The mistery of the Basque Language

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11 жыл бұрын

The mystery of the Basque language: discover everything you ever wanted to know about this ancient language, one of the oldest in the world.

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@adamuppsala1931 8 жыл бұрын
I love this land! been going every year for the last 20 years. each time I discover a new fascinating thing about this amazing nation. I recommend the city called Sare and Navarra villages where Euskera is spoken in every village. the people are extremely open to foreigners (not Spanish or French speakers though - obviously! ) I have a great time. the video made me so melancholic..
@SteInsixiengmay 8 жыл бұрын
Basque is such a beautiful language. I've been on such a Basque kick lately. Hopefully I'll make it to the region someday and pay it a visit. I'd really love to experience the wonderful food, culture, history, and most importantly, the beautiful language (and dialects) the Basque region has to offer.
@tacofrito198 9 жыл бұрын
My great grandpa was basque, and he spoke the entire language fluently.
@andrewwg.6892 3 жыл бұрын
And so was my grandpa or should I say aittitte! I'm lucky to be bilingual in American English and Old Biscayan Basque.
@rjravaz 10 жыл бұрын
This is cool, it's also the origin of the last name Vazquez, interesting.
@AngelicStormz 9 жыл бұрын
The proto basque is what needs to be learned.
@anthonymccarthy4164 8 жыл бұрын
All language minorities should be encouraged to maintain their language as a important enrichment of the human heritage. Basque, Irish, Wôpanâak, !xoo, etc.
@sergiuszkiev 8 жыл бұрын
+Anthony McCarthy What enrichment do you speak of? Do you need any of these languages if you want to be a doctor or scientist or engineer? What great works of fiction are written in these languages (not including dull and dusty local legends and myths)? So what for? For some foolish things such as national pride?
@anthonymccarthy4164 8 жыл бұрын
Every language is a window into the possibilities of thinking. with its unique range of features. According to you, apparently no one should speak any language that you don't need to be a doctor or scientist or engineer. So, why don't we all speak German? All other languages should be banned. Gee, I seem to remember someone else had an idea like that. To hell with linguistic chauvinism.
@sergiuszkiev 8 жыл бұрын
Words, words, words. Nice words but with no real meaning behind them. Because you know, "unique" is not equal to "useful".
@anthonymccarthy4164 8 жыл бұрын
You are as empty headed as chauvinists always are.
@sergiuszkiev 8 жыл бұрын
Anthony McCarthy Lack of arguments? So fast? My disappointment.
@anasobalvarro7829 8 жыл бұрын
Some day plan to go to the Basque Country since my grandfather was from that land and I am very proud of my people!
@hunterofliars9600 8 жыл бұрын
+Ana Sobalvarro YES, GO THERE. I have been to the basque region 3 or 4 times. Al;l I saw were spanish people speaking... Spanish. What else ?! In fact those people are rather dark and nothing like the pictures of people these basque videos show, LOL DREAM ON...
@SKINDEREE 11 жыл бұрын
Euskara should be protected, And taught to Basques, And non Basques alike. This language is unique, And the whole World should be aware of it. It is more than likely the root of all our languages, And everyone should know it. Latin is nearly dead as a language, We don't want Euskara to go the same way.
@erlantzbeltz4904 10 жыл бұрын
Gora Euskadi Askatuta
@MsEripmav 8 жыл бұрын
Thanks, this was utterly fascinating!
@Ufu4847 8 жыл бұрын
Euskara, the most beautiful place in Spain. I find it a more beautiful language than Spanish.
@sienagonzalezcicero8998 11 ай бұрын
@dominiquepoumirou7252 8 жыл бұрын
I would love to visit this mysterious land.
@swamibubba 8 жыл бұрын
my ancestors were basque i'm fascinated by everything i learn about them
@swamibubba 8 жыл бұрын
unfortunately no look very much fwd to it hopefully someday
@swamibubba 8 жыл бұрын
IM IN NC USA and on disability andyes travel is expensive still i hope to visit someday
@swamibubba 8 жыл бұрын
***** thanks me too
@pedrohuizar7750 8 жыл бұрын
how are your ancestors Basque? Your last name is Allen. Me im Latino(Mexican-American) so im most likely to be basque than you are. You are prob Germanic. Meaning you fathers were prob Barbaric while mine were Civilized. See search up my basque last name its basque.
@swamibubba 8 жыл бұрын
Pedro Huizar thanks my you tube name my last name is gaskins as in gascoigne ie basque
@irishelk3 5 жыл бұрын
Basque people and Irish people share very similar Dna -- along with the Bretons, Scottish and Welsh.
@patrickconnolly3560 8 жыл бұрын
Nire aitaren etxea defendituko dut. Otsoen kontra, sikatearen kontra, lukurreiaren kontra, justiziaren kontra, defenditu eginen dut nire aitaren etxea. Galduko ditut aziendak, soloak, pinudiak; galduko ditut korrituak, errenteak, interesak, baina nire aitaren etxea defendituko dut. Harmak kenduko dizkidate, eta eskuarekin defendituko dut nire aitaren etxea; eskuak ebakiko dizkidate, eta besoarekin defendituko dut nire aitaren etxea; besorik gabe, sorbaldik gabe, bularrik gabe utziko naute, eta arimarekin defendituko dut nire aitaren etxea. Ni hilen naiz, nire arima galduko da, nire askazia galduko da, baina nire aitaren etxeak iraunen du zutik.
@Hamoshekabeka 7 жыл бұрын
no entiendo nada
@Rolando_Cueva 7 жыл бұрын
Yo sí entendí algunas palabras :v
@pedrohuizar7750 8 жыл бұрын
how wonderful i have basque ancestry
@classproject2010 10 жыл бұрын
So interesting-I recently found out that my French heritage actually stems from the Basque people!
@rocksteady5150 9 жыл бұрын
cool to hear! distant ancestry there. now only if i had the patience to learn it :) Ty for the video
@bingenjaiotzaezkurra9977 8 жыл бұрын
Our history is great my mom is French and my dad is Basque and French
@Rptyle 11 жыл бұрын
I want to learn more. Thank's for the info.
