Do Dismissive Avoidants Regret Breaking Up With Their Ex? | Flaw Finding

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How to Heal From a Breakup & Transform Grief
In this video, I talk about whether or not dismissive avoidants regret breaking up with their ex.
Have you felt regret after breaking up? what do you think it's the main reason at play?
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@ethicalnonconformity Жыл бұрын
the real question is "why do you care if they regret it?", just take your opportunity to get far, far away from them and never look back
@brookelight2090 Жыл бұрын
Exactly! The connection in general is a waste of time, brings more pain than gain. DAs don’t invest therefore there are nothing left in a relationship. It’s not like a marriage, you get half of the assets, with pain. The connection with DA has no assets left, no intellectual, financial or personal. Only pain. Of course, there is self growth after the toxicity, but it’s from me, not from him.
@felixthecat4584 Жыл бұрын
I cannot wait to get to this point. I still love her and think way too much about her. I also know that I could never trust her again. Its dead, yet still hurts. Ugh...
@lauraschleifer4721 Жыл бұрын
Gee, I dunno, maybe because you actually care about them?
@anon_ya Жыл бұрын
@SinaLaJuanaLewis Жыл бұрын
Exactly 💩
@SK-no2pp Жыл бұрын
Subconsciously, an avoidant feels reassured and in control by sensing the usually anxiously attached is unlikely to leave them even if they give little - and they would be right. The anxious partner continues to stay and tolerate being treated with either indifference or kept in a grey area where the relationship is undefined. Dismissive avoidants may engineer romantic pseudo-relationships in their lives that enable them go a long time without having to deal with the realities of real daily intimacy, conflict resolution, and the dangerous feelings of dependency this can incur. This pattern only entrenches their habits and prevents them from learning vital relationship skills. You feel you’re in a “relationship” but in real life, they are not physically present in times of sickness, attending events by your side, or even doing mundane chores. The illusion of intimacy is created without real life, the ordinariness of everyday routines
@felixthecat4584 Жыл бұрын
Well said.
@alexblainelayter7703 Жыл бұрын
'Dismissive avoidants may engineer romantic pseudo-relationships in their lives that enable them go a long time without having to deal with the realities of real daily intimacy, conflict resolution, and the dangerous feelings of dependency this can incur.' Well put. I'd add that this is also often to the detriment of the DA because they may seek out situationships etc. that provide them with the feelings that made them DA in the first place - neglect, low-level cruelty, indifference, not being seen as interesting or a priority. It's their comfort zone and results in some DAs staying in relationships or however they'd define it, that are objectively bad for their mental health. All insecure attachment styles, I believe, have a tendency to stay in emotionally volatile relationships because they mistake the roller-coaster a lack of certainty can create for deep feelings.
@asmallbitchybanana Жыл бұрын
My Ex DA was “dating” girls he had chosen to seek out from the massage parlors he had frequented and taken to learning their language in order to be more adept in communicating with them. It bothered me that he would oftentimes converse with me that language to practice. He chased these girls because a relationship like these where he would not be required to show up or actively be engaged . He could keep the girls at bay, by maintaning the pesudo relationship , almost fantasy like in nature, where he had feelings of “saving” the girl , almost like being a hero in a fantasy novel, like Thais mentions their need to escape to fantasy like situations in their head to avoid reality. Everything you said in here makes perfect sense 100 percent. Da’s always want to be in situations where they have full control of the outcome and their emotions, so when they do get in a “normal” relationship they are unable to cope with and see that there are expectations expected from them being partnered. Mine didnt understand why i exoected to be greeted on my birthday or why he needed to be present for such a day, while he got all the bells and whistles during his. He also got peeved off when i texted him that i was lonely as to why he wasnt reaching out the whole day and called me fuming mad telling me i expected a lot from him and was guilt tripping him. These were all basic relationship expectations, nothing out of the ordinary, all reasonable even adding in that he gave me the bare minimum on a daily. Calling once to talk when it suited him, and telling me not to expect or demand more. It was one of the most heart wrenching experiences i have had my whole life. I still have a hard time processing thectype of person i dealt with because normally i believe humans sre wired for intimacy and connection and show up for such relationships. I never knew such a category of individuals existed until i got with him. Now i know better, and when i smell a DA a mile away, i keep walking.
@SK-no2pp Жыл бұрын
@@asmallbitchybanana he was an emotional toddler stunted. Not a man who could actually show up for you.
@asmallbitchybanana Жыл бұрын
@@alexblainelayter7703 very accurately said. My ex Da was a very high status one, meaning he seemingly put up this front of being a high value individual with a good job, and extremely high standards of himself, yet he always dated people that were “beneath” those very standards he defined for himself, where he got the bare minimum back himself. When he was getting real love, attention, affection and honesty from me, he seemed to not understand that these traits could be expected in real partnerships so much so that it overwhelmed him when i gave these to him. All of these traits seemed to be so foreign and alien to him. It almost seemed like there was a coldness and a detachment in him that was present and couldnt understand the concept of human emotion and the need for reciprocity.
@adamfindlay7091 11 ай бұрын
So DAs break up with someone because they dont actually want a relationship. No one can fit their perfections.
@jayraw1120 Жыл бұрын
If you don’t want your heart to be left with a gaping hole in it avoid DAs . I do feel for them and this is not a dig at anyone. Just realise these people will seriously hurt you and you will really feel worthless. Avoid you can do so much better . 🙏
@carolehcheng1 Жыл бұрын
That is the absolute truth. Instead of guessing and fixing and dealing with DAs, just go date someone else. I dated a DA this year and he literally tuned me into a super anxious person. After I quitted this weird relationship and some psy sessions, I feel I am back to normal. Never ever date a DA as I am no therapist.
@TheRealSlimshadyyyyyy Жыл бұрын
@@carolehcheng1 I could not agree with you more👏🏻 it’s been three years and I’m FINALLY getting myself back together.. AVOID THEM AT ALL COSTS!
@Predictable1 Жыл бұрын
​@@carolehcheng1 I learnt this too. I am secure and dated a textbook DA for a year who was exquisite, caring and beyond consistent during the honeymoon phase but made me feel like an anxious mess the moment I started to get closer and things got more serious. During our final month, I no longer had idea what he wanted or what his needs were, and he started to need days to "think" about an answer whenever I'd ask about it. I could not deal with the anxiety this sort of limbo was giving me so I told him I needed to take a week of no contact just to "cool down" and reflect about our relationship so I could hopefully return with a much healthier perspective on how to work things out... and I did, I was ready to return recharged and give us my very best try with an improved attitude and new ideas... oh well, to my surprise, during that NC week, he apparently met someone new and decided to completely check out emotionally from our relationship to pursue this new person. Oh boy, no matter how secure you think you are, something like this is still going to make you feel disposable. I felt so hurt, so betrayed when he told me he suddenly just liked someone new. I had no choice other than end things for good at that moment, and he didn't even try to fight it. The caring, loving, consistent men I had fallen for was gone, and became this cold, heartless and nonchalant person that I didn't recognize. He offered no explanation, no apologies, nothing, just coldness, like I never mattered at all, not even one bit. This was all a month ago. The immediate heartbreak I felt was really painful, not just about things ending so abruptly, but how COLD and heartless he was about it all. I'm in therapy now to help me cope with the aftermath. I have reached out a few times this month in an attempt to find answers, but it's fruitless, all he said in his last email was that I make him feel uncomfortable and unease by reaching out. I've been learning more about DA attachment style so I can hopefully find some sort of closure. So I would absolutely NOT recommend getting involved with a dismissive avoidant.
@jayraw1120 Жыл бұрын
@@Predictable1 I feel for you. You’ll be ok sooner than you think. It’s a very hard pill to swallow. If your empathic you’ll never understand these kinds of people. Build your spirit each day because…. You are worthy and beautiful and part of this world. I’m 4 months clear now and it still plays with my mind some days , how this coldness can exist. Take care and don’t lose faith… because there are wonderful caring people out there. 😊😊
@jjs9650 Жыл бұрын
@@Predictable1 Their coping mechanism of crs is always to protect themselves and it's a very rigid one. As much as it's about them, it's just so painful coz we, people with anxious attachment tendencies attached too hard and it takes a lot of work to free ourselves of this unhealthy attachment. Shutting down or in your case, finding someone else is their way to protect themselves. That's too personal of crs no matter how we tell ourselves that it's not and it's just their coping strategies. I'm so sorry about what you're going through. Been there. Once they shut you out, they really shut you out coz they probably perceived you and your relationship as a threat.
