Dreaming Breaks Science...

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hey boo thang, you should subscribe.
i was gonna put some other stuff in the description but i dont remember what it was.
i have Instagram now too! i'll probably just be throwing some behind the scenes stuff on there :D
/ basically_him

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@eddystylez 9 ай бұрын
Lucid dreaming is what intrigues me the most because it's something entirely on another level compared to normal un/semi conscious dreams. When I first learned how get inside them, the near indistinguishable resemblance to waking reality and having all 5 senses intact with full consciousness and control changed my life forever. I have a feeling in the future some breakthroughs may finally be made when we discover more about human consciousness.
@mikemondano3624 9 ай бұрын
It's just dreaming.
@ZelphTheWebmancer 9 ай бұрын
@@mikemondano3624 It is just dreaming. And it is fascinating.
@tyler1655 9 ай бұрын
Lucid dreaming is truly an amazing phenomenon. I've had quite a few and to be able to be completely aware in a dream where you can do literally whatever you want, is surreal. It's remarkable what the brain is capable of and I agree with your point about the breakthroughs that will follow once we learn more about the nature of consciousness
@mikemondano3624 9 ай бұрын
@@tyler1655 Yeah, great. You can also do the same thing sitting in a chair and wide awake.
@as-above-so-below- 9 ай бұрын
Yeah it is odd. You're normal run of the mill dreams are generated by the parts of your brain that make up your subconscious, less than controllable, brain activity. It's like the programs running in the background while everything else is turned off. When you lucid dream, however, it's like everything else is turned back on, but instead of being awake and all like you normally should, you're just asleep and viewing your dreams cognizant of what they actually are, even to the extent that you can manipulate it heavily.
@laineysays 4 ай бұрын
What really fascinates me is how we sense time in a dream. I often have those dreams that feel like hours or days have gone, when in reality i just had a 15 min nap.
@pr1nnc3ss 4 ай бұрын
yessss that's one of the most surreal parts for me, and i wake up so confused (also your sparkle pfp is the bomb)
@pauldeddens5349 3 ай бұрын
(I copy and pasted this response from another comment I left about a guy interested how dreams know to end. His example was with a stick of dynamite going off, perfectly in sync with a thunderclap waking him up. I thought you would find it fascinating.) This is probably because your brain already fucks with your perception of time. It makes it up, skips forward, rewinds. You instantly forget mindless repetitive tasks of routine, to the point of getting concerned if you actually did them. You glance at the clock, for its second hand to waver in place for far longer than a second. You spend your time engaged in a task and hours fly by. You spend your time staring at the clock, and it crawls. Your brain could very well just have kept going, but noticed the lightning, and moved events around. Sped up the dream by 10x to get to the most convenient stopping point, like an explosive thunderclap. Our brains want to make sense, to a degree. They like logic. Abruptly stopping a flow of consciousness like a dream is distressing. Its snapping from one reality to another. Without a good segue, it really wants that transition to be slow. Dream ends, no memories, blank consciousness, return behind your eyelids. You only snap awake when your ready. If your not ready, your brain wants to make something up fast. Otherwise it makes the transition even worse. TNT exploding is scary, but it follows the continuity of the waking world without needing anything elaborate. Like a sudden thunderstorm in your dream.
@laineysays 3 ай бұрын
@@pauldeddens5349 Omg thank you so much for this. I think this is somewhat same with that falling feeling that we get when we are about to wake up and the brain somehow makes it makes sense in the ongoing dream. In my case it's always stepping on a wet/slippery surface or missing a step on a staircase.
@true-dark-mind9681 3 ай бұрын
@@laineysays You know, I experience that seldomly in my dreams. Whenever that happens, I wake up with my heart beating fast as if I actually missed a step and fell down on the stairs. That's how I always felt about it.
@laineysays 3 ай бұрын
@@true-dark-mind9681 Yes that's exactly the same for me too. Like missing a step, followed by that free-falling sensation.
@dialog_box 8 ай бұрын
"I decided my door wasn't locked" is the most quintessential lucid dream experience for me. I think there's some ambiguity about what qualifies as a lucid dream. Like I know some people who say they always lucid dream because they're always aware that they're dreaming, but they've never had the power to control it. But for me, it's the experience of just going "Oh, this is all in my head, so I can just make things up."
@JCTBomb 8 ай бұрын
Yes! That is why I can’t lucid dream, that feeling of being out of control scares me to my core and honestly feels like the closest thing I can imagine to death.
@nebd1760 8 ай бұрын
I really don't understand that cause when I have lucid dreams, I just end up kind of realizing it's not real but I still go with the story without being in control or I just become so conscious that I wake up. Although I'll try to control my dreams next time it happens
@dialog_box 8 ай бұрын
@@nebd1760 Yeah I feel like I'd call that only like a half-lucid dream… or maybe that's a lucid dream, and we need a new word to distinguish it from the kind of lucid dream where you gain control. good luck in your endeavors!
@satgurs 8 ай бұрын
@@nebd1760 same thing happens to me in almost all my dreams. i realize that i'm dreaming, but i don't realize the fact that hey, maybe i could do things differently if i tried
@terraristit3752 8 ай бұрын
Does forcing yourself to wake up count as lucid dreaming? I had an experience like that, once. It started out as a regular dream - a nightmare, as a matter of fact - where I heard noises from my kitchen similar to a cat scratching it's food bags (my irl cat tended to do that often to get my attention, so that wasn't anything unsual). However, for some reaason, in this dream, these noises seemed...off to me. Like, I had this uncanny, uncomfortable feeling that it wasn't my cat, but someone (or more like something) that wasn't supposed to be there. I started to slowly, anxiously make my way torwards the kitchen, but right before I could turn the corner and see what kind of creature was making the noise, I became consious I was in a dream, and immediatly went like "WAIT WTF, *why* am I going *torwards* the monster, this is a *terrible* idea! Wake up, wake up, wake up-" and then I woke up. Later figured that had to be a lucid dream. Kind of salty that I forced myself to wake up instead of controlling the dream and ABSOLUTELY *DESTROYING* the monster, though I suppose that could have just been survival instinct: I'm innately below average in most physical qualities, (strenght, speed, stamina etc), putting me at a huge disadvantage in real life physical combat, so it makes sense my brain's first instinct was to "flee" (aka wake myself up before encountering the monster) rather than to fight. Regardless, it was a super interesting experience!
@natebit8130 5 ай бұрын
This reminds me of the time I was writing a story, and after I went to sleep, the main character came to me in the dream and we sat around a fire together, eating fish. They described a few errors I've made in the writings compared to their sheet, and gave me advice on how to write them better. After taking time to apply their criticism the next day, I've found that writing them became a lot more fun, and others enjoyed their characters a lot more.
@sicksock435446 4 ай бұрын
One of the coolest things to do with lucid dreams is summoning characters or people you know and seeing what they have to say. That said if you're ready for hard truths you could always try summoning yourself and having a real 'heart to heart' with a mental mirror.
@natebit8130 4 ай бұрын
@@sicksock435446 It's very rare for me to have lucid dreams.
@IAyala1010 4 ай бұрын
All of us have seen fictional characters in dreams so this is very interesting from an artist perspective.
@marcar19 2 ай бұрын
My dreams have literally never helped me sort something out in real life... whyyyyyyyy
@TamWam_ Ай бұрын
i really wanna try this, but for some reason im afraid of lucid dreaming and i had one recently. instead of thinking logically like i was awake, i was already filled with anxiety and tried to wake myself up, leading to a false awakening... but the thing is, i thought i was actually awake, so i wrote down my dream (like i would actually do) and lost lucidity. then it turned into a very messed up and gory dream, tho it wasnt a nightmare. then i ACTUALLY woke up. but i did have multiple dreams of my main OC (which is also my pfp lol) doing weird things like a singing competition?? 💀
@prod.blizzrd 9 ай бұрын
I've had lucid dreams on a couple occasions and whenever I mention to the people in the dream that they are in fact not real, they always got really angry with me. Like I wasn't supposed to know that it's a dream
@amazinggrapes3045 9 ай бұрын
This is terrifying and I shouldn't be reading this at 4 in the morning
@justarandomkid3275 9 ай бұрын
Most nights that I dream, at one point during the dream I will realise that I am asleep and dreaming , I have the same thing if I tell people that it’s a dream, they will get very angry and attack me. This is why I take medication so I don’t dream anymore😭😭😭😭😭😭
@James_Jackson27 9 ай бұрын
@@justarandomkid3275 you shouldnt take medication to not have dreams. you must realize that you are in control and they cannot hurt you. its scary but you have to at least try, you are giving power to them by hiding. you can do it
@zaidan4383 9 ай бұрын
@@justarandomkid3275 I too experienced that. But when they attacked me, i just imagine myself fly away, and fly I go
@Drunken_Hamster 8 ай бұрын
Does it end in a big DBZ level fight? Cuz that happened to me once. Though the more I think about it, the more I feel like that was only a semi-lucid dream for me.
@qoxx 8 ай бұрын
the weirdest thing about dreaming is how you know things you never learned irl, like seeing a dream where you're a college professor giving a lecture on a subject you're completely clueless on irl, but everything you say makes sense and is the only thing you fail to remember when you wake up. happened to me once and i woke up thinking "i knew a fact in my dream that i don't actually know and i can't really remember it to fact check it".
