The Cyberpunk Game No One Remembers

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Back in 2013, Dontnod Entertainment blessed the world with their debut game: "Remember Me." Let's take a look at it 11 years later and see how well it compares to the masterpiece that is Cyberpunk 2077.
#dontnod #cyberpunk #cyberpunk2077

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@angryvaultguy 16 күн бұрын
A game called "remember me" being one of the most forgotten game is ironic
@TheAsylumCat 8 күн бұрын
It's odd because that exact saying is what stayed in my head and kept me from forgetting the game.
@PaulojnPereira 6 күн бұрын
The game is not easy i played it to the end and did enjoyed the story. I recall there were plans for a second one but sadly never came to fruition.
@ncshuriken 4 сағат бұрын
Its probably not really a forgotten game, but just one of those unknown/unadvertised gems that slip thru the net every generation. What stuck in my head was the weird French art direction (a nostalgic treat since that design aesthetic was mostly extinct by PS3 days).
@TheAsylumCat Сағат бұрын
@ncshuriken I half disagree. I believe the game didn't get any conventional advertisement, but at the time, there was a controversy online about how publishers didn't want to put Nilin on the cover because women didn't sell. This predated current politics, btw. If i recall correctly, Nilin might've been the reason the game didn't receive any marketing, which heavily affect sales.
@christopherbuchanan3208 16 күн бұрын
This was one of the first games that I bought for my new ps3 (yes, I was pretty late on that one. Loved my PS2 that much) and I was blown away! What a great game! I really wish they would remaster this gem!
@FWSeba 16 күн бұрын
@@christopherbuchanan3208 I'd definitely try a remaster/remake/second part with a more modern feel
@schpooopy 15 күн бұрын
Really enjoyed this game when it came out!! Hope more people play it
@anxarts7424 7 күн бұрын
you know how to beat this game fights...set difficulty to easy
@_iarna_ 14 күн бұрын
Cyberpunk is from the 80s. The term was literally coined in the 80s. Folks like to call "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" cyberpunk (a book from the 60s) because of Bladerunner being very very loosely based on it, but... well... if you read the novel, it has essentially nothing in common with other literary cyberpunk. (Bladerunner also predates the term cyberpunk, and while its aesthetic influenced other cyberpunk media, personally I don't find its themes resonant in the foundational cyberpunk novels.) (My attempt to play Remember Me, which I'd picked up after Life is Strange came out from the same publisher, ended much as yours did. It's gorgeous but oof the combat.)
@kurohaizaki8951 18 күн бұрын
Sewer Zombies? Ohhhh - you mean Scavs. Got it.
@Sbastjan 18 күн бұрын
Along with the first Bioshock, this game is responsible for my girlfriend becoming a small-time gamer. Thank you, DontNod, for the 10 or so years of being able to share my favorite hobby with the one I love!
@greendude0420 15 күн бұрын
Hey, blabbing about cyberpunk 2077 lore got me mine 😂
@dubla321 14 күн бұрын
10 years and no ring? Come on man. Ridiculous
@Sbastjan 13 күн бұрын
@@dubla321 Live and let live my man, live and let live. There's no need to get married where I live, it's just wasted money.
@nightfire_CSGO 10 күн бұрын
@@dubla321 I’m not getting married until I’m offered a sizeable dowry, I doubt you’d be interested
@zomboii2325 18 күн бұрын
The art of this game actually got me into the cyberpunk genre as a whole. I spent way too much time exploring neo paris lol
@FWSeba 18 күн бұрын
@@zomboii2325 yeah, the world itself is really gorgeous
@RandomPersonOnTheInternet1234 4 күн бұрын
Yeah this game put a huger in me for cyberpunk/dystopian style games as a teen. Another fun one is mirrors edge
@ncshuriken 3 сағат бұрын
Nowadays (and even those days) French games just seem to look like "any Western design" but this game took a leaf from the days when French games often actually "looked French" too. Its as if the average French game devs have lost what made them stand out, and now they just look interchangeable with any "take your pick" art team... IIRC LIS had nothing of the aesthetic whatsoever :(
@bibilbt 18 күн бұрын
I remember playing this and enjoying it but thinking it never fully developed anything enough for me to think it was great. Thanks for letting me go back down memory lane!
