Lake Mead Drops Even More!! 2 week Update! Will It Become A Dead Pool???

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The Other Me

The Other Me

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After 2 weeks Lake Mead is continuing to drop at an alarming rate. Boats and debris are surfacing in all areas of the lake.
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#LasVegas #LakeMead #Drought

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@titanicsyncing4215 2 жыл бұрын
this is is a great video loved it you make a lot of good points I haven’t seen Lake Mead or Hoover dam since 1992 when I shot a commercial in Hollywood lake level is shocking to see wow. Your style reminds me of Richie from Boston I think you’re legit good guy, he has become an angry jerk 🤨 I loved sering the Vertical boat it’s a landmark, looks like a giant ruler 📏 I saw that clip of the gentleman sucked into quicksand he barely got out with his clog-shoes. Keep up the good work PS you would like the Josh Gates exploration X episode about Lake Lanier in GA its haunted was built in one part over an existing graveyard with no regard for the cemetery. Phil Torres scuba’s over the gravestones & you see them 😮 A creepy episode sad to see that.
@TheOtherMeLV 2 жыл бұрын
Oh wow that sounds like an awesome video. I will definitely find it. Thank you so much for watching and the awesome comment.
@angelmediadorentrenosotros7579 2 жыл бұрын
...¿y los demonios de la ambición, no os tienen divididos en ricos y pobres? porque haciendo uso de sus libres albedríos, en el Reino de los Cielos, se dejaron influenciar por satanás; y de verdad os digo, que si vuestro Creador no mandara una nueva doctrina viviente a vuestro mundo, estaríais condenados a perpetuidad, a vivir divididos; y terminaríais siendo esclavos de los creadores de la adoración al oro; a través de los siglos, la adoración al oro a tomado diferentes formas; y todas se han valido de la fascinación; y todo empezó por el arte; luego por la posesión; le siguió la avaricia; el monopolio; la propiedad privada; lo mío y lo tuyo; el dinero y éste transformó todas las promesas que hicísteis en el Reino del Padre; porque fuísteis ilusionados; porque ninguno que sintió la fascinación, entrará al Reino de los Cielos; porque prometísteis no dejaros ilusionar ni un instante; porque sabíais que en ello os iba la entrada al Reino; las riquezas habiendo nacido en vuestro mundo, son desconocidas en el Reino de los Cielos; y de verdad os digo, que toda filosofía que divide a mis hijos en lo más microscópico de sus pensares, no se conocen en el Reino; y veo hijos de la Tierra, que vuestra espíritualidad está dividida en muchas creencias habiendo un sólo Dios nomás; una verdad nomás; y veo que os dejáis guiar por un fenómeno que llamáis religiones; y de verdad os digo, que las llamadas religiones son desconocidas en el Reino de los Cielos; y como es filosofía de satanás y divide, ningún espíritu religioso entrará al Reino de los Cielos; ni ninguno que practicó la división; he aquí vuestro llorar y crujir de dientes; he aquí que satanás os dividió; he aquí un velo que se os cae; he aquí la revolución de un mundo llamado cristiano; he aquí a un mundo que odiará a la división por sobre todas las cosas; he aquí el yugo dentro del yugo; he aquí a satanás metido en vuestras pruebas de la vida; he aquí un triste despertar para vosotros; porque dormíais en creencias erróneas; en creencias efímeras; que os condujeron a la división; he aquí la obra de vuestros guías ciegos; ciegos guías de ciegos; el ciego mayor carecía de intelectualidad espíritual; y los ciegos menores eran ignorantes voluntarios de su fé; el llamado mundo cristiano, se amoldó a sus costumbres que le dió el sistema de vida; basado en el oro; y cayó en ceguera espíritual; y los instantes y segundos escapaban; más y más se alejaban los seres humanos del Reino de los Cielos; porque un instante ó un segundo equivale a una exsistencia que debe transcurrir en otro mundo; según sea la cualidad y calidad del instante ó segundo vivido y pensado;.- Alfa y Omega JUICIO FINAL; LOS SEGUNDOS VIVIDOS EN LA VIDA SON FUTURAS EXSISTENCIAS; EL MÁS HUMILDE Y DESPRECIADO ES GRANDE EN PODER EN EL REINO DE LOS CIELOS.- ⚠️⚖PORQUE ES TIEMPO DE QUE EL JUICIO COMIENCE DE LA CASA DE DIOS: Y SI PRIMERO COMIENZA POR NOSOTROS, ¿QUÉ SERÁ EL FIN DE AQUELLOS QUE NO OBEDECEN AL EVANGELIO DE DIOS? ⏳⚠️⚖👈 👉🌍🌏🌎⚖EN ESTO ES PERFECTO EL AMOR CON NOSOTROS, PARA QUE TENGAMOS CONFIANZA EN EL DÍA DEL JUICIO; PUES COMO ÉL ES, ASÍ SOMOS NOSOTROS EN ESTE MUNDO.🖖🏼⏳🛸👈 744 TODO EL MUNDO DE LA PRUEBA, SERÁ JUZJADO DE ACUERDO A LAS ENSEÑANZAS DEL DIVINO EVANGELIO DE DIOS; ES ASÍ QUE A CADA UNO DE ESTE MUNDO, SE LE EXIGIRÁ EL HABERSE SABIDO DE MEMORIA EL CONTENIDO DEL DIVINO EVANGELIO DE DIOS; ESTA SERÁ LA PRIMERA DE LAS EXIGENCIAS DE ENTRE TODAS; PORQUE A ESTE MUNDO LE FUÉ ENSEÑADO, QUE LO DE DIOS ESTÁ POR SOBRE TODAS LAS COSAS IMAGINABLES.- 943 TODOS LOS QUE FUERON PROBADOS PRIMERO CON LOS ROLLOS DEL CORDERO DE DIOS, OLVIDARON QUE TODO ESPÍRITU ES PROBADO EN LA PRUEBA DE LA VIDA; LA MÁS GRANDE IGNORANCIA HACIA LAS ESCRITURAS DEL PADRE, LOS HIZO CAER; TODOS ESTABAN INFLUENCIADOS POR UNA EXTRAÑA FÉ, SALIDA DE LA EXTRAÑA PSICOLOGÍA DEL PROPIO VIVIR; Y EL PROPIO VIVIR, SALIÓ DE UNA EXTRAÑA FORMA DE VIDA, EN QUE LA POSESIÓN Y EL CÁLCULO FUERON SU CARACTERÍSTICA PRINCIPAL.- 1197 TODOS AQUÉLLOS QUE FUERON LOS PRIMEROS EN VER LA REVELACIÓN Y NO CREYERON, NO ENTRARÁN AL REINO DE LOS CIELOS; MÁS LES VALDRÍA, NO HABER PEDIDO EN EL REINO DE LOS CIELOS, SER LOS PRIMEROS EN VER LA REVELACIÓN, QUE LLEGADO EL MOMENTO SE MOSTRARON INDIFERENTES.- 980 NINGUNO DE LOS PRIMEROS QUE VIERON LOS ROLLOS DEL CORDERO DE DIOS, SE DIERON CUENTA, QUE LO QUE ESTABA FRENTE A SUS OJOS, ERA UNA DOCTRINA QUE CUBRIRÍA A TODA LA TIERRA, CIEGOS FUERON EN SU PROPIOS PEDIDOS, DE SER LOS PRIMEROS EN VER LA DIVINA REVELACIÓN; ESTO HACE QUE SEAN LOS ÚLTIMOS EN ENTRAR AL REINO DE LOS CIELOS; ES MÁS FÁCIL QUE ENTREN PRIMERO AL REINO, LOS QUE SE TOMARON EL TRABAJO, DE ESTUDIAR Y PROFUNDIZAR, UNA REVELACIÓN DESCONOCIDA, QUE HABLABA DE DIOS; A QUE PUEDAN ENTRAR, LOS QUE FUERON INDIFERENTES Y APÁTICOS.- 1229 ESCRITO FUÉ QUE NADIE PODÍA VER A DIOS; MAS, EL DIVINO PADRE JEHOVA, POSEE TAMBIÉN UN DIVINO LIBRE ALBEDRÍO, TAL COMO LA CRIATURA HUMANA POSEE LIBRE ALBEDRÍO HUMANO; EL DIVINO TÉRMINO: NADIE PUEDE VER A DIOS, SIGNIFICA QUE SIENDO EL PADRE INFINITO, SUS DIVINOS ROSTROS TAMBIÉN SON INFINITOS; SÓLO SE LE VERÍA EN UNA DE SUS INFINITAS MANIFESTACIONES; UN SOLO ROSTRO DESVIRTÚA EL CONCEPTO DE INFINITO; PORQUE EL INFINITO DEL PADRE, NO TIENE NÚMERO NI LÍMITE IMAGINABLE.