@Evan-tp7ur 8 ай бұрын
I’ve had dreams where I can speak an entirely different language
@hjonkwegoos 8 ай бұрын
thats how i learned the word paleontology
@greta1467 8 ай бұрын
Reminds me of a few lucid dreams I've had where I purposely examined my surroundings to see how much detail is in my dreams eg. opening up drawers to see whats inside....always wake up remembering there was lots of detail, but not the detail/object themselves
@marianisrocha 8 ай бұрын
ugh yes!! i dont know how many dreams ive had at this point where im reading an incredibly entertaining book and then i wake up and remember nothing of what the book was about, just the feeling that it was so amazing T_T
@strangeunivers 8 ай бұрын
I had a dream like that, but I remembered it clearly. I was just spouting nonsense as the teacher. I felt horribly bad when I woke up for teaching the fake students such things.
@brobungee 9 ай бұрын
I love finding great channels before they blow up
@this.science 9 ай бұрын
Don’t make me blush 🤭
@gamingmaster_8542 9 ай бұрын
Me too haha He definitely has great potential
@bhanusairam1534 9 ай бұрын
@@this.science i think you are a big youtuber trying to grow a new channel undercover as a challange.the amount of editing and scripting your videos need are insane. i subbed early lol .
@robyrandom1148 9 ай бұрын
Yeah he seems very polished and experienced
@dashh77 9 ай бұрын
Same, this channel is gonna be huge next year
@Amonimus 5 ай бұрын
I think dreams are just the imagination on autopilot. When you are really tired, when you think of something with eyes closed, it gets more vivid.
@sicksock435446 4 ай бұрын
most likely, neurons just need to be fired every so often so while your asleep they're popping off randomly and making weird shit happen.
@alejandrapedroza14 3 ай бұрын
Well, that's tricky, I'm one of those people that sometimes sleep with their eyes open, obviously I'm not conscious of it but many people have told me I do open them at some point apparently
@Jose-jx5pu 3 ай бұрын
@@sicksock435446 Is reality - at least as we perceive - just eletric signals in our brains?
@SlamJamMusic 2 ай бұрын
this feels right to me. when you're in the process of falling asleep, you almost have "semi-dreams" where your mind goes at light speed with different thoughts and scenarios. they arent as real or sensory as dreams, just passing thoughts you become aware of when you get woken up. then dreams are when you're fully asleep. its also crazy how good that partially asleep state feels to be in. i think the key to all this is DMT actually, and the fact our brain releases some when we are about to sleep.
@TamWam_ Ай бұрын
FR. i feel like when youre drifting into sleep, you go autopilot. i always think of like scenarios before sleeping, like to help me think of new lore for my OCs or smth, but then it goes on autopilot and suddenly a random character eats cheese or some other random thing?? i feel like if i dont become conscious again, i drift into sleep. but if i randomly turn off autopilot, im like "wait what? why am i thinking of cheese?" and reset the scenario bc it got messed up 💀 there are times where my autopilot made my chars say the most nonsensical things and i only realise how ridiculous it sounds once i "regain consciousness"
@satgurs 8 ай бұрын
The weird part about dreams for me is how you can just sort of 'know' some things. Like, it doesn't have to be related to anything in the real world. You could imagine that children were originally cats and turned into humans as they grew up, and your mind would just accept that as a fact. It really makes me wonder how many things we just make up and our mind just doesn't question them.
@RedValleyMilsim 8 ай бұрын
perfect point to make a relatable connection to someone who doesn't understand human perception is so damn malleable.
@Approvedjoey117 8 ай бұрын
Sounds like politics
@MaddesG1 8 ай бұрын
@@themouseryKilling the imagination kills individualistic free thought which in turn gives the collective thought process more importance as a society. You are your own world and experience things differently from every other person but when we experience any phenomena outside whats considered the norm often we will all experience it differently because everyone’s imagination is at different levels. We need to accapt that we shouldn’t redicule free thought to the point that censors people from thinking about things that are harmless. Instead we should foster a world of free thinking where we can use our imagination and start to use the tools and formulas we have at our disposal as a civilization to create a better world for ourselves and the entirety of Earth.
@tegathemenace 8 ай бұрын
Could be the brain locking you so you don't wake up
@idiotmiho 8 ай бұрын
yeah i once woke up and thought my tortoise had slid out of his shell and was about to go downstairs to help him get back in because i had a dream about it, after a bit i realised thats not even possible because their shell is literally a part of them on another occasion I had a dream where my friend was just asleep on my floor, woke me up, and then got up and said I'm going home and left, then I fell asleep again, when I woke up I just accepted that had happened when they hadn't even visited and it took me a while to realize none of that happened weird thing is i dont have lucid dreams either, my dreams are very distant and when im dreaming i feel as though im just recalling a foggy memory
@rebeccacaroe7111 9 ай бұрын
“Your brain inhibits motor neurons … so you don’t act out your dreams”. As someone who has woken up their sibling bc I was elbowing the absolute sh!t out of my headboard while dreaming of a giant spider pouncing on me, I can attest that this does not always work.
@brodychapelle 8 ай бұрын
@narfharder 8 ай бұрын
When your brain stem forgets to shut off your body while you're asleep, that's sleep-walking. When it forgets to turn it back on after you're awake, that's sleep paralysis.
@Mlocken 8 ай бұрын
@@narfharder That's interesting. I didn't know that. I wonder if that's also why people "sleep talk"
@sumthnunreal5502 8 ай бұрын
I have genuinely had at least two instances where I couldn't open my eyes in my dreams. I could raise my eyelids enough to look down, but not forward. I couldn't see in my dream because I was trying to open my eyes in real life while my body fought the effort. I don't know anyway else to put it, but it felt so damn strange.
@amayz111 8 ай бұрын
Yeah I’ve had ones where I climbed onto my sisters bed and stood there, until she screamed and woke up the rest of the family 😅
@budstep7361 9 ай бұрын
I love that you admit you don't know in the end, it is more satisfying than the other grandiose conclusions that feel cliche at this point on the internet 🤣
@holoframe 8 ай бұрын
what are you yappin bout lil bro
@LoganBai-gv5ys 8 ай бұрын
@annierminx 8 ай бұрын
ya'll both in the replies, pls go back to sleep
@slavsit7600 8 ай бұрын
@@LoganBai-gv5ys Like
@sceplecture2382 8 ай бұрын
" it is more satisfying than the other grandiose conclusions that feel cliche at this point on the internet " Actually makes you sound like an idiot.
@yassinriabi7884 3 ай бұрын
the weird think in dreams is that you never blink once and you never use your phone, it's like anything that has many details doesn't show up in dreams
@Dust_mote 2 ай бұрын
I've used my phone but never blinked. I used to think you couldn't use a phone or a computer in a dream though
@Arya.Ahmad.Abdulrahman Ай бұрын
For a period of time I remember having 2 to 3 dreams where I took my phone out and actually recorded a video in Snapchat 😂. In one of them I went to a house (I think it was the one we live in or another familiar house), I climbed a ladder or just went up a staircase until I reached the top, there was a dark room with furniture all lit with yellow/golden light, I took my phone out and took a video in Snapchat and then I wanted to send it to my sister I think, but the recorded video was blurry and distorted and it appeared to lag behind as well, I tried to record another video but the same thing happened, then I just felt scared and somehow found an elevator. When the doors of the elevator opened once I reached the bottom floor, something just charged towards me out of nowhere and it was very very fast, I immediately woke up scared 😂
@summervega3012 Ай бұрын
I use my phone quite regularly in my dreams actually and always have.
@oneupjade 9 ай бұрын
Dreams are so interesting to me, especially the part where they can give you new ideas. I’ve gotten melody ideas and had friends tell me funny jokes that I wouldn’t have thought to make. So cool how the subconscious is so mysterious and somehow still a part of us. Also great video mate. Incredible that you managed to get 60K subs in 1 month. The preparation you’ve done before making this channel shows (at least in my eyes), or you’re just insanely cracked lmao
@RustinMarkJandongan 8 ай бұрын
but you couldn't remember the melody, right?
@m.dave2141 8 ай бұрын
The creativity you get while lucid dreaming is insane, it's like that part of the brain is working at 200%, the hard part is remembering all that stuff when you wake up
@m.dave2141 8 ай бұрын
​@@RustinMarkJandonganSometimes you can if you are fast enough to record it, same with jokes or ideas in general but yeah you have to be quick
@ftgodlygoose4718 8 ай бұрын
I took a class on the brain and dreams are soooo much more interesting with a deeper understanding. “Reality” as we see it isn’t real until our brain uses our senses to confirm its validity. Dreams feel so real because as far as our brain is concerned (Due to our outside senses being turned off) they are are reality. I’m rambling but it’s just so cool I couldn’t help it 😂.
@eqqx1108 8 ай бұрын
​@@ftgodlygoose4718isn't it obvious? You had to go a class to discover it?
@MohamedTaymour13 8 ай бұрын
To me, the weirdest thing about dreams is when they try to send you a direct message or when I outright dream of a future event IN DETAIL that I've had no interest in knowing before. Both are such weird experiences and always fascinate me, like seeing my body, thoughts and actions through a flying crow's body or walking through a nonexisting land that I somehow actually know or getting a job in a specific position 3 years before actually getting into a university of said field or actually interacting with people you never knew or met through your dreams that you are about to meet the NEXT DAY. Dreams are very fascinating honestly
@mooredaxon 7 ай бұрын
I know right. Sometimes I have dreams of future events. Deja vu. Scientists say it's just your memory conflating your dreams with something that happened previously. You think you're dreaming the future, but you're just dreaming of a similar thing based on what you've previously experienced. But that isn't the case. I often dream of future events, to the point where I can predict the words and emotions of people around me. They are so accurate that I can't describe them as anything but magical. Sometimes these "deja vu" experiences happen for something I know I've never done before.
@Leesen02 7 ай бұрын
I've had something similar happen multiple times. The last time it happened I got scared and basically fucked up a situation that could of been great but ig I'll never know. Also, I had one as a kid where I broke my nose in a dream, and then it happened months later, the exact same way.
