Work Horror Stories | Story Time

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I know you guys have been wanting me to do more Storytimes well here is one i've been siting on for a while~
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.:Programs used:.
- Wacom Cintq 13 HD Drawing tablet
- PhotoshopCC
- HyperCam2
-Windows Movie Maker
- Adobe Premiere Elements 11

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@Craftsworldsocial 6 жыл бұрын
my sister is shitty parent like the pumpkin patch mom and I gotta say if your so lazy that you ruin a lifelong experience for a kid then your shouldn't be a parent. UGH listening to this makes me so mad but I totally understand as my mom is a teacher and I've had to volunteer for a long time, you see how people become shitty adults because of their shitty parents
@Twist3dDisast3r 6 жыл бұрын
fucking preach Holly. It is something that not enough people realize. Yes there are some shitty teachers out there. Just like there are shitty people. However when the kids are well. Young kids who don't get much of a say. You really see how their parenting shows and reflects on to the kids. Sorry to hear your sister would be like one of the PP moms though.
@Craftsworldsocial 6 жыл бұрын
ugh I have no idea how parents can be this selfish to their children, so much of what makes a kid successful in life is early on positive affirmation of skills, like encouraging reading and going outside and playing instruments. Idk the only reason I'm not dumb as rocks is because my mom had held standards for me and my brother and sisters. bleh makes me mad
@Twist3dDisast3r 6 жыл бұрын
I know what you mean. My mom had a lot of money and worked when I was a kid. but she NEVER wanted us to be Nanny kids. So she taught us how to behave around others at a young age. And how positive reinforcement works. I had a lot of trouble learning when I was a kid. But my parents ALWAYS always made time for me to do better and learn better. Which is why working that job really opened my eyes and my respect for teachers, learning, and children;s growth. Cause the younger years Affect their older ones WAY more than people expect them to.
@snixabar4838 6 жыл бұрын
when i know in my case it was due to mental illness in my mothers case hence why she was all ways was in bed and never left her bed room so u can image what that mean for us
@wonderingaround945 6 жыл бұрын
My sister was held back in middle school but good lord she is now the smartest 3rd grader I've ever met. It just shows things will get better.
@brokenpetals2456 6 жыл бұрын
I know how y'all feel.My mom never EVER Left me on my own, And if she did it was to get us a house and so I wouldn't get sick or have to live with the people she had to live with... But when I was younger.. My real father would... Hit her and my half sister.. In front of me.. Now this was when I was like 1-4 years old.. But we moved away from him.. And my mom was the one working,cooking, cleaning.. She did every thing so I could have a roof over my head, even if she was hit she still did every thing for me... (I cant finish the story because I'm going to cry if I do so yeahhhhhh sorry..)
@tokyoteddybear8560 6 жыл бұрын
I think they shouldn't have had the kid in the first place... why get kids if you hate them??
@joycepotasnak1323 6 жыл бұрын
If CPS says neglect is not abuse, they are so horrible NEGLECT IS ABUSE If I was an adult, I would take a kid in. But I'm thirteen. So, yeah. And Jesus, you are such an amazing person. I wish I could meet you.
@aypek3131 6 жыл бұрын
Täuschen GEEZE GET BRAINCELLS CPS ABOUT NEGLECT! People don't understand things.
@Caterine-th2cp 6 жыл бұрын
CPS has some problems. How is a seven-year-old who doesn't even know their colors not be considered neglect?!
@hoodiecatdoodles3524 6 жыл бұрын
When I hear stories like that and someone was acting stupid or irresponsible, in my head I say "FRICK YOU!!! DO YOUR JOB RIGHT AND TAKE YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES SERIOUSLY!!!" at least that's what I say in my head, and I've always want to say that if someone's not taking their responsibilities seriously, but I'm almost 14 so idk if I'm gonna say that anny time soon. I really want to though.
@WireMotherr 6 жыл бұрын
Cps are also neglectful sometimes, they have caused the death of a disabled kid because they didn’t use the money for his food but for themselves
@pablopablopabla23 5 жыл бұрын
Täuschen happy 14th birthday
@conor8185 6 жыл бұрын
I don't care what anyone says. Neglect IS ABUSE. That poor kid! No child should ever be treated like that!
@conor8185 6 жыл бұрын
The one with the coach nails lady was kinda like the story about the girl with the teddy bear
@Twist3dDisast3r 6 жыл бұрын
I know it was. Even though it was years apart with different women
@noodle9274 6 жыл бұрын
I did a report on abuse my senior year and Neglect was the big main one. Neglect actually damages a child's. Their brains literally smaller than a kid with a loving family's brain. Idk about you but that sounds pretty damn abusive
@crowmisfits 6 жыл бұрын
wow, i've never heard that before about the smaller brains. I've heard babies can die from neglect because they need to be touched, being touched releases endorphins and if a baby doesn't receive enough physical affection they can stop growing and eventually die even if they are receiving sufficient nourishment
@thelegendh4sit 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your facts. I honestly didn't know these
@Me-cl4gj 6 жыл бұрын
In case Mangled Stars facts sounded a bit fishy, I'm just here to make sure you do know that there is evidence that points to neglect as a stem for a lot of mental illnesses
@Me-cl4gj 6 жыл бұрын
And also Mangled star is right
@themikatoon 5 жыл бұрын
Damn, no wonder I'm dumb then.
@asiladust 6 жыл бұрын
I listened to this while I was doing dishes and mom literally stopped what she was doing to listen to like half of it. XD
@Twist3dDisast3r 6 жыл бұрын
Well i'm happy I also entertained your mom lol!
@nevadash 3 жыл бұрын
@@Twist3dDisast3r that's kinda wholesome XD
@datpony101 6 жыл бұрын
I feel so bad for that kid who missed the pumpkin patch trip (well I feel bad for the other kids to) but just the fact he missed it over something as stupid as parents not wanting to get up I'm not a morning person either, but that's just awful. Plus I can relate to getting left in the office for a day with nothing to do, as that happened to me when my mom forgot I had a half day :/
@Twist3dDisast3r 6 жыл бұрын
Ouch im sorry you had to do that when you were a kid. I remember times when I had to wait in the office because I was sick and my mom couldn't get off of work. It's never fun.
@internetexplorer853 6 жыл бұрын
I was stuck in the office too, though it was because I threw a potato in some other kid's drink. The cafeteria monitor woman seperated me and my ex best friend because she was apparently distracting me from eating my food. Not even half way through the fucking lunch break, too.
