The South Park Episode About Alcoholism

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Ceric Artman

Ceric Artman

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In this video essay, we explore how South Park tackles the issue of alcoholism with its signature mix of humor, satire, and sharp social commentary. Throughout the series, characters like Randy Marsh and others are often depicted grappling with excessive drinking, showing both the comedic and darker sides of addiction. We’ll dive into episodes where alcoholism takes center stage, analyzing how South Park portrays the impact of alcohol abuse on individuals, families, and the community. Through exaggerated storylines and absurd situations, the show uses its trademark irreverence to shine a light on the serious consequences of alcohol dependence while still making us laugh. By blending humor with critical insight, South Park manages to address the complexities of alcoholism, showing how it affects not only the person struggling with it but also the people around them. Join us as we unpack how South Park handles this sensitive topic, striking a balance between comedy and meaningful commentary on the issue of alcohol abuse.
The content in this video, as well as all my other videos, is not intended to replace professional or medical advice. I share insights based on my personal experiences and what I believe may benefit a broad audience. If your experience with any discussed issue is more severe or complex, I strongly encourage you to seek help from a qualified mental health professional. Your well-being is my priority, and if you find even a single takeaway from this video, that means the world to me.
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Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted.

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@seandpizzle 6 күн бұрын
As an alcoholic and former drug addict, and who's mother was killed by it, I still agree with Stan/Matt and Trey. I'm not saying it works for everyone, but the whole "I have no power" thing is such a cop-out. Everyone has a choice
@langolier9 5 күн бұрын
I really appreciate you sharing something serious even though we’re talking about South Park. I do appreciate it.😮
@hisomebody123 5 күн бұрын
i like beans
@amazingbarrel9530 5 күн бұрын
Its definitely a great value in rejecting a victim mentality. Its up to one's self to cease the cycle of self-destruction. But if one consistently relapses after trying to return to drinking in moderation, its better to just go dry for good.
@lowqualitygamers 5 күн бұрын
same, i dont know the extent of your experience but mine was rather colorful and long term lol, everything from coffee to meth, finished with alcohol. it was my birthday 3 months ago and i just decided i was done, i thought it was gonna end up killing me tbh, the discipline to ween off and not die from withdrawal saved my life. everyone is different tho and i think thats the real underlying message of the episode
@Wonder907 5 күн бұрын
When I was 18 I just started drinking. A couple girls said they new a bartender who would serve us. I had margaritas for the first time and didnt realize it got me real buzzed. I was driving back and got pulled over. Because of that I had to go to to AA and had all these 40 year old men telling me how I need to accept I have not control over my drinking. Im like wtf I didnt even know what I was doing, literally just trying to hang out with a couple girls and not be wet towel. NO you have a driking problem like us and cant control yourself.
@jMoGiy 6 күн бұрын
Abusing alcohol? Never, I love alcohol
@pphead9960 5 күн бұрын
I quit drinking for good. Now I drink for evil.
@ContinuedOak 3 күн бұрын
@@pphead9960 I stopped abusing alcohol, starting loving it
@Sclopiopipio 3 күн бұрын
Get these refined gentlemen their car keys
@autumn948 3 күн бұрын
@RoshDroz 2 күн бұрын
I would do anything for alcohol! Precious alcohol...
@stigmaoftherose 6 күн бұрын
Im a religious individual, i dont hate AA, but i really hate the idea of the US government forcing people to atend it. Seperation of chruch and state and all that.
@Skoopyghost 6 күн бұрын
An alcoholic needs to be willing to change to get sober.
@AmericaLexicon 6 күн бұрын
its not religious, to properly do the twelve steps a higher power must be chosen, I know people who chose atoms and others who chose the sun. God is just the simplification of peoples explanation of their "higher power". Many in AA roll their eyes when Jesus is mentioned.
@snavsmatiq 6 күн бұрын
@@Skoopyghost that's understandable, but separation of church and state is more important. There should be an option that doesn't require you to trick yourself into believing something that you have known your whole life to be false. AA doesn't work on those people because the support network is based around religion, they need a support network based around finding healthy alternatives and being social, WITHOUT the "pledge yourself to an invisible higher power" part.
@malachisguides 5 күн бұрын
No judge can MAKE you go to AA, they may offer lighter sentencing if you can prove you've been attending meetings. The same is true if you're being referred for a substance abuse evaluation, technically you CAN skip it.
@hyperzillas 5 күн бұрын
​@malachisguides a judge can 100% make you go to AA. When I got my last dui (I'm now 1.5 years sober), I had a mandatory drug evaluation, mandatory MADD classes, and had to complete a 14 week out patient treatment program. Every group meeting with my probation officer, people would hand in their AA slips. Personally I wasn't forced to go to AA, but I have been seeing an addiction therapist for just as long, and we don't talk about "higher power". A judge can deal out any punishment if it isn't cruel or unusual. Making an alcoholic go to AA isn't either.
@swaglord5437 5 күн бұрын
Charlie is just a high-functioning alcoholic and for many people that is one small step away from crashing their whole life and this happens a lot.
@andyasbestos 4 күн бұрын
Yeah. There's a limit to how long your body can put up with that kind of abuse.
@Starkeymander 3 күн бұрын
Thats not a high functioning alcoholic that's a man on the precipice of crippling alcoholism, a high functioning doesnt drink during the day waits until they get home and then gets obliterated. Once you risk driving buzzed you're tilting to the line of crippling.
@InsaneD602 3 күн бұрын
Sounds like a shitty life and it won't last that long
@BoomSkwad47 3 күн бұрын
Liver cirosis
@JFKdied2 2 күн бұрын
​@Starkeymander nah that's high functioning mang depending on where you are driving is a requirement of life and the risks of it (legal risks at least the only one people ever really think about) is minimal in some places.
@f1wwwagonburner132 5 күн бұрын
I’m an alcoholic. I denied it till I was 30. In 2010(I was 22) I was in Marjah, Afghanistan with 2nd battalion 9th Marines. I was in 80+ fire fights till I caught a round in my left shoulder. I started drinking to just sleep. After years of drinking to sleep it became a habit. South Park is my favorite show and I would watch it before bed. My sister would say why don’t you just stop drinking ? The only way I could explain alcoholism was that it’s like being really thirsty and wanting to drink some water. It wasn’t until February 2022 that I had realized I have PTSD.
@grossliz1995 2 күн бұрын
Realization is the first step, friend. Hope you find relief.
@Jeremie-cc2qq 2 күн бұрын
Sounds like you need a meeting where you can vent
@StopYTShorts 2 күн бұрын
ngl i breathe better after a few shots
@ZetsuboNoShima 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for your service I hope you are able to heal and feel better
@beaux6251 Күн бұрын
Glad you’re still with us, semper fi
@captainswagalicious 5 күн бұрын
My dad has been in and out of AA and rehab multiple times and saying it’s a disease and that you’re powerless to stop it is exactly what alcoholics need to shift the blame onto the alcohol itself rather than taking accountability. I also agree with his speech because normal people can have a drink or two and not have an addiction and it’s much more admirable.
@MBeckers 4 күн бұрын
At meetings we say we're not responsible for our illness but we are responsible for our recovery. Using it being an illness as a cop-out simply means you don't take responsibility for your recovery. If you don't do what you need to do to stay sober, that's on you.
@antonioreconquistador 4 күн бұрын
Its supposed to contrast the notion that "i can quit anytime, but i wont now because theres nothing wrong with the substance having power over me."
@Mill10. 3 күн бұрын
The only thing alcoholic has power over is turning their well in their life over to the care of God of there understanding it can be the ocean or oxygen doesn’t have to be Jesus Satan Zeus, whatever works as long as it’s not you What your dad does have power over is letting go of self will and doing whatever it takes to help himself for himself. It’s never enough when its for someone else. This is coming from someone who has two alcoholic parents and is one.