- …PORQUE EL PADRE ES DE ANTES DE TODO LO QUE FUÉ, ES Y SERÁ; es por eso que se dice en el universo, que el Padre ES ÚNICO; la exsistencia misma del universo, busca como META suprema, EL SUPUESTO PRINCIPIO DEL PADRE; y jamás lo han encontrado; ni lo encontrarán; PARA ENCONTRARLO, ES NECESARIO IR ESCALANDO EL CONOCIMIENTO DE MUNDO EN MUNDO; DE EXSISTENCIA EN EXSISTENCIA; al Padre SE LE VÉ, como ÉL LO ESTIMA DEJARSE VER; tiene libre albedrío como lo tenéis vosotros; EL VER AL PADRE como lo vieron Moisés y Cristo, NÓ SIGNIFICA SABER EL ORIGEN DEL PADRE; lo del libre albedrío, ES ÍNTIMO; el propio divino orígen del Padre, ES COMO VUESTRO GUARDAR DE INTIMIDADES; nadie os puede obligar, a que contéis vuestras cosas íntimas; IGUAL OCURRE CON EL PADRE; lo de arriba es igual a lo de abajo; de verdad os digo, que todo aquél ó aquélla QUE FORZÓ el libre albedrío DE OTRO, nó entrarán al Reino de los Cielos; caiga sobre ellos, LEY DE MALDICIÓN; nadie los defenderá en el Reino de los Cielos; NI ESPÍRITU NI MATERIA; porque sus libres albedríos fueron atropellados; virtudes y moléculas se quejan delante del Padre que las creó; y sus quejas son ESCUCHADAS PRIMERO que todos; porque son chiquititos y humildes; son por lo tanto, grandes en el Reino de los Cielos;.- Alfa y Omega SUCESOS QUE OCURRIRÁN CON LA LLEGADA DE LA REVELACIÓN AL MUNDO; EL SIGNIFICADO DE LOS ROLLOS DEL CORDERO DE DIOS; LOS QUE NEGARON.- www.AlfayOmega .com .pe ⚠️⚠️NACIONES y HOMBRES NEGARAN mi Nombre.⚠️⏳⚖👈 Mi Divino NOMBRE NUEVO Apocalipse 2:17, 3:12, 19:12, Alfa Omega Alian =EL SABIO, el Altisimo, el TODOPODEROSO, El Soy El Que Soy, Nuestro Divino y Amoroso Padre Eterno. MARIA=SASHA MSTO. MAHOMA =YAZAN MESTO. JESUCRISTO =MOHAMMED MSTO=MAESTRO=CRISTO=EL GLORIFICADO. Mi Divino Lugar de Residencia, PARA TODOS LOS QUE NUNCA VIERON MI ROSTRO EN CARNE, de Dios, y del Padre, y de CRISTO. Lattakia Siria=LAODICEA en el pasado de la Tierra. Colosences capitulo 2. La Divina familia Solar del Reino de Los CIELOS. ❤ EL ANCIANO = EL MAS ANTIGUO DE TODOS LOS SERES..😎 2 Juan capitulo 1. ⚠️⏳⚖TODOS LLORARAN, PERO DE TODOS LOS LLANTOS, EL DEL DEMONIO ESPANTARA..💯⚖🖖🏼☕👈 ⚠️EL FALSO PROFETA, Y EL ANTICRISTO, Y EL ESPÍRITU DE ERROR.⚖⏳⚠️ 1 Juan capitulo 4:1,2,3,6, 2 Juan capitulo 1:7, 🌍🌏🌎⚖⏳⚠️👈
@angelmediadorentrenosotros7579 2 жыл бұрын
¡¡BLIND GUIDES OF BLIND !! ¡HYPOCRITES! Because there is nothing HIDDEN, that does not have to be MANIFESTED; nor thing HIDDEN, that is not to be UNDERSTOOD, AND TO COME TO THE LIGHT. BUT WHAT WILL BE GIVEN YOU AT THAT HOUR, SPEAK THAT; BECAUSE IT IS NOT YOU WHO SPEAK, BUT THE HOLY SPIRIT..💯⚖🖖🏼👈 THE HOLY SPIRIT, WHOM THE FATHER WILL SEND IN MY NAME, HE WILL TEACH YOU ALL THINGS, and REMEMBER you all the things I HAVE SAID. when that SPIRIT OF TRUTH COMES, HE WILL GUIDE YOU TO ALL TRUTH; because he will NOT speak of himself, but will SPEAK everything he HEAR, AND WILL MAKE YOU KNOW THE THINGS TO COME. 😎THE PROMISED COMFORTER❤⚖💯🖖🏼😇 Yes son; the so-called capitalism lost the so-called Christian world; because you cannot serve God and serve gold at the same time; all humanity asked to serve the Father without interest; the strange system of life based on gold, lost all humanity; because all mental action was influenced by interest; there is no human creature, that does not have a score of darkness, for having known the interest; there is no one who does not cry for this score of darkness; the higher the score against, the further the spirit is from the Kingdom of Heaven; while he was interested in life, each being must add a point of darkness, for every second lived; from twelve years of age, UNTIL THE INSTANT OF THE SAME REPENTANCE; .- Alfa y Omega THE SO-CALLED CAPITALISM, IS NOT WRITTEN IN THE KINGDOM OF HEAVENS; FOR NOBODY REQUESTED TO BE EXPLOITED, IN ANY IMAGINABLE WAY; NOTHING INTERESTED EXISTS IN THE KINGDOM; THERE IS THE EQUALITY OR CELESTIAL COMMUNISM, WITH THE PHILOSOPHY OF A CHILD; THE STRANGE CAPITALISM, BELONGS TO A FAR AND MICROSCOPIC PLANET CALLED EARTH; A STRANGE LIFE SYSTEM, CAME OUT OF THE DARKNESS, WHICH REQUESTED THE FATHER, TO KNOW A WORLD OF LIGHT.- And he will put the sheep on his right hand, and the goats on the left. Then the King will say to those who will be on his right: Come, blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. Because I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink; I was a guest, and you took me in; Naked, and you covered me; sick, and you visited me; I was in JAIL, and you came to me. Then the righteous will answer him, saying, Lord, when did we see you hungry, and sustain you? Or thirsty, and did we give you a drink? And when did we see you guest, and did we pick you up? Or naked, and we cover you? Or when did we see you sick, or in JAIL, and we came to you? And the King answering, will say to them: Truly I say to you that as soon as you did it to one of these my little brothers, you did it to me. Then he will also say to those who will be on the left: Depart from me, you cursed, TO THE ETERNAL FIRE prepared for THE DEVIL and for HIS ANGELS: Because I was hungry, and you did not feed me; I was thirsty, and you gave me nothing to drink; I was a guest, and you didn't pick me up; naked, and you did not cover me; sick, and in JAIL, and you did not visit me. Then they too will answer him, saying: Lord, when did we see you hungry, or thirsty, or a guest, or naked, or sick, or in PRISON, and we did not serve you? Then he will answer them, saying, Truly I say to you, inasmuch as you did not do it to one of these little ones, you did not do it to me. And these will go to ETERNAL TORMENT, and the righteous to ETERNAL LIFE. 👉The Jail or Prison = LAODICEA = Latakia Syria, Colosences chapter 2. To Every One WHO Never Saw my face in MEAT. = From God, and The Father, and Crist. 💯⚖🖖🏼👈 EVERYONE, NATIONS AND MEN, WILL DENY MY NAME. 👉😎 MY DIVINE NEW NAME.❤💯⚖🖖🏼😊👈 Revelation chapters 2:17, 3:12, 19:12, Alfa Omega Alian = The Sabior, The Most High, The Almighty, He I Am Who I Am, Our Divine and Loving Eternal Father. Mary = Sasha Msto. Mahoma= Yazan Mesto. FÁTIMA = Jennifer Mesto. JESUS ​​CHRIST = Mohammad Msto= The Gloryficate. The Divine Family of the Kingdom of Heaven. 2 John chapter 1. The Holy Spirit of Truth, The Promised Comforter, John chapters 14:26, 15:26, 16:13, 7 Seals, The Scrolls of the Lamb of God, Apocalypse or Revelation chapters 5. and 10. ❤⚖THE HEAVENS HAVE OPENED🖖🏼😇 www.AlfayOmega .com www.AlfayOmega .pe www.CienciaCeleste .com THIS IS NOT ANY RELIGION OF MEN, NOR WILL MATERIAL TEMPLES BE RAISED AS WAS THE HUMAN CUSTOM IN THEIR TRIALS OF LIFE. Angel Mediador Entre Nosotros =AMÉN = Apocalipse or Revelation 3:14, 🖖🏼🛸⚖👈
@craigengelman4534 2 жыл бұрын
1997 i lived on a house boat at the marina . i got the 44 foot 2 story house boat for 10k . the dock fees were cheap and came with cable and 30 amp plug . i got a jet ski and lived there for 3 months that ill never ever forget ! in 1996 i hitch hiked from ct to vegas so i could see my son . i ended up staying at a half way house that had 7 beds in 1 room for $40 a week . in 3 days i gota job at a tire shop making 7 an hour after 4 weeks i was lead teak at 15 an hour. meet a girl went to the lake got back from the lake the next day told my boss about the fun we had . the guy sold me the house boat on payments from my check ! homeless to a house boat in 7 months ....
