Trying to help bad shooters with red dots

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Ben Stoeger

Ben Stoeger

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Пікірлер: 132
@Practicgeardude 8 күн бұрын
Love how diverse Ben is, he’s either talking trash or seriously helping us.
@texassabre7214 8 күн бұрын
He is a good athlete not a good engineer or scientist.
@Practicgeardude 8 күн бұрын
@@texassabre7214 never said he was a scientist?
@danieldavis7784 8 күн бұрын
Sometimes, at the same time.
@NDcompetitiveshooter 8 күн бұрын
@@danieldavis7784 exactly what I was going to write :)
@texassabre7214 8 күн бұрын
@@Practicgeardude His comments on 2011 lacks thoughts.
@rustyreckman2892 8 күн бұрын
When Ben loves you so much he tells you what you need to hear not what you want to hear….
@zaiquiri1799 8 күн бұрын
Too many people are more concerned with their egos than their training
@heyheyhophop 8 күн бұрын
Coach Greg of gun world😅
@williamcooper2496 8 күн бұрын
I tried a dot, but I couldn't adjust to it and sold it. THEN, I listened to and applied Ben's advice and tried once again. I'm at the point now where I am very reluctant to give up red dot sights. Everything came together, and they're awesome. No more searching for the dot, no more frustration. The problem was with ME... not the red dot sight. Once I realized that, the transition went very quickly. Thanks, Ben, for providing sound advice!
@douglasmilburn3875 8 күн бұрын
If you can, try those irons out again if you haven’t yet. You may find you’re a much better shooter regardless of dot or irons now. Dot is objectively better, but my self expectations and awareness changed dramatically with going down the dot road and everything is better for it. Taking that same ideal into my iron sighted rifle, having never ran irons legitimately on an AR, and it’s been a really cool experience thus far.
@patmaloney1140 8 күн бұрын
The secret that Ben is not telling you, is that red dots only work on Sigs...
@Libertarian_Neighbor 8 күн бұрын
@douglasmilburn3875 8 күн бұрын
Excellent comment
@REDSTRIKE175 8 күн бұрын
Running a 2 moa dot on your rifle but thinking you need 5+ on a pistol is the new fuddlore
@tylerrysdam 8 күн бұрын
9:14 Thought that was going somewhere else 😂😂😂
@Tommyramma 8 күн бұрын
As the one who made the comment that led that video months ago. I appreciated your answer and it’s helped me in my shooting since. It was more about the index than the size and brightness of the dot. I shoot 2 MOA dot and it’s bright enough to see like you’ve referenced in other videos and my index and vision lead the way. Hopefully this comment sounds better than the last one I posted 😂
@chap23305 8 күн бұрын
I have told this story before, and I will tell it again here. I forgot to turn on my training gun’s dot before a cold start. I draw and start shooting. After a couple of targets, I stopped shooting after I never noticed my dot. I realized I forgot to turn it on. I also realized I had A zone hits on all targets I engaged without the dot. It would not have mattered if my dot was 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 or 8 moa… my INDEX, is was put the gun where it needed to be. Ben is spot on.
@khuramsayeed8429 8 күн бұрын
@jimbodrums12 8 күн бұрын
That’s real data. What we call a “result.” In retrospect…you were presented with the beautiful gift of confirmation and validation of skill….and in real-time. Thanks for sharing!
@davidjewell1166 8 күн бұрын
Occlusion is what made things click for me.
@NYslide62 8 күн бұрын
Me too.
@AlexanderSotelo 8 күн бұрын
Find the dot? Do you even train, bro!?! 😎
@NotEaGAaPrAAaA 8 күн бұрын
As a member of the poor community (Iron Sights Crew) that loves to shoot. Ben of course is spot on when it comes to index and the relationship with tension-hand placement. If you focus on a small spot the gun will go there and everything will be lined up. I just started tinkering with that focus on targets to help with recoil control and has also made a tremendous difference in where my focus should be for it.
