The Narcissist And Their Will To Return

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Narc ology unscripted

Narc ology unscripted

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@cathygail9204 9 ай бұрын
I divorced an abusive, cheating narcissist 40 years ago. We had 3 daughters together. I remarried 37 years ago, had another daughter, and he left us when she was 10 months old. FF to present day while narc #1 had all these years to love bomb our 3 kids, refused to pay all his child support, remarried to a malignant narcissistic, just like him,and together they sucked all 4 of my children away from me. You know, the amusing clown that tells his kids that he is their buddy and files for bankruptcy twice because he buys them everything, along with grandiose vacations. Meanwhile, I'm trying to hold everything together, trying to take care of my kids, the house, myself and being the disciplinarian. 3 of my daughters have 3 children each. None of them will speak to me, which means I cannot see or speak to any of my 9 grandchildren. I've never spoken about my ex in a negative way to any of them, not directly, but they all know how I feel about him. He was and still is the persuasive one, just like the serpent. I've tried everything I could think of to bring my family back together, but I never get any responses. I tell them I love them however I can and pray every single day for their salvation. Until they meet Jesus, nothing will change. Anyway, the narcs wife passed away a few months ago, and guess what?! That rat had the gaul to ask me out to dinner! I guess he thinks I'm chomping at the bit to rekindle! NOT! So, yeah, when there's grandkids involved, things are very different. And a lot more painful. I would not have made it through all this if it weren't for my Jesus. No one has been abandoned by more loved ones than He has. He understands our grief and loves our loved ones so much more than we do! Thanks for sharing your story and for dialoguing with us. We need each other, Amen!?
@tamimchoudhury4285 9 ай бұрын
So sad, I can relate, they turn the family against you, as mum so hurtful, the pain is excruciating, the love you want to share and give to your grandchildren, the narc manipulated the whole situation, they find all the ways to hurt you. Only God can give us strength to live, I still hope your family will realise 🙏
@cathygail9204 9 ай бұрын
@tamimchoudhury4285 amazing, isn't it how most of us had no idea what we were about to deal with when we got involved with these snakes. They are so cunning and deceptive that we don't see the damage until it's too late. I hope you're managing your situation by the grace of God. I don't know how anyone can survive something like this without Him. God bless you. Stay strong and never give up on yourself or your family. ❤️
@tamimchoudhury4285 9 ай бұрын
@@cathygail9204 been married 34yrs, the control and put downs all started from day one, he would always find new ways to hurt me, the silent treatment, the criticisms, the pretending of making up only to be abused again. My explanation was he is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Only recently I learnt about narcissists, I was like, gosh that's my situation, I couldn't believe that others were suffering too, with the same prescribed abuse by these evil people. I'm done, just applied for divorce last week, I hope it goes through, he is still at it with me, putting my children against me. It's so hurtful. I hope God gives me the strength, I endured so much. Funny people don't believe it, think it's crazy, as we difficult to prove, even the police say that too, without physical or actual threats to kill, they don't take it seriously. Lots of love and stay strong, try to enjoy our daily lives 💙
@terrimehring2137 9 ай бұрын
@Kingdom_of_God777 9 ай бұрын
I’m sorry to hear about your experience, but I still have to wonder - How and why in the world did you marry another person just like him?
@briansaiditsoitmustbetrue4206 9 ай бұрын
When the Narcissist gets bored with the "new supply" THIS is when you will see the hoover from your Narcissist. They will idolize you and you will see the Hoover from the "Empty Meat suit" ..They traded you for the low-hanging fruit... Now they want you back.
@sylettemonroe8878 9 ай бұрын
Omg omg. Your last sentence.
@LethalWeapon73 9 ай бұрын
They want anyone at moment or anyone they dealt with prior to get narc fuel from.
@GGSmalls 9 ай бұрын
Please explain. This is happening to me right now. AGAIN Ten years -2 cheating. I finally stopped giving chances and left the last time after another chance because I just couldn’t do it. I couldn’t believe him anymore and now I feel terrible that maybe I didn’t give the last chance a chance! It’s crazy thinking. I know he isn’t a full narc bc he doesn’t have some of the really bad traits if one but he definitely has some and noticed it only after he was caught cheating. Now he’s sending nicer messages and broken hearts 💔- when I first left 3 months ago the messages were very hateful and so mean. Now they aren’t that at all. Help!!
@amclyne51 9 ай бұрын
Omg ! I recently saw the Narcissist I was dating. I had gone NO CONTACT for over a year, I said good afternoon he asked how are you doing? I said great and kept on going, didn’t ask how he was or looked at him.
@druidvw3960 9 ай бұрын
Forgiving those who trespass against us doesn't mean we hang out with them, or give them another chance to do it to us again. Forgiveness is us letting go of the righteous anger and indignation, understanding that we were unequally yoked to a demonic meat suit and letting go of all of it. Forgiveness is for us. That we might regain our peace. God will handle these narcs. They will ALL answer to Him, just like we will. Your job is to get out of His way and trust Him and His perfect plan for you. His burden is light. Rejoice! Forgive! Be free!