@JoschuaBeres 11 жыл бұрын
So awesome, my European ancestry stems from the Basques :)
@moujej 9 жыл бұрын
name of the song in the beginning please :)
@MrMrabaunza 10 жыл бұрын
My last name is Basque learn something new everyday.
@strigoviro5785 8 жыл бұрын
Nice job, Gari! :-)
@VJBlues 8 жыл бұрын
From all the migrants from the Iberian peninsula to Cuba, the Basques were the most successful. The Basque and Catalan footprint is in every aspect of Cuban culture and history.
@grantgilfor 10 жыл бұрын
@armenakarmenakyan4837 9 жыл бұрын
I saw the rivver Aturri ator in Armenian means a chair and river Garoon which in Armenian means a spreang
@artsakhisarmenia7728 7 жыл бұрын
The founders of Basque national historiography Esteban de Garibay, Andres de Posa and Baltasar de Echave considered Armenia as homeland of Basques. The Armenian origin of Basques was strongly supported by several prominent researchers, such as Joseph Karst Gaspar Eskolano, Edward Spencer Dodgson, and Bernardo Estornes Lasa By the end of 19th century the English lingust Edward Spencer Dodgson absolutely accidentally made a very interesting discovery. Being already a well-known basqologist, Dodgson studied Armenian in Parisian “Ecole Special”, in the class of the famous philologist Ogust Career. The result was highly unexpected: already after 2 months studies, Dodgson noticed that many Armenian and Basque words are practically identical. Dodgson published an article “Basque words in Armenian” in the journal “Euskera” (“Basque language”), in 1884. The list mentioned the parallels between more than fifty words. It was like thunder in the clear sky for the scientists, who long maintained the hypothesis of Georgian origin of Basques. For example, (with transcriptions) BS- char «bad, evil» - ARM. char «bad, evil», BS. anti «from there» - ARM. anti «from there», BS. ais «wind» -ARM. ais «wind», BS. zati «separate» - ARM. zati «separate», BS. tegi «place» - ARM. tegh «place» .…. The second important discovery on this subject was made later. In 1920s Basque philologist Bernardo Estornes Lasa, a prominent scientist and academician, was collecting Basque folklore items in Rapcal valley, in the eastern part of province Navarra. In the village Isaba, Estornes Lasa wrote down a local legend according to which the village Isaba was founded by the Armenians, the first inhabitants of Navarra and the ancestors of Basque people. The legend says that the leader of Basques was called Haytor who arrived from Armenia with his seven sons and in their honour founded seven settlements in Navarra. It also said that the ancestor of Basques knew the secret of processing metal. Later, an ancient manuscript was found in the archives of the village, an ancient historical chronical, which confirmed the spoken legends. Highly notable that in Basque language Isaba is translated as “The trace of ancestors”. Although this can seem absolutely incredible, but the fact remains the fact, in village Isaba exists a road, which has the name Erminia (Armenia), in honour of the first colonizers of Navarra. Basque language the name of their ancestor Haytor means “Received from Haya” which correlates to Armenian ‘hay tor’ (“a Grandson of Armenian”). Joseph Karst also mentioned this fact. The ancestor of Armenians, Hayk, indeed, had a grandson, whose name was Pask (in some Armenian dialects Bask). The first time the possible relationship between Armenian name Pask and etnoname of Basques was indicated by N. Marr. It’s interesting that the Basque term for thoroughbred ‘haytoren seme’ means “the son of Haytor”. All these facts were only the top of iceberg of the greatest secret of the European civilization. The theory of the Armenian origin of the oldest people of Europe has its deep roots in the historical collective memory of Basques and found its reflection in their written sources. As far back as XVI-XVIIcc., the founders of Basque national historiography Garibay, Andres de Posa and Baltasar de Echave considered Armenia the prehomeland (or original homeland) of Basques and tried to prove this on the basis of Basque-Armenian toponymic parallels… Araks (the name of a river in Armenia and in the Land of Basques), Apalar, the mountain in the land of Basques and biblical Ararat, the symbol of Armenians. Moreover, de Posa insisted that Basques are from Armenia. He mentioned that the city Taragona meant “commune of shepherds” and compared it with Armenian Taron, the ancient form of which is - Tarawna. A spanish historian of 17th century Gaspar Eskolano, in his book about the history of Valencia (1610), wrote that after the Worldwide flood the patriarch Tubal and his people disembarked on the coast of Spain and they spoke Armenian. Besides, Gaspar Eskolano described the place, where, according to the legends, Armenians - the first inhabitants of Spain were buried. Today, on those locations, mainly in modern Catalonia, churches can be found, indicating that the they have been considered sacred for centures. All this information was defied because the subject wasn’t discussed and made out with the help of Armenian language. When German linguist Joseph Karst undertook the detailed study of Basque-Armenian parallels, the hypothesis about Georgian origin of Basques was firmly motivated. Georgian words in Basque language were obviously borrowings from Armenian, this was indicated by Basque academician Bernard Estorence Lasa. In 1928 Joseph Karst published the results of his studies which caused resonance in the scientific world. He presented more than 300 Basque-Armenian lexical, phonetic and grammatical similiarites, including a shared systems of declension, conjugations and others. Karst came into conclusion that Basque and Armenian languages are two varieties of one linguistical type, which he named Alarodian. Besides, Karst handled the ethnography and the anthropology of Basques and Armenians; new data and proofs shed light on this matter . In 1993 Armenian centre of Yerevan state university founded Armenian-Basque international scientific journal “Araks”, which is edited by armenologists and basqologists from different countries of the world. Some examples on Armenian - Basque similarities BS.’elki'(exit)-ARM.’elk'(exit) BS.’ete'(if)-ARM.’ete'(if) BS.’jaraunsi'(to inherit)-ARM ‘jarangel'(to