The United States Needs A Successor | Who Will It Be?

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Monsieur Z

Monsieur Z

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The United States is experiencing Superpower fatigue following a hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan, economic inflation, and supporting Ukraine in their devastating war with Russia. While many are speculating about the future of American politics and whether or not the United States will survive or collapse, what may also be worth considering is who will succeed the U.S? If America falls or survived, it will almost certainly begin to withdraw from international affairs and grow more isolationist in the future, so what western superpower will succeed the United States in continuing to maintain the global world order, and keep in check American rivals like Russia and China? Could it be the European Union, India, or perhaps even the proposed CANZUK Anglosphere? The United States needs a successor. Who will it be?
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@MonsieurDean Жыл бұрын
@danielgibson2604 Жыл бұрын
What if the Dutch had stayed in Chile and colonized all of Patagonia?
@marko2246 Жыл бұрын
What if Yugoslavia never colapsed?
@Stalinsmustache Жыл бұрын
What if Malenkov suceeded Stalin instead of Krushev
@familygash7500 Жыл бұрын
What will it take for Taiwan to reconquer The Chinese Mainland?
@SpaceWizardus47 Жыл бұрын
What if Austria Hungary was made of chocolate?
@Black_Jack9460 Жыл бұрын
The US has the resources to solve its internal issues, but constant foreign intervention is straining the country. The US will probably go through a period of isolation solving it’s internal issues as other nations race to take the US’s position. I say India, China, France, Germany etc
@N0sf3r4tuR1s3n Жыл бұрын
The Chinese are going to collapse in the next several years due to how lopsided the birth gap is in that country as a result of decades of the one child policy. India has massive infrastructure problems, China does as well but for different reasons. France, well as with all developed countries the birth gap is a problem, but their other problem is lots of Muslim immigrants who don't really view themselves as French and aren't assimilated, and the riots a few weeks ago demonstrated that- about what, 10% of their country is those immigrants and their children? Out of all 4 you mentioned, Germany is probably best suited to become an emerging superpower, China and India look at first glance like it will be them, but their serious disadvantages probably will either prevent that or it would be a rather short lived affair.
@mrursus112 Жыл бұрын
​@@N0sf3r4tuR1s3nBro Situation in Germany is the same as in France. You don't see many germans in the big cities nowadays.
@Black_Jack9460 Жыл бұрын
@@N0sf3r4tuR1s3nyep. Everyone says China will surpass the US In economics, but that won’t happen for a while due to their aging crisis. No European nation can surpass the US either, and India is rising but at a slower pace. In my opinion there are lots of nations that can be superpowers, but non of them will surpass the US at-least in our lifetime.
@isaacterry5375 Жыл бұрын
Foreign intervention is extremely profitable, the capitalist elite will forever lobby the US government for corporate interests and war will forever be the cash cow for America.
@somehowstillhere8766 Жыл бұрын
​@@N0sf3r4tuR1s3nChina is the only one of those options that have the stability and ability to become a superpower. India is too dysfunctional and any country in Western Europe has too many immigrants.
@angushughes5371 Жыл бұрын
As much as the idea of a united anglosphere arouses me, those countries are unfortunately spoiled meat. Their current leadership and policies would prove they are unsuitable to take on the mantle.
@MonsieurDean Жыл бұрын
We can fix it.
@blackjacktrial Жыл бұрын
I still think the US for all its faults would need to be in said Anglospheric pole. I'm also not sold on Sunak being an anything - he strikes me as a Turnbull like - has good ideas but no influence in his own party, and only became leader by agreeing not to do anything. New Zealand is also an odd duck in the Five Eyes here - whilst Canada, Australia and the UK are all globally significant regional powers, New Zealand is often seen as Australia's Canada (a dependency of Australia that punches above its weight). How one handles what in size and power should be a major internal province of Austral-Aoteroa in the confederation of the Anglophones may be a key to any rise of the group, as would the Quebecois question, as they would be violently opposed to such a federation.
@dansdiscourse4957 Жыл бұрын
​@@MonsieurDeanThat's so funny. You want the US to turn inward on itself and be some kind of libertarian utopia, and your plan for doing that is going to be to meddle even more in how certain countries run themselves?
@EpicMiniMeatwad Жыл бұрын
@@dansdiscourse4957 Wtf is this channel lol.
@dansdiscourse4957 Жыл бұрын
@@EpicMiniMeatwad It's a channel where a guy looks at the past and spitballs about the future from a particular perspective
@aycc-nbh7289 Жыл бұрын
Not dethroning the U.S. but rather elevating its allies to superpower status will likely still be seen as the U.S. holding all of the cards or perhaps even the U.S. growing even more powerful.
@davidcervantes9336 Жыл бұрын
Keep dreaming.
@aycc-nbh7289 Жыл бұрын
@@davidcervantes9336 Are you sure? I’m pretty sure that some people will complain that these nations are puppets of the U.S. already, so merely placing it within a bloc of other nations it already “controls” would either do nothing or only exacerbate the power and influence they have.
@aycc-nbh7289 Жыл бұрын
@Jonathannathan148 Read papers on unique machine learning algorithms and maybe you’ll draw inspiration from there. Though as a fellow scientist, you probably already know that we can gain inspiration from just about anything.
@dragoe7441 Жыл бұрын
Stf up bots
@aycc-nbh7289 Жыл бұрын
@@dragoe7441 What makes you think I’m a bot? I’ve tried programming an image-generating AI to draw solar coronagraph images and it is absolute _hell_ to work on.
@pompuspig Жыл бұрын
To ensure stability and global security, the Republic will be reorganized into the North American Empire.
@charmyzard Жыл бұрын
Mask off.
@Halcon_Sierreno Жыл бұрын
​@@theeccentrictripper3863you people like sucking yourselves off too much. "The world can't possibly exist without our intervention". 😂😂🤣 You people bought all your propaganda. You're not the world's gate keeper. You are just as greedy as every other empire throughout history. Only looking out for number 1. 😒
@GigaNietzsche Жыл бұрын
Nah, will likely collapse and balkanize due to increasing racial diversity, racial division, and economic decay. The US is done for. That's what the US regime deserves for importing so many non whites. Independence for whites from the US regime must be achieved by any means necessary.
@Guy-Mann Жыл бұрын
@@charmyzard None of us were ever wearing a mask. But we are now putting on the jackboots. The sad part is that you will never understand how people like you caused this.
@emknight84 Жыл бұрын
You can’t have a united anglosphere if there are no anglos left in those countries.
@williaminnes6635 Жыл бұрын
It has been a project OF assimilation, stop and start, for a long time. UK has had its cart hitched to sentimentally English-y migrants-since the Huguenots. The Kiwis seem all-in on the Anglonesian thing. Canada has split into regional subcultures over the past half century, but it seems a safe bet that these will remain American-with-extra-steps,
@Ghastly_Grinner 11 ай бұрын
Probably won't be one the era of the super power is over we are moving back to the era of great powers
@stephenconroy5908 Жыл бұрын
"You could not live with your own failure. Where did that bring you? Back to me." King-Emperor George VII, probably... or the ghost of Joseph Chamberlain.
@Valois_Kressa-Heller Жыл бұрын
If we are going to go with CANZUK as the (interim?) successor to the US, then I think that CANZUK by itself is not powerful enough to take on the responsibilities of a superpower, but it could function as a framework and connective axis to help tie together western power constellations like the EU in Europe and the Pacific Alliance (and maybe India) in Asia, into a somewhat cohesive and functional bloc that could hold the line as much as possible, long enough until the US is ready to return to its role as a superpower again. It is far from a perfect fix, and has many problems, but an EU-CANZUK-Pacific-(India)-coalition of some kind is the best I can think of, as an alliance basically thrown together (bordering on a last-ditch emergency solution) to act as a placeholder for the US in its absence. It would not be anywhere near as capable or unified, however, and its chief function would be to just "hold the line" against potential aggressors and keep the global institutions and machinery (like the UN, WTO, IMF etc) as functional as possible until the US is able to resolve all of its internal issues and return to take the reins. Failing that, then the western global order constructed by the US is in serious danger of fracturing and breaking apart, leaving behind a disunited world for the US to return to. Truly, by positioning itself as the global superpower, the US has also made all of its allies become fatally dependent on it. Not an ideal situation, to be polite.
@thomaskalbfus2005 Жыл бұрын
So are all Americans simply going to drop dead and cease to exist, is that what you are worried about? What does Canada represent anyway? What are its founding ideals? being not a part of the United States and that is the extent of it! Canada doesn't have any reason for existing other than not being part of the United States, it would be hard for a country like that to lead the free World if the only reason for it to exist is to not be part of the United States!
