The UK Riots were Inevitable. (Soviet Base Edition)

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British Landeur

British Landeur

Күн бұрын

I discuss a whole array of topics now that the civil unrest and riots in the UK appear to have abated.
This isn't really a political channel, but when I see such heavy suppression of free thought in my own country, I want to speak about it.
I will also show you how to improve your social credit score and even discuss he-who-must-not-be-named (Tommy Robinson).

Пікірлер: 849
@robertstan2349 Ай бұрын
the UK is like a soviet state? nah, a soviet state would control its borders 🤣
@stuie999 Ай бұрын
They're Trotskyists, which is a type of Marxism where they want a one world marxist government for the entire planet. The fact that they think this could even work just goes to show how crazy these people are.
@BritishLandeur Ай бұрын
Sad... but true.
@ORLY911 Ай бұрын
cant say the USSR didnt run a tight ship.
@GhostSal Ай бұрын
Russía (before the Ukraine war) had a total of 200 to 300 arrests for what people posted online. The UK in contrast, had over 1700 people arrested for what they said online in 2020 alone. The total number is much higher. So, where is this elusive "freedom" we keep hearing about?
@stuie999 Ай бұрын
@@ORLY911 David icke has been warning people that this was going to happen for the last 20 years, their plan is for a one world marxist government, they want the same system as China for the entire planet. That's their plan, the fact that they actually believe that this would even work, shows how off their rockers they all are, but its not going to stop them trying, these people are hugely radical and that makes them very very dangerous in my mind..
@CunningStuntsGoFast Ай бұрын
dutch guy here , we get overflowed with refugees who have a legal right to a house , and when they dont get one within a month , they are encouraged actively to sue the gouverment . now kids have to stay living in hotel mama because the shoirtage and prices are trough the roof and we getting effectivly a lot more poor . this is not a sideeffect this is a agenda . cultures , subcultures , farmers , fishermen all have to go so they can have control . i predict chaos and possibly a famine in the coming decade
@laikanbarth Ай бұрын
I agree with you. This is intentional!!
@futavadumnezo Ай бұрын
Famine is 100% Remember: "control the food, control the masses."
@13infbatt Ай бұрын
Yup, famine is on the way , food will be the weapon to control the masses , Blackrock and vanguard are buying up Ukraine , no one left to work and defend the land , migrant workers to farm the land .
@anettemor1730 Ай бұрын
you are poor because Dutch had the biggest trade hub for Russian oil. but you HATE Russians more than you love your own poor. now you hate each other inside.
@hara3435 Ай бұрын
I did hear about the Kalergi plan. Dont know if thats a conspiracy theory or no.
@tzazosghost8256 Ай бұрын
Hang on... If we trained up 500 Nigerian nurses in the UK that totally defeats why we'd have imported them in the first place. Which is not just a lack of nurses now, but a limited number coming through the training system. Those 500 trained came at the expense of not training 500 UK born people. We be already turning away applicants for nuring courses because of limited capacity and finances. That's insane!
@BritishLandeur Ай бұрын
Yep, we limit medical school places for doctors in the UK to 7500 per year because the courses are subsidised by the government. Every year straight A students are turned away from UK medical schools and we import doctors from other countries - then claim that we need immigration for the NHS 😂
@tzazosghost8256 Ай бұрын
@@BritishLandeur it's even madder! They claim immigrants staff the NHS but by their own figures percentage wise their less than the demographics of the country. It's actually unrepresentative! Besides it would 'at best' only need 100,000 per anum. Meanwhile the media overrepresents minorities on TV to gaslight everyone to thinking white natives be a minority. In London or Luton maybe but not nationally.
@7king8debs79 Ай бұрын
​@BritishLandeur oh yeah, the NHS is made up just of doctors is it? Health and social care needs immigrant workers and those workers put in far more than they take out. Both sectors are SOL
@Isa712x Ай бұрын
​​​@@BritishLandeur These 'elites' are wasting our talent, skills and ££. How' dare they!! Can't begin to describe the anger and hatred I feel. TR would manage this country standing on his head. He has always had the intelligence, humility, concern and courage, beyond every single one of these narcisistic wasters combined, and they are his actual persecutors.
@Darradog Ай бұрын
It is all about YT replacement and genocide.
@ladynirvana100 Ай бұрын
We are living in a ''put up and shut up society'' .. No Questions Asked. Scary times ahead!!
@jumpupdown2556 Ай бұрын
​@@mikej365 that was a reworking of an old song called...Al Capone. We know now that Capone was indeed slightly less of a crook than the govt. Too bad they got The Specials in the end. Ghost Town is one of my all time favorites, maybe top ten, but it's hypnotic and has some elements of mind control in the music and the audio frequency. Part of the "new wave" of demoralization and depressing people.
@rymanshroomzorz Ай бұрын
Moral relativism does not need arguing against. If thats what the government believe, then they cannot complain when people treat them the same way.
@GhostSal Ай бұрын
Víolence is wrong, just curious though, how is peaceful going to solve this? Let’s put it another way, if you’re sheep surrounded by wolves, peaceful just gets you eaten. This is precisely what they want, docile peaceful sheep that are easy to control. Also, we can’t vote our way out of this.
@charlesponzi9608 Ай бұрын
Don't be a star trapped with fear in a jar--your voice is the key so don't ever give it away! Star Outside the Jar by Frans Kuiper I’m singing a song, it belongs to me, Using my voice is what makes me feel free. Rising in frequency vibration sound, Words are for sharing and passing around. Everyone has their own key to the door, Give it away and you’ll always be poor. When you are creator YOU are the star, A driver in control of your OWN car. Never stop singing, drawing or writing, Believe in yourself, truth is worth sharing. The present is now for you to open, A gift to be sung or simply spoken. The scriptwriters need an angry, scared and emotionally charged audience to participate in order to help bring their death cult fictions into reality. Don't take the bait!
