how born to die became the most influential album of the 2010s ❤️‍🔥

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@Rolafairy Жыл бұрын
That album didn’t just change pop, it changed lives!
@theswiftologist Жыл бұрын
People died
@3li.mp339 Жыл бұрын
@@theswiftologist and we’re reborn
@imarandomgirl. Жыл бұрын
@100boogsy Жыл бұрын
Such a good comment
@roosetint Жыл бұрын
it changed mine so ig its true
@alok8528 Жыл бұрын
lana made it cool to talk about how sad and fvcked up we all are and people need to respect that.
@theswiftologist Жыл бұрын
@bouchrakebour2629 2 ай бұрын
Also normalizing dad issues 😂
@lanaxrey 15 күн бұрын
@@bouchrakebour2629except she doesn’t cause she is very much close to her father compared to her mother
@lilas_musicofficial Жыл бұрын
A. M. E. N. Finally someone who understands how revolutionary and impactful Lana was. I could write essays about this topic, that's how passionate I am about her.
@theswiftologist Жыл бұрын
@catallystic 6 ай бұрын
have you ever written one about her though?? I would love to read something you wrote!
@pawelbolek7419 Жыл бұрын
Born to Die was (and after over 11 years - still IS) a global phenomenon. This week it's charting at no. 5 on the Polish albums chart and the album is a staple for most Polish alt girlies and gays even today
@theswiftologist Жыл бұрын
So true its the girls and gays bible
@wearlucinda Жыл бұрын
10 years later and I'm STILL angry at the people who doubted Lana wrote her own songs! Her songwriting and worldbuilding is truly genius and if you listen to her hundreds of unreleased tracks you can watch her progression of building it.
@loganr7108 Жыл бұрын
born to die is probably one of the most unique albums ever. there is nothing else quite like it. my favorite is probably the title track because i’m someone with a lot of death anxiety and it’s just reassuring. even though the album is somewhat pulled back and i can’t relate to her experiences, especially with older men, it still retains a large degree of relatability somehow.
@theswiftologist Жыл бұрын
I LOOOOOVE the title track and it doesn’t get enough praise
@drewrosen Жыл бұрын
@@theswiftologist for real tho it’s not talked about enough
@UltraViolet666 Жыл бұрын
That was the song that got me hooked! I came from a background of only liking metal and goth music and i was 100% convinced that pop music could never sound dark or explore death in a way that wasn't shallow. BTD made me embrace so much more music that I never thought I'd love. I had exponential growth after discovering Lana.
@Cupcakkes2girlsand1cup Жыл бұрын
I know bro it's so magical
@archer1949 Жыл бұрын
I think the dismissal of Lana’s live performances is unfair. I was fortunate to catch her in an unannounced LA bar gig during the NFR years. She was brilliant. I feel she’s at her best in smaller, informal venues. She’s an old school lounge act with a stadium sized following. It can’t be ideal. It’s no wonder she’s reluctant to tour.
@ivanncc.x Жыл бұрын
I was 11 when born to die came out. I had just gotten my first phone and had no experience with english language artists (mexican household) and she was the first! I remember being immediately mesmerized by the visuals in videogames and born to die, and to me the subject matter and even production to a small degree reminded me of the biggest mexican artists of the past, which captured my attention even more. And being a lil gay kid, the flower crowns, the dresses, the sort of twisted love was something i also loved. So she was the first english language artist i followed and born to die will always be that bitch
@luiscarloscr7144 Жыл бұрын
The impact it had on mexican teen gay culture at that time
@theswiftologist Жыл бұрын
Omg love that for you! Lana was def a god to the baby gays
@manicpepsicola3431 Жыл бұрын
I love that and think it's interesting Lana took a lot of inspiration from her Latina friends including her stage name.
@lavendarcrash2941 Жыл бұрын
I am Lana's age. Born to Die was a punch to the gut because it was a widely circulated confessional admitting how empty our generation actually felt behind the razzledazzle fronts we'd been raised to show the world. People accused her of being fake because they were scared of how much they were moved by her. We were taught to keep up that perfect mask no matter what. She purposely shone a light on all the cracks.