@ScottH7651 Жыл бұрын
Dating an avoidant is like going bungee jumping and getting splattered at the bottom.
@yurinava9523 3 ай бұрын
😂😂😂😂 well said
@elliottm3181 Ай бұрын
@1224polo Жыл бұрын
Who da fuck cares if DA regret and suffer after breakup? A person who loves you will never leave you. Especially when you didnt do anything wrong. Period
@RoseOfSaudia 4 ай бұрын
No, that’s not always the case. Life isn’t either black or white
@KLEFF718 Жыл бұрын
I was so confused when the DA I was dating faded/ghosted after three months, but I am so grateful it was only after three months and not longer. I learned a lot and I definitely dodged a bullet
@marcd2743 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, although I know it sucked for you, you were really lucky to get out at the 3 month mark.
@rezmamirakle7515 Жыл бұрын
Same, my DA ghosted me for 3 months after dating for 3 months, and then reached out to be ‘FRIENDS’ as they found someone else to date exclusively.
@KLEFF718 Жыл бұрын
@@marcd2743 agreed! He's been so off the radar, lesson learned!
@Fallen_Angels Жыл бұрын
Mine was 4 fucking years. Be grateful it was only 3 months. Some people have had them fuck off right before marriage
@juliewilson9180 Жыл бұрын
I was with mine 4 years was blindsided and ignored it felt like to them the 4 years never happened and it's like i was erased from his memory
@jroc7foe Жыл бұрын
I am a recovering Avoidant (FA and DA), and I definitely have gotten to points of regret with breakups I initiated. Most notably with a woman I have a child with. She and I have been on again off again (bc of me, of course) for years. I’ve dated other people for short periods of time and she has dated a couple people. When I was with her, the first few months were always fantastic then I would pull back bc of the flaws I saw in her or any other excuse I could latch on to. It would instantly turn cold and I would leave. Months would pass but we always had to communicate in some way bc of our child and because we genuinely like being around and talking to each other. Then I would regret not making things work. We would get back together then I’d leave again. When she would date, I’d lose my mind and try to get her back. When I would date, she would do the same. A few months ago, she told me she thought I had an avoidant attachment style. Around this same time, she was dating again. We were talking a lot but we both decided we wanted to end the cycle. So everything was fine. I started reading more and more about avoidant attachment and started identifying with the symptoms/behaviors of that attachment style. I was doing all of this to her. Instantly grief and remorse fell completely over my body. I had no idea this was what I was doing. She’s with someone now who seems to make her really happy. I’m in therapy trying to work on myself and forgive myself. I feel like I lost a really good thing bc I didn’t know how to heal. So, in short, yes avoidants do feel regret.
@hshfyugaewfjkKS Жыл бұрын
This cycle break up/make up sounds exactly like me and my ex. First few months back were always amazing till he shut down. I'm sorry for your loss but it was an opportunity for you to reflect and evolve. You never know what the future might hold. If you had a chance to get back together, it might work better since you're self-reflecting. All the best. I admire your courage to look inward.
@anon_ya Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your story. While painful to look back, you now have the knowledge and understanding to move forward. I wish you the best. ❤️🙏🏽
@alexblainelayter7703 Жыл бұрын
Maybe you're not going to be together as a couple again but you made each other grow and develop into better versions of yourselves. So it's not a wasted opportunity, you learnt through each other and partially with each other. Your kid can only benefit from parents who are more self-aware and ready to break the cycle of intergenerational trauma.
@vp5134 Жыл бұрын
Oh dear you did make her miserable... But the good thing is you are now aware...
@cherryt1790 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this POV!!
@dannywholuv Жыл бұрын
If its in their subconscious mind to push people away to avoid being vulnerable, your literally fighting a losing battle. Dont bother, lifes complicated as it is
@ZhengSW Жыл бұрын
Thais is an angel because whenever I'm feeling uneasy over my breakup, she releases a video that addresses my DA ex
@robinlipert1477 Жыл бұрын
Agree!! She has saved me from complete meltdown more than once. Brilliant and amazing lady.
@ZhengSW Жыл бұрын
@@robinlipert1477 She should mention in her videos that she has a book. I bought it recently and just finished it today! There is a lot to absorb so I'm planning on rereading it and taking notes. I'll be a step ahead once I try her 7 day trial.
@shellyylovesGod Жыл бұрын
@@MoneySoul "Attachment Theory - A Guide to Strengthening the Relationships in Your Life"
@ZhengSW Жыл бұрын
@@MoneySoul Sorry I didn't see this because of those stupid bots. Did you manage to get your hands on it? Hope you enjoyed it!
@TheRealSlimshadyyyyyy Жыл бұрын
So yeah basically, my ex went flaw finding, found whatever reasoning she needed, dumped me and hasn’t thought about it twice since? Jesus Christ, the most painful experience I’ve ever been through. Well I’ve spent three years just blaming myself and wishing I could’ve done better. I tried so hard to connect to her.. I walked away and went no contact, and have wished and hoped every freaking day I would hear from her at some point in my life. Guess she’s really gone forever.
@lisa4cohen Жыл бұрын
I did this to someone who was the love of my life DA , I came back after 2 years but of pandemic so not regular times and he has gone quiet , even after his displays of trying so hard .. I came back and he’s not accepting my return 🤷‍♀️
@TheRealSlimshadyyyyyy Жыл бұрын
@@lisa4cohen Are you saying you’re the DA, or they are?
@lisa4cohen Жыл бұрын
.. just to follow up .. found out he’s in a new relationship, but instead of telling me so .. he used the words “ I have moved on and mended my heart I need some time I’m confused “, I had to ask a 3rd party if he was seeing someone .. so basically I’ve been waiting 7 months for some word from him.. as he wrote me a letter telling me he would like to come visit and get his stuff ( I’ve been storing for 2.5 years) and he thinks of me often… wth .. is he dissMissive or …? Or a coward
@juliewilson9180 Жыл бұрын
Mine totally erased me from his memory after 4 years together been a month since breakup love turns to hate quickly for me they are vile and dont deserve to be in any relationship
@Hookah_Horns Жыл бұрын
I feel like my DA ex will want to reach out eventually but be too embarrassed, ashamed, and afraid of my reaction. She's so conflict avoidant I can't see her reaching out.
@francesca112 Жыл бұрын
They find somebody else in the blink of an eye. The person is not important. The benefits are.
@GoOutside321 Жыл бұрын
Exactly! “What can you do?” for the DA 😅
@asmallbitchybanana Жыл бұрын
My ex DA is crashing on someones couch because he becAme homeless after Covid. He has a high paying job, lives rather well, drives an ok vehicle but chooses to couch crash on his friends couch. One of the benefits i provided was for him to come crash at my place when he needed a much more private space to sleep at, plus the benefits of sex, and intimacy. We abruptly broke up two weeks ago after months of discord and struggle with his avoidant ways, i finally decided to end it. When i decided that its okvto be friends with him hecause im exercising clearer boundaries now, he continues to ask me to come over and eventually crash. Friends dont sleep on the same bed especially if they were in a relationship full of passion and lust. I chose to ignore his requests to come over. When Thais talks about the DA’s lack of modelling or behaviors to emulate in approaching intimate relationships, one of them is clearly disregarding exes boundaries. Part of it too i iguess is like Thais said, the reality of the break up hasnt come for them yet. Im choosing to distance myself after my boundaries are still constantly being tested even after i chose to remain friends after the break up.
@marcd2743 Жыл бұрын
Yes, they only put up with the person when they can benefit and absorb something from them. When the sucking is complete, they look for the next then attach to them.
@SinaLaJuanaLewis Жыл бұрын
Exactly 👍🏽
@KN-os1pv Жыл бұрын
@@marcd2743 They don't attach, that's the whole point.