@blackstormer95 7 ай бұрын
A deja-vu is just a delay between your vision and the part where your brain processes images, its been a known fact for years now@@mooredaxon
@dysphanic_redshift 7 ай бұрын
Future predicting dreams are honestly very interesting. I know some people who've had them- my sister dreamed of the exact location our apartment and, due to saying outright that happened in her dream, was able to move into the apartment. One of my close irl friends had a dream a long time ago about sitting in class building a fake mini-rover as someone sat next to them eating pringles- that someone was me. I myself have had a predictive dream- the beta version of the Moss Blanket from Slime Rancher appeared in a dream when I was around 7 years old, even including many slimes from the game including ones such as hunter slimes. It's all rather intriguing
@diamondmemer9754 7 ай бұрын
​@@mooredaxonsometimes deja vu makes you misremember dreams so that you think you already dreamed the situation you're in even though you didn't
@junebeedle 7 ай бұрын
the craziest thing about lucid dreaming to me is what happens when you tell the people in your dream that it is in fact a dream. for me, i’ve lucid dreamed only 2 or 3 times in my entire life. after the first time, and after seeing stuff online about other people’s experience with telling the people in their dreams, it became a goal of mine. the next time i had a lucid dream, almost as soon as i realized, i got a little too excited and started yelling at everyone that they weren’t real and that they’re in a dream, almost like i was rubbing it in. turns out, this maybe wasn’t the best idea. everyone stopped. they all just stared at me. they had this creepy look on their faces, like they were slightly mad. it was super creepy. the excitement over the fact that i was lucid dreaming woke me up pretty soon after this, but i would’ve liked to stay and find out if the people in my dream would have ever gone back to acting normal or not.
@uberschnilthegreat22 5 ай бұрын
That's something I've noticed with a lot of people that mention to people in their dreams that they aren't real. There is a universal reaction from those people that they get displeased, angry, or even violently furious when you tell them they're just figments of your imagination. It's almost like you broke a cardinal rule of dreaming.
@sicksock435446 4 ай бұрын
I once told a dude in a dream that he wasn't real and he legit peaced out. Like he just phased out of existance because if he didn't have to be there then he wasn't going to be. That said if you get into lucid dreaming then summoning 'figments' of people and talking to them can be awesome. I've had pretty profound revelations about friends and acquaintances which my subconscious apparently picked up on but my waking mind never realised. OR you can just summon jesus and the devil and watch them hash it out. Also summoning 'yourself' is also probably going to be a memorable occasion...
@needcookies8295 2 ай бұрын
After reading this comment, i experience the same thing. I tell every people on my dream that they're not real, and u know what, they just laugh at me and just walk casually.
@millia_honey Ай бұрын
@@sicksock435446 that is really interesting way one could deal with conflicts with friends, not 100% but a cool experiment, i def wanna try
@TamWam_ Ай бұрын
@@uberschnilthegreat22 nah, its because you expect it to happen. if youve read of those stories, its bound to happen, even if you dont remember it consciously. if you expect them to be normal, they will be, because other people who have never heard of this tell their chars they're in a dream and everyone shrugs it off. ive only gone lucid a few times, but saying things are a dream out loud js led me to 1. wake up or 2. get sucked into the dream void/the state between waking up or sleeping.
@Simulacruel 4 ай бұрын
When we are awake, our brains are simulating a representation of the outside world. Dreaming is the same thing that happens when you are awake: Neurons fire, filling in the details of experience, and simulating an internal reality.
@bobrussell3602 2 ай бұрын
hmm. Interesting. This is the least fanciful comment I've seen on scrolling down this list of peoples experiences.
@t.n.h.ptheneohumanpatterna8334 Ай бұрын
i thonk its more complicated thna dat
@SkitterNSnicklez 8 ай бұрын
The weirdest thing to me about dreams is that ever since AI has been getting better I've noticed some striking similarities between what AI generates and how my dreams look. Watching/ looking at anything AI generated is like looking at a waking dream. It's really unsettling to me. Sometimes it even feels as if part of me is AI and when I'm dreaming this AI part of me is trying to recreate the world from all my memories.
@brettrhines6917 8 ай бұрын
Oh oh wow. That is scarily relatable
@AHeroWith1000Names 8 ай бұрын
The way I see it is that AI art operates similarly to our unconscious (if you could ask it specifically, that is). While dreaming, the uncounscious harnesses unimaginable amounts of information and channels it into something semi-concrete, surreal -- not entirely making sense but still having some hold of it; e.g. you see a dream where gravity is twice as strong or weak than it should be on Earth, but, still, there's the concept of gravity itself, of objects and their weight, and yourself being under its influence, too. AI neuronets, too, process colossal amounts of data and bring out something as coherent as they could. In that sense, you could say, it's not you imitating AI, but rather AI imitating your human unconscious :)
@orange_turtle3412 8 ай бұрын
Probably because AI in the state its in now is comparable to an unconscious human brain running rampant with whatever memories happen to be stored there. AI programs are “taught” by feeding them information, or digital memories of a sort, which they then use to derive images from. While you sleep, your brain may be pulling out memories and generating random stuff by combining said memories. We arent even close to a conscious AI that can think for itself like a person can, but when you sleep you’re temporarily shutting off your brain’s ability to process and respond to stimuli. Youre left with whatever’s already there in storage.
@yin3229 8 ай бұрын
AI uses patterns to combine previous existing art into new art, we use patterns to combine previous existing memories into "new" visuals in our dreams.
@Msh4rky 8 ай бұрын
Does that count as uncanny valley?
@fantalone666 7 ай бұрын
I sometimes think about just how precisely complex are the NPCs in my dreams. Is the simulation complex enough for me to consider them different entities from me? Are they me? I can't read their minds, can't tell what they're going to do, can't make them do something, yet they still act intelligently. Creepy.
@coolbreezeinsummer 3 ай бұрын
My theory is that dreams are built on vague impressions that are then “filled in” by the conscious mind afterwards. Instead of simulating all the complex behaviors and internal components of a person, it connects the concept of a person with the concept of an action and fills in the rest with random noise.
@coolbreezeinsummer 3 ай бұрын
My theory is that dreams are built on vague impressions that are then “filled in” by the conscious mind afterwards. Instead of simulating all the complex behaviors and internal components of a person, it connects the concept of a person with the concept of an action and fills in the rest with random noise.
@philfaka 3 ай бұрын
My theory is that the subconscious already knows the patterns of familiar people (their voice, gestures, character, etc.) and simply follows the algorithm, just like the predictive text on mobile keyboards.
@pilovwithketchup 3 ай бұрын
calling it npcs is funny asf but also stupid, theyre just figments of your imagination/subconsciousness
@tetrasphere8165 2 ай бұрын
Both and sometimes both at once. Then again consciousness is 1 thing anyway so both all the time
@Mx.muffin 4 ай бұрын
Lucid dreaming is weird, because you don't even have to realize you're in a dream. I had a lucid dream when I was younger, and I basically thought "oh, I can control whatever here, cool" and just started lucid dreaming with SpongeBob characters
@sknfmsmr 8 ай бұрын
this. this is my vibe. this is the kind of content i wanna see on my youtube feed educational sarcastic absurt videos that cut the bullshit and explain random stuff that make more sense of the world :)
@derkhus271 8 ай бұрын
Dont forget tom hiddleston
@sknfmsmr 8 ай бұрын
@@derkhus271 at this point i dont even question why the internet is obsessed with tom hiddleston, but yeah
@derkhus271 8 ай бұрын
@@sknfmsmr hes hot
@sknfmsmr 8 ай бұрын
@@derkhus271 ¦ |
@Franchesca0403 8 ай бұрын
​@@derkhus271 yep
@distract5460 Ай бұрын
Started wanting to understand how dreams work. Left halfway through to understand how sewing machines work. I’m so lonely.
@EmJay_okay 7 ай бұрын
When I was around 10 I used to dream every night for months that I had a family in a house at the top floor of an block of apartments i had never seen before. Every night however we would do new things, I got to know them more and better, and I even started to figure out my way to school from there cause I would go there in my sleep. It got to the point were reality of here and the reality of my dreams were mixed up and I wouldn't know how many days passed in my sleep and how many days passed when I was awake. Finally there was this big fight in my dream family. They all told me I had to leave. I asked them why but sadly i do'n't remember what they said. After that night I never had that dream again. I was devastated. I think i even tried to go back to the apartment in my dream but it was empty. It always freaked me out how detailed the dreams were and I always wondered why and how it happened. So its cool to know science has no clue either.
@oriharaizaya8623 Ай бұрын
What the frick!? That's so awesome! Never heard of such a thing happening in dreams before
@Omnywrench 3 ай бұрын
One thing that always confounds me is how your perception or "view" of a dream can come in all kinds of different forms and switch between them on a dime several times throughout the dream. Using my own dreams as an example, I can recall several that changed from being in first-person view, to being in third-person view like I was watching a movie starring myself, to looking through the eyes of someone else entirely. I've also had dreams that have been depicted as if I was actually watching a movie or playing a video game, even having a visible screen frame bordering my field of vision. Probably the most interesting ones I've had were ones that were depicted like an animated film or simply a series of drawings, paintings, or some other art medium. One of my most memorable dreams played out like a dramatic prologue to a fantasy movie, being narrated in verse with a sort of slideshow of woodcut images. I don't recall the entire poem, but it did inspire me to try and "finish" it eventually.
@FredSlocombe 9 ай бұрын
I had a dream about a huge mansion that was made up of pieces of the homes I had experienced while awake. It was like fragments of memories stitched together composed by a flood of emotions in the process of re-balancing hormones and brain chemistry.