@lared112 Жыл бұрын
@glasstablegcrls Жыл бұрын
the impact that lana del rey and the weeknd had on 2011-2012 tumblr will never be forgotten
@StrangerBillie 11 ай бұрын
The impact that they and Taylor’s latest three albums have on 2021-onwards sad coquette smoker girl whisper Pinterest will also never be forgotten
@lewispowell6015 Жыл бұрын
We need this style of video for all of Lana’s discography. She was, and still IS, the icon of our times!
@theswiftologist Жыл бұрын
Working on it !!
@lucianagarcete2409 Жыл бұрын
I'm so glad someone is finally crediting Lana for literally being the baseline for trending pop music in the last 5-6 years. She was doing what so many are doing now way before it was cool. She's is a true artist!
@jasonwilks4296 Жыл бұрын
So Lana is the #2 artist I stan after Taylor...I joined along in 2017 during the Lust For Life era. I remember when I first started listening to Lana I was just confused lol. I didn't get it. But then something clicked along the way and I became obsessed. NFR is definitely my favorite album from her (one of my favorites of all time) and reeeeally made me do a deep deep dive into her whole past discography. As for Born to still slaps and is a worthy favorite of Lana fans, but I agree that Lana ages like fine wine and it frustrates me that a lot of people don't appreciate her newer stuff for the sheer excellence it is.
@theswiftologist Жыл бұрын
NFR is indubitably her best!!
@sparkleclover Жыл бұрын
love how taylor and lana love and support each other too, i'll never forget how taylor praised her and pointed out how influential she has been to pop artists while accepting her award for woman of the decade, at a time when critics were still not super fond of her.
@Kevin-rg3yc Жыл бұрын
This is a great video but I especially thank you for acknowledging her connection/impact to hip hop music. People call me crazy when I say Lana, as well as Rihanna and Beyoncé were the first pop stars to incorporate trap music when it was still a underground genre to southern hip hop before it eventually took over the world (and literally for a while the billboard charts) and those same people would give the credit for Miley with bangerz which came out a full year after born to die.
@theswiftologist Жыл бұрын
she def helped usher in a very specific kind of white girl hip hop
@krasnoz6 Жыл бұрын
I’m 64 and just heard Born to Die a few weeks ago for the first time after my daughter saw her at lollapalooza and has been her favorite music artist since she was 12. I thought I need to hear her music and I can’t stop. I’m obsessed! Her voice is so magical and her lyrics are so interesting and deep. What an icon! I’m not sure how I missed this all these years. Thank you for the analysis. Love all the deep dives ❤
@siddharthnaagar7028 Жыл бұрын
There have been to most significant moments this century that changed pop music forever: 2007 when Britney released Blackout and 2012 when Lana released Born to Die
@soaribb32 8 ай бұрын
@tayter_chip Жыл бұрын
This fit is everythingggg. You look so good! Born to Die was definitely impactful and unique. it meant so much to me as a young teen in 2012 and us tumblr girlies really ate it up!!
@theswiftologist Жыл бұрын
omg thanks so much!!
@leowoodwind7723 Жыл бұрын
Million Dollar Man is definitely my favorite from the album. I feel it would take a long time to describe why and I'm tired lol, but I love it
@dirtydan8889 Жыл бұрын
Oh my goodness I can’t believe this channel only has 14.6k subscribers. The video was so thoughtful and high quality. I believe you’ll grow super big.
@theswiftologist Жыл бұрын
thank you!!
@alexlefay Жыл бұрын
I remember when Lana came out, suddenly all the pop girlies (Gaga, Beyonce, etc...) that we doind insane styling before Lana suddenly where super toned down. Gaga even had the brown hair that looked Lana-ish. That's when i realised everyone was watching her and taking notes.
@andreabrugnara9518 Жыл бұрын
when you started talking about how she projected an image and wanted to be seen a certain way i couldn't help but think that it's almost like we've been seduced by her. she's been misterious, glamorous, she connected with our feelings but at the same time she always felt far away, like a riddle
@manicpepsicola3431 Жыл бұрын
She's always encapsulated the energy of a siren and I think you explained that energy exactly 100% without even bringing up that word. I think that's how crazy strong that energy is with her, at least how well she understands how to use it to her advantage.
@andreabrugnara9518 Жыл бұрын
@@manicpepsicola3431 oh my God YES. A siren is what i thought of her many many times. With her soothing voice and her slow sweet melodies. She makes you want to live your life to the fullest, give your heart to every emotion, positive and expecially negative
@TheFuschiaDragonfly Жыл бұрын
Not a Switfie at all but subscribed bc of how good your vibes are Choking on my tears while I type bc how important this album is to me. I miss being 14, free from tech addiction and listening to Lana all day long.