@TheOtherMeLV 2 жыл бұрын
Now that's a great comeback story. Good for you. I love reading about good people succeeding. Awesome.
@vegastocali 2 жыл бұрын
All that green along the shore. That just dropped if its growing green from spring. Crazy. I miss my jet ski. Happy belated Fathers Day Marc
@VegasVisual 2 жыл бұрын
Nice trip around the lake, thank you Bill Coleman.
@vegastocali 2 жыл бұрын
Not even 2 minutes in and I am 😂😂😂😂 multiple times. Wow it's a boat graveyard. These Lake Mead videos are awesome! More please! Have a wonderful week.
@TheOtherMeLV 2 жыл бұрын
You are too awesome, Stef. Always such a great supportive friend. Thank you. Hope you are having a great week.
@vegastocali 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you to Bill Coleman💖For being an amazing friend & supporter.
@travelingwithvanessa 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this video. It's a beautiful video. Yet, it is so sad about the dropping levels of Lake Mead.
@TheOtherMeLV 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you,Vanessa!
@sparkytuttle2966 2 жыл бұрын
Hey there Marc, this video sent me on a research frenzy. I almost cried when you drove past Boulder Beach. Before they started charging to go to the lake, I would take my iroc, take the top off, blast my music and drive to Boulder Beach to beat the sunrise. I did that every morning, for months. I would swim out to the buoy and watch the sun come up...and sing. Some of my most cherished moments was during those mornings. Do you remember going out to Boulder Beach as a kid? They used to have that floating platform where all the kids would swim. This sucks. The last time I was there was in July of 2015, the beach was too filthy so we left and went to Willow Beach. It was shocking how clear and cold the river was. It just feels like in the last few months the water is disappearing much faster. So, I learned for the lake to be called a dead pool, there can't be any water going over the damn. This was an excellent video, heartbreaking but educational . Thank you from the bottom of my broken heart.💔😭
@TheOtherMeLV 2 жыл бұрын
I remember the platform that we all swam to as kids. My mom took us to other places to swim as a kid so I wasn't at the beach much. I did however go out on boats quite a bit in my 20s. It is very heartbreaking to see, especially since I saw them open the floodgates on the damn when the lake had too much water. Hopefully there's some sort of plan. Thank you, SPARKY.
@sparkytuttle2966 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheOtherMeLV I was telling my daughter about the flood gates. I took her to see that but she was too young to remember, she's 42 now. Your video really broke my heart. I learned to water ski right in front of the damn. The guys told me about the giant catfish down next to the damn. I was pretty much walking on water before the boat accelerated. Lol! I hated the rocky shore line but loved swimming alone out in the early morning. Loved taking my jet ski's to every cove, loved the paddle wheel boat for dinner with my kid, even loved the damn tour. Took my bf's motorcycle out to the damn tour, came out and the bike was stolen. Had to fast talk my way on to a senior bus tour to get back to town. But my favorite screw this moment came when my bf and I bought a racing boat that had tanks filled with jet fuel, one one each side. It was magnificent. It cost a bazzilion bucks. The day came to put it in the water. My daughter and her friend, myself and bf felt the power as the front of this jet started to point towards the sky. It was loud and fast. For about 5 minutes. Then it caught on fire. Two mafia hairy chested gold chained guys circled us on jet ski's and offered to tow us back in. The whole thing did not go as expected. And that was my boat story. 😱 Lake Mead was a part of my life.
@Nails346 2 жыл бұрын
Lake Mead at 180 feet higher than current level represents approx 100 pct full. Lake Mead at 150 lower than current level represents “dead pool”. Current level represents approx 26 percent of total capacity. The speed of drop is accelerating as we can see 150 feet = 26 percent on the down side and 180 feet = 74 percent on the up side. Think of a bowl which is wider at the top than the bottom. So even though 150 feet seems like a lot remaining, when looked at in the context of the 180 feet lost at 76 pct….the loss is accelerating every day.
@TheOtherMeLV 2 жыл бұрын
That's the point I'm trying to get across. The amount that is dropping now, not in the past. It's accelerating at an alarming pace. Thank you, Charles.
@timothybledsoe4719 2 жыл бұрын
LAKE MEAD: Probable MAJOR disaster coming. To: U.S. Dept. Bureau of Reclamation employees: Camille Calimlim Touton; Commissioner / Sean Torpey; Commissioner’s Chief of Staff / Michael Brain; Deputy Comm. / David Palumbo; Dep. Comm. Of Operations / Robert Wolf; Dir. Of Program and Budget / Rob Manning; Chief of Public Affairs / David Raff; Chief Engineer at Denver Office / Jeff Rieker; Manager of Eastern Colorado Off. / Jacklynn Gould; Reg. Dir. Of Lower Colorado Off. / Leslie Meyers; Manager Phoenix Off. / Michael Norris; Manager Yuma Off. / Area Manager; Southern Calif. Off. To: Media and other equally concerned parties: Daniel Trotta; Thomson Reuters / Bryan Hill, Matt Tenpenny, Donna Roberts; Page, Arizona Public Power Utility / Gene Shawcroft, Becky Mitchell, Patrick Tyrrell, Estevan Lopez; Upper Colorado River Commission / Amy Joi O’Donoghue; Deseret News / Rene Marsh; CNN Washington Bureau / Margaret Osborne; SmartNews / KOLD-TV13 / KGUN9-NEWS / KVOA-TV4 / ABC15-News / KMSB-FOX11 / KTTU / AZPM-TV / Arizona / Univ. of Wyoming / Utah State Univ. / Colorado State Univ. / Univ. of Montana / Univ. of Michigan / Cornell Univ. / Univ. of Colorado / Univ. of Arizona Cc: Myself, Tim Bledsoe Subject: Current status of Lake Mead water level. Date: December 6, 2021 / Updated: May 19, 2022 / May 26, 2022 / June 14, 2022 My name is Tim Bledsoe of North Augusta, SC. Recently, I read some articles about the extremely low level of water in Lake Mead. I also read that the experts, as of now, seem to all agree NOT to advise drastic action be taken in order to stem the usage of water from Lake Mead. There is an “old BUT very true” saying, “Without water, there is NO LIFE!” I am no expert in hydrology nor geology nor meteorology, BUT it is very clear that a huge percentage of people ARE NOT conservative with using water! In using water, most Americans give NO second thought about this. Americans tend to be “reactive” instead of “proactive”. “THE EXPERTS” who are advising little to NO ACTION be taken NOW, could very well be contributing to a MAJOR disaster! Earlier, I stated that I am no hydrologist nor a meteorologist, but there are certain "common sense" factors that must be considered. For example, in order to reasonably calculate the amount of water in Lake Mead, the inward curvature of the banks, as they slope to the lake bottom, must be considered. Also, the various depths of the lake bottom. If these two factors allow a reasonable calculation of the water in Lake Mead, then the (available water volume in the lake) minus (the volume of water being used) will; most certainly; yield a negative number. At this point, the only possible way to help slow the drain of Lake Mead is to mandate water conservation; immediately! I read that the next decision about “cutting / rationing” the lake water will be in August, 2022. PLEASE, for one important moment, REALIZE that August is 3 months away! You CAN NOT ration what doesn’t exist! You ALL may see this as being EXTREMELY alarmist, but no-one can rule-out the possibility. LET US keep this “possibility” FROM BECOMING a “probability”! There is a simple BUT very excellent old saying for just this problem, “Always error on the side of caution!” The users of the water in Lake Mead truly; NOT MAYBE; but truly have no choice! These users of the lake’s water are going to have to take an extremely accelerated crash-course in hydrology and meteorology. These users MUST understand the science behind what is happening. The current situations of very small amounts of snow-pack, small amounts of rain, seepage-basin concepts and realities, and the huge amount of daily evaporation must be understood! Also, the fact that the snow-pack will have melted by the end of June. If all of this fails, just simply show them the extremely large “bath-tub ring” around Lake Mead and hope; beyond ALL HOPE; that this “picture will paint much more than a thousand words of reality!” Again, "WITHOUT WATER, THERE IS NO LIFE!" There is absolutely no doubt that a very significant number of people will protest and ignore a mandated water conservation law. Whether or not you are religious, this is an essential time to ask for an abundance of rain and snow, in order to "feed" the drainage basin up-stream and for Lake Mead! Tim Bledsoe, 150 Cypress Drive, North Augusta, SC 29841 Cell / text / voice mail: 803-257-0724 Email:
@Nails346 2 жыл бұрын
@@timothybledsoe4719 Well written. I hope someone hears this alarm. CJENKINS
@timothybledsoe4719 2 жыл бұрын
@@Nails346 This is Tim Bledsoe. Thank-you for your positive comment! I live in South Carolina, and even I am concerned! I know this sounds like I am claiming a conspiracy from the government, BUT I don't believe they are being even remotely honest with the 20 plus million people getting water from Lake Mead!! Number one, I don't believe they are using the correct method to calculate the remaining water in the lake. The reason the lake has dropped, I believe 3 or 4 feet in June, is because the bottom of the lake is "curving inward" just as the banks of almost all bodies of water do!!
