The Darkest Acid Trip Stories Online #2

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Ailurus Afterhours

Ailurus Afterhours

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Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed the video, and if you want to request a topic you want me to cover, please share in the comments down below!
Business Email:
Socials: Twitter - @ZestyAilurus & Instagram - @datpandafam
Channel Artist: / ilsethakimy
Hashtags: #truecrime #ailurus #history
Music: The Collapse (Dark Ambient Hour)

Пікірлер: 840
@AilurusNoir Жыл бұрын
I hope you guys enjoy a new installment in the Trip report series! If you get spam comments report them!
@locomadman Жыл бұрын
Man, I do so love these stories; I’ve had my fair share of experiences. Heck, if I was being completely honest I’ve done several people’s fair share (everything short of injectables, no coming back from crossing that hard line). There’s even only a handful of experiences I wouldn’t repeat (datura & PCP for example).
@RealestPerson. Жыл бұрын
I really hope this becomes a reoccurring series! See yall on the next one!
@DCTR_DD Жыл бұрын
Love these videos! Keep it up, love to see other peoples trips, Its good to spread the bad part of the "paper", not every trip is good
@clayton9136 Жыл бұрын
You gotta put the same title as the other one that got 600k views homie. Keep the algorithm.
@v3rtigo978 Жыл бұрын
I love u ali
@PineyJustice Жыл бұрын
Avoid bad trips, always have a PREMEASURED INDIVIDUAL dose of xanax ready, this will kill a trip and put you to sleep. NEVER EVER call an ambulance for someone tripping unless there is another medical issue such as injury that would need it, if someone is having a bad trip in their house, it's gonna be 100x worse in a hospital. Put them in a dark room with plenty of blankets, snacks and drinks, stay with them there if needed. Music or lights will make the trip more intense.
@nicolaiw Жыл бұрын
Don't listen to this dork. Xans won't macigally do shit and calling an ambulance is 100% better than letting someone accidentaly die
@zealot8904 Жыл бұрын
Seek out bad trips, going through a gauntlet of pure fear and paranoia is the path to discovering real truth.
@smvhjo6hg371 Жыл бұрын
Never kill off a trip. Can cause more damage than goung through a bad trip
@ITZAFROG Жыл бұрын
@@zealot8904 agreed. but not fun while its happening
@paskaalisaapaskaa5354 Жыл бұрын
@@smvhjo6hg371 I kind of agree. I have had many bad trips but also alot of those eventually felt like i had to go through them. its kind of purifying experience to realise you went through that hell and you are ok, kind of a feeling of being reborn. However, i havent done very insane doses except propably once accidentally. and few times i have had to take a few beers during the trip to give me some confidence and to cool my nerves a bit. I think having a xanax is a good idea for some people, especially in the extreme cases if someone starts to completely sink on some primitive function levels as to not even be able to form coherent speech or go full catatonic starting to rub on walls or stuff like that. My ex gf had to once force feed me a benzo because i was too out of it and started acting erratic, no memories of it all, or what i did. The only explanation was that i started going "too wild".
@elizabethwilliams6651 2 ай бұрын
Psychedelics are just an exceptional mental health breakthrough. It's quite fascinating how effective they are against depression and anxiety. Saved my life.
Can you help with the reliable source I would really appreciate it. Many people talk about mushrooms and psychedelics but nobody talks about where to get them. Very hard to get a reliable source here in Australia. Really need!
@Jennifer-bw7ku 2 ай бұрын
Yes, dr.sporessss. I have the same experience with anxiety, depression, PTSD and addiction and Mushrooms definitely made a huge huge difference to why am clean today.
@steceymorgan814 2 ай бұрын
I wish they were readily available in my place. Microdosing was my next plan of care for my husband. He is 59 & has so many mental health issues plus probable CTE & a TBI that left him in a coma 8 days. It's too late now I had to get a TPO as he's 6'6 300+ pound homicidal maniac. He's constantly talking about killing someone. He's violent. Anyone reading this Familiar w/ BPD know if it is common for an obsession with violence.
Is he on instagram?
@Jennifer-bw7ku 2 ай бұрын
Yes he is. dr.sporessss
@luisd333 Жыл бұрын
Y'all ever eaten avocados on acid? I did once my buddies were laughing at me because i peeled it like an orange and ate it like a mango 😂
@nicknorthcutt7680 Жыл бұрын
I love eating mangoes and citrus while tripping lol
@emanuelmartinez2597 Жыл бұрын
@@nicknorthcutt7680 Oh my God, I remember just toying around with a Mango all day while tripping with my friends and later that night, I ended up dropping it. I had toyed with it so long that it was ripe and ready to be eaten. I just bit into it like an Apple lol. I loved smelling it throughout the whole day, it was soo earthy and soothing.
@nicknorthcutt7680 Жыл бұрын
@@emanuelmartinez2597 you know what's crazy, I opened this notification to see what response it was and as I'm reading it I realize I just got back from safeway and I'm laying on my bed with a whole mango next to me 😂 trippy. Yeah dude there's nothing quite like the taste and smell of a mango, especially on lsd 😊
@lily-up1ym 9 ай бұрын
i remember on my first trip i had noise cancelling headphones on. suddenly, my headphones cut out to a white noise, all i could hear was ringing, and my chest also felt heavy, yet i couldn’t hear/feel a heartbeat. i was completely convinced i had just died. i laid on my back, completely paralyzed, with tears streaming down my face. that moment stuck with me even after sobering up. afterwards my family noticed a change in me: a lust for life, less anxiety, more courage. i can’t pinpoint exactly what that moment did to me, but i no longer wanted to take life for granted, i no longer felt my life was worthless. i wanted to live for the first time in years and i wanted to live a life full of memories. i guess i can say, from experience, it was very similar to a near death experience in the way it impacted me psychologically.
@Giovan_7 Ай бұрын
What did you use? LSD? DMT?
@orikku Жыл бұрын
This one was interesting. The feeling of not existing or being dead is one I’ve had in nightmares or times when I can’t sleep. Hearing it being amplified to the maximum is horrifeying
@BremeD Жыл бұрын
i dont want to be the grammar police rn but the e isnt supposed to be in the word horrifying plus a nightmare of not exsisting, people like your family not even knowing you, stuff like that is just terrifying
@SnufflySpy Жыл бұрын
@@BremeD I hate to be the grammar police, but you just corrected him on "Horrifying," but the spelled "Existing" wrong
@dratinibrah Жыл бұрын
This is why im absolutely terrified of being sick. Not because im fighting some viral infection, but because of the dreams. They are absolute torture dreams. And they dont end when I wake up. When I wake up, I start to hallucinate. Everything is amplified. My thoughts are scraming at me. Someone calmly talking is the same as getting yelled at your ear. Someone touching me is the same as hitting me. A car passing by feels like 1cm away from getting run over. And I know im awake. I remember googling hoe to wake up on my phone while i was getting ripped by the thoughts in my mind. Its awful.