@jimbodrums12 8 күн бұрын
I am glad Ben revisits this topic as frequently as he does. I find this issue with many people I interact with. To bolster the importance of index…I hear many people articulate and demonstrate actually seeing three sight pictures. The gun comes up and their is a wobble to find the dot (shooter staring at the dot), they then move the finger to the trigger (second sight reference) and “prep and squeeze” the tigger (trying to keep the dot still) which creates a third reference as their slooooooow trigger squeeze pushes a low left shot. I really REALLY think a lot of the “find the dot” stuff comes sloooooow trigger squeeze after a poor index. Focus on trigger control at speed and even Gabe White’s “three triggers” concept helps with confirmation of rounds. It’s a complex issue (yet actually simple) that all gets categorized as “finding the dot.” I attempt to articulate this to those around me and get written off as “jerking/slapping” the trigger and/or “point shooting.” I think…Fine…be slow. You will never get fast doing “slow things” fast. (This is usually followed by the “you’ll never use your sights in a gunfight anyway” comment). There is no magic sauce, trick grip, dot size/shape…just inductive learning through training and experience.
@1scooterpilot1 8 күн бұрын
Recently transitioned from iron sights to red dot. Very quickly I became aware of indexing and how bad I 'm at it. I broke the learning process into distinct parts: Starting from the ready position slowly moving to indexing the red dot. When the dot was not properly indexed; then, analysis what did I do wrong and correct it. Did I move my head, any changes to the grip blah, blah, blah. After indexing became more consistent I moved to drawing from the holster. This presented more new variables. Is my drawing consistent: Placing my hand on the back of the grip at the same location, same grip intensity, did my elbow move in & cause the dot to move right and left....on and on, you get the idea. I practice this 7 days a week, a minimum of 1/2 hour each day in 3 ten minutes sessions. I'm making good progress. It's like they say when learning to play is slow and slow is fast when you're leaning. Learn it right the first time and I won't have to relearn it.....That's All Folks
@halbritt 8 күн бұрын
I also thought I had a good index until I switched from irons to a red dot and realized how much I was relying on the front sight coming up to my point of aim during presentation. My general belief is that irons are easier to shoot accurately with less practice. I know what a need to see, establish focus on the front sight and I can accomplish that with just about any pistol. Never tried target focus with irons, which might be interesting. But with some practice I’m way faster with the red dot.
@crypto1300 8 күн бұрын
Yes! This! Index is key. I'm just a low level C Class Carry Optics shooter that has some B Class Classifiers here and there, but I almost (99.9%) always pick up my dot instantly. The only time I don't is if I switch guns (different grip angle, dot height, etc.), it takes me 1 or 2 draws and then I'm there.
@tylerfrogley1227 3 күн бұрын
Give me all the bluntness. This video feels like a loving brother teaching moment hahahah
@dboyz31 8 күн бұрын
Thanks for taking the time, really appreciate it !
@SS-cx7oo 7 күн бұрын
That tip about draw in reverse was awesome! Thank you
@pusheengacha3089 7 күн бұрын
I think a lot more people need to hear this. The surface level shooting content in social media platforms is fucking terrible for new shooters in my opinion. Ben I luckily stumbled on some of your stuff about a year ago, as a recent new shooter I had several months under my belt and terrible progression up until that point. Great stuff like always and don’t apologize for being straight forward, people who are serious will put their egos aside for improvement.
@chrisdiceart 8 күн бұрын
Ben you're trying to explain this to people who don't know what they don’t know... It would be like an F1 Driver trying to explain Breaking points, entry points, apex and trail braking to a bunch of commuters. Both drive cars but it's really not even close to the same level. 🙃 They don't know enough to even understand they are wrong.... 😉
@joken7449 7 күн бұрын
Former fomular 1 world champion teaching regular folks driving techniques
@redge3726 2 күн бұрын
Love what you do, and appreciate it. Carry on.
@estevaoavillez 7 күн бұрын
Excellent video!! Thanks for the clarity explaining!!
@chrismiller5168 8 күн бұрын
People will always find a way to complain about something. What's great is that Ben explains something without worrying about upsetting people. Can't make everyone happy
@CA.0verview 8 күн бұрын
8:15 Bens professionalism,understanding and articulation really showed in this publication. This is what high-performance sounds like in conversation.
@yankeecornbread8464 8 күн бұрын
This sounds pretty high-level. I’m just an old guy who noticed that my new red dot sight is easier to see than any irons. So much to learn!
