The NEW lie from Benny Hinn. Here's the video evidence.

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Mike Winger

Mike Winger

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There were three videos where Benny made prophetic statements about peace in Israel in 2024. Two are currently still watchable on his channel, the third has been made private. Here are the links.
1. "Momentous Prophecy Alert"
2. "Why Must Normalization Happen Prophetically Between Israel and Saudi Arabia?"
**in the video I accidentally said "December" when I should have said "September." At any rate, I have dates on the screen for when each video was posted online.
This is his recent video denying he ever prophesied about this stuff and was just quoting other people's political commentary.
To the vast majority of those listening in, Hinn appeared to prophesy that this peace would come and went on to ask people to send him money as a way of guaranteeing that they would get a bunch more money coming in when the prophesied "transfer of wealth" came in. To go on and deny that this was prophecy (and false prophecy at that) seems like a total deception on Benny's part.
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@MikeWinger 4 ай бұрын
“Mike, you’re obsessed with Benny Hinn” “Mike, let it go already. Move on.” “Mike, I feel like this isn’t healthy.” I know a lot of well-meaning and godly people feel that I am talking too much about Benny Hinn. I hear you but I disagree profoundly. Please go back and reconsider his millions of victims, his massive influence, and the several reasons I have given for making these videos. If you think this is personal, or an issue between me and Benny, or that it’s even about Benny Hinn, then you are confused and missing the point. I feel that those who want me to stop are probably not negatively impacted, and don’t know people who are negatively impacted by Benny Hinn. To them it’s an interesting moment about a teacher they always knew was wacky. But they are not paying attention to the very things I have stated about how many people’s lives have been ravaged by Benny Hinn and those who copy his ways. They have ignored or forgotten his massive influence in countless churches, especially in Africa, and his ongoing targeting of the poor, weak, and gullible. They have considered this problem solved because it never affected them personally. These videos aren’t about Benny. They are about helping his victims. I’ve tried very hard to make that clear but many respond like I am having a personal tiff with Benny Hinn. That is not the case. I make videos as I believe they will help people (not every person). When I did a massive series on Women in Ministry many people asked me to stop part way through. They were tired of it. When I did a series on Penal Substitutionary Atonement people got tired of it. When I did a bunch of videos on divorce and remarriage people got tired of it. It’s ok if a given video isn’t for you personally. But I’ll continue to make content for more than just you, or any one person. These videos are for the victims of Benny Hinn and of those ministers who copy his deceptive ways. I believe these videos can change churches around the world. It’s ok if you aren’t interested, but the number of people who feel comfortable discerning and declaring what I should or shouldn’t do with my ministry, even thinking they can discern my heart issues based off me making another video in response to Benny Hinn, is disturbing to me.
@aheartonfire7191 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for your hard work! :)
@kesley. 4 ай бұрын
Considering my parents contributed to his “ministry” for 30 years and have recently stopped due to the truth coming to light, I say keep going and do not stop! Thank you
@altman00 4 ай бұрын
Praise God that you are teaching people to be Bereans and HOW to be Bereans!! Thank you for being a faithful servant, Mike!!
@samsongomah1318 4 ай бұрын
If anything, more needs to be said about Hinn and his ilk. As long as any Christian follows Hinn and other WoF/prosperity gospel fakes, the Devil will continue to destroy the church from within, the Body of Christ will be fractured, and Christ's return will be postponed.
@happygilmore3706 4 ай бұрын
Keep going. This man is hurting so many people and frankly the well known AMERICAN pastors putting him on their platform (AWMI) should be exposed for putting him on their platform as well. People don’t want to be a Christian because of these types of false prophets. It’s so wrong and the word says to call this out. GBY.
@r3qu13m 4 ай бұрын
How to not get deceived by the likes of Benny Hinn: -Step 1: read your Bible. The End.
@matthayes533 4 ай бұрын
you win.
@FriendlyEvangelist 4 ай бұрын
Hahahah amen! I,would add to READ THE WHOLE BIBLE. 😊
@r3qu13m 4 ай бұрын
@@FriendlyEvangelist well that goes without saying. ;)
@Donna-hz3vi 4 ай бұрын
@Crazychickenlady448 4 ай бұрын
I like this plan!
@JimmySaint43 4 ай бұрын
Hey Pastor Mike, I've been following you for a little while now, and im a paraplegic, i had an accident when i was 24 that left me paralyzed from my belly button down. The Lord has brought me healing, and i have regained a lot of sensation and whatnot that i lost. Your ministry has been a real blessing to me, thank you for having the courage to take on these charlatans! God bless, and keep fighting! 🙏
@samsongomah1318 4 ай бұрын
May you receive ALL the healing God has in store for you. PS: You don't have to give Hinn $1000 to get that healing.
@aidanbracken8706 4 ай бұрын
If you had been healed you would have regained all sensation, not just some. Christians have a tendency to attribute to miracles the natural healing mechanisms which operate in all life. Be honest, this doesn't seem like healing. Essentially it's make believe and Mike Winger should know better than to encourage it. In the NT, the healings of Jesus were not partial, the blind were not said to only receive part of their sight. Mike's suggestion that people are healed at Benny Hinn events is very dangerous and given the report from Costi Hinn, that he saw no healings at all, also without evidence. It's a fantasy to believe that people are healed at Hinn events, there is no evidence, yet Mike has said the opposite multiple times.Those who have gone looking for verifiable cases of healing have a history of coming up empty. False claims of healings only further the cause of the charlatans and con men like Hinn, and also heap guilt and disappointment on the shoulders of those who don't improve. The Bible is a problematic book, it does promise God will answer the prayers of his faithful, and con men like Hinn feed off this. Most of the pentecostal delusion only exists because con artists were able to say, " look, it's in the Bible". Why do people fall for fake tongues and fake prophecy? Because they are told, "it's in the Bible". And they are. Just as Islam has a tendency to revert to violence, Christianity has a tendency to revert to what used to be called enthusiasm. As a young Christian I believed the gibbering and babbling I heard was tongues, because I read of it in the Bible, then I wondered why it didn't work for me and so many others. 😅 The truth is some people are just more open to believing and doing things which aren't real at all. In Charisma mag some years they revealed that the logical thoughtful types didn't get "slain in the spirit" at Toronto, only the arty, head in the clouds types.
@josephgalasso544 4 ай бұрын
I am a 74 yr old quadraplegic paralyzed from an auto accident 19yrs ago Its tough being a quad and losing family friends business You know who true friends are when your in trouble Most liked me when I was rich and healthy ! I can count them on 3 fingers , the real friends !
@Israphel776 4 ай бұрын
God didn't do that, that's called biology and medicine. Curious - did you pray to your doctors too or did you just reassign all the actual work to the magic man in your head?
@samsongomah1318 4 ай бұрын
@@Israphel776 Spoken like someone who probably buys the trans agenda and believes men can get pregnant.
