Top 10 Worst things in Elite Dangerous

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Every game has some good and bad things.. and here I list the 10 things i dislike in the game! REMEMBER : these are subjective and all'n'all this is a wonderful game regardless!
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@Ooshgaar 7 жыл бұрын
I want it to be rewarding to play with friends. I want a commodity bank I want an "end game" a place to go or something to do that takes the more powerful ships, mods and friends to do it. (check Eve Online for more details) I want player bases/ stations so I can set up my own empire out of the "bubble" I want to walk around the stations and my own ship I want to be able to land on "earth type worlds" (if they are colonized then maybe to dock at spaceports to at least make it look populated) I want NPC crew members so it looks like other people exist in the universe I want more varied star systems and planets and anomalies to discover in deep space. The ability to conduct some kind of science and/or astronomy in my exploration ship to sell/ research or upgrade my ship/ base/ empire with. I want player based corps I want mining to be at least worthwhile to do. I want a rich nympho girlfriend with massively low expectations. I think that'd make it a pretty much perfect game and reasonable to ask for..... especially the last thing :D
@pmurphy5948 7 жыл бұрын
Ooshgaar Omg this made my day lol can she be blue or green too? or maybe even purple? lol
@Ooshgaar 7 жыл бұрын
P Murphy now you're thinking along my lines ;D
@13D00_ 7 жыл бұрын
did you just sum up the advantages from EVE over ED? because I totally agree with you hahaha!
@Ooshgaar 7 жыл бұрын
I must admit I did get some inspiration from Eve, but that game does do a lot of things right. The main effort should be put into doing something at "end-game" I do hope that, now the aliens have rose their ugly heads, that's exactly what will happen. I also really want to be able to build up player owned bases and stations, with a proper economy. This means making mining an actual thing, like using the materials to build base parts. This, in my opinion, opens up a truck load of opportunity. Exploration also needs a point to it. This would be a great chance to make it mean something, as there could be deep space anomalies, or geographic curiosities to be researched with exploration ships and scientist NPCs to unlock tech to build more and better modules for ships and player owned stations and bases. Frontier need to pull their finger out and take advantage of the "One Man's Lie" vacuum. Their content just isn't being released quick enough for me at the moment. It is getting better, but its still a bit of an empty game at the present, and its such a shame as its awesome in its own right. If Star Citizen is released, and it delivers.... Frontier have a up hill battle I'm unsure they can win.
@ShippoAlex 7 жыл бұрын
Wait for Star Citizen it has most of what you want and more
@StRoRo 7 жыл бұрын
You didn't mention how long it takes to super cruise to a location. That's like 90% of the game
@supershmooperme 7 жыл бұрын
StRoRo If you could just teleport there it would ruin the scale of the galaxy. it's a sim, not an arcade game
@StRoRo 7 жыл бұрын
Did I say teleport there? I said supercruise takes too long. There was an ED advert not to long ago showing combat and how you can come to the assistance of your friends, when in reality, even if you are in the same system as your friend, it can take over 5 mins to get to them.
@supershmooperme 7 жыл бұрын
***** Like I said, it would ruin the scale of the galaxy if you could get anywhere quickly. It's a purposeful design decision. If you don't like it play a different game
@supershmooperme 7 жыл бұрын
***** Lmao no need to get worked up "mate" lol You're complaining about a fundamental part about the game, so I suggested that you find a game that will suit your very specific tastes
@SuwinTzi 7 жыл бұрын
Scrolling out of the galaxy map and seeing the little bubble of human colonized space gave me the chills. Spending 5 minutes staring at a screen to get to a station 2000ls away at max speed to cut down time doesn't and is dull.
@angryweazel5097 5 жыл бұрын
@MapleLeafAce 5 жыл бұрын
AngryWeazel and it isn’t anywhere in the horizon right now. 2019 was announced as having no big updates. And when asked about what will come in 2020, they just said “iunno.” Space legs ain’t happening. If that a thing you want, you’ll have to get star citizen.
@StkyDkNMeBlz 3 жыл бұрын
@@MapleLeafAce BET YOU'RE LAUGHING NOW. we have space legs now
@MapleLeafAce 3 жыл бұрын
@@StkyDkNMeBlz I am. Cuz even tho I didn't believe it would happen, it did anyway. And that's good enough for me.
@ross-carlson 7 жыл бұрын
As for experiencing the scale of things like ships, stations, stars, planets, etc. that's where VR absolutely shines. Driving the rover around at one of the bigger bases and everything feels MASSIVE. I remember the first time I saw a Type 9 from my SRV, I was driving around and a friend coming in for a landing told me to move - I looked up and holy crap it looked like a factory was about to land on me!
@Zeltweger 7 жыл бұрын
just bought a oculus rift and this game. best game experience ever. i was shocked about the size of everything. this is the best thing to imagine how big the universe is and how small we are.
@williamwilkinson2748 7 жыл бұрын
You really have to play in VR. Oculus Rift is definitely better for Elite.
@blakeyy9424 7 жыл бұрын
Its pretty blurry though, it gives me eye strain over a couple hours and distant objects may aswell be non existent! On ultra VR quality too
@dorianarbos 7 жыл бұрын
Yep, 400 PPI is not that good when the screen is glued to your face. But that first time you drop out of supercruise next to a big Orbital Station...holy cow.
@dorianarbos 7 жыл бұрын
If you can and you haven't yet, try Project Cars, specially the F1-like class. Karts are fun, too, provided you're not the kind that gets dizzy in VR.