inherit) BS.’muruncha'(snarl)-ARM.’merenchots'(snarl) BS.’murtsa'(fist)-ARM.’murts'(fist) BS.’orma'(wall)-ARM.’vorm'(wall) BS.’tegi'(place)-ARM.’tegh'(place) BS.’toil'(weak)-ARM.’tuil'(weak) BS.’laino'(size,breadth)-ARM.’lain'(broad) BS.’irurden'(third)-ARM.’erordn'(third) BS.’astadun'(weighty)-ARM.’hastatun'(strong, steadfast) BS.’astatu'(to prove)-ARM.’hastatel'(to prove) . In the Armenian Highlands and in the land of Basques there are enourmous amounts of toponyms, which sometimes get to the level of simple repetition, such as Ashtarak (a town in Armenia) - Astarak (a settlement in south of France). Goris (a city in southeast Armenia) - Goris (a settlement in Gascony). Deba (a river in north Armenia) - Deba (a name of a river in Gascony). Shubria (the ancient name of Sasun province) - Shuberoa (tha name to Basque province in France). Araks (a famous river in Armenia) - Arakses (a famous river in Gascony). Aran (the name of terrain in Armenia) - Aran (Wide-spread toponym in Gascon-speaking part of Catalonia). Karkar (area in Western Armenia) - Karkar (famous toponym in Gascony), etc. Basques call themselves ‘euskaldun(ak)’, which derives from the root word ‘eusk’, in different dialects it has different forms - eusk, usk, esku, asketic. The word is etymologically linked with Armenian word ‘voski’ “gold”, with the variations: iski, veske, aske, ioski. The Armenian word voski “gold” is the root of the proper name ‘Voskan’, which means “one who owns gold” and it reminds the ethnic name of Basques ‘baskon’, and in latin sources fixed as ‘Vaskon’. In Armenian - Araratyan Kingdom (“Urartian kindom”), the southeastern coast of the lake Van, which was the crandle of Armenian people, is called ‘Khubushkia’ which means “valley of usks” that is to say “valley of gold “. In medieval Armenian sources Khubushkia, “valley of usks” or ” golden valley” was renamed into ‘Hayots dzor’ which means “Armenian valley”. On the other hand, the Ushkiani mountains are mentioned in “Urartian” inscriptions on the northeastern coast of lake Urmia. In the time of Strabo, the Ushkiani mountains were already identified as ‘Armenian mountains’, but in Armenian sources they are known as ‘Voskean’ -“golden”. All these facts allow us to conclude that for our ancestors the notions “gold-miner” and “Armenian” were synonymous, which is also evidenced by Basque legends. In conclusion, there was a genetic study done in different regions of Armenia, that detected that the characteristic genetic code prevalent in Welsh, Basques and Irish, called the Atlantic Modal Haplotype, is also present in Armenian population of Syunik and Artsax. These are two Armenian provinces predominantly isolated in the mountains, which precluded genetic admixture with neighboring ethnic groups and nations». The Armenian modal haplotype is also the modal R1b3 haplotype. For a proximate examination of European affiliations to Armenians, you may also refer to a study done by Michael E. Weale, Rolf F. Jager and Neil Bradman in 2001 called “Armenian Y chromosome haplotypes reveal strong regional structure within a single ethno-national group, revealing prevalent link between Welsh, Basques and Irish to the Armenian populace in Syunik and Karabakh.
@zhannaibrasheva8167 7 жыл бұрын
Maybe, origins of Basques and Armenians are in Kazakh Steppe because I too find in Kazakh words similar to Basque words. For example, Haytor. If take into account that the Basques do not pronouce H, the word in Kazakh would mean "Moon + tore". We have male names in Kazakh which begin with Moon which in Kazakh is Ay: Aybek, Aysultan. In case of Haytor it would become Aytore. We Kazakhs had have and still have tribes. We all know from what tribe we are. In case of Aytore it means that that person origins could be from the tribe from which most of our rulers came. It is called Tore tribe. Kazakh offsprings of Gingiz Khan were from Tore tribe. Also, about Karkara. There was a town in Kazakh land. There was a rebellion of Kazakhs in 1916 against Russian Tsar. Also, karkara is a traditional headwear of Kazakh women . Also, there are Karkaraly mountains in Kazakhstan. Araks origins could be in Kazakh word "aryk". And don't be fooled by the fact that Kazakhs and Basques appearances differ. Modern Basques (and Armenians) have such looks and genes because for centuries they were marrying close relatives (from Kazakh's point of view) in order to preserve their identity or just because they have become isolated in some villages in mountains. We, Kazakhs, have so called Zhety Ata (Seven grandfathers, or seven generations) rule according to which we should not marry our close relatives. And according to Zhety Ata rule, the seven generations of one ancestor are considered as close relatives. This is why the modern Kazakhs have such mixed appearances (plus invasions from South East). We have Kazakhs with reddish hair and bluish/greyish/greenish eyes, Kazakhs with black hair and eyes. Tall Kazakhs and short Kazakhs, etc. So we might have low level of presence of some genes that Basques or Armenians have but we might be their true ancestors.
@zhannaibrasheva8167 7 жыл бұрын
By the way, the name Aytore (Айтөре) is still in use among Kazakhs.
@panishj 10 жыл бұрын
Spain is not one nation ,but many brought together by religion and war .Today those many nations are looking for their own identity and whether it be in Galicia ,Catalonia ,or in the land of the Basques the younger people want to be a part of their own history and culture.
@nardaetienne7923 8 жыл бұрын
WHEN I was growing up I was told I was Italian .I don't look like them .I'm small but 5/5 French is what DNA proves.
@GSD- 8 жыл бұрын
with this much diversity Spain ought to become a confederacy or risk division.
@user-xm7jk1ur2c 9 жыл бұрын
what is the muzic please
@AzkueFundazioa 9 жыл бұрын
kaixo Gari, bideo honek eskubide batzuk ditu eta erabiltzeko lehenengo baimena eskatu beharko zeniguke. Lizentziadun materiala erabili duzu baimenik gabe eta horrek hirugarrenen eskubideen kaltetan izan daiteke eta erantzunkizuna eskatu ahal dizute. Egokiena da bideoa ezabatzea, berez sarean orijinala dagoelako ikusgai. Mila esker
@anneteller3128 7 жыл бұрын
Interesting. However, I wanted to see what the language looked like and how it sounded.
@SKINDEREE 11 жыл бұрын
I have heard some people say it was spoken around Stone Henge, In Britain, In the Stone age.