@laurelturner7341 4 ай бұрын
The idea that we Christians shouldn't hold pastors accountable for lies kept me in one "shepherding church" for 25 years and set me up for 17 years of WOF. The damage and the power of coercion seems underrated here by those who haven't experienced it. Thanks Mike, I'm still untangling misused scriptures decades later and still amazed at His faithfulness.
@Papaspronator 4 ай бұрын
I was in a similar spiritual environment. Very sad.
@JerryPotter. 4 ай бұрын
@laurelturner: Do you still have trouble with misused scripture? I can help you. All of the tricks of WOF are because people do not study. They go to church thinking that they have put in their time, so they don't have to study. This is the devil's trap. His number one goal is to keep you away from God's word, because therein lie the answers to freedom. God will call out those who belong to HIM no matter how long it may take. God said, Not by might and not by power, but by my Spirit. The purpose of the Spirit was to write the bible. The coercion is what keeps you from finding out the truth by not reading scripture for what it says. So what made you think that all of those people in that church building, are christians? That is the other lie. It is an outward appearance but has nothing to do with God or his word. Happy Reading.
@mothersgauri4137 4 ай бұрын
One of the most commonly used (mis used) Scriptures for "cult control" is "Thou shalt not judge..." HUGE difference between judging someone and exposing serious errors. And Scripture says those errors and false teachings SHOULD be called out. But none of these false "prophets" will tell you that part.
@JerryPotter. 4 ай бұрын
@@mothersgauri4137 Well said. There are two words in Greek for 'judge". The main one and misused one is, Epigenosko. Which is used for judging someone to go to hell. The other is just genosko which is the verse: WHEN you Judge, use righteous judgement. The one that Jesus used is the one for judging someone to go to hell. Don't judge someone as for going to hell, lest you be judged and found going to hell also. I fully have the right by scripture to call out false teaching and teachers. There is no such thing as a prophet. Jesus tells you why in Revelation 19:10. The purpose of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus. That is the Bible. The bible is finished. Therefore; no more prophecy or prophets. They are all lying frauds.
@richardbarton3591 3 ай бұрын
😊gods not impressed😮nope jak
@heatherc- 4 ай бұрын
Mike staying on task and continuing in this correct rebuke of this false ministry -is laying a solid foundation for MANY who will now KNOW how to discern so many wolves who make their living lying in the name of JESUS BRAVO MIKE AND THANK YOU
@kimjohnson8471 4 ай бұрын
They will be without excuse!
@ObservationStation_77 4 ай бұрын
Well said ❤
@TessierNorma 4 ай бұрын
Amen !
@annanaylor 4 ай бұрын
Well said
@femckay 4 ай бұрын
We’ve all been waiting for a “Wealth Transfer?” Not me! I’m waiting and watching for the return of my Lord Jesus Christ! Material wealth is the least of my concerns!
@Animalfarm4481 4 ай бұрын
😂 he said there’s been 6 wealth transfers already…I guess I missed out because I didn’t send Benny any money 😅😅
@Twigzy62 4 ай бұрын
I am waiting for my transfer to heaven. ❤
@klauge763 4 ай бұрын
@juniperabbott2614 4 ай бұрын
Yes , store up your treasures in heaven
@yvette3636 4 ай бұрын
That part!
@kbeeps141 4 ай бұрын
Wonder how he'd react if all his listeners went "y'know what Benny, you've greatly inspired me to give. I'm gonna make a substantial donation RIGHT NOW..... to my local church."
@RuslanKD 4 ай бұрын
Epic smile face floating 😂😂😂 Hinn claiming this “wasn’t a prophecy” is digging himself a deeper hole. This clearly came off “prophetic”
@eugenenunn4900 4 ай бұрын
What up Ruslan!!!
@CieloVistaSoftware 4 ай бұрын
Once one lies what is believable?
@AnnalyFaith 4 ай бұрын
6:02 I’m here to prophesy, from the horses’ mouth! Nufsaid
@michaelroberts3898 4 ай бұрын
Jeremiah 14:13-14 seems relevant here. It is good to see Christian brothers encouraging one another to speak up against this. I’m tired of hearing the phrase: preacher who operates in the prophetic. The preacher is doing nothing if the gift of prophecy is truly present. The power is God and there is no lie in God or failure to get the “prophetic word” correct. The hit rate on prophetic words is 💯 or they are not from God. We must protect our brothers and sisters from words that are touted as from God when they are surely not from our Lord
@jeannetteparry5587 4 ай бұрын
@@AnnalyFaith that's an insult to the horse! And to its cousin Baalam's donkey 🤣
@luthasunspell8365 4 ай бұрын
Don’t let the charlatans scare you into backing down, brother! You are a warrior of God with mercy in your speech, and I have learned so much from you.
@sticksandstones3812 4 ай бұрын
He is not a "warrior of God" he is a global gossiper and openly accusing people when we are told not to. Mike Winger is in error.
@Deepthoughts4ever 4 ай бұрын
@matembwerematembwere9207 4 ай бұрын
Rubbish, let's pray for Benny not to pretend like we know
@Deepthoughts4ever 4 ай бұрын
@@matembwerematembwere9207 we do know!!! You must be blind and in denial!
@metapolitikgedanken612 4 ай бұрын
Charlatans try to make it a win-win situation for themselves. If you fight them they try to play the victim. If you back down they try to play the victors. And they love getting attention, since that charges their name and creates further attraction to the gullible.
@heatherthompson3670 4 ай бұрын
I recall going to one of Benn Hinns meetings many years ago in Uk and I couldn’t stay in the meeting. I’d gone in a friend’s vehicle so I had to wait outside. My spirit was so disturbed. It was money, money, money too.
@hunzhurte 3 ай бұрын
And don't forget money.
@ch1766 2 ай бұрын
@@hunzhurte Then there's also a last minute thought, yeah, money.
@normaviljoen6262 2 ай бұрын
I also went to a meeting of his in Durban SA what a sham definitely no Holy Spirit moving there
@ch1766 2 ай бұрын
@@normaviljoen6262 The only thing moving was the offering plate. lol
@gracetvtribbett8939 4 ай бұрын
Wow! This man has no shame in how he asks for $!!! Thank you Mike for not letting this go and for continuing to expose!!
@nathanandnickSherbetImage 4 ай бұрын
He is a false prophet. It's very clear. And he's obsessed by worldly wealth.
@sidwhiting665 4 ай бұрын
I wonder if anyone has ever tried to "flip the tables" on Hinn and tell HIM to practice giving to the extent he tells others. Tell Hinn to give away his last penny to someone else.
@brunosebrechts1121 4 ай бұрын
@georgio1962 4 ай бұрын
He said one time that he does not want to walk on a streets of gold in heaven but he want the gold here on earth.
@marcyoverby3817 4 ай бұрын
@LatterDaySigma 4 ай бұрын
So is Mike Winger! Wake up!
