Broody Hatching 101: The Essential Guide to Hatching with a Broody Hen!

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The Happy Chicken Coop

The Happy Chicken Coop

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@malakkheder5493 11 ай бұрын
ما شاء الله . هذا عمل راءع و شرح وافي ومتكامل . جزاك الله خيرا . بارك الله في كل من عمل عملاً صالحاً .اكتب من دولة قطر .🙏
@BlessedMamaJacklynn Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the tips our big buff Brahma just went Broodie we have done poultry farming for years this is the first broody the kids are super excited
@omachinancy Жыл бұрын
This was extremely helpful. I have a hen who just turned broody and was able to get 8 fertilized eggs for her to hatch. She seems quite happy. Now I know what to do and expect in the coming days. Thanks so much!
@mnj640 Жыл бұрын
I only use broodies. Last spring I had 8 broodies two went broody twice. I was overrun with chicks at one stage
@Alech345 Жыл бұрын
Cool what breeds do you have??
@mnj640 Жыл бұрын
@@Alech345 Australorp, Speckled Sussex
@AS-dz1ww Жыл бұрын
Liked and subscribed. I found your delivery of information excellent and the material of information extremely helpful. Time to put it to use.
@tx_rebelsoul8192 9 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for the informational video. I have eggs on lockdown in my incubator and a hen that has been sitting on eggs for about a week now. I am hoping to let the hen raise the chicks naturally. The eggs I remove I'm going to put in the incubator. I was out earlier checking on my flock and noticed a rather large pile of droppings. I thought maybe there was a dog that had gotten into my yard and became fearful. Now I know it was just her. Set my mind at ease. Great video, I love how calm you are and how well you explain things.
@beaugibson2951 Жыл бұрын
I have 11 broody hens rn and probably 25-35 total since the new year. I'm putting 105-140 eggs every monday in my incubator and selling the chicks but I'll give a hen thats a week into being broody 6-10 chicks and give her eggs to dogs. I do this because my other hens will continue laying eggs in the nest of the broody hens and I'm not going to mark the eggs everytime a hen goes broody. Also sometimes I take all the eggs from broody hens everyday and she will be sitting on nothing for a week or 2 and I'll load her up with chicks one night and she goes on her way raising them😂(just did that with 4 broody hens yesterday). If anyone has a question about this topic I probably have an answer.
@crystalo3550 Жыл бұрын
None of my chickens seems to go broody got me a silkie she went broody I was ready for it and I did have another silkie it died she took it hard so I wouldn't mind letting her hatch her some eggs out so she can have company she is right now with bigger chickens and I did worry at first but it's weird she seems to be feisty and she still gets picked on a little by 2 of my other chickens I have a amerucana roo he gets on her I hate it but she did go broody on me and I unfortunately wasn't ready and so I broke her broody I felt so bad will she go broody and should I keep letting her have her lilting house where she's still with the other chickens or should I separate her from the others I feel bad or should I wait for her to go broody and just hope that wherever it is that it will be easy to build a enclosure for her
@gamgamdabest8327 11 ай бұрын
If I place different breed eggs under my buff Orpingtons while they are broody (I keep well summers too but, I’ve never been able to encourage them to be broody) will the buff adopt the responsibility of caring for the well summer chicks? I grew up on the farm and have ran my own for 30 years. I’ve just never been into chickens until the last few years. I’ve had to purchase chicks each year to replace the meat chickens. I’d like to save that $150.00 by getting the buffs to hatch them out instead. Next question… my good rooster died last fall. I replaced him with a free rooster that is 2-3 years old. He’s struggled to take his position as the head of the flock all fall and winter. However, he is mounting now… but only for a few seconds at a time. Can he be getting his job done that quickly or is he maybe too old to “fully understand” what he’s supposed to be doing? I got him from a guy who didn’t have a clue and had 9 roosters and 6 hens. This rooster never got a, ahem, turn… he was absolutely not the top of that hierarchy. He’s doing better at being the leader… but he sure is not as confident as my original rooster. He was such a great one! Your help is appreciated!