@nikobutterbar928 3 күн бұрын
Alcoholism IS a disease. Addiction in general IS a disease. It can be fought against, but ignoring the extent to which it can control us is damaging as acting like nothing can be done about it. Alcoholism is an insane struggle. If you tell an alcoholic all they need to do is stop drinking, they’re probably gonna keep drinking. If you can relate to them, they’re more likely to listen. Matthew Perry talked about alcoholism, and explained it felt like an allergy. You drink one beer, and your body needs another. And another. Suddenly your head is spinning and the six pack you bought to last the week has been consumed in just a few hours. Admitting it’s a disease isn’t the same as giving up your power; it’s understanding the extent of the problem you have.
@Zpicismrad 2 күн бұрын
I'm an alcoholic (sober for 3 years) and I went through a long rehab (2.5 years in a sanatorium). I have no experience with AA, however I would like to clarify a few things. Addiction indeed is a disease, it is classified as such because after misusing substances for long enough, parts of your brain actually do get rewired. It is obviously quite complicated so in short - your nucleus accumbens gets fucked, among other things. And because of this actual damage to certain parts of your brain, alcoholism (as well as many other addictions) is classified as a disease, or illness. At least in my country. And the thing about being powerless - the way I see it and based on what I was taught during my rehab, you are powerless in a sense that you can't quit on your own, you need professional help. In my own experience, I was powerless, I could not stop drinking on my own. No matter how bad a fuck up I had done, swore I'd never touch alcohol again - at least 1000x - and somehow I still managed to get wasted and hop on another binge a few days after I've sobered up from the last one. I had to have myself locked up in a sanatorium, because I was powerless, I could not stop drinking on my own. You are right tho, many, many people refuse to take responsibility for their addiction and use both terms, disease and powerlessness, as an excuse. If one wants to beat addiction, he has to admit and take full responsibility for his actions, there's no way around it. And of course you can't even beat addiction, you just learn to live with it. Sober life is the best life and quitting alcohol was the best thing I have ever done. I'm 37 years old and I feel like my life has just started. I'm finally happy and I feel free as a bird. Edit: just to clarify, the rehab I went through was non-religious.
@nickhueper2906 4 күн бұрын
1:22 “Catholics and Alcoholics” you could just say Catholic 😂
@hushlore 2 күн бұрын
0 Sense, just unfunny hating of catholics.
@PiousMoltar Күн бұрын
@jamessizemore7103 5 күн бұрын
The founder of AA actually got the idea of giving yourself up to higher power from an acid trip. Not sure how much religion was originally part of it😂
@shawntame45 4 күн бұрын
Bruh what you think inspired religion, a space wizard who takes you after you die, who communicates via a everburning bush. It's the description of every dmt trip in history.
@jamessizemore7103 4 күн бұрын
@@shawntame45 ah so religion and AA both got their starts from psychedelics😂
@shawntame45 4 күн бұрын
@@jamessizemore7103 you got it lol
@airvent6199 4 күн бұрын
@@jamessizemore7103 That is actually a fairly common argument about/against a lot of the shit Moses experienced. Wine used to be stored in acacia barrels in that region, and acacia wood has a not unnoticeable quantity of Dimethyltryptamine, or DMT. And at the same time in that region it wouldn't be uncommon to carry seeds around when travelling for emergency nutrients, if any of those seeds were Syrian Rue (a seed that's already known to cause hallucinations) and he washed them back with wine stored in acacia, then he almost certainly would've accidentally made Ayahuasca (an extremely potent and long lasting psychedelic used primarily in south America) in his digestive tract.
@TheChicagoJunkie 3 күн бұрын
Lol that's not really at all what happened, but Bill W (one cofounder) later expressed in the 60s it could help people reach God. The book was released in the 30s across America.
@amazingbarrel9530 6 күн бұрын
As a recovering alcoholic, the problem with "having a few drinks and calling it a day" is threefold. First, Alcohol as a substance weakens self restraint, that's why drunk people are often seen doing stupid and dangerous stuff, because the part of the brain that keeps that in check just isn't there. Its nice to say to yourself "im going home after two beers" but wether that'll check after two beers is anyone's guess. Second, a lot of people that struggle with this are emotional drinkers, we can "just practice moderation" about as well as we can "just stop being depressed". Last but not least, you build tolerance, and its not too hard to get to a spot where two beers just feel like a small buzz. I summation, having just a just a few swigs don't work, if your will power goes into the dumpster after a few swigs.
@diablo.the.cheater 5 күн бұрын
The trick is to never develop a taste for alcohol, if you never drink from the start you don't have to resist it. If you already failed that you may as well go full alcoholic until you have a ethilic coma and try to be more moderated next life. /s
@HashknightGaming 5 күн бұрын
I got drunk but my brain said hey don't open that next beer after I was drunk.
@Misanthropy_Incarnate 5 күн бұрын
@@diablo.the.cheateryea but abstinence is the cure to every vice. And that is unrealistic unfortunately. But yea abstinence is 100% effective.
@FailingUpwardz 5 күн бұрын
​@@HashknightGamingthen you're not an alcoholic...
@Tespri 4 күн бұрын
Absintine actually works. How many of you guys still can remember the first time you drank alcohol. It tasted terrible right? At least for me, I felt bad and it tasted bad. I didn't like to drink it, but was forced with social pressure. Basically you have to get used to the bad taste in order to enjoy alcohol. Then you condition yourself to it through social events.
@Leberwurst266 6 күн бұрын
I tried doing a south park video. The copyright on KZbin is insane. My respect for doing these videos
@antonioreconquistador 4 күн бұрын
Their ai moderation has gotten pretty insane with audio and video
@polocatfan 3 күн бұрын
fair use. fight it or your complicit in the abuse of it. 🤡
@cookieanddabutt2843 3 күн бұрын
That's not how it works. That's why you failed. You believe channels are organic. The people are just like you. And you can be whatever you want to be when you grow up. Get you an agent, agency or "connection". Sell your soul, sacrifice your "family", and have no self identity. Good luck.
@CaptainEffort 2 күн бұрын
@@polocatfan sadly, unless you want to take it to court, fighting it isn't an option with youtube's tools. The only thing you can do is basically just ask the copyright claimer, "are you sure?", and if they keep the strike, you'll get a strike on your channel. Which after 3, will terminate your entire channel. And more small youtubers aren't willing to go to court over this, which is completely understandable. This isn't Leberwurst's fault, this is on KZbin.
@noahthenormal 2 күн бұрын
​@@polocatfan You funding the legal cases or just talking a big game?
@TrashwareArt 5 күн бұрын
I am a former heavy drinker, 24 cans a day at one point. I made the decision to quit. It's possible, I think the problem most people have is that they want to quit but they are in an environment and around other people that make it impossible.
@StopYTShorts 2 күн бұрын
good for you brother, will power can be amazing sometimes.
@nateb4543 2 күн бұрын
That's rad. Compared to being an addict to hard drugs, seems like escaping alcohol would be much harder. In almost any place in the country, drive 20 minutes in any direction and you'll pass an opportunity
@alexbluez7632 5 күн бұрын
addiction comes from sadness, frustration, anger. Being addicted to something is a coping mechanism. When you are sad, depressed, angry, you feel the need to do something that gives you immediate gratification and satisfaction : some watch porn, some drink, some smoke, some do drugs. Different methods but same addiction. And this is triggered by the fact that we have access to social media, we see that X is living a certain type of life you want but can't achieve, the social media bubble where people who post perfect pictures seem to be happy and have it all figured out, while you in comparison just live a normal decent life which is not enough for you. And this triggers the emotions stated above and thus leading to addiction.
@nateb4543 2 күн бұрын
Yes, all that. There's also an undeniable physiological aspect to it. There's been alcoholics/addicts long before the internet.