@dniilii Жыл бұрын
@@BremeD you gotta be trolling... Your grammar is even worse.
@cfrank777 8 ай бұрын
yup i had this same experience, only i thought i had entered into a parallel earth that was actually the underworld. It looked the same but things seemed different...Every evil thing anybody would say, even as a joke, I noticed. I noticed the depravity of the people around me and it confirmed to me that I was indeed in the underworld. It was insane.
@danadoozer9990 Жыл бұрын
There is no explanation that can be put into words that can describe how terrifying a bad trip really is. I've been in accidents, mugged at gunpoint, I've been in plenty of scary situations but NOTHING has even come close to the horror I felt on my bad trip. It affected me so deeply that I haven't tripped since, and that was 25 years ago! My hell trip also began with the most amazing closed eye visuals, spinning, twisting geometric patterns, beyond 3d somehow and in every color of the rainbow! If I just could have stayed right there in my trip it would have been awesome. Unfortunately the hallucinations became so utterly terrifying and I couldn't handle any stimulation whatsoever so I ended laying on the floor in a pitch black room, just trying to ride it out. I truly know what this person went through!
@Moneymoneymoneymoneymoneymonee Жыл бұрын
You’ve never been mugged pussy no need to lie to make ur initial exaggeration even further from the truth
@danadoozer9990 Жыл бұрын
@@Moneymoneymoneymoneymoneymonee I actually have been mugged twice. I have no reason to lie. I also don't give two shits if you don't believe me, I don't know you, think whatever you want. Not sure why you're so emotional over my comment, but oh well 🤷
@Alloya3 Жыл бұрын
Man i went through the same experience as yours wtff
@danadoozer9990 Жыл бұрын
Ugh, sorry you had to go through that too, I never knew how terrifying lsd could be until I finally took way too much. I had eaten 5 hits, and that's when I saw the most incredible things, and I was not in a frame of mind to make good decisions. Someone suggested taking more, and stupidly I did. Within a half hour I was losing my mind and thinking that I was never going to come back!
@YodaOnABender 9 ай бұрын
@@danadoozer9990what did you see?
@general_zizi1156 5 ай бұрын
This is a crazy experience!! Substances like psychedelics when administered temporarily and in the minimum and safe dose can save life (prevent suicide), yet..long term all of them are NOT the answer (solution to the problem). self honesty, emotional and spiritual healing (done correctly) produce safe and lasting happiness, inner peace
@annemoore4461 5 ай бұрын
I’ve been researching on psychedelics and it’s benefits to individuals dealing with Anxiety, Depression, ADHD and from my findings, they really work and I’ve been eager to get some for a while but its been difficult to get my hands on them.
@ohmakure4716 5 ай бұрын
The Trips I've been having really helped me a lot. I’m now able to meditate and I finally feel in control of my emotions and my future and things that used to be mundane to me now seem incredible and full of nuance on top of that I'm way less driven by my ego and I have alot more empathy as well
@dilara4130 5 ай бұрын
I was having this constant, unbearable anxiety due to work stress. Not until I came across a very intelligent mycologist. He saved my life honestly
@dilara4130 5 ай бұрын
His name is *DR Adolf Petter*
@ryancihet555 5 ай бұрын
@ohmakure4716 I feel the same way too. I put too much on my plate and it definitely affects my stress and anxiety levels. I am also glad to be a part of this community.
@melissadwiggins Жыл бұрын
So back in 2008 I figured out why you hallucinate when you're on LSD. If you look in the mirror when you're tripping your pupils are constantly constricting and dilating. They get bigger and smaller with every heartbeat. That's what causes the ripple effect and hallucinations when you're on LSD. Also, did you know that LSD on a microdosing level is therapeutic for PTSD and drug addiction? People coming back from war that have really bad PTSD will or have before go to the VA and do a micro dosing session afterwards their PTSD is gone. It's happened in the past anyway. The federal government now thinks that it is useless even though it has shown time and time again that it helps with these situations. Also when dosing at all you have to be in a good atmosphere or you're gonna have a bad trip. I had a bad trip one time as we started out watching fear and loathing in Las Vegas. Let me just say that's not the greatest movie to watch while you're tripping. There's a reason it's called fear and loathing.
@locomadman Жыл бұрын
What? I love Fear & Loathing on acid! …Okay, okay, I love everything on acid (except getting wet, for whatever reason); but that’s because it bloody great!! 👍🏽👍🏽😅✌🏽
@melissadwiggins Жыл бұрын
@@locomadman I had seen the movie before, but we were staying in an apartment and it was like 3:00 in the morning. You'll never notice this unless you watch the movie on acid, but it'll get really really quiet and then it will get really really loud all of a sudden. So me, my fiance, my roommates, and a couple of my friends were all watching it and we would turn it up because we couldn't hear it and then of course it would get loud again so then we would all run to the TV and turn it down again; and it didn't just happen once, it happened repeatedly! It was just not a good trip. We changed the movie and put on natural Born Killers and then after that the doors and we were fine through those movies, but fear and loathing was not good to watch on acid! Especially in an apartment setting where the walls are paper thin and it's 3:00 in the morning lol
@locomadman Жыл бұрын
@@melissadwiggins Ha! Yeah.. I can see how that’d get awkward. Like 90% of a good trip is environment, which includes at which time you indulge. We’d aim for a time & place that if anyone did complain, we’d just get them high too! Lol ..made friends with the entire floor that way at this one building we rented at.
@melissadwiggins Жыл бұрын
@@locomadman My neighbors weren't that cool lol
@StabbedPerson Жыл бұрын
Lmao reminds me of the time I saw The Shining on acid with my friends, that surprisingly wasn't a bad trip for any of us though lol. I am like 99% sure the hallucinations aren't all caused by the pupil though I can see what you mean cause when my pupils get bigger I swear you can actually see your FOV go up like a in-game slider lol. I think I remember reading that it's something along the lines of because LSD fits into the same places in your brain normal proteins or something would go, it fires off those parts of the brain continuously until its absorbed which takes a while.
