Training With A REAL Weighted DragonSlayer!??!

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Today we train with an actual Real life Dragon Slayer from Berserk.
GUTS Blade weighs about 200+ Lbs & this MUCH LIGHTER realistic variation made by Tommy Ashman Hits INSANE!
But Can you Build muscle and become strong ONLY swinging a Giant Sword around?
Today I go through a challenge and Find out!
Thank You Ashman Athletics
/ @ashmanathletics
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How to train to look like Guts from Berserk
Real life Dragonslayer Sword
Training with Giant Sword
Training with Real Giant Sword
Training with Buster Sword
How much does the DragonSlayer weigh?
Guts physique
Tough like the Toonz
Guts Training
Guts Workout
How to Get Guts Gainz
How to get a body like Guts from Berserk

Пікірлер: 429
@JaxBlade 9 ай бұрын
Guts Real Sword weighs over 300lbs and this one Even toned down to REAL WORLD physics is Still a Challenge loll Who Is your favorite Giant Sword Wielder? Also Check out my Program that gets ya sexy for cosplays here
@CosmicDR4GN 9 ай бұрын
Favorite giant sword weilder? Cloud Strife, period.
@coreyclark6488 9 ай бұрын
you just know someone, somewhere is going to make that their goal, to wield the 300lb Berserk sword.
@guts2048 9 ай бұрын
Pretty hate machining in over a year made a thick Dragonslayer
@MistahPaul 9 ай бұрын
Hey man, if you want this to be a thing, I'd highly suggest checking out Mark Wildman or the Flowing Dutchman for mace/heavy club training. A lot of their training lines up with this and they're really good at the conditioning aspect and building slowly up to something like the dragonslayer swords. They have a lot of great movements and routines, and the weights they move are anime af.
@alicepbg2042 9 ай бұрын
well as godo would say... he made the sword to kill a dragon, you don't need 300lbs unless you got a dragon slaying issue to handle.
@Leo-nard0 9 ай бұрын
Jax Crying got me choked up ngl, You a KING MAN, what Tom's Letter said goes for many of us. Never forget your impact You've done so much!
@JaxBlade 9 ай бұрын
I sincerely appreciate the kind words and thank you
@rickeybat 9 ай бұрын
I've been watching you for years but I finally got serious about working out 8 months ago after buying one of your programs. You're an inspiration to so many of us bro. Thank you
@marthascargill5234 9 ай бұрын
100% same thanks for saying; i got choked up too. @jaxblade youre the reason i've felt able to get into fitness despite having a lot of disabilities (and years of feeling unwelcome in sport and fitness scenes). you absolutely have achieved making people who usually feel unwelcome or like 'losers' (though I'm sure you were never a loser!)happier abt themselves and their bodies, and you should be very proud (and u didn't need to apologise for getting choked up!)!
@elizajames 9 ай бұрын
im a huge fan of your Ty Lee video. can we do an Air Nomad video? i really have a passion for gymnastics, calisthenics, parcore, and anything that makes me feel like im flying/floating, weightless, exe. im too new to understand it all and as a 26 year old man i feel like its too late. @@JaxBlade
@JesusIsKingMyLord 9 ай бұрын
Gospel of Jesus Christ John 3:16 For God So loved the world that he gave his only Begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not Perish but have Everlasting Life. Jesus Christ Died for the sin of the World, If you believe in ur heart God risen Jesus from the dead and confess him with ur mouth to people you shall be saved. Jesus said I Am The only way to heaven there is no other way! Repent of urs sins (Repent means Change ur Mind turning away from sinful things and being truly sorry for it.) trust Jesus and give ur life to him He Loves you cares about you more than anyone ever will! we are saved By Grace Trough Faith!,this is sin: Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death but the gift of eternal life in our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 3:23 For all have sined and felt short of the Glory of God. For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Romans 1:18‭-‬21‭, ‬23 KJV Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 1 Corinthians 6:9‭-‬10 REPENT OR YOU WILL PERISH REPENT AND BELIEVE THE GOSPEL GET RIGHT WITH GOD LORD JESUS CHRIST.