@69pepe420 Ай бұрын
yup. dont give in fren.
@lowbrow Ай бұрын
they aren’t bringing manchester they are bringing mumbai and islamabad
@Martin-bj8eq Ай бұрын
If you shift normal, average, and everyday over to the "far right" then left wing extremist gets shifted over to normal, average, and everyday - scary stuff
@soyboymotivation Ай бұрын
The Kalergi plan.
@SteveB-nm7xb Ай бұрын
I agree - I had an opinion of TR but once I investigated in more detail, I changed my view. He’s no saint but he is definitely not racist and he did more to raise the horrific issue of grooming gangs than anyone else - exposing incompetence and complicity from the authorities. He’s become an obvious scapegoat. People should look in more detail - e.g. his Oxford union address.
@PiousMoltar Ай бұрын
Yep same.
@JCDenton3 Ай бұрын
The way he is vilified while abroad literally reminds me of 1984, how the regime wanted everyone to hate Goldberg and blame the issues in society on him and his views that had to be stamped out. It is almost 100% the same thing. It's terrifying. This has to be stopped.
@elizabethmillar1829 Ай бұрын
The British people need to Unite into a new party completely and overpower them and take control back for the people.
@BritishLandeur Ай бұрын
Seeing Nigel Farage through TR under the boss for 'inciting the riots', followed by 2,000 people protesting outside Reform HQ saying Nigel incited the riots, kind of made me laugh.
@alanevans9604 Ай бұрын
Join Reform UK, only £25 a year.
@PaGaNism Ай бұрын
@@BritishLandeur I'm not sure why that makes you laugh.
@Isa712x Ай бұрын
Tbh, can/will never forgive. Can't find it funny. Contributing to endangerment of his life. Not good enough - on the contrary. @BritishLandeur
@daybought4286 Ай бұрын
Unfortunately, I don't believe that we will be able to vote our way out of this mess. My understanding is that in the most recent election, voter turnout was 60%. Of that 60% only 34% voted for Labour, but this gave Labour 411 seats out of a possible 650. A supposed "landslide" victory that doesn't seem particularly representative of the nation. Also with Brexit, the nation was fairly, evenly split on continued membership of the EU, but when questioned, something like 80% of MP's stated that wished to remain a member. If the MP's aren't representative of the people they serve, "us", then how are we going to take back control?
@janicelewis2384 Ай бұрын
Putting TR in prison would be a massive injustice and cause more social unrest
@joaquimioakim229 Ай бұрын
Well, Hitler, Mandela, Vacàv Havel, Walesa all went to prison for standing against authoritarian governments and all went on to be presidents and leaders of their countries. Looking at Mandela objectively, I don’t care if you like him or not look at what he did. He was sent to prison for trying to overthrow the country, he served 27 years of his life sentence and overthrew the state from within one of their prisons and went on to become the head of the new establishment I think there is a part of TR that wants to go to prison, he can’t afford that amount of world wide publicity that this action would get him. The aforementioned imprisoned people all had one thing in common, they didn’t care about themselves and believed the cause was bigger than them, TR is the same Prison doesn’t always mean it’s the end, it can be the tool to use to fire up a new beginning Duncan Ballentine from Dragons Den is and ex jailbird, he threatened to throw his commanding officer off of the side of an aircraft carrier 🤣 Life is a journey, what ever happens to you good or bad, it happened so you can learn a lesson from it
@Mat0305 Ай бұрын
Keir Stalin and his lefties are more responsible for stirring racial hatred than TR.
@BritishLandeur Ай бұрын
Would be a huge mistake, Janice.
@tiko4621 Ай бұрын
From an underinformed Americans perspective. I had zero clue who Tommy Robinson was before the news started reporting on the riots blaming them on him. I was working for 2 months in Germany last year, I certainly noticed the seriously negative effects of mass immigration in some of the cities I visited. It was then I realized the stuff I was reading online about back in the states was based in truth. Fun to see how you guys are villainized for seeing the obvious. Mass Islamic immigration into a modern western, historically Christian nation cannot end well.
@MrDenzal27 Ай бұрын
Great talk boss and 1000% right. Literally. Stop the islamafacation of the UK. Respect sir.
@darealberrygarcia Ай бұрын
😂😂😂 he is a spineless Brit
@hilarygibson3150 Ай бұрын
The majority of white Britons are neither racist or bigoted. Our work colleagues are Indian, Nigerian, Vietnamese, Polish. We are friends with the same people, sometimes we marry them or they become in laws. Its entirely down to two things, the scale of immigration and those that refuse to integrate, which goes hand in hand often with a desire to change that difficult to quantify, British culture. Labelling everyone far right, squashing dissent, curbing free speech, is not going to help. It becomes a pressure point that will blow. Excellent rational commentary.
@BritishLandeur Ай бұрын
100% agree with everything you have said. I'm expressing what i actually think are moderate views that most rational thinking people agree with, but are self-censoring for fear of being cancelled or fired...
@van-gabondramblinrose6398 Ай бұрын
Tyrants always make the same mistakes. I guess they believe they can crush dissent with an electronic prison and maybe they can. Only time will tell. I side with Solzhenitsyn.
@davestevenson9080 Ай бұрын
I am very racist and everywhere where I live in a 95%+ white working class former mining area are. we don't want ANY FOREIGNERS ANYWHERE NEAR. Rotherham is up the road from us...
@BubuRuzu Ай бұрын
"The majority of white Britons are neither racist or bigoted": that's your problem right there, mate.
@FiveLiver Ай бұрын
It's time to stop saying 'we aren't racists' - we should be saying 'you are antiwhite'
@marieparker3822 Ай бұрын
'Islamophobia' > blasphemy law > Shariah law.😢
@JesusFriedChrist Ай бұрын
Sharia It means law. “Sharia law” = “Law law”
@RT-qd8yl Ай бұрын
@@JesusFriedChrist Why are you so big on respecting arabic?