@lilyrose1892 6 жыл бұрын
Bruh Liam's mom... Why woman???? Liam, I hope you grew up to be a good and happy man, and I hope your mother changed for the better D:
@Twist3dDisast3r 6 жыл бұрын
I hope so too but at the time of making this he would be in school still.
@fatknuts 6 жыл бұрын
TwistedDisaster whelp, i hope Liam _will_ grow up to be a good and happy man as Lily Rose said.
@ocinidolegna 6 жыл бұрын
*luca's story* made me shed tears. honestly, they shouldve taken him away. just because theres food and the guardians have good jobs doesnt mean the kid isnt in need of help. because of his family he's either gonna grow up to drop out and lead a struggling life or not let their poor examples hold him back. im hoping the latter is the outcome but i'd never be able to know. kids like him deserve something better. why is america so messed up that they cant even do that? *molly's story* also made me cry. honestly, i've never had a struggle like that. no birthday cake. i cant even imagine. there have been times when i've recieved three birthday cakes for a single birthday of mine. and it's even sadder that the mom couldnt do anything about it. it's not like she was being neglected. she just couldnt have it because of the struggle her family was going through. it's just so heartbreaking to hear about kids going through these types of things. really makes you think about how good you have it even when you think you dont. feelings took a turn around when you began talking about that mom. honestly people like that really irk the heck out of me for obvious reasons. how can you be so selfish? how can someone think it's okay to react that way? wtf is wrong with some of the people in our country? and this is just dealing with kids. this isnt to mention all the other terrible things americans do to each other present day. and then they alwasy send their nanny instead to parent-teacher nights? people who cant even frickin raise their kids dont deserve to have any. i dont know why tf theyd have them if they clearly wont spend time with them or care for them like a decent human being. also jose's parents are just really mean. i remember going to the pumkin patch as a kidergartener and it was such a great experience. how could you deny your kid something just because you didnt want to get up early? and then they just leave him out their in the open. what happens if he gets kidnapped? not gonna go to the police because you dont feel like it? things like these make me hate people. back to me saying some people just *really shouldnt have kids* o boi that target story... it's sad that in one day you experienced someone who actually needs goverment help and someone who's abusing it. it's sad that people do that and think it's great. i love having and saving money, but there's a line between that she crossed. there are people who genuinely need it yet she's here boasting about not needing it and purposely going out of her way to keep it when she doesnt need it. sigh. some people. i love listening to your storytimes, and they really do open up my eyes to how horrible some people can be, but sometimes i just leave these feeling somber. thanks for uploading the video. art was amazing as always. *tl;dr* a lot of people suck and/or shouldnt have kids and i cried the first half of the video
@meaganlindson9030 5 жыл бұрын
I don't know whether this is a popular opinion, or not, but I feel like there needs to be a regulation strictly held in which people are deemed fit, and unfit to procreate. Yeah, slippery slope to dystopian future, but honestly, we already life in a world worse than most fictional dystoptia's I've watched, or read about, and we don't even had as much regulations, if any sometimes, so anything would be an improvement. By this point, the ones deemed unfit to bear offspring because of how mentally unwell they are should be tagged like cattle, so they'll either have a tag, or a rip in their ear from removing it. That way, they will be undesirables, and allow those fit to populate the planet to refine, and perfect our species behaviorally. It won't solve all of the problems, but it'll be a damn good start, and maybe finally do something about the immense overpopulation.
@meaganlindson9030 5 жыл бұрын
@This Guy Yeah, it might be a bit of a jump, but I do seriously feel that way given how things are these days. People are disgusting, and manipulative, at least the ones that actually have well-off lifestyles these days, so I feel like the best way to remove that as a factor is to deem people fit, or unfit to reproduce. I'm not saying to install cameras, or anything, but there would need to be a means to prevent the morons, the manipulative, the outright evil at times, and so-on, and so-forth from being the ones populating this country. Of course, undesireables would try to reproduce with each other, and that would need prevention as well, but I'm talking purely control in who is allowed to have reproductive sex, and who isn't. Then again, given the world we live in, the most even, and manipulative of people are the ones running this country, so I guess that would be easily, and quickly abused to benefit them by only repopulating the country with stupid, and violent people they can control more easily.
@vincent1935 4 жыл бұрын
+Meagan What I think our society needs to do is to stop tryingto force everyone to have kids simply because “that’s what everyone’s supposed to do” and stop acting like people who don’t want kids are weird or selfish jerks who don’t contribute to society. Some people are just unfit or uninterested in caring for kids. Though Thankfully due to sex Ed, unwanted pregnancies have gone down.
@froggy2485 3 жыл бұрын
I never got to go to one in kindergarten because I was sick but man I love pumpkin patch's I'm sad I didn't get to go to one this year
@MarbTheMonSTAR 6 жыл бұрын
People who take advantage of welfare and WIC make me sick. I lived that life of being on welfare with my mom, it was rough. My mom understood that welfare is supposed to be HELPING HAND when your in a rough spot, not a HAND OUT for you to live off of. If you need it ,that's fine, its there to help you out. I honestly dont support it when I see ladies continuously popping out babies one right after the other, just so they can keep those checks coming it and not work.
@papastummyfuzz9281 6 жыл бұрын
Arofexdracona those aren’t ladies m8
@RoseT20 6 жыл бұрын
Exactly. I understand sometimes one can run into some financial issues and actually need WIC, or what not but its people like the lady Twist described in the video that those who really use it because they really do need it , get a bad rep
@blushmuffin5259 6 жыл бұрын
I did have to take WIC due to financial hardships. I was pregnant and had just lost my job. When my baby was born, I tried applying to the SNAP program and the welfare office said I made "Too much" on unemployment to qualify for SNAP or whatever it was. I wasn't even asking for more than one program. It was just enough to make sure my baby and I were not struggling to eat. I even went through the extra effort of bringing in proof I was applying for work and asked if I could just get SOME help until I got a job and was prepared to be cut off the second I was hired. Nope. The lady told me to "have another baby." I bawled my eyes out. I'm over here hearing about welfare moms and I did not want to be one. But here was this asshole encouraging me to be one. At the time, I was too furious to demand to speak with her supervisor, or I would have. Instead, I walked out and pretty much gave every person I saw with a Gucci bag the stink eye and a couple of curses. I feel like I should mention, my husband did pick up two additional odd jobs to make bills ends meet. The WIC program helped us so much during those first years. If not for the program, we would have been living week by week, instead of weighing it paycheck to paycheck, then to a monthly balancing act.