@DavidWilson-sm8bv 7 күн бұрын
Hey Ben...I'm the one who wrote the critical comment "bully for you....." While I stand by my comments, I respect the hell out of you for caring enough to read the comments, and for caring enough to expand on your explanation. I do understand the point you are making. As an aside, I rarely if ever need to move the gun around to find the dot because I do "index" properly. This brings to mind the debate over whether someone should carry "with one in the chamber." This is a totally personal choice, but the often used argument for doing so is that "under ths stress of the situation you might forget to rack the slide." What that argument forgets to consider is that under the stress of that situation you might shoot yourself in the foot or shoot the wrong thing or person. My view is that under stress (particularly self defense events), things don't always go as planned and a larger dot make imperfect situations less bad. No one should be labeled inexperienced or a bad shooter because he or she choses to reduce at least a bit any problem they consider a realistic possibility.....even if they normally index correctly and never need to search for the dot. I will continue to watch your videos because they are always interesting and helpful.....and without a doubt you know more about this stuff than I do. Unlike most people, I am proud to say I can still like and respect those with whom I don't always agree. Thanks for the pride you have in your craft and for sharing your knowledge and experience. Be well.
@AnDy.Strong 8 күн бұрын
Those last 3 mins were golden
@david_62708 8 күн бұрын
I think sometimes people say “finding the dot” and they don’t actually mean fishing around for it. In adverse lighting conditions, even if the dot is right over the target you can have difficulty with confirmation. Big dots help with that imo. If your dot is too dim or you’re in a dark space shooting into a light space, or using your weapon light etc. I guess you could just train with your dot always on extremely high brightness, or better yet just get a big dot and then don’t have those issues. I’m still not sure I’ve heard of a legit downside to a big dot.
@NYslide62 8 күн бұрын
Thank you for being a great teacher.
@pcarguy981 7 күн бұрын
As a budding competitor I can say the concepts of 'index' and 'confirmation' are a kind of voodoo-black magic until you start learning and then doing them, especially if you come from static/flat-range type shooting. Everybody needs to realize when you see a guy like Ben (or any other high level competitor) doing those demo videos, Bill-drills, etc - every single one of those shots is 'aimed', they aren't just sending them and hoping for the best blindly. And I'm a semi-biggish dot person, the small 1-2moa aren't bad, but the 5-6MOA sized is just more pronounced for me. I've tried some of the 8/10/12 MOA dots, but I don't have enough rounds to know if I would like it better, but they seem foreign to me now (but I'm nowhere near M/GM type times yet).
@jeffjones7427 8 күн бұрын
Thanks for the index tips bro.
@Libertarian_Neighbor 8 күн бұрын
Not an expert, but the reason I’ve heard for 5-8 moa competition dots has nothing to do with finding the dot, but rather identifying color and calling your shots as the gun recoils. I like the 5 moa for going fast.
@Huhmasta 7 күн бұрын
That last few seconds got me more concerned than anything else ben has said
@danielweissenborn3508 8 күн бұрын
I know I'm not the best shooter but I do know my brain doesn't do a good job of focusing on more than one thing a once. Therefore, the smaller the amount of effort I must put on seeing light when the trigger is pulled the better. All lighting conditions being the same and non-variables, the size of the dot can actually mean more feedback without more effort. The same way an occluded optic teaches you to focus on the target, a larger moA dot can (with the right mindset) teach you to just wait for light before reacting to the sight picture being ready for you to execute
@MrZola1234 8 күн бұрын
Just got my first optic this weekend, my index sucks. I need to practice it hard. I was hoping my starting point would be decent... but it's not.
@Olivehollow 8 күн бұрын
All in the training. Thanks Ben.
@abet0y 8 күн бұрын
Not to be a dick but I’m just here for Ben’s comments to the comments. 😂
@MDMakeDangerous 8 күн бұрын
A larger red dot has a wider diameter, thus the edge of the dot will come into view marginally before(ever so slightly at the edge of the window) a comparably smaller dot. Conversely, dot size doesn’t make a difference for when it will get to the middle of the window.
@BenfromFlux 8 күн бұрын
I’ve heard some hokey shit when arguing that large dots aren’t actually faster. I have always preferred a small dot.
