The Death of a Spouse Changes your Perspective of What's Important

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5 жыл бұрын

In this video, I discuss how your perspective of looking at things changes after watching your spouse die. My wife died last year after getting the flu and it turned into Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, or ARDS.
Music - Life Ain't Always Beautiful by Gary Allan

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@haroldcalderon9030 3 жыл бұрын
I lost my wife yesterday and I feel so sad and empty. After 35 years with this awesome woman it’s very hard to start all over again. God bless you Carmen!😘😘
@sarahcrain8083 3 жыл бұрын
God bless you.
@herbertkimmel5577 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Harold, I read your post --I lost my wife too (19 months ago). Your would think about now I'd be over it. But for me, I agree with you that it is difficult to start over again - but mostly I've discovered that she cannot be replaced--so I guess it's going to be while to find someone to replace her. At least, that's how I feel. My sympathy and compassion for you. I'm sorry for your loss.
@kithinjihildahkarimi426 3 жыл бұрын
It is well... I too lost my husband in 2017 and I find it difficult to move on...
@mrfender03294 2 жыл бұрын
How are you Herold? How are your wounds? My girlfriend is dying of bone and brain cancer, and I cant stop thinking about the horrors of my life and suicide.
@Roadglide131 2 жыл бұрын
You are probably tired of hearing the I’m sorry already. I lost my wife of 25 years suddenly almost 6 months ago. This will probably be the hardest time of your life. I get through by praying to Jesus Christ my lord and savior often. I would also encourage you to read the book Imagine Heaven. It has helped somewhat. I will keep you in my prayers. I love you!
@MrMkirk23 3 жыл бұрын
Just lost my wife of 18 years two months ago. No one can prepare you for the hell you go through in the grieving process.
@omayma4921 2 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry for your loss I hope you are doing better
@jessicaagosto3633 2 жыл бұрын
Agree! its very painful, I feel my broken heart still, I pray 🙏🏻 for you
@ToonSavage Жыл бұрын
I just did too mate this something traumatizing how can i move foward people im going crazy 😢
@deweylasv 3 жыл бұрын
My wife died last month. I am devastated, aimless, no reason to go on, yet I also cannot give up. Sorrowful all day, every day.
@TosTinMan 3 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry for your loss. I wish you the best!
@kirkformoso9776 3 жыл бұрын
I lost my wife and daughter due to covid this October 4, 2020 she is 6 months pregnant for our first baby we've been together for 8 years, we just got married last June everything seems to be going well this year until this happened! The pain is killing me everyday, I've lost my purpose in life she is the one who always motivates me to do best with everything, I've worked hard to make sure that I can provide everything that they need but all of this is nothing without them! God knows I love them more than everything! I'm not sure if I can survive this, no one understands the pain that ive been going through everyday! Life is hard!
@TosTinMan 3 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry for your loss. I wish you the best!
@haroldcalderon9030 3 жыл бұрын
I feel your pain too. I lost my wife yesterday after 34 years together. It’s absolutely an emptiness.
@jessicaagosto3633 2 жыл бұрын
Jesus knows the pain🙏🏻✝️I say a special prayer for you Kirk
@kelleymcfadden9675 Жыл бұрын
Jesus is the only One that can heal your heart and give you a peace and comfort that nothing in this world can give you. Please read my best friend's story. She explains how you can get true peace. God bless you. Precious Memories-By Sonya Lakey Family Story Little did our family of six know that Friday evening, September 24th, 2021, would be the last night our family would be complete. We laughed together, played games, sang, and enjoyed listening as our 16-year-old son, Ethan, played the piano for us. I packed a lunch for Ethan for a church mountain hike he was going on the following day. My mother (who was visiting from out of state) and I woke early with Ethan on Saturday morning. He hugged me and smiled, never pulling away or rushing me. He got in the car, waved, said he'd see me later and he loved me. It was hard to watch my "new driver" heading out on his own that morning. As Ethan pulled out of the gate, I turned to my mother and said, "It's just so hard letting go." Little did I know how much "letting go" I was really doing. That was the last time I saw Ethan. He did not make it home that evening. That afternoon, a friend tried to contact my husband, leaving an urgent message to call him back. He tried several times to return the call to no avail. As we were preparing supper, an overwhelming feeling of deep concern for Ethan filled my heart. I quietly blinked back tears. I glanced out the window, half expecting to see a police officer pull up to the house, but no one arrived. However, within a few minutes, a patrol car DID pull into the driveway. In my heart, I feared the worst. My husband and I went out to meet the officer, who confirmed our fears. Hesitantly, he told us our son had fallen off of a bluff and had succumbed to his injuries. Our hearts were crushed; they still are. Yet, in all of our brokenness, deep, continual grief and loneliness, our family has such a blessed Hope and assurance that we will see our dear son and brother again. You see, when Ethan was a young boy, he was saved; he put his faith in Jesus alone to forgive his sins and to take him to Heaven when he died. He realized some very important truths from the Bible that he would want to share with you. His Story Everyone is a sinner. Sin is any violation of God’s Law. God is holy, just and righteous, and He cannot allow sin in His presence. Ethan realized that he - like all of us - had sinned; and his sin separated Him from God. “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; ” (Romans 3:23) “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:” (Romans 5:12) He understood that, because of his sin, he deserved to spend eternity in Hell. “For the wages of sin is death;” (Romans 6:23a) [Wages: price] “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8) Ethan believed that Jesus, God’s Son, paid the price for all sin when He died on the cross - because His sinless sacrifice was the only thing that could satisfy the just demands of a righteous, holy God. Jesus was buried in a borrowed tomb, but He arose the third day, triumphant over sin, death, and Hell. Jesus is alive today! “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9) Ethan was sorry for his sin, repented (turned), and received by faith the free gift that God offered to him. “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13) “...but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 6:23b) Because of this great salvation, Ethan lived his life serving Jesus. He worked hard to spread this Good News to the world. He is alive in Heaven with Jesus today; and because of this great HOPE in Christ, we know we will see him again soon - not because he was a great kid, but because of his faith in the great Saviour! “And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.” (John 10:28) Your Story What about you? What if you had fallen to your death that day - What if you were to die today? Where will you spend eternity - Heaven or the Lake of Fire? There will not be any parties in the Lake of Fire. It is a place of eternal torment for those who reject God's Son. The Word of God is very clear that there is only One Way to Heaven. “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6) We did not know that Ethan would step into eternity that day; however, because he put his faith in Jesus alone for his salvation, Ethan was ready to go. Some day - perhaps today - you will take your last breath here on earth, and you will step into eternity. Where you spend eternity is determined by what you do with Jesus Christ. Will you accept Him or reject Him? You are not promised another day or another breath. Eternity begins soon - Are you ready? “...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved…” (Acts 16:31b) “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13) “(...behold, now is the day of salvation.)” (2 Corinthians 6:2c) ****************************** This testimony has been made into a gospel tract. If you or your Church would be interested in passing them out or if you would like to send a word of encouragement to the family, please go to: We would love for you to join our livestream church services @ Liberty Faith Bible Church in Norwood, Mo. every Sunday morning central time 11:00 A.M., Sunday evening 7:00 P.M., and Wednesday evening 7:00. P.M. where you will hear sound, biblical preaching from God's Word as well as uplifting, godly music. You can find us online at one of these three places:
@ToonSavage Жыл бұрын
I lost my wife just recently mate , and im truly sorry im going crazy too yet brother i hope we can find god and peace i just cant right now
@IMiteBeWrong Жыл бұрын
I lost my wife a week ago after she had almost completely recovered from a major transplant surgery. She fought so hard and bravely, and then in an instant she was gone from what was likely a blood clot going to her heart. I feel so lost and confused, and trying to pick up the pieces is very daunting. She was 41. The worst part of this grief is me worrying about whether or not she is okay.. That final moment I was with her before she passed was so traumatic, giving her emergency aid and being unable to save her no matter how hard I tried made me feel so powerless. I want to know that she wasn't scared, and I want to know that she is alright now. It's something I need to process, and I hope with time I will feel at peace with her passing. Sharing this on a KZbin comment somehow helps me process these feelings a little, even if nobody reads it. I loved her so much.
@sunshine9122 10 ай бұрын
I'm so sorry for the loss of your wife, Mite. I suffered from blood clots in my lungs after surgery. At the time, I didn't realize how serious it was, but my husband later confessed to me that he was terrified that I was going to die. He said if I hadn't survived, he would have just curled up into the fetal position and cried until he died. Fast forward three years later, I found myself wanting to curl up into the fetal position and dying myself because my husband died suddenly, unexpectedly, and tragically at age 38. He was the love of my life and my soul mate. No one will ever love, care for, protect, cherish, appreciate, or adore me the way he did. Thank you for reading.❤
@IMiteBeWrong 10 ай бұрын
@@sunshine9122 Thanks for the reply, I can absolutely relate the feeling you have. It's is 9 months to the day since I lost my wife. They say time heals all wounds, which I have found to be only partially accurate thus far; you do adapt and get used to the new routine of living your life solo, however, the gaping hole is still there. Time has dulled the pain, but I have days where I find myself missing her more than ever. I'm 37, and while my future is bright in many ways, similar to you I feel I will never find someone who could ever love, care for, and adore me the way she did.
@mistymoseley2340 9 ай бұрын
My husband committed suicide on 6/5. Everything is bullshit except the love the good times. Our feet on each others feet at night. He hung himself in the backyard tree. No one wants to talk about it. I don’t want to talk to anyone about it I feel like a child throwing a tantrum in the floor on the inside knowing it will change nothing. I have to say out loud to myself throughout the day. You are here in this moment. I cannot relate with people the same way. It’s like the inside of all my cells have been scooped out. I used to be a spitfire now I dare not have ego with anyone. It’s like wearing a cinder lock hat.