@ashmanathletics 9 ай бұрын
I’m so glad you liked training with it!!! Seeing this video is like a dream for me bro!!! And of course my favorite giant sword wielder is Guts! Kamina is a close second though
@JaxBlade 9 ай бұрын
Immaculate taste bro & of course thank you for the amazing gift & all you work is def paying off with it king 👑
@michaelsledge7980 9 ай бұрын
Man I want to know the process of making that sword man looks like some good wood craftsmanship
@The_realomarij 9 ай бұрын
Lol who knew Tom and Jax would team up 😂
@revolverboy1314 9 ай бұрын
dude I’ve been following you on insta since like 2018! I was super impressed with your calisthenics, didn’t think I’d ever see your sword in a Jax video lol
@WY_Circus_Freak 9 ай бұрын
No Sanosuke love?
@combatpanda4264 9 ай бұрын
Learning about weight leverage and its relation to the muscles recruited really uped my game by exposing hidden weaknesses.
@JaxBlade 9 ай бұрын
Right tho, it’s always fun to learn new things to improve
@prestonwatkins8182 9 ай бұрын
About 10 years ago I bought a simple replica of the Buster Sword made of steel that weighs about 35 lbs. I used to practice swinging the thing regularly for endurance and strength training, and I learned a lot from doing it because I was doing hundreds of swings in varying grips per day with the thing at my peak using it. I'm tempted to make a vid or two to add into the trend so people can learn from what I did, but since I've never done that before I'll try to summarize: The first thing is that, as you said, the torque on your mainhand is extreme. 35 lbs will feel like upwards of 150 when held out in front of you, and very few people have the shoulder strength to do that. Because of that, utilizing the sword in any functional capacity requires you to not think of it like an extension of your arm as you would with a typical historical sword, but rather as a separate body moving with you. Like two dancers, you move around each other, one body around the other, levering one another. To that end, whenever you need to have the weapon away from you at any distance, you have to put a countering force against it to keep from being toppled over or dropping it. Obviously that's easier said than done and still requires a great deal of strength, and while some muscles are targeted more than others, your whole body plays a role. As the videos in the trend showcase, and as you experienced firsthand, a lot of upper body strength is required. You need a tremendous amount of grip strength to even begin manipulating the sword for any length of time - I can deadlift 455 with a double overhand grip, but during covid when I trained with the sword while gyms were closed, that 35 lbs sword left my hands unusable for two days after I did 400 swings due to the stress it placed on them. Your abs, particularly the upper section, get hit the second hardest due to having to provide constant stability. Then your biceps get used to the extreme every time you lift the blade back up off the ground, with the mainhand arm being targeted the most each time. After that, your shoulders are hit pretty hard to drive your arms and the weight of the sword in any given direction. And lastly, your lats will be used heavily, should you be using good technique, as your offhand should be pulling the end of the handle while your mainhand pushes, driving the blade in an arc during a swing - like dancers rotating around each other. But the most important muscle in the movements, and the one nobody would ever expect, isn't even in your upper body. It's one of the most neglected muscles by most athletes. Your calves. If you're lowering your body to keep your center of gravity stable, and have one foot behind you, then your body will almost naturally try to use your back foot's calf muscles to start the kinetic chain's motion. Think about how much power most people can generate on a calf press, even people who haven't trained. It's not unheard of for an everyday untrained individual to be able to calf press multiple times their bodyweight for reps, surprising even themselves. If you get in position for a swing, start it off by 'twitching' your back leg into a calf press, then drive all of that momentum up through your hamstrings, glutes, lower back, and upper back, then into your pushing arm as your offhand and abs pull, then you will be transferring hundreds of pounds of force into the swing that your upper body could never hope to generate on its own. Martial artists or fans of martial arts know this trick very well - Bruce Lee popularized it. When you use that technique, and get good at transferring the energy through your body, the sword suddenly feels almost weightless during the swing. Then the trick changes from brute forcing the thing into moving, to brute forcing it into a stop. And since muscles are generally better at the negative portion of a movement, it is a lot easier to do that - your grip will still be hammered very hard though. The methods used in the trending videos are great for building upper body strength by forcing inefficient movements, and can be focused upon as strength movements. The method I used is a blend of strength and conditioning, as you still need a great deal of the former to move the sword at all, but the impact on your cardio is increased because you can bust out swings much faster. When I trained with the sword, I only did overhand and horizontal swings for strength training, but I also did the reverse movement. I would do a set, then switch hands and do the set again. My house had a field next to it that was about 150 yards long, and there were a couple times where I mimicked the walker combo for the greatsword from Monster Hunter - horizontal spin cut followed by an overhand swing - over and over until I got all the way across the field. Then I'd switch hands and do that all the way back. Needless to say I was completely exhausted every time I did that 🤣It's fantastic cardio. And for something that's kinda badass: If you stand in one singular spot, doing what I did with overhand swings alone and stopping the blade from hitting the ground from a full force swing, it pulverizes the earth. During the covid lockdowns when I trained with it, I wrapped the sword's handle in tennis racket wrapping, held it with lifting gloves, and did 400 overhand swings. By the end of the workout, the ground where my feet had been planted was worn down and all the grass was gone, and the two spots on the handle where I had gripped it were completely devoid of tennis wrapping due to the friction transferred from my hands to the sword - the gloves weren't in much better shape. And I do recommend using gloves for this, because even though I only use chalk in the gym, the sword can and will rip your skin open after repeated swings. If anything, those callouses on Guts' hand should be way bigger, but that wrapping he wears on his hand to protect from the friction is very realistic. With how much explosive strength you have in your legs, I think you'd get a kick out of trying what I said there. It would be fun to see how that jumping power translates into throwing a 20+ lbs sword around!
