TS&TT: Voddie Baucham | Evangelicalism's Looming Catastrophe (Part 2): Where Do We Go From Here?

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Founders Ministries

Founders Ministries

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@j.d.wilbanks7803 2 жыл бұрын
There needs to be more even amount of everyone having equal time to speak. Pastor Voddie is an encourager for the Body of Christ right now. Please respect his time. Thank you and GOD bless.
@joofark 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, thank you, thank you! This is encouraging. I am praying for the Lord to give you favor in all things as you move forward. I'm grateful to have seen a birth take place in these two videos.
@waldensmith4796 3 жыл бұрын
Tom Jared and Voddie great discussion . A great opportunity for the Church to rise up declare who we are in Christ. Jesus says the Kingdom of God suffers violence or attacks but the violent take it by force. By Jesus saying the Violent take it by force. Jesus means the Churches ministries Pastors Ministers have to rise up with Righteous indignation to defeat the attacks from the Left. Great show.
@incredulouskirk 2 жыл бұрын
Yes. Mr. Baucham is exactly correct in his assessment of public education. It was subverted YEARS ago.
@craigchambers4183 2 жыл бұрын
Been pastoring since the 80s just wanting to preach the Word of God for what it says. Have ups and downs, but the moment of seeing the results of this flood of compromise was last year when all the EFCA churches in our district (and I understand most in the nation) closed down. For two weeks after being told the rules for keeping the church open by the State government, having closed our doors for those two weeks, I realized that this was just all the enemy of God using fear to crush believers and embolden his children in this time before the return of the Lord. We opened and stayed opened. Skipping details, I am considering leaving the EFCA and my ordination with them after so many years, but I so care for them that I would rather help turn what seems to be an 'iffy' support for CRT/BLM et al to a solid rejection of it, but not only this, but the whole of embracing the world and its ways for 'relevant' and 'effectual' growing of churches. I have set aside my normal book by book preaching for topical preaching to be systematic about a biblical view of spiritual realities from the beginning of our salvation by looking at the devil, the world and the flesh in terms of how these things all oppose us. I purchased "Fault Lines" to help me understand the issues - so far behind on that - and prepare for the messages on this subject that are upcoming, but have not read it yet. I just ordered "Strong and Courageous" but will be done with the government segment of messages in the series before I get it in the mail. After CRT and the like we will address education. It was enlightening to hear Voddie connect all these things together at one point. I would like to finish well what the Lord called me to do, so asking for prayer to lay aside my distractions and work harder to bring clarity to our small flock.
@teamredeemed1992 3 жыл бұрын
I’m both inspired by the fact that the remedy to our solution isn’t complicated or complex like Ptolemaic circles,but simply looking to the scriptures for the established methodology and remedy for establishing order in our individual spheres and continuing to affirm what we believe and contend with what we don’t,in decency and in order,to be partners in facilitating The Lord’s sovereignty for our areas of influence.One man doesn’t need to change the world;Christ already did,and will again. I’m also convicted for my lack of involvement in my own community and my ignorance of elected officials here in Orlando.Please pray for The Lords mercy on me,and His manifold wisdom,knowledge and discernment,but most importantly love would be made manifest in me for the sake of my community as I undertake leadership positions in my church and community🙏🏿
@timbushong4387 3 жыл бұрын
Standing with you, brothers.
@teamredeemed1992 3 жыл бұрын
I’m actually on chapter 4 in Fault Lines,it just showed up and I started reading almost immediately(picking up where I left of from the Kindle sample but just re-reading some things from the introduction.) Jared said something poignant about a hierarchy;although I’m no trained theologian,it’s a rekindled desire to relearn the proper tenants of the orthodox faith and study soteriolgy, and eschatology.I’d like to study more areas but those are the main two I can think of at this time(doxology as well).If I can get back into school by God’s grace ,I will:I’m concerned about some of the word of faith”name it and claim it theology,that I’ve observed in my church. To be honest I feel as tough that’s a contributing factor on why men are not as involved in the church and I’m seeking to generate more activity from aspiring or established Men of God.