@garyfreeland5154 2 жыл бұрын
My wife has been dead for a year 4 months and 3 days and we'd been together for 36 years.. She was my heart and soul and I can't wait to join her because without her my heart will never heal.. I know God is with me and people say move on or find someone else but I'm almost 70 and 'No One' can take her place and she was the my first love and our first time being married.. I wouldn't want anyone to go through what I've gone through, the pain in my heart won't stop.. I miss you so damn much Julie I'll be with you again some day sooner more than later.. Thank you God for taking he home on that Mountain and the pain she was having.. I will only love you Julie, ever..
@falconer3991 2 жыл бұрын
Your words touched me so much.I know Julie's light is shining down on you and her heart swells with pride
@herbertmelissab5490 Жыл бұрын
I can't wait to be with my husband in heaven. Another day down...
@sunshine9122 10 ай бұрын
I'm so sorry, Gary. May Julie rest in peace.🙏❤🕊Your comment was so loving.
@jerryanderson2226 11 ай бұрын
Lost my precious wife of 28 years to peripheral artery disease on 7 14 2023. Last year was brutal for her .Both legs amputated above knee thought she be ok than infections and more artery blockages. Left leg was basically rotting off while she alive. Last two weeks no eat no drink just constant pain management. Watching it happen is a completely different experience. Never be the same again.
@sunshine9122 10 ай бұрын
I'm so sorry, Jerry. May your wife rest in peace.🙏❤🕊
@micheleelofskey1429 4 ай бұрын
@rocketsurgeon1746 4 жыл бұрын
Lost my precious wife of 14 years, 3 weeks ago. Totally agree that most things don’t matter any more. My relationship with God thru Jesus has turned a nightmare into .... well, much less of a nightmare. Doesn’t change the fact I miss her
@TosTinMan 4 жыл бұрын
I'm very sorry to hear that and i understand everything you said. I wish you the best!
@rocketsurgeon1746 3 жыл бұрын
@Has Goodles God bless you. Sure makes you focus :)
@milkman4874 3 жыл бұрын
Sorry for your loss. I lost my beautiful girlfriend of 4 years recently. And nothing feels normal. 😪
@MrMkirk23 2 жыл бұрын
@Spooky Mulder same boat. We were together for 18 years. She left me with 9 year old twins and a 14 year old.
@213segura8 2 жыл бұрын
Keep ur faith brother please
@jessicaagosto3633 2 жыл бұрын
my husband went to Paradise May.2,2022 and im so broken, I pray to God to lift my Soul up and He has, at times i fall apart but I just cry out to Him for help and Jesus Christ just lifts me up and encourage me He will take care of me, I pray 🙏🏻 for you who are going threw this pain❤️‍🩹✝️🌹
@TosTinMan 2 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry for your loss.
@jessicaagosto3633 2 жыл бұрын
@@TosTinMan Thankyou TinMan 😔
@NeilRoy 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting these. I just lost my wife yesterday and I find videos like this helpful, knowing how others deal with it. I don't think anyone can fully understand how it is to lose a husband or wife, especially if you had a good marriage as I did (we said "I love you" to each other several times a day, and in fact, that was her last words to me). I'm struggling to be positive and not get overwhelmed with grief... to balance things, but it's not easy. I think keeping myself busy, finding something to do each day will help. I dread having to go through her things. I still don't know how I'm going to be able to go on without her. We were married 36 years, known each other for 39. I've been praying to God a lot for help, comfort and guidance.
@TosTinMan 2 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry for your loss.
@kevinedwards6093 Жыл бұрын
Stay as strong as you can…keep doing things that you enjoy… Your path and your wife’s path crossed for a long part of your life, but that doesn’t change the path that you are on. There are great things ahead for you, please keep going… Namaste 🙏
@Purplexity-ww8nb 2 жыл бұрын
My wife of 48 years died less than two weeks ago. All of a sudden, I find myself alone in a house we made together, confined to a wheelchair. I really can't find any reason to continue. Our children are all grown and moved away. I guess I'm supposed to just throw all her stuff away. I can't do that yet. I know she's gone, but the change is so abrupt it's been hard for me to adapt. I've reached for the phone dozens of times to give her a quick call to tell her some trivial thing, which is what we used to do. I imagine her voice all day long. Living just to exist is no life at all.
@malloryjines5050 3 ай бұрын
I hope you’re doing better one year later. It’ll never go away but hopefully it’ll get easier.
@randomhodgepodge8902 8 ай бұрын
After 42 years, the last of which was almost a month in the hospital, I lost my husband in February. All I'm able to do right now is survive. Yes such a loss absolutely gives you perspective. Move through the grief in your own time in your own way. I wish you and all those who have lost the strength to continue.
@billygagliardo7730 Жыл бұрын
I just lost my wife tonight. I’m so lost. I can’t imagine my life without her. I’m so numb.
@rmurphy3435 Жыл бұрын
@sunshine9122 10 ай бұрын
I'm so sorry, Billy. How are you doing now 5 months later? May your wife rest in peace.🙏❤🕊
@stephaniepaints 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing this video, I know its a few years old and hopefully life is going alright for you.
@user-xf4tm8sk9s 10 ай бұрын
Lost my wife of 53 years Feb 2023 , can relate , thanks.
@playertwo3465 Жыл бұрын
Like many of us here,Lost my girl too. 4 months the after the birth of our second son. Our oldest was 1 1/2. She passed at home in my arms suddenly and out of nowhere in front of them. I couldn't bring her back, or protect my kids from seeing it. Still I feel empty without her, and raising two boys without her it so hard. But I have these two beautiful gifts she left me with.
@bokboonetwothreeeightfive2295 Жыл бұрын
My girlfriend died today. She was 15 (I'm 16 btw). Still trying to get to grips with the fact I'll never see her again. The sadness is on and off it's pretty weird. I know it'll get better but I'm not gonna suppress my emotions. When sadness comes I'll let it. When I'm feeling ok I'll make the most of it. I saw a quote today when I was looking for videos to help me deal with how I'm feeling: "Grief is just love that has nowhere to go". Makes me tear up just typing it out. It hurts, man.
@TosTinMan Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry to hear that. It sounds like you have good attitude so that helps. Good luck!
@Grogster2007 3 жыл бұрын
I was a very dark, lonely negative person before I met my partner. She came into my life like sunshine on a rainy day. Now that she has been taken from me with pancreatic cancer it is like someone has turned off the lights. No words came fill the void. I don't feel angry at anyone who reaches out but I just don't see how I will ever be the same person again. Patsy was amazing and I feel sorry for the world now that she's gone.
@hanna8470 3 жыл бұрын
Sorry for your loss.
@segovia1able 3 жыл бұрын
Dear " brother". I am walking in the same shoes. My beloved wife ( who was my only love in my life, and I am totally alone again, like before her) had the " big transition " about a year ego, also from pancreatic cancer. The brain cancer took her finally. She suffered a lot with lung cancer also. 3 main things that is real help, and final solution for our most difficult human experience: I know she is " there" and " well" right now. ( she sent me four different messages from the " other side " since she moved there) 2, : we are together even now in a mysterious way, we belong to each other beyond time, so right now also. 3, : when I will have to have the transition from this lifeform, I will be with her again in a more and improved reality , to improve our relationship, and continue to have even better experiences together. One of the sign- message from her ( or from other good powers , about us. Since I can't be sure, who arranged this mysterious sign about us...??l) ---- was not my personal experience, --- so nobody can say : " Joseph you just imagine this " supernatural " sign. The messages was with my Uber and Lyft roots. That's nothing with me. This sign could not be just a coincidence, especially beacouse 4 other side- factors came with it, that proves, this is not just a coincidence. Little too long to tell you in details, what is happened that day. ( that day was the second month 60 day enniversary of her passing.(from this life). I wish if my experience helps to others, since we are all brothers and sisters.... on this planet. --- Joe
@Grogster2007 3 жыл бұрын
@@segovia1able Joe....I am so sorry to hear that your wife suffered so much. I know you must have carried the pain also, as I did. I loved reading about your messages from your wife and I am certain that she is with you in times of need. I am sure my Patsy touvhed my back today while walking my dog. I will try to make contact when I can in case she is trying to message me but things are difficult right now. I wish you very much luck and support on your very difficult journey. Please reach out if you need to get something off your chest. I have a great deal of empathy for all who live through the pain of losing your best friend/lover/inspiration. We are here only for a short time Brother so keep the faith and be as happy as you can.... Greg
@omayma4921 2 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry for your loss Greg. I hope you are doing better
@Grogster2007 2 жыл бұрын
@@omayma4921 Thank you. Yes each day seems slightly less sad but even a small thing can trigger the tears and pain. It's a process and one that we are never prepared for. My love goes out to all those facing imminent loss or have lost and are still coming to terms with it. There is light but we have to lift our heads up to see it.
@boontala Жыл бұрын
My Darling wife passed away a couple of months ago, on March 26. With 50 years of memories I find it hard to find a purpose. Most days I just muddle through life. I wish all who may be grieving much love. ❤
@rmurphy3435 Жыл бұрын
@nelsoncalligan7851 3 жыл бұрын
I have no words. My wife just passed and I was searching for music to give me some solace. Next thing I know, your video pops up. Thanks for sharing! There IS hope. All is not lost. I CAN find the strength to live without her. It's almost like God sent me this video because He knew how much I have been hurting. THANK YOU. I wish you good thoughts. Music helps me, too.
