The "eBay reset" explained - do this today to get back your page views sales & customer engagement

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After you view this you need to see parts 2 & 3
Part 2 Further techniques • Profiting from the eBa...
Part 3 Viewer results from end & sell similar experiment • Viewer results from th...
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This is from my friend Jack whom I’ve been working with:
Jeff (Hayfrosells) and I talk a lot. We’ve been sharing information on what we feel works and what doesn’t since eBay did their early April update. This update basically killed 50% of many sellers’ sales, leaving many to scramble for six months trying to get those sales back. Whatever eBay did is on eBay and not the sellers.
Bottom line, eBay took away half my views with the update, causing me to lose half my sales. It is our opinion that the promoted listings program combined with the item specifics push created a disconnect in the search results. Until eBay fixes this programming fail, things will continue to go downhill for millions of sellers. Thus, it’s up to us to find solutions and work arounds.
As we only have 5000 characters to talk about this in the Description, this is the short version of what we’re doing, with the long version being available upon request.
In May I began experimenting with end and sell similar technique, which I’m going to refer to as ESS. In June, I took what I learned in May and spent the entire month using this method. Here’s what happened:
Stats are from June 2nd to July 2nd compared to May 2nd through June 1st (31 day samples):
May eBay Views/Eternal Views/Overall Views (4193/2723/6916)
June eBay Views/Eternal Views/Overall Views (6027/18,107/24134)
May Sales $2262
June Sales $3267
May Quantity Sold 124
June Quantity Sold 155
Both Jeff and I will be sharing stats from current cycles that show the consistency of what we’re doing.
Like a lot of sellers, I was doing the End/Sell Similar technique on 5-10% of my items to get the new listed item boost, which was proportionate to the % of my store being ESS. One day I decided to do the entire store. Views went through the roof. Watchers went up dramatically and I began to get offers again. The key to overcoming the platform challenges is to find things that give you views again. Through experimenting, I found that a three day cycle was best with a reset being done on the fourth day. By doing this every fourth day, you don’t give the items the ability to go stale on the platform.
This is what would happen each day of a cycle:
Day One: Using the entire month of May averages from before the resets, the first day of a reset would give me views 7-10x that from May, the majority being external site views.
Day Two: The number of views would drop to around 3x the daily views I was getting in May.
Day Three: The number of views would drop to around double what I was getting in May.
IF you have auctions going on, be careful as to not end them.
IF you have watchers, be sure not to end them.
But you can if you want.
1. Check to see how many items you have in your active inventory and write it down (I’m going to use 4000 items in a store for this example)
2. End 200 active listings, which will take you down to 3800
3. Go to ended listings, bulk selected the 200 items you ended, and then sell similar
4. Go to active listings and verify that now you have 4000 items listed again
5. Go to ended listings and delete all the ended listings.
6. Go back to step two and repeat, ending the reset once you’ve gone through your entire inventory or 5000 items if you have more than 5000 listings.
RESET EXAMPLE (Using October as an example)
October 1st: Reset store, Day One
October 2nd: Day Two
October 3rd: Day Three
October 4th: Reset store, which becomes Day 1 all over again.
With 4200 items in my store, a reset takes me 45 minutes every three days.
The best results come from resetting between noon and 3pm.
With eBay, views equal sales. If eBay takes away half your views through their incompetence, you lose half your sales. So, you have to concentrate on what gives you views. Because you get a boost for new listings and what you’re doing here is dropping an entire store of new listings every three days, you get the boost. Boost equals views, period. Views equal more offers, more offer eligible, etc.
What Jeff and I are doing to gain additional sales is engaging those new customers and offering them direct coupons and the chance to browse our stores and bundle additional items they might be interested in. Unfortunately, we can’t do this if we’re not getting views. Thus, the Reset.
I will be writing a much longer, more detailed version of this and releasing it in the next day or two. Thanks for reading.
We’d like to thank these KZbinrs for their contributions to the reselling community.
James - My Boring Reseller Life
Josh Galt
Bryan - Arena Vision

Пікірлер: 507
@kyleeyoder2202 9 ай бұрын
This is by far, the worst year on eBay. I’ve been selling 16 years. It’s getting so challenging to get compensation for your time and money spent. I’m completely considering stopping. I NEVER thought I could stop. The sales are just not there! All the changes to eBay. I miss the good ole days.
@hayfro 9 ай бұрын
you and me both.
@JLStanton1968 9 ай бұрын
Just so you know, it's not you....When eBay made its changes, I lost 50% of my sales overnight. Yes. One day. It didn't come back. Through our research, eBay's change cost us views. The percentage of views they took away equal the percentage of lost sales. So, anything you can do to increase your sales is a start that you can build off of. If you can't improve your views, a lot of other stuff really doesn't matter as the change might to so small that it's within daily variance. So, if you magically snapped your fingers and all 4000 of your listings had the perfect title, description, and item specifics, but you didn't promote or promoted at 2%, would you see an increase of say, 25% in views? I believe the answer is no. If you see a 3% increase, that variance is within daily ups and downs and might not have correlation with the changes. This is the only thing we've found that blows up your views unlike anything else. BUT, we do suggest doing better with new listings (item specifics, description, title, though many item specifics aren't needed or add to increases in sales for the time spent filling them out) because, as someone pointed out, eBay may continue to go in the item specifics direction and if they do, you'll have to add them later. But my feeling is, don't blow up your routine of listing just to take a month to fix everything. Also, take 25% of your items and fix them. Keep stats to see if they're 25% or so of your total sales (put an asterisk on the title to keep fast track). If the fixes didn't increase their sales by 15%, then it's probably a big waste of time. Lots of things we're finding are waste of time through our testing. Jeff will be addressing these over the coming weeks as we get more info.
@bennystratton7734 9 ай бұрын
@@JLStanton1968 great idea about fixing 25% of the actives you can also put that X or asterisk in the SKU section of the listing when editing the listing
@Major_Win 2 ай бұрын
This comment has unfortunately aged extremely well… challenges continue and we couldn’t agree more with what you’re saying!
@lgnrome 12 күн бұрын
I know what you mean.
@hayfro 9 ай бұрын
Let’s hope that the mafia is smart enough to realize that our best interests is in their best interest. We are literally trying to make them money.
@nathanmoore7120 9 ай бұрын
😂😂 the mafia!!
@w8what575 5 ай бұрын
This concept…it’s like people have lost touch with where their funding come from..,my city is the same way…absolutely hate the people in town and verbalize it loudly when they can..,,lie and gaslight everyone…but I’m handling that bs…lol
@unclecrog 9 ай бұрын
All my life I have been the type of person who learns more from watching something being done, than reading how to do it. I do not know if is because I am dyslectic but I would tend to say that reading comprehension is not my strong point. I can not believe that I sat through 39 minutes with no visible example of what to do. ( an example: I applied for a job that I had no knowledge or qualifications to do. Luckily I got an interview and when asked why I should be hired with no experience, I replied that if I was shown how to do the job I would learn it in a day. The interviewer gave me a chance, had another employee show me how the job was done, and the next day I started . I made no mistakes and within a year I became a job site supervisor.) Some people just learn better through visual stimulation and I would venture to guess that there are others out there just like me. Thank you for your time in this matter.
@pnw-coast 9 ай бұрын
There are several videos on YT of how to end/sell-similar in bulk. SarahStylesLLC channel has a short/simple video where she walks through the process. The video is from 8 months ago and starts with "FASTEST Way To End And Sell Similar..."
@thriftyzrs6966 9 ай бұрын
Another tip. 26:27 minutes in. Use your computer to do this process but instead of clicking between unsold and active just keep your app open on your cell phone and once you relist your current batch of 200 hundred then refresh on your app(cell phone) to make sure they went and are active. You should still be in your unsold tab on the computer and at this point you just delete the 200 unsold listings because you know they where updated because you seen that they where on your cell phone. This should help save about 10 minutes for you. This part is very important because you don’t want to accidentally delete 200 hundred of your listings before they push back to active. I did this in the being and they where gone. I never went back and relisted them (they are just lost in my inventory system now. Lol) hope this little tip helps as well.
@JLStanton1968 9 ай бұрын
Hadn't thought of that. I rarely use the eBay app but have started to use it for messaging customers who have questions and want pics.
@hayfro 9 ай бұрын
Brilliant! Damn I live for hacks like this. I feel for you about your lost inventory. I’m sure I have quite a few lost items myself but 200 hurts lol
@anewliferesale 8 ай бұрын
@@hayfro Thanks for this great hack! Is there a reason they need to get deleted from the unsold tab? Can't they just live there as a back-up in case something was missed somehow?
@Yazzie101 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for doing this and taking the time to talk us through!!! 👍 I’m glad you picked up polish Pete’s saying about the freezer! The one I picked up explains eBay is when he said ITS LIKE A FART IN A BROKEN LIFT… meaning elevator 😂😂😂 I rolled laughing! I’ve kind of being doing this reset but adding item specifics and if I do 10 -15 day it helps! I will try this again .. before it worked but then stopped .. I noticed adding item specifics I got more views on items .. like instead of 2-3 it’s 35 -40!
@junebrezgis1652 9 ай бұрын
I did ended 400 listings last night and sold similar. Plus I also scheduled listings to go out over the night for each hour. I went from 3 orders to 15 orders this morning. I saw this video and then I took a nap and had a idea to try. I have been doing this for 24 years and have never seen it so bad. I need to sell my inventory so I have more room for new stuff. I am sold items that were 2 years old today doing this. Also cross listing is a must! Good luck to everyone.
@hayfro 9 ай бұрын
Yeah, when stuff isn’t selling, we start to run out of room for fresh inventory
@pjyast 9 ай бұрын
bottom line about ending/sell similar is that your item will show up under newly listed AND anyone who has searches saved will be alerted to new items being posted. Those two are definite.
@JLStanton1968 9 ай бұрын
I forgot about the saved searches part. Thanks for pointing that out.