@justinhearst 9 ай бұрын
Make the video man, why not?
@ricardodeltoro1938 9 ай бұрын
This is actually an incredible write up about the subject. Thanks for sharing, might need to cop a big sword now
@philiphockenbury6563 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for the information. I hope to see your video about it
@hornyandtarded2354 8 ай бұрын
how strong did it get you
@priestesslucy3299 8 ай бұрын
That explains why Guts' core is so girthy
@xmasonx754 9 ай бұрын
Jax thank you so much for everything bro! You inspired me to start my fitness journey around 13-14 and I'm so grateful for the awesome content you've put out over the years 👍I still follow along with one of your warmup videos before every workout. Keep up the good work man! 🔥
@JaxBlade 9 ай бұрын
That is awesome! I’m so happy for you & keep crushing it 💪🏾🔥🔥 and thank you so much
@rebukealllowvibrations 9 ай бұрын
Jax I've been releasing a lot of stored trauma lately, decided to get cozy and watch some dope content, came here and I started tearing up when you were reading the letter. Such a beautiful moment watching it come full circle for you when you see how much of an impact you really have! Love you man, hope everything is going well for you! booyah on brother :)
@Z3nSh1nz0 9 ай бұрын
Its stated in The Book of Five Rings by Miyomoto Musashi that he recommends training with heavier longer swords during practice. I didnt have practice swords but I have 2 5ft pvc pipes that I grip at the very end of the "handle". Theyre only 3lbs each but that definitely have that crazy condittioning effect. Much love BeserkJax
@masonpappas2037 9 ай бұрын
I remember seeing your original berserk workout regime 5 years ago. It helped me get into good habits and it was the first commited workout routine I ever stuck to. Thanks Jax for helping people be the change they want to see.
@smargio 9 ай бұрын
Your explanation of spreading reps out through the day is very helpful. I will endeavor to use that style for more effective strengthening.
@christopherlove4990 9 ай бұрын
You deserve every bit of recognition man you have done so many great things for so many people and you still are you've change many lives and boosted so many people confidence you are a kind and strong soul you deserve nothing but love and support and I may not know you personally but i care about you and want the best for you keep it up and dont give upnon what you're doing.
@alexandermcbryde2348 9 ай бұрын
I’ve been watching his videos and have been very interested in training this way. The fact that you not only commented on his videos but he was a fan just shows how much impact you have man
@ifritz8160 8 ай бұрын
Man I didn't expect you to get so touched, lol, got me a lil jittery too. Love u man. Keep the good content going
@user-qv2og1pn1q 9 ай бұрын
Hey, Jax. Thank you so much for making your videos. These past years have been extremely difficult, but your videos have been one of the most helpful things I can turn to, but not only that, it is more importantly a resting place for me. I'm only in my early teens, but I have lost a lot of family. Another family member just pasted a couple of days ago. I really do feel like over the years you have almost been like a father figure to me. It was because of your videos that I got a six pack, and the ability to do multiple muscle-ups. I know that sometimes we all have doubts about our aptitude to complete tasks in life, because of past experiences that haunt us, but I have found that if you spend too much time in the past, you will not have enough time to appreciate the beauty of the present. My words will never be able to tell you how much of an influence you have had on my journey in life, but, as a wise man once said, "Keep calm, booyah on, and don't forget Mou Man Tai."