@vanS808 6 жыл бұрын
The founders of Basque national historiography Esteban de Garibay, Andres de Posa and Baltasar de Echave considered Armenia as homeland of Basques. The Armenian origin of Basques was strongly supported by several prominent researchers, such as Joseph Karst Gaspar Eskolano, Edward Spencer Dodgson, and Bernardo Estornes Lasa
@bradgotch 10 жыл бұрын
Aitor my Fathers name. So proud I am to share this blood.
@armenakarmenakyan4837 9 жыл бұрын
Its interesting Aitor in Armenian language means The grandson of Armenian
@bradgotch 9 жыл бұрын
Cool. That is interesting.
@armenakarmenakyan4837 9 жыл бұрын
Everything connected with Basks is so interesting .I hope I will have the opportunity to visit your beautiful country someday!!!
@MichaelSmith-gn5fh 10 жыл бұрын
Not to say anyting against this, but regarding Latin, it is making a major comeback and it is easy to learn to boot. If one can read it and speak it especially Classic Latin , it certainly is not dead. It has very easy rules of grammar and pronunciation. What more can one ask?
@jacobstromburg5803 8 жыл бұрын
Maybe it came from outer space.
@essataboanaota562 8 жыл бұрын
and there resides the.... mystery ! ha ha
@dezmilcoisas 7 жыл бұрын
Alex Collier really believes that's the case.
@essataboanaota562 7 жыл бұрын
MUGEM ha ha ha.... yes he does.
@Rolando_Cueva 7 жыл бұрын
@nardaetienne7923 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you love it.I'm a French women with negative blood.just had DNA Wow.
@DisChannelisMine 10 жыл бұрын
Why, instead of all the dubbed jibber jabber, don't they let us hear what Euskara actually sounds like? Friggin pointless documentary. They should have made it in Euskara and put subtitles underneath.
@buddyalmensbalcin5864 6 жыл бұрын
@buddyalmensbalcin5864 6 жыл бұрын
@buddyalmensbalcin5864 6 жыл бұрын
@buddyalmensbalcin5864 6 жыл бұрын
I think with capital words sounds clearly...
@buddyalmensbalcin5864 6 жыл бұрын
English....Bereber.....Basque needlee ..istn- sten- ..EZTEN tree ...saGar (pl.).. SAGAR (*) to arrive ...fel.... HEL to attach...aGi ....ATXI beef ....esu (t-esu-t "cow") ...ZEZEN wood.... saRir ....ZUR to run fast .... azl ZAL to say ...... enn ERRAN, ESAN to sleep..... eTTes ETZAN (to lie) sheet ......axawlil OIHAL child .....araw (H)AUR enemy .....henGa ETSAI to sneeze .....usraG urtzinz to do .....eG / ekn- EGIN Woman ....t-ame-t (t ...t = feminine) EME Fenec ....axôrhi AZERI (fox) String.....ehed HEDE gazelle ....ahenkoD AHUNTZ (goat) drop.... eTTeb ITOITZ seeds ....âllun ALE to throw .....enDw ANDEatu milk ESNE Jaw ....amâdel MATEL-(HEZUR) master..... mess messaw MAISU sick ..... iran -urn- ERI name ......isem IZEN smell ..... ûxem USAIN USNA shadow ..... têle ITZAL nail...... êsker AZAZKAL Gold ......ûreR URRE to milk ......eZZeG JEIXI JAITZI to chose .....ebres BEREXI to find..... eGraw AURKItu valley.... eRahar HARAN calf .....ahRu ARATXE
@MrGiorgi83 8 жыл бұрын
many of basque words are very similar to Georgian like the name itself Euskera where the ending 'kera' means in Georgian a warm place, sweet home, a place what is totally yours where your soul is addicted etc. if we take Euskara then we have the ending 'kara' it is the same kari in Georgian is a 'door'... also there is a village in Georgia named Kara... also another village called Karaleti. )))
@wolf12010 8 жыл бұрын
+George Dolaberidze What means the name Basque in english?I heard that means ''together'',but i would know if this is true
@vahanari9013 6 жыл бұрын
@julenherrero9942 5 жыл бұрын
You know theres casualities right? And also kara in basque has No meaning so you just made your point out of nothing
@naashiirisartar9576 10 жыл бұрын
gora euskal herria, euskadi ala hil !
@DMGIT 10 жыл бұрын there is a clear link between basque and armenian languages
@mariampetrosyan9526 9 жыл бұрын
In Basque Historical books, it is mentioned that their great ancestor or patriarch was called Haytor. Hay means Armenian , Tor means grandson. Armenian grandson
@Outoftime11 9 жыл бұрын
Which books can u name some of them plz . Or Basque historians .
@mariampetrosyan9526 9 жыл бұрын
Valencia (1610), Andres de Posa, Basque philologist Bernardo Estornes Lasa has collected much of their old folklore. Michael E. Weale, Rolf F. Jager and Neil Bradman have done a study you can check out as well. English lingust and basqueologist Edward Spencer Dodgson made the connection between basque words and armenian and they all make sense. I don't see why it's not a huge possibility when there are various similarities that are clearly seen just through the language connection.
@Outoftime11 9 жыл бұрын
+Mariam Petrosyan tx
@malcolmxavier8814 9 жыл бұрын
my ancestors are from scotland. the Pictish people (im positive i'm ethnically Pictish) were the aboriginal people of that area. some say they were celtic (language that is but with a lot of native words from Iberia), but they were Iberian genetically. it's the same in Ireland, Wales. Genetically the Iberian dna is dominant, everything else there is recessive. Iberian dna seems to be reclaiming the islands.
@eneko5ori 9 жыл бұрын
basque, ireland and scottish genes come from iberia, so you and me have the same ancestors.
@SupremeLordEnki 8 жыл бұрын
+Malcolm Xavier You are right and this is the reason why italics and greeks and georgieans and armenians have only iberian dna traces instead of their country dna traces... which is ironic to be honest.. even the moors the arabs who are so different they raped lots of hispanic womens and the kids the childs would come out looking like iberians instead of having some moorish arabic looks, but they didn't. which is because basques used to be the protectocs at the north of iberia to keep iberia clean and at east iberians tribes and at soulth konnis but the leaders were the lusitaneans the strongest. and so iberia kept itself clean from breeding with outrsiders and italics greeks and phoeniceans proved that in their history. and iberia would also welcome everyone in peace which is were the last daco thracians came to live in lusitanean are actual portugal before dying to greeks and romans.