@miacontouli2493 Жыл бұрын
I had to cut off my DA ex because he kept reaching out and expressing regrets. Apparently I'm the love of his life and the "one who got away" - but when he had the chance to be with me, he chose to marry someone else. He's still married and we haven't been together for over 10 years. I think if he left his wife and I gave him another chance he'd run, just the same as before. I also think he's not really in love with me, the memory of me in his head is the excuse he's using to not fully commit to his marriage.
@Jayjay-hn7ol Жыл бұрын
I bet it's both. With time I imagine even D.A.'s can look back and see when they messed up a good thing and see that that was their genuine opportunity for a real love that deep down they always wanted but wouldn't let themselves have.That the love they had for you all along that they suppressed resurfaced after they had time to calm from their panick. Though,if he never worked on his issues I think you are right...that he would run again. He may also be using the memory of love for you to also hide from his wife emotionally. It's the saddest thing I have ever seen. These people being so damaged and most likely from their's just awful. For them and for us. I kind of want to go punch my suspected D.A.'s caretakers in the face for making him this way because I can see that there is so much great potential in him if he could just stop running from his sh*t and healed.
@roselandpetals Жыл бұрын
The "phantom ex." Thais has videos on this. They romanticize their exes.
@KN-os1pv Жыл бұрын
Yes, they do this. Don't buy into it.
@jessicajackson1200 Жыл бұрын
Ya, not cool, he is married, im willing yo bet hes not telling his wife that your the love of his life, if i were you id go tell his wife, she is the victim in this situation, stop talking to a married man. His unhappiness is not your problem so long as hes got a wedding band.
@dannywholuv Жыл бұрын
They live in fairytale fantasies. What a scumbag he is for doing that to his wife - probably hasnt communicated shit to her
@beckymusgrove4784 Жыл бұрын
The question is do most DAs wait long enough to process the breakup before jumping into another relationship? My ex ended things very abruptly on the phone after 1.5 years and couldn’t have a real conversation because he was so emotionally shutdown. Within a few months, he was already in another relationship. It seems they will do anything to avoid the pain and to avoid taking responsibility. Instead, they dump and project it onto the other person and distract themselves, convincing themselves that they weren’t the problem and looking for the “right” person. They will continue to repeat the cycle until they take responsibility and do the work.
@KN-os1pv Жыл бұрын
Exactly this!
@ZhengSW Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this!
@rezmamirakle7515 Жыл бұрын
Yes, that is exactly what I’ve experienced. They didn’t bother to even let me know that they are dating someone else and kept going hot & cold with me as things were normal. After breaking my heart into million pieces, they want us to be friends.
@ZhengSW Жыл бұрын
@@rezmamirakle7515 My DA's mutual friend told me that she was in a new relationship after 3 months of her breaking up with me. I am still blocked and emailed her to talk but all I got was silence.
@ScottH7651 Жыл бұрын
they do seem to jump from one relationship to the next pretty quickly. From what I could gather, my ex had a long series of short relationships that she ended. If that's not a red flag, what is???? Dump and project- yes, exactly this, exactly...
@SK-no2pp Жыл бұрын
superficially they are likely to pin blame for the demise of a relationship on their partners (of course occasionally this can actually be true, and when relationships fail there can be a problematic dynamic for which both take responsibility). But underneath there is such low self-esteem that at the core they do not feel their true self is worthy of love and attention. Should a partner penetrate their armour, they retreat to the safety of companionship with others who do not realise they are not what they appear to be on the surface. While doing so they suppress their feelings and tell themselves they do not need the partner who they may, in fact, miss greatly, even while they can be very unhappy alone. ​ For most people, experiences that have a heightened emotional charge are more likely to be remembered. But if an individual defensively suppresses the more emotional aspects of close relationships, then fewer relationship-based memories will be laid down for future recollection. As a result avoidants can be poor at recalling the details and incidents of past relationships, and any distress is minimised. There can be a great sadness in the lengths avoidants must go to suppress their natural attachments and convince themselves they are better off alone throughout their lives, forgoing the self-belief and compromises that give the opportunity for long, meaningful and deep partnerships. They tell themselves they are just waiting for the right partner, resist addressing that it is typically their rejection of the feelings of themselves and others, learned difficulty with closeness and expressing who they truly are that has left them alone, through no fault of their own. Through their lives they push away those who care about them most.
@adoptioncorner1984 Жыл бұрын
Well said . My therapist said the same things about my DA ex. I would have never thought in a million years he felt those ways about himself. He also told me he doesn't go backwards and he doesn't reach out to anybody. 💔
@asmallbitchybanana Жыл бұрын
Again, accurately put. Everyone else is to blame and at fault for their relationships ending and they seek out partners that make them feel like they have to chase and are actually never a match to them or are beneath them. When they do get together with an anxious partner that does everything for them, they push them away because they are treated with love and affection and they dont understand such people exist while at the same time taking these people for granted and doing only the bare minimum. When their relationships do end because the anxious partner has had enough, you would think they would have pangs pf loneliness or guilt, and while they may, the push it far beneath the surface, and pretend like it doesnt exist because suppressing those emotions seems to be what feels good to them, to never be confronted with the reality lf another ending instead, they continue searching for “the one”: deserting, and oftentimes abandoning connections that mayhave had the potential to turn into something more or couldve been their ultimate relationship. They sabotage everything real, while clinging to situations that never were.
@tucky3191 Жыл бұрын
Beautifully said.
@KN-os1pv Жыл бұрын
@@asmallbitchybanana When I read descriptions of DA's they fit with being textbook narcissists.
@jasonfromm5637 Жыл бұрын
@@asmallbitchybanana wow, we’ll said, sounds like my wife right now of 20yrs with 2 small kids, I couldn’t understand how she could be doing this now, but what U said makes perfect sense
@theelaveaux 10 ай бұрын
It became a decently serious relationship but right before 3 months i got blindsided. Looking back I'm SO grateful it didn't last longer. It would have broken be for sure
@smonaful Жыл бұрын
Superficial versus deeply intimate, intellectual versus heart feelings, resistance versus openness, doubt versus trust, distance and fear versus love and receptivity 🙏
@TheCoffeeCat Жыл бұрын
That's a very good way to put it!
@sacred_alchemy Жыл бұрын
Yep never again. First time I left someone in all the way. ADA. Perfect. I’m so angry.
@sacred_alchemy Жыл бұрын
Poor DA it’s too soon to feel compassion
@sacred_alchemy Жыл бұрын
I was the datee after a 8 yr marriage. Biggest mistake I’ve ever made.
@TheSilmarillion1 Жыл бұрын
That's one way to deaminize a DA.
@georgieeve2026 Жыл бұрын
When my last ex broke up with me he said "and I don't regret my decision." I never asked him if he regretted it, he just added that in all by himself 😅
@anon_ya Жыл бұрын
He felt the need to make that point to you to almost 1) convince himself 2) be mean enough to you to demonstrate his arrogance of being independent and the cool guy 3) it was a defense mechanism to avoid his own sensitivity and vulnerability Good thing he showed his real self in that moment. That’s kind of a mean and unnecessary thing to say to someone you’re breaking up with. I hope you are finding more emotionally available and evolved partner potentials now. ❤
@haikuoflife Жыл бұрын
@@anon_ya It's a bit sad, but maybe they don't even feel sad themselves.
@anon_ya Жыл бұрын
@@haikuoflife maybe, but I do believe they have feelings like we do; they’ve just come to fear intimacy. I agree with Thais on the “fears minus feelings”. When fears are low (no relationship expectations), feelings come to surface. That’s why they will sometimes come back after the breakup or want to stay friends.
@haikuoflife Жыл бұрын
@@anon_ya I got texts within a day w/a DA (after a ghosting). There were some emotional exchanges, then back to nothing. I'm not here to change anyone so working on myself. =)
@anon_ya Жыл бұрын
@@haikuoflife 🙏🏽👏🏽🔥
@JackGordon86 Жыл бұрын
This makes a ton of sense, especially watching this post-breakup. And, on a side note, your hair looks spectacular in this video Thais.
@jadedavis912 Жыл бұрын
100% agreed on both counts :)
@teem5945 4 ай бұрын
Couches need to stop assuming everyone who dates DA are clingy, anxious attachment people. Any ordinary healthy minded person who cares will be concerned and will panic when their partner withdraws. Being a DA is not a personality. It is something to be corrected. DA's should be addressed in terms of their behaviour and not in terms of the opposite of DA.