@HaveAblessedDay7777 8 күн бұрын
If they would train to index their pistol this wouldn’t be an issue but they would rather argue with you instead of taking that time to train. Wow! “I can’t find the dot=I’m too lazy to train”😂 Then they get mad when you call them on their bs. Classic Steogertube!
@braqueguy6543 7 күн бұрын
The real takeaway here is that Ben really "takes care" of the cleaning staff😉
@jacksonfrench3226 7 күн бұрын
Personally I prefer the 5. I'm sure it's mostly arbitrary, but I feel that I can center the dot on the target sooner. Harder to put a quarter in the center of a kiddie pool than it is to put a dinner plate there. Idk if that analogy makes sense in words, but it does in my head. Honestly though, it makes little to no difference in my performance shooting other dot sizes.
@armorers_wrench 8 күн бұрын
I'm probably gonna articulate this like a r3tard but when I was developing my index I kinda aligned the front iron sight with my nose out of my peripheral vision as I would press the gun out. Overtime, I just pressed the gun out and the dot was where I wanted to see the dot and at this point I'm not consciously observing the front sight but he's right, as I become aware of the gun in my hand and how it is oriented I see a flash of red and can snap a shot off. Your grip is really important for establishing an index. If your grip is inconsistent everything is inconsistent. Also, I like to practice with steel plates and do a lot of 25m pistol shooting because....idk, it's fun? So shooting steel silhouettes at 25m is really, really freaking easy and people usually attack me for saying its easy and accuse me of bragging and its hilarious because it IS easy. I have started shooting 6" gongs that mount to t-posts and at 25m that becomes more challenging but the more and more I do it the easier it gets. I'm not half the shooter Ben is either, so if I say shooting a silhouette at 25 is easy its because its easy even for someone who just shoots ~200-300rounds of 9mm every weekend. Shooting the 6" plates is making me do the "look at the spot you want to shoot" thing Ben harps on all the time and it absolutely works. I look at the little spot with the red overlaying it and I snap a round off and it goes where I want it to. If I just shoot at a silhouette I find myself getting lazy. I say all this for guys who also like to shoot steel. Simply blasting a silhouette doesn't give a ton of value cuz you hear the steel ring and think you hit the target even though your shots may be 12" away from each other. At least with the 6" plates you know you're hitting within 6". It forces some accountability. I also always put up some paper targets though. You gotta also shoot paper. I don't really care that much how big my dot is, my SRO is 5moa, my other dots are all either 2 or 3.25 and it doesn't seem to make a big difference either way. Maybe during recoil the 5moa is a bit better? But the thing is...its an SRO and the SRO itself is just really nice. The round window and the size of the window seems to make more of a difference than the size of the dot. I also like it because its the only red dot I own that actually looks like a dot to my eye. Everything else has a little tail due to a slight astigmatism. it doesn't matter, I can still use my others, but I like the SRO a tad bit more. I've tried running my dots brighter since I heard Ben say that he "finds he becomes aware of it sooner" or something like that but its too soon to report back on that. Sorry for the wall of text, I type fast.
@franka5305 8 күн бұрын
If you present the gun and the dot is not in the window, dot size doesn’t matter.
@aaronlenox6363 7 күн бұрын
All the homies are getting this video in their inbox
@jacobjohnson3634 8 күн бұрын
5:05 The same people who are complaining about not being able to “find “the dot are the same people who have to adjust their sights after they’ve brought the gun up. If it’s hard to pick up the dot fast then make it brighter or use a green dot. - I’ve been using a dot for less than 6months and my shooting ability has exponentially improved because I’m able to just focus on my grip and trigger press.
@traillesstravelled7901 8 күн бұрын
Awesome thanks 👍.
@tomwilson1006 8 күн бұрын
Consistent repeatability in where the gun is supposed point before firing, and returning to the same place before the next shot. Adjust accordingly based on where your rounds are hitting.
@danielweissenborn3508 8 күн бұрын
Seems like people dont understand the difference between the feedback you get when the dot is telling you whats happening under recoil and initial acquisition of sight picture. These are different things, and the thing we ahould be discussing around dot size.
@jimbodrums12 7 күн бұрын
That’s an interesting distinction…I like it. Reactive shooting “see red bang.” Notice I didn’t say see “dot” bang. Pranka has previously articulated what exactly his rifle and pistol schema is for confirmation. This is a breath of fresh air. Thanks!