@Happy_HIbiscus 4 жыл бұрын
@intelligentianaturaldefens46 9 жыл бұрын
Easy. After the Babel Tower tragedy some groups were so scared that traveled so far away as they could. Hahaha
@hilaryc3203 9 жыл бұрын
INTELLIGENTIA NATURAL DEFENSOR That is an absurd belief. :)
@SKINDEREE 10 жыл бұрын
Michael in classification, It is classed as a dead language, I know it is still taught and used. What i'm saying is, We don't want it to get to that stage for Euskara!
@OrderRealm 10 жыл бұрын
Euskadi ala hil! Askatasuna edo Valhalla
@nardaetienne7923 8 жыл бұрын
Brown hair with red tent Amber eyes blue ring. green spots.
@jeice452 9 жыл бұрын
The tower of Babel.
@linkdarksider 10 жыл бұрын
But if the basque people are not indoeuropean... why do they look indoeuropean?? there are indo-european people that look less indo-european than them, for example indians.
@Arvydas_Žvirdauskas 8 жыл бұрын
yeap, real Atlantids, but this part with I2a1a y-dna gene, R1b (all subclades) came here from Asia, and Bashkirs in Bashkortostan still have significant number of R1b, and remember about Caucasian Iberia Entire Iberia has quite large number of I2a1a, also Sardinians, look at this site with gene maps -> and yes, they could mixed Atlantid language with caucasian R1b
@anahitterteryan8840 7 жыл бұрын
The first Man who had inhabbited The Basque Region was called "Aitor" which meins grandson of Armenian. And besides both langsames have a Lot of similarities and the same DNA code too
@cliofaces4937 3 жыл бұрын
@GiorgiGachechiladze02 8 жыл бұрын
Basques and Georgians have one roots, we are true Iberians
@davidisraelyan5017 6 жыл бұрын
They have found nothing from Georgia but much from Armenia which is strange because Georgians are basically ancient Armenians
@cliofaces4937 3 жыл бұрын
Origins Atlantis
@ticertice9132 4 жыл бұрын
4 urte pasatzen ari naizen zerbait partekatzea gustatzen zait, bost liburu predikatzen aritu naiz, zeruko aitak duela lau urte inguruan hasi zen ametsen bidez predikatzera bultzatu nau. Paul apostolu faltsua zela jakin nuen eta une honetan Bibliako eta kristautasunean egiak aurkitu nahian nengoen, beraz, Paulek liburuak ateratzen nituen eta bost liburu entzuten nuen ametsa nuen; pare bat liburu gehiago hartu nituen afiliatuei. Markekin, Lukurekin eta Thomas eta Filiporen liburuak ere beste amets batean entzun genituen; une horretan, Jainkoak nirekin hitz egiten zutela edo oso interesgarria iruditu zitzaidan. Hasi nintzen errebelazioen liburua ateratzen nire harridurarako. Gure Salbatzailea aipatzen du Morning Star dela. Isaiasek Lucifer Morning Star esaten du, ia ateo bihurtu nintzen bost liburu hauek lortzeko ikertzen ari nintzelako. , eta Bibliako kontraesan ugari dagoela jakin nuen, Facebook Ticer Tice izeneko Facebook bat egin nuen, eta bost liburuengatik egin zen, Mateo, John lehenengoa Joan zen Tomasen Ebanjelioa Filipen Ebanjelioan egin nuen. gero aurkitu nuen ebanjelio horiek dizipuluak direla eta kristauekin erlazionatuta daudela eta testu gnostikoak ere ezagutzen direla. Beraz, duela lau urte zure batez besteko kristaua nintzen; orain, funtsean, Gnostiko kristaua naiz, duela gutxi jakin dut iruzur egin diogula, eliza. Gnostikoak konkistatu eta hiltzerakoan, Emaztegaia, Emaztegaia, Argia Barruan aipatzen zituzten testu gnostikoak suntsitu eta gero, jakin nuen Maria Magdalena izan zela ikasle gehien maite zuena eta apostoluengandik. Orain zuretzako badakit. entzun hau, seguruenik, jabetuta nagoela, gezurra edo inguruan jolasten dudala uste dut, baina ez naizela ziurtatzen esan dezaket, ez dizut ezer eskatu nire Facebook-en, hor dago, doan ikusteko, zerbait interesgarria ezagutu nuen Gure Aita Zeruan, Angel Gabriel eta gure Salbatzailea ametsetan bost liburuak bildu ondoren. Profezia horiek jokoan jarraitzen badute Isaias 28: 12-13 Esan duenari atsedena eman ezazu atsedenera eta hau da berriro. Ez lukete entzun, beraz, Jaunaren hitza izango da hausnarketa prebentzioaren gaineko hausnarketaren gainean, lerroaren lerroaren gainean lerroaren gainean, hantxe pixka bat han. Joan eta atzera egin ahal izango dute, eta hautsi egingo dira. Hitza misteriozko puzzle batean legoke, funtsean, baina ametsak eta denbora eta laguntzaren bidez, hemen amaitu behar da azken orduen aurretik, Biblia sinesten baduzu, esaten duena hartu beharko zenuke beste batzuk bezain serio. bertsoak. 1.Daniel 12: 4 Zuretzat, Daniel, ezkutatu hitz horiek eta zigilatu liburua denbora amaitu arte; askok atzera eta aurrera egingo dute, eta ezagutza handitu egingo da. " 2. Enoch 104.12 Liburu zintzo eta jakintsuei emango zaiela eta poza eta egia eta jakinduria asko izango direla. 3.Toma 19 (19) Jesusek esan zuen: Zoriontsua izan zela sortu aurretik. Nire dizipuluak bihurtzen banaiz (eta) nire hitzak entzuten badituzu, harri hauek zerbitzatuko dizute. Baduzu paradisuan bost zuhaitz aldatzen ez direnak, udan edo neguan, eta hostoak ez dira erori. Ezagutzen dituenak ez du heriotza dastatuko. 