The "Family Friendly" movies that haunt me

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The Cyan Man

The Cyan Man

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@Hattingh32453 Ай бұрын
For The Neverending Story. There was one scene. It's not the horse scene. But the rock giant." They look like big strong hands, don't they?". Imagine your whole concept being strength. It is all you have. You are proud of it. And then when the time of need comes, you can not save your loved ones. Your strength was not enough. YOU are not enough. " They look like big strong hands, don't they?".
@therealcyanman 27 күн бұрын
Absolutely agree, I feel like it flew over my head when I was little. Rewatching it tho it's easily one of the most depressing scenes in a kids movie ever
@doragonsureia7288 23 күн бұрын
I only watched the neverending story when i was already an adult, but i watched the uncensored version of Jurassic Park at 4 years and i watched Lord of the rings. It was quite funny when Saruman got impaled :D
@a.a.g.h.1679 20 күн бұрын
The first time I watched Neverending Story, I knew the horse scene was coming so I didn’t react to it as strongly as I could have but the rock giant scene broke me, it was just…so sad, like the regret of realizing that the best you could do wasn’t enough
@vamora9466 19 күн бұрын
Man I watched that movie when I was like 6 or 7... man... just, man...
@Argidisparken 8 күн бұрын
Just reading this comment brought me to tears. Why did this movie do this to me?
@RainusBrainus 29 күн бұрын
Bridge to Terabithia was brutal. I had just lost my only friend to leukemia. My parents got this movie because the advertising was light and magical. I don't even remember if we finished the movie.
@cathleenmoyle1476 27 күн бұрын
That's awful...
@cathleenmoyle1476 27 күн бұрын
I hope that your friend is watching over you.
@72tadrian65 23 күн бұрын
You have my sympathy 😢
@gdottothegamer1001 21 күн бұрын
Dude, I watched that last year. I was bored and so I looked for a movie and I found that. I decided to watch it because it looks like a fun imaginative movie. Never in a million years I'd expect for _THAT_ to happen. I mean, they did tease it with the whole sketchy rope, but I thought it was going to be the boy using that but he fell off but the girl helped him to get out and they have a perfectly happy life. But no, it was just straight up "your friend fell off to the river while using the rope. You know why? Because you weren't there"
@KiyoshoA 20 күн бұрын
all fantasy movies were marketed for kids back then I think lol I remember animal movies were too. Like Fluke! The trailer for that does not in the slightest match the movie. There is a wound figuratively on my soul from that movie, it's so sad and dark.
@Welkin1251 Ай бұрын
in the books the horse (Artax) could talk, and yes, it made it even more traumatizing
@agentmae5490 Күн бұрын
I cry every time at that part ;-;
@shadeling 25 күн бұрын
Honestly, The Last Unicorn always hits hard. Just the whole movie. What especially gets me every time though is the forced transformation of The Last Unicorn into a human.
@keigoftw 20 күн бұрын
The "How Dare You!" Monologue hits very differently depending at the age you watch it at. As a kid, I was wondering what the fuck this lady was screaming about. Now? It's honestly hard to put into words how this speaks to the part of me that is just *tired*
@sansik6665 19 күн бұрын
I was personally terrified more by the harpy and tree lady
@tootbender6935 Күн бұрын
The ending of The Last Unicorn is very tragic to me, yes she freed the unicorns and returned home, but she will still always be *alone,* she is not like the others anymore, she is the only one with a name... The other Unicorns won't relate to her.
@christophersanders3252 Ай бұрын
The part where the faces melt off in Raiders of the Lost Ark. My dad paused the video on a melted face and said "Cherish these moments" to my friends and I. Horrifying, but looking back, hilarious.
@RobbieB2606 Ай бұрын
@EspressoStreams 29 күн бұрын
This is such a classic 70's-90's dad move. My dad worked on movies and props when I was a kid. There was constantly stuff he was working on repairing in the house before items were repurposed from sets. One of those things was the exoskeleton from terminator. I couldn't have been more than 5 or 6 but I remember going into the garage while he was working on the arm, and seeing him pump some electricity into it, causing the arm to jump up with the fingers splayed. I swore it jumped out at me and remember being horrifiied, crying, screaming. He had no idea I was in there before sequestering me back into the house. I was not a very brave kid for horror stuff, and I would hide under the dining room table while dad played Mario because I was afraid of the goombas. Little me internalized that shit. I never ended up watching terminator until I was in my early 20's. Still think about that to this day and I'm in my 30's.