@beaugibson2951 11 ай бұрын
@@gamgamdabest8327 a broody hen will raise any breed chicks, I even had a hen raise 2 turkeys mixed with a bunch of random chicks. I'd get a new rooster some aren't good and you had a good one so you know what a good rooster is. It can be hard to find a good rooster, I have 3 good ones right now that would die to protect the flock and I'm always getting rid of roosters that dont make the cut. In the last year i have probably gotten rid of 35 roosters and soon I have 6 more I will be getting rid of. 3 years isnt old for a rooster I have one rooster that's 13 years old and mounts hens all day. As far as if he is mating correctly you'll know if the egg hatch in 21 days😄
@beaugibson2951 11 ай бұрын
@@crystalo3550 don't feel bad about not letting her go broody she'll get over it, silkies are known to go broody. I have broody hen right now that I'm taking eggs from everyday because I don't want chicks. I'd leave her with your normal chickens shes probably just low on the pecking order but if they are bullying her constantly I'd separate her and make sure the pen is big enough for however many chickens you have. If she has chicks she will most likey be aggressive to all other chickens so after they all hatch I'd put her in her own pen
@gamgamdabest8327 11 ай бұрын
@@beaugibson2951 thanks! I can’t find a rooster for a fair price. Around here, ppl want $150.00 for one. I think that’s INSANE!! I’ll have to raise a store bought rooster I guess. This rooster I currently have is handsome but, I think that’s about all he’s good for. I’ve tamed him and so the grandkids enjoy him too much to get rid of him if I don’t have too. He’s so passive that I think any other would put him in his place. My flock is big enough for two roosters… I just prefer to only keep one. Wish me luck and thanks for the reply.
@TCB1975 Жыл бұрын
I have four hens. They turned one this past spring. My Australorp and Orpington did not go broody, same for my Rhode Island Red. Henrietta is a different story. Not sure of her breed, she was an extra baby thrown in. She looks like a French Marans, but she lays green eggs. Now she went broody. We would kick her out of her nest and the only place she wanted to be was on my head. She’s a sweetheart. She would growl, and I’d just pet her until she calmed down. She never pecked me. Not even when I’d take away her stolen eggs.
@dccowboy87 8 ай бұрын
This was a great video, start to finish. Thank you!
@theirrationalsage 11 ай бұрын
Should I move her and the babies after they hatch? Do they need heat in a small seperate area? I have ducks in the shared space, she's sitting on duck eggs too, I'm thinking I may have to incubate those as I read they take longer. This is all new to me, so appreciate your channel. I got my hens and ducks at the start of winter, first time. They are all happy and laying so many eggs but I have a Broody hen as of 2 week s ago and I've just been letting her sit on the eggs.
@lazulimoon1970 4 ай бұрын
Lots of info. Thank you.
@minetteking7 4 ай бұрын
Great. Thank you.
@AshGreen359 Жыл бұрын
I had a hen go broody in the middle of winter. No one got broody all summer.
@autongr 11 ай бұрын
Have a broody chick sitting on eggs for past 2 weeks. Would like to keep them in coop after they hatch, but it is elevated and don’t want baby chicks to fall out. Would this indicate that I need to create a new space for them for first couple of weeks?
@breannapatterson6473 11 ай бұрын
I really liked this video I am fairly new with raising chickens this is my2nd attempt and 1st actual full year at raising them. I have 11 almost 1 year old red star and black astralorp hens 2 that i know of do like laying on their eggs and have taken the redstar eggs as their own but they wont actually stay on the eggs for more than a few hours they do return to their nest but by the time they do the eggs are cold. Is this normal? Do I just let them figure it out or should I do something to try to keep them in their nest longer if so what can I do to keep them there? I am fully relying on the ladies to hatch their babies as my power source is unreliable, yes they have a Mr as well currently with them who is very nice to them and was raised with them at about 6months old so they are all roughly the same age. TIA
@lilycardoso4679 Жыл бұрын
My broody hen just hatched a baby chick.. Will the baby chick be able to walk down the ramp? I put some chick starter and a little bowl of water in the egg box today. She still has one more egg to hatch hopefully today. I've always raised the babies myself, so I'm a little nervous..
@lilycardoso4679 Жыл бұрын
Chicky is doing great. She follows mom everywhere.
@mlwsmp 3 ай бұрын
My golden lace Wyandotte is sitting on a clutch of 6 eggs. Today is day 21... I'm terrified 😨
@MitsukiLanyan-l3c 9 күн бұрын
What happened after that?
@mlwsmp 9 күн бұрын
@MitsukiLanyan-l3c we have 3 living birds. 5 hatched. One died by week 6. Just died. At 10 weeks weeks we lost another one to a coyote at 8am!! It was sunny out already. The remaining 3 are thriving. We had 2 more hatch from our 2nd Wyandotte about 4 weeks ago too. Those 2 are also doing great
@CookingLessonsforDad 6 ай бұрын
What if the mom and chicks are in a roosting box that is high off the ground? Some eggs have hatched, and some have not yet. I don't think she will be happy if we try to move her.
@1lesa242 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for the info!
@zoes32flavaz Жыл бұрын
Old English game hens are notoriously broody 100% of the time *(not speaking from personal experience but someone wrote a book all about chickens and that is their experience)*
@ThierryIshimwe-d4g 2 ай бұрын
@vinatafarm 19 күн бұрын
verry good
@thehappychickencoop6460 15 күн бұрын
We appreciate your kind words! Broody hatching can be such a rewarding process. Have you had any experience with it? We'd love to hear about it!
@jBigjohndoe1971 Жыл бұрын
I've hatched all my chickens in an incubator, will she know how to incubate eggs and brood chicks.