@barbarakeats880 4 ай бұрын
I went to Benny's healing service in Baltimore, and what a sham. People in wheel chairs and the seriously ill hoped to get healed and nothing. Believe me, the Holy Spirit didn't move in the service. There were no moves on God. I felt so much compassion for the people.
@denistroughton4020 3 ай бұрын
Top conman a devil
@marianbris61 3 ай бұрын
I went to a service too. Only those who donated thousands could come up for healing. Poor children in wheelchairs were ignored. He’s a fake!
@FavourPrince-ys7fz 3 ай бұрын
We are Faithful and ministering to God and we believe God bless us and give power to keep prayers for all to heal & receive Jesus to each lives...i do trust & believe everyone heal and victories...if we look all this paid Actor's or money hunter's behind God name. Where is our Christian families or elders to use their power.. bcoz we have power and power to build up faith & hope to knew they all heal without money by obeying and faithfully in his presence love and joy...
@sorrowfulvixxx 3 ай бұрын
​@@FavourPrince-ys7fzsee though that sounds nice, it's not true. God will not heal every single person alive on earth. He will 100% heal them when they depart from their physical body if they accepted Jesus, but it's not biblical that He will heal everyone here. He says this Himself when He says that people are disabled or sick so that His glory may shine through them. I'm 29 & been sick since I was 20. it's beyond a living nightmare & I'm so freakin depressed, stressed, anxious, terrified, & infuriated over it. I absolutely hate it & don't think I can do it much longer. but it's the way crap is for me. I've begged God to heal me for almost a decade... but nothing. He has since revealed to me that I have a higher purpose & He will use me for His glory, just as He does with many others. yes it SUCKS so bad & I often cry to Him & get angry, tho I also feel shame when I do. but I literally can't help it cuz I live in agony. so no, God will not heal everyone.
@gordonyoung4968 2 ай бұрын
Compassion means you take on the problem with them
@RedCloudGawdian 4 ай бұрын
Mike I appreciate the way you're on his neck. These false prophets need to be called out and the way you're doing it is proper 👏
@ezraparkins1838 4 ай бұрын
Pray for Benny Hinn that God's will be done in him by his word AMEN
@anishb9216 4 ай бұрын
Jesus helps these false prophets
@samsongomah1318 4 ай бұрын
I stopped attending Catch the Fire Toronto when they invited Hinn to give a two-day crusade at their airport campus a few years back. Hinn was still in his 'give me $1000' days. Totally disgusting. Hard to believe people actually continue to fall for his shtick.
@cnh4431 4 ай бұрын
Really, like, why is it ALWAYS $1000? 🤦 It's been like that my whole life, at least. I remember Grandma watching him and his ilk in the '80s.
@samsongomah1318 4 ай бұрын
@@cnh4431 He was asking for $1000 at Catch the Fire.
@brendajohnson4837 4 ай бұрын
I went with a friend to see a prophet. He didn't know anything about me. He prophesied over me. He was right on what was going on in my life. I didn't see him before and I haven't seen him since. His words had to be from God. I was so blessed afterward!!
@MKatheryn4 2 ай бұрын
Prophecy is absolutely real. Accuracy doesn't prove a true prophet, though, the righteous fruit of their life does. Demonic spirits can know about your life and "prophesy" to you disguised as angels of light. That's why there are people who will hear "depart from me I never knew you" who prophesied, cast out demons, saw signs and wonders done in Jesus name. Mike isn't saying these gifts don't exist, but rather calling out the false, dangerous, wolvish people who claim the prophetic anointing of God.
@brendajohnson4837 2 ай бұрын
​@MKatheryn4 I knew it had to be real. Nobody knew anything about me. There were several people there, but I was the one he chose. I wasn't going to go with my friend, but I decided at the last minute. I'm so thankful that I did go after all. God bless you 🙏 ❤️
@2434-k3l Ай бұрын
That’s a psychic not a prophet. Please learn what prophecy is and understand the Bible warns us about psychics.
@brendajohnson4837 Ай бұрын
​@2434-k3l I do know the difference. I know what the bible says, too. I don't believe in psychics or mediums or anything like that. I wasn't going to go, but at the last minute I changed my mind. I was the only one he prophesied too!!!!! Have a great week! 😀
@TheBadger40 26 күн бұрын
Demons can do that. See the Bible about the divining slave girl Paul finally had enough of and cast the spirit out of her.
@stevew4079 4 ай бұрын
Benny was an early influence when I came to faith in the early 90's. He's been doing this stuff forever. I've no idea how, in this season of his life, he doesn't fear for his own standing with God
@cole5773 4 ай бұрын
2 Peter 2:12? Made for destruction?
@zachlehkyi9951 4 ай бұрын
Fear your own standing with God and don’t judge others
@sidwhiting665 4 ай бұрын
That's why it is legitimate to question if he really is a Christian. Any one who truly believes in God would be terrified that God would hold him to account for fleecing the church and using his name as an advertisement gimmick. A complete violation of several commandments, including you shall have no other gods (i.e. money) before me, and you shall not use God's name in vain (Hinn profanes God by falsely claiming prophecy and other false teachings), and you shall not steal (theft disguised as "giving in faith"). God says we aren't suppose to judge unrighteously, but rather to judge with righteous judgment. Hinn has given way more than enough examples for any Christian to find fault with what he's doing, and his repeated unrepentance and continuing his false teaching tells us he most likely never had anything on his mind other than enriching himself at the expense of the gullible.
@MrEmcewan 4 ай бұрын
Because obviously God has given him over to a reprobated mind. He is hard and callous. 🥲
@MrEmcewan 4 ай бұрын
@@zachlehkyi9951this is an absolutely none sense statement. Go read and study your Bible and stop with these absurd statements.
@SarahBrown-eh1qi 4 ай бұрын
Hallelujah!!! I’m the favorite, $60,000 every week! Now I can afford anything and also support the work of God and the church.
@AnnaTaylor-sm2ko 4 ай бұрын
Oh really? Tell us more! Always interested in hearing stories of successes.
@SarahBrown-eh1qi 4 ай бұрын
This is what Ana Graciela Blackwelder does, she has changed my life.
@SarahBrown-eh1qi 4 ай бұрын
After raising up to 60k trading with her, I bought a new house and car here in the US and also paid for my son’s (Oscar) surgery. Glory to God.shalom.
@AnnaTaylor-sm2ko 4 ай бұрын
@AndrewJackson-lp2ee Wow, that’s inspiring. How can I contact Ana Graciela Blackwelder?
@PatriciaHenderson-ry7qb 4 ай бұрын
You work for 40 years to have 1 million dollars in your retirement. Meanwhile, some people are investing just $10,000 in a meme coin for a few months, sometimes less, and now they’re billionaires. I pray that anyone reading this will be successful in life.
@stacyvonbergen604 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for your important WARNING about this false teacher! Hinn is not teaching BIBLICALLY . FLEE from Benny Hinn!