@stillslaying Жыл бұрын
I’m 14 rn with a tech addiction and listening to Lana all day lmao
@LouisTim 5 ай бұрын
I love ur talking speed it’s fast without being annoying. Really nice to listen to
@soaribb32 Жыл бұрын
My first time with Lana was watching the first Blue Jeans video. I still think that BJ is the best representation of her appeal. Modern and vintage, sexy and mellow, traditionally progressive, tragically romantic, drenched in irony, existentially dreadful and self distructivelly beautiful.
@neo.huntress Жыл бұрын
Ok ok, let me tell you something. I live in the poor part of brazil, where my neighbors only listen to regional music (90% really bad music, even though my country has excelent artists, theyre not mainstream). And its cultural to listen music really loud on cars in front of houses. Even though Lana was poorly recieved by critics and part of the public, I was SHOCKED to see my neighbors play the whole album, for years. Lana really broke all the divisions in the general public, worldwide. That moment I understood what really was a cultural reset album in my era (since I wasnt alive during thriller, for example, I always wondered how that time was).
@faaaduma6876 Жыл бұрын
I was born in the Thriller era, so i would know nothing about it. However, remember some part of the Bad era. And from what i recall, it was the most magnificent, the most talked about and celebrated era of our life time. People that never heard of any Michael song, knew so well how impactful & powerful Michael was et that time😊
@jaydejessome3643 Жыл бұрын
Obsessed with this album since it came out. My favs are National Anthem, Radio, Without You
@emmanuelnaranjo5034 Жыл бұрын
My very first listen of Lanas music was , when the “summertime sadness remix“ was repeatedly being played on the radio. At the time I didn’t care who the singer was I was simply compelled by the sound and entirely intrigued by her unique tone. Afterwards I found myself listening to the entirety of the paradise edition to the born to die album , and instantly found my favorite artist then and there.
@unfazedgeorge Жыл бұрын
You addressed a profound idea: the current dilution of past symbolism due to over saturation in current media has also diluted our concept of the present.
@littlechatspodcast Жыл бұрын
as someone who is just now starting to listen to Lana, this video was so interesting!! as a an older gen z I was fairly young when all of this occurred, and my young child brain was attached to one thing and one thing only (it was Taylor Swift 24/7🫢) so I didn't get much background on Lana until now. I've been loving your content lately and great video !
@theswiftologist Жыл бұрын
Ahh I’m so glad to help fill you in!! Thank you for watching
@palemoonlight96 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this ♥️ Lana's impact isn't recognized enough, considering how big it is, BTD was fantastic and revolutionized pop music, both in sound and songwriting, and every further album of hers since then kept only getting better; in my book she's already a legend in the making who will be appreciated for decades, her talent and art outshone every spiteful criticism and she rightfully established herself as one of the greatest
@audreysopoco Жыл бұрын
First of all, love the JACKET. And yes, Born To Die is one of the most important albums of my life. The “sad girl” music is nothing new. But the way Lana normalized it on the mainstream is incredible. It was truly unique at the time. Though I don’t think Lorde is a child of Lana - they blew up almost at the same time, probably just a year after born to die. I’m not as a crazy fan of Lana as I was before, but there’s no denying the impact of born to die. Eitherway, I’m so glad to see this video!
@theswiftologist Жыл бұрын
Thank you for watching!
@antoheroo Жыл бұрын
@theswiftologist Жыл бұрын
It’s coming!
@hannastar6378 Жыл бұрын
Honestly I was never a huge Lana Del rey fan since I was really into Marina and the Diamonds (Electra Heart is full of memories for me). But I have been slowly getting into Lana and actually understanding what her music means to people. I’m definitely gonna get born to die cd’s. Love the video I have been listening to her sophomore album and it slaps I feel bad for being late to the Lana party.
@chwakrine 6 ай бұрын
I can't tell you how many times I said "yeah" and nod along with every single point you made. This album is too powerful to be left unsaid. Love love your video ❤
@brookelouise1561 Жыл бұрын
I haven't followed much of Lana's career so this was super interesting! Would love to see a vid like this for each of her albums. Also, I love the jacket ❤
@theswiftologist Жыл бұрын
Definitely gonna dig further into Lana !!! Thanks Brooke
@andrewmacdonald3667 Жыл бұрын
I saw Lana live in Australia for the first time in 2018. Later that year I saw the Reputation tour. It was a good year!