@Nicoladen1 Жыл бұрын
Guy in story one wanted to confront his deepest fears, him then getting panicked about being dead seems to have been just that - his deepest fear 🤔
@dniilii Жыл бұрын
Tbh, this sounds like a good trip... Death, to me at least, is just such an profoundly peaceful state of being.
@kriptichris1503 Жыл бұрын
Imagine when you’re vividly dreaming and you imagine you’re falling into a black void and you assume you’re going to die, I can just imagine what death would be on an lsd trip 😮
@magdalynnehurst-mwangi6895 Жыл бұрын
@amestranceologic8564 2 ай бұрын
@@dniiliidying, coming back to your self, dying, coming back, dying, coming back, you realize so many things, being one with everything is amazing, it’s hard to explain it, but being reborn is a real thing
@albert.robles7 Жыл бұрын
Psychedelics are great. Funny story, LSD actually saved my life, I was going down the wrong path in my youth, alcohol, drugs, crime etc. One day a friend convinced me to try some acid, it was very potent, after getting over the giggles, I realized that my perception of everything completely changed, I saw life in a more logical sense, I literally looked into the mirror and I immediately saw the stupidity of my behavior, when I watched TV, I was able to see how extremely stupid it is, you actually see the subliminal messages in commercials, amazing! It changed my life for the better... Looking forward to tryout the psilocybin mushrooms next just don't know where or how to get them, so rare in my area
@trevornelson61 Жыл бұрын
psych really help me alot I was the definition of depression and I can't stay a day without smoking
@userconspiracynut Жыл бұрын
[Adamsflakes] Ships Psychedelics
@ugmiles. Жыл бұрын
@@userconspiracynut is he on IG or what?
@lopeztwinjason Жыл бұрын
The good thing about LSD is its non addictive, the best experience I've EVER had on ANY drug was LSD, I've been so happy my face literally hurt from smiling so much for so many hours, but but once the trip wears off the last thing I'm thinking about is dropping another trip, you need time to recover, the closest I'd ever had trips together were a week apart but usually months or years, having said that it's been 10yrs since the last time but certainly would again given the right time and setting
@userconspiracynut Жыл бұрын
@@ugmiles. yeah, He has variety of stuffs like mushrooms, lsd, DMT even the chocolate bars
@natalia.paixao Жыл бұрын
I took lsd in my room during lockdown and fearing my family would notice, had a trip with some similar aspects as anxiety and the creepling and overwherlming fear. I think if being locked with people we cant trust can trigger that
@theoneandonly2359 7 ай бұрын
I tripped with a girl i didn't know so well once and was in my room while my parents where there we got into this loop as well... Don't trip with people that you don't truly know
@DCTR_DD Жыл бұрын
Thats amazing! I'll leave an experience here: 7:00 PM, It was the second time I took it , I was in a bad part of my life and wanted to listen to some chill music while watching the rain pour down on my backyard. For ~1h It was going as planned, I was feeling relaxed, watching the colorful images that formed in my vision, the thunderstorm was glowing pink at every strike, the trees were moving in unnatural ways, I even found it funny for some reason, but ok. 2h in, and I started to feel thirsty so I got up to get some water, when I got up, my heart started to beat faster and faster, all of the joy I was feeling seconds ago vanished, all I felt was pure fear. I felt like I would dehydrate till I turned to dust, I ran towards my kitchen and grabbed a blue cup, filled it with water and chugged it, then another one, and another one, I did it like 5 or 6 times, I was still thirsty, I stopped, looked at my cup, and it was melting, the cup was melting and fusing into my hands, I couldnt feel a thing, I just threw the cup away and tought "I need to lay down". 3h in and now I was laying down on my bed, I was panicking, felt that something was wrong with my body, I couldnt feel the touch of anything, my heartbeat was dangerously fast, I could feel it, but for some reason I decided to check it by resting my hands against my torax, I could'nt feel my heart, I felt like that was it, I was done, theres nothing else I could do, I was going to be there for the rest of my life. 7h in, started hearing chainsaws and a loud "hummmm" noise, like a really strong tinnitus, felt like my head was going to implode. 9h in, still in bed, trying to accept that it would be the end of everything, I would be there till the end of time. 9h15m in, my pet bunny (Nimbus) jumped on the bed, climbed on my torax and laid down, looking at me. It was, honestly, amazing. He was there, I felt his warmth, his heartbeat, I could feel something, finally. I looked at his fur, it was spiralling, in some crazy patterns, and I could now remember what time it was and why I took 'it'. I hugged Nimbus, pet him, talked to him, and I could feel that He understood everything, I felt safe, I wasnt panicking anymore, I was just, enjoying it again, looking at crazy patterns and feeling his heartbeat, I fell asleep right after that, it took maybe ~40-50 minutes of cuddling, I like to think that He saved me. I do not encourage anybody to take things like this on your lowest point, its never a good idea. Thanks Nimbus
@nicar5970 Жыл бұрын
that’s so sweet🥹 thank you Nimbus!
@TheMoonPool Жыл бұрын
A rare instance where a rabbit takes someone out of the hole instead of down into one.
@yea0000 Жыл бұрын
i think petting a pet actually slows ur heart rate
@lizbethvaldez3230 Жыл бұрын
Protect nimbus at al costs ❤
@Wurmple_Over_9000 Жыл бұрын
Nimbus Luke dragon ball?
@Baneyaps Жыл бұрын
this vid was recommended to me and honestly 10/10 i love his voice it’s not too high pitched or too low and it’s very calming and i can feel the pressure building up in this video good job! you earned a new watcher🖤
@RandomInternetStranger Жыл бұрын
I absolutely love these stories. I have no doubt that this deviation from your normal types of videos is only positive, and spreading large-scale awareness of drugs and their potentially bad effects is doing a great service to the general internet population. Please, upload more of these. We all beg you.
@silverflight01 Жыл бұрын
The trip brought so much hell that OP feared help more than death, and suffered a loss of confidence and agoraphobia for MONTHS. Although I have learned that not all trips wind up on the nightmare side, it's best not to try one. To me, it's just not worth the risk
@nickalmiron5257 Жыл бұрын
He obviesly took a lot. U dont feel like that with a quarter, half or even a full dose. Just fyi.
@ijneb1248 Жыл бұрын
Definitely, and I hate all the people that make excuses like "oh he shouldnt have taken so much" or "he wasnt in a good mental state"
@nsb6695 Жыл бұрын
Ur making it up playa
@daurpm Жыл бұрын
You obviously have never had psychedelics before. There is most certainly a responsible way and irresponsible ways to trip. For me, the positives of what I learned from those experiences were far greater than the negatives, and fully worth it. Even the “bad” trips.