@christopherdriver9369 Жыл бұрын
My DA ex just jumped into a new relationship a couple months after our 2+ year relationship. She moved herself and her daughter in with him 4 months later. When I found out, I was absolutely gutted. However, things get better over time if you stay in no contact and work on yourself. I have learned so much about myself through this process. Now, I don't really care what she does really. I'm all about working on myself and getting myself to where I need to be. However, she has tried to get all mutual friends to cut contact with me. She abandoned me in every sense of the word after the breakup and wanted everyone else to do the same. It used to hurt, but now I'm just wondering why this person is still trying to punish me. I just want peace in my life.
@user-gs1et6sx4k 9 ай бұрын
She is clearly in a much worse mental space than you, so even though it probably has hurt you a lot, you are lucky that you don't need to act like a cold blooded psychopath or make other people hate the person you split up with to justify your actions... basically, I am sure you will get better with time, it was probably an important life lesson. Wish you all the best, I am sure you will meet a wonderful person in the future!
@christopherdriver9369 9 ай бұрын
@user-gs1et6sx4k thank you for the kind words! Life is much better now that I've gotten used to her not being in it. I was unhealthy and depressed. I'm in much better shape, much better head space, and am enjoying playing the field. I've heard that her life is in a slow tailspin. I wish her all the best, but it won't be from me.
@AdjNG30 Жыл бұрын
My DA bf broke up with me because a fight ensued when I tried to talk to him about my feelings. He said I talk to much and have to many feelings. Walked away. My anxiety kicked in and I didn’t leave him alone when he said he didn’t want to talk so he broke up with me and went to sleep in the car. We were together 1.5 years. All because I wanted to talk about my feelings in regards to the way his dismissals make me feel
@song-sb1gd Жыл бұрын
dude i feel that. have u guys talked since?
@siyafaith5615 11 ай бұрын
We are in the same boat my lovely friend just took a sip of red wine for us 😂😂😂
@Bigbootyjudy398 10 ай бұрын
@xannecorinnex 6 ай бұрын
Literally same exact thing happened to me!! I just want to talk and discuss.. and he doesn't EVER want to talk and dismisses the next day...
@PB-md3nt 5 ай бұрын
They don't want to hear about how their actions affect you. You are the reason any problem existed between the two of you. I've gone through this same thing for the past two years. I really finally have gone NC with her, she's going to be a very lonely old woman unless she changes her behavior.
@edgreen8140 Жыл бұрын
I don't like the flaw finding. It could be the smallest thing that they magnify ( cognitive distortions). Pseudo independent.
@TheCoffeeCat Жыл бұрын
It's very clear and so hurtful. Like the flick of a switch - you're "perfect", and then you're horrible.
@Strangeries Жыл бұрын
My ex did that to me, even the smallest flaws like my wallpaper not being perfect.
@marcd2743 Жыл бұрын
And when they can't find something they invent it.
@nataliegreenham Жыл бұрын
I get sick of them saying my flaws to me over and over again. It’s like, yes I know, let’s now move on! But he doesn’t….
@beckymusgrove4784 Жыл бұрын
Mine started zeroing in on the way I ate by making really passive aggressive comments that were quite mean-spirited or making fun of me in front of others, but in a way that didn’t feel loving. And seeing everything I did as negative, even though he was the one being negative. It snowballed at the very end and he ended things before we had any chance to talk about anything.
@leolady8114 Жыл бұрын
Great video Thais!!! Thank you again and, AS ALWAYS, for the sharing of your knowledge to us!
@akdollface007 9 ай бұрын
Flaw finding from the DA partner is a perfect storm of anxiety for the partner who fears/has anxiety that they have to be perfect. 😭
@Itsu53 7 ай бұрын
How to get out of this storm of anxiety? This describes exactly what I'm living through
@akdollface007 7 ай бұрын
@@Itsu53 I don’t know. I’m in this storm myself as well. The only thing I can affect is to work through my fear and anxiety. It is painful and scary and I turn to God and grip His hand all the time to help me ride each drop. I’m trying to reprogram my subconscious pattern that it’s okay to not be perfect (sometimes that is working, sometimes it doesn’t…I’m still in the process). Unfortunately, my DA isn’t working on himself as much (or at all), so the storm for me is still going. I’ve been with him for 10+ years and it’s better than it was before in many respects and still troubled in others. Good luck with your healing - I hope you can feel that it’s okay to not be perfect and not take the flaw finding as arrows through your heart.
@vp5134 Жыл бұрын
You litterally saved my sanity with your explanations Thaïs
@cyberaga20 11 ай бұрын
My DA ended things with me after 3 years together. Been a month of no contact; almost as though I no longer exist to him. Can’t begin to tell you how much it breaks my heart
@anothercat9600 Жыл бұрын
Wonderful video, Thank you, so nice to understand DAs, especially the one I'm in no contact with.
@Katrica670 Жыл бұрын
You look especially great today! 😍😍😊😊❤️❤️ I love your makeup and hair, it looks soooo sharp!
@RachelMintz Жыл бұрын
I can’t tell you how much you’ve helped me Thais. Thank you so much I am eternally grateful! This is such a great video that I think will really resonate with my DA when reflecting on his last relationship.
@RachelMintz Жыл бұрын
PS I tell everyone I speak to about you! You are a godsend I’m serious!!!!!
@ChauniB Жыл бұрын
If they devalued and discarded you NO they won’t regret a thing and you’ll never receive the resolve and closure you need. If you breakup with them not on their terms you’ll see them make attempts by telling you what they think you need to hear or with gifts.. either way none of it comes from a truly honest place. Leave these types alone and seek guidance with therapy and support from close family and friends
@flagirl0315 Жыл бұрын
Yes it’s a manipulative tactic to gain control. One did that to me to then a few days later told me he changed his mind and ended it. Was ridiculous. So immature
@SK-no2pp Жыл бұрын
Existing in a state of assumed rejection and distance (particularly if they are the one controlling that rejection) feels more comfortable, and in line with their internal belief system. And unless they are truly made to feel the loss (which is difficult until, ironically, reuniting is impossible), then not being very connected with their emotions avoidants also may not know what they want anyway, so prefer this is led by their ex. They are used to just sublimating their desires for those of others. Beyond the early stage where there is enough distance avoidants often need to be chased, as they are not always able to do this themselves. So subconsciously, space from someone rather than any complicated engagement is always preferred. Even if conflicted or regretting, they often would rather be lonely than admit they might be wrong (stubbornness is another passive-aggressive expression that stems from fear of vulnerability and confronting difficult emotions - one's own or someone else's). And because they are often not adept at effectively processing guilt into actionable solutions that might have the potential to repair things, then until they work on this themselves the guilt over what they enacted may for them become an insurmountable barrier to making up. If given the opportunity, however, they may re-enter relationships with ex-partners, creating toxic hot and cold relationship patterns unless/until the underlying problems are addressed.
@alexblainelayter7703 Жыл бұрын
Oh, this sounds like you recently read freetoattach.
@asmallbitchybanana Жыл бұрын
The underlying patterns are almost never addressed since they are hard wired to never want to problem solve or confront existing issues. They come back and show up as if there is nothing wrong and no discussions take place to confront relationship realities.
@SK-no2pp Жыл бұрын
@@alexblainelayter7703 it’s the best
@brookelight2090 Жыл бұрын
It is so well said! You must had deeper thoughts on DAs
@anon_ya Жыл бұрын
@@alexblainelayter7703 book? I can’t find it…
@Kiki_snakebunny3929 Жыл бұрын
Dear Thais, thanks again for enlightening your audience with a prior issue & indeed some of my ex's also surely regret breaking up with ME for being too good for them...some time any ex can regret how they treated their partners ..
@cyndijohnson5473 8 ай бұрын
These videos make me feel better after coming out of bad relationships. At some point I’m hoping they prevent me from entering into a relationship with a highly flawed person 🤞
@jjs9650 Жыл бұрын
The work is battling with our attachment and how to really show up for ourselves bc we've never taught an inner sense of security so showing up for ourselves is understandably not an easy task to do.. it's like, we're just learning it now and we all know, learning & unlearning are not an easy to do most especially in the beginning. Sitting in discomfort and helping ourselves feel good in the midst of battling our subconscious beliefs that we need these people to feel good are a good start. Not easy but super baby step and self compassion will go a long way.