@Djamesman 6 күн бұрын
Alcoholic here. This episode has always been important to me. I always liked how Matt and Trey portrayed the "cult" side of AA, even if it undoubtedly would offend people. This video is very well done and accurate in my opinion. I would say that part of recovery is being honest with yourself, and not everyone can come to the conclusion like Randy did, if they are all or nothing people. Most regular people can have discipline, but for some people it's just too risky and they really can't handle their addiction. You have to truly know if you are drinking to cover up other problems. AA is too religious for my personal taste, but I still go for the community, countering isolation, and to make life feel more stable. Many people just see AA meetings as "medicine" for their alcoholism, which I agree with. However, it's important to be honest with yourself and learn where those root causes come from, that made you turn to alcohol in the first place. Very well made video that explained many sides to an episode that I think has very valuable messages!
@whiteeye3453 2 күн бұрын
Total bs Matt and trey were making message on topic that they didn't have expirence with
@drowsyd3m0n1c 5 күн бұрын
Hi, I'm an alcolic and this episode explains perfectly why I can't go to AA... I tried and after almost 5 years sober 2 meetings very quickly was giving me what I called "Randy marsh syndrome". Holy shit.
@rayfan9876 5 күн бұрын
As a recovering alcoholic, Stan's speech about disciprine at the end has been the single most meaningful thing to me in my recovery. Because he's absolutely right. I think the only reason people take issue with it is because it's a pretty lofty ask, and they themselves weren't strong enough to do it. but really, it's the healthiest one. It's the same as when people say the easiest way to cope with a breakup is to burn every memory they've ever had of the person. You don't grow that way. I'm not gonna settle for the all-or-nothing easy route. I want to be the best I can be. edit: I read someone else's comment about emotional drinkers... I guess that makes sense. I drink because it just makes me feel things more. Pretty logical. I guess it just really depends on the person
@kateduggan2827 2 күн бұрын
It’s quite similar with eating disorder recovery. Body love isn’t the opposite of body hate. Either way there is too much focus on the body. Body neutrality is being neutral about what it looks like and taking care of it healthily. Cutting out all “unhealthy” food isn’t healthy when you become obsessed with it
@whiteeye3453 2 күн бұрын
Too bad it was made by someone who didn't have problem with addiction and have different meaning in message
@Deezfuggin Күн бұрын
⁠@@whiteeye3453So? I have a problem and I still agree. Nothing about what they said is wrong at all. It IS about discipline and what moderation is can be different for everyone. I saw someone mention how after 2 their inhibitions will be lowered and they’ll be more likely to binge drink. Okay that’s true, so moderation for you is only 1, not 2. The reality is you will always be tempted and you cannot remove alcohol from your life entirely. Go ahead and throw all your alcohol away, are you never going to use mouthwash, vanilla extract, etc? It will always be about discipline and learning moderation teaches you self control and discipline
@whiteeye3453 Күн бұрын
@@Deezfuggin while I don't deny discipline as part of cure It wasn't my point here My point here is that episode was pure arrogance and ignored facts about AA and alcoholism Matt and trey made this episode without any experience about these and made messages that literally says" you didn't have any discipline " as insult to those who have problem with alcohol And just because you liked the message from subjective reason That doesn't mean it is that message what creators meant. Sure some people can throw it but again those type of people didn't have addiction problem to begin with But not worry since Matt and trey learned lesson by Satan explaining how addictiom works.
@Deezfuggin 12 сағат бұрын
@@whiteeye3453 You can have an opinion on something even if you haven’t experienced it first hand. Also, just because you were insulted by something doesn’t mean it’s an insult. To give into your urges at every turn, aka addiction, that is a total lack of discipline. You can blame this lack of discipline on a number of circumstantial factors but the result is still the same, your lack of discipline lead to the addiction. No one is arguing whether your lack of discipline is morally right or wrong nor are they arguing that it’s easy to get over addiction. Self control is a skill you need to work on that can improve with time. Also you minimizing others addiction because they are able to build self control adds further merit to their point, those who never improve see themselves as a victim with no control. In your mind if someone is able to build willpower it’s because they “didn’t have addiction” and if someone holds this viewpoint who isn’t an addict it’s because “arrogance” and they’re “ignoring facts”.
@MechWarrior894 Күн бұрын
I believe in the message of the episode because I too am an alcoholic and am currently in sober living; I could not maintain my sobriety on my own and I needed help. It seems like Randy was looking for his Burning Bush moment, a distinct act of God to inspire him to get sober. Meanwhile in my case, I avoided rock bottom by realizing I had a problem before that juncture. I think it makes my journey harder, but realizing I'm doing this and not a higher power gives me strength.
@tylerhassey5210 6 күн бұрын
I think it’s ridiculous that so many alcoholics had a problem with this episode, it really is just discipline I was an alcoholic for years but I realized I was killing myself and needed to be around for my son so I quit cold turkey for a couple of months and then slowly I’d let myself have a beer here or a glass of wine there But Stan is right fs moderation is the difficult part but I’m finally to the point where if I get offered a beer I can either say “no” or just have one
@snavsmatiq 6 күн бұрын
the amount of outrage that this sparked is similar to when they called out scientologists, almost like throwing reality in their face sets them off in a similar way
@battlesheep2552 5 күн бұрын
Dey rack dishiprine!
@Heybabetv 5 күн бұрын
Trey and Matt always 💯 with social commentary
@mandalove1858 5 күн бұрын
Why risk a relapse when I can just stay sober. It’s okay to play it safe. I am fine with that and actually prefer it. Never was an alcoholic but addicted to other things. I now find being under the influence of anything to be just an unpleasant experience in comparison to being sober.
@Baconcatboy 5 күн бұрын
Jesus will give strength for that discipline
@clayross1889 5 күн бұрын
when i was in rehab the best way it was said to me as an atheist is that it doesn't have to be a religious figure at all, just recognizing that there is something bigger than you. my favorite example would be community, i don't take the step as in-depth as others but it is something i can appreciate
@greciabarraza4986 5 күн бұрын
I remember reading Motley Crue’s book and Nikki Sixx mentioning his bigger being was music, but that they kept insisting on a God and he just took it upon himself to put music on that place. I considered going to AA, but I am atheist, if they make it a point to keep a blank for interpretation and examples of non religious people finding something different than God for the higher power or bigger thing than I would be more open about it.
@hunterlee4412 3 күн бұрын
​@@greciabarraza4986as a fellow non believer you don't need the twelve step program most likely. One of the biggest benefits AA provides is a support network. People who aren't there to judge you for having a problem and will understand you in ways others won't.
@Eisaku2 5 күн бұрын
Since your voice and candor tells me you've never had voices to quiet, allow me to offer a brief explanation. Buzzed is a wonderful state where you're not impaired in any way but the weight of your emotions/reality is somewhere between a calm sea and a Moon Bounce Edit: Despite any issues I've gone through, getting mad at or censoring comedy is the dumbest thing I've ever heard of.