@rebeccalittlegvi 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for this video. Great topic! I agree with Ending and Sell Similar wholeheartedly! The debate about item specifics is ongoing. It depends on my mood and how much time I have as to what other than required specifics I will include. I mean sometimes there is not an applicable answer. And, if you enter that, or unbranded or a random response, it could be detrimental to the searchability of the item. That, N/A and Unbranded were discussed on ebay Power Hour Podcast Ep. 1, four days ago. Great show! Also, Rachel Strickland, This Hack Will Change the Way You List Forever, plus have You Heard This Keyword Rule are very informative and enlightening. I couldn't do this gig without you guys! Thanks again!!
@user-ek2cj4fe3b 9 ай бұрын
Did it last night. It worked. I kinda knew as I have been doing it for just a few items every week and could see it helped but after doing the whole store set a record for views, Sales going back up and multiple offers. Thanks
@MF-zh4ig 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for this great video! I reset my ebay listings (131) and have already sold 8 things overnight including many of my more expensive and niche listings that have been listed for months. I'll make sure to do this kind of a reset fairly regularly to test that it isn't just a one off.
@lorieamerman3729 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for this video and being positive instead of negative. Giving a solution instead of always talking about the negative side of it. Everyone can guess at what is happening, but honestly no one knows. Could be eBay or Not., but why not just keep pushing through and working your business. Again thanks for the positive Video...
@JLStanton1968 9 ай бұрын
The Leather Key Chain King is a great guy and always positive when we talk (except when it comes to lowballers.....). We're working on some marketing techniques that will help attack and keep buyers, whether on eBay or other platforms. The key is to get back as close to the pre-April Update eBay did which began the slide for a lot of us, while not having to kill ourselves doing it. What that involves is sharing information that DOES work, as well as pointing out information that DOESN'T work. I believe the latter is more important, as by sharing, we don't follow in the path of testing that's been done already. We have to survive whatever it is that's going on and hopefully at some point, eBay lets us in on it. But until that time, let's make ourselves better sellers, whether on eBay or elsewhere. I personally would love to keep to eBay and Mercari for that kind of platform, as well as my Facebook Groups I created (more sales posts in groups) and my Antique booth (lower priced items that aren't worth listing on eBay, like cds, cassettes, and records below $5). Here's hoping the platform improves in the coming year. Thanks for the comment.
@hayfro 9 ай бұрын
thanks for this comment and I agree about the outlook. being negative will always get you views but what's the point. don't get me wrong, sometimes we get stuck in the quagmire of a situation, especially when things seem overwhelming, and believe me we have all been thru the ringer these past 6 months with ebay. Jack and I are just trying to find anything that helps us get thru this and report it to the community
@janethaider4034 9 ай бұрын
I just happened upon your video. I have watched other KZbinrs on this subject. Yours was the most detailed one. Thank you. I am going to try it and just see what happens. Thanks for your information.
@JLStanton1968 9 ай бұрын
Good luck. Please let us know how it works. If you have any questions, please ask.
@hayfro 9 ай бұрын
You are so welcome! Keep us updated.
@carolemmwilliams-UK 9 ай бұрын
Carole in UK This was an excellent and valuable vid to me. Thank you. I will be trying the refreshing of my store in sections. I have heard about it before, but didn’t try it with the whole store, as didn’t want to lose the stats of my popular sold items ie the number sold. I am led to your Chanel after listening to Polish Pete ( he’s a funny guy), explaining how to find deleted recent listings, which he learned from you. I am now one of your subscribers.
@hayfro 8 ай бұрын
pete is one smart dude. thx for watching.
@Freeformrockart 9 ай бұрын
Did the reset at noon mtn time today. I have just a hair over 900 listings atm. Within the first hour after I got 3 sales. Yay! Traffic did go up on page views. We’ll see how much more i get out of it in the next days. Thank you for the tip I hope it continues to work for us all. 😊
@audie143143 4 ай бұрын
Hi Jeff, All that you have said in this video are things I've said to myself time after time and discussed with others. This video popped up in my feed today and I'm grateful because now I don't think I'm crazy. I've actually used that "wall" reference in my thoughts and conversations. What I've been doing which helps too is high promotions for a few days to generate views and then later going in and stopping all promotions. I've thought myself that there is some kind of a glitch that's causing the total lack of ANY life in regard to my store. I'm going to start tomorrow with your ideas because I know they will work. Thank you very much for all your insight. I'm only sorry I didn't see this video back when you first posted it. I'm subscribed now. Yay!! I'll let you know how it goes. PS: I noticed the big change when they started the advanced paid promotions campaign.
@hayfro 4 ай бұрын
hi audie. welcome. this is a channel that calls it like I see it and right now ebay is letting down it's buyers in my opinion with their cash grab promoted listings. I will say the reset hasn't been as effective as it used to me. Jack and I believe ebay has done something to make it less effective as that was the only "hack" or simply put the only thing sellers could do to get some sales. definitely keep me updated on how it goes via youtube comments or my email is in the bio and feel free to connect with me there. I've even actually spoken to make viewers here if you ever wanted to connect and share ideas. the one good thing about youtube is community and I work closely with a lot of people who are trying to figure out ways to keep up with the algorithm, although it's really pathetic that we can't just list and do what we've always done. sometimes I think this is all too much what ebay expects us to do to get sales.
@NewEnglandKajunRootsReseller 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing this. I have done this but not to this extent. I am working on that today. I love sharing this type of content to my watchers of my morning show.
@hayfro 9 ай бұрын
let me know how it works out for you and if you have anything else to add.
@BKVendingFlipping 9 ай бұрын
Just found you, subbed and reset my store, I have been doing this on old items that I have had listed for over a year, but just did the entire store. Excited to see the results.
@JLStanton1968 9 ай бұрын
Please share your results each day if you can. It helps us figure out the percentages of what works. Good luck!
@hayfro 9 ай бұрын
how large is your store? excited to hear about your results! you should see massive increases in page views and people adding items to watchlists so you can send offers.
@BKVendingFlipping 9 ай бұрын
@hayfro I have 650 items listed. I started it 40 minutes ago, sent out 2 offers, and my page vies are up by 52 already.
@BKVendingFlipping 9 ай бұрын
@@hayfro I've been averaging between 120 and 190 views a day.
@hayfro 9 ай бұрын
what did your page views end up being for the day? @@BKVendingFlipping
@DarthThrifter 9 ай бұрын
Hey Jeff, I went and took the plunge and did my whole store. I will be having a video coming out either late tonight or tomorrow showing my results I'm already having. It's very impressive.
@hayfro 9 ай бұрын
awesome mike! cue the monkees "i'm a believer"... haha I don't have your end scene creativity. :-p
@DarthThrifter 9 ай бұрын
​@@hayfroJeff, my new video is up. Hope everyone enjoys my experience with the eBay reset!
@craigwinans1948 9 ай бұрын
I've been end/sell similar for over a year now. I divide my total listings by 30 the end everything ending each day and relist the amount I came up with when dividing by 30. This way I'm always getting new listings, even if they are not actually newly listed items, every day. Also I never have to worry about going over my free listing amount limit.
@hayfro 9 ай бұрын
how many listings do you have total?
@craigwinans1948 9 ай бұрын
@@hayfro currently a little over 1900 listings.
@lesman3019 5 ай бұрын
I have 5000 listing I will trying this. I hope it works. I went from 15k a month to 5k😢
@craigwinans1948 5 ай бұрын
@@lesman3019 I misstated something. Relist should be sell similar. Then end the original listings that were sold similar.
@bluroks1 7 ай бұрын
Wanted to update you on our progress. Still doing the sell similar. Did the complete store refresh about a month ago. Do daily morning end and sell similar for about 1000 to 1400 items from my store. Usually run them about 900 am or so my time every day. As of now, the store is very active. High impressions, views are higher then they been in months, sales continue to come in, not like before but very busy. Happy overall with the results so far. Still doing the recommended items you had mentioned in your various videos. So thank you for all the postings. At least the bills are paid now and i got pay!! What I am trying now is the end of the month like today November 30. I am going to end and sell similar 3200 items so it will refresh the half of my store heading into a new month. But so far the results are going very good but one thing I have noticed, I hardly get any sales during the day at all. They are coming in later in the night. So I dont know if the items I sell similar take hours to index on the ebay site. Also still promoting. Im currently zeroing in on 4.1 percent. Ill keep the updates coming in.
@hayfro 7 ай бұрын
thank you john. keep it up. lets hope for a better 2024
@tynawalenski673 9 ай бұрын
After I watched your video on bulk editing my store without making any changes, I went ahead and tried it It took a little bit but now my sales are way up. I'm going to do it again soon
@JLStanton1968 9 ай бұрын
Tomorrow, can you let us know if your views are up 10-13x for today? Thanks for the update.
@howgroovyisthis 8 ай бұрын
Back in the day eBay used to let you set your listings at different time lengths. I would use the 7 day listing as my items would get exposure at the beginning of the post and when the item was getting ready to end. Now we only have the 30 day option. I also think eBay has taken away some if not all the exposure at the end of the 30 days. I believe that Cassini favors new listings and that is why you are seeing such great results. I will be interested to see if the favorable results last over the course of a couple of months. Great video. 👍
@ryanglaser5336 7 ай бұрын
Listings still get a small boost with GTC at the end and at the begining of each renewed 30 day cycle
@lindaf4968 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for the content! Will give your suggestions a try.
@HolyDiverDio928 9 ай бұрын
I have about 650 items in my store and just ended and sell similar 500 listings. Also am running a 15% markdown and raised my prices by 10%. eBay has been abysmal this month. Going on day 6th with no sales. Yet Mercari I get daily sales with the same items and same price on eBay. I’m not trying to turn my store into a multi million dollar operation just want 1000 a month consistently.
@Bawkr 9 ай бұрын
Same here more or less. I almost surpassed my all time high this month which is a decent month typically. Oct Nov Dec Jan are the best ebay months if you have new product.... But then sales plummeted & got some buyer fault returns on top of that. If I was taking home 800 net profit my expenses are so low that that would have a huge compounding effect for me. Do all my own maintenance on everything I own.