@Demi.d3mi Жыл бұрын
Lana is just one of those few artists that truly have their own style, i think its unique and interesting how she tells stories and feelings that circle back to older songs. She doesn’t just push out songs or albums for the sake of fame or awards. She is a real artist and poet. You don’t listen to her songs to drown out the silence, you listen to feel and think. She’s like a blue’s artist
@DylanMercedes99 Жыл бұрын
I was 12 or 13 when that album came out, seems dramatic but she truly changed my life and as much as I adore every album of hers I go back to BTD every year. She’s truly incredible and so original
@ashleysbored6710 Жыл бұрын
My first introduction to Lana was my dad listening to Summertime Sadness and Young and Beautiful during the 2010's and then I just looked those songs up and now I'm here.
@MasterSplinter931 Жыл бұрын
Nice to see my girl getting the credit rarely given. I feel few realize the effects she's had in shaping the music scene of the 2010s
@rightwhereyouleftme__ Жыл бұрын
I remember so vividly when Video Games went viral. I was 19 working at a front desk of an office building and it was getting blasted on the radio constantly in the reception area. I remember being on the fence and talking to my work friend about her and asking what she thought. She told me she thinks Lana was like a sexy, edgy version of Adele. Then shortly after that Blue Jeans came out and went crazy and I really liked it. I watched that video on KZbin so many times, transfixed by the images of her under water with alligators, so beautiful but something so unsettling about it. When National Anthem video dropped I was a fan of A$AP Rocky so I was obsessed with it, rewatching it so much and forcing everyone I knew to watch it 🤣 Then I kinda forgot about her and moved on, I think her persona while beautiful and captivating ended up making me feel like she was just a character and not a real person. I didn't know if her lyrics were just stories of her character or real life. Her mystery ended up making me lose interest. In 2014 my dad (huge music nerd) was playing Ultraviolence the week it came out. I remember being floored by the sounds and going and listening, I couldn't believe it was the same artist that made Blue Jeans and National Anthem. I really loved that record, I listened to it a lot that year. However I never became a superfan, just because I never felt I knew who she was. I listened to her new albums on and off and always liked them but it wasn't until NFR that I fully got her and became a proper fan. That album made me go and revisit all her discography and reminded me why I was initially so enthralled by her music. She's such a talent. She really took so much shit, I read those articles and reviews when BTD dropped and her SNL performance was mocked everywhere. I was a little too old for tumblr, I missed that phase but I think it forced me to come to her organically. I really came and went with her for a long time before she became one of my favourites.
@FreyaFreyaWillow Жыл бұрын
guys, I am just realised how We Found Love and I Knew You Were Trouble music videos very similar to Lana’s Ride MV 😮🫢🫢
@sweetviolents29 Жыл бұрын
Growing up, I felt very constrained by prospects of womanhood. I was terrified of the day I would wake up and no longer be listened to because of some new work of my body. Hours, days, months of LDR’s music taught me over time how broad that category truly is… She sings in the voice of so many distinctly different women, all flawed but beautifully so, all worth singing about, all worth respecting, all worth listening to. I’m so grateful for what her music did for me when I was struggling
@Sequoya Жыл бұрын
Great episode! Lana’s music and image is art.
@Sequoya Жыл бұрын
P.s. I wish there were more records like this. Old fantasies and stories set to a hip hop beat. Portishead did this so well with “Glory box” and “All Mine”.
@Alexa-ot6wx Жыл бұрын
This was such a great analysis. I would love to hear your take on the rest of her discography. Lana is so amazingly talented, yet at times misunderstood and underrated
@kittenfarms 11 күн бұрын
as a certified appalachian kentuckian princess, almost every single one of lana’s albums speaks to me, but this one spoke to my SOUL. i love born to die forever
@missmiadelrey Жыл бұрын
“Choose your last words, this is the last time” those words are etched on my heart like you wouldn’t believe.., beautiful video ❤❤❤❤
@ringleadertaylorsversion4955 Жыл бұрын
I love this album so much especially the messages about glamour and very different! Great video!