@maem7462 15 күн бұрын
I don’t remember that part scaring me as a kid. It is surprising bc I sometimes got scared at less scary stuff than that. Maybe I was the right age when I watched it to not be scared by it. It’s kinda funny that moment has now become a meme
@elliepowder Ай бұрын
Little me was absolutely terrified watching Caroline, i really don't get how anyone thought "oh yes, six years seems like a good starting age to permanently make them afraid of buttons and their own mother"
@-coffeecat1590 Ай бұрын
THIS. To this day I have that fear that someone I trust isn't real or something like that. Coraline got me
@FlyingCat975 Ай бұрын
Dude I felt the exact same way
@-coffeecat1590 Ай бұрын
@@FlyingCat975 I even had some pretty bad nightmares of my parents being weird nose tentacle monsters. they would use their tentacles to get through the back of my neck and into my brain. THERE WAS NO ONE THAT WASNT INFECTED. then i woke up and i was sleeping in the same bed with my parents, this was when i was around six or something. and i hadn't done this for a while. but anyways i woke up and they were sitting in the bed and i was laying down. i was going back to sleep when i felt something entering the back of my neck. And I woke up again. in my bed. Nightmare in a nightmare it was terrible.
@Charlotteplays159 29 күн бұрын
I feel the exact opposite it Was my fav movie when i was little at school i would ask the teacher idk how many times to watch it in class but he never did
@FlyingCat975 29 күн бұрын
@@-coffeecat1590 I´ve lived it and its not cool
@a.s.raiyan2003-4 Ай бұрын
Watching Little Foot's mom die as he pleads for her to get up and she tells him she will always be with her. It brakes me every time. Watched with my 6 year old brother one time. Saw that little guy tear up too.
@Weirdbrit 29 күн бұрын
*breaks (I am sorry)
@Nillson1991 Ай бұрын
In the book version of "The Witches" I'm pretty sure Luke actually loves the idea of being a mouse because he doesn't like the idea of outliving his grandmother. Then they proceed to go on tour of Europe hunting Witches.
@Laspher_ 20 күн бұрын
That’s something
@hollowsonictale702 Ай бұрын
The most traumatizing scene for me was probably the climax of the Rats of Nihm. Seeing the house sink and slowly fill with mud while the kids are still inside was mad intense for my 5 year old brain.
@warmedhorizons 28 күн бұрын
omg!! you unlocked a memory for me. that scene was so traumatizing 😭
@x-tosca 20 күн бұрын
do you mean Secret of NIMH?? or is there another movie called Rats of NIMH? all that showed up was Secret of NIMH when I searched for it |D
@Mi..Mi.. 19 күн бұрын
Right, i had to watch that scene a few times to actually remember what caused their house to sink in the first place
@ciarandewing8018 Ай бұрын
As a stupid child, I decided to watch Bridge to Terebithia too. For some reason, I still remember the ending and the friend dying. It just fucks you up every single time, to this day
@paralobe Ай бұрын
When he screams his name i instantly burst into tears
@MisterSniperSFM Ай бұрын
I still remember as a little kid, I was watching "Watership Down" with all the rabbits and man the final ten minutes were traumatizing seeing how bloody it got with the two rabbits fighting each other then a hunting dog comes in and starts killing the villain rabbits. Another one that traumatized me was also Black Cauldron that Disney made and when the Horned King got... I guess killed by the cauldron in the movie, it was gruesome and pretty terrifying to see at the time
@Radiokiller4eva 22 күн бұрын
And Anastasia in Disney where the villain is beat but the way he dies is by melting off his skin and becoming bones 😭😭💀
@keigoftw 20 күн бұрын
I made the mistake of reading the book that comes after the Black Cauldron, where they cart the cauldron around and trying to find a way to destroy it... did I mention that a theme of the series is sacrificing what you want for what you need? I do however love that the author managed to give the protagonist an anime rival, decades before they would have had a chance to see any actual Japanese examples. Parallel evolution.
@ssohorseadventures2944 11 күн бұрын
Omg I watched watership down when I was like five because my mum thought it was a cute animation about bunnies and put it on for me. I remember all the animated blood on the screen and just going “mummy… please turn it off” 😂
@axessenter 10 күн бұрын
I will never forget 4 y.o. me seeing the rabbit heads trying to break out of the sealed burrows just to suffocate to death 😰 the blood by the end got to me, too, but my f***ing god does Holly's narration of what happened to the warren still haunt me.
@Dookie4218 Ай бұрын
Judge Doom from Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Those friggin eyes are terrifying.
@RobbieB2606 Ай бұрын
Yep, my first thought clicking on this video too. In my 30s and still not over it lol
@Dookie4218 Ай бұрын
@@RobbieB2606 I'm 42, and it still scares the shit out of me lol
@EduardoGBayod 29 күн бұрын
The freaking Dip
@_Chessa_ 25 күн бұрын
I loved those spinning wild cartoony nightmare eyes when I was a kid. Haha Wish they had showed his past self as a toon before he became Judge Doom in the human suit.