@CA.0verview 8 күн бұрын
2:20 bet that Jedlinsky commenting 😂
@henrylui6239 8 күн бұрын
I do think the concept of using the red dot and the iron sight are the same. You see the spot you wanna shoot, as soon you get the sight/ dot there u fire the gun. When you mount your weapon correctly, the sight will always there you want You makes me reminded the old foot of Rob Leatham (Aiming is useless
@MikeMcTigue-o8f 8 күн бұрын
Red dot 101. If you "have to find the dot" you need to spend a LOT more time drawing from holster or from low ready and bringing the gun up with the dot right there (Ben talk "indexing"). When any of my shooting buddies say "I didn't find the dot", they immediately will say they need to spend more time "indexing". BTW, different guns with different grip angles and other geometries will require practice with them. I'm not any super shooter but I don't struggle to "find the dot". At a competition when I go the the safety area to gun up, and no one is waiting on me, I'll do some draw from holster and put the dot on a spot just to fine tune myself. Ben likely doesn't have to do that, but it helps an armature like me.
@chrism2042 8 күн бұрын
Exactly! I am only average with a pistol. When I was getting my first dot, a friend that had a couple optics was talking about hard it was to get used to. I mounted it, shot a few rounds to zero. Then over a couple weeks I did hundreds of holster draws with dry fire focusing on a object across the room. I found it pretty easy to adapt to using a pistol optic.
@hopewilliams6705 8 күн бұрын
I zeroed a new dot today it was 6 moa and I brought my other pistol out with a 3 moa dot and I tried your concept i just focused with intent on a small spot on the target and the rounds with both pistols hit where my focus was for the most part... And then I just looked at the whole target with both pistols and the rounds went all over the target. And both pistols from a draw were darn near equal on a timer. Dot size is preference for the most part.
@carlospen8413 8 күн бұрын
People are either parroting what they hear online or they are not practicing drawing and sight acquirement. Just bought my first handgun and rifle have no problem acquiring sights immediately. I use competition irons on handgun and red dot on ar15.
@VictorSanchez-fi9lf 8 күн бұрын
Ben, I’m still a new shooter. I appreciate you explaining these concepts and I plan on getting some training when I can afford it. Could you elaborate a bit more on the part where you mentioned indexing in different positions? For example, if I am in a position that I have not developed an index for, will my indexes that I have developed in practiced shooting positions make it easy to put the dot on your target? I’m picturing if I had a sig and it blew off one of my legs, I’m now standing on one full leg and one half a leg at a reduced height of say 4ft on half of my body, kind of creating a diagonal hunched shooting position. Should I expect to find a new index quickly with the previous index I have practiced?
@MikeMcTigue-o8f 8 күн бұрын
Went and shot my home defense / IDPA p229 the other day and realized by "indexing" the red dot was off from my 2011. Just says you need to practice with any gun with a dot that you expect to draw and acquire quickly.
@rvo411 8 күн бұрын
Thanks for all your entertaining videos!! I know it isn't as sexy as dropping 3-4k guns, but if you run out of content can you go over your local range bag and what equipment you bring when flying?
@grapeshot23 8 күн бұрын
Thanks Ben. I took your class last year (with Joel) and I can confirm your method works. I am left with one specific question regarding occlusion. Do you consider it a training tool only, or is there a benefit to leaving it on during actual competition?
@8mmmauserman 6 күн бұрын
Unrelated: How do you like the Defender XL? I have an ST on a pistol, and thought about getting an XL for a piggback on a rifle.
@vee3138 8 күн бұрын
Aah the best entertainment🍿, Ben not trying to be complete dick, fucking the the housekeeper off, and giving us the facts straight and simple😄👍👌 Thanks for this content! The first no bs comment on "not finding the the dot" cries and explaining the real truth behind it, which is training for consistent index. When I started shooting training the index was the first thing I did with irons so I could be more target focused and forget about the lining the sights, just point and shoot and the sights are lined up where you point if you did your index training properly and got consistent in your grip and posture.
