This Annie Have 8% Winrate in Iron 4.. What is She Doing Wrong? - Low Elo Guide

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Ай бұрын

This post was on the front page of the LoL subreddit and the player wanted tips on what they could improve on. They play in Iron 4 and seemed pretty lost, so in this video, I break it down from the start, all the way to the end and give improvement tips that are 100% guaranteed to work in low elo! You can basically view this as a mid guide for low elo!
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Video & Post Credit: Alexis @haiimcookie
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Climbing Ranked in Low Elo.
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Пікірлер: 63
@yGKeKe Ай бұрын
"He can kill you by mistake." Most accurate Brand description ever.
@bigsmoke4592 Ай бұрын
i remember trying to play adc and i would just die to collateral damage from brand, zyra etc
@liormax Ай бұрын
I love when people actually take the time to objectively analyse low level gameplay instead of just insulting the player and calling them names
@syrollesse Ай бұрын
Being in Iron 4 whilst genuinely trying to win is an impressive achievement in and of itself tbh
@M0n4rc Ай бұрын
turning the screen on might help
@ECPlaysLoL Ай бұрын
That goes for half of Masters players as well unfortunately 😅
@joetucker13jt Ай бұрын
Great breakdown, would love this type of breakdown to be a series, me and my friend will sometimes look over my game and talk about all the micro and macro things to do differently.
@ECPlaysLoL Ай бұрын
I would not mind doing this more often, especially if people find them useful 👍
@confusednerd3171 Ай бұрын
@@ECPlaysLoLim also iron sir. Can i send my replays as well?
@MeticulousTechTV Ай бұрын
I heard a great description of Iron recently on the Broken by Concept podcast. They said "If you're stuck in Iron, it means you aren't ready for ranked, and should go back to playing Draft and Quickplay" (something along those lines)
@ECPlaysLoL Ай бұрын
I would say its true, but I think ranked is still the best mode to actually learn the game. You want consistent games to actually learn fundamentals, and normals are not consistent with opponents. One game vs silver, one game vs Diamond smurf, one game vs gold etc.. If you are Iron, you are like 99% sure to be matched vs the same skill level.
@leeallen5132 Ай бұрын
I feel like in this elo, she needs less of a vod review concerning a play by play analysis, and more just a talk about what the fundamentals of the game actually are. I think just telling her "Hey, for your next few games just purely focus on last hitting the best you can, focus on never dying and only attack them reactively instead of forcing proactively" would be the most beneficial and see what that does for her as a beginning.
@ECPlaysLoL Ай бұрын
I think she knows that subconsciously. She did it for about 3-4 minutes but then lost patience and tried some other wacky stuff to get a kill. In my view, she should play Tristana mid and never leave the lane, just push the wave in and chop at the turret and do nothing else. By the end of the day, you should have climbed out of Iron. Then you can add more and more things to your playbook.
@SuperMortalix Ай бұрын
I feel like his coaching is productive in one way, but hes using alot of stick and not a whole lot of carrot.. If you want someone to do what u want, you also need to reward what you want to see.. The annie did alot of mistakes dont get me wrong but if you only say what they are doing wrong they will just be demotivated to try again
@bigsmoke4592 Ай бұрын
nah there are no "actual fundamentals". a review like this is perfectly fine. and don't forget that league is a multiplayer game. in singleplayer everyone is able to grow beyond easy difficulty. someone has to be iron4. people that have little pc gaming backround will naturally be there if they don't out effort the rest of the playerbase.
@leeallen5132 Ай бұрын
@bigsmoke4592 I mean, I promise you there are fundamentals that the game resolves around. I don't really know what to tell you if you don't believe that, it's incredibly apparent.
@bigsmoke4592 Ай бұрын
@@leeallen5132 damn the point went completely over your head. maybe think about it a bit more, will be helpful in life in general!