@purplecloudz755 Жыл бұрын
Yea bro I took 3 and 1 half of acid gel caps barely any illusions just my inner dialogue acting like this was my new reality heart beat was different my movement I also remember being soooooo confused and zone out or got distracted to easily
@cellarorcs4190 Жыл бұрын
THIS KID IS LITERALLY ME, HOLY SHIT. first thing I do is listen to my favorite music, then its time to listen in bed, THEN its time to draw when you REALLY start getting INTO it.
@MassManicMedia Жыл бұрын
Ive definitely learned to take something calming when tripping. Load up on cbd if worried about a bad trip, also don't trip if your not in a good headspace or stressed or sad.
@Widderic Жыл бұрын
I used to loveeeee reading trip reports on Erowid, I actually have a few of mine on there back from my psychonaut days. I must say, it's much more enjoyable to have them read by you with imagery to go with it. More of these please!
@clarkkent1630 Жыл бұрын
These stories be crazy thank you for sharing them with us so glad I subbed to this channel
@digbeckshow9898 Жыл бұрын
Getting the right setting before your trip is crucial! Also a good idea to have a benzo on standby in case you start having a really bad time.
@ChodePolice Жыл бұрын
I took shrooms for the first time when I moved out of my parents house. It was my way of celebrating my freedom. I had smoked weed before and dabbled in other things so I wasn’t expecting it to be much different. I remember smoking beforehand and not having breakfast which were both a bad idea as I was told later on. I was alone and it was about 10 am in the morning. I texted one of my friends who I knew had shrooms and paid for an eighth of shrooms. He warned me about micro dosing and not getting ahead of myself when I feel like nothing was happening. Of course I made the mistake of not waiting long enough and I downed all 3.5 grams and about 40 minutes later I was TRIPPING BALLLS. I started seeing textures on the wall and the room would change colors every time I blinked. My dogs were with me at the time and they were just looking at me, and I thought they were trying to communicate with me and it seemed like they were both concerned for my well-being, like they knew I was having a bad time. I crawled in bed in fetal position and tried to sleep it off because the nausea was unbearable. I was fading in and out and having about 1,000 thoughts per minute. At one point I genuinely felt like I was going to die at the end of the trip. Had thoughts of suicide which scared me. At that point I called some friends and they helped calm me down when I was peaking. About 6-8 hours later I had the urge to pee and that’s when I started to feel better and the nausea was subsiding. I ended the experience by jumping in the shower with my clothes on. All in all it was a super introspective experience and in a sense, all the things I hadn’t dealt with emotionally which was lingering in my subconscious, had come out and manifested itself in a super bad ego death trip. I drew a picture of how I was feeling the entirety of it and I’m planning on getting it tattooed. It was a moment of complete self awareness and the whole experience has helped me look within myself and I feel like I am more outside of the box in all things I do now.
@nathhekzz 3 ай бұрын
I for one have never had a terrible trip, but I personally believe no trip is bad they all give you something out of it
@extrapickles5427 Жыл бұрын
I think you'd be really good at reading creepy pastas or something. You've got a great voice for this kind of stuff
@ThatDudefromDavao Жыл бұрын
I see you've doulbed-down on the type of content that worked xD You know I think you've unlocked some kind of new style for this niche. Another awesome video !
@PorkPioneer Жыл бұрын
Wish this video had existed 4 years ago when I had a similar experience to the second story. Anxiety, trauma, and disassociation after a bad trip. Also took me a year to get a grip back on my perception and outlook, and I’m surprised to share the reflection with the narrator that I’m at least thankful to feel stronger from it emotionally.
@bryanlee6274 Жыл бұрын
Always to psychedelics when ur safe feeling safe and in nature or in pleasant setting. Having a close friend family that will guide u is super nice. And the story of a bad trip is very accurate. Alcohol can really save ur butt. I can’t imagine hours of this dispersonality anxiety and death of ego
@jippalippa Жыл бұрын
Just to let you know; this can really become a great series! Keep it up!
@andrei4617 Жыл бұрын
Two vids in the span of two days?? Legendary stuff ailurus appreciate u
@delusion4939 Жыл бұрын
I almost died at 13 of a nutmeg overdose (don’t ask, you do stupid shit when you’re young) but this experience is very similar to my memory of what happens before my parents called the ambulance. Especially the jumping out of my bedroom window part and believing that I was in my own personal hell. Luckily I was able to recover in about a month but thinking back to the state my mind was in still gives me the creeps every time I think about it.
@birbbirb6078 Жыл бұрын
For me the best way to get out of a bad trip is to literally play positive frequency/meditation videos on KZbin. Works like a damn charm for me.
@Silas.Marner 4 ай бұрын
Why not just avoid the substance, altogether?
@daveyreed Жыл бұрын
A little trick to not have bad trips (I've had tons) make sure you have your levels checked.. Low magnesium is known to cause people to struggle with psychoactive substances. It sounds like he was experiencing the moment when you realize that once you are born, you are indeed, dead. This doesn't sound that bad of a trip, but more of a beautiful dark experience. Obviously my bad trip wouldn't be his bad trip, and vice verse.
@ZeTus58 Жыл бұрын
It's like he became a baby again, first sleeping in the same bed as his parents, than gradually going beyond the household, having more social interactions, etc. Like he grew up again. Like he grew up twice in his one lifetime.
@lesliemartin3 Жыл бұрын
Whoa dude that thumbnail is sincerely what nightmares are made of.....I have only tripped once and I hated it more than anything I'd ever endured. Detoxing from opiates was the only thing I can compare it to specifically the intensified perception of reality and movies or any media for that matter. I hate not having control of my body and the idea of intentionally doing something like this for myself has completely left the realm of possibilities for me to repeat this endeavor.
@tasnuvarawshan5827 Жыл бұрын
Please don’t stop doing these!!
@eliasbrewn Жыл бұрын
We have been truly blessed by the red panda man once again, soo many vids in 2 days!
@AJ-das Жыл бұрын
As a person who has been to those hallucinogenic hells more times then I can remember, I believe the reason for this entire experience was summed up in his synopsis at the end. It all needed to happen for him to open up with his family about life long mental health issues. Holding onto secrets from those close to you forces the hallucinogens to go to drastic measures to force you to have those conversations. There's been times where the only way out of the nightmare is to call family and face the weighing, deep rooted ego narratives and dispell them. It feels like the scariest thing but you end up doing it after enough time stewing in your own personal custom made nightmare, every hellish detail perfectly connected to your deepest fears whether your conscious of them or its deeply subconscious. When minutes feel like lifetimes while actual hours go by, you'll end up calling them. Either that or you misconstrue the medicines intention, try and fight your way out, and end up in the hospital. Either way it always points back to family/childhood. We gotta heal.
