherr9389 10 ай бұрын
Hospitals default to a c-section because of the risk of brain damage. In order to train new doctors they would have to do breech births to train them, and they think that would harm too many babies. They will still sometimes deliver a 2nd twin breach, especially if it is smaller than the first one.
@biancajasso6750 Жыл бұрын
I wish this video came out before I had a traumatic birthing experience 😭😭 this is definitely going to be the video I recommend to any first time moms
@abigailloar956 10 ай бұрын
@greentree730 Жыл бұрын
Kylie Flavel is a youruber in Tuscany Italy. Her birth story was frightening. Some of it was covoid procedures, and some of it was tradition. She was left alone, first baby she has had. Her husband only allowed when she pushed. It was so rough, serious trauma.
@milicababic2172 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, I appreciate honesty, it is so refreshing to hear it! When I was pushing my firstborn, my Dr’s shift was ending, and she was ready to leave me and to not see the baby, after whole night of laboring. So I lifted my head and said seriously are you not going to stay and see the baby?! So she stayed and she thought I was being funny , I didn’t got the epidural and I wasn’t joking at all! I couldn’t believe, that she would leave in the moment when his little head was coming! Anyway, I remembered this little story because Dr. was talking about it! Thank you Ellen for doing such an amazing work!
@JenniferRowse 10 күн бұрын
My local hospital banned VBAC. They have told me they don't support my choice. I'm now forced to go to a place where I'm NOT supported. I cannot get a midwife unfortunately.
@alexxoaye Жыл бұрын
Love this episode. So informing and honest. No scare tactics, no one sided opinions. Just respect for nature and the human /mammal ability. Thank you Ellen! Great conversation from you both!
@PamelaDavis-j7t Ай бұрын
How is group strep B handled with home births?
@SJ-ru4ej 23 күн бұрын
The midwife will test you around 36 weeks. It's a swab test (Mine had me do it myself but they can do it for you if you want) that they send off to a lab and then the results come back. You can then decide to receive antibiotics when in labor after your water breaks, or not. At least that's how it was handled with mine.
@Jess-ky4my 6 күн бұрын
I wish ALL women could listen to listen before giving birth. Thank you so much for having this podcast
@cass3561 2 ай бұрын
Coming from a country with a c-section rate of 85%, I was shocked when he said that 30% is a lot. Thankfully I had 2 natural deliveries and I am planning a third one at home. My only concern is my family members - we got 3 drs and two of them consider c-sections to be quite normal. I am feeling anxious about the pushback I will get. My plan is not to tell anyone until the day I am in labor (because then I have to tell my mom who will stay with my kids) 😅
@monicataylor7414 21 күн бұрын
My first birth I was able to do naturally but I had to spend so much time advocating for myself (as well as with help from my doula, who ended up coming later). I had to leave the hospital the first night just so I could eat and they “let” me labor at home more. It was like every time I got to the hospital progress slowed down. The last time I came in they forced me to stay because I had been leaking fluid. So I had to prevent them from giving pitocin, I had to fight to be able to move around freely vs being hooked up to a monitor (they gave me remote monitoring instead). I did let them break my water which did help me progress, but they also said if I didn’t deliver in the next 12 hours I’d have to get a c-section. No food that last day. By the time I had to push I needed oxygen because I was so weak. I mustered everything in me to push. Oh and of course they talked me into having to push on my back instead of a natural way, to make it “easier” to catch the baby. Thankfully the doctor didn’t cut me and I ended up with only a light grazing, no tear. My doctor was actually gentle but of course he was someone I literally just met that moment, I didn’t even know him. You never even know who you’re going to get. This time I have the option of a birthing center with a midwife that’s attached to a hospital. But I have to stay healthy or they won’t deliver me, because I’m already 37 years old. Even the difference in how the midwife talks about me holistically vs the obgyn, it’s two different worlds. Hope I can go through with delivering in the birthing center.
@sadieesther9721 18 күн бұрын
My mom took the shots to prevent milk coming in when my sister was born in 1990. My BP plummeted when I got my Epidural and they couldn’t find my son’s heartbeat for moments.He had a stroke. He was in the nicu for two nights after emergency c section and no one ever noticed he had a limp and purple hand. We had to ask about it after he was under the jaundice lights.
@celiavalo Жыл бұрын
Looooved this conversation so much!! Thank you for your podcast, I’m huuuge podcast fan, and your is simply the best out there, in my opinion. I have a question that I’d love to see addressed in one of your episodes. My brother and I were born via c-section because our umbilical cords were tied around our neck. Is there any way to address that issue in a home birth setting? Is there any way to find out about this in a home birth before it becomes a risk factor? I’d love to have home births, but I’m scared that something like that may happen…
@s_bitty6581 2 ай бұрын
Everything Dr said was my experience when getting induced. Baby’s heart rate dropping, moving you on your side, old placenta, you need a c-section. My reaction “Oh thank god I was at the hospital”.
@annahunt6578 Ай бұрын
OMG, when he slips and says "and healthy normal births, well the women ... the midwives can deliver those" How does this man not (seems to not at least) know about the free birth/ sovereign midwife movement yet?!! Around 1:40:00 he even predicts that the solution will come from outside of the existing medical system... hey ya - it's HERE.
@meganstorey6393 3 ай бұрын
This was absolutely eye opening. How much has changed in birth in a relatively short period of time. I am in the UK and our C-section and induction stats are abysmal at the moment. I am opting for a home birth this time round and your content has been so helpful to prepare.