@gluebubble 7 жыл бұрын
God, you're so right about point #1... it's OK to make it take some time/effort to get the best things in the game... but this grind blows all other games I've played out of the water. I wish I'd started playing when the Ceos/Sothis thing still worked, but I didn't. And every time I read about something that lets you get somewhere financially they nerf the shit out of it. The devs really need to stop reacting to everything with a nerf. At this rate they won't be happy until all activities reward one credit... And the real tragedy here is that the game has so many cool things to do. But every time I look into trying something fun, I realize it will cost so much money I can't do it. Do they think this game is an MMO? What conceivable purpose does making such a long grind serve exactly? It's not like they need to keep people around for subs , so whats the freaking point?
@alexparris7769 7 жыл бұрын
dude I absolutely love the commentary. Especially with that Latvian accent!
@Feuermagier1337 7 жыл бұрын
Commodities will be taken out of Engineer recipies with the next update.
@Quester91 7 жыл бұрын
It took them long enough.
@BoterBug 7 жыл бұрын
I don't mind the grind, but I'm annoyed that the nerfhammer makes it so hard. Some stuff should pay really well. Maybe not poop from Sothis, but I did a passenger run that took me 60 hours for 60 million credits that's been nerfed down to less than 40. Maybe some rare goods in Sothis to bring back to the bubble or something; these methods for making bank *should* exist in the game but FD keeps nerfing it all.
@danielsan170danypub1 7 жыл бұрын
I would like to add to the list the fact that quests can not be shared, would be nice to pick-up and share that with a mate. (illegible if not meeting rep requirements ofc.) - Also it's stupid for elite to make us pay for different kind of color lasers... or ship colors, common!
@Michael12111983 7 жыл бұрын
This game should be called "Elite Grinding Dangerous Long"
@leebrandencallaghan 7 жыл бұрын
FTFY "Elite Grinding Dangerously Long"
@argebarse 7 жыл бұрын
Perhaps if you don't like a game, you could play something else?
@leebrandencallaghan 7 жыл бұрын
argebarse it's OK to not like grinding.
@Michael12111983 7 жыл бұрын
If I wouldn't like this game, then I wouldn't even complain about it. I'd just play sth else.. The fact is: I just love this game too much and that's my real problem ^^ If u know what i mean.
@TheCode_Null 6 жыл бұрын
the grind is the only problem that keeps me from playing, i just don´t have the time really get anywhere because it takes a shit ton of grind for anything.
@adamewankeachie6091 7 жыл бұрын
I spent lots of time on Horizons not searching-planets for interesting things but instead I'm trying to find one material, the annoying thing is that I had endless supplies of that material before hand but now it's almost impossible to find.
@Feuermagier1337 7 жыл бұрын
Walking around is a confirmed feature.
@TheYamiks 7 жыл бұрын
I know , I just want it sooner!
@TallishJam 7 жыл бұрын
Dude, I love your elite videos! I just want to see more because watching your videos are the highlight of my day. You have a great sense of humor and you make me laugh!
@TheYamiks 7 жыл бұрын
Ah mon thats nice tnx!
@TallishJam 7 жыл бұрын
@Otaner142 7 жыл бұрын
Valentin Metz but it will come in he next year....
@apanmarius 7 жыл бұрын
my only problem with elite is griefers in open session. "oh you want to explore the new ruins someone just found and you don't have any guns, you're not allied with any faction, power or anything, you don't have any cargo, yeah i'm in a corvette and i'm going to kill you just cuz i wanna" i just feel like the punishment should be way harsher for griefers who just kill for the fuck of it, but i do understand pvp but when you have a conda or something and u just go out of your way to kill a guy in like an asp or something it's just like going to the gym asking someone to spar with you then going apeshit on them and knocking them out, it's just being a coward. i mean if they're allied with a power,ok, they have valuable cargo, fine let them shoot ur cargo hatch, or them message u to drop the cargo. i would like it if Frontier would make it so they(the player who killed you) have to pay you the insurance money otherwise they have a bounty on them that they can't get rid of by dying and they temporarily get kicked out of the pilots federation and they can't gain any more ranks. i'd say that would be a fair balance
@nephildevil 6 жыл бұрын
In GTA Online the player that destroys the vehicle needs to pay the insurance fee, all of it is maybe a bit much for ED but I suggested this on fb somewhere and nearly got lynched in the comments. Which didn't add anything and basically all boiled down to 'git gud' bullshit. Fucking griefers hate it when somebody has an idea to stop their bullying.
@Paul_The_Spaceman 4 жыл бұрын
Basically you are saying, punish people who don't play the way i think it should be played. Do the missions like a drone, do not do your own thing, all threats should be coming from easy to kill npcs. Ok, comrade.
@charleshoots4720 7 жыл бұрын
As for your point #7. Concerning what happens when your ship is 0.1% over the heat limit. I recommend you watch the movie Sunshine, particularly the scene where the counselor starts lowering the light shield in the sun viewing room by fractions of a percent. The point being 0.1% of 100 is a pretty small number, sure, but 0.1% of the heat output of a star is a very different animal....
@cetusipy 7 жыл бұрын
Lack of storage for engineer mats is one of the worst gaming blunders, every person I know going through the same stages of denial when they realize they have to just carry all this crap around with them... forever.