@Nails346 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with your thoughts completely
@roynapora7683 2 жыл бұрын
Yes. I agree. Super video. You really covered so much area in a short time. Great editing this time, and God's speed on your next videos for which I cannot wait!!!!!
@ElysiumRose 2 жыл бұрын
Another masterpiece! I find it very informative and relaxing while staying upbeat. Once again, beautifully filmed and edited. Love the choice of music as well. Thanks for the update Marc! Maybe you'll find Hoffa next time. Rock on!!
@TheOtherMeLV 2 жыл бұрын
K Morris you are a true friend and I so appreciate your amazing support. I try not to be doom and gloom in these lol. Life is about living and we're going to do just that. I'm glad you're here to see it with us. Thank you.
@JHolzPhoto 2 жыл бұрын
Sad seeing Lake Mead drop rapidly, but I'm glad that you guys had a great father son day.
@TheOtherMeLV 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Jeff. It was one of our best days in a long time.
@johnarsenault990 2 жыл бұрын
Amazing video looks so peaceful. Sad to see the water so low
@dianeo8555 2 жыл бұрын
I am enjoying your updates. Thank you Bill Coleman. A viewer in Chicago.
@vermicide_riffs 2 жыл бұрын
Love your Fremont St livestreams. You shoot it the best. However, I am really enjoying the Lake Mead series. It is so crazy and fascinating. Please keep posting these update videos. Thank you!
@jimscarnivorekitchen4731 2 жыл бұрын
Imagine how deep that water must have been.
@TheOtherMeLV 2 жыл бұрын
532 feet lol
@jimscarnivorekitchen4731 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheOtherMeLV tha That’s incredible, deeper than a lot of the Great Lakes.
@terrabaker2232 2 жыл бұрын
I lived in Las Vegas during the early to mid 80's we used to hang out on top of the cliffs and jump off the water was clear and deep so sad to see it now
@motorTranz 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Marc and Alex for your work in bringing us these "heads up" stories! Stay safe and God bless!
@TheOtherMeLV 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, motorTranz for watching and commenting. I really appreciate that.
@easyedawg9160 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the update on Lake Mead. Keep em coming.
@thetravelingirishman4372 2 жыл бұрын
Great video brother. It’s so sad that one day there won’t be a lake anymore for the future to enjoy!!!
@dethray1000 2 жыл бұрын
i bet you were saying the same thing in 1936 when the lake was empty...more on
@billcoleman7316 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Marc, I hope you took you life preserver with you on this boat ride. LOL
@teresabedford9923 2 жыл бұрын
Bill Coleman you rock as Marc would say. You gave Marc a heck of a Father's Day!!👍 Hi Marc!!! 👋
@StraightOuttaVegas 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks Bill 🙌🙌🙌
@dougcutler4948 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks Bill!
@billcoleman7316 2 жыл бұрын
@@dougcutler4948 Well just because water scares me shouldn't stop Marc from enjoying it so I thought I'd help out a bit. LOL
@billcoleman7316 2 жыл бұрын
@@teresabedford9923 Marc it such a great guy and friend and I was happy to do it.
@stumphead4885 2 жыл бұрын
Great video Marc and Alex!! Special thanks to Bill Coleman for helping make it happen. I wish I was there riding along with you guys. Happy Fathers Day!!
@TheOtherMeLV 2 жыл бұрын
I bet that would have been a blast. Thank you so much, Stump Head. Appreciate you my friend.
@carriebaker6371 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks Marc for this. Just amazing how high the water was before. Great footage 😊😊😊
@TheOtherMeLV 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Carrie for watching
@KindCreature1 2 жыл бұрын
1968 was the last time I was there at 13 years old. Things sure have changed. Thank you for posting.
@steveosalterego948 2 жыл бұрын
Awesome log mark. Crazy how the lake is getting so low. You're on your way to being a network newsagger. And happy Father's Day.
@TheLaughingLion 2 жыл бұрын
I'm lovin' the Lake mead series. Like you said, the lake is revealing it's secrets. Wow free boat at 5:30. Wow at 14:38 that boat is now completely on dry land. I really hope we get some massive rains soon. 😮
@TheOtherMeLV 2 жыл бұрын
I just hope there's a plan. Thank you so much for watching brother
@edheubel4991 2 жыл бұрын
This is what Global Warming / Climate Change looks like. little rain and snow, much evaporation, hot temperatures, "acidification" The entire West, CA, AZ, NM, CO, NV, UT - is in a 22 year drought. The Colorado River is drying up. Hoover Damn may have to be shutdown due to low water levels. The Rio Grande is also declining and drying up. The West will face rationing of water next.
@Hogand2cent 2 жыл бұрын
What a great video! Excellent work showing us the up to date status. Really crazy stuff.
@FrontiersmanAdventures 2 жыл бұрын
Absolutely wonderful, informative video. Very crazy the way the water is dropping. The vertical boat is crazy. Thanks to you and Bill Coleman for bringing this too up! Alex is a great pilot!
@TheOtherMeLV 2 жыл бұрын
You need to go on one of these adventures with me, Walt.
@FrontiersmanAdventures 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheOtherMeLV - I would love to Marc!!
@steveboussom6564 2 жыл бұрын
Great to hear a regular guy who can give testimony of your own experiences from a 30-year timeline. Your title of the video seems appropriate. Those large houseboats better get removed soon or they will be as the standing up boat.
@TheOtherMeLV 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Steve. I really appreciate the comments and your watching the video. I've lived here my whole life other than a couple years In CA. I've seen this lake go from overflowing to its current status and it's heartbreaking.
@steveboussom6564 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheOtherMeLV I am not a doom and gloom person either and appreciate your optimism and your sharing of your best Father's Day ever. It sure did sound like you are proud of your son and had a great time at lunch. We had 10 of us celebrating Fathers Day in our back yard with a BBQ and go kart fun. I appreciate you and look forward to your next time at Lake Mead, especially at the turbines. You are reporting news and not the propaganda on every TV station. Thank you and keep sharing the love with your family as they are the ones that matter the most.
@TheOtherMeLV 2 жыл бұрын
@@steveboussom6564 I am super proud of him. Thank you for noticing that. I am very proud of all 3 of my kids. I hope you had an amazing Father's Day yourself. I will continue to try and bring newsworthy content without it being all doom and gloom lol.
@debmoser2739 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Marc & Captain Alex! You're doing an amazing job at keeping us updated! Also, Thank you Bill Coleman for sponsoring this important video. Excellent work Marc! Alex you looked like a pro!
@TheOtherMeLV 2 жыл бұрын
He was a little nervous at first having never driven a boat but he took to it almost immediately. You are awesome Deb, thank you.
@bradmcdaniel7258 2 жыл бұрын
Sad to see hopefully it will make a comeback from some heavenly rain 🌧️🌧️. thanks for sharing brother, happy father's day.
@dethray1000 2 жыл бұрын
lake mead gets almost nothing from rain--it is snow pack...geezuz
@stevevsthemaskpolice3712 2 жыл бұрын
I cant believe people called you "Click Bait" the last video was so alarming I went looking for something more recent, and got lucky. The scariest part is that you dont realize how close to empty it actually is. The lower it gets, the faster it disappears. Lake mead will be Bone Dry this year, or next.
@sweeney0558 2 жыл бұрын
@dirtdevil65 2 жыл бұрын
Awesome video guys, thank you Marc, Alex and Bill 😎 Bonus day, no wind, looked beautiful
@KarlaKikoAdventures 2 жыл бұрын
Awesome video Marc. So sad the water level is so low
@TheOtherMeLV 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much. Appreciate you guys watching.
@S.E.C-R 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve seen the verticals boat in a lot of videos… what I’d like to know is how it sunk so perfectly verticals and stayed that way all these years. Probably the weight of the motors kept it upright and now they’re buried in mud?
@TheOtherMeLV 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah they are seriously buried in mud lol. To me it was just a mission to get to it. I tried in the Jeep but couldn't get close. I would have walked out but the mud is still very soft and deep. I appreciate you watching, thank you.
@RemoteTrooper 2 жыл бұрын
When the boat submerges the bow points upwards while the air slowly escapes or never escapes at all holding the boat vertical. The mud underneath the water will swallow a few feet of the rear over the course of a couple decades holding it upright.
