Amazing ! The guy that created Thatcher and Reagan, and then Trump, is still considered as a freedom warrior. 😲
@TheWhitehiker16 күн бұрын
@SeekingWisdom4916 күн бұрын
Sadly, yes. Between him, Milton Freedman and Ayn Rand, conservatives have rationalized and economic path that serves the wealthy at the expense of everyone else. Yet, at least Hayek believed 'some' regulation is required.
@TheWhitehiker16 күн бұрын
@@SeekingWisdom49 So did Friedman.
@SeekingWisdom4916 күн бұрын
@@TheWhitehiker Agreed. I have an analysis of his "Capital and Freedom" book scheduled to go live next Thursday... for those who want to know more about his economic "philosophy."
@emikke15 күн бұрын
It said that "Hayek main goal was to warm Socialist inteligencia." That is utter nonsense. Hayek also said that he doubted if Keynes even read the book. Which would make sense because Keynes was really sick at the time when he was steaming over to attend the Bretton Woods conference and was supposed to have read it. If he did read it he missed the warning. Hayek was not an Anarchist, he warms about the slippery slope of any regulation causing inflation and tyranny. But he also did not abandon von Mises, who is pretty clear about the effects of Socialism on society.
@SeekingWisdom4912 күн бұрын
FYI - I am not a fan of Hayek or any of the so-called Chicago School of Economic Thinking. However, I will be posting book analyses that represent all positions to help inform others - on economics, philosophy, government, politics, etc.
@TheWhitehiker16 күн бұрын
"Collective good." Two fateful words for humankind. Read the history of communist movements down to today.
@SeekingWisdom4916 күн бұрын
It is true that the concept of "collective good" has not served communism or any other form of government well, and it is also true that virtually every country in the world runs on some form of capitalism, the suggestion by many that liberalism = communism is flat out wrong!
@TheWhitehiker16 күн бұрын
@@SeekingWisdom49 Your sentence makes no sense. Wanna try again?