@K.A.Noires 6 жыл бұрын
I know a couple who have two children. One parent works a stable job, though they're constantly complaining about whatever job they have, and the other parent gets student loans and has a part-time job. At the same time they get SNAP and WIC and spend most of it on junk food.
@jojosxo 6 жыл бұрын
Watched the whole thing
@Pastelmonstaa 6 жыл бұрын
Literally why I can't work any retail or customer service anymore. For some reason These are the types of people I can't hold back on. LOOOL I MEAN SOMEHOW I STILL HAD MY JOB WHEN 'I' SNAPPED AT SOMEONE BUT AHAHAHAHA mmm Work horror stories are the best.
@dragonrider2495 6 жыл бұрын
PastelMonstaa How'd you snap at someone?
@13gondolla37 6 жыл бұрын
I apparently have a 'mom voice' because when I snap on a customer it never ends in them complaining to management. I'm never rude. I just state facts in a very firm manner. Which I guess is shocking because I'm normally extremely helpful and friendly. I had a woman try to jump in line for a fitting room claiming her daughter was already in there. I said there are ten people who have been waiting and I can't let you do that, I'm sorry. She said many things but the snapping phrase was "Well I guess you think you're doing your job"... I turned without missing a beat and simply said "Yes Mam I Do." Apparently I was either loud or scary because EVERYONE went DEAD silent and she refused to look me in the eye and just sort of faded out. It was weird.
@Pastelmonstaa 6 жыл бұрын
This lady that would come in the drive thru where I used to work, would always be the snottiest person I've ever met. Sometimes when she would order at the speaker she'd drive off w/o us repeating her order to yanno... make sure we heard her right. She would get pissy if we DIDN'T GET IT RIGHT. One day I gave her her drink and asked for her to pull up because her hashbrowns were cooking and that we would bring them out asap and she goes, 'ID APPRECIATE IT IF YOU WOULDN'T MOCK ME" and because I was already 1,000% done with her I was like, "Excuse me?" looking over my glasses.... so she repeated herself again more angry and shitty and I was just, OH... MOCKING? YOU DON'T WANT ME TO MOCK YOU, TRUST ME YOU'D KNOW IF I WAS MOCKING YOU (obv doing the thing) and she was screaming at me, cursing and well... She sent this huge letter to the Marketing manager (lol why not the owner.. marketing has nothing to do with serving food) and called me arrogant, everyone else rude.. that we would make fun of her ect ect.. which we never did to her face. We aren't that stupid. When she came by another day the owner told her to never come back to his store again. LOOL;;;
@thelegendh4sit 6 жыл бұрын
I like ur profile pic
@renoldojeffrey4653 6 жыл бұрын
The story of the little girl and the teddy bear made me cry. I knew kids like that in my elementary school. My mom would have me pack extra food for lunch just to give to children who are struggling financially like that. We all have met someone in our lives who was that deeply in need, but until you open your eyes and look around, its like they are invisible.
@ShahemaTafader 6 жыл бұрын
These stories are so horrid. The ones with the kids killed me. I don't think I could ever work with kids, because I don't know how I would handle knowing that a kid is being abused, and not being able to do much about it. You are one seriously wonderful person; can't wait till your next upload.
@coles3214 6 жыл бұрын
The last story about the woman with WIC just frustrates me hearing it. I have a half-sister who basically does the same thing with the difference being that in addition to WIC, she also gets Section 8 housing and EBT while her boyfriend with a pretty decent income secretly lives with her. He isn't as well off as the woman's boyfriend seemed to be, but he definitely should have enough to at least have to pay partial rent/get a way lower amount for EBT. Especially seeing as his money goes towards shit like $2,000 of weed, multiple guns he bought for around $1,000 each, a brand new PS4 with a bunch of games, and basically anything else that piques their interest (they have no savings and they pretty much spend all of his paycheck before the next one comes). It's so infuriating but thankfully, cops came to their door yesterday and let them know their scam is up. It's still way too early to guess what's going to happen to them, but here's hoping they get more than just a slap on the wrist. At the very least, they should be getting kicked off all their welfare so at least that's something. I really hope that the woman in your story also eventually got busted but I guess she probably didn't considering she was doing it for that long without getting caught. :/
@toxic-mind-honey3371 6 жыл бұрын
So what happened to the couple in this story?
@fuchsiamoonlight1301 6 жыл бұрын
I wish i knew how to put into words how down right horrid some people can be, and how heart shattering it is to be a mother who can't pay for hot weels car or a birthday cake weather you are watching it or living it. I just have to say i have so much respect for you.
@Twist3dDisast3r 6 жыл бұрын
Hey no need to thank me. It's how i was raised to do right by those around you and treat people how you wanna be treated. *hugs*
@spoonvvv 6 жыл бұрын
Preschool was half a day. For me, Kindergartners went home with the 5th graders and stuff. Is that just east-coast stuff? But geez that poor Luca kid. My god.
@minaction3 6 жыл бұрын
I'm was a military brat, and everywhere I moved they went home with the 5th graders
@thedyingbookworm5322 6 жыл бұрын
meowmus same I mean when I was in kindergarten we just went on the bus is like 10 minutes early
@someoneissomeone7691 6 жыл бұрын
Maybe... that happens with me too and the kindergartens go home on the bus with me(I’m 5th grade) and they are so loud and obnoxious.
@blood4funfetti 5 жыл бұрын
When I was in kinder in the US, three was a lobby where everybody was, kinder - 5th, so we just all went out at the same time. and I wish Luca could get a better home.. what's kinda cool now is that I'm in 5th grade rn :p
@infj1w932 5 жыл бұрын
In my school , every lower school kid go’s to carpool at the same time (including me cause I’m in 3rd ((gonna be 4th)) )
@ParadoxicalDrake 6 жыл бұрын
God, two of your stories provoked serious emotional reaction from me because i've been in those situations. Your story with Molly, and how her mom couldn't even get her a birthday cake, I've been in that situation. When i was younger there were times where my forced herself to live off of ramen noodles while working herself to death, and my dad working even harder, and we could still barely afford a meal a day. That meal was often dinner because it was often the only time we were all together. Most of the time i only ate a school provided lunch and dinner my mom managed to make somehow, despite constantly being sore and exhausted from work. Hell thanks to that i still barely eat during the day and still most defiantly don't eat breakfast except when i'm at my grandma's. I remember telling my mom the moment i understood that she didn't have to buy my anything for my birthday or Christmas or anything like that. She still somehow did and i admire her for that. I remember getting money as a present on my birthday and giving it to my mom because i knew it could be used for tomorrows meal, that it could be used to lessen the amount of pressure she had. I remember that my grandma planned and plotted with my mom to be able to get me things like a lil Disney princess tv for my room, and a small dvd player. I had those things for years, and would still have them if it wasn't for some unfortunate circumstances. I remember the shock and excitement and the /GUILT/ and receiving such a gift, knowing the money could've been put towards bills and food and other things. I remember that one of the first questions i asked was 'Can we afford this' when i got that gift. I remember my mom thanking my grandma from the bottom of her heart for the help when they thought i wasn't paying attention. I remember my parents talking about how they were gonna afford bills and food for us and even going without eating for days just so i could. And this story reminded me of that and actually made me cry. Now I can safely say as that kid gets older she'll remember you and what you did, and she will treasure that bear from the bottom of her heart. When she gets old enough to actually understand her situation she will always remember the teacher that made her birthday special.