@JessicaGilberts Жыл бұрын
It's so beautiful how people keeps talking so many good things about psychedelics. Everyone focused on how magical shrooms can change their lives..I haven't tried them yet but there are definitely on my list of “must do”;) just looking for a reliable source.
@KenvyNguyen Жыл бұрын
@@jaymeyer2416 One of the most peaceful experience I've ever had..I really need to get my hands on some DMT
@JuicyLife3 Жыл бұрын
@@freeman7929 I've always wanted to trip but am so scared it might end up bad.. I've heard a story of how a trip went bad so am so terrified of having one..
@JessicaGilberts Жыл бұрын
@Eminent Jackson pls how do I find him? Is it on IG?
@Bryanclouds Жыл бұрын
Psilocybin has been a game changer in my life! I prefer micro dosing a few times a week now that I got the dose just right! Seasonal depression is a thing and shrooms can most definitely help..
@Bryanclouds Жыл бұрын
@@KenvyNguyen I really think it's not advisable to start your first trip with DMT,it might scare you off
@stormcloud7885 Жыл бұрын
when he said that he was looking in the mirror and it was like he was looking at someone else i know THAT EXCACT FEELING like you know logically its you but it feels like you looking at someone you dont know idk how t explain it
@Sea_Enjoyer Жыл бұрын
MOST of my trips were just like this. Like OP I also had anxiety before I eber tripped, but full blown metal disorders after. They may start great, but then they'd go bad, total fear and depersonalisation and I wouldn't come down for days. One trip lasted 2 weeks. Somehow, I was tripping as hard as possible for 2 weeks after it left my system. I quit acid and stuck to weed, but eventually weed got me back to that place and I got stuck outside of reality again in what's known as DPDR, a horrible mental disorder where nothing feels real. Luckily I've made a recovery from the panic disorder and DPDR, but I'll never be fully normal again and I've accepted that and I'm happy. Sorry for the typos, the only stuff I touch nowadays are downers my doctors give me and beer. Not great for typing.
@XXXXX8 Жыл бұрын
You didnt trip for 2 weeks. You tripped for 6 hours and then had psychosis for 13 days.
@TheCatWrangler Жыл бұрын
@@XXXXX8 probably tripped for at least 12 hours. With a big dose out can be 18 to 24 hrs, sometimes more., then, yeah psychosis. But the commenter knew that, he just said it differently than you did.
@bradleybauman3672 5 ай бұрын
Stay strong brother, your strength brings courage to others
@Bludgeoned2DEATH2 Жыл бұрын
Set and Setting is important when tripping. Setting is where you are, make sure you’re comfy. Set is how you are mentally, if you’re not doing well the tripping will make that extremely worse.
@matheuscoccosn Жыл бұрын
Damn boy, i have passed trought all of this, and it is good to hear it from other person, thank you ❤
@MsBB37 Жыл бұрын
Barely 30 seconds in and already I've liked the video and I'm writing this comment for I know it's definitely gonna be a good one. So happy you made another!!! Thanks for this
@_gecko_squash8389 Жыл бұрын
Discovered ur Chanel from the video you uploaded last night, no regrets subscribing love ur videos
@a_tree5793 Жыл бұрын
Glad I discovered this channel. Really interesting stuff
@ncrtrooper1782 Жыл бұрын
Psychedelics are the most amazing thing ever meanwhile the most scary. I love them, they’re so helpful and fun, but please trip safe y’all!
@extrapickles5427 Жыл бұрын
Yes! Loved the last one . cant wait to listen to this
@ouroboros1726 9 ай бұрын
Going through bad trips made me feel like I can do anything and that it’s all in my head.
@Slimjim96965 Жыл бұрын
I’ve had some really good trips and I’ve also had some bad ones. It has completely changed the way I view life and the way that I am. do I regret it? sometimes, but I am now able to be in life viewing the world little different then before and for that, I appreciate my bad trips when you’re having a bad trip you must learn from them do not fear them. Safe travels everyone ✨Stay positive
@Pleazur Жыл бұрын
Keep doing these man their fun 😊
@user-uo5nq3zl9c Жыл бұрын
You've got a great voice! It's very calming, and I enjoyed listening to this story On the flip side- This was not a good thing to accidentally fall asleep to. I can't even explain the images that came to my mind lol
@giannagomez3836 Жыл бұрын
Love these videos, great content!
@whitewolf2078 Жыл бұрын
theres no anti- drug program that i have ever seen has made me NOT want to do drugs like these 2 videos
@bigglobnationxzzz Жыл бұрын
My latest acid trip was dark I was in a dark world with half rainbows and on a rainy day, found out my house is haunted by a old lady and also found out one of my past lives was spent in prison. It was mind boggling because it gave insight to some of my negative thinking patterns. It made total sense. It’s insane.
@adamafam4412 Жыл бұрын
I just saw the previous LSD tripping video yesterday, and now another one is uploaded today! 🙊🤭😈
@lxrxeee Жыл бұрын
i took it 2 times but one i remember more then the other. i think because the 2nd time it was more draining tbh. i just remember that time feeling panicked. my eyes moving from one play to another as i tried to remember where i was. the 1st however, it felt like what they call a ray of sunshine. i was in heaven. the wind felt 10x more heavier on me almost as if i could get blown away. i felt so much at ease. it felt like something you would have to search for. that feeling was unreal
@user-to2sg5qs6b 4 ай бұрын
It seems like he got a lot of what he was looking for. I’ve always felt that bad trips had deeper meaning and although not enjoyable a lot can be learned about who you are as a person. It looks like death and abandonment where 2 very anxiety inducing topics for him and if the work is done it can get a lot better.
@faucet3392 Жыл бұрын
i have been intrested and studying psychedelics for so long and i would love to try dissociants. i always wanted to try such stuff but i never knew where to get. i live in Poland in small city and just wish i could order it online , i am a coward to go to raves n search there. bad trips fascinate me, its incredible how a substance takes off a "filter" of our perception of reality n can create absolutely terrifying dimensions, hallucinations. visualizing hell and death seem to be common themes in bad trips, also how the existence of "flashbacks" from bad trips can ruin any further trips or even make person have flashback (uncomfortable feeling, anxiety) of the bad trip by just thinking about it. ironic how substances that can create self inflicted terror and trauma, can also be helpful with healing trauma. respect these drugs... remember to start with small doses, not mix substances irresponsibly, dont redose too quickly/too much and be in good mindset and space before taking, these drugs are not miracle pills to fix mental issues especially during bad mental health episodes.