@IzanamisBurden Ай бұрын
Worlds most skilled reddit user
@ECPlaysLoL Ай бұрын
@carrot9845 Ай бұрын
so reddit players are just apes? I always wonder if they really are high elo players or just low elo players that like shitting on other low elo players for upvotes
@haiimcookie Ай бұрын
Oh cool! I didn't notice this video thank you for making it!
@haiimcookie Ай бұрын
There is just so much about the game that I don't know. In retrospect I now know that my approach to learning the game was just fundamentally wrong and went against why I started playing LoL in the first place. I think the best thing I've gotten out of these videos and the comments that people have written is honestly my mindset and approach to learning the game, and feeling like I am moving in the right direction.
@haiimcookie 29 күн бұрын
But yeah! Thanks for making the video I actually watched the whole thing a while ago but I didn't make a comment about it. I like the game plan you gave at the end. I definitely feel that my worst mistake I constantly make that you point out is not focusing on farm enough and getting caught a million times chasing kills (like you said w the Kennen). I was not approaching the game well when I made that post, and I think that now I'm beginning to move in the right direction
@sharlockshacolmes9381 Ай бұрын
I'm pretty sure you could forbidd yourself from casting spells and still have higher than 8% winrate in Iron 4 that's actually impressive, bro literally sunk his account to the deepest abyss he could make solid money from selling his accounts
@ECPlaysLoL Ай бұрын
In most cases yes, but i think this is genuine. Its like I said in the beginning, its actually hard to get an Iron 4 account.
@darealrulezbreaker9493 Ай бұрын
I have a question: ive watched till min 16 now and youve repeatedly said that annie should go for push and try to push the wave under kennens tower and this is always what he/she should be trying to do. I can see this is good vs brand since you can avoid his ganks with vision but lets say the enemy jungler is an evelyn or a rengar. Wont i just be presenting my tender and vulnerable ass to these junglers if i just always push in?
@ECPlaysLoL Ай бұрын
In this scenario, Kennen would be unable to CS and harass Annie at the same time if Annie pushed the wave in. You are correct in assuming that you would be vulnerable vs kill heavy junglers like Eve and Rengar, but the benefits of pushing the lane is a way to deal with them as well. it gives you time and space to sneak a ward over to their jungle uncontested, you can also play out the bounce of the wave back to your tower and look at Kennens movement to see if Rengar or Eve are close. You can recall and spend your gold and not be in threat of the jungler at all. Also, if we played level 1 properly, we would know where the enemy jungler is starting, and we know where they would end their first clear by process of elimination. If we then push in the wave at around 5 min at level 4-5, we should realistically be able to guess where the enemy jungler would be, based on where they started, because their respawning camps are their only priority. In higher elo, its okay to hold the wave or be a bit further back, but the support and jungler also know what to do with that information. Here in this elo, they dont, so its better to have the advantage and push.
@darealrulezbreaker9493 Ай бұрын
@@ECPlaysLoL thanks for the thorough explanation!
@ww_artemis Ай бұрын
In that case you want to prevent the ennemy to crash a big wave so you don't hard push but you try to thin out the wave so that only a few cs go under your tower
@saiajyn3270 Ай бұрын
Imagine being so bad at the game that someone decides to make a case study about you, and releases a ytb video as long as a film.
@ECPlaysLoL Ай бұрын
I dont want this video to come off as me shitting on this person, and if it does then I failed at delivering my thoughts correctly. The only purpose for this is to help. I would not say that the player is terrible beyond help though. Some stuff is pretty bad, but some stuff were surprising. Decent spacing in the laning phase relative to opponent, decent understanding of camera control, CS was bad, but not terrible. These are all things that are easily improved upon.
@IdiotenMitStyleSBG Ай бұрын
Imagine having such a fragile ego that you name yourself saiajyn and belittle others who try to improve even tho goku would never do that.
@younggod5230 Ай бұрын
@@ECPlaysLoL dont worry you are strictly constructive and helpful throughout the entirety of the video. you show a huge amount of understanding and even respect for the level of play and match your advice accordingly. if I was that annie, I dont think there would be any confusion left for me about why the game went the way it did.
