the most condescending woman on instagram

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The Queer Kiwi

The Queer Kiwi

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Пікірлер: 961
@TheQueerKiwi 9 ай бұрын
apologies for no caprions! something has come up so they weren't able to be done in time. they will be up tomorrow!!
@Chaos-rt6sg 9 ай бұрын
@slotharmstronk1348 9 ай бұрын
noo no caprions
@juiceboxfromthevoid 9 ай бұрын
Not the caprions :(
@pianolover8910 9 ай бұрын
Caprions 💀
@Fudgeanimates 9 ай бұрын
Oh, no! Not the caprions! :(
@commandercorl1544 9 ай бұрын
She thinks she can just spew nonsense as long as she uses scientific words. No, ma'am, you're making a delectable word salad, not a point.
@poocoonuts 9 ай бұрын
Thank you! She says so much yet says NOTHING
@murielhammond734 9 ай бұрын
I am so using “ur making a delectable word salad, not a point” thanks for comeback
@commandercorl1544 9 ай бұрын
@@murielhammond734 I appreciate it! I had to workshop it a bit before posting the comment, at first it said "creating" but you don't say "creating a point" so I changed it to "making". I'm just glad someone noticed the effort.
@Sofia8687 9 ай бұрын
I love this comment. Will be using this for future comebacks 👍🏼
@shivika1000 9 ай бұрын
I am stealing this response for future "debates"
@Kitty-the-Bunny 9 ай бұрын
There's also such a big difference between "hey don't tell your parents about this thing" and "if you don't want me to, *I* won't tell your parents about this thing"
@tatiana4050 9 ай бұрын
And also "please don't tell my parents" Like do you tell the parents that James that normally goes by Jimmy, is not going by Jim.
@xorana-3486 9 ай бұрын
She kept using big words yet said the most basic arguments all the conservatives use. There was no need for all the unneccesery yapping.
@Charsy8 2 ай бұрын
The *need* was to appear smarter and wiser than the "liberals". Which isn't even fair to assume considering she's not having a debate with another person, she's doing it... with herself, imagined as a docile debate opponent who conviniently has "nothing to say" back to her, so she assumes she "won" that argument. lol
@loveangelb4by 9 ай бұрын
young girls being forced to have responsibilities over their unruly boy classmates is definitely something i experienced. i’m so glad that you talked about it
@NearsightedNarhwal 9 ай бұрын
ESPECIALLY DURING GROUP WORK OMG. Every single time I’ve been in a group of boys for an assignment (as an AFAB person) I’ve had to do every SINGLE THING, because boys’ are for some reason allowed to not take school seriously.
@Trash_panda_confused 9 ай бұрын
EXACTLY. I’m Also AFAB and I hate how I’m expected to get good grades and keep the boys in check when they get to Float around school and then graduate with top honors.
@Honeybunny_bun 9 ай бұрын
I'm afab and i was also paired up with kids, usually boys, that needed the "well behaved" student to help them with behaving and be thestudent with the higher grades helping the other students who have lower grades, i was told as much by teachers. It truly shows that they don't get paid enough to do this extra work or to care, that responsibility should not be put on me.
@Mike_Oxlong07 9 ай бұрын
​@@Trash_panda_confused because when they do put effort in they outperform you by miles. Men dominate all extremes of the bell curve
@Mike_Oxlong07 9 ай бұрын
​@@Honeybunny_bun that's what you get for playing teachers pet
@maevetravis2123 9 ай бұрын
It’s so frustrating when people think kids are stupid……. Kids can comprehend a lot more than we think they can. I remember in 1st grade I played with a classmate who said “I’m not a boy or a girl” and I was like “cool wanna play kitty cats” 🙄😂
@lgaybulbl 9 ай бұрын
when i was 13, i had a metal pipe in my bedroom that we had never found the other end to. i hated brushing my teeth (big autism moment lmao) so each night i would steal everyone's toothbrush and jam them down said pipe. i did that for WEEKS until a cute girl on my bus said the plaque on my teeth was nasty. years later i found out my mom wholeheartedly believed a ghost was stealing the toothbrushes because "none of my kids would be smart enough to take all the toothbrushes instead of just theirs". apparently that was more believable than a child using critical thinking skills
@Dekubud 9 ай бұрын
Kids understand what is truly important: finding a friend who wants to play kitty cat with them. Also, knowing what people's favourite dinosaur is.
@LooseDeuce 9 ай бұрын
@@Dekubud Brachios FTW #longneckgang
@araven2472 9 ай бұрын
@@LooseDeuce apatosaurus FTW but consider: yi qi. tiny dragon bird dinosaur
@one-onessadhalf3393 9 ай бұрын
@Dekubud Triceratops, thems cool
@briannawalker4793 9 ай бұрын
Also, re: divorce courts, at least in the USA - research has shown that fathers who request full or part-time custody are usually granted it, even if the mother disagrees. The whole "women win in family courts!" thing is not because the courts love women; it's because men refuse to claim their kids. (For numbers, the state of MA put out a fascinating look at their family courts: over a 5-year period, 2,100 fathers had pressed for full or part-time custody of their children. 93% of those cases went to the father!)
@AdaireKrickets 9 ай бұрын
This! I get so frustrated because it is SO CONVENIENT to pretend as if all men are actually going to court for their child. The reality is that 90%+ of couples decide, without court, that the mother will have full custody of the child. Only less than 4% of fathers seek custody and don't receive any at all. This narrative is unbelievably hurtful not just to women, who are often left with the child because the father is not interested. BUT for dads who do want their kids and some stupid internet myth has convinced them that court isn't worth it. No different than men getting pissy because parent drop off boxes exist, but men have to pay child support. Even though men can use parent drop off boxes and women do have to pay child support. Just a bunch of kids who heard uncle donny drunk whine about how life is unfair (and never spoke about how he got there) and parroting his sad little tone without any thought or evidence.
@Airemelde 9 ай бұрын
Speaking from personal experience: you can not grant someone (*cough* the father *cough*) custody if he doesn't even bother to show up at the custody hearing. I mean, I guess, you could but what good would that do when the father is obviously not interested in the first place lol?
@bzzzz...8383 9 ай бұрын
Moreover, a mother is more likely to lose the child custody when there is involved child ab*se perpetrated by the father. This is due to the Parental Alienation Theory coined by Richard Gardner who had disturbing views on women and vi*lence against children. His theory was disregarded by child psychologists but is still widely used by family courts -it grants an abuser access to the child inconditionally as any allegations are viewed as a child or mother's attempt to vilify the father. Needless to say, there are already children m*rdered because of the use of this mindset.
@Dutch3DMaster 9 ай бұрын
Reminds me of an article in my country about a man shouting loudly about how society was focused on women and women always winning custody of children in a divorce. A local newspaper dug into that mans life, and it turns out his child literally wanted to get away from him, because this man was completely caught by the trap set out by big technology companies and was completely obsessed with conspiracy theories, which caused him to be behind his computer and become close to negligent for the care of his child. When the pandemic happened, his father showed up to this boys school to shout conspiracy theories about the mask mandates in school and how his child was getting murdered because of the masks, and he was dragged away from there, and got a fine. He wanted to protest again, and was allowed to do so far away from the school area, and decided to use a megaphone to spread bullshit again, and request his child to be "disobedient against his murderers". So after the court case was done, he ranted on the internet how "they took my child away from me", and refused to take responsibility for his actions, and just kept on believing there was a dark conspiracy happening against men, while he was just batshit crazy. Recently he, and some other conspiracy theorists were put in jail for all the bullshit they had been posting, damaging several people's lives severely, and another one of those deeper stories was done because some people were worried how someone was capable of having such a high sentence imposed "for just spreading disinformation on the internet". They made a whole timeline from the beginning of this person starting to derail, and it turned out that his conspiracy theory-beliefs were not the beginning, though in the beginning of it those beliefs had got him into an altercation with his wife 2 times (physical abuse). He was arrested several times for violating pandemic rules, each of which he strongly contested with him providing his own defense in court (which angered the judge because of how laughingly poor and misguided it was, causing the case to be a big time-waster), he was mandated to not spread lies about a "satanic pedophile-ring" anymore, and immediately did so right after getting out of court where an officer immediately arrested him for doing explicitly what he just had been told to stop doing. In 2023 there was a massive disinformation campaign created about a comprehensive sexual educational lesson package, and he posted messages on the internet to burn down the school of his children if they went through with the lessons on sexual education. It was almost impossible to imagine someone still not having gotten back to their senses and feeling some sense of responsibility for how they were the problem and not other people after all that went down with them... And in a way it was also sad to see just how powerful big technology companies and their algorithms are to plunge some people into a pool of lies and nonsense, and have them believe it because the algorithm keeps pushing more extreme stuff...
@jaymeamonsen7728 8 ай бұрын
My sister lost custody of her daughter to her ex husband despite him having a very bad record and no relationship with his daughter. When men seek custody, they often get it.