@biddibee3526 4 ай бұрын
I’m at day 17 with my broody mama hen. I had to buy fertilized eggs Day 21 can’t come soon.
@crystalo3550 Жыл бұрын
I have a silkie i had 2 one died and i have other chickens and a roo hes amerucana i see him get on my silkie all the dang time she went broody and unfortunately I was just not ready for it its been raining alot and so i wanted to build her up a space for her 2 go ahead and do so because i think she knew her eggs were fertile i don't know if hes actually getting her right because he is bigger obviously lol but it looks like he is but she seemed to know because she went broody in the first place as well i did break her broody as i said unfortunately i wasn't ready for it i don't know how my other chickens will be with them because i have 2 that are very aggressive with her already i worrie because she is small i just wanted to know if she will go broody again if i set her up her own little area she took it pretty hard as well when my other silkie died i just feel bad to separate her from the others because she seems to be finally getting her own spot in the pecking order idk im new and maybe it shouldn't be that hard to figure out but i just don't want to get it wrong with her she kinda had a rough start already maybe figure out a entrance that only fits her size so other birds can't get 2 her and she can get out if she needs to smh so many questions sorry and im open 2 anyone's suggestions
@sabitrigc1139 Жыл бұрын
What are the signs that a hen will go broody soon plz tell me my hen is a brody hen breed and she had layed more than 40 eggs and not going broody plz tell me the solution
@carolejean63 Жыл бұрын
My Light Brama is showing signs
@janw491 Жыл бұрын
My poor broody is refusing to leave her nest. I’m hand feeding her mostly scrambled egg and dipping her beak in water so she has a few sips. I do drag her of her nest so she can dust bath and she does look a little weak. She loves her plastic eggs and I have some day olds ordered for her. I hope she loves them too. First time for both of us!
@jamieroche287 Жыл бұрын
Why not just give her real eggs at that rate
@jswhosoever4533 9 ай бұрын
I have 11 hens and they all lay in the same nest every day. How do i collect the new eggs without disturbing my broody?
@nicolem376 9 ай бұрын
I am new to broody chickens and I had the same question because I have a hen that went broody this week. What happened was after she really settled in the others are now laying in one other box and all over the inside of the coop😂 we have more than enough nesting boxes for them, but the box she’s in is everyone’s favorite. I don’t know if that’s because she stopped letting them in when she had enough eggs or if it’s a timing thing because it started when she would not leave the nest box at all, but I can tell you that she is our smallest chicken (other than the bantam pair) and not high on the pecking order. She started just sitting in there most of the time, but not 24/7, and the other hens were squeezing around her and laying eggs while she was in there. We have Rhode Island Reds, red sex links, three Easter Eggers, and one bantam pair. We got these chickens from a widow who couldn’t take care of them so not sure if the history but my guess is this girl is a result of a bantam and red sex link cross. The Bantam is our only rooster. It’s been raining and the chicken run is muddy so I’ve been really worried because I haven’t been able to get out there and build her a separate brooder box. She’s the smallest of our chickens other than the bantam pair and very submissive, but it is now very clear that she is in charge of that nesting box and nobody is getting in. PS I’m not sure if you’ve heard this, but there is an old wives tale that the pointier the eggs the more likely it’s a rooster. People have gone by that and had good luck. I took the pointy eggs out of the nest and added a few from our big egg layers hoping she’ll hatch those (didn’t bother her at all). I have no idea what is fertile yet, if anything, and the only rooster is a bantam so no telling what I’m going to get but I’m hoping to get some more like her if the bigger eggs I added are fertile. She looks like a mini buff Orpington and lays medium sized eggs. She is the cutest chicken in the coop ❤
@TaneKarnes 7 ай бұрын
Recently, found deceased game hen on her hidden nest, then i found her 9 babies. Out of game rooster. Right now am stuck with them. They actually belong to my neighbor, but she is very good at accidentally killing hatchlings. We are currently trying to find them a home. Im building my own flock and would really like to pass them along. 😃 🐤
@GarbagetrucksofsouthernTucson 8 ай бұрын
What’s the name of that chicken breed shown at 1:25 I have three of those and one of them just hatched out five chicks
@Amateur.hobbyman 5 ай бұрын
It's a cuckoo maran
@orangesun3030 8 ай бұрын
Can I leave my newly hatched chicks with their mother and the rest of the chickens
@TCB1975 Жыл бұрын
How does she know if the egg isn’t fertilized or the baby died?
@sabraray7980 Жыл бұрын
My Rhode Island red, her name is brownie. She went broody, but her sister pecker never did
@Cbcrab88 5 ай бұрын
I can handle the eggs every day under my broody bared rock. Sweetest chicken breed out there
@Unknown70896 Жыл бұрын
LOL RIR always go broody... mine do all the time
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