@2muffins 4 ай бұрын
Mike winger head bouncing around the screen giving some strong 2001 DVD screensaver vibes 0:57
@kathybruce2925 4 ай бұрын
@cemowilliams 4 ай бұрын
Bro I was thinking the same thing 😂
@michaeladner5485 4 ай бұрын
Mike is so good at talking the TRUTH in Love...his Autority is the WORD OF GOD...i wish i could be loving as Mike is...i got so angry everytime i see this Frauds like BH...Need to pray to GOD to got me humple...sorry my english is not good...greetings from Germany
@sarahfaith316 4 ай бұрын
@forreview6878 4 ай бұрын
I'd use that screensaver. It's better than the other options I've got
@ladybug5422 4 ай бұрын
I need a miracle in my kitchen for so many reasons. Oh Benny you heart breaker - the angels that I prayed to do the dishes, clean my oven and take out my trash never came 😭 I will pick up my faith somehow........
@Dive-Deeper 4 ай бұрын
Benny won't repent because he really does not believe in Christ. Christianity is nothing more than a business for Benny. I see him as a circus owner sitting at a table, doing whiskey shots with all of his cronies, and asking them for ideas on how they can get more rubes into the tent. Ask yourself this question: How can a man fear something (or someone) who he doesn't believe in?
@chykcha 4 ай бұрын
Well said and absolutely right. He sees vulnerable Christians as something to be used and discarded.
@texasskygirl7890 4 ай бұрын
Exactly. You are on point.
@dianeglover479 4 ай бұрын
I think Benny knows the Lord but got greatly sidetracked
@chykcha 4 ай бұрын
@@dianeglover479 Nah, 40 years of this and he “knows the Lord?” I don’t think so.
@HeldbryanAngel 4 ай бұрын
I wish someone would do a parody on Benny Hinn and Benny Hill.
@jakefromfarmstate2283 4 ай бұрын
I don't need money to spread the gospel, I need faith and courage
@achsahalajangi 4 ай бұрын
Amen! 🙌🏻
@scottb4579 4 ай бұрын
and love.
@PastorRobertBukenya 4 ай бұрын
This is a lie
@metapolitikgedanken612 4 ай бұрын
@@PastorRobertBukenya I also don't buy the zero resource gospel. Lords prayer asks for resources as well.
@Billy-Brown 4 ай бұрын
@@metapolitikgedanken612 can you explain a bit more in your comment since your a pastor Would like to grasp where the direction is your coming from Thanks God Bless
@destinycoach5 4 ай бұрын
Mike I know you have not wanted to be a false teacher hit man but I'm so happy you are continuing to expose Hinn and his damage control. You are the one, Mike, who is gonna bring him down. Keep up the pressure. We are behind you!!!!
@davidward5225 4 ай бұрын
And many, many people will fall for this, especially the “wealth transfer.” Just sow that “seed.”
@Steve-og4ii 4 ай бұрын
This whole " Wealth Transfer " doctrine is based on just two or three verses in the Old Testament, taken out of context,and yet many are falling for it ,head over heels.
@benry007 4 ай бұрын
​@@Steve-og4iibecause they aren't encouraged/shown how to actually study the bible. ‭Acts 17:10-11 ESV‬ [10] The brothers immediately sent Paul and Silas away by night to Berea, and when they arrived they went into the Jewish synagogue. [11] Now these Jews were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so. We need to examine the Scriptures when people say things to see if they are true. When Benny Hinn talks he rarely gives an actual bible verse you can go and check. He either gives the name of a book or he quotes without telling you where the quote is from. He knows most of his audience won't actually check their bibles to see if he is lying.
@melissaculpepper7663 4 ай бұрын
@@benry007All are responsible to earnestly seek the Word of God and to humbly ask for understanding and wisdom!
@samsongomah1318 4 ай бұрын
@@Steve-og4ii And many decent Christians and good Christian Churches are reluctant to call these false prophets out. Some actually believe God will still work through these crooks and others believe they are in no place to judge.
@ivanasimic2072 4 ай бұрын
greed, I already saw it amongst "chiristians", they talk only about $$$
@ChristianVigilance 4 ай бұрын
Brother, I cannot tell you how much your commentary and general warning to the public has meant to me. False prophets/teachers is the very exact reason why I believe we need true Gospel-based preachers, locally and in the mission fields. Thank you brother for all that you do. I pray the Lord continually forms your path, and that your faith does not waver. I hold you in high regard. Praise God we can be discerning, and being the light of Christ, whether personally or digitally. I hope myself to be able to learn and be discerning that I too may be able to do as you do here on YT. Peace brother ✝️
@cmoreno12345 4 ай бұрын
I was dragged to one of his events in San Antonio years ago. Someone was sick in the family. I recall having a hard time believing what he was saying and doing. Just watched the show. Now I am glad to have such clear understanding as to what I was seeing. Thanks for helping us see it for what it is.
@ObservationStation_77 4 ай бұрын
Thanks Mike. It’s about time this fraud comes under pressure and scrutiny
@jenniferlevesque2570 4 ай бұрын
Mike isn’t being petty!!! He’s calling out a false prophet!!!!
@melissaculpepper7663 4 ай бұрын
Praise God! Thank You, Father, for our modern day WATCHMEN ON THE WALL🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼✨✨✨
@matembwerematembwere9207 4 ай бұрын
Let's pray for the man, full stop, He alone is the judge. Benny made mistake that's true but judging is for the Lord remember these words,
@jidoorifalcon 4 ай бұрын
@@matembwerematembwere9207No. the Bible says to judge with right judgment and take log out of your own eye. It does not say not to judge at all
@Kingly-Mike 4 ай бұрын
​@matembwerematembwere9207 1 Corinthians 5: 12-13 12 It isn’t my responsibility to judge outsiders, but it certainly is your responsibility to judge those inside the church who are sinning. 13 God will judge those on the outside; but as the Scriptures say, “You must remove the evil person from among you.” The outsiders are those who are the non believers.. those who are outside of the faith... Those people, yes God will judge them. But for people within the church.... within th faith we are definitely supposed to judge with righteous and clear judgment for the sake of the flock. I suppose you think while the wolf in sheeps clothing roams around the church devouring and misleading Gods people we are to just stand on the sideline and not speak out against it right? Come on now. Jesus does not expect us to be cowards or to be sideline silent Christians if you see someone within the church leading God's people away from the truth then be a man, as was the apostle Paul and speak out against it, Paul Definitely called people out when they were in the wrong by name
@jft963 4 ай бұрын
@jenniferlevesque2570 It's a war over pointless semantics my dear. Think about this for a moment. If Benny Hinn didn't use the words "God Said...." or "so and so will happen" and instead said something like "In my opinion...." or "so and so thing might happen" would this have been more acceptable as not being prophecy? Do you see my point? If he made it look like it's not prophecy but believed in his heart that it was prophecy, wouldn't it be just as bad except for the fact that we can't read thoughts? Personally, I'd rather hang around with the person who shares what they believe and are convinced about than the person who is too afraid, fearing the reproach of people. How do we even really know that it's God speaking to us? How did the Prophets of old know? I want to suggest to you that there's always going to be a risk that it's not God and its your own mind.....the only honnest way to really tell is when the prophecies happen or don't happen. Also, I wouldn't rush to prophecy....I would test what I've heard and make sure it's not just excitement or zeal on my part.