@mickcrovo5238 9 ай бұрын
2024 for me will be the year of agape love and the end of eros. I won't get fooled again.
@NopeNotTodaySatan 2 ай бұрын
Amen!!!! 🙏 ❤
@oscarbravo8585 9 ай бұрын
I moved over the holidays....and she'll never find me.
@robertbraun7155 9 ай бұрын
I was married to a narcissistic woman for 18 years that did a lot of damage. It was years to get myself back to want to even try to date again. Then I met an amazing girl.. That ended up doing just as much damage if not more in just 3 years.. Channels Like yours helps just so I can start again to beat the horrible PTSD I now have from this one. When we met I was diagnosed with leukemia. She was so supportive and amazing. Then at the drop of a hat she would use it against me. Tell me her needs aren't being met and that she did not sign up for hospice.. So yes this was very recent. People and channels like this it's what's keeping me going right now because she had me convinced it was my fault. As a man I would push through and still meet her needs. Mind you her needs was things like learning to cook like she does because if I truly loved her I would.. Definitely pushed into a very broken place. She left to Florida to the new man she already had set up. Thank you for making these videos. It is helping me more than you know.
@Tommytwostroke 9 ай бұрын
So true I got the “Merry Christmas” 😂 hoover
@ANDROID697 8 ай бұрын
Happy Easter 😊
@NopeNotTodaySatan 2 ай бұрын
Happy goodbye!!! ✌️
@Jean-PaulLaBrecque-ll5ge 9 ай бұрын
I just find that they just keep taking peace from a person's life,no matter how many times you end up going back,they're insulted within days again and the whole trouble cycle starts over again,the showing up in a bad mood,the insulting,the ignoring,the hoovering,and the demand that you constantly apologize for the trouble they started,it just never ends with them.
@sylettemonroe8878 9 ай бұрын
Total lifespan of evil manufacturing chaos right up and even after death. Boggles the mind how manipulating the lying has been and people believe it. Wild! Totally boggles the mind. You won't ever be the same.
@tamimchoudhury4285 9 ай бұрын
That's exactly my situation, Gosh! My one had 34yrs to practice his cycle. I'm walking away now hopefully the law will help me even if my family won't; my own mother says that I made him like that! I could have changed him. People can't understand 😔
@Jean-PaulLaBrecque-ll5ge 9 ай бұрын
@tamimchoudhury4285 yeah people can never understand unless they go through it I find,at least the police and the courts seem to be recognizing narcissistic people a little more nowadays,when they have a history of acting up.
@tamimchoudhury4285 9 ай бұрын
​@@Jean-PaulLaBrecque-ll5ge I really hope so, the law in uk says about coercive control is a crime, but the police say its difficult to prove. I don't think the solicitors here like to use that word, narcissists. The solicitors laugh because a lot of women to go the solicitors claiming their husbands are narcissists. I just hope I get out of this horrendous marriage. 🙏
@GGSmalls 9 ай бұрын
I just don’t understand it and I never will. Ten years and he’s got traits for sure but never saw anything til he was caught cheating. Then the rollercoaster began. The back and forth. The discard to be with the back burner. The I love you more than anything and I want to marry you. There’s never been a choice etc etc etc. I was lost. I don’t know why I did any of this. I went back at least ten times! Last discard was by me when he claimed to want to prove to me the rest of our lives how much he loves me. I just couldn’t stay. I’m still hurting very much. It’s been three months and he’s been messaging more and more and not mean anymore for leaving. Now it’s broken hearts and I miss you and I think about you. Birthday message, new years message - WHY? Why why? He ran right back to the side piece he claimed was nothing to him a puppet and a filler. He can’t stand her etc etc etc. why bother with me now?
@righty3797 9 ай бұрын
I was a Mrs B for a long time but now I'm Mrs A and it feels good finally!
@christinacouncill8037 9 ай бұрын
He used that word comfort in a text after the discard, after I kicked him out for cheating. he said “your not my comfort anymore”
@Moneyball2ms 9 ай бұрын
I got told that so many times it is like an up and down with that wording
@ak-47intelligence75 9 ай бұрын
Thank God. Nobody wants to be the narcissist's comfort.
@fmckeon1595 9 ай бұрын
So true, two attempted hoovers over Christmas.....not happening...thank you brother, Happy Christmas 🙏
@everett552 9 ай бұрын
😆😆....I know that's right!!!
@scottnovotny4452 9 ай бұрын
Keep an eye on your pets around a narcissist too. My 12 and 16 year old dog's were physically abused the last couple years of their life's by this monster! I'm assuming out of jealousy because they were old, slow and fragile and my best friends. At this point I never saw her beat them but it was in your face obvious. They were terrified of her, never getting near her, wine or growl at her if she got near them. And then I finally saw her physically beat our new rescue dog in the head with her fist and hand for peeing on the carpet, it was brutal. I grabbed the dog and headed for the door but by defending the dog she went into a rage I have never witnessed before, she threw things at me, attacked my character, told me i don't know how to train a dog (we've had the dog for two days at that point). It was like she turned into and uncontrollable Demon, her face even looked different. I walked out but she still got me to mentally break down by moving on like she never was in a relationship. She left a long trail of destructive abuse in my life and it's going to be hard getting over the guilt of my dog's having to endure abuse because of my choices in life.
