Things I've struggled with since reverting to Islam.

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Revert Muslim Brother and Sister

Revert Muslim Brother and Sister

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Things I've struggled with since reverting to Islam
Why I reverted to Islam!
Islam has taught me to be grateful for the bad & the good
As a Muslim reverted
Taking my Shahada
Revert to Islam
Revert Muslim
new Muslim
non Muslims reverted to Islam
non Muslims reverted to Muslim
new Muslim talking Shahada
#revertmuslim #revert #islam #muslimtiktok #shahada
#alhamdulillah #reverto #revertmuslims

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@arkaazizul6673 13 күн бұрын
Don’t go hard on yourself You are a new Muslim sister that’s Alhamdulillah Try to leave the bad things one by one Take your time I’m born Muslim still I haven’t got rid of all the harams You have to be steady Don’t pressure yourself You’re doing good Masha Allah May Allah bless you my sister ❤❤
@Foroctos 13 күн бұрын
One step at a time. We’re all trying to better ourselves.
@adamadam1470 14 күн бұрын
Take it easy , focus on one thing when you get it under control move to the next step, Islam is a journey انشالله you’ll get there
@Ibn_Abdulaziz 6 күн бұрын
Covering the 'Awrah for women step by step. 1. Pray the 5 Daily prayers, because it is obligatory on every Muslim Mukallaf (who is sane and has reached puberty). 2. Standing infront of Allah ﷻ while covering your 'Awrah properly will increase your Eemaan (light of belief) inside the heart while at the sane time feeling comfortable wearing the proper Hijaab. 3. Put it on for a Jum'ah (Friday Prayer), or 'Eid Prayers, or some Taraweeh prayers with the intention for Allah ﷻ and not expecting things from people. 4. Go to the Masjid and listen to a lecture with your sisters. Or have get togethers. 5. Take it up a notch by buying groceries while wearing it. Then to the mall. 6. Also engaging in increasing in knowledge about Islam. This step by step way will make you comfortable.
@Ibn_Abdulaziz 6 күн бұрын
Also get married and help young brothers who are seeking knowledge to remain chaste. With such an intention, you'll become a Mujahidah.
@Ibn_Abdulaziz 6 күн бұрын
And if you are a new Muslim, try to marry righteous brothers and sisters from your own landsman so that your tribe increases in number and you eventually become more than the polytheists of your own people. You will then become the forefathers of your Muslim tribe insha'Allah.
@Ibn_Abdulaziz1405 6 күн бұрын
Also go to 'Umrah (minor pilgrimage) during Ramadan. You'll only be surrounded by Muslims and your Eemaan will increase. Then when you return, you will protect the acquired Eemaan that have like a baby by not disobeying Allah ﷻ and His Messenger ﷺ. My first 'Umrah was in 2004. You will not see any sins in Makkah and Madinah, only increasing in Eemaan with 5 Daily Prayers, Fasting and Taraweeh. Not seeing sins for an entire month. Back then social media wasn't like it is today, it was new while today people are addicted to it. So buying a burner and detoxing lest you scroll and your eyes land on sins and effects your heart. Once we returned and came to Istanbul on our way back to Sweden, then in the airport we saw uncovered women. And I will never forget that feeling, it felt as if missiles were bombarded at my heart, and then a huge push. As if all the shayateen (jinn devils) roaming about in the airport saw fresh meat, competing to get to my heart first with their waswaas (evil whisperings and suggestions). But then when we arrived back, and went to work and saw uncovered women on a daily basis again, the heart grew accustomed to it. But that is not the default position. The default position is purity and Eemaan in the heart, then it is the sins around you that males such fair and justified to the heart due to number of people doing it until it appears as normal. So doing 'Umrah and not scrolling, but only focusing on 'Ibadah (worship) and righteous deeds, will show you what it is you're protrecting. And to get Eemaan inside the heart, you cannot do acts of disobedience and sins because Eemaan diminishes with it. When a Muslim drinks, commits zina, steals, or murders, he has no Eemaan, it is lifted up. Then if he repents to Allah ﷻ, it returns, and he has to build it up again. Building it up takes time, while diminishing it can happen with one major sin.