@allaboutmycats454 3 ай бұрын
I think if we all just paid more attention to Jesus and His Word, we would all be better off.
@rupertcaney 4 ай бұрын
This guy has absolutely no shame. Great work Mike
@seaglass.jen86 4 ай бұрын
My grandma was a generous giver and she was taken advantage of by charlatans more than a couple times. Thank you Mike for exposing these falsehoods and not backing down. I pray that many people are taking notice and are filled with the fear of God.
@billythe_kid5999 4 ай бұрын
Alot of Christians get mistaken with “we shouldnt Judge only God can” but yet we are calling out false teachers as the word has called us too. Thank you Mike these prosperity Ministers are leading the blind astray
@LynetteHulton 4 ай бұрын
I was almost a victim of Benny Hinn. When my late husband was fighting cancer I sent a letter to Benny Hinn and then I got a DEMAND to pay $200 for a prayer. I of course did not pay it so no prayer, they kept trying to get the money. It was so bad I will never forget it.
@hopeful3583 4 ай бұрын
That is so terrible I'm glad you did not fall for it. God bless you from one widow to another❤
@dianamatthews5965 4 ай бұрын
I'm sorry you reached out for prayer and got abused. My heart goes out to you.
@judahtribe7 3 ай бұрын
A demand letter?
@desertsun1000 3 ай бұрын
I'm sure it wasn't benny hinn...Maybe it was his staff ...
@judahtribe7 3 ай бұрын
@@desertsun1000 I know someone who must have been simple minded but they willingly sent jewelry like expensive jewelry her husband had bought her when they were married gold whatever and instead of giving it to her kids like she should have she's just thought she loved the Lord so much that at that time she was listening to Kenneth Copeland and thought that she would send him that jewelry and she did and you know darn well that didn't make it past the mailroom.
@sneaksyranger 4 ай бұрын
Even if it was some big misunderstanding, a servant of Christ would be grieved that his words had caused such confusion and wouldn't be making such weak deflections.
@peachfountain 4 ай бұрын
@erikaveltkamp4209 4 ай бұрын
Absolutely! and that, is in itself, is extremely indicative of his heart.
@nyangokdaniel6633 3 ай бұрын
They will never stopped asking for money because that is their source of their income 😒 🙄 🤷
@ingela_injeela 4 ай бұрын
* Peace * Revival * Miracles * Money money money...
@SnuggieSaregreat-sk1lz 4 ай бұрын
In the middle of this, but can I just say that I appreciate that you dot your i's and cross your t's? Listening to Hinn talk about Bibi, then you quote Bibi. Well done, Mike Winger! Appreciate your ministry and am praying for you as you go through this.
@Dodotopat9044 3 ай бұрын
Thank you Mike for having the courage to expose those false prophets. Thank you so much. Please everyone pray for Benny Hinn for deliverance. He needs to be delivered from this demon of wealth and false propheties.
@nelsonomicsruns9246 4 ай бұрын
Charlatans can never give up their scam. He’s enormously rich and could ride off on his private jet but he can’t let go of his scam. He can’t stop taking money from the desperate and the desolate
@melissaculpepper7663 4 ай бұрын
He is of his father, Satan, who loves glory, attention, power, wealth, etc.
@samsongomah1318 4 ай бұрын
Private jets are very expensive to maintain. Hinn needs YOUR tithe to help him out.
@nelsonomicsruns9246 4 ай бұрын
@@samsongomah1318 haha indeed but I’m already supporting many other private jet ministries
@skyscraperphilosopher8476 4 ай бұрын
Hope this reaches those who still respects Benny Hinn
@ifeifesi 4 ай бұрын
They honestly won't listen. As far as they concerned Hinn is a 'true man of God' 🥴
@kaybrown4010 4 ай бұрын
“Touch not, blah, blah, blah …”. They won’t see it apart from divine intervention. Lord have mercy.
@reneeheknowsmyname6771 4 ай бұрын
My mom used to give money to these guys, mostly kenny copeland! And she would tell me, 'I guess I'm doing something wrong, because everything they're saying hasn't happen to me!! I guess I should give MORE so the Lord can bless me'. I told her, no you stop giving to them!! Because it's not about money!! It's because JESUS!!!!'
@adriandlobo 3 ай бұрын
True !
@reneeheknowsmyname6771 3 ай бұрын
@@adriandlobo ...... Amen!!
@orkbluefin Ай бұрын
Tell her to turn off the tube and read her bible😪
@reneeheknowsmyname6771 Ай бұрын
@@orkbluefin ....... Well, when I posted this, she hadn't watch him in years. And don't worry, she can't watch him anymore! Because she's now in a nursing home with dementia and parkinson's!! And she does when she can read her bible!
@TheSillySils 4 ай бұрын
Benny Hinn was right. There was a miracle in my kitchen today. I walked in and my wife was cooking.
@Abracadeez 4 ай бұрын
I am rolling 💀💀💀💀
@beclear2473 4 ай бұрын
Now that’s very funny!
@beautyaddict08 4 ай бұрын
@naaadiki1649 2 ай бұрын
@@TheSillySils OMG hahaha 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@stevew4079 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for persevering Mike!
@cocopp1826 4 ай бұрын
What liars, bullies, false prophets, etc want is for everyone to just move on. That's how they continue to scam others. Thank you Mike for your dedication to bringing this to light.
@jenniferannis9445 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for continuing to expose the fakery of Benny Hinn. This was so well done. You simply addressed the falsehoods, without any trace of revenge or anger. Keep up the good work.
@stephaniefiskum4051 4 ай бұрын
It always baffles me when they lie over and over, YET people still believe him🤦‍♀️
@Jessica_Jones 4 ай бұрын
I think considering how many followers he has on facebook (where a ton of older generations are now), he is most likely counting on people not being able to go back and fact check very easily but only catching live or very recent videos. That said, it is still very concerning how many people, both young and old, have such horrible blinders on. They need the Word of God!!
@CynthiaDavis-jt8ro 3 ай бұрын
I'm praying for anyone who is still following Benny Hinn.
@williamcool4910 4 ай бұрын
Thank you Mike! My great grandmother used to give money to TBN personalities such as Benny Hinn and Morris Carrillo. It was impossible to try to reason with her regarding these people. They are vultures and I’m so grateful to you for bringing light to these fake individuals. God bless you my friend!