@FWSeba 18 күн бұрын
You're very welcome!
@dvdemon187 14 күн бұрын
Exactly. I fondly remember this game. I regret never completing it. I also remember rage quitting this game and never picking it up again.
@dylanherron3963 6 күн бұрын
@@dvdemon187 ALSO Rage quitted this game and didn't pick it back up, a travesty!
@MemoryFreeze 18 күн бұрын
Literally my favorite game and one of the best OSTs I've heard, thanks for covering this. The combo system was something I loved that everyone else hated.
@FWSeba 18 күн бұрын
The OST is better than I gave ti credit for, I gotta admit.
@AlexiosLair 18 күн бұрын
This was also among the very first games that utilized Physically Based Rendering. I remember reading articles about this and how game utilized that, it was amazing!
@UziIdiot 14 күн бұрын
There's some really cool tech in the game I haven't seen anywhere else. The proxy mesh reflections could have been revolutionary. As good as the tech is, the art design is even better!
@ielmorocho 19 күн бұрын
I play it time to time because the art direction.
@FWSeba 19 күн бұрын
@@ielmorocho a good reason to come back
@KawaiiKittyKat79 16 күн бұрын
I absolutely LOVE Remember Me, and it will never be forgotten in my eyes. That Sensen intro had me in tears, and it shows the brutality in the first five minutes of the game of losing all of your memories. I hope that they remaster this game or at least make a Classic Edition of this game on consoles just like they did for Farcry 3. The music is very awesome with its electronic orchestral music, and the art direction, and visuals is breathtaking.
@XFallenFreakX 16 күн бұрын
I. LOVED. THIS GAME. Flaws and all. I had it on console, I was going to get the little memory tattoo on the back of my neck, the whole nine dude. THANK you for validating my orange and white fever dream from so many years ago. I genuinely felt so gaslit that I remembered a game that "nobody" else did.
@FWSeba 16 күн бұрын
@@XFallenFreakX you're welcome 😅
@FrontSideBus 15 күн бұрын
I loved this game when it came out tbh. I was just thinking about it the other day and will have to re install it tbh. The art style and the world is really good tbh. The whole memory editing mechanic was criminally underused tbh.
@FWSeba 15 күн бұрын
@@FrontSideBus definitely!
@artistna 18 күн бұрын
Not true, I remember. This game will always occupy a space in my brain and heart, I loved this as a kid mostly for the art direction. The world, characters, and art style always interested me, still remember the first gameplay reveal with the helicopter fight.
@blink8235 15 күн бұрын
No way i can forget this game. The name is quite unforgettable imo
@MadMaxBLD 17 күн бұрын
Thanks for giving this fantastic game a showcase. I replayed it in 3D through my VR headset (with Virtual Desktop) a while ago and the experience was so good it felt almost like a native VR title! The 3D Vision compatibility really makes Remember Me a beautiful 3D experience.
@FWSeba 17 күн бұрын
@@MadMaxBLD that's a good idea, I should give it a try
@atiagooqkinguliaalu4027 17 күн бұрын
I would love to play this on VR if only VR didnt cost and arm where I live
@likeradionoise 18 күн бұрын
I haven't read it but i know 2077's main story (as well as it's universe) is heavily based on neuromancer by william gibson, a lot of similarities between games could be explained by having the same inspiration
@cynicalmemester1694 16 күн бұрын
Cyberpunk 2020 is heavily inspired by the Cyberpunk novel Hardwired, but Neuromancer was also a major influence (as it was for many subsequent Cyberpunk works that were released).