@dingdongdropdead 6 жыл бұрын
your mom lived off of ramen noodles?
@creepywaffles4783 4 жыл бұрын
This made me cry you have wonderful family I wish you happiness so sweet! ❤️ have a good day or night and I hope that little girl and her mom get a good life in the future
@elicrabcake5439 6 жыл бұрын
"The main manager is like God" 😂😂😂 that is fucking true 😂😂😂
@LizzieShiro 6 жыл бұрын
Oh my god that precious boy must be adopted to a loving family.
@themissingcastle 6 жыл бұрын
Uhh the Target one just killed me.. I've had family member on food stamps for a few months after she had her child. And I can't fucking stand people who steal from the government like. She was only on food stamps few not even a year, most of anything that was for her child came from the family for Christmas and she was both working and going to nursing school. The father was any help either because he was a fucking drugy in between arrests. My cousin had to clean up her act, complete 180, to take care of her kid. Shes good now and the father cleaned up enough to see the kid. After that like half to full year of that. I just cannot stand for anyone that takes advantage of food stamps or something like that.
@Twist3dDisast3r 6 жыл бұрын
Trust me I can not either. when it comes to kids I have a very very VERY strong moral statue on it. When parents are trying and just cant make it. That is what Foodstamps / Federal money is for. Not for people to bitch and take advantage of.
@themissingcastle 6 жыл бұрын
Twist3dDisast3r I'm glad there's more people out here on this plant that can see that. There are so many people that take advantage of the government help that I fear one day it's going to be the reason it's going to taken away for good.
@noniekangas3142 6 жыл бұрын
Money from the government is always used with taxpayer money. So we are using our money for these kind of people when we are trying to help those who actually need it. Those kind of people are horrible.
@noniekangas3142 6 жыл бұрын
Excuse me. Money from the government is always taken from someone else. The money they get for that is through taxes.
@KylaTea 6 жыл бұрын
My mom has been teaching for over 10 years and honestly this is a pretty good summary of working in a public school system. From the parents who could care less to the small moments of kindness that mean the world to kids and can stick with them for life.
@JuliaNightmare 6 жыл бұрын
Some of the stories in this video just helped me prove my point that some people have no business working retail\customer service other than the fact that is the only job they could get. Normally, I will give cashiers\waiters\ect a lot of respect and be as nice as I can be to them since they have to deal with so much shit in jobs, but then there are those assholes who just make your day worse because, well, they're assholes.
@Twist3dDisast3r 6 жыл бұрын
@decadentgamer3108 6 жыл бұрын
These stories were horrible (not you, just the horrid situations..) The story on Luca really got me, it feels like something out of a horror story for sure and I hope he is okay now. The story on Molly was terrible, seriously that mother (the well off lady) is a total bitch to make such demands when she was obviously more than capable to give her son an eventful birthday whereas Molly's family was in way worse off shape. All in all, you've definitely had quite the work experiences and it was interesting to hear your stories. Would like to hear more in the future!
@Twist3dDisast3r 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks and Yes Luca is doing a lot better. I checked in the school a couple of years ago. he still struggles a bit in school. But was able to get after school tutoring. ( My friends mom was a teacher there for some years after I was let go. ) So I just gotta hope he gets a better future. You should hear some of the stories my friends went through as well. we'eve all had some crazy adventures.
@decadentgamer3108 6 жыл бұрын
That's good to hear for him though if his parents are still the same, I can't help but feel he may develop some abandonment issues and no kid should have to go through something like that but yeah, here's to hoping he gets a better future for sure. Oh I can imagine. I actually used to live in California before I moved to Vegas and I can imagine how some areas of Southern California can be lol
@astronma_starheart 6 жыл бұрын
Tbh, I kind of like it when you do longer videos (for some weird reason it helps me focus and listen to stories while working on something) ._. I'm weird
@Twist3dDisast3r 6 жыл бұрын
Nah I getcha I also enjoy listening to longer videos. But recording them can take a lot out of a person ^^;
@astronma_starheart 6 жыл бұрын
Twist3dDisast3r (Late reply whoops XD) Totally understandable, idk what it's like recording both the footage and the audio for the video then editing said video, but yeah I can understand that longer videos require more from a person
@Grace-jm8yp 6 жыл бұрын
Same! I always listen to them when im drawing and it helps motivate me
@Tamaki742 6 жыл бұрын
Man, I've heard that CPS isn't even effective in handling any of this shit. That's clearly psychological abuse. This kid is being isolated and given no attention at all, it hampered his education, not to mention his grandma was a fucking gaslighting bitch. I hope Liam doesn't grow up to be a spoiled brat, judging how her mother is. It seriously pisses me off that people like her think that because they pay you for your public service, that means they own you and your money ends up being theirs to control, wtf. Like Molly comes from a family that couldn't even afford a birthday cake, and it's very nice of you guys to pitch in some to make this kid happy on her special day. I personally don't really care about birthdays anymore (I mean I just turn a year older and that's it, doesn't seem really exciting when I realized that), I just eat dinner with my family during that, but that's mostly because my parents would make a party to celebrate it when I was younger. Molly didn't even have that so it's wayyy more special to her, so again, thanks for doing that. This bitch obviously could afford her looks, she obviously didn't mind giving away her money for those things, fucking go buy your kid's gift yourself, why did she even care so much about Molly getting a doll to the point she threw massive tantrum over it? She's like one of those NCAA officials that would suspend a coach for just showing a fucking human decency to their mostly impoverished players (I'm srs, there's a late coach who got suspended for buying one of his players lunch and bought a ticket to send him home because the player's parent died, bc apparently he broke the rule by giving something that he can't give to other players). Jose's story just really sucked. He must be really excited about the whole thing, and it got ruined by his parents being really fucking lazy. Like really? Your sleep is more important