@Weissguys6 4 ай бұрын
My dear mother-in-love did too. She gave money she didn’t have….. out of desperation for her family members who she felt were “poor.” Well, my husband and I and our 5 children were those family members and we considered ourselves RICH AND BLESSED beyond measure. But she was listen to this worldly definition of wealth. Not biblical at all. 💔💔💔
@MrAgonizomai 4 ай бұрын
Thank you @MikeWinger. It is almost incredible how Hinn was exposed within two weeks of his “prophetic news” and his prophecy of Middle Eastern peace bringing revival, healings and “transfer of wealth.” Literally none of it happened. Almost the opposite happened. May the Lord continue to expose this man and those like him.
@gerrymitchell7663 4 ай бұрын
One of the first words God spoke to my inner man. “Let the righteous strike me, it is kindness; let him reprove me, it is like oil on the head; don’t let my head refuse it; Yet my prayer is always against evil deeds.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭141‬:‭5‬ ‭
@kaybrown4010 4 ай бұрын
If just one person escapes BH’s mindset because of these videos, it will be worth it. Thank you, Mike.
@mombythesea2426 4 ай бұрын
Mike, my mom was at a funeral this weekend for her best friend’s husband. One of the men she appointed to speak began his speech talking about how his church was blessed by Benny Hinn’s wife coming and healing people. Then proceeded to talk about the power of faith in healing and how it’s available to everyone. Mind you this is a FUNERAL where a man died after years battling cancer.
@KatieBelle777 4 ай бұрын
Wow. That’s all I can say as words elude me here. I’m sorry this was allowed to happen this
@Michachu7 4 ай бұрын
Did anyone call the man out for leaving without raising the dead? If he had made those statements and then raised the guy from the dead then no one should say it was bad thing to do at a funeral but with that person still dead everything he has said is made void as the scripture that says we can heal people through faith also says we can raise the dead through faith so if he wants to speak on it he better believe it and at the very least tried to raise the dead then atleast I would have more respect for him for actually living out what he was talking about rather than just boasting falsely about what he wanted to happen.
@mombythesea2426 4 ай бұрын
@@Michachu7 Nope. Nothing like that. Just spoke about healing and faith and walked off
@mombythesea2426 4 ай бұрын
@@Michachu7 But I agree he could have at least tried to practice what he was preaching. I guess he just spoke all about healing and left. Didn’t really bash the dead guy for not getting his healing. Just said his piece and left
@mothersgauri4137 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for sticking with this and getting the truth out...with receipts. Bennie can word play all he wants, but it isn't going to work. It seems that he will not stop. ....that he is incapable. His behavior fits a narcissistic personality.....never honestly admit to being wrong.....just keep manipulating others because the only one who matters is "me". This has nothing to do with God. Very sad, as he is leading so many others on a wrong path. Folks like you, who are willing to speak out, are extremely needed at this time. thank you.🙏
@lilacflowerdays 4 ай бұрын
I used to think Pastor Mike was this nice, super chill guy who didn't really like to ruffle feathers but did so because he sometimes had to. But the way he's coming for Benny Hinn?! Yes, please!! 👏🏾 God bless you, Pastor Mike!! Thank you!! ❤
@Andrea-xs4ny 4 ай бұрын
I love how he came for Joel Osteen, too.
@lilacflowerdays 4 ай бұрын
@@Andrea-xs4ny absolutely!!
@stephmac6317 4 ай бұрын
I never clicked on a video notification so fast!
@scjohn0712 4 ай бұрын
@Marc-yh1rd 4 ай бұрын
What Spirit In You thrives in controversy?
@valeriereneeharper 4 ай бұрын
@@Marc-yh1rd I personally don’t want to see a false prophet digging himself deeper into his own hole, but I clicked on this video right when I saw it because I am surprised how many videos have been made on this when this isn’t what Mike Winger normally does so it means it is important to Mike Winger if he keeps updating everyone.
@elizabethmontalvo3756 4 ай бұрын
Amen 🙏🏽
@nathanielriesterer9103 4 ай бұрын
​@@Marc-yh1rdthe juicy spirit
@casterton31 4 ай бұрын
Mike Winger thank you for exposing anyone who is bringing shame to the name of Christ, whether out of ignorance or scheme it does not matter these things need to be exposed and since you have been definitely impacted by Benny Hinn you have a right to bring this up and set the record straight I love every video I've heard I'm very impressed with your dedication to find the truth. And your video on divorce and remarriage wow that was fantastic
@melbahall4564 4 ай бұрын
I’ve sick of hearing ALL the false prophets pushing wealth transfer. I appreciate you & the few that exposes lies & hypocrites
@JerryPotter. 4 ай бұрын
@melbahall4564: My question to you is, Why are you still hanging around false people like that if you are sick of hearing those fools? How about you learning what the bible says so that YOU can correct them? There are no prophets of any kind. Anyone claiming to be a prophet is a LYING FRAUD. Revelation 19:10 tells you that the purpose, or spirit of, prophecy IS THE TESTIMONY of Jesus. The testimony is the bible. It is finished. Therefore there are no prophets of any kind. Jesus even tells us that WHEN the Spirit of truth comes, He will TESTIFY OF ME. Again, That testimony is the bible. The Spirit wrote it and NOT MEN. They wrote down what the Spirit made them write down. Jesus NEVER trusted men to give testimony of him. Why would God trust sinners to give testimony of him? He didn't. There are no prophets in the new testament. The Apostles wrote scripture in the new testament. There were people that had a gift that God calls, "The WORD OF prophecy". The word for, "WORD" in the Greek literally means, The Godly message. It was not just putting words together to make sentences. That along with the "WORD OF KNOWLEDGE" were both for delivering the word of God. The Word of God HAS BEEN delivered. It's the bible. The apostles are dead and prophets don't exist. So the next time you hear someone talking about WoF or prophecy, or anything else of the kind, then tell them what I wrote you. So if you can't, or won't fight them, then at least stay away from them and have a happier life. Peace comes from knowing what the word of God says.
@garyleuba3036 4 ай бұрын
I was in the Assemblies of God for 35 years (now in the Church of God, Cleveland, TN). I am amazed at the number of A/G people and ministers that supported Benny Hinn over the years!
@Crazychickenlady448 4 ай бұрын
My Great Gramma (May God rest her soul) was of AoG and she gave he hard earned money to that snake.
@garyleuba3036 4 ай бұрын
@@Crazychickenlady448 I’m so sorry to hear that!
@RC-ou9qg 4 ай бұрын
Trust me, there are those in the Church of God Cleveland who support him also.
@garyleuba3036 4 ай бұрын
@@RC-ou9qg Oh yeah, I’m sure!