@AngloSaxonFreeBritain Ай бұрын
It’s not a government…. It’s a regime!
@BritishLandeur Ай бұрын
Certainly seems to be going that way.
@annal2740 Ай бұрын
Good point.
@lcbuk6537 Ай бұрын
This has been orchestrated for years. Now they have the excuse to bring forth a new order from the chaos they've created.
@FreeSoul132 Ай бұрын
Exactly but their plans only work if you adopt them .
@GhostSal Ай бұрын
2015: “Replacement theory is a racíst myth.” 2024: “Well, it’s actually happening but it’s a good thing.” 2040: “It’s always been this way and white people were never here.”
@davidbrowne5222 Ай бұрын
From Hungary* As l see the situation in the country of my birth England, it has been infiltrated instead of invaded. Even some of the ruler's look nothing like anyone in my family. 💂
@christopheredwards7846 Ай бұрын
Seems you don't like any British person of colour. That makes you a racist Think you need to research why those people are in Britain.
@freedomlibertytruth Ай бұрын
A thing a lot of Brit’s (and a lot of other nationalities will) forget is that there are agent provocateurs here, everything is not always as it seems
@TheJeremyKentBGross Ай бұрын
There always are.
@centerightvoice Ай бұрын
People are being arrested for standing, literally standing. No need to be a silly sausage. Immigration is one problem, but salamisism is much bigger.
@blondie7341 Ай бұрын
I like that word Salamism. Good way to get around the online gestapo
@Ondolite Ай бұрын
Sad that yoo have fallen for it. The boat people are not even muslimsm
@honestjohn6418 Ай бұрын
What I don't understand is why they fear minority unrest more than majority unrest
@tracywilkinson3244 Ай бұрын
Because we have 2 tier policing.
@KOIFishcat Ай бұрын
Tyrants prefer foreigners
@andrewbloggs2970 Ай бұрын
@KOIFishcat Ай бұрын
@@andrewbloggs2970 Setting violent criminals free, as well as rapists and murderers is not some lack of judgement, but a calculated and premeditated policy. These were some of the stated aims of the Frankfurt School as long as eighty years ago: "Create a culture of 'political correctness' thus disempowering free-thinking and individual opinions. Promote continual change to create confusion and instability. Expose very young children to sex and homosexuality. Make homosexuality and lesbianism and other sexual deviancy the norm and 'positively discriminate' for it. Undermine parents', schools' and teachers' authority. Encourage mass immigration to destroy national identity and engender social unrest and teachers' authority. Create the crime of 'racism' to further facilitate a mass immigration policy in order to undermine individual nation states and build tension and resentment. Promote a culture of bing-drinking especially in youth culture. Undermine and discourage anything that brings people together socially. Introduce a legal system biased against the victims rather than the perpetrators of crime. Encourage a dependency on the state or state benefits. Impose greater control of and facilitate the dumbing- down of the media. Foster the breakdown of the nuclear family unit through the encouragement of promiscuity and 'free love'." Does any of that seem familiar, perchance? Does it possibly describe the society in which we all now live?
@tracywilkinson3244 Ай бұрын
@@andrewbloggs2970 The first place Kier went after becoming prime minister.
@thesongoflunch Ай бұрын
The irony that many of us would now prefer to be living over in Poland if we could is shocking.
@tzazosghost8256 Ай бұрын
BTW, these riots were a lot smaller than they be made out to be. Most of them be but hundreds of people. Some even less. The lack of aerial footage is very telling.
@edwardburroughs1489 Ай бұрын
Loads of drone footage on YT, but yeah they've exaggerated the numbers involved IMO.
@kubhlaikhan2015 Ай бұрын
The protests were all local. I live in Nottingham and have been to numerous and the anti-immigration protest was the biggest I have ever seen. It beat Stop The War and that was pretty big. As for riots - of course they were small, because basically they weren't riots - it was media propaganda and police provokation for the cameras. There was NO riot in Nottingham at all - like most places.
@Outlier1060 Ай бұрын
The fascist calling the citizens fascist. We’re in the upside down
@BritishLandeur Ай бұрын
The name calling effect is wearing off, people just laugh now when you call us far right.
@martinwray5277 Ай бұрын
Well done for a thoughtful and honest take on this. If only the main stream media were half this good. 👏
@BritishLandeur Ай бұрын
Absolutely, we spend so long treating the symptom (TR and other concerned citizens who have been ignored) and not not the cause (increasing our population by 1.5 Manchesters in a single year). Still, I expect Starmer won't be too happy to see this. 😂
@deuswulf6193 Ай бұрын
@@BritishLandeur You did make one big mistake, which is thinking the "rioting" prevents a fix from the problem. I hate to say this, but its the opposite. Those in power do not fear millions of "peaceful" brits protesting. A strongly worded letter is no threat to them, but a brick through their window? Yeah. That works, unfortunately. The threat of force always works. Its a civilizational rule. Funny thing is, the establishment can just hire some of their people to cause violence anyway, just so they can blame the protestors. That's their modus operandi after all. Trying to be peaceful is pointless. One of the American founders said that unfortunately, only force will preserve the nation, and when you give up the use of force, you will be inevitably ruined. Old world thinking and hard actions are the only thing that can save Europe at this point, otherwise the invasion will continue until there is no hope left for you and your countrymen. You also also said gesticulating at police and telling them to furk off is horrible behavior? Is it though? Who gave you that idea? The police are working against the people of Britain. They are acting as traitors. They have become the strong arm of the state. One of the best things you can do, the most liberty minded things you can do, is tell them to feck off. In Venezuela when the crowd confronted the police there, the police knew they were in the wrong and actually took off their uniforms to support the protest. They have more conviction than the British police force, which is telling.
@alanevans9604 Ай бұрын
You have a very clear understanding of the situation for a young person, I find it disheartening that so many youngsters are brainwashed by their educational establishments and the media.