@SnowyNI 7 жыл бұрын
Nice vid, and very correct about a lot of what is wrong in ED. Have you ever watched a TV show called "Vikings!"? Well, you sound a lot like one of them, "Floki" and that made this video even better, it was so funny. :D
@TheYamiks 7 жыл бұрын
hehe, no havnet yet gotten around to watch that show but i want to.. just cuz there apparently are Latvians in it too!
@jpmrwiggles121 7 жыл бұрын
the way to get money now is find a military system in war. dock at a station outpost owned by waring faction. take kill missions that are against the faction the owner is at war with. fly to conflict zone and kill till missions complete. switching to open/solo/group allows you to stack up to 20 missions. and 1 kill counts for them all so long as you stay within 20km of the conflict other wise you have to reset the zone (jump out and in again). friends/wing mates greatly speed this process up since if every one taps the target every one gets a kill for the mission's.
@BlueBaron3339 7 жыл бұрын
Wonderful series of videos on this game I've just taken to playing. Where contemporary game developers got the idea that they had to extend content through grinding and RNG is bewildering. The very first MMO - Air Warrior - went along happily for 16 years with every aircraft being available to every player from their first day of game play. And it was more popular than it had ever been when EA shut it down in 2001 because they thought it was diluting their like Ultima Online where you have to hate yourself, at least a little, to carry on with it.
@TheReferrer72 7 жыл бұрын
Elite has always been a grinding game from first inception if they take that away then its not Elite.
@ZZMonkeysUncleZZ 7 жыл бұрын
Something that frustrates me to no end is the allied npcs actually. I just recently got the python, so I'm trying to stay away from similar sized ships and bigger since I don't yet have the necessary modules to really go toe to toe with deadly and elite pythons and condas. I'll see an allied and enemy anaconda fighting each other, both at full health and almost full shields, and I'll go over to help. The fight'll be going quite well, until I notice the conda is really focusing me down, even though they always prioritize which enemies are dealing the most damage, which should have been my much more powerful ally. I look at my radar, and see a green blip that is the allied conda, with two thirds of its shield intact, and no hull damage, hauling ass away from the fight despite being the one to initiate. Leaving me to deal with an enemy that spams SCBs and is in general more than a match for my ship as it is for no reason. Are the allied AI actually programmed to see you helping them and just go "Whelp, I see you've got this." and just fuck off for no reason? I'm really enjoying ED, but the AI adds way too much fake difficulty, with their perfect aim railguns, unlimited chaff, and perfect thruster control, and too much general bullshit aside. I'm sure others have experienced having their earlier ships take a good chunk of damage because a police conda takes two or three completely random potshots at them with a PA.
@aaronolson5375 7 жыл бұрын
They need to either lower the price of items and ships (like a python's class A FSD costing nearly as much as the ship) or give a nice boost to the pay outs on a scale of 10 minimum (18,000 mission then pays 180,000)
@aaronolson5375 7 жыл бұрын
Isn't avatar control/walking around your ship a rumored update for the future? Like how horizons was planetary landings and the next big update will be avatars?
@helderperez1474 7 жыл бұрын
Lack of persistence is what really ruins this game.
@herrschaftg35 5 жыл бұрын
Getting interdicted every 15 seconds by multiple NPC ships with only 1 active mission, doesn't matter if you kill the enemy ships or not. My "A" rated Anaconda was eventually destroyed (ran out of air after hull breach) because of the continuous NPC attacks. I also love how the NPC ships are never mass locked despite me ramming their asses, yet I can't escape when I'm out of their weapons range. Then those same NPC ships that escape with only 2% of their hull integrity left, interdict you 15 seconds later and miraculously have full shields and health.
@Lukos0036 7 жыл бұрын
I always thought that about planetside2. That it requires too much grinding to get access to all your abilities and the fun guns so you can start enjoying the game. I only just now unlocked a lasher for fucks sake. It took me a full year of play before I even thought about putting anything on my MAX, and vehicles I could only start building after grinding on bonus XP events. Game creators need to start rethinking their reward thresholds. Not everyone has the time or inclination to sit in one place doing the same thing for 6 hours a day for months.
@ondrejsaska3201 7 жыл бұрын
Lukos0036 Doing the same thing 6 hours a day is the biggest mistake an Elite player could make. Just do a little of everything, why would you do the same thing all the time.
@Lukos0036 7 жыл бұрын
Ondřej Saska Same thing here meaning playing any one game. It was just an arbitrary measure of time I chose to indicate my point.
@BenieTheDragon 7 жыл бұрын
Pinpointing a specific landing spot on a planet, and getting both numbers to line up to it (and not being near the pole as the compass will actually move while going forward).. is annoying to me.
@starwrasfan1 4 жыл бұрын
How do I change the color of my HUD ? I'm on Xbox 1
@TheYamiks 4 жыл бұрын
there is NO WAY
@donloder1 7 жыл бұрын
I can say that im currently in the situation just like you before sothis. but i am doing 10-50k delivery mission and cheap bounty hunting, been going strong for two years. Never been far from beginner's region, loving it here, maybe for eternity.
@Rapscallion2009 7 жыл бұрын
if you want a sense of scale in elite, try it in VR. only tried it briefly, but the Asp actually felt big!
@MrEphimer 6 жыл бұрын
I just started playing this game a few days ago and only today did I find your channel, after watching some of your videos I can 100% agree with this list. Though some things I don't understand, I do understand the money grind, I've been doing sightseeing missions to make money, selling discovery scan data, and farming imperial reputation along the way. Just a few minutes ago I got my Imperial Banana, and I have a little over 9 million credits left after fully upgrading the necessary parts. Gotta say, I feel like I am making good progress, but that Imperial Cutter feels further off than the centre of the galaxy, and fuel scooping takes forever...