@Crazychickenlady448 4 ай бұрын
@@garyleuba3036 thanks, she never broke herself like some of the others, but I certainly saw her writing the checks! 🫤
@donaldomartinez5773 4 ай бұрын
Pastor Mike Winger, thank you 🙏 keep doing this for God’s glory and the awareness of those who seek truth. Blessings to you and your family 🙌🏼🙌🏼
@maximpestsolutions3696 4 ай бұрын
He's a LIAR & Cheat. Period 👍. And God HATES Liars... Period part Deux... God 🙏 Bless ✝️💛.
@lukasbryant9881 4 ай бұрын
Does God hate liars? I thought he loved them so much that he sent his only begotten son to save those liars from the death and judgement they rightly deserve because of their lies.
@sandrawilley7782 4 ай бұрын
@@lukasbryant9881 Yes, amen.Good response.
@nikkisigmon8090 4 ай бұрын
​@@lukasbryant9881sure, and you know what the poster was meaning. God hates lying. After accepting the lier's plea for forgiveness, He still says don't go on sinning.
@jakefromfarmstate2283 4 ай бұрын
Financial prosperity is the last thing on my list spiritually speaking
@NicholasPaulFranks 3 ай бұрын
Just sitting in a very quiet spot of a university in Scotland (most students are off and away for exams) whereupon I hear a young girl listening to Benny Hinn on her phone while she warmed some food up in a microwave. I asked her who she was listening to and proceeded to do my best to urge her to watch your videos, Mike. The devil is a masquerading liar. Lord bless, Nick
@nathancjarrett 4 ай бұрын
I've seen Justin Peters go after Hinn a few times but it always seemed so angry and personal. And I've seen Justin Peters really misunderstand continuationists and in my view misrepresent people he disagrees with, so I didn't pay much attention to his critiques, and I thought Hinn just needed to be ignored. I think Mike is doing great work here by not misrepresenting Hinn, and by making it clear that Hinn is doing real harm to people who are sick and dying and they believe his lies and even give him money. Thanks for doing this well Mike.
@CieloVistaSoftware 4 ай бұрын
You are a Charismatic bigot. Peters said the exact same things.
@doreenchindezwa6319 4 ай бұрын
After listening to Justin Peters, I totally agree with your conclusion and stopped listening to him a long time ago.
@craigime 4 ай бұрын
Justin Peters entire ministry is about "exposing" low-hanging fruit
@chriseaston4267 4 ай бұрын
Justin Peterson has a form of play godliness but denied the power
@rupertcaney 4 ай бұрын
I totally agree. I've also watched a few other 'exposure' YT channels and felt they often used tenuous links, took quotes out of context, or misquoted the Bible themselves. And these were YT channels with big followings, and subscribers ready to tell me I'm a hater for pointing out any mistakes. Glad to have found Mike's channel and his desire to proper and fair research
@KennethSaul 4 ай бұрын
I'm still saying, Kenneth Copeland is the Darth Sideous and Benny Hinn is the Count Dooku.
@Abracadeez 4 ай бұрын
@jordanmarais286 4 ай бұрын
Nooo! But I like Dooku! Make him Darth Maul and Mike Obi Wan because Mike is killing him...
@sgste 4 ай бұрын
@@jordanmarais286 I think Hinn has more of a resemblance to General Grievous, being honest... Chop off a hand, another comes to replace it. Mimics the 'Jedi Arts' but against a true Jedi, turns out to be a real pushover (at least in the films) - also, runs away at the first sign of trouble...
@jordanmarais286 4 ай бұрын
@@sgste Yea now I think about it Kenneth Copeland is Maul actually. Resemblance is uncanny...
@marcusrichardson3800 4 ай бұрын
@Beth-nr1qw 4 ай бұрын
Mike, good job exposing this deceiver. A dear Kenyan friend who’s now living in the U.S. has friends back home who are afraid to even hear a negative word against Benny bc they’re afraid of the “curse” he pronounced. It’s just maddening. 😡 P.S. (You must have a thick skin…some comments are just hideous.)
@leadinged 4 ай бұрын
And... Benny isn't the only one. Ken Copeland, Jesse Duplantis et al. It's a long sad list.
@JulietSpoto-pn2lx 3 ай бұрын
Joe Austin??
@k9felinePeru 4 ай бұрын
Your face floating. I DIED 😂
@kathybruce2925 4 ай бұрын
Right?!! 😂😂
@triciaburcell3241 4 ай бұрын
I have seen the damage that word of faith doctrine can do, and also the damage a false prophecy can do. Guys like Hinn must be stopped, and brother, I know this is not the thing you love to do and focus on, but praise the Lord that he is using you as one of the means of bringing knowledge and insight to help others to see and reject Hinn as a spiritual leader. ❤️
@poke2154 4 ай бұрын
Proud of you Mike for continuing to call out Benny Hinn! Keep preaching the truth! 💯
@TheLawRival 2 ай бұрын
I’m pretty sure the Bible prophesied about Benny Hinn, “Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ “And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.’ 😬
@SequoiaWanderer 4 ай бұрын
Just after 17 minutes, when we were listening to his prophecy from the 90s, I noticed that when he said there was gonna be a revival, he said every husband, every sister, every brother, every child, etc., but he never mentioned every wife. To me that was significant because it tells me he knows the number one people that he is deceiving are women, mostly older women it seems.
@strobed22 4 ай бұрын
Yep! He knows women respond differently. I noticed in my own life that it was the women who listened to him.
@SalemAdelakun 4 ай бұрын
He definitely called it PROPHETIC. He repeatedly said it.
@MrPoetnscribe 4 ай бұрын
There are those who attempt to minister in the gifts of the Spirit without the anointing. And then there are those who do not believe the supernatural gifts of Corinthians, denying God still heals, still speaks to us in that still small voice, denying speaking in tongues, truly denying that God wishes Christians to operate in any gift...and one is as off the path as the other.
@nosh-kami 4 ай бұрын
Main takeaway for me: Hinn: "I did not prophesy!" Also Hinn : "2:27 today prophetic news this is a prophetic alert because I believe this is the sign" Also Hinn: "6:00 I am here to prophesy..." Also Hinn: "8:20 I am here to tell you prophetically..."
@kathyd456 4 ай бұрын
That's about it, the narcissists playbook in action.
@benbufkin81 4 ай бұрын
@mikewinger Keep up the good work. I was raised under this word of faith message. God by His grace delivered me from this error. I am now a pastor who is responsible to protect God’s precious people from lies like these. You are helping shepherds who are trying to warn their flocks. Don’t be intimidated by critics.
@Fokendran 3 ай бұрын
I actually went into this post with an open heart. Thinking if he prophesied i would accept it.. but he didnt prophesy. He heard BN say that and he said this is what we are on the verge of.
@pennymchugh3146 4 ай бұрын
The greedy appeal to greed always. So the greediness of some leaders as well as the greed in the body of Christ is being exposed at the same time.
@Chloe-404 4 ай бұрын
“That’s Mike in the corner”🎶 2:30
@sostomc 4 ай бұрын
Mike comes with the receipts. The worst part of these prophesies is that he is asking for money at the end, it would have been better if they were just false.