@ianbroadley4643 Ай бұрын
MA MA. We Are All Far Right Now 🎸🎹🥁🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🇬🇧👍 .
@nigeldix4841 Ай бұрын
Labour seem disinterested in the Leeds riots and mob outside Rochdale police station
@andrewturner6642 Ай бұрын
The majority of our MPs do not have the best interests of the native population in mind. It is very worrying what their ultimate plan for the country is, and what unrecognisable way of life we will end up with.
@Shurdeflurgen Ай бұрын
I love your social credit score counter. I can’t wait to get mine!
@jasonkay4749 Ай бұрын
I know its funny but how many of us now think this is going to happen in reality as compared to 5 years ago? They will introduce a digital currency controlled by the government. This will give them COMPLETE power of your money. They can take it away at a press of a button. They can see what your spending it on. They can tax you based on it. Tax will be tax based on how much you have, straight from the source. When one of the few direct questions was asked by a MSM reporter to Starmer regarding what he meant by working people (as in he said he was not going to increase taxes for them), he said any one that doesn't have savings. People need to wake up to the reality that is here and now. If we continue in the traditional British malaise, it will be too late. Pressure must be applied non-violently and we must get these people removed from power. Wake up Britain!
@70AD-user45 Ай бұрын
🤣😂🤣😂My social credit counter will go into a negative score. Insane times we're living in.
@octowuss1888 Ай бұрын
@@70AD-user45 It can't go negative - only to 0, but if it stays 0 for too long, your internet access is revoked. At which point, you have to report to a police station and book an appointment for "re-education" including social justice awareness training.
@70AD-user45 Ай бұрын
@@octowuss1888 Wow dude, that sounds draconian and Orwelian, like an extreme form of communism on steroids where the state has absolute power. "Re-education" is the communist state trying to brainwash people, a form of mind control. 😱😱😱
@70AD-user45 Ай бұрын
@@octowuss1888 Wow dude, that sounds draconian and Orwelian, like an extreme form of communism on steroids where the state has absolute power. "Re-education" is the communist state trying to brainwash people, a form of mind control. 😱😱😱
@matrixmaid4042 Ай бұрын
so refreshing to hear a young person speak so honestly ---- admirable
@justme-iw6rk Ай бұрын
This content is fantastic and even more so because you visualised the moving social credit system score at the top! Brilliant and subscribed.
@paulbennett6745 Ай бұрын
Tommy robinson is the truth .
@BritishLandeur Ай бұрын
Aye, nobody said TR was perfect. Tommy wouldn't say he's perfect. But for too long we have allowed this suppression of any kind of right wing thinking, to the point where opinions and beliefs that 10 years ago were normal (i.e. I want lower immigration and no undocumented men) now somehow make you ultra far right...
@PaGaNism Ай бұрын
Even his name isn't the truth ffs.
@MsMounen Ай бұрын
The name issue isn't the big deal you think it is. We all know why he gave himself a fake name and we also all know what his real name is now.
@PaGaNism Ай бұрын
@@GedaliahAR I agree... Pseudo derogatory adjective not genuine; spurious or sham.
@PiousMoltar Ай бұрын
@@BritishLandeur 20 years ago I was a Lib Dem. My views haven't changed. Theirs have. They are unrecognisable. Nothing even remotely liberal about them any more.
@van-gabondramblinrose6398 Ай бұрын
Like you I'm ex Army and Patriot. Well done for speaking out. So much I want to say, but the thought Police etc. Suffice to say, there are troubling times coming.
@Macca-jv9vp Ай бұрын
We are all wound up I have never in my 60yrs been so upset with what is happening to our country but I do have control of my emotions so feel I can focus my anger or upset in a way prevents me from breaking the law this is not the way to get your feelings know. The riots have put us back a few steps but we still need to have our voice heard once things calm down abit we must use our brains not our brawl.
@hannosolo Ай бұрын
I remember The Farm’s great song ‘altogether now.’ I hear ‘all far right now, we’re all far right now’ instead.
@AxiosMassacre Ай бұрын
Couldn’t agree more, thank you for sharing what so many of us are thinking
@IanCaspar Ай бұрын
Fluent, articulate, reasoned and just. And I agree with every word.
@BritishLandeur Ай бұрын
Thanks Ian, already a few dislikes and unsubscribes, but I'm not too bothered. I am just saying it how I see it. Many people will be unhappy with my defence of Tommy Robinson, but I doubt they've bothered to look at who he is very closely.
@zxyatiywariii8 Ай бұрын
I agree, and I love the cool locational observations too, like the pawprints in the concrete 🐾
@technologic21 Ай бұрын
Fitting scenery, in the ruins of a dead civilization. I live in the US and I've been paying very close attention to what's going down in the UK, feel the same. Scary. How long until we're all shunted off to the gulag for wrongspeak? Stay safe, Stalker.
@SamogitianLithuanian Ай бұрын
I hope Trump wins, if Kamala does then it’s only 1861 for America and it’s people
@mloclam6917 Ай бұрын
Great message and the social credit score counter is 👍👍 and it's as if the lower the number the better
@BritishLandeur Ай бұрын
@70AD-user45 Ай бұрын
The lower the number, the more truth you are telling. Yes, we do have 2-tier policing, 2-tier justice system, and 2-tier politics. One rule for them and one for us.
@paulaharrisbaca4851 Ай бұрын
Nigeria needs their native doctors. England doesn't need medical care by people who have no knowledge of the medical problems that middle class white Brits might be dealing with! When I get assigned a doctor at Kaiser I have had to request an American born doctor.
@BritishLandeur Ай бұрын
Paula, every year thousands of students with straight As are turned away from medical school because the government limits places to 7,500. Why? It costs money for the government to subsidise training a doctor. It's cheaper for them to import a lower skilled doctor to fill the gap than to let our youth achieve their dreams of being a doctor.
