The Home Front: America's Housing Crisis | deep dive$

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Cam James

Cam James

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@CamJames 3 ай бұрын
please help Invisible People achieve their donation goals to directly assist unhoused people! try Current and build your money future: always remember: 24:54
@cyclingpanda1 3 ай бұрын
As always keep up the good work
@dreamlinervirus 3 ай бұрын
Bro no hate I love ur channel but pls pronounce Dubois right. Doo-Boi-ss (by sound) (like oy)
@raeorion 3 ай бұрын
Oh damn the timing! This is excellent coverage, I *thought* you were going to talk about RealPage and the FBI raid of the Atlanta landlords office in the LANDLORD CARTEL CASE 🤬 Suckers have been gouging rent prices up for years and have contributed to overall rent price increase across the country. White hot rage. Great next video in the hopper for ya!
@Ehh..... 3 ай бұрын
A monetary fine for sleeping outside as a homeless person is just evil. Like not even subtly evil. Almost even feels like mockery.
@elenakalliste 3 ай бұрын
Oh it most definitely it a mockery of their humanity 😢
@YourCapyFrenBigly_3DPipes1999 3 ай бұрын
They really think people be out there by choice and a fine is going to change their mind 😑 or find them sudden money to get a place such bullshit
@jamerikabarringer4501 3 ай бұрын
Humans get charged to die, life is a mockery at this point
@shaidyn8278 3 ай бұрын
"You're not allowed to sleep on state property." > But I don't have any non-state property to sleep on. "Then get in the fucking prison."
@DystruktoBoi1 Ай бұрын
@@shaidyn8278 Which is state property....the irony
@EthanLupo 3 ай бұрын
THANK YOU for explaining how your sponsor makes money, every creator needs to do this
@CamJames 3 ай бұрын
least i can do. i don't take a sponsor unless i can stand behind them.
@BrokeMillionaire1 3 ай бұрын
@@CamJamesnothing but respect for this philosophy.
@TURBOMIKEIFY 3 ай бұрын
So you telling me I shouldn’t have skipped that segment? I’ll go back after the video. Half way through. Edit: Yes. That was good.
@epelly3 3 ай бұрын
@@TURBOMIKEIFYwatched it still worth the skip ⏭️ if the product is free you’re the product 🧐
@CameronFussner 3 ай бұрын
Back in the day, when I purchased my first home to live-in; that was Miami in the early 1990s, first mortgages with rates of 8 to 9% and 9% to 10% were typical. People will have to accept the possibility that we won't ever return to 3%. If sellers must sell, home prices will have to decline, and lower evaluations will follow. Pretty sure I'm not alone in my chain of thoughts.
@leojack9090 3 ай бұрын
If anything, it'll get worse. Very soon, affordable housing will no longer be affordable. So anything anyone want to do, I will advise they do it now because the prices today will look like dips tomorrow. Until the Fed clamps down even further, I think we're going to see hysteria due to rampant inflation. You can't halfway rip the band-aid off.
@LucasBenjamin-hv7sk 3 ай бұрын
Home prices will come down eventually, but for now; get your money (as much as you can) out of the housing market and get into the financial markets or gold. The new mortgage rates are crazy, add to that the recession and the fact that mortgage guidelines are getting more difficult. Home prices will need to fall by a minimum of 40% (more like 50%) before the market normalizes.If you are in cross roads or need sincere advise on the best moves to take now its best you seek an independent advisor who knows about the financial markets.
@hasede-lg9hj 3 ай бұрын
@@LucasBenjamin-hv7sk Impressive can you share more info?
@LucasBenjamin-hv7sk 3 ай бұрын
There are a handful of experts in the field. I've experimented with a few over the past years, but I've stuck with Annette Marie Holt for about five years now, and her performance has been consistently impressive. She’s quite known in her field, look-her up.
@fadhshf 3 ай бұрын
@@LucasBenjamin-hv7sk Thank you for this tip. It was easy to find your coach. Did my due diligence on her before scheduling a phone call with her. She seems proficient considering her résumé.
@Unrealisednostalgia 3 ай бұрын
Last year, I finished my masters in europe and ask my friend back in canada if i could crash at his place while i finished my interviews for my summer internship. He agreed, let me not renue my appartment in paris and take a 10 hour trip to my hometown before informing me on move in day that his girlfriend didnt want me to stay there and I couldnt stay there. Then my step kicked me out in the middle of the day, two days before I did my final interviews that would have allowed me to succed in my dream that I had been working 5 years towards. I write this to say that many people that are homeless aren't lazy or unintelligent but rather just screwed over by system of people that values having capital over having empathy and compasion. Keep grinding, I'll be in europe again soon.
@Unrealisednostalgia 3 ай бұрын
Coming back to say that I will accomplish this before the end of the summer. Mark my words
@Anngrl69 3 ай бұрын
I’m sorry your friend in Canada was such an asshole, they could have let you know so much earlier. But you sound confident and resilient, good luck getting to Europe!
@Unrealisednostalgia 3 ай бұрын
@@Anngrl69 thank you for your kind words. Blessings to you in 2024
@ZeroN1neZero 3 ай бұрын
I second this notion. Friends, family, and lovers have been my biggest roadblocks and I'm over it.
@Unrealisednostalgia 3 ай бұрын
@@ZeroN1neZero all of them are haters
@MECook1239 3 ай бұрын
I will always remember a manager of mine saying we don’t need to help the homeless. He said, “There are billions of us. We aren’t a scarce resource. They aren’t productive anyway and just a drain on society.”
@BarackLesnar 3 ай бұрын
More true of managers than homeless people
@diamond2979 3 ай бұрын
this breaks my heart. i met some of the most amazing people ever when i was homeless.
@FeedMeLeaks 3 ай бұрын
Wildest part of this is how many unhoused people(myself included) outpaced our co-workers. Shit, one of the best managers I've worked with came outta homelessness around the same time I did
@Anngrl69 3 ай бұрын
That’s a scary mindset to have about fellow humans, that we’re all just resources. I guess that’s how the kings viewed us and now capitalism is teaching everyone they’re just a resource that needs to find it’s place.
@snifftherain 3 ай бұрын
It's true though in the case of some homeless. Not all
@crypticTmesis 3 ай бұрын
I had a Black studies prof that would always say "We laugh to keep from crying" whenever we spoke about things that were serious and heavy but somehow solicited a chuckle out of someone in the lecture.
@judasdubois 3 ай бұрын
I mean gallows humor exists because sometimes you can't process the eternal sadness of some awful situations and a light bit of brevity can help you cope.
@B3Band 3 ай бұрын
I had a black studies prof that deliberately failed everyone on the first test and then made up stupid excuses for his inability to write sensible questions or grade properly. He kept repeating "You gotta stop looking at the con-TENT, and start looking at the con-TEXT". He wasn't trying to teach us some deep lesson - he was just an idiot stealing money from a liberal college. I just walked out with the test and brought it to his dept chair, then dropped the class and took something else for my 3 credits of woke studies.