@deltanitros Жыл бұрын
I think this view of things is heavily dependent on the idea of America returning to the superpower role at some later point in time. But looking at American history, particularly the first 2 3rds of it (the pre superpower era) I don't belive it's likely that Americans will ever want to go back to the role of a superpower. Especially with all the drama that inevitably comes with it. In my opinion it's much more likely that the superpower era will come to be viewed as an aberration or an anomaly rather than the norm that America will have to return to.
@thomaskalbfus2005 Жыл бұрын
@@deltanitros Yeah, Americans just love to be occupied by a foreign power the way Poland was!
@Valois_Kressa-Heller Жыл бұрын
@@deltanitros Thank you for your informative reply! Yes, indeed! The whole idea I conjured up is contingent upon the US and the american people actually wanting to take the reins again. But if the americans do not want to, and instead decide to keep to themselves and focus on their own affairs (which is reasonable), then the rest of the western sphere must make do without them, which I have no idea of how that will go. Still, I can definetly see why the americans might choose to step down. They have enough problems at home as is, and the burden of being the world hegemon weighs heavily upon them. I would not fault them for deciding to look after themselves first and foremost. I do believe the founding fathers too wanted the US to keep to itself and not get dragged into conflicts and intrigues half a world away.
@Valois_Kressa-Heller Жыл бұрын
@@thomaskalbfus2005 I can feel your frustration. And it is very reasonable. The world has grown more uncertain lately, and now especially the west must stand united in the face of all threats. The west's abandoning of Poland to the Germans and Russians (twice!) was a grave and shameful injustice that the poles most certainly did not deserve. I too am somewhat fearful of a US withdrawal, given how it might leave its allies in danger, especially given the increased aggression from Russia, China's hostile overtures with Taiwan and the flare-up of instability in Africa. None of us would want to end up like Ukraine now, or Poland during its partitions. But I can also see what the americans might think. 9/11, the wars in the Middle East, greatly elevated military spending and a crisis of trust with a government burdened with the trifecta of responsibilities of running the country, managing the rest of the west and guarding against foreign threats, coupled with crumbling infrastructure, growing political polarisation, economic woes and inequality, I can definetly see why the americans might decide to take a step back and turn inwards to heal the wounds festering at home, and maybe stay at home afterward. As I stated before, all we can hope, is that either the US is willing to commit to the role they built for themselves, or if not, then that we in Europe and beyond can join forces together and survive and thrive without american help.
@Providence.. Жыл бұрын
I wouldn't say we "need" a successor, but in the possible events that the United States either collapses or begins to isolate itself once more, it is in my opinion that the European Union would be the next "incarnation" or analogue of the US. A direct successor state would be what results from a collapse of the US, so potentially a "Second Republic of Texas" or something.
@Dimitriterrorman Жыл бұрын
The EU will "collapse" soon,by that i mean the union itself will be destroyed soon but the countries in it will do just fine. Half the nations in it do not follow many of its laws and many others are hurt by it, Nationalism is rising in most of the EU nations and most nationalist leaders are against the EU or do not want its expansion.
@somehowstillhere8766 Жыл бұрын
Exactly. The US might not have a successor as the world's sole superpower, but the world might return to the norm throughout history with regional powers of various strength.
@thomaswatson1739 Жыл бұрын
A 2nd Southern Confederacy around the corner including Texas in said confederacy
@lnfused Жыл бұрын
Avoid the European Union at all costs. Their ‘international laws’ supersede domestic laws, all decided from Brussels. Who the hell are Brussels to decide what the UK or the US does? Belgium wasn’t even a country until 5 minutes ago. It should know it’s place
@thomaskalbfus2005 Жыл бұрын
Is the United States going to build an Iron curtain around itself and not allow its citizens to leave? that would be isolation, but I don't know when you expect the United States to do that?
@familygash7500 Жыл бұрын
As a British person I do support the idea of C.A.N.U.K., but as an alliance; not as a single country.
@madness1931 Жыл бұрын
I think Britain has made that clear, when it came to reasons for leaving the EU.
@DLR1997 Жыл бұрын
Yeah they want to be in charge. The EU has become a Neo French/ German Empire
@kordellswoffer1520 Жыл бұрын
I support a federation.
@kordellswoffer1520 Жыл бұрын
@@madness1931the reasons and nations weren’t the same.
@DLR1997 Жыл бұрын
I would support anything if The US benefit from it
@aleaf4098 Жыл бұрын
Issue with the Anglo sphere coming back together is it’s increasing lack of being Anglo
@Huminahumina465 Жыл бұрын
Even if there’s more minorities, people still speak English in the vast majority of these nations. You have a decent bit of Spanish, Celtic, and French in their respective nations, but the vast majority is still Anglo.
@hollister2320 Жыл бұрын
@@Huminahumina465 exactly, and it’s so over blown when you consider the majority in those countries are still 80%+ white Anglos, hell in America, the next closest are African Americans and they only make up like 13% of its population
@joshbentley2307 8 ай бұрын
As we’ve seen with America it takes 3-4 generations for immigrants to assimilate, the vast majority of POC are dating and reproducing with whites more than any other race. If the current trend stays the same children of immigrants will become indistinguishable (culturally) to “Anglos”. Immigration is an issue right now (besides the housing crisis) because families haven’t been here long enough to fully integrate.
@thomasclay7156 Жыл бұрын
I feel like this analogy is used way to often but I’ll use it anyway. I think the US is like Rome, while Europe is like the Greek states. The Greek states resemble the later European states in many ways- rising out of a dark age, they began to expand across the known world and advance culturally while colonizing it. Britain is a merchant society that colonized large parts of the known world- much like Athen. A strict warrior society threatened them (Germany or Sparta), although the outcomes of the fights was different. Afterwards, a traditionally nomadic people outside of the main system (Russia and Macedonia) conquered them. Both Europe and Greece were exhausted after years of fighting and fell apart as culturally similar albeit more vibrant nations (Rome and America) rose up, with more and more cultural exertion over the weakened states as they continued to rise. The Punic Wars were a series of total wars that utterly changed how the republic ran, much like the World Wars and Cold War for us. Both Rome and America emerged victorious warrior societies with larger territories (directly administered or de facto), while Rome fell into a century of internal crisis before becoming an official empire. If we follow this timeline, we just finished our Punic Wars (Carthage and Russia as legitimate opponents were destroyed, while Europe and Greece are both under the guidance of America/Rome as they continue to decline), and are entering a period of social unraveling even while our power is greatly increased (if you seriously think Russia is an actual threat to America anymore, then I’ll gladly list half a dozen reasons why it is not aside from its nuclear arsenal). We also have natural threats that are too far away and too big to counter- China could be similar to Persia in this regard as a state we come into conflict with, but aren’t able to topple. I think America is at a similar period of crisis as the Late Republic. It’s a natural superpower that I don’t see going silently anytime soon even if our internal situation goes down the toilet- both the Gracchi brothers and Trump tried to tear down a dying system and failed to while our empire runs in the background. Rome endured 100 years of internal dissolution before a resolution was discovered, and still managed to grow as an empire. The US stands at a perfect position to do this, with many of its allies either in active decline or stagnation while the US is still steadily growing in most regards and maintains power all over the world comfortably. The US has all the advantages Britain had and even some it did not- a very large, industrious, and innovative population, a militaristic culture, a strong cultural core, large amounts of resources at home, natural defense from enemies, and so many more. I would honestly be surprised if America gave up its empire without a fight than if we became an official dictatorial empire within my lifetime. There are definitely holes in this line of thought, don’t get me wrong. The comparison is far from a 1:1, but the comparisons between the US and UK as failing superpowers are also far from 1:1.