@TosTinMan 3 жыл бұрын
I'm glad the video was helpful! I wish you the best!
@nelsoncalligan7851 3 жыл бұрын
@@TosTinMan Everything has worked out, like God planned. I just wish He'd have given me a clue as to what I was to do before He let life show me what He wanted from me. She has left this earth and she's riding her horses once again. Shooting the bull with her mom and, sitting by the lake, with her flowers and buttery fly's, she loved so much. She told me it's alright to love again. She said she is happy and I should be too.
@mastanaga 3 жыл бұрын
I am sorry for ur loss. I just lost my husband a month ago
@deriusbrown25 2 жыл бұрын
So sorry I lost my wife a month ago also
@kelleymcfadden9675 Жыл бұрын
@@mastanaga Jesus is the only One that can heal your heart and give you a peace and comfort that nothing in this world can give you. Please read my best friend's story. She explains how you can get true peace. God bless you. Precious Memories-By Sonya Lakey Family Story Little did our family of six know that Friday evening, September 24th, 2021, would be the last night our family would be complete. We laughed together, played games, sang, and enjoyed listening as our 16-year-old son, Ethan, played the piano for us. I packed a lunch for Ethan for a church mountain hike he was going on the following day. My mother (who was visiting from out of state) and I woke early with Ethan on Saturday morning. He hugged me and smiled, never pulling away or rushing me. He got in the car, waved, said he'd see me later and he loved me. It was hard to watch my "new driver" heading out on his own that morning. As Ethan pulled out of the gate, I turned to my mother and said, "It's just so hard letting go." Little did I know how much "letting go" I was really doing. That was the last time I saw Ethan. He did not make it home that evening. That afternoon, a friend tried to contact my husband, leaving an urgent message to call him back. He tried several times to return the call to no avail. As we were preparing supper, an overwhelming feeling of deep concern for Ethan filled my heart. I quietly blinked back tears. I glanced out the window, half expecting to see a police officer pull up to the house, but no one arrived. However, within a few minutes, a patrol car DID pull into the driveway. In my heart, I feared the worst. My husband and I went out to meet the officer, who confirmed our fears. Hesitantly, he told us our son had fallen off of a bluff and had succumbed to his injuries. Our hearts were crushed; they still are. Yet, in all of our brokenness, deep, continual grief and loneliness, our family has such a blessed Hope and assurance that we will see our dear son and brother again. You see, when Ethan was a young boy, he was saved; he put his faith in Jesus alone to forgive his sins and to take him to Heaven when he died. He realized some very important truths from the Bible that he would want to share with you. His Story Everyone is a sinner. Sin is any violation of God’s Law. God is holy, just and righteous, and He cannot allow sin in His presence. Ethan realized that he - like all of us - had sinned; and his sin separated Him from God. “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; ” (Romans 3:23) “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:” (Romans 5:12) He understood that, because of his sin, he deserved to spend eternity in Hell. “For the wages of sin is death;” (Romans 6:23a) [Wages: price] “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8) Ethan believed that Jesus, God’s Son, paid the price for all sin when He died on the cross - because His sinless sacrifice was the only thing that could satisfy the just demands of a righteous, holy God. Jesus was buried in a borrowed tomb, but He arose the third day, triumphant over sin, death, and Hell. Jesus is alive today! “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9) Ethan was sorry for his sin, repented (turned), and received by faith the free gift that God offered to him. “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13) “...but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 6:23b) Because of this great salvation, Ethan lived his life serving Jesus. He worked hard to spread this Good News to the world. He is alive in Heaven with Jesus today; and because of this great HOPE in Christ, we know we will see him again soon - not because he was a great kid, but because of his faith in the great Saviour! “And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.” (John 10:28) Your Story What about you? What if you had fallen to your death that day - What if you were to die today? Where will you spend eternity - Heaven or the Lake of Fire? There will not be any parties in the Lake of Fire. It is a place of eternal torment for those who reject God's Son. The Word of God is very clear that there is only One Way to Heaven. “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6) We did not know that Ethan would step into eternity that day; however, because he put his faith in Jesus alone for his salvation, Ethan was ready to go. Some day - perhaps today - you will take your last breath here on earth, and you will step into eternity. Where you spend eternity is determined by what you do with Jesus Christ. Will you accept Him or reject Him? You are not promised another day or another breath. Eternity begins soon - Are you ready? “...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved…” (Acts 16:31b) “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13) “(...behold, now is the day of salvation.)” (2 Corinthians 6:2c) ****************************** This testimony has been made into a gospel tract. If you or your Church would be interested in passing them out or if you would like to send a word of encouragement to the family, please go to: We would love for you to join our livestream church services @ Liberty Faith Bible Church in Norwood, Mo. every Sunday morning central time 11:00 A.M., Sunday evening 7:00 P.M., and Wednesday evening 7:00. P.M. where you will hear sound, biblical preaching from God's Word as well as uplifting, godly music. You can find us online at one of these three places:
@keithgourley2198 4 жыл бұрын
Jim, I so agree with your thoughtful words. My wife died five months ago, after being together for 37 years. I live in the moment, try to leave the baggage of the past behind, will never feel the same, but do believe that my life is better for suffering through my grief. Your courage to be honest is wonderful. You are not alone, nor am I.
@TosTinMan 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you, and I'm sorry for your loss.
@fillyhart4222 3 жыл бұрын
Keith Gourley. Know how you feel. Lost my hubby of 37 yrs to colon cancer 16 June 2020. Nursed him thru covid & was with him when he passed at home. The loneliness is gut-wrenching but have decided to be there for our 2 grown-up sons. Having friends help. Love from Cape Town South Africa.
@kelleymcfadden9675 Жыл бұрын
@@fillyhart4222 Jesus is the only One that can heal your heart and give you a peace and comfort that nothing in this world can give you. Please read my best friend's story. She explains how you can get true peace. God bless you. Precious Memories-By Sonya Lakey Family Story Little did our family of six know that Friday evening, September 24th, 2021, would be the last night our family would be complete. We laughed together, played games, sang, and enjoyed listening as our 16-year-old son, Ethan, played the piano for us. I packed a lunch for Ethan for a church mountain hike he was going on the following day. My mother (who was visiting from out of state) and I woke early with Ethan on Saturday morning. He hugged me and smiled, never pulling away or rushing me. He got in the car, waved, said he'd see me later and he loved me. It was hard to watch my "new driver" heading out on his own that morning. As Ethan pulled out of the gate, I turned to my mother and said, "It's just so hard letting go." Little did I know how much "letting go" I was really doing. That was the last time I saw Ethan. He did not make it home that evening. That afternoon, a friend tried to contact my husband, leaving an urgent message to call him back. He tried several times to return the call to no avail. As we were preparing supper, an overwhelming feeling of deep concern for Ethan filled my heart. I quietly blinked back tears. I glanced out the window, half expecting to see a police officer pull up to the house, but no one arrived. However, within a few minutes, a patrol car DID pull into the driveway. In my heart, I feared the worst. My husband and I went out to meet the officer, who confirmed our fears. Hesitantly, he told us our son had fallen off of a bluff and had succumbed to his injuries. Our hearts were crushed; they still are. Yet, in all of our brokenness, deep, continual grief and loneliness, our family has such a blessed Hope and assurance that we will see our dear son and brother again. You see, when Ethan was a young boy, he was saved; he put his faith in Jesus alone to forgive his sins and to take him to Heaven when he died. He realized some very important truths from the Bible that he would want to share with you. His Story Everyone is a sinner. Sin is any violation of God’s Law. God is holy, just and righteous, and He cannot allow sin in His presence. Ethan realized that he - like all of us - had sinned; and his sin separated Him from God. “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; ” (Romans 3:23) “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:” (Romans 5:12) He understood that, because of his sin, he deserved to spend eternity in Hell. “For the wages of sin is death;” (Romans 6:23a) [Wages: price] “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8) Ethan believed that Jesus, God’s Son, paid the price for all sin when He died on the cross - because His sinless sacrifice was the only thing that could satisfy the just demands of a righteous, holy God. Jesus was buried in a borrowed tomb, but He arose the third day, triumphant over sin, death, and Hell. Jesus is alive today! “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9) Ethan was sorry for his sin, repented (turned), and received by faith the free gift that God offered to him. “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13) “...but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 6:23b) Because of this great salvation, Ethan lived his life serving Jesus. He worked hard to spread this Good News to the world. He is alive in Heaven with Jesus today; and because of this great HOPE in Christ, we know we will see him again soon - not because he was a great kid, but because of his faith in the great Saviour! “And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.” (John 10:28) Your Story What about you? What if you had fallen to your death that day - What if you were to die today? Where will you spend eternity - Heaven or the Lake of Fire? There will not be any parties in the Lake of Fire. It is a place of eternal torment for those who reject God's Son. The Word of God is very clear that there is only One Way to Heaven. “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6) We did not know that Ethan would step into eternity that day; however, because he put his faith in Jesus alone for his salvation, Ethan was ready to go. Some day - perhaps today - you will take your last breath here on earth, and you will step into eternity. Where you spend eternity is determined by what you do with Jesus Christ. Will you accept Him or reject Him? You are not promised another day or another breath. Eternity begins soon - Are you ready? “...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved…” (Acts 16:31b) “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13) “(...behold, now is the day of salvation.)” (2 Corinthians 6:2c) ****************************** This testimony has been made into a gospel tract. If you or your Church would be interested in passing them out or if you would like to send a word of encouragement to the family, please go to: We would love for you to join our livestream church services @ Liberty Faith Bible Church in Norwood, Mo. every Sunday morning central time 11:00 A.M., Sunday evening 7:00 P.M., and Wednesday evening 7:00. P.M. where you will hear sound, biblical preaching from God's Word as well as uplifting, godly music. You can find us online at one of these three places:
@briancisneros8595 10 ай бұрын
I feel the same empty and dark
@catherinem4130 11 ай бұрын
You are doing a great thing....but I see this was 4 yrs ago. Still, I saw your video on YT and wanted to see what you would say. I know that men grieve differently than women....they tend to want to DO something, which is understandable and awesome, but thanks for doing this! it's great that you live in the present....I practice that too. It's amazing that you and your former wife are helping each other. I would say you have some unusual circumstances now. Who knows how God will move in both your lives? I think it's great how natural and openly you have talked about your grief. Blessings!