@dealindavid1075 2 жыл бұрын
What a great Father's Day GODFATHER !! See you this Fremont Friday, YOU ROCK
@lesleescott5219 2 жыл бұрын
Vegas baby what's up with you 😎🤟💚This is just so sad to see 👀thank you for sharing this information with us and we are all going to be with out power very soon from the looks of it. Happy Father's day 💙
@lespaulr6 2 жыл бұрын
This was an awesome video my friend!!! Pray for rain
@ebo9963 2 жыл бұрын
Ahhh man, this was so beautiful yet so sad at the same time. Between Southern Nevada and Southern California we are assed out when it comes to water. Thanx for the Lake Mead vlogs, maybe 1 day i'll make it out there while there's still something to see☹
@doriskeerezey9589 2 жыл бұрын
so glad i found your channel so entertaining-been binge watching your videos - thank you 😎
@ronalddaub7965 2 жыл бұрын
When you're in a funnel like that the lower the water drops at a certain point the faster it goes as far as land is concerned or exposed
@VegasBestIdeas 2 жыл бұрын
The opening line 😉 Cool that you guys took the boat out for more exploring 👍 Crazy how fast it is dropping! 😔 We have been getting a ton of rain here for the last month straight almost... Wish we could send some your guys way! 💙
@BrylcreemBill 2 жыл бұрын
The decision was made to fill Lake Powell to capacity at the expense of Lake Mead. The Colorado River is not producing as much water as it used to because of decreasing snowpack in the Rockies during winter. At the same time, more and more water is needed in the Southwest because of increasing population. This is a recipe for disaster. I don't know if Lake Mead will completely dry up, but I think you can bet on it becoming a dead pool.
@robertduthie 2 жыл бұрын
great insight again marc(from scotland)
@GamblinGranny 2 жыл бұрын
Another awesome video Marc. It’s just sad to see the lake going away. Lets hope for some rain out there. Enjoyed watching. 🤘🎸
@dethray1000 2 жыл бұрын
rain does nothing--it is snow pack that fills the colorado river--no snow,no water
@TheOtherMeLV 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you my awesome friend.
@andthe2become1flesh93 2 жыл бұрын
Really scary how much the water keeps dropping... Thank you for the video, Marc! Thank you to Mr. Bill Coleman as well! ❤️❤️
@denisezuckerman1114 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much Marc . This is truly the first view of lake mead level I have seen . It was far from boring my friend X bless .
@StraightOuttaVegas 2 жыл бұрын
Very nice!!! Is this the first VCC video NOT SHOT on land? This was a nice relaxing and informative watch filled with some GREAT SHOTS and INFO about our dying lake🙌🙌🙌
@wgwco 2 жыл бұрын
Craziness 💯💯💯
@BAMMEDIA 2 жыл бұрын
@johnclifton8074 2 жыл бұрын
Crazy seeing the lake like this. Was out there in 1978. What a shock to see it now. Probably have a lot of photos from back then. Will have to look them up.
@JohnJohn-mz3kh 2 жыл бұрын
@jerrywoods4845 2 жыл бұрын
Face it. That lake is going completely dry unless they can figure a way to divert some water from the north or east. That fix won't be cheap.
@TheOtherMeLV 2 жыл бұрын
At this point nothing is going to be cheap, not to mention the time to complete a huge project like that may be too late.
@jerrywoods4845 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheOtherMeLV Exactly. Seems to me no one is doing anything except "hoping" the situation changes. A situation that's been going on now for 20 years. Time to pay the piper.
@ThisisthewayLasVegas 2 жыл бұрын
It still looks really nice out there.
@TheOtherMeLV 2 жыл бұрын
It's beautiful. You need to come with next time.
@robertrockwell7581 2 жыл бұрын
unreal how that boat is out of the water now from when I watched 2 weeks ago and the level was just below the steering wheel. thanks and stay safe.
@patriciaguenzler9150 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you both for the video 👍😀 Marc
@megalithik8346 2 жыл бұрын
Crazy video thanks for sharing. If it's dropping feet every few weeks, seems like that lake doesn't have much time left.
@KenoKid 2 жыл бұрын
I just watched a video of that beached houseboat get pulled back into the water …. It was a crazy 😜…. Great footage from the lake….. keep ‘em coming Mark 🤘🤘.
@TheOtherMeLV 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah HeavyD is an awesome channel. It was a great video. Thank you so much for watching, Keno. You rock my friend.
@jamesbennettjr6314 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the amazing video did a great job
@TheOtherMeLV 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, James!
@robinsk5644 2 жыл бұрын
"Seventy bucks for lunch" is what turned my head.
@HalfWarrior 2 жыл бұрын
This is crazy and sad; so many fishing trips 20 to 30 years ago here onLake Mead; I’m in AZ. Great video guys!
@markal6004 2 жыл бұрын
Very Sad to see the water level going lower and lower. Makes you wonder what will happen in the future and what can be done about it. I live near Lake Michigan and can't imagine what would happen without water anywhere wether it be lake Mead or any other body of water.
@TheOtherMeLV 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah it's scary to see how fast it's going now. There were years between those signs but the last one was just months and twice the water gone. Thank you for watching, Mark AL
@timothybledsoe4719 2 жыл бұрын
LAKE MEAD: Probable MAJOR disaster coming. To: U.S. Dept. Bureau of Reclamation employees: Camille Calimlim Touton; Commissioner / Sean Torpey; Commissioner’s Chief of Staff / Michael Brain; Deputy Comm. / David Palumbo; Dep. Comm. Of Operations / Robert Wolf; Dir. Of Program and Budget / Rob Manning; Chief of Public Affairs / David Raff; Chief Engineer at Denver Office / Jeff Rieker; Manager of Eastern Colorado Off. / Jacklynn Gould; Reg. Dir. Of Lower Colorado Off. / Leslie Meyers; Manager Phoenix Off. / Michael Norris; Manager Yuma Off. / Area Manager; Southern Calif. Off. To: Media and other equally concerned parties: Daniel Trotta; Thomson Reuters / Bryan Hill, Matt Tenpenny, Donna Roberts; Page, Arizona Public Power Utility / Gene Shawcroft, Becky Mitchell, Patrick Tyrrell, Estevan Lopez; Upper Colorado River Commission / Amy Joi O’Donoghue; Deseret News / Rene Marsh; CNN Washington Bureau / Margaret Osborne; SmartNews / KOLD-TV13 / KGUN9-NEWS / KVOA-TV4 / ABC15-News / KMSB-FOX11 / KTTU / AZPM-TV / Arizona / Univ. of Wyoming / Utah State Univ. / Colorado State Univ. / Univ. of Montana / Univ. of Michigan / Cornell Univ. / Univ. of Colorado / Univ. of Arizona Cc: Myself, Tim Bledsoe Subject: Current status of Lake Mead water level. Date: December 6, 2021 / Updated: May 19, 2022 / May 26, 2022 / June 14, 2022 My name is Tim Bledsoe of North Augusta, SC. Recently, I read some articles about the extremely low level of water in Lake Mead. I also read that the experts, as of now, seem to all agree NOT to advise drastic action be taken in order to stem the usage of water from Lake Mead. There is an “old BUT very true” saying, “Without water, there is NO LIFE!” I am no expert in hydrology nor geology nor meteorology, BUT it is very clear that a huge percentage of people ARE NOT conservative with using water! In using water, most Americans give NO second thought about this. Americans tend to be “reactive” instead of “proactive”. “THE EXPERTS” who are advising little to NO ACTION be taken NOW, could very well be contributing to a MAJOR disaster! Earlier, I stated that I am no hydrologist nor a meteorologist, but there are certain "common sense" factors that must be considered. For example, in order to reasonably calculate the amount of water in Lake Mead, the inward curvature of the banks, as they slope to the lake bottom, must be considered. Also, the various depths of the lake bottom. If these two factors allow a reasonable calculation of the water in Lake Mead, then the (available water volume in the lake) minus (the volume of water being used) will; most certainly; yield a negative number. At this point, the only possible way to help slow the drain of Lake Mead is to mandate water conservation; immediately! I read that the next decision about “cutting / rationing” the lake water will be in August, 2022. PLEASE, for one important moment, REALIZE that August is 3 months away! You CAN NOT ration what doesn’t exist! You ALL may see this as being EXTREMELY alarmist, but no-one can rule-out the possibility. LET US keep this “possibility” FROM BECOMING a “probability”! There is a simple BUT very excellent old saying for just this problem, “Always error on the side of caution!” The users of the water in Lake Mead truly; NOT MAYBE; but truly have no choice! These users of the lake’s water are going to have to take an extremely accelerated crash-course in hydrology and meteorology. These users MUST understand the science behind what is happening. The current situations of very small amounts of snow-pack, small amounts of rain, seepage-basin concepts and realities, and the huge amount of daily evaporation must be understood! Also, the fact that the snow-pack will have melted by the end of June. If all of this fails, just simply show them the extremely large “bath-tub ring” around Lake Mead and hope; beyond ALL HOPE; that this “picture will paint much more than a thousand words of reality!” Again, "WITHOUT WATER, THERE IS NO LIFE!" There is absolutely no doubt that a very significant number of people will protest and ignore a mandated water conservation law. Whether or not you are religious, this is an essential time to ask for an abundance of rain and snow, in order to "feed" the drainage basin up-stream and for Lake Mead! Tim Bledsoe, 150 Cypress Drive, North Augusta, SC 29841 Cell / text / voice mail: 803-257-0724 Email:
@timothybledsoe4719 2 жыл бұрын
@@nickolaslewis4416 This is Tim Bledsoe. Thank-you for your positive comment! I live in South Carolina, and even I am concerned! I know this sounds like I am claiming a conspiracy from the government, BUT I don't believe they are being even remotely honest with the 20 plus million people getting water from Lake Mead!! Number one, I don't believe they are using the correct method to calculate the remaining water in the lake. The reason the lake has dropped, I believe 3 or 4 feet in June, is because the bottom of the lake is "curving inward" just as the banks of almost all bodies of water do!!