@snobbymclobby1160 Ай бұрын
Brilliant stuff my man. Subbed
@BritishLandeur Ай бұрын
Thanks very much - good to have you sir. The rest might bore you, but I just knew that now was the time to stand up and be counted over what I'm seeing in the UK right now. Pretty scary stuff.
@snobbymclobby1160 Ай бұрын
@@BritishLandeur Stay safe over there man
@zxyatiywariii8 Ай бұрын
​@@BritishLandeurNew sub here too, from the US, this is a problem in so many countries
@sero662 Ай бұрын
welcome fellow far right wingers
@PiousMoltar Ай бұрын
As a centre left liberal, yes, welcome fellow "far right wingers". Because that's what the government says we are now.
@eddieday-reilly5144 Ай бұрын
Absolutely brilliant pov great, concise presentation 👏.... Tbh I feel the same as you in regards to Tommy Robinson too. ... it's nice to hear someone else actually talking about the excellent work he's done to expose the Grooming Gangs....
@DCCCXVII Ай бұрын
Really good video mate. Huge respect to the English, from an Australian 🫡🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇦🇺
@BritishLandeur Ай бұрын
Love to Australia brother! I will visit, hire a Toyota Land Cruiser, and drive everywhere. I'll get you a beer!
@50sense50 Ай бұрын
The fact that you had to give a preface to your video speaks volumes (if you don’t they may come for you )
@PaulVincent-n2x Ай бұрын
The Chinese have a saying "Let it rot!" Meaning let the country disintegrate through inaction or neglect.
@benitofranklyn4237 Ай бұрын
Politicians have been playing the divide and conquer game long enough now. people need to stop fighting each other and unite against the government.
@dawnoliver2015 Ай бұрын
I really enjoyed your remarkably sensible video in the midst of so much biased rhetoric. You are a really articulate, interesting young man. Thank you I also liked the mix of "tour" and current incredibly important issues. Your podcast deserves to grow exponentially.
@onca6270 Ай бұрын
We will come on top regardless of what they call us
@BritishLandeur Ай бұрын
Name calling is getting tiring. They called everyone racist, then far right. Whatever the next name will be, just ignore it. You know what you are.
@Willopops Ай бұрын
Great content mate. I think it's fair to say that a lot of the working class might not be able to articulate their feelings in the way that you just did, but they know & feel that this is what's going wrong, & has been for a very long time. My dad was anglo-indian & joined the British Army fresh off the boat in 1960. He became an RSM in the early 80s & there weren't quotas for brown faces then. (BTW I’m not saying there are now, but even the Army hasn’t escaped political correctness] I did 5 yrs on Tanks in the 80s as well. I love my country, but as soon as I can afford to, I'm off. I'm 58 & want my retirement to be somewhere civilised, safe & sensible.
@jasonkay4749 Ай бұрын
sorry to hear that, losing good people like you is saddening 😔 but wish you well
@BritishLandeur Ай бұрын
Your dad sounds like a legend mate, old school RSM! Petrifying! These days RSMs have a bit more of a welfare role, the shouty business is done by the CSM / BSM of each Company / Battery. Don't do the working class down - Tommy is prime example of a very articulate working class guy. I think that's why they dislike him so much. The same people who pretend not to be classist are usually the champagne socialists or office workers (sorry office workers). I rarely see brickies or plumbers at these lefty marches.
@Willopops Ай бұрын
@@BritishLandeur Cheers, he was a character! I didn’t mean to be dismissive or patronising, rather just to make the point that even those that can’t articulate well, know what is wrong. Whereas, some people who appear to be educated & articulate don’t (or don’t want to) see the obvious truths. At the start of this, a few weeks ago, I thought perhaps people could be persuaded to see what is just common sense, if a little uncomfortable for some - now, having watched numerous interviews, I’m starting to despair. There seems to be no intellectual honesty, just blind allegiance to dogma.
@StanleyIpkiss8 Ай бұрын
Great video, very well said. This is the content that should be shown on mainstream media, not the bias misinformation that's churned out on a daily basis. New subscriber!
@galadrielwoods2332 Ай бұрын
The only way we send the demons back into the shadows is to stop being afraid of name calling
@annarellapowell41 Ай бұрын
Great video, you speak for a huge number of very concerned British people of all nationalities, colour and religion's.
@ThePastaManCan Ай бұрын
Lol you think only a few hundred will see this? it'll be in the 100,000 tomorrow.
@BritishLandeur Ай бұрын
Well... I was just basing it off my usual videos which average about 1,000. But this is already at past 2k god damn it. Nothing like a hammer and sickle to get the social credit score up!
@70AD-user45 Ай бұрын
​@@BritishLandeur You spoke of Douglas Murray. Someone from the political elites wants Douglas Murray put on trial, just as they want Tommy Robinson put away. Class doesn't come into it. They want all of us silenced and out the way.
@LadyLibertyBella Ай бұрын
17k and I got it recommended so that thumbnail definitely helping in the algorithm lol. I appreciate your calm discussion here. As an American it’s sad seeing what’s happening in the UK. Unfortunately we have similar issues here especially with these false labels to silence people. The sad reality is it’s happening across Europe and other NATO countries. I just hope somehow we can peacefully reclaim our countries and stop letting politicians etc divide us. United we stand. I look forward to checking out your other travel videos. I love getting to see different places and learn and the history. Wishing you well. Safe travels
@zxyatiywariii8 Ай бұрын
​@@LadyLibertyBellaWell said. I'm grateful we still have our First and Second Amendments, but things are getting scary.
@brianjoseph-jo2gx Ай бұрын
The Muslim student led protests in Bangladesh are being called far right as well. Shows how ridiculous the left/right label is. Just another way for the liberals to segregate us.
@joshuarosenblatt Ай бұрын
There is an awakening happening all across the world. You’re not alone. Cheers from the US. 🍻. And best wishes for the UK people.