than your kid spending his day with his friends doing fun stuff? My dad, especially, is a really early riser and woke me up at 5 everyday back when I was in school (gotta hit the road around 6 to avoid jams and schools start at 7 - 7.15, some 6.30). He'd be really pissed off if I decided to doze off right after he woke me up. Also wtf, he could've been kidnapped or got into an accident, how could she just left him outside??? Do they not have a common sense? Also some people just couldn't give a shit about their job and other people's well - being. Sorry you had to deal with 2 shitty managers, Mich. I myseld haven't gone to the workforce yet, still in uni, and I hope I don't meet any of these people. Granted that people in Singapore are generally hardworkers, but there will always be outliers. The last story, and that disgusting lady who bragged about spending thousands of dollars in Vegas, kinda hit home for me in a different way. Now, it's gonna be kinda off topic but I gotta give a bg, my Dad's a really hardworking guy. He'd always push my brother and I (and sometimes our lazy asses XD) to be just as hardworking as him, and he wasn't even able to finish uni since he had to work to support himself considering my late grandparents didn't have much money, so I admire him for being able to be in the position he's in. He always told me they didn't have enough money to send him overseas to study, so he sent both of us to study in Singapore, in hopes that we'll be even better than him, we'll get better creds, better education, so we could support ourselves without any problem in the future. So that said, my late Mom was the youngest of 4 siblings, 5 if you count the one who died in her teens. My Dad doesn't particularly like 3 of them, mainly because of this one incident he told me when my bro and I are old enough. So when my grandpa from my Mom's side died, he left tons of inheritance. My Mom, with her right as my grandpa's daughter asked for a share. She didn't exactly need it, but y'know, it's still her right. Then he told my Dad, without any ill will she was just kinda annoyed and shared it with him, her brother told her that, "Why do you want it? Your husband doesn't need it, he's rich." And that offended my Dad and he immediately called my Mom's brother that he could go and eat up the inheritance because he really doesn't need it at all, like how dare he suggests that he wants to just get what's rightfully his wife. I'm not trying to be mean, but most of my Mom's siblings are really lazy (aside from one of them, who did a 180 after my cousin died). So they really did just live off their inheritance, until there's nothing left, and while they don't live on the streets or anything, I can tell that they live on the edge. Not to mention sometimes they'd want to mooch off my Dad, they know he has the money so they'd ask for some in a subtle way. My Dad of course said no, these days mainly because when my Mom was going for cancer treatments, they're barely there for her, it's mostly him, my brother and I, also his high school buddies. Not to mention during Chinese New Years, my Dad would bring like food offerings to pray to our great grandparents and grandparents, also my Mom. They barely prepared anything, it's only my Dad who just brought the whole package.
@samuraijackoff5354 6 жыл бұрын
"Children are born innocent until the adults make them guilty."-Me
@Hanikasnow 6 жыл бұрын
I make about $40-60/day and honestly I end up having to work even when I'm sick because if I miss one days work I end up short for rent. --- I don't get sick pay or anything if I call in sick. But that's just for me (and yes, I am looking for a new job) ---- But oh my lord, those people in your stories. Like that selfish mom, I wish you could've just told her straight to her face how bad of a person she was being (but I understand why you couldn't.)
@hiretheartist6618 6 жыл бұрын
Well I hope you are doing better.
@CactusSkeleton 6 жыл бұрын
Oh the story of the little girl made me cry so much... some parents try so hard and some do not deserve children... your stories really touched me...
@Twist3dDisast3r 6 жыл бұрын
Well im happy it did. I wanted to share it to everyone
@azurastar3223 6 жыл бұрын
I have worked retail for 7 years plus now. And, after hearing what you said, I'm kinda glad my retail chain nips unions in the bud, even if it might need it. You couldn't pay me to be a cashier though. I will hide in my department, thank you very much. And at the store I work at, had the situation that happened to you, had happened-the boss would have lost their job. Indeed, at a store in a nearby town, a manager was fired for pulling the same crap. Also, with kids, I believe part of the problem is people having them at such a young age, straight out of high school. A lot of these parents miss out on the party years, realize high school was the highlight of their life and they rebel, against everything. It is very easy, given the right situation, to come to resent a child. I am by no means condoning it, I am just letting you understand the situation from all sides. I suffer from depression and there are times I have had to struggle to show my son the proper attention. Without a proper support group anyone can easily wind up as shity as the parents you mentioned. Being a parent is rough. One wrong move and its not just your life you ruined but your child. I've seen the horror stories. My best friend's niece and nefew were raised by her mom. The niece was kept alive by her brother, age 4, feeding her from dirty bottles.
@isabell255 6 жыл бұрын
i work with an pediatricion and, i can relate to those storys on an emotional level and some of them made me cry bc some of these storys really hit home
@Kallista. 6 жыл бұрын
Some of these stories are so heartbreaking....
@sarahcutieartist865 6 жыл бұрын
In Kindergarten I had full days. Lucky kids
@Twist3dDisast3r 6 жыл бұрын
I did to when I was a kid. But They changed it to half days. At least in the state I live in.
@hilariousindividuals3746 6 жыл бұрын
We had school since 12:00pm, whoops.
@alienzlurpiez 6 жыл бұрын
Sarahcutieartist I sure in hell am lucky lol
@rawrz8647 6 жыл бұрын
Sarahcutieartist same
@bauble2618 6 жыл бұрын
Twist3dDisast3r Yeah, currently where I live, my little brother was in Kindergarten last year, and he had full days. Probably a state thing.
@asiladust 6 жыл бұрын
Did you mean 7 year old rather than 7th grade that one time you said it?
@Twist3dDisast3r 6 жыл бұрын
Yes I meant 7 year old. I noticed that when I recently listened back to it. I was only ever a Kindergarten TA.
@annahopper6411 6 жыл бұрын
+TwistedDisaster yeah, I've never heard of seventh graders with teacher's assistants 😂
@twintwail 5 жыл бұрын
@@annahopper6411 I think its actually a thing, mainly for kids with disabilities.
@dontmindmeimjustaburglar1520 4 жыл бұрын
@@twintwail I know I'm late but yes. I'm in 8th grade and a kid has a teacher's assistant.