@jodimurray6829 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve moved away from the church; I’m convicted to seek out a gathering who stand on the word not the world; the churches around my area are all about looking like the world and not according to Christ. I’m quite discouraged; the “Word of Faith “ movement has infiltrated this whole area. Even the music is not glorifying the Lord Jesus; they sing more on the emotional language and appeal to the flesh. The sermons are always in the 4 gospels and they stay away from the Apostle Paul’s writings. I’ve walked out of church so many time that I just stopped going. I’m hungry for fellowship with true believers. I hate going to a gathering and feel alone; I know the Lord is with me, but I do long for fellowship.
@josiew3120 2 жыл бұрын
Where are you?
@karenthornton6330 3 жыл бұрын
I am thanking God for you posting these talks to the "screen" of youtube. I have found stronger biblical teachers like you than are available locally due to (1) being at home this past year from covid and (2) searching for biblical teaching and (3) searching for intelligent explanations for the current world chaos.
@darthbigred22 2 жыл бұрын
Right? All this time I thought it was just limp wristed sing song types, I wish I had known about these guys sooner. I have felt so alone as a Baptist for so long not realizing everyone isn't dying to have a sermon for 30 mins and 2 hours of singing the current radio hits.
@JrscottyIRL 3 жыл бұрын
My personal belief is that the church needs fighters again. Men that are ok contending and competing. Essentially, character.
@patriciagrant6687 3 жыл бұрын
@fdirep218895 3 жыл бұрын
@bradmason1588 2 жыл бұрын
-- According to a leading Christian epistemologist, you can't possibly have a well-informed intelligent opinion on Critical Race Theory unless you can answer these basic questions about it. In one sentence, what is Critical Race Theory? When and why did Critical Race Theory spring up? Critical Race Theory draws from from certain European philosophers and theorists. Name one of them and explain how he influenced Critical Race Theory. Is the following statement true or false? Critical Race Theory draws from Booker T. Washington and the principles of the Atlanta Compromise. What idea did Critical Race Theory borrow from critical legal studies? What is triumphalist history? How do the favorable racial equality precedents, like Brown v. Board of Education, tend to deteriorate over time? What feminism insights did Critical Race Theory build on? What did Critical Race Theory take from conventional civil rights thought? Who is considered to be the intellectual father figure of Critical Race Theory? Did Martin Luther King believe the United States was systemically racist? What is the goal of the Critical Race Theory movement? What are the basic tenets of Critical Race Theory? According to Critical Race Theory, is race biologically real or is it socially constructed? According to Critical Race Theory, is racism in the United States normal or aberrational? According to Critical Race Theory, what two important purposes are served by our system of white-over-color ascendancy? According to Critical Race Theory, what forms of racism are color-blind conceptions of racial equality incapable of curing or addressing? According to Critical Race Theory, why do large segments of American society have little incentive to eradicate racism? Who is the White Supremacist Neo-Nazi who founded the Anti-Critical Race Theory movement? What is one of Christopher Rufo's lies about Critical Race Theory? What Neo-Nazi conspiracy theory has been incorporated into Anti-Critical Race Theory ideology?
@dmmusicmusic 2 жыл бұрын
Bro, they need to truly know the Lord( true regeneration) and who/what to fight for.
@tracyso73 3 жыл бұрын
I so very much feel this in my blood and bones. My heart says to bring the truth forward to give an unbeliever a chance or to pursue that person until you are rebuffed or released of the charge to help them understand the gospel and make an informed choice. I would hate for anyone to be left behind, to inherit the Tribulation or Hell as their eternal sentence. I'm almost 70, and I know by the time the average person really has an understanding of life, the majority of their years have flown. This is hard but ultimately trivial compared to eternity with Him. But most unsaved just cannot feel this. Oh, well. Keep looking for opportunities and rejoice in what you know and Whom you serve.
@69telecasterplayer 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for emphasizing public schools and the need for Christian schooling! God bless you all.
@karessawhiteside6499 2 жыл бұрын
This morning I heard in the prayer closet “Come out of her” There are 2 verses in the Bible that go with what I heard! Jeremiah 51:45 King James Version 45 My people, go ye out of the midst of her, and deliver ye every man his soul from the fierce anger of the Lord. Revelation 18:4 King James Version 4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. WOW! WHAT AMAZING AND TRUE WORDS FOR THE CHURCH RIGHT NOW! 🙇🏻‍♀️👑✝️👑🙇🏻‍♀️
@JrscottyIRL 3 жыл бұрын
Would you gentlemen be interested in training FCA area staff members that have access in the school to help young Christians develop a biblical worldview while they are in the public school system? I serve in DC/ Baltimore MD. I’d love a training like that. And I think more staff members that are cool with competition would be interested as well.