@judasdubois 3 ай бұрын
@@B3Band Man you left off that everyone clapped when you turned the test in and the admin called you sir. Its like y'all can't even write a marine todd story anymore!
@ender8124 3 ай бұрын
​@@judasduboisIdk man. Seems like you're the only one adding weird exaggerated details to the story
@jennzifur 3 ай бұрын
@@ender8124😂 I take it that you don’t know the “and everybody clapped” joke.
@greenockscatman 3 ай бұрын
"Unhoused" I like that. That expression points a finger directly to the root of the problem.
@crimesguy 3 ай бұрын
But the term minimizes the idea to its safest form possible to do the least amount of effort towards change possible, while claiming ownership of that change from the furthest periphery of homeless advocacy. The new language solves nothing, but makes people feel like they are in their use of the new "acceptable term" for the same old thing (homeless, beggar, bum, etc.). The language of the restorative justice movement, which includes "unhoused," has generally been unhelpful in this country. Look to the movements in Gilded Age NYC that used similar flowery language from the private charities of the time and did nothing to change outcomes one hundred years later.
@CyrusKA 3 ай бұрын
@@crimesguy I understand the root of your statement, but I disagree. Unhoused is the best term yet because it gets to the real problem. It is people who don't have housing. Most of the rest of their problems stem from this one face. The solution is to house these people, therefore, unhoused. I don't think it minimizes anything. I think it is very specific and proper.
@OGtheGoat9 3 ай бұрын
I cannot believe people are just now hearing this term. lol
@CyrusKA 3 ай бұрын
@@OGtheGoat9 I first heard it years ago, but as was pointed out in the video it's a lot more used in talks about the crises on the West Coast than the East. Although the first time I heard it be proposed that it be changed to something more like "houselessness" was George Carlin in the mid-90s.
@no_guarantees 3 ай бұрын
Call it what it is.......HOMELESS
@koncha0422 3 ай бұрын
My boy hoppin out of bushes with a mic spitting game. I fucking love it.
@djyua9157 3 ай бұрын
This isn’t game just social commentary
@adventure_squirrel2624 3 ай бұрын
Damn those eviction photos stirred up some memories and emotions that I have forced down a long time ago. I was 10/11 and my mom(recently single mother) was at work. We had just gone through the most traumatic time months earlier when our father tried to kill my sister and mom. He was the primary bread winner so when he left it meant we didn't have enough for rent. The landlord knew this and chose to come at a time when he knew my mom was at work. Tried to force his way in even as we tried to hold the door closed. He screamed at me and my siblings that we needed to leave right then and there. We were all children, scared, alone, and not sure what to do. Later that week he returned with the sheriff and all our belongings were thrown into the street. I remember crying as strangers turned into vultures and picked a part the carcass of our old life. Clothes, photos, books, journals, everything, all our worldly possessions on that dirty street floor, and knowing even if we took some of it with us we had nowhere to go.
@Dyvon.dynamo 3 ай бұрын
It hurts. I used to advocate for housing and tenants rights and going to the slumlords here in town. How it took so much fight just to finally have the landlord and police walk grand mothers out in the heat and throw all their things away. It hurts me to this day. I will never forgive James Kandasamy, developer you can look up right now saying he left properties he bought dilapidated to "flip the demographic" leaving dead bodies in units that would cause mold and all sorts of stuff that would have residents sick. We fought here in San Antonio for a tenants bill of rights and an inspectors board to keep landlords on a list to keep them accountable. All these measures to pay folks to fail us while we all live unpaid having to put on Know Your Rights clinics, having to find emergency housing for people with CPAP and respirators all while the city let them bake in their apartments with no AC. I will never forgive this place for all the missed promises, but that one sits fresh because it's still bearing fruit that further displaces so many. I empathize with your loss because you were even more powerless than your family, all for what? To know you and your family were great and worth the community investment to prevent this and yet they let you go through all this. We need to come together, because this is what they do to us apart.
@abiola33 3 ай бұрын
Wow man, I am so sorry that happened to you OP. People are evil, and the role your dad, the landlord and those nasty people picking at your stuff in the street = pure evil. I hope you and your family recovered from that over time, and that you’re doing better now years on.
@deebrown7160 3 ай бұрын
What time was he supposed to come? Your mom knew the eviction was coming. She probably changed the locks and thought that was enough.
@adventure_squirrel2624 3 ай бұрын
@@deebrown7160 there is a legal process that has to take place, and the landlord was scum that tried to kick out defenseless kids. Why defend the landlord in this situation? My mother was working multiple jobs and fighting to stay. We are all humans and deserve respect, dignity, and compassion. No person let alone children belongs in the street. I hope you never find yourself in a position we did and if you ever do, I hope people have more compassion than you do.
@adventure_squirrel2624 3 ай бұрын
@@abiola33 Thank you and some of us made it to the other side. My younger brother and I made it out, we both have our own places and work in tech. I will be a first Gen college graduate next year. Unfortunately for my other siblings, poverty, dysfunction, homelessness, and childhood violence have left an indelible mark on their psyche. They have mental health issues and I help them best I can. People need to realize that the best way to tackle the mental health epidemic in our country is to fight poverty and homelessness.
@JanellFrazier 3 ай бұрын
“Ignoring a mirror image of what we’re desperately trying not to become”. Damn, very well-said!
@jacobkinney1414 3 ай бұрын
I've been watching along from the start. A break up left me in my car last October and it was a struggle to make enough to get by and get a new place. I'm happy to say that I saved enough money and yesterday I signed a lease for a place I can afford. I will be housed in two weeks and it can't come soon enough. It's such a relief to have stability, not have to worry about getting kicked out by the cops, or my house breaking down. I don't know where I was going with this but thank you for your empathetic coverage of the topic Cam.
@CamJames 3 ай бұрын
thank you for telling me this and for the support! I got y'all. Congrats!!
@noblewhitneyIII 3 ай бұрын
This was a great breakdown. As someone who was unhoused while attending ga tech I felt like lower than lo. I remember rising the Marta to sleep at the airport if I couldn’t crash in a friends dorm room. I appreciate your video.
@CamJames 3 ай бұрын
appreciate you bro, had no idea you were going through that back then.
@tomstahl999 3 ай бұрын
And you still standing!! You still strong!!! *Antoine Fisher voice*
@deebrown7160 3 ай бұрын
You were so close to that shelter on Peachtree and Pine. It's right up the street from GaTech
@tomstahl999 3 ай бұрын
That ghosted “13th Amendment” got me WEAK 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@Diggy22 3 ай бұрын
Truth be told, this is why I hate when people praise employment numbers when so many people are underemployed. And underemployment leads to a lot of people becoming unhoused. People getting paid peanuts can't afford rent at the rate it's increasing, and major cities relying on apartment lotteries aren't doing any favors, with so many people on the waiting list. An old supervisor of mine lucked out after 5 years of waiting, and even then, he almost wasn't able to afford the base rental fees. He managed to subsequently get a better job, but this isn't the case for a lot of people out here. As much as we want to deny it, there's a lot of in-hiring and nepotism that results in a lot of qualified candidates being pushed away. And that leads to a lot of people losing their homes.