@SabRina-kf2hu Жыл бұрын
Indeed :(
@julieb4765 Жыл бұрын
My ex didn't communicate their needs or in general. It caused this negative feedback loop where they deactivated by distancing so I also distanced myself so they wouldn't feel smothered. Then they complained about us having difficulty talking and said it was us not clicking well, as if they didn't cause it. I was too exhausted and frustrated to fight for us because whenever we get close they want to end things. I still care for them, I'm still hurting (it happened yesterday), but I'm done having my time wasted.
@justmegee88 Жыл бұрын
Same here..damned if you do damned if you don't. Very confusing and frustrating. Im going thru heartache right now. He is blocked and I hope i have the strength to keep h im there BLOCKED
@justmegee88 Жыл бұрын
I had thus push pull for 7.months..he kept breaking up with me for no valid reasons..blamed me for being on social media to attract other men. I now understand the is a mental illness. He finally broke up 3 weeks ago..I say finally bc I've blocked him on every platform. I cannot go through this anymore..I'm going insane with it. Poor guy. He was a great guy but for his DA style. I learned that I'm am anxious.
@wisconsinfarmer4742 10 ай бұрын
@@justmegee88 Even secure people turn anxious when immersed in this dynamic.
@JupiterWaltz 10 ай бұрын
@@wisconsinfarmer4742 I can confirm this. Secure and dated a FA leaning super avoidant. I got my closure yesterday when she reached out. We bumped into each other and i think i answered to her text to heavy with "Hey, it was good to see you in person after all this time". 3 months passed since her Blindside. Damn she lashed out. Saying that it finds it a little naggy. Furthermore she told me that i'm not struggling with my first teenage crush, we are adults and mature and that i need to find some distractions and start to turn my attentions to someone that can reciprocate. I handled it in a mature way texting her back that there is no rancor or hard feelings towards her. I was always sincere and i wanted to say to her that i'm sorry how that night went. Her emotions were and are all legitimate. We are adults and to be an adult is also to be like this. Saying sorry to a person. That she helped me grow and let me understand better. To do not worry about my distractions i had in those 3 months and that my attentions right now are focused majorly on myself only. Hoping she could really understand my words. Sadly she did not put the work on herself. She did not even try. I hoped for it, but the reality is very different. Still i got some kind of hope in the future that she recognize my last text as a wake up call.
@wisconsinfarmer4742 10 ай бұрын
They are emotionally brutal, and will always project outward. They should do the world a favor and not seek relationships.
@sreach93 6 ай бұрын
If my ex was a DA she couldn't even make eye contact with me. One of the basic pleasures of an intimate relationship
@hc2021 Жыл бұрын
Hello! I was just wondering, can we have videos like these from a point of view of a Fearful avoidant? Thankyou so much for your videos ❤
@asmallbitchybanana Жыл бұрын
The Da and i talked and agreeed to be friends after our two week breakup. I told him that he was a nice person and there was no cruelty or abuse involved with the split up so friends was an option for me. I was exercising clear boundaries when i told him this. An hour or two into the conversation he said he wants to hang out and come over, i didnt reply to that. I was exercising clear boundaries, butvhe wanted to be intimate. Because i was practicing bpundaries, i didnt reply to that. But he asked two times and i ignored both requests. I think the reality of the break up hasnt sunk in for him yet. I know that in my case, i clearly know within myself that hes not boyfriend material because of his avoidance tactics, but he is clearly self unaware, as he still tries to cross my boundaries within the lines of just friendship.
@SinaLaJuanaLewis Жыл бұрын
Mine asked to be friends and I refused because he had other exes hanging around while we were dating that were very inappropriate with him. Lots of flirting and stuff. So I refused friendship because I know he lacks boundaries and wanted sex.
@asmallbitchybanana Жыл бұрын
@@SinaLaJuanaLewis yeah i can see that in my situation now. After he had asked me twice to come over, and i didnt reply i didnt hear back from him any longer. So the saying that the DA only wants to be friends with you for whatever benefit they can get is really true. Im gojng to lesve things at a status quo and just be here, not being his enemy and being passive about friendship. All i know is that i have clear boundaries now and i refuse to get involved with him romantically.
@brookelight2090 Жыл бұрын
@@asmallbitchybanana it’s so strange. After breakup, DAs suddenly became so horny, but while in relationship, they suppressed even sexual desires. It was always us initiate sex or seduce them.
@asmallbitchybanana Жыл бұрын
@@brookelight2090 in my case, he was very sexually active with me even before. I guess it depends on the nature of your DA. Mine is still very sexually aggressive. And was even before thay i believe he cheated on me multiple times even while we were together and it honestly doesnt surprise me, because Da’s have always been known to play the field even while in relationships. Their avoidant nature makes it easy for them to be unfaithful because they can look at infidelity with detachment.
@treesaremadeofwood2145 Жыл бұрын
Honestly after I got blindsided after this I just think relationships aren't worth the effort anymore, the cold apathetic way they treat you after you have kids together and over a decade in a relationship with them and they go from planning the wedding to literally leaving a few months later and then you go on KZbin and see all of this information that you have to do this and that just in the hopes they'll reach out, it just seems pointless, staying single seems safer.....
@bitemebizzitch Жыл бұрын
The DA tries to turn you into a DA imo
@Hookah_Horns Жыл бұрын
Just avoid avoidants! Don't let them ruin you for everyone else!
@SoundsSilver Жыл бұрын
The dismissive avoidance contagion spreads
@mathews0618 Жыл бұрын
Well when nobody wanted you as a child so you built your whole life around people that dont want you, who you gonna go to? You get stuck. Live under a cloud. Life is not bad but not great, ever. You get sick of asking for the same thing. You feel misunderstood and unheard.
@janeo3293 Ай бұрын
The videos are extremely helpful. Thank you, Thais! Sometimes when I read through everyone's comments I think to myself, Did we all date the same person? Stories are pretty consistent and sad/hurtful. I'm more of a AP but feel terribly for the DAs because they've never felt the joy of love in a healthy interdependent relationship. But I have to ask, at what point does one take responsibility for themselves, their pain, hurts, and actions? You can experience true happiness, DAs. You just have to get help and work through it. YOU CAN DO IT!! So many of us love you! 🙂
@lorenguaylg 8 ай бұрын
Lovw your videos, but the blinks in the first 30 seconds 😅 After watching the entire video I spoke to soon 😊
@anonymousanonymous9797 Жыл бұрын
have a beautiful day, awesome people :) sending love and support to all. xx
@lauraschleifer4721 Жыл бұрын
Really interesting. Are there FAs who go through a similar long-term grieving process after a break up that they suppress and hide from others in their lives? As an FA who can lean a bit more DA at times, I feel like that describes me to a T.
@vp5134 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely. I'm.more.of an FA and the video did describe me pretty well
@marcowijbenga7901 Жыл бұрын
These people with this attachment style need to go to psychologic help and learn to grow out of it. Take responsibility for your thoughts, feelings and actions and learn to not be so judgemental of others.
@Fallen_Angels Жыл бұрын
We need to have an island where we send them all so they can be avoidant from everyone else.
@Mollyjak4 Жыл бұрын
I’m sooo glad now that my ex DA broke up with me. I’ve done a ton of work thru PDS school… feel so great about myself again. My DA was starting to be critical, spiteful, demeaning etc… so was glad when it ended (stung a bit but I had 4 months of PDS school under my belt) woo hoo… thank you Thais (ps shadow work IS key)
@Mollyjak4 Жыл бұрын
I don’t want my ex back
@rhonnieminnie Жыл бұрын
My ex doesn't regret it. He was pretty pissed when he left. He was angry that i mentioned my degree in a conversation once. He has a more prestigious degree that he has hanging on his wall. He couldn't find any flaws. So instead he said we were incompatible and listed everything we agreed on together as partners. No matter how kind and understanding i was afterwards, he completely ignored me. So maybe he isn't an avoidant because he acts like he made the right decision unnecessarily hurting me all because i agreed with him.