@chvIry 4 күн бұрын
Wow, the timing is impeccable, been an on and off alcoholic. Was killing an 80% alcohol bottle a day - at least. Ended up doing that for two years, started shitting blood going into my first year of that behavior. Eventually made a mistake which made me quit drinking the bottle, so I resorted to beers and began killing a 30 every day. Still was shitting blood 3 years later. Got to the point where I was getting violent shakes if I didn’t drink for about 2 hours. Still shitting blood. Eventually began to wane off slowly (as I understood the severity of the situation I was in) But I still struggle with it to this day, always will. Literally two days ago had an episode where I got belligerent off of beer and hurt, not physically, but still hurt someone that I deeply care for. And so I’ve made the pledge to myself to not drink at all. I have an addictive personality, done just about everything under the sun (currently been up for two days off meth) and trying to get some sleep (have a bag but not smoking because priorities tomorrow) But before the alcohol it was a crippling heroin/fentanyl addiction which was daily use for 3 years. Currently four years sober from that and am never going back to that (despite those are my drugs of choice) But got clean off the h/fet and substituted it for alcohol instead. I’m not perfect, I make mistakes. A lot of mistakes, but I exist in a state of constant learning, so I’m doing better everyday. But man, I’ll tell you what, shit is fucked. The fact that this got recommended to me two days after I made the pledge to not drink anymore, speaks volumes. Shoutout to the algorithm and “fate” if you believe in that sort of thing. And to all my people who are in recovery stage (as once you get clean, you’re in recovery stage for the rest of your life) keep it up, I’m proud of you. Stay true to your convictions Peace and love to all. ❤
@christophernicholascarter6865 3 күн бұрын
As a devout catholic, I thought the episode was brilliant. Yeah it's a bit of a pisstake, but I honestly feel like South Park treats us with more respect than most other forms of media. South park will take the piss out of any and all religious groups, as well as atheists. At least it doesn't parrot the same rubbish anti-catholic prejudice that seems to be pretty much everywhere else.
@thecodemachine 4 күн бұрын
I had an ex girlfriend who was pulled over after drinking on drink and had the book thrown at her, and I was on the phone with the AA officer asking me if I thought it was bad and what I would do to prevent it from happening again. My ex definitely wasn't an alcoholic, but AA tried to turn her into a villain as a power trip. If you are an addict, then get help. But the problem is there are a lot of people who enjoy a beer now and then. Its OK to have a drink now and then.
@devinburns4646 15 сағат бұрын
she sounds like an alcoholic
@frelancer8640 6 күн бұрын
Replacing an harsh truth with a beautiful lie might be the worse thing you can do, that's where delusions start. Quoting an old saying, there's no bigger hatred that can surpass Cristian love.
@homiedjscrew 5 күн бұрын
Religion is the best and worst thing to happen to humanity. Good for humans because we need structure and the ideology of “this is my purpose” but also horrible. Considering all the lives oppressed and lost over difference in lifestyles. So fuckin stupid :(
@taylorlittle5771 5 күн бұрын
12:30 bro that…. When im on my own i got no need or want to have a sip of anything, i can go weeks without even thinking about it, but get me at a party and its like i cant get enough of the stuff lol, sooooo i just dont go to parties
@nh251 5 күн бұрын
I'm a cannabiholoic. I'm stoned all the time. I wake up high, I smoke throughout the day, I smoke at night. I've built several companies, but yeah being sober is awful.
@TrashwareArt 5 күн бұрын
Cannabis can be considered a medicine.
@nh251 5 күн бұрын
@@TrashwareArt Any medicine can be taken too much, even if it's not lethal. I posted this in a joking manner, but sometimes I do feel like I am a little addicted to it.
@LuluTheCorgi 5 күн бұрын
My brain ain't working sober with my severe adhd
@BrokenValentine-333 2 күн бұрын
@@LuluTheCorgi Same. I can barely function or interact with clients or people I'm interested in completely sober. I'm too antisocial and withdrawn. A couple drinks and the ADHD immediately goes away.
@Deezfuggin Күн бұрын
@@TrashwareArtAlcohol was once considered medicine, that doesn’t mean anytbing
@jamessattely4759 4 күн бұрын
A higher power in our rooms can be a pencil lol. As long as your sober and believing in what is keeping you sober is all that matters. I'm not offended by this episode but I can understand why others would be.
@NxGnv666 6 күн бұрын
If you need Jesus for you to stop being an alcoholic, thats fine. Many people can’t do it on their own and need motivation from outside themselves. If it helps and doesn’t harm anyone, why not?
@16driver16 5 күн бұрын
Who said it does not hurt anyone... it hurts the atheists and other people it WILL NOT WORK FOR... by not helping them
@Serral712 5 күн бұрын
​@@16driver16Not helping is not the same as hurting and AA is not refusing help to atheists but offering their longstanding brand of help that atheists don't believe in. If you don't believe someone's help is useful then that is not them hurting you that's your own personal choice.
@16driver16 5 күн бұрын
@Serral712 but if it's your only choice and or mandated by court and it doesn't accept atheists... that's hurting EVERYONE because SOCIETY NEEDS EVERYONE COURT MANDATED TO GET HELP NOT MOST
@16driver16 5 күн бұрын
@Serral712 that's an argument straight outta the post civil war era!!! Our tax dollars going toward the white only facilities doesn't HURT THE BLACK COMMUNITY!!! GO BACK TO THE PAST WIERDO!
@alphagiga4878 4 күн бұрын
But forcing a higher power based on a belief that has no scientific backing harms people, and depending on the higher power it would actually be more harmful because at least in some writings there are some who would be without a doubt abusive, so now you are accepting a higher power that is abusive, which is probably going to make people drink more, or they would be thinking they would be worthless and go into self harm because of it
@Triconickv2 6 күн бұрын
I'm a all or nothing kind of person. Its hard to be buzzed all day all the time. I tried for awhile. Also getting drunk all the time is bad. The thing about staring at the wall, that is true. I am a smoker, its legal in my state. Not smoking is like everything is boring and not fun any more. Sober video games? hell no. Sober hike? no way.
@skyluke9476 6 күн бұрын
As someone who has been beaten down by life and become a part time alcoholic, this episode really hits home
@El_Riplico 6 күн бұрын
Im positive that Charlie guy you talk about at the end gets withdrawals super bad when he doesn't drink. When youve been drinking for that long your body becomes physically dependant on the alcohol so when you go so long with out drinking you'll start having the shakes, cold sweats, possibly seizures. Theyre rough. Taking shots throughout the day to maintain a buzz is basically drinking to avoid withdrawal. I was an every day drinker for 6 years so I get the drunk and buzz difference he talks about. I quit 4 years ago after a withdrawl left me in the hospital for 2 weeks and almost killed me. Hopefully that friend of yours can find a better way to stop drinking than i did...or atleast be able to afford a liver transplant. Nice video by the way 👍
@jonathanr72 5 күн бұрын
Just what I was going to say. Low level all day drinking is done to keep withdrawal at bay.
@TheRocketbabydoll 5 күн бұрын
Totally this, there’s harmful drinking and then there’s physical dependency….those with physical dependency should never just stop without medical support it’s very dangerous….alcohol withdrawal seizures are real
@KillaD69 3 күн бұрын
I was an alcoholic for over 10 years until one day I stood up and yelled "ADDICTION BE GONE!" and now I've been 10 years sober
@trentl-p8w Күн бұрын
Life was boring after the change?
@Deezfuggin Күн бұрын
@@trentl-p8wLife was boring before too, being constantly drugged up just to get through your boring life doesn’t mean your life was fun you just had a changed perception cause of the drugs. You need to create that perception for your sober self, also adding meaning to your life through various activities helps, hard to do much of any activity when you’re drunk all the time.