@KohaTheEternal 3 ай бұрын
I've lived in San Diego back in the late 1990s. I remember apartments back then for a 3bd/2ba starting at $550 & up. Once the new year came around, everyone received a rental renewal letter stating a 5% increase in rent. And many people didn't like the increase and started to move out. Soon after that, rental prices just kept skyrocketing each year. This has been happening since the 90s.
@copiouscat 3 ай бұрын
I’m a renter in San Diego now paying 1500$ in rent (a steal rn) it’s crazy to think if I leave this APT I’d have to come up with a minimum 4k$-6k$ to find another place and 2300 A Month! 😮‍💨
@KohaTheEternal 3 ай бұрын
@copiouscat Don't you wish it was at least $380-$450 a month for 1bd/1ba? If things didn't become ridiculously higher in interest rates due to changes in laws for homes/rentals during the late '90s. Mainly favoring landlords and numerous venture capitalists entering the real estate market. San Diego still would have been an affordable place to live.
@charmingdruid9 3 ай бұрын
@@KohaTheEternalbruh 1bd/1ba in my area is 1600 minimum it’s fucking crazy I’m not even in a big city
@feliciaw.9248 3 ай бұрын
Just visited San Diego yesterday and saw what you mentioned with my own eyes. Supporting our veterans, mental health services, and organizations like Habitat for Humanity is important.
@elizabethumanah3298 3 ай бұрын
I love that you addressed hostile architecture! There’s really folk out here trying to act like random poles on a sidewalk, armrests in the middle of benches, or even spikes under bridges are “artistic expression” and not ways to take away the only bits of refuge someone may have.
@deat3456w 3 ай бұрын
I've served the unhoused every Friday the last 3 years and its almost cartoonish how our local government ignores the issue. They'll literally pass housing projects that are over 2,000 dollars a month and will claim its affordable housing. The developers will get a tax break and get a big pay day from their residents. It disgusting how the working class is getting squeezed for everything we have while fat cats in real estate are getting bigger. I appreciate you spreading awareness about this issue. Too many people think they are above the unhoused,when in reality most are only a few emergencies away from being in a similar situation. People act like drugs are the problem, but when you are unhoused, you're out in the open and dealers will pray on your addictions . If you dont have money they trade whatever just to give em enough,so they'll want more later. Reality is shit and it needs to be talked about, not ignored!
@CamJames 3 ай бұрын
thank you for your passion, the world needs more of it 🫡
@saininj 3 ай бұрын
Wild how our government was quick to ban TikTok, but absolute silence when it comes to this housing crisis.
@TheMysteryDriver 3 ай бұрын
Not really. They make money from property. TikTok isn't owned by their donors and isn't letting them control the news narrative.
@Luumus 2 ай бұрын
What does tik tok has to do with it, it's a completely different issue
@trueintheory 3 ай бұрын
it’s so wild how we have to convince people that everyone deserves to have their basic needs met 😔
@skyboundmktg 3 ай бұрын
The one critique I have is on the sponsor. I like the attempt at transparency and the company was. But "not a bank" is not a selling point and just means that cash likely isn't insured. Kinda reminded me immediately of the company from Coffeezilla's latest episode.
@CamJames 3 ай бұрын
by all means, feel free to investigate them for yourself. i'm open to any informed critiques!
@Kraus- 3 ай бұрын
Sounds like a payday loan with extra steps.
@michelletucker2842 3 ай бұрын
@AlenAbdula 3 ай бұрын
​@@CamJameswith all do respect, that's on you to explore before you shove it down our throat like any other creator
@marioolivero2143 3 ай бұрын
@@AlenAbdulabut it is also your responsibility to investigate about that company if you still have doubts…he made the choice to take the sponsored and informed us about everything he found about the company but if he missed something kinda hard for him to know…since he missed it and all that….if you go and find something and informed him about it than it’s on him whether he continues to have them as a sponsored….do your due diligence
@GenesiisDavid 3 ай бұрын
Firstly, nice to see you using a song from Tems. Secondly, the homelessness problem in America goes so deep. It's such a systemic problem, deeply engrained in the fabric of how American builds it's society. I learned recently that many affordable housing was bulldozed for car infrastructure. That fucking blew my mind. America uses so much of it's land for cars it's actually shocking. Cities are built to accommodate cars. Cities could solve homeless if they invest in alternatives to modes of transportation, disincentivize driving a car and use all that space for garages and parking lots to build affordable housing. My heart breaks for those the system has failed.
@oh2sail 3 ай бұрын
Here in San Francisco we common folk have used the word “unhoused” for at least the last 10 years. Homeless” is a weird word. Everyone, no matter how poor, creates a “home” around themself, even if it’s a cardboard box they return to, or a car back seat they sleep in. “Unhoused” is an accurate word.
@MrCobaltScar 3 ай бұрын
Lol homeless is basic English that means "one without a home". It's not weird, it's literal and self explanatory. San Fran is not an example of how anyone should do anything btw, not helping your anti-English case.
@oh2sail 3 ай бұрын
@@MrCobaltScar Exactly why I said what I said. They’re not “one without a home” they are “one without a house.” Surely you know that definition of home is much more personal than house.
@royalty694 3 ай бұрын
Babe wake up a new Cam vid just dropped 🫡
@CamJames 3 ай бұрын
getcho ass up
@jtyrellv 3 ай бұрын
Bruh... I'm from San Diego. I left specifically because I realized that San Diego wasn't expensive, it's over priced. I had a friend that moved to Phoenix, she was working part time at Taco Bell and with food stamps, she was able to sustain herself paying $500/month for a studio. During that time in San Diego, I was making $20/hr and could only afford to rent a room if I moved out of my mother's house. Rooms for rent ranged from $1600-$2000 at that time. Even now, there's apartments charging $1800 for a 400 sqft studio in San Diego that's not close to the beach and has no A/C... I won't even go back to visit since it's too overpriced with Motel 6 rooms going for nearly $200 per night sometimes.
@JorgeGarcia-gp5cf 3 ай бұрын
As someone who grew up and lives in the Phoenix area, those days for paying 500 a month for a studio are loooooong gone (especially if you are in the Phoenix metro area). The costs of rent and buying a home are getting close to about the same prices as the cost you mentioned in San Diego today. It is also causing a major homelessness problem in the city and they really have not done much to solve the issue.
@johnchedsey1306 3 ай бұрын
In 2010, I split up with my spouse and came back to the United States from Canada. It was downright impossible to find work at that time and if it wasn't for family and some friends, I would have been sleeping in my car. I'm very fortunate. I had to sign up for SNAP at one point and that actually was such a massive help, even at $200 a month (which now would buy 4 apples). Ultimately a friend somehow managed to find an apartment for me that was super affordable and a previous boss was finally able to hire me back to help out in 2011. But I was soooo close to being unhoused as well. Our economic system has gotten excessively cruel. A friend years ago described capitalism as randomly zipping through the universe, looking to F over as many people as possible. I don't think he's wrong.