@JaxBlade 9 ай бұрын
Gonna make me tear up, again thank you for the kind words, you honor me & nothing but love your way! Stay strong & keep improving you got this I have faith in you & im proud of you
@user-qv2og1pn1q 9 ай бұрын
@@JaxBlade Thank you very much for saying that. Those are the kindest words anyone has ever said to me. This helps a lot. I wish I could give back to you as much as you have given me. All I can do is a video idea, so here is one if you ever need one. I know you have been through a lot, so maybe "Overcoming past tragedies, or dealing with pain like (whatever character you would like). Thank you so much for everything you do. Hope you have a fantastic day.
@RobertN734 9 ай бұрын
BerserkJax! Not a big *sword* wielder, but Druss the Legend from David Gemmell's novels wielded the two-headed battleaxe Snaga, the Sender. Gemmell's books are about extremely grounded early-medieval-style warfare, which heightens the feats of combat. Druss would tell the men in formation beside him to stand back and give him room to swing. He'd wade into enemy formations with huge sweeps that cleaved bone and armor. He reach of his ax made him the eye of the storm, a calm circle amidst the maelstrom of battle.
@JaxBlade 9 ай бұрын
Very awesome🔥🔥
@ainsly19 9 ай бұрын
Jaz you ain't no loser brother. You is a real OG your passion for what you do is an inspiration love you bro 🙏🏿🙏🏿❤️💯
@thesuperherotrainer 9 ай бұрын
Great video Sensei! And as always, learning something new in every upload, just as it’s been these last 5 years of my fitness journey, thanks to you 😁 keep killing it, that 1M is coming! 💪🏽
@donnel7223 9 ай бұрын
Berserk Jax for the win . I honestly think you are one of the best fitness youtubers and I'm so glad that your channel has grown this big. Keep up the good work you really have inspired more people than you would ever know. Lots of love all the way from South Africa
@driftingswordsmanzer 9 ай бұрын
Appreciate you Jax, even in the vulnerable moments. You help so many people become their best, by being your best. Thank you. BerserkJax: I would have to say my favorite big swords user is both guts and Sagara Sanosuke from rurouni kenshin. Guts is the struggler who picks up his blade through all those hardships. Sanosuke is the hot blooded badass you want in your corner when times are rough. Not only is his zanbato serving justice but so is his fist.
@Chordata7 9 ай бұрын
New jaxblade just dropped. Bro you always bring a smile to my face whenever you upload. Keep it up man!
@JaxBlade 9 ай бұрын
Glad you enjoy it! & I’ll do my best 🙏🏾
@Pixelgamiing 9 ай бұрын
I started watching you Jax when I was still in high school and you were a huge motivation for me to workout and study hard now I'm in my 4th year of med school and although I barely find time to train your workout routines always come in a clutch so I really wanted to thank you a lot for your contribution to the fitness industry with your educated videos and training principles and also with the wholesome content
@shannonolivas9524 9 ай бұрын
My brother and I started buying Berserk on DVD as it was first released back in the day. It's amazing to see the fandom has grown this much.
@philippegay964 9 ай бұрын
i just want to say Jax you deserve those words in this letter, ur video thought like the toons help me so much in my life so thank you!
@danny1ft1 9 ай бұрын
That was a touching start, good to see a man who's not afraid to show his emotions, made my eyes water lol.
@josephmiranda7047 9 ай бұрын
Hey Jax just wanted to say you were such a huge inspiration growing up, while in middle school watching you're videos while going on walks at the only thing that kept me motivated or interested in training was merging it with anime and pop culture. The heaviest I got was probably 200 at 5’6-5’7 during my adolescence I struggled with weight and having something to geek out on was pretty motivating! I’m not 20 going on 21 and I run 5k’s a few times a week and grapple! I know for a fact I wouldn’t be where I am now without something to keep me anchored in the environment I grew up in,,,thanks!
@-1000_damage 9 ай бұрын
This way of training definitely adds to the fun factor, if I had something like this, it would definitely be at the beginning and end of a regular workout.
@johnduggan9462 9 ай бұрын
JaxBlade is easily one of my favourite and most unique and wholesome content creator and one of the few guys on KZbin that I would love to hangout with
@FrijolesBayosRefritos 3 ай бұрын
I got started working out in middleschool arround 8y ago with your netero routine, taking anime into real life exercise started me on this life long habit too, thank you!