@Moneyball2ms 9 ай бұрын
It crazy that you say that cause the cat she has now . She wanted to kill it just because it had flees and she didn't have the money . An she had it sense a kitten like how heartless is your soul
@anthonyburke223 9 ай бұрын
No, don’t feel guilt. It’s on them …you can’t own that
@delfinorowe 9 ай бұрын
I'm embarrassed to admit that he had me convinced I was overreacting when I realized he had sex with me when I was unconscious. Unfortunately I had too much to drink at a holiday party and fell asleep on the way home. Instead of putting me to bed he had sex with a dead body. His defense was I helped take my clothes off. Then the gaslighting. No contact now for three months. Got rid of All the flying monkeys too. When you have nobody left you're in the perfect place to make Jesus your everything. Totally healed and totally happy. Thank you for all you do. God Bless❤
@beemonroe4330 9 ай бұрын
They a treacherous, forgive yourself, you were manipulated by a demon. ❤
@dnotesdnotes8245 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing THANK YOU …Jesus bought me out as well STAY at the cross … and the Creator of ALL… … restoration comes through HIM …
@NopeNotTodaySatan 2 ай бұрын
Oh my goodness, I am so sorry you went through that horrible experience!!!!! What a demon. I realized a month before I was discarded that my now ex boyfriend was having sex with me while I was asleep. I have to take medicine for seizures so I’m completely out. I can recall waking up to him on top of me three separate times. I was so mortified & embarrassed. Still am. He tried to gaslight me as well. Working through this & more in therapy. I pray you’re healing from something HE did. You didn’t do anything wrong. He violated you. They’re diabolical & disgusting creatures. My heart hurts to know that happened to you. What a coward he is. Sending you lots of love ❤️
@delfinorowe 2 ай бұрын
@@NopeNotTodaySatan You got this. Thank you for your kind words. This will all be a memory ❤️
@NopeNotTodaySatan 2 ай бұрын
@@delfinorowe - ❤️❤️❤️❤️
@SammyJKhan 9 ай бұрын
Oh my god you are so very spot ondave so very true they will get with anyone or anything that serves their selfish desires
@Michelle-cn9zp 9 ай бұрын
Wow. This man is a God send.💛
@narcslayerg2631 9 ай бұрын
Dave I got a holiday Hoover, of course. I actually was a bit surprised since it’s against his probation to even contact me. He goes to court in just a few days, and he doesn’t know I sent the judge a huge package of evidence against him. I’m fighting the good fight. This is not easy but all I need to do is remember how many times he went against me in such cruel ways I knew nothing about. I’m much stronger than I was last year. Thank you so much and thank you God.
@weaselwacker5462 9 ай бұрын
I had such peace after sending my emails not to spam but to the abyss. Wherever they go now I cannot look at them like I was looking at spam before. That was the only way he could still contact me. As soon as I had saved enough evidence and knew my camera doorbell would deter him I didnt care what he was threatening in emails anymore. I was still allowing him to control me by reading the spam. What a relief when I couldnt anymore!
@DC-cv9ch 9 ай бұрын
As a woman Christian, Im so relieved to see this video. So many fall prey to the just pray because God can change him. Also, the forgiveness issue is something that keeps many in a very toxic relationship.
@johnholmes6741 9 ай бұрын
Even Jesus doesn’t forgive if you aren’t sorry.
@LethalWeapon73 9 ай бұрын
@@johnholmes6741 I never knew this. I need to read my bible more
@NopeNotTodaySatan 2 ай бұрын
I made the mistake of praying for my now ex for a little over a year. Wow, the demons within him became incredibly aggressive & nasty. Then I began praying for God to get me out of that situation instead. It was brutal (he literally tackled me) on my birthday this past May. I’m still recovering from being assaulted. And the mental & emotional was well. Then called my family acting like the victim. It backfired on him. My family came & got me from out of state 1.5 days later & I’ve never looked back. Any love I had DIED that day.
@richellescott4308 9 ай бұрын
Please listen this is the holy truth those who have ears let him hear.
@Karen-fx8ek 9 ай бұрын
Isaiah 66:13 As a mother comforts her child,so will I comfort you. You’re so right Dave, let the Holy Spirit comfort us; not the narcs out there who will toss us like garbage after they used us!❤️💚🙏
@deew7014 2 ай бұрын
Narcissists never want to return when they know that you know who and what they are! Best feeling in this world
@SammyJKhan 9 ай бұрын
Dave you are so very spot on they will get with anyone or anything that moves to fulfill their selfish devilish desires to suit their circumstances.