@Shadowsc133 6 жыл бұрын
Most fun I had was: sothis run and stacking massacre or skimmer missions. Felt rewarding, providing the means to finally get the ship I wanted in the time I had available to play.
@CyborgKilNonx 7 жыл бұрын
How do you get that arrow to show where a ship you are targeting is? seems really useful
@TheYamiks 7 жыл бұрын
i play with mouse .. and that arrow is for mouse!
@CyborgKilNonx 7 жыл бұрын
TheYamiks Aw man! Having a little indicator arrow when using a hotas system would be great
@Armageddon325 6 жыл бұрын
As an explorer, I am very disappointed in the overall lack of variety in nebulae around the galaxy. For instance… why would I want to go to the Soul Nebula (about 7,000 light-years from the bubble) when I could instead go to the California Nebula (about 1,000 light-years from the bubble) that has the whose nebula cloud is the EXACT SAME MODEL as the Soul Nebula’s? Granted, there are some good nebulae with hand-crafted models (hence why the Orion Molecular Cloud complex is my favorite location in the galaxy). But seriously, I would definitely like it if FDev could add a little more variety and maybe even a few special models for specific nebulae. The California Nebula got its name because its shape resembles that of the U.S. state of California, NOT because it looks like a damn ball of fire like it does in ED.
@thehipinmyear 7 жыл бұрын
"fiddle fuck around" xD I fucking love it.
@gandaar103 7 жыл бұрын
I love thos HUD colors ! can you tell me the matrix numbers ? and big thanks for your vids !
@TheYamiks 7 жыл бұрын
my HUD is terrible for combat but here you go : Red : 0.25, 0.25, 1 Green : 0, 1, 0 Blue : 0, 0.5, 0
@gandaar103 7 жыл бұрын
thank you !
@Indyofthedead 3 жыл бұрын
I quit playing because I lost my FDL and couldn't get a big enough loan to pay insurance... 2 weeks down the drain because of a griefer.
@RfLARedBeard 6 жыл бұрын
a fer-de-lance used 12 torpedoes on me yesterday, how. how can they say they NPC dont cheat.
@coocato 3 жыл бұрын
npcs have infinite chaff, heatsinks, and scbs, they also have gimballed railguns
@alekssbound 3 жыл бұрын
"the Moral of the story is that the devs need to increase pay-outs for things" Increased bounty and combat bond and thargoid pay-outs
@xupaguy101 7 жыл бұрын
i really enjoyed this video. usually avoid top 10 list vids but im glad i stuck with this one. really put a smile on to my face. cheers
@oskarkilo9033 7 жыл бұрын
I totally agree with your #1. Payouts are so little and the grind to get to higher ships is so boring I stopped playing this game for half a year. I still think that ED is the "better" Star Citizen for now (yeah, that might change when Star Citizen ever gets finished and introduces First Person, but for the meantime ED is the better choice in my opinion), but I also play other games and it always comes down to the same bottom line: You better being a good shot or you have lost and experience a lousy life in that particular game. Seriously, every game I played that has an additional aspect like crafting, trading or exploring ends up being a "shooter only" title after a while and the game rewards "shooting someone into pieces" higher than the other aspects of the game like trading and crafting. This imbalance sucks, as it is what I always was looking for: ingame deversity. Or with other words find a game that have multiple ways to get to the personal goal. And while I would say that ED makes a good job at the start with grinding through the small ships it becomes an annoying PITA when it comes to medium and large ships. Grind 20 Million for a Type-7 with a payout of an average of 500 credits / ton takes an average casual gamer that may plays an hour / day how long to get there? Yup, a lifetime. And why do I have to grind out a Type-7? Because I need to make 60 Million to buy a Python for exploration and not these tiny ships that jump 5 LY and than need a scoope for the next 5 minutes. And for making more money, I need a ship that transports more goods, as I'm being a bad shot and suck in fighting other ships. As you said, the game has so much more to offer than grinding and I can't experience it until I get through that time consuming task of grinding the ships out that I need to get to it. And while I'm grinding my butt off as an "Joe Average" player I loose interest in the game from time to time due to this retarded task. And there is no way to go around it, like "buying" me out of this misery and throw some money at it and have a decent (multipurpose) ship that let me do all the enjoyable things in the game that others are telling me that they exists. So, having said that let me go back to ED and grind some more credits until I'm so fed up that I abandon the game for another 6 month until I come back and being masochistic enough to continue it. By the way, your ship reviews are hilarious, but do them with your buddy as it adds to it and I never found someone that makes reviews as a team. One doing the bad and the other explaining the good adds a special note to your reviews.
@Chicagowolsale 7 жыл бұрын
What HUD values are you using?
@Beef1188 7 жыл бұрын
Even worse cancer than Raigun Bots are Shield Cell bots... Fucking infinite shield and you have a fucking epic paying mission to kill that shit... good luck!
@cmdrriotz5283 7 жыл бұрын
What HUD color is that? Plz post! It looks great. Good vid too.