@jeffshimkus1516 2 жыл бұрын
Good job guys!!! May I make a suggestion? Venture out of the Temple Bar Marina in the same way that you have from here and make a run over to Gregg Basin where the river enters the lake now at Sandy Point. That will really blow your mind.
@TheOtherMeLV 2 жыл бұрын
That may just be our next video. Thank you for the heads up, Jeff.
@cricketberry1638 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the safe trip Captain Alex. Aunt Kay
@TheRingo001 2 жыл бұрын
Not discounting the drought situation, but as the lake drops it will appear to be dropping faster. The most surface area is at full pool
@winniepoohbear8916 2 жыл бұрын
I hope they retrieve those boats out of the water!
@senatedocument2646 2 жыл бұрын
Pipe the Mississippi to the Colorado
@TheOtherMeLV 2 жыл бұрын
That would be a Hell of a project
@brucepiekunexpectedbutexpected 2 жыл бұрын
I wonder if the owner of the boat or family of him will come forward and tell the story as to how it landed up here
@karenmandel4547 2 жыл бұрын
l could never get sick of seeing the lake. lm in shock over seeing Proof of vanishing water.
@melissapeabody660 2 жыл бұрын
I've been watching the progress of that upright boat on sin city outdoors..its really sad that the water is dropping so fast....just found your channel btw. Thanks for filming it all.
@TheOtherMeLV 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for watching and commenting. Sin City is a great channel. I watch them too. I think we both started documenting the decline of the lake at the same time. They just have a way bigger channel lol.
@Shadow-zw4hp 2 жыл бұрын
The Water level in that area has been dropping for decades. We used to go down river from Temple Bar back in the late 1950s and the water level was down from previous visits. Longer droughts and lower snow levels have been one cause of lower levels, added increased usage by Cal. Nev. Arizona and Colorado have increased the rate of water loss.
@timothybledsoe4719 2 жыл бұрын
LAKE MEAD: Probable MAJOR disaster coming. To: U.S. Dept. Bureau of Reclamation employees: Camille Calimlim Touton; Commissioner / Sean Torpey; Commissioner’s Chief of Staff / Michael Brain; Deputy Comm. / David Palumbo; Dep. Comm. Of Operations / Robert Wolf; Dir. Of Program and Budget / Rob Manning; Chief of Public Affairs / David Raff; Chief Engineer at Denver Office / Jeff Rieker; Manager of Eastern Colorado Off. / Jacklynn Gould; Reg. Dir. Of Lower Colorado Off. / Leslie Meyers; Manager Phoenix Off. / Michael Norris; Manager Yuma Off. / Area Manager; Southern Calif. Off. To: Media and other equally concerned parties: Daniel Trotta; Thomson Reuters / Bryan Hill, Matt Tenpenny, Donna Roberts; Page, Arizona Public Power Utility / Gene Shawcroft, Becky Mitchell, Patrick Tyrrell, Estevan Lopez; Upper Colorado River Commission / Amy Joi O’Donoghue; Deseret News / Rene Marsh; CNN Washington Bureau / Margaret Osborne; SmartNews / KOLD-TV13 / KGUN9-NEWS / KVOA-TV4 / ABC15-News / KMSB-FOX11 / KTTU / AZPM-TV / Arizona / Univ. of Wyoming / Utah State Univ. / Colorado State Univ. / Univ. of Montana / Univ. of Michigan / Cornell Univ. / Univ. of Colorado / Univ. of Arizona Cc: Myself, Tim Bledsoe Subject: Current status of Lake Mead water level. Date: December 6, 2021 / Updated: May 19, 2022 / May 26, 2022 / June 14, 2022 My name is Tim Bledsoe of North Augusta, SC. Recently, I read some articles about the extremely low level of water in Lake Mead. I also read that the experts, as of now, seem to all agree NOT to advise drastic action be taken in order to stem the usage of water from Lake Mead. There is an “old BUT very true” saying, “Without water, there is NO LIFE!” I am no expert in hydrology nor geology nor meteorology, BUT it is very clear that a huge percentage of people ARE NOT conservative with using water! In using water, most Americans give NO second thought about this. Americans tend to be “reactive” instead of “proactive”. “THE EXPERTS” who are advising little to NO ACTION be taken NOW, could very well be contributing to a MAJOR disaster! Earlier, I stated that I am no hydrologist nor a meteorologist, but there are certain "common sense" factors that must be considered. For example, in order to reasonably calculate the amount of water in Lake Mead, the inward curvature of the banks, as they slope to the lake bottom, must be considered. Also, the various depths of the lake bottom. If these two factors allow a reasonable calculation of the water in Lake Mead, then the (available water volume in the lake) minus (the volume of water being used) will; most certainly; yield a negative number. At this point, the only possible way to help slow the drain of Lake Mead is to mandate water conservation; immediately! I read that the next decision about “cutting / rationing” the lake water will be in August, 2022. PLEASE, for one important moment, REALIZE that August is 3 months away! You CAN NOT ration what doesn’t exist! You ALL may see this as being EXTREMELY alarmist, but no-one can rule-out the possibility. LET US keep this “possibility” FROM BECOMING a “probability”! There is a simple BUT very excellent old saying for just this problem, “Always error on the side of caution!” The users of the water in Lake Mead truly; NOT MAYBE; but truly have no choice! These users of the lake’s water are going to have to take an extremely accelerated crash-course in hydrology and meteorology. These users MUST understand the science behind what is happening. The current situations of very small amounts of snow-pack, small amounts of rain, seepage-basin concepts and realities, and the huge amount of daily evaporation must be understood! Also, the fact that the snow-pack will have melted by the end of June. If all of this fails, just simply show them the extremely large “bath-tub ring” around Lake Mead and hope; beyond ALL HOPE; that this “picture will paint much more than a thousand words of reality!” Again, "WITHOUT WATER, THERE IS NO LIFE!" There is absolutely no doubt that a very significant number of people will protest and ignore a mandated water conservation law. Whether or not you are religious, this is an essential time to ask for an abundance of rain and snow, in order to "feed" the drainage basin up-stream and for Lake Mead! Tim Bledsoe, 150 Cypress Drive, North Augusta, SC 29841 Cell / text / voice mail: 803-257-0724 Email:
@thegardner800 2 жыл бұрын
Cool video guys! Appreciate the great narrative and history and update of Lake Mead. It saddens me a bit to see the water level between the years and the weeks. SAVE LAKE MEAD bumper stickers?🤔 Happy Fathers Day Marc!🤙🏼🤙🏼🤙🏼
@TheOtherMeLV 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much, The Gardner. I appreciate you.
@stephanieford8298 2 жыл бұрын
Sending lots of love from Ohio xoxo ❤️
@stischer47 2 жыл бұрын
What these doubters don't understand about most lakes is that a 20 foot drop at the beginning can be more water than a 20 foot drop at the end.
@TheOtherMeLV 2 жыл бұрын
It's dropping so fast now it's scary. Look at the distance between the signs versus the last sign to the waters edge. It's more than triple the distance in less than a year.