@christiehouston6683 9 ай бұрын
Wow ! After 7 years and at least 7 discards, I finally without any argument , I just finally seen clearly a d discarded him ! Blocked and removed all flying monkeys . I have been watching narcissistic videos for about 4 months not w just found you recently . I love the Christian aspect . Been gone a month and I do not miss him at all. Don’t even think of him that much and if I do it’s usually a memeory of cruelty . I was talking to my bestie tonight ( had not see. This yet) but I told her 7 years ago I was baptized and saved . Went to church , prayer groups , Bible study , read Bible regularly, and I said thru my tears after realizing how I put him ahead of Christ , he became my focus , quit church , stopped listening to only Christian music , ect . We prayed and asked Gid ti forgive me . I am so sorry God . I told her the closer you are to Christ the harder the devil works to trick you . I do love yiur sense of humor too. So far I have only heard you talk about married , I never married him I was engaged . That was 6 years ago . Been so cruel and had me thinking I was crazy and ugly . I am so much better ! God gave me strength
@SmoothiesnFacials 9 ай бұрын
Stay strong. You already repented dont let the Devil bring condemnation on you through memories of the past. Who the son sets free is free indeed. ❤
@nickthompson9485 9 ай бұрын
I like your glasses by the way 😎 very sophisticated looking you have good taste
@Narcologyunscripted 9 ай бұрын
Thanks 😅
@nickthompson9485 9 ай бұрын
I really appreciate your passion for this narcissist subject you really are helping us all and are saving lives out there to give us all hope and forgiveness 🙏 thank you Mrs a all the way the hoovers won't work on me anymore
@CreativeCCookies 9 ай бұрын
You mentioned on a previous video "you are being controlled" and I was able to break chains because of that comment. I see more clearly, I have been able to handle myself so much better, and I have been able to handle people so much better. Thank you so much. This truly opened my eyes in a way that I had never experienced before. God bless you.
@Narcologyunscripted 9 ай бұрын
@shirlspark_stardust 9 ай бұрын
Good evening Dave cheers to making it to the middle of the week I got my peach tea 😊😋there is no going back or accepting the narcissist ever again my door is shut and bolted forever I can’t accept him back divorce is my final option it will happen in the New Year 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾.
@Keepinglivingintruth 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for this video. I appreciate it. God is the Great protector of his children. All Praise to God Almighty❤❤❤
@ThomasBowen 9 ай бұрын
This is the best community! I always catch it after it’s aired but that’s ok- lots of growth occurring on this channel; and I am one of them.
@Narcologyunscripted 9 ай бұрын
You're the best!
@kidrosskidrossproductions2906 9 ай бұрын
Great pour Dave !!
@truthseeker_phoenix 8 ай бұрын
Thank you Dave you are so soothing and so right. I’m devastated, I’ve had everything from my money to the life force drained out of me by my ex narc. Fell for a sob story and pretty package a year and a half ago and been paying for it in every way for her and her kid ever since. She wanted to be with me 24/7 but the devalue started the moment I got her the house she wanted and moved back in with her. Then I got told she didn’t want to be with me and wanted to a find a new partner for me on tinder HERSELF. This was soul destroying. Then I left the country to go back home to renew my passport for a few weeks. It was the first time we had been apart for over one year. She thought I wouldn’t return so whilst I was away she moved in a work away volunteer to help her out and this new person became the new supply without the romance. She replaced me with a volunteer. Suddenly she was doing all the things she used to do with me with her and by the time I returned and didn’t give her the money and commitment to always supporting her she wanted, she started the discard. I have never felt so abused in my life. She left me out of everything they were doing, even spoke in another language so I would be left out. Suddenly it was an effort for her to talk in English despite she was fine for a year and a half. Then I couldn’t open my mouth or come downstairs without being shouted at for one reason or another. It was so messed up. Then she got violent with me, first the day after I returned from my long haul flight. Despite I had had a terrible headache, she screamed in my face at me in the morning just because I told her I didn’t sleep well. It was beyond absurd it was so abusive. I walked away, she came at me, holding me against the wall on a stone stairs and continued to scream. She screamed so loud I burst into tears. She started crying too and hugging me. It was a weird mess. I went upstairs to pack my bags and leave, she followed me up and started crying and screaming. That she would love me always and always try to find me. Fast forward weeks later and I got out of the house and am on a plane leaving the country and her for good. The day before she was so vile to me that she screamed as I was walking away for the last time that she never wanted me to contact her again. I feel like I’ve been dragged through hell and doing a spiritual battle of light vs dark. If she could have she would have destroyed me.
@marioncrowl7143 9 ай бұрын
What a great show you are so understanding and there is much o Knowledge thank you so much
@Narcologyunscripted 9 ай бұрын
You are very welcome
@mekgaming111 9 ай бұрын
I didn't reply to my ex narc and now she's punishing me and stonewalled me back. I ignored her latest chat (which is just another hoover because she just asked me to like her band's new facebook page out of the blue), I didn't like it and ignored her chat then proceeded to tell her that her daughter wants to videocall her for Christmas. Instead, she didn't look at my message and didn't call my daughter. I am so enraged right now because she couldn't even do that for our daughter. Our kid is always asking if she could call her mother before Christmas but it really didn't happen all because of her pride.