@MechakittenX 3 ай бұрын
Welp. I'm officially called out. Hi. I'm black queer homeless vet living in a Van. Thanks for the video! Shit's rough out here. I think people don't like to acknowledge the unhoused because it's literally so close to them. They're just one bad day away from where the unhoused are. Funnily enough? Even though I'm having a rough time, I still give what money I can spare to those holding signs. Do you think you'll ever give rent increases vs income a long look? Or the housing shortage itself. There's so many weird building codes prohibiting building stuff that would allow an ease of the shortage. But there's also those builders that only want to put up more "luxury" apartments, even when plots open up. Still waiting on those stickers, Cam!
@BecomeAForce 3 ай бұрын
It sounds like you have a deeper understanding of the housing market than me. Would you say there’s a housing shortage or would you say there’s a housing shortage in certain price ranges? I know people I’m real estate and this has me thinking of solutions
@B3Band 3 ай бұрын
Don't you know? You're not allowed to call yourself homeless anymore. You're about to get cancelled for using such disrespectful language about the unhoused. Lots of labels you were able to slap on yourself though, great job! I'm sure the comments sections everywhere to post are very impressed by how many things you are.
@MechakittenX 3 ай бұрын
@@B3Band You ok?
@MechakittenX 3 ай бұрын
@@BecomeAForce This is all just personal experience but whenever I've looked at places to rent I've found a couple of things: 1) A lot of reasonably priced apartments are aimed at "low income" aka there's a certain amount of income per year that one is not allowed to make more than. 2) After the low income rental prices, there's usually a $300 to $600 jump in price range. Doesn't seem like much but here's an example. On one unit I looked at, I couldn't make more than $52K per year in income. But, the next price range over that would have me making $72K per year to keep up with rent. This isn't mentioning the way that some landlords increase rent per year. But the missing wage range between those two prices is wide enough that one would have to work 2 jobs just to keep up or would have to budget fairly aggressively to keep a roof over your hear. I'd say it's a mix of both a shortage of housing in general and a shortage of housing in a certain price range.
@BecomeAForce 3 ай бұрын
@@MechakittenX thank you for this detail it's much appreciated. It sounds like there's a subset of people between the 52-72k price range that don't have a lot of options because of income restrictions. Perhaps there's a housing opportunity there for investors that want to give back but idk.
@TURBOMIKEIFY 3 ай бұрын
No lie, the movie “A Bronx Tale” popped in my head when I saw the end of this. At the end, the phrase “Nobody cares,” was so powerful for me that I cried silently when I was watching it 2 years ago on my phone around my family. That was the only movie that made me cry ridiculously hard. When you spoke about how we avoid giving panhandlers money with phrases like “I have my own bills, go away,” it hit me because I fell back into that place after being comfortable with not needing to ask for so much help. Now, I’m back to needing help and I remember “nobody cares.” Maybe it’s the pride in me, I really hate asking for money or things like that. Maybe I exert my pride to others when I’m doing good, and show myself my pride when I’m at my lows?
@CamJames 3 ай бұрын
I've found myself being moved to tears more often after watching things like that too. the older i get the more empathy i have for humanity
@TURBOMIKEIFY 3 ай бұрын
@@CamJames I think that’s what it is! Empathy, a feeling I had little of when I was younger.
@iancarrey4123 3 ай бұрын
I have never heard of an interchange fee for direct deposit. If they are charging 1-3.5% they are closer to a check cashing store.
@eddievelasquez2747 3 ай бұрын
Im not gonna lie, I had to evict my tenants after they went without paying rent for 6 months, they did have jobs, they just refused to pay. It was necessary but in no way did I want to kick them out, they were just not good people. They left me a nest of mice as well as other damages to the apartment. I pleaded with them to pay rent and even worked out a payment plan but they never paid. I ended up with $10,000 of unpaid rent and other damages.
@CamJames 3 ай бұрын
i think we all acknowledge that some evictions are necessary. neither side is good or evil, but there's usually a lot more evil on one side than the other. every story is a potential exception.
@binolombardi 3 ай бұрын
Why are we assuming theres usually more evil people on one side vs another? How are you justifying that neither side is good or evil and somehow ascribing more evil to one side in the same statement?
@Kevlux86 3 ай бұрын
In Portland, word fights have crested and now the debate on “homeless” vs “houseless” vs “unhoused” is seen as an Ivory tower exercise in light of how the people facing these struggles refer to themselves, the anecdotal “majority” of them using the term “homeless.” It also takes away a barrier to conversation with people who don’t get it when they can use whatever bad language to be moved to more empathy. Like, if they aren’t going to get called out for using the “wrong” word, they’re more likely to vote for a levy to pay for supportive services. If academia gets in the way, that just hurts the hurting more.
@CamJames 3 ай бұрын
word fights are a distraction for sure when compared to the actual work of supporting people. that's why I ended that section deferring to what people choose to call themselves, and quoting professionals who work in these communities. i feel you on that.
@Anngrl69 3 ай бұрын
It’s similar in Seattle! Most people who actually do work in the community or have been part of the unhoused population do not give a single care about using the word homeless. If someone called me out for using that term, and completely ignored the message about homelessness I was trying to convey because they want to feel superior for using the “correct “language, I’m gonna be pissed. My family was homeless when I was in middle school, and my mother and younger brother were homeless again for 5 months starting in December. They just moved into an apartment last month after staying in a women’s shelter the entire 5 month period, which is unfortunately a privilege in the world of homelessness. They were majorly depressed by the end of it and even a month after leaving they’re still recovering from their time in the shelter. My mom has actually been unhoused multiple times in her life, starting as a teenager running away from an abusive mother. Growing up low-income and with these experiences in my family, when the houselessness discourse started I could not care at all. It didn’t address any of the real problems my family and others struggled with, and I personally don’t attach stigma to the word. It’s just a fact and easier to say than “houseless.”
@ogsmurf826 3 ай бұрын
Three things 1 - For the evictions section of the video there's one subset that you could look into, No Fault Evictions. In 2015 or 2016 Vice Mag did an article & video focusing on San Francisco and how the amount of No Fault Evictions hit extremely crazy levels and they projected we'd be where we currently are in the housing situation. 2 - Gald that you brought up The Guardian because a few years ago they did a very in depth and long article to explore why the Unhoused community seem to be getting more concentrated in certain cities like LA, ATL, NYC, and Portland. They found basically that cities around the country secretly pay Unhoused persons to get on a Greyhound to be shipped to another city, state, and even across the country. 3 - You brought up that there are differences between being unhoused on the west coast vs the east coast. One thing you can find is that the tech boom created a situation on the west coast where a noticeable portion of folks that are unhoused have full time jobs.
@Dr.K.Harris 3 ай бұрын
Great and informative comment (especially as someone located in the Bay)! 🤓
@adamdin6243 3 ай бұрын
From the UK, however this messsge hits home here too. Your content is great man, inspiring and thoughtful, keep at it 🙌🏽🙏🏽👊🏽
@greggutube 3 ай бұрын
❤ We’re all in this together.