@kagami27 9 ай бұрын
I used to train so much to distract myself from thinking about my situation at home when growing up. Now I am living a pretty good life and I want to motivate myself to get into training again. I think watching your videos might give me just enough inspiration to try doing some push ups again :D Great video, man!
@jonhstonk7998 9 ай бұрын
Jax I've been a subscriber and watched your channel since I was a teenager, your content along with that of many other KZbinrs has greatly inspired and influenced me throughout my teen years and now into my early adult life, I don´t know if you are aware of just how influential you are and how positive your influence is and has been to me and surely to so many other bros out there, so with that in mind, thanks Jax as always loved the video and for all its worth? YES, I'm gonna go grab a big ass sword eventually to incorporate into my workouts and train conditioning with.
@narwhakun 9 ай бұрын
Watching you tear up reading that letter brought forth some of my own liquid man pride as you like to put it XD this video was phenomenal Jax just like always! These style videos and your tough like the toon are my absolute favorite! keep up the amazing work my man BerserkJax 👊
@WhomGodGiveth 7 ай бұрын
Definitely think your under rated ! You definitely deserve all the praise you do! Keep it up brother.
@Kevin-Hdz 9 ай бұрын
Awesome video Jax!! Guts is built differently lift heavy ass weight when he was just a kid 💪 💯
@thesnakesage3458 9 ай бұрын
I’ve been waiting for this! awesome video man, I love it, can’t wait to see the progression ❤
@thrave1006 2 ай бұрын
I'm really happy to see this, I currently use a 1.8m 11kg fencing bar as a sword for my workout training (I started with a 1.6m 7.2kg one), and everything you said is very true. I really find it a fun alternative to going to gym as I always liked swords and swinging around sticks and stuff as a kid and when I got into Berserk I got right into giant swords, or greatswords, (Guts is my favourite character of all time for too many reasons to list but mainly what he represents, struggling and pushing forward no matter what, I am so thankful to Kentaro Miura for sharing the workd of Berserk, RIP). I've been training for about a year now and I started with sets of 10 reps with the 1.6m 7.2kg fencing bar doing various two handed cuts, (alternating which hand was forward and in total doing 120 two handed swings, 60 with left hand forward and 60 with right hand forward, and 10 one-handed horizontal swings from shoulder to shoulder for my right hand and then 10 for my left. My final training routine with the 7.2kg bar consisted of 320 two handed swings and 40 one handed swings). Then I progressed to the 1.8m 11kg fencing bar initially doing sets of 4 reps for the same various two handed cuts alternating hands between sets initially doing a total of 64 two handed swings and 8 one handed swings. I increased this to sets of 6 reps for a total of 96 two handed swings then doubled the workout but did the second half using the lighter bar eventually progressing to using the 11kg one for both and increasing some the reps for certain cuts for a final total of 224 two handed swings and 24 one handed swings. Then, I got a 20kg weighted vest to simulate hot and heavy armour and at my peak in terms of number of swings/cuts I was doing 148 two handed swings and 24 one handed swings wearing the 20kg weighted vest with the 11kg bar, then a further 76 two handed swings without the 20kg vest. During this I have also been doing my best to research correct sword technique for historical greatswords such as the zweihander and/or montante and got a 3.5kg Scottish lowlander greatsword to practice with, these swords were nicknamed slaughter swords and were used historically in battle by mercenaries. As of right now I still use the 1.8m 11kg fencing bar to train and sometimes wear the 20kg weighted vest but I have found that because of its design it cuts off circulation from your shoulders to your arms, so I have had to use it less to reduce the risk of injury. In terms of workout frequency I initially tried to do it every 3 days but as it got more extreme I had to do it weekly as doing a workout of that scale requires a lot of recovery and at one point it felt like I was working out my bones more than my muscles. You mentioned that this type of workout would result in forearm muscle growth and I can guarantee that it does, as well as some extreme wrist strength, (provided you still have wrists after doing it 😅). My inspiration to do this was actually my own, but it was only after seeing the channel digitally twisted outlaws training with an ~ 21kg dragonslayer replica from prettyhatemachining (the dude that made the only 1:1 dragonslayer replica) that I got really serious with the workout, and I remember my best mate sending me reels of a guy swing surround the same type of sword you've got and he was like "it's you! 😂" and I was so surprised to see someone else doing the same thing. Oh, and sorry about the giant comment, but you've got a new subscriber, so hopefully that makes up for it 😅.