@dans864 Жыл бұрын
I also found it interesting that Greek thought began to control the upper echelons of the Roman Republic in the late era and today European ideologies are touted as the solution to American problems but unfortunately instead of Socrates and Plato we get Marx and Freud I watched another video recently about what the fall of Western Civilization would look like as in having another Thousand-Year Dark Age and the kinds of states that would emerge from the US much like European powers the interesting question is how would we crawl out of that without a whole nother new world to explore and exploit to rise to power again I don't buy the fact that they recently Dark Age civilization would have the capacity to reach for the moon and Mars as new worlds to conquer in short "Ceaser wept for there were no more worlds to conquer"
@TheMormonPower Жыл бұрын
👍 Very Succinctly put 😮
@candyneige6609 Жыл бұрын
A more accurate analogy would be to think of the United States as the European Union and vice-versa, specifically, i'll be using the early United States as an analogy for the European Union. Using this analogy, the British Thirteen Colonies resemble the American-influenced Western Europe in many ways- being governed by a far-away country from across the ocean (either directly or through influence). After the Seven Years War and the Revolutions of 1989, in which Britain and America defeated their worst enemy at the time, France and the Soviet Union respectively, the Thirteen Colonies and Western European countries had banded together, formed the United States and the European Union respectively, and achieved effective independence from their original overlords (Britain or America). The two newly independent nations (the United States and the European Union) had both manifested outwards and expanded their territory in a specific cardinal direction (either westward or eastward). Afterwards, a rogue separatist entity (the Confederate States and the United Kingdom) emerged and declared itself independence from both nations as they both entered a civil war, while the Confederate States eventually lost and rejoined the United States, which subsequently became a superpower themselves and had spread their influence throughout the entire globe. If we follow this timeline, we're currently in the midst of our American Civil War, and it wouldn't be too long until the United Kingdom eventually rejoins the European Union, and are entering a period of European dominance, where the European Union grows in power and influence, establishes colonies on their own, and even surpasses a slowly declining America (akin to the United States growing in power and influence, establishing colonies on their own, and surpassing a slowly declining Britain, after the American Civil War), and just as the 20th century was considered to be the American Century, the 21st century is going to be the European Century (and not the Asian Century, as some analysts would suggest), which is why, just as the United States is considered to be Britain's successor, the European Union will be America's successor. There are definitely holes in this line of thought, don't get me wrong. The comparaison is far from a 1:1, but it's at least better than the comparaisons between the US and Ancient Rome as rising superpowers.
@El_Soyato Жыл бұрын
​@@candyneige6609 If you want to compare the EU to the US, the EU is not out of the articles of confederacy stage in American development. To push this further the rouge political entity the EU will have to deal with is Eastern Europe. For example Poland is looking to be a Continental power to balance out Germany and France and will probably be the cause of a major political struggle. Europe has many more problems than the US had. The Eu has not shrugged off the control of the Superpower and The Eu currently needs it more than it needs the EU. Many countries, economies, and populations are stagnating so unlike with the rise of the US the Eu can't rely on the near infinite production power of its industry. The EU also has regional competition Russia might no be the peer of the US anymore but it sure can fuck up Europe. Plus no one is going to let the Europeans acquire more colonies. We already had the European centuries and we all hated it. The EU has too many problems to ever become like the US.
@sriharshacv7760 Жыл бұрын
America differs from Roman Empire in the following ways: feminism, effective birth control, universal adult franchise that supports decisions that are attractive at an individual level and catastrophic at a macro scale. The risks to America are: demographic collapse (even the immigrants are choosing to not have kids for the same reasons as former settlers), demographic collapse and demographic collapse. The effectiveness of the 'pill' is being grossly underestimated by everyone. For a small period America can piggyback on immigrants but it wouldn't be too long before the supply of ideal immigrants runs out.
@thegentlemanfish7504 Жыл бұрын
Probably an unpopular opinion for a patriot but I agree with the premise of the video. America not being the leader of the west doesn't mean we have to become a vassal state or a two bit power but the mantle has to be passed at some point. Personally, I don't think we ever should have taken it as America always used to have a destiny independent of the rest of the world but in the face of the Soviet Union maybe it was necessary.
@Viddao Жыл бұрын
Influencing foreign countries also means that foreign countries could negatively influence us. America has traditionally been an isolationist country until the 20th century. We do not have to attack unless we are directly attacked. We also want all our manufacturing entirely within the US so that if there is chaos in the outside world, we can still produce the stuff we need. It is very patriotic to say that we should not have foreign entanglements, just read what the founders say about the subject. Having foreign entanglements brings us into unnecessary danger. Plus, most of these "allied" countries are economically a drag on us. It is also frustrating that they are basically dependencies, but we all still pretend that they are independent sovereign nations.
@HeortirtheWoodwarden Жыл бұрын
The US's power is the perfect tool for influencing future history. The evils of Socialism, Islam, Tyranny and Organized Crime need to be combatted. Don't think the US is completely invincible, even if you don't care about the rest of the world going up into flames. If you let evil grow and fester, one day it'll be too late and you'll find yourself unable to fight it. Better to crush it while it's still small.
@blugaledoh2669 Жыл бұрын
@@Viddaothis might be disagreeable to some people but America has never been an isolationist nation. I mean does everyone forget about the manifest destiny, the Mexican wars, the banana war in Latin America or the Philippians-American war?
@insertname9140 Жыл бұрын
I don’t know how you can call yourself a patriot when you are actively rooting for the defanging and neutering of your own country and it’s ideas.
@Dodsodalo Жыл бұрын
​@@blugaledoh2669I think they mean that America was mostly interested in the, well America's or the new world and didn't want to deal with the old world, which can be really seen by the Monroe Doctrine, which while not great for the Americas, seeing what happened to Africa and Asia, it was a godsend.
@Vorratus Жыл бұрын
Many might disagree with my answer: America should draw back slowly, maintaining only bilateral geostrategic agreements with select nations vital to US national security interests in conjuction with fortifying the US territory. Meanwhile, revamp US economic and industrial base, get its financial external debts in order. Forget about finding a successor state to take America's place on the world stage... let them compete for it. It may indeed bring the rise of an anti-American power, but the US could do far better in a potential conflict if it weren't as in its current hobbled state. Regardless of who made the decision, much of the world is dependent on the US and most have "luke-warm", "fair-weather", or hostile relations with the USA... time to cut the cord!
@Viddao Жыл бұрын
So true!
@sireyoursistermodernworld4244 Жыл бұрын
Problem is that no other nation can fill the void if the US stepped back - while some nations have grown quickly, those nations also have internal problems that are suggesting they are not nearly as powerful as we fear. Should the US step back or drastically decline in power, the most probably outcome is a return to the pre-WW1 balance of power / competition between the various power blocks. Even if the Americans started grooming the other Anglosphere countries to be a replacement, I don't think they have the population, economic, or political will to step up to the plate.
@kordellswoffer1520 Жыл бұрын
They will have the political will if you force them. They’re only this way cause of America and if America goes away they’re gonna be forced into competition again. They have the economics and population for such an endeavour. They’d have a larger population than any in Europe or in Asia besides the big three states. Economic wise it’s blows most of them out of the water.
@chriscampbell7895 Жыл бұрын
After a blip other nations will bounced back and move on We are not indispensable
@sireyoursistermodernworld4244 Жыл бұрын
@@chriscampbell7895 No nation is indispensable; but if the US falls or completely withdraws suddenly it will be almost as bad as the start of the Age of Migrations in AD 475. Americans really have no understanding of exactly how much more powerful they are compared to every other nation on the planet. Look at what happened in the East of Africa when they pulled out after the Black Hawk Down episode - piracy exploded and trade was crippled until an international coalition (that they led) was put in place. US Naval presence or threat of it is all that keeps all the shipping through Indonesia safe from pirates and hijackers. It may have gone unnoticed in the US but the Philippines and China almost got into a shoot out a couple of weeks ago and an American turse reminder that they would honor their treaty obligations to the Philippines forced China to back down. American military bases overseas are economic power centers supporting hundred and thousands of local jobs in Germany, Poland, and other places as local provide all sorts of goods and services for the American soldiers and civilians. Would the world survive w/o America? Sure. It would just go back, after a period of adjustment (which could lead to thousands of deaths and maybe many more if minor wars became more serious), to a balance of power arrangement like what was normal for Europe after the fall of Napoleon and the end of WW2. And that means that every time one power got a misread of the power balance, there would be a war - maybe minor, maybe serious.
@1mol831 Жыл бұрын
@@sireyoursistermodernworld4244thousands? You mean millions? Even earthquakes can lead to thousands of deaths
@sireyoursistermodernworld4244 Жыл бұрын
@@1mol831 I'm trying to be optimistic. IDK how professionals divide a major war from a minor war - but major wars would certainly have millions of dead.
@cheeseman348 Жыл бұрын
The constant trend with superpowers is that they get power burnout, example would be the Soviets, British, French, Spain, (Germany?) and it seems the USA. A successor state isn't needed, what is needed is multiple powerful states that can take some heat off the USA, like Brazil or India, as they have growing economies and a large population base (though unsure of those 2 countries due to foreign policy). In short superpowers all seem to fall eventually, which means we don't need superpowers, we need large regional powers, a combination of 3 or more states that, possibly, could rival the USA together. It would help slow/prevent the burnout we've seen with other superpowers.
@sriharshacv7760 Жыл бұрын
I feel that Western nations (especially Britain) are constantly sabotaging India (particularly in the form of character assassination).
@HeichE944 Жыл бұрын
​@jacobstones809We don't care
@Halcon_Sierreno 11 ай бұрын
The U.S doesn't want this.