@PineCellar 3 ай бұрын
I am so glad that KZbin recommended your channel to me (and I am so glad to see your channel is picking up momentum). You are incredibly thorough and thoughtful covering the subjects that you do, as well as hilarious (despite the heaviness of the subjects). I was once unhoused after I left my abusive ex and then lost my job. Coming from a priviledged, educated background, it was like a gut punch. I was so ashamed of myself that I told no one (not even my family) of how dire my straights were, particularly when I was trying to maintain my hygiene in Starbucks restrooms I was able to use. I was able to eventually get housing and a job, but I was lucky. I was young, mentally and physically healthy, and had a college education. I was living in an area where the weather was nice and the population was left leaning, so there were some resources I eventually tapped into. Thank you for talking about this. Anyone, no matter their position in life, can find themselves on the wrong side of a layoff, a breakup, or a mental health crisis, eventually ending up sleeping in their car or on the street. Empathy for humans in need is direly needed.
@Shabazzelbey 3 ай бұрын
I was also homeless one month ago, and it was a terrible feeling… not knowing if you’d have a place to sleep, clean your body or being able to get a bite to eat… I’ve always had, and always gave to everyone including strangers, but I never expected anyone to do for me and I wasn’t being entitled saying I did for them… I would go into convenience stores and ask the employees to spot me a coffee… they knew my situation, because I’m social with everyone and they literally were making me sandwiches and telling me to take anything on them… even the manager was in agreement, because I don’t want anyone to lose their job for violating company policy… literally the generosity of people had me crying in joy, and appreciation…
@LucasDimoveo 3 ай бұрын
I was 9 when my family was evicted from my home. I moved into my vehicle right before COVID due to medical bills with my one year old. My brain is still being out back together over these events
@LeftMap 3 ай бұрын
I like how your sponsor plugs actually blend in casually instead of feeling like a random commercial break. Also the logo at top is great for being able to FFWD.
@CamJames 3 ай бұрын
thank you, it's not always easy lol
@naima3705 3 ай бұрын
whew, another incredibly timely video! i’ve been spending the last 2 weeks shuffling around zillow begging an apartment complex to let me give them half of my monthly income, an extremely demoralizing process. great job again cam!!
@Pink42165 3 ай бұрын
Man I appreciate this coming from a kid who grew up with an unhoused mom. She just recently got a place but the constant fear of how she was doing was crippling. She would tell me stories of how the cops would bully her and the other unhoused in the community. On top of the fact the owner of the only homeless shelter in the city performs wage theft, making them work in her business and taking all of their food stamps, disability, and a majority of their wages. It’s a terrible thing for the most disadvantaged to be so cruelly treated.
@CamJames 3 ай бұрын
man this sucks to hear even though I've heard of wage theft happening before in these situations. sorry she had to endure that.
@jemhasopinions 3 ай бұрын
i have never seen what an eviction actually looks like, and i feel so privileged after seeing that segment. i can only imagine how traumatised that is for people… and then for them to be demonised by society? this world is so dystopian
@kaylean39 3 ай бұрын
I had never seen an eviction until I moved to Michigan shortly after the moratorium ended for COVID. People were getting evicted left and right. The last one I saw was the week before Christmas 2023. Very sad. The lady came back the next day trying to pick through her stuff. Fortunately where I live people don’t pick through other people’s belongings when evicted. We just keep driving/ leave it.
@xdscorpoinz6394 3 ай бұрын
Great video, I’d love to see a video dedicated to American healthcare/insurance. I turned 18 not to long ago and my insurance is no longer covered by my parents work. I recently was told I have “j slope kneecaps” it basically means if I twist my knee left or right my kneecap will pop out of its socket causing permanent cartilage damage and some pretty extreme pain. I’m sharing this because the hospital took 4 months just to get a scan done on one knee, all while telling me I need multiple more before surgery is even an option and I’m at the point we’re I cannot afford it and cannot afford to stop my career for a surgery that will take years to finalize. I’m joining the army in a month because a need housing and money to survive. I had to lie to the recruiters about my knees all I can do is pray to god I don’t permanently damage myself. Love the videos, it’s pretty cool getting to see a favorite creator grow and receive the attention they deserve
@Raggart 3 ай бұрын
THANK YOU for that explanation about semantics and for trying to paint a full picture! And for humanizing people being evicted. And for full transparency. And, and, and... well, the video.
@EneEri 3 ай бұрын
I agree with much of your points. I appreciate this coverage. I do want to mention that correlation is not always causation. I’ve had uncomfortable interactions with unhoused individuals, but that wasn’t the reason. I worked with unhoused students I absolutely adored. My fear in those particular situations were derived from those particular individuals I met behaving as if they were under the influence and as someone who experienced childhood trauma by a parent who was under the influence, I remain sober to this day and actively avoid/feel uncomfortable near most people who use substances. It’s just important to remember that not everything is always what it seems (my thoughts included). People often view life through the lens of their experiences.
@skyboundmktg 3 ай бұрын
New Cam drop. Yessir. It's getting bad here in Toronto too, not just downtown but I'm starting to see tents pop up outside the DT core. Shit is really sad. People if you can during the summer, please leave water bottles out whenever possible etc.
@ollie-d 3 ай бұрын
San Diego native here, I was expecting the city to get mentioned. Shit’s so expensive. Impossible to find studios cheaper than 1600 a month in non ideal areas. Cars essentially necessary. Food insanely expensive. Doesn’t feel like there’s anything preventing this problem from just getting worse.
@copiouscat 3 ай бұрын
Facts. Shxt is BANANAS they tryna reup for the Chula Vista bay front area. I live in South Park and I walk around and go to open houses and it’s NOTHING under 800k
@scottbuck1572 3 ай бұрын
Happy thursday! I hope everyone is doing well :) I live in Fort Collins and the housing situation here is SO bad, there is a free cafe that serves anyone for free, and its kept open by public donation. Not even the city cares beyond how it makes them look good
@CamJames 3 ай бұрын
i can't stand how it becomes more PR than anything else. the worst
@scottbuck1572 3 ай бұрын
@@CamJames It's awful: like a good city that cares about it's people doesnt just allow resources to exist for people dealing with housing insecurity, but also actively works to try and solve the actual insecurity. At least one of people currently running for mayor actually wants to address it
@DavySolaris 3 ай бұрын
New favourite youtuber fr, you've got something really unique going on and I can't get enough of your videos. Keep it coming, man 🙌
@CamJames 3 ай бұрын
really appreciate that, thank you!
@viceroybolt3518 3 ай бұрын
I've said it before and I'll say it again, if we ever genuinely do something to solve the housing crisis we are all going to have weird PTSD to this time period from seeing what people were willing to let our fellow human beings suffer through and die from and a lot of us are going to have trust issues forever from this. I also feel it's worth saying, we have a much larger landlord and banker problem than we do a housing crisis. There's a lot of units of empty housing, thousands and thousands of empty beds, and they exist only to be traded like pokemon cards between rich investors and banks. Housing could and should be a human right, and it's our economic system holding us back.