@DarkheroNateX 9 ай бұрын
Jax you have some amazing timing. I was thinking how awesome it would be to train with a giant sword seeing the ashman train, and now this came in. Now I just need to find a practice sword! We Have...BERSERKJAX (hopefully with no eclipse). It's kinda hard to choose between all the giant sword fighters out there, so I'm going to narrow it down to two; Asta and Guts. I just like the way they never give up, with Guts going against the struggle, being the profound battle warrior he is with the amazing insight every now and then in his bleak world. But there's Also something infectious about Asta's Personality that just makes makes me look past the yelling and want to root the kid on.
@magicofactuality 9 ай бұрын
Always happy to see a new video from BeserkJax! Inspired. Time to train ❤
@zacktipate9343 9 ай бұрын
To understand the journey towards wielding Dragonslayer, the practice is about 30lbs and Dragonslayer is 324lbs. So good luck on the path.
@cujoposh1581 9 ай бұрын
You have helped a lot of people you introduced me to Ippo which made me go to a boxing gym thank you for helping me and others
@williamlanouette6811 9 ай бұрын
Holy shit the feels my guy... that fucking amazing , bro the power of emotions
@narutouzamaki1218 9 ай бұрын
You Deserve it Jaxblade you also deserve it young Jordan would be proud 🥲
@donovantucker5166 9 ай бұрын
Awesome sword and video! As a nerdy black guy myself, you helped start me on my fitness journey. You inspire for sure.
@user-lo6zb4fy8r 8 ай бұрын
Aye mate i am new to this channel and after seeing this video and how you are as a person and teacher you inspired me alot keep it up mate you are a great person 👍
@PursuitOfStrength. 9 ай бұрын
That is some of the most thoughtful stuff ever . That’s amazing
@idiotsplayinggames971 9 ай бұрын
Your guts TLTT was the first full workout I ever did consistently, now I train 8-10 times a week! Never underestimate the impact you have made on so many nerds lives. Thanks for everything so far and in the future ❤
@bellcipher5791 9 ай бұрын
Duuude, im in Uni studying sports. You've had sucha major rol in me actualy enjoing training and sports.
@lashonnakennybrew4847 9 ай бұрын
I am madly in love with all of your videos thanks for every single video you have ever done your amazing ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
@JaxBlade 9 ай бұрын
Thank you so much!! I really appreciate it
@lashonnakennybrew4847 9 ай бұрын
@@JaxBlade no I swear to God I am in love with every single video that you've ever done on your KZbin channel and all I can say is I hope you do more anime stuff and more movie stuff and so much more
@DeathxNote 9 ай бұрын
Real ones cry when they feel it. Fake ones wont because they have a misunderstanding of real strength. Love when someone lets the feelings hit and ain't ashamed to show it. Im right there with you. Id be upset if you didnt cry 😂 Also I love this new training tool! I remember about 2yrs ago I got into Black Clover and parts of my workout (the end portion of it) was me holding the bar that I used to bench with vertically as a sword for 1min. That leverage hit HARD the first couple of months it was actually absurd. After about 6months to a year I could go for 2mins and actually swing it around. Asta was extremely inspiring with his hard work and dedication that I had to give the idea of wielding a heavy sword a try. I always wanted to go harder with the idea and this looks like it could be the answer to that yearning🥺 Thank you for always being genuine with your ups and downs. Thank you for always breaking through the mold to continue making content. Looking forward to you throwing that sword around like it weighs as light as a feather 🤜🤛
@justsleztv 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing Jax new fan
@timephire 9 ай бұрын
It's a beautiful thing, the power of people coming together.
@Altaranalt 9 ай бұрын
The photo near the start with the floating cloak looks so badass
@franciscocardenas6716 9 ай бұрын
First time watching one of your videos. Berserk is probably my favorite anime and it made me check this out, but seeing you choke up after seeing the influence of your work and how you did not feel worth it back then. I can relate with that, you got a subscriber. Keep up the good work brother.
@bigbro_25 9 ай бұрын
Like many hear you inspired me to start my fitness and health journey. Thank you man!