4.Joel 2:28 28 Orduan gerta liteke, nire izpiritua haragi guztiaren gainera isuriko dudala; eta zure semeek eta alabek profetizatuko dute; zure agureek ametsak burutuko dituzte Ezkutuko hitzen profezia Amos 8:11 hara non datozen egunak dio Jainko Jaunak dio Jainkoak Jainkoari gosea bidaliko diodan herrialde batean ez ogi gosete bat, ez ur egarria, baizik eta Jaunaren hitza entzutean, itsasotik itsasora eta iparraldera joango direla. Ekialdera lasterka joango dira Jaunaren hitza bilatzeko, baina ez dute aurkituko Isaias 28: 12-13 Esan duenari atsedena eman ezazu atsedenera eta hau da berriro. Ez lukete entzun, beraz, Jaunaren hitza izango da hausnarketa prebentzioaren gaineko hausnarketaren gainean, lerroaren lerroaren gainean lerroaren gainean, hantxe pixka bat han. Joan eta atzera egin ahal izango dute, eta hautsi egingo dira HITZA profezia Daniel 12: 4 Zuretzat, Daniel, ezkutatu hitz horiek eta zigilatu liburua denbora amaitu arte; askok atzera eta aurrera egingo dute, eta ezagutza handitu egingo da. " Bakarka egon Mateo 22:30 30 Ecen "Resurrection" -ean ez dira ezkontzen, ezta ezkontzan ere ematen; Jainkoaren aingeruak bezalakoak dira zeruan. Philip 80 80. Berpizkundea eta bataioa Lehendabizi hiltzen direla esan eta gero jendea oker dago. Lehendabizi "Berpizkundea" jasotzen ez badute, bizirik dauden bitartean, hiltzean ez dute ezer jasoko. Bataioaz esaten da, "Handia da bataioa", izan ere, jendeak jasotzen badu, bizi egingo da. Mateo 19:29 29. Eta nire etxerako etxeak edo anai-arrebak edo aita, ama edo emaztea edo soroak utzi dituzten guztiek ehun aldiz jasoko dute eta betiko bizitza heredatuko dute. Vegan Eskriturak Salmoak 78: 27-32 27Haragi hautsak hauts bezala hautsak harrarazi zituen, hegaztiak hegaztiak itsasoetako harea bezala; 28 Eta utzi zituen kanpalekuaren erdian, beren etxe inguruan. 29Jaten zuten, eta oso ondo betetzen zuten Zeren beraien nahia eman zien. 30 Ez ziren beren irrikaz gabetu; baina haien janaria ahoan zelarik, 31 Jainkoaren haserrea beraien aurka heldu zen eta hiltzen zituen Eta isildu egin zuen Israelgo gizon hautua. Beste Facebook nire lagunen zerrendara sartzeko, Cas Berrones, nire lagunen zerrendan, Ticer Tice orrialdean. Ametsetan gure Aita Zeruan, Gure Salbatzailea bi aldiz eta Angel Gabriel ezagutu nuen eta 114 aldiz egin nuen ihes nire ametsetan eta fibromialgiaz sendatu nintzen 5 liburuak bildu ondoren.
@Tony32 8 жыл бұрын
Make a video about the Romanian language, it's a romance language surrounded by Slavic languages wtf.
@reneperez2126 8 жыл бұрын
Yeah that ll be very interesting besides it's Dracula's language
@reneperez2126 8 жыл бұрын
Yeah that'd be very interesting besides it's Dracula's language
@tomaud 9 жыл бұрын
Isn't there similarity of Euskara language with Sakartvelo?
@tomaud 9 жыл бұрын
***** Message deleted by author in order to avoid discussions with idiots.
@tomaud 9 жыл бұрын
***** Message deleted by author in order to avoid discussions with idiots.
@tomaud 9 жыл бұрын
Message deleted by author in order to avoid discussions with idiots.
@tomaud 9 жыл бұрын
***** Message deleted by author in order to avoid discussions with idiots.
@tomaud 9 жыл бұрын
***** Message deleted by author in order to avoid discussions with idiots.
@ClarksonsinUSA 11 жыл бұрын
It sounds like you want to say something??? :) So say it.. The Basque language is unique,not related to other European languages ....Research this, if you doubt..
@andywest5741 11 жыл бұрын
I heard that there is some connection between Basques and Armenians. Is that true?
@Outoftime11 10 жыл бұрын
if its non- known language how it is has 600 same words as in Armenian??
@Outoftime11 9 жыл бұрын
+Mei Yifu I meant 600 words are exactly the same. But when we examine the roots on the grammar of the words the number rise like you mentioned thousands. Also Basques' folktales talk about that they can from Armenia. example "legend of Torq or Tork " Giant who throws Who Throws stones. Also cultural similarity like khachkars,name so River, mountains, and other areas.
@Outoftime11 9 жыл бұрын
+Mei Yifu how Armenians and Spans Share the words? LooL
@Outoftime11 9 жыл бұрын
+Mei Yifu You know who were indo Europeans? What u think?
@Outoftime11 9 жыл бұрын
+Mei Yifu way not?
@Outoftime11 9 жыл бұрын
+Mei Yifu then way Armenians are like that?
@yugiohplayer666 10 жыл бұрын
armiani nikogda ne dzili na kavkaze
@klaramentin6216 9 жыл бұрын
Mr. Gari.... For it to be a 'mystery', there would have to be millions of people around the world interested in the subject and there aren't. Call it 'interesting' but not 'mystery' 'cause 99.999 % of the world population don't give a toss, LOL
@Salomious 3 жыл бұрын
And yet, here you are.