@FrankCirillo94 3 ай бұрын
Cam! I love your videos man! Just wanted to let you know that since you are an Ally, the Salvation Army has several discriminatory practices against the LGBT Community and a long history of doing so, you should do some research on them. As co-chair of the Pinellas DSA, I know several of our chapter members in Atlanta are/were involved in the stop cop city protests and organizing. You should reach out to your local atlanta chapter to see what resources for housing they have that don't require any religious affiliations or anti-drug policies in order to receive services.
@kristianwells8830 3 ай бұрын
My family comes from an impoverished background. My dad became homeless just to get away from hard drugs. They worked hard to push me into college and any time they were strapped for cash, I lent them the money. Now we've realized our home will rot away within 20 years. We've decided to buy a home together, to allow us to live better than we ever have. I think the strategy of multi generational living is a way for poorer folks to make it, when they couldnt out on their own. I've gone from eating ant infested cereal to becoming an official engineer on the way to buying my first house together with my parents. This couldn't have ever happened if we never supported each other and let that bill that could ruin us come to pass without support.
@shaker154 3 ай бұрын
This channel is growing fast and I'm all for it. Another great video.
@LeRoiJojo 3 ай бұрын
That sponsor is... cringe, especially given the topic of that video. 😬
@yosoyunapina 3 ай бұрын
There was the lip service to transparency but it seemed like a non-explanation. Even after searching online a bit from curiosity I still don't understand how this is supposed to work, other than that the bit about a $500 limit seemed optimistic and unlikely, with people posting online about having a limit of $25. I understand needing to get paid, but finance apps are just universally sketchy as hell. If it's not immediately and abundantly clear how this sponsor is different, maybe steer clear, keep your reputation intact, and take the Raid Shadow Legends money instead.
@AlenAbdula 3 ай бұрын
​@@yosoyunapinathis 1000%... it's very interesting choice for a name, makes searching for reviews extremely difficult. We need to see actual numbers telling us how they make money is just 1 part of it.
@sheldondinkleberg4181 3 ай бұрын
i am curious how they make money from you switching your direct deposit, yet they are not a bank? why would i want to link my direct deposit to anything but a bank account?
@darby9687 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, it's hard to buy it when he made an entire video tearing down payday loans. I'm not gonna believe that somehow this one is different.
@krissavagelive 3 ай бұрын
@@darby9687start with zero vs infinite interest and go from there. Best of luck
@_Solmega 3 ай бұрын
The compassion & empathy as a cornerstone of your work is always noteworthy. So appreciated. Re: The capitalism piece - exactly! I think so many of us found some comfort in denouncing the system as broken. But it's so much more miserable when we realize that it's not broken at all, it's working exactly as it's meant to.
@sarahbrown6493 3 ай бұрын
Love your breakdown of the language at the beginning. So interesting to me how words can have different contexts to different people. I’m from the west coast and I was taught that homeless and unhoused are two different things. Basically someone who is unhoused is someone who does not have a stable living situation, maybe they’re couch surfing with friends or living in a van. Homeless however referred to people who had no reliable shelter and are often living in tents or on the street. I don’t think this is the best terminology tbh as it makes it very easy to see one group as better or more deserving than the other, but it’s interesting to see how varied the use of the same words can be.
@Praisethesunson 3 ай бұрын
English is 3 different languages smashed together with all the coordination of a circus fire.
@richardcheney6964 3 ай бұрын
I was homeless in New York for 8 months last year. I had a job the entire time, it just didn't pay enough to make rent on any publicly listed property. Eventually I was able to find some black market housing, so I'm chilling now. But when having one job isn't enough to afford a place to live, you're living in hell.
@hillogical 3 ай бұрын
End NIMBY-ism and this problem gets better. We are not building the homes we need to build. Not just single family, but medium and high density as well. Before you donate to an organization that may not actually help, vote in your local elections. It doesn't matter who's in the Oval Office if your city hall won't allow building.
@llamapartyy 3 ай бұрын
that's not gonna happen if people keep turning a blind eye and believe that all the homeless need to work harder
@hillogical 3 ай бұрын
@@llamapartyy There are people on the west coast living on the street WITH jobs. We are short MILLIONS of homes in this country. People can work as hard as they want, there's nowhere to go.
@DonnaDoveWinters 3 ай бұрын
I live in Portland and there was an un-housed folks camp that was cleared away by the cops to make way for the the new Ritz Carlton. The affordable housing we need! The minimum wage is also only $16 an hour which isn't enough for a crappy studio. I can't imagine being unhoused in an area where the minimum wage is still $7.25. I highly recommend the books Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich and Evicted by Matthew Desmond for more on how expensive and difficult it is to work for minimum wage
@Lacewise 3 ай бұрын
Loved the video! I rarely see people answering common questions with relatable answers instead of statistics or sensationalism and, in my experience, those down-to-earth stories really stick with people. There’s an article interviewing Stuart Ewen, an academic specializing in public relations. It mentions that, in the 1940s, national healthcare in America was expected to pass, so corporations got to work rebranding it as communism. It’s from Z Magazine (so it’s only available on web archives, so far as I can tell) and it’s titled “Public Relations: Corporate Spin and Propaganda” by David Barsamian. I don’t know if that’s useful trivia for your future episode on healthcare but I am currently drowning in sources on consumerism, marketing, and corporate spin so I decided to at least offer it. Looking forward to your next topic!
@jezzarisky 3 ай бұрын
Reminds me of how certain parties changed what was often seen as a car’s driver “murdering” someone walking, to it becoming “an accident”. The change of wording did much to change our attitude around the many avoidable deaths from cars and not doing more to make safe roads for everyone.
@ErbBetaPatched 3 ай бұрын
Thats because "murder" requires intent. Most car deaths are not intended so to call them murders would be wrong and loaded.
@daydreamlover15 3 ай бұрын
The part where you said “If you’re listening to this episode, eyes on the screen” was genuinely so real. I was listening to this whole thing while doing something else because that’s what I’m used to doing, but looking at the screen and realizing how genuinely jarring and terrifying this is was for sure a wake up call.
@xploringangel4705 3 ай бұрын
Man your videos are incredibly well formatted, informative, and engaging! I have been binge watching your content and will continue. Thanks for your work and integrity to provide resourceful information on exposing injustices in our society. I hope your channel blows up asap!
@misszombiesue 3 ай бұрын
I used to help homeless people find housing as a job, and getting into that line of work really opened my eyes to two super specific lessons: 1. the difference between on-the-street homelessness or not isn't money or resourcefulness, it's usually friends and family. When you said that black people are less likely to be on the street, that actually didn't surprise me even though I never heard that before, because a lot of minorities have stronger community ties. BUT NOT ALWAYS, and if you're a DV survivor, or a foster child aging out, you start the game so far behind everyone else re:avoiding homelessness. 2. A lot of people were homeless but didn't consider themselves to be. If you don't have a permanent address, you're technically homeless. Couch surfers, motel dwellers, people who lost their home recently to a natural disaster, a lot of these people don't consider themselves homeless if they technically had a place to stay, and don't fully realize the toll that living that way took on them, they just think it's normal bad luck, but it's much harder than that
@xelefonte 3 ай бұрын
Cam Jones is a god send. Best thing to happen to black KZbin since African diaspora.