@SirChristopherr 3 күн бұрын
as a recovering alcoholic i can confirm what charlie was saying. i thankfully never got to the point of always needing to be buzzed but what i would do instead of drinking ( so i could drive and go about my day) i would smoke weed or do delta gummies, and when i was sure that i wouldn't be doing anything else for the rest of the day, i would then get hammerd.but in turn, if i had nothing to do that day then right when i woke up i would start drinking from morning til next morning. charlie isnt wrong, when i was drunk or high i always thought that being sober was boring. but i finally had the realization that i haven't even been sober for more than 2 weeks since i was 16.... i pray for charlie and hope hes ok
@occasionalshredder 2 күн бұрын
My dad is an alcoholic and I think AA made it worse, it’s always “this disease son” and never “I messed up again” now there’s no accountability and there’s disassociation
@Mortablunt Күн бұрын
I’m an on and off again problem drinker, and the absolute worst thing I ever heard was you can’t control yourself and the only solution is to go completely dry forever. Firstly, that gave me justification to continue what I was doing since I had the excuse of being diseased and secondly, since I enjoyed what I was doing, I didn’t want to stop. It was only after I started feeling the hell the facts and evaluating how much I was actually enjoying it, that I came to the conclusion that I could take control, and that management wasn’t the same thing as abstinence. So I went from a whole bottle every day drinker to a bottle for the entire month drinker. Telling people that they can’t help things is really bad even if it’s not about addiction. My first wife always had some troubles, one of them being Asperger Syndrome. She was quite awesome through high school and college, where we went until after she finished schooling and went and got herself worked at a disability advocacy company. Reminds that went from working hard to overcome to believing and expecting that the whole world should just accept and accommodate whatever your disability happens to be, and asking people to overcome their disabilities is unfair and impossible. The result of this, when she became a very pathetic person, who was defeated and overwhelmed by the least bit of difficulty, and of course, was never ever her fault. So she came to expect things handed to her, and she never wanted to have to put in effort for anything. The breaking point for me came when she had always struggled with her weight and we talked away money for years so we could afford to get hurt bariatric surgery, but then she discovered weight loss medications and tried them out which worked. So she went from knowing that even with the weight loss surgery she was going to have to do a lot of work to make sure she really did lose the weight and kept it off to discovering she had weight loss in a a medication that she could take without having to do a single thing for it. This made me realize just how pathetic and weak she was and I divorced her not long after.
@BrianJoeseph 43 минут бұрын
@COREcasual 2 күн бұрын
Anyone who says "you just need to stop drinking" has never been an alcoholic or known an alcoholic lol
@Tori_Dub 6 күн бұрын
A+ use of the Prince of Egypt scene!! 😂
@naturetime3823 2 күн бұрын
The main difference I learned from AA that separated an alcoholic from a regular / heavy drinker is control. Alcoholics will have a sip, single beer, etc and go on a binge that leaves them with nothing. Whereas people like Charlie have control and discipline and moderate themselves accordingly. You can use the same principle with other drugs, hence Narcotics Anonymous
@everytingyouneed3707 5 күн бұрын
As a recovered drug addict. Stans mindset was is the best to have. It's normal to avoid the stuff at the beginning. And there whole life becomes. I was a recovered addict. Incase someone cares. I have been clean for 5+ years now
@whiteeye3453 2 күн бұрын
If you think stan message is right then am sorry but you are not in right places
@Creature665 5 күн бұрын
That "disease" mentality was my mom's main defense for years. She acted like it was an untreatable illness and we should all buck up and let it happen.
@BrianJoeseph 32 минут бұрын
That why I hate AA
@JohnSmith-zw8vp 6 күн бұрын
2:02 -- Beavis: I'm closing my eyes and touching my nads!
@davidsuich-m7s 4 күн бұрын
The “Higher power” could be the group or AA as a whole, a family member that passed away, anything that isn’t you. It don’t make sense but neither does drinking yourself to death.
@battlesheep2552 5 күн бұрын
They backtracked in the Freemium gaming episode where they confirmed that addiction is caused by your brain being permanently f***ed, and that the best solution is to switch the addiction to something relatively benign like religion, which is basically what AA does.
@Luxord5294 5 күн бұрын
Yeah Matt and Trey have a real problem standing by what they said before, they will make a big grandstanding song and dance about their point only to quietly backtrack it later without outright admitting their previous takes were bad since it'd bruise their egos. Don't get me wrong, still love the show and think they are great writers; but sometimes I feel their egos need to be taken down a peg and they need to take a bite of the shit sandwich.
@battlesheep2552 5 күн бұрын
@@Luxord5294 nah, generally the people with problematic egos are the ones who never go back on what they say. Recognizing when you're wrong and adjusting accordingly should be considered normal behavior.
@Phyrrax 4 күн бұрын
​@@Luxord5294Have you never changed or adjusted your stance on something? Wtf is up with such a viewpoint, are you twitter personified? The core of their critical messages is never that everyone should follow it, but to think about it and see if that message resonates more than the common one. Also...its satire, they are no professionals nor did they claim to be, point of satire is to question the status quo and make you do that while being funny and a bit extra. Just like with Randy, you either tackle the subject 100% or you leave it, there is no such thing as a half measured satire.
@gwell66v2AnimeReviews 2 күн бұрын
​@Phyrrax like he said, if you make a big grand showing of saying something wrong and harmful its pretty lame to quietly mumble you were wrong
@Deezfuggin Күн бұрын
@@gwell66v2AnimeReviewsI wouldn’t say their stance there changes the ideas here. Having a higher sense of purpose helps you be more disciplined but it’s still discipline at the end of the day. If you’re in a state that makes your self control lack, it’s still discipline, it’s just more understandable that you lack discipline due to whatever context.
@bunnn_ny Күн бұрын
There’s a really great line in a song called “I’m going home” by Pat the Bunny that says “I got sober by going to rehab, not arguing so much for once, punk rockers ask me how I did it? Hoping for an easier way. And would, and would you believe that they don’t like what I have to say I pray as much as an atheist can, and then I walk home” And I feel like that is somehow relevant to this
@maybe8985 5 күн бұрын
The last endearing moment between Stan and Randy.
@giusepperesponte8077 Күн бұрын
This episode is definitely valid. Not everyone is the same and I personally didn’t ever have success when I was telling myself that I had a drug problem and something was wrong with me. After 9 years of constant everyday use of opiates, I stopped viewing it like I was powerless and started viewing it as a challenge that I could work my way up to overcoming, but I didn’t need to work my way up. Just that change in my mindset gave me my sense of control back and I quit cold turkey, I didn’t sleep for 4 days straight and I still didn’t even consider going back, I was prepared to die or quit and felt that if I was going to get through this, it was absolutely going to be on my own strength, nothing and nobody else. I went through my withdrawal alone in a room and never needed any higher power to do it. I understand that not everyone can do what I did but it’s still proof of the fact that not everyone needs to admit powerlessness, for some that will only guarantee that they’ll never succeed. I will say though, after I quit in was having problems after about 4 months and I went to a mental health clinic and started going to a group for complex addicts with mental health issues and addiction, had nothing religious about the group. The thing that helped me about group was purely about being around others in a place where nobody will judge me, it’s that simple. I think the only merit of going to a group is to socialize and allow yourself to be vulnerable to others
@Skoopyghost 6 күн бұрын
As a alcoholic. Alcoholism is a choice until wreck your life hard enough, but you have to go substance abuse to really understand the insanity of it.
@battlesheep2552 5 күн бұрын
I can't believe someone mentioned the "euphoric" quote in 2024. I remember being on Reddit memeing on it when it was fresh over a decade ago.
@daahorse1652 5 күн бұрын
ATHEIST I drank maybe a bottle every time but I don’t drink everyday, maybe like twice a month. Everyday you make 1000s of choices, but you aren’t aware of it. Choose to get up, Choose what to eat, Choose to get mad at something, etc. Is Alcohol gonna be something that you choose to drink everyday?
@tjm11015 Күн бұрын
I'm a drug and alcohol professional😉 and when I was trying to quit I went to an AA meeting and it was exactly like what's portrayed in the show. It's all prayer 🙏 and giving yourself over to a higher power🔋It never works either, the first group I went to they said "everyone with one year sober stand up", and me and one other person out of 30+ people. Everyone at all the meetings I tried attending just drank and did drugs every night, and met up with each other to relapse together and then talk about the glory of the bible. I basically just decided, like in the show, it's about having self discipline😑🧘‍♂️
@Dan82W 6 күн бұрын
Stan’s speech- ok it’s bad advice. I won’t argue that. But what I will argue is who gets their advice from a 9 year old lol.