@goldeneagle8740 24 күн бұрын
@@EduardoGBayodI was so traumatized by the killing of that cartoon sock I didn’t watch Roger Rabbit until I was 14
@Maesterful Ай бұрын
That damn horse hits me in the feels every time 🐴😭
@Eclipsedcassowary 19 күн бұрын
That scene upsets me in a way no other movie has managed yet.
@mateussantos152 Ай бұрын
I had nightmares for years after watching monster house (2006). That house was creepy and scary af, and just the fact that every bit of the house was an organ or a body part, had me looking around at night for a while.
@therealcyanman 27 күн бұрын
Oh man I loved Monster House, it's so unhinged haha
@mitchellhasto3003 26 күн бұрын
apparently as a kid I was so spooked by this movie when we went to see it in theaters that my dad just looked at me and took me out to see something else. I wasn't crying or screaming, just looked super afraid and jumpy. the rest of the family stayed for the whole thing though
@GothicLeviathan 17 күн бұрын
Dudeee Monster House is a CLASSIC in my family, I dont think its ever even been scary its just fun and hilarious
@mikedorband6961 Ай бұрын
I watched the Bridge to Terabithia in my friend's parent's SUV when going on a family vacation with them (was like the first time I ever saw a car that had a TV built into the roof). Did not know anything about the book or movie and proceeded to heavy cry in the car with them. Will never forget that moment...
@mothmanprophet11 29 күн бұрын
"I will just sit here and let it take me away too. They look like good, strong hands. Don't they?"
@skepticalsleven 24 күн бұрын
Homeward Bound was the one that got me as a kid. I cried when Shadow falls in the hole and tells Chance and Willow to go on without him.
@jerricho11 17 күн бұрын
Wow, this comment just unlocked a deeply repressed memory I have about a film called Milo and Odis. It's like Homeward Bound except more terrifying and there's no home to return to because they were all abandoned.
@sanobr318 28 күн бұрын
I bet a lot of people relived this The Neverending Story soul-crushing scene years later playing Shadow of the Colossus 😆!
@Tiosedan 18 күн бұрын
Oh no . . . Agro . . .
@endrankluvsda4loko172 29 күн бұрын
How is no one talking about The Wizard of Oz 2 that had that girl from The Craft and Waterboy? Almost that entire movie felt like a fever nightmare when I was little, especially when all the Mumba (or whatever her name is) start screaming. And the wheelers in the ruined city where Dorthy has to escape by locking herself in some little hole in the wall. Little me was all kinds of creeped out by the whole thing.
@natewilson111 4 күн бұрын
Also those Wheelers...
@sillybilly0908 24 күн бұрын
the iron giant was a movie I had an extreme love hate relationship with as a child. on one hand I loved watching it with my dad as he admired the animation but on the other the ending made me bawl my eyes out every single time. the same with the snowman animation movie, him melting at the end always made me feel so upset
@zacharygreen4404 Ай бұрын
Cool flip bro. I apparently repressed the memory of the clown in the brave little toaster. Thanks for bringing it back...
@EmperorOfApathy Ай бұрын
Okay let’s look through the ol’ vault for some trauma: Zathura (2005) The Corpse Bride (2005) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) Pans Labyrinth (2006) The Spiderwick Chronicles (2008) Where the Wild Things Are (2009)
@keigoftw 20 күн бұрын
Who the fuck showed you Pan's Labyrinth?! I'm 99% that isn't a kids movie??
@Tiosedan 18 күн бұрын
Finally trauma I went trought! Exept I'll trade Pans labyrinth for Coraline . . .
@demiurge7117 29 күн бұрын
I will always stand by my opinion that 9 should not have gotten a pg rating. As a kid that terrifying.
@skylancer-zer0205 23 күн бұрын
I always thought it was pg-13? Unless I'm remembering wrong
@Tiosedan 18 күн бұрын
There's no way that movie is lower than 13.
@runningcommentary2125 14 күн бұрын
In the UK it got a 12.
@starwave7493 Ай бұрын
I don’t know why but little kid me was terrified of the James and the giant peach movie
@Hessed3712 Ай бұрын
Because of the giant insects and being DEEP in the uncanny valley. Possibly?
@EspressoStreams 29 күн бұрын
Same! I am horrified by claymation in general. It's the jerkiness of the movements, the expressionism used to show any kind of emotion.. I just can't do it. Even 3D recreations that aim to mimic the style makes my skin crawl. James and the Giant peach just had some.. aesthetic to its art direction that made me deeply uncomfortable. I can't sit and watch it without feeling itchy. I don't think I've actually sat and watched it all, come to think of it. Same with Nightmare Before Christmas, the old Rudolph and Frosty shorts-- it just.. buh. When I was in art/animation classes we had to learn the production of stop-motion and claymation and y'know. Respect where it's due for the time and energy required to create it-- but in the same vein. Fuck that.