@mirzaibrahim1380 14 күн бұрын
No problem at all sister... Just learn and practice Islam slowly and step by step. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make it easy for you
@user-qs5cd4gi3v 13 күн бұрын
Assalamu aleykum muslim sister. Allah (S.W.T) solidified the faith of arabs reverted muslims from paganism in MAKKAH and surroundings *23 years.* There are so much lessons to learn from the prophet (S.A.W) companions in these 23 years of teachings with the prophet. Work on your *"Taqwah" (the remembrance of Allah and the love to please Allah (S.W.T) alone)* first and other things will follow without you noticing. May Allah (S.W.T) ease your journey in Islam and may Allah make US all steadfast in Islam. Amin!
@ZorhaAmara-zg4op 13 күн бұрын
My dear Sister take it easy step by step In Islam the most important is your intention ma Sha ALLAH you revert to Islam that's already a Big step
@asadraja1166 13 күн бұрын
Sister, as a born Muslim I struggle with a few things,key thing is to strive on, Allah will appreciate our struggles but never give up in shah Allah. Small baby steps
@user-np5fw7lp5u 14 күн бұрын
Stay strong sister, May Allah s.w.t make is easy for you...Aameen!!
@rizwanrafeek3811 14 күн бұрын
@leilas9628 14 күн бұрын
Wa alaikum Salam my dear Sister, don’t worry my dearest you will get there slowly but surely. The most important is to keep your connection with Allah And I know that your Lord listen to you, watch you and most importantly will be always with you Alhamdulilah. Much love and take care. I wish you all the best in your beautiful journey. Kind regards, your Sister in Islam 😊
@BernieCornelia 9 күн бұрын
As an irish revert I found writing the easiest surahs in transliteration and putting it in front of me while praying. Eventually I wrote all juz amma and learned it by heart that way. It took time but don't worry .
@Noname-vu1om 8 күн бұрын
I actually used to do that as a kid to help with memorisation because I was really bad at reading Arabic.
@zakirmusa4132 5 күн бұрын
What an amazing grounded person. Allah make it easy for you and all those who turn to Allah. Ameen.
@kf_uthman237 12 күн бұрын
Ma sha Allah
@tfortube 7 күн бұрын
Born Muslim here and I struggle with Arabic. However those that struggle with Arabic while reading Quran are rewarded more than that do not struggle. 😊
@tradertube 14 күн бұрын
Bless you and stay strong! Allah will guide you further on your journey!
@AB-ie2dl 14 күн бұрын
Well come, sister, you are going in the right direction. Just don't be shy with any problem or question. Ask any practising Muslim they would love to answer or help , Love and respect ❤
@AsSa-kt7ue 12 күн бұрын
ما شاء الله والحمد لله والله اكبر أسأل الله لها الثبات والتوفيق والنجاح والسعادة
@syedAli-dp6cq 14 күн бұрын
As long as your intentions are good and you are strong, Allah is watching and Allah will make this journey easy for you. Everything will be great just don't give up!!
@ibrahimdihum9127 14 күн бұрын
Stay strong do as best as you can Sister Allah does not charge a one soul except a within its capacity
@Eren-yt7hh 14 күн бұрын
Have patience sister I wish you the best may allah help and guide you inshallah
@azizbourakkadi8027 14 күн бұрын
May Allah help you to stay steadfast in your Iman. Your are a good thinking person, no doubt about it. All your brothers in Islam are with you in your journey. We are proud of you sister, you deserve all the encouragement without any reservation. Keep going dear Sister.
@fatherdad3474 14 күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing
@sd13134 10 күн бұрын
May Allah SWT smooth your journey, ease your struggles and accept your wonderful deeds Sister. First and foremost, welcome to Islam and may you Insha Allah be one of the rightly guided and of the people of Jannah 😊
@MdSiraj-ud8yc 10 күн бұрын
Subhaan Allah What a beautiful message. Keep up with your messages and your piety and inspire others to see the truth and beauty of Islam.