@Growbacktoyourroots9 7 ай бұрын
I loved this podcast until the end. Just finished it and Dr. Stu thinking that we can save up to $7,000 in 9 months is absurd. I am free birthing at home because I cannot afford a midwife, I was quoted $5,000 at my consult. In no way can I save that much money while paying my rent, buying food, buying supplies for baby, paying bills, etc. This part of the podcast was incredibly insensitive and just shows that Dr. Stu has likely never struggled financially, which good for him, but a lot of us are. Loved this podcast except for that part.
@JiHa-l8c Ай бұрын
He might also said that to ppl who are planning to get pregnant. So they can save before hand. Many people do save money and mange their money well. However insurance companies should pay for it since they pay for hospital birth. It’s such a shame.
@law9169 Жыл бұрын
This man is so great he really is full of knowledge. It really is a cascade of interventions that disrupt a healthy naturally progressing labour. I was going so well at home but once I got to the hospital they told me I was only 4 cm and that they had to break my water for me to be admitted I was so tired of labouring at home with no support (bad relationship) and being sent home already once that I agreed.. then came many strangers (Drs midwives, nurses, gas , they forced me to agree to an epidural as I had a premature urge to push and they said I'd damage my cervix, following that I laid in the bed with epidural for hours not eaten and been in labour for over 24 hours by then.. by morning for some reason they turned down the epidural and I'm plunged into extreme discomfort (screaming kind) as they said I was 10cm dilated.. after a few pushes they declared me 'failure to progress' and rushed me to emergency C-section. After all that I didn't even hold my baby postbirth and also milk didn't come in as hard as I tried to make it work due to them supplementing formula right after he was born. Needless to say I haven't had another child and do not trust most medical professionals with my wellbeing. Yes the mother may not cope well with natural birth but the system also puts so much fear into us during pregnancy and during labour. Ellen is helping so many mums to be with all she does, my son was born around the same time as Elvis ❤
@rachellebrooke4614 6 ай бұрын
I absolutely love listening to Dr Stu, and all that he shares with the world! Birth is sacred! Thanks for sharing. Here where we live in CA (Central Valley) a midwife birth is $9,000 out of pocket! I’m a L&D RN (currently staying home full time with our children) and we’re expecting our 5th baby, for anyone who doesn’t want a lot of interventions in their birth, it is truly best to stay out of the hospital. I love the analogy Dr Stu gave of the wild mammal in labor (which I’ve heard him say many times) and I would have liked to hear this conversation bring up Free Birth as an alternative for someone seeking a home birth but cannot afford a midwife or doula.
@hazelalm Ай бұрын
Thank you Ellen for this podcast. I live in Germany and they have so many tests that they want you to undergo. I'm over 35 and that's the only reason for them to consider me a high risk pregnancy. I want to give birth in a birthing house but the midwives there want me to do a detailed organ ultrasound. This is primarily because they want to safeguard themselves in case there is an emergency. I'm so not comfortable doing it as it would take approx 30 mins if all goes well and the diagnosis may not necessarily be accurate. I have read that there are potential side effects to Ultrasounds too. Is there any reason why a baby would have organ issues? Has anyone done this and would be happy to share their experience? I'm so sad and confused!
@shynes23sh Жыл бұрын
This is an amazing podcast, subject matter & the best succinct video on birthing that I've seen in a loooong time. Thank you x100 for getting this information out in our world. I'm looking forward to sharing this with so many ppl.
@dani-q7640 6 күн бұрын
No chord clamping until the placenta has been in a bowl for an hour or two ?😧 thank you for this information!
@JJ-di5vj Жыл бұрын
How do I not bingewatch your videos! Love your content! Great job on your podcast!
@773elim 19 күн бұрын
The last 2 seconds of this interview are so touching and emotional. He totally transported me to that time in the hospital. This is the absolute best interview on KZbin. 😢
@773elim 19 күн бұрын
This is the absolute best video on youtube! You should do more videos as educational and raw as this one! Thank you for sharing.
@zabailez Жыл бұрын
Hey Ellen! Appreciate you putting out an episode on this. I would loooove to hear a debate with Dr. Stuart and Emilee Saldaya and/or Yolande Norris Clark, Elder Midwife Sister Morningstar, Elder Midwife Wapio... I think this conversation you had here made some great points but also missed a lot regarding women's power to birth by themselves, and the problems with midwifery itself. This highlighted the disparities between hospital vs midwife assisted home birth, but the whole realm of unassisted birth could add an hour to the conversation, easy. Would love to see a debate of licensed midwifery vs unassisted birth. I think this conversation you had here is much needed to help move the needle, for sure, so super grateful to you for continuing to share your truth and wisdom and for Dr. Stuart's as well.
@ekatrinya 7 ай бұрын
I would bet that this man is quite possibly a fantastic husband
@AJYoung-d2f 11 ай бұрын
Loved this episode! Am a mom to 1 beautiful baby and planned to have a birth center birth with midwife, but when I went in my blood pressure was high (it was normal all throughout pregnancy) so I got transferred to hospital where we spent the next 20 hr being told all worst case scenario from doctor. Praise the Lord our midwife was there to help advocate cause when you are constantly told baby might die ect it’s scary! With my midwife’s help I had completely natural birth with no intervention. I went home and all was well for a couple days then got fever & other symptoms went to ER and had postpartum preeclampsia. I would love an episode with info on preeclampsia! Nobody is talking about it what causes it ect yet it is on the rise and can be very dangerous!
@NewHeightsDanceMinistry Жыл бұрын
My Mother-In-Law is a good friend of his! It really starts to get interesting 15 minutes in! So good!
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