@BadLuck1993 6 күн бұрын
i wouldnt even call them demons. they are little nothings that want to make everybody else nothing. pure jealousy and self hatred is what drives narcissist.
@stainless1175able 9 ай бұрын
My ex narc moved 15 hours away with her AP last summer. She has our youngest with her and though I miss him, my oldest said she told him that they're moving back soon, I don't want to deal with her. The constant lying and using my son to manipulate me isn't something I want to deal with again.
@nickthompson9485 9 ай бұрын
Your hair is getting long looking good 👍 thanks for all of your soothing videos you have helped me heal from the trauma bond I'm finally healed after a decade plus
@calliopivogiatzis2235 3 ай бұрын
Our female friend from our local casino in Queens New York ,was happy and bubbly when her narcissistic ex temporary left. After covid,he emerged in a more passive aggressive manner! The previous Sunday,my husband saw them from a distance and told me ; ,there he was,looking like a jerk again and she was just gray-rocking!😵😵😵😵😵
@TheFusedplug 8 ай бұрын
I'm growing RICHER and I know that's getting to her
@primsandwhims7533 8 ай бұрын
I was with a diff kind of narcissist years ago. Now this ex narccist that just walked out again is even worse.
@rebeccareynolds8768 8 ай бұрын
I tried to get back with my narcasstic ex, we been togther since 2011. We broke up like 7 times. All of the break ups are his doing. We broke up in 2022, due to his dads death. My mom passed away in 2021. Well we get back together in may of 2023. We both talked. Both talked about how our parents death changed us for the better. I saw a Glow about him. Such a softness to him. So calm so easy. Not the typical rude narcasstic ex I’m used to. He told me he’s getting therapy. Things are great. Through next serval months any little disagreement. He say sorry and hold me And be so loving. We just let it go. It was fantastic. Even last breaks ups when we got together he didn’t glow. Everything was great until Oct. he started get depressed and distant. I knew his dads death date was coming up. It was Dec 24th. I made sure was there for him. I put aside my grieving for him. Nov comes, he says weird things like” I would love to have sex with women” told him that hurt me. And we are dating to see how we are doing. I don’t yell because figure this was because first year without his dad. Then he gets distant. I don’t hear from him in weeks. He claimed he’s grieving I respect that. I told him we need to lean on each other because we are hurting over our parents death. Dec comes it gets worse. Barley talk. Barley have sex. And when we do, it’s because he’s grieving on dec 24th, get him gift, cost $200. Got him nice movie. We got out dinner. And we make love. I comfort him knowing he’s sad. Well Christmas Day. I had mini panic attack missed my mom. My dad was depressed didn’t want to do much. Asked the ex to be there for me. He says no. He yells at me saying I’m bitch and selfish person. I was stunned. He discarded me. I been trying to get hold him. Finally today, I said your just going to forget me! He’s like you need help. You destroyed me. I said” because I wanted to grieve and see u Christmas. I missed my mom! He said” until I get help it won’t work. He wants to have sex with women that’s it. I was in shocked. He said he loved me and things would be great. That glow was gone, I been depressed. I’m trying to watch vids. Trying to move forwards. Idk what I did wrong.
@NopeNotTodaySatan 2 ай бұрын
You didn’t do anything wrong. Your heart & soul is beautiful. He’s a disgusting diabolical creature. A lot of what you wrote sounds very similar to my experience. It’s the same spirit my dear. Sending you lots of love ❤
@lizajohnsen4353 9 ай бұрын
Hope you had a lovely Christmas Dave from the UK.. thank you for your continued support you are a real blessing to many! ❤️🙏
@Narcologyunscripted 9 ай бұрын
Same to you!
@azitahidi5747 9 ай бұрын
Dear Dave! I didn’t know what a Norcissist is until I week ago a come a cross of channel they explain the Norcissist. I am in a relationship with a Norcissist guy in the past two years, he drained me mentally, emotionally, and financially.😢 he took a lot of money from me to buy a property in their own country for our future, but when he went to his country he married with a very young girl and spent all my money on his own wedding and a luxury life over there. Now I am broken he took what ever I had . I have a question does Norcissist will pay back the money he barrow? He is an evil person but in social media shows himself as an honest angel. 😢
@weaselwacker5462 9 ай бұрын
So sorry
@redneckhollywood3181 9 ай бұрын
So sorry that you got played by the Narc. No. The money is gone. Sorry. Try to heal quickly. Never look back. Stay in KZbin therapy. I just gov hoovered for Christmas. I slept with her. Only to Hurt me the next day. It’s tough to deal with.
@scovyaporsha 9 ай бұрын
I'm so Sorry Angel. Bless you. Lean on to Jesus Christ. He will save you. Unfortunately for you, this is a very expensive lesson. If you have proof of the money loaned , you can go through the courts but ultimately they never really pay back any money taken. If you can ask God to help you wash your hands entirely and move on from this with no more attachments to your Ex. Get off social media. Stop watching him. You're only torturing yourself. Bless you. Sending you Love and Strength from London England ❤❤
@DJ_Kruz 9 ай бұрын
Wow....that was like all knowledge throughout your entire video realm wrapped up in one. Every sentence a direct hit.