@CognizantCheddar Ай бұрын
_The Witches_ aired in the middle of the day on Nickelodeon several times a week for years.
@raptoria1705 27 күн бұрын
The scene in Fox and the Hound when the old lady releases Todd back into the wild always got to me as a kid, mainly because I didn’t really understand why she did it.
@aLeonLover 25 күн бұрын
The scene where the emperor in The Dark Crystal movie slowly started crumbling into dust after dying and screeching and wheezing like a banshee is literally burnt into my retina's in 4k
@EasilyIrritatedimp 28 күн бұрын
Damn, I cried at your description of the Artaxs death. The concepts I missed as a kid really hurt so much more as an adult 😢
@mrsgamer9218 23 күн бұрын
The last unicorn was wild as well..... the harpy, the bull.....
@beastlycrawdad6412 Ай бұрын
Bro completely neglected the shadow demon that chased Josh Hutcherson through the woods.
@Mr_Envixon Ай бұрын
The Amount of PTSD that Intro Gave me is Just Too God Damn much, The Stress Can Make Me Survive Melevelon Creek in Helldivers 2 Wit The Boys
@Praetorian242 Ай бұрын
I had buried Bridge to Terabithia in my childhood memories. Actually shed a tear having it come back up, was not ready for that.
@adakaitekota316 24 күн бұрын
Artax’s death traumatized me, I loved horses and seeing him sink slowly and never fighting, I would always be in tears, even now as an adult. It’s also the reason behind why I’m afraid of sinking sand or mudholes and the concept of drowning as a whole…if I had a choice, I would want my death to quick. Watching it now that I have depression, it hurts even worse, cause I’m that horse, and Atreyu is my inner self screaming and crying to save myself from the swamp of depression. It just hits so much harder now. 😞
@ThatFeelBr0 Ай бұрын
The Witches is my first memory of having a nightmare. All I can remember is waking up in panic after watching it.
@StrangerDanger491 Ай бұрын
I spent the last 30 years with that movie locked in a vault in my mind, utterly forgotten, until I watched this video and all nightmares came flooding back.
@Aerynolae Ай бұрын
Those two statues in The Neverending Story made me terrified of big humanoid statues as a kid. From religious figure statues to that one Egyptian statue in that one amusement park.
@DisposableHeroDayZ 24 күн бұрын
I still remember how gutted I was from My Girl. "He needs his glasses."
@catherinemuller6025 21 күн бұрын
Geez, that one was 100% the same effect as Bridge to Tarabithia. A movie abotu kids finding strong bonds with each other while their families go through tough times and then BAM-- THAT HAPPENS. I can never look at bees the same way again.
@DianaBarham 13 күн бұрын
That was a sucker punch! Didn't see that one coming when my friend and I were watching a lighthearted movie... woof!
@_B_K_ Ай бұрын
Movie came out in 2007 and this guy says "I was yooong when it came out." That.... THAT, hit me like a truck. Fk... do I feel old now.
@Lawrence_Talbot Ай бұрын
Hmm I was in high school then and we read the book in 5th grade. We also saw the original movie which is so much darker. The father is very physical with the son (which was normal discipline for the time but still), and it shows Leslie falling, hit her head on a rock, drowning, then her body floating away. At least the remake had a lot of effects and bright colors to make it seem happier until the end, and the ending is just the dad saying it happened without showing it in full detail
@EspressoStreams 29 күн бұрын
I refuse to think about the age of any youtube creators at this point. I know I'm older than most but Cyan still seems relatable due to his ingestion of the media I grew up with. Cotton balls in the ears when he references his actual age. He's one of us, he's one of us.
@hatanaye 24 күн бұрын
i was born in 2007. that was 17 years ago
@JosephIsOnAdrenaline 28 күн бұрын
the movie that scared me most was "Monster House" and the scene that disturbed me the most was the kite scene where the babysitters drunk boyfriend saw his old kite in the doorway of nevercrackers house, he moves-stumbles towards it, the tension grows as it zooms in on him and the kite as it transitions from scene to scene. Once he finally reaches the kite, he tries to grab it away, but it refuses to move, instead it yanks him into the house, screaming as he disappears from vision. I had rewatched the movie so many times whenever the scene showed up, I would run away and hide behind the TV until I heard him screaming and knew it was over.