@grantgilfor 10 жыл бұрын
@davidisraelyan5017 6 жыл бұрын
Many sources state the Basques are from ancient Armenia
@SupremeLordEnki 8 жыл бұрын
Basque lusitanean iberians vettones were all tribes but yet one big mother language in iberia Also Gergians and Daco Thracians and Armenians did travel to Iberia 500bc Konni/Connii is the first language to create writting hand system. All the languages that followed after all came from the ones mentioned above as a mixture between with celtic and germanic and vulgar latin, because proto latin = Konni = Lusitanii/iberian/Basque = not proved yet but its the same writting system. Vulgar latin = aeained = greek trojan horse guy that influenced italic language into latin we know vulgar one. Iberian languages are the fathers or parents from many european and african middle eastern languages as of today present world and for writting system is Konni= actual soulth of portugal they been writting since 5000bc.. and Phoenicians in their mediterranean travels they come across them and learned it over the next centuries and introduced the writting system to greeks and italics africans middle east. just do a little research even the oldest arab history talks about the konni and them being the creators of writting language. ´´Basque were just the protectors of the northern mountains as the greek and phoenicans state in their history. Old italic language before proto latin was the same language as lusitani iberian konni basque spoke 2600 3000y ago. basque is the oldest and the only language to have survive to this day. low trives in iberia mixed with roman and celtic but lusitani iberian and basque never did and so they were genocided by romans in the wars that followed that took 400 500 years to settle in iberia, but basques were the only ones to survive.
@cliofaces4937 3 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry but how can it be basque is pre-historic language. Basically goes back 10,000 years.
@ClarksonsinUSA 11 жыл бұрын
There are some who think ,the Basque language has its roots with the Neanderthals..I think this is very interesting....
@eskone94 8 жыл бұрын
Seriously you never look at armenian and basc similitaries?
@gexamb88 10 жыл бұрын
They have Armenian origins, they are Caucasian, but not 100%, Armenians mixed with other tribes along the way to Basque, most likely the tribes of people already in or near spain. The Celts just as the Basque are direct descendants of Armenians. The first inhabitants of Britain, Ireland, and the Welsh were Armenians from the Armenian Highlands (modern day Eastern Turkey, Armenia, Western Azerbaijan). Ayr in Armenian means to burn. Ayr is pronounced just like Ire in the word Ireland. Ireland is known as the Land of Fire. There is also a town in Ireland, the first town at that too, called Ayr. In British historical records, it is also noted by British historians, that Armenians were their founding fathers. Armenians are also the predecessors of the Etruscans (Romans\Italians), Germans (first settled in Bavaria, the name Germany is a variation of the name Armen - Germany, Hermany, Erman, Armen), Greeks, Sumerians (actually Sumerian is a made up term Sumerians = Armenians), and built and ruled Egypt for Egypt's first 150 years. Armenian Sun god is Ar and Egyptian first god was Ra (Ar). Basque people originated or assimilated from Armenians about 4000 years ago. There are over 600 words in the Armenian and Basque language that have same pronunciation and have same exact definition. Ancient Armenians were known to have the knowledge of smelting gold. The Basque people found plentiful gold in spain and named the land Basque or gold. Gold in Armenian is "voski" aka vosconian language or Basque language. basque > vasque > voski = gold. Basque people are one of the true sub-Aryan races of the world, like the Iranians and Indians. But the granddaddy, the true Aryan race is the Armenians. It's even in the name = Ar + yan and Ar + men + yan = children of Ar. Ar is the first and original God of human civilization, the Sun god Ar. Period.
@gexamb88 10 жыл бұрын
Well thought-out and fact provided debate. Bravo.
@gexamb88 10 жыл бұрын
***** You didn't read the facts I posted? How about the fact that the Basque historians agree with what I say and the fact that the Spanish gov has funded these historians to publish these works agreeing with the Armeno-Basque connection. How about the fact that there is DNA proof of this?
@gexamb88 10 жыл бұрын
***** +Shoshli Bugi +nassim zway BAM!! Do you need more proof about Basques, Armenians, and Egypt? King Tutankhamun's DNA Shows Armenian origin. Scientists at Zurich-based DNA genealogy centre, iGENEA, reconstructed the DNA profile of the boy Pharaoh, who ascended the throne at the age of nine, his father Akhenaten and grandfather Amenhotep III. The results showed that King Tut belonged to a genetic profile group known as haplogroup R1b. Among modern-day Egyptians this haplogroup contingent is below 1 percent, according to iGENEA. "We think the common ancestor ( with Western Europeans) lived in the Caucasus about 9,500 years ago," Scholz told Reuters. It is estimated that the earliest migration of haplogroup R1b into Europe began with the spread of agriculture in 7,000 BC, according to iGENEA. Previously R1b was called: R1b = Italic, Celtic, Germanic/ Hittite, Armenian Now it is called: R1b: Italo/Celtic, Germanic; Hittite, Armenian, Tocharian Haplogroup R1b (Y-DNA) is the dominant paternal lineage of Western Europeans. It is also a dominant haplogroup of Armenians. Eu18 or R1b has its maximal concentration in Ireland and Pyrenees (Basques) up to 90% population, being widespread in Western Europe and gradually rarer eastwards, reaching up to Armenia in lower rate. In Armenians R1b has been estimated to be 8,000 years old. The closer we get to NW Europe, the more we observe the youngest, derived forms of R1b. A study published in August 2010 (Myres et al.) says : “The phylogenetic relationships of numerous branches within the core Y-chromosome haplogroup R-M207 support an Armenian Highland (wrong usage of West Asian in original quote) origin of haplogroup R1b, its initial differentiation there followed by a rapid spread of one of its sub-clades carrying the M269 mutation to Europe.” Result of the over 300 individuals that have already been tested revealed that the Armenian branches of DNA are at the root of many branches in Europe. Armenians belong to 13 distinct genetic groups that go back tens of thousands of years, while at the same time there is no trace of invaders in their DNA in the last 4000 years, making them “homogeneous in their diversity”. Although it is rare in South Asia, some populations show relatively high percentages for the haplogroup R1b. These include the Lambadi (Andhra Pradesh) showing 37%, Hazara 32% and Agharia (East India) at 30%. The Father of Egyptian Archaeology William Matthew Flinders Petrie also noted that Mitanni was an Armenian Kingdom and Queen Thiy, (mother of Akhenaten, mother in law to another future Egyptian queen of Armenian Mitannian origin Nefertiti and grandmother of Tutankhamun) was an Armenian. She brought the Aten religion to Egypt from her native land - Armenian Kingdom of Mitanni - and taught it to her son. Source: Zurich-based DNA genealogy center, iGENEA. O. Semino & al. 2000: The Genetic legacy of Paleolithic Homo sapiens in extant Europeans (A Y-Chromosome perspective). Science 290: 1155-1159. R. Scozzari & al. 2001: Human Y-chromosome variation in the western Mediterranean area, implication for the peopling of the region. Human Immunol 62: 871-884. Distribution of European Y-chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) haplogroups by country in percentage. S. Rootsi & al. 2004: Phylogeography of Y-Chromosome Haplogroup I reveals distinct domains of Prehistoric Gene flow in Europe. Amer. J. Human. Genet. 75: 128-137. Armenian DNA Project at Family Tree DNA. Haplogroup_R-M173. (Kivisild 2003, Sengupta 2005, and Gayden 2007). Harry Reginald Hall "History of Egypt, Chaldea, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria in the Light of Recent Discovery" John Mackinnon Robertson (1906). A Short History of Freethought Ancient and Modern. Watts & co. (2 vols, 1915)
@gexamb88 10 жыл бұрын