@tommyscott9085 10 ай бұрын
​@@Halcon_SierrenoWell it will happen if the US likes it or not.
@Halcon_Sierreno 10 ай бұрын
@@tommyscott9085 The U.S wants to be the only superpower around.
@Arturius_Rex_8 Жыл бұрын
Liked the video, disagree with the premise. Should encourage nationalist movements with loose alliances across the globe, not globalists. That's the kind of thing that got us where we are now...
@zachweaverproductions2523 Жыл бұрын
Anglosphere is obviously the horse to bet on and we wouldn’t have to change much. 5-nation universal citizenship, interchangeable equal currency, further binding of our militaries and intelligence agencies, a few cultural assimilation projects. We’re basically there. Make no mistake, the USA is THE senior partner in this union, but we all have a role to play. The UK is the face of the union, our bridge to Europe and sheepdog to our junior partners. Australia gives us our most crucial military position bordering half the world’s population in SE Asia. Canada supports our control over the Arctic shipping lanes and intercontinental maneuvering. Let’s do what we do best. Rule the oceans and push English as the global language.
@Hispania_45 Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately the Anglo world is currently committing ethnic/racial suicide, it’s likely to die out by 2050, in which Anglos will be a minority in their own countries
@useritiswhatitis4655 Жыл бұрын
America has a better chance letting Spain be the face of them with how quick Spanish is taken root and their colonial subjects reaching majority.
@zachweaverproductions2523 Жыл бұрын
@@useritiswhatitis4655 If American culture was built by the winds of immigration, we would been living in polyglotic chaos, but most Americans speak one language and hold one true history. That of an English colony.
@useritiswhatitis4655 Жыл бұрын
@@zachweaverproductions2523 hey bud, I think it's time for you to leave your little lily huwheat town and see what America is. The new majority isn't of English descent and they see the English as evil colonizers not ancestors. You must be living in another timeline or something 🤦🏻‍♂
@useritiswhatitis4655 Жыл бұрын
@@zachweaverproductions2523 Also, is your profile picture of you pretending to be malcom x when you're huwheat? 🤡 racial dysphoria... now the nonsense is beginning to make sense!
@thomasbootham2707 Жыл бұрын
As a Brit as much as I want canzuk to happen as I think it would be really beneficial to the 4 countries I doubt it could replace the United States considering it’s population and military might although impressive wouldn’t match the USA so it could only work as a close ally to the USA and another pillar of the west along side the eu and the usa
@evanwilliams3645 8 ай бұрын
All things considered the intention of leading the US to lead “western hegemony” the UK didn’t really have much intent of losing too much control. It only got out of hand with the heavy liberalism in the UK gaining power, this draining more out of the UK as it lost more and more territory and resources
@subdeaconk Жыл бұрын
I was excited about the CANZUK idea at first. But looking at the government of those countries and my own I don’t want such a thing. Wildly liberal, thought police, terrible management of refugees and immigration, blatant corruption and incompetence, Soviet levels of poorly organized and executed bureaucracy… no, I’d much rather not. For Canada, itself, we have no identity. People don’t come to Canada to become Canadians. I can’t even figure out what glue is holding this country together. I don’t expect Canada to last as a country. The opinion of a man who’s lived all over Ontario, based off his personal observation of those different regions and the people he’s met, but likely remains wildly ignorant. Grain of salt, etc. Maybe don’t waste the salt…
@MonsieurDean Жыл бұрын
These things are fixable, especially within Canada. Though you are right to worry, change can happen, and it can happen quicker than we think.
@andrewbobb3170 Жыл бұрын
The Anglosphere countries cannot become a superpower, for the simple reason that they are already too sophisticated (bureaucratic, divided, self-critical, etc.) To create a superpower, you need a barbarian nation, unified and confident. Sophistication will come inevitably, and eventually tear the superpower down, but it is inimical to the RISE of a great power.
@billybill1272 Жыл бұрын
I think the most likely scenario is the U.S. slowly backing out of world affairs, and allowing more autonomy for its satellite states across the world. This doesn’t necessarily means the U.S. will be giving up its position up as global hegemon. Any actions taken taken against its national interests would be certainly met with an appropriate response, but lesser, regional issues would be left to the affected countries. It’s certainly different than Britains situation in the 1920s, as it simply didn’t have the natural resources and demographics to compete with the United States (Britain was completely dependent on its foreign empire for resources). The U.S. is in a completely different scenario, it has the ability to focus its energy within for the time being, without losing its raw fundamentals as world superpower.
@marcariotto1709 8 ай бұрын
Wow! You nailed. I started reading comments and thought I must have stumbled into some kind of geopol fantasy chat group. You, however obviously have your finger on the reality pulse. What the dollar system doesn't hold in control will be controlled regionally by countries we sell our arms systems to and which are run and maintained by private contractors. We'll also occasionally take our navy out for a spin to test and display new weapons on recalcitrant nations who get ideas about making trouble.
@taliaperkins1389 Жыл бұрын
It's Canzaukus, the US will not be giving up a global role, it won't even stop being prima inter pares. It just won't be quite so overwhelmingly powerful in comparison. Remember Captain America, " I can do this all day!" And it can. As rising interest rates force it's borrowing spree to a nadir, it will just do a bit less.
@wyattdean5192 Жыл бұрын
I feel like we are already kinda seeing this, especially with US and AUS relations continuing to grow and become closer
@hunterfalkenberg2837 Жыл бұрын
As a Filipino I must say that despite investing and some trade the vast majority of people here hate the Chinese, and wish they would just collapse already. As for the iffy-ness about the us relationship, there are contingents which seek to remove us influence as the United States has had a very large effect on Filipino popular culture and economic policy
@tommyscott9085 10 ай бұрын
The phillipines should play both sides.
@adameve2647 9 ай бұрын
​@@tommyscott9085I prefer the america than commie china
@neongenesisevangelion587 Жыл бұрын
I for one I am quite enthusiastic to see the rightful return to global dominance of the Pax Britannica. All hail Britannia!✊🫡🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧💂‍♀️💂💂‍♂️
@LexlutherVII Жыл бұрын
Japan come on now! you have everything 😂
@Viddao Жыл бұрын
The only problem with an Anglo-sphere union would be the lack of population. UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand all combined probably don't even have 100 million people; meaning that such federation would only have 1/3rd of the punching power of the US, if even that. This is equally applicable to both military power and economic power. This union will have significantly less people to be either soldiers or workers. It will not have the same capacity as the US, even if the US is bipolar with its capacity.
@thomaskalbfus2005 Жыл бұрын
The United States could annex Russia, The Russians might even be willing to do this, the Russians don't have a great track record in governing themselves!
@kordellswoffer1520 Жыл бұрын
They do have a hundred million people. Roughly 150 million.
@togerboy5396 Жыл бұрын
As the ice melts in Canada, there’ll be more space to live. However, most of these countries oppose immigration and don’t have high birth rates because of economic issues.
@thomaskalbfus2005 Жыл бұрын
@@kordellswoffer1520 Maybe they could get out of paying the reparations if they joined the United States, and Russia's neighbors will feel a lot safer if they did! I think Ukraine would rather have the United States on its borders that Russia, and US politics will dilute that of Russia, people like Putin will not get to be president of the combined country.
@kordellswoffer1520 Жыл бұрын
@@thomaskalbfus2005 I’m not following what your saying.
@danielsantiagourtado3430 Жыл бұрын
Lobe your videos Z ! Keep up the good work! And the europe
@francoiseeduard303 Жыл бұрын
"Japan is the only nation in Asia that understands the principles and methods of Western civilization" -Theodore Roosevelt I go further, I firmly believe Japan is the only non-Western nation that understands the principles and methods of Western civilization. If I could write the Will on behalf for the huWhte Race I would leave everything, especially aerospace science & technology, to Japan.
@phoenix5054 Жыл бұрын
This quote is so old. South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, and until recently, Hong Kong understood the Western methods and principles too.
@francoiseeduard303 Жыл бұрын
@phoenix5054 But, not as well and not as quickly as the Japanese.
@Viddao Жыл бұрын
Japan is a weak country with no military on paper. It has US military bases there for a reason, they can't defend themselves. Their economy has also not grown at all since the 1990s.
@francoiseeduard303 Жыл бұрын
@Viddao Japan has the potential. Japan is still the apprentice.
@the11382 Жыл бұрын
Japan is hardly Western, it just has the appearance of one. It is a collectivist nation, with the many problems of one.
@TheSiban Жыл бұрын
Isreal shouldn't even be a consideration
@MonsieurDean Жыл бұрын
It does have nukes
@xXWesterlingXx Жыл бұрын
​@@MonsieurDeanits run by jews...