@JLStanton1968 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for the tips. We're getting good ones that we'll be trying out. All tips that have worked consistently over time are what we're trying to discover and share.
@hayfro 9 ай бұрын
is this the first time you've done that amount of end and sell similar?
@bennystratton7734 9 ай бұрын
yep i think that's all every seller wants is consistency unfortunately eBay is not the place to find that right now don't know if we will ever have that again on eBay but im just glad i diversified 2 decades ago and yes if the same items i have on eBay are selling on the other 10 platforms and my own website then I know its not me or any other seller its the Platform and until eBay comes out publicly and admits that all the issues since April have been there fault and there either too cheap to fix it or to lazy then we ae just stuck with eBay as it is
@JLStanton1968 9 ай бұрын
@@bennystratton7734 Sadly, I think they done screwed it up and don't know how to fix it. And that's a problem. My diversity of platforms is really helping me with the problems they've caused but none are as good as eBay when eBay actually works. I do hope they figure it out, but in the meantime, we have to do whatever we can and share it. This issue they've caused is really hurting a lot of people who depend on the income. I estimate conservatively I've lost $2000 in sales per month on eBay since April. That's one hell of a punch.
@user-fg3iv8jp5l 7 ай бұрын
Thank you so much!! I did the reset on our 1000 item ebay store. The 1st time, 40 items in 4 days. Then it stops dead again. 2nd time, 40 again. Items from ages ago, too. Amazing! Much appreciated!! Kate
@hayfro 7 ай бұрын
awesome. are these resent resets? reason I'm asking is my one stores resets have been muted but if you are having success recently or if you did these resets weeks ago. thx.
@user-fg3iv8jp5l 7 ай бұрын
@@hayfro Did them in last 2 weeks
@moayadalhdethat2536 6 ай бұрын
Do you make changes or just end and sell similar??
@sportscardwinterhaven 9 ай бұрын
Did it yesterday , got an offer in 2 hours on a huge card sales views down 30% over last 60 and 90 days been so slow. THANK YOU FOR THIS , GONNA RESET AGAIN IN 4 DAYS
@TheClubbinator 9 ай бұрын
Ty. We recently started “Found Treasures” on EBay and will give your input a shot. Thank you for sharing and now we subscribe to your channel here in Oklahoma.
@hayfro 9 ай бұрын
keep us updated to your progress. ty
@themadscientist40k 9 ай бұрын
You know this kind of makes sense of why my sales have been slow. I was refreshing my entire store every week and I thought that that was too fast as my store got up to 2000 listings I started slowing it down so it was refreshing over the period of a month but my sales completely dropped off over time and I just did not put two and two together
@shabbat71 8 ай бұрын
Some of the best information out there! Thank you guys! Your ROCK ⭐️’s!!!!! Love it!
@hayfro 8 ай бұрын
thank you victoria!
@sandrawilcox4986 8 ай бұрын
I ended and sold similar 1,000 of my items this afternoon. I the last 6 hours I’ve sold 4 items and have been able to send 20 or so offers. This definitely works! Thank you so much.
@hayfro 8 ай бұрын
That is awesome!
@moayadalhdethat2536 6 ай бұрын
Do you make changes or just end and sell similar??
@hayfro 6 ай бұрын
sometimes I will lower by 1-2 %. i don't make actual changes to the listing, like item specifics or anything like that.@@moayadalhdethat2536
@rick9705 9 ай бұрын
My plan is to list 10 and “reset” 10 every day. The way I was taught to do eBay is after 30 days discount 10% 60 days discount 20% 90 days discount 30% all the way until six months where you are basically liquidating. And the idea was that you do not want an item in your store more than six months of course, with a few exceptions like high value vintage long tail items. Now I’m thinking why should I discount 30% or 50% when I can just reset the item maybe even increase the price and possibly raise the promoted % by a bit? It’s kind of like a help me help you kind of thing with a eBay. I’ll raise the price and pay you a little more but please get this item sold. I honestly think it has worked better doing it like this than reducing items to 60-70% off.
@bennystratton7734 9 ай бұрын
thing is even if you reduce it 90% if eBay is NOT showing your item its not going to sell Period! that is what this is all about eBay stopped showing sellers items 6 months ago
@ebaydrbrads 7 ай бұрын
Definitely right before Thanksgiving worst since I started ebay in 1998. Been doing end listing, sell similar since auction professor mentioned it months ago. Was re-organizing my inventory recently & many items I listed years ago were no longer even listed in my store! No wonder they didn't have watchers or sales.
@TristinaDietzElmesArtist 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing! I will implement on Friday. 😍
@hayfro 9 ай бұрын
Please keep us updated!
@CMRetroGaming 9 ай бұрын
I wish eBay would tell us "we were working on THING A and it caused some sellers handling time to change. Please check your handling time to make sure its correct." I've used 2day handling time for like 2 years. I recently discovered that all my listing were at 4 day handling time. While it's not the biggest deal in the world it would have been nice to know that I needed to adjust the handling time back to 2 days. I can confirm that you now need to pay for the basic store. I used the free store for years and my sales dramatically declined. To the point where my pay outs were less than $20 for the week. The Minute (Literally) that I started paying the $23 a month I started selling over $100 a week. (I'm just a super part-timer) The same listing that sat in my free store for over a year either sold or started getting some views.
@Patricia.resells 9 ай бұрын
Interesting. When did you notice the sales started to be so low? Wondering how your experience and observations fit with the calendar of past Ebay updates and the April sales crash many sellers experienced.
@meticulouselectronics 9 ай бұрын
I had opposite. Sales were great. Felt it was time to upgrade to a basic store. After that my store died. Horribly. Tried running a sale. Not a single sale. Freaked me out. Called Ebay and yelled at them. Boom. 2 sales. They drive me insane.
@Patricia.resells 9 ай бұрын
@@meticulouselectronics But you said you used the free store for years and your sales dramatically declined then when you paid for the basic store boom instant sales. So when was it your sales declined or other words when was it you signed up for the basic store
@meticulouselectronics 9 ай бұрын
@@Patricia.resells you need to read my comment again.
@michaelr3883 9 ай бұрын
Coming back to say - Do this - Whatever you want to do, do and try this. Try with some additional promoted listing percentages if you have it in your margin+ even 2% lower price. I had 50+ items sell between 10/16-17-18-2023 which some were on the website for 2+ Months and once I made changes, I sold half my store in three days. Dunno why it works but it does.
@hayfro 9 ай бұрын
can you elaborate on this strategy...I'm having a hard time understanding what you want me to try and I'm definitely open to trying anything that gets sales.
@DrewM86 9 ай бұрын
Consider raising prices as well. I've been having weird results by ending selling similar while actually raising the price.
@hayfro 9 ай бұрын
ty for reminding me of this strategy, I've heard others from others. @@DrewM86
@juliedubois5650 9 ай бұрын
@@DrewM86raising prices in bulk after you do the sell similar ?
@DrewM86 9 ай бұрын
@juliedubois5650 Sorry I didn't mean in bulk no. I guess depending on the product. Ive had success with ending, and sell similar individual items that had been lost in ebays gray space. The refreshment of the item gets more eyes, and the price could more or less not matter as much. Remember it's not all buyers on ebay looking for the best deals. Alot of people with companies not considering a budget just searches what they need then buy it
@aprilcooper4161 9 ай бұрын
Hey! I watched your video and decided to test it when I got home from work. I had had a $0 sales day on ebay. I had $160 sales on Posh. It was 7 CST when I started the process. 5 hours later I had 21 offers to send. I NEVER have more than 4 offers to send at one time!!! And writing this at 5am, I had 2 sales overnight. This might be a game changer if you have a store subscription with enough available listings.
@hayfro 9 ай бұрын
Great job! doesn't it prove that the buyers are there, literally waiting for our items, they just can't for whatever reason see them. we shouldn't be having to do this to get sales, it's kinda ridiculous in my opinion, but I'm thrilled you got sales. Wasn't it crazy how it felt like ebay of 5 years ago?
@aprilcooper4161 8 ай бұрын
Yes! It's been a couple of days and traffic is still pretty good. I feel like the biggest change was in organic traffic, not promoted.
@jaimeavakarianvillamonte744 7 ай бұрын
Ebay has changed something. I found some of my listings with only 1 view in 6 months The item was priced correctly and has good demand. My theory is the new sales promotion fees concept is burying my listings if i dont pay
@polish_pete_uk 9 ай бұрын
Good idea, but not everybody has big enough free listing allocation. I've tried that before, but it was very short lasting, like you've pointed out (3 days). A lot of views are outiside views. There's no way to tell if these are proper views, or bots indexing new webpage. Some of the are bots, that's for sure. Question is how many. Looking at graphs, the only thing that bothers me, is the fact that number of sales has not grown nowhere near to page views graph. Specialy on your main shop. Let's see how will it develop over days. I'm in the position that 14 days is absolute minimum to say if something is working, or not. What you've said at the end makes more sense. DO it in batches to get smaller but longer lasting boost.
@JLStanton1968 9 ай бұрын
Hey Pete, I want to thank you for the work you're doing. It's helped us take a look at things as we're working on them and avoid pitfalls. What we're trying to do is show people something they can do if they have the allocations, along with variants if they don't have as many as we do. Jeff's store and mine are 4000+ item stores and we have premiere subscriptions, meaning we have 10,000 regular listings and 50,000 extras thanks to covid (this was a great thing eBay did for the sellers here in the US and for eBay's bottom line). We can do 10 resets a month, and as many as 12 if we wanted to. If a person has a 50,000 item store under a premiere subscription, they should end/sell similar at least 5000 every three days and get that boost, which will go up proportionately to the percentage of the items listed. Anything that gets views is a win situation. If I end up with 5x the views (when you take the averages over three days, this is about what we're getting versus not doing it) and get 2x the sales, it's a win. What's more, we now have customers we didn't have before that we can engage with, send out coupons to when they've left positive feedback, etc. If after say, three months we've increased the number of new customers who have bought from us, we'll have more success sending out direct coupons for instance. I do expect there to be some correction, but as a gamer, I have 60,000 listings I can use every month, 55,000 that are going to waste. In gaming, you use your resources up to win the game. This technique has a lot of variations we can try in conjunction with other techniques (fixing listings, etc). We need a collective effort due to our not getting any help whatsoever from eBay. It's as though they don't really care about retention of sellers or buyers these days. It would be nice if they got a board in there who was. Bottom line, we have to survive long enough for whatever change will inevitably come. In the meantime, I'm cross listing to Mercari to increase by percentages my changes at sales. I've also opened up a booth at the local antique mall. Jeff does a LOT of sales on Facebook marketplace. I have groups I've created on Facebook as well in order to make up my losses. But damn, I sure would love the working eBay back. The one that used to show my items to those who searched for my items. Again, thank you good sir. We appreciate everything you do. If possible, can you make a video that shows what you've tried that you feel doesn't work? That's probably more important than what does, so we can quit chasing our tails.