@toddhoward5749 6 жыл бұрын
This crap just sucks. It breaks my heart for children to have parents that just don't care, or poor families. My mom gave one of her students a cupcake for his birthday, and he started crying because he had never had anything that great for his birthday. When he got it, he didn't eat it. He saved it so he could share it with his siblings. Honestly made me cry when I heard the story.
@vortexpuppy 6 жыл бұрын
In my kindergarten we didn't learn anything really, we mostly just played with toys and stuff.we did a lot of art's and crafts :/ (I'm from Germany so this maybe normal here)
@avitalpseudonym5973 6 жыл бұрын
Was it legitimate kindergarten or are you talking about child care programs?
@vortexpuppy 6 жыл бұрын
Avital Kitsis no, it was kindergarten.
@avitalpseudonym5973 6 жыл бұрын
That's interesting
@Twist3dDisast3r 6 жыл бұрын
I knew some kindergartens in other districts to do that. But i know the one I went to as a child and the one I worked at did that as well as learning and teaching the kids.
@StormyBuckets 6 жыл бұрын
My Kindergarden was at like, a nature museum? Like it was on a reserve (there were some low mountians, man-made wetlands, and feilds) so we were taught like, aaallll the nature stuff. Like how to save bugs. It was buckwild
@flareonlover4722 6 жыл бұрын
You should do more vids like these! I mean its just me liking long story vids but your stories are amazing and your art so awesome i love watching you speed draw!
@Twist3dDisast3r 6 жыл бұрын
Why Thank you very much~ I do plan on doing a few more storytimes in the future. Have no fear
@bluesighthiko2523 5 жыл бұрын
"I gotta hurry this up, its hitting the 12 minute mark" *makes 44 minute video* , I wanted to rage at J's mom.
@demlegz 6 жыл бұрын
YES I love listening to your storys no matter how long
@micahmakes 6 жыл бұрын
I love your long rant-y videos!!
@rainbowbutterflyfan 6 жыл бұрын
I've also helped with kindergarten kids before. I do it every Friday. This year there's one girl who is very day, at the end of the day, she refused to go out with the other kids to go to get picked up. I stayed behind in the room with her for about half an hour. She never talked. She just kept playing with the toys in the little tubs. I asked her if she wanted me to help walk her to pickup. No answer. I asked her if she was upset and if so, what was wrong. No answer. I asked her if she was okay again. No answer. I asked if she wanted me to leave her alone. No answer. I decided to sit right next to her for a bit and watch, to silently look for any emotions on her face. But she was concentrated on playing with the dinosaur toys. Nothing other than concentration. After a while I decided to sit on a chair a ways away. A few minutes after that, she respectfully put the toys away, then walked over to the kitchen. I got creepy vibes for some reason when she did that. But, I followed her--because we weren't supposed to open the cupboards after play time was over. But some part of me was afraid for some reason. She was quiet the entire time. Not much emotion other than concentration. A few minutes later her about third grade sister came into the class to talk to her. The older sister had to convince her about ice cream and that their mom was in the office waiting. She agreed to the ice cream. And perked up when mom was mentioned. But not a normal happy reaction. Almost forced? I don't know exactly....but I was worried for her. And what might be happening in her personal life. I've never gotten a sense of alarm from being alone with a little kid. The only other times I've felt that alarmed are when I (very rarely) walk in the dark.
@Brynwyn123 5 жыл бұрын
rainbowbutterflyfan it sounds like she was just neurodivergent, dude. Do you not work with many disabled kids?
@xWinterstarex7 5 жыл бұрын
This story really strikes a cord with me since i was a helper in a daycare for awhile and you really see some shitty parents there was this kid who'd been with us since he was a few months old and I understand his mom is military so she can't really be with him much but that doesn't excuse how she would drop him off 5 in the morning and pick him up at almost 6 at night (we were only open to 5:30 pm but she was always late) She'd always come in at 6 with her hair done and fancy nails and the like...i was so pissed especially since this kid would always ALWAYS cry when he was the last one there. It broke my heart to pieces and I'd always try to reassure him that she was coming soon...I get if every now and again she was late but it was basically everyday and he was always the last kid in the daycare...just sometimes you really feel for these kids.
@imaloner2041 6 жыл бұрын
When she said the story about the little girl and gave her a teddy bear, I was legit almost in tears. I had never been in that situation, but I still felt for her. I just hope she and her family are in a much better spot in life now. 💙
@papastummyfuzz9281 6 жыл бұрын
These are work horror stories like no other. I usually wouldn’t watch a video this long, but goddamn.
@ViroVeteruscy 6 жыл бұрын
Every time I think I've literally seen/heard everything, there's always something to top it...
@TheVerminGod 6 жыл бұрын
Ohh gosh your retail sounds like my old job, people were sick all the time and came into work because money, and even if you called out when you were sick the mangers got angry at you for calling out. On top if that if you were sick on the job the mangers would keep you working through the shift even if you looked like you were going to die. Best part, we had to PLAN out our sick days and let the mangers know ahead of time. So like if you wanted your 'sick day' you would have to tell them two weeks ahead of time so your sick day was pretty much a vacation day. The only good thing about being in a Union was that they couldn't fire me right away. After about a year of being a nice person I noticed how the other employees around me were shit and how the mangers treated me like shit so I decided to fuck it all and started doing what I wanted (Which pretty much consisted of arguing my rights with the mangers, taking breaks when I wanted to, and occasionally talking back to the /really/ bad costumers) Thank god I quit that job
@angelinajv7 6 жыл бұрын
These people disgust me. How can people be so cruel. I just. Im speechless.
@sleepymarshmallow5008 6 жыл бұрын
From where I live, there's this grocery chain called Mijers and my brother got a part time job there. He had to push about 10 carts at the age of 16. They also forced overtime, luckily they did pay him. Except for a couple times. Now, he was a kid in high school. He had to stay up for hours on end because he had to go to school, which we lived extremely far from, got to work, get home around 6-7 then go straight to homework. He would usually get done around 10 and he needed to wake up at 5 A.M. He got yelled at a couple times for taking his mandatory break and lunch because he's a minor. But when my mom got involved, the boss acted all nice. And it wasn't for just him, every minor working there was treated like that. Talking to them, they said how much they hated it there and can't wait to leave. Needless to say my brother quit as soon as possible.
@AlexMourning5635 6 жыл бұрын
Your speedpaints and stories always make me want to do art at the most inconvenient times. (Meaning at like 12:30 AM)
@mayflower6403 6 жыл бұрын
This video makes me glad that I actually have parents and grandparents that care about me. I can't imagine being excited to go on a fun field trip and then missing it because my parents were too lazy to bring me early. I can't imagine not spending any time with my parents and grandparents, having toys, or watching TV and movies. I really hope that Luka, Molly, and Jose are doing okay right now.