@pink-pone 19 күн бұрын
SAME!!!! and also the scene where the main kids are in the basement and the boy trips and falls on the dead wife’s concrete figure and it breaks away to reveal a skeleton underneath?? Looked away EVERY. TIME
@ph34rbucket91 Ай бұрын
5 year old me walked in on the scene in Terminator 2 where the T1000 impaled a security guard through the eye with his finger. Didn't like going near vending machines for a while after that.
@mediatorraptor3349 Ай бұрын
My dad thought it was a good idea to show me the first Terminator as a 9 year old. That scene with the Terminator getting back up with as metal skeleton after getting blown up had me screaming.
@davehallam3894 Ай бұрын
I saw that scene in a 'making of' documentary on day time TV when I was young. Scared me for years. Quite why they thought it was okay to show I have no idea.
@Flerken7135 26 күн бұрын
I think it’s considered a family movie but the Wicked Witch of the West scared the ever loving crap outta me as a kid, especially that scene where Dorothy is in her castle and the Witch stares straight into the camera from the crystal ball, still don’t like looking at the screen during that scene 🫣
@mothmanprophet11 29 күн бұрын
Well said. I agree that these moments in children's films are a good way to introduce them to some of the harsh realities of life. I was too old when _Coraline_ came out to be traumatized by it, but _The Brave Little Toaster_ and _Neverending Story_ definitely haunted my dreams as a young lad. A couple more that are buried in my mind: The Satan scene in _The Adventures of Mark Twain_ (1985), the podling getting his "vital essence" non-consensually extracted in _The Dark Crystal_ (1982), Travis having to kill his own dog in _Old Yeller_ (1957), just to name a few.
@bollarebongen 24 күн бұрын
Being reminded of the scene with Artax makes me feel like talking to a trusted adult.
@bunnerkins 18 күн бұрын
39 years old and I will always treat stuffed animals like they have thoughts and feelings because I watched The Velveteen Rabbit as a child and never recovered.
@mohammedalhabsi591 29 күн бұрын
the movie 9 has to be on the top since it made us contact with the characters, the good and the bad, and at the end, we had to say goodbye. truly, it was like no other
@wyattjaron8112 26 күн бұрын
Rewatched Fox and the Hound last year. The scene at the end where Copper stands infront of the hunter at the end to protect Todd brought me to tears.
@michelapetrizzi7068 24 күн бұрын
The Brothers Grimm scenes with the well and the horse stuck with me for a really long time.. Really creeped me out
@madisoncarbine6283 23 күн бұрын
you thought that was a kid's movie??
@bridgettelair370 19 күн бұрын
I remember I was flipping through channels when I like eight and saw the horse scene and it freaked me out pretty bad, years later my friends put on the movie and I was like THIS IS THE MOVIE! Glad I didn't see the no face scene when I was little, cause that was the most disturbing.
@-coffeecat1590 Ай бұрын
Coraline's other mother, the neverending story horse. And the movie 9. Also bits of Star trek Voyager But seriously the movie 9 was a trip
@Mi..Mi.. 19 күн бұрын
Oof, 9 was just trauma around every corner
@KyleRDent Ай бұрын
I watched Neverending Story and Watership Down on a loop as a little kid. If it hadn't been the 80s at the time my mother would probably have sent me to a shrink.
@gustaforce Ай бұрын
Little Nemo. I dont remember much about the movie itself, but I can still see the nightmares it gave me as a child.
@shaydilane2172 Ай бұрын
The scenes with the Gmorc in the never ending story HORRIFIED me. The chilling intense music, the creepy uncanny puppet, the glowing eyes in the darkness?? It STILL gives me the creeps
@CrazyMedic220 Ай бұрын
The Never Ending Story and the Dark Crystal got my brother and me with that childhood trauma.
@MarionNatsu 18 күн бұрын
The bee scene from My Girl was particularly traumatizing as a kid lol. Cemented my fear in bees as a child. "He can't see without his glasses" is always so heart wrenching.
@typezman 21 күн бұрын
“If you were born between the year 1985 and 200~ and have watched The Brave Little Toaster before the age of 10, you may be entitled to compensation from irreversible damages due to PTSD.” A class action lawsuit we all really deserve. Then again, we are talking about the same corporation that owns a restaurant a couple dined at, where the wife dies from an allergy request they ignored and then tells the husband “oh you can’t sue us because you started a free trial of our streaming service a few years ago.” I truly wish I was making that up.
@dracovasile4743 22 күн бұрын
"Bridge to Terabithia" and "My girl" are films that I absolutely love and curse at the same time. They have similar themes, and feel so damn real.
@keigoftw Ай бұрын
*reaches Brave Little Toaster* ... *screams internally*
@Glareflare Ай бұрын
You got a lot of the major mentions but The Last Unicorn is also a good one, too often forgotten
@MrSpartan993 Ай бұрын
@Pineabble Ай бұрын
You reminded me how much the "drunk" skeleton terrified me.