@TallicaMan1986 15 күн бұрын
Id Say it's closer to Johnny Mnemonic which came out in 1981. It's about a Data trafficker who gets sensitive information uploaded to his brain module thingamabob, but one guy puts sensitive info in him and a hit on him. So now he needs to get the info out. Whereas Neuromancer is like an Origin story to the Ai in Deus Ex. And is basically two super computers playing chess against eachother.
@StaticHumBuzz 16 күн бұрын
I’m so glad this game is getting attention, it blew me away that the people I talked to didn’t know it but looking back, I understand why it didn’t suceed
@MrRemmington 16 күн бұрын
I loved this game when I first played it. It came out of nowhere, and nobody seems to know about it when I mention it .
@yemboy123 18 күн бұрын
My dude cyberpunk has been around since the 80's if any character in Remember me resembles cyberpunk characters it would be them lifting inspiration from cyberpunk the table top
@FWSeba 18 күн бұрын
That's what I meant at 11:14
@Cyromantik 18 күн бұрын
I think the genre got codified in the 1980's, but some of Philip K. Dick's novels which later inspired many Cyberpunk movies and TTRPGs were published in the 60's. Blade Runner's key inspiration, "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" came out in 1968. The movie came out in 1982. Akira, the manga ran from 82 to 90, where's its animated treatment was 88. Ghost in the Shell, the manga began in 89 and the first animated film come out in 95, just to name a few big players in the genre.
@TheJerknoid 17 күн бұрын
Waaaay older, actually.
@blackshard641 16 күн бұрын
​@@TheJerknoidpretty sure Yem is talking about the TTRPG story and setting, not the genre.
@KimasM 16 күн бұрын
And games like Deus Ex, Syndicate, System Shock, Metal Gear series. That has big fan bases way before Cyberpunk 2077
@grandsome1 17 күн бұрын
11:15 That's a huge lack of research on your part, every cyberpunk game looks like Blade Runner mixed with Akira and Ghost in the Shell. And the trope of being a criminal outsider stepping into mega corporate corruption was there since Neuromancer. Cyberpunk as a genre is very uniform in its presentation and very circle jerking when it comes to references because it used to very niche.
@FWSeba 17 күн бұрын
@@grandsome1 that's probably very true. Thanks 👍🏻
@crowbringer 15 күн бұрын
Men, I can't believe you did such a good analysis without really knowing the Cyberpunk genre. Its tropes are indeed super defined and didn't change much over the years. Watch Blade Runner from 1982, read Neuromancer from 1984 and have a look at Akira from 1988. These works really defined Cyberpunk and not much has changed ever since.
@FWSeba 15 күн бұрын
@@crowbringerthank you 😌
@TheEldritchVoid 12 күн бұрын
@@FWSeba also note that cyberpunk 2013 came out the 80s and 2020 in the 90s (iirc) so smasher and his description was out before this by a minute since red came out with 2077
@CRYOKnox 12 күн бұрын
Don't forget to add Ghost in the Shell to the list of Visual Definition and embrace of Cyberpunk look and theme..
@crowbringer 12 күн бұрын
@@CRYOKnox You are right! I didn't forget, I just wanted to contain it in three works. A film, a book and an animation. GITS is definitely a masterpiece but in my opinion Akira is more influential and the list of really, REALLY good and noteworthy cyberpunk media is rather long.
@minimimimaxiboy1 17 күн бұрын
Just came across the video. Before I even watch it I need to say something: it's probably got the most brilliant soundtrack I've ever heard in a videogame. Olivier Deriviere absolutely cooked with this one, and the way classical instrumentation is mixed with electronic sounds is orgasmic. Ever since I've been dying for something similar or... for the sequel that never came.
@nawangpalden 16 күн бұрын
Wow. You're the first person I've ever seen to talk about remember me. I loved the combo building system in it. Kinda reminded me of godhand. And I remember thinking that the whole game built around this memory system was quite novel when I played it in 2014.