***** When have I claimed what you just wrote? I did not say Basques are Armenian. That would be stupid to say. They don't even look alike (anymore at least). They have Armenian origins, is what I have always been saying. Even in my initial post, I stated that the Armenians to migrated to Basque most likely assimilated with other people along the way and with the tribal people already in the near vicinity of the Basque country. Now as far the importance of the Armenian influence on not just the Basque, but pretty much every ethnic group they came into contact. Of course, it is not the only influence, or not the only IMPORTANT influence. But, every ethnic group Armenians assimilated with during their migratory travels, they made the MOST important influence. Because they spread civilization throughout the continent. They spread parliament, government, agriculture, weaponry, metallurgy, cattle raising, astronomy, geometry. Is this not an important influence, not just to one ethnic group (Basque) but an entire fucking continent (Europe, even as far south as Northern Africa and Asia)? You know of stonehenge in England right? Do you know there is a stonehenge in Eastern Armenia called karajunj dating back to 7500 BCE? That's thousands of years before England. You see how BIG the influence of Armenians were to England? Researchers cannot for the life of them figure out what the word HENGE means. That's because they never thought to translate it in Armenian, where coincidentally (lol) there is another stonehenge in Armenia, older. Karahunj = kar (stone) + hunj (henge). The name stonehenge is the same as karahunj. Hunj or hunch (u is pronounced like ou) means "to have voice". Is it also coincidence the stonehenge in England is called the whistling stones? My responses came from people's misconceptions and falsifications of history. Do not make comments on history and then say WHO CARES where they came from. How many markers are needed? The R1b marker: Italo/Celtic, Germanic; Hittite, Armenian, Tocharian Armenian and Hittite are synonymous people, they are the same. Tocharian is also very close to Armenian genetically and culturally. As you see the others: Italo (descendants of Etruscans - another name for Armenians), Celtic and Germanic (I have already explained these connections). How many more markers do you need? This is not lone proof I agree. But it is icing on the cake, based on the collective and ABUNDANT amount of evidence that I have already brang forth here. Many people do like to research their past and culture and origins. This conversation is for those people. If you don't care, then stop commenting. As far as I am concerned, I have only presented logical, factual, and researchable evidences to prove my case. If you want to refute me, then counter with proof. If you state you DON"T CARE, then why bother with this topic? Move on.
@gexamb88 10 жыл бұрын
***** It is what I am claiming, and it is being proven. Sadly, this is a more recent (last 25 years) venture being taken by historians globally, mainly in Armenia. The reason for this has many elements and it ties into many political issues. Mainly the Turkish gov is in charge of writing revisionist history or paying other historians to do the same. Zionist Jews also have their hand in this as well. These two groups of people do not want the world to know the truth for their own political agendas. But Armenologists are doing great work to support and bring to the surface above the ashes and debris of our long lost and falsified history. It will take some time in the coming years to translate these works for others to read and understand. Politics aside, this is the truth.
@Hispanosuiza1 10 жыл бұрын
There's no mistery to the vasque language... there's only one other language that has any similarity to vasque, and that's a language spoken in the remote mountains where the berevers keep their flocks. Curiously enough both languages are very limited vocabulary wise.. most words having to do with mountains, goats, sheep, grazing land, milk, cheese and Little more. Theory is that some berevers arrived at the vasque area as mercenaries in an arab Invasion.. that they desserted and sought refuge in the vasque mountains, similar to their own, etc. Another similarity between berever africans and vasques is their blood Rh.. rare everywhere in Europe,, but common to this two community. Vasque is a fake language, invented by Sabino Arana in the late 19th century... Sabino, the father of vasque nationalism, didn't know a word of vasque till he learned it from a maid that worked in his parents house when he was 17 years old, a couple of years later he had invented a whole dictionary.. still very limited, but good enough to use it as an excuse for seeking Independence on the Basis of "cultural"v differences with the rest of Spain. Mind you.. the idea that the vasque Region should be Independent of Spain was no Arana's idea... he was approached by an angel while taking a walk in the gardens of the Jesuit School he attended as an intern... it was the "angel's" idea... jajaja.. LMFAO...
@txosue26 9 жыл бұрын
There are many theories, but no one serious cientific investigation or comparison about that. Show that words and maybe you'll be right. Obviously, you are the typical spanish mind-closed ignorant; speaking when you don't know anything about. Gora Euskal Herria!
@ready4anyting 9 жыл бұрын
You are probably a person - friend with Corneliu Vadim Tudor, on the Romania side, who would deny the existence of Hungarians, Szeklers, Csángós who obviously live in Romania.
@johnnysahsa885 9 жыл бұрын
basque have African origin
@davidisraelyan5017 6 жыл бұрын
@joelwaechter587 7 жыл бұрын
Basque is not an indo-European language .. Armenian is an Indo European language so not sure why all these Armenians and Georgians at that keep insisting basque are related to them.. Basque people and Armenians look nothing alike .. Armenians and spaniards look nothing alike either... you have no relation to the Iberian peninsula ... sorry
@davidisraelyan5017 6 жыл бұрын
lol, not to smart.. language changes over time and has nothing to do with DNA
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