@TheYamiks 7 жыл бұрын
0.2, 0.2, 1 0, 1, 0 1, 0.7, 0.7
7 жыл бұрын
Around 08:30 you earned a follow :) Why? You made me laugh while giving me useful info. Thank you
@markandrews9792 7 жыл бұрын
would love to hear your views on naval action
@CarrowMind 7 жыл бұрын
In regards to Sothis runs, there will always be flavour of the month ways to earn big credits quickly, and if all else fails, there are CG's.
@TheHobbyExpert 7 жыл бұрын
So you went from 120 million to 1 billion in 3 weeks? What a shame. What did you learn in those 3 weeks. Nothing. I have 150 mil and I'm not looking for any get rich quick scheme as I enjoy the game and not looking to completely kill it for me by getting what I want as fast as I want with no effort.
@Hangman1 7 жыл бұрын
Problem with Elite Dangerous is they took a 30 year old game, updated the graphics but failed to update the gameplay........Sure, Elite was awesome.... but this was in 1984..... It's 2017 now and we can do much more with games......Braben was content to rest on his laurels..... I feel this was a mistake.... Sure, we've got new graphics but we don't have a new game.
@invidentusoff 7 жыл бұрын
The two worst things for me are the bounty mechanics (7 actuald days dormant bounty? srsly?) and the engineers pain in the arse material gathering. Been 3 WEEKS looking for a tier-2 upgrade material, still don't find it anywhere. C'mon.
@commandercostas 7 жыл бұрын
It took me 5-10 minutes to get into supercruise because of too many people in the instance
@ondrejsaska3201 7 жыл бұрын
Kickrider You should have restarted the game if it took you so long. :)
@commandercostas 7 жыл бұрын
Ondřej Saska I thought "Lots of time has passed so it might start now"
@a1919akelbo 7 жыл бұрын
Kickrider fuck you I only see 1 or 2 haulers per week in my system AND I'm only 4 ly from EZ Aquarii
@raymondwright1169 7 жыл бұрын
There's no pleasing some people? is there. Perhaps we need a new achievement scale: Indifferent/Mostly Indifferent/Mildly Annoyed/Angry/Apoplectic/Elite What do you think?
@lupvirga 6 жыл бұрын
you know what they did that ruins the game, ship customization. They could have easily added rewards where you'd get specific livery paint packages and other things but NOOO. They had to lock everything behind a fucking pay wall. HELL we don't even get BASIC colors to color our ship. It's bullshit.
@KukaiTaiyou 7 жыл бұрын
I could not agree more. Although i'd change the number one's spot phrasing a little to fit more to the feeling i got. It is not about the grind or the reward. It is the gamedesign that lacks. We got Wings in 1.2 and we get Multicrew soonish. But we still don't have a single coop mission. Not, that i would want to ruin the day of a friend by trying to forcefully bring him along to such a mission since they are sorta ... boring and annoying. But it just shows that Elite does not really offer much atm. As you mentioned the trading is boring and way to simple. I still feel the same way about combat. The game lacks "epicness". There are not real big fights, not that it would work with their current network. But what i mean is, where is the combat against huge massive spacestations? Or against huge ships? Why do the elite big ships feel so weak? I mean, try to get down a Battleship or a Titan in eve with a rookie ship. You can pretty much shoot 24 hours on it and even then it would not matter. The Size matters there. Small ships in elite can be annoying as hell espacially for pilots who are not that good at ... well, piloting. And no matter how much they progress, a 3 man wing in 2 million ships can bring you down. And everytime i see that in a video ... i feel like, that should not happen. They are just to concerned about the balancing. Well, sadly Horizons was the last investment into Elite for me. Which is a shame since im still madly in love with the potential elite has.
@douggraves8445 7 жыл бұрын
Yamick has a lively vocabulary.. all things obviously different, he could be my brother.
@MapleLeafAce 5 жыл бұрын
I’ve always loved how elite’s community seems to hate the game more than any other game yet they still keep playing.
@GitGoodGaming 6 жыл бұрын
The biggest negative for me is the simple fact that there’s no cross play... I play on PC and I WANT to play with my friend on his PS4
@MozoTyce1 7 жыл бұрын
You certainly have a way with words ! Very amusing and somewhat true, it's a great game that got boring fast. I too got my worth up to 1.1 bil creds and was so done with it all.
@trialsofasunbro 7 жыл бұрын
Heat does effects bots and npcs. I baked a conda alive with thermal cascade one time.
@IncognitoSprax 7 жыл бұрын
nerf = balance is Riot Game's motto
@sim.frischh9781 6 жыл бұрын
I noticed you mentioned that you need a certain grade of ship and money before you can actually do stuff in the game. Can you recomment a level at which has one has that liberty? And a ship that can actually do most stuff? Viper 3 seems like a good choice, given it´s versatility. Ugly or not.
@KaitouKaiju 6 жыл бұрын
Cobra MK III is the most versatile of the small ships. It's the best first upgrade from a Sidewinder.
@sim.frischh9781 6 жыл бұрын
I meant the Cobra MkIII, got the shipnames confused -.- All those ships and snakes... i should start playing the game, maybe then it won´t be that confusing.
@carljhirst 7 жыл бұрын
Ive never had connectivity issues ever. I admit that grinds wore me down. I didnt want to use any gilitch or easy way found by experts. ive done missions, bounty, traded and lots of Mining. PowerPlay although a nice idea with the Princes an all, but wow its a second job. Engineers was a run around siillyness. the Ai went beserk, so new players will be Fkuced up. i got the onetimepass, but now i just go in to fly in VR, and fall assleep next to asteroids. So some of what ya say well yeah. might do a bit of Mining later. Painite sold for 90,000 at ..........