@mcglubski 14 күн бұрын
I bought it, crashed several times, now it gathers dust in my steam library
@wiryantirta 18 күн бұрын
nono its French and in France so its BaguettePunk
@FWSeba 18 күн бұрын
@@wiryantirta ohh ok got it
@donatodiniccolodibettobardi842 18 күн бұрын
Visually, if you are an avid lover of digital art over the last 25 years, cyberpunk is very distinct aestethic, that didn't change a whole lot since it's early inspection. Add the iconic early cyberpunk movies (Blade Runner influenced cyberpunk before Gibson made cyberpunk), the tabletop rpgs art and immense influence of anime, there is simultaneously a lot of variation and a a consistent lineage of homages to homages. If you ask me, it wasn't the aesthetic, that people have struggled with over the last quarter of a decade. It was the lack of some truly generation-defining work of video game art, that was missing. The living, breathing world, the possibilities of augmentation, that aren't limited to just bigger damage numbers, a game world that is in tune with realities of human life, fantastic technologies and themes that bind all of that together. That was missing. The cyberpunk was either old, indie dev games, which to tell the truth were awesome, but a different kind of awesome, or we got AAA games, that somehow both missed the point of cyberpunk and were just not ambitious enough. I think CDPR both tapped a huge preexisting potential for Cyberpunk 77 and managed to add their own flourishes to it. It's not just some of my favorite digital paintings come to life, but you can drive past them and see what else. Now, that you mentioned sewers, I'd say that part of lowest of the low of Night City was missing from the game.
@mattiasolsson2354 18 күн бұрын
We had Deus Ex. And on the lowest of the low. The devleopers of Cyberpunk 2077 live in Poland. They didn't know how bad things are in current USA. So they could not, ofcourse, imagine an even worse hellscape. They actually said this now that they have started to move to the US. They didn't know that the homelessness and drug abuse and violent crime were that widespread. They could literally not imagine that level.
@donatodiniccolodibettobardi842 18 күн бұрын
@@mattiasolsson2354 Simply sad.
@player_566-1 11 күн бұрын
@@mattiasolsson2354 Project Orion (Cyberpunk 2) will be insane with make in everything even worse than it was in the first game
@barbarossarotbart 16 күн бұрын
Cdpr did not steal anything from this game. All the ideas used in Cyberpunk 2077 were already part of this universe at the time the original Cyberpunk RPG was created.
@FWSeba 16 күн бұрын
@@barbarossarotbart good thing that's what I offered as a second option 😌
@gekizai 15 күн бұрын
If you are interested in the ancient history of the ideas of technological dystopia and people crammed into a small space with limited resources have a look at ‘The Shockwave Rider’ by John Brunner, ‘The Dosadi Experiment’ by Frank Herbert, ‘True Names’ by Vernor Vinge and also any first hand accounts you can find of the Kowloon Walled City from the 60’s to the 90’s before they tore it down. Kowloon may have only made it in real life as far as Steampunk but if it still existed today then that would have been a true center of Cyberpunk, guaranteed.
@nano5696 16 күн бұрын
I'd say its more of the later, cyberpunk is a well known genre with a very specific message posseting a fundamental question, each adaptation of the genre answers it or challenges it in its own way, so yes most look similar, tho that said this one takes a lot of inspiration from the original cyber punk 2020 table top rpg from the 90
@21MichaelAC 16 күн бұрын
God remember me. My only regret is playing this with keyboard instead of controler
@RickLeMon 14 күн бұрын
I'm absolutely useless with a controller, but maybe I'll pull it out of the back of the drawer and try it that way
@21MichaelAC 14 күн бұрын
@@RickLeMonthe máš kinda poor optimalization of controls for keyboard or so I remember.