@timothybledsoe4719 2 жыл бұрын
LAKE MEAD: Probable MAJOR disaster coming. To: U.S. Dept. Bureau of Reclamation employees: Camille Calimlim Touton; Commissioner / Sean Torpey; Commissioner’s Chief of Staff / Michael Brain; Deputy Comm. / David Palumbo; Dep. Comm. Of Operations / Robert Wolf; Dir. Of Program and Budget / Rob Manning; Chief of Public Affairs / David Raff; Chief Engineer at Denver Office / Jeff Rieker; Manager of Eastern Colorado Off. / Jacklynn Gould; Reg. Dir. Of Lower Colorado Off. / Leslie Meyers; Manager Phoenix Off. / Michael Norris; Manager Yuma Off. / Area Manager; Southern Calif. Off. To: Media and other equally concerned parties: Daniel Trotta; Thomson Reuters / Bryan Hill, Matt Tenpenny, Donna Roberts; Page, Arizona Public Power Utility / Gene Shawcroft, Becky Mitchell, Patrick Tyrrell, Estevan Lopez; Upper Colorado River Commission / Amy Joi O’Donoghue; Deseret News / Rene Marsh; CNN Washington Bureau / Margaret Osborne; SmartNews / KOLD-TV13 / KGUN9-NEWS / KVOA-TV4 / ABC15-News / KMSB-FOX11 / KTTU / AZPM-TV / Arizona / Univ. of Wyoming / Utah State Univ. / Colorado State Univ. / Univ. of Montana / Univ. of Michigan / Cornell Univ. / Univ. of Colorado / Univ. of Arizona Cc: Myself, Tim Bledsoe Subject: Current status of Lake Mead water level. Date: December 6, 2021 / Updated: May 19, 2022 / May 26, 2022 / June 14, 2022 My name is Tim Bledsoe of North Augusta, SC. Recently, I read some articles about the extremely low level of water in Lake Mead. I also read that the experts, as of now, seem to all agree NOT to advise drastic action be taken in order to stem the usage of water from Lake Mead. There is an “old BUT very true” saying, “Without water, there is NO LIFE!” I am no expert in hydrology nor geology nor meteorology, BUT it is very clear that a huge percentage of people ARE NOT conservative with using water! In using water, most Americans give NO second thought about this. Americans tend to be “reactive” instead of “proactive”. “THE EXPERTS” who are advising little to NO ACTION be taken NOW, could very well be contributing to a MAJOR disaster! Earlier, I stated that I am no hydrologist nor a meteorologist, but there are certain "common sense" factors that must be considered. For example, in order to reasonably calculate the amount of water in Lake Mead, the inward curvature of the banks, as they slope to the lake bottom, must be considered. Also, the various depths of the lake bottom. If these two factors allow a reasonable calculation of the water in Lake Mead, then the (available water volume in the lake) minus (the volume of water being used) will; most certainly; yield a negative number. At this point, the only possible way to help slow the drain of Lake Mead is to mandate water conservation; immediately! I read that the next decision about “cutting / rationing” the lake water will be in August, 2022. PLEASE, for one important moment, REALIZE that August is 3 months away! You CAN NOT ration what doesn’t exist! You ALL may see this as being EXTREMELY alarmist, but no-one can rule-out the possibility. LET US keep this “possibility” FROM BECOMING a “probability”! There is a simple BUT very excellent old saying for just this problem, “Always error on the side of caution!” The users of the water in Lake Mead truly; NOT MAYBE; but truly have no choice! These users of the lake’s water are going to have to take an extremely accelerated crash-course in hydrology and meteorology. These users MUST understand the science behind what is happening. The current situations of very small amounts of snow-pack, small amounts of rain, seepage-basin concepts and realities, and the huge amount of daily evaporation must be understood! Also, the fact that the snow-pack will have melted by the end of June. If all of this fails, just simply show them the extremely large “bath-tub ring” around Lake Mead and hope; beyond ALL HOPE; that this “picture will paint much more than a thousand words of reality!” Again, "WITHOUT WATER, THERE IS NO LIFE!" There is absolutely no doubt that a very significant number of people will protest and ignore a mandated water conservation law. Whether or not you are religious, this is an essential time to ask for an abundance of rain and snow, in order to "feed" the drainage basin up-stream and for Lake Mead! Tim Bledsoe, 150 Cypress Drive, North Augusta, SC 29841 Cell / text / voice mail: 803-257-0724 Email:
@stacyharvey3554 2 жыл бұрын
If you want to hear the story about how that houseboat at the end video ended up there, he did an interview with Sin City Outdoors. Yes he is camping out on the boat, and he explains why in that video. The one thing that I'm curious about is, is there any talk about cleaning up Lake Mead, getting rid of these old boats, and barrels, and the other stuff now poking out of the lake?? Whether or not the lake levels go up I would think it a good time to clear the junk out of the reservoir, at least clean it up for the fish and birds and other wildlife that uses the lake.
@TheOtherMeLV 2 жыл бұрын
I saw their video. They have a great channel. The bottom of the lake is a virtual junkyard I'd imagine and I haven't heard of them planning a cleanup of anything. That usually doesn't get discussed until someone gets hurt.
@stacyharvey3554 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheOtherMeLV Sad but probably true. They won't clean it up till they have to.
@denisezuckerman1114 2 жыл бұрын
And Happy Father’s Day & thank you Bill Coleman .
@Fiat1720 2 жыл бұрын
that one house boat that was beached according to another utube video the guy had motor trouble and before he knew it , he was stranded . and also stated like $20,000 to get him towed .
@blessedthistlefarmstead2481 2 жыл бұрын
They let the water out intentionally plus the drought…
@johnmoyer243 2 жыл бұрын
Jimmy is under Giants Stadium lol
@lloydbaker6988 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks, Marc 👍
@tonyparete6892 2 жыл бұрын
In 22 years as a marine mechanic, that boat stuck ass-end in the mud is the best one I've ever seen.
@bobmiller6974 2 жыл бұрын
Las Vegas could be next, no water, no Las Vegas, and what would Vegas look like as a Ghost Town? A Trillion $ Ghost Town. There’s plenty of Ghost towns in the Southwest and there could be a lot more. Thanks for the update.
@TheOtherMeLV 2 жыл бұрын
Can you imagine exploring Las Vegas as a ghost town in 20 years. Now that would be interesting content lol.
There is ZERO chance the lake will run dry ZERO!
@keithporter6608 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks guys really informative sad to see but cannot look away
@TheOtherMeLV 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, for watching
@marvinmiller3217 2 жыл бұрын
Water from Lake Mead is being sent to Nevada, California, Arizona and even Mexico. The US government is draining Lake Mead. I'm sure you're aware of this fact. Great video. Thanks.
@steveboussom6564 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing.
@TheOtherMeLV 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for watching and your other awesome comments
@Lithrone1 2 жыл бұрын
Great video, thanks for posting!
@zenovallejo5698 2 жыл бұрын
thanks Marc,very interesting
@kennyw871 2 жыл бұрын
Your viewers need to understand that Lake Mead (and Lake Powell) will continue to drop as long as they are generating power, or they reach "dead pool" levels. It takes a tremendous amount of flowing water every second to generate electricity. This also explains why Lake Mohave and Lake Havasu are at near normal levels.
@hotdogstandman 2 жыл бұрын
Good info thanks
@timothybledsoe4719 2 жыл бұрын
LAKE MEAD: Probable MAJOR disaster coming. To: U.S. Dept. Bureau of Reclamation employees: Camille Calimlim Touton; Commissioner / Sean Torpey; Commissioner’s Chief of Staff / Michael Brain; Deputy Comm. / David Palumbo; Dep. Comm. Of Operations / Robert Wolf; Dir. Of Program and Budget / Rob Manning; Chief of Public Affairs / David Raff; Chief Engineer at Denver Office / Jeff Rieker; Manager of Eastern Colorado Off. / Jacklynn Gould; Reg. Dir. Of Lower Colorado Off. / Leslie Meyers; Manager Phoenix Off. / Michael Norris; Manager Yuma Off. / Area Manager; Southern Calif. Off. To: Media and other equally concerned parties: Daniel Trotta; Thomson Reuters / Bryan Hill, Matt Tenpenny, Donna Roberts; Page, Arizona Public Power Utility / Gene Shawcroft, Becky Mitchell, Patrick Tyrrell, Estevan Lopez; Upper Colorado River Commission / Amy Joi O’Donoghue; Deseret News / Rene Marsh; CNN Washington Bureau / Margaret Osborne; SmartNews / KOLD-TV13 / KGUN9-NEWS / KVOA-TV4 / ABC15-News / KMSB-FOX11 / KTTU / AZPM-TV / Arizona / Univ. of Wyoming / Utah State Univ. / Colorado State Univ. / Univ. of Montana / Univ. of Michigan / Cornell Univ. / Univ. of Colorado / Univ. of Arizona Cc: Myself, Tim Bledsoe Subject: Current status of Lake Mead water level. Date: December 6, 2021 / Updated: May 19, 2022 / May 26, 2022 / June 14, 2022 My name is Tim Bledsoe of North Augusta, SC. Recently, I read some articles about the extremely low level of water in Lake Mead. I also read that the experts, as of now, seem to all agree NOT to advise drastic action be taken in order to stem the usage of water from Lake Mead. There is an “old BUT very true” saying, “Without water, there is NO LIFE!” I am no expert in hydrology nor geology nor meteorology, BUT it is very clear that a huge percentage of people ARE NOT conservative with using water! In using water, most Americans give NO second thought about this. Americans tend to be “reactive” instead of “proactive”. “THE EXPERTS” who are advising little to NO ACTION be taken NOW, could very well be contributing to a MAJOR disaster! Earlier, I stated that I am no hydrologist nor a meteorologist, but there are certain "common sense" factors that must be considered. For example, in order to reasonably calculate the amount of water in Lake Mead, the inward curvature of the banks, as they slope to the lake bottom, must be considered. Also, the various depths of the lake bottom. If these two factors allow a reasonable calculation of the water in Lake Mead, then the (available water volume in the lake) minus (the volume of water being used) will; most certainly; yield a negative number. At this point, the only possible way to help slow the drain of Lake Mead is to mandate water conservation; immediately! I read that the next decision about “cutting / rationing” the lake water will be in August, 2022. PLEASE, for one important moment, REALIZE that August is 3 months away! You CAN NOT ration what doesn’t exist! You ALL may see this as being EXTREMELY alarmist, but no-one can rule-out the possibility. LET US keep this “possibility” FROM BECOMING a “probability”! There is a simple BUT very excellent old saying for just this problem, “Always error on the side of caution!” The users of the water in Lake Mead truly; NOT MAYBE; but truly have no choice! These users of the lake’s water are going to have to take an extremely accelerated crash-course in hydrology and meteorology. These users MUST understand the science behind what is happening. The current situations of very small amounts of snow-pack, small amounts of rain, seepage-basin concepts and realities, and the huge amount of daily evaporation must be understood! Also, the fact that the snow-pack will have melted by the end of June. If all of this fails, just simply show them the extremely large “bath-tub ring” around Lake Mead and hope; beyond ALL HOPE; that this “picture will paint much more than a thousand words of reality!” Again, "WITHOUT WATER, THERE IS NO LIFE!" There is absolutely no doubt that a very significant number of people will protest and ignore a mandated water conservation law. Whether or not you are religious, this is an essential time to ask for an abundance of rain and snow, in order to "feed" the drainage basin up-stream and for Lake Mead! Tim Bledsoe, 150 Cypress Drive, North Augusta, SC 29841 Cell / text / voice mail: 803-257-0724 Email:
@douglascampbell9809 2 жыл бұрын
It's more than the dam needing water. 7 States draw water from the river that feeds Lake Mead. A lot of them draw water for agriculture irrigation and the treaty stating the terms and allowed amounts used a year that was experiencing a 500 year high availability of water to come up with the numbers. Now after 20 years of drought and a gigantic expansion of irrigated farmland there is simply nothing left. In other words the river needs to have 500% more water just for things to stay the same right now. The Fed Dept in charge of the river has been trying to hammer out a new treaty for years now but the States with water don't want to lose the irrigation.