@thatoneweirdbish6364 26 күн бұрын
​@@PineabbleFunnily enough, I actually loved the skeleton but had nightmares from the flaming bull and the circus lady. It's so interesting how differently people can react to characters
@tensai-a-san 25 күн бұрын
I used to watch that movie so much as a kid
@TheSolidSnakeOil Ай бұрын
I was never been traumatized by any movie as a kid. Unless you want to count the awkward, out of nowhere sex scene in some vampire move I watched with my family when I was eight. I've never pretended to be asleep so hard.
@Crookedaversestudios 23 күн бұрын
"where's my mom" "im literally right here." "WHERE'S MY MOM"
@DieIndruk 29 күн бұрын
Ernest saves Halloween - I rest my case.
@zahierhaziqzainalabidin4878 18 күн бұрын
I believe a lot of Disney animated movies back in the day had an element of shock. Watching snow white when the queen turned into an old witch was nightmare fuel 😂
@gabrielamajewska939 Ай бұрын
I cried so much at Neverending story, when he sank
@haisibanaag1563 25 күн бұрын
The Fox and the Hound made me think as I cry when I was a little kid. It was supposed to be a family friendly movie about 2 different species of dogs being best buddies. I didn't expect it to break my heart.
@dulcae 23 күн бұрын
the movie The Mouse Detective was one of the most unintentionally scary movies I ever watched as a kid. I VIVIDLY remember (as though it happened to me) the scene at the beginning where the bat breaks into the dad’s house at night and like brutally attacks & drags him off while his child watches from inside a cupboard. everything about the bat was so dark and intimidating to me then, not to mention he had the deepest, most gravelly little voice-SO threatening, every time he spoke. then the main character meets him again later and he jumpscares the camera (with his terrifying toothy face all up in it) cause he’s hiding inside a baby carriage that they decide to look way too close into. I think a part of my soul died and it hasn’t returned since LOL. I never hear anybody talk about that movie anymore either but DAMN. that was bad. even writing & reliving this in my head gave me goosebumps.
@pink-pone 19 күн бұрын
What really REALLY traumatized me in the movie as a kid was when Rattigan had the cat eat the henchman?????? like bro straight up died like that, grossed me out to no end XD
@unfire 23 күн бұрын
The Secret of NIHM. Don Bluth (I saw you had Land Before Time and Fieval in there) is notorious for destroying children. But actual blood multiple times in a kids movie? Nicodemeus gets murdered? Literal backstabbing? And of course, when she saves her children from a hopeless situation had me bawling. Oh, and Return to Oz. Because Wheelers. All I need to say.
@oneinathousand2156 28 күн бұрын
My dad was normally really good at knowing which movies would be appropriate for me to watch, but for whatever reason he had a brain fart one time and had me watch Kill Bill when I was 10-12, I don’t remember which age exactly. Maybe he thought that I would be able to pick up on how the ludicrously over the top bloodshed was kinda ironic, but I took all that stuff at face value. When I got to the part where the Bride cut off the arm of the guy who looked a bit like Charlie Brown, I burst into tears and dad finally shut off the movie.
@XKillerXKittenX 14 күн бұрын
its been years and years later but artax still making me cry such a well writte nscene
@Shodanlu05 22 күн бұрын
For me the dark crystal, when the emperor died that scared the shit out of me when I was a kid because Jesus that puppet was terrifying
@Sonnetess7 24 күн бұрын
Satan in the kids movie The Adventures of Mark Twain is the single most disturbing thing I’ve ever seen in a piece of media ever. I watched it when I was six.
@celestialstar6450 7 күн бұрын
Thanks for the reminder. I keep meaning to look for this on blu-ray/ dvd, but keep forgetting
@lamparo7028 28 күн бұрын
It wasn't really a movie but when I was about 6 or 7 I watched a pigeon get run over, over and over and over.
@VeryMidArt_Tehe 19 күн бұрын
I had nightmares of 9(2009) because of that one scene with that baby-head creature about to kidnap 8. Now it’s one of my favorite movies.
@DelicateSilence 13 күн бұрын
When my parents watched never ending story, I would turn my scream into a police siren of how it haunted me when I was around 3 and 4.
@antisocialized123 19 күн бұрын
Idk if anyone else had the same experience watching these movies, but there are some scenes in Happy Feet and Happy Feet 2 that really rocked me to my core. The Excavator sinking into the depths of the ocean, the whole thing with the Humans in the first movie, and the Leopard Seals and Killer Whales, the abandoned outpost (I think it was an outpost) to name a few
@pink-pone 19 күн бұрын
YES!!! always hit me so hard
@bunkymunky 17 күн бұрын
Watership Down, everyone remembers the last 10 minutes but for me specifically the scene where they come across an injured Captain Holly and he recounts what happened to the warren. Also Cowslip and his entire scene was very uncomfortable to watch.
