It's one of the hardest roles to take on when it comes to time. The reality is that whether we have kids or not, we all feel like our time is pulled in a million directions and there will never be enough time to feel like we can get everything done. That is not a bad thing. That is just a neutral fact. We are always having to make choices about how we show up, what we do and the way we live our lives. Kids are an added layer to that as we are in a position we feel like our time becomes someone else's. Its totally normal to feel the time pressure and the key is to not let our storyline be that we are constantly behind or that we don't have time for "X" or "Y". There will always be moments the reality is, time is a limited factor, we had to make a choice and there wasn't time enough to do it all. But we also can't let time be the excuse or avoidance strategy for doing the things we want and need to do for ourselves.