So just a couple of nitpicking points from an Aussie beer nerd; take or leave them as you choose: Firstly, I think you severely underplayed the difficulty of brewing in Australia's harsh climate prior to the arrival of mechanical refrigeration in Australia. Most beer in the 1800s was the English Ale style and it suffered badly from poor water quality, extreme distribution distances and lack of refrigeration. Beer was a popular drink, but it was often less-than-drinkable swill, and this meant that imported beer dominated the Australian market for many years, leading to an assessment of Australian beer as inferior. Secondly, once Aussie brewers got their act together and developed a thriving local industry, they then had to deal with archaic six o'clock closing laws which trend the average pub-goer into a maniacal beer swiller for the few spare moments they had between work ending and the pubs shutting. This gave beer and its drinkers a bad image throughout the land, and any story of Australian beer is incomplete with this context missing. Thirdly, I think you also underplayed the era of consolidation and genericisation (I just made that word up) from the 1960s onwards, and the impact that had on the Australian drinker. In most cases, this led to one main producer and only a few main lines of beer in each of the mainland states. Finally, all of your stock footage beer/drinking scenes are clearly not Australian based on the tap handles, beers on display and general lack of awesome, bronzed Aussies owning the screen. Other than that, good job! :)
@rollinghops7617 Жыл бұрын
Wow, we really appreciate the feedback here! Thanks so much. If you are ever in Canada and would like some beer recommendations we'd be happy to help! 🍻