@SAMEERSHAIKH-pb3fe 13 күн бұрын
One step at a time sister may Allah make it easy for you inshaallah
@assalaami8000 7 күн бұрын
Love you sister for the sake of Allah ❤❤❤. May Allah swt shower his mercy on you and this beautiful Ummah❤❤❤❤
@ideas5663 12 күн бұрын
May your journey be easy and you get rewarded my sister, ameen.
@lahoreaskari2651 12 күн бұрын
As you said, take it slow and easy. Consider it a journey and don't be stressed, inshaAllah.
@user-io8hk5vl1o 14 күн бұрын
عن أبي مالك الأشجعي عن أبيه - رضي الله عنهما قال : كان الرجل إذا أسلم علمه النبي - صلى الله عليه وسلم - الصلاة ثم أمره أن يدعو بهؤلاء الكلمات : "اللهم اغفر لي وارحمني واهدني وعافني وارزقني" . رواه مسلم
@SAMEERSHAIKH-pb3fe 13 күн бұрын
May Allah bless you and sunnah of prophet Muhammad peace be upon him warm our heart's ❤❤❤❤
@creativedesignermd8340 12 күн бұрын
may Allah rewards you and all muslims the jannah❤
@treelover848 13 күн бұрын
You are a beautiful soul, may Allah (swt) bless and reward you ♥️
@noreenarshad3672 14 күн бұрын
Maa sha Allah! When you enter into this beautiful Deen you become a family. Know that Allah will & is always with you. He is closer to you than your Jugular vein. So whatever you ate feeling,thinking & doing He is all Aware. Don't focus on people's negative reactions,response. As long as you truly submit to the Will of Allah & please Him,you don't need to worry. May Allah (SWT) grant you success with your journey in this life & the akhirah - Ameen 🤲 ❤️
@noreenarshad3672 14 күн бұрын
* are
@nrgstudios612 5 күн бұрын
Mashallah sister Allah yassir alaikee (may Allah make it easy for you) wa jazakillahu khair
@zainubumar 9 күн бұрын
People born into Islam still struggle with this. If you intend to move towards goodness, you will find that Allah makes it easy for you and also that He makes your heart close up towards things that are to be avoided. Just pray and don't be anxious. Leave it to Him ❤
@user-lk4gc7oy4j 12 күн бұрын
Asalaamu-aliakum sister remember that Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said this world is a prison for a believer and paradise for the non-believer!! Struggles are part and parcel of a believer! Try your best and leave the rest to the Almighty who is The Most Merciful, ameen.
@sarfaraz1025 14 күн бұрын
Sister almost every thing looks difficult to learn in starting. I am born non Arabic Muslim.. when I started to read Quran I faced so difficulty but after some time now I can read Quran with fluency in Arabic. So please don't take tension. You will read Quran easily after some time inshaallah. 🎉🎉
@theahmed1523 14 күн бұрын
Sister Islam is a way of life . Islam has nothing to do with food or clothes. If you are living in UK you can eat anything even meat because UK people is Ahl El kitab. People of the book.
@orapy3168 14 күн бұрын
@@theahmed1523only if it is halal
@Asra-u3v 12 күн бұрын
Slowly slowly- thats the way inshaAllah my dear sister ❤
@user-1001x 9 күн бұрын
Selamun Aleykum liebe Schwester. Ersteinmal Gratulation für deine Konvertierung zum Islam. Du hast die beste Entscheidung deines Lebens getroffen, die dein gesamtes Leben auf positive und schöne Weise verändern wird. Ich bin geborener Muslim, habe aber viele Fehler gemacht und leider nicht nach dem Islam gelebt. Erst mit 25 bereute ich und bat Allah um Vergebung für meine Fehler, woraufhin er mir die Rechtleitung gab. Das Erlernen der Suren und der Gebete, war plötzlich so einfach wie ich es vorher noch nie erlebt habe. Ich wollte es erlernen und Allah gab mir als Geschenk die innere Zufriedenheit. Das arabische lesen habe ich in nur vier Tagen durch Hilfe des Imams geschafft. Der Rest waren Feinheiten, die ich nach und nach erlernen musste. Es ist nicht so kompliziert wie man denkt. Heute bin ich 48 Jahre alt. Ich glaube, dass auch du es in vier Tagen schaffen kannst den heiligen Koran zu lesen. Ich wünsche dir viel Erfolg dabei. Möge Allah dich immer rechtleiten und auch deine Familie zum Islam führen. Selamun Aleykum ve rahmetullahi ve berekatu.