@theswiftologist Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much!
@paogrumo4470 Жыл бұрын
i was the lady gaga type of guy back in 2012 while i was struggling with the pitfalls of coming out at 14 --- lana was on my radar but i never really paid attention to the depth she has to offer. i was a mainstream pop consuming little monster. but then at 25 (11 years later) i revisited the entire born to die, paradise, and ultraviolence albums looking for new inspiration because (shocker) i was coming into terms of what i really want to become and cried all throughout the trio (especially Ride). i get lana, like how i finally get me. the depth, the playfulness, the honesty, the rawness, also the glamorous spin she adds to every human emotion, i mean --- if there was a second coming of christ for me it was rediscovering her. gaga was the first.
@jasminemariedarling Жыл бұрын
I don't even watch full length youtube videos anymore but this? This?? Amazing, I was enthralled for it's entirety. I'm obsessed with your Lana content. So well done 👏
@repulore13 Жыл бұрын
Zach i love how you’re expanding your content it’s amazing to see! I’ve never been a Lana fan, I’m here for Taylor, but I loved watching this as it was very interesting and helps me understand her music more!!
@theswiftologist Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for watching!!!!
@tmaxgerardles Жыл бұрын
I love how passionate you become towards the end. :D Thank you for this lovely piece! I was 15 when BTD came out and she's definitely my no1 artist of all time, and one of the most impactful in history, for sure. I would risk a statement that this album is actually around 50% of my current person, lol. She definitely taught me that the flags are waving for me and that there's a good man out there waiting for me, too.
@jasxcoeur Жыл бұрын
@mttssst Жыл бұрын
the lana vid is finally here after months of waiting omggg
@blemon6335 8 ай бұрын
I really respect the fact you are a Swiftie and can recognize the influence LDR has had on artists like Taylor and the way they can take someone’s criticized art and form it into a more mainstream, palatable format for the masses.
@cathystephens7631 Жыл бұрын
I only recently listened to Born to Die, mostly because of how much you talk about it! My favorite song right now is Radio. Sweet like cinnamon.
@Midnightskiddo Жыл бұрын
First time I ever saw Lana was in an H&M fashion lookbook in the middle east at a small mall in a small city in 2012!! she was modelling for them at the time and I thought she looked gorgeous and pretty unique and at the time Vevo had a weekly new releases video where they mentioned Lana so I recognized her and it all started from there. As a 13 year old swiftie who only listened to generic pop music at the time I was excited to discover something of her sound that I actually liked lol I was truly taken aback by her and immediately fell in love with Dark Born To Die, Dark Paradise, Off To The Races, Lolita and Gods and Monsters. Off to the races was my most played song all the way from back then to college till my music taste changed drastically but truly it is a track that will always be jaw dropping to me whenever I listen to it because of how unique and atmospheric it is, her voice is so beautiful, and the bridge in that song omg. tbh it seems like Lana largely contributed to "aesthetics" being a thing which could have been inspired by Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov. I read Lolita this year and I can personally see the influence it had on Lana's BTD image, it is very focused on the materialistic details of femininity and admiration for being polished and all that; the narrator is obviously fucking creepy as he was admiring a minor but the admiration of beauty as a concept was portrayed beautifully and I've seen it in Lana's lyrics where she mentions stuff like red nail polish and heart shaped sunglasses, just the simple pretty things in life that we fancy. I admired that about her but I never really applied it to myself because I thought looking simple and casual would be better for me and more feminine, but really after all this college experience and drama I started to actually see how it truly is something to admire. also remember how her theme and vibe matched The Great Gatsby nicely? that was a moment to remember
@randomazed Жыл бұрын
Oh my god. NOT MY SWIFTIE BESTIE (I am admittedly a relatively new swiftie who has recently hyperfixated on both Taylor and this channel) also focusing on my other absolute favorite artist!!!! DUDE. This is the most exciting video I have ever seen in all of my years on KZbin. Thank you!!!! You are the most skilled literary critic I have ever read / listened to. I fucking love you, dude.
@samaiyalyric7430 Жыл бұрын
this whole video is so spot on !! The way you explain everything is so refreshing
@Iisheell Жыл бұрын
My first experience with Lana was her Video Games video in the late 2011...gosh I was enamoured by it, and I absolutely loved and understood, on a deeper level, those spliced cuts with "old" nostalgic photos and videos, and her in her room, and everything. My mind always races, like hers does (I think), and I often get overwhelemed of images of past and of "could be" 's, so her style struck with me. Her music made me cry, and her words pierced my heart, because that's how I felt. I was love at the first note.