@ECPlaysLoL Ай бұрын
@@younggod5230 ❤
@07Lightless Ай бұрын
@@IdiotenMitStyleSBGimagine caring about other people
@glenzi7473 Ай бұрын
ye im in Silver/bronce bc im not that good at the game, but i have to admit i really hate playing with or against smurfs. Its just no fun, when you are getting stomped hard or your smurf stomps the enemy. Its either boring or frustrating. Thanks for the video thoug, nice entertainment for the evening ^^
@PaIvator Ай бұрын
I just wanna offer a different perspektice. Usually smurfs arent a lot higher than u im saying usually i used to be really good at shooters like CS and Overwatch and i while learning those games i always found playing against smurfs really shows you when you make mistakes and you can learn a lot If u want to improve and climb u want to be able to beat those guys anyway at some point so try aproaching these type of games more as a learning experience and try to limit test( in a good way not hard inting)
@glenzi7473 Ай бұрын
@@PaIvator I agree partially. I mean i get smurfs that are like gold or smth like that. Thats okay, not to bad. What really grinds my gears is for example I got like a Yasuo mid, level 50+ plays only yas has like 60-80% winrate in 10+ games. That is not a gold player for sure. Macro of such a smurf and especially champion mastery is on a completely different level compared to a bronce/silver scrub like me. Im not saying that happens every game, but it happens and at a rate that I notice it. Also imho I cant learn that much if the skill difference is that big, its just stomping.
@bankaihampter2802 29 күн бұрын
I just got back to league after few years of brake. Back then I got plat1, promo to diamond, before emerald was added, with 65% wr. Both promo games I won 2 games in a row and then had 3 games with afks or genuine inters, running it down. I probably could get high diamond or even masters, but it broke my mental and I dropped the game. Long story short, I get back to league now, win first placement match for silver 4, play second match, and get some mad angry people, half of the lobby diamond smurfs. The though of me having to go trough this shit (smurfs, trolls, toxic) for couple hundreds games to get somewhere good rank and play engaging games made me straight up uninstall this game. This is insanity how many smurfs there are in low elo. And I would also be one of them, because this dog shit game drops me in silver 4 for whatever dumb reason
@maddict1045 29 күн бұрын
Just once i wanna click on a useful league video and it not be a freakkin hour and half to learn anything
@ECPlaysLoL 28 күн бұрын
I have made plenty of helpful videos that are around 10 minutes long on this channel, this is a vod review, its naturally going to be longer
@carrot9845 27 күн бұрын
@@ECPlaysLoL tbh I like your videos more that coach curtis you get to the point he rambles on about life guru shit nobody cares about. Will you make more mid videos? do you have a discord?
@xRiPw0lFx Ай бұрын
iron has less deaths by 10 minutes than silver 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@aice336 Ай бұрын
a new account that gets put into iron 2 after placements is impossible, there is information missing there, its gotta be a very old account that didnt hit level 30 yet
@ECPlaysLoL Ай бұрын
In the reddit post, they said they have been playing on and off for 2 years, so with normals data over 2 years and subpar performance in those, you could actually be put into Iron 2 legitimately. She also says "new account" and if we assume the same level of performance as shes leveling it up, then it could be legit to put her in Iron 2 from the start.