@o.h.8337 11 күн бұрын
You are doing beautifully sister ❤ May Allah (swt)help you in your journey insha'allah. In regards to the arabic for the prayers,I have heard that there are specific prayer mats that say the arabic out loud when you pray when you move and do each action so I think that could be a useful tool for you to help you remember the words while you pray ❤
@Pierre-vn5rh 13 күн бұрын
La vie est une succession de défis. Il faut être patient et prendre chaque jour comme une joie à vivre, malgré les contraintes. ❤
@SaeedAwan-z3n Сағат бұрын
Mash Allah🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰 jazak Allah❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@user-oz4fv5jy4h 13 күн бұрын
A Journey of a Thousand Miles,...Begins with the 1 step,...Then the Next.....1 step at a time.
@javed1275 9 күн бұрын
May Allah make it easy for you my sister.
@kasimselamat1248 13 күн бұрын
One step at the time slowly you’ll learn it don’t worry
@Alexandria1070 12 күн бұрын
U doing great
@SayedI313 12 күн бұрын
Having to give up disco dancing was the most difficult for me
@egulsever 12 күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing. Love your honesty!
@FEATHER-creative 14 күн бұрын
You are my sister mashallah
@user-lc5cn1ze7r 13 күн бұрын
Welcome back to Islam sister
@Nono0311 13 күн бұрын
greetings from indonesia
@malikftnd5569 12 күн бұрын
@muzaffarshaheen1473 13 күн бұрын
Laa Iqraha fi deen.
@MrShah-l6d 14 күн бұрын
Sister mashahallah ❣️🇵🇰
@joebaz4844 14 күн бұрын
Salaam, recommended reading Being Muslim: A Practical Guide, By Dr. Asad Tarsin.
@zahidhassan3242 10 күн бұрын
Love from California ❤❤❤
@iqama1 11 күн бұрын
Lots of born Muslims can resonate with your struggles.
@nadirbetrouni137 12 күн бұрын
Allaikum asallam Your journey will not be easy but don't worry Allah will help you I hope you met a good Musliman to marry and help you with your life May Allah bless you
@SAMEERSHAIKH-pb3fe 13 күн бұрын
@mohammadmalik4462 10 күн бұрын
I listen to lots of revert vids the cost and the sacrifices they are going through are the same when islam was revealed on prophet pbuh I get that strong feeling that Allah chosen west over arabs and native Muslim countries is it because we did not keep our commitnet with Allah..... Love from pakistan......
@AudioStream7 14 күн бұрын
Problem is the online dawah scene and their followers, is dominated by fundamentalist leaning groups and their literalist understanding of the faith, promoting their view as the “only Islam” converts should really explore the universality of the faith and not be expected to convert to full orthodoxy from the get-go, unless that’s their leaning as well.
@FarooqKhan-gs7ny 14 күн бұрын
MashAllah ❤
@VeteranATM 14 күн бұрын
You are not alone.