@TheSiban Жыл бұрын
@@MonsieurDean Nukes don't make a superpower, infact it seems it is just an expensive dick measuring competition. For that same reason you might as well put North Korea on the list. The only thing it stops is large military occupation because of the international reaction. Many nations have the capability to build nukes and for most a nuclear envelop is good enough but as the USA becomes more isolationist and great powers start competing more aggressively we will definitely see more nations interested in having their own even if they were under the US umbrella. We see how Ukraine still stands up to Russia even after nuclear threats or Iran to the USA and we even see how the US would consider a limited war with China.
@SerialDesignationG3071 Жыл бұрын
Having a Canzuk federation replace us as the world policeman sounds like we're just re-creating the British Empire. Besides, Canada's issues alone would probably keep such a union from forming.
@thecaynuck 10 ай бұрын
Which Canada issues?
@joshbentley2307 8 ай бұрын
@@thecaynuckthe French
@steveempire4625 4 ай бұрын
European Union, China, Japan, Russia, and even India will have a demographic collapse. The US also suffers from the same thing, but immigration will keep it afloat for a century or two. During that time, the US will continue to grow its population and dominate.
@bensanders2944 Жыл бұрын
Trust me Rishi Sunak is not ‘socially Liberal’. Being from the UK, Sunak is hated here, he constantly swings from policy to policy, whatever he feels will make him popular, and to stoke an imaginary ‘culture war’ which exists exclusively within his head. For a recent example, he pushed back on net zero targets, with reasons completely made up. He stated unless we made change, the British people would no longer be able to afford meat, due to a totally imaginary meat tax. Furthermore, he stated that the British people would be burdened with a seven bin recycling system, an idea which has not once been mentioned, and he appears to have plucked from the massive black hole that is whatever goes on between his two ears. This gave him the nickname Rishi ‘seven bin’ Sunak! He will be gone by 2024, when people get to vote for change. Not that Kier Starmer is really much change at all, but anything is better that Sunak 😢
@echoharmony926 Жыл бұрын
The way he described Sunak sounded more like Johnson
@v.sandrone4268 Жыл бұрын
Compared to US conservatives he is.
@sriharshacv7760 Жыл бұрын
I believe at least after next election, UK will stick to one person for a full term.
@xanx1234 11 ай бұрын
Anybody but Starmer ..................... he also can not make up his mind what a woman is, or isn't for that matter.
@echoharmony926 11 ай бұрын
@@xanx1234 I would rather lose a near meaningless culture war than have Sunak continue to increase inequality.
@23uncbball Жыл бұрын
To me, america making colony in space to replace it would make the circle whole. Problem is we will probably bring our problems with us to the final frontier so we should also mostly focus on building at home
@kordellswoffer1520 Жыл бұрын
That’s stupid and fantasy.
@planderlinde1969 Жыл бұрын
Imagine we start a colony in space then the American colonists have a Revolution against the homeworld US. Starting the cycle all over again.
@no2party Жыл бұрын
Humanity will never outrun it's problems but space colonization especially interstellar colonization would guarantee cultural survival.
@1mol831 Жыл бұрын
Humans yet to have the technology
@williaminnes6635 Жыл бұрын
yeah humanity's future is most likely the spaceppos
@CC-ru8pi Жыл бұрын
There will be no successor to the US. The influence of the developed world, including China and Russia, is shrinking and on the verge of demographic collapse. Devolution of influence to regional powers will be the order of the day once the US is unable or unwilling to meet its excessive defensive obligations abroad. The completely dysfunctional domestic politics of the UK and Canada preclude them from relevance on the world stage (the UK will be a regional player in the EU and Mediterranean while Canada will be completely irrelevant). Australia and New Zealand on their own are too small to have a major military or even diplomatic impact. India, like Mexico, Brazil, and the Philippines, has few interests in common with the US (and even less in common culturally than any of the others in that list).
@humanbeing4841 9 ай бұрын
I think we'll definitely see a Neo-British Empire of sorts. The UK in coming years and decades will look increasingly outwards away from Europe for dominance and global influence. Britain's greatest successes have always occurred when it looked towards the seas rather than towards Europe.
@Vaushgg Жыл бұрын
I like the imperial federation one.
@jst4572 Жыл бұрын
To me the best successor would be a North American superstate.
@Robert-hy3vv Жыл бұрын
Everybody is so obsessed with the "fall of america." America has no economic rivals not even in the next 50 years, has no military rivals (higher military spending than the next 13 countries), has cultural hegemony on the world (the fact people assume america doesnt have culture proves this point as its so proliferated you think its normal), and has no economic decline (steady GDP growth with some of the highest rates among the world)
@Robert-hy3vv Жыл бұрын
Also america has the biggest chain of alliances and is by far the most influential country in the world.
@markyuto6820 Жыл бұрын
They f up their brains.
@BulletRain100 Жыл бұрын
No country will succeed the United States because no country will ever want to do what the US has done. The US expanded around the world and became a superpower solely to fight communism embodied by the Soviet Union. The US would fight wars in strategically worthless places and bribe countries through favorable trade deals to contain communism. That strategy worked well and eventually defeated the Soviet Union, but the US is still largely enforcing that strategy over 30 years after in no longer has a purpose main due to momentum. That momentum is dying and the US is backing away. Where the US goes is an open question. Trump was moving the US to becoming an actual empire where the US gains instead of loses in zero-sum relationships. Biden is continuing to push the old system forward. What happens next is anyone's guess.
@wet_owl_ Жыл бұрын
What if Austria-Hungary was made of chocolate
@vigfhfc Жыл бұрын
"in chocolate we trust"
@charmyzard Жыл бұрын
They'd be kings of manufacturing those "chocolate helicopters."
@umu8934 Жыл бұрын
They need to start conceptualization of a CANZUK Union with US or just making a big better Imperial Federation of CANZUKUS 😹😹😹😹
@thomaskalbfus2005 Жыл бұрын
You don't want any representation in your government if you say "Imperial"? Do you desire to become a peasant?
@useritiswhatitis4655 Жыл бұрын
@@thomaskalbfus2005 What's the difference between a consumer wagie and a peasant? There is none. Also "representation" lmao, good one, imma voot 🤡
@charmyzard Жыл бұрын
The Americans of Kaiserreich also asked this question. Let's say it didn't end well.
@Bronxguyanese Жыл бұрын
India like the United States had recieved independence from great Britain. However is not culturally British. What the United States should do is create a Anglo Saxon union with Canada, Australia new Zealand and Britain taht can keep Anglo Saxon global hygemony for another century. Not only that but an Anglo union taht also recgonize sovereign rights of members will have largest economy and military especially with navies of United States Britain and Australia dominating sea lanes. The big issue is policing the Indian Ocean. South Africa used to be part of the Anglo system, but not so any more. If the Anglosphere can persuade south Africa to leave brics and join an Anglo union. It can help Anglosphere dominate and control the Indian Ocean with south Africa at one end of the Indian Ocean and Australia at the other. Aswell as giving south Africa dominance of the south Atlantic with Canadian American and British assistance. Even inviting some Caribbean nations with long history Anglo traditions and culture like Bahamas Barbados and Jamaica but as junior partner with same protections and guarantees. A CANZUKUS IS POSSIBLE REALITY OR A SACANZUKUS a pipe dream.
@BN.ja05 Жыл бұрын
If all the anglo countries wanted to unite, I can see most if not all other countries ganging up on them to prevent that, including all of the western and developed ones.
@HeortirtheWoodwarden Жыл бұрын
@FrankiePhoenix 11 ай бұрын
You say that qbout india as if the US mever had domestic problems to tackle before becoming the world superpower. The scars of slavery are still prevalent today, and thats barely even the surface.
@burpinglight9415 Жыл бұрын
It’s hard for Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the UK to inherit such power since there is such little nationalism or will to fight for their countries because of woke ideologies weakening everything and such cost of immigrants wanting to go to those places instead. Many of these immigrants hold their loyalties to the nations that they have come from and not to the nations that they have immigrated to. These immigrants may pull these nations into their own vision on what a country could be and the problem with some of these immigrant cultures is that they are more tolerant to corruption, dictatorship, and disrespect for reasonable law bringing the United States into more of a ussr like power in centralized power and leading to the same collapse as the ussr. (Show me your friends and I will tell you your future)
@thomaskalbfus2005 Жыл бұрын
If enough Americans immigrated to Canada, then those new citizens of Canada could then vote to become part of the United States, so if Canada loves immigrants so much, the kind of immigrants that could integrate most successfully would be those Americans living south of their border!, not Mexicans that can't speak English, not Chinese or Indians!