@sofsofsof91 Жыл бұрын
can i just say i LOVE the way you talk and explain everything 🤍🤍 your voice is almost ASMR to me somehow
@gjits5307 Жыл бұрын
Literally never once listened to LDR on purpose, but you don't have to like something to recognize it as culturally important. Marina, Kendrick, and Skrillex helped drag us out of the 2000s, as did the evolving sounds of B, Paramore, Panic!, and Taylor
@TaylorTaylor1989 Жыл бұрын
29:27 Oooh I wish Katy Perry released something timeless and classic-ish. And stop with this cheap mushroom costume… Like Thinking of you, I adore this song and music video. This has been one of my most listened to songs for years. Katy is very talented. I will be happy if she releases something timeless… not funny, not goofy, but timeless! Of course her past hits already are iconic, but agree I with you, it seems outdated and childish. Born to die is timeless for me!! It is classic like Back to basics and Back to black (in my opinion)
@sabrinamiles5699 Жыл бұрын
Never have I clicked so fast on a video. You’re very talented and I am so happy I found you. I told my hubby the only person I hang out with is Swiftologist due to the amount of videos from your channel I’ve been binge watching. 😂❤
@theswiftologist Жыл бұрын
Omg I feel so honoured queen!!!
@pleasecouldyoubetender Жыл бұрын
stumbled spon this video and now i’m obsessed with this channel. The way you speak, the way you analyse, the passion and knowledge with which you deliver your arguments/analysis. PERF
@KeepCalmContemplateYourChoices Жыл бұрын
@theswiftologist Жыл бұрын
Very trueeeeee
@maritzactorres Жыл бұрын
For me the most impactful song from the album was Bel Air - it breathed new life into me when I first listened. Transported me into a dream like a memory. Lana was truly ahead of her time. Thank you for giving the album the analysis it deserves!
@ainaaa Жыл бұрын
i need more videos from you on lana ASAP !! i could listen to in-depth analyses about her discography for hours, especially with your intricate attention to detail and ability to truly capture her eras and the culture of its times 🙏🙏
@theswiftologist Жыл бұрын
More to come!
@hysteric4u Жыл бұрын
brilliant album. i love that you, somehow, mentioned xtina's back to basics. i never thought about it (and I LOVE back to basics, back to black and born to die) but you pointed it out so beautifully and i agree, amy did it and then lana did it and no one else on this earth has done since then. the way they wrote and sang and how lana still writes and sings, i mean... the woman is a beast! genius! well, my faves are: btd, blue jeans, OFF TO THE RACES (he loves her with every beat of his coc4ine heart!!!!!), video games, carmen, mdm, THIS IS WHAT MAKES US GIRLS and without you. ugh. so good! and from the paradise edition, my faves are: cola, ride, yayo, bel air & BURNING DESIRE. gotta listen to the whole thing now and go back in time.
@theswiftologist Жыл бұрын
Thank you for watching!! I love bel air too, very underrated
@babypye4062 Жыл бұрын
I’ve been a fan since 2012 and I need you to understand how much I appreciate you. I sat through this whole video finally feeling like I’m hearing her be understood! You’re a true fan and so intelligent and I’m so excited to hear more from you. Definitely watching your other videos! Again, from a hardcore super fan, thank you for your hard work on this!!!
@morganylong5555 Жыл бұрын
Lana is my favourite artist of all time. I’d be dead without her. In dark times her music both allowed me to feel the sadness but also feel hope that comes across in her newer work.