@uksteelcityredleg3852 Жыл бұрын
A wound that never heals it seems. I lost my precious wife ten years ago and still it hurts. We were young together and made a life with one another. Seventeen years gone in the time it takes for an automobile accident to take place. Telling your 10 year old son that his mother is gone is still blazed into my mind. Time has went by, there has been some laughs during that time, but she stays in the back of my mind always. I just took some old pictures out to remember her beauty. I have so much video that I still can’t watch of our family and friends together. The memories are haunting.
@flannelcoffeejunkie Жыл бұрын
Amen!! You need to keep making videos on how you’re dealing with the grief. Widows need this.
@JoshuaLeggans 2 жыл бұрын
I just lost my wife, the love of my life, my best friend this morning from breast cancer and she died in my arms telling me she loves me and she is always with me and to never give up on love because I'll find somebody good for me. Now my dreams and hope of growing old with her are destroyed and nothing will bring her back and what do you expect me to do wave a magick wand and say abracadabra bring my wife back? Seriously this Halloween which was her favorite holiday will be less easy along with the rest of the holidays and then next year with what would of been her 34th birthday and then our fifth year anniversary at June 7th. I'm not going to come out of my god damn apartment and shut myself out from society.
@billg4630 2 жыл бұрын
My sick and dying...i feel helpless I'm supposed to fix everything even though I give her everything possible including personal best I feel cheated...why not me and not her???? I putting it in God's hands hope some mercy is part of his plan
@jessicaagosto3633 2 жыл бұрын
i understand i beg God to bring my husband back to life, I told him i be a better wife and treat him better, we always fight over politics i wish i didnt it was too late to say im sorry 😢 I just want to encourage so many Widows that are in pain that God will lift us up🙏🏻✝️🌹He knows
@ronsmith2241 2 сағат бұрын
My wife and I were married 51 years. She had MS for 26 years. I was her carer for almost all that time. She passed in June 2022 and I always come back to realizing she is not suffering anymore. I still miss her but I am now free to enjoy my life and retirement. I'm doing OK.
@hikingnw4030 3 жыл бұрын
My Husband died suddenly in November of 2018. Today, an old friend of his approached me and asked me to say hello to my husband from him. As you can imagine, I broke down crying. The friend didn't know that my husband passed & apologized for bringing me back to the pain. I thought that I was doing well.... I guess I'm not. I don't think that time heals, the pain just waits dormant until someone or something brings it up. Thank you for posting this video. God bless!
@TosTinMan 3 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry for your loss. I understand how that happens. I wish you the best!
@chrisjohnson2246 3 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry I know how it feels to be lonely without the person you love, such is life I understand how you feel but life goes on, I lost my wife 3yrs ago to a terrible heart disease, I felt deeply devastated with grief, but that's the past now, time is indeed the best healer I'd love to talk to you more if you don't mind it'd be nice if you just say hi here is my number +1206-237-2054
@richardbradshaw7830 2 жыл бұрын
i came across your touching comment in the death of love ones post here on you tube. Well am really sorry about that okay 😒☹️and I know how it feels to be lonely without our love ones, we've all lost our love ones in death one way or the other, either a spouse, child, family members, or a true friend that meant the world to us, such is life I understand how you feel but life must move on because death is inevitable no matter how hard we try! And we'll all have to face it someday..
@Frankle37 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing. Your sharing helps with the knowledge that I am not alone with this type of suffering and that I can keep going. I was with my wife for over 24 years. I watched her die for three months and have the same perspective you shared. She has been gone for nine months now. To add to losing my wife my dog passed away two months later and almost immediately after her passing we went on this terrible COVID isolation. The best advice I will take from you sharing is focus on tasks for the day.
@haroldcalderon9030 3 жыл бұрын
I lost my wife too due to COVID. She left and deep hole in my heart. 34 years together. I will always love her, Carmen!😘
@jessicaagosto3633 2 жыл бұрын
May God lift your hearts! ive been going threw so much sorrow, my husband pass away to Paradise
@kelleymcfadden9675 Жыл бұрын
Jesus is the only One that can heal your heart and give you a peace and comfort that nothing in this world can give you. Please read my best friend's story. She explains how you can get true peace. God bless you. Precious Memories-By Sonya Lakey Family Story Little did our family of six know that Friday evening, September 24th, 2021, would be the last night our family would be complete. We laughed together, played games, sang, and enjoyed listening as our 16-year-old son, Ethan, played the piano for us. I packed a lunch for Ethan for a church mountain hike he was going on the following day. My mother (who was visiting from out of state) and I woke early with Ethan on Saturday morning. He hugged me and smiled, never pulling away or rushing me. He got in the car, waved, said he'd see me later and he loved me. It was hard to watch my "new driver" heading out on his own that morning. As Ethan pulled out of the gate, I turned to my mother and said, "It's just so hard letting go." Little did I know how much "letting go" I was really doing. That was the last time I saw Ethan. He did not make it home that evening. That afternoon, a friend tried to contact my husband, leaving an urgent message to call him back. He tried several times to return the call to no avail. As we were preparing supper, an overwhelming feeling of deep concern for Ethan filled my heart. I quietly blinked back tears. I glanced out the window, half expecting to see a police officer pull up to the house, but no one arrived. However, within a few minutes, a patrol car DID pull into the driveway. In my heart, I feared the worst. My husband and I went out to meet the officer, who confirmed our fears. Hesitantly, he told us our son had fallen off of a bluff and had succumbed to his injuries. Our hearts were crushed; they still are. Yet, in all of our brokenness, deep, continual grief and loneliness, our family has such a blessed Hope and assurance that we will see our dear son and brother again. You see, when Ethan was a young boy, he was saved; he put his faith in Jesus alone to forgive his sins and to take him to Heaven when he died. He realized some very important truths from the Bible that he would want to share with you. His Story Everyone is a sinner. Sin is any violation of God’s Law. God is holy, just and righteous, and He cannot allow sin in His presence. Ethan realized that he - like all of us - had sinned; and his sin separated Him from God. “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; ” (Romans 3:23) “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:” (Romans 5:12) He understood that, because of his sin, he deserved to spend eternity in Hell. “For the wages of sin is death;” (Romans 6:23a) [Wages: price] “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8) Ethan believed that Jesus, God’s Son, paid the price for all sin when He died on the cross - because His sinless sacrifice was the only thing that could satisfy the just demands of a righteous, holy God. Jesus was buried in a borrowed tomb, but He arose the third day, triumphant over sin, death, and Hell. Jesus is alive today! “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9) Ethan was sorry for his sin, repented (turned), and received by faith the free gift that God offered to him. “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13) “...but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 6:23b) Because of this great salvation, Ethan lived his life serving Jesus. He worked hard to spread this Good News to the world. He is alive in Heaven with Jesus today; and because of this great HOPE in Christ, we know we will see him again soon - not because he was a great kid, but because of his faith in the great Saviour! “And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.” (John 10:28) Your Story What about you? What if you had fallen to your death that day - What if you were to die today? Where will you spend eternity - Heaven or the Lake of Fire? There will not be any parties in the Lake of Fire. It is a place of eternal torment for those who reject God's Son. The Word of God is very clear that there is only One Way to Heaven. “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6) We did not know that Ethan would step into eternity that day; however, because he put his faith in Jesus alone for his salvation, Ethan was ready to go. Some day - perhaps today - you will take your last breath here on earth, and you will step into eternity. Where you spend eternity is determined by what you do with Jesus Christ. Will you accept Him or reject Him? You are not promised another day or another breath. Eternity begins soon - Are you ready? “...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved…” (Acts 16:31b) “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13) “(...behold, now is the day of salvation.)” (2 Corinthians 6:2c) ****************************** This testimony has been made into a gospel tract. If you or your Church would be interested in passing them out or if you would like to send a word of encouragement to the family, please go to: We would love for you to join our livestream church services @ Liberty Faith Bible Church in Norwood, Mo. every Sunday morning central time 11:00 A.M., Sunday evening 7:00 P.M., and Wednesday evening 7:00. P.M. where you will hear sound, biblical preaching from God's Word as well as uplifting, godly music. You can find us online at one of these three places:
@XYBand 3 жыл бұрын
Really eye opening, I appreciate you being so honest and open to sharing. I hope you’ve continued to do well. I’m only 20 but I will keep your lessons in mind moving forward. Stay strong!
@TosTinMan 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you! I'm doing good. I appreciate your comment!
@barryfix 3 жыл бұрын
Agree it’s the only practical way to continue living even if it is at a low level. You are helping me by sharing this. Things will never never be the same .....
@Treefallensprout 5 жыл бұрын
I love hearing your attitude and bringing perspectives in the right order! That's the ticket. "May your spurs never rust."
@TosTinMan 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@devonmckay2428 5 жыл бұрын
My girlfriend died a few months ago i understand how it is how it feels. I been dealing with it alone only I have our daughter around. My girlfriend was only 21 and she didn't even get to see our babys first birthday. I been looking for videos or someone to idk it's lonely
@TosTinMan 5 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry for your loss. She was so young.