@mikemondano3624 9 ай бұрын
Dreams are, however, totally ineffable. The moment you try to put one into words, you've lost, altered, and added to comport with language structure. Dreams come from a deep place, the still point, stasis, where talk comes from. Dream analysis and theology have much in common in that neither is ever wrong because neither can ever be verified.
@shadw4701 8 ай бұрын
​@@mikemondano3624There are more grounded ways of analyzing dreams, for example writing said dream down and pulling apart themes and associating them with memories and the things those memories are associated with ect
@mikemondano3624 8 ай бұрын
@@shadw4701 Dreams can never be understood through analytical methods. They are organic.
@Mahlak_Mriuani_Anatman 8 ай бұрын
​@@mikemondano3624ain't that deep
@dyslexicbatnam1350 8 ай бұрын
Your memory is just a giant mansion with a billion different rooms
@yellowsmegma4269 6 ай бұрын
I believe it's our brains way of protecting us from going crazy sitting in darkness for 8 hrs a day
@vaNygles875 6 ай бұрын
this is a way better theory than i have ever read about dreams😂🤓☝
@sicksock435446 4 ай бұрын
Most likely dreams are just 'brain static'. The body needs to rest for 8ish hours but the brain (specifically neurons) need to keep firing to stay healthy. While dreams might sometimes contain poingnent or relevant content, thats ignoring the other 99.99% of dreams which are complete nonsense.
@coolbreezeinsummer 3 ай бұрын
@@sicksock435446 you know, I’ve noticed that whenever I put a lot of importance in some skill, say 3 years ago learning how to drive, I’ll have frequent dreams about performing that skill. So dreams might not be as random as we think, and might have function.
@Sicaoisdead 9 ай бұрын
I think dreams are a great example of how powerful our brains are. Dreams have the potential to create images that we may otherwise be unable to imagine when conscious. Amazing video and very cool channel!
@sicksock435446 4 ай бұрын
The weird thing is. You're going to read these words on a screen, but is that any different from your brain dreaming it? Like your brain is receiving chemical signals and some part of you which is "you" reads and interprets the meaning. I don't want to come off as a "woah but what is reality" dude, but from a scientific viewpoint, consciousness and experience are kind of fucking crazy if you think about it. There's a big mess of electrochemically reactive cells which are being prodded by sensory cells and that equates to your entire life. Wild.
@Quietlamacakes 8 ай бұрын
From my experience everyone has different types of dreams rather it be lucid dreams, disappearing dreams (where you forget them almost instantly), nightmares, hyperrealistic dreams, future sight dreams (where you somehow predict or see the future), rooted dreams (Dreams that you can't seem to forget, they become rooted in your memory which can also be a nightmare) and memory call dreams where you recall something you've learned but forgot that you learned (I was once having a conversation with my philosophy teacher where he asked me if I knew who the first philosopher and since I havent touched philosophy in like 4 years I answered "Aristoteles" cus the name sounded cool and he got frustrated and answered "It's Thales." and after I woke up I remember this interaction and googled it and it sure was the correct answer...).
@birbsdigital 8 ай бұрын
one time I was trying to fall asleep and my brain made the pun "no whey" and I didn't even remember what it was. I looked it up the next day, its a cheese thing. I have no idea where it came from, I don't remember ever learning about it. Probably from years ago and my brain randomly recalled it to make a pun.
@prodbytukoo 5 ай бұрын
it happens to me that they become nightmares really quick, not in the sense that scary stuff happens, but I start shrinking and compressing, losing control of my body until I start falling into some sort of black void, and when I hit the ground I finally wake up.
@warrensabastienanderson 8 ай бұрын
I have nightmares when I need to wake up. I'm either: 1. Sleeping in a bad position where I can't breathe or I'm hurting myself. 2. I need to use the bathroom. I have good dreams when I have had enough sleep and I'm well rested. From monitoring these experiences, I think the purpose of a dream is to wake you up. When we solve problems in our dreams, we are anticipating the anxiety of these problems. The dream pushes us to go solve problems.
@itssomething1043 6 ай бұрын
I've had many lucid dreams and whenever I would tell people in the dreams your not real, your a figment of my imagination, you are a representation of my brain and how it preseves you they would have weird responses like one just quietly said 'I know' another just ignored me completely, another started crying and one got angry claiming thet were real
@KatyKatetheLeeKaylee 7 ай бұрын
What always perplexes me as well is the fact that the mind can simulate things that aren't at all possible, but FEEL possible. Like flight, retaining that weightlessness you feel in pools or when going down a sharp hill, but your brain sustains that experience to mimic what it could feel like. Breathing water but still functioning has always thrown me off, because it's a feeling I literally can't describe. I'm sure it's terrifying, realistically. Even then, I've had a dream SO intense that it woke me up from a purely unexplainable full-body feeling. I literally can't explain it because I've never felt anything else in my life to compare it to. It wasn't pain, pleasure, muscular paralysis, drunkenness, nothing- it was its own separate unique experience. I'm also a lucid dreamer, and have actively taken myself out of uncomfortable situations sometimes by waking up, but then I would go back to sleep to start right where I left off simply because I was curious about the outcome.
@racheldeschaine 7 ай бұрын
The fact that my dreams truly think I may have to perform a play I did ten years ago on the spot again-Super helpful to be prepared for that I guess
@BrnLng 7 ай бұрын
Usually for dealing with the emotion it still lingers around that event (as said, anxiety usually)... these dreams go away when we don't feel the same way around them anymore, usually when reaching a stage where we're not caring any less (which we usually feel is that way, but "really" isn't, at least to our weird subconscious).
@racheldeschaine 7 ай бұрын
@@BrnLng that’s interesting cause I haven’t had one in a while-used to get them more
@elEterno144 7 ай бұрын
you're a man.
@sicksock435446 4 ай бұрын
Me: when people speak fluent french in my dreams but I've forgotten almost everything from my high school french class 15 years ago - D:
@eduardof7322 7 ай бұрын
If you ask me, I think that the reason why dreams seem to be so challenging to understand for science is because they are closely related to how consciousness works in the first place. It is hard to explain because it is our brain going in a state of recovering energy and processing the information collected during the day. And as a result of that process we enter in an altered state of consciousness where abstract and subconscious thought generate life-like scenes. These ones are probably necessary to "conciliate" the subconscious with the conscious aspect of the mind. After finishing that process of "reseting", the brain tries to discard these scenes and that´s why we forget almost everything we dream. Unless it had such a big impact that it "sticks" to our conscious memory.
@TheMookie1590 4 ай бұрын
yeah and gotta say, when you dont sleep stuff gets very freaky you dont sleep. stuff gets dark and scary. never ever gets good. its always shadows creeping, eventually actual fears. look at stories about people that took methamphetamines' and stayed up for 10 days or longer. Meth doesnt really look like it causes the psychosis. ITs caused by not sleeping. people that sleep while taking it, never seem to exp it. they would say common things, like I saw my family members dead in a grid all over the place, they would track me with their eyes. feelings of intense fear. Ive stayed up for days and days too. and IVe had simialr things, tho not bodies. shadows, that after a while turn into a tornado that circles you. gets freaky. and then intense fear that is so primal you cant explain it. I finally sleep after staying up so late, and the moment I passed out, I woke up 5 mins later screaming in terror. unable to move, shrieking. I coudlnt image taking meth and being up 10 more days. some have claimed 20 days without sleep what is it about sleep that prevents dark, demonic like hallucinations, and fear. there comes a point where after so many days without sleep. your fear center is triggered.
@marshalpeters 3 ай бұрын
Mushroom was good to Me 0:02
@ThomasOlivia-dy5wi 3 ай бұрын
Absolutely! It's incredible to see how psilocybin mushrooms and psychedelics have the potential to make a positive impact on mental health. They've shown promising results in treating depression and anxiety. It's exciting to think about the possibilities they hold for helping people.
@tinna283 3 ай бұрын
​@@ThomasOlivia-dy5wiWhere can I source em? 0:02
@AnitaPhilips 3 ай бұрын
Surely dr.johnsonshroom is the perfect person for you 0:03
@CallynAnderson 3 ай бұрын
​@@AnitaPhilips Can he be on instgram? 0:04
@Phillip-hy5cz 3 ай бұрын
Yeah. He is dr.johnsonshroom
@puzzledsloth 8 ай бұрын
Always intrigued by how creatively detailed dreams can get; part of my dream last night was me looking through a digital camera to see photos of some random woman whom I've never seen in real life - with each picture showing detailed scenes from her life over 40 years, such as hanging out with her uni friends in the 90's (could tell by the clothes). Not sure what my brain was trying to do there, but always appreciate the dream experience every night, and whatever 'movie' my brain cooks up
@mrpogz 5 ай бұрын
Each of our dream is our own real world... Originally, we don't know what to put there... We agreed to be here to learn about things we can put in our dreams so it will not be blank like before...
@sicksock435446 4 ай бұрын
the yearning is real
@NoNo-xh7ru 8 ай бұрын
I’ve always imagined dreams as a sort of stress test for the brain. Just generating random noise that usually so incomprehensible that it’s quickly forgotten. Every once is a while though, something makes enough sense that in hindsight it feels like an experience that you lived through. That being said I experience very rare dreams with very limited clarity and I’ve never had a lucid dream so that influences my view quite a bit.
@birbsdigital 8 ай бұрын
for me the visuals are extremely vague, but with a story that mainly makes sense. I always lucid dream though, because I am consciously coming up with every aspect of the story.