@serifen888 4 ай бұрын
Lies have always had short legs, but now with all this Internet stuff, they're in wheelchairs 😆 Yeah, the Internet doesn't forget anything.
@jeannetteparry5587 4 ай бұрын
The Bible indicates that there WILL be "Peace" in the Middle East. But it will be a false, deceptive peace brought about by the Antichrist, who will deceive "Even the elect" unless we are watching and praying with "Oil in our lamps"
@jobrown8146 4 ай бұрын
And Mike said that clips he showed in his long video were from his own channel.
@dartht.3736 Ай бұрын
Hey Mike great work! I love your deep dives. I chose a recent video to make this observation: It’s become common place to misuse I and me in sentences. It’s so common I think they might have lost the teaching. In the Subject of a sentence it’s always I. And you put yourself last. “My wife and I went to church. In the object of the sentence you use “me”. “After church the kids met my wife and me for lunch”. It’s not “me and my wife are Christians”. Since Bible study often relies on language diagraming in Greek I always expect a good teacher to have the basics of sentence structure well understood. Hate to be picky but it sounds like poor English to misuse such a basic rule. I’m hoping you take this as a positive encouragement in you journey to serve our King. 🙏🏻
@MsJeanie2 4 ай бұрын
He has NO fear of God! That’s scary and horrifying and demonic.
@jeyathagna4548 4 ай бұрын
Amen. What a scary thing it is to fall into The hands of the Living God. Especially if you teach the word - you will be judged more harshly 😬
@blessedbrother 4 ай бұрын
Thanks Mike for exposing deception. Your work is vital not just for this generation but for future generations of believers who need to learn to know God’s word for themselves.
@alfike 3 ай бұрын
Hey Mike! Keep at it, brother! You’re a blessing! Do what God tells you to do! Btw, you may wanna respond to Jordan Riley. Brylan Riggs did a good, tactful job of setting the record straight. I know you’d do the same regarding any false accusations about y’all. Shameful.
@robertpowell1834 4 ай бұрын
Great job, Mike! None of us can imagine the amount of time and effort that you have put into exposing the damage this false prophet has done. The more Benny opens his mouth, the worse off he makes it for himself. There is no repentance in him. He needs sackcloth and ashes, not offering plates. This stuff right here is what fuels the fire in those who distrust the church. Here is an example from just last month: One of our local churches was broken into resulting in significant money loss and damages. One dear lady posted, “How could anyone steal from the church, that’s like stealing from God!” Someone responded, “What’s the problem, the church steals from you all the time!” Of course, many people will look for any reason to disparage Christianity just to continue in a lifestyle of sin without guilt. On the other hand, there are some that are legitimately turned away from making a decision for Christ because of charlatans like Benny. It is with those folks in mind that I salute your efforts. Seeing as we are God’s imagers in this dark world, if we are to present the Bread of Life, we need the audacity to remove the leaven out of the house. This requires a credible and public witness. Praying for you as you present the salt and the light!
@BenjaminKeller 4 ай бұрын
Why does he think that the moment there is peace in Israel everyone will suddenly become a Christian? that make no sense.
@mikellcolemanii3502 2 ай бұрын
Oh My Gosh Pastor Mike, I know this agreement isn't possible but I agree with you 1000%. I remember him from back in the late '90s, when I was a teen and a new young follower of Christ. At first I believed him until God drew me away from what he was teaching, what he said and what he "prophesied." He is a deceiver and a false prophet, one that shouldn't even be mentioned, aired on television or KZbin or any other streaming device to come in the future.
@Brokenhill42 4 ай бұрын
it's interesting how these prophecies are always positive ones... I seem to recall in the NT (Acts 21:10) that Paul was prophecied to about his binding in Jerusalem and he was jailed for a long time. Also, with many biblical prophecies there is a physical expression (like above, or tearing of garments, being naked, sleeping on side, etc. from prophets of old)... why do we not see modern "prophets" in such uncomfortable/compromising positions? Or even using simple physical expressions? It's just "I feel this... as God's anointed". Empty words.
@suenissley4023 4 ай бұрын
It’s called the law of attraction & it is demonic at its core. Run away from it.
@allthings2allmen 3 ай бұрын
I can attest that both the word of faith types and a great number of charismatics have been talking about the 'wealth transfer' for quite sometime. I remember seeing it & hearing it 20+ years ago on the Elijah List. At the time I was moved by it, as I had been looking in to these people that I esteemed to be prophetic voices. I was not afraid to at least hear what they shared, then I would pray and consider in my own walk with God. But as the years advanced, there was a noisy crescendo, an unavoidable reality what they are saying is not exactly how I was hearing. Thank God He caused me to hear Him & not them.
@bethtaylor9773 4 ай бұрын
LOL! And there's the critic's face floating around going 'hmmmm.'
@markhaszoe-life6337 4 ай бұрын
Mike I get so much out of your videos. I struggle being to judgmental, say rude things at times. I came from a wicked life. Listening to you I'm learning a lot not just theology but how to be a decent loving Christian. you've been a good role model for me I'm learning how to be more godly.
@Irena688 4 ай бұрын
Thanks, Mike, for exposing falsehood. These false teachers/preachers can be slippery with their forked tongues.
@ransche1 4 ай бұрын
Well, at least he didn’t say there will be healing in the kitchen. I would hate for my chicken dinner to come back to life! Thanks, Benny!
@thefarsideofforty4012 4 ай бұрын
@kathyd456 4 ай бұрын
Nice, I needed that chuckle...
@TwinsPlay777 4 ай бұрын
Floating Mike Critic had me laughing so hard. This Hinn guy is a piece of work.
@AlizaDasha 4 ай бұрын
He gave a prophecy sometime in the 1990s about huge and wonderful things happening and it sounded so glorious some thought it might be the rapture, eagerly waiting. A huge let down when the year passed and nothing happened. Wish could find a video of it. He went on and on.
@michaelroberts3898 4 ай бұрын
Watch out for the Hinn bots who will tell you enough of criticism, go back to biblical teaching. They fail to understand that we are told biblically that prophets have a 100% success rate or they are not prophets of God. The prophetic power is God, not some special superpower a person can “access”, and only God is speaking when prophecy is given. Jeremiah 14:13-14
@k.popper2620 4 ай бұрын
Amen... Ephesians 5:11
@samsongomah1318 4 ай бұрын
You mean I wasted my money in Patricia King's prophet school?!
@Psyopsaplenty 4 ай бұрын
@@samsongomah1318 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@TherealJoshuaAdamu 4 ай бұрын
May the God of all pease guard our hearts until the return of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ
@Jihad123-k9l 3 ай бұрын
Hey Mike, that lamp on ur desk that the guitar is hanging below it, where did u get it?
@Gnomesmakemesmile 4 ай бұрын
I, for one, love how God is exposing his enemies this year❤
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