@wisconsinfarmer4742 10 ай бұрын
It will emerge in the next few decades that avoidants suffer from a particular Dissociative Identity Disorder. They take on an incongruous alter-personality that defies reality. Even when you agree with them it pisses them off because then it makes it harder for them to find a self convincing narrative to justify how they protect their vulnerability. The alter steps in to protect them from "getting hurt".
@gurlycash7394 Жыл бұрын
I'm a DA that is trying to heal my core wounds. I find that I'm attracting a lot of guys that are either narcissistic or unavailable. I'm a people pleaser DA
@anthonyweisse9758 10 ай бұрын
I just love her!!
@SteelCityMagnolia Жыл бұрын
Do DA’s often breakup saying they’re the problem? My DA ex of 1 month said that something is wrong with him if his perfect woman is in front of him, but he can’t connect anymore. He blamed himself for rushing our relationship…saying I need to find a better man. 😔 We started off very loving, very mutually into each other… After 4 months he pulled away, siting stress from work and other things. His behavior feels a little on the side of wanting to start over… confusing
@captasn4359 Жыл бұрын
Don’t go back. Trust me.
@mariana4095 Жыл бұрын
Did your ex reached out? Mine broke up with me for the same reasons
@chiaraA. Жыл бұрын
common thing they say is some other person is better for you than them - so they're telling you to lower your expectations and that you deserve so much more - a reminder it's best to respect yourself because you deserve better than that! No one deserves anyone who wants back in with, poor me, you deserve better but take me and take less than you deserve - hell no
@BaseballDadAz Жыл бұрын
Told myself I’d make a short attempt to try and reach out and see if she wanted to repair… email Sunday to try and break the ice about what I learned last week here… no-contact protection order this morning!! My first and only DA, for sure. The identity crisis is so tragic. It’s all in His hands now.
@CommandoMaster Жыл бұрын
DA told me I was too old for her, and left me, even tho she didn't care at the beginning. I feel abandoned. We had a cool thing going, but the moment her core wounds of intimacy, feeling her independence going away, or whatever else felt triggered, she pulled away and went cold and found a reason to leave. I feel sad now.
@Hookah_Horns Жыл бұрын
Similar experience here. For my ex, she said she changed her mind about having kids and even getting remarried. Obviously we talked about those things early on. Fucking enraging.
@nicolaslockheimers 10 ай бұрын
Be sure that things won't get better for them because they never do. Take this opp to invest the time, $, and effort into building new and more meaningful relationships.
@CommandoMaster 10 ай бұрын
@@nicolaslockheimers It's just hard finding a single, attractive, securely attached girl that is also into u. Lot of them are already taken, or not interested in u, so ur constantly trying to meet new ones, but nothing meaningful comes out of it.
@wisconsinfarmer4742 10 ай бұрын
The trouble is, you give your heart to them, but you will not find out their "true" nature until the threat of love is involved. Then suddenly an issue out of the blue emerges to "justify" their self-protective behavior. And there you crumple with unbearable heartache. I think they are all possessed.
@KatieW210 8 ай бұрын
Thank you 🙏
@abdulaqeel190 Жыл бұрын
Thias. My DA initial the break up. We had a bad break up. Does that make a difference or most of the time they reach out after 3 months? Do you have a percentage of how often reach out after a bad break up. Many thanks
@kreativexpressions 2 ай бұрын
I just learned to deal with a break-up
@sisters299 Жыл бұрын
My da makes contact then retreats for 2 days to a week this has been ongoing for months 😣 I miss him and just want consistency.
@TheCoffeeCat Жыл бұрын
He is keeping you hooked like a drug dealer. It's intermittent reinforcement and very toxic to the human psyche...
@Katrica670 Жыл бұрын
Funny you mentioned it could be based on being 5 minutes late, or just missing a period in the sentence or something. I found my 2 ex DA's were late and not good at grammar.
@saszablaze1 Жыл бұрын
Great vid So crystallized 💎
@aamacphisto Жыл бұрын
Do FA like their ex reach out to start again the relationship? I have this doubt because coaches says that the one who broke up has to be the one who reach out. But if they are FA they are afraid to rejection and to reach out, so what could we do?
@thomaswilliams801 Жыл бұрын
DA never been lonely because they are good in monkey branching
@MisSaLiMaRi3 Жыл бұрын
So if the relationship (committed) was 8 months it doesn’t really matter to them unless it was more than 2 years?
@reesespieces450 Жыл бұрын
Great work Thias thank You. Can you do a DAs and rebounding breakdown please? Mine rebounded twice immediately after leaving. Its been a year he's single and got a new dog. Lol. We were dating 3 years but he was distant throughout. Would love to know where his heads at right now. How and why he would jump in with other girls like I meant nothing
@hinb1231 Жыл бұрын
A video on the mechanisms of rebound for DA would be interesting ! :)
@TheSilmarillion1 Жыл бұрын
I'm a DA and my ex gf messed me up, so I'm not rebounding, I'm recovering first. But, my opinion is that he likely knew he was going to leave long before he finally did, and even if he was physically faithful when you were together, if it was right in a row, he noticed both of those women before the breakup. And he probably feels like you made him break up with you, even though his issues are as much to blame. Idk, I would say most DAs don't get back into real relationships quickly, but rebound sx.. yeah he's distant from them for sure.
@reesespieces450 Жыл бұрын
@@TheSilmarillion1 thanks for your insight as a DA yourself. Sorry do you mean he's distant from rebound sex?
@adoptioncorner1984 Жыл бұрын
@@TheSilmarillion1 did you ever go back to someone you broke up with? My DA ex blocked me after 3 years and said he doesn't go backwards and doesn't reach out to anybody 💔
@SinaLaJuanaLewis Жыл бұрын
He should have been blocked. No contact inmho
@aamacphisto Жыл бұрын
A FA can be DA in certain things? Like they want conexion but when they break up the act like DA What other things FA do like DA?
@btchiang Жыл бұрын
Please do one on FA
@raquelrpj Жыл бұрын
Thais, do they ever regret when they left too soon because a vulnerability hangover?
@lisatomeo3059 8 ай бұрын
What if they immediately go back to their ex a few days after breaking up with me? Will they every feel the loss and regret breaking up with me when we lived together for almost 2 years & he said he was going to propose in Dec? He was only with his ex for 8 months and they never loved together and she initially broke up with him.
@mindypark3064 Жыл бұрын
My DA broke up with me all 7x while being together for 4 yrs. 😪 and to make thing even worse, he’s a narcissist 🤕. No more DA’s
@TheSilmarillion1 Жыл бұрын
A DA who isn't a narcissist would probably just break up once and that would be it. And I'm sorry for the DA part, but don't date narcissists, like, that's the thing you should be more concerned about. Condolences. Now leave me alone.
@mindypark3064 Жыл бұрын
@@TheSilmarillion1 are you a DA? If so, not at all hating on DA’s! I have love for ALL DA’s. I just know that I plan to not be in a relationship with a DA moving forward 😊
@TheSilmarillion1 Жыл бұрын
@@mindypark3064 Good. I'm happy for you, that's a good choice.
@mindypark3064 Жыл бұрын
@@TheSilmarillion1 thank you 🙏🏻 🥰 good luck on your journey as well. Hoping you can break out of that DA shell. You deserve to have all the happiness in this world!
@TheSilmarillion1 Жыл бұрын
@@mindypark3064 I don't know if I can, but I appreciate your concern.
@SR0490 Жыл бұрын
Dated a DA for 5 years. Break ups initiated on and off by them. They check all boxes as far as deactivating strategies goes. I have tried to be really patient and understanding and have compassion towards them & tried to have those conversations about our needs & how we can work together, they would clam up, get quiet, need space, or break things off. My DA however is very very close to family. Can this be? She goes to her mom for almost everything. After every blindsided breakup or difficult conversation, she would pack up to go to her mom.
@roselandpetals Жыл бұрын
I've dated 2 DAs over the course of my life and they were both very close to their family. Ironic because it was probably their family members, growing up, that made them DA. EDIT: They probably think the kind of "love" they get from their family is real love and the kind of love you can offer them (a more healthy one) scares them?