@joaquimioakim229 Ай бұрын
I love the Social Credit Score counter 🤣
@MsTilda2 Ай бұрын
❤U are so right, watching from Denmark
@8Paul7 Ай бұрын
I hope scandinavian countries will manage to completely curb islamo-african immigration...
@councilgritter9380 Ай бұрын
The is not a political problem. It's a logistical problem. There is no way our roads, hospitals, amenities etc, can cope with the influx of people. Even a GCSE Maths students would be able understand this.
@8Paul7 Ай бұрын
It is not just logistical problem, come on. It is civilizational problem. Importing hundreds of thousands of muslims and africans to a country where most natives are atheists and christians is a literal suicide. See every islamic country on earth that used to be non-islamic (all of them).
@waynekerr7013 Ай бұрын
And who is supposed to be building the roads, hospitals, amenities etc... of course it's political. You think some more schools, more hospitals, more roads are going to ease the burden? How many more people do we take in? 100 million to live in the country, a billion? How many more immigrants till we live in utopia?
@jemmakay5607 Ай бұрын
that 12 week jail women will not loose her job, but she may be offer a lot more opportunities on top of her current job.
@kmaggs7804 Ай бұрын
Great analysis of the current situation. Thanks for the tour.❤
@MemoriesAreLost Ай бұрын
Liked and subbed simply for the Social Credit Score counter. Brilliant 😂
@BritishLandeur Ай бұрын
Took ages so I'm glad you appreciated it haha!
@MemoriesAreLost Ай бұрын
​@@BritishLandeur Incidentally I liked the video content. I agree with a lot of what you said. I'm not racist, I'm not inciting violence, I'm not even particularly political, nor am I living in one of the places most affected by the consequences of immigration, but it's hard not to be affected by a constant bombardment of news stories about how British culture is incompatible with one entering the UK en masse. It leaves me feeling a little angry... Definitely powerless... Overwhelmed... And not at all hopeful for the future of Britain. I don't know how we get through this and stay the Britain I grew up in. -65 Social Credit Score.
@Skinwalkerxiv Ай бұрын
I’m just an American, but I don’t see why the government has the right to jail people for saying fuck off and flipping off a cop. I forget that you guys don’t have free speech and don’t want it. So weird to see.
@rikkys Ай бұрын
Love the social credit score. 😂
@BritishLandeur Ай бұрын
You won't love it when it becomes real. ;)
@wheelysteve Ай бұрын
About 13 minutes in and my phone is about to die, but before it does I have agreed with everything you have said and you've worded a lot of my own thoughts better than I could have myself. Stay rational man, don't get dragged into the "centrist cuck" trap you will get thrown at you if you continue to try and be fair. We need more voices right now from people who haven't been dragged to one extreme side or the other
@BritishLandeur Ай бұрын
I'm a 2010 centrist brother, a 2024 far right hooligan. In all seriousness, you have to accept where you are on whatever the political spectrum of the day is. Most people would be scared to say they're generally right wing, but happy to say they're conservative. Words are strange. I'm opposed strongly to this process of mass migration, but liberal in many other ways. I support LGB rights, some questions about the T with respect to safeguarding children. The irony I would say is that the people we are importing are coming from genuinely far right cultures.
@malleus.maleficarum.24 Ай бұрын
Putting people in prison to "send a message" should only make people MORE ANGRY and MORE LIKELY to protest.
@littlejimdavies30 Ай бұрын
All this madness has happened during my week off work. I've always tried to up front as a person. So my colleagues know my views and political voting history. Now, I'm scared that when I return tomorrow my colleagues will have formed a much harsher opinion of me. I feel a similar group hysteria as Covid might have occurred where normal citizens of an opposing view feel deputised into doing the government's will. I'm also NOT a racist. I'm just against the madness of importing unvetted men of military age from cultures that have personal reasons to despise us.
@BritishLandeur Ай бұрын
I agree with and share the sentiment of everything you've written. It's sad but this is a part of how it's done. I had to think very long and hard before I made this video, knowing full well how it will likely affect me in the future to have what were, until maybe a decade ago, moderate opinions. Just think, brother, what kind of world and country do we live in where your fairly mundane and sensible political views now make you terrified you'll lose your job or find yourself in front of HR...
@annal2740 Ай бұрын
Many of us are feeling this way. Go against the narrative - people can change sex, mRNA vaccines are safe and effective, and diversity is our greatest strength - and you'll live with a constant feeling of isolation and alienation.
@TheJeremyKentBGross Ай бұрын
​@@BritishLandeurRight? And do you think HR is the worst that can happen if people DON'T push back now?
@winternimbus Ай бұрын
Your voice is important. Well thought out and decent analysis of current events. I’ve subscribed to your channel ⭐️👍🏼💎
@12235117657598502586 Ай бұрын
George Orwell wasn’t just an author…He was a prophet!
@caveyful Ай бұрын
I think part of their conditions for immigrating should be if a law is broken they will be sent back to their country of origin to be incarcerated there. It's too easy for them to do time in a 1st world country, probably not much worse than being free in their home country.
@benchapple1583 Ай бұрын
Just so you know. I live in Serbia. I can't go to the supermarket across the road without seeing a policeman. And they aren't wearing body armour.
@50sense50 Ай бұрын
I’m a veteran it’s as diverse as it gets in the military and true patriotism
@BritishLandeur Ай бұрын
1000000%, people think of the British Army and immediately think of 19 year old white private soldiers, of which there are plenty, but neglect to realise we have people from all over the commonwealth and beyond serving in the British Army. Not only that, you'll have geezers who went to Eton standing side by side guys who didn't get A Levels. I had three princes on my commissioning course. It's literally as diverse as it comes.