@WubstahWulf 4 күн бұрын
I played this game back in 2017 and I thought it was a great game its definitely a hidden gem that went off everyone's radar, I love how you could make your own combo chain
@GunDownEr 7 күн бұрын
Great vid. sad you couldn't finish it. I feel like "BamHam" combat as a whole really aged like milk over the past 10 years. This game as well as Binary Domain and the Shadowrun crpg Trilogy were the games that made me fall in love with the Cyberpunk genre over 10 years ago. part of Remember Me still lives on as a wallpaper I'm using in Wallpaper Engine lmao
@tartoflan 17 күн бұрын
I'll always remember it. It wasn't the best game ever, the fighting gameplay could have been simplified and streamlined, and it didn't fulfill the potential of its premise (imagine actually being able to change the course of the game by having different possibilities while diving into the character's memories... that's a golden concept right there!). But, it will always have a place in my heart. I'll always hope for a second Remember Me set in the same universe, but hopefully with a budget allowing it to fully realise its ambitions.
@comethiburs2326 15 күн бұрын
if it's level design is like the later productions of dontnod, i'd rather try other cyberpunk games. They make great let's play and essay content; let's put it that way. As for the visuals it very clearly takes off french scifi and noir aesthetics, not just cyberpunk 2077. dystopias have been pretty solid landmarks for french comic authors like moebius, jean david morvan or italians like tanino liberatore. all three are REALLY worth a look if you want to understand where i'm coming from. i began my cyberpunk spark with morvan's Nomad, Gunnm (Y.kishiro) and Eden (h.endo) in the late 2000's. as for the concept of the megacity/destructured landmark it's something completely belgo-franco-spanish, dated from the late 70's lol. tons of postapocalyptic comics grew out of the cold war scare, that then inspired the american side heavily in the 80's and 90's with stuff like judge dredd. ALL OF WHICH makes sense since it's a french game dev. one of the founders is alain damasio, a well respected scifi author.
@donatodiniccolodibettobardi842 18 күн бұрын
Now, you want talk cyberpunk video games of the last decade. Check out Observer. And Cloudpunk, too. 😎
@FWSeba 18 күн бұрын
@@donatodiniccolodibettobardi842 thanks, I will!
@yago_guillamon 14 күн бұрын
I played this game in 2013 and I remembered pretty good. About the combat system, is a bit weird, but if I remembered correctly, if you dodge in the director the enemy who is attacking you, you make a jump over him and your combo don't get interrupted. The history was good, at least for a 15 years old teenager and the memory mechanic were pretty refreshing for the date. The game is definitely not perfect, but if you can say something about Dot Not making an action game (something similar happens whit Vampyr) is that they try to do something different and special.
@HumanHope101 12 күн бұрын
This was a unforgettable experience for me. This game expanded my horizons, it got me to watch its namesake movie which even got a reboot around the time I played it. The graphics were inspiring, the music haunting and the story touching. The music being synched to combat was a novel idea at the time, but heck punches and kicks never hit quite so hard like that. This game lingers in my mind even a decade later, if you haven't played it. Try it, you will only regret not playing it sooner.
@Dian_Borisov_SW 45 минут бұрын
I always wondered what european cyberpunk would look like and this feels like a lost gem. My two most favorite games are literally Cyberpunk 2077 and Assassin's creed Unity so Remember me just feels like the child of both, even though both came out later which is insane. Completely nuts, man
@aybexile 4 күн бұрын
Man I really really loved playing this game. I really hoped for a sequal :'(
@gordon8 15 күн бұрын
My 1st cyberpunk genre game was Deus Ex Human Revolution. A game well ahead of it's time when relased back in the day.
@Hypercat0 15 күн бұрын
Bought the game when it came out cause of the promise that we could make our own combos for fights, was dissapointed with how limited the combos were. The Story was ok at best.
@DatOleEditGuy 18 күн бұрын
I wonder if the devs who made Oni from way back in the day made this? the fighting style is very similar.
@FWSeba 18 күн бұрын
@@DatOleEditGuy Oni is by Bungie, but maybe some devs switched companies?