@FaeEn-By_Ace 9 ай бұрын
I wasn’t taught about the TQ+ part of LGBTQ+ and that is what made my life harder, I always questioned my gender before I knew, kids usually know
@cancelledavac 9 ай бұрын
Hopefully this isn’t a disrespectful question, but were you GNC as a kid?
@VampMoneyCollective 9 ай бұрын
I knew I was a boy when I was 4 years old I just never had the language to put it into words so I tried to ignore it for as long as possible
@lilypad2714 9 ай бұрын
My bestie was the same. He is trans, and he didn’t know being trans was a thing, and it wasn’t until he cosplayed as a guy and bound his chest did he start to question his gender. Same with me being asexual. I never knew that it was a thing, but I could never understand movies where the main characters got together with almost no build up, and I didn’t like the look of kissing and can’t judge someone’s looks until I know more of what their personality is like. So when I found out asexuality was a thing it made me realise that I’m not alone in feeling this. Also if kids can be so easily influenced, and get “turned” gay or trans or anything like that, then I’d like to see adults try and be a gender or sexuality that isn’t them. Even just for a day. Cuz they can’t. There will always be LGBT+ kids whether they like it or not. We mainly grew up watching cishet media and we still turned out LGBT+, so the idea that watching a gay couple kids would turn someone gay is ludicrous to me 💀
@cancelledavac 9 ай бұрын
Commented for OP’s answer, staying for the replies 😎
@FaeEn-By_Ace 9 ай бұрын
This is exactly how I felt @@VampMoneyCollective
@tomodoesstuff 9 ай бұрын
What confused me as a kid was being gay and being told that being gay is wrong and a choice. I spent so many years trying to change myself and denying that I was actually gay, because I thought that if I was it would mean I was a mistake. that's what confused me.
@anothercub6958 9 ай бұрын
You see? This is what they meant when they said being gay was confusing the kids! /s
@CassilovesMocha 9 ай бұрын
So happy you found self acceptance. ❤ And it is hard when your parents are a blockade to that. Don't forget the people who say being LBGTQIA is wrong, think that because they believe it is a "sin" & the same book also says it is NOT a sin to capture and keep sex slaves during war.🤦‍♀️
@erenssister.5535 8 ай бұрын
If being told something would make kids want to be with them then I would have been a doctor lol
@Ashton8844 9 ай бұрын
OMFG the lady thinks she's so smart it's actually embarrassing
@oraengae 9 ай бұрын
@cactus2260 9 ай бұрын
"hierarchal society" ma'm you can't use those words while denying patriarchy and cisheteronormativity! what hierarchy does she mean? the teachers vs the uneducated???
@oculttheexegaming2509 9 ай бұрын
It's pure insane troll logic.
@Ashton8844 9 ай бұрын
@@cactus2260 she's one of those people that say shit that contradicts to sound so profound
@5tarSailor 9 ай бұрын
Thank you Kiwi, you put into words as to why i take a massive issue with the whole "you're confusing kids" argument. My own mom was using that argument when i wanted to explore my gender identity especially as her only son with my biological father. It shoved me back into the closet for a few years and caused a lot of self hate and hate towards the queer community. Took up to a few years ago where i started to finally work some stuff out that i've needed to for a while. Glad i found channels like yours
@BRIANNA_00 9 ай бұрын
I hope your in a better, safer place now :)
@larissam.2299 9 ай бұрын
Always nice to see an ace flag outside of my ace groups 💜 hope you're in a more welcoming place now!
@5tarSailor 9 ай бұрын
@@larissam.2299 it's always nice to see people recognize it and recognize it properly. If I leave a comment on a random video, I'm likely gonna get a reply calling me a slur or someone thinking it's a gender identity flag. My favorite one was some guy who was trying to insult me over my pfp by saying "no one cares who you sleep with". Both implying their own arrogance and at the same time, caring enough to comment on it
@Romanticoutlaw 9 ай бұрын
the only people confusing kids are the ones insisting they be straight cis and allo when they're not
@soosoolar 9 ай бұрын
@@Romanticoutlawi have never seen the abbreviation allo, what does it stand for?
@moonpai3668 9 ай бұрын
I hate making fun of people for random things that don’t relate to the whole situation…. But the tone of how that woman talks makes me so mad
@ouijacorn 9 ай бұрын
I think it's fair to be annoyed by her tone because it's something she has control over and she is definitely trying to be condescending.
@Conformist138 9 ай бұрын
"Talking about gender will just confuse the children!" Ma'am, the kids have been doing active shooter drills since they were 5. "Sometimes people 'change' genders," is the least confusing concept they'll absorb this week.
@NearsightedNarhwal 9 ай бұрын
Telling children that trans people exist isn’t gonna “influence them” into being trans. Yk what *will* influence them? Their parents showing them that being cis-het is the only option for identity and if they feel another way they’re abnormal.
@anothercub6958 9 ай бұрын
Gotta say that the chances of kids "absorbing" bullets is probably a more pressing issue than little Timmy thinking boys are cute. Hell, the stats would probably show the former being more likely
@kateharris6492 3 ай бұрын
@@anothercub6958 America be crazy, I've never once feared I'd be shot in my life
@lizzjohansen6205 18 күн бұрын
@lxvenderjewel 9 ай бұрын
agreed with the thing about "ohh if you tell kids ab gender theyll grow up confused euhfiuehwih" bc thats just... not true. we read a book ab trans ppl when i was in like 2nd grade and all i thought was "oh it would be cool to know a trans person i wonder if any kids here are trans" and that was it. these ppl literally wildin istg
@NettylSpryngs 9 ай бұрын
If kids can understand the difference between a boy and a girl then they can understand sometimes people don't fit into that perfectly. It's not a complicated or confusing topic. I feel like the problem is people like her *weren't* taught about it and refuse to learn about it now, so they are projecting their own confusion. If they had been taught about trans people when they were younger maybe they wouldn't find it such an overwhelming and earth-shattering topic.
@NearsightedNarhwal 9 ай бұрын
It’s so annoying because why is it okay to hide LGBT+ from kids but not _other_ communities that are different? What about different cultures and religions? Are you gonna prevent your kids from learning about them just so your children isn’t “confused” about something that’s different?
@alexisflory6496 4 ай бұрын
Wish I had that. Would have spent a lot less time being confused. Instead I was 12 and only learned it was a thing because my friend came out as nb. My entire thought process was basically "ok. That works. WAIT A MINUTE THATS ME TOO"
@youngtydiscgolf 9 ай бұрын
The way she pauses in between words really shows how smart she thinks she sounds, reminds me of jordan peterson 😂 loved the vid!!
@professorfoxtrot 9 ай бұрын
She is a beautiful black woman.
@antonycharalampous5454 9 ай бұрын
​@@professorfoxtrot and?
@professorfoxtrot 9 ай бұрын
@@antonycharalampous5454 Kiwi is attacking her because of her race.
@obamaslefteyeball1710 2 ай бұрын
@@professorfoxtrotbait used to be decent
@bambino05 9 ай бұрын
Jobs like teachers and nurses used to be almost entirely male roles. When women started joining those fields, men left, and the wages stagnated.
@FoxGameCZ 9 ай бұрын
I heard that happened to cheerleading as well. Loke there is a photo of usa president in his cheerleading year at university.
@eldritchtourist 9 ай бұрын
Your profile picture is nightmarish
@beeppboopp 9 ай бұрын
Yup, this happened with a lot of things that are now female dominated. It's SO common, more women will do something and then men will stop doing it because that's a too "feminine thing." Also bro, change your pfp 😭
@one-onessadhalf3393 9 ай бұрын
Am I insane or is op’s pfp literally just roses
@bambino05 9 ай бұрын
@one-onessadhalf3393 I changed it, it was a foot with a popped blister with tic tacs in. You can see why it was a hot topic
@LightsAnon 9 ай бұрын
Woman who barely knows what she's arguing about wins argument against herself simply because she didn't argue back.. against herself
@enderlauren7248 9 ай бұрын
hearing her use the words “grooming” and “predatory” when referring to the topic of lgbtq+ told me exactly how far she’s thinking when she posts… also, it’s her constant blaming of women and fems for me✨💅
@Ophelia381 9 ай бұрын
I would be surprised if she even is queer herself. I'm gonna guess she's talking for a community she isn't a part of and doesn't understand.
@professorfoxtrot 9 ай бұрын
Why is kiwi attacking another black KZbinr?
@enderlauren7248 9 ай бұрын
@@professorfoxtrot kiwi isn’t targeting black ppl for these videos, they’re just ignorant, hateful people who happened to be black as well.
@enderlauren7248 9 ай бұрын
@@professorfoxtrot kiwi isn’t targeting ppl of color, they are just ignorant, hateful people who happened to be balck, and kiwi is now covering them. don’t start anything weird
@diamondgirl698 9 ай бұрын
​@@professorfoxtrotwhy are you still here making an sexist ass fool of your self and attacking a queer KZbin?