@Newramsin Жыл бұрын
The America people aren't willing to fight for it's own country. They can't even take care of or think for themselves through lack of logic, lack of effort and lack of knowledge. They're to weak with overly emotions, unstable empathy and a narcissistic/attention seeking need to be a victim. While not wanting to learn anything nor take responsibility for themselves. They only learn ways to be divided and are taught to self hate. The young people in the US whine and complain while surrendering to every little thing they can't handle. Accusing and gaslighting is where their pride is.
@cadian122 Жыл бұрын
Burpinglight ur 1000 percent correct.. No blood or identity to stop the woke cancer
@ax1338 11 ай бұрын
@@thomaskalbfus2005 just like Hawaii, that’s a good idea
@robquinnpc Жыл бұрын
@superforresttie1032 Жыл бұрын
@ColdWarSubSailor_- 5 күн бұрын
The 'Republic of Texas!' as a Texan member of our crew, back in the day, loved to say.
@danielsantiagourtado3430 Жыл бұрын
Amazing content as always Z! Suggestion: what if Carlos II of spain had a son
@rjelruiz5867 Жыл бұрын
Even with the USA's internal problems, I can still see them pulling itself together even when undergoing a massive restructuring of sorts. Foreign policy-wise, they might go either full isolationist or just double down on their current treaty allies everywhere. No more interventions in the meantime unless the treaty allies are directly attacked. The USA is still the world's premier superpower, but it will help elevate other democratic powers (or outsource the policing of some areas) such as the European Union, India, Japan, Brazil, and CANZUK.
@therealcoleshow Жыл бұрын
@williaminnes6635 Жыл бұрын
Up until the world interest rate hike, Japanese investment bankers were a huge reason why the Western Pacific stayed out of the chicom debt trap.
@duckpotat9818 Жыл бұрын
An American Union stretching from Canada to Panama if not Chile seems more likely. Without Latin America the empire won't have a young workforce.
@DerHammerSpricht Жыл бұрын
This is what I want. United Americas Republic.
@J_X999 Жыл бұрын
There won't be a "successor." The US is a hyperpower and isn't declining. But if I had to choose, it would be a toss up between China and India. Both have their issues, but like I said, I don't believe there will be a "successor." For China, they've definitely got problems, but they've been through so much crap in their history, I don't think China is going anywhere, at least not in terms of geopolitics. For example, their economy is currently going through a painful restructuring deliberately instigated by Xi Jinping in an effort to wean China off their property/debt. (Michael Pettis and China Beige Book). India seems like a burgeoning powerhouse, but before predicting their glory, it's important to understand that their path to economic success isn't without it's inevitable roadblocks.
@thomaswatson1739 Жыл бұрын
USA just lost in afghan and will soon loose Ukraine. It’s not a hyper power at all but one in extreme decline
@J_X999 Жыл бұрын
@@thomaswatson1739 You are going to get some serious stick for that.
@Viddao Жыл бұрын
The US is declining, but it is more due to domestic problems and disunity rather than fundamentals. When it comes to fundamentals, America has it better than pretty much every country. America should seek a period of isolation to focus on domestic problems and heal from social ills. Then, with its economy almost completely within itself, and a new sense of purpose and strength, America can be a much more stable country that knows who she is.
@williaminnes6635 Жыл бұрын
PM Sunak's issue is that he was installed over the UK Conservative Party's grassroots' choice, former PM Truss and former Chancellor of the Exchequer Kwarteng, who took a fairly moderate tax-cutting approach to growth. He's in hock to interests who are against any path to UK retaining nominal GDP and stabilizing its nominal debt to nominal GDP ratio except through mass migration. He has been in office during a period of institutional realignment - UK and Italy share a lot of interests, for instance - but really the UK story ought to have been about how Chancellor of the Exchequer Kwarteng's tax plan had resulted in an influx of high skill migrants as a modest divergence from the high absolute migration direction favoured by the UK bureaucratic class.
@matthew8153 Жыл бұрын
Given the dependence of the entire world on US secured trade, as soon as the US stops policing the oceans half the world’s population will die of starvation.
@ChadSimplicio Жыл бұрын
Same result should the tension between the U.S. & China heats up into WW3, and nations quickly choose sides.
@ColdWarSubSailor_- 5 күн бұрын
The US is first and foremost a sea power. I can see a future where the US pulls back from overseas land-based commitments and interventions but retains unrivaled naval and air power.
@IFRYRCE Жыл бұрын
I'll be the first to admit the US Military budget is hopelessly bloated and could probably do what it does for half the price if there was some sort of fiscal accountability... Even at half the US' military budget, I don't see how any other nation can step into that role, even a coalition of nations. They'd have to spend well over what the US spends as a percentage of GDP in order to match the actual spending number. I also don't see the US giving up the world's reserve currency easily, and I don't think you can really be the superpower of the world unless your currency is the reserve currency. The US doesn't gain anything by joining a coalition that takes their place - it'll just wind up like NATO where they shoulder the majority of the burden while being beholden to others, and Americans are largely tired of that dynamic. I think it's more likely that the US maintains it's 'leader of the free world' status, while demanding NATO and other allies continue the recent trend of building military capacity so they can actually fulfill the commitments they've been deficient in for decades. The 'successor coalition' you describe already exists in the US alliance network, it's just that the US has always done all the heavy lifting, and Americans are done with that. Increased demands of partners may not engender good will towards the US, but Americans are aware that the rest of the world largely doesn't like them anyways, so that's unlikely to be a factor in America's decision making. I think years of pent-up American frustration at allies not effectively policing their own backyards may lead to an America that attempts to dictate to it's allies what their foreign and military policy is going to be, for better or worse.
@deaconmacdonald2570 Жыл бұрын
as an aussie, weve seen NZ shift very hard towards china in recent years with there government. although to my knowledge there upcoming election will produce a much more anti china government which may put it more in line with us in australia. Because here in aus even our left of centre government today have proven themselves to be against china although less hawkish than and right wing parties. although here in aus we still to have a large degree of chinese integration and persuasion in some states, particularly in victoria which is probably the most leftist jurisdiction in the entire anglo sphere and very in bed with the ccp.
@mumrik5215 Жыл бұрын
Every empire is destined to fall
@shzarmai Жыл бұрын
Well duh, we will just have to see who replaces the US empire.
@Allynism100 Жыл бұрын
@@shzarmai We would all probably be dead
@thomaskalbfus2005 Жыл бұрын
Who is our Emperor then? Joe Biden?
@Xyrulis Жыл бұрын
@mumrik5215 Жыл бұрын
@@thomaskalbfus2005 Yes and the banner is the rainbow flag
@PatrickKniesler Жыл бұрын
Some of this ai art is hilarious. Love it
@legodoc1853 Жыл бұрын
Honestly, i think it actually may be Poland. They've been having a fair amount of growth these past few years
@AchyutChaudhary Жыл бұрын
1:54 *🇮🇪Ireland & 🇨🇾Cyprus feeling a bit left out...* 😂
@silvadelshaladin 11 ай бұрын
The successor would be China, which along with Russia and allies(including major western corporate interests) would lead to a global dystopia.
@Csilva857 Жыл бұрын
It would be easier to just focus on domestic issues . Also much less expensive. Besides military might what is the value of empire in the modern age anyway. Its expensive and is not moving our living standards upwards. We're over comitted as it is.
@louferrigno4712 Жыл бұрын
Rome had two empires back to back. After the Republic fell into disorder from multiculturalism they embraced Fascism under a series of Emperors and entered their golden age. I expect US to do something similar.
@Gompler Жыл бұрын
Britain retakes her crown a beautiful return to glory of the past
@somehowstillhere8766 Жыл бұрын
And then will join Canada to seek union under the ownership of Pakistan.
@charmyzard Жыл бұрын
Not-so for everyone else.
@Gompler 11 ай бұрын
@@charmyzard that sucks everyone else has my permission to cry about it
@Hession0Drasha Жыл бұрын
An EU - India - ASEAN corridor and alliance, to keep the lanes between them open and autocracies down in their regions. CANZUK cannot be powerfull, it's too far apart, it's members have completely different economic interests, and it's economy will not be as big as the eu, china or asean.
@williaminnes6635 Жыл бұрын
To clarify, I do not personally publicly support the involvement of the State Department or CIA in a junior officers' coup in Burma.
@12KevinPower Жыл бұрын
It is going to be Anglosphere vs Hispanosphere for the United States. Which side are we going to join?
@pikeman6774 Жыл бұрын
Join hispanosphere turn third world country and destroy the foundations of this country. To rejoin anglosphere, it seems, we’d need rebellion. Considering how such is persecuted to the degree it is in the US
@isaacterry5375 Жыл бұрын
American citizens will have to choose over losing all freedoms for a strong authoritarian government as response towards a “Hispanic” threat, or be hispanized. The birth rates have already set the stage between both cultures, it is already inevitable!