@skateMDallday Жыл бұрын
learn about tor and onion sites and you can ship some K right to your doorstep if you’re careful
@faucet3392 Жыл бұрын
@@skateMDallday thanks dude i been looking into it. i am extremly careful n suspicious person lmao so i hope ill get some. much appreciated man
@Keegan_Lafonde_Music 5 ай бұрын
I had a very similar experience on mushrooms. I’ve tripped quite a few times so I felt confident taking them on my own. Took em on my own in my bedroom, ended up blacking out, came to, watched my hands melt to nothing and felt like someone dumped a bucket of acid over my brain, then I layed down and the ego death hit. The rest was how this video explains. By far the most terrifying experience of my life, the only thing that I knew was real was the time. If your gonna take physcadelics, have a trip sitter, be in a good mental state and don’t take too much
@kennethbenfield1585 6 ай бұрын
I had a very similar experience. The losing concept of time and being stuck in a state of panic for eternity with the feeling of loneliness and fear was hell. That’s all it takes. It’s not some extravagant torturous world. It’s just simply that, and you will never experience anything worse. The visuals I was getting were not even hellish. My hearing being impaired was the weirdest thing. I was outside, and it looked, felt, and sounded empty. Leading up to the bad part my vision flipped through like when you draw a little stick figure in a notebook and make it move. I went through all these phases of texture. One phase everything was so smooth, and it looked like the map Nuketown from call of duty. Eventually the one it stoped on was very depressing. Just eerie. Then at one point I was talking to people and going in and out of reality is what I called it. They were saying things they weren’t actually saying, or at least little subtle changes in words, or tone. I was always trying to convince myself they were real, and asking them to prove it 😂 remember telling them I felt like I was dead, and they looked at me straight in my eyes and said what’s wrong with that 😂 sent me into a spiral of feelings. I went from well I’m not ready, to yeah I guess idk what it is to be dead, to well if it’s like this I’m terrified, all kinds of things raced through my head. As things wore off I remember there was this background feeling like my physical body was going through something else the whole time. It felt like I was being resuscitated. Like my chest was bouncing up and down from someone preforming CPR, and it felt like someone had their hand in mine. I watched it all wear off. Afterwards I felt embarrassed and apologetic to everyone involved, but that shit fucked me up.
@boomyrang4597 3 ай бұрын
Bro this is actually crazy how this sounds the same as how my lsd trip went wrong but I truly thought I was dead and had to be brought to the hospital because my friends were tripping too and thought I was dying 😂
@kat9261 Жыл бұрын
watching these while stoned>>>
@tearsofjoy5416 Жыл бұрын
Love this kinda content
@burneraccount7718 Жыл бұрын
This seems more like a creative writing exercise than a genuine bad trip recollection to me. The writer immediately lists off things that would be detrimental to having a bad trip, almost like he searched up "what to do to have a good trip" and then did the exact opposite of that. His setting is cold, dark, and damp. He's having a hard couple of weeks with his mental health. He's suffering from extreme anxiety. He's highly stressed. The cherry on top is that the tab was of "unknown strength"... It's inconceivable to me that someone who's even just heard of the *concept* of LSD, much less someone that's taken it before, can be that stupid. That and the clarity with which he recalled time frames and events is what spoils this as fake.
@attackhelicopterisnotagend5193 Жыл бұрын
Dissociation when on acid is rough, I felt one time my heart had moved over in my chest to be perfectly centered then down, then ik all of a sudden it wasn't my heart it was me. I was trapped... In side in the dark it was rough and hard to feel the outside and want to see it in what I thought was my real self. It was so bad I couldn't shake a lot of thoughts like they were trying to almost break me out. I just remembered gripping something hard really really hard and shacking it with a scream cry for awhile before I just as suddenly was calmed and it felt like the small me inside expanded and filled my shell of a body up. Terrible insight but deep in meaning
@jayh8091 Жыл бұрын
This one is real and a lot better than your first one, this is really what ego death feels right, and he's right you aren't scared of dying your scared of being scared forever I litterly would have killed my self but I was to scared I thought if I did I would be in hell or something like that forever and just be crazy for eternity, and the scariest part is I was like that for a little more than 7 months I was diagnosed with phycosis, hppd and now Im currently taking test to see if I have schizophrenia, I feel a lot better than I did back than but probably once a month I still get that intese feeling of just pure fear
@michaellove4767 Жыл бұрын
Make sure your in the right state of mind and don’t have any kind of negative thoughts!
@Jerryberger9235 Жыл бұрын
I can't find a source anywhere for any good psychedelics in my area, I suffer some pretty bad depression and i got a chance to try K and man it was a miracle substance, I felt free,the only high or euphoria was from the relief of my vices being released, that's exactly what it did
@sarahh321 Жыл бұрын
Check [_James_trayy] Got psychs
@Jerryberger9235 Жыл бұрын
@@sarahh321 Is he on on Instagram or what?
@nishaelvert1104 Жыл бұрын
All the problems that these compounds can help solve, and the potential for peace they have.
@sarahh321 Жыл бұрын
@@Jerryberger9235 Yeah, he's got chocolate bars, magic mushrooms and other psych's
@Jerryberger9235 Жыл бұрын
@@sarahh321 thanks, I will get some right away
@henryjacobsen733 Жыл бұрын
I've taken LSD over 500 times since 1976 and while I had a few unpleasant portions of a some trips,I never had what I would call a bad trip. I have always wondered if it was because my first 3 trips were on 1400ug each and I experienced ego death,break thru's where I met entities and was taught about the sameness, oneness, connectiveness, of everything and everyone. I don't know if the older guys I got the tabs from didnt know better or were just messing with us, but we were told we couldn't divide and share a tab because the amount of LSD was so small it could be anywhere on the tab so one person might get it all and the others get none. Didn't realize the way blotter acid worked.absorbing equally through the whole sheet. Anyway what we had were 4 tabs of 350ug that were meant to be divided between at least 4 people. It had a picture of Dancing Bear from the Captain Kangaroo program on it and I suppose we assumed you wouldn't tear the bear into pieces?!?! Actually thought I had been scammed the first couple times I got normal 250 to 500ug hits that were common back then. $3 each $75 a sheet. The good old days!! After those experiences I didn't take it expecting or attempting some divine message, just because it was fun, and just let it take me where it wanted and hung on for the ride. The most adverse side affect was a sore face from having such a big smile on it for 12 to 16 hours. Just a theory I guess.