@thecomicminer 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing this and for sharing the results in your data because that part of it is very encouraging. I wrote a whole article and the video slipped so I’m pretty sure that comment is on an Al Capone documentary but I’ll just say that I’m going to try it when I wake up and I’ll comment my results on one of your videos soon and hopefully not on some other random video. Lol
@JLStanton1968 9 ай бұрын
Do the reset between noon and 3pm.
@Patricia.resells 9 ай бұрын
@@JLStanton1968 Pacific time? Eastern? Does it matter?
@JLStanton1968 9 ай бұрын
@@Patricia.resells Eastern time I'd do it around 2 or 3pm as you want the best spread of people in front of their computers. Also, check your views after an hour or two as well as offer eligible. Gonna blow your mind.
@Patricia.resells 9 ай бұрын
@@JLStanton1968Thank you for that information, Jack! I will give it a go.
@JLStanton1968 9 ай бұрын
@@Patricia.resells Let us know how it turns out. The more data we have, the better off we are. Sharing what works saves us time to work on other aspects of our businesses and selves. Compare the stats that Jeff shared with your own experiences. I'm working on a charge that Jeff can share that will show what kind of boost we're getting and what the norms should be.
@_Self_Checkout 9 ай бұрын
😂😂 IT STILL SOLD 😂😂 That made me laugh so hard!!! Thank you for this video, going to give it a try! 😘💋
@ThrifterPickerShipper 9 ай бұрын
I have been an eBay reseller for 28 years now, since its inception. I have never seen such misery in all of my life. Lol In the past I have ran six different stores and now currently am down to one which is my newest store.
@MattsHouseOfSportsCards 9 ай бұрын
Ive been doiing this for over 3 month. I basically do it every 4-5 days. Any items that I may have watchers on, I end and sell similar on those after any offers I have sent out on those have expired. Most of my sales come from sending out offers, so getting new watchers is the key to selling.
@JLStanton1968 9 ай бұрын
Exactly. Do you feel impressions are garbage as we do? I really hated when eBay started pushing them as their metric to show that it's not them, it's you. If I have 1000 impressions on an item and no views, that's eBay putting an item in a search that wasn't searched for, creating an impression. Views are all that counts.
@MattsHouseOfSportsCards 9 ай бұрын
@JLStanton1968 This doesn't always result in a huge amount of sales every time. It does give you more page views which leads to sales. Don't be discouraged if this doesn't always work, just keep doing it.
@JLStanton1968 9 ай бұрын
@@MattsHouseOfSportsCards I did it the entire month of June and there were some bad days, but overall, I dramatically increased sales due to more views. I had a no sale day yesterday for I believe the first time doing these tests. But I also had a $120 sale yesterday that the person won't pay for until Friday (person on vacation who saw the 'new' listings and had to jump on it). Even without any sales yesterday, my sales are more than double since starting the resets again. After a month, people will see that their sales and new customer base went up. We're working on marketing techniques to upsell or at least get repeat business from these new buyers. But without the reset, we wouldn't have them or the sales it generated. So, at the end of the day, I won't be discouraged by a poor reset cycle. The reset Jeff and I did early Monday morning didn't have the desired affect. James over at My Boring Reseller Life keeps track of the downtime on eBay servers. I think when we reset like at 1-3am, eBay may have been at a downtime, resulting in fewer views and sales. Jeff just did a reset, which I'm going to do (a day early) to wipe away that bad reset. He's already getting sales and more views than Monday's early morning reset. This is why we feel that in the US, you should do it between noon and 3pm depending on where you're at. In the west, we can do it earlier to capture those buyers in the east sitting down to do some browsing after work. Those in the east need to wait until 2 to 3pm their time as they want those in the west closer to normal business closing hours. You want your best views to be happening right at prime time (530pm to 10pm).
@Patricia.resells 9 ай бұрын
@@JLStanton1968Impressions also include Ebay inserting your listing on another seller's View Item page and on the page the buyer sees after purchasing another seller's item (the latter being one reason for buyers canceling sales right after they paid because Ebay shows them the same or better item the buyer decides they prefer). Since impressions are part of what Ebay gets paid for by sellers opting in to that level of promoted listings, Ebay is stuffing impressions everyplace they can.
@la6136 8 ай бұрын
I almost never get sales from sending offers
@thriftyzrs6966 9 ай бұрын
I am 8:27 seconds into your video and I knew you where going to say delete and sell similar. I delete 2000 listings every 2 days and sell similar on those same listings. I have about 6200 items so this process gives my inventory a fresh look and I know people are seeing post items because they sell after words not a ton of them but a good 5-10 of them due that have been in my store for years if that makes since. If you need my statistics to help go along with y’all’s let me know and I can forward them. Also there is one more thing I have don’t and my sells have increased by 8 percent in the past 6 days. Amazing.
@thriftyzrs6966 9 ай бұрын
Also I guess I should have added this. I have been doing it since April and you know how every quarter eBay does something to there system, like change this add that etc. well I think that has affected this process in the last quarter because as it did help it is nothing like this quarter. This quarter seems to have been massively better so not sure what they did internally this time but it has helped in my opinion for us doing this process.
@hayfro 9 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for this comment and yes, please forward anything you feel like sharing and don't mind me sharing on the channel to ~jeff much appreciated.
@juliedubois5650 9 ай бұрын
Do you promote at high % doing these resets ? Or it generates good results without even promoting ?
@curiouscollection2626 9 ай бұрын
3/4 of our 15 million impressions are from promoting but it is only 1/3 of sales. Need the sales but more directed promoting and better search placement are what I want and pay for.
@ReelHifi 9 ай бұрын
Item specifics - it works with my store.because of the narrow niche - I use templates that have the item specifics set up. and include some prime searche specifics peppered in that do not directly correspond with the item
@GetRealDude 8 ай бұрын
It's because when you delete, sell similar, it shows as a new listing towards the top of the page search and buyers think they can get the item before anyone else does and think it wasn't sitting around forever on eBay with no interest.
@bluroks1 8 ай бұрын
Well here is our update for the weekend since we did a total store refresh. The first day sales were somewhat ok but impressions and views were ski high! Made plenty of offers also. Day two died somewhat, still high impressions and views did come down and sales were extremely slow. Now this weekend, Saturday had three sales and so far nothing at all on Sunday. Nothing. Views and impressions all in the big red. No offers or me sending offers. Dead. Going to try another store refresh on Monday as this would be the start of the cycle again but overall yes views did increase but sales were almost non existant. Funny the sales we did get mainly were real old ones and nothing from the current ones we ran everyday since Thursday. Running 4 percent promoted.
@timhalcomb4041 9 ай бұрын
Thank you all for sharing good information if I can figure it out only been doing this since May 10th 2023 you all have a blessed day in the name of Jesus Christ
@hayfro 9 ай бұрын
Same to you!
@kathylester2236 9 ай бұрын
@hayfro, thanks for posting this video. We've been implementing the 'end listing, sell similar' for a while now but wasn't 'resetting' the entire store because we have close to 8K listings with only a 10K store listing allotment. So basically we reset one time in a month so we don't have to pay for extra listing fees. For us, this method DOES work from time to time and usually really good right after the reset. This evening, I had a video from another reseller pop up on my home screen and I was curious so I decided to listen to it. They stated NOT to end, sell similar because it will make your Google listings 'disappear' and they were basically telling folks to' just improve their item specifics and offer 'free shipping'. I know what MY thoughts are on their suggestions, but I want to hear from you and others what they feel their stated suggestion is.
@hayfro 9 ай бұрын
bottom line is we are all in survival mode. I believe I know the video you are watching and they are good resellers but for me I don't care about my google link if I'm not getting sales and engagement in my store. this is not an ideal situation but until ebay fixes it's search and is actually connecting buyers with the items they are searching for this is our reality.
@kathylester2236 9 ай бұрын
@hayfro, you read my mind. :)
@JLStanton1968 9 ай бұрын
There are a number of reasons why free shipping is for eBay’s benefit and not for ours. It’s never given me a boost in sales. I did it for a year and a half and when I went back to charging for shipping, my sales increased. Jeff may take that on at some point, but for me personally, I’ll never go back to it. And I don’t do free returns even though I’m forced to as ebay has trained buyers to say certain things. Seeing as I’ve had about 10 returns on 13,000+ sales in 24 years (due to the post office killing packages), I’d say my customers don’t have to worry about the item not as described. In regards to doing end and sell similar, if you lose Google views (I’m not sure you do based on external site views you get doing this), it’s correct to do it if it increases your sales. Someone is seeing it through external views. I don’t care who that is. I’m curious, have you tried to set up your listings to gradually end at the same time so you can end/sell similar before eBay resets them? Trying to figure out strategies for stores the size of yours.
@kathylester2236 9 ай бұрын
@JLStanton1968, I totally agree on that. We tried free shipping too and all it did in the end was cost us money with less profit. If you have thousands of listings on and the post office increases prices periodically, it's super hard to go through each and every listing and adjust, list new items, etc. As far as your last question, I'm not sure how to do that. Every morning, I usually see how many are ending that day and end/sell similar so I can 'reset' it myself so it gets refreshed. Lastnight, I reset 50% of the store and received 3 sales overnight and over 40 offers. I've always been convinced that end/sell similar WORKS. And it also never hurts to make the item specifics for your new item as close as you can get it for search results.