@johng2832 8 күн бұрын
Fantastic explanation of "REALITY." Asshole for not posting this two days ago when I bought my second 6 moa dot...jerk
@brad_1388_ 8 күн бұрын
“Being an a$$hole” is something gun culture is sorely missing - that’s why you got this endless stream of fuddlore that overwhelms new shooters. One of my favorites is when anytime a new guy looks through a dot at a gun store, they complain it’s not a perfect circle like in call of duty, to which the employee will tell them they have an astigmatism, and too buy some pos primary arms micro prism instead.
@raven-zi4os 8 күн бұрын
Can you do a video on trigger pull? Struggling to pull the trigger straight back with small hands/short fingers.
@piouswhale 8 күн бұрын
What type of pistol
@raven-zi4os 8 күн бұрын
@@piouswhale Canik rival sfx, im a 5’6 woman
@piouswhale 8 күн бұрын
@@raven-zi4os Assuming it has the factory trigger, which tends to be around 4lb, it seems similar to a Glock trigger. I think Ben has suggested in previous videos for these types of guns to sort of roll your finger as you squeeze the trigger. I think if you look through his catalogue you will find it. If your fingertip does not reach the trigger guard, the gun might just be too big (though I doubt your finger wouldnt reach, you would need REALLY small hands for that to happen). Another thing that helped me was dry fire. Once you are comfortable rolling your finger on trigger press, start aiming at a point on the wall and just start dryfiring over and over. Most wobble or yanking can be diagnosed and fixed with dryfire. Usually its people tensing up, anticipating recoil, or applying wonky pressure angles. Focus on not gripping too tightly with your right hand (like Ben said a few videos ago), and just getting a comfortable hold on the pistol.
@raven-zi4os 7 күн бұрын
@@piouswhale thank you
@brucejohnson8096 8 күн бұрын
Ben, could you explain why the experienced competition shooters seem to prefer dots with bigger window sizes? I've been shooting a RDS with a medium window size (.82” x .59”) and recently tried a 507 comp with a considerably bigger window (1.1" x . 87"). The bigger window didn't seem to bring any advantage and it felt sort of annoying, if anything.
@loupuleff571 8 күн бұрын
We call it natural point of aim in Bullseye.
@acoop9865 7 күн бұрын
At the end of the day, can a bigger dot help less experienced shooters who will never put in the time to become an “experienced shooter”? I don’t have the time, nor the inclination, to go to the range even once a week, but I like guns, and I’m glad I have a couple that will give me a fighting chance if I’m ever in the extremely unlikely scenario where I actually have to use them. I don’t care if I’m doing it like the pros do it, and I’m pretty sure the bigger dot is going to help me
@mattb7406 7 күн бұрын
Thanks for common sense honest opinions. QUESTION can a red dot be too big? Gideon omega ? Its way bigger then the Holosun - for someone new to red dots that doesnt get alot of practice rounds, is it an advantage or a bandaid?
@Lowspeedoperator 8 күн бұрын
Would it be fair to say "with training " (practicing indexing thousands of times?) Seems like that's a must, I just changed to red dot a couple months ago at age 64 and will say the more I practice indexing in dry fire the better I'm getting able to see the dot in live fire without much effort 👍. Trex arms has a good dry fire practice routine that has really helped my indexing and shooting, I think it's titled shooting red dot part 4.
@konradmiller9593 7 күн бұрын
What do you think of Scott Jendlinski's MSP methodology with red dots?
@jasonpitts8395 7 күн бұрын
Ben what holster do you use? I've had some Safariland holsters break. Trying to find a good one for a duty belt.
@sdsorrentino 8 күн бұрын
What if a person could do something simple like a month of dry fire and develop their index so that they're never again hunting for their dot?
@marcusmaggiore5740 6 күн бұрын
Also why you can occlude the dot and still be successful? Or if you watch tarran butler shooting with out sights it’s all about indexing? Hope I don’t sound dumb
@nflippo8 7 күн бұрын
Just out of curiosity, when you’re running your 507 comp which reticle are you using the dot by itself or the dot with one of the rings. Thanks.
@Arcane_Revenant 7 күн бұрын
I understand what you're saying about 5MOA vs 2MOA. What do you think of the 32 MOA circle that is on the Holosun and Sig optics?