@wafflesthearttoad6916 5 жыл бұрын
When I was a kid I thought getting a free pumpkin from the pumpkin patch was the most amazing thing in the world.
@GingerMcFuzzleTon 6 жыл бұрын
I can Understand those with money difficulty, and it's disgusting to think how neglectful some people can be, even here in England you have people that either claim disability living allowance when there is nothing wrong with them. Disability living allowance being money you get given to help with medical treatment or living situations for any disability such as elos danlos syndrome, or people not working properly yet they take all the money they can get out their job, such a cowboy builders. Also to think how mentally neglectful some parents can be of their children is horrifying. being the eldest child in the family, I know it's my priority to make sure friends and family are mentally and physically healthy. Hearing of some other the neglectful parents and workers in the story really struck a few nerves of mine. Some of the caring parts of the stories though really touched my heart and I love how you went out of your way to help someone in need. and on a side note, I love how freely you draw and the techniques you use to create them. also, I'm sorry for any bad grammar within my note haha
@Twist3dDisast3r 6 жыл бұрын
Hey have no fear my spelling is the worst at the best of times. So its cool Thank you!
@brokendollproduction 6 жыл бұрын
Hate to correct you, but you can no longer make new claims for DLA and the government will be moving to demolish that benefit. The new benefit is PiP (Personal Independent Payment) and I'm currently struggling through getting that claim for my aspergers.
@coffeemugger5764 6 жыл бұрын
As someone who works with the progeny of the public, don't let it get you down. That girl that you gave a gift - it meant the world. I would have cut that parent short with "Good news, YOUR money didn't support that needy student. Is there something else I can help you with?" In any of these situations, just remember you are fighting the good fight.
@dirkeldritch4880 5 жыл бұрын
As someone who's been in Molly's place, what you did was so kind. It really makes a difference in people's lives. I'm sure Molly still has that bear and thinks about how kind you guys were to her. Thank you for being the kind of teachers the world needs
@bezzycay9939 6 жыл бұрын
I was listening to you while drawing. I can't believe how some people behave in this world... Good chat, Michie. I enjoy these no matter how long they are. :)
@Twist3dDisast3r 6 жыл бұрын
Im happy that my work life is fun to listen to caylee 8D
@otomeleifu 6 жыл бұрын
You finna have me crying with this stories. I work with kids and some of them break my heart with the things they go through
@august453 6 жыл бұрын
I started crying during the teddy bear story. It makes me so sad that the mother worked so hard each day and had to ask the school not to acknowledge her child’s birthday. It was not the mother’s fault, she was taking care of lots of people the best she could! And then Liam’s mom is so rude about it, what you did was legal, you were using your money to buy a child a gift. If you had bought a friend a gift, the mom couldn’t have done anything, because it’s your choice!
@emmu4095 6 жыл бұрын
My school's kindergarten: Morning kindergarten, half the school day, yay go home in afternoon. Afternoon kindergarten, wake up later, cool other half. ends at same time as the other 6 grades (years)
@OceanSwimmer101 6 жыл бұрын
When you started talking about how happy that girl was to receive a teddy bear, my eyes started watering. Just shows that something so small can make one person so happy.
@mavheath7426 5 жыл бұрын
the way you cared for these kids make me honestly want to cry. this is so moving omfg
@febbie7851 6 жыл бұрын
Since im kinda still a child (i just turned 12) i cant imagine having bad parents like some of the children you talked about has, and that makes me really grateful that i had a good and loving mother as i Grew up❤️
@strawbearyhoney 5 жыл бұрын
stories like this make me determined to be a good parent, and a good influence on every child's life that i can. i cried so hard watching this video. bless your heart for trying to help the way you did.
@capybaracake3798 6 жыл бұрын
Honestly I could listen to your stories forever. It both restores and Demolishes my faith in our Race at the same time.
@Twist3dDisast3r 6 жыл бұрын
Thank ya~
@ajsalcove1762 Жыл бұрын
dang, that teacher's aid story really brought me back to my childhood. The most important thing to remember is none of it was the kids fault and that these things happen... only thing kids can do is try to heal before you grow up the wrong way. Just want to say, are a really good person and your presence outweighs the existence of all those selfish people
@Pensive_Scarlet 6 жыл бұрын
That yawning androgynous one with the long floofy hair is just perfect. I wish more people spent more time making and focusing on characters like that. For the ten or eleven people like myself, it's always validating to see such things! It also instantly puts you near the top of my "list of people to throw free money at if I ever suddenly have money to throw freely". :D
@Twist3dDisast3r 6 жыл бұрын
eheheh Thank you for noticing! 8> I try my best to make characters special in their own ways when i desgn them,!
@esobelisk3110 6 жыл бұрын
I watched this video five times now, although this last time I just sped it up and watched the speed draw. I love both the drawings and the stories. Probably my favourite video of yours.
@e.c.sherman4749 6 жыл бұрын
I relate to how you feel. I was a teacher's aide during my Junior year, and I live in an area with a heroin epidemic, so my teacher had a bunch of heroin babies. Working with the kids was so rewarding, but the parents can be nightmarish. It wasn't even a public school, it was a private school. I can't imagine what being a public school teacher's aide is like. Kudos to you, girl, you should be proud of what you did.
@Olivia-xw4cj 6 жыл бұрын
That tangent about tv or KZbin parents really hits pretty close to home and I completely agree with you. My little cousins are just placed in front of the tv and then their parents get mad when they don’t know how to act around people. I always try to have them over to teach them and play with them, but because I’m a high school student with quite a few medical problems I can’t really be with them all the time. I just feel so awful for them. I hate the fact that they accidentally slip up and call me mom because I shouldn’t have been the one who potty trained them or taught them manners or taught them how to cook really quick meals. I should just be an older cousin. It just breaks my heart when kids are treated like that.
@Twist3dDisast3r 6 жыл бұрын
thats awful to hear but I am seeing it more and more man 8< its really heart breaking *HUGS*
@commandogirl22 5 жыл бұрын
Man...almost cried at some of your stories and it sucks when these things happened to you and the little kids. I think you're a very nice person that was very professional while you worked. I also love your art soooo much :)
@shannon5365 6 жыл бұрын
This video made me ball my eyes out, thank you for being such a kind person. 😭
@izzytheJizzyNumba2 6 жыл бұрын
This just makes me pissed off it's actually sad how people treat there kids, it's also really annoying how the attorney didn't even care that there son was being neglected, the problem is the world is full of evil evil things that there's nothing we can do. The higher ups of are world don't care about children or the lower class. That mom who was trying to benefit from pore family (by Molly's teddy) literally like you said there's so much cruelty in this world, It makes me just...sad..