@deweylasv 3 жыл бұрын
My wife was also very young. We hadn't yet had children, my biggest regret. 😭😭
@jessicaagosto3633 2 жыл бұрын
May God in Heaven lift you up Devon, and may He help you raise your Daughter, the pain is real and I lost my husband May 2,2022 , no one knows the pain only Jesus Christ, im praying for you🙏🏻✝️🌹talk to God and He will lift you up out of the sorrow, He is Heavenly Father
@kelleymcfadden9675 Жыл бұрын
@@deweylasv Jesus is the only One that can heal your heart and give you a peace and comfort that nothing in this world can give you. Please read my best friend's story. She explains how you can get true peace. God bless you. Precious Memories-By Sonya Lakey Family Story Little did our family of six know that Friday evening, September 24th, 2021, would be the last night our family would be complete. We laughed together, played games, sang, and enjoyed listening as our 16-year-old son, Ethan, played the piano for us. I packed a lunch for Ethan for a church mountain hike he was going on the following day. My mother (who was visiting from out of state) and I woke early with Ethan on Saturday morning. He hugged me and smiled, never pulling away or rushing me. He got in the car, waved, said he'd see me later and he loved me. It was hard to watch my "new driver" heading out on his own that morning. As Ethan pulled out of the gate, I turned to my mother and said, "It's just so hard letting go." Little did I know how much "letting go" I was really doing. That was the last time I saw Ethan. He did not make it home that evening. That afternoon, a friend tried to contact my husband, leaving an urgent message to call him back. He tried several times to return the call to no avail. As we were preparing supper, an overwhelming feeling of deep concern for Ethan filled my heart. I quietly blinked back tears. I glanced out the window, half expecting to see a police officer pull up to the house, but no one arrived. However, within a few minutes, a patrol car DID pull into the driveway. In my heart, I feared the worst. My husband and I went out to meet the officer, who confirmed our fears. Hesitantly, he told us our son had fallen off of a bluff and had succumbed to his injuries. Our hearts were crushed; they still are. Yet, in all of our brokenness, deep, continual grief and loneliness, our family has such a blessed Hope and assurance that we will see our dear son and brother again. You see, when Ethan was a young boy, he was saved; he put his faith in Jesus alone to forgive his sins and to take him to Heaven when he died. He realized some very important truths from the Bible that he would want to share with you. His Story Everyone is a sinner. Sin is any violation of God’s Law. God is holy, just and righteous, and He cannot allow sin in His presence. Ethan realized that he - like all of us - had sinned; and his sin separated Him from God. “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; ” (Romans 3:23) “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:” (Romans 5:12) He understood that, because of his sin, he deserved to spend eternity in Hell. “For the wages of sin is death;” (Romans 6:23a) [Wages: price] “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8) Ethan believed that Jesus, God’s Son, paid the price for all sin when He died on the cross - because His sinless sacrifice was the only thing that could satisfy the just demands of a righteous, holy God. Jesus was buried in a borrowed tomb, but He arose the third day, triumphant over sin, death, and Hell. Jesus is alive today! “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9) Ethan was sorry for his sin, repented (turned), and received by faith the free gift that God offered to him. “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13) “...but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 6:23b) Because of this great salvation, Ethan lived his life serving Jesus. He worked hard to spread this Good News to the world. He is alive in Heaven with Jesus today; and because of this great HOPE in Christ, we know we will see him again soon - not because he was a great kid, but because of his faith in the great Saviour! “And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.” (John 10:28) Your Story What about you? What if you had fallen to your death that day - What if you were to die today? Where will you spend eternity - Heaven or the Lake of Fire? There will not be any parties in the Lake of Fire. It is a place of eternal torment for those who reject God's Son. The Word of God is very clear that there is only One Way to Heaven. “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6) We did not know that Ethan would step into eternity that day; however, because he put his faith in Jesus alone for his salvation, Ethan was ready to go. Some day - perhaps today - you will take your last breath here on earth, and you will step into eternity. Where you spend eternity is determined by what you do with Jesus Christ. Will you accept Him or reject Him? You are not promised another day or another breath. Eternity begins soon - Are you ready? “...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved…” (Acts 16:31b) “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13) “(...behold, now is the day of salvation.)” (2 Corinthians 6:2c) ****************************** This testimony has been made into a gospel tract. If you or your Church would be interested in passing them out or if you would like to send a word of encouragement to the family, please go to: We would love for you to join our livestream church services @ Liberty Faith Bible Church in Norwood, Mo. every Sunday morning central time 11:00 A.M., Sunday evening 7:00 P.M., and Wednesday evening 7:00. P.M. where you will hear sound, biblical preaching from God's Word as well as uplifting, godly music. You can find us online at one of these three places:
@michellehardman8005 3 жыл бұрын
Lost my husband in 2019. He was 49, worked out every day. Dropped dead at work. This truly summed up my attitude after his death.
@TosTinMan 3 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry for your loss. I wish you the best!
@richardbradshaw7830 2 жыл бұрын
i came across your touching comment in the death of love ones post here on you tube. Well am really sorry about that okay 😒☹️and I know how it feels to be lonely without our love ones, we've all lost our love ones in death one way or the other, either a spouse, child, family members, or a true friend that meant the world to us, such is life I understand how you feel but life must move on because death is inevitable no matter how hard we try! And we'll all have to face it someday!!!
@jessicaagosto3633 2 жыл бұрын
im praying for you, I also lost my husband he was 60, I pray Jesus lifts up your sorrow,I had a hard time to understand we all have a appointed time to die, I wish to God i spend more days being happy with my husband instead of always arguing of dumb politics, Love is better to share with then being angry all the time, so in memory of him, im much kinder and more loving to people, I pray God heals your heart🙏🏻✝️🌹
@richardbradshaw7830 2 жыл бұрын
@@jessicaagosto3633 i came across your touching comment in the death of love ones post here on you tube. Well am really sorry about that okay 😒☹️and I know how it feels to be lonely without our love ones, we've all lost our love ones in death one way or the other, either a spouse, child, family members, or a true friend that meant the world to us, such is life I understand how you feel but life must move on because death is inevitable no matter how hard we try! And we'll all have to face it someday!!!
@KarM908 Жыл бұрын
:( I am sorry to hear about your wife. Cancer took my husband 8 months ago. He was my rock. I wonder how to go about life anymore. Like you mention, not even sure, I want to wake up in the day, only reason, I think, I keep going is the dog, needs tending to. I'd go get help, but thing is I do not think unless one has been through it, "they get it."
@rmurphy3435 Жыл бұрын
@mdc73 2 жыл бұрын
I am now a member of this community that I never truly wanted to be in. Her pain was so great over the years that I was torture to see her experience it. But, she was so full of life and hope that she inspired and impacted many. This hurt I feel is immense and I cannot imagine who I am without her after 27 years, but I hope to gain some perspective hear.
@aprilmeixsell3820 5 жыл бұрын
Jim, I think Margee would be really proud of the way you've handled losing her. I think having these videos to do is definitely a healing experience for you too. 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
@TosTinMan 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you! I think making these videos helps me heal as well.
@PoetNef007 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video... my heart & beautiful husband died unexpectedly on Christmas Day in 2020. We loved listening to country music. His favorite songs come on each day which helps bring me comfort. But damn, each day has been rough!
@richardbradshaw7830 2 жыл бұрын
i came across your touching comment in the death of love ones post here on you tube. Well am really sorry about that okay 😒☹️and I know how it feels to be lonely without our love ones, we've all lost our love ones in death one way or the other, either a spouse, child, family members, or a true friend that meant the world to us, such is life I understand how you feel but life must move on because death is inevitable no matter how hard we try! And we'll all have to face it someday..
@joshuaacuff8507 2 жыл бұрын
I lost my wife on 8-3-21 and I have depression and anxiety and there's times I just want to die
@omayma4921 2 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry for you loss . I'm sure you will meet in the afterlife ❤
@dr.manhattan7313 2 жыл бұрын
brother, i feel the pain, i listen to a lot of rap, and do the same thing. its great to hear ur perspective, im glad ur positive.
@johnrushing9469 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for talking through your pain .
@tomellenreardon4180 2 ай бұрын
My beautiful wife of 57 years died one year ago. This past year has been the most painful and difficult of my life. I miss her deeply each day. However, I love her more today than ever before. I believe that love is what this life on earth is all about so I console myself knowing that I am a better lover now, not just for her but for everyone in my life. Her passing removed all fear of death for me. I await our reunion in our next life where we will never be separated again.
@jillshaw9306 Жыл бұрын
I stumbled upon this and what a God send. This is exactly what I needed to hear now that my hubby died.
@TosTinMan Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry for your loss and glad the video was helpful.
@veelighted7 5 жыл бұрын
I’m so sorry for your loss. Kratom has given my life back after years of chronic pain and fatigue from a car accident. Loss made me acutely aware of the preciousness of life. 🕊🙏🏻
@TosTinMan 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@chrisjohnson2246 3 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry I know how it feels to be lonely without the person you love, such is life I understand how you feel but life goes on, I lost my wife 3yrs ago to a terrible heart disease, I felt deeply devastated with grief, but that's the past now, time is indeed the best healer I'd love to talk to you more if you don't mind it'd be nice if you just say hi here is my number +1206-237-2054
@lots3799 3 жыл бұрын
What is Kratom?