@dlthomas81 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a new public school teacher. I would love to hear from other Christians that are engaging from inside the system.
@dmmusicmusic 2 жыл бұрын
@ Jason Scott, brother I can recommend tp you two excellent volumes: (1) "Building a Christian worldview" Hoffecker & Smith P&R. 93' ( 2_ Christianity considered " John frame, Lexham Press, 2018. If the kids are truly believers these two books will set them on fire. the two book ends imo are as mentioned in the video- beginning with Genesis 1: 26-28 ( mankind is made in God's image) And then "Revelation 7:9-12" ( people from every tribe nation tongue and language stand together as His one united and redeemed people worshipping Him). God bless.
@dr.vonslifeinvesting6485 2 жыл бұрын
@@dlthomas81 I teach in a very conservative county in Al. I started a Bible study before school last year that went over well. Be blunt and truthful with kids and you can build trust with them. Hope is in Jesus Christ not the world and they know it. Best question I asked last year in Bible study was how many of you want peace in your life, everyone’s hand went up. The world and homes are broken, they need to know Jesus is the answer.
@josephm2357 3 жыл бұрын
Please communicate these issues with other churches, most of them are asleep!
@skimble62 3 жыл бұрын
A very valid point brought up, ie: not putting yourself on an island... an additional question tangential, at what point do you make the decision to stop listening to a theologian? Is John Piper, with his previous issues, now having shown to be cool to CSJ but not hostile to it, no longer one to listen to? He seems to be riding the fence the best of most, but take the theology of Albert Mohler with his lack of fortitude to stand up for biblical worldview... Not a popular opinion I would suppose, he is rock solid on the sexual revolution but mealy-mouthed wrt race, critical theories. At what point do we stop listening?
@Cosmicoo82 3 жыл бұрын
We are living in prophetic times; God’s word is being fulfilled; everything happening today has already been predicted from Genesis to Revelation; I pray for the unsaved; and the Christians that are living under the blanket of deception 🙏🙏🙏🙏Thank you Voddie for speaking the truth ‼️
@hsh1950 2 жыл бұрын
I have no idea what Jared is saying starting at 16'10". Is he really superimposing the OT covenants on the social issues back to the 1960s?
@room2growrose623 2 жыл бұрын
I just heard that Liberty University is embracing a kind of hybridized version of CRT, a kind of Kingdom CRT, espoused by Dr. Tony Evans!! I was waiting to see where he would fall in the debate and sadly it seems he’s tried to garner the approval of men instead of the truth of scripture. Wondering what Voddie thinks.
@voddiebauchamislyingaboutc8706 2 жыл бұрын
-- Voddie doesn't know enough about CRT to have an intelligent opinion on the topic.
@nickbenjamin3546 3 жыл бұрын
@stevenledwith 3 жыл бұрын
1 Peter 2:13 ESV - Be subject for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, EVERY HUMAN INSTITUTION, EVERY HUMAN ORDINANCE.
@larrypletcher7293 Жыл бұрын
I am surprised you name Al mohler as being on the wrong side. He has "The Briefing" and he calls out abortion, same sex marriage, trans, school boards possible the full gamut. What is wrong?
@bencorley8687 3 жыл бұрын
Jared, what book were you holding?
@bencorley8687 3 жыл бұрын
Strong and Courageous by our gracious hosts. Got it.