@BenStoeger187 7 күн бұрын
I think it’s dumb as fuck
@acoop9865 7 күн бұрын
Wait so if dot size doesn’t matter, then window size doesn’t matter, right?
@bearman000ify 8 күн бұрын
I know, I know, I'm a dumb ass!
@ChemonV69 8 күн бұрын
Might have missed it, but what ammo/dot zero are you running the and does that matter in potential self defense situations?
@wesjaycol 8 күн бұрын
How are you liking the vortex optics?
@John.VanSwearingen 8 күн бұрын
You ever get worried you’re going to run out of time and crayons trying to explain the basics to idiots over and over again?
@ggjuggosauri 8 күн бұрын
On the topic of dot size, small MOA dots are really bad in extremely bright environments. It's harder to be aware of something that the eye has trouble picking up. If a manufacturer were to make a 1/2 MOA dot it would be basically unusable in most environments, which means big dot gang is somewhat correct.
@zaiquiri1799 8 күн бұрын
The people complaining will never grow 🤷
@leekellerking 8 күн бұрын
First of all, please wear more sunscreen, Ben. You thank me when you're my age. Second, the debate about dot size reminds me of the ongoing (humorous) debate in the motorcycle world regarding which is better, synthetic or dino oil.😮 Based on that, I don't think the dot size debate will ever go away. Some folks just need something to argue about online.
@Spooky130 8 күн бұрын
Lol…the 5 MOA dot is used by inexperienced shooters. It shows them the tightest shotgroup at 25 meters!
@AlmightyRodga 8 күн бұрын
Do y oh appendix carry? Or do you carry 3 or 4 o clock?
@JC-gs3br 8 күн бұрын
The problem with some of your throwing answers in your videos, is you assume a certain level of understanding on the commenters part. Some guys just don’t know what they don’t know. And their limited experience makes them think they know.
@JimTempleman 8 күн бұрын
The problem, as I understand it, is that the majority of police officers do not get the training time to develop the indexing necessary to present the dot on target. Adding insult to injury, they are told that having a red-dot will MAKE their shooting target-focused, as if the technology provides that facility without further training. You only get to see and train the higher-tier groups, who have the necessary background. Also, indexing is a fairly perishable skill. That means once a person stops their regular training, within a month or two, they will end up going back to having to fish for the red-dot, especially when under stress.
@JoshuaE-BiblePatriot 8 күн бұрын
It’s called their job. Train at home. If they want to be good at a life saving skill than train it. Just like you train your cardio or strength training it is WORK. You cannot give the excuse that they don’t have enough time. No shit they don’t have enough time to train on the job. They need to be training at home. Dry fire. Dry fire. Dry fire. I’m no expert but I dry fire a lot compared to a lot of my friends and I only shoot 1-2 times a month and I am seeing very drastic results in my skill level when I go to the range. The range is just a confirmation of what you are dry firing and working on at home.
@JimTempleman 8 күн бұрын
@@JoshuaE-BiblePatriot I agree with you. But you don't understand the realities of most big city police departments. For the last twenty years cops, have been selected who show more facility at being social workers than enforcement officers. Cops who so an interest in firearm proficiency are often seen as more of a liability than an asset, and are treated accordingly. The problem with my posting this here is that everyone who follows Ben is a shooting enthusiast, including myself. When I post similar observations on channels popular with cops & ex-cops they all tell me that it was bad ten years ago, and keeps getting worse, due to their big city or blue state politics. Here's a true story: When I was shooting Steel Challenge at the Marine Corps base at Quantico, VA, there as a skillful young shooter who was planning to apply to become an FBI agent. The 'people in the know' all advised him not to mention that he was an avid pistol shooter in his application, because it would not be viewed in a positive light by the all-powerful personnel department. (How the mighty have fallen.)
@JoshuaE-BiblePatriot 8 күн бұрын
@@JimTempleman that’s pretty damn sad. It’s better to keep your skills hidden than. What a world
@JimTempleman 8 күн бұрын
@@JoshuaE-BiblePatriot Yes. It's pathetic. I wonder how bad things will have to get before they come to their senses?
@billymiller3003 8 күн бұрын
If the size of the dot is not a big factor, is the same true for the size of the sight’s window?