@peadrianlastname 6 күн бұрын
Stan's speech is all great advice actually, gods not coming down from heaven to save you personally wether you believe in him or not so if you want your life to change change it, wether you have to do something every day or can never do it again that thing controls you just as much, and YOU bear the responsibility for the things you do because it's your discipline(or rack of disciprine) that determine your situation
@anonymoose2474 6 күн бұрын
The advice isn't from Stan, it's from Matt and Trey
@therebelfrogy9287 6 күн бұрын
​@@peadrianlastname another different perspective but serves the purpose none the less, Alcoholic is a big L
@Skoopyghost 6 күн бұрын
I think anxiety, depression, most mental illnesses are made up in most cases are made up. I think it's just as silly religion. I think mental illness an excuse to be sensitive. The thing is opinions are worthless, valid, stupid, or wrong. If you are an atheist who cares about a person's silly beliefs. You need some self-reflection.
@jaywinner328 5 күн бұрын
@@peadrianlastname I'm not sure it's great advice. Somebody that has issues with drinking too much might do better by staying away altogether than by still drinking a little and counting on being able to stop.
@kasebrotworst7279 2 күн бұрын
I'm an addict myself too. It's true that it's an addiction and wires your brain differently, but you can always fight the struggle and in the end you have a free will. It sounds paradox, but you have to find rare moments when you are strong enough to fight through that barrier and habits and you most likely get there when you tell yourself, that you can do it and it is a choice. It's just a thing of mindset. If you keep telling yourself you are sick and can't change a thing anyway, you probably won't. That is why you should always have the opinion that you have a choice, because otherwise it takes away so much motivation to quit.
@pandemonium2536 5 күн бұрын
I think Stan is 100% correct. If you can't control yourself and drink excessively you're weak. If you can't control yourself and as such have to walk on eggshells through life avoiding your triggers you're just as weak because avoiding your problem doesn't solve the problem. A strong person can go to the bar, drink two shots, walk away, and then go back next week without problem because they have self control and don't need to indulge in or avoid alcohol completely to survive.
@kasebrotworst7279 2 күн бұрын
Some alcoholics get angry while drunk, but most addicts usually get angry when they don't get their stuff.
@WindyGT24 6 күн бұрын
Alcohol is not sigma
@nandinkorhonen8772 6 күн бұрын
@melpmaz7041 6 күн бұрын
Alcohol is ligma
@nogum9763 5 күн бұрын
Moderation is key, and ofc Diciprin
@Sigma_skibidi100 5 күн бұрын
alchol is beta
@nogum9763 5 күн бұрын
@@Sigma_skibidi100 Alcohol is L+
@modev4163 Күн бұрын
2 drinks a day, but even 1 puff of green will leave your whole life in Jepordy😂
@malachisguides 6 күн бұрын
Yeah this is not how AA works. No one ever forces you to say you're an alcoholic, that was established in their rules very early on.
@jbreitz87 5 күн бұрын
Kek. The people running AA groups are as myriad as the people you encounter on the street, and the greater structure doesn't censure people for making their groups like what's been shown.
@papertiger9845 8 сағат бұрын
Try saying you’re a addict in some rooms, they will not have you. They’ll tell you to say you used “insert drug here” “ALCOHOLICALLY”. You definitely have to say you’re an alcoholic in the first 60 or 90 days or people will ask why you’re hanging and information hoarding on people and not sharing. The rooms are for ALCOHOLICS in need or friends or family of alcoholics in open rooms. Theres also no rule that says you dont have to admit you’re an alcoholic. Thats kind of the point of the rooms dude.
@ianhale4466 2 күн бұрын
1st. You can tell if someone is truly happy in there life if they can sit there and not get offended by a cartoon. 2nd that's the most historical south park opening ever. Remember the first time I watched it like it was 3 minutes ago. It gets funnier every time I watch it
@thomascooper8633 3 күн бұрын
I’m a young person in AA, alcohol ruined my life really quickly I was a bottle a day at least while on the streets at 18, spent time in many psych wards and now I’m 20 and sober, AA changed my life and I can’t say it was because of god or that I believe in a man in the clouds controlling everything, AA doesn’t push god on you I was told it’s a spiritual program not a religious one and as long as I believe there is something more powerful than me that can help me get sober I’ll be able to do it, god. Group Of Drunks, or. God. Good Orderly Direction. Are good sayings, stay safe everyone :)
@techster1852 13 сағат бұрын
As a recovering heroin addict. Stans message at the end is right. At least it is to me..I quit going to meetings 3 years ago and I’m almost 3 years clean of all opiates except subs and I’m getting off suboxone soon… going to a meeting everyday and being told you’re an addict and that you cannot change unless you go the meetings is a bold faced lie and it doesn’t really make you feel better about anything and i don’t think it’s productive at all. Some people need that community when they’re just starting out and it helped me. It saved my life. But i feel like the goal of AA should be to transition back into normal life eventually… not to be a permanent AA member
@SolisSolaris 5 күн бұрын
Recovering alcoholic here - I know tons of atheists and “spiritual” people who attend AA and it does work for them. Help is out there, you can do it!
@coslmm1 5 күн бұрын
cheap ahh atheist
@austin9624 5 күн бұрын
Big sober trying to strike again
@LuluTheCorgi 5 күн бұрын
Atheists still benefit from the sense of community, it would just be nice if they could get the same benefits without being brainwashed into religion
@GeoffreyBronson Күн бұрын
I'm an alcoholic and I every time I drink I make an active decision to go to the liquor store
@Neonforces 5 күн бұрын
Man I finish grinding out destiny 2 and think I’ll escape it by watching some KZbin about south park then get jumpscared by the drifter 6:16
@4Drow Күн бұрын
I have been an alcoholic for more than a decade. I drank around 1 liter of vodka per day (sometimes more), but ultimately, I got severe acute pancreatitis from drinking and spent three months in the hospital, bound to a machine. Your description of Charlie is indeed accurate. And yes, withdrawal symptoms are torturous. I can describe withdrawal symptoms very well... imagine being like Tweek in 'Put It Down,' but 10 times worse. Add tremors, vomiting every 5 minutes, chills, etc., and you're still not even close. What Charlie apparently didn’t mention is that he probably vomits after the first few shots. In conclusion, I so fucking miss drinking. Ever since I had pancreatitis, I’ve been smoking a lot of weed and taking Valium and other stuff like potato chips, but it has no fucking effect; it’s too mild for me (psychiatric 'care' was pretty much imposed on me, but with no effect at all). I tried to drink once, about 9 months after the pancreatitis, and unfortunately, it’s out of the question. I had like 0.1 liters of vodka at most, and the next day was spent in a similar fashion to the day I actually got pancreatitis. I would gladly trade the rest of my life for a few years of being able to drink again. For me, without drinking, there’s nothing at all.
@thebest.7151 5 күн бұрын
Calling AA or NA a cult is not a "stretch" at all, as someone who has attended both I know. Wouldn't personally call it one but I do see how one would. You have a few things wrong about it in your video too. AA does have a charismatic leader who has been dead for a while. His name was Bill and was the "founder" of the program. And they always bring him up as a reminder to remember him. And they do expect donations, its literally how they stay up and running. Every meeting ends with them passing a bucket or basket asking for anything you can spare because as you said, it is a privately ran business and as far as know they do not get any form of government assistance. I would recommend you do a little more research regarding AA and NA for your video's because you were just plain wrong when you tried to say Stan was wrong in calling it a cult. Because it definitely has a lot of similarities with one. As I said, I wouldn't call it a cult because it definitely can help someone in need and as far as I know real cults have never helped anyone besides their leader. If AA helps you thats awesome but personally it never did much for me besides being a form of free group therapy. Again its not really free because you will eventually be guilted into donating some amout of money. But its way better than spending it on your addiction. I think the program overall is a great thing because again it has and does help people over come their "demons". But maybe next do a little more research into it than asking your "neighbor" who clearly is an addict and probably has never attended a meeting before.