@markandrews9792 7 жыл бұрын
Have you tryed playing naval action
@ghostofonyx777 7 жыл бұрын
I personally don't have as much of an issue with the connection issue. My wifi is extremely weak and Elite is probably the only game I can play with friends consistently. I lose connection, of course, but is more consistent than the other games I try to play with my weak ass connection. (Not my fault.)
@hakosukaftw668 7 жыл бұрын
What is the "run" he is talking about?
@ctbram0627 7 жыл бұрын
Thumbs up just for the "Before you form a lynch mob for this poor Latvian" comment and it just got better as you went on from there ... R & Jesus hahahah (smile) and yes the conclusion that the worst thing is the grind. Even with sothis you still have to grind rank. I grind grind grind and at 57 years old I will be dead before I get a corvette or cutter.
@SuwinTzi 7 жыл бұрын
Bit late to join in, but all the things you mentioned as a whole, limit Elite's potential Because of the grind, any new player, or returning player that misses the fast money runs is left in starter/lighter ships that can't really do much in open play, except be prey to players who are billionaires, without banding together. But they can't band together because of instancing, so you try to catch up to the power creep using engineers. Except that is a grind too, and a crapshoot cause of RNGesus. So after a few hundred hours of trying to catch up, you decide screw it, and stick to solo play/private groups that don't have PvP. But there's no excitement in that either, and the grind to get a bigger ship wears you down, so you quit until the next time you decide to try to get your enjoyment out of the $60 you spent for what you were advertised as a essentially "EVE Online: In the Pilot Seat w/o Spreadsheets". And the best part is where the forums and subreddit are filled with people who tell you "MUH IMMERSION" and defend the timesinks and lack of any impact players can have on the civilized parts of space.
@OriginalOmgCow 7 жыл бұрын
10: VR 8: They don't, all they do is buff things, some things falling behind is not constant nerfing. Engineering is nothing but a gigantic buff. 6: Nature of physics engines, particularly those that have to send and test collisions with a server. 5: "I am used to EZmode credits" the rating 3: gitgud. AI is ezmode 2: I hate engineers too, but engineer commodities are being removed 2.3 1: Elite is a grind simulator, the grind and grind rewards are just there to give purpose to the rest of it and spread out content. Most business/game models like that include CR for cash cards to skip grinds, so be glad E:D has yet to have that and really only has it in glitches. It's still less grind than say, GTA5 online or WoT esque games.
@ondrejsaska3201 7 жыл бұрын
You have fair points, but I disagree with the nerfing issue. For example, Sothis runs was a flaw in design, and it's good people can't exploit a flaw in design. Also, look at their forums and the new beta for 2.2.03, that really is balancing, not nerfing. By the way, they need the connections to work properly by the time multicrew arrives, so they're making loads of server updates right now.
@kar351 7 жыл бұрын
Talking about exploits and nerfing, there is one thing many people do that I think should not be in the game; switching between open and solo and gather missions. That is just lame. They could fix this, because solo or open the client is always online consulting the servers for market updates, factions, etc, so how hard would be to clean all missions for a player no matter if he is in solo or open? I think this is the worst exploit of the game, but everyone does it, well, I guess because is normal....
@cyberswiper6317 7 жыл бұрын
The worst thing for me is deciding which ship to buy...
@julianturner69420 7 жыл бұрын
i think the grind should get easier as it goes to get more money. noobs should have difficulty and rich people should get richer. this way progression still exists in the start but isnt friggin impossible later on.
@101m4n 5 жыл бұрын
The high level of grind disincentivises griefing. It also adds risk, and thus tension whenever you are doing something new, which I think is actually pretty cool. I’ve only been playing for a week or so and so far, this is far from the grindiest game I’ve played... Y’all just spoiled. :P
@DubbleTwice 7 жыл бұрын
The only thing I don't like is the game design. I've kinda started playing again. Unfortunately the best fun I can get from the game is just flying about. Basically all of the money making aspects are too grindy for me to enjoy. So as I said above the only thing I don't like is the games design ... lol
@asingularcheesepuff6383 7 жыл бұрын
"Game is too much of a grind." Elite as a franchise has always been a grind - hell, Elite: Dangerous is easily the least grind out of any elite game. When I booted up E:D for the first time (having come from the older games) I was very surprised by what I was given to start off: two guns, shields, 1000 credits?! What is this? Then I did my first mission from the job board. I received 80k credits for transporting less than 6t of cargo, and refuelling cost literal pennies. What's more, I didn't need to allot cargo space for hyperdrive fuel - the new FSD converts fuel itself! In one mission, I had earned more than I'd earned in any other the other games altogether. This being said, I do find E:D to be challenging, but then again I like how it has been made easier. So please, before you say "I hate grinding to only receive 200k per mission" blah de blah, please remember that previously, you'd be lucky if you made 500 credits in one mission, after paying landing fees, paying for hyperdrive fuel, and for regular fuel. All this, and ship prices remained more or less the same between games.
@takashikamiyama4607 6 жыл бұрын
I just got my brand new python buttrailed by a (aim)bot and with not enough money to rebuy it :( guess it's back to square one
@jonnyrawket8158 7 жыл бұрын
I really hope we get supercruise boosters someday
@DonBranum 7 жыл бұрын
Only 800 credits for an Anaconda? That's some shit.