@SR0490 Жыл бұрын
@@roselandpetals interesting! Yeah she is very close to family. Tough situation I’m in currently. So many breakups she’s initiated almost makes it seem that this is it considering her statements of things shouldn’t be this hard, I finally love myself & who I am, my focus is on me and my career, I’m not ready etc etc. 5 years. I’ve been trying.
@roselandpetals Жыл бұрын
@@SR0490 Have you introduced her to Attachment Theory? Does she know she is DA? Unless she is willing to change HERSELF and quit looking or "blaming" you or the relationship, I'm afraid she won't change.
@SR0490 Жыл бұрын
@@roselandpetals I have not, but I do believe she is aware. She’s written me a letter before describing that she’s aware and she’s sorry for it. This was her first attempt at a breakup but we tried to push through, back then I was completely unaware & definitely not self aware. It seems she is but wants to do the work alone considering we’ve been going through the cycles of it and it has been hurtful on both ends.
@roselandpetals Жыл бұрын
@@SR0490 It might be good to give her a little space then. It's not easy to move yourself from DA to Secure. At some point too, you have to decide if this constant push and pull with her is good for YOU. Is it really what you want? Only you can decide that.
@noellecameron1609 7 ай бұрын
2 years in, breaks up with me no problem in the relationship but decides he wants to be alone when we would do regular temp checks about our future
@edgreen8140 Жыл бұрын
I know 3 d a' s who would never do the work.
@ZhengSW Жыл бұрын
I don't think they do either because they are inherently afraid of criticism.
@dianaathens1 9 ай бұрын
They are not only the DA that leave,some just dont LIKE YOU. without being avoidants
@siyafaith5615 11 ай бұрын
I will be 10minutes late and i will told this relationship would be over😂😂 i was threatened with break up all the time and i started not feeling secure and one night i wanted the talk 😂😂 the emotional talk to feel safe and secure well he broke with me stating he cant meet my needs when he met makung me feel insecure. Been with him 5years, gone, no text just quiet. Im glad i get to understand its not me and that nothing is wrong with me ❤
@d4darwin458 7 ай бұрын
I dont think my DA will ever regret it, I wish her well though
@beastmasterakathabarbaric1509 7 ай бұрын
The 2nd part sounds like my trauma bond addicted recent ex gf going bk to her dead beat abusive baby dad when I loved her above and beyond and step up when it came to her daughter but she goes bk to someone that hit on her use her spend all her money and left me broken....someone give me help please.My heart broken damnit
@bellaleenat6096 Жыл бұрын
From your experience, does a DA still reach back out if they feel really guilty about the hurt caused by their decision and if you gave strong final goodbyes to each other at the time?
@PaulShelby42 Жыл бұрын
From my experience... They will possibly reach out, but I want to hear Thais advice
@tucky3191 Жыл бұрын
@asmallbitchybanana Жыл бұрын
No they dont. They dont like feeling guilt at all. My ex DA always told me he doesnt like being guilt tripped at all into anything. Whether its past mwmories, present experiences or just being called out in general. They are not accountable nor do they choose to be. If you cant lay clear boundaries down after ending the relationship, its best to go no contact pr walk away from them forever or you will end up frustrated theyre not being accountable to you for your negative experiences with them. It takes a very strong DA to own up to their mistakes.
@ArielAriel-rg8ng Жыл бұрын
My Da ex now feels guilty, but it required months and my strong will to let him know exactly what hurted me several times,because they first react pushing away the guilty feelings.
@bellaleenat6096 Жыл бұрын
@@asmallbitchybanana thanks for your thoughts. Appreciate you taking the time to do that. I agree that ownership of something seems very hard for them. Sorry was never a word I heard! I did at times get back door versions of it though. Couldn’t say it or really show it but I knew he was by whatever action he was doing he felt it - although prob pushed down to himself. A different dynamic of mind that’s for sure!
@jokerswild9992 Жыл бұрын
I need help to interpret. Was w a loving DA for almost 2 years WAs blindsided at 13 months where they seemed devastated of this ‘problem’, which I think was avoidance. Never stopped talking and 3 weeks later we saw each other again. Seemed very happy, loving always wanted to be w me like usual. WEll, blindsdied again about 8 months later. Coldly, wanted no contact and gave reason that I never gave space in first brakup (news to me) and also they just can’t be in a relationship bc they really can’t. I never heard again for 8 months. Contacted me to ask me something and even seemed to want me to ask something. I could not talk, so I said I will later. Well, the next day I saw him and he just looked at me, and did not acknowledge me. I was so shocked. Even more ironic that next day found out we have an activity together weekly. He is fine there, cordial. Image looks perfect no one knows. . I wrote a text about 10 days later, stating that he texted, we talked, and it seems awkward to ignore each other like we don’t know each other , did they want to get coffee so it’s not that way. He wrote that he doesn’t really want to do that. Ok fine. So now, I see him out on the street-total ignore, just stare (not mean) but will not say hello, just walks by me. At the activity ,will interact as needed. I mean it has now been 9+ months. IS there a reason for being completely ignored (I was just thinking cordial hello in passing is normal). Why is this??? Is this degree of avoidance normal? We did have a realy nice relationship and friendship prior. But his behavior at blindside and now this IGNORING really hurts more.
@alexblainelayter7703 Жыл бұрын
You say 'ignoring' but you could also just call it 'dismissing and avoiding' which may help explain why he's doing what he is doing. You were dismissed and are now being avoided and of course that hurts. If this guy was emotionally competent enough to deal with a conversation that would clear the air (which you offered), he wouldn't be a DA. The mere thought of the emotions that could resurface during this meet-up are reason enough to avoid it. It has got nothing to do with you and everything with his own fears which he perfected rationalising.
@christinav3198 Жыл бұрын
What if they cheated and after the breakup went with them? Is their experience very different from what’s explained in the video?
@cherryt1790 Жыл бұрын
Good question
@aamacphisto Жыл бұрын
Is it possible FA last more than 6 months after they broke up with they anxious partner? Is there still a chance to get them back? It has been a 4.5 years relationship and has been 3 breaks up. The anxious hasn’t reach out but they work on the same job so they don’t see each other but text each other through text messenger for work things
@aspegel5281 Жыл бұрын
How much time passed in between the previous breakups?
@cherylthompson2731 Жыл бұрын
FA people don't break up easily. Look for the reason why this person broke up with you. FAs have been seriously hurt as children. Make sure you never abandon them.
@aamacphisto Жыл бұрын
@@aspegel5281 2 and 3 months
@lifecoachingtoronto Жыл бұрын
For all the other attachment styles watching this video, we can see & possibly have compassion for what the DA experiences, feeling like they can't be vulnerable during or after the break-up. What do you think?
@aspegel5281 Жыл бұрын
That's the thing - they need to work on becoming vulnerable during a breakup so that the breakup doesn't take place. Their ego (defensive/protective) takes over and they cannot humble themselves enough to work through the tough arguments that lead to endings. They explode with anger and refuse to take responsibility for their part, which is why so many walk away. Then the DA blames them for walking away.
@leolady8114 Жыл бұрын
It is truly heartbreaking! I just can't imagine how hard it must be for them!
@anon_ya Жыл бұрын
I have compassion from a distance meaning I won’t engage with a DA in a relationship or give them a second or third chance. Also won’t make excuses for them. As adults, we all need to own our choices in life despite our fears and history. That’s growth. But yes, it is sad to see a life of relationships wasted and the experiences they will lack from pushing people away. Life has meaning with relationships. I kind of view the aging DA much like the aging narcissist (Dr Ramani reference). They one day wake up in old age alone.
@lifecoachingtoronto Жыл бұрын
@@anon_ya Right. You can make your decision whether to engage with someone or not. I think it's good to see what's happening and then decide for yourself if you want to engage or not. And if you engage, understand that comes with it. Good stuff! :)
@TheCoffeeCat Жыл бұрын
I'm a very compassionate person, but how can you have compassion for someone who does not feel, but instead chooses to distract and numb themselves? They are not really suffering. They are avoiding pain at all costs, skimming through life. Maybe I can have compassion for the waste of life instead.