@stevendavies7083 Ай бұрын
Didnt get a levels??? I knew a lad who had no gcses and joined the army because he couldn't afford to get his teeth fixed - went AWOL then failed a CDT ​@BritishLandeur
@julie-annehansen741 Ай бұрын
I loved your presentation..and was amused by your 'credit score' rating. I am a 71yr old woman just moved to Australia to be with family . I was born in NZ ..I lived in Brixton ,London from 1976 -1979..I was a relief teacher in High schools in the area..I loved my life there.I have lived for 25 years in Washington state USA...I have mixed with many races and find I take the individual on character and integrity of self rather than race...some cultures I mess with more than others...I was born in NZ and lived in Auckland the most multicultural City...problems happen when immigration is unchecked and illegal...problems happen when the Govs allow swamping of already fragile societies with migrants who do not respect the indigenous societies and who want to Bully their culture on the natives. I never see the people who have taken advantage of the irresponsible Gov policies as at fault..they are just opportunists...why wouldn't they come !...WEF, UN, WHO, Agenda 21/30...look into them ...profligate infiltration of disparate illegal immigration has been planned to destabilise countries...its all part of the NWO...and has been planned for centuries..We are just waking up...they do not win in the end ...but we will have to stand peacefully firm congratulations on your clear and righteous stance... I, too, have been observing Tommy Robinson for many years..and Jordan Petersen ...Media and Gov need to be exposed worldwide..1984 has arrived in 2024
@martinavaslovik3433 Ай бұрын
Nah, we're not "far right" we're just right.
@BritishLandeur Ай бұрын
Far more right than they can imagine.
@loubieloujones5698 Ай бұрын
I blame the Tories but Starmer has supported and encouraged all of the policies that have led us here. So I do think he bears some responsibility.
@BritishLandeur Ай бұрын
Quite right, Starmer has some responsibility and is handling this terrible. However, we had 14 years of 'conservative' rule and that's the true betrayal in my opinion. You know what Labour are like, but the conservatives should be... conservative.
@CarmineLupertazziJr-z3b Ай бұрын
Oh, you are already in Hungary my friend, that's so nice. However I thought you will be staying in Serbia for longer, and visiting Montenegro. You would love it down there, I wish you come back to Former Yugoslavia. Enjoy yourtrip and I completely agree with you points on the current event in the United Kingdom. British political elites have become so detached from the reality that it is remarkable. For them it was important to invite clown Zelensky to 10 Downing Street to portray some fake "unity of democracies" while at the same time British people are clearly suffering in one way or the other. Anyhow, enjoy your traveling mate and I can't wait for the next video!!!
@BritishLandeur Ай бұрын
Brother, I WILL come back to the Balkans soon. And I know that I must go to Montenegro, I am excited to go there and spend some time on the beautiful beaches there. I stayed in Serbia for 4 weeks! It just looks like I spent less time because I don't film everything I do (I am quite lazy with making videos). Yes, the politics in the UK is terrible. It is largely, in my opinion, because of our electoral system which is very messed up (first past the post system). It's not right that 5 million people can vote for a political party and only get 5 MPs, when another party receives 4 million votes and gets 80 MPs.
@70AD-user45 Ай бұрын
​@@BritishLandeur How many states did Yugoslavia break into. The UK made sure it broke up even further by bombing Serbia, which was absolutely disgusting.
@MsMounen Ай бұрын
You've already had communism, haven't you.
@simonh6371 Ай бұрын
@@MsMounen It was more like socialism and it wasn't bad for it's population. But after the collapse of the USSR and Warsaw Pact country governments (Yugo wasn't in the WP) the US didn't like a thriving socialist country in Europe, plus NATO had kind of been made redundant so they had to find something to do. There's a good documentary on it ''The weight of chains''
@MsMounen Ай бұрын
@@simonh6371 I'm currently reading a book written by a woman who grew up during that time, so I'm getting her perspective of living in it.
@G529-l3v Ай бұрын
Excellent summation. Subbed 👌🏻
@benjamintaheny450 Ай бұрын
Nice touch with the 'social credit score' climbing and diving based upon the topic being discussed.👍
@OliMace-vt3ky Ай бұрын
This would go viral if you had a better mic. The social credit score and Hungarian ruins are brilliant cinematography. everything you've said was class 👏👏👏
@BritishLandeur Ай бұрын
The irony is the mic is expensive. It's a Sennheiser lavalier with DJI wireless mic 2 set for all my travel videos. I must have broken the damn thing in the case.
@heathwilliams8830 Ай бұрын
To have true free speech…..anything should be able to be said…..even if you don’t agree with it
@OldQueer Ай бұрын
Voices like yours are very important. The usual arguments of people being uneducated or not contributing to the country can't apply here. Subscribed.
@BritishLandeur Ай бұрын
In a way that's what made me make the video. I see so often that people struggle to express the sentiment that they are feeling and make the argument that they know is right but struggle to form.
@OldQueer Ай бұрын
@BritishLandeur there's also the issue of those with professional jobs having way too much to lose if they voice an 'incorrect' opinion publicly. I have several professional qualifications and know I could lose my job and potentially be blacklisted from my professional body if I made a similar video. It's simply not worth losing a career at this stage, although the time may come where people like me throw caution to the wind. If I was a scaffolder or similar, I could probably get another job no bother. It gives the impression it's only those who are "uneducated" (I disagree with this term) who hold these views, but it's not.
@thruppenybit Ай бұрын
Excellent fella and if only a few in power would be more honest and speak as you do.
@cubereaper825 Ай бұрын
Sorry to tell you, but if you get arrested and thrown in prison for saying something or posting something online that someone does not like, well then you live in a police state. Maybe not a Chinese police state, but you are on the path.