@Bat_Dance 9 ай бұрын
I do this type of training with heavy clubs and maces. Love it
@mufunwatharage3784 9 ай бұрын
Jaxblade helped me get my dream physic even due he may not know he help change my life physical and mental as a teen, since 2020 to 2023 I developed my dream strength physic and functional body-thank u jaxblade
@williamsaiyanjayrarcher4566 9 ай бұрын
Really love your videos and positive energy Jax. Keep being awesome. 💪☯️💪
@unnamedx2 9 ай бұрын
My favorite giant sword wielder is def guts, specially how he uses its full potention when he first got the berserker armor, using the dragonslayer as a movement tool like that was crazy hype
@Ariyn 9 ай бұрын
You should look into mace and club training. It all deals with leveraged weight swinging and would help with swinging the sword, or giving ideas of how to implement exercises with the sword.
@danjknott 9 ай бұрын
Berserk Jax. Gotta be The Scotsman from Samurai Jack. Honorary mention to Voltron.
@JaxBlade 9 ай бұрын
The Scotsman was a real ONE!! Love that dude
@OscarPerez-hj2hx 9 ай бұрын
Really nice to see you tear up a bit Man. Good to see you back dont let us alone baby we need you.
@JaxBlade 9 ай бұрын
I appreciate that & more to come 🙏🏾
@Marmalade_guy 9 ай бұрын
BerserkJAX, I can't wait to meet you, you insanely positive nerd man!
@space-goat2312 9 ай бұрын
My favourite big sword welder is definitely Asta. I won't go into why but Asta is by far the most inspiring being to me ever. It's unreal how influential he's been to me and nobody else will ever come close 9 ай бұрын
Asta's character is underappreciated imo. I love it that story restates multiple times that he's NOT a chosen one, not the descendant of a god or demon... he was TRULY born at the bottom, no flip-side, no "lose this, gain that" minmaxing; and got to where he is just by never giving up, helping people and being helped in return, growing WITH everyone he met instead of stepping on them. I know, I know, underdogs and "power of bonds" type characters aren't rare at all, but Asta's story expresses those ideas in a truly special way to me.
@KindaQuietGeekyGuy 9 ай бұрын
Beserk Jax this is awesome I would love a training program like this. Also please tell me that your going to keep training with it and show your progress. It would be cool to see a video of you eventually using an actual sword that size, well at least somewhere near that size and cutting balistic gel dummies in half or something.
@shifterfox 9 ай бұрын
BerserkJax! While Final Fantasy is one of my favorite 3 franchises ever, I have to say that Siegfried/Nightmare from Soul Calibur is my favorite greatsword wielder probably because it was the first character I ever seen using such a weapon and seeing how devastating it was to be struck by a giant meatcleaver with muscle, size, and skill behind every swing.
@titolove6895 9 ай бұрын
Well damn dude I didn't expect to get hit right in the feelings 🤜😭 really that was heartwarming and also great video as always dude 💯💯
@aubreyknight7563 9 ай бұрын
You made it King. You got the Juice now.
@rousesolo 9 ай бұрын
Jax you ARE THE MAN!!! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
@pherdogwood 9 ай бұрын
@daviddk1988 9 ай бұрын
BerserkJax I gotta say, seeing you tear up after reading that letter is one of the reasons I keep coming back to this channel (also the fact that you are very entertaining to watch, you have interesting ideas, and are a HUGE nerd XD), but you are so honest! Not only with your words, but also your emotions! I applaud you! You are amazing! Thanks for all the work you put into this channel!
@wahabwahab7919 9 ай бұрын
Man can you make a video review for you training equipments ( their pros & cons , and your thoughts about it )
@marcoo.3807 9 ай бұрын
Asta's my favorite swordsman. If you're looking for workouts for this style of training, look at Mark Wildman's channel. He teaches a whole bunch of stuff including club and mace swinging Also "Halos" are kettlebells. "Gamma Casts" are for clubs and maces because The Great Gamma, and Indian wrestler, used do something around 1,000 reps with an 80lbs club every morning
@michaelharris6153 9 ай бұрын
Berserk Jax! Stay strong. You are an inspiration. Take care of yourself and your love ones ❤
@DeathKnightDave 9 ай бұрын
BerserkJax. My favorite big sword wielder is probably Cloud Strife because he was my introduction to massive swords and the reason why great swords are my weapon of choice both in games and in real life.