@bostan8761 11 күн бұрын
Sister salaam and welcome. Thanks so much for your video. This just shows (to urself more than anyone else) that U are sincere and aware. Allaah is Most Merciful. Like u said it's a journey. For food come to Birmingham or Leicester 😋....plenty a lovely halal food. Erm lots of white and black Muslims ere man. Nice to of met u and yeah keep the contact and focus on ur spirit and make sure to keep it nourished. U seem on the right road and May Allaah forever bless U and accept Ur struggles and sacrifices. I can imagine.....U have family and have to deal with so so many things I and many like me take for granted. Stay strong Sis. Ws
@HRoslan 11 күн бұрын
Mashaallah, you’re doing well. ❤
@fatherdad3474 14 күн бұрын
Alhamdulillah ❤❤❤
@amjadhussain5024 12 күн бұрын
Chill sister.. take ur time😊
@Free_Falestine 9 күн бұрын
Masha Allah ❤❤❤
@sadikulofficial595 13 күн бұрын
O walaikum assalam sister
@MrTMrT007 12 күн бұрын
It's a journey and you'll get there. But one step at a time. Don't do it all in a day. It's worth it.
@henryharrogate3765 10 күн бұрын
There is a reward (Thawab) in struggle as well. Allah forgives sins and gives reward for every struggle, every pain, every worrisome thought, every sickness/disease, every sorrow that comes to you ... etc. So keep it SLOW and STEADY, you're bound to win this race. Our prayers for you, May Allah be with you all. In the U.K. there are reverts circles. You'll find people there who are/were in your shoes. Seek their advice.
@alisajid3570 12 күн бұрын
👍♥️🙋 from Japan
@iopjkl248 12 күн бұрын
Asvkmrvkh You doing great Mashallah
@sekhrilarbi663 9 күн бұрын
Welcome sister
@MoeedKhan1979 8 күн бұрын
Just be easy sister. Islam prefer step by step
@Aquarius-Dragon 6 күн бұрын
You just found the struggle every Muslim woman goes through. When it comes to the clothing. But I can speak on the Music thing for sure. I am getting better at avoiding it but it's very hard. For me it was because when I dealt with abuses in childhood music was a way I coped because the adults in my life didn't help me. So Music to me was like how I kept my sanity. But I have avoiding it a lot. The good thing is when you keep staying away from it you actually don't like it as much when you do hear it. You start feeling guilty and don't enjoy it anymore. But it is such a dangerous habit because if you keep slacking you start liking it again. Let me tell you sister it doesn't matter what anyone says. And Allah just expects you to try he knows we are human and we fail. He knows this. As long as we are trying nothing else matters. If we keep Allah at the core of everything we do things become easier. Some of us are better at some things then others. MY struggle is my anger. Especially with this Genocide on the Palestinians. May Allah forgive me the first few months I sued to rage on anyone Supporting Israel. My Allah forgive my temper. I am getting much better at controlling it Alhamdolillah. See everyday is a struggle and we jsut have to keep working at it. You are already doing better then most by just building a relationship with Allah. That's essential you already succeeding my sister. May Allah keep us all on the right path ameen. You already sound wiser then I was at your age trust me.
@poranhossain2774 13 күн бұрын
@abushahamaahmad7644 12 күн бұрын
Allaho akbar
@ben11551 13 күн бұрын
@AliKrys 13 күн бұрын
Salam. You’re a breath of fresh air sister. Thank you for sharing. I pray that Allah eases the struggles for you and all of us ♥️
@RJ-dw4jw 12 күн бұрын
Ew lol
@AliKrys 12 күн бұрын
@@RJ-dw4jw ya you are ✌️
@RJ-dw4jw 12 күн бұрын
@@AliKrys A burqa would be an improvement for you 🖕
@mikaal-mohammed1 14 күн бұрын
Alhamduallah 🌞🌚☠️
@oliverkent8429 12 күн бұрын
It breaks my Heart to see a young English woman born in a Christian land to be spiritually deceived in this way.
@BernieCornelia 9 күн бұрын
Don't be ridiculous. If u knew anything about islam you'd know that we honor jesus ( peace be upon him) and his blessed mother Mary. And we are waiting for the return of Jesus.
@oliverkent8429 9 күн бұрын
@@BernieCornelia not the real Jesus
@macbook9084 13 күн бұрын
@ahmedalshalchi 13 күн бұрын
May Allah bless her and fix her on the straight path if she is sincere and honest for life changing ... By the way , Arabic is not hard as you might think... You just go live streaming with Arabs and you will learn much faster than you think but there one thing bad in this , you will learn good and bad things from Arabs so try to filter what you are receiving correctly ...