@dadsonworldwide3238 Ай бұрын
Warning till your blue in the face obviously didn't work. I know that my American grandparents cooperated & compromised not only their own lives but 3 generations to move closer to uk & Europe. Like Millions of other old ass like me was born as a personal actor cannon fodder granting liberal power to the state and higher education to build coalition & they said do this long enough to transfer Wealth, liberate marginalized, industrialize 3rd world nations like china asia & those who drew new borders 90 years ago . We achieved all these goals now we want our soul agency triality of self individual liberal power & responsibilities back. This is apparently a problem for uk & Europeean rulers plus legt wing dnc here in usa. The uk judge Threatening to extradite American who post was ignorant over reach. We so have nuence differences to be respected but these are not one them. We all successfully achieved the goals set together as one. Everyone must listen to the will of the ppl citizenship . Computational beast of burden robot slave horsepower utility cpu serfdom is here to stay old world tyrants mine as well get over it. Free flow information education software open source access to peer review history nature universe will be faught for just like souvernty.
@andrewpeters3424 Ай бұрын
Free Speech is what it's All About!.
@cgavin1 Ай бұрын
There isn't any. Its now literally an entirely subjective (!) crime to hurt someone's feelings on Facebook. Funny how one of the fundamental principles of the US Constitution is legally protected free speech.
@steveganz7418 Ай бұрын
Superb, level headed video . I can’t think of single thing I disagree with. The sort of conversation we should all be having without getting shouted down as being far right. 😀😀
@LeeGee Ай бұрын
I'm also in Hungary! For about 20-years now, off and on. Ask around about agent provocateurs in protests - widely known here.
@BritishLandeur Ай бұрын
What's the idea behind it? People in protests deliberately causing trouble to ruin the protest? Antifa types in the far right protest as plants? In Budapest right now - too hot.
@benmcreynolds8581 Ай бұрын
I Love the Live changing adapting "Social Credit Score Display" That is genuinely genius. As well as your takes and perspectives on all of this. This is what we need right now. Glad I stumbled upon this video
@Yvonne-wm5gp Ай бұрын
Thank you for speaking the truth
@BritishLandeur Ай бұрын
We should all be unafraid to do this, honestly. Of course, there is some free speech which is unacceptable (like calls to violence and incitement etc.) but too many people are self-censoring now.
@Hasdac Ай бұрын
Labour, conservative all the same.
@BritishLandeur Ай бұрын
You can distinguish them by their rhetoric, but not really by their actions.
@AndrewFosterSheff69 Ай бұрын
What is interesting is that the r1ots were in labour controlled areas. I don't know what to make of that, other than their own representatives (MPs) weren't listening to them?
@jasonkay4749 Ай бұрын
@@BritishLandeur I think the distinction between the two will become clear quite quickly over the coming months. Conservatives were inept, this version of Labour is chillingly dangerous. They will be a hive of activity, and bit-by-bit they sink the country. Great stuff by the way, and thank you for your service sir!
@Vanadisir Ай бұрын
I saw people arrested for attending. Grandmas and grandpas who did nothing to any officer, just standing around, thrown to the ground and arrested. Not angry, not violent, but contrite citizens.
@archimedesd5794 Ай бұрын
"Silly sausage" is always a next level burn when it comes from a posh accent 😂 You went deep bruv 🤣
@AbdulHannanAbdulMatheen Ай бұрын
👏🙂 Great video. It's really nice to hear someone like you who is very well-informed and eloquent. I'm also very happy how you defend Tom-my. Its very disappointing to see such a honest and humble guy being crucified. I'm an atheist but it looks pretty biblical.
@StephLoxely Ай бұрын
I like your 'social credit' scoring as this horror is quite likely in the near future. You are young and managed 40. I'm much older and more cynical, mine is likely to be MINUS 40.
@christopheredwards7846 Ай бұрын
No problem in Britain to speak out against aspects of immigration, the policies etc. What is not acceptable is to try to burn down hostels or say things online which might lead others to do similar things.
@BritishLandeur Ай бұрын
I agree. But also, 'gesticulating and shouting at the police' - 26 months in prison... hmm?
@christopheredwards7846 Ай бұрын
@@BritishLandeur I've tried to find more detail but failed. But I guess the operative words are "constantly" and "in the face". So the police affected could not do their job? Another 26 months for someone refusing to move and trying to push through. On top of that a police dog bit him on the bot.
@laurapearson3370 Ай бұрын
​@@BritishLandeur you said he was rioting, not gesticulating, so which was it ?
@mandyshanks2327 Ай бұрын
The end result is a transfer of wealth to the owners of land, buildings and infrastructure I.e not British. Read the book - The Vassal State.
@BritishLandeur Ай бұрын
Precisely this. The price of houses, the investors in private medical care and infrastructure projects, are very happy right now. Making unbelievable amounts of money whilst the quality of life for everyone else declines.
@angelamcnaughton2449 Ай бұрын
You say it’s not Kiers fault yet they voted every single plan down to remove illegals? I agree with you on all the other things your saying thought.
@BritishLandeur Ай бұрын
It's a fair point actually, ma'am, he has been an MP for some time and always in favour of the problem, not the solution.
@787UrbanApparel Ай бұрын
Clearly is a song and everyone is learning the lyrics , the chorus , and the beat ... 😂 Replay , Replay and more replay .
@postscript5549 Ай бұрын
Britain is beautiful in many ways. This American wants fairness and honesty from your government to your citizens. Of course we don't have fairness and honesty here either.
@jacklyons2088 Ай бұрын
i don't think people realise how much the country has changed in 30 years, like people in the 60s dreamed we would be flying cars, instead we are living a dystopian nightmare, that unfortunately is going to get far worse before it gets better, and it is being orchestrated by politicians, large corporations and those in global institutions, people today are just as evil as they have been in the past and they normally find their way into power which is why it needs to be radically limited
@_ob200 Ай бұрын
Such a breath of fresh air ! Very refreshing to hear someone with near enough the exact same views as my self ! Thank you so much
@BritishLandeur Ай бұрын
It's not just you and me, Ob, it's millions of people in the UK, I am sure of it.
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