@dodgerdprofet 8 ай бұрын
I just finished watching Loki today and this video is full of Tom Hiddleston
@sanyamgarg9118 9 ай бұрын
You are actually very funny and the video are really well explained pls keep up the good work :)
@this.science 9 ай бұрын
Thank you :)
@Max2478 3 ай бұрын
I love it when the pink think in my head simulates realities on a whim :)
@TruHeart0306 8 ай бұрын
My dreams have always been very fantastical. Not rooted in reality. And also complete stories. Beginning, middle, end ,even foreshadowing! However recently, they have been becoming more realistic. Now there are people I know, places I know, doing almost normal things. My guess is because I actually spend more time than I used to, thinking about the real world future. ( I am going through the process of applying to colleges.) I also think it’s interesting that when I wake up from dreams I might not remember details of what happened, but the emotion carries through. It’s like, when you walk into a room to do something but can’t remember what is was. The feeling that something important was happening but not being able to reach it. Then sometimes I do remember details and the emotion carries through. One time I dreamt (it’s a long story but this is the end of it) I was with a friend in high school (at the time I wasn’t in high school yet) and all these people pull swords from the lockers and start trying to stab us. I made the swards phase through us for awhile, but I was in the process of waking up and fighting to stay asleep so I could save him. I ended up not being able to keep it up and they stabbed my friend to death. And then I woke up, not with a complete understanding of what happened (and now I knew it was just a dream) but a strange sense of sadness. Not deep loss or anger. Just quiet sadness. Creepy. Idk how coherent this was I have been up for WAY too long (ironically)
@segevstormlord3713 8 ай бұрын
It seems to me that dreams _are_ the processing your mind is doing. That's why you'll wake up with epiphanies from them, sometimes without remembering the dream(s) at all. They're very similar to pacing around your room and brainstorming or fantasizing about things, in that way, but done with a rejuvenative purpose as well.
@Izaokas-IgnotasChodakaukas Ай бұрын
Outer-body dreams are the craziest to me. Seeing YOURSELF from a floating perspective never fails to make me wake up TERRIFIED. It makes me feel uncomfortably seen...
@hiyo9144 9 ай бұрын
I learned I have aphantasia through dreaming. I didn’t realize until a few years ago ( I’m 21) that others can visualize when they aren’t asleep. I just assumed the idea of “picture the bat hitting the ball” was metaphorical as a kid( didn’t take away from my ability to hit dingers). I was talking to my sister a few years back and and she said she was overlaying what she was seeing in her mind with the real world. She was able to essentially project any visualization in her mind into real life and said it was indistinguishable from our real surroundings. When she told me this, it completely threw me off. I was honestly kind of upset that I was unable to recall memories or picture what I’m thinking with the same visualization technique she was using. She was just as confused though and kept asking me how I was able to think. The best way I could describe it is in thoughts/ideas. If you think of the idea of Justice it wouldn’t necessarily go along with a picture for those who can visualize and I definitely don’t register it by visualizing, so this is the closest way I could help somebody understand how I think all the time with non-visual thinking.
@xx_gamer_xx8315 9 ай бұрын
Well, the picture doesn't look like reality. Your sisters is either special or exaggerating. You have to really concentrate to uphold it and cant really make up details
@hiyo9144 9 ай бұрын
@@xx_gamer_xx8315 i almost think she has the complete opposite of me (hyperphantasia) as she said she can project an apple onto the dash of a car and see every detail. I made sure to ask if she could see the reflection of the light, the tiny perforations, and any other minute details of an apple. She told me she could see all of the above and just about perfectly if she focused on maintaing the projection. I’ve had intercourse with plenty of other people and so far I’ve found that most people( about 92% I’ve come across so far) can produce visual images in their minds but can’t project to the degree my sister can. The other 8% I talked to about it had aphantasia as well.
@matowakan 9 ай бұрын
@@xx_gamer_xx8315 bro you don't even know their sister and just assumed shit
@jiegao3591 9 ай бұрын
​@@xx_gamer_xx8315​There's different levels of being able to visualize things in your mind and it's different for everyone, and apparently I can't spell today.
@PERTEKofficial 8 ай бұрын
My audiovisual imagination is profoundly vivid, I guess you could call it hyperphantasia? But what I visualize is distinctly in some other “place” and not overlayed on my real vision. Like having a third eye, but it sees what’s in your mind rather than what’s in the outside world. I can kind of overlay things like that, but it’s still as if it’s on a different layer in front of my vision, so even if I imagine a realistic object, there’s still a clear distinction from that and what I’m physically seeing. Think sort of like HUD elements in a videogame, you can see them clearly, and even if they’re drawn to look “realistic”, it’s still clear that they don’t physically exist in the game world
@charlielorkovic4315 8 ай бұрын
What's up man, I'm an undergrad biochemistry major and I really enjoy your channel. Simple editing, informational, and a touch of humor; I hope to maybe do something similar one day. I recently started studying for the MCAT and learned something that caught my attention about your video. I'm not doing this to come at you or anything, I just figure you're interested in science so you might want to know! Anyways, at 4:35, you refer to the dominant hemisphere (the left in most people) being the main source of generating a thought. You say that in left-handed people, the dominant hemisphere is flipped, and becomes the right. I learned in my studying that this actually is not the case, and that the left hemisphere remains dominant in the overwhelming majority of left-handed people. Appreciate the time and effort you put into these videos, and look forward to watching your channel grow!
@DummiBoiii 4 ай бұрын
Felt so violated by being called out as a lefty weirdo😭🙏
@StrangeScaryNewEngland 4 ай бұрын
You and my mother are some kind of aliens. Go back to Planet Lefty! And leave our cows alone!
@thejman3489 8 ай бұрын
When you sleep your body is healing itself. I believe dreams are a distraction of the mind to you keep you asleep longer and give you more time to heal. When I was in school I never got enough sleep which had many side effects. Anyways I noticed the more sleep I lost, the longer and more vivid my dreams would get. I got to the point where it was indistinguishable from reality. I could see, hear, and touch everything like it was real life. I noticed in the summer months when I had a chance to catch up on sleep, those hyper realistic dreams stopped. And it became the normal, uncontrollable stream of events that go by way to fast to remember.
@apokailyptic2899 7 ай бұрын
Except dreams almost always only occur during light sleep, just before waking, so they don't really work to keep you asleep longer.
@bhanusairam1534 9 ай бұрын
i think you are a big youtuber trying to grow a new channel undercover as a challange.the amount of editing and scripting your videos need are insane. i subbed early lol .
@this.science 9 ай бұрын
That’s flattering but not the case haha
@chalkmarkers 8 ай бұрын
@@this.scienceThat’s something who is a big KZbinr trying to grow a new channel undercover as a challenge would say.
@xyhmo 3 ай бұрын
I know dreams. That's when I miss out on important meetings and events, and get left behind by my friends - because I can't put on my socks or tie my shoelaces. I try and try for what seems like hours. Thanks, brain.
@TOONJERZEY 3 ай бұрын
i have those dreams too😭like i’ll have something important to do and just cannot manage to get myself ready for whatever reason and it drives me insane. maybe it’s fomo. lol
@xyhmo 3 ай бұрын
@@TOONJERZEY It's amusing afterwards but really frustrating as it happens. 😺 Also, I am back at school all the time, and that was many years ago. Time to graduate dream school I would think, but no.
@Lanman106 8 ай бұрын
Just found this channel. There is no way you don't blow up! The editing, humor, subject matter. It's all perfect.
@ZelphTheWebmancer 9 ай бұрын
Lucid dreams are something very interesting to me. From my personal opinion, I think they differ from regular dreams because we have both our conscious and unconscious mind affecting the dream in equal measure. Basically, when we are awake and imagine things or daydream, our unconscious still active but our conscious is "leading the way", so to speak, so we have pretty much all control of what is happening. On regular dreams, our unconscious takes the lead and our consciousness follows, still affecting some stuff, but generally following whatever happens in the dream. When we lucid dream, both our conscious and unconscious take hold in equal measure, as such if you get too excited you are lucid dreaming your conscious takes over and you wake up, but if you go with the flow of the dream too much the unconscious takes over and it becomes a regular dream. Of course this is anecdotal, but I think lucid dreams can be a very interesting thing to explore to anyone interested, just don't go expecting to discover the secrets of the universe.
@RustinMarkJandongan 8 ай бұрын
Yes this is so truuuueeee. I remember lucid dreaming and I tried not to control too much so I won't wake up and it ended up going back to a regular dream
@jewishmcloin1933 8 ай бұрын
I induced a lucid dream one time (i was trying all sorts of things for a month and this was the one time it worked before i gave up for a while). All that happened was i woke up in my room got out of bead inside of my dream, walked through the house and went outside. The colors were insanely graphic and I could see perfectly for the first time in forever without glasses. I walked down the side walk as much as I could before I lost control of the dream because I couldn’t think of what to do next and woke myself up. The sidewalk cement looked like an art piece painted by Gan gogh, except it wasn’t static and was almost morphed. The greens of the grass were the brightest I can remember. And the sun, was indescribable. Also a smell of freshness. Really strange and eye opening experience. Never tried psychedelics but I think this is the closest I’ve ever experienced.
@sicksock435446 4 ай бұрын
@@jewishmcloin1933 This is generally known as a 'false awakening' which is probably the most common type of lucid dream for the uninitiated. They tend to be especially vivid and 9 times out of 10 when somebody is interested in lucid dreaming it's because of such a dream. Like @ZelphTheWebmancer said there's a balance between conscious/unconscious which exists in lucid dreams and I suspect that the "waking up" in false awakenings tricks your conscious mind into becoming aware of the dream. As somebody who has practiced lucid dreaming on and off he's dead right about there being a 'push and pull' in a lucid dream state. The trick is to 'go with the flow' while also 'expecting' the dream that you want. It's hard to explain but generally trying to force things will only present problems, like your subconscious is an antagonistic improv partner. Instead you just need to 'expect' the things you want to happen, and they generally will with a little prodding.