@Beyoncessister Жыл бұрын
I also don’t think her poetry book, along with the audio of it, gets enough credit! It’s perfection. Lana is perfection ❤ I’m new here but I really enjoy how articulate you are and how you just flow and are so confident about the information you’re relaying to us. Thanks for your professionalism
@imjustgoofy09 Жыл бұрын
I know I'm kinda late since this video came out months ago, but I really enjoyed giving BTD a listen and it also really got me in the midst of it all, loved the vibes and my fav song on the project was Radio, gosh really loved that one
@Angel-mt2vr Жыл бұрын
I remember listening to her for the first time in 2012 when I was a teen and I immediately was obsessed. She’s always been somewhat popular but I knew at the time she was truly ahead of her time and one day she’d make it big
@ElenaZinchenko-e3n Жыл бұрын
When I first stumbled upon Born to die album, I literally thought that it was like a message from god or something. Because a little earlier Hurts released their debut album Happiness, and it had the same nostalgic vibe and lush instrumentals, it really stood out in the music landscape of that time. I had this album on repeat and dreamed that more music like this would come out. So for me, when Lana released Born to die, it felt like an answered prayer. Unfortunately, Hurts quickly succumbed to the trends of the mainstream music and lost their appeal, but Lana stays stronger than ever.
@emeliag.p.1384 Жыл бұрын
Every week I wait eagerly for your new content, and every week I am FED ❤ another amazing vid!
@theswiftologist Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for tuning in every week Emilia!! I appreciate you
@drinkmoreagua8984 Жыл бұрын
This is such a great video and you clearly put a lot of effort into and really care about your analysis. You’re are so right about Lana being the blueprint. Everything she does is so authentic and goes so much deeper than most surface level pop stars. She is my biggest inspiration in life and I hope to see her one day!
@jamiekay3650 Жыл бұрын
As a songwriter, Lana is a lot like Fiona Apple or Alanis Morissette-very well known for a more “radio friendly” debut, but that debut gave her permission to do the art she really wanted to do. Also, all three of those debuts remain in heavy rotation long after they came out.
@homidjohn Жыл бұрын
My Lana journey started right after Ultraviolence came out and I've still not gone through BTD, - it's like that with most artists I discover. I rarely look backwards, I go onwards from there. Decided to finally go back to the very beginning of The Lana Effect with this video essay of yours (thank you!) and a couple other videos. I'm loving DYKTTATUOB, especially Sweet. I was also there for Honeymoon, Venice/Summertime/Mariners, Chemtrails album.
@andreabrugnara9518 Жыл бұрын
i could watch videos of you talking about lana del rey for a week straight. your analysis is so well put together and rich in detail. i really appreciate this video
@andreabrugnara9518 Жыл бұрын
this video is fantastic
@aranara_song Жыл бұрын
Somehow I managed to not listen to Lana del Rey at all (besides popular songs) for the longest time now, and I've been wanting to get into her music. Had no idea where to start, but this is the perfect video! Thanks :)
@JV_Allstar Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video-searched for Born to Die retrospective for some reason this AM and this his the spot. Cheers!
@vz9084 Жыл бұрын
Love this!!! More of her discography please 😍🙏
@amazingmandie Жыл бұрын
Amazing video!! I absolutely loved this album and still do. I was dating an older man when I first heard video games and I think the rest of her album came out a few months later. I remember the live performance flop and how it didn't even matter because that album was flawless to me. I remember the song 'this is what makes us girls' feeling exactly the same as the summer nights riding around with my best friends. The album was like the nostalgia soundtrack for a life we were currently living and the sadness that comes from knowing none of it can last. It was beautiful and hauntingly sad while still somehow being catchy pop tunes. And I would agree theres never been anything like it and the closest comparison would be Amy Winehouse. I also didn't know about the influence on 1989 but it explains why that's the first TS album I ever listened to. ❤
@angrypersoninthecomments3050 Жыл бұрын
like two days ago I listened to her album for the first time. My only other experience with her was young and beautiful and snow on the beach. Also, watching a ton of video essays on tumblr culture, waif, girl blogging and things of that nature. Walking into the album, I expected it to be a lot to unpack, but wow, I cannot overstate how much this album moved me, again, it's been 2 days. I'm already a big taylor, halsey, billie and lorde fan, and I could hear it all so clearly, specifically lorde in the album, but the wording felt so unique. The national anthem youtube video felt so interesting, and just, i don't even know how to phrase it. I feel this strong urge to start pinning lyrics to cork boards, and trying to write several essays just beginning to unpack the meaning of this album, not to mention it, and her cultural impact, the good and bad. But as, well, not a nerd, it feels like some missing piece in my music taste, the sound alone was breathtaking, not to mention the lyrics. the best way I can think to describe it is some distorted dark, cigrette smoke being filtered through convienice store led lights version of taylor swift lyricism (in a good way). I'm excited to see how my opinion forms in time to come. (and after listening to more albums!!)