@Shalom.4.4. 9 ай бұрын
How do you know if you’ve truly forgiven them? That’s been my biggest struggle since my divorce, over 6 years ago. I get so angry sometimes. And not even for what he did to me but for what he did to my kids. My son especially. He was the scapegoat, and he really did some damage to him. I still get so angry! I’ve prayed and prayed and prayed some more for God to remove those feelings but they keep coming back. Are we really supposed to pray for them? Because I feel like I’m just praying for Satan at this point. Also Dave, would you do a video on people that were raised by a narcissistic parent, and an enabler parent, and the effects it has on them and their whole personality? I feel like I never had my own individual personality when I was growing up and I’d like to know if that’s common with people that were raised with a narcissistic parent. Thank you for all you do!
@taniathomas7353 6 ай бұрын
It’s time for me to go to the throne….you are so hilarious! “Here’s my last $900 for your coat!” Sounds just like me! 😂😂
@thaskew01 9 ай бұрын
Let God handle it. Since my discard in August and the divorce in November I’ve just let it all go. Had a great Christmas with kids, and survived the holidays alone for the first time in a decade. In the end I almost wish I could send a thank you card to the new supply. My only goal now is to protect my children from the damage that they’re exposed to when she has them. I pray for them, even my ex, and for me to be able to forgive.
@mariahernadez9702 9 ай бұрын
Hi Dave & Family, everything said here today is sooooo real! And you’re all right, Amen & Amen 🙏🏼 So sad for the Narc, he’s so helpless & trapped in torment, prayers always as Jesus has showed us! 🙏🏼
@jeneva321 9 ай бұрын
My ex narc just used his family member getting shot as an excuse To hoover called Me asked what I was doing guess he expected me to drop everything and rush to him I didn’t. I Was short & emotionless said to update me on family members condition .. he didn’t ever call back to update & I knew not to call back and give him satisfaction He then told his friends he called me & I didn’t call back so f *** me (I have insider that told me this was said)
@teresewoltz8627 9 ай бұрын
Such good timing, I was just contacted from the N. Full of apologies and dismay. I admit, now that I know the inner workings of the N,.I wanted to see if all this education has made me stronger. Well, did not take time for me to bust him and his lying ways..I ended up telling him this, You know you are just too crazy for me. Take care. And off he went.
@Moneyball2ms 9 ай бұрын
She said she wanted a better relationship for us, and i didn't even responded to her . Im thinking like you have a new supply that you have basically moved in after 4 months an you want a better relationship for us
@Cristiano-n5r 9 ай бұрын
But I love listening to u you given me hope and I pray 🙏 God blesses me and my son to have peace thank u for these words
@aden2957 9 ай бұрын
Great Video - God bless you Dave 🙏🏼
@Narcologyunscripted 9 ай бұрын
Thanks, you too!
@sylettemonroe8878 9 ай бұрын
Please send prayers God love ❤ to surround my life. Even after death the narc and family are so dysfunctional their agents are atracking coming back for real. Its so real and creepy how bad the agents are.
@Cristiano-n5r 9 ай бұрын
We have a 9 year old son divorced filed been waiting for 4 months he physically abused me I’m over it I’m misses a
@Forexroadrunner 9 ай бұрын
He can't return,i exposed him
@NopeNotTodaySatan 2 ай бұрын
Good!!!! ❤❤❤
@isla8718 9 ай бұрын
This is my Christmas this suspected narc spend 6 nights here of for Christmas and he would be out all day separating the kids so I have one and he does and I thought this is weird and then today he says he’s meeting he’s sister the sister he’s seen for 2 days straight. I new he wasn’t seeing her so I suggested he took one of he’s kids and he went crazy as he felt exposed 😅 as he declined as clearly he wasn’t seeing he’s sister . So the whole time he’s living double life’s over Christmas but I have no emotional reaction as I no what he’s about it’s no shock to me I just need to stay away
@Garycooperthestrongsilenttype 3 ай бұрын
I love you my brother in Christ
@SmilingBeagle-nw6sf 9 ай бұрын
Just like in the Bible says when you cast out a demon and don't fill it with the Holy Spirit then the demon looks for a place when they don't find a place they go back from where they came from with their demon friends
@Scorpio200 8 ай бұрын
Amen one thing I learned in my vengeance and bitterness towards The narcissist I was only truly hurting myself .the bitterness envy rage was stopping my healing process it took about a year of my own life spiraling downward.. To find healing to finally realize I had to lay all that ugly at the feet of the Lord to find my Deliverance ..forgiveness is truly freedom for yourself❤❤❤❤❤
@chriscole5990 9 ай бұрын
She backstabbed me twice the second time gave me PTSD still working on that in prayer 🙏🏾 daily. No way I will let her come back and finish me off. January 4 2024 will mark 2 years out and I do feel a whole lot better without her still got much healing to do. Don't want to put her business out there but in our early days in our fresh relationship she use to cut herself when she got angry at me. I never been with a woman that did this stuff that was a red flag right there. But what did I do? Just swept it under the rug believing I can fix her but I was wrong. The only one that can fix her is Jesus Christ he cast a man full of demon's out in to a lot of pigs and once the demons entered the pigs the pigs ran off a cliff in to the water and drowned and that man was set free. Narcissist won't go to Jesus because they believe they are God and that's their down fall.
