The Katopanishad reveals the Brahman the ultimate truth which is nothing but one's real SELF. This is self revealing in every thought as the revealer. The revealer is truth and the revealed is seemingly true. Inexplicable. What's experienced in NDE is NOT what's spoken in the Katopanishad. In Vedantha, the ' sookshma shareera', the subtle body aka the jivaatma, makes the travel to it's destinations which are the effects of his actions that's waiting to be fructified. Once it exits the physical body it only has the sense organs devoid of its functional abilities. This will be made available to the Jiva once he arrives into the deserving designated new physical body. Anyways thanks for the video by which atleast some people would certainly go to Katopanishad, study it and hopefully understand it doubtlessly the truth that he alone is the TRUTH, and rest everything is. ' mithya', unreal aka seemingly real, because one certainly experience the world for sure.