@WretchedIcon 24 күн бұрын
My toxic masculinity prevents me from crying when I should. I’d never seen the Never-Ending Story, but once you added context to the scene, that “you have to care,” instantly made tears well up in my eyes and a deep pain washed over me.
@guardianfish7718 23 күн бұрын
I watched Labyrinth when my baby brother was, well, a baby. The movie wasn't that scary, just bizzarre, but it played part in me developing the fear that someone will kidnap my brother. I'm so glad we're both adults now
@donut6502 Ай бұрын
James and the giant peach fucked me up for some reason I can’t remember exactly why but I remember being scared even seeing the case
@emolady666 22 күн бұрын
Same I remember going out of my way to hide the movie in the pantry just so nobody could watch it
@seilvox 21 күн бұрын
I remember watching a weird live-action Pinocchio movie that had a pretty terrifying animal transformation thing in it. They never showed the transformation itself, but it was mentioned that the fish in the villain's tank were people he turned into fish, and the villain actively suggested eating them and it was implied he'd eaten them before. It was horrific, especially since the fish had human faces. I don't even remember anything else from the movie, only that one part. It affected me that badly. So I totally feel you on the animal transformations being terrifying thing.
@Bonniekashi24 20 күн бұрын
I was born of 2006 and oh my God do I remember these movies. But mainly the "Bridge of Terabithia", I post this video and knew what you were going to say and bring. It was tragic and so was "The Neverending Story" Artax's death was tragic too, I cried so hard when I saw that.
@Bonniekashi24 20 күн бұрын
I'm trying not cry right
@JimThePerson 25 күн бұрын
The transformation scene in Micheal Jackson thriller f’d me up
@draksis2198 21 күн бұрын
I had the great displeasure of being traumatised with, quite honestly, the entirety of "Where the Wild Things Are" Thank you mom for your fantastic movie choice, I still cry when I think about it :)
@Dan-uy6sj 22 күн бұрын
Jim Hensons, The Storyteller Greek Myths was a big one for me. I feel like of all of him Hensons project this is a really overlooked one. It’s about a guy and his dog trapped in a maze retelling Greek myths, and they do not shy away from the bad parts. On the retelling of the story of the Icarus the boy who flew to close to the sun they straight showed him murdering his son, and everything it’s wild. A lot of murder for what I think was a children show.
@DanicusRex-m1m Ай бұрын
My most haunting moments were when i used to watch unsolved mysteries (especially the episodes about alien abductions) not knowing the difference between that show and genuine news shows 😅
@endrankluvsda4loko172 29 күн бұрын
lol same here. The haunting ones always terrified me cause I thought they were real. There was an episode about a "haunted bunk bed" that freaked me out for quite a while.
@axessenter 10 күн бұрын
My mum brought home "Watership Down" one day because she thought it'd be a "cute movie about bunnies" because there was no age restriction on the VHS case. My sister and I were very excited to watch said "cute movie about bunnies". Needless to say, 4 y.o. me slept in my parents' bed the next week. To date I think it is THE MOST disturbing movie I ever watched as a child😂There are a lot of scenes I will never get out of my head. Today I think it's a great movie. A lot of philosophical themes, amazing art style and soundtrack (bright eyes is absolutely beautiful) that should have defo at least gotten a nomination in my opinion.
@EspressoStreams Ай бұрын
I highly recommend "The Mighty." It's based on the book almost every single one of us had to read between Elementary and Middle school: "Freak The Mighty." It's a fantastic film and the child actors did such an insanely good job on their visual portrayals. It hit.. stupid deep for me. We were required to read the book multiple times when I was growing up, and it deals with the same concepts a lot of kids in my area did. Drugs, family neglect, being unwanted, fear of loss... Growing up in a low-income area and being in the same lifestyle-- especially with a plot point on the father being non-existent, taking comfort in the family of another person who accept you unconditionally... man. My dad disappeared out of my life when I was 8. Didn't meet up with him again for 11 years. Thought he was dead, or in prison from what little I could find. The story just hit so close to home. There's a scene at the end of the movie where after the big climax the main character has to deal with a significant trauma-- and to tiptoe around spoilers: The movie ends with the boy who was called stupid, a "big guy with a small brain," and incompetent for his entire life, feeling the smallest he's ever felt. He may have been slow, but he was smart enough to figure out just what was going on.. and that shock haunts me still. Even knowing it's coming from the book, I spent 2 days crying in my bed after watching the movie. So yeah, highly, HIGHLY recommend. 10/10. Bring a box of tissues.