@spacep0d 5 жыл бұрын
Reason why I quit; 1. Terrible flight model. That gimpy yaw kills me. What's the point of upgrading ships just to have....another terrible flight model? I prefer Star Citizen here by a long way. The ENTIRE point of a space sim for me is space ships. That means, everything else is just context and something to do. If the ships aren't cool and fun to fly, then what is the point? 2. No space legs. Can't walk on a moon, can't walk in a station, can't walk to your ship, can't walk on the ship. After playing Star Citizen for years this game is just too limited. I'd rather play Alpha SC. :)
@redmage219 6 жыл бұрын
The only real problem that I have with Elite is the grinding. Don't get me wrong, I like grinding in games... to a degree. When I grind stuff, or in this case, money, I want to experience the progress. There are no really good farming routes, at least not anymore. It took me a week once, after consulting forums after forums to find a short route and I did 6 to 8 hour shifts a day to make a laughing 200.000.000 credits of profit. Then I bought an Anaconda and wasn't even able to outfit it with good stuff, because the money was gone in the blink of an eye. I want a game to be fun and the content has to make me feel like "hey I did something great today, I made so much progress and it was worth it!". But Elite just makes me feel like I wasted hours and hours for almost nothing. It makes me feel like going to work on a monday. A game should NEVER make you feel like you're working. You already have jobs for that feeling for crying out loud. tl;dr The grinding in this game is a very bad example for grinding. Everything in this game is way to expensive.
@draconas109 7 жыл бұрын
it's bullshit that im sitting here grinding for a faction that wont even go up in % let alone is going to let me rank up any time soon, it's more bullshit that im grinding out missions and trading for the shittiest payouts and they're still getting nerfed to hell, and frontier has the gall to go "there's too much money in the game" it's a game, games are meant to be fun, 6+ months to get anywhere IS NOT FUN
@ondrejsaska3201 7 жыл бұрын
draconas rayne The percentage of factions' influence changes once a day. Also, why are you doing shitty paying missions? Take some profitable ones. :)
@draconas109 7 жыл бұрын
Ondřej Saska helps to know where to get these missions that won't get nerfed a week later
@ondrejsaska3201 7 жыл бұрын
***** Oh get over yourself. Sothis was a flaw in design and people are whining because they can't exploit the flaw anymore.
@draconas109 7 жыл бұрын
Ondřej Saska you say this like I even got a chance to participate in it. I got lucky one time with an event, just enough to afford a type 7, that's all I have
@ondrejsaska3201 7 жыл бұрын
***** Sorry, I just saw so many people complaining about Sothis I can get a bit anthagonistic at times. Well, I earner my Asp Explorer by freeing slaves in the community goal back in February, and I got my Python by helping building new Imperial capital ships in another CG. Now I'm making lots of money by transporting passengers where they want to go, you can also get two factions into a war and do massacre missions which pay a lot.
@Feuermagier1337 7 жыл бұрын
Currently you can make up to 300 Million per hour in a Sidewinder.
@kalebbruwer 7 жыл бұрын
I think walking around can unlock an entire season of content, so it will be game changing once it's here. Edit: typo
@MrAlphapapa 6 жыл бұрын
I'd say the 'Dangerous Elite' freaked out and panicked after Brexit but Brits as a whole just want to get on with it.
@ilficherrimolori 7 жыл бұрын
Taoism is strong in this video's intro
@FFadddict 5 жыл бұрын
I want space legs as well!! That would be awesome lol
@papabear6382 7 жыл бұрын
amazing video, well done
@someolfellow1094 7 жыл бұрын
Number 1 reminded me of World of Tanks, more like World of Grinding for 10 fkn years. TIER 5 SUCKS! I mean, I had to pay as much silver for the 3rd upgrade in the line as much as I payed for the bloody tank! LIKE WTF! I know this is off topic but that's what number 1 makes me think.
@cruiseylee 7 жыл бұрын
Cant believe Frankie Dettori is playing this game.
@joeschmalhofer6109 4 жыл бұрын
Engineering has changed considerably since this review came out.. so the #2 Worst Thing doesn't exist any more.
@varanzmaj 5 жыл бұрын
Recently Came back to this game, FUCK THIS GAME can't play! Can't fire WEAPONS! Goddamn it
@joeschmalhofer6109 Жыл бұрын
Too bad the Asp Scout didn't make this list...
@ProcyonDei 7 жыл бұрын
The grind is too horrible. If it wasn't for exploits, I think everyone would have stopped playing a long while back... But the absolute worst part is the insurance system. Say you're a new player who managed to grind enough credits to finally escape the confines of the Sidewinder, but this new player is not used to combat and gets taken out. If the Ship is big like an Orca with full customization and the player has grounded enough to cover getting blown up once. But what if it happens twice? That ship is gone for good. And with the amount of bugs and glitches on top of overpowered bots, it's not hard to get blown up.
@ProcyonDei 7 жыл бұрын
When I finally got my Orca, I was damn proud. I upgraded the Orca to do anything. But on my way out from a station I bumped onto another incoming ship that popped from nothingness. Instead of getting a fine I got a bounty and the station started to shoot me. Needless to say I got destroyed. I had just enough to cover the Ship but I ended up with 2000 credits or so. So I decide to take a pirate hunting mission. I go to the pirate's location, but when I get there, System Security Anacondas drop in too and start attacking me because apparently it still marked me as wanted in that system. So I got blown up twice for the same "crime" and now I didn't have enough to recover my ship. So I was placed back to square 1 with a Sidewinder until I called Frontier support who gave me back my Orca the next day.