@ColossalSwordFormAndTechnique 9 ай бұрын
Nice 👍 Hopefully someday, many other people can swing a sharp leaf spring Colossal sword like I do in the future
@Bamthebuffhero 9 ай бұрын
Thats got to be one of the most dope piece equipment I've ever seen!
@AbdullahTech 9 ай бұрын
Can you please do another video on what you did to warm up before playing with it?
@timothy72688 9 ай бұрын
Your not a loser your a winner an inspirational to alot of us
@don_shoti804 9 ай бұрын
you cant beat this kind of wholesomeness
@apolloisnotashirt 9 ай бұрын
I could absolutely get with this, I can imagine like a greatsword cult focused on working out using the greatsword.
@delarosa6254 6 ай бұрын
Thx for your humble video. You addressed my questions . I lile the bokken or wooden sword practice . I mostly want to do it for a frustration outlet but i do lile weight training. But ill star making myslef a few diffrent swords and weights on it but all in good mesure . Be blessed
@jiggle546 9 ай бұрын
JaxBlade changes people's lives 🔥🔥
@stevenrosello4948 5 ай бұрын
Indian mace and club training would be a good exercise to prep for this. Similar movements too
@Krugis-Punk 9 ай бұрын
Dude, there is a sword literally called a Jaxblade. That is too cool!
@coyotefire69420 9 ай бұрын
Have you ever participated in HEMA? I feel like that would add a lot to your life! Do Italian or German longsword and youll notice a lot of body mechanics and it may help to teach you how to work more efficiently wielding the dragonslayer sword. Essentially, its a massive Montante* and movement/momentum is your ally
@CeriseKing 9 ай бұрын
There's something that has always drawn me towards big swords. All my life I thought it was the coolest thing ever to be able to swing these giant razor blades around and I think I owe it all to Zack Fair from Final Fantasy 7 CC. I played his video game at 11 and his words of Embracing your Dreams resonated then and even now is something I stick by at 26 years old. I Think he is my favorite sword wielder because he is kind of a cheery version of Guts, never giving up even in the face of certain death. BerserkJax, amazing video btw. P.S. Kiwis are great for muscle soreness haha
@JaxBlade 9 ай бұрын
Zack Fair is a BEAST NICE CHOICE!!! and thanks dude :D
@flameofthegame 9 ай бұрын
Man , i did not hear that Berserk OST in soooo long , i am curious if you are interested in sports anime it would be kinda cool ,things like jumping training like Hinata for an idea ,btw love the content as usual , watching you since 2016. Keep up the great work .BerserkJax.
@LilaYopp-le4xw 9 ай бұрын
When I was 7 years old I started training in the swords I am 33 now and I played around with big swords before and fallen in love with them so much fun
@Sweetptnuts 3 ай бұрын
Def gotta be Asta something just so relatable about him and I just love a story about someone powerless born into a powerful world
@butterflymage5623 9 ай бұрын
Proud of you jax
@ptronic 9 ай бұрын
Girls: do men even have feelings? Men after receiving a giant sword: EYE RIVERS!
@chazharrison9760 9 ай бұрын
Always glad to see people get in shape. And making it fun. The problem with the real weight dragonslayer is i think physically impossible. A smith on youtube made a real one. And with how the physics works you can not weild it. Lifting it is alone a feat. But if that's your goal i cheer the whole way to see how far you can push it safely of course. And hell you may be able to get someone to make you a real one later just to have that goal to reach for. And have one hell of a great uplifting story on the way there. Keep up the amazing work. Much love from my family to a fellow beserk fan.
@ispar2000 9 ай бұрын
Jaxblade looking freaking jacked
@mrm0nty550 9 ай бұрын
I like this training style, like a cross between indian club training and kendo/kenjutsu suburi
@mrkebab9051 9 ай бұрын
BeserkJax | The whole thing with the letter was so sweet
@evansketches 9 ай бұрын
The bond between is truly magical
@hecatrix777 2 ай бұрын
recently got into mace training and now i want one of these swords!
@44tku 4 ай бұрын
i love you and your videos man❤😁
@theperson123able 9 ай бұрын
Great video.
@kevinnightmareszzz6140 9 ай бұрын
I'd like to see you try wielding it like Siegfried from Soul Calibur, I feel like maybe because of the physics of the game or the way he moves but the movements look a bit more organic than some of them Anime Characters. you're awesome as always bro
@datelovuelta 9 ай бұрын
Dude you rock!
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