@r9delta104 3 ай бұрын
I look forward to any future content to show on the medical industry. Being single, my outlook on getting myself taken care of was always "guess i'll just f'ing die" to when having a family: "hope i dont get seriously sick so i dont ever have to make the choice between continuous endless poverty or f'ing dying"
@eothamec2427 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for making this video. I live in a small town and am going to move in a month for many reasons. Being from a small town, I've not had to really deal with seeing or being around unhoused people more than once or twice a month by the walmart parking lot. When I visited the city I'm moving to, I saw a clearly impoverished man lying face first in the sidewalk in freezing cold temperatures. I saw someone else call emergency services, so all I could do was walk past. I wanted to check to see if I could help them since I've had some first responder training but my partner, who is from vancouver, just hurried me along. It was really distressing to me. I have asked people from cites, how do you deal with being confronted with desolate poverty almost every day, when you yourself are still afloat? How should you treat these people? How do you be respectful and also safe? When I asked my partner she just said she didn't know and she just moves past and tries not to look/interact. I think thats how most people are operating. I have tried to live my life in recognition that I am not 6 good months away from being a billionair, I am 6 bad months away from trying to figure out how to make a sidewalk cofortable to sleep on. This video obviously didn't fully answer my questions in depth but it did give me a good start I think. Thank you again.
@lilosmosis 3 ай бұрын
One of the realest creators on this site, don’t think I’ve ever seen someone actually explain how a sponsor makes money like that. Keep it up bro 🔥
@CamJames 3 ай бұрын
trying my best to be someone y'all can trust, thank you fam
@QuirkyTJones 3 ай бұрын
I mean I’m technically homeless/unhoused since I’m not on anyone’s lease but I have been fortunate to have never been without a pretty decent roof over my head. I also was finally granted disability benefits after fighting with the government for 4 years and my housing situation is still a fighting battle. And unfortunately you do have to be or dang near sleeping on the street to get assistance with housing and whether or not it’s affordable is a whole other issue for a different day. But I digress and Cam TY for all that you do! I don’t know if you realize you’re truly motivating/uplifting and you always seem to drop a video about something I needed to hear and at the most perfect time (are you down w/ big brother 😂j/k ofc.) 😊
@cases_with_kat 3 ай бұрын
I spent the past school year working with the legal clinic as a senior certified attorney in the Midwest - a significant part of that was representing tenants in housing court. I've found that many people don't understand the protection that states have to prevent wrongful eviction and will avoid court and move without challenging the notice so that they don't have an eviction on their record. Often, all a lawyer could get for the tenants was an extension of time to move out and that eviction case dismissed so it didn't turn up on their record, but there are clauses in some leases that are blatantly abusive and unenforcable. If you're a person that is threatened with eviction or a bad landlord, it is always a good idea to seek legal help. There are free resources - my state offers programs that help with legal representation for tenants, and most law schools have clinics that can help as well - and you likely have more rights than you think.
@Tribow 3 ай бұрын
yo thanks for the resources for real. I've got some family in desparate need of their own home and 211 is very slow working in helping them out. I didn't know about many of these resources, appreciate it.
@Bonserak23 3 ай бұрын
211 means well but there have been problems with non profit corruption especially during the pandemic and sometimes there is simply nothing they can do but hand out a sack lunch and a water.
@Tribow 3 ай бұрын
@@Bonserak23 It's true! I know for a fact 211 is not supposed to be so slow nowadays but they just dont get the support they need to be effective. My town has been putting up signs telling people to use 211 as if the people on the street haven't already been doing that! Just another town trying to police where people can be instead of actually trying to provide shelter.
@007KrausBean 3 ай бұрын
Here in America the reality is that we are ALL one health issue, accident, or misstep/mistake away from our lives being torn down. I think that people need to lose all of the BS and realize this. We are ALL just trying to make it out here in the world and our own social structures created by humans don't help. Take care of each other out there. As you said, Cam, we all may need help from others from time to time. I also love your portion about being an ally. I think that anyone discriminating on others is horrible. I really find it even more strange when a group that is highly discriminated against and knows how it feels and affect them does it to others. We all need to look out for each other and cut the shit. Another killer piece! Much love!
@KingDeeba 3 ай бұрын
brah, thanks for the uploads
@itsjessguys7005 3 ай бұрын
Dope video Cam, thanks for highlighting that most unhoused people are intersectional we need to help each other.
@TehTechnoMiser 3 ай бұрын
You're once again knocking it out of the park. I've thankfully never had to be genuinely afraid of being unhoused personally, but it's incredibly refreshing for you to go out of your way to include resources that people can use, right now, within your video that has a tangible, immediate effect. Major props.
@CamJames 3 ай бұрын
mission accomplished, thank you for taking the time to watch!
@savtelly3817 3 ай бұрын
My neighbors backyard/houses around me have been full of unhoused people for the past year. I have a lot of actual experience living with and around unhoused people, their drug use/drug sales, children running amok and destroying your property etc. I will say that the situation is complicated on both sides of the aisle. I love my neighbor as myself and I understand how horrible the housing situation in my city is. I also have children and do not want to see drug deals, trash piled up and random people with violent criminal records popping up next door daily. I get why people run to the burbs but I also realize that this problem is heading that way too. There’s a difference between no home and uneducated/felon/dubstance abuser etc. I foresee a lot of educated people losing homes soon too. Too long but it’s a sore spot for me right now. Thanks for sharing.
@keithberwanger6595 3 ай бұрын
For those who are going to point out, "Some people chose that lifestyle" it is true that some individuals do wish to exist and have decided to be "homeless" but that is not what these discussions are about. This about the class wars waged by the billions of faceless dollars using every dollar at their disposal to wring every cent from your pockets and how that has destroyed families and encumbered local government with huge spikes in housing assistance, child safety cases, and weaponized community services. This video is not about someone who CHOSE to live life on the fringe of what we might call society, it's about those hurt by greed
@blairalive 3 ай бұрын
This episode is a phenomenal exploration of how being unhoused is not the fundamental problem, it is a result of a bunch of different things. So well researched as well. Amazing.
@FinNewsInsider 3 ай бұрын
The intro beats and style. I love it all but you really wrap me in with the intro. Well done
@tomhancock8184 3 ай бұрын
Your best video so far! People need to realize that all of us are just one or a few more unfortunate events that may or may not be our fault, from being unhoused. One of the aspects of this national crisis I find perplexing is why none of our political leaders are making, to use your phrase, any noise about it. My theory why politicians are at best dragging their feet is this, the unhouse don't vote, at least not in large numbers. And they certainly don't make campaign contributions. Therefore, to politicians, the unhoused don't matter. Anyway, I really enjoy the work you are doing. Keep going!