@JLStanton1968 9 ай бұрын
@@kathylester2236 In regards to what I was asking about getting your items to end nearly at the same time. If I reset my store all at once, let's say today, October 20th, they'd reset on eBay around November 20th or 21st, depending on what ebay does. So, if you had all yours ending around the same date, you could just end at the same time before the reset to get the boost. But then, how you're doing it, ending them before they reset and selling similar will give those items a boost and allow you to correct or improve listings over the course of a month. I think everyone will have to get used to improving listings, checking prices, etc every month and make sure new listings are falling within a certain structure. Unfortunately, the way the search engine works, there's so much redundancy with adding item specifics if they're already in your title and description. For books, I have to list author and title for required item specifics. Seeing as the search engine already sees them in my title and description, I'm not sure why I need to waste time listing them for a third time in item specifics. Wouldn't it be nice if eBay came out and actually gave us some guidance? Jeff and I are working on collecting strategies so he can talk about them while putting the data in the descriptions of his videos for easy access. Thanks for sharing your strategies btw. Everything helps.
@ljwhitmire200 9 ай бұрын
As of last year, listing made a definable impact. But starting this year, it doesn't seem to matter anymore. I have 6000 listings, the amount of time it would take to re-do all those on the hope of something better is better spent on a new business. Ebay as a corporation is not experiencing noticeably lower sales, therefore all this BS we are seeing is caused by their platform changes. It's a very clear message from Ebay that they do NOT want us on this platform anymore. In the end, I thank them. Ebay (along with Amazon and others) have become a job not a business. You no longer have control over anything. Ebay even tells us when to work! Keep it. I'm taking all my spare time and putting it into a new business that is an actual business.
@newtongirl2430 9 ай бұрын
Actually Ebay is experiencing lower sales in the form of GMV which represents the actual products being sold. They are having higher revenue due to collecting money on promoted listings. While a lower GMV may not bother the shareholders at the moment, the trend of losing GMV and active buyers for the past several years should be of conncern to them. At some point, the fewer buyers and lower GMV will not continue to generate as much revenue from fees and promoted listings. But by that time, the CEO will be long gone with his parting 10s of million dollar bonus.
@btccoins5514 9 ай бұрын
with that kind of mindset, you already failed your business. The question is what are you going to do about it? Whining and complaining does not solve anything
@ljwhitmire200 9 ай бұрын
@@btccoins5514 No. My point is that Ebay is not worth my investment of money and time anymore. I'm investing my money and time into another business taking into account my experiences with Ebay. Ebay was never my end point, but I was hoping I could keep it running. But at this point, it's not worth it, so I'll move on. No biggie. It happens. :P My plan is to let me inventory sell off over the next six months then just shut it down. We'll see.
@bennystratton7734 9 ай бұрын
@@btccoins5514 well you tell that to ebay first when they fix there problems then we can talk! till they fix there problems NOTHING is going to change ONLY thing that will work is Diversifying that is the ONLY option and thank god i did that 2 decades again I COULD care less if ebay gets fees from the sale of my item ONLY thing I care about is that my item sells WHERE that sells i could care less and since items i have on other sites are selling and they are also listed on ebay and not selling on eBay it tells me the other SITES are showing my items not hiding my items and they Deserve the FEE not eBay! eBay made there own bed we should NOT be trying to figure OUT ANYTHING ebay is the one that Needs to FIRST publicly admit they Screwed UP THERE SITE period end of story just like in AA the first step is admitting you have a problem EBAY has not completed the first step!
@w8what575 5 ай бұрын
@@btccoins5514they said they started a real business…u didn’t read the whole comment did u? Lol
@nicholcreach9441 9 ай бұрын
I don’t know if you said or not but are you using promoted listings still or putting items on sale after you reset them? I do this for items older than one month but I started to realize that the “new listing” bump falls off sooner than a month so I was starting to do it at around two weeks old listings to get that new listing bump. Smart :)
@5797029 9 ай бұрын
9 years on ebay and never had an issue with sales. I have been doing end/sell similar since 2016. I the beginning, we didn't have as many free listings, so I didn't do as many. I even paid for quite a few to keep the plan going. (.10) Today, with so many free listings, I do around 100 each day in my 500 listing store. My yearly sales are up over last year by 22%. Current ASP is $98. August 2023 was my best month ever, by a lot. Some days are so good, it is overwhelming for me. Then the next day only 2-3 sales. Overall, with all the ups and downs, still doing great.
@realcorkdan 9 ай бұрын
so it works ?
@downtownsixbey 8 ай бұрын
May I ask what kind of items you sell to get an ASP of $98? I'm around $60 and stuck.
@gregkareem9824 8 ай бұрын
Still didn't answer the question
Ebay has been in denial for more than 10yrs that there is a DIFFERENCE in what motivates buyers/shoppers of OOAK type items as opposed to the motivation of people searching for typical retail items (even used). ... It's comparing apples to oranges. Combine that with their consistent level of embarrassment over the nature of these 'garage sale' items on their site (which is what made them the e-commerce giant they used to be).... and you have leadership literally devising a system which undermines the success of it's own paying subscribers and eventually themselves as well.
@JLStanton1968 9 ай бұрын
A few years ago when the changed up categories and three so many things into the same category, friends who specialized in super niche lost all their browsers because of all the crap they had to wade through. There were buyers who just wanted to see vintage Halloween. But after the change, they had to contend with old Halloween, new Halloween, old Christmas, etc. The browsers said screw it. And to think someone was given the green light on this idea. My niche niche dealing friends lost a lot because of this. I’m 200 miles north from where I was back then and the dealers up here cite that as a big turning point as well. With the 3rd quarter report about to come out, I suspect (and hope) that Jamie will be retired soon so we can get someone in the CEO position who understands retail. His visions on what works are some of the biggest nightmares to visit the platform and only continue to get worse. He came in saying I need three years and they gave him nearly four. The quarterly reports speak to his performance. Sellers can’t afford a fifth year in this three year process.
@@JLStanton1968 🎯🎯
@hayfro 9 ай бұрын
well put....I couldn't have said it better. it would serve them to remember their roots and not be embarrassed by them/us
@hayfro 9 ай бұрын
loooool. retired.
@MarylynBroomhall 9 ай бұрын
Hi there. I am an Aussie re-seller, Downunder. Circumstances changed a lot in my life over the past few years and my EBay store took a big hit. I have been doing heaps in it to try and revive it as I enjoy the whole re-selling scene but really to no great success. The idea of Reset makes heaps of sense. I don’t have a big store, less than 300 items, so it didn’t take me much time at all to implement this idea. Ok! I have made sure that I had recorded all the appropriate figures before I went in and reset my store, so now I will watch what happens. I have to tell you though, I did have some butterflies fluttering around when I ‘ended’ those first 200 items. I was VERY careful in making sure they went back into the store when I did the Sell Similar step and Then deleting them from the ended pile 😮😮😮😮😮😅😅😅😅😅phew. Lordy, you could get yourself into a real mess if you were not following the process carefully. Now let’s see what happens from here on. I do this again in 3 days time, is that correct? How often do you repeat this process?
@hayfro 8 ай бұрын
reset day 1, day 2, day 3, reset again. repeat
@MarylynBroomhall 8 ай бұрын
@@hayfro thank you
@jetblackstonecold 7 ай бұрын
Hi, what were the results of the reset on your small Aussie store?
@niutak76 9 ай бұрын
You just need to be careful doing your full store depending on what level store you have. If you have a lower level store and you end/sell similar to mass number of listings, you may go over your limit of free monthly listings and then be charged an insertion fee for every listing you go over. Question, did you end all listings including the ones you had watchers on or did you leave those active?
@hayfro 9 ай бұрын
i try to leave the watchers, sometimes they get deleted by accident lol. it's not a perfect science or solution but we are working with what we have. this is the only thing we have found that actually helps our sales.
@naznow 9 ай бұрын
You’re going to want to “end” the listing, not “delete” it. Just wanted to clarify for newer sellers so you don’t accidentally lose your listing so you can still sell similar.
@hayfro 9 ай бұрын
yep. my bad. had a lot of my mind and I will clarify on the follow up video hopefully tonight.
@naznow 9 ай бұрын
@@hayfrono worries, just wanted to mention it. Guess what I’m doing today? I’m refreshing my entire store! I have the listing capacity to do it and I’ve tried so many other things to help my store with very little to show for it. I’m hopeful this will rejuvenate my store. Thanks 👍🏻
@hayfro 9 ай бұрын
remember to share how the results go. good luck! @@naznow
@naznow 9 ай бұрын
@@hayfrowill do!
@ryanglaser5336 7 ай бұрын
Well you have to end in order to delete. That being said, I wonder if deleting your unsold listings helps the algorithm not to realize you have used sell-similiar to put it back up for more of the same🎉🎉
@leekelvin5617 9 ай бұрын
Thanks you so much.
@TheJoshGalt 9 ай бұрын
I really like this idea and the data backs it up. However, I would be out of free listing allotment within 5 days. I would need to increase to an anchor or enterprise store. Larger stores will need to have great inventory management and a lot of free listing allotment to take advantage of this.
@rick9705 9 ай бұрын
Just do 200 at a time your oldest stale items that have zero views that’s what I’m going to do. I did this with five items a couple nights ago and one of them sold within minutes after it had sat there for three months with not one view. I’m convinced. And the way I see it if an item has zero views in two or three months what do you have to lose anyway?
@JLStanton1968 9 ай бұрын
@@rick9705 One technique for those who have the listings to do so, but not enough to do full resets like we do is to take your 200 to 400 highest priced items and do them. Use up all your listings every month, or close to it. You paid for them, use them. And what you said, what do you have to lose?