@michaelbashford2733 15 күн бұрын
I actually do remember it. What I played at least. I didn't finish it though lol
@ncshuriken 4 сағат бұрын
I remember it. It was another one of those "low-key" unknown games that turn out to be good (another one being 'Binary Domain', also PS3). You get a few of these silent hits every generation, like EG Chorus & Kingdom Come on PS4. It was a well made little beatemup. Simple but satisfying gameplay, "very French" French art direction (IYKWIM), and nice graphics. It was a welcome change from their more popular game "Life is Strange" and it's a shame "Quantic Dream style" games are the only other thing they (ever?) did.
@tee_brickg3435 5 сағат бұрын
I remember when this came out and everyone said !yoooo the graphics! And then no one did buy it
@nosdregamon 16 күн бұрын
Loved the style of the game, but couldn't finish it either. The combat felt so dull. However, the worst fight I had, were the camera controls. To go around, you basically always had to look *up* for climbing opportunities, yet the camera reset every 3 steps to look *down* in front of you. It's not that this fight was hard, just very repetitive 😣 Would love to have a remake with decent game mechanics and a few story tweaks. The setting is just so gorgeous.
@FWSeba 16 күн бұрын
@@nosdregamon I totally get what you mean
@iuliansc8446 8 күн бұрын
The best of this game, is the ambientarion and graphics
@Jagdogger 4 күн бұрын
I only clicked on the tumbnail just to comment that I remember Remember Me and that I still listen to the OST occasionally
@FWSeba 4 күн бұрын
@@Jagdogger nice, thanks for the click 😅
@universallz 16 күн бұрын
I remember when I was younger playing this game and absolutely loving it. (I was about probably 10 or 12. I’m still young.) It was someting about the futuristic look to everything and how memories became almost digitized. I personally thought the gameplay was creative, but I can understand everyone else as well. It’s just so nice to see that people still somewhat know of the game, and I’m glad to be reminded of it. So much nostalgia.
@csatimaci 4 күн бұрын
Thanks for the reminder! I wanted to play this game, but then I somehow forgot about it. It's great, kind of thought-provoking, although a bit tiring with all the hand-to hand combat. Oh, and I think, the protagonist lady could have done with better voice acting, while most of the other characters were pretty much okay.
@suruxstrawde8322 3 күн бұрын
Both unforgettable, and tragically forgotten because it failed its first steps. Could've been an interesting series if they hadn't seemingly rushed the story. . Would make an amazing remake nowadays tho.
@IMEStudent Күн бұрын
I remember that i read review on this game but forgot to see it. Like some asshats placed some kind of "memorio damnatio" on this game.
@ps2slim 18 күн бұрын
Killer game, although the theme my PS3 dashboard would play whenever I scrolled passed still gives me nightmares
@RandomPersonOnTheInternet1234 4 күн бұрын
What are you talking about out no one’s remembers… I just played it a month ago. I also played it as a teen when it came out. There are tons of cyberpunk genre games before 2077…
@mareczek00713 3 күн бұрын
This was an awesome game, shame it didn't go anywhere further as a franchise as I played this right after watching Ghost in the Shell for the first time which made me a fan of cyberpunk settings.
@thatboyakira4202 3 күн бұрын
Its amazing how no one talks about one of the games that did minor success when it released. A bunch of Content Creators covered the game, even Zangado did a review on his channel, a Brazilian KZbinr. And i have fond memories about it too, so i honestly cant forget about this game.
@adriianeut 8 сағат бұрын
I loved this game. But it sure was...weird, to say the least.
@kessilrun6754 12 күн бұрын
Don't think I ever heard of this game and when it released I had already been gaming for like 15+ years lol. I'll have to check this out! One good name drop nobody remembers: Syndicate (2012). I enjoyed it more than the likes of Deus Ex. High action.
@MrDriedanddone Күн бұрын
I remember this game. Lol, I forgot all about it. But this was a really good game.