@Ender30 19 күн бұрын
The scenes with the goblins hiding in the wardrobe at the beginning of The Labyrinth. Scared tf outta me
@Case_D00dler 22 күн бұрын
oh my god the never ending story actually messed me up as a kid bro (i’ve never forgotten that scene, but i almost always forget the dang title of it until someone would randomly talk about it)
@marissalorraine8700 27 күн бұрын
Secret of Nymb for sure, Matilda (several scenes here but especially the cake scene traumatized me), later The Dust factory. Of course the skeksis on the dark crystal. The dark coulron was also terrifying as a kid. Spirited away - mainly the bad sister with the big fat baby. So freaky - and of course the bathhouse scene was crazy!!! So many nightmares based on that scene. Halloween town and the other kid Halloween one also hit me hard. The corpse bride, nightmare before Christmas. James and the giant peace with the abusive caretakers and him going out alone to open sea.
@dinodogzilla2999 12 күн бұрын
The never ending story part. Even just talking about makes me sad
@F1guRas 13 күн бұрын
To elaborate on the witches, if you read the book there are also more stories about kids suffering from the witches. Like I remember a boy that turned into a statue and was used as an umbrella rack.
@Hikikomori_Zu 20 күн бұрын
BRO I THINK THE WITCHES WAS THE ONE THAT SCARED ME SO BAD THAT I RAN OFF CRYING AND SCREAMING TO MY PARENTS. I couldn't sleep for weeks and my breain erased that memory afterwards, but now i remember it.
@kukukachu 27 күн бұрын
back then, the creators of entertainment used to respect the maturity and intelligence of the audience. They weren't trying to indoctrinate us, though they had their own opinions they tastefully implemented into their works, they had their stories to tell, more importantly, and they respected the audience....something that's hardly ever done in this day and age. 8:39 oh oki, so it's bascially, kinda like the ending to My Girl. I BALLED my eyes out with that ending. I kept saying "IT'S NOT FAIR! THAT'S NOT FAIR!" and crying so damn hard. I still remember and feel it as I'm typing this. I mean, you also have movies like Legend, Secret of Nimh, the original Land Before Time. Like I said, the creators used to actually respect the people that were watching their works. Now, it's just making content for the lowest common demonstrator...and children are NOT the lowest common denominator, yet they're treated as such...I mean even back then, stories for children had a lot morbidity in it. Just look at nursery rhymes...we've forgotten how much fear and discomfort is an important aspect to any story. Even one of my favorite movie, How to Train Your Dragon II, was only done because (spoiler) the Mom was still there for the son after Hiccup's Dad's passing. That's the only reason that that scene happened at all, because there was still some form of comfort for the character.
@childlike.empress 19 күн бұрын
To this day I still think about Kirby "eating his own cord" while I'm vacuuming 😳
@Concept6201 Ай бұрын
Rolad Dahl gotta be in on the movies, the books be completely wholesome and the movies are just nightmare fuel
@kidninja8331 13 күн бұрын
It surprises me nobody talks about the Giants from The Never Ending Story 2, probably cause no one saw that movie but those things scared the ever living fuck out of me as a kid
@shockisbook 25 күн бұрын
I don’t even know if 9 was a “family friendly” film but I watched it a lot for how much it scared and scarred
@Maxbuild1250 20 күн бұрын
I don‘t remember why but „The Gruffalo“ terrified me as a kid
@ThePoshboy1 Ай бұрын
Watched Blackadder goes forth when I was a kid, after watching the ending with my family I took a couple of hours of lying in bed before walking out to my mother and bursting into tears. Still sticks with me the horror of knowing you're going to die and having to actively run across the trenches while wristles are blowing.
@silversamurai0267 22 күн бұрын
The most horrific movies to me (that weren't already mentioned here) were Watership Down (because of course it was) A Tale of Two Brothers (which scarred me emotionally) and Harry Potter: Prisoner of Azkaban (which left me with a morbid fear - which eventually turned into fascination - of werewolves.)
@Mi..Mi.. 19 күн бұрын
The tiger Brothers? That was such a sad movie..
@bridgettelair370 19 күн бұрын
Mine was The Little Mermaid, not the Disney one but the 1970s anime movie, because it sticks super close to the original tale and she dies at the end. Unrequited love, agony with every step, her sisters trying to save her, her unwilling to kill the man she loves to save herself even though he just married another woman, then her friend calling her name over and over after she throws herself into the ocean. Ughhhhhh made me cry every time. Sure the english dub isn't like the best in retrospect but little me did not care. I also love The Dark Crystal but I actually was never very traumatized by it.
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