@hayfro 9 ай бұрын
my thinking for larger stores like yours do 4k batch in one cycle, then another 4k the next, etc, rinse repeat. I heard what you said about it feeling "messy" and that may prevent you from doing it and tbh, I dont like having to do that, but for now it's working and I want to ride that wave to see how long it lasts and if there are ways we can optimize it. as you well know we are all in survival mode and part of me is resentful that we as sellers are in this situation at all.
@loisbrino7297 7 ай бұрын
I have been selling on eBay for 20 years and each year it keeps getting worse. This has been my worst year. Spend too much time on eBay and I am not getting the results like I used to. Been watching your suggestions on reselling items. eBay is so challenging anymore. Been doing relisting items only 10 at a time daily because I need to check my older listings first to make changes before relisting. Doing reselling from my older listings. Have sold a few more items from doing this. I plan to resell similar in bulk at the end of this week to see if this really works. I watched your KZbin re: using a potato to clean the white band around the bottom of sneakers...I use Mr. Clean white sponges...the scuff marks come off pretty clean. So much easier to use than a potato.
@hayfro 7 ай бұрын
i just wanted to try it to see if it
@wesmuntz8797 8 ай бұрын
All of these are symptoms of a grossly under-qualified leadership at eBay. As buyers (and sellers) began leaving the platform leadership had the choice to invest in buyer and seller retention and marketing to attract new buyers and sellers. Sadly, they chose to manufacture profit while the actual business shrunk by increasing fees, incorporating payment processing and the worst of all "promoted listings". Short term result, eBay corp nets a profit. Long term result, buyers leave the platform because they are receiving non-search related "promoted" search results (I'd leave too if a can not find what I'm looking for). Also sellers leave because "promotion" results in a reduced margin and as mentioned sellers can not find your items that they would otherwise purchase.
@ReelHifi 9 ай бұрын
Hello thx for the info... I think a partial driver of this phenomenon is the way folks shop. I sell and buy full time on eBay in the collectables vintage audio space for the past 15 years over several stores. As a buyer I have 15 or so bookmarks of deep searches that I refresh every 5- 10 minutes for 6-8 hours 4-5 days a week..ALL are sorted by "Newly Listed" About offers.. I don't accept offers until close to the end of the 24 hour period. When a buyer makes an offer they see how many competing offers there are thus motivating them to up their offer. cheers :)
@misseyespy1 9 ай бұрын
Thanxs I give it a go !mine has been super slow
@theoldestmillenial 9 ай бұрын
Ending and selling similar has been done before. It gets you views from the newly listed area but they are lower tier buyers, basically looking for deals. Having an item that has watchers and you take it down and put it back up you lose the watchers unless those people find it again. Taking down and putting back up has diminishing returns and the customers are normally lower conversion types. Yes, Polish Pete is correct that bots are viewing those new listings, which makes up a decent portion of the views, making it less valuable
@JLStanton1968 9 ай бұрын
So, we're actually making nice sales, not just low tier sales. It's been this way on all my testing. When we do a reset, we to to our active items and click on watchers. Then we click it again, which puts it at the end of our search results. Then we do the reset, making sure when we come up to the listings that have watchers NOT to end them. BUT, if you notice watchers who have been given three offers, they're just watchers at that point and ending the listing and selling similar allows them to take another shot later on. Don't end those listings with watchers unless you know they've had their offers and declined the three. At that point, open it up. I'm sure there are a number of bots in the views. Regardless, if you double your real views and thus, your sales, does it matter about the bots? To do nothing means you get nothing in return.
@DarthThrifter 3 ай бұрын
Wow it's been over 5 months since the reset!! Time flies 😢
@themadscientist40k 9 ай бұрын
I will tell you why the end and sell similar works. Anybody following that type of item will get an email that tells them the number of those items that are new for the day. That’s one reason that it works and will continue to work as long as that is true because if people are getting advertised through their emails. I’ve been ending and selling similar every single day for over a year I only do a few at a time I’ve tried a lot of different things I’ve never tried my old store I may try that now.
@EbayLife 9 ай бұрын
Great video great idea Jeff. Definately a quick survival mode fix for listings and could definately help ALOT of sellers from dipping or staying low in sales :)....Only one caviat this will only work for USA sellers, as we in the UK only get 1500 listing free per month for an equivalant premium store :( So we could only action this system (staying within the free allowance) if we only had 50 listings
@JLStanton1968 9 ай бұрын
How many listings do they give you as a premium store in the UK?
@hayfro 9 ай бұрын
What if you went and bought the next higher store? What would that cost compared to your current store?
@EbayLife 9 ай бұрын
@@hayfro there are literally only 3 store options for uk. Basic Store = £27 (250 free listings), Featured=£77 (1500 free listings) and Anchor store=£437 (unlimited free listings) So I have Featured store so I pay almost £100 ($122) a month for 1500 free listings
@EbayLife 9 ай бұрын
All these store prices do not include 20% VAT
@EbayLife 9 ай бұрын
@@JLStanton1968 there are literally only 3 store options for uk. Basic Store = £27 (250 free listings), Featured=£77 (1500 free listings) and Anchor store=£437 (unlimited free listings)
@oliviatrue2907 9 ай бұрын
I'm an older gal, so ok to roll the eyes at me :). This reminds me of the Poshmark Daily Closet Sharing. Is using a VA like Posher VA (which updates sales about to turn over each month listings) doing the same thing automatically as this Reset? I've been thinking of getting it as Surfs Up always recommends it. Just trying to understand.....
@catchatigerbythetail 9 ай бұрын
Thank you. I thought I was the only one thinking eBay end/sell similar is the same as Poshmark sharing. Only difference is eBay charging for each listing. Got to pay to be first in line with eBay.
@user-ee9wu1uj6w 9 ай бұрын
Nice idea but... If my math is correct, ending all listings and selling similar every 4 days is about 28 times a month. If you have 1000 items in a basic store subscription that is 28 times x 1000 free listings or 28000 listings per month. The per listing fee without bumping up to the next store level comes out to $6750 (27000 x.25) in listing fees! This method may work great for higher tier stores with plenty of excess/unused free listings but I am not about to give eBay any more money on a store upgrade to the next level on a slim hope that this store reset idea might generate more sales. If not, I am locked in for a year and eBay laughs all the way to the bank.
@JLStanton1968 9 ай бұрын
Jeff, his wife, and I have 4000+ stores. On day one, we reset. On day 4, we reset again, making it day one. This means we reset 10 times a month, or use 40,000+ listings. We have 60,000 total with our subscription. So, the fourth day is actually a day one again. Go over the calendar, starting on the first, and put Reset every fourth day and let me know how many times you reset. It should be 11 times actually. Now, a premiere subscription cost $47 more per month than a basic, but give you access to the same number of listings. If you increase your sales by double and let's say that's worth $500 to $1000 to you, it's worth it to go up to premiere if you can. Outside the US and Canada, some can't. Now, for those outside the US, if they have spare listings, go ahead and use them on your highest priced items every now and then to get a boost there.
@wandasilver3914 9 ай бұрын
I understand your point about page views but this makes me think Ebay Is broken. I have to wonder if this means sales are down on ebay or there are so many listings that after a few days that your listing just doesn't have any views. I thought promoted listings were posted to fix this issue. I am very nervous as a seller if I will make a profit next year. ebay may not be worth my time or energy if it is this broken.
@marcyrobinson2152 9 ай бұрын
My question is if you delist sell similar won't our store limits become a problem. We only have limited amount of free listings. Curiously
@graciegladson4960 9 ай бұрын
I have noticed that a lot of my photos that were crisp and clear when I made the original listing get really pixelated when I try to reuse or relist..
@barbaraengro2130 9 ай бұрын
so I have started doing this again and am having success.. however I do it a little different than you and I think it eliminates a possible snafu of having to delete the ended listings after you sell similar. I do this. I END LISTING then instead of sell similar I just do RELIST from my ended listings. Once you relist they disappear from ended listings and you don't have to go back and delete anything or forget to delete anything. I do about 400 items per day in a store of 11K items I have never done the whole store but you are right more sales more offers. I agree that items aren't being seen.
@Patricia.resells 9 ай бұрын
I know when you End and Sell Similar ebay gives the ESS listing(s) new URLs , which is why the link to Google Shopping and Google Images breaks as the formerly active listing is now kaput. But I'm not sure if you simply RELIST if the RELISTED item retains the URL it had before. Does anyone know?
@hayfro 9 ай бұрын
the deleting of the old listings is a hassle. I'm wondering how that would change my own data points. lemme think about that. thanks for the comment.
@MrRosso1000 9 ай бұрын
i ended and sold similar about 10 items...within mins i got several different watchers and sent offers. I have had the best sales in the last 10 days from April. Not great but a big improvment. I also sold more items that were Not promoted.
@JLStanton1968 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for the insight. All that matters is improvement and gaining new customers, like it was before the April update.
@MK3914 9 ай бұрын
Item specifics are so important. As the AI search engine improves, if you don’t have your listings optimized, you will be left behind. I still use end and sell similar but it is not like it was. I’m interested what happens in week two and three of this process. I think you are getting a boost because you have so many listings with poor titles and item specifics that for now these will sell due to the initial boost of sell similar but your store is filled with too many non optimized listings for this trend to last. Doing the bare minimum is not a way to sell on eBay.
@JLStanton1968 9 ай бұрын
There are actually a lot of things Jeff and I are working on other than just this method. This method DOES allow you some time to work on other aspects of your business, whether it be fixing listings' specifics, titles, etc. It gives you sales, and thus, income that's been lost with whatever it is eBay is trying to do (they won't say). As an aside, the way the search engine still works (as it has for over two decades) is that it searches your title and description. If your item specifics are already there, then specifics are redundant info. If eBay has created a system that ONLY searches item specifics while ignoring title and description, then the managers responsible for that change should be fired. Last year I moved and had to shut down my store with 3400 items in it for four months until I could move my inventory 200 miles up to the new location. I decided to add a LOT of item specifics as I brought things up. It didn't change my sales as the specifics were already in the description and title. So, I experimented with templates, putting "See Description" for all my required specifics (I deal in books and records, so these would be title/author, singer/album). My sales didn't dive because of this and my listings could be found. Why? Because the specifics were in the title and description already and putting them in for a third time was a waste of time due to the redundancy. This gave me a lot of extra time to list and not change the patterns I've had for 20+ years. My observations are that again, if the item specifics are in the title and description, you don't really need to up various things in your item specifics. But, it's a great idea to go through and rewrite the title if you feel something isn't right. Fix the price. Look at your description. I went through and looked at other record dealers and changed about half of the way I write my titles and it's helped sales. I didn't change anything in the item specifics. Jeff is going to be including info we're working on in future videos, things that work, and more importantly, things that don't work. It's nice seeing what people are writing so we can take notes and test things out. I want as many diverse sellers on eBay as possible as sellers attract buyers. We're losing too many and that's not good for everyone long term.