@lisavanderpump7475 Күн бұрын
This game was so fun I had so much fun playing it was shocked how good it was
@beige_projection 16 күн бұрын
11:06 I would say that it's more like the latter. Most cyberpunk IPs resemble each other, at least when it comes to aesthetics, backdrop. There's a lot of neon lights, cities drowning you with ads, etc. Looking at this game from your vid, it actually reminds me more of Deus Ex Human Revolution, which is another great cyberpunk game people should try if they've finished CP77 and are looking for more of that cyberpunk action. Cyberpunk 2077 introduced me to the cyberpunk genre, and it's become my favorite genre now, replacing even fantasy which had been my go-to genre when it comes to fiction since I was a kid. I'd also recommend Anno: Mutationem, and Cloudpunk.
@46three 9 күн бұрын
Interesting how many youtubers are delving into games I remember fondly as "forgotten" games. A lot of them just came out at a hotly contested time in the market, where a lot of great games were being released, but I've always had a soft spot for indies and would dig a little deeper than some; I think I was maybe also willing to look past more flaws than others. Not to say that they don't deserve to be remembered, but I think a lot of the games like this just didn't quite hit the mark with advertising, or released into a crowded lauch window and couldn't capture players at launch due to other games overshadowing them. It's great to see them getting some retrospective love now.
@dvdemon187 14 күн бұрын
Just look at Blade Runner, Judge Dredd, The Fifth Element and even RoboCop from way back when. Cyberpunk is a well established genre.
@dertseha 10 күн бұрын
I played it back then, and probably liked it. Zero Punctuation reviewed it and noted that it had two curious game concepts poorly mashed into one game - memory editing and combo fighting.
@635574 12 күн бұрын
I played about half of it back then, the world itself was cool but the fighting mechnics were example of useless complexity. Customizing the combos didnt make them any stronger or faster. I never got to a point where I felt any stronger. At least I watched the rest of the story on youtube.
@rowandax6189 14 күн бұрын
Played at launch and had fun with it. But that's all I really remember about it. Conversely, I've played Mass Effect five times over the years.
@ToeTag9899 15 күн бұрын
I love the aesthetic and atomphere of this game it's superb. I've replayed this game tons of times over the years. Rarely anybody ever mentions this game it's truly a hidden gem. This game deserved a sequel but we will never get it and to be honest it's probably for the best. I don't trust any modern devs touching this IP they would ruin it.
@Slick_Nick11 15 күн бұрын
I remember playing this soo many years ago I loved everything about it. The main character, the setting, the story, they style, the concept. Except the combat. I got into it and tried it because I loved everything else. But the combat was so bad I stopped playing it.
@TwoWholeWorms 14 күн бұрын
I have a real soft-spot for this game. The menu theme stuck with me for some reason, even though it's not on the actual soundtrack and isn't used anywhere else in the game, and the remix mechanic was fantastic, it's just a shame they used it so little and made the decisions they did with regards to the final scenes of the game, which really bring it down, but I'd love Dontnod to re-visit this world again someday, as it has so much potential.
@RickLeMon 14 күн бұрын
I am absolutely not a fan of the this style of fighting, and I felt your comment about not liking combo-based combat in my soul. (Speaking of souls, I will never play Dark Souls for this very reason). However, I really liked the parkour, the concept, and especially the art in Remember Me. I think I started the game three times or so for a total of about 9 hours. It's possible I got stuck at the same point each time. ) I read Neuromancer and the rest of William Gibson's Sprawl series in the mid '80s, and it changed my understanding of the possibility of fiction. And the probability of reality. I'm a huge fan of the Deus Ex series, but they never quite felt cyberpunk to me. Cyber, certainly. But not really punk. Remember Me absolutely nails the atmosphere and the feel. Maybe it's time for Don't Nod to make Cyberlife is Strange. Nah.
@Sleepless2402 10 күн бұрын
I completed the game within 10 hours, and I see the same problem as you, thank your for remembering Remember Me
@nomad1418 13 күн бұрын
I remember playing this game as a kid alongside another one that I don’t remember the name but I do remember it was a 3rd person shooter where you could command your squad mates using your microphone both where great to 14 year old me and I still remember having a shock when I completed the story
@nonotanymore 4 күн бұрын
this game has lived rent free in my head since the day it came out, and the fact they also made Life is Strange is insane, goated dev team.