@Rynodino 9 ай бұрын
Women aren’t favored in divorce court. Statistically, the men don’t fight for the kids and when they do, they win. In the US at least
@lord_xylozdoomsday959 9 ай бұрын
I know some sad cases not from the us
@07Flash11MRC 9 ай бұрын
@@Ashton8844 @Ashton : Your anecdotal "evidence" doesn't prove anything, because it's a fallacy. The reason your mom got you instead of your dad, is because your ad didn't make it clear that he wanted you with him. That's the truth. Statistics prove that whenever fathers tell judges that they want to at least partially raise his child(ren), they get at least 50%. If your father didn't get you, it's either because the jury / judge didn't see him fit to raise kid(s) by himself, or it's because your father didn't want you. Sorry bud.
@mainacc7624 9 ай бұрын
​@07Flash11MRC You can't assume why the judge made that decision I agree that anecdotal evidence doesn't prove that all judges favor women But you also can't assume that it NEVER happens And deny that it does when someone is telling you that's what happened Because it DOES happen. Because of the idea that men can't raise kids. My mom was abusive to my dad AND my siblings and I And she got NO repercussions for that. The judge saw my dad's file and saw there was abuse And IMMEDIATELY assumed my dad was the abuser When he was the one being abused. Men aren't taken seriously VERY often when it comes to getting custody or being abused in court. It is a genuine problem. And just because often times the dad genuinely just doesn't make an effort doesn't mean they never do and yet they often still lose custody.
@07Flash11MRC 9 ай бұрын
@@mainacc7624 @mainiacc : Your entire argument is based on fallacies, all the way from straw-men to complete lies. I'll forgive you, because you're obviously just a confused kids, but I won't engage with people like you, who put words in my mouth and lack reading comprehension skills. Again, your anedotal "evidence" doesn't disprove any statistics out there. What I said is the empirical conclusion of decades of research by scientist in those fields.
@AyshaLovesYou 9 ай бұрын
Unless they are unfit. I raise an autistic child and her father tried to fight me for custody. He’s not unhealthy, but he just works part time at a grocery store and can’t drive yet, he’s 28. So when he tried to fight me in court, all he got was supervised time. And he has no criminal record but I do, I still won.
@schoki1236 9 ай бұрын
I love how the character without glasses was supposed to look defeated in the end but to me looked more fed up and at a loss for words after hearing all the sh!t that came out of the mouth of the character with glasses 🤣
@PlatinumAltaria 9 ай бұрын
The woman was too stunned to speak
@ryniepan3038 9 ай бұрын
Exactly, the character without glasses has the “what a weird thing to say out loud” face 😂
@obamaslefteyeball1710 2 ай бұрын
The ‘lot to unpack there’ ahh look lol
@cactus1229 9 ай бұрын
7:00 I was made aware of the lgbtq community when I was a kid and it helped me come out and understand that me liking both women and men and just people in general is fine plus children aren’t dumb they can understand what they are told
@BRIANNA_00 9 ай бұрын
Thank you! I'm so sick of people acting like kids are stupid and can't understand basic concepts.
@cactus1229 9 ай бұрын
@@BRIANNA_00exactly they aren’t dumb my six year old brother went to my aunts wedding(she married a woman) and he didn’t care or say it’s not normal because we normalize the lgbtq community in my house and don’t hate people because they aren’t deemed normal by homophobes kids don’t care about that unless they’re in a household/environment that alienates queer people or constantly tells them it’s not normal otherwise kids just ask two questions on that and if they get a normal answer then they just treat queers as normal people and not aliens
@FoxGameCZ 9 ай бұрын
I wasn't really aware of the community as a kid but I do remember knowing that gay people exist. It's just I don't remember how Iearned it. But I do remember my Barbies kissing, once I got two Kens I got them to kiss too, or the Barbie I turned into Ken because I had no Ken at skme point. It's just that I knew way more my parents thought I did.
@MissCaraMint 9 ай бұрын
I also knew about the LGBT+ community as a kid, and you know knowing that other people were attracted to the same sex or both sexes didn’t magically change my sexuality at all. All it did was make me realize that we are all different and that’s not a bad thing.
@FoxGameCZ 9 ай бұрын
​@@BRIANNA_00 exactly, kids can understand more they are given credit for. Or know about more thinks adult wouldn't expect kids to know.
@Chasardous 9 ай бұрын
I approve of Biscuit forcing his way into the video
@hawkeyescoffee6399 9 ай бұрын
I think what pissed me off the most about her was she was so condescendingly smug. She really thought she ate. However, if she actually had to debate with a real person, she would be screwed. Her fake persona has no response because she just cannot see the other side, despite trying to use liberal talking points (she is still missing the mark there too, it seemed) she can't really argue the point because she doesn't get it. Also, the word salad thesaurus based arguments do not make her look smart. I love her contradiction that women are being favoured by education, they are doing better in school and college...but when it comes to jobs they aren't getting them based on merit...when if you go off her metrics, statistically, surely more women _should_ be better suited to the jobs than men. She is so close to the point she is practically tripping over it, but it seems she is purposely missing it.🤦 💀
@Tjnovakart 9 ай бұрын
YUP. You hit that nail right on the head.
@NearsightedNarhwal 9 ай бұрын
I mean her videos are literally her arguing with herself.
@cv6442 9 ай бұрын
​@@NearsightedNarhwalshe can only baffle herself with her bullsht. She just annoys the rest of us. 😄😄
@FoxGameCZ 9 ай бұрын
As a child, I felt that I was often treated as not human as someone inferior to adults and by my own parents. I felt as if my value as human was questioned and it made me feel smal and vulnerable. I hated that sk much. I was even mocked by being called a toddler by my dad until my 18 birthdays. I was never the one who cold have things without her deciding she feels that I shouldn't own it anymore. I never felt comfortable in sharing my feeling or troubles. I was never assured nor supported. She still feels entitled to things after how she treated me and caused me to have litteral panic attacks.
@cassielcruzchavolla809 9 ай бұрын
What's annoying me the most about her content is that she always leaves the "other" person speechless, when realistically the person would argue back or be confused on why she has such a strong stance on some off comment. ...
@PlatinumAltaria 9 ай бұрын
"Heh, so when you think about it women actually have all the power!" "...they clearly don't though?"
@oculttheexegaming2509 9 ай бұрын
It's basically just strawmanning to the nth degree.
@NearsightedNarhwal 9 ай бұрын
That’s why she’s arguing against herself and not an actual human. An average person would disprove her pretty easily.
@anothercub6958 9 ай бұрын
Ngl, someone arguing with her would be speechless for far different reasons😂
@cv6442 9 ай бұрын
​@@NearsightedNarhwalI find it so funny that she has to be arguing with anyone at all in these videos. 😄😄 She could just be speaking to the camera, sharing her ideas, but no, she has to render herself speechless each time. 😂🤣
@gwendolynhoweshowes8113 9 ай бұрын
The whole argument that "hating the patriarchy will keep little girls from wanting to be mothers" is crazy to me because it's so not true. I was raised with feminist ideas and I think we definitely should break down the patriarchy to make things more equal but I've also always known that I want to have kids. Wanting equality for women has never conflicted with my personal desire to be a mother.
@Charsy8 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, I would have wanted to be a mother even more than I already do, if we weren't living in such a horrible society, cause, guess what - it would have been easier for me to be one in a fairer one where we had equality and equity!
@rodney9114 9 ай бұрын
I grew up an evangelical Christian. We were taught that all people that will ever be born already exist as souls and are waiting for bodies to be born. I was first introduced to trans people as an early teen by a tv show about a plastic surgeon who ruined people’s life with cement injections. She made a trans woman lose her leg because of it. I didn’t know what a trans person was so I asked my mom and she simply said “If a man feels like a woman they can become one.”. My first thought was “Oh I guess sometimes a soul gets put in the wrong body.” . I didn’t think any less of them I just assumed it was the path God put them on. I’m an Atheist now and understand the science behind how fetuses brains can develop opposite sex structures but if even as an evangelical Christian my child self was able to be kind and accepting of trans people then no one has an excuse to be hateful. And I never for one moment thought I was trans as a result of learning they exist.
@NettylSpryngs 9 ай бұрын
I was a bit less religious, but my initial opinion was, "Okay! They should be able to do what they want. If they feel that way about themselves then it must be a part of who they are, which must mean God made them that way on purpose. Who are we to question why?"
@moosekittymeow05 9 ай бұрын
gender roles are forced forced on people for the organ they have in between their legs… it’s weird … I wonder why these roles exist.
@dalma0861 9 ай бұрын
I just wanted to share my story because I find it related to the video:) I really hate the arguement that you shouldn't tell kids about the LGBTQIA+ community because it will confuse them. I learned about the existence of different sexualities around the age of 10, and yes, I began to question whether I liked girls too or just boys. Why? Because now I know I'm on the aroace spec and also probably bi. I also learned about transgender people at the same time, yet I didn't start to question my gender until I hit puberty. I'm still not sure about what my gender is, but I currently identify as genderfluid. My brother learned about all of this earlier than me, and he never questioned his sexuality nor his gender. Teaching kids about different sexualities and gender identities helps them and doesn't confuse them.
@bazzfromthebackground3696 9 ай бұрын
Scientifically speaking, you're not going to convince a mentally/emotionally stable child that they are a caterpillar.