@bradmason1588 2 жыл бұрын
-- According to a leading Christian epistemologist, you can't possibly have a well-informed intelligent opinion on Critical Race Theory unless you can answer these basic questions about it. In one sentence, what is Critical Race Theory? When and why did Critical Race Theory spring up? Critical Race Theory draws from from certain European philosophers and theorists. Name one of them and explain how he influenced Critical Race Theory. Is the following statement true or false? Critical Race Theory draws from Booker T. Washington and the principles of the Atlanta Compromise. What idea did Critical Race Theory borrow from critical legal studies? What is triumphalist history? How do the favorable racial equality precedents, like Brown v. Board of Education, tend to deteriorate over time? What feminism insights did Critical Race Theory build on? What did Critical Race Theory take from conventional civil rights thought? Who is considered to be the intellectual father figure of Critical Race Theory? Did Martin Luther King believe the United States was systemically racist? What is the goal of the Critical Race Theory movement? What are the basic tenets of Critical Race Theory? According to Critical Race Theory, is race biologically real or is it socially constructed? According to Critical Race Theory, is racism in the United States normal or aberrational? According to Critical Race Theory, what two important purposes are served by our system of white-over-color ascendancy? According to Critical Race Theory, what forms of racism are color-blind conceptions of racial equality incapable of curing or addressing? According to Critical Race Theory, why do large segments of American society have little incentive to eradicate racism? Who is the White Supremacist Neo-Nazi who founded the Anti-Critical Race Theory movement? What is one of Christopher Rufo's lies about Critical Race Theory? What Neo-Nazi conspiracy theory has been incorporated into Anti-Critical Race Theory ideology?
@jasoncharles7318 3 жыл бұрын
The root is the the STATE lies Whereas the Date of Birth is defined as coming into a separate existence. Whereas existence is defined as the union of the soul and the flesh. Knowing He created my inmost being; He knit me together in my mother’s womb or formed you in the womb. Would that form not include a soul? How then would one identify themselves as receiving a soul the day one came forth from the womb? Are we not in agreement that the divine spark of conception is you coming into a separate existence i.e Date of Birth? Being born is the act of birth but it is not the legal definition of Date of Birth. If there is a power it is for God. One must test that that power has authority over a man of God. For those who do good fear not the sword. If one is using their God given name and the correct Date of Birth then they are doing good. If one is identifying with false information that is called a lie. We know where liars end up. So either the STATE is committing fraud or one is falsely identifying.
@stevenledwith 3 жыл бұрын
1 Peter 2:13-17 ESV - Be subject for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good. For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people. Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God. Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor.
@bcm1621 3 жыл бұрын
Just like the Apostles, right?
@bcm1621 2 жыл бұрын
@@emigs8712 I don't think anyone disagrees with Paul or Peter in what they said. Just that there will be times in which disobedience to man's authority in submission to God's authority will be required by which their lives were an example of this.
@bradmason1588 2 жыл бұрын
-- According to a leading expert in the field of epistemology, you can't possibly have a well-informed intelligent opinion on Critical Race Theory unless you can answer these basic questions about it. In one sentence, what is Critical Race Theory? When and why did Critical Race Theory spring up? Critical Race Theory draws from from certain European philosophers and theorists. Name one of them and explain how he influenced Critical Race Theory. Is the following statement true or false? Critical Race Theory draws from Booker T. Washington and the principles of the Atlanta Compromise. What idea did Critical Race Theory borrow from critical legal studies? What is triumphalist history? How do the favorable racial equality precedents, like Brown v. Board of Education, tend to deteriorate over time? What feminism insights did Critical Race Theory build on? What did Critical Race Theory take from conventional civil rights thought? Who is considered to be the intellectual father figure of Critical Race Theory? Did Martin Luther King believe the United States was systemically racist? What is the goal of the Critical Race Theory movement? What are the basic tenets of Critical Race Theory? According to Critical Race Theory, is race biologically real or is it socially constructed? According to Critical Race Theory, is racism in the United States normal or aberrational? According to Critical Race Theory, what two important purposes are served by our system of white-over-color ascendancy? According to Critical Race Theory, what forms of racism are color-blind conceptions of racial equality incapable of curing or addressing? According to Critical Race Theory, why do large segments of American society have little incentive to eradicate racism? Who is the White Supremacist Neo-Nazi who founded the Anti-Critical Race Theory movement? What is one of Christopher Rufo's lies about Critical Race Theory? What Neo-Nazi conspiracy theory has been incorporated into Anti-Critical Race Theory ideology?
@berglen100 3 жыл бұрын
You not doing this, Phil 2:5Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: 6Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:
@franklogan494 2 жыл бұрын
TRY and FIND A Faithful Church, Good Luck.
@josiew3120 2 жыл бұрын
Good and faithful churches *do* exist -- but not on every street corner. They are few and it takes great perseverance to find one. The key is: Is the whole counsel of God being taught and preached as it has been given to us in the Bible? This is far more important than does this church make me feel good about myself?
@berglen100 3 жыл бұрын
Your great but blind like John Baptist, Matt 11:11Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.