@sydneyruewho13 Жыл бұрын
This album is probably my second favorite album of all time next to 1989. It’s amazing. I remember I didn’t like her voice at first but it really grew on me and I realized me and her have similar ranges and I love singing her songs.
@user-ti2ph6qb1y Жыл бұрын
So incredibly well done. We’ve been really needing this. Thankyou!!
@georgeandfriendsadventures5073 Жыл бұрын
I wish she would release Kill Kill and Lana Del Ray on Spotify
@Cat-oj5oj 11 ай бұрын
Dark Paradise, Million Dollar Man and Radio are the three songs from this album that have ALWAYS stuck with me.
@andreabrugnara9518 Жыл бұрын
i've watched 2 minutes and 30 seconds of this video and i already know it's going to be one of the videos i watch multiple times. thank you for this amazing content ♥
@theswiftologist Жыл бұрын
Thank you for watching Andrea!
@angelique4446 Жыл бұрын
Thanks ! Its a Good Video to Finally Talk more about Lana. I feel like i often Hear: „ its Good, But very sad and a Little Bit Depressing“ But i think Those People dont get the pure Art she creats. Its a mix of everything. Sometimes Its about happyness, feeling girly, beeing a Rebellien, then a Princess, beeing in love, having big dreams, beeing hopeful… and so much More Than just SAD !!! Her Voice is so Special and sepreates her from all the other Artist now a days. Its Perfect also to those who feel a bit lost in this modern World. „Born in the wrong Generation“ It Makes you feel like your in the 60s but then takes you back to the Time now 📸 It would be cool if you do a Song analysis Video about 1. National Anthem 2. Blue Jeans 3. Carmen Thanks 🥰
@weirdo_1180 8 ай бұрын
Coming back here after Lana's and Billie's performance on Coachella 🎀 It was magnificent
@mlancholia3920 Жыл бұрын
that was a very engaging analysis you did there, i can't believe i watched a nearly 40 minutes video analysis but i was totally engrossed with the way you dissect the album!
@Luna-rh5fb Жыл бұрын
what an incredible analysis! I love how you connected lana’s chaotic description of the american dream scenery to our current reality of overwhelming waves of information thrown at us by the algorithm. that’s really perceptive. I also love that you still made your criticism to the album bc some lana fans tend to praise born to die too much for its lyricism and I think even Lana herself would agree that some of it aged badly. It’s definitely ahead of her time but it’s very far from her best. I don’t know if I agree that “there wouldn’t be halsey and billie” if not for lana, although I do think that the reception of their music by the public would be less successful if not for the wave in pop lana started. love the video 🥰
@theswiftologist Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for watching!! I’m glad you enjoyed it
@leowoodwind7723 Жыл бұрын
Wow, you are amazing and this is fascinating
@brunett93 Жыл бұрын
i only recently listened to her first album and i liked it. i've obviously known about her for a long time(i'm 29 and have been on tumblr since 2011) and i guess i heard a few of her songs back then but i never really explored more/got into it. i'm a big taylor swift fan and i noticed right away that "wildest dreams" was inspired by lana when i first heard it.
@julianamartinez9737 Жыл бұрын
i would love to know, how is wildest dreams inspired by lana? i’m just getting into going through lana’s music, so i would love to connect the pieces!
@brunett93 Жыл бұрын
@@julianamartinez9737 the vibe of the song reminds me of lana's music.
@theswiftologist Жыл бұрын
Listen to without you by Lana del Rey its a rip off of that song
@julianamartinez9737 Жыл бұрын
@@theswiftologist WOW i just listened to it and the drop into the chorus is JUST like the drop into the wildest dreams chorus. the melody of the chorus is also extremely similar
@grassgrees6728 Жыл бұрын
i am here and oh my god i loVED RADIOOOO it changed my life for the better (in a healthy way) oh my
@nataliaflc Жыл бұрын
I was 19 when BTD came out. It absolutely changed the music scene. Lana walked so the whispering girlies could run tbh
@maite2582 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for giving Lana her flowers
@amandakkaiser Жыл бұрын
most of that criticism was misogyny at its core, and looking back with this vid I realize how many instant classics came out of this era that remain iconic today. I remember getting sucked into the hype about this mystery youtube artist at the time with video games, I was obsessed! thanks for the vid ❤
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