@mikayla269 6 жыл бұрын
your storytelling and drawings are BOTH so good!! i needed to find someone to entertain me while i was doing maths hw and i just stumbled upon this video! i love long videos like this. and some parents though... ugh.
@paigesonzogni652 6 жыл бұрын
I Legitimately cried during this. Sooooooo Sad. Great video.
@nolongerusingthisone4177 6 жыл бұрын
In my country child neglect is treated just like any other abuse. I feel so bad for this kid.
@yaboi8541 6 жыл бұрын
Im crying. How can people be so mean with their own kids- that makes me go mad, i hope that all that poor kids will have a better life
@hilariousindividuals3746 6 жыл бұрын
I enjoyed the highschool and con stories, I'm happy there's another story video! Yay!
@xoasis8492 6 жыл бұрын
Your art is so adorable! Amazing details of the body parts and amazing faces! You gave me some motivation to draw today! :)
@storm_xo07 4 жыл бұрын
Hearing your stories from when you taught kindergarten made me thankful. Thankful that my parents are raising (lol, not 18 yet) me to be a smart and good person. Thankful that my parents always support me, financially and with who I am. Thankful that my parents aren't entitled. I hope that the kids you mentioned are doing well.
@silly_sketcher298_2 6 жыл бұрын
This is the first video of yours that I've seen and I absolutely love you. You're so relatable and watching your video and hearing how much you've gone through and how you've triumphed just brightened my day. I'm sick and this video helped so much to distract me from how bad I've been feeling and It's just amazing how watching one video of yours has made me feel great again. I made sure to like and subscribe because I just really love this channel and your content. Oops, I'm running my mouth again, I'll go now ^^'
@notakittie7285 6 жыл бұрын
I completely agree with your views on neglecting children. Also I love the way you draw!
@jakekramer8642 6 жыл бұрын
hoo boy did some of these piss me off. on a positive note, i am in love with these longer videos that i can listen to while drawing, they're super nice to have in the background. thanks a bunch
@remzi624 6 жыл бұрын
Wow.... just wow. Well... thanks for being a beam of hope for humanity.
@jamielafevers1670 5 жыл бұрын
I am a licensed psychotherapist, and am obligated by my position to be a mandated reporter. Thank you for sharing this story and giving a great example of what neglect may look like and why it's so important to voice concern when you see/hear it, even when it may not be so "obvious." I love your videos, thank you so much.
@kylamamber9080 6 жыл бұрын
Fricken little girl getting a teddy be a makes me cry everytime, then that rich mother makes me mad everytime. Emotional rollercoaster to the max!
@cassi6528 6 жыл бұрын
I had full days in Kindegarden wtf lol. But yeah, I started crying during the teddy bear story.
@georgikostov3006 6 жыл бұрын
I feel so bad for Molly and her mum. She did all they could!
@AntiCuteness 6 жыл бұрын
Sweet, Sweet baby children. "You can have my pumpkin."
@everybody48 6 жыл бұрын
This is the first video I've ever seen of you and now i'm a hugeeee fannnnnn
@lunenyxx 5 жыл бұрын
This broke my heart, i love kids so much man. I would've real shit adopted him 😭❤
@19joey 6 жыл бұрын
Your story about the little girl who couldn't even get a cake for her birthday was so touching, it was so sweet of you and the other teachers to do
@kappamykappa6112 2 жыл бұрын
Luka breaks my heart because I just realized I had a similar childhood, except I had toys and I had friends I could hang out with, but I was kinda pawned off on people. No one really checked my homework unless they got told I wasn't doing it, but even then it was short and they only did it for a little bit. How I was doing only mattered when it was convenient for them, which may be where my fear of not being worth being loved comes from. I was raised on the internet cuz they were busy. And it's still kinda like that, except they have a little more empathy and I'm older now.
@sparrowstone2343 6 жыл бұрын
First video of your channel I’ve watched, and I really like the way you tell stories :3
@PageBirkenmeyer 6 жыл бұрын
So I recently found your channel and have been going back and watching videos. This video here I related too so much. I've adopted my older sisters two kids recently, mainly because they were not getting the attention they needed and most of the money was being spent on cars and beer for my sister and her husband. I feel oddly enraged and also happy. I'm super glad others are aware of this kind of stuff. Sorry if this is weird or off putting, but I'm just really wanted to say thanks for making this.
@yourmom-tr7gq 6 жыл бұрын
Poor Luca, his parents really disgust me
@DANTVSVERGIL 6 жыл бұрын
My friend had a similar retail injury. He was out getting carts and somehow ended up breaking his ankle. This guy would always show up early, always took peoples shifts if something came up, he’d always ask for extra shifts when he had days off. He went in and told them and they said “Okay”, he left and same day, he ended up getting fired. Understandably, his mother and father (along with him) were less than pleased.
@ccthedragon4684 6 жыл бұрын
I recently got hired at my local Walmart and I work in clothes with a really nice women who understands my learning disability and adhd. I hope that I never run into anything shady while I have this job.
@guisergestalt9510 6 жыл бұрын
If i'm honest i stumbled across these videos by accident, the style isn't really what i'm into but i love listening to your opinions on different art related topics aswell as your experiences outside of art, keep up the good work! Subbed.
@Twist3dDisast3r 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you OvO
@jaq4711 6 жыл бұрын
Always enjoy your stories, great video!
@JessBreaksYourHeart 6 жыл бұрын
The story about the teddy bear reminds me of my 4th grade teacher. My mom was a single parent at the time and wasn't making a whole lot of money, but thankfully it was just the two of us so we didn't need as much money to live off as a multi-child home. But we'd get really cheap clothes and stuff, which I had no problem with, but my 4th grade teacher heard from my mom that she didn't have much money to get me gifts and new clothes so she gave us her daughter's old clothes and it was very sweet. I thought it was weird, as a kid, but now that I'm older it was very sweet of her to do that.
@officdaddytord1611 6 жыл бұрын
That's fucking terrible. I'm so glad you took care of that poor kid and helped. This is the first video I'm watching for you and it just immidietly shows me how good of a person you are. That's so sad and I'm glad you stepped in. You're such an amazing person, keep up the good work
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