@skateMDallday Жыл бұрын
this guy gets it. No bad trips only bad moments in trips, sometimes things get a little wonky or a loop happens but you can pretty easily break free of them. also might be because of my ego death salvia trip being my first experience. salvia is a terrible psychedelic for anybody thinking of trying it tho lol
@henryjacobsen733 Жыл бұрын
@@skateMDallday It seems like so many people put expectations on the drug as they go into the experience, like they will be disappointed if they don't have some spiritual life altering journey. If you go in like that you are setting yourself up for trouble. Take it because it's fun, with a clear head and just hang on. Many times you will come out of it understanding something new, but every trip leaves me with a sore face from smiling and laughing so much.
@philthyrich007 Жыл бұрын
What abt the beings you met
@why-hf6gc Жыл бұрын
Unrelated but I love listening to playboi carti when tripping balls, location literally feels so good to listen to when you eat shrooms or eat a tab
@ponyloverkins321 Жыл бұрын
Yes I need these to figure out why my brain gets triggered so easily and is in constant conflict
@anthonymack2289 Жыл бұрын
I had the exact same thing happen in high school, I can’t hardly listen to this. If your thinking about taking this stuff don’t! The reason being, nobody can prepare you for your trip, once u start tripping, it’s according to how your mind processes it, you won’t exactly no what to expect till you start tripping. And that is a very dangerous experience. Can be, my advice, leave it alone. The way you’ll react while under this influence is too unpredictable to be playing with. It’s not for everyone
@PandaHiveGaming Жыл бұрын
so for me I've tripped a lot and I've always come to terms that whenever I start going towards a bad feeling or a bad trip I just remind myself that I'm tripping and that you GOTTA BREATH and drink water cause I've tend to notice people tend to breathe less which makes the visuals a slight bit intense but sometimes for me when it feels like my body has not had enough air the trip setting gets disturbed and that's the signal for me to start breathing more and drink water cause you sweat a lot sometimes and everyone around me seems to not remember anything out of the trip but I remember every detail to the fractals to the kaleidoscope design in the day time sky or at night when I saw the corners of everything repeating it self and then there's the high part where it feels like geometrical shapes kind of like Tame Impalas album cover for Innerspeaker are coming at you and honestly that's the best time for FORZA or DIRT RALLY OR ANY fast paced video game, FREAKING MARIO KART WAS AMAAAAAZING then there was also the echo chamber is what I like to call it this is where the trip starts intensifying sounds where the music is so much cooler and reverbed and echo like in a cave then there was the entity I saw just chilling with me and if I really focused on it I could see the outlines of a biblically accurate angel and it did not say anything but I always think every trip you dive deeper into discovering what those entity's are cause after every trip I get more visuals of the entity's and more clearer understanding of what they are then after those events the trip just really goes back to the high until you sleep and I feel amazing after the sleep any way if you made it this far thanks for reading my trip story and ID LOVE TO READ YOURS also to mention it REALLY does heal depression (at least most the time from what I've seem) cause there was also a time where my mind was being logical af and basically looked my self in the mirror and thought maybe i should improve my self being and be more loving and all that and honestly that made me feel way better about myself and my life has gotten so much better since taking psychedelic's
@bobilondon01 3 ай бұрын
my first time i took just 1 tab, tripped for 8 hours, lsd is stupid af, it makes you feel confused at the simplest stuff. Your smelling senses are better tho but thats about it
@JayV27 4 ай бұрын
Had a really intense trip on 5g of shrooms. Was only gonna no more than 3.5 but then I heard about the 5g heroic dose and yk, curiosity killed the cat. None of my friends gave a shit about my interest in trying shrooms so there was no one there to stop me or talk me out of it. Tried to talk about it in the rant channel in our discord server but no one engaged or seemed to care. I died a few times and after the longest two hours of my life, I was brought back to the night back in August when I attempted suicide. Except this time I spun out and died. I tried explaining to everyone at the scene that I'm okay but no one acknowledged me. All I could do was watch everything unfold while I accepted that I'm dead. Then I threw up and came back down. That was one of the tamer experiences but the most painful.
@petermad7476 Жыл бұрын
I took lsd one day with my friends, i was very exhausted but took it anyways, the effects started quite fast at one hour. We were chilling pretty good. i was seeing nice things and feeling nice. The first weird thing that happened was that I was watching KZbin, and the video that I was watching was new like 3 hours ago, and i sat watching it and i realized that the video was very old but i knew that the vid was new then i just throw the phone away. At this point, i was very freaking tired and wanted to go to sleep, but when i closed my eyes, I literally felt like my eyes were open seeing all of it in the room, in first i was like wtf how the hell i am seeing with my eyes closed that freak me a little because at this point the trip was barely starting. Then we were laughing, and everyone was basically sleeping, and i couldn't... dont ask me how, but i felt entering a bubble of no escape in my mind, thinking that i was gonna be like this for the rest of my life. So i told my friends that I'm having a bad trip, so they tried to calm me, but the funny thing is that they were in lsd too, so i thought that they were fucked up too and didn't want nothing with them. They only thing that calmed me was speaking with someone who wasn't in lsd. Was one of the most traumatic events in my short life. Never do this things in depression or tired state
@petermad7476 Жыл бұрын
@Mark Kyrie what?
@Chris-gh6ux Жыл бұрын
Yeah u should’ve have took it when you’re tired that’s asking for a bad trip 😂🤦‍♂️
@bIurry999 Жыл бұрын
Bro was literally in purgatory
@Em_of_Brien Жыл бұрын
I experienced something very similar to this last year it was awful. But I have grown from it for sure.
@venuztrvp 11 ай бұрын
When the drugs you took that you told nobody about begin to kick in things always seem to go awry 😂
@Jobe-13 Жыл бұрын
At least he was able to stay self-aware enough to try to get help.