@asya9507 11 күн бұрын
Islam is flexible and food prepared/processed by people of the book is halal. You live in a Judeo-Christian country. These are people of the book. When you eat out, just say Bismillah and eat. Yes, finding modest clothing in the US has always been a struggle.
@BernieCornelia 9 күн бұрын
That's not correct...saying bismillah doesn't make it halal.
@mohansubramaniam7487 12 күн бұрын
Clothing just wear loose t-shirt n loose pants for a start. As long as your body is fully covered. Work your way up slowly Music is not Haram. Don't get to attach! Halah food is good for your health and wellbeing Learning is a gift
@ahmadruzaini4646 11 күн бұрын
if you are already accustomed to social media..the algorithms are consistently introduced to something that is similar and that's hard to flush it out.
@Ioane-vn6ti 10 күн бұрын
Nothing the Maliki madhab can't fix they are a more relaxing environment, I'm Shafiyy but it's a tad stricter in certain areas don't stress you'll be ok God willing
@AireForce-w3p 14 күн бұрын
Alhamdulilah sis god bless you
@Mrimran829 14 күн бұрын
MashAllah Can I talk to you?
@parveenzulfiqar7747 9 күн бұрын
Aslamalykum...I am a brown skin born Muslim. Islam is for ALL mankind. How dare anyone tell you Allah belongs to certain people. You are HIS creation and he loves you for you.(Ignore ignorant people) You seem like a beautiful person and trying your best and that's all Allah will expect. Take everything one hurdle at a time and learn with ease. Reverts are the best Muslims BC they learn properly and adhere to it while born Muslims lapse. Let me know if you need help in anything. Zara
@mohamedsh9435 12 күн бұрын
Masha Allaah Sister, jasaaka Allaah khayr I ask Allaah to guide you and all of us to the straight path and make easy for you and all of us. Aamiin Sister, check Arabic online call (madina Arabic)
@HasanAhmed-ex6jv 13 күн бұрын
Your struggle is epic and this means that you are on the true path. A thief/burglar proceeds to commit a crime on the basis of reward, simply put they make an assessment on the highest reward. You have escaped the grasp the cursed one and he is p!55ed pretty badly so he sends every asset he has at you. The one beautiful thing of Islam is very simple, if I could sum up the entire Quran and all the collection of Hadith and Tafsir it would equal = "My dear Allah I ask for your protection from satan" that is the statement before the very first chapter of the Quran. General humans never had and never will have the ability to take on the devil in any form of combat so it's necessary to understand that all you need to do with the most sincerity is ask Allah for his protection and he will show you the path which he has set out in the Quran. That path is shining with the divine light of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH and the only way to Allah is through him. A Jew and Christian believe in Allah and a Muslim has to believe in the Prophet Muhammad PBUH. From a common sense point of view can anyone name a being created by Allah that has gone passed the heavenly tree Sidra tul Muntaha? the answer is only one being has transcended that barrier and he is our blessed Prophet Muhammad PBUH, not even the angel Jibraeel could pass that barrier. My Dua's are with you and all that have chosen the guided path.
@mohamedsh9435 12 күн бұрын
(Madinah Arabic)
@manaladel6022 8 күн бұрын
Hi I would recommed tk go to Tareq halal meat you can bring good quality chicken and meat I do recommeed Startford or tooting streat
@recepnuhbasa8734 12 күн бұрын
Relaxing music is no problem
@jayr9948 11 күн бұрын
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 .
@user-qg3ll4qi9q 12 күн бұрын
I’m at a lose has to why you needed something like this in you life in the first place. Please explain. Was your life so inadequate that you needed take this huge leap.
@bismillahschool 9 күн бұрын
Im a white revert as well ...
@osamalone5052 12 күн бұрын
How can one send a marriage proposal to you?
@johnnymism 12 күн бұрын
Do you struggle with the marriage of a 54 year old man and a six year old girl? He waited till she was nine before he had sex with her. Would that be a struggle for you?
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