@charmyzard Жыл бұрын
The Patria Grande to the last breath. I think fellow Latinos will relate.
@phoenix5054 Жыл бұрын
Anglosphere, obviously. Not even in Texas, California, or Florida is Spanish the majority language.
@Viddao Жыл бұрын
Anglo-Saxons are superior.
@konradoziom2222 Жыл бұрын
US need some other alliances. Intermarium if successfull might be a good counter balance to Russia. Also, many countries in Intermarium are close to Britan and can make good ally to 'Anglosfere'.
@lnfused Жыл бұрын
Only problem with being in an allegiance with the US is that you have your soldiers sent to die in unnecessary foreign interventions that have nothing to do with you. Love the US but the constant war needs to stop
@shzarmai Жыл бұрын
I like this idea of an "Intermarium Federation" of political, military, technological, economic cooperation led by ideally a strong Poland.
@Gigadoomer13 Жыл бұрын
The ZOG.S needs to cut off all foreign affairs, and interests. To put AMERICA and AMERICANS first, should be it's top priority. This country hasn't had a spine since they let Mossad kill JFK, years later fly 2 planes into the towers.(Dancing Isrealis)
@AliThaDude Жыл бұрын
We don’t need a successor.
@Liam-iv7wk 6 ай бұрын
If we fail we're not getting a proper sucessor. If anything i believe the South would form a sort of American Byzantine empire but it would ultimately be a shell of it's former self just like tje Byzantines.
@WoahYeah1984 Жыл бұрын
Canzuk's leader should be the king
@liberty.b.r Жыл бұрын
That certainly sounds nice. :)
@adamoliver4094 Жыл бұрын
Not mentioned... combined population of those 4 counties is maybe 130 million vs nearly 340 million for the US. Also, their combined GDP is 30 percent of the US with slower growth...
@aircraft2 Жыл бұрын
In terms of an American successor, it's more of a 'pick your poison' type thing. Many of these countries have huge problems. However, I feel that as someone who lives in the US a huge collapse of order/civil war is coming VERY soon. (If it does happen, I'm leaving for Europe immediately as I have a European passport) As much as people like to talk about Europe's many issues they are really the only suitable power there. The UK, France, Germany, Italy, Poland etc will have to find out a way to cooperate to deter the Russians. As for the Chinese, the Australians are likely the best candidate for handling affairs on that side of the world, despite their lackluster government.
@matthiuskoenig3378 Жыл бұрын
I suspect if America pulled out of Europe, relations between the EU and russia would begin to soften, even if slowly. Russia sees it's biggest threats as the us and China, if the us stepped back their biggest threat would be China alone. And the EU would no longer be considered an extension of us control/power (if only temporarily) The EU is open about seeing China as a big threat and would likely be interested in pulling a Germany 2.0 on Russia (that is integrate their economies to reduce future war) infact before resent conflict that is precisely what the EU was doing, but clealry unsuccessful enough to halt the war within a year (and possibly completely unsuccessful).
@chigchong2805 11 ай бұрын
they dont really have the size. the military power nor the ecenomic power tho. maybe over a 100 years though
@agm5424 Жыл бұрын
Would like to see your take on "What if the Spanish colonies, throughout the Americas, united like the North American colonies did?"
@joshuayang0331 Жыл бұрын
Time for CANZUK, finally
@augustuscaesar8287 Жыл бұрын
You mistyped cuck.
@joshuayang0331 Жыл бұрын
3000AD, history be like: CANZUK and US switching place to lead the west, the nth time
@jst4572 Жыл бұрын
I think Canadians would prefer to join a union with the US its friendly and brotherly nation to the south before becoming part of a federation of countries separated by 1000s of miles.
@joshuayang0331 Жыл бұрын
@@jst4572 well? and let guns and drugs go free?
@darknightbegins85 Жыл бұрын
USA isn’t giving its role up without a fight. Caznuk still couldn’t match usa power
@Dimitriterrorman Жыл бұрын
I WILL join the greater Dimitri army to conquer Europa!
@beans69beans 9 ай бұрын
“A national ideology which is socially liberal on matters of gender identity, supports environmentalism and combatting climate change, and is activist on human rights matters, but also tough on crime, watchful of terrorism around the world, increasingly skeptical of immigration, opposed to integration with Europe, economically pragmatic, and perhaps even technocratic.” As a Canadian this sounds like an incredible starting point for an ideology that integrates the positive aspects of Conservatism, Liberalism, and Leftism, while ditching some of the ideas that are currently impractical or all around just bad. A couple of side notes with my perspective: I don’t have much of a problem with integration with Europe especially long term, since I believe they share many values of the Anglosphere including democracy and human rights, however both CANZUK + USA and the EU are currently too wrapped up in our own issue such as Europes immigration crisis, Britain’s post brexit issues and America’s decrease in global influence. It’s probably better to fix our issues as two separate but allied units before considering any further integration. I am “skeptical of immigration” but not anti-immigration. I think it’s important to preserve certain values we have in the west, and letting in people with certain ideologies could mess with that. For example, Mr. Z mentioned “socially liberal on gender identity” this is imo a good thing, I think people should have the freedom to express themselves how they please, however certain groups of people if given a majority would vote to take away that right. This doesn’t mean I’m anti-immigration though, I think as long as there is space and jobs available, immigrants who share our values should be allowed to become a part of this greater project. Lastly “technocratic” is a good idea, however I think there has to be safeguards to prevent it from becoming anti-democratic. Anyway, let me know what you think of all this. Have a good day!
@danielansell577 Жыл бұрын
The Anglosphere is a nice idea, but none of those countries have much useful military ability. The Royal Navy is the closest to having any power projection, and they are gasping to keep two relatively weak aircraft carriers going. They'd be better on the economic front, but soft power has serious limits, especially when faced with determined military aggression. Frankly, if the US military, woke and weak as it is becoming, leaves its role as world policeman, good luck.
@joshbentley2307 8 ай бұрын
U.K. has the 5th strongest military in the world according to the global firepower index (2023) which doesn’t take nukes, spying capabilities or power projection into consideration. U.K. is the only country on earth other than the USA who can attack any country on earth due to 14 overseas territories and 145 overseas military bases. The aircraft carriers are supported by US ships because American aircraft carriers are under maintenance and our supporting ships are still being built. U.K. military budget is increasing. CANZUK wouldn’t be able to fill the USA’s role but it would have the second strongest navy on earth and would have huge influence militarily. CANZUK would have the power to have wars independently of the USA or anyone else.
@Peak_Aussieman Жыл бұрын
If we're lucky it'll be Japan, if we're unlucky it'll be Australia. Or possibly an Pan-Tasman Union of some kind.
@Dimitriterrorman Жыл бұрын
wtf japan is fucked cause their population has collapsed and australias population is too tiny to control even the regen arround it
@Gompler Жыл бұрын
Whats so wrong with a pan-tasman union
@Peak_Aussieman Жыл бұрын
Have you seen our leadership? It'd be a nightmare. If we had say and Arthur Calwell as PM then yeah maybe. But otherwise no way forget about. Forget any notion of Anglo integration. @@Gompler
@aycc-nbh7289 Жыл бұрын
Either way, the world may still think that elevating an American ally to be an equal to the U.S. would be them still having all of the power.
@1mol831 Жыл бұрын
I am considering ASEAN superpower
@Halcon_Sierreno 11 ай бұрын
The only logical choice is Afghanistan because it beat both the USSR AND NATO. They earned it.
@ohadhoffman7078 Жыл бұрын
A very interesting topic but I believe you mischaracterized the relationship between Israel and the USA. Israel is a powerful usa ally that can and has stood on its own for years. Israel is also the only country in the american sphere that dares to go against it in matters of national interest. The usa help financially has ended in the 2000s. Nowadays the only money that comes to Israel is to buy and develop weapons from and with the americans. This is helpful but not impossible for Israel to do alone. I don't disagree that Israel can't be the usas replacement since there is a huge distance in power between the two countries. At most Israel can be a american ally that is a middle eastern local power.
@GigaNietzsche Жыл бұрын
The last thing White Americans need is further communication with our "greatest ally" who drags us into wars, spies on us, shoots our soldiers, and then funds NGOs to send the migrants to our countries.