@AprilSunshine 7 ай бұрын
I'm worried about my DA. He was an absolute classic case but couldn't tell the truth and come to me for soothing when he needed it. I really hope he's gonna be ok. Truly a good guy. Doesn't deserve to end up lonely. ☹️
@user-ot5cb8dc3u 10 ай бұрын
Its been 6 months of no contact…i’ve been cut out of my ex’s life right after the breakup…how do I make contact again without upsetting him? How do I mediate starting conversation and expressing my feelings?
@file13whereareyou 9 ай бұрын
I want to know, too. It's been 7 wks . Not a peep. I miss him terribly but have been watching breakup coach vids that all say go into complete no contact. I did this immediately as he broke up with me. It was my fault though. It was all a misunderstanding by text and I spoke to a mutual friend out of desperation whom he had not told we were "involved". This was a security violation, I guess. I know he misses me b/c he was watching me on a group Signal we had w/other ppl. After 2 wks, he seemed to have dropped Signal.
@ArielAriel-rg8ng Жыл бұрын
My Da ex after 8 months from the break up apologized and told me he regrets our break up and that he wants to get back together because now everything will be different but he doesn't want to go to therapy,I don't know if to give a second chance or not.
@TheCoffeeCat Жыл бұрын
You have got the ball in your court. No therapy, no second chance.
@fian1286 Жыл бұрын
Personally I wouldn’t, don’t let someone tell you they don’t want you twice . Pay attention to what they are doing (and not doing) rather than what they are saying.
@TheCoffeeCat Жыл бұрын
@@fian1286 Good advice!
@culalamola2 Жыл бұрын
It is good to take things slowly so you can see how is he behaving. Try to reestablish a friend connection and then see if you want this person as a partner. Sometimes they are not going to therapy but are looking for other ways to be better. And you can build trust slowly without being that exposed as it was in your previous relationship. You’ll see if he makes the effort or not. Remember you have responsibility too in your connection😸.
@ArielAriel-rg8ng Жыл бұрын
Thank you for all the advices 💕
@monicaleond 6 ай бұрын
What if they break up a long term relationship and start another relationship in less than a month?
@ombra711 Жыл бұрын
I'm guessing DA's tend to always be the one to break up.. I'm glad it wasn't flaw finding my last time, it was for the best due to living situation. She went on to finally get married, but regardless I "miss her", we spent almost half a decade together, but I miss her for pretty selfish reasons so I don't "count" it.
@aspegel5281 Жыл бұрын
My DA friend would get others to break up with him - so more passive/aggressive. I'm thinking FAs are more likely to break up the way you're talking. Even getting married is difficult for a DA.
@marcd2743 Жыл бұрын
Ha, the bro that married her is going to learn the hard way. Be thankful it wasn't you and you got out.
@lmart16 Жыл бұрын
@@aspegel5281 this. As an FA, it's not always the DA that breaks up a relationship.. sometimes the FA just says enough is enough.
@rossmeryzayas4532 Жыл бұрын
I’m AP and I broke up w my DA partner hardest thing I have ever done come back to these videos to cope 🫡
@flagirl0315 Жыл бұрын
@@aspegel5281 yes that too. They almost sabotage until you leave
@justmegee88 Жыл бұрын
The POS DA i was with wouldn't even have the decent to tell me why he'd break up with me..Id get a text saying I don't have a love connection with you. Then he'd keep silent for a few weeks..I suspected he dated others in this time. Then he'd come back with all sorts of sweet talk. And the cycle would start all over again. He is blocked for good.
@user-fo8uz2rw1z 2 ай бұрын
what if it's an early-stage relationship? 2 months
@warmhart2034 Жыл бұрын
What if a partner can meet most if all of the needs of the DA and the DA truly loves the partner but the Da still pull-back (or take a break or even break-up) because of their fears of intimacy, vulnerability, losing independence etc? How do you manage this?
@nataliegreenham Жыл бұрын
Good question.
@warmhart2034 Жыл бұрын
@@nataliegreenham This is my situation with the DA. He says our relationship is verging on perfect but still pulls back / takes breaks regularly almost to the point that I think he will break-up with me because I perceive his feelings are too strong!! 😧
@asmallbitchybanana Жыл бұрын
You dont manage it. I would say, realize when youve actually had enough and its no longer healthy for your own peace of mind. You can only do so much for someone, and be understanding to a certain extent, Da or not. I would know when my limit is, and operate on that. There is a limit to everything honestly. You have to think of yourself too.
@arianadebarros3652 14 күн бұрын
Yeah he broke up with me over something that could of been solved we talked about it before and I didn’t care about him working 2 jobs and he just gave up because of if I cared I would of been left but all of a sudden now he leaves and blocks me on everything after asking him to call to talk about it I got blocked on everything I miss him and I was his crush from the job and finally dated and he was so invested
@user-sz6hk1nv3o Жыл бұрын
Thais make them seem like angels lol but i watch the video like 3 times already and am like wtf can i do to fix this shit if she decides to comeback.
@TheCoffeeCat Жыл бұрын
What a bleak, barren landscape.
@duncanmac2195 5 ай бұрын
Yeah what he just said. No point in caring what they think. Get something better. People are using mental illness as an excuse to be idiots.
@thewanderer2041 10 ай бұрын
My DA walked out after 3.5 years of marriage. She was a horrible lover and just used me.
@erinjohnston8829 Жыл бұрын
If it’s in the long term side of things and they do feel sadness or regret, how likely are they to reach out to the ex to try to tell them they made a mistake?
@anon_ya Жыл бұрын
In my experience they will reach out, but rarely with a grand gesture or apology etc. DAs are scared to put too much of themselves out there at once, so you may get some texts or breadcrumbs as they test the water to see how receptive you are to coming back into contact. I’ve heard Thais say that many DAs will come back and friendzone, because that gives them what they want (proximity and needs being met) without the fear (expectations).
@adoptioncorner1984 Жыл бұрын
@@anon_ya could this happen after long periods of time of no contact or recent break ups?
@anon_ya Жыл бұрын
@@adoptioncorner1984 could be either, but I would say this is a trivial piece of information (when they reach out). It’s not healthy or secure behavior to leave people and keep coming back to haunt them…
@adoptioncorner1984 Жыл бұрын
@@anon_ya it's just hard because it was 3 years and I feel like I meant nothing now
@anon_ya Жыл бұрын
@@adoptioncorner1984 I’m so sorry 😔. To go from a committed relationship to not having that person in your life is understandably painful, and it’s only natural for you to doubt the significance of the whole experience when it ended. You DID mean something to that person otherwise you wouldn’t have spent 3 yrs together. You did have a real connection and love. It was real. I don’t know the circumstances behind the separation, but I encourage you to honor what it was and what it meant for you, be grateful for the experience. Try not to project meanings that are untrue and unnecessary and hurt you (for example: when you said you doubt you meant anything to them). Sometimes people can love us and our love can be real, but they can also leave us at the same time for a lot of reasons outside of our control. Sometimes our parents really love us, but they also disappoint us in the areas they are not well-equipped (as an example). I understand your pain, and I hope you begin to look inward at yourself, love yourself, find something exciting and joyful that you want to live for. I believe love will find us again and life can become so much more exciting when we are willing to surrender these old stories. Thank the past, be sad, cherish the memories, take the lessons, and move forward one baby step at a time. I wish you peace and encouragement. ❤️
@Hookah_Horns Жыл бұрын
So the only chance they'll regret it is if the relationship was 2+ years?
@mariana4095 Жыл бұрын
That was my interpretation too and I can't say I agree to this. My ex DA came back to me full of regret after two months and we only dated for a month before.
@BottomsupET 11 ай бұрын
@deboraharies6983 Жыл бұрын
All's I have is he reached out. I was at Safeway. I said, " no hurry ( about talking, or getting together" and added, " darn, there are no peaches in this store!" He said, " I have 🍑 peaches" ...I have too laugh! Hahahahaha! Seriously...
@Pumpmaximum13 10 ай бұрын
I dont see the woman I dated for months that I just broke up with regretting anything 😂 she's cold, even if she felt that way, she would take it to the grave.
@juanitoalba8985 Жыл бұрын
@geoffreybester7953 3 ай бұрын
Everyday is an ex. 😂
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