@figjam9530 7 жыл бұрын
one of the biggest reasons i'm reluctant to play games like elite and eve is being ganked or glitched out of a ship that took forever to obtain. it's good to know they respond swiftly to a glitch loss at least, being screwed by another player is annoying but essential part of these types of games, being screwed by bad code is another thing entirely.
@ProcyonDei 7 жыл бұрын
Still, the system could be better, like, put your ship on hold until you can afford back the insurance claim. It would save both them and the players a lot of time and frustration.
@WillOfXiaZynexia 7 жыл бұрын
i love this guys accent ...RIP Anton Viktorovich Yelchin you will be missed
@jwm7429 7 жыл бұрын
Every aspect of this game is devolving like water flowing down a toilet
@corydross3367 7 жыл бұрын
I would say they need to add more ships. Probably more ships under 10 million. it allows for people to get a better taste of the game.
@ChickenMiner22 7 жыл бұрын
Komodo 10mil? i make this money in 20min lol
@corydross3367 4 жыл бұрын
@@ChickenMiner22 wierd flex but ok I have an anaconda but I don't just think about myself. To bring a larger group of people to the game they should make things friendlier for a larger audience. - 2 years later
@madamguillotine6819 4 жыл бұрын
i tried to play this game but lost any desire to carry on after about 10 mins. Tutorial fail
@frankmarkovich4221 7 жыл бұрын
You keep making me laugh every time I think of your "Crack house to grandparents" analogy. Well done!
@taxavoider9889 7 жыл бұрын
So just wondering where are you from? I like your accent and I just want to know
@TheYamiks 7 жыл бұрын
I'm latvian.. you know you could have checked that yourself : under about section in my channel! =}
@cruiseylee 7 жыл бұрын
He is Italian, his name is Frankie dettori :)
@SifArtorias 7 жыл бұрын
Not everyone states their nationality under the about section, so his was a valid question.
@TheYamiks 7 жыл бұрын
True that!
@SifArtorias 7 жыл бұрын
TheYamiks +1 on the game being too much of a grind btw. That's part of what stopped me from playing more. Got an Asp Explorer, did a run to Saggi A and back, then realized it would be a long while before I got any new ships. Still hop on occasionally just for the sake of revisiting it though.
@mitchellhorton9382 6 жыл бұрын
Why do you have to buy every ship in the game to do things?
@Lennji 7 жыл бұрын
There will be walking on ships in the future, its in FD's roadmap....
@bradleymcquade 7 жыл бұрын
Did you know that there are no connectivity problems on the Xbox version
@souilluminat9280 7 жыл бұрын
Less players, I think.
@bradleymcquade 7 жыл бұрын
Yes because nobody plays the xbox version, since the rare acheivements update was released on Xbox one (displayed by a diamond next to the rewarded points and have a unique sound played when acheived) mostly all acheivements in the game are only acheived by 1% to 9% of players around the world. I don't get it because Xbox version is the same as the pc version (besides beta access, hud colours, graphic mods and voice packs) there should be around the same amount of players playing on both platforms.
@souilluminat9280 7 жыл бұрын
Bradley McQuade Playing Elite with a controller isn't as good as playing it with a joystick or even a keyboard.
@faalkendov4743 7 жыл бұрын
I can't agree, a controller is better than a keyboard when it comes to Elite.
@Arthanias 7 жыл бұрын
In elite grinding IS the game, the ways to get money are just different manners of doing it. Every game has a core gameplay loop, in elite that is a short and repeatable one, I like it because without Sothis runs seeing a giant ship would be impressive, now I just know he spent a day hauling shit.
@KukaiTaiyou 7 жыл бұрын
Well, no. There are not that much different manners if you want the best payout. Skrimmer -> Mission stacking -> go -> repeat. Before that it was Robigo .. But besides combat / distribution missions, what else is there to make money without the urge to hurt yourself? I mean, trading, if you have a really really good netflix show going...
@Arthanias 7 жыл бұрын
KukaiTaiyou Yes but always wanting the best payout is the wrong mindset to have when playing elite, the core gameplay loop is exploring, trading, bounty hunting etc, the cash is just the result of that.
@KukaiTaiyou 7 жыл бұрын
What? The wrong mindset? What other sort of progression is offered in Elite besides money? What can i improve? There is no actuall skill system. Naval progression is more than a pain, i mean, i got my corvette and the way was painfull. I mean, there is no player driven story. There is no Skillsystem. There is Careersystem, unless you count the "Ranking". While i did enjoy exploring, trading is not even worth touching. It is just kept way to simple to have any joy out of it. Why is there no way to buy into companies or corparations? Why is the only way to "trade" via loops? And sorry, but the combat loses after a certain amount of time it's fun as well. There is just no "Attack this base" or "help us defend against this massive pirate fleet". I mean, if it is the wrong mindset to play elite for the cash, my is cash the only aviable reward?
@Arthanias 7 жыл бұрын
KukaiTaiyou You're going into the game looking for progression, a reward, just go into the game for the game, taking the rewards as just that: a reward instead of an objective, and you'll have a lot more fun.
@KukaiTaiyou 7 жыл бұрын
Fun doing what? Besides Exploration, which i already did like 300 - 400 hours of ...nothing in this game is fun. Just because you are okay with a game that offers you nothing for the work you put in, those not mean everyone likes it that way.
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