@Indian_Marschall Жыл бұрын
As a Indian people mostly support Russia
@keatonkapus7061 Жыл бұрын
Maybe chocolate Austria Hungary can suceed it
@aaronnichols9444 11 ай бұрын
Hail Kazakhstan!!! Kazakhs for World Hegemon!!! 🇰🇿 💪🏽
@TheGreatLiberator1209 Жыл бұрын
I think that Australia is America's successor. It can't be the UK due to it's shrinking Military budget and underfunded and underequipped armed forces, and the lack of social and political stability due to it's Westminster style system of Governance, which functions without a proper constitution aswell as rampant crime rates in the larger cities. It can't be Canada due pretty much the same reasons as the UK, plus the collapse of its social welfare system. And it can't be NZ pretty much for most of the reasons as the UK, minus both in terms of landmass and crime rates. So I'd say that Australia, despite all the crisees it has yet to overcome, in the grand scheme of things it's a strong contender. It has a decent military budget and a well-equipped armed forces which saw deployments since the first days of it's establishment, it's literally uncoquerable due to most of its land being unpopulated which most of it is pretty much desert, swamp lands and forests and plenty of other reasons.
@kordellswoffer1520 Жыл бұрын
Britain is stable cause of that Westminster style system. Australia itself also has that system. Britain budget is considerably larger and growing faster than Australias. So hardly a good point.
@alphagamer9505 Жыл бұрын
Australia population is too low
@TheGreatLiberator1209 Жыл бұрын
@@kordellswoffer1520 Israel also has the Westminster style system yet it's currently under the threat of an upcoming constitutional crisis. The Westminster style system is an effective form of governance as long the separation of powers in said system via the principle of checks and balances are thoroughly protected in it be it via a constitution or by a more proper/expanded number of state branches (i.e the U.S senate/ U.S congress, etc), although the US has both a constitution and and an expanded number of state branches.
@TheGreatLiberator1209 Жыл бұрын
@@alphagamer9505 Australia's population maybe low but then again it give it's government a much better capability in terms of population management. Besides that is that about 90% of Australia's land is deemed unhabitable due to the dangers that lurk in those lands as I've stated above. However despite its drawbacks it will provide a good place for a resistance/guerilla force since in case of an invasion, those pieces of land can be used as a primary groud for possible resistance hideouts and training camps for future partisan warfare operations.
@kordellswoffer1520 Жыл бұрын
@@TheGreatLiberator1209 this is untrue. The us isn’t a Westminster style system. It’s not even close to that. The Westminster style system is well known for its lack of checks and balances as it operates through tradition and common sense. Good faith and nature are it’s centre principles. The Westminster system can and does operate with an constitution just a loose one in Britain namely. It’s cause Britain never needed and doesn’t need a constitution. Israel is facing internal issues as it doesn’t have constitution or an unwritten one. They have a serious issue with hallow institutions. The anglophones don’t.
@ShnoogleMan Жыл бұрын
This is begging the question by assuming the US is under some sort of strain. The reality is that the US is not like 19th C Britain. It’s a continent-sized powerhouse with a common nationality and no threats to its territorial integrity. As for cost, the US doesn’t spend as much on its empire as it does on social programs. There’s nothing stopping the US from being the dominant global power into perpetuity.
@LearTrough 4 ай бұрын
Said "countless empires, kingdoms and nations" before. You must be the real astrologer as you can see things into the "perpetuity" in future. I have never even found an astrologer that can predict that far into a person's life, let alone into "perpetuity".
@ShnoogleMan 4 ай бұрын
@@LearTrough I'm not sure where you're pulling the quote of "countless empires, kingdoms, and nations". My argument is simply that the US is not actually under a strain. We have a fairly stable situation, and as long as that situation can be maintained, I don't see exactly how a full-on collapse would happen. It would take something significantly more than what caused the British to decolonize their empire. While a small island country forming colonies larger than itself around the world was always untenable in the long term, a continent-sized power maintaining alliances across the world and using its navy to keep shipping lanes open to the benefit of most of the world while only expending a tiny portion of its economic productivity to do so is far more tenable long term.
@LearTrough 4 ай бұрын
@@ShnoogleMan I don't pull quotes; I speak facts. And you can understand quite easily what I am talking about. 100 or even 50 years before the British Empire collapsed, no one saw that coming. At least the Roman Empire could understand. So nothing can be said. And given the political turmoil and PLENTIFUL of news about the US recently, "stability" is a funny word and ask any American. At least the ones commenting on KZbin talk about all their woes freely. Before the island nation had an empire for 200-300 years, no one would have guessed. Similarly, maintaining a larger country (in size) with bigger population united in itself is also a big problem, ask Russia. Your points have counterpoints to them and with everything considered, nothing can be said and everyone has to be wary all the time. It is always easy to point out reasons why something happened after it has happened when the real reasons are never properly known and maybe left to luck itself; I wonder if reasoning was so clear and simple, why are we SO bad at predicting anything accurately even to this date?
@ShnoogleMan 4 ай бұрын
@@LearTrough > I don’t pull quotes You literally took a series of random words I didn’t say and put quotation marks around them. Lmao
@LearTrough 4 ай бұрын
@@ShnoogleMan Exactly. You didn't say it so why do you assume I pulled it from anything you said? Funny.
@warlord733 Жыл бұрын
I want to see america go protectionist, put up tariffs and encouraging domestic development with domestic human rights standards. Then the rest of the world can fall to their regional powers and the anglo union protecting the oceans
@Viddao Жыл бұрын
True. I want to see the same.
@samarkham3 11 ай бұрын
I truly see a Canadian/USA/Mexico North American union within 10 years
@kirk7528 Жыл бұрын
As much as a Neo-Imperial Federation would be awesome, a unified UK, Canada, AUS, and NZ would simply not have the population, GDP, or miitary to classify as a superpower. It would definitely be a major power. Honestly, the only country that could likely assume superpower status is China, with India having an outside chance if it really modernizes and settles its internal divisions.
@chigchong2805 11 ай бұрын
what if europe/ oceania/ south american areas?
@peterbc6129 11 ай бұрын
The US finding a close clique of 'friends', which is treats like genuine partners and friends, works very well for the US. The Anglosphere countries described before share a history: 1 - Founded by the British Empire 2 - English speaking (except Quebec) 3 - Democratic institutions 4 - All but the US are members of the Commonwealth, with the King as their sovereign. 5 - They all have shared issues with natives that they have solved in various ways, and together could solve them better or aid others in it. But this "CANZUK" idea, without the US, would never work. Britain doesn't have the will to be the Empire again. Australia (as an Australian) has the hawkishness to be aggressive interventionist, but lacks the population and developed resources. Canada is...well...Canada. And New Zealand is tiny. You'd need it to be essentially the "Anglo Club" as a Superpower. Not a single leader, but essentially 5 nations working very closely together to ensure stability in their regions.
@dylangtech Жыл бұрын
America releasing her proxies outside of the continent is inevitable and will be mutually beneficial. Europe will easily be the first to go. Asia perhaps later. Canada I don't see as ever being able to retain independence from America forever. Though they will be independent for the foreseeable future.
@NeostormXLMAX Жыл бұрын
you realise the entire reason why anglos and canadians want canzuk is to steer away from us influence right? its one of the main reasons why the united states wasn't invited, since the whole movement was CREATED to COUNTER THE USA as a balancing act to begin with lmao.
@lordcharlesthomas Жыл бұрын
With all due respect, if Rishi Sunak was really anti immigration we wouldn't be having the highest migration numbers in our history
@MonsieurDean Жыл бұрын
I agree there is a disconnect between what he’s saying and what is happening, but there seems to be some more complexity to, especially the strange amount of support immigrant retains among several British.
@ERH1453 Жыл бұрын
The Ants.
@hamzamahmood9565 11 ай бұрын
The only 2 countries that can come close to succeeding U.S. are India and China, because they have the geography and demographics to support a superpower status. All European countries, however prosperous they are, will always be too small to be ever become a global superpower. Russia might be vast but their population is less than half the size of U.S. and in terminal decline. Even though China's population is declining as well, atleast they have 3-4× what U.S. has. India's future looks brighter when you consider they have a healthy demographic structure and cannot be contained geographically like China can be with the first-island chain nations.
@tyleryoung306 Жыл бұрын
As time goes on, I've come to lean more into the belief of a North American Union becoming a reality. Canada and the US were once the same colony, with shared language, lifestyle, education and values. Sure there are a couple differences, but Canada and the US have an opportunity to become fully self sustainable due to natural resource abundance, skilled workforce, and established infrastructure (logistics, manufacturing, energy, etc). Canadians will likely oppose it based on the lack of publicly funded healthcare in the US, gun culture, and the toxic theatrics of American politics, but all three of those may become less of an issue as the US may find a publicly funded healthcare system would likely be better financially than the current fractured medicare system, the growing support for common sense gun laws, and the public eventually growing tired of the theatrics of politicians and all their social media stunts.
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