@richardbradshaw7830 2 жыл бұрын
i came across your touching comment in the death of love ones post here on you tube. Well am really sorry about that okay 😒☹️and I know how it feels to be lonely without our love ones, we've all lost our love ones in death one way or the other, either a spouse, child, family members, or a true friend that meant the world to us, such is life I understand how you feel but life must move on because death is inevitable no matter how hard we try! And we'll all have to face it someday..
@robinae3841 5 жыл бұрын
Your videos help me. Mainly because you have a good happy go lucky attitude. Thanks
@TosTinMan 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@grgmj1980 2 жыл бұрын
I feel you brother! I just lost my dad! My best friend. And I feel like you
@TosTinMan 2 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry for your loss.
@kathyaxton9840 3 жыл бұрын
Bless your heart!! I feel everything you say!! I lost my husband to cancer 4 1]2 years ago. People just so t understand the hole that is left in your heart and how do you go on. I hope you find peace as I’m looking for that also. I don’t think people fully understand how precious life is and I too get bothered by people not appreciating what they have. Day by day is the only thing I can do. Thank you for this video
@TosTinMan 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you. I'm doing pretty good. I wish you the best!
@richardbradshaw7830 2 жыл бұрын
i came across your touching comment in the death of love ones post here on you tube. Well am really sorry about that okay 😒☹️and I know how it feels to be lonely without our love ones, we've all lost our love ones in death one way or the other, either a spouse, child, family members, or a true friend that meant the world to us, such is life I understand how you feel but life must move on because death is inevitable no matter how hard we try! And we'll all have to face it someday..
@herbertkimmel5577 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks Jim, I really related to your message. I lost my wife in November 2019 - she died of heart failure suddenly. I have been coping with her not here for me - (it's difficult at times). I really miss her. You are so correct on things that really matter to us - for me, I'd give anything to have a moment with wife again. Thank you sir! Herb
@TosTinMan 3 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry for your loss. Thanks for sharing!
@ItsMulani Жыл бұрын
I lost my fiancé 2 years ago . It definitely changed my perspective on life. I dance more , write more just more creative . When i create new things it brings me a sense of peace . For those who are experiencing the “grey areas” of grief . It sounds silly but PAINT … Listen to some music “happy or sad) and paint .. let the colors create art from your pain .. you don’t have to immerse yourself in sadness everyday but try something new that you can look at after it’s completed… idk it’s something about painting my sadness away that brings me a little since of joy when I’m deep in my grief . 💙 wish you all the best in life
@TosTinMan Жыл бұрын
That's great that you do that. Life goes on so it's nice that you use it to be creative!
@Gpacharlie 5 жыл бұрын
I can’t imagine the pain of losing your wife. I hope that now at least you don’t have the daily stress of knowing how much she was suffering. Best wishes in your grieving times and prayers that you will start feeling much better.
@TosTinMan 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@phillipscheller6265 2 жыл бұрын
I just lost my wife. I'm having a tough time. Your video was really helpful.
@TosTinMan 2 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry for your loss.
@dennyray3532 2 жыл бұрын
Lost my wife of 36 years to cancer, I'm devastated and lost. She died March 18th 2022
@sunshine9122 10 ай бұрын
May your wife rest in peace.🙏❤🕊
@philaman1972 Ай бұрын
My condolences to everyone who has lost their spouse. To grieve is to have loved.
@dickem86 3 жыл бұрын
I felt every word of this💯
@lots3799 2 жыл бұрын
Sorry for everyone that lost someone. My wife passed 3 1/2 years ago. It still is very painful. Tim you remind me of myself. Listening to country music, crying,and drinking beer. With no family or friends its rough sometimes. Holidays are the worst alone.
@TosTinMan 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, at least I get to see my grandkids a lot lately.
@thelisaluc Жыл бұрын
My deepest condolences. And 100%, I agree. It's what I tell others. I've been a widow going on 8 yrs. Married 35 yrs. Never lived alone. I'm still struggling. Im finally doing so much better, but every day is a challenge, internally. I feel incomplete. Externally, we do well. At least that's how others see us. But what goes on behind closed doors and what we hold inside is a docent matter. It's always there. I think I want to live again, but I don't think, I be able to. I only know to be a mom and wife
@meguap8806 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Jim I needed this today
@mysticalcreativereborns8576 3 жыл бұрын
I lost my husband today and cant sleep he was 49 and i found your utube video ty for making this
@TosTinMan 3 жыл бұрын
I'm very sorry for your loss and I wish you the best.
@richardbradshaw7830 2 жыл бұрын
i came across your touching comment in the death of love ones post here on you tube. Well am really sorry about that okay 😒☹️and I know how it feels to be lonely without our love ones, we've all lost our love ones in death one way or the other, either a spouse, child, family members, or a true friend that meant the world to us, such is life I understand how you feel but life must move on because death is inevitable no matter how hard we try! And we'll all have to face it someday..
@lindawillis7922 3 жыл бұрын
Your absolutely right. My husband passed July 2020 and I feel so loss, lonely and devastated. To move on seems impossible. But life go on as you say. Watching your videos does help a bit. Thank you and bless you.
@TosTinMan 3 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry for your loss. I wish you the best!
@chrisjohnson2246 3 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry I know how it feels to be lonely without the person you love, such is life I understand how you feel but life goes on, I lost my wife 3yrs ago to a terrible heart disease, I felt deeply devastated with grief, but that's the past now, time is indeed the best healer I'd love to talk to you more if you don't mind it'd be nice if you just say hi here is my number +1206-237-2054
@richardbradshaw7830 2 жыл бұрын
i came across your touching comment in the death of love ones post here on you tube. Well am really sorry about that okay 😒☹️and I know how it feels to be lonely without our love ones, we've all lost our love ones in death one way or the other, either a spouse, child, family members, or a true friend that meant the world to us, such is life I understand how you feel but life must move on because death is inevitable no matter how hard we try! And we'll all have to face it someday..
@Johnbmendez11 Жыл бұрын
I just lost my wife 3 weeks ago. Been together for 10 in a half years. Im turning 31 and she passed at 32. She was my true love and I just dont ever think I can move on and let go.
@TosTinMan Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry for your loss.
@sunshine9122 10 ай бұрын
I'm so sorry, John. May your wife rest in peace.🙏❤🕊 My husband died at the age of 38. I was 34 when he died. We had been together for 15 years.
@brianh.5727 2 жыл бұрын
Hi. I lost my wife of 38 years two weeks ago tomorrow. She too lost a long hard fought battle with this virus. Your words were inspiring and I just wanted to thank you. I will try to just take this grief One Day at a Time. God Bless You. Thanks again Brother.
@TosTinMan 2 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry for your loss. I'm glad this was helpful.
@Ndeira08 2 жыл бұрын
It's good to hear from a male perspective. Understand what you went through.
@MrMegaFredZeppelin 5 жыл бұрын
You are a good man Jim :-) A "BIG" thumbs up :-) ROCK ON!!!!!!!
@TosTinMan 5 жыл бұрын
Thank Fred!
@ErikProMax 4 жыл бұрын
First off, sorry for your loss. I searched for handling the death of a spouse because my wife who is 41 is diagnosed with terminal cervical cancer and is in hospice. She has maybe days left at the most and I was looking for videos to help me cope. Clicked on yours first honestly because I spotted the Niners cap. They have always been a huge part of my life and my wife and I were even married at City Hall in SF and went to a game at Levi’s as part of the trip. Anyway, thanks for your comforting words and perspective. I’m a whirlwind of emotions as I’m doing things like planning a cremation which I never thought I’d be doing at this age. Your video helped. Thanks, peace to you, and go Niners.
@TosTinMan 4 жыл бұрын
I'm very sorry to hear that. It's tough to go through but it makes you stronger down the road. I wish you the best! Go Niners!
@sunshine9122 10 ай бұрын
I'm so sorry, Erik. I can relate. My husband died at the age of 38. I hope this message finds you doing okay.
@ErikProMax 10 ай бұрын
@@sunshine9122 Thank you, and sorry for your loss. My wife passed shortly after I wrote this comment out. It's true when they say you never really 'move on', you just learn to live with it.
@lindseysummers5351 Жыл бұрын
My spouse has been battling Stage IV breast cancer for the past two years. We found out this week, on my birthday no less, that it keeps spreading even while on chemo. So...we may be running out of options and may be looking at stopping her treatments. It was hard for me to hear that news, even though I knew it was a real possibility this entire time. Living for the day seems to be great advice. I told her that, if this is indeed the end of her line, that I want her to LIVE and not just wait to die. "Yell it out with me!! I want you to FEEL alive!!" If she takes me up on this, these next several months are going to be amazing. It helps me, because I am not looking forward to what is inevitably coming...
@rmurphy3435 Жыл бұрын
One day of love at a time, make them count, make them magnificent as you can. I went through this with my wife and the last few months were filled with love of which I always will be grateful. ❤️🙏🏻
@petervankauwenbergh3375 Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry for your loss.
@tedsterrett554 2 жыл бұрын
I can relate brother... God Bless you sir! Take care.
@TosTinMan 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks, you too!
@yeltolcidas5225 2 жыл бұрын
I lost my husband last week at the age of 27, its a sudden death that's makes really unbearable pain.i never feel so hurt in my life like this. Its like i'm alive with dead body and heart i can't explain how hurt it is.
@meme-el2hb Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry for your loss. He is with you in a way.
@herbertmelissab5490 Жыл бұрын
I completely understand.
@sunshine9122 10 ай бұрын
I'm so sorry. I lost my husband unexpectedly and tragically nearly ten years ago. It's been at least a year since your comment. I hope you're doing a little better. Big hugs to you.❤
@bradleysmith2805 3 жыл бұрын
Just lost my wife on Feb 13th. Had to watch her die in a hospital bed with ventilator and nose tube. She died of liver cirrhosis with me and my son by her side. She is now with the Lord and my other son that that took his life 5 years to the day my wife passed. No coincidence there at all. Still grieving hard but I know the good Lord has something positive coming.