@13Reverie13 9 ай бұрын
It's nice to see other ace people's stories. I never would have known i was queer unless i had learned about it myself, my parents aren't against it completely, but they also would rather their kids be cishet because its 'easier' than having to go out of their way to accept sexualities other than gay, straight, bi, etc. I never even knew that i was different until i found out about asexuality and started seeing other people talk about it. That knowledge helped me realize that i wasn't stunted in my growth or immature, i was just a little different and i felt so happy knowing others were like me.
@Dekubud 9 ай бұрын
It sounds like you aren't putting too much pressure on yourself and seeing younger people with that mentality makes me very happy. You deserve to give yourself that kindness!
@jessicaK_wolfspirit00 9 ай бұрын
My sister grew up alongside our cousin who is my sister's age so he's like an older brother to me and like a brother to my sister. My sister knew he was gay from the time he came out when they were both only 12. My sister still spent nights with him, visited him often, and was really close to him and she's still cis and straight. I learned what being gay was at 8 years old and I literally just said okay and went back to playing or watching TV. It didn't make me question anything because I didn't start thinking about it until my teenage years. It's ridiculous that some people act like all kids will all of a sudden start identifying as pansexual and gender fluid the second they learn that gay people exist.
@NearsightedNarhwal 9 ай бұрын
“You’ll confuse them.” What about when some middle schooler has a crush on their same gendered friend, and they start to hate themself and think their’s something “wrong with them” because they don’t fit into the extremely strict category that you told them was the only option.
@d.a.i.s.i.e.s 9 ай бұрын
I’m so happy that someone else asked all these questions as a small child! I remember reading a world record book or something at a young age and telling my mom “look men be pregnant!” (for further context, my dad was really sick at the time and it caused his stomach to bloat a lot, so I just naturally thought my dad was pregnant, I was around 4) because it showed a trans man and his wife and he was the pregnant one. My mom then proceeded to explain that the man was trans. My mom is unfortunately a very transphobic and homophobic person so she did tell me about trans people in a very derogatory way, but me being the stubborn person I am, just walked away from this conversation knowing that men got pregnant too and I thought that was really cool. I was just a very curious kid and I am fully still a cis-woman to this day, despite having lots of trans friends in middle and high school and in college, including a trans-woman roommate my freshman year (mom was not happy, but I absolutely love my roomie and told my mom to promptly f*ck off). Kids are curious. Kids will make up their own minds about things. When my mom told me being gay was a sin and that I would go to hell if I grew up to be gay, I remember staying up all night thinking about it before promptly deciding “I don’t see a problem with it, girls are cool” and rolling over and going to bed. Like I still turned out queer af even after being preached to that being gay is a sin. Kids are not as easily persuaded as people think they are. As a teacher, or just anyone who spends time around kids will know, you really can’t convince them to be trans or gay. You can start a conversation and simplify the topics, but at the end of the day, kids will come to their own conclusions. If anything, I see a lot more adults who care about this stuff than children do. Most kids don’t understand gender or sexuality (especially at the preschool and early elementary level) and just because they’re young doesn’t mean they’re unable to consider complex people and topics. So teach your kids people exist, teach them to be kind to others, and we’ll all be just fine. Stop assuming kids are stupid, and let them be themselves - no matter what that looks like. The vast majority of my trans friends didn’t even realize they were trans until around middle school or high school, and the cases I’ve seen of kids realizing it very early on seem to be much less common. To most kids, they’re just a kid first and a gender second. Stop acting like they don’t know themselves, when they are themselves. I promise you don’t know your kid better than they do because they are who they are and you are who you are. So sorry for this rant, I just get so frustrated when people assume kids can’t understand things. They’re smart and they’re curious about the world, exactly as they should be.
@Dekubud 9 ай бұрын
The way you acted as a child reminds me of the stories I heard about my mom. I'm glad you were a smart enough kid to understand adults aren't always right! I think that if we listened to people like you more and cared about the well-being of ourselves and each other above all else that the world would be a MUCH nicer place. Keep being you!
@romyjane17 8 ай бұрын
If teachers could make the kids do anything, surely they would use those powers to make the kids not shitty during class. They often can’t do that, what makes them think they have enough power to “trans” kids?
@Ellie-ic9kl 9 ай бұрын
Hey, Kiwi! I hope you see this comment because it's very important to me as an educator who lives in the United States. As much as I too hate the American school system, it is not all multiple choice tests. That is a strangely common misconception that a lot of foreigners who are not accustomed to the American school system have for some reason. I think it is based off of standardized tests. The main thing with standardized tests is that they would be next to impossible to grade with how many students take them and the time they needed to be graded in if they were not multiple choice. Also, standardized tests (other than tests like the ACT and SAT which are being phased out by universities here) don't really matter to students at the K-12 level. They don't affect their grades or class standing. Their main use (which I believe is questionable) is to measure how effective a particular school or even teacher is. However, this is NOT the main testing style of assessments in the United States. Most assessments that you actually take in class at school are free-response and you would get detailed feedback from your instructor. I don't know where this lie came from that the American school system is all multiple choice examinations and is "easy." It's not true at all. I have looked at the material covered in European countries and it is largely the same content with some notable exceptions (mainly world history and geography are better taught in other countries, as far as I have seen). I encourage you to look into it more, if you have the time. Curriculum is one of my fascinations and I do enjoy seeing how other nations structure their education systems. However, I understand if that doesn't interest you at all and you do seem like a rather busy person so I understand if you cannot. Anyway, love the rest of your video and I agree so much! I hope you are having a wonderful start to the year.
@lgaybulbl 9 ай бұрын
no hate but i could've guessed you were in education field just by the length of your comment lmao. love the work you do, hope you get a raise soon
@NettylSpryngs 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for taking the time to explain this so well! I will also add that regulations and curriculum can vary a lot between states. It is not internationally decided for the most part, so testing and assessment style could be completely different from California to Florida for example.
@ChespinCraft 9 ай бұрын
I was looking for a comment like this because basically everything she said about her schooling in New Zealand is how I experienced mine in the US and I was confused why she thought it was so different
@BRIANNA_00 9 ай бұрын
These videos are a sort of comfort watch for me. I know that sounds wierd, but this community feels so safe. That's a feeling I need rn, so I can't thank you enough.
@DeePeeZee 9 ай бұрын
I relate to this comment. I feel so unsafe most of the time. Thank you for sharing 🙏🏽
@gunnasintern 9 ай бұрын
her videos are really comfy in general, and the community is nice too
@diamondgirl698 9 ай бұрын
I feel the same way though it comes with anxiety that I'm not queer enough or that others queers will reject me even in these comment sections I the only person I'm my family that cares about learning these about issues and it can make you feel like you're doing something wrong These videos helped me challenge those learned beliefs and ideas And realize how harmful they truly are
@BRIANNA_00 9 ай бұрын
@diamondgirl698 We won't reject you hon
@diamondgirl698 9 ай бұрын
@@BRIANNA_00 thanks ❤️🖤
@SlighlyMacs 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for pointing out the similarity in confidentiality between a child and a teacher and a child and a therapist! As someone who works in mental health + has been in the system that confidentiality is life saving!!
@gillb9222 9 ай бұрын
As a trainee teacher we were told that we could not tell children that we would keep a secret for them. Apparently this was to keep their trust. I was abused as a child, I would have loved to have been able to confide in a teacher about what was going on at home and I would have been far better off if they had lied to me and then dealt with the matter afterwards. It's different if it's about gender or sexuality or something to do with them but if children are in danger they will not open up if they think they will get into trouble but kids in danger need to be able to tell people.
@NearsightedNarhwal 9 ай бұрын
I’ve heard so many stories about parents revoking their kid’s right to see a mental health professional because their grades didn’t approve (implying that their grades were bad because of their mental state which is normal). It’s so annoying because A. Getting to a better mental state takes a lot of time B. You’re paying for a therapist, not a tutor
@grumpysandfrog 9 ай бұрын
As an American who went to public school in multiple states as well as private schooling, I'm so confused by this notion that American schools only use multiple choice? Other than the grading system, the methods of testing you described sound very similar to what I received. Even state standardized testing is a mix of multiple choice, written, formula, and essay responses.
@jennifergoodman7464 9 ай бұрын
I had the same thought. I have never had a single class ( nor has my middle school child) that only uses/ primarily uses multiple choice. I’m super curious where this idea comes from, because this is definitely not the first time I’ve heard this from our friends across the pond.
@NettylSpryngs 9 ай бұрын
​@@jennifergoodman7464I've heard it a lot from British people. Not sure where it came from. Maybe from standardized testing, which isn't used for grading? Anyway, as much as our school system sucks in some ways, and it may even have more multiple choice testing in some states, overall I don't think that's one of our issues.
@MissyLKS8 9 ай бұрын
I agree. The U.S. education system is very flawed, but that is a weird misconception... I could go on about that in depth but to keep it simple, schools in the US are very inconsistent and it really depends on the school and teachers and materials available, etc. I live abroad and teach in Germany and I have my own doubt about some things here but that's just not true.