@smartsurvival2605 9 ай бұрын
I let Jesus take the wheel and he, will you let go of the (**& wheel? LOL. There can't be two drivers.
@karapope4002 9 ай бұрын
Don't fall for the narcs little tricks. Be aware and don't let the narc Play with your mind. Stay strong stand your ground. Put it in God's hands. And God will protect you. God bless
@jan854 9 ай бұрын
He hoovered again for Xmas and still continues to reach out. Still trying to act like nothing happened in the relationship that was his fault. Doesn't take accountability and just talks as if it's just another day. I know he thinks I am going come back again this time but I can't, it was too painful last time and I'm actually starting to feel better.
@robertbraun7155 9 ай бұрын
I have to be honest and say I was not sure about you at first. The more I watch of your videos and the way you express it and explain it all is the most spot on of any other videos I have watched. That's why I subscribed. I was married to a narcissist for 18 years. 2 beautiful daughters. Took a while but eventually I dated found someone that in 3 years did more damage than the ex wife. I wrestle with myself now wondering if I am a narcissist as well and also what is it about me that I always attract to narcissist women?? What makes me always keep attracting to these people. Thank you for your videos. They help more than you know as I try to navigate my way through this.
@karikari7336 9 ай бұрын
Let God fight your battles
@ShadowKing1993 9 ай бұрын
God I hope she doesn't come back 😂
@jesusitrustinyou6900 9 ай бұрын
On Christmas day, after 124 days of NO CONTACT that I initiated. He texted me MERRY CHRISTMAS. I didn't respond. WHY DIDN'T HE CALL? LOL
@HeidiHough 9 ай бұрын
lol my xmas hoover was sooo much more than i expected - literally offered to fly me back to our co-owned home that i've been forced to leave, and then instead offered to fly out to see me in the new year?! I was speechless and trying to play it cool because I've grey-rocked / yellow rocked (which is being a tad more charming when grey rock is too obvious) so effectively that he ACTUALLY THINKS WE ARE COOL. I have to have contact bc of shared house and business. Anyway, it was ridiculous. I can't believe how naive their egos actually make them at the end of the day if you just yellow rock. Hope he doesn't see this haha, and have my effective game thrown off. ugh. then he didn't even text me merry xmas after all that haha, guess he was quickly trying the silent treatment / 'negging' step next. or just got distracted. pathetic!
@cherylspencer9667 9 ай бұрын
The Lord did get me out of my Narc. I prayed to GOD that I didn't know how 8 years ago, that I couldn't myself with my own power. That was my boyfriend of 8 years. On and off. So I found out after I left. He felt he had to confess, but all the time I felt it , he was cheating the whole 8 years. So , why did it take my ex husband 26 years to discard me....hadn't found the new supply yet ?????
@rosatrula 9 ай бұрын
Haha Johnny Junior 😂
@debbierockz1 9 ай бұрын
The ex narc is busy with multiple supply so it’s all quiet over ..but will a narcissist still Hoover you even with several supplies lined up?
@treelover1050 9 ай бұрын
Yes they will.. They hoover everyone to see who replies.
@debbierockz1 9 ай бұрын
I spoke to soon ! Woke up this morning and the narc sent me a snap chat request 😡 ..blocked !!!
@stackinIron1102 9 ай бұрын
Good man I got everything deposited and ready for the morning. I didn't make it in time to pay it tonight but I can do it at 8am in the morning. They just changed their hours from 8 to 5. It's okay though thank you for your help i couldn't have done it without you Mikey Mike. I'm here at home now bout to take a monster dump😅. I know gross... lol my bad
@HeidiHough 9 ай бұрын
Dave I hope you'll address this question in your next vid: do you think some energy healing can be useful for trauma and not dabbling in demon invitations? I did some somatic touch healing with a woman who is powerful in the Hollywood community as a healer. I've known her for over ten years and she has helped me immensely at times, to get back into my body and out of my head. Today she helped me realize I need to stop feeling sorry for / making excuses for these family and ex romantic narcs in my life and she also had me say what i wanted to say to my malignant narc dad (the anger and rage i still carry no matter how many times i pray and forgive) and push the energy into her hands and out of my body. It was a real relief. I hope there wasn't some kind of 90% truth 10% lie situation going on there, the way the devil loves to play. Some of us have real trauma, like hardcore c-PTSD from lifetimes of abuse and I would think God wants us to connect with other humans / healers who can help us, not JUST pray when we are a trinity of mind, body, spirit, ourselves and can sometimes use the gifts and specialities in others trained to heal. What do you think?