@xqwhatitdo 2 күн бұрын
cope dude....cope
@cringeonpurpose 2 күн бұрын
Dude what? When I was in NA, I was never told of their founder nor did they ask for any money from me whatsoever. You’re either willfully lying or never been to an actual AA/NA meeting.
@dman0695 2 күн бұрын
This guy went to a small AA meeting, forgot to bring cash, and felt so insecure about not donating that he wrote a dissertation on KZbin. What a dog water take. It's also clear you don't understand the definition of a cult.
@kanevenkat8588 4 сағат бұрын
I would honestly disagree with the “it’s more admirable to have a few drinks every once in a while than quit all together” if you’ve ever seen it in practice, it makes a lot of people uncomfortable, especially if they know about your history. I’ve seen people come up to my father and grab him tightly and say “do we need to get you to an AA meeting..” Even if he’s not drunk, just barely buzzed. People who have never battled addiction truly believe you are one drink away from flying off the handle and it makes people super uncomfortable.
@asakurawhyte4320 6 күн бұрын
Dude, I was depressed and suicidal back when i was religious.
@stigmaoftherose 6 күн бұрын
That's why it's "on average" and not always.
@bestgameplay831 6 күн бұрын
Where you always Religious or convert
@pepsicola4718 Күн бұрын
I understand why "Charlie" would say alcohol is like staring at a wall. It goes for all drugs and it's because they can enhance activities you like to do and make them even more fun while you take the drug. When you're not doing that it brings on a level of boredom so crushing and eternal that sometimes at that point all you want to do is sleep because nothing holds your interest in the slightest and you have NO energy for anything.
@brandonloaiza8595 5 күн бұрын
AA works if your not religious there's literally a chapter in the book called We Agnostics Being an alcoholic sucks ass its not cool
@16driver16 5 күн бұрын
Agnostic and atheist are very different
@brandonloaiza8595 5 күн бұрын
@@16driver16 I never said atheist
@16driver16 5 күн бұрын
@brandonloaiza8595 I know... ignoring a huge group of people in a federally mandated program... that should be illegal separation of church and state
@brandonloaiza8595 4 күн бұрын
@16driver16 man dude making a good thing sound ugly
@16driver16 4 күн бұрын
@@brandonloaiza8595 good for you isn't good enough... could you be any mote selfish???
@aleji0 2 күн бұрын
Let's first acknowledge that the Venn diagram of Catholics and alcoholics makes a shape commonly called a circle.
@LocalDiscordCatgirl 6 күн бұрын
Alcohol addiction is believed to have originated in Egypt. There, trace amounts of alcoholic drinks were added to water to make it safe without needing to boil it. Its a technology that aided the survival of our species at one time, but has vastly overstayed its welcome. Now it’s nothing short of a predatory industry with tragic side effects.
@Michael-bc3es 6 күн бұрын
Trace amount of alcohol would not make water safe to drink. There was also no conception of germ theory in those times the reason they added alcohol to their drink is because fermented malt was extremely nutritious and the consumption of alcohol also had social and cultural benefits to the people.
@lockswap 3 күн бұрын
What your friend Charlie did is what my dad did for over 20 years. He died of a heart attack and was experiencing extremely critical liver issues the year of his death. He lived 55 and looked like he was 75. Very successful on paper, but was never present in anybody’s life. Very quiet, always buzzed, only aggressive occasionally. Ironically, he was in AA my whole life. I went to meetings a few times with him and alone (ACA) and it’s literally a joke; at least the ones my dad chose to go to. Don’t go down that path bros. The episode is fucking hilarious regardless (I was raised Catholic asf).
@alexallen6286 5 күн бұрын
Insanely functional alcoholic here. Pint of 151 and 12-15 beers daily for years now. I'm ALWAYS on time for work. At 5am. Six days a week. Every single day. It's a strange feeling to know what i love most is most certainly killing me. People have been telling me for years to try AA. I've had multiple coworkers volunteer to be my sponsor. I could never do AA. I'M Agnostic. I think there's probably a god? We just don't have a relationship. I grew up in a Christian home and it always felt weird. With that being said, I don't have anything against AA. It works for some folks. Just because it doesn't work for everyone and that they're faith based does NOT make them a cult. I see it as a place for some people to get better. And it does work for some people and that's A BEAUTIFUL thing. How can anyone hate that? I also believe alcoholism IS a disease. I don't say that as a crutch or an excuse. I say that because ABSOLUTELY NOBODY ever "peer pressured" me into my first drink. I was innately curious. When learning about the dangers of alcohol, my brain didn't think "oh, alcohol bad!" My brain thought "well, there's gotta be something to this for people to choose to do it." I would put hand sanitizer in Hawaiian Punch and sunny delight when I was a freaking middle school child! Nobody told me to do that. I just wanted to because it's pretty hard to "hey mr" somebody when youre a literal child. I've had family members and bosses offer to have me checked in to an inpatient rehab many times over the years. I always decline because I know deep down the FIRST THING I would do when I got out of treatment, is buy a beer. Because nobody could stop me and that's what I'd want to do. Alcoholism is ABSOLUTELY a disease. BUT, I also understand how to a non addict, that just sounds like an excuse. The difference is i can understand their perspective, they just cant POSSIBLY understand mine.
@redfather5342 5 күн бұрын
Bro I was the same with thc 20 gummys 5 grams of flower a half a bottle of oil but now I'm sober and trying to stay clean 😅 at least until the holidays
@austin9624 5 күн бұрын
Beer is so good tho🤌🏽it’s like “why not have 8 after work”
@woutergrob8587 5 күн бұрын
Non-alcoholic here Why do you drink if it doesn't make feel better? I get trying weed to mellow you out and stuff (although that doesn't work for me). If you want to escape reality, you should really try magic mushrooms at some point. I know it sounds stupid but if you do it right it's somewhere between a fast acting antidepressant and a reset button on your brain. Of all the drugs out there this is definitely the least harmful long term. And I gotta say, those f'ing hippies were on to something...
@sirdennis7085 2 күн бұрын
The biggest thing that helps you quit drinking is community and solidarity. In my case AA was terrible because it was very cult like, but I was able to quit with the help of my father because I just needed someone who was willing to quit with me. Someone who was willing to be there to talk about the rough times and make me feel like I’m not alone. AA works for a lot of people because it gives them that community, but it’s not for everyone. It has nearly the same success rate as people just trying to quit cold turkey, but it’s important to have options for everyone. I’m six years sober without it but plenty of people say they need it. It’s all about finding the method that works for you, because addiction is just a slow method of killing yourself, and whatever it takes to stop it is worth it
@BuzzKillingtonS13 5 күн бұрын
I went to Rehab earlier this year and there was a huge emphasis on the 12 step program. We had a lot of Atheists who were very rude, and also not very bright. But Im not a religious person either. Higher power can be , the power of humanity, Love and companionship etc Point is, YOU cannot stop your drinking and thats WHY you are here. If you COULD you wouldnt be in rehab or AA so obviously it doesnt apply to you. But the Higher power aspect is really to recognize the factors outside of your self that are forcing you to cope this way, Identifying the hole you are attempting to fill, and developing comradery with people who are in your same situation.
@jaywinner328 5 күн бұрын
I better never need a 12 step program because I couldn't do that shit. Saying that I'm powerless but some abstract concept can help me is insanity. If I lack the ability to stop drinking then I either need to be forced into an environment that makes drinking impossible or given the tools to resist drinking even when it's available.
@BuzzKillingtonS13 5 күн бұрын
@@jaywinner328 then thats YOUR higher power.
@jaywinner328 5 күн бұрын
@@BuzzKillingtonS13 My higher power is being locked in a room that doesn't have Vodka?
@BuzzKillingtonS13 5 күн бұрын
@@jaywinner328 Thats what Rehab is …and the fellowship and acceptance I get there that I dont get from the outside world , is a power greater than myself.