@jessicaagosto3633 2 жыл бұрын
stay close to Jesus, He will lift you up, my husband went to paradise May 2,2022 and im so broken, But The LORD is holding me up,,read Job 23:10 and may God lift you up Bradley🙏🏻✝️🌹
@dguiley 5 ай бұрын
I lost my wife 1 month ago today, New Years 2024. In March she had been sent home from the hospital on hospice and had done very well for a long time but then started declining. Just before Christmas she really turned for the worst. We did what we could to keep her comfortable but it was so hard watching her life slip away. My left hand was on her chest to feel her last heartbeat and my right hand was holding hers. I know she’s joining in the worship around the throne in heaven, completely healed of all sickness and pain, but I’m here left to second-guess everything about her care as I sit in our quiet and empty home. So glad I’ve found videos from others to help me as I go forward, to sympathize with others going through loss and to know there is a path forward.
@gingerlin8965 3 жыл бұрын
I am so sorry for your loss.
@TosTinMan 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@cilla3636 4 жыл бұрын
bless you sweet friend..i lost my life partner one week ago today im so lost..your videos really help me💗
@TosTinMan 4 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry for your loss and I'm glad the videos are helpful. Hang in there!
@deweylasv 3 жыл бұрын
So sorry for your loss, I lost my wife last month. She was so young. I'm devastated.
@bamagirl1979 3 жыл бұрын
Lost my husband of 20 years less than 3 weeks ago...this is so hard and hurts so much.
@tonybrooks9224 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for posting
@kimberlymcv8408 4 жыл бұрын
Yes music is good therapy method tomorrow July 10th will be 2 yrs I lost my husband I had been with for 26yrs , I have really grown as a person in these last 2yrs . I am sorry for your loss
@TosTinMan 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you and I'm sorry for your loss as well.
@chrisjohnson2246 3 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry I know how it feels to be lonely without the person you love, such is life I understand how you feel but life goes on, I lost my wife 3yrs ago to a terrible heart disease, I felt deeply devastated with grief, but that's the past now, time is indeed the best healer I'd love to talk to you more if you don't mind it'd be nice if you just say hi here is my number +1206-237-2054
@richardbradshaw7830 2 жыл бұрын
i came across your touching comment in the death of love ones post here on you tube. Well am really sorry about that okay 😒☹️and I know how it feels to be lonely without our love ones, we've all lost our love ones in death one way or the other, either a spouse, child, family members, or a true friend that meant the world to us, such is life I understand how you feel but life must move on because death is inevitable no matter how hard we try! And we'll all have to face it someday..
@MrDakotaThunder 4 жыл бұрын
Great advice. Thank you.
@TosTinMan 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks! I just keep trying to move forward!
@moniquer8527 2 жыл бұрын
I lost my husband December 3,2021 we we’re together 25 years married 22 of them. We have two daughters 20 and 21 my whole world is shattered. I don’t know how to function on an every day basis, he was my best friend and my shadow in life. I question everything in life I hope I hope I can one day be ok and the sadness is not as intense as it is now
@richardbradshaw7830 2 жыл бұрын
i came across your touching comment in the death of love ones post here on you tube. Well am really sorry about that okay 😒☹️and I know how it feels to be lonely without our love ones, we've all lost our love ones in death one way or the other, either a spouse, child, family members, or a true friend that meant the world to us, such is life I understand how you feel but life must move on because death is inevitable no matter how hard we try! And we'll all have to face it someday..
@41blossoms 4 жыл бұрын
I lost my partner of 25 years in Jan 2020 ... in 5 weeks ( he had cancer and we didn’t know ) it was too late! Everything your saying is so true on how it changes your perspective on life .... I realized nothing matters except , How much you love, and how loved you are in the end ! It truly has been the hardest time in my life ... our oldest son just had a baby , our middle daughter in getting married and our youngest daughter graduates high school 🎓 ... im overwhelmed with emotions at times ... but I look back in those heartbreaking days and remember to slow down and be in the day .... Wishing you well .. your not alone !!
@TosTinMan 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you and good luck!
@chrisjohnson2246 3 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry I know how it feels to be lonely without the person you love, such is life I understand how you feel but life goes on, I lost my wife 3yrs ago to a terrible heart disease, I felt deeply devastated with grief, but that's the past now, time is indeed the best healer I'd love to talk to you more if you don't mind it'd be nice if you just say hi here is my number +1206-237-2054
@richardbradshaw7830 2 жыл бұрын
i came across your touching comment in the death of love ones post here on you tube. Well am really sorry about that okay 😒☹️and I know how it feels to be lonely without our love ones, we've all lost our love ones in death one way or the other, either a spouse, child, family members, or a true friend that meant the world to us, such is life I understand how you feel but life must move on because death is inevitable no matter how hard we try! And we'll all have to face it someday..
@ChrisJohnson-lh9qb 10 ай бұрын
I'm very sorry about your husband, trust me I completely understand how you feel, I felt the same way when my wife past away June 4th 2018 grief is hard to deal with but we learn to live with it, where are you from ?
@silverdale3207 8 ай бұрын
Also lost my partner of 20 years on 12 Jan 2020 from Cancer, still miss her everyday, almost 4 years later it's still like everyday has a background of sadness that won't leave despite some days being OK. I no longer have much point in life and just trying to get through life as best I can. A lot of the things that drove me now seem pointless, still hoping to turn things around , all the best for yourself hope life is looking up for you.
@kingofdarkness8436 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah... lost my woman Nov. 8th 2021 3:35pm. On life support, plug pulled.. battled T Cell Lymphoma type cancer (rare cancer)... I just want her back honestly..
@srsagayasanthi5302 2 жыл бұрын
Yes sure our priorities change . It should, otherwise their is no meaning of the love we have for them. Together we would have planned everything, and without him is it possible to move on like before . Not at all. The pain will be till we die. Moving on is impossible . We have to move with it. I am from India. And the subject discussed by you was really real sir
@troyspivey9665 2 жыл бұрын
Lost my wife of 30 years suddenly 2 months ago. It's really hard and taking it one day at a time.
@littleowl22778 3 жыл бұрын
I live with my boyfriend and he's the love of my life and I really don't want to loss him ever! I don't know how I will cope if he goes before me naturally later on in life or by an freak accident that can't be predicted/prevented. I have often mourned him even though I know he's healthy and we lead a mostly safe life I feel.
@lisakeffer1405 2 жыл бұрын
I used to feel the same way about my husband. My advice is stop thinking about it and enjoy the time now. My husband died 3 weeks ago. When I would bring my fears up to him he would say don't worry Darlin I will go before you because you couldn't handle it without me. He was only 59.
@garyfreeland5154 3 жыл бұрын
Sorry for your loss but I don't give a shit about the future or if I don't wake up .. Its only been a month and 4 days.. She was 67 and I'm 68 ..
@54GARYBOY 3 жыл бұрын
Your comment hit me as if you were me. It may seem harsh but I lost my wife at 62 when I was 64-3 years ago. I wish I could say "it gets better". But after so many of those from so many as I hit 3 years in August-well its your comment that I live on as well. Actually still seeking that last sleep as the future we planned and wanted is now gone and I am too far into life to get back in "the game". Its day to day-night by night -do the best I can. Good Luck adjusting is all I can tell you.
@marthabormann3931 4 ай бұрын
Lost my precious husband of 40 years 11 years ago. I think if your blessed to still have your spouse, PICK YOUR BATTLES ‼️
@patriciacureington3078 3 жыл бұрын
I lost for husband December 2019. I watch my husband ever day for 6 years slowly dying each day. He was diagonised with ALS in January 2014.. I was his only caregiver. I was so thankful to have those 6 years with him, but I hated seeing him suffer.i miss him every day and will always love him. He was a good man and a great husband.
@TosTinMan 3 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry for your loss and I wish you the best!
@chrisjohnson2246 3 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry I know how it feels to be lonely without the person you love, such is life I understand how you feel but life goes on, I lost my wife 3yrs ago to a terrible heart disease, I felt deeply devastated with grief, but that's the past now, time is indeed the best healer I'd love to talk to you more if you don't mind it'd be nice if you just say hi here is my number +1206-237-2054
@richardbradshaw7830 2 жыл бұрын
i came across your touching comment in the death of love ones post here on you tube. Well am really sorry about that okay 😒☹️and I know how it feels to be lonely without our love ones, we've all lost our love ones in death one way or the other, either a spouse, child, family members, or a true friend that meant the world to us, such is life I understand how you feel but life must move on because death is inevitable no matter how hard we try! And we'll all have to face it someday..
@stevemelzack7068 2 жыл бұрын
i lost my wife 5 months ago. we used to go dancing every Saturday night and we loved dancing to 50s and 60s music and the radio play our songs all the time..i try to keep busy but even so the grief and tears come every day.. As for the vacations we so loved to plan, i am not sure how life can ever be the same.. i have plenty of support but will the sun ever shine for me again?
@luzmarquez1814 2 жыл бұрын
I lost my husband 8 years ago we were married for 24 years ❤️❤️❤️♥️♥️
@richardbradshaw7830 2 жыл бұрын
i came across your touching comment in the death of love ones post here on you tube. Well am really sorry about that okay 😒☹️and I know how it feels to be lonely without our love ones, we've all lost our love ones in death one way or the other, either a spouse, child, family members, or a true friend that meant the world to us, such is life I understand how you feel but life must move on because death is inevitable no matter how hard we try! And we'll all have to face it someday..