@timothybledsoe4719 2 жыл бұрын
@@douglascampbell9809 This is Tim Bledsoe. Thank-you for your positive comment! I live in South Carolina, and even I am concerned! I know this sounds like I am claiming a conspiracy from the government, BUT I don't believe they are being even remotely honest with the 20 plus million people getting water from Lake Mead!! Number one, I don't believe they are using the correct method to calculate the remaining water in the lake. The reason the lake has dropped, I believe 3 or 4 feet in June, is because the bottom of the lake is "curving inward" just as the banks of almost all bodies of water do!!
@Bluebird590 2 жыл бұрын
Awesome update 👏 👌 I was wondering beginning of the video 2008 Looks like 100 feet difference 💦
@ronbown3836 2 жыл бұрын
That houseboat is owned by some guy That's basically living on it and in the last few days diesel brothers from the TV show came there and pulled him off and into safe area in the water again.
@TheOtherMeLV 2 жыл бұрын
I shout them out in my latest update video for their awesome act of humanity. Them and Sin City Outdoors are great people indeed.
@HomerSimpson-hu2ki 2 жыл бұрын
Its sad generations to come will never enjoy this will only live in youtube videos
@SaRaH-et2tt 2 жыл бұрын
That is such an amazing heavy truthful statement.
@dethray1000 2 жыл бұрын
nonsense--the lake was empty in 1936--more on
@tedharrell2186 2 жыл бұрын
Nice job.
@myheart2joy588 2 жыл бұрын
Bad ass, bro
@TheOtherMeLV 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@rudejase 2 жыл бұрын
They're selling the water to Nestle.
@MicheleMonroe 2 жыл бұрын
It looks like you guys had a fun day!
@LetYrLiteShine 2 жыл бұрын
That's really scary that the water levels are dropping that quick. So will all our homes become defunct?
@jckhammer 2 жыл бұрын
well if there are critical water shortages and whatever emergencies are prob going to occur, ask yourself if you would buy a house in an area where there is no water. You wouldnt and noone else would either. You prob wouldnt even be able to give your house away
@jimscarnivorekitchen4731 2 жыл бұрын
Great vid
@fordxbgtfalcon 2 жыл бұрын
I expect some planes to start appearing pretty soon because several have disappeared in lake mead over the last several decades.
@stevenstair1068 2 жыл бұрын
Mother Nature is taking back her Desert....
@timothybledsoe4719 2 жыл бұрын
LAKE MEAD: Probable MAJOR disaster coming. To: U.S. Dept. Bureau of Reclamation employees: Camille Calimlim Touton; Commissioner / Sean Torpey; Commissioner’s Chief of Staff / Michael Brain; Deputy Comm. / David Palumbo; Dep. Comm. Of Operations / Robert Wolf; Dir. Of Program and Budget / Rob Manning; Chief of Public Affairs / David Raff; Chief Engineer at Denver Office / Jeff Rieker; Manager of Eastern Colorado Off. / Jacklynn Gould; Reg. Dir. Of Lower Colorado Off. / Leslie Meyers; Manager Phoenix Off. / Michael Norris; Manager Yuma Off. / Area Manager; Southern Calif. Off. To: Media and other equally concerned parties: Daniel Trotta; Thomson Reuters / Bryan Hill, Matt Tenpenny, Donna Roberts; Page, Arizona Public Power Utility / Gene Shawcroft, Becky Mitchell, Patrick Tyrrell, Estevan Lopez; Upper Colorado River Commission / Amy Joi O’Donoghue; Deseret News / Rene Marsh; CNN Washington Bureau / Margaret Osborne; SmartNews / KOLD-TV13 / KGUN9-NEWS / KVOA-TV4 / ABC15-News / KMSB-FOX11 / KTTU / AZPM-TV / Arizona / Univ. of Wyoming / Utah State Univ. / Colorado State Univ. / Univ. of Montana / Univ. of Michigan / Cornell Univ. / Univ. of Colorado / Univ. of Arizona Cc: Myself, Tim Bledsoe Subject: Current status of Lake Mead water level. Date: December 6, 2021 / Updated: May 19, 2022 / May 26, 2022 / June 14, 2022 My name is Tim Bledsoe of North Augusta, SC. Recently, I read some articles about the extremely low level of water in Lake Mead. I also read that the experts, as of now, seem to all agree NOT to advise drastic action be taken in order to stem the usage of water from Lake Mead. There is an “old BUT very true” saying, “Without water, there is NO LIFE!” I am no expert in hydrology nor geology nor meteorology, BUT it is very clear that a huge percentage of people ARE NOT conservative with using water! In using water, most Americans give NO second thought about this. Americans tend to be “reactive” instead of “proactive”. “THE EXPERTS” who are advising little to NO ACTION be taken NOW, could very well be contributing to a MAJOR disaster! Earlier, I stated that I am no hydrologist nor a meteorologist, but there are certain "common sense" factors that must be considered. For example, in order to reasonably calculate the amount of water in Lake Mead, the inward curvature of the banks, as they slope to the lake bottom, must be considered. Also, the various depths of the lake bottom. If these two factors allow a reasonable calculation of the water in Lake Mead, then the (available water volume in the lake) minus (the volume of water being used) will; most certainly; yield a negative number. At this point, the only possible way to help slow the drain of Lake Mead is to mandate water conservation; immediately! I read that the next decision about “cutting / rationing” the lake water will be in August, 2022. PLEASE, for one important moment, REALIZE that August is 3 months away! You CAN NOT ration what doesn’t exist! You ALL may see this as being EXTREMELY alarmist, but no-one can rule-out the possibility. LET US keep this “possibility” FROM BECOMING a “probability”! There is a simple BUT very excellent old saying for just this problem, “Always error on the side of caution!” The users of the water in Lake Mead truly; NOT MAYBE; but truly have no choice! These users of the lake’s water are going to have to take an extremely accelerated crash-course in hydrology and meteorology. These users MUST understand the science behind what is happening. The current situations of very small amounts of snow-pack, small amounts of rain, seepage-basin concepts and realities, and the huge amount of daily evaporation must be understood! Also, the fact that the snow-pack will have melted by the end of June. If all of this fails, just simply show them the extremely large “bath-tub ring” around Lake Mead and hope; beyond ALL HOPE; that this “picture will paint much more than a thousand words of reality!” Again, "WITHOUT WATER, THERE IS NO LIFE!" There is absolutely no doubt that a very significant number of people will protest and ignore a mandated water conservation law. Whether or not you are religious, this is an essential time to ask for an abundance of rain and snow, in order to "feed" the drainage basin up-stream and for Lake Mead! Tim Bledsoe, 150 Cypress Drive, North Augusta, SC 29841 Cell / text / voice mail: 803-257-0724 Email:
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