@R3dstoneT4co Ай бұрын
The problem with lucid dreaming for me is that I always know im dreaming but if i try to control it, my body wakes me up automatically. Seemingly because if I am concious enough to control my dreams, I must be concious enough to just be awake. I usually remember most of my dreams and they almost always have some kind of storyline to them, but they usually have no significance aside from a it being an movie filled with my friends and loved ones.
@marekplayer8506 9 ай бұрын
2 days ago and yesterday I had a dream that someone is talking to me in Japanese (I'm from Poland and I did in fact learn Japanese but only for 2 months like one year ago so there's no way I can remember this) and believe me it was real Japanese on a fluent level. The person that was speaking was my friend and we were having normal Polish conversation before she started to speak Japanes. It was so weird and mysterious and I'm curious if I will have similar dream again today
@hieidi2905 8 ай бұрын
Something similar happened to me when I was a child, I dreamt of swimming in the ocean. Obviously, it's not possible, but I'd suddenly notice I could breathe underwater. It was also recurring over several weeks, and it was probably because I wanted to be a mermaid 🧜‍♀️ It's almost as if our aspirations become a silent play that our consciousness puts on.
@sicksock435446 4 ай бұрын
I learned french 15 years ago for school and my ability is basically 0 today, but I still have people speaking fluent french in my dreams, and the worst part is that 'dream me' can understand it! Also my brother who is older than me is the same except he also speaks french in his sleep.
@marekplayer8506 4 ай бұрын
That's really interesting and I would love to learn more about how it's possible
@blaroom441 8 ай бұрын
Idk if anybody else had this but I've had times where I dreamt about playing a game that was genuinely fun and had all this stuff to do. But I never wouldve been able go come up with such a game if I was awake.
@loverrlee Ай бұрын
This is why I roll my eyes when people attempt to tell me dreams aren’t real. There is so much evidence that we leave our bodies and go somewhere else when we dream. People have shared dreams and they both confirm they both remember sharing the same dream. The current science on dreams simply cannot explain this phenomenon at all. Also, lots of inventions have been invented from a dream. How can that be? The fact is science does not fully understand dreaming. We still have so much to learn about what happens and why.
@freespirit-111 Ай бұрын
Some of my dreams have predicted the future, I believe that there’s so much more that we don’t know.
@ncl3239 8 ай бұрын
Meanwhile vsauce explaining why dreaming happens in a video 10 years ago
@VikashKumar-rw1zi 8 ай бұрын
Tom Hiddleson was not harmed during the making of this video.
@saschiaemma8299 6 ай бұрын
I dream partly lucid and for me pictures and scenes already start while still recognizing my surroundings and ends evenly. When I’m awake just for a minute, I can go on from the part of the dream I just woke up from. That’s always been absolutely normal to me. Even so like being amazed in dreams about the dream itself and the visual details, creating music, reading (though texts tend to change themselves constantly) and forcing myself to chance the mood or wake up.
@ff4598w 9 ай бұрын
I love these, please make a video about split brain patients and the possibility of us having two conscious halves of our brains
@this.science 9 ай бұрын
I’ve actually been working on one about that! Super weird stuff
@ff4598w 6 ай бұрын
@@this.science so where is the video!!!!
@TonytheCapeGuy 8 ай бұрын
The thing is, the only reason people think dreams are mostly negative emotions is because you're more likely to remember a negative dream. I have found that my dreams will most likely be about something I almost thought about. It's basically the brain saying "hey wait I wanted to think about that!" People who have cynical views of dreaming are just bad scientists who don't honestly study it and conclude predetermined biases.
@sicksock435446 4 ай бұрын
As somebody who has kept a dream journal for 15 years and remembers several 'dreams' a night I can tell you most of my dreams are largely nonsense and mostly 'positive' in terms of emotion.
@mayor_theo 2 ай бұрын
4:14 It happens for me in dreams to have memories of things that in real life didnt happen. Other times I remember in them other dreams, which I had forgotten in the real world. Not to mention the weird stuff that happen and the brain is like "Yeah thats perfectly regular and normal, anyway.." I remember at one time i was aware i was dreaming and specially searched for a teacher to ask her the meaning of life and dreaming, and her explication was mind blowing and made total sense. When i waked up, i didnt remember much, and the little i remembered, didnt make sense and also forgot. Some years ago, i rememberd a lot of my dreams, dreams in which i was aware i was dreaming, while very constraint in my actions and the places i could access. Still better then now, times in which i cant remember much and this sucks cuz dreaming is my favorite activity.
@whatwhatmeno 9 ай бұрын
Dreams remind me of the consequences If I act out on what I want to do 💀
@Bazzookie 24 күн бұрын
Dreams are fascinating to me. I’ve had multiple experiences where I lived vivid, entirely real feeling, lives, multiple of which ended in death. I could smell, touch, hear, see, and could move around the world freely, but things were ultimately limited to the “laws” of whatever world I was experiencing. They were so “real” that’s it’s hard to call them just dreams. In one of them I was in a violent car crash. I can vividly remember the fear I felt, the sensation of being thrashed about in the car, things going dark, and then waking up in a bed that I did not recognize. It was like being pulled through a tunnel, and for a solid minute I was still that person, with their memories, wondering where I am and how I’m alive. Even though it sounds totally wacky, It truly felt like experiencing alternate versions of myself.
@Toast2005 9 ай бұрын
This dude going to blow up no doubt. Keep dropping these videos bro
@chairwood 8 ай бұрын
is this a threat 🧐💣💥
@hridumdhital 9 ай бұрын
I wouldn't be surprised if they played these videos in science classes in the future
@realsstudios8153 9 ай бұрын
why so?
@MrMoose-mf1oy Ай бұрын
I will never forget when I was learning to drive manual, I could not get it the first day. I then went to bed frustrated and remember having a dream where I was driving my manual car with no problems at all. The next day when I tried driving, it felt so natural to me and I didn’t stall once. Dreams are wild.
@riftdancer1349 8 ай бұрын
I love the parallels between dreams and A.I. image/video generation, like nonsense words or letters that aren't letters or the off look or constant shifting of faces that belong to people you know. Have you noticed hands in dreams?
@sicksock435446 4 ай бұрын
checking hands is the most common 'lucidity check' done by people training to become aware in their own dreams.
@sawcrab2249 7 ай бұрын
Weirdest part of that video was me expecting the Tom Hiddleston thing to be a one off. I should have known better
@lassipls Ай бұрын
One thing about lucid dreaming is that I can go anywhere I want IF I just decide it's behind a specific door. Then I go to that door, open it and behind it is whatever I wanted there to be.
@Tom_KTM 7 ай бұрын
I am taking a break from weed (you don't usually dream when going to bed high). Now that it has been a month roughly since I last smoked I am now starting to have these super realistic dreams like I've never had before. It is becoming more night by night and I am slowly becoming more conscious of the fact that I am dreaming. Mostly it's anxiety stuff like dreams where I crash my car because the brakes fail or I wake up and the sky is lit up like some AI image and we're being invaded by aliens. After playing a lot of Escape from Tarkov I have dreams where I am in a gunfight and I run out of ammo and have to find another weapon to keep surviving. It's always those anxiety scenarios where I have to find a solution to a problem. I agree that dreams are there to prepare us for future problems and help us cope with real life anxiety.
@PrettyDamnDandy 6 ай бұрын
I've "experienced" death multiple times in very vivid dreams (car crashes, being shot/stabbed, falling and not waking up just before impact, etc. ) and have unironically felt that those dreams have traumatized me in a very mild but noticeable way, it's fascinating to me and was what prompted me to read Jung's works. The most memorably terrifying one I had so "realistically" emulated the pain of being non-immediately but fatally shot in the head so well, writhing, shock, feeling of coldness, and all, that I still get chills/minor anxiety when I recall it as I would an actual traumatic experience despite knowing it never happened. An abundance of those types of dreams (and positive ones) have driven me to a point where I firmly believe the line between reality and dreams is much more blurred than most people think but to what extent we unfortunately just do not know.
@huncho8343 6 ай бұрын
I also had a dream I was shot in the head a while ago. Similar to what you said I was honestly traumatized for a bit. It was literally all I could think about the next day because of how real everything felt, especially as I “died” in the dream. Cannot quite recall the feeling as vividly now like you can tho
@shadowfox11911 6 ай бұрын
My dreams have messed me up so hard, but I guess I've never really experienced something truly traumatic. Even then it always makes me sad waking up. People I knew and loved in the dream are gone. Or certain events destroy me. I've had dreams that affected me for a day to days because it was so messed up and all felt so real.
@enz1o419 5 ай бұрын
I had practically the same experience but my head got cut off with a chainsaw by a huge muscular dude. That dream definitely traumatised me because I definitely had it before the age of 10 and I still remember it vividly 14 years later.
@pauldeddens5349 3 ай бұрын
It could be worse. Severe forms of narcolepsy's most fatal symptom is the drifting between dreaming and waking at any moment in the day. And completely losing the grasp of the waking versus dreaming world. Ive had many dreams of death, or near death. Large cats pouncing on me, drowning, falling off of a cliff, car accidents, falling off of a cliff in a car, being chased by a lanky monster. I cannot imagine a nightmare that is indistinguishable from reality. Or rather, I do not wish to imagine it.
@emeraldblack842 3 ай бұрын
I had a dream where my soul was ripped out of my body by some form of demonic entity, I think it might have been legitimately traumatizing, which is fascinating to think about as it is technically self inflicted as far as the science currently shows
@prakharvermaT1nO 8 ай бұрын
Its rly strange because ppl may call it dejavu but ive definitely and surely seen things, like glimpses of a future event, maybe something ill say in a situation or something that happens and im there. And not 1 or 2 times but a lot of times throughout my 17 years of life. Its really strange when the dejavu kicks in when somebody says something in real life, that had happened in a previous dream. Then you start questioning whether the brain somehow formulated a possible occurrence based on your current knowledge. But it gets much creepier when its not only guessing a scenario or conversation but a whole setting and a pov in my head of where i am when that happens. I also dont know if other people experience this.