@Bawkr 9 ай бұрын
@@JLStanton1968 I agree with this. It's maybe 1 out of 50 items will see a boost from item specifics, but most items the title search works & possibly descriptions as well. Very empty sections of ebay see no boost at all from item specifics, course you don't really need a boost when you're the only one selling a particular thing, it's in ebays best interest hands down to show yours.
@JLStanton1968 9 ай бұрын
Here's something I'd love eBay to answer. When exactly will they have their AI worked out? When will they have anything worked out? Until then, we gotta do what we gotta do in order to survive. That includes fixing a few listings every day if possible, but adding new listings that are correct from the start is more important in my opinion. And whether we like it or not, cross listing to either Poshmark or Mercari is most likely necessary, as well as selling some items locally via Facebook, Craigslist, or local sites instead of on eBay (due to shipping costs, potential scammers on eBay targeting those items, etc). I do wish eBay would be forthcoming about what it is they're actually trying to accomplish so we can adjust accordingly. If they're not going to do that, they'll continue to see sellers going under and buyers leaving the site for greener pastures. eBay will never be able to overcome the loss of those who are cross listing now, or the growth that other sites are receiving due to the poor management of the platform that's been displayed since 2020 at eBay. I sure wish they'd make a change so the platform can be revamped via common sense.
@hayfro 9 ай бұрын
I think ebay is overestimating it's avg seller. if they make selling too complicated they will lose many sellers in my opinion. selling doesn't have to be this difficult. I get what you are saying about bare minimum, but ebay is making selling unnecessarily complicated these days.
@bennystratton7734 9 ай бұрын
@@JLStanton1968 like getting 2 birds with one stone little by little someone with 20,000 listings can have worked on there items specifics again as the saying goes rome was not built in a day
@nicholcreach9441 9 ай бұрын
I am also curious. In your video notes you have the notes from the gentleman that you’ve been talking to and he shares stats from May and June. It’s October, if he’s been doing it since then what are his numbers now?
@JLStanton1968 9 ай бұрын
Jeff shared my numbers in the video. But here's an update. I'm going to include today even though I have around $150 in sales pending that haven't been paid for yet. I'll give you the stats from October 10th through the 18th in regards to increases: Views are up 574.6% versus prior time period eBay Page views are up 196.2% External site views are up 1000%+ (it only goes up to 1000%) Quantity sold is up 80% Impressions (still a garbage statistic ebay likes to use because it's big) are up 298.1% Organic Impressions are up 679.9% Promoted Impressions are up 38.7% Top 20 search slot impressions (at 12.7%) up 693.8% My sales in the past four days haven't been great, but I'm up 49.3% (I was up around 130% in the first four days of our test). I do have at least $150 I'm waiting for payment, which would drive this stat up a bit if the buyers come through soon. I promote at 2.1%. My selling costs are at 15.3%. I deal in rare records and books, specializing in Mormon literature (I live in Idaho and can source them over a 400 mile corridor along I15) and 78rpm records (though I do sell a LOT of vinyl in my antique booth and other sites). I've been on eBay for 24 years, have sold over 13,000 items, have 100% positive feedback, and according to eBay, I'm in the upper 99.5% of sellers (which used to mean something when it came to placement and visibility). If you have any other questions, please ask as I want to be as transparent as possible when it comes to the experimenting we're doing. With eBay being silent on everything they're doing, we need to crowdsource this and hopefully get our views, and thus, sales back. Hope this helps.
@angelakmoses 9 ай бұрын
Oh, and another question you said towards the beginning of the video that we need to do this starting tomorrow not today. Why is that? I’m currently only about halfway through your video so you may answer this later on in the video but I wanted to ask before I forgot. Thanks.
@hayfro 9 ай бұрын
Because I knew I’d be dropping the video late at night. Best to do the rest after 9am up to 6pm
@btccoins5514 9 ай бұрын
there is nothing to lose by trying this method. By the way, I'm also full time ebay seller for about 8 years
@btccoins5514 8 ай бұрын
By the way, page view went up +30% ebay overall, external page range from 1%~75%, that 1% was my vintage store but in ebay, it is 50%
@stephaniemitchell5372 6 ай бұрын
If you have so many items like a basic store, you can't do that without going over and being charged for it. I tried and had to contact eBay because I wasn't getting sales, but paying a basic store fee, and Then was almost charged a great deal over my basic fee. Make sure you only do it to your limit of items you can list for the month. I guess if you can afford a premium store, then it might work, but if someone hasn't got there yet to that point, then they need to be aware of this.
@ElsieBF 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for this info! I want to do this asap. Currently, I have a store wide sale going on. Should I end it before I do the rest? Also, my listings are promoted. Should I end the promos also?
@hayfro 8 ай бұрын
when you end the listings they will go out of the sale anyhow so it doesn't matter. I usually end the sale. Best to leave promoted on for now, it still helps. What do you promote at?
@ElsieBF 8 ай бұрын
@@hayfro Thank you! I promote at 3%. I don’t do the suggested. Lately, the suggested is ridiculously high.
@TheSourceForce 9 ай бұрын
The issue I have with end and sell similar is my listings with multiple quantities. If I sell 1 item on a listing and end and sell similar, it relist it at my original amount of items making my inventory off 🤦
@hayfro 9 ай бұрын
hmmm. this is something I will need to look into
@Mark-sy2bx 9 ай бұрын
Sell Similar gives the listing as "new listing" in search results and higher ranking at least for the first day.
@XepherusStudios 9 ай бұрын
I make it a point to end and sell similar every morning. The routine has boosted sales. And I utilize the eBay Socials tab. I also run commercials in story form on Instagram, as well as post adds on Instagram and Twitter. I have seen a significant boost in page views since doing these. Thanks for this video.
@JLStanton1968 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for the tips. Jeff and I are working on figuring out actual marketing techniques we can do that will boost views. The key is views. I used to be a professional gamer. Looking at what eBay did with their April update, it killed half my views (and thus, sales). My job as a gamer is to say, the rules have changed, what can I do to get that other 50% back? This technique hasn't brought back all the views I lost, but it has helped tremendously keep my 4200 item, 24 year store from becoming unviable. With the increase in customer interaction, adding marketing techniques will then give you small percentages back out of the 50% ebay took away. But it's about doing the right marketing and interaction. The wrong can take away percentages. That's why we're asking people to share their experiences that work so that we can fix some of the problem presented, as eBay has proven unwilling to do so. Thanks for the info.
@juliedubois5650 9 ай бұрын
@@JLStanton1968will you eventually give us an update on these marketing strategies ?
@preciado1980 9 ай бұрын
Do you still promote your listings? What percentage? Do you have a weekly sale promotion? So should we reset in addition to both or either of these?
@JLStanton1968 9 ай бұрын
I promote my listings at 2.1% because I feel that you HAVE to promote because of what eBay has done to the system. That is, if you don't promote, your items will be at the bottom of an organic search, as eBay's system is throwing a lot of garbage in between you and those who do promote. So, even a small 2.1% yields more than that in placement under this reset. Jeff had been promoting at 3%, or 3.5% and his wife's store was at 5.1% I believe. We're working on collecting data on the difference in views, but it's not quite clear yet if there's much, if any, difference in our views each of the three days after a reset. That's why we're looking for people to share their insight here and on future videos if they try this and continue to work the pattern. We're going to be working on strategies for those who don't have the number of listings available to them. For sale promotion, I don't have them. I believe as long as I get the views, a sale isn't going to be held up because I don't have a sale going on. Jeff and I are experimenting with coupons, sales, and other things and trying to figure out if there's any discernible advantage to each in conjunction with this. Something that has worked aside from this for me are direct coupons to customers who have bought from me before. But coupons sitting in your store that anyone can use are just lost profits when someone buys from you who would have already bought the item at the regular price. A coupon strategy Jeff came up with is once a customer leaves positive feedback on a transaction, send that person a note thanking them for buying X product (mention the product) and letting them know that you appreciate the business, that you have many items like it in your store (give them the name of the store), and here's a coupon you can use on a future purchase. If they've already bought from you, they know how you ship, the quality you have, etc. Ask them to follow you. Our goal was to increase views, thus increasing sales, and then market to keep these new customers coming back. We're going to talk about these things later on. If you have any other questions, please ask as that's how we all learn and figure out what to target researching next.
@thecriticalobserver7585 9 ай бұрын
Items speciifis were not a problem before, I don't see how fixing them now would make any difference
@curiouscollection2626 9 ай бұрын
Why is it working? I think ebay give preferred placement for new listings and high sell rate. I worry after 30 days the ESS metrics will change the stats within your store and sales will slowly revert. That was our experience over the summer. Cant wait to see long term results.
@JLStanton1968 9 ай бұрын
How often did you reset your entire store this summer?
@flippingoodies 9 ай бұрын
This THEORY has been around for years and years.. 1 big thing at that rate most sellers will run out of available listings then start getting charged .25 insertion fees. reworking listings and pricing is the best way IMO
@JLStanton1968 9 ай бұрын
This is something that will work for stores in the 6000 and under listings category as it still takes time and those people with huge stores won't have the time to do their entire store (though they can do percentages and should). Let's say you're below a premiere store, which might give you 1000 listings a month at what, $27.95? The next highest is premiere at $75 if you're paying monthly which gives you 10,000 listings and 50,000 extras. That's a $47 difference. If you go up to a premiere store and pay $47 more a month, and with the extra listings can do this and improve your sales by double, that should more than make up for the difference. Also, we're seeing that you can go in at a lower promotion rate to get the sales, and that would justify going to premiere status. And you wouldn't ever have to worry about running out of listings.