@RoninofFortune 3 жыл бұрын
THAT'S the spirit guys! Thwap 'em over the head with the Word! No need to ask the fellas about their lives. No need to invest in their futures. No need to help them find a spouse as a community. NONE of that matters right? It's all about the movement! Oo-rah 🙄🙄🙄
@RoninofFortune 3 жыл бұрын
@@emigs8712 Oh I'm no despiser of loving chastisement brother. But there's a time and place for those. The Lord uses such tools far more precisely than we as vessels ever could. We should leave that to him. WE are to be teachers and lead by example. Encourage marriage and unity and procreation within that realm. THAT is where we are losing badly. And the children will always pay most for it. Consider the next ten years and the shrinking number of christian families in western civilization and that will be a good starting point. Let me give you a question to mull on. What impact will fewer Christian families have on future generations? Obviously not a good one. Fewer people to marry. Fewer children. Fewer ministers. Fewer missionaries. Fewer churches. Fewer artists. Fewer Pastors. So yeah... Its GREAT to want to fight the good fight for the sake of the gospel, But the house has to be set in order first.
@RoninofFortune 2 жыл бұрын
@@emigs8712 Again you're trying to center the entire argument around the mission. The mission is the purpose. And the purpose is comprised of the details. Therefore, in order for a purpose to have DIRECTION, it has to have its details lined up accordingly. And if that doesnt happen, you wind up with a lot of fractures and in fighting. The details in this scenarios are the individuals in the individual churches. There's almost no networking of believers that amount to much, and the reason that this occurs is that the ministries tend to devolve into a social country club with socio-economic hierarchies. The devil is in the details. Feminism worked it's way in, grew roots and has thrived in the church. For decades. And every sunday, you can witness it in real time. So I'm all for hard truth. I've had my head thwaped a number of times by our Lord and Savior. But I learned eventually.
@berglen100 3 жыл бұрын
Nothing new under the sun, repeated and judge like you think your right.
@berglen100 3 жыл бұрын
Ecclesiastes 3:15: “That which is, already has been; that which is to be, already has been; and God seeks what has been driven away.” The “natural man” cannot grasp that, for to him reality is based only on the evidence of the senses. The man of reason could justify the verse’s end, saying if it has any meaning then the writer must mean recurrence. The sun comes every day and the moon completes its cycle and the seasons come and go. If we took a picture of the universe today, the scientists can compute how long it will take to return to this point in the picture. So the intellectual man could justify the verse; but that is not what is meant, for it is addressed not to the man of reason or the man of sense, but to the man of Imagination. What is it all about? “That which is, already has been; that which is to be, already has been, and God seeks what has been driven away.”
@bradmason1588 2 жыл бұрын
-- According to a leading Christian epistemologist, you can't possibly have a well-informed intelligent opinion on Critical Race Theory unless you can answer these basic questions about it. In one sentence, what is Critical Race Theory? When and why did Critical Race Theory spring up? Critical Race Theory draws from from certain European philosophers and theorists. Name one of them and explain how he influenced Critical Race Theory. Is the following statement true or false? Critical Race Theory draws from Booker T. Washington and the principles of the Atlanta Compromise. What idea did Critical Race Theory borrow from critical legal studies? What is triumphalist history? How do the favorable racial equality precedents, like Brown v. Board of Education, tend to deteriorate over time? What feminism insights did Critical Race Theory build on? What did Critical Race Theory take from conventional civil rights thought? Who is considered to be the intellectual father figure of Critical Race Theory? Did Martin Luther King believe the United States was systemically racist? What is the goal of the Critical Race Theory movement? What are the basic tenets of Critical Race Theory? According to Critical Race Theory, is race biologically real or is it socially constructed? According to Critical Race Theory, is racism in the United States normal or aberrational? According to Critical Race Theory, what two important purposes are served by our system of white-over-color ascendancy? According to Critical Race Theory, what forms of racism are color-blind conceptions of racial equality incapable of curing or addressing? According to Critical Race Theory, why do large segments of American society have little incentive to eradicate racism? Who is the White Supremacist Neo-Nazi who founded the Anti-Critical Race Theory movement? What is one of Christopher Rufo's lies about Critical Race Theory? What Neo-Nazi conspiracy theory has been incorporated into Anti-Critical Race Theory ideology?
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