@Jesus.X Күн бұрын
Drinking while driving😂. reminds me of riding with folks in the early 90s they had a beer in the cup holder. "What seems to be the officer problem".
@LazyLeonn 3 күн бұрын
All I can say is kinda like Randy said it’s either you wanna be trashed or you stay sober is what fucks up the whole decision especially when you slip up
@adamscrimenti-wh8hm Күн бұрын
A truly exceptional use of satire! They effectively poked fun at all sides of the issue.
@kankerous6581 5 күн бұрын
10:00 painfully accurate
@nerdlingeeksly5192 3 күн бұрын
Charlie is what we like to call a functioning alcoholic, people who drink a lot and can still do everything fine.
@Rougrou1597 3 күн бұрын
I've been sober for a little over a year. Seeing how badly friends and family i know treat others, drunk made me not want to drink again.
@Karl_Marksman Күн бұрын
I experimented with this. Had two drinks every evening for a year and quit with no issues. All that happened is I stopped becoming hung over(I do take 4mg alpraz a day for anxiety maybe that helps). Then I drank half a bottle a day for a few weeks and didn't really notice any issues. On ritalin I could drink half a bottle of whiskey and have dinner with my parents and the vibes were way better than doing it sober. Coordination is not impaired, no slurring I'm just more confident and outgoing.
@oMa3aH Күн бұрын
believe it or not I stopped drinking after decade hard alcoholism because of Stan's speech. It took me around a year to completely stop drinking,then after 4 years of complete sobriety I started drinking few times a year. Now,ten years later I can get drunk and afterwards I can go without drinking as long as I want.
@user-eo4nj9cp2v 2 күн бұрын
Hey actual med student here currently studying addiction, we know what causes people to fall into addictive habbits and when can pinpoint very specific parts of the brain and what it is doing when someone has an addiction. While there are no easy answers as to why people get addicted, it is due to the many factors that are possible, not that we dont know why.
@paulbates2626 Күн бұрын
I quit drinking almost a year ago. I was having health issues that were caused by abusing alcohol. I didn’t go to meetings. I didn’t get saved. I just said , “ screw this drinking crap” , and quit. But, I was never in combat, or abused in any way, by anyone. Anti anxiety medication has helped a little as well. Not much, just a little. You can quit. But, you might need help doing so.
@quitcallinmebill1699 2 күн бұрын
I drink almost 4 cases of coors light a week. I'm 38, single and don't have kids. It's boring. For lent every year I quit drinking for 30 days. I also really don't care how old I get. Being sober is torture
@jacob_dcdn 5 күн бұрын
I was through alcohol, then drugs like meth and I just chose to stop I guess. But you know what is hardest? Cigarets, goddamn cigs are the hardest part to keep away from my life. It's torture to not smoke.
@jakehr3 5 күн бұрын
Here's my thinking. AA says that the first step is admitting you are powerless over alcohol. That seems far too many steps ahead. The first step is actually admitting that there is a problem. For your neighbor, how many years will he stay constantly buzzed and wake up with a hangover before he thinks he has a problem? What if he dies in a car crash and never thinks it? Did he ever a problem if he never admitted to it? Obviously not. So that's step 1. You have to make the step to seek help. If you don't do that, then nothing else will follow.
@gregsnavely9272 3 күн бұрын
I was an opiate addict and I picked up drinking maybe a year ago, I drank, PRETTY MUCH everyday (night) for about a year, in secret. A few times I got questions from the wife or someone to why I was "off" but for all intents and purposes I would grab a few White Claws or even a small enough vodka to smuggle into the house for a post work shower and some chilling on the couch and got away with it for over a year, and wouldve continued to if I didn't get caught throwing out bottles. I think restraint is possible, as now that there has been a big ordeal about it I just kind of stopped....I am in my 30's, I never missed work, I still worked out, my finances are good......
@Blastermanx Күн бұрын
The higher power... the judge who'll throw your a ss in jail for not recovering lol
@A_Bottle-Of_Orange_Crush 2 күн бұрын
Great episode. People who have a problem with it just need a sense of humor.
@warp9pk767 2 күн бұрын
when it said alcoholics and cut to steve harvey i spitt my drink out full force on my screen i swear,, omg stans dad is bro's dad... u can tell from the picture wtf.. lmaooo
@maxwellmortimermontoure7274 2 күн бұрын
Been sober a long ass time. I went to AA to support friends, I’d been sober longer than most people at the meeting. They treated me like I didn’t know anything about sobriety because I did not subscribe to their idea of how addicts should exist. They have an insane relapse rate, I don’t know how they claim it works.
@thatonevalx6344 2 күн бұрын
I dont really think any programs work better, the thing is addicts and alcoholics just tend to relapse when they try to get sober, no matter if they are in AA or not.
@The_Super_Poodle 2 күн бұрын
Me hitting a vape: “That’s wild.. lowkey sounds like this was a personal video more than the actual controversy. The real reason it was almost banned was because there was a Jesus statute that was leaking water and everyone thought it was holy water then it was found out to be sewer water.”
@shadowcard6923 5 күн бұрын
I’m gonna go with Matt and trey, during college I basically was a high functioning alcoholic, never less than like 6-8 drinks (as a unit) a day usually starting at like 9. There’s nothing that stopped it other than my desire to stop it
@BrianJoeseph 39 минут бұрын
1 AA meeting has me craving like I just stopped yesterday
@Morosveil 2 күн бұрын
I’ve been addicted to hard drugs before for a short amount of time close to a year, poly addiction tho my favorite was stims. I still smoke weed, I still do psychedelics, I still drink. IT ABSOLUTELY IS ABOUT DISCIPLINE. The truth hurts but the more you hurt yourself the less you feel you can control your life and lose all inhibitions and self discipline, that’s what addiction does. You have to rebuild it back up I haven’t touched any stimulants in years. It doesn’t work for everyone but it must be acknowledged that drug addictions are not black and white they don’t always start because someone’s undisciplined. It’s usually because they’re struggling. So it’s not as black and white as most people seem to think. Starting an addiction is almost never a choice, ending an addiction is a choice EVERYTIME
@rhysm.5915 2 күн бұрын
Similar situation here. I'm a recovering alcoholic and still take THC edibles from time to time. 12-step people will tell you it's impossible and that you're going to relapse. 😂
@Morosveil 2 күн бұрын
@@rhysm.5915 I swear, I drink maybe 6 times a YEAR take psychedelics 1 time a year, I smoke daily which I understand is an addiction but not something that affects my life in any way (losing jobs, laziness, etc weed don’t do that to me) it’s silly to blame YOUR issues on something that isn’t tangible or yourself
@MichaelFowler-bu3fd 2 күн бұрын
I drink once or twice a week. Three drinks usually. I regret it every time. I sleep like crap, I eat too much, get heartburn. But I’ll do it again, have fun until bed time and regrets.
@Drf15h 4 күн бұрын
Hey bro. I just found your page a few days ago and fell in love with your content. I love your style and formate and your voice is very soothing and nice to listen too. As i was watching this video i coincidentally was also watching the exact episode on my tv and as you were talking it was matching up to the show and thought that was cool! Idk if you do that on purpose but if so thats actually crazy. For instance when you brought up the mary statue the same part was playing on tv at the same time. Keep up the work. Heres some suggestions, maybe dive into conspiracy theories of the show, the banned episodes, maybe some surprising things south park is for that not many people know about, the video games are also good topics to talk about if youve played them. Keep up the work bro
@6VaporX 3 күн бұрын
This helped me realize why AA didn't work for my mom, really eye opening for me
@BMoney8600 5 күн бұрын
I’m a Catholic myself and I laughed at this episode. C’mon they poke fun at every group!
@hardydownunder 2 күн бұрын
seems like the algorithm and this video just gathered all alcoholics here
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