@artikulv731 9 ай бұрын
I find the concern over young kids knowing about queer people so weird because like…I have known what queer people are for literally as long as I can remember. It’s always been “this is my colleague and his boyfriend” and “remember your friend’s dad? She’s a woman now and uses she/her pronouns” and “this kid a few years younger than you is trans” and I think I’d met a few nonbinary people before I turned ten. We also sometimes got read books about gay/trans people at school. And that’s not even all the examples either, there were SEVERAL more. And yet it still took me until seventh grade to question my sexuality and eighth grade to question my gender, and both of those were for reasons completely unrelated to the people I had met.
@NettylSpryngs 9 ай бұрын
That's probably because kids don't typically have much of a sense of their sexuality until puberty. They might have a sort of romanticized idea of what they want, but it will start to become clearer around 9-16 depending on the kid. I didn't even think about it in realistic terms until I was like 11 and I had had "crushes" and "romantic fantasies" for a few years before that. And even then it took until I was 19 before I was actually ready to figure things out for real. That slow questioning, learning, experimenting, and growing is the natural progression. If you tell a kid gay people exist and they immediately make that sexual, it is time to take them to a doctor and a therapist and maybe involve the authorities. That should not be confusing or even fully real to a child. If they talk about dating or kissing, that's perfectly normal. It's part of learning about the world around them!
@manedlioness7016 9 ай бұрын
I think the point surrounding women getting their power through men is even funnier when you think about the implication of this that all the powerful men are in the pocket of their wives, and if we are going to imply that then my question is why aren’t their wives just in charge like why don’t we just take out the middleman and the wives are just leading because if they’re just listening to their wives-????
@professorfoxtrot 9 ай бұрын
Kiwi is at it again... Attacking black women.
@KitTheAnkafolk 9 ай бұрын
@@professorfoxtrot Bro you’re everywhere in this comment section, why are you attacking Kiwi
@professorfoxtrot 9 ай бұрын
@@KitTheAnkafolk Kiwi needs to learn to respect women of color.
@KitTheAnkafolk 9 ай бұрын
@@professorfoxtrot How is kiwi disrespecting women of colour
@akumamatata777 9 ай бұрын
That first clip of hers you showed almost made me drop everything just to start a KZbin channel to solely respond to her content because wtf there are so many things I can say about the first 15 seconds of her speakingn
@kelseydeboer1136 9 ай бұрын
As a former one is side eyeing any gender that wants to do that role aside from perhaps conservative parents or other men. Admin are just happy to have a warm body in the room. The standards and requirements are to high for teachers. the amount of things that are required to be done, the lack of resources and time to do it, we can barely have any life outside of school and a lot of us are not taking it anymore. Not to mention the lack of respect and monetary compensation as you mentioned, Kiwi.
@NettylSpryngs 9 ай бұрын
It was so funny to hear her say that because I was visiting my mom's old coworker and her kids today and my mom, her friend, and one of the kids are all teachers, and they brought up how it is so woman-dominated. They all seemed upset about it saying, it would be nice to have men around, isn't it weird that more men don't work in schools. (There was an anecdote brought up that my mom's friend had once worked at a school who's entire staff, from custodians to kindergarten to Superintendent were all women.) They were all suggesting it would be better to have a mix of genders teaching and being involved, so any side-eye, at least from my small corner of the world, is not coming from fellow teachers or people studying education. It's like Kiwi said, an outside judgement.
@elpis_ezechiel 9 ай бұрын
I love her "reaction shot" after her little speech because it's meant to be a mindblowing realisation and I swear I'm making more or less the same expression, thinking I can't believe how much nonsense one person is able to deliver in so few sentences, wtf.
@Axolautism 9 ай бұрын
Her whole content formula is: Character 1 says something that either lacks nuance or is a completely fabricated stereotype that has never happened Character 2 spews a myriad of complete lies but in a soft, smug tone of voice so that idiots internalize that "smug = correct"
@chelledoggo 9 ай бұрын
Glasses are supposed to make you smart? Damn. Guess I've been using mine wrong this whole time because I'm dumb as a sack of bricks.
@Hana_H 9 ай бұрын
@atheon596 9 ай бұрын
Hear hear!
@professorfoxtrot 9 ай бұрын
I guess black women can't wear glasses or be smart according to kiwi.
@ash_g8st944 6 ай бұрын
@Feezee223 3 ай бұрын
Same when are you suppose to unlock the being smart I've had glasses sinse I was 8 and I'm very much not smart lol
@MissCaraMint 9 ай бұрын
I noticed that none of the statements she makes actually connect to each other, but she acts like they do. As if she’s making an argument instead of listing a bunch of random statements.
@Overseer2579 9 ай бұрын
Sounds like my dad when I brought up my friend’s pronouns (this particular friend is non-binary btw). Went on the most incoherent, oversensitive rant I’ve ever seen (and then had the BALLS to label ME over sensitive) just because I casually brought up my friend’s pronouns. Yeah, I’m gonna take that bullshit with a grain of salt, thank you very much
@MissCaraMint 9 ай бұрын
@@Overseer2579 I'll never understand people who get offended because they are expected to be polite to people by showing them the very basic level of respect as humans. It just isn't hard to do. I don’t understand the importance pronouns have for others, but I don’t need to in order to just respect that fact that it is important to them. It costs me nothing.
@appleduck4697 9 ай бұрын
You can tell that this creator doesn’t completely understand the words she is using with the rhythm of her speech when she’s playing the verbose caricature of herself. She speeds through the words and emphasises the wrong ones, and all meaning is lost unless you go back and listen to the words one by one. Definitely not a natural way of speaking, but it does sure sound like the way you would read through a text book 😭😭
@ButtersDefender 9 ай бұрын
I'm genderfluid and Bi- I always felt attraction to girls but passed it off as just admiring them because 'girls can't like girls' and oi never fully felt fem either. My trans friend explained gender things to me and boom- genderfluid fit me and how I felt. I always knew. No one influenced me.
@diamondgirl698 9 ай бұрын
A child will find other ways to connect with their true selves Even with no education or representation It's so important to inform and affirm them What good does it do to make them hide them selves and feel shame?
@lord_xylozdoomsday959 9 ай бұрын
Same i am a gay dude and knew since the beginning of time that brad pitt is hot i also wanted to marry rambo
@edgybuttmunch2430 9 ай бұрын
I knew I was both genders since I was a lil shrimp. My mom let me try on the dresses my grandma made and had sent her to sell and 7 year old me was like hell yeah frills and purple
@LucianSorelsGardenOfAzaleas 9 ай бұрын
Same, I am gender neutral I like being a guy some days and a girl on others, I have always been this way since my childhood
@diamondgirl698 9 ай бұрын
​@@LucianSorelsGardenOfAzaleasI literally can't understand why and how people have such a problem with that
@melsoft121 9 ай бұрын
If you don’t want your kid to keep secrets about their identity, don’t be a person who isn’t safe to share those kind of secrets with. If my daughter talks about people of any gender that she likes and brings her partners home to meet the parents in the same casual way I did with my boyfriends and feels completely safe and comfortable doing so, I will know I did my job, and that shouldn’t be considered above average. As for the homeschool topic, I could give my daughter an amazing education in history and English. I can help her develop an inquisitive mind, a love of learning, and critical thinking. I could never cast her in a musical, let her try nearly every sport, teach her to paint, or teach her computer programming. I am horrible at math and have major anxiety surrounding numbers, so she could never fulfill her potential if math is her thing. We need to accept that we are important facilitators in our children’s lives, but we can’t be their everything.
@kerencorner 9 ай бұрын
My child is just like you. He has a million questions! Has asked about gay people and knows some of our friends identified differently. Sometimes he tells me he’s going to marry his best friend and he only says this because he says he loves her like mommy and daddy love each other. Me telling him my bestie is gay, and he’s married to a man never affected him in any way!
@BRIANNA_00 9 ай бұрын
That's so sweet omg
@lord_xylozdoomsday959 9 ай бұрын
They are qeustion machines i swear 😂
@jake-lynndobos659 9 ай бұрын
​​@@lord_xylozdoomsday959 too bad parents are just answering machines.😂
@gotmilkbutt 9 ай бұрын
Lol why would he marry anyone ? Might just be a single king.
@PokhrajRoy. 9 ай бұрын
7:35 Honestly, her arguments are just her audition for Jubilee’s ‘Middle Ground’. Then, when she’s disproved, she’ll make a video about how she was wronged and interrupted and that she didn’t have control over the narrative.
@anothercub6958 9 ай бұрын
God, she'd be perfect for that show down to the smug incorrectness
@azuill1126 9 ай бұрын
actually, when i equip my glasses, i get +3 to intelligence. conversely, when i equip my sunglasses, i get +3 to charisma
@cosmicsupernovaa 9 ай бұрын
kiwi oh my god, you saying you've never even thought about being trans because that's just not who you are...fully blew my mind. i'm still on my journey but hearing that shifted something in my brain. i think if school had explained what lgbtq+ people were and if i'd known what trans was before my 20s maybe my life would've been different.