@sashak2887 8 ай бұрын
yes I do. people have told me it is just a coincidence. I know how my body feels when something happens as a coincidence versus the pure shock and utter uncomfortable feeling of knowing that you saw something in a dream or have already experienced the present moment. creepy, unexplainable stuff
@LordTetsuoShima 7 ай бұрын
@@sashak2887 Recently I started to take pictures of random (uninteresting to anyone else) scenery in my daily life that coincide with that feeling of having seen it in a recent dream I've had. They often have a liminal nature to them.
@prakharvermaT1nO 7 ай бұрын
@@sashak2887 it rly is so so strange. And it's not like we even know why it happens, we don't even know how our own brains work. Maybe it's like ur brain calculating and playing out a possibility of something that might happen based on past interactions. And the thing is that cuz of quantum physics and stuff it's possible for anything to happen and everything has a chance of happening. Maybe you and I and others like us are the only ones that actually face or experience the situation our brain cooks up that has like a low probability but a probability nevertheless.
@vimic3 Ай бұрын
@@prakharvermaT1nO maybe our mind is way more intelligent while subconcious, can predict certain events with that
@ObbyFeathersnoot 9 ай бұрын
A very well made, and well written video with good pacing and running jokes. My criticisms would be that it feels like the pacing does stumble a bit when you stop to make fun of left handed people (im right-handed ftr) and i think ambidextrous people should have been mentioned if you keep mentioning wierd exceptions. I also didnt see any kind of sources provided in the video or description. Which is dissapointing because i would like to learn more about this stuff like how its different for ambidextrous people or how people with physical disabilities like blindness and deafness are different. Overall, this video is a solid 8/10. Not ten because of no sources are provided or referenced too, and not nine for not diving further into additional topics and a few breaks in pacing. For what it is though, a fast paced info-dump, that acts more as a primer to get people more interested in this topic, its phenominal. Im subscribed and look forward to seeing more from you!
@PanRokador 7 ай бұрын
The craziest part was that my auntie could predict the future with her dreams, by seeing what will happen the next day in her dreams most of the time Dunno if she can still do that, but it was quite wicked
@deeznutzz5498 7 ай бұрын
that happens to me , i dream some scenarios in a wierd way , but then later the scenarios take place in my life later but then i realise that this was already shown to me in the dream
@vimic3 Ай бұрын
happens to me sometimes but its pretty useless, (im 100% sure its not deja vu cause i can write it down and it will happen anyways) my dreams can perfectly predict a conversation, or maybe a text i'll read somewhere, sometimes it predicts what will happen to me eventually in real life. its pretty scary stuff
@gpgames-z6h 26 күн бұрын
I think dreaming is like your brain preparing for death. When you die your brain is still active for like, 1-2 minutes, but an average person dreams about 2 hours. I have a feeling your brain is trying to relive memories but it can't fully do that, because you're dead, no energy can be sent to the brain. (also oxygen-depravation.) It's essentially a battery trying to understand quantum physics.
@screamtheteam12345 8 ай бұрын
cool video but why are so many words spelled wrong 😭
@reeejotaro7690 4 ай бұрын
Well can you remake the video with no errors on grammar
@Tabby3456 3 ай бұрын
I find it funny how dreams feel so real until you wake up
@TraeKryzer 9 ай бұрын
When my dreams ask hard to answer questions, whether they're pointed at me, or someone else in the dream, questions such as "What's the meaning of life?" It's almost like my brain crashes, like a video game does. I just immediately wake up. Weirdest thing. Anyone else get this? 5:29 As you suggest here, Mr. Beast wouldn't be able to articulate himself. In my dreams, this is exactly what happens. For a while now, for other reasons, I've honestly like the two sides of my brain aren't fully connected.
@thederpydude2088 9 ай бұрын
I don't know if my brain has seemingly crashed from any deep questions, but it might be related that we wake up when we apparently die in dreams. Yet, on the other hand... I have had weird experiences when I wake up that might also be related 🤔 On a few occasions that I can recall, I was lost in thought and just kinda watching and listening to my ideas and questions play out in my head, and sometimes they did seem to "crash" or somehow overload my mind for maybe even a few seconds. It seems like, as I explore my thoughts, I can sometimes break the simulation (or, I guess, my imagination) in my head when I start thinking about some deep concept, often involving some kind of shock about how I fit into the world around me. It's like my minds really gets going about some vague thought that is barely describable by words and then fritzes out, leaving me in a daze for a little bit. After that, I seem to have a kind of mental reset when my attention comes back into the world after having been interrupted, forgotten, or maybe corrupted or overloaded? It's really weird and fascinating, and these are experiences I've never talked about with anyone before, so I'd love to know if some of this makes sense to anyone else.
@TraeKryzer 9 ай бұрын
Honestly, they don't even have to be deep. Just last night in my dream, I saw two tables with games on them. One I recognized as air hockey with spheres, but when I asked how we play the other one, it crashed. Anything I simply don't have an answer to, and I wake up. This one though, was a little different. I remember thinking about the game, seeing if I could come up with rules. So it took a few seconds to crash.
@thederpydude2088 9 ай бұрын
​@@TraeKryzer It seems like there are just a number of weird thoughts that people can have that will do that weird crash or reset, the thoughts that do this depending on the person. Sometimes I'll have weird crash/reset/brainfart moments like that when I'm just going about my usual day and have some weird thought, even if it's nothing really profound.
@TraeKryzer 9 ай бұрын
Huh, I can't say I've ever had it while awake
@thederpydude2088 9 ай бұрын
​@@TraeKryzer Tbf, it might not be the same phenomenon, but it just seemed similar to me
@H00H-H00H Ай бұрын
Feeling pain / seeing dead people in your dreams ( specifically relatives ) / seeing future events / and the mirrors and how you can’t see your face these are some crazy things that always when happen it feels so weird and shocking
@billboballsaggins5778 7 ай бұрын
When my great grandfather died back in 2020 I felt so guilty for not spending as much time with him as I felt like I could have. School, work, and life just got in the way of me visiting him and by the time he was on his death bed I couldn't muster the mental and emotional strength to see him one more time. I felt awful and I worried that in his last moments of life he would wonder if I actually loved him or not. Cut to a few weeks later I'm still an emotional wreak. I go to sleep on night and I had such a realistic dream that I was walking up his drive way and he greeted me out in his front yard. He was wearing a white polo-shirt and some light brown maybe khaki golf pants and he was holding a glass of wine. He looked much healthier and even a bit taller than he was before he died. I walked up to him and was just like "Hey grandpa.......aren't you dead?". I don't remember everything he said but I very clearly remember him giving me a hug, kissing me on the head and saying "I'm doing great Willy". I tried making sense of this dream in a rational way. My grandpa loved golf when we was younger and he was an avid wine connoisseur so I just chalked those parts of the dream up to my brain just taking the aspects of what I knew him for and put that into my dream. A few months go by and I'm still upset about his death but I'm feeling a bit more at peace with it when I had another dream where me and my grandfather were walking along this levy near where I live. Now in real life this levy has a trail and its a shithole. Garbage is everywhere, there's lots of homeless people around, its not somewhere you'd wanna go walking alone at. But in this dream the trail was so clean and it was almost like it was the middle of spring. These beautiful flowers were growing along the sides of the trail and the river was so blue and beautiful. My grandfather was walking with me along this trail and we were just talking. When I talked to him during both of these dream I can't recall exactly what we talked about but I always tell people the overall meaning of the conversation if that makes sense. From what remember we was telling me to stop feeling bad about not seeing him. He completely understood why I didn't go and that he was having a great time where ever he was. I have this idea that he told me he was with his family and his old doctor buddies we worked with back in the day and that everything was fine. I've told this story to people who tell me there's a logical answer to it and for all I know they are completely correct. But I truly feel like I was actually talking to my grandfather and whatever force there is in the universe whether that's god, some kind of cosmic force, the flying spaghetti monster, it doesn't matter. I have absolute faith that life doesn't end when we die and we do see those we love again.
@Twiddle_things 2 ай бұрын
You were. He came back to reassure you. This has happened with me and my family before. It was what convinced me that there *is* a God and that souls are real. I'll first tell of my story because I remember the details better. I was abused for my whole life and ended up in foster care. My only true friends were two rabbits. They didn't take very good care of them, so I always made sure to spend as much time with the buns as possible to make sure they're happy. We developed a very close bond. But one of them, Annu, begins to show signs of sickness. No matter how I beg they refuse to take her to the vet. Eventually they did, but it was too late. She had to be put down. I was completely broken. The only family I had were those two bunnies, and one half was taken away from me. I was destroyed and couldn't do schoolwork. I can't remember if this was the night after or a while later, but I had such a vivid dream. I was coming home from school through the back door as always. That's where the bunnies are. And I see her in their enclosure. I'm confused and ask her, "Annu, aren't you supposed to be dead?" (In Finnish). I throw my backpack on the floor and go to pamper her. On the day of her death she had lost her tail, her fur was rough and the bones in her hind legs had detereorated beyond belief. But here she was healthy. Her fur was thick and silky again, her tail was fluffy and back without any infected scabs and her hind legs were strong again. She just let me pet her. It was so real. It was strange. She didn't speak any words in any langauge but I still understood. It was like she spoke into my soul. She assured me that everything was going to be alright. I was finally able to say goodbye to her and she thanked me. When I woke up I knew that souls are real, God is real, everything is real. I knew my dad's childhood dream was real. Now about my dad's childhood dream. His aunt was disabled with a tragic past. The doctors kept estimating that she was going to die within a year. "She'll die when she's 2" "she'll die when she's 6" it kept going on and on but she never died when they said she would. Because of her illnesses and degredation she was never able to have children of her own, so she adopted my dad in a way. She taught him how to read when he was four and acted as the mother he was missing at the time. They became extremely close. That was until she passed away. But, one night he had a dream. He was in his house and she was there. She was cured of all of her deformities and issues. He said she wore a white gown of sorts and her skin almost (or did?) glow. My dad was super excited to talk to her. I don't remember all of the details, but my dad wanted to go with her. She explained that it wasn't his time yet. When I told my dad of my dream he immediately pointed out that it was Annu saying her last goodbye to me. I felt lighter and was finally able to function normally again. That visit from my dear furry friend ended up in me rejoining the church after years of resenting God for "abandoning" me. Annu was such a sweet gentle bunny. She's in heaven with the rest of my family In my opinion it definitely was your grandpa. When family members especially love us, even after their passing they'll come to soothe our pain
@scoob1670 2 ай бұрын
I cried reading ur comment
@yoontube-b3d Ай бұрын
I'm crying . Rest in peace🙏
@simonabunker 8 ай бұрын
You are a little too obsessed with Tom Hiddleston! (or maybe obsessed just enough?) Great video!