@luvrscooby Жыл бұрын
this is an issue i have while completely sober. i LOVE acid even tho i've only done it twice...but ever since i did acid for the first time, i dissociate's VERY hard to deal with and it makes me feel insane. it never happens when i'm at home, it's leaving the house that triggers it, especially car rides...even more so with people i'm not very close with. once this feeling starts, it could last anywhere from 30 minutes to a few days. it feels like i cant place myself in the setting i'm in. like my body is here but my mind is not. it's like i'm in someone else's body watching them do things. have you ever seen the movie "inside out"? it feels like i'm one of the little emotion dudes watching my body do things. i honestly don't know what to do...does anyone know? or does anyone else experience this?
@dooflydetailguuy4349 9 ай бұрын
Yes I understand you.
@aidena004 4 ай бұрын
I feel you
@milkovich6152 3 ай бұрын
I panicked so bad I felt like I was in a dream, stuck in a time loop and I wasn’t going to wake up to reality anymore.
@savothesuperstar5695 Жыл бұрын
It’s Realization, & you weren’t ready for it.
@jessemontano762 8 ай бұрын
Having a real effective dose, a full on psychedelic dose, is mind warping. And at some points, terrifying. And you gain a new respect for sobriety
@Twelvenuns1400 Жыл бұрын
This happened to me when I was 10, minus the hillucinstions, but I wasn’t on lsd. I drank 6 monsters 6 Starbucks drinks, and a monster sized monster and stayed up for 3 days. It effected me so badly I didn’t drink energy drinks or coffee for 5 years. I was convinced I had died and no one was real, I couldn’t feel anything fully, everything looked blurry, almost like I dissociated. I’ve struggled with dissociation ever since I just know how to handle it now and it doesn’t cause me to have panic attacks.
@Twelvenuns1400 Жыл бұрын
@Mark Kyrie wym?
@kriptichris1503 Жыл бұрын
Caffeine to an extent can be a drug too
@PeepMingo Жыл бұрын
@@kriptichris1503 it is a drug regardless of how much you do
@Twelvenuns1400 Жыл бұрын
@@PeepMingo just didn’t know it could effect you in that way for that amount of time.
@gutterpunk4203 10 ай бұрын
I did acid one time, i sobbed uncontrollably the whole time, had a horrible time, decided acod wasn't for me, i dont regret doing it, its an experience ill have with me forever and at least i can say i tried it, i will gladly trip sit for any of my friends that need it, I will not indulge but i will also never judge
@ericsavedra2087 Жыл бұрын
I’ve had this type of trip a couple times. I freaked the fuck out the first 2 times, the most recent time was actually the weekend of Halloween. We went to Supernatural in Denver, and I was candy flipping, when Subtronics came on it all started happening again, “Oh fuck I’m dead, and this is my hell, why does this feel like the Truman show?” As I was starting to feel that way it went silent around me, but not silent more like all the sound was directed into my ears with emptiness around. Subtronics and his visuals started to feel like a wizard performing dark magic over us, and everyone else was blind and loved it. I didn’t freak the fuck out but I told the homies I was having a bad trip then we dipped shortly after. I didn’t go into public madness like the times before but inside I was having a deep battle with reality and accepting God exists (a light projecting reality) I felt that way for a couple weeks. I always believed in magic but never witnessed it until that night
@Mikeys_Shows 4 ай бұрын
that is why you don’t trip alone. let someone you trust watch over you, and assure you that your just tripping.
@Mikey.M.V.P.1 Жыл бұрын
Great video bro
@anarcho.femboyism Жыл бұрын
you should do benadryl trip reports pink pills and permanent consequences is a great read
@reconstruct Жыл бұрын
Love that these are credited
@7DuRd3n Жыл бұрын
oh man I used to binge on erowid reading trip stories
@7DuRd3n Жыл бұрын
@myco_charlonigsellsshrooms5129 go fo the full blown experience if u havent
@LSDdreams808 Жыл бұрын
I love my acid i cant recall ever had a bad tripp but i plan my tripps out ahead of time set an settings are a must .
@nickrossol9801 Жыл бұрын
I just want to say psilocybin is the best thing ive ever done for my mental health. Can't say much else about other psychedelics as i haven't tried them and have no desire to
@avastarblanket72 8 ай бұрын
when i do shrooms i feel so animal-like and it feels like its never going to end, i always end up throwing up because the visuals just get so intense lol
@bettyconfettii Жыл бұрын
I love your stories! What do you use for the video images? They are absolutely great
@larsmolic482 Жыл бұрын
I love this channel
@asleepgotenks1226 Жыл бұрын
You should do one of these about a bad shroom trip
@justinfinley4332 Жыл бұрын
Holy shit have I had some good and bad experiences taking 8-10 grams lol it was almost dmt level crazy at the peaks ….so far out of all the shroom trips I’ve taken only 4or 5 have been over 6 grams
@Midneight0 Жыл бұрын
yeah that is why you dont trip in a confined space like that. If you are hiding in your room not wanting anyone to find out, feeling like you can't leave or go anywhere, that's when you are in trouble.
@smithsamuel6028 Жыл бұрын
***I can refer you to this mate who I met online who guided me through my first ever dmt experience he's got mushrooms LSD MDMA and other psychedelic he ships discreetly****
@smithsamuel6028 Жыл бұрын
*His on tele'gram as*
@smithsamuel6028 Жыл бұрын
*siri_tripstore* ✓
@Kposeidon3x Жыл бұрын
I notice now, not really for my own experience, but others, when it’s bad people have derealization and depersonalization that lets me know that the brain is altered or is at a high enough state to think consciously enough deep enough about one’s own existence these are only unlocked predominantly on psychedelics.
@disorderly_mama 4 ай бұрын
That first trip sounds like what I imagine hell to be like.
@Sonic-gy7kq Ай бұрын
“I was no longer tripping” is the mistake many people make. The trip is not the visuals. The trip is what your mind goes through, as the visuals are a side effect of what your mind is experiencing. You always go in wanting visuals and thinking it’ll be so cool, then your mind is so far blasted from reality your like “oh yeah that’s moving… uhhh cool” but really you can’t appreciate them too much cuz ur brain is all over the place
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26 мая 2024 г.
Dragon Нургелды 🐉
Рет қаралды 1,9 МЛН
Сделали ам ам
Рет қаралды 4,2 МЛН
Miracle Doctor Saves Blind Girl ❤️
Alan Chikin Chow
Рет қаралды 38 МЛН
Мұса жобамен қоштасты😳 Бір Болайық! 30.05.24
Бір болайық / Бир Болайык / Bir Bolayiq
Рет қаралды 177 М.
Inter Production
Рет қаралды 347 М.
Той! Той! Той! “Өмірлік жарым боласың ба”
QosLike / ҚосЛайк / Косылайық
Рет қаралды 338 М.