@aice336 Ай бұрын
@@ECPlaysLoL whelp ppl always told me normal games and other game modes dont influence ur mmr in solo q. so thats not true? and all the people being mad that new players get placed into high gold /low plat with their fresh level 30 accounts for some time is .. i mean they have to play the same amount of games to get to level 30, maybe more cause when u spread ur games out u have more first win of the day included. how does that work ? confusing to me
@aice336 Ай бұрын
@@ECPlaysLoL on the other hand i recently encountered a master vayne on a fresh account with minimal games, who is actually a emerald player ... saying she did it by spamming bot games to inflate her hidden mmr before entering soloq. i cant believe that xd
@ECPlaysLoL Ай бұрын
​@@aice336 Lets say you get to level 30 with only botgames. There is no PVP data for Riot to use on your account. You play ranked and you go 3-2 in placements. You would be placed high bronze, low silver. In the old smurf queue system, if you smashed these silver players after placements, you would be placed into Platinum-Emerald games even though your visual rank is Silver, because Riot wanted to combat smurfing. Thats why sometimes, some legit silver player would win a bunch of games randomly, and be falsely accused by the system to be a smurf and then lose a bunch of games afterwards. It is actually common now within the "smurfing scene" to inflate the accounts MMR by spamming normals until the Normal MMR is Platinum-Emerald level, because if you do that and then go 5-0 in Placements, you could be placed into high Platinum, low Emerald and skip the boring climb all together. It all actually depends on the accounts history. Someone with a 5 year old account cant do this because PVP data already exist on that account and you wont be able to sway it enough by spamming games. So in short, if the account is new, then yes normals matters. If the account has history, then it wont matter in any significant way.
@aice336 Ай бұрын
@@ECPlaysLoL might be true ... but i know multiple ppl who deserve bronze 4 and got placed plat on their new accounts, who are also new players. the leveld with normals and arams and always went like 0/12 and lost most of the time. then they went on to losing like 95% of games until they finally reached their bronze 4. others report that too ... theres gotta be smth else to it
@SindyxLotus Ай бұрын
Dog can you do this for my account? Just read me to filth lmao
@ECPlaysLoL Ай бұрын
if this becomes a regular thing, then sure 😅
@TheDeathby2 Ай бұрын
Baba low elo.
@Jay-vu6ng Ай бұрын
That player thinks iron is cringe??? Bruh to think that hes not ranked queue banned already is what's cringy here. I didnt even know having 8% wr was possible... i win more than 8% of the time when we get a leaver...hes negative impact ffs
@SaSo-mk6yh Ай бұрын
Iron take
@MrThedoged1 Ай бұрын
@@SaSo-mk6yh nah bronze peaker fs and true 9% win rate is more then 8% wr
@younggod5230 Ай бұрын
the thing to remember is that this person had extremely low sample size for this "8% winrate", over the long run it would likely be 30 % or something more realistic like that. Also, can you understand that there is such a thing as "the worst player"? if every iron4 player just quits the game, the people ranked higher would just move down a bit, and there would be a new person whos just so bad with such a low winrate. are you just gonna tell them to also quit? the truth is that this level of play is something that exists, andthere will be a rank to describe it. just like how for any real life skill like cooking, driving, sports, drawing, and so on and so on, there will be people who are at a level so bad, that it might be genuinly hard to comprehend. but the right reaction shouldnt be to ridicule them or tell them to quit. consider someone whos never picked up a tennis racket before, or even touched any kind of sportsball and might be a really clumsy person on top of that, they might be even worse than you thought possible. you need to be curious about the whole breadth of human experience. this includes people being bad at something. they are not doing it to personally insult you.
@RADWIKZ Ай бұрын
For me i think im just bad at smurfing... my smurf is Stuck in Gold 1 Right now with 48% W/r (30 games) but im winning on my main account in dia Elo (70 games)... i think im just bad in punishing peoples mistakes... + i dont understand what the fuck people are even doing in Gold in dia we have somehow a Gameplan but in gold everything is so random.. XD i just cant play in this Elo and if Riot ever gives every acc a hard-reset with everyonone starting in Iron im 100% i wont get get out that elo XD
@Respawnd Ай бұрын
dont worry your not alone same goes for me i cant smurf in lower ranks i peaked Master last Season but my smurf cant get past Emerald 😂
@GydoMans Ай бұрын
thats exactly why the meta plays r fing boring rn, farm farm farm. Can just go play farm simulator and have more fun.
@crazyman7504 29 күн бұрын
Because roaming isn't consistent. To have a good wr you need to be consistent . Not make flashy plays .
@crazyman7504 29 күн бұрын
Obviously you'll roam but only roam for a good reason. Like you should roam and worst case scenario , you get nothing out of it and you lose nothing out of it also
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