@alabamaflip2053 9 ай бұрын
@@JLStanton1968 Smart. Very smart!
@JLStanton1968 9 ай бұрын
@@alabamaflip2053 The difference between a basic and premiere store isn't much. If I were under 1000 listings, I'd go to a premiere. One thing I did do and will be bumping it up in short order is create a second store. I've been taking notes and eventually Jeff will be able to do a show on how to open a second store, the pros and cons. As soon as I hit around 500 listings, I'll get a premiere store as the costs are really miniscule for what you get and you do get a $50 coupon, or $16.67 back per month if you look at it that way. I've been a professional gamer for a long time and owned a game store for over 7 years. In gaming, you utilize ALL options and read the rules, make them yours. This is one of those things you can do where a little bit of money spent actually gives an immediate return versus over promoting.
@aalbertsr 8 ай бұрын
I have 3,000 listings in my store but have cut way back on buying from eBay because the listing pages are too cluttered with promoted items. Having to search through all of that mess is taking from my listing time so it makes more sense to just say "forget it" and keep listing.
@hayfro 8 ай бұрын
i wonder how many other non seller (buyers) this is causing them to leave ebay due to over promotion. this is a great take. thx for commenting.
@aalbertsr 8 ай бұрын
@@hayfro I understand that eBay's overall sales have gone down since they put all that confusion on the listings.
@JLStanton1968 8 ай бұрын
Major problem for buyers. Why eBay doesn't see this as a problem is beyond me. I guess they think it'll just magically sort itself out.
@mac-be2me 8 ай бұрын
For all the content creators you surely understand that you have boosted the amount of new sellers by a huge margin, in effect your creating your own dilemma. The new sellers are listing the new way lets call it , with item specifics, good items and most importantly structured listings and promoted sales. Its going to be difficult to fix a store with thousands of items, all you can realistically do is continue to list new items the right way and take a good look at the suggested promoted percentages. Its my opinion, with a grain of salt, that your desperation to sell in these huge inventory stores your promoting yourself right out of business with little to no profit. We can sell all day long but at what price are you willing to pay. I dont think the algorithm sees any gain for a CD or a Cassette that's selling for 2.99 with free shipping.. that ship will sink for sure !
@heavymetalpicker1272 9 ай бұрын
I did this for over a year after the fall 2021 update that killed delist/relist. It works, yes, but eBay is actively trying to prevent this strategy from working IMHO it’s a bandaid at best. I’m sure they don’t like the stress on their servers. Do it while you can. I’m still in the camp that listings need to be higher quality, yea that means item specifics, optimized titles, etc. just that eBay is not saying what should be done, if they even know.
@Yazzie101 9 ай бұрын
I did it too in the past it was great then stopped.. I’ll try again but item specifics where I put n/a I’m adding stuff and definitely more views! Sales are still off..
@DarthThrifter 9 ай бұрын
I wonder if there are mass end/ sell similar movements happening on eBay they will not like that and may move to stop this again or add a punishment
@hayfro 9 ай бұрын
what I find interesting about this comment and don't think I thought about putting this information is what if ebay tries to take this strategy away....they are literally preventing us from making money, and preventing them from making money.@@DarthThrifter
@n-joysilver7752 9 ай бұрын
Much of the view increase on new listings is from resellers. Only sales matter! I end and sell similar before 30 days because I will be charged a listing anyway. After a few weeks you can gauge which items need a price reduction simply based on # of views.
@JLStanton1968 9 ай бұрын
I would disagree as our tests show a doubling of sales and a lot of other factors. I specialize in 78rpm records for which my views aren’t coming from resellers as most of my 2500 78s are one ofs. As Jeff pointed out: eBay Views, External Views and promoted views went up Watchers went up. Offers went up Number of sold items went up All the metrics that equal increased sales went up. And of course, sales did go up. The boost wains every day and tends to return to normal on the fifth day with the fourth day after a reset being slightly higher than without the boost. That’s why we reset on the fourth day. To get the momentum. If you have the listings to do ten resets in a month, then do it once and see what your numbers are two hours after your reset.
@rick9705 9 ай бұрын
I thought about doing that as well. Just waiting until your item is about to end maybe one day prior. I just sold a whole bunch of items last night that had been listed around 60 days. It was very weird because three or four items that sold all relatively close to each other within an hour. The SKUs were within 10-20 item numbers and I normally list between 5 and 10 a day. Some of the stuff going on with eBay it’s just bizarre and unexplainable. I had sold one item in 48 hours and then suddenly sold six items in about a two hour window yesterday evening. Why? I pulled three of them out of the same box. Super strange stuff going on.
@rick9705 9 ай бұрын
But yeah, as of now I do want to let my items at least have 60 days maybe I will do the reset on the 89th day and test that a bit. So maybe mark down 10% after 30 days mark down 20% after 60 days and at the 89 day reset bump promotion maybe 2% and do it over again. I mean, aren’t we all guessing? 🤦‍♂️😂
@JLStanton1968 9 ай бұрын
⁠@@rick9705During testing, we’ve found that marking things down might work, but only if you get the visibility. Jeff and I aren’t running sales, instead we’re working on something Jeff came up with which is once you’ve received positive feedback from a customer, go to the shipped sales tag and give that customer a coupon and thank them for buying that product. Takes next to no time at all and you’re dealing with someone who has had a 100% positive experience with you. Jeff sells comics in his listings and I sell records and books. Let them know they can bundle. Talk to the customers. Engage with them once you’ve got them. But again, it’s about views and getting them. This is the most immediate thing we’ve found to get views. There are a lot of other things that will help make the sell once the person is viewing your item (accurate descriptions, quality items, great pics, titles, price). And after the sale, there are things you can do that might increase your chances of retaining that customer. Jeff and I are going to be researching things that work and those that don’t. We as a community need to share what works and what doesn’t do we can save time on the bad and confirm the good. What sucks about this eBay problem is we’re getting no help from eBay and because of that, we’re losing millions of hours a day grasping at straws instead of listing, sourcing, selling, etc.
@darrenleaguecity 9 ай бұрын
When you end and list similar, do you do them singularly? Or do you bulk sell similar?
@misseyespy1 9 ай бұрын
@mihalyfreeman5928 9 ай бұрын
Of course there is an issue with buyers not seeing items. Iv been harping about this since last Nov when i started reselling on a 6yrs ebay account. What i was seeing and still seeing is, 90% of my 600 listings get ZERO VIEWS over the course of a few days. And this means if the user is not seeing my items they aint going to be buying it. As i tell all these other looser Ebay Guru's is YOU CAN LIST THE BEST BRANDS IN THE WORLD BUT IF NOBODY IS SEEING YOUR ITEMS IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT YOU LIST CAUSE AINT NOBODY GOING TO BUY IT! I get sales when Ebay decides to show my item. That may take a day or 30 days but usually my sales have resulted from 1 visitor. This means that the moment my item was shown it results in a sale. Hence the reason why my click though it high. Cause when they see it they buy it!
@sylarvillian4168 9 ай бұрын
Idk I just list an sale, I’m been in it for over a year now, make 3 to 5 sales a day on over 500 items listed. I think I’m doing fine. I guess it depends on what your goals are.
@francineoye8204 8 ай бұрын
I was under the impression that for a premium store I got 10K listings for a month. I sell mainly clothing and have a 2600 item store. I don't think I could use this method. I end a sell similar about 50 items a day. I also have a ton of markdowns of different percentages. After 30 days, I put a markdown on items. If you end and sell similar, you would have to go in a put the markdowns back on. This is extremely time consuming! Sales are definitely way down though but I do get some sales on Poshmark and Mercari....
@hayfro 8 ай бұрын
i just use one markdown for the entire store
@user-md2bz1id9w 8 ай бұрын
What is your opinion on using social media, X, Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook, to promote your store or listings?
@hayfro 8 ай бұрын
I may be in the minority here but why would I want to take the effort to promote my listings to my social networks when this is what we pay ebay to do. If I was going to promote I'd start my own website and then promote that there. Not only is that what ebay is supposed to be doing but now we are also paying them via promoted listings.
@Tacocasaking 8 ай бұрын
Well the tried it and while my impressions went up, my sales didn’t increase at all. I’ve flatlined for the weekend and my sales month over month are down 30%. And here we are in the 4th qtr. and sales are sucking.
@lgnrome 12 күн бұрын
I think my problem is when selling custom shirts is that i only have 80 up.
@PickingVegasandBeyond 9 ай бұрын
I’m testing out some stuff that I heard on a couple of other reselling channels. If it ends up working I’ll make a video talking about it, but so far I haven’t seen any improvement.
@JLStanton1968 9 ай бұрын
Give this one run and see if it works. Check all your metrics (expect impressions) ahead of time. I'd love to hear what it did for you.
@hayfro 9 ай бұрын
please let us know what you've tried that doesn't work so we don't waste our time trying that out. thanks in advance.
@PickingVegasandBeyond 8 ай бұрын
Well I came back to finish watching this video. I’m on a different level than most people who might watch this video. My current monthly limit is 86000 listings or $950,000. I recently started my store over because I wanted to do it differently. I don’t promote anything because when I tried it my sales instantly disappeared, and didn’t come back until I stopped promoting.
@ItsKindoftheBestNow 9 ай бұрын
Hey there, question please, when you end to sell similar, what happens to your Promoted Listing Campaign? Does it go away or not? thanks
@hayfro 9 ай бұрын
i'm going to say no because my chart still shows it's getting organic and promoted impressions after I end/ss. let me think upon this and address in an upcoming video.
@ABunchOfCards 7 ай бұрын
Does this have to be a premium store to delete and sell similar? Will this work with a starter store?
@hayfro 7 ай бұрын
i think you pretty much need a premium to ensure you have enough listings to do this frequently
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