@montellhorton748 9 ай бұрын
❤ this is for* me
@Cristiano-n5r 9 ай бұрын
Still no contact his family was just like him his mother past away the rest of his family is flying monkeys with his new supply me
@2muchwit 9 ай бұрын
@chickenbiscuit4525 9 ай бұрын
The devil might provoke the flesh and all healing of it. Living in a world transient state of heaven or hell. Get your skin on! Spirit, how much of that is Duty-Free? Caught in the mosh
@stephanielogsdon178 9 ай бұрын
"I just want to look at you every day".."im not descerning anything good in you"..ugh why did i marvel" disturbing!!
@jamiesutton1005 9 ай бұрын
NM…. I got it. I am Mrs A
@ExposingEvil2024 9 ай бұрын
Like from me
@nightswatch9007 9 ай бұрын
Not that I want her to return but I don’t think she will. She already know that I have someone already and she knew that I don’t respond to her antics even then.
@juliedaly2381 9 ай бұрын
They don't necessarily return in the relationship
@TheFusedplug 8 ай бұрын
Triangulation is hard
@razopr228 9 ай бұрын
God is everything, because I was and remain a good man, with good intentions, HE saved me but also enlightened me. exactly the same experiences you all describe, because I discovered that narcissists have the same character and behavior. I wonder how they can forget the child in the store but they have a mind capable of thinking psychological and manipulative games, with such skill. I had a father and wife, narcissists and self-centered, who constantly gave themselves reasons to do bad and destructive things, without any point. and the same adventurers and the desire to make events, regardless of the consequences. there are signs all the time and we must take them into account and distance ourselves from these co-planetaries, I sincerely feel sorry for their effervescent existence. God, he guides me and I will listen to him permanently, my desire comes second. knowledge is important and we must unmask this destructive human character. otherwise, let's respect the ten commandments, live honestly and with love, with light and night, we learn from each other for an evolution towards the light. I also have a miracle, I met honest narcissists, they would admit it and warn us about their character. thank you for this miraculous existence in duality. dearfully.
@jeremybailey2986 9 ай бұрын
What happened to seal st prophecies?
@barbaragatto2549 9 ай бұрын
Romans 1:28-32
@grim-411 9 ай бұрын
It would be interesting if you had live streams
@hexer7878 9 ай бұрын
Hi Dave It's me with the pregnant Narc a while ago, who was with the new supply. She left him, and we tried to make it work. But she didn't change of course! However, I was at the birth of my child. And that was an experience I was glad I didn't miss. Now I told her, we should just be friends and cooperate as good co-parents for the child sake. Because I don't trust her anymore, and too much has happened for us to ever be happy together. But she wont accept that! She tells me I need to learn to forget what happened and move on! Besides, the new supply she had sex with while pregnant with me, I found out about at least 3 other men she had sex with behind my back. I talked to one of them, who thought she loved him, and he never heard about me?? And she tells me I just need to "move on"???!!! That she "always loved me", that she "don't need to explain her actions", that "I need to grow up and be more mature, now when i am a father" and stuff like that. Also trying to give me feelings of guilt, leaving her with the baby alone, even though I told her I would help her and also take care of the baby when she needs it. They only thing I am sticking to, is that I don't ever wanna be her boyfriend anymore, and that we should just be "friends" now. She fails to understand my point of view, that her actions has made me leave her forever now, she has no remorse or feelings of guilt of course. She expect me to act like nothing happened??!!! Then she is turning evil many times and trying to use the baby to push me to get together with her, denying me access to my own child, because I don't wanna be together with her. She won't accept it!! Also attempting to kiss me and seduce me, when I visit her to see the baby! She thinks she owns me and cannot understand why I would ever choose not to be with her. Anyway.. for good or worse, I am a daddy now!:) Trying to make co-parenting work for my child now.....
@scovyaporsha 9 ай бұрын
Bless you brother. Go to Court. Get a mediator brother ❤
@LethalWeapon73 9 ай бұрын
I made mistake thinking you can try to be friends. Really can’t and shouldn’t. They’ll use that to their flying monkeys and all to say you’re fabricating what they did. Trust, it’ll backfire to make it your fault. Prayers you can joint custody without her being around you. Get the parenting app and have someone other than you pick your baby up so you can be a father in peace. My kids that’s now adults was in a toxic, unhealthy environment. I so wish I left years ago with my four babies.
@jamiesutton1005 9 ай бұрын
What is Mrs B?
@treelover1050 9 ай бұрын
@jamiesutton1005 9 ай бұрын
@@treelover1050 I got it…thanks
@johnholmes6741 9 ай бұрын
Actually it is Christian to expose them. It’s unchristian not to. I did and god destroyed her and her new supply is in prison as we speak looking at 10 years was locked up for thxgiving and Xmas will get formally sentenced mid January. Only been 18 mos since the discard
@angelablaney4575 8 ай бұрын
Yes that's why I named the evil narc, cos I'm concerned that someone he meets might not survive his behaviour and just as we tell people about our lord's care for us I feel we must expose the devil! Even as we pray for their forgiveness as narcs will not ask for it! I like that Dave believes our lord
@nnglotus 9 ай бұрын
First! 😊
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