@dahli8043 9 ай бұрын
I'm a cis woman (but I am a lesbian- so still queer). when I found out about gay people I immediately questioned my sexuality, but when I learned about trans people I really didn't ever question my gender. I think often times even questioning can be a sign (although some people do question sexuality/gender and still turn out to be cis/straight but it doesn't seem super common). good luck on your journey of self discovery
@chesiresays 9 ай бұрын
As a cis woman, I’ve never questioned my gender either.
@traceurfear 9 ай бұрын
as a trans guy who was very much socialised as a girl, these conversations about how boys have it so hard in school are bizzare to me. like i was always told if i had any achivements in school that ofc i do bc im a girl and its easier for girls, and when i tried to have a hobby that wasnt typically feminine I'd be bashed for it by everyone. i was told to not to talk about my problems to the point when i only got glasses after i failed a chemistry test cause the question were written on a chalkboard that i couldnt see. i only came out at 17 because for most of my life i've thought that every afab person wants to be a boy and its normal to want to be seen as a guy
@NoraOechslin 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for what you said about the experience of girls with ADHD in grade school. I was so fortunate to be diagnosed early in elementary school and I still dealt with all of that, especially being sat next to loud kids because I’m ‘calm.’ I’m ‘calm’ because I’m trying so hard to concentrate on my work which is difficult enough without an extra distraction. I really appreciate what you said, made me feel very seen. Best of luck to you on your ADHD journey!
@free2trvl 9 ай бұрын
I love how the look she's going for in the non glasses woman is "shook and mind blown!" When in reality it's the look she probably usually gets that is more of "shocked at the insanity of what they just heard and awkwardness of how do I now get away from this conversation" 😂
@lekiscool 9 ай бұрын
I needed a school that was more open to having me sit and listen to a lesson. Then letting me use the textbook to take notes at home. Having notes be compulsory in class when I continuously fell behind trying to write my notes and pay attention meant I only got 50% of the information. Now being diagnosed with autism, which explained my learning disabilities.
@Forbidden_Snacc 9 ай бұрын
felt this, even in college classes i struggle to keep up with the notes, professors always go way too fast 😭
@lekiscool 9 ай бұрын
@@Forbidden_Snacc I had professors recite that “if you take notes you remember info better.” This was just after I realized I take crap notes. I just kept staring at the teacher. Even the way I remember is seeing the professor talk to the class. Otherwise all I remember is frantically taking notes. XD
@claratalbot7613 9 ай бұрын
7:00 I grew up with all most all cis & straight representation. When it came to the lgbtq community particularly gay people it was almost always in a negative light. U know what this resulted in? Me thinking something was wrong with me & being confused for being bi-romantic & ace. Had I learned about the community in an age appropriate way, I may not have spent 5 years of my life being confused & feeling shame for being myself. It always upsets me when people try to say that showing kids' representation of those who are either like them or who are different is magically going to change them when in reality it reduces confusion & can help kids learn to respect people who are different from them as well as understand themselves & others better. Also to say that showing kids representation &/or telling them about different people is the equivalent to a literal crime is disgusting because u are disrespecting the victims of the crime who got taken advantage of my people they thought they could trust as well as trying to downplay the crime itself. The same thing applied to when they say that it's abusive because it's not
@13Reverie13 9 ай бұрын
When I saw my first representation of asexuality (Todd from BoJack Horseman) I literally cried. I was seeing myself on screen, being represented by a character that i loved and felt attached to. it meant so much for me to know that more people like me are out there. Before i learned about my asexuality, i had accepted that i was just stunted in my growth. When i learned that there were others like me i was so relieved.
@diamondgirl698 9 ай бұрын
​​​@@13Reverie13Ace representation has such a long, long way to go I've yet to see any well written Demi characters Still sorely lacking to see my experience on screen I would also like to see Ace characters outside of asexual=abstinence it's just not accurate I would like to fully fleshed out Ace Aro characters who more closely resemble real Ace people Who do and don't have sex and romantic relationships for all the reasons allos would or wouldn't Not just celibate sex repulsed flat written characters Still no where near seeing relatable and emotionally complex depictions for us Aces and Aros
@Dekubud 9 ай бұрын
For me, the lack of representation made me believe every "girl" wishes she were a boy because guys face less struggles and made me believe everyone also got random urges to hug and kiss their girl friend on the lips lol
@professorfoxtrot 9 ай бұрын
BLM!!! Kiwi must stop attacking black women.
@internetperson. 9 ай бұрын
Love your videos. They're always well constructed, entertaining, and thought out. I appreciate your work for the LGBTQ+ community. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.
@professorfoxtrot 9 ай бұрын
She's attacking yet another person of colour
@GloomyFish 9 ай бұрын
just from the first clip alone I'm already annoyed. I went through a kind of anti-sjw phase in 2017 (which I have since moved on from, it was a dark time)and the people I watched were saying the exact same crap. and since then I've realised how sheltered you have to be to think like that. this is like looking at an issue from the surface level and not even realising there's more to it also yeah, learning about gender as a kid is not that confusing - kids soak up what you teach them. when I was a kid and found out about the concept of trans people, I just kinda went "yeah okay that makes sense" and that was basically it. I didn't question it because it just made sense to me. what didn't make sense was how many people thought trans people were gross or weirdos etc
@Sami86K 9 ай бұрын
I have severe test anxiety! Some of my college courses only score off of exams…. That either fails me or barely passes me! Absolutely ridiculous to assume that everyone learns this way!!!
@NettylSpryngs 9 ай бұрын
That's awful. I go to a private liberal arts college and they are usually much freer and more relaxed with testing, but we still have the occasional intense exam and it is always a struggle. (I take a long time on some types of tests, but never bothered to get an iep or anything, so it comes up sometimes). I would hate to be in your position.
@ghostlynight6886 7 ай бұрын
Im in eighth grade so I cant really relate to highschool or college courses, however, I am in all advanced classes. And Ive had teat anxiety ever since I was put into public school. Whenever I take tests, I feel the world spinning, I start fidgeting, feeling like I need to throw up, cracking my fingers, bith of my legs shaking uncontrallably, etc. I really just hate tests in general, lol. I feel like I can't put forth and express my full potential within the strict regulations that these tests require.
@uwu_whatsanedit_o.o8537 9 ай бұрын
On the thing you said about how therapists aren't allowed to tell parents about their sessions or anything - I find it really surprising. I was aware of it, sort of, in the back of my mind, but I never gave it much thought because I've had several experiences with therapists as a child who told my abusive parent what I had said and it was a terrifying situation. I thought that it was normal for them to do that so I've been very grateful for my current therapist who would never do such a thing and has no way to contact them anyway. It's startling to realize that a big part of the reason why I have a hard time trusting therapists or professionals who act similarly is something that shouldn't have happened in the first place. Even though they didn't know the information they shared would lead to what it did they still shouldn't have done it, and they shouldn't have undermined my feelings towards my parent just because they seemed like a nice person. There's always something they don't show you...
@JoleneCharlieB 9 ай бұрын
Therapists (at least in the USA) are required to share everything with a minor’s parent, at least if that parent requests it. There is NO confidentiality with minors, because minors do not have rights in the US. They are seen as extensions of their caregivers and, their medical information must be shared- even if it’s therapy. I was informed of this by my therapist when I was a minor, and of course it led to me withholding everything. I thought that maybe I just had a bad therapist, but nope- my psychology professor confirmed this. Just a heads up for any minors watching. 🙁
@Aqua-vf3jr 9 ай бұрын
Honestly, the worst part of school was the social part for me, and I'm 100% sure if I hadn't been homeschooled from the age of ten, I wouldn't be sitting here writing this comment, I would be six feet under. Getting out of the constant bullying and social stress I faced at school is the only reason I didn't become so depressed that I hurt myself out of life. Being homeschooled let me take a break from people, helped me get through puberty in a (relatively) safe environment, and let me have space to work through the traumas I got in my four years of being in schools (yes, two, I got bullied in one, so went to another, that was worse). And I got to discover that I'm autistic, asocial, have ADHD and dyslexia. I wouldn't had the energy to do all that self-discovery if I was at school, because I would've been so exhausted, I probably couldn't even bear to take care of myself, since washing my hair for example is a whole night activity for me because of my disabilities. And no, I did not lose out on "learning to socialize", since after I realized I'm autistic, I learned it manually, since that's the only way I could. And yes, I did get other teachers to teach me about subjects my parents couldn't, and guess what, a one-on-one conversation actually led me to actually learn something, while I couldn't speak a word in a classroom. So TLDR, being homeschooled literally saved my life, it was the best thing that could've happened to me, and I'm forever thankful to my parents for doing that!