@MaxXXT111 19 күн бұрын
I actually remember this game but never played, it's on my wishlist for so long, I have to play it
@FWSeba 19 күн бұрын
@@MaxXXT111 wait for the autumn sale and go for it!
@danielmastia87 18 күн бұрын
Played it a few months ago for the first time, also had it on my "to do" list for almost a decade. It's nice, but short. And once you get the mechanics down it becomes a little repetitive / spammable. That said, a nice experience, would recommend.
@r3xmundi1 13 күн бұрын
You made me spend a considerable amount of time searching for the Windows device connect sound, but thank you for the game recommendation.
@revanentyt7697 6 күн бұрын
played it for the first time a few years back. really enjoyed it and yes its visuals are indeed very good.
@8u88letea 8 күн бұрын
i remember ppayijg this, totally forgot, barely remember tbh until i watched this
@bigeststarspark Күн бұрын
this game is amazing, the soundtrack alone is sooo good
@guildgaming9891 10 күн бұрын
My first run into cyberpunk was 2020 when I was 4, I'm 28 now.
@FoarteMisto 16 күн бұрын
wow, the nightmares i had about this game.. the horrible horrible consolized controls and weird acceleration(s) on my pc..
@ArthurPhulusa568 21 сағат бұрын
Never forgot. It's funny that i actually have the game, was about to play and then i get recommended this video😂
@FWSeba 21 сағат бұрын
@@ArthurPhulusa568 they know 👀
@HannahFortalezza 5 күн бұрын
Love this game! I’m going to play it again!
@FWSeba 5 күн бұрын
@@HannahFortalezza have fun!
@kajerbear1512 22 сағат бұрын
I was a fan of this game 🤣 🤣 it was def niche
@MiraculixWinterfeld 5 күн бұрын
of course i remember this game, i found it in my Steam wishlist some days ago.
@michaeldroll5747 9 күн бұрын
I loved this game and it still has it's place of my all time favourites.
@Txhop11 16 күн бұрын
I wish there were sound bites of the things you were referencing here
@FWSeba 16 күн бұрын
@@Txhop11 I'll keep it in mind for next time
@giorgichoxonelidze8264 19 күн бұрын
good luck on your jurney
@FWSeba 19 күн бұрын
@@giorgichoxonelidze8264 thank you!
@azynkron 4 күн бұрын
The problem with this game is that it isn't a cyberpunk game, it's a 3rd person fighting game. It's just placed in a futuristic environment.
@suruxstrawde8322 3 күн бұрын
Agreed, if they mixed the fighting with guns it'd be a lot more both interesting and realistic.
@ericksilza5615 15 күн бұрын
I played this game 4 months ago and it was an incredible experience
@Jimoshi1 16 күн бұрын
Yeah its specially funny because it was named Remember ME
@TheDarknessLink 4 күн бұрын
the astetic is more of "frutiger aero" this we gonna see in new perfect dark, and mirror's edge used aswell, use more rounded and white and blue structures. buts, ite seems combined with cyberpunk aesthetic aswell
@FWSeba 4 күн бұрын
@@TheDarknessLink I think the switch between frutiger aero and Cyberpunk is connected to the day and night city. The days are bright, white and round, the nights are neon-dark and dirty.
@TheKentanthony 3 күн бұрын
i love this game! i actually forgot this lmao
@MachikoNoguchi-616 3 күн бұрын
I played some of it but never finished it
@Jakepearl13 16 күн бұрын
Funny enough I’m the only one who remembers remember me
@guguigugu 15 күн бұрын
i thought this game was pretty cool and remember it fondly
@vladimirtepis 15 күн бұрын
This game is good and much more interesting that Life is Strange!
@MrCumberlander1 5 күн бұрын
I remember this game quite fondly.
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