@touman551 3 ай бұрын
As far as I'm concerned a dream is a hallucinogenic unconscious simulation of experience. I have doubts that the purpose of dream is to process memory considering the experience of the dream itself becomes a memory, but it may aid in processing of information considering you may at times find answers in the dreams you have in the form of hints or ideas. This goes for processing emotion as well as other problems, similar to the meditative act of doing thoughtless tasks. Regardless of the purpose of dreams, they have many mechanics and potential uses to them that may not necessarily be tied to whatever reason we have them. Dreams can prove imagination and ingenuity simply by showing you things you've never thought of or concepted of while awake before and that you did at least have the building blocks to reach those concepts and ideas on your own in the form of prior knowledge.
@diazpayne2075 2 ай бұрын
My favorite part of my lucid dreaming is I usually sort of no -clip all over and leave my "body" to possess other people in my dreams and see things in their perspective. I can also dictate how the events would turn out. I feel like I'm a ghost and a director whenever I'm doing it 😂
@itsstorytimebaby98 8 ай бұрын
I think dreaming is the next thing for human evolution, like a key we don’t know how to use yet. Also, in the Old Testament whenever god calles the prophets or anyone else he wants to talk to for the first time basically he does it with a dream, which is interesting
@sicksock435446 4 ай бұрын
I had a dream that the childs cartoon Rugrats was a death game like the movie SAW. What did god mean by this?
@itsstorytimebaby98 4 ай бұрын
@@sicksock435446 that you should play in saw movie probably
@Rigged2Explode 3 ай бұрын
In my opinion dreams are just a way for my inner mind to communicate to me what I've missed, things that I didn't focus on, it sheds more light on those things through scenarios or events. For example one time I dreamt my brother who I hadn't seen for 1 - 2 months finally came back home, but I didn't see him in the dream although he was in the house and he was talking with someone. Fast forward to me waking up and then going about doing my normal day-to-day activities then I suddenly remember everything I dreamt about that day, and I go to check outside for my brother's car and it was infact there. I went back in to ask if he was around the house at the moment but he was currently asleep so he WAS in the house but I DIDN'T SEE HIM just like the dream. In another example I had a dream about Cyprus a few days ago and now Cyprus is getting involved with the Israeli-Palestinian war, without me ever knowing about it beforehand. It's very possible that the brain itself operates on it's own to produce conclusions and solutions within dreams, usually shedding light on the background things that your conscious mind doesn't pick up on and therefore presenting them in the image of dreams so simplify these overly complicated conclusions to simple scenarios with events and imaginary characters. Dreams can really be a reliable source of information sometimes, I've lost count of the amount of times I've actually relied on my dreams to predict what was gonna happen next or how to deal with something.
@VOLightPortal 2 ай бұрын
We dream to mask the horrors of reality. Dreams are a way of saying, "there there, everything will be okay."
@Solitario9475 5 ай бұрын
I just always have dreams where I wake up do my tasks or whatnot and then wake up again over and over as if I’m stuck in something like Groundhog Day.
@WilliamV1932 4 ай бұрын
Anyone else come from tiktok
@drkknigt0 4 ай бұрын
@Levi_l1fts 4 ай бұрын
@omainomai 3 ай бұрын
@xv0nd0n 3 ай бұрын
@Alex.Lammens 3 ай бұрын
dreams are just time fillers that go until you wake up, kind of like a procedurally generated dungeon crawler videogame. In this example, the normal dreams are like watching a video of this game, where each run takes you somewhere different and/or some re-ocurring areas. For me that would be like ending up in an unfamiliar swamp, then being on the Ulysses, a familiar cruise ship that defies physics. And when a dream is lucid, it's like you're the one playing the game, instead of watching someone else pick the path, you get to choose what happens and what area you end up in. (I'm half asleep and gave the greatest explanation on the planet lets gooooo)
@mellowman8695 6 ай бұрын
I control what happens in my dreams for the most part. Sometimes, unexpected things happen, but ultimately, i am in control of me in the dream
@DurzoBlunts Ай бұрын
When i was a child, like under 8, i had the most vivid dream i had ever had at the time and stayed that way for about 20 years. That dream was of myself as a squid like creature that was about the size of a basketball +- 6 inches. As this squid creature i was fleeing with utmost haste a duo of men in black clothing and flashlights. All this taking place in a gas station like building and squirming under the shelves and aisles. Don't remember the ending to well but it's still sticking with me and I vividly remember almost the feeling too.
@RaveGD72 Ай бұрын
My dreams are often well formatted, as in a plot, character design and devolvement and intriguing story, usually in the form of a horror, the weirdest one I can think of on the spot was in short, me and my Mum, just us two were walking down a strip of land that was like a corridor with only painting on each side and an endless walkway, in the center of the corridor there were evenly placed green trees (I point out the green because aside form the paintings they were the only things that were not white), basically we get to a point where we find a specific painting, like the rest of the background it was perfect stark white aside from the frame, for whatever reason this is the one that entices me, and we step into it, and just walk until we can barely see the frame anymore, then we turn back. I don't know why but this dream sticks out to me so much, I also recall when in the painting there was no solid ground, like we were floating well standing at the same time, it is just like HOW tf does your brain come up with shit like that
@leilahannah4806 Ай бұрын
I've had this dream on and off since being a child where I could fly Crouching Tiger style. The feeling is amazing and incomparable with any emotion I've felt when awake. It is also strangely familiar. I was telling a friend about these dreams and how, while in them, I often think "I have to remind everyone that we can do this when I wake up!". She finished it for me though because she'd had the exact same dream growing up too. I definitely feel emotions in my dreams that I have never felt when awake. I often just dream about getting tortured though lol.
@MoisesIII-hc8gb 3 ай бұрын
The weirdest part of my dreams is that it's extremely realistic, its so realistic that it gives me fake memories that I genuinely believe has happened in my life but is so absurd to be real
@SadiaMoonLIVE 2 ай бұрын
I remember learning to drive stick I would stall the car all the time from a stop and was destroying that transmission. I had a dream where I was driving my car and things suddenly just, made sense. When I woke up I got ready, got in my car, and never stalled or grinded gears ever again. I cannot explain this.
@oreiller4184 3 ай бұрын
I've been writing my dreams down for six years now, and even thought I don't have a definitive theory on why they exist, I'm pretty sure that they do serve a purpose. From my dreams at least, I think that sometimes they show you what you won't admit to yourself, as a way to externalize it. Also, they definitely taught me a lot about myself. A lot of times I don't realize just how important someone has become to me until they start appearing in literally half my dreams ( "only" half because writing them down for years has led me to sometimes remembering multiple separate dreams in one night. I dream A LOT and super vividly lmao ). One specific recurring dream where I try to get home but can't helps me realize when I'm more stressed than I thought because it only happens when it's real bad. All sorts of stuff like that. For lucid dreaming though I can't say anything, it only happened to me once and I was thrown out five seconds later ( hilarious dream thought, I got lucid, realized I was gonna wake up, told the person I was talking to "I'm gonna wake up" and woke up lmao ). I kinda don't want to try getting to lucid dreaming thought, I don't see my conscious self being more creative and meaningful than my unconscious brain. I did start writing my dreams down because they were funny af at the time lmao. Yeah I don't know where I'm going with this besides that I do think dreams can mean something. About yourself.
@goosifyed9717 4 ай бұрын
i know why we dream our subconscious can imagine any scenario we want. the only reason we dont feel it as real is because reality tunes it out. when you sleep, your reality is tuned out, and so all you have to perceive is that subconscious.
@AfroX-StayLegendary 5 ай бұрын
In my dreams, I less communicate through thinking and speaking and instead feel and speak, my words seeming to come through my intense emotions.
@wolfhash99 3 ай бұрын
i normally indications of incidents, like this one time i saw a colleague of mine being sad, not saying anything just being sad and on the same night he lost his father, i visit my father's grave every once in a week and sometimes if i miss out, i see him in my dream and he complains, so i do feel confused about how my dreams get articulated, sometimes i notice something odd and that acts as a trigger point for me to understand that it was a dream, this is what you described as lucid dreaming but that is how it is with me.
@michaelpetrick 29 күн бұрын
maybe lucid dream is not a dream that you control but your mind is playing tricks on you and make you feel like your in control
@johnhammond6248 2 ай бұрын
Its def deeper than that, ive had dreams about the future before that later came to pass
I Tried Lucid Dreaming for 30 Days and My Life Will Never Be The Same
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