@karimmanassa9634 8 күн бұрын
Neither dot size nor window size make it easier to FIND the dot, but a larger window is more forgiving in terms of placing the dot over the desired POI because the dot can be located anywhere in the window and you will hit the desired POI. Thus, a larger window gives you a larger area to work with providing a larger margin for error during presentation. Whether this is a big deal or not is subjective. I run an EPS Carry and personally I don't see a big difference between it and larger windows.
@dougr5330 8 күн бұрын
Very helpful video. However, I very much like the videos where you shit all over Staccatos way better. Can you make more of those? 🤪🤪
@BullseyeBallistics-kf1jw 8 күн бұрын
Red dot dudes who gave up on irons will never get any better. Get good with irons and red dots are not hard. You immediately find the dot with good presentation from iron sight training. Dont be a dot nerd.
@FirstLast-ff7qx 8 күн бұрын
I agree. My buddy is a horrible shot with irons. Thought the dot was gonna save him. Just as bad still if not worse. Now he blames the dot n adjusts it after every mag.
@chrisg167 7 күн бұрын
Completely off topic … what is the clicking in the background of all your videos?
@khuramsayeed8429 8 күн бұрын
I just love it when armchair keyboard warriors try to tell an expert what is correct or incorrect, that level of delusion never ceases to amaze me😂😂😂!
@CitizenCarrier 8 күн бұрын
People need to thicken their skin. Your “snarky” commentary actually really helped me with switching to the dot. To me it’s not snark for the sake of trying to be mean. I see it more as a way of you trying to get people to stop overthinking this shit. It’s shooting. It’s not rocket science. There are certain fundamentals you MUST get down to get better. It’s a matter of stop talking about it, stop overthinking it and just practice. Dry fire practice is great for getting your index down. Stop bitching about your feelings and get to work.
@EdwardSnortin 8 күн бұрын
When I see the "irons are fine for me. had a $150 vortex red dot mounted for one day, couldn't find the dot and threw it in a drawer. I'm faster with irons" comments on YT it gives me diarrhea
@BullseyeBallistics-kf1jw 8 күн бұрын
Red dot nerds make me puke.
@BHRxRACER 8 күн бұрын
Maybe start calling it muscle memory instead of index so the layman gets it. You develop a similar thing in first person shooter games with a mouse. If you have mouse acceleration disabled, you'll instinctively know where to put the mouse on the mousepad to point it exactly at an enemy's head. Inexperienced players overshoot or do minor corrections. Then, with time, they're able to do perfect flicks.
@ventose7718 8 күн бұрын
When is the Beretta coming back ?
@PhillipDRobinson 8 күн бұрын
Skill issue 🤌
@zen-Tii 8 күн бұрын
First find the dot, then find the target. That has not worked well for me.
@JC-gs3br 8 күн бұрын
No. Find the target and the dot will follow. Properly indexed, the dot is right there. Eyes move, dot follows, required confirmation, send rounds
@JustinV911 8 күн бұрын
Ben Stoeger our Lord and Savior
@KnOwNwRiTeR94k 3 күн бұрын
Does this work if ur starting out with irons??
@zelevenzelevenz9823 8 күн бұрын
Funny how red dot noobies per say overlook shooting fundamentals and that’s relevant to the point of matter that a red dot in all basis of function is an enhancement to visualization a curve to shortcut the entire fundamental principal of how to shoot a pistol if people are which they do going to shoot with a enhancer like a red dot instead of getting a head ache and missing jerking hundreds of rounds and instead start off in a easier faceted mechanism there not just short cutting the ease of use there curving around the fundamental journey of error to acknowledging to fixing to improving its a process of practicing and achieving through adversity not cheating per say and by doing so being oblivious to what every iron sight shooter had to work through to understand the more difficult route is always going to be the most beneficial route needless to say a red dot fan boy 96%of the time is unaware inexperienced other than the remaining 4% that actually shot irons then transitioned to red dots now it’s every new shooter will inherently choose a red dot set up and it’s a sad fact of fundamental degradation but good for shooting instructors for business but also more of a dawm headache I’d assume… if people aren’t trying to achieve Ben’s level and voguels level of shooting then there lost from the jump… an if there not then we’re just talking about people who aren’t serious shooters…. lol
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