@VesperTime 9 ай бұрын
Thank you! I just got my ADHD diagnosis last year. I am 36 years old. Because we treat young girls so differently than we treat young boys, and girls are expected to behave a certain way, and ADD/ADHD in girls/women tends to present differently (inattentive or anxiety more than hyperactivity) girls are soooo often overlooked. I have spent so much of my life wondering why I struggle to focus, why I can't keep myself on track, why I can't organize my thoughts, why I can't be concise, why I can't wait my turn, why I can't sit still without I am about to turn 37 and I only in the last 8 months or so have finally gotten the treatment I need for my issue. But sure, we just put all the little boys on Ritalin and no one needs it. 🙄
@Riddler577 9 ай бұрын
I'm glad you talked about the whole "telling kids that lgbtq+ people exist is grooming them" because when people make that argument it makes me SO MAD When I was a kid, I was told that gay people and trans people exist and that it was okay for me to be any of those things because my parents loved me regardless And the funny thing is, I knew about these things for years growing up, I was taught to be loving and accepting, and yet it still took me until I was much older that I was both gay AND nonbinary, and it certainly wasn't because anyone forced those thoughts on me I went through years of questioning and learning about myself before I realized what made me happy
@mistermugz4379 9 ай бұрын
God, my reaction to every single "come back" that lady had was just "wtf are you talking about?"
@honeybearluv3017 9 ай бұрын
Thank god - honestly thought I was stupid because I could not understand her yapping
@mistermugz4379 9 ай бұрын
@@honeybearluv3017 no don't worry she was not making any sense
@Sasha-iu7fr 9 ай бұрын
8:10 actually i researched this the other day! the reason we as a society perceive people with glasses as more intelligent is because in the 1900s, those that could read *were* smarter. if you didn't read, you didn't need glasses. it just wasn't a priority among the common folk.
@gotmilkbutt 9 ай бұрын
I also know people who need glasses and don't wear them because they think they look better and they can't read things that are far away so that might be confused for not being as sharp when really it's just how sharp you're seeing is
@thepalindromeemordnilapeht1267 9 ай бұрын
"Try to get into early education as a man and you get the side eye" My knowing my brother in law, who works at a pre school and was told by the woman leadership "oh we love getting guys!" 😅
@damejanea.macdonald2371 9 ай бұрын
It'd be interesting to watch what would happen if the glasses-wearing version were to instead explain her view to someone who actually believes these things and see if they actually *are* struck silent like this implies. Though the longer this went on, the more I started feeling like the awkward silence was "wow, glasses-me is really going off the deep end. where do I even start?" 2:34 "Behind" every powerful man is kind of the problem. 25:55 And why do you think that little girls have a more "docile demeanor" than little boys? Do you think maaaaaayyyyybe there's a slight difference in how people raise their children based on sex? Thanks for the video!
@tamsynfox 9 ай бұрын
It's the way she ends every video like 'gotcha'... babe you cooked nothing, the stove is cold.
@somekiwis 9 ай бұрын
this channel literally doesn't miss EVER sis is droppin FACT after FACT
@chesiresays 9 ай бұрын
I haven’t been so pissed off at bigotry for a while bc most bigots just repeat the same things over and over again (making me get used to it) but not her, she speaks of the same things but in a different way. Way more detailed, making you realize how their thought process goes… making you realize insanely ridiculous they are
@Spities 9 ай бұрын
I'm sure a bunch of other people who have chimed in about multiple choice, and while there are a lot of multiple choice tests, it's also because of these 'knowledge tests' that people are doing homeschooling. It's the wrong parents we need to highlight so people will look at homeschooling they way it can be tainted. Home schooling isn't all bad, but the stigma she's trying to push is how radical the education system is from what they believe. Also, this women is just responding with manipulative words to make the person who brought up the issue feel bad for their side.
@spicy_gritz 9 ай бұрын
sending Biscuit a virtual pet on the head
@xredfrost 8 ай бұрын
I've been enjoying your videos a lot lately, and this was just another one that I've totally enjoyed and agreed with you on! I did wanna add my two cents about the homeschooling experience. I totally agree with everything you said and I have also seen so many kids get homeschooled for the sole purpose of indoctrination by their parents and it's very upsetting. I was homeschooled from Grade 1 to Grade 12 with my mom being my primary teacher and my dad teaching me IT stuff as that was his area of expertise. Grades 10-12, I took online correspondence classes for math, English, and law, so I did kind of have the opportunity to learn in a classroom type setting. I was lucky to have the opportunities I did as a homeschooled kid to be honest, as there were quite a few other homeschoolers in my town and we got together regularly for gym classes and there was actually a drama class that a local made geared specifically toward the homeschooled children. I absolutely agree that there are irreplaceable opportunities you get going to public school, but if you're lucky like me, I feel like there are also some advantages to being homeschooled that not everyone in public school gets to experience. My curiosity and interests were encouraged to an incredible level, I was able to take high school level courses in Grade 7/8 because my interest was there, I was often done all my schoolwork before noon and could devote the rest of my time to learning more about other things I was interested in, or just having some free time. There are absolutely times I wish I had gone to public school, but I don't think I'd want to undo everything I got to experience being homeschooled. I just wanted to point out that it's definitely not always bad, but thanks for all your great videos, and I finally subscribed!
@saramcknz 9 ай бұрын
looking back at my school experiences and realizing sitting next to roudy boys and just memorizing answers is normalized when it shouldn’t be like this was actually eye opening thank you
@Tjnovakart 9 ай бұрын
THANK YOU for talking about how the education system favors boys. While the teachers may be women, the superintendents/politicians that control the curriculum and rules of the school are almost always men. Not to mention, most of the way school is set up came from the 80s and before, where you’d be hard pressed to find a woman on any of these boards. Boys are given every advantage in the school system, and (some) then whine as fully grown men that they weren’t coddled enough because THEY decided their education wasn’t important when they were there. I’m an autistic woman who was basically left in the dust by my school because even though I was diagnosed with Aspergers, the school said that was a “boys illness” and there was nothing they could do to help me. But guess what? I still made honor roll every single semester because I cared about my education. But hey, I guess it’s easier to blame your problems on everyone else than ever think you might be at fault yourself, right? (Edited for clarification)
@professorfoxtrot 9 ай бұрын
Boys are smarter. That's why they're favored.
@diamondgirl698 9 ай бұрын
As an autistic woman myself I'm so sicken to hear that I'm so sorry I'm here for you ❤️🖤 "Boy illness" ??? The society is off the rails screwed up Holy hell I was homeschooled I never would have made it through school I'm also going to help home school my nieces and nephews as Im not going going to have biological children very much my decision
@rainhardravenclaw809 9 ай бұрын
No wonder she has to play the leftist herself, her points wouldn't convince anybody even remotely educated on the issues she talks about😂
@NearsightedNarhwal 9 ай бұрын
She has to argue with herself because she won’t try to prove herself wrong
@ouijacorn 9 ай бұрын
Oh my god, that "I don't need a man" one was so telling. The straw-woman didn't give any explanation because this person can't be bothered to listen to women who choose to be single. Her "response" wasn't even an argument in defense of relationships, it was just a list of excuses for why men aren't better ad why it's actually women's fault. (I used to pretend to be a mermaid all the time too!)
@FoxGameCZ 9 ай бұрын
4:19 when you mentioned the gap and how despise the majority of the field being women this reminded me of the video I saw. It mentioned pastry chefs, it was also in same situation. Majority of sheffs being women yet they have lower wages and the celemrity cheffs are majority males as well.
@mallowhoney 9 ай бұрын
I'm seeking adhd/autism diagnosis at THIRTY because I suspect I also have dyscalculia and mild dyspraxic symptoms, on top of physical disability. The only reason I even want a formal diagnosis at this point is to add weight to my social security applications because even though my rheumatologist and pulmonologist are like "oh yeah I doubt you could hold down a job and still have ANY quality of life leftover" the courts say I'm too young to be disabled. So my line of thought is if on top of my excruciating joint pain, nerve pain, severe fatigue, asthma, and immunocompromised status, I also can't track time, struggle to navigate, can't work with numbers, maybe the state will understand a bit better why I can't work data entry.
@OofAvocado 9 ай бұрын
Yes yes yes! When you said you can’t convince a child they’re a caterpillar, it brought me back. My almost 17 year old son is trans. When he was 2, he would tell me no to the Easter dresses and wanted suits with ties. He would tell me his name was Michael. This was back in 2009-2010, I was raised in a VERY Christian conservative household and was highly close minded, brainwashed and sheltered. I didn’t even know what trans people were. I most definitely had never met a trans individual. I fought back with my son for years when he refused to wear stereotypical “girly stuff”- Luckily I seen a clip of “I am jazz”, and it clicked. I knew right there and then that my son was dysphoric. I did my research and I let him be himself. I didn’t want to push him(he was about 12 at that time he thought he was just a lesbian, didn’t really have a label) He came to me one night and said “I need to tell you something” he looked at me with so much fear and said “I think I was born in the wrong body- I think I’m trans, mom” I looked at him and said “I know, I’ve known. I’ve been waiting for you to know” I’ve since left the church that tried to “pray it away” (best decision ever) and I’m a huge ally. My point is, I couldn’t convince my son that he was my daughter, so nobody is going to convince a cisgendered child that they’re trans. All it’s going to do it teach them that kids like my son exist. They’ll learn acceptance and empathy early on. Idk if you read this, but thank you for existing Kiwi. You’re a beautiful soul.