@taycassomadethat 3 ай бұрын
another lovely video Cam. thank you so much. i wish i knew this two years ago when i experienced being unhoused from my first apartment by myself after almost two years. i was forced to quit my job because they showed me they did not care and that led to many things. especially mentally. it was a rough time. once i got evicted the same way you described, i was between living on the street and a hotel. once i had no money left, it was street and then i got hit by a car. i was able to live with my daddy after the hospital to recover but it’s been a journey for sure to where i am now. God is amazing to get me here. it all led me to finish my degree and get me into grad school. i’m thankful for life overall. 💜
@ryankeller9680 3 ай бұрын
I really liked how you told listeners to look at the screen. Listening to it at work, and had you not said that, I would have missed a very emotional part of this video. Highly recommend to keep doing that when applicable
@CamJames 3 ай бұрын
thanks for watching. these are highly visual experiences throughout and I'm aware that many listen to them. every now and then, I need undivided attention for the point to get across effectively.
@Amanda.DelRae 3 ай бұрын
Once again, you cover all these heavy, hard hitting topics. You make it all so easily understandable, and incredibly informative.
@rttrtt1374 3 ай бұрын
You don't know how much I appreciate a young professional black creator making videos that have to do with socio economics. rooting for you heavy man. Loving the come up your production quality is amazing.
@CamJames 3 ай бұрын
aye thank you fam!
@Anngrl69 3 ай бұрын
17:27 Thank you for explaining this. I came to the same understanding when I was heading home from college in the winter. It was freezing, had just snowed all day, and I was walking to my bus stop ready to get home. My college is in Seattle, where we have a huge unhoused population, and the university’s neighborhood provides some resources for individuals struggling with homelessness, so it’s common to see people on the streets who are visibly unhoused. I saw a man on the sidewalk with tattered clothes to the point he was just wearing pants and lighting up a pipe to smoke what I assume was Fentanyl. In that moment I realized if I had no where to go in the freezing cold and knew I’d be in the elements for the unforeseen future, on top of all the other struggles that come with being unhoused (no convenient toilet, sink to brush teeth and wash hands, shower, etc.) I probably would turn to drugs too. I’m currently housed and self-medicate with weed, there’s no way I could look at someone struggling and then berate them for trying to get high and escape the situation mentally.
@CamJames 3 ай бұрын
all it really takes is a little empathy and most of the confusion tends to clear up tbh
@greerisland 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for speaking on hostile architecture. Once you see it you can’t unsee, the spikes under bridges, design and shape of park benches, and more.
@FrocketGaming 3 ай бұрын
Thanks Cam. My department at work signed up for habitat at humanity in Atlanta last summer, incredible experience. Anyone willing to give their time should consider it.
@jermeriaskillom1333 3 ай бұрын
This one!!! Loving the support garnered to tell the store of our hurting nation!
@Themissingtupperwarelid 3 ай бұрын
You earned a sub with this one. As a Seattle resident who experienced desperation in early adulthood. this one hit hard. Thanks, Cam.
@xUltimatexInstinctx 3 ай бұрын
User engagement
@Rambunctious202 3 ай бұрын
As someone who only recently managed to get about a month of savings underneath me as i approach 30(my own bad decisions mostly interactions with the bad financial advice many of us were given as teenagers) this hit so hard. Thank you for being so frank about the vast majority of the unhoused. They're not drug addicts and criminals. They're largely people who just don't have the best support networks. I obviously can't financially support anyone but my own right now, but my couch is always open to anyone who needs it for a little bit to rest and recover. We could all do with a little bit more empathy.
@ametxa9 2 ай бұрын
Home run as always. It's great that you provided footage and images of what an eviction looks like as most people don't understand how traumatizing it is.
@CamJames 2 ай бұрын
thank you for watching! yeah it needed to hit home.
@becsclaireee 3 ай бұрын
Cam, this made me think a lot. About my own situation, about the situation of my patients as a healthcare provider in Memphis, about how to be a more empathetic person (I am, but I saw a big gap for improvement in the way I interact with unhoused people)… thanks, Cam. Your content is always so good. Always gives a really good education take and a bird’s eye view and stops me from feeling like I’m overwhelmed and drowning in it. I always leave feeling like I have traction and like there is more that I can do than I thought.
@DavidWoods255 3 ай бұрын
Wake up for work this mornin, it's Friday and the last day before I get two weeks of annual leave. I see there's a Patreon notification from 4am in my inbox: "Aye new Cam's up - I'll save that for when I finish, gotta savour it even if that title is tough"... from 4:45 to 8:11 I learned more than a year of Februarys. I say it each and every time, probably too much, but I really do love your work. Hope that's not lost on you.
@punxsutawneyphilofficial 3 ай бұрын
I really like the use of the quotation marks in the actual video. It was a fun touch instead of what I see a lot of other people do, which is having the text their quoting appear on screen. It makes me feel more engaged when I see the person saying the words
@CamJames 3 ай бұрын
that's what i figured too, thanks for that feedback! always looking for more creative ways to increase the engagement for viewers
@Magus__Quinn 3 ай бұрын
you do amazing work, it's so great to see a creator in atlanta covering shit like this. The local news is terrible when it comes to covering unhoused folks- even to a point where they do special coverage over the "squatter problem" i love this city i just want it to be better
@carolmerengwa6296 3 ай бұрын
I have a friend who taught me to keep some snacks in my car (like granola bars and water bottles) to give out to people when I see them. I don’t typically carry cash, but when I see unhoused people and I have some snacks with me, it’s not much but they are more than appreciative.
@CamJames 3 ай бұрын
great suggestion! love that
@SirJoelsuf1 3 ай бұрын
I used to live next to a shelter and I used to do that. Would either make 'em all sandwiches if I REALLY had the money to do it but all other times I would give 'em the 2/$1 bags of chips at the dollar store. They gave me a superhero name: Snack Man. haha Doing this to me is a LOT better and WAY less patronizing than just giving spare change. To me, anyways. I had to live in my car a few months after my dad died and I used to HATE when people gave me spare change. Same with booze, didn't like that either. But if someone bought me some food or something, I was stoked. When it comes to monetary support, I've always adopted Dave Ramsay's old adage "live like no one can so you can GIVE like no one can." Only unlike him I plan to actually DO it...when I DO have the money.
@celestialsun7573 3 ай бұрын
Another great video! Hope to see that Patreon list get longer and longer!
@JP-jd8wr 3 ай бұрын
Cam you really have earned my utmost respect. I honestly feel like you're doing a show that's started to rival shows like The Tonight Show with John Oliver and The Daily Show with John Stewart. With way less resources. I mean that in the most positive way. The topics you cover and the integrity and humor you bring with these very real topics that hurt US as people in this country and our culture. I'm going to donate to you monthly moving forward even if i can only afford a dollar. Keep going and inspiring. Stay safe 💯
@MrBaskins2010 3 ай бұрын
seeing you use a david hoffman clip (even if brielfy) was a lovely youtube crossover. that ally tangent was needed. glad you made your stance clear for any goofy dudes
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