@lorityndall5783 2 жыл бұрын
I'm 5 months out from my husband Dennis passing away. Tomorrow will be the very day five months ago that he died. I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel now, you have some very good points for moving forward with death.
@richardbradshaw7830 2 жыл бұрын
i came across your touching comment in the death of love ones post here on you tube. Well am really sorry about that okay 😒☹️and I know how it feels to be lonely without our love ones, we've all lost our love ones in death one way or the other, either a spouse, child, family members, or a true friend that meant the world to us, such is life I understand how you feel but life must move on because death is inevitable no matter how hard we try! And we'll all have to face it someday..
@ChrisJohnson-lh9qb 10 ай бұрын
I'm very sorry about your husband, trust me I completely understand how you feel, I felt the same way when my wife past away June 4th 2018 grief is hard to deal with but we learn to live with it, where are you from ?
@luapahcor5039 3 жыл бұрын
just lost my wife of 25 years on the 4th FEB 2021 49yo, had ovarian cancer that shut down her kidneys and liver
@TosTinMan 3 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry for your loss. I wish you the best!
@leahskinner2607 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks I can relate understand you I just wish I had someone to talk to but I don't and just got to deal with it
@chrisjohnson2246 3 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry I know how it feels to be lonely without the person you love, such is life I understand how you feel but life goes on, I lost my wife 3yrs ago to a terrible heart disease, I felt deeply devastated with grief, but that's the past now, time is indeed the best healer I'd love to talk to you more if you don't mind it'd be nice if you just say hi here is my number +1206-237-2054
@sunshine9122 10 ай бұрын
I'm so sorry for your loss and the tough road you find yourself navigating. I still find myself in your shoes sometimes although it's been nearly ten years since my husband died. I was seeing a grief therapist during the early days of my husband's death, but after I stopped seeing her, it's very difficult to talk to others because they simply don't get it and/or our grief makes them uncomfortable. And in turn, their discomfort makes us uncomfortable too. I get it. I'm so sorry. I hope you're doing a little better.❤
@happysmile7030 3 жыл бұрын
My husband passed and went with the Lord Jesus Christ. My heart hurts everyday. I hope heal soon.
@TosTinMan 3 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry for your loss. I wish you the best!
@richardbradshaw7830 2 жыл бұрын
i came across your touching comment in the death of love ones post here on you tube. Well am really sorry about that okay 😒☹️and I know how it feels to be lonely without our love ones, we've all lost our love ones in death one way or the other, either a spouse, child, family members, or a true friend that meant the world to us, such is life I understand how you feel but life must move on because death is inevitable no matter how hard we try! And we'll all have to face it someday..
@kelleymcfadden9675 Жыл бұрын
You are going to go through many trials and hardships in this life, but Jesus is the only One who can heal your brokenness and set you free from the bondage the devil has over your mind and give you a peace and comfort that nothing in this world can give you. God bless you. Precious Memories-By Sonya Lakey Family Story Little did our family of six know that Friday evening, September 24th, 2021, would be the last night our family would be complete. We laughed together, played games, sang, and enjoyed listening as our 16-year-old son, Ethan, played the piano for us. I packed a lunch for Ethan for a church mountain hike he was going on the following day. My mother (who was visiting from out of state) and I woke early with Ethan on Saturday morning. He hugged me and smiled, never pulling away or rushing me. He got in the car, waved, said he'd see me later and he loved me. It was hard to watch my "new driver" heading out on his own that morning. As Ethan pulled out of the gate, I turned to my mother and said, "It's just so hard letting go." Little did I know how much "letting go" I was really doing. That was the last time I saw Ethan. He did not make it home that evening. That afternoon, a friend tried to contact my husband, leaving an urgent message to call him back. He tried several times to return the call to no avail. As we were preparing supper, an overwhelming feeling of deep concern for Ethan filled my heart. I quietly blinked back tears. I glanced out the window, half expecting to see a police officer pull up to the house, but no one arrived. However, within a few minutes, a patrol car DID pull into the driveway. In my heart, I feared the worst. My husband and I went out to meet the officer, who confirmed our fears. Hesitantly, he told us our son had fallen off of a bluff and had succumbed to his injuries. Our hearts were crushed; they still are. Yet, in all of our brokenness, deep, continual grief and loneliness, our family has such a blessed Hope and assurance that we will see our dear son and brother again. You see, when Ethan was a young boy, he was saved; he put his faith in Jesus alone to forgive his sins and to take him to Heaven when he died. He realized some very important truths from the Bible that he would want to share with you. His Story Everyone is a sinner. Sin is any violation of God’s Law. God is holy, just and righteous, and He cannot allow sin in His presence. Ethan realized that he - like all of us - had sinned; and his sin separated Him from God. “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; ” (Romans 3:23) “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:” (Romans 5:12) He understood that, because of his sin, he deserved to spend eternity in Hell. “For the wages of sin is death;” (Romans 6:23a) [Wages: price] “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8) Ethan believed that Jesus, God’s Son, paid the price for all sin when He died on the cross - because His sinless sacrifice was the only thing that could satisfy the just demands of a righteous, holy God. Jesus was buried in a borrowed tomb, but He arose the third day, triumphant over sin, death, and Hell. Jesus is alive today! “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9) Ethan was sorry for his sin, repented (turned), and received by faith the free gift that God offered to him. “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13) “...but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 6:23b) Because of this great salvation, Ethan lived his life serving Jesus. He worked hard to spread this Good News to the world. He is alive in Heaven with Jesus today; and because of this great HOPE in Christ, we know we will see him again soon - not because he was a great kid, but because of his faith in the great Saviour! “And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.” (John 10:28) Your Story What about you? What if you had fallen to your death that day - What if you were to die today? Where will you spend eternity - Heaven or the Lake of Fire? There will not be any parties in the Lake of Fire. It is a place of eternal torment for those who reject God's Son. The Word of God is very clear that there is only One Way to Heaven. “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6) We did not know that Ethan would step into eternity that day; however, because he put his faith in Jesus alone for his salvation, Ethan was ready to go. Some day - perhaps today - you will take your last breath here on earth, and you will step into eternity. Where you spend eternity is determined by what you do with Jesus Christ. Will you accept Him or reject Him? You are not promised another day or another breath. Eternity begins soon - Are you ready? “...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved…” (Acts 16:31b) “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13) “(...behold, now is the day of salvation.)” (2 Corinthians 6:2c) ****************************** This testimony has been made into a gospel tract. If you or your Church would be interested in passing them out or if you would like to send a word of encouragement to the family, please go to: We would love for you to join our livestream church services @ Liberty Faith Bible Church in Norwood, Mo. every Sunday morning central time 11:00 A.M., Sunday evening 7:00 P.M., and Wednesday evening 7:00. P.M. where you will hear sound, biblical preaching from God's Word as well as uplifting, godly music. You can find us online at one of these three places:
@mudsuckingpig6246 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you brother
@adamaraiza9458 3 жыл бұрын
I lost my wife July 9 2020 I have a huge question for you
@alexdon621 Жыл бұрын
I never knew people close to me would die young in their thirties. My partner was in a hospital but they didn't allow me to see her because I was on probation. My partner wanted to see me after a fatal accident but authorities refused that we had contact. I am not even allowed to claim her body since I am not a relative. I neglected my partner for months to prevent fights instead of resolving them. I abused her and was forgiven many times and my anxiety disorder took over relationship. I get hiccups on my disorder but I don't pay attention to it or react to it. I didn't just lose a close person, I lost myself. Would my soulmate forgive me after reincarnation?
@Wookinpanub235 Ай бұрын
Been two months since my beautiful bride died of cancer. It was a long fight and I was exhausted. But the red tape forced me that I cant curl uo in a ball and die , I have to get busy and dig myself out of the hole of red tape so I can finally breathe again. Im getting there, a few more big hurdles but Im staying very busy and adjustjng ine day at a time to living life alone and Im trying to enjoy the batchelor life and get some things done my way. Ive been getting back in shape, Lost 20 kbs and now look like like a 20 year old marine again st 53. I know Ill have no problem with the ladies but so far its only the super young girls in their mkd to late 20’s that seem interested. Im just not into girls my Daughters age. I have tons of projects going on to keep Me busy bit the loneliness after dark is pretty rough after 33 years of having a beaitiful woman at my side. My wife wanted me to remarry and she insisted I do. If anything I would love to have companionship from a besjrtifjl woman. Agajn.
@deemarch2089 2 жыл бұрын
God has our tomorrows
@MG007. 2 жыл бұрын
8 months My dearest 💞Shelby Marie💞 We just had 8 months together 😭😭😭😭 Not even a year.
@doritos6893 10 ай бұрын
Lost my wife, my baby girl, 3 weeks ago. I’m broken. Idk anymore
@jamesrudd2275 3 жыл бұрын
my wife died 2 weeks ago and i am Having a hard time dealing with it we was marred 20 years
@elpasitostuntune.p.t.3625 2 жыл бұрын
Lost my Father in 3-24-2021 and Now I have to bury my Wife this coming Friday. God wants me to walk this Road and that is what I will Do. She left me with my son of 6mths, when she passed she was 3mths pregnant and oh God I will forever MISS YOU DONNA VICTORIA ARRIOLA DE DELGADO your will FOREVER BE MINE. Thank you for your videos man.
@TosTinMan 2 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry for your loss.
@elpasitostuntune.p.t.3625 2 жыл бұрын
@@TosTinMan Man it's getting worse, There is times I can't even get out of Bed to even shower. I know God will take all this pain and suffering in his Hands and Save me.
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