@Pupp_pie 4 ай бұрын
My sister married a trans man, my niece loves him to death, but he always says "when I was a little girl..." and she was too embarrassed to ask "but you're a boy" so she asked me, I told her that "when your step dad was a kid he was born a girl, but as he grew up he learned that being a boy made him feel happier than being a girl! So he had these doctors help him become happier!" And she loved that answer her only question was "Can the doctors make me a cat"
@erzsieke 4 ай бұрын
aww that's so wholesome lmao
@rizzardofoz5788 9 ай бұрын
The way she’s having these imaginary conversations with herself💀 if she really sat down and did all this talking with another woman she’d be shut down immediately
@Mort-lf3gx 9 ай бұрын
justice for biscuit! let him in!
@LeeAllanSpades 9 ай бұрын
Okay, I am an early childhood teacher and have been for almost eight years. I have slowly been introducing inclusive concepts. Example: I got an EXTREME hair cut, and when I came in the next day, all the children were asking me if I was a boy now that I had short hair. I laughed and told them no. Because I have told them that I am a girl and I still feel like a girl on the inside, it doesn't matter what I do to the outside of my body or what the outside of my body looks like. I am still a girl because I consider myself a girl. Mind you, I still had a few parents making their kids write apology letters for calling me a boy, which was incredibly sweet and an intent on a good move on their part, as mom thought her child's remark hurt my feelings in some way. And I did tell them that sometimes people might look different from what you expect a boy or girl to look like, but if they tell you that they are a boy or a girl or neither, believe them and respect them. After all, we teach children how to be kind above all other things.
@sabinaaguirre5904 9 ай бұрын
Regarding the school system in America specifically, I am currently in uni in America and as someone who went through the entire US school system to this point, we don't have many multiple choice exams, its very frustrating to see this idea of our schooling as so common abroad, it is often short answer similar to achieved questions. Idk where the rumor of mostly multiple choice exams started but it isnt true lol. I dislike the American school system for many things but that specific point is very frustrating when there are far more egregious things wrong with US schooling.
@NettylSpryngs 9 ай бұрын
Same! It's annoying because it distracts from other issues. My high school removed the freshman history class that used to be a graduation requirement because they "couldn't afford it," but prioritized spending on other things. And then in California there's the whole Prop 13 issue. And lack of geography and world history. I took "world history" in high school and we never even vaguely approached the topic of Africa, only mentioning parts of East Asia, Slavic countries, and South and Central America when the topic of colonization or communism came up.
@missfeisty 9 ай бұрын
The only thing that made me question whether I was born in the wrong body or not was growing up Catholic. Turns out that I was in the right body, but that I also liked women 😂
@resoldbaby7687 8 ай бұрын
31:38 Lmao she sees the hair up character as suprised at her smarts I see it as "WHAT IS BRO YAPPING ABOUT"
@sammyvictors2603 9 ай бұрын
Oh great, a Candace Owens clone
@oculttheexegaming2509 9 ай бұрын
Or Gothix without the makeup and the dark clothes.
@anothercub6958 9 ай бұрын
​​@@oculttheexegaming2509Take the goth out of gothix anf call her "Ix"😂
@chickennuggetpaw 9 ай бұрын
8:11 As someone with glasses, I will say I’ve had some of the popular people in my school call me “the smart kid” before (like, telling their friends to include me in the group project bc I’m “smart”). Although, I’m not sure if it’s the glasses or the fact that I actually do my work and don’t spend the whole period talking. The few times people have said to me that I’m “the smart kid,” I’ve wanted to reply with “if I were smart than I wouldn’t be in the same class as you,” but I know they’re not *trying* to offend or irritate me, so I just don’t say anything. I just wish I didn’t have to be fit into a tiny little stereotype box just because I’m quiet and wear glasses. Nor do I want to be exploited for the fact that I can finish school work to be in a group project with the kids that just stare at their phones instead of doing anything. It’s annoying 💀
@Olimick98 9 ай бұрын
I was homeschooled and was much more socialized than my friends who went to school. One of them had a lot of issues socially because of bullying. I met all of my best friends in co-op and homeschool groups. I also took Spanish and college classes in high school.
@Olimick98 9 ай бұрын
We had this joke between my friend groups that people assume we weren’t socialized, but our schooled friends got in trouble for socializing
@diamondgirl698 9 ай бұрын
As a former homeschool I agree where I'm from there's a lot of homeschool families so there are a lot of co-ops, clubs and events for in the community for homeschoolers As a neurodivergent I would have never made it through school and isn't socially during the class time like the first thing you get in trouble for? Just because you're forced to spend hours all day in a classroom with other bodies doesn't mean you will like anyone or anyone else will like you and make friends or having any meaningful connection with others
@BeastiezCyZ 9 ай бұрын
Tbh though, you're the exception to the statistical norm that most kids when homeschooled are not as socialized compared to ones that are in school. Also, this depends on how your parent homeschools you so a right-winger could easily shut off any chance of that child actually understanding the outside world and become brainwashed. Maybe instead of home-schooling, we change the structure and form of how public schooling is done.
@diamondgirl698 9 ай бұрын
​@@BeastiezCyZhon I'm well aware of right wingers who do this shit and other shitty people who only homeschool their children only to abuse and control And should have never been parents at all I know I'm the expectation and my experience proves just that that their are good experiences with homeschooling and people need to know to break the negative stigma people have and see the possibilities I think both home schooling and public schools need a serious reformation
@AdaireKrickets 9 ай бұрын
​@@diamondgirl698 I really don't mind homeschooling, but I honestly think that if you do homeschool, there needs to be check ins with the child. Like, you have to take your child in each month or so to see a doctor for a check up, or case workers/teachers should be allowed to review the curriculum (provide advice) and check in with the child at home. There so much freedom in homeschooling, that when my State started their stupid voucher tickets to give to parents who home school, those parents immediately started buying Disney tickets, trampolines, toys, and games all claiming it was "for education". Millions of taxpayers money (not the parents money), wasted with no consequences.
@MooseMedley 9 ай бұрын
Hey kiwi!! Common misconception about US school systems, we definitely do not learn just multiple choice. Every multiple choice exam I’ve had has free response questions. From pre-k to high school, I’ve not just have multiple choice! Thanks for reading :)
@Dekubud 9 ай бұрын
If I wasn't a people pleaser (aka not wanting my sister and mom to also end up with depression because of me), the lack of knowledge and normalization of trans people would have killed me many years ago. My mental health rocketed up so much from just coming out and seeking HRT that it felt unreal at first. Even my chronic illness hasn't flared up since, even when I'm not able to afford my medication.
@p1p3dr32m 5 ай бұрын
when i get really bad second-hand embarrassment i start crying and i have never teared up watching a video so many times 💀
@jbone877 9 ай бұрын
I did _not_ see the rightwing pick me rambling coming, at fucking all omg Edit: too be 100% clear, I want to state I'm talking about the subject of your video, not you!
@Sophia-hc8dl 9 ай бұрын
I wish you had learned more about homeschooling before you talked so much about it. I was homeschooled from 2nd grade and it changed my life. I had no friends in public school because we were told to sit and listen all day. When I became homeschooled I started making so many friends. I finally felt like I had a community. A community full of families from all walks of life willing to do anything for their children. My mom tought me everything she could and everything else was out sourced to the vast community of homeschoolers with many different skill sets. If my mom didn’t know how to teach something, she either learned it herself or founded someone who could teach me. I loved how I learned how to be self directed and self disciplined. Sometimes I feel like many people struggle with. When it comes to socializing we didn’t just sit at home all day. We played and learned everyday with other homeschoolers of all ages and also the neighborhood kids. It’s interesting how people who went to public school can be so mean to others about how they grew up. I thought you learned how to socialize better.
@sarahnova1567 9 ай бұрын
Ohhh, I absolutely love the ocean-dyed hair!!
@breemari7770 9 ай бұрын
I love how at the end of every video she looked confused cause same. Not a single thing she said made sense
@jasperjazzie 9 ай бұрын
there was a lot of signs i was trans even before i knew really what that was, so it's not like me not knowing would have stopped me. if that's how they feel they're gonna figure it out regardless of whether you withhold the information from them or not, it's just that when you don't tell them then it's so much harder for them. it's a lot like sex ed, not telling someone how it works isn't gonna make them not do it, it's just gonna make things way more confusing for them and possibly make them learn things the hard way, but also tbh these people are the same people who think sex ed is evil so i don't expect them to get the logic.
@lasphynge8001 9 ай бұрын
The other thing with "the loud boy" being sat next to "the quiet girl" is... am I a punishment now? That's the feeling that resurfaced for me when you mentioned this familiar experience. Like, it was either being sat next to me or facing the wall... thanks, teacher.
@jonathanschofield2453 9 ай бұрын
0:30 Biscuit is the show stealer.
@briannawalker4793 9 ай бұрын
We stan Biscuit in this house🥺🥺😌😌
@shikadragon 9 ай бұрын
“Women hold all the power in divorce courts.” You mean they’re favored in